RE Newsline March 2022

Page 1

Articles In This Issue Page 1: Pat Farrell Page 7: The Way I See It Featuring: Cathey Meyer

Page 10: Begining Of A New Era Featuring: Pat Farrell

Page 13: Associate Splotlight Featuring: Movement Mortgage

Page 17: NARPM Article Featuring: Brenda Davila

Page 22: Guest Column




Featuring: Aly Crawford

Page 23: News Flash

March 2022

What Do You Consider To Be Your Comfort Food? Pat Farrell / Contributing Writer According to the MerriamWebster dictionary the term “comfort food” is food prepared in a traditional style having a usually nostalgic or sentimental appeal. The Learner’s dictionary adds that it is food that is satisfying because it is prepared in a simple or traditional way and reminds you of home, family, or friends. What one considers to be their comfort food will depend on a number of factors such as the background of the person preparing the food and their relationship to that individual or the foods that were popular in one’s neighborhood at that time. Also where one grew up, during what time period and usually one’s ethnic background also come into play. For those currently in the category of “senior citizen” memories of their comfort food from younger days may have been replaced by food from the towns or countries to which they have traveled and where they reside now compared to their original hometown.

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According to Ellie Krieger, a registered Dietician and author, “Comfort food is the food that makes us feel good – satisfied, calm, cared for, and carefree. It’s

food that fills us up emotionally and physically. … Finding comfort in food is a basic human experience.” I asked a good friend who is of Indian heritage, but was born in the United States, what she eats when she wants comfort food and she listed kheer, calzones, sheera, corn bread, Manhattan clam chowder, and the barbeque baby back ribs that her father used to prepare as her favorites because they are tastes that she associates with the various areas of the country in which she has lived (Virginia, New Jersey and Georgia, etc.). For those who are not familiar with the Indian dishes mentioned, kheer and sheera are both types of puddings, rice and semolina based respectively, so I suspect a sweet tooth somewhere in there! Additionally she has taken a liking to the various Asian foods offered at the local restaurants. Mystery writer Sara Paretsky’s opinion is that all food starting with p is comfort food: pasta, potato chips, pretzels, peanut butter, pastrami, pizza and pastry. Another friend who also grew up on the east coast, but during a time period that was about 40 years earlier than my Indian friend had a different experience. Her meals at home were quite simple and less varied. With an Irish ancestry she remembers that most meals were of the meat and potatoes variety, with the meat being primarily pot roast and the leftovers soon being turned into soup. Her neighborhood had two outstanding restaurants, one a pizza place where the large 18” Brooklyn foldable style pizza (which cost a whole dollar), was everybody’s favorite place to go after a movie date. Many pizza restaurants in the area sold pizza slices so it was common to see people eating it as they continued on their way. The other place was a take-out only, British style fish & chips restaurant where it was common for folks to stop, pick up some fries with malt

vinegar and again walk down the street eating them. So soup, pizza and the fish & chips were what she craved for comfort. If you want to avoid heartache, fall in love with food as It’ll never break your heart! David Walliams, English author, actor, comedian and talentshow judge said, “When I want comfort food, I buy Maltesers. I like all chocolates, but especially those. You can eat them, and because they’re so light, you can convince yourself that they are not actually that fattening.” According to Wikipedia Maltesers are a British confectionary product (ranked highest confectionary in UK in 2020), manufactured by Mars, Inc. and were first sold in the UK in 1937, originally aimed at women, and have since been sold in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and, since 2017, the US and Middle East with a slogan, "The lighter way to enjoy chocolate.” Sounds good to me! In speaking with the younger folks it seems that pancakes for breakfast and pizza for lunch or dinner is the overall favorite comfort food these days while a voice from the older crowd says she prefers old fashioned meatloaf with mashed potatoes and homemade gravy. However, Maya Angelou contends, “The best comfort food will always be greens, cornbread, and fried chicken.” And I have another friend who would definitely agree with Jesse Ware, English singer, songwriter and podcaster, who says, “Ice cream is my comfort food,” as that friend usually has only ice cream for dinner! Anthony Bourdain, American celebrity chef, author, and travel documentarian, said, “Look, getting bullied in school and coming home crying in the rain and my mom making me a can of Campbell’s Tomato Soup with some oysterettes. It was comfort food;

