RE Newsline August - 2023

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In This Issue:

Page 2: What Is All The Fuss About The Number 666?

Page 7: What’s Dr iving What?

Page 11: Inter section

Page 13: Choose the Banner of Victor y! Not Victim (WCR)

Page 14: Associate Spotlight: Credit Human (on the cover)

Page 15: Some Summer Tips And Our Experience With Sleep In Heavenly Peace (NARPM)

Page 16: 5 Lies Clients Tell Themselves About Buying A Home

Page 19: The Ha ppy Cr itic

SABOR Keeping Posted, Event Pictures , Announcements and More... PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID San Antonio, Texas Permit #1416 S E R V I N G S O U T H T E X A S A N D S U R R O U N D I N G A R E A S F O R 4 0 Y E A R S Vol.XLI, No. 8 August 2023

What Is All The Fuss About The Number 666?

Fortunately, the numbering system using the ten Arabic numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, with which we are all familiar was present and well in use from the day we were born. Such was not always the case as most of the world population was not aware of those ten symbols until somewhere around the tenth century and today they may be known as Arabic numerals, Ghubār numerals, Hindu-Arabic numerals, European digits, Latin digits or Western digits. The symbols are now an integral part of the decimal system and used in computer symbols, licensing systems and trademarks in most of the world but primarily in the United States and Europe.

In the ancient civilizations translating numeric value was not as simple as it is today since many languages used symbols to designate numbers and those symbols were different than those of another language, making trade between nations difficult to say the least. Ancient Romans, from about 500 BC, had the Roman numerals system for counting but neither the Greek nor Hebrew languages had any numbers so they assigned a numeric value to each letter of their alphabets. In Greek for example the first letter, alpha was 1, beta was 2, gamma was 3 and so on. The Greek people were comfortable with reading letters as numbers and turning numbers back into letters, a practice called “isopsephy,” a term which came from numbers and letters being equal (isos) and their earlier practice of using pebbles (psephos) with which to count.

It is interesting that the Bible’s Book of Revelation, thought to have been written during the first and second centuries, mentions the specific number 666 in a relatively negative way. The reference

occurs in passage 13:18 and states, “Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666." People have for centuries speculated as to who or what the beast could be and many decided it was Satan and have thus avoided being associated with 666, especially as part of their address or their car’s license plate. So, who do you suppose the “beast” could be?

While there are many numbers in the Bible on which great significance has been placed it is important that we ourselves do not overthink the meaning already placed on the numbers. It is believed by many that God suggested the use of these numbers as symbols to represent concepts. Some examples include the number One which according to Bible Universe represents absolute singleness and unity (God is one, Jesus and the Father are one) and Two is the truth of God’s Word (Christ sent his disciples out two by two). Four represents Earth (four corners, four seasons) while Seven is symbolic of perfection (seven spirits, seven churches, seven crowns). We have already looked at Six which is considered the worship of man and his imperfection (he is after all, the beast). Ten symbolizes law and restoration (ten commandments, ten virgins, ten lepers) and finally for the examples is Forty which represents trials (it rained forty days in the flood, Moses lived in the desert forty days , Jesus fasted forty days). Most readings that discuss the numbers in the Bible caution against over attributing importance of the biblical numbers as it has led some to divination (fortune telling, witchery, magic, etc.).

That being said, there are many who subscribe to some if

not all the concepts found in Numerology studies. Numerology is a mystical art that dates back to ancient times and is considered to be a spiritual sister science to Astrology. In Numerology it is believed that every number has its own meaning and “vibration” and that there is a special significance to the numbers that surround us like our birthdays, addresses and telephone numbers. Have you ever felt like you keep running into the same sequence of numbers everywhere you look? For example, perhaps it seems like every time you pass a clock and glance at the time it shows 2:22 or you are walking down the street and as you pass a building you note the address is 222 or it seems like most cars on the road have a 222 on their license plates. What you are noticing are called “Angel Numbers.”

The thought is that since your guardian angel or “spirit guide” is responsible for keeping you safe and guiding you to follow along the correct path they will keep making your special numbers pop up everywhere you go until you begin to pay attention to the caution they are providing you. It seems that the more you ignore the numbers the more often they will continue to show up and the message intended is specific for each particular number series. If for example the numbers 222 keep showing up for you it means there is some imbalance in your daily life and it is time to make some adjustments before you get much further afield. Your numbers would be specific just for you and could be 111, 333, 1234 or any other combination of numbers that keep popping up for you.