that is what food should be.“ I would tend to agree with Anthony so long as we can add a grilled cheese sandwich and Worcestershire sauce to go along with the soup – that is definitely one of my comfort foods! But pity those who grew up in the United States and are now living in a foreign country where their favorites are either unavailable or if available the local product is not at all comparable to that found at home and is usually ridiculously marked up in price. Such is the case abroad for those who drink bourbon, as there are very few types sold, and what is available is incredibly expensive, according to Hannah Lowenthal of BuzzFeed. And many of the seasonings and sauces are also not available in several overseas areas. So if you were to need celery seed or Creole, Old Bay, or Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel Sesame Seasoning Blend, a good variety of Mexican products, salad dressings, maple syrup, or various hot sauces or barbeque sauces, you may be out of luck. And some Americans have said they miss things like apple cider, donuts and pumpkin flavored everything or peanut butter, peanut butter cookies or peanut butter stuffed pretzels, cottage cheese, cornbread, Lipton’s Onion soup, stone ground corn grits, pancake mix that you mix with water or mac n’ cheese in the blue box, all of which are great examples of comfort food! But, actor and producer Lewis Black says “All food is comfort food. Maybe I just like to chew!” That may be, but most people have a few foods that are special to them, perhaps as a certain food from their past or one they have recently taken a liking to that is prevalent in their area now. So, what are the foods that are so special to you now and that you consider to be foods that you would really miss if they were unavailable?


Real Estate Newsline

March 2022

Signs Of The Times

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(210) 508-0888 Real Estate Newsline 14546 Brook Hollow Blvd. #129 San Antonio, Texas 78232

Publisher .........................................JDC3 Managing Editor...........Courtney Smith Contributing Writers:......Cathey Meyer ..................................................Pat Farrell Columnists........................Judy Goldick ...........................................Brenda Davila Business Development .......Joyce Orts Area Sales Director..........Rose Stewart .............................................210.386.6544 Real Estate Newsline is not responsible for the opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any byproducts in advertising or editorial copy. Real Estate Newsline takes the pandemic situation very seriously, we do not endorse or condone any behavior contrary to current CDC guidelines. To that end, please be aware, some pictures in this issue may have been taken pre-covid and should not be considered to represent anyone being irresponsible or careless in any shape or form. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR appears in this space, the registered trademark should be assumed.

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March 2022

Real Estate Newsline


Texas REALTORS® 360: Real Insights Meeting Te x a s R E A LT O R S ® is coming to San Antonio for Te x a s R E A LT O R S ® 3 6 0 ! D o n ’ t miss this opportunity to hear an update from Te x a s REALTORS® on what is happening at the state and national levels when it comes to housing trends and legislative issues. Regions 7 and 13 are partnering together for this event happening April 21 and 22 in San Antonio. Eight boards including SABOR, Bandera C o u n t y, C e n t r a l H i l l C o u n t r y, D e l R i o , Eagle Pass, Four Rivers, Kerrville, and Laredo will come together for this event. On top of being able to meet s o m e o f Te x a s R E A LT O R S ® leadership team you will also

have the opportunity to netw o r k w i t h o t h e r R E A LT O R S ® in the area. A continuing education class will also be offered in addition to the meetings with Te x a s R E A LT O R S ® . T h e r e w i l l a l s o b e a n o p e n i n g n i g h t m i x e r, allowing for plenty of networking time. M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n Te x a s R E A LT O R S ® 360 will be released soon. Be sure to foll o w S A B O R ’s s o c i a l m e d i a accounts for the most up to d a t e i n f o r m a t i o n o n Te x a s R E A LT O R S ® 3 6 0 a n d a n y o t h e r upcoming events. If you are interested in helping sponsor this event email, p a t r i c i a @ s a b o r . c o m . We h o p e to see you there!

Robert Guerra, Barton Co. Carpets Banker, D’Ann Harper.

and Karen Nolan, Coldwell

Danny Sommers, Mission San Antonio Property Managment and Pat Farrell, RE Newsline.


Real Estate Newsline

March 2022

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Guild Mortgage “How to Build Your Pipeline for 2022”

Desaree and Andrew LaMacchia, both Guild Mortgage.

Cody Miller and Preslie Olson, both Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors and Beth Ann Falcon, Keller Williams Legacy.

Teshia Porter, Legendary Realty, Andrew LaMacchia, Guild Mortgage and Ariel Lafeunte and Maria Grangenn, both Legendary Realty.

Kyra Smith, Alamo Title and Melissa Ramirez Marshall, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors.

Chris Gerhard, Century 21 Northside and Faylin Miller, Guild Mortgage

Desaree LaMacchia, Guild Mortgage and Chris Via, JB Goodwin

Be sure to see and download more pictures from this event and others online:

Christy Best, Angel Oak Solutions, Desaree LaMacchia, Andrew LaMacchia and Faylin Miller, all Guild Mortgage, Kyra Smith, Alamo Title and Tori Raz, Guild Mortgage.


Real Estate Newsline

March 2022

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SABOR Installation

Paula Grigsby, TAP FCU and Annette Slater, Landlord Property Management.

Ojas Tasker, Caballero and Associates and James Miculka with wife Cher Miculka, EXIT Premier Realty

Carla Riedl, ADA, Linda Hutchison and Marty Hutchison, PMS

Charlotte Small with Husband, Scott Small, Keller Williams Legacy.

Craig Owen, Keller Williams Heritage, Mary Ann Jeffers, and Trudy Pape, both Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper.

Lorena Pena and Bob Leonard, both RE/MAX Associates

Be sure to see and download more pictures from this event and others online:

March 2022

THE WAY I SEE IT Cathey Meyer / Contributing Writer

Podification To the best of my recollection, AM radio started the hot air talk show craze. I do recall 55KTSA and the dashing Bruce Hathaway spinning the hits in my teen years. Those transistor radios with the short-life 9 volt battery, poor reception and antennas that were more lightning rods than receptors provided a few hours of escape in the days before FM radio, cable television, and Spotify streaming. Evening listening was a bit tricky to catch the latest top 40 as the airwaves were filled with men shouting about the end of the world, UFO’s and the commie take-over of the free world. This was disheartening news for an eighth-grader, but in spite of the dire talk radio predictions, Bruce was reliably on-air the next day spinning tunes and making everything right again. FM radio took off in the mid1970’s, but we were not a family

that upgraded our car radios to something so fancy Once you heard the clarity of frequency modulation versus amplitude modulation, the new audio standard was hard to ignore. Before you knew it, FM radio was everywhere. Stereos blared it, boom boxes broadcasted it with no static and Southern Baptists were convinced this music was the Armageddon of the young. My old junker piece of transportation in my college years did have a modified stereo system, but even in those days, it was not as reliable as the AM stations. Slowly, I became a talk radio junky travelling back and forth from college to home. Then when sports talk radio started, I was all in on my AM dial. Decades later, I am last to the party on audio listening. I still enjoy my FM music and AM talk radio in my car. Everyone I know

Real Estate Newsline

downloads, Spotifies, Apples, Tidals, Amazons and YouTubes their tunes. I know what all those things are; I just chose not to clutter my limited brain space with new fangled stuff that changes with the TicTok. The one thing that seems to continue on with very little lost momentum is Podcasting. Apparently, to Pod or not to Pod is the new communication dilemma. In an effort to be more in tune (so to speak), I did a bit of research on the Podcast universe: • 75% of the US population is familiar with the term “podcasting” – up from 70% in 2019 (Infinite Dial 2020) • 50% of all US homes are podcast fans (Nielsen, Aug 2017) • 55% (155 million) of the US population has listened to a podcast – up from 51% in 2019 (Infinite Dial 20) • 37% (104 million) listened to a podcast in the last month – up from 32% in 2019 (Infinite Dial 20) • 24% (68 million) listen to podcasts weekly – up from 22% in 2019 (Infinite Dial 20) • 16 million people in the US are “avid podcast fans” (Nielsen Q1 2018) • 51% of podcast listeners are male – same as US population (Infinite Dial 20) • 45% of monthly podcast


listeners have household income over $75K – vs 35% for the total population • 27% of US podcast listeners have a 4-year college degree – vs 19% for US pop • 63% of podcast listeners are white – vs 58% for US pop (Infinite Dial 20) • Age of monthly podcast listeners versus US population (Infinite Dial 20): 12-34: 48% ; 35-54: 32%; 55+: 20% Seems ‘everyone’ now has a podcast. My favorite marketing line is: Listen where you get all your favorite podcasts. What?! As a DVR’er who averages 80% full DVR television programing I have not watched since 2020, I am not sure I can handle taking on the addiction of podcasting. Seems there are over two million podcasts in play with over 48 million episodes waiting for listeners. Who has time to listen live, download, and/or create and broadcast a podcast? Why does everyone now have a pod-platform to explain common sense? What did everyone do before a podcast could resolve their daily life issues? The only pod I need in my life is the life-size one with a little cot for napping and some FM music to lull me to sleep. Meyer Out (as they say in the podcasting world).


Real Estate Newsline

March 2022

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Perry Messer and Karen Connell, both Old Republic Title.

Lori Lewis, Liza Munoz and Jenny Wojtczak, all Keller Williams Heritage

Jennifer Bowman holding Luna, Erin Cestero and Ryan Greer all with JB Goodwin

Marquis Williams, Keller Williams City View, Quynh Nguyen, eXp Realty, Anna Hammad, JPAR and Annette Slater, Landlord Property Management.

Replacing Your Garage Door is the #1 Rated Home Improvement Project both Nationally and in San Antonio According to Remodeling Magazine’s 2021 Cost Versus Value Report!