The idea of one’s Guardian Angel is not confined to Numerology but is rather found from ancient times around the world and in almost all religions. According

to Wikipedia, “A guardian angel is a type of angel that is assigned to protect and guide a particular person, group or nation. Belief in tutelary beings can be traced throughout all antiquity. The idea of angels that guard over people played a major role in Ancient Judaism. In Christianity the hierarchy of angels was extensively developed in the 5th century by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite. The theology of angels and tutelary spirits has undergone many changes since the 5th century. The belief is that guardian angels serve to protect whichever person God assigns them to.”

In addition to Angel Numbers, Numerology suggests that each person has their own chart of numbers that determine their life path, expression, personality and soul urge that are calculated primarily from their name, birth date, address and perhaps telephone number. Once a single digit number is calculated for each of these items there is a suggested meaning for each number in each category. For those who subscribe seriously to Numerology that would be an interesting way to determine what strengths and weaknesses they have.

You have probably noticed that from ancient times to the present numbers have not only played a major role in Numerology but also in the Bible. We looked at a passage that referred to who or what the number 666 may have meant and for many years has been accepted that it was the Devil himself. Would you be surprised to learn that Biblical scholars today, using isopsephy, have determined that the passage in Revelation about the number 666 was most likely a coded message to the Christians living at that time warning them about Nero, who was considered to be a ’beastly’ man. Perhaps he was a “stand- in” for the Devil.

2 Real Estate Newsline August 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
Pat Farrell / Senior Contributing Writer

TREPAC’s Most Exciting Night of the Year

The end of the TREPAC fiscal year is approaching and that means that the Purple Party for TREPAC is too!

Join us for an extraordinary night of celebration on Friday, Aug. 18 at the San Antonio Botanical Garden.

Not only will you have the chance to help SABOR reach its 2023 TREPAC goal but you will be able to explore the 38acre living museum of

plants where art and cultural experiences come to life.

Purple Party tickets are available now for $110. All SABOR members are welcome to attend. We can’t wait to see you in your best cocktail attire!

For more information about this event, contact Visit to purchase your tickets.

August 2023 Real Estate Newsline 3 A PUBLICATION OF JDC3 ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS LLC Real Estate Newsline 14546 Brook Hollow Blvd. #129 San Antonio, Texas 78232 Publisher JDC3 Lead Writer: Pat Farrell Contributing Writers: Cathey Meyer Karen Evans Aly Crawford Brenda Davila Business Development Joyce Orts Area Sales Director Karen Evans .............................................210.529.2931 Real Estate Newsline is not responsible for the opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any byproducts in advertising or editorial copy. Real Estate Newsline takes the pandemic situation very seriously, we do not endorse or condone any behavior contrary to current CDC guidelines. To that end, please be aware, some pictures in this issue may have been taken pre-covid and should not be considered to represent anyone being irresponsible or careless in any shape or form. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR appears in this space, the registered trademark should be assumed. We welcome submissions of photos, press releases or articles. Email to: (210) 508-0888 You can receive this publication delivered to you You can receive this publication delivered to you COMPLETELY COMPLETELY FREE! FREE! To get on the mailing list go to To get on the mailing list go to

VIP Fiesta Block Party

Scan to see and download more pictures from this event and others.