Real Estate Newsline

March 2022

Begining Of A New Era Pat Farrell / Contributing Writer

Apartment And Relocation Center So many of us are very familiar with the folks at the Apartment and Relocation Center (ARC) as they have been there for us anytime we have corporate clients coming to town who need extended accommodations that are beyond what is offered by local hotels. Marietta Alba, who established ARC in 1983 and has grown it from a tiny office space to a center that now hums with a very successful relocation business, certainly deserves our kudos. And it was most likely her obvious success that first caught the eye of Tracy Hayes, President of CWS Corporate Housing of Round Rock, TX who expressed an interest in acquiring the Center and adding it to their award-winning short-term furnished apartment rentals that are now present in over 240 cities nationwide. Marietta Alba has been a leader within the Corporate Housing industry and her Apartment and Relocation Center, with an unsurpassed understanding of individuals and their needs during relocation, has been helping professionals relocate to the San Antonio area now for nearly 40 years.

Marietta holds the following designations: Certified Relocation Professional (CRP) and Global Mobility Specialist (GMS) from Worldwide Employee Relocation Center. As a specialist in Corporate Housing, she also holds the Certified Corporate Housing Provider (CCHP), a designation from the Corporate Housing Providers Association. Marietta was honored as the 2002 Broker of the Year, was Chairman of the Board of REALTORS IN 2010, and in 2016 received the Lifetime Distinguished Service Award, all from the San Antonio Board of REALTORS®. Marietta, who has determined that it is time to retire, wants to assure all those with whom she has worked over the years that nothing in the everyday business at the Relocation Center will change as most of the team are joining CWS and will be there to continue “business as usual.”. After 24 years with the company Laurette Calderon has also decided to retire. The new management of the center will be under the watchful eye of Tracy Hayes, a 30

Follow Us @renewsline year veteran in the Property Management field. Tracy, while working as a community manager for CWS Apartment Homes, recognized an opportunity to provide furnished housing for corporate guests and started CWS Corporate Housing. Under her leadership, CWS has grown to become the largest provider of corporate housing in Texas, winning numerous business and industry awards including the Austin Business Journal’s Best Places to Work, the Corporate Housing Providers Association’s Provider of the Year, and has been listed eight times in the Inc. 5000. The Apartment and Relocation Center’s extensive knowledge and experience within the industry has paved the way for growth within CWS and readily facilitates their expansion into the San Antonio market. And, though CWS will have big shoes to fill in the absence of Marietta Alba, they are excited for the opportunities that lie ahead and to be able to work with ARC’s current team. While the name of the Apartment and Relocation Center has changed to CWS Corporate Housing the service will not change. So to Marietta, who has assured us that although retired she will still be around to help in any way possible, we say,“It’s been a great ride over the Marietta Alba

years - thank you and bon voyage!”And to Tracy Hayes, “ welcome aboard!” Marietta would like to leave this message: “This is an exciting time for Apartment & Relocation Center. After almost 40 years in the Rental Relocation Industry, it is with both pleasure and sadness that I announce my retirement. It is an honor to share with you that CWS Corporate Housing is the new owner of Apartment & Relocation Center. CWS’ President, Tracy Hayes, has been a very strong mentor to me over the years. And now, we are “Better Together”. I am proud to say that the Apartment & Relocation Center team of Caroline Kessler Salcedo, Jane Lanning and Shelli Martin will be joining CWS Corporate Housing. My strategy for success has always been to hire the right people to “fill in the blanks” while helping to make you successful and provide expertise in areas that may not be your strong suit. I believe in listening to what my clients need and guiding them kindness accordingly. Tracy Hayes

and Tracy Hayes

Morgan Meyer, eXp Realty, Josh Morales, VIP Mortgage and Rhiannon Brown, eXp Realty

Anna Hammad, JP & Associates, Evie Pereira, Keller Williams Heritage, Lisa Carrera, Connect Realty, Renae Pretty, Keller Williams Heritage and Travis Diekmann, M 7 M Roofing

March 2022

Real Estate Newsline



Real Estate Newsline

March 2022

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Movement Mortgage Helps Give Back To The Community! As a local branch, we raised over $15,000 for the event and we’re able to provide every child at Carvajal a new pair of shoes, socks, and a hygiene pack. We were also able to provide a shoe locker full of shoes for any incoming students or anyone that was absent on the day of the event.

Maria Gonzalez, Marisa Maldonado, Alison Mason and Crystal Villanueva, all with Movement Mortgage.

Brad Dawson and Megan Whitmore of Movement Mortgage at Carvajal Elementary for Samaritans Feet Event.

Megan Whitmore, with Movement Mortgage.

Brad Dawson with Movement Mortgage.

Robert Villanueva, Jim McKissik, Marisa Maldonado, Brad Dawson, Megan Whitmore, Allison Mason, Crystal Villanueva, Tracy Binney, Morgan Rose, Victoria Quintanilla, Bianca Guerra, Maria Gonzalez, Bobby Cruz, David Gardner, Trish Bush and Casey Fisher, all with Movement Mortgage.

Bianca Guerra, with Movement Mortgage.

Megan Whitmore, Movement Mortgage.


Bobby Cruz, with Movement Mortgage and Leslie Lopez, teacher at Carvajal.

Crystal Villanueva Megan Whitmore both Movement Mortgage.

and with

Crystal Villanueva, Marisa Maldonado and Morgan Rose, all with Movement Mortgage.

March 2022

Movement Mortgage was created to be different. Movement, now the 6th largest retail mortgage lender in the nation, exists to love and value people by leading a Movement of Change in its industry, corporate culture, and communities. Movement has been recognized as the fastest-growing private mortgage bank in the U.S., powered by its innovative process and culture. Movement is best known for its dynamic process and referable experience, which begins with Upfront Underwriting and a seven-day loan processing goal. * In 2021, Movement funded more than $30 billion in retail mortgage loans and served over 110,000 families. The company goal is to make Movement the mortgage bank of choice for every REALTOR® in every market where they are located, with a vision toward serving one

out of every ten homebuyers in the United States by the year 2025.

Not Your Typical Mortgage Company Movement is committed to being recognized as a “Movement of Change” within the mortgage industry, the communities they serve and in corporate cultures, and are focused on providing a unique, rewarding and effective experience for REALTORS®, homebuyers and employees, alike. First, Movement provides inhouse, upfront underwriting so when they take a client to look for their new home, they are assured the client is fully qualified and for what amount. Second, operation records indicate that 85% of loans submitted through Movement are processed in seven business days so that the time from initial

Real Estate Newsline

application to funding is approximately 18 days. Typically, the time from receipt of documents to funding usually occurs five days earlier than other lenders. Third, Movement Mortgage loans are truly table funded so REALTORS® can assure their seller clients that once all signatures are in place at the Title Company, nothing further will be required, and they will receive their funds, then and there. Movement’s program “EasySign,” is an online alternative to manually signing a mountain of documents at the closing table and is estimated to reduce the number of those documents now signed at closing by 75%. With EasySign, buyers can choose to simply sign many of the documents online prior to their scheduled closing; can wait to sign the same documents online with an attorney or closer present or can opt out of online signing altogether in favor of the traditional pento-paper method.

Movement Mortgage Invests in The Community As a privately held company, Movement Mortgage has established the Movement Foundation which owns 40% of the mortgage operation and as such has access to 40% of the mortgage profits. With these funds the Foundation can then join others to reinvest in communities and empower individuals to fulfill whatever tasks they are equipped to do. In 2021, Movement invested $100 million into the Movement Foundation. Movement Mortgage re-invests into what matters


most to them – people! And a goal for the company in the next 10 years is to build 100 Movement Schools across the country. Movement Mortgage will invest $100 million in its growing charter school network, fueling the leading mortgage lender’s audacious vision of building 100 Title 1 charter schools across the United States in the next 10 years. The funding comes in the form of a dividend to its nonprofit, Movement Foundation, and follows a monumental contribution in 2020 of $200 million.

Movement Invests in Their People With “Love & Value” as a premise, Movement starts the “Movement of Change” by focusing on the people within. Movement Mortgage wants their employees to excel not only in the workplace, but to also be healthier family members at home. Movement offers programs and initiatives throughout the year, including a Matched Giving arrangement where the Foundation matches employee donations to outreach ventures, and they continue to create an atmosphere where people can use all their God given talents, gifts, and abilities to their fullest. With continued growth in mind, Movement Mortgage welcomes those in the financial industry to come and explore the benefits of joining the current Movement team. The local branch of Movement Mortgage is located at 3611 Paesanos Pkwy Suite 100, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information contact Brad Dawson at (210) 399-2853 or


Real Estate Newsline

March 2022

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Rosie Comacho and Steven Comacho, both Keller Williams Heritage

Leigha Sutton, Chili Cook-off winner and Sue Baillio.

Lisa Arlette, Guaranteed Rate Mortage and Rebebah Murtagh, Sol Realty.

Justin Tidwell, Indepedence Title and Cookie Gehring, Keller Wiliams Heritage

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March 2022

Real Estate Newsline


JBGoodwin REALTORS® Invest in our Community through JBGiving

JBGoodwin, REALTORS® recently celebrated their team's 2021 successes. They held their annual awards ceremony virtually this year to celebrate a record breaking year of sales volume, and to celebrate that they helped more families with their real estate needs in 2021 than ever before. Upon reflecting over the past year, the accomplishment that made JBGoodwin President, Erin Cestero, most proud is that her team gave back to the community more than ever. “Despite having our busiest year ever in an industry that demands tough

hours in a busy and ever changing market, my JBGoodwin Family always puts people first. JBGoodwin REALTORS do more than sell homes. They work hard to specialize in what it means to live in our community and go above and beyond to help support our community,” Cestero states. JBGoodwin’s JBGiving initiative encourages their agents to support causes important to their team. In 2021, they raised funds for Wounded Warriors as one of the leading corporate sponsors of the Carry Forward 5K, they were the largest corporate sponsor in South Texas at the Susan G.