4 Real Estate Newsline August 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
Roman Velasquez, Dustinn Merritt, and Josh Morales, all with VIP Mortgage *Dustinn is with 2 n’s. (l-r arond the table) Desiree Serros and Gabby Islas, both with the Kat Garcia Group, Jesse Bugarin, Kath Garcia, Gabriel Gonzalez, Succession Title, with Tina Stickles, Kat Garcia, and Sarah Garcia all with the Kat Garcia Group Sandie Rodriguez and Cecilia Mendoza, Premier Realty Group Laura Grau and Kasey Chenault, both with eXp Realty Leslie Gutierrez, RE/MAX North San Antonio Megan Cloud, VIP Mortgage and Anna Sanchez, First Choice Realty. Leslie Gutierrez, RE/MAX North San Antonio, Megan Cloud, VIP Mortgage, Carmen Buenrostro, Silverback Realty, Diana Pedraza, RE/MAX North San Antonio, Sandra Rincand-Idrogo, Premier Realty Group, Rose Hernandez, VIP Mortgage Desiree Serros, Sarah Garcia, Kat Garcia, Tina Stickles, Gabby Islas, all with the Kat Garcia Group
6 Real Estate Newsline August 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
Alma Thomas, Keller Williams Heritage, Rosie Medina Michel, WFG Title Jan Hicinbothom, RE/MAX Associates, Grant Lopez, Keller Williams Heritage and Mari Mitchell, Mitchell Realty Mary Corcoran, Key Realty, Terry Todd, M. Stagers Realty Partners and Jollyn Hilliard, JPAR Lanessa Smoot, eXp Realty with husband Scott Sophear Wilson, Capital Title and JoDee Gilmore, eXp Realty Lisa McVea, Sabrina Brown and Tricia Del Valle Brown all with Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors Maudel Hardie, Hardie & Associates and Arlene Swan, Vortex Realty Christine Palimera, Coldwell Banker, D’ann Harper Realtors, and Christi Hines, Directions Home Loan.


What’s Driving What?

Back in the day, and I am talking about the days BEFORE the pandemic of 2020 altered daily life as we lived it, late summer was the time new car advertisement dominated the airwaves and print media. Nothing got testosterone generated like a new truck pulling a boat and taking over the open road. For the ladies, there was the commercial for the 1973 Mercury Marquis demonstrating how the car offered an incredibly smooth ride. A diamond cutter from Cartier Jewelers successfully split a diamond in the back seat of a Marquis, as the car is driven over a bumpy road at a speed of thirty-five miles per hour. Granted many of you were not yet born, but I remember holding my breath each time the commercial ran as that might the one where the cut was not successful.

Those commercials demonstrated something specific about the automobile they were promoting: rugged towing ability to get you to your destination or unmatched comfort allowing for a smooth ride in a luxury

sedan. Today, automobile and truck commercials still offer the unrealistic off-road challenge with the tiny print disclaimer at the bottom of the screen: Do not try this on your own; professional drivers at work. Tell that to the teenagers doing donuts in the empty lot across the street. Back in 1973, no disclaimer was needed to not slice a diamond in the backseat of a moving car. I do not believe the jeweler was even wearing a seat belt, but I digress. The point here is those ads did a bang-up job of advertising what vehicle were made to do—run flawlessly on the road. Those were the good old days before airbags, padded dashboards and constant recalls.

Advertisements today are literally off track highlighting the purpose of a reliable vehicle. The current ad showing a dude in the driver’s seat NOT driving a truck full of ‘friends’ at high-speed passing a semi gives me great pause. “Look ma, no hands!” Comes to mind, and then ma runs out screaming whose insane child is that who thinks they can drive with no

hands?! Is the truck really self-driving or is the driver self-absorbed in his need for speed and hand clapping? How can those commercial makers sleep at night inferring no hands driving around a speeding semi-truck, in the mountains no less, is safe. Perhaps I am over thinking the intent.

My least favorite truck ad is the holiday promotion high in the snowy mountains. Some dude thinks getting his chick a puppy for Christmas is cool. She, on the other hand, gets him a mega truck delivered at full speed coming ‘round the mountain.’ Unfortunately, we never get to see the follow-up engaging conversation about the puppy v truck gifting. Surely there was some side-eye at the very least from the chick thinking this was her engagement/happily-everafter moment. Now she has to clean up after two lazy boys and is probably still driving her college Honda. There is the ad where the wife thoughtfully ‘gifts’ two trucks for Christmas and then picks the highlevel testosterone one for herself. We all know she is not keeping the mega truck. No respectable carpool mom goes through the drop-off lane in a monster truck. The other mothers will shame her. Men, on the other hand, are allowed to rock either the monster truck or the Suburban. No fairness in advertising imaging. Of course, none of these ads tout the fea-

tures of the trucks: horsepower, allwheel drive, cup holder count, heated seats, hauling capacity, leg room and all the factors that allow you to drive dangerously handsfree.