Komen More than Pink 5K, supported the munity, supported young adults with intelSABOR SA Food Bank Peanut Butter Drive, lectual and developmental disabilities, and supported foster children in need by brought holiday cheer to over 100 friends in organizing the Care-E-All Kids backpack need at Living Days Adult Daycare Center. drive, wielded hammers & power tools to Cestero says, “The JBGoodwin build homes for the community with Mission Statement is to "Help People". I am Habitat for Humanity, saved dozens of lives so incredibly proud that my team works so through their annual Halloween Blood hard not only to help people with their real Drive, raised (literally) tons of food & estate needs, but to help those in our thousands of dollars to support the SA community who could use a hand. We are Food Bank through their Annual Chili inspired by Winston Churchill’s words, Cook-off, organized several donation ‘You make a living by what you get. You drives to support veterans and those make a life by what you give.’” fighting cancer in the com- All photos and copy courtesy of JB Goodwin via webpage submission


Real Estate Newsline

March 2022

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Corrine Lorenzana

BHHS Don Johnson

Sue Baillio

JB Goodwin Realtors

Rosalinda Medina

Home Team of America


Willie Mason

Lifetime Real Estate Services

Judy Hickman

Sterling Group Real Estate

George Mercado

SA Portfolio KW RE

Michelle Yates

Old Republic Title


Amy Gibson

Independence Title

Shirley Parks

Sands Realty


Al Chapman

Home Team of America


Cathy O'Connor

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Michael Walker

Global Realty Group


Stephen Johnson

Preferred Partners Realty

Nora Carmona

Home Team of America

Pattie Holladay

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Edward Lozano

Home Team of America

John Mayo

RE/MAX Associates

Amy Clifton

Keller Williams City View

Sonia del Rosario


Stephanie Fikes

Global Realty Group

Tim Ferris

RE/MAX Preferred

Doug Curtis

Keller Williams Heritage

Treedy Chap

Teresa Chapa, REALTOR

Richard Davies

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Jackie Gobrial

Kimberly Howell Properties

Pam Maxwell

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Michele Vaughn

Welcome Home Real Estate

Mary Eddy

Global Realty Group

Danette Wagnon

eXp Realty

Karen Nolan

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Michael Berryman

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Iwona Jaskowiak


Cynthia Sanchez

JPAR San Antonio

Albert Alvarado

Keller Williams Heritage

Hector Mendes

Century 21 Northside

Karen Hale

Keller Williams Legacy

Barbara Finch

Kuper Sotheby's International


Brenda Hoke

Hoke Properties

Toby Cisneroz

Century 21 Scott Myers

Susan Landry



Jenny Cloonan

Keller Williams Heritage

Rolando Garcia

Vortex Realty


Patti Nelson

SA Portfolio KW RE

Kamilla McKinski

Vortex Realty


Dan Armstrong

Keller Williams Legacy


Tiffany Stevens

Forward Real Estate

Patricia Suarez

Suarez Realty Group


Dennis DeWine

ERA Colonial Real Estate

Todd Avery

Engel & Volkers SA

Ricardo Echeverria All Safe Property Management

Sheila Stanush

RE/MAX Associates

Carol Case



John J Kuntz III 10-Apr

Robert Salazar


Steve Silver


16-Ap 17-Apr 18-Apr



Local Realty eXp Realty Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper





Penny Ayarzagoitia Avenue Realty

Tracy Epps

Bryan Bjerke

Viviana Plata

Xsellence Realty

Becky Day

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Linda O'Connor

Houses in San Antonio

Frank LeBlanc

Engel & Volkers SA


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1-737-888-8565 10415 Perrin Beitel Rd, Ste 106 - San Antonio, TX 78217


Kuper Sotheby's International

Cathy Vise

Phyllis Browning Company

Emilio Arroyo

Nexthome Leading Edge Realty

Holly Gottschalt

EXIT Premier Realty

Denise Martinez

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

March 2022

NARPM Brenda Davila / SAMAC, NARPM Vice President

What Has Narpm Been Up To? March arrived so quickly and can’t wrap my head around it. So much has happened since the beginning of the year and we’re here to relay that information to you as soon as we can. SAMAC had their first chapter meeting and educational event of the year on January 12, 2022. Our presenter for the day was Jay Johnson. Johnson is a public speaker, trainer and coach and has trained NARPM executive board members for several years. If you haven’t heard him speak, you need to. We’re hoping we can have him back soon. He’s positive and his genuine love to serve his clients always shines through. This session proofed that when you do things with gratitude, anything is possible and that’s the attitude I intent to keep with me. On January 22, 2022, NARPM members attended the San Antonio Board of Realtors

Housing Forecast. This day is always jammed packed with vital information about our city’s growth, financial impact and why Realtors will always be needed. The star of the night though, was Keynote Speaker, Ryan Serhant from Million Dollar Listing. Serhant shared his humble beginnings, and his story was captivating. It’s great to know that everyone starts at the beginning and with hard work, dedication and flexibility you can also reach big things. He was so motivating that many were in line to get a few seconds to speak to him, a picture or handshake. Ryan Serhant, thank you for visiting San Antonio and hope to see you again! If you’d like to attend our next chapter meeting and educational event, it will be held on March 9th at Old San Francisco Steak House (our new meeting location). Please note that we are

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no longer offering hybrid classes. We’d like to interact with our members and guests in person. Let’s all do our part to feel safe by following safety protocols for Covid 19 and don’t forget your masks. FYI: The City of San Antonio’s Emergency Housing Assistance Program will no longer be accepting applications after March 4th. Apply now if you haven’t or check your application status at: Apply online: gencyhousingassistance Check application status: *2022 will continue to be


filled with new educational classes, speakers, and more opportunities for charitable events. Do not miss your opportunity to serve, gain industry knowledge, and make new friendships. If you are interested in joining or would like to discuss; do not hesitate to reach out to us. For membership information or our calendar of events, please visit: If you’re interested in attending or review our other upcoming events, please visit our calendar at:

Jami Wood and Heidi Anderson, both Keller Williams Heritage


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March 2022

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March 2022

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March 2022

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March 2022

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Real Estate Newsline

March 2022

GUEST COLUMN Aly Crawford / Contributing Writer

Fredericksburg Wine Country No matter where you live, chances are you are looking to get away. During this tumultuous time, long-distance travel can be tense and worrisome. So, where is somewhere near San Antonio you can go to really get away? Look no further than the Texas Hill Country's gem Fredericksburg. Enjoy world class wines, quaint downtown strolls with inviting boutiques, and miles of artisan vendors. Take a winery tour! There are various companies and styles to choose from. Bus tours, group tours, and presented collections are just a few intruiging ways to taste the flavors of Fredricksburg. At some of the wineries, you can tour the wine-making and bottling process, all while learning the winery’s history and enjoying samples. It's fascinating and delicious! The experience is great for a friends' weekend, a Bachelor/Bachelorette party, or a monumental birthday. You'll be amazed with the variety of tastes at

each of the different vineyards. Some vineyards offer dinner services or a few high class food options, and some venues even have gift shops! Everywhere you look, you’ll see the beautiful Texas Hill Country landscaped with rows of grape vines. Some locals say the now innumerable vineyards chose this charming town because its landscape, soil, and climate are reminiscent of Italian hillsides. Dozens of small vineyards dot the landscape around Fredricksburg while the picturesque downtown flourishes with the increased tourism. Consider supporting small businesses on the downtown strip. Custom leather, specialized dog supplies, Christmas ornament collections, and farmhouse-inspired home decor are just a few of the things you will see on a leisurely stroll. Friendly dogs often stop to greet you. Roasted pecans and fresh roasted coffee drift out of adorable storefronts. As a historic district, many of the little shops

Follow Us @renewsline have preserved architecture from the earlier days of this German village. Founded in the late 19th century by German immigrants, Fredericksburg quickly became popular for it's ideal distance to San Antonio, Austin, and Fort Worth. You can dive deep into Fredericksburg's fascinating history by taking a walking tour, which was recently rated by Southern Living as one of the South's great walking tours. Downtown you will also find several museums. The pioneer museum, in the middle of downtown, is great for casual browsing. The Pacific War Museum on Main Street road has some riveting large artifacts that older kids will enjoy seeing, but young ones may get a little stircrazy. Fredericksburg is the perfect distance from San Antonio! You can drive up for just the day or the weekend. It is only about an hour and a half’s drive from San Antonio. There are delightful locations for bed and breakfasts, motels, as well airbnb and Vrbo options. The prices are very fair. Though rental costs may not be as low as more rural Texas towns, prices to stay are relatively reasonable compared to larger vacation cities like Port Aransas or Austin. Fredericksburg is best visited in the fall, and Thursdays, Fridays or Saturdays are always your best bet. Some stores on the downtown strip area are closed Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays. During the summer,