Apparently, the new Cadillac now doubles as a closet. Their ad shows your typical Cadillac drivers, you know the 20-somethings who crave the nostalgia of their grandma’s dream car, running at the car in one hip outfit, diving into the Caddy and emerging out the other side in an equally hip outfit. Amazingly, the Caddy never moves so the car’s features are highlight as a roomy interior for Superman clothes changes? I recently rented a Cadillac and could barely get in and out of the thing. Changing into hipper clothes crossed my mind, but the steering wheel locked my legs in place and my head clearance was barely a half inch from the liner. I am old enough to be a grandma, but not cool enough to drive the Caddy.

Years back, the British lady that pronounce Jaguar, “jag-y-wire”, literally told us the features of that luxury vehicle and noted why common folk might not appreciate fine experience offered by the one of a kind ‘animal.’ I appreciated her honesty and took jag-y-wire ownership off my bucket list. In the end, a car is a car as a truck is a truck. They start, they run and whatever else they do is in the creative minds of the advertisers.

August 2023 Real Estate Newsline 7

Texas Homes in Vistas of Sonoma

Scan to see and download more pictures from this event and others.

8 Real Estate Newsline August 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
Tony Flores, eXp Realty Tiffany Gaitan, Dillingham & Toone Real Estate, Laura Blackburne, Option One Real Estate and Ganu Lor, Epique Realty Jessie Moore, Texas Homes, Tracy Wiggins, Alamo Real Pro Inspections, Karen Shaffer, Presidio Title, Ashley Cockhill, Texas Homes, Graham McNair, Texas Homes, Desaree and Andrew LaMacchia, Thrive Mortgage-The LaMacchia Team Dora Gonzalez, Ana Ojeda, and Jennifer Christensen all with Premier Realty Group Angie Ruiz, Tanya Lechner, and Frida Acosta with Sunshine Real Estate Team Nest Finders. Caroline Daly, Fidelity National Home Warranty, and Graham McNair, Texas Homes
Replacing Your Garage Door is the #1 Rated Home Improvement Project both Nationally and in San Antonio According to Remodeling Magazine’s 2021 Cost Versus Value Report!
10 Real Estate Newsline August 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
Tanya Power and Angie Peel, Power and Peel Real Estate Julie Tiller and Stephen Tiller, Chesmar Homes Brian Murphy, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors, Scott Small Keller WIlliams Legacy and Mary Ann Jeffers, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors Jose Gonzalez, Keller Williams Heritage and Brittney Dominguez, The Levi Rodgers Real Estate Group. Monique Slater, Keller Williams City View, Xavier Toson (guest) and Brian Paris Keller Williams City View Mayte Leija with Bob Rodgers Realty and Rossana Correa with Keller Williams City View. Charlotte and Scott Small, Keller Williams Legacy Pat Busby and Rachel Heinsohn both with Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors



I live on the intersection. Turn left then right. A few more stop signs and left turns. Take a minute to enjoy the moments of monotony at the stop light as everyone is forced to wait their turn patiently. Green light! Turn and pick up speed. Blinker. Merge. Then, take the sweeping fly over. A few more miles, only a little bit of traffic. Another highway interchange. This one, half the height, only like 60 feet in the air. (I’ve always wondered about these Texas highway flyovers and acrophobics. Are they too high? Are they going so fast they don’t even notice?) Merge again then finally, set the cruise control for 70, and I’m off.

At each intersection, there was a choice. This time: efficiency and avoiding traffic. But I’m not always thinking about that choice. I remember a date idea where you flip a coin at each intersection you stop at, hopeful -

ly leading you and your (hopefully) true love to an exciting new place. (Of course it wouldn’t work in San Antonio, you’d just end up stuck in a subdivision!) I had never thought of them as such, but each intersection is an opportunity to make a different choice. Most of the time I choose efficiency and avoiding traffic. But, to the exasperation of my husband, I am also prone to choosing the scenic backroads and the roads I’ve never taken before.

A few hours later, I arrive. But, what am I seeing? See, here’s the cool thing about San Antonio, no matter which set of intersections you took, you’re somewhere wonderful. I could be seeing a glimmering creek rolling gently over rocks and around bends between towering cypress trees. I could also be dreaming of the wild west as I stare across wide plains interrupted by sandy

plateaus and rugged hills. I may also be pulling up to a tucked away fishing spot right off the road, the perfect place for me to throw a few lines of bait out as I watch the sunset. Or I’m waiting to order a drink, scoping out the perfect spot to watch the concert. Walking into a beautiful winery. Inflating my tube and getting my cooler ready to float down the river. Setting up my tent site in some back field that a rancher decided to open up to campers, underneath the shade of huge pine trees. Strolling through a quant city’s downtown historic district, browsing shops and realizing all the strange things people must collect if you’ve seen them in every single antique store. Or maybe it’s a market in east Texas and you’re pretty sure you just saw Chip and Joanna. Or it’s the cutest little condo you could have expected. Adorned with seahorses and shells in pastel blues, greens and oranges with the comfiest chairs you’ve ever sat in; only a couple minutes ride on your golf cart to the beach. The variety of places you can experience within a few hours drive of San Antonio continues to astonish me as I explore this beautiful city and state.

Each highway that leads out of town goes to a very different

place. Not only do we see the huge variety of people and cultures in each town, but we’re also seeing huge variety in the ecosystems and landscapes. Varying as much as following State Hwy 21 out of San Marcos into the piney forests or taking I35 or Highway 90 out into the South Texas desert. San Antonio is sandwiched between the South Texas Plains, Edwards Plateau, and Post Oak Savannah ecoregions and is spitting distance from the Blackland Prairies, Cross Timbers and Prairies and Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes. These ecological distinctions point to the huge diversity of ecosystems and landscapes in Texas, and San Antonio’s location sits so beautifully in between all of these. So perfectly poised at the intersection of major highways; connecting cities, states and countries. I haven’t even mentioned the airport.

San Antonio is more than an intersection of roads. It is a hub allowing people the choice at each intersection. Next time you’re at that intersection, look at the map and take a different road that will eventually lead you to the same place. Maybe you’ll see something completely different.

August 2023 Real Estate Newsline 11
12 Real Estate Newsline August 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
Claudia Salinas and Allison Martinez both with Keller Williams Heritage Maria Villarreal and Angel Gonzales both with Credit Human Home Loans Isaac Guillemette and Karla Lopez both with Cedar Tree Real Estate Realty Executives of San Antonio agents gather for a photo op before starting the office contract workshop & luncheon (pictured L-R., Darlene V, Dorothy S, Sonia S, & Charla S) Laura Medlin and Yvonne Godina both with Directions Home Loan Areli Fontecha, guest and Tonya Stuart, Nichols Flooring Over Texas Cecilia Pielmeier, Rico Realty, German Perez, Keller Williams Heritage Victor De La Fuente, Legendary Realty

Choose the Banner of Victory!

Today, I want to share a profound quote by Lysa TerKeurst that captures the essence of personal empowerment and the choices we make in our lives. The quote states, "It's impossible to hold up the banners of victim and victory at the same time." These words carry a powerful message that invites us to reflect on our attitudes, perceptions, and the ways we take on the challenges we encounter.

In life, we all face hardships and obstacles that can shape our experiences. Sometimes, it's tempting to fall into the mindset of a victim, believing that circumstances and other people’s opinions determine our fate. We may, at times, find consolation in casting blame, pointing fingers, and self-pity. However, when we raise the banner of victim hood, we unintentionally surrender our power and rob ourselves of the potential for victory.

On the other hand, victory

represents a mindset of moving forward, believing in ourselves and the power within us. This mindset keeps us rising above adversity, to face challenges headon, and to refuse to be defined by our circumstances. It's about taking responsibility for our actions, choices, and the impact we have on ourselves and others. When we embrace the banner of victory, we reclaim our power and open ourselves up to a world of possibilities.

The quote reminds us that we cannot simultaneously carry both banners because they represent two distinctly different paths. We must make a choice: to preserve the attitude of victim hood or to embrace the mindset of victory. It is a decision that defines our character, shapes our experiences, and influences the legacy we leave behind.

Choosing victory does not mean denying or minimizing the pain we may have endured. It

means acknowledging our struggles, learning from them, and using them as stepping stones to keep moving forward. When we choose to go for victory, we stay with a positive mindset, and surround ourselves with supportive relationships.

Today, I would like to invite you to reflect on the banners you hold high. Are you clinging to the flag of victim hood?, or Are you “lifting up” the standard of victory? Remember that within you lies the power to go beyond your circumstances, to inspire others, and to create a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and triumph!

By choosing victory, we unlock the doors to our true potential and en light the way for others to follow.

The Women's Council would like to connect with its members & future members to support each other’s goals, encourage and guide each other to become successful businesswomen and leaders.

Our Mission: We are a network of successful REALTORS®, advancing women as business leaders in the industry and in the communities we serve.

Connect With Us: Follow us on Facebook (Women’s Council of Realtors San Antonio) and Instagram to stay connected.

If you would like to join WCR and be part of this group of successful women call us at 210-2794507

If you are a member and want to get more connected by being part of our planning teams call us at 210-487-0157


August 8, 2023 6:30-8:30 PM

“White Out Party”

Membership Mixer @ The Ace of Stakes

September 5, 2023 6:00-8:00 PM

Member Appreciation Dinner @ The Jewel

September 6, 2023 5:30-9:30 PM

“P.O.W.E.R. Opening Session” @Hilton Palacio del Rio

Keynote speaker Marki Lemons: 6 Figures in 12 mo. Real Estate Planning on Steroids with AI Join us for networking, casino night, light & heavy hors d’oeuvres & powerful speaker

Thank you Diamond Partners for your support! We appreciate

August 2023 Real Estate Newsline 13
Adriana Rodriguez / President San Antonio Women’s Council Network
Not Victim 45 10415 Perrin Beitel Rd, Ste 106 - San Antonio, TX 78217 Call Us Let us know what you need disposed or recycled. We take just about everything! Text Us Send us an image of the junk you got and we got the rest covered. 1-888-888-JUNK 1-737-888-8565 AMERICA’S GREENEST JUNK REMOVAL SERVICE

As the pace of technological change increased throughout the 2000s, SACU made thoughtful innovations to serve members better, including online banking, mobile banking, and more. The Credit Union has been doing business across the country under multiple brand names, including CU Factory Built Lending, Mountainside Financial, Credit Acquisition Resources Systems (or CARS), and SACU. More than one-third of our members currently live outside the state of Texas.

In 2016, SACU became Credit Human. Our new name reflects the San Antonio values that have guided us since we started here in 1935-a belief in others, giving credit to the dreams of our members, and being more human by treating each other with the respect that all of us deserve. This new name extends that belief to every member we serve, no matter where they live or where they do business.

While we have several home loan products, one in particular that we really like is the Slack Builder. " Slack" is a term we

frequently use at Credit Human. Having enough "slack" means you have savings to pay for the unexpected expenses and enjoy life without the constant stress. Also, when you subtract life's expenses from the money you make, what is left over is your financial slack.

SLACK BUILDER is a different type of home loan designed with your financial health in mind.

• No down payment required

• No private mortgage insurance required

• Build equity faster

• Convenient online application process

• Available in Texas, Louisana, and Colorado

With all the costs that come with buying a home, putting down a large sum of money as a down payment can make it even more challenging to achieve that dream. That is why we offer 100% financing for the purchase of your home. And because we take your financial health seriously, we do not require private mortgage insurance (PMI) for this loan. Instead of paying PMI, you can use that money to pay down your principal balance-building equity faster. This is our way of helping you gain more financial slack and become financially healthier.

Our new Broadway building design integrates multiple solutions that will increase energy efficiency, reduce water demand and reduce carbon production. Compared to buildings of a similar size,

our facility uses 96% less energy from CPS, 97% less potable water from the municipal water company, reduces carbon emissions by 1619 metric tons, and finally retains 80% of stormwater onsight.

The Credit Human Headquarters earned the Climate Ready Building Certification by Build San Antonio Green. This certification program aligns with the City of San Antonio's Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. It focuses on moving beyond energy efficiency and water conservation to energy resilience and water security. The Credit Human Headquarters was designed to be one of the most resilient buildings in our region and sets an example for the future of green buildings designed to help our community adapt to our changing climate and extreme weather.

Credit Human has been the recipient of many awards such as BEST GREEN PROJECT and BEST LARGE OFFICE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT presented by the San Antonio Business Journal, the "Building San Antonio Awards" celebrates excellence in commercial and residential real estate development, including those in professions vital to building San Antonio and the projects and the people behind them.


The United States Department of Energy and The Building Envelope Campaign (BEC) recognizes building owners and managers that create more energy-effi-

cient buildings by improving the performance of building envelopes in both new and existing buildings.


The Texas Water Development Board, Rain Catcher Award, recognizes excellence in the application of rainwater harvesting systems in Texas, promotes rainwater harvesting technology, and educates the public on this critical watersaving practice. The rainwater system for the Credit Human building is a unique approach to reuse by embracing automation, sharing data, and increasing component compatibility. The rainwater and condensate harvesting system onsite can store up to 130,000 gallons in cisterns and day tanks stored above and below ground.


The City of San Antonio, Steve Hennigan, Industry Leader, and the Office of Sustainability host an annual awards program honoring leaders, initiatives, and projects that promote sustainability and engagement with residents and businesses.

Credit Human is a cooperative, balancing the needs of responsible savers and borrowers to build stronger communities. It all starts when you join us. Open your Credit Human Savings account to start building financial slack. Add a checking account to build more slack with fewer fees.

14 Real Estate Newsline August 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
Credit Human lending areas include states of Colorado, Louisiana, and Texas. Rates are subject to change without notice. Rates be locked only after your completed loan application is received. This information is not a commitment to make a loan, nor is it a guarantee that you will receive a specific rate if approved. An annual percentage rate (APR) is a broader measure of the cost to you of borrowing money. The APR reflects not only the interest rate but also the points, mortgage fees, and other charges that you must pay to get the loan. For that reason, your APR is usually higher than your interest rate. Federally insured by NCUA Equal Housing Opportunity Credit Human NMLS#486243 No down payment, no problem. Slack Builder Home Loan To learn more about our home loans, contact us at 210.258.1785 or visit


Some Summer Tips And Our Experience With Sleep In Heavenly Peace

Ok, July was extremely hot and now we need to survive August. Are you ready? Remember a

few things: drink plenty of water and if doing outdoor activities try to have shade or go out early in the morning or when the sun goes down. Also, wear protective clothing and don’t forget sunscreen. May sound like a lot to do; however better safe than sorry. If we need that much protection and care for ourselves imagine our household equipment, such as our AC systems, pool equipment and the foundation to name a few. Make sure to reach out to your trusted vendors to do a maintenance check and or follow the product specification care tips. This will ensure your equipment has a longer life expectancy and can help in avoiding costly repairs, rather than suffering through an outage. I love surprises but not of this kind.

Although the weather was hot, NARPM members got together on the morning of June 24th wearing the proper attire and sun protection of course, to help Sleep in Heavenly Peace build beds for children that do not own or have never had their own bed. It might be hard to believe that a child doesn’t have a bed, but it’s true. There are so many reasons this may happen- It could be financial, not having a steady place to live or other circum-

stances. Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SHP) says, “We fully believe that a bed is a basic need for the proper physical, emotional, and mental support that a child needs” and their motto says it all: No kid sleeps on

teers. SHP provides the wood and equipment, and the volunteers provide the time, hands and energy. We work in a large warehouse and some work right outside doing the messier tasks. We work as an assembly line and there’s a variety of groups that do different tasks. One group measures and cuts the wood, another sands. The next table uses a hole saw to mark where the washer and the screw will go. Then off to assemble the head/foot boards and rails. Then outside the warehouse off to dipping those parts in a gorgeous brown stain. They also have a section that brands the bed with the letters SHP and lastly, they load the beds in trucks and more volunteers go to the homes to assemble the beds on site. Some of our members that have had the pleasure of assembling the bed on site say that it’s the most heart wearing experience when the kids walk in and see their bed for the first time and that there’s not a dry eye in sight. This is the reason we do what we do.

We love our community, want to lead by example and make it a better place for everyone. If you’d like to experience this firsthand or would like to donate bedding, please reach out to ask us about our

next volunteer opportunity. We are always looking for people to help us with volunteering and in leadership roles. Reach out, we’d love to meet with you.

Here’s our August and September calendar of events:

Aug 16 Executive Board Meeting


Aug 17 SABOR Leasing & Property Management Committee Meeting

Aug 18 SABOR Purple Party

Aug 25 Lau Office Social

Sept 13 Executive Member Meeting

Sept 20 Chapter Meeting & Educational Event: Marco Flores of Flores & Pelaez- Prada

Sept 21 SABOR and Property Management Committee Meeting

*2023 will be filled with new educational classes, speakers, and more opportunities for charitable events. Do not miss your opportunity to serve, gain industry knowledge, and make new friendships. If you are interested in joining or would like to know more; do not hesitate to reach out to us. For membership information or our calendar of events please visit:

the floor in our town! ® (

This place has become dear to our hearts as we volunteered another time prior to this last trip. We do leave feeling tired and dusty but also feel inspired and content knowing that we helped local kids have their very own comfortable, safe, and beautiful bed to place their head upon at night. All beds are handmade by volun-

August 2023 Real Estate Newsline 15


5 Lies Clients Tell Themselves About Buying A Home

Let’s face it, they all do it. They lie to themselves. Buying a home, whether the first or the tenth, is just plain exciting! It is so exciting, in fact, that clients sometimes make bad decisions because they seem like the easiest and cheapest ways to do it.

Lie #1: I don’t need an agent. Internet sites have given us unprecedented access to information. Sites like and sometimes make clients think that they can do this all by themselves. After all, how hard can it be, right? Just click on a house, make an appointment to go see it, and make an offer on it. WRONG. A home is, most of the time, the largest investment that one will ever make. It is a lifechanging event that needs to be guided by someone who has a full understanding of the local real estate market and has their clients’ best interests in mind. Picking and using a real estate professional is paramount to a home search. They will help the buyer strategize through the bidding process and point out potential issues or up-sides to the purchase that otherwise they may have not seen.

Lie #2: If I’m a “handy man,” I don’t need to get a home inspection, especially if it is new construction. I see this time and time again. There are many people who think that if there is something wrong with the house, the appraiser would have found it. They also think that just because the house is brand new, it is perfect and doesn’t need to be inspected. WRONG. Buying a house is expensive, but a home inspection will be some of the best $250-$300 that the client will spend. Time and time again, I see buyers that didn’t get the house inspected because they thought that they were handy enough to fix any issues in the future. So far, that hasn’t really worked out. Additionally, appraisers are not Inspectors. If something is not obvious, it is not reported. There could be hidden issues in a potential new home that only a professional inspector could find. They should spend the money and get an inspection.

Lie #3: If I can afford it on “paper” then I must be able to afford it for real. The bank calls and tells that client that they are

pre-approved for $250,000 when they originally wanted a $150,000 house. Tempting…they think, “If they say we qualify, maybe we should look at a more expensive house!” Everyone gets distracted by shiny objects, but on this one, they all have to get real with themselves. Only the client knows how much we like to go shopping, go out to dinner and go on vacations every month…the bank doesn’t look at that when pre-qualifying the buyer. Just because they can afford it on paper doesn’t mean that it will actually fit their lifestyle. After all, they really wouldn’t want a big old house that they could do nothing but just sit in because they can’t afford to do anything else. Remind them to make a budget, decide how much they WANT to spend, and stick with it.

Lie #4: A mortgage with the cheapest rate and the cheapest fees is the best option for me. Again, the internet makes mortgage lending seem sooooo easy. Just go online, apply, and……wa-lah, the loan is done! After all, they see those teaser rates of like 2.99% and think that all of our local lenders must be ripping them off. I like to put it this way: As with anything of significance, do you REALLY want to leave such an important transaction in the hands of the lowest bidder? I didn’t think so. Remind that client to think about how much money their peace of mind is worth. Knowing that they don’t have to worry about their loan closing on time or knowing that the person that they are working with actually knows what they are talking about is extremely important and certainly worth a few extra bucks. Nowadays, buyers have to shop for

the best loan officer who knows how to get the loan done with a great interest rate, not just the one who quotes the lowest rates and fees.

Lie #5: Just because I have good credit, I can get ANY house I want to AND how dare you ask me about my deposits in my accounts! Ahhhhh, no. Maybe a few years ago, good credit could get you any house you wanted. Life was simple and nothing was verified. Who cares where those $10,000 deposits came from in your checking account? ! That is not the case today. It takes more than a good credit score. Even since last year, there have been approximately 765 trillion changes in mortgage guidelines. Good credit will help with the interest rate (because of risk-based pricing), but everyone will still have to fall within the tightening parameters of a particular loan product. Again, this is why it is important to always speak with a mortgage professional before even starting