the shaded walkways and cool store air conditioners offer a little reprieve from the humid Texas heat. In contrast, I was recently there for a Bachelorette party and was lucky enough to see the hill country's scrub brush covered with snow. While a rare sight, some tourists do get lucky enough to see the fairytale scene during the coldest winter months. There's even a monthly standing trade show. Vendors from around the country will come in for one weekend each month (twice in November and December for the Christmas season). You could spend an entire weekend visiting the booths, finding eclectic knickknacks and gifts for friends and family. Shop owners are excited to talk with you about their products and small business. Even if you don’t plan on shopping, just walking along the gravel pathways and through the vendor barns is a fun experience. The field where FredericksburgTrade Days is hosted is just outside this beautiful town. You’ll find close areas to park where you can easily access your car and store your fun new finds. And, from recent experience the bumpy gravel roads are not particularly stroller-friendly, but the downtown streets are great for a stroll with the younger members of your family. This Texas town is truly a great get away for anyone looking to unplug and unwind. Take a trip and experience this remarkable destination for yourself.

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CWS Corporate Housing Acquires Apartment and Relocation Center CWS Corporate Housing is honored to have acquired Apartment and Relocation Center effective February 25. Apartment and Relocation Center (ARC) was founded in 1983 by Marietta Alba, a leader within the Corporate Housing industry. ARC has nearly 40 years’ experience in helping professionals relocate to the San Antonio area with an unsurpassed understanding of individuals and their needs while relocating. Their extensive knowledge and experience within our industry paves the way for growth within CWS and allows for our further expansion into the San Antonio market. While CWS will have big shoes to fill in the absence of Marietta Alba, we are excited for the opportunities that lie ahead. Both CWS Corporate Housing and Apartment and Relocation Center maintain a team of dedicated individuals who are committed to providing

lasting impressions for our relocating clients. The combination of our two teams and companies allows for a heightened guest experience that furthers CWS’ commitment to excellence. CWS Corporate Housing is an award-winning industry leader specializing in shortterm furnished apartment rentals in over 240 cities nationwide. We continue to expand our portfolio through the acquisition of Gables Corporate Accommodations in late 2019 and our exclusivity with MidAmerica Apartment Communities in 2020. We have received national recognition for excellent customer service, innovation, and philanthropic efforts which reflects the impact of our dedicated team members, superior industry knowledge, and expertise in providing temporary living solutions that create lasting impressions. Visit for more information

March 2022

Real Estate Newsline


RE/MAX Access Joins RE/MAX Associates




RE/MAX Associates is proud to announce RE/MAX Access joined our office in January 2022. Specifically, Sheila Moran who brings 35 years of experience in sales along with Moran Property Management Company, Kristin Moran who brings 31 years of experience. Sheila’s service to our industry is evidenced by her past membership in the National Leadership Team on Women’s Council of REALTORS®, and now as an Ambassador for the National Association of REALTORS® C2EX program. The Mullen Group, led by Brenda Mullen, which brings 15+ years of experience to RE/MAX Associates, includes Liliana Ash, who is fluent in Spanish, Stacy Heard and Brandon Ash. The success of the Mullen Group is acknowledged by a multitude of awards, the Hall of Fame, the Lifetime Achievement, the Chairman’s Club, and Platinum Club Team awards. The Mullen Group also received the 2021, well honored, Chairman’s Club award all while planning a move to our office this January. These are some of the hardest working groups in real estate and we are honored to have them part of the




R E / M A X Associates family. Aaron Catron joined Dix Densley, leader of The Densley Group with RE/MAX CATRON DE LA ROSA Associates, as a newly licensed Buyer’s Agent. Aaron is presently active-duty military and brings a lifetime of experience and enthusiasm to add to this successful team. Miguel De La Rosa joined RE/MAX Associates in October of 2021. Miguel comes from a family of successful real estate agents in Laredo, Texas. He is a new agent with a very strong foundation in real estate and the work ethic and excitement for his business. Miguel is fluent in Spanish. RE/MAX Associates was founded in 1984 and has Bob Jacobs as the Broker Owner. We strive to be highly skilled, relationship focused professionals.

Our services start from the receipt of an executed contract and are paid at closing; if the deal doesn’t close, we do not get paid.

Phone: 512-635-7526 Email:


Real Estate Newsline

March 2022

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Imagine Homes Open House Preview Party at Sunday Creek in Kinder Ranch

Eric Seemann and David Bosworth, both Keller Williams Heritage.

DeAnna Guerrero, Keller Williams Heritage

Martha Sarwar, Mitchell Realty and Thad Walker, Imagine Homes

Erin Hillis, Imagine Homes and Joy Leona Anderson, Keller Williams Heritage

Lupe Kennedy, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper REALTORS, Donna Haggard, Imagine Homes and Karen Roland, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper REALTORS

Eric Seemann and Andrea Wormley, both Keller Williams Heritage.

Be sure to see and download more pictures from this event and others online:

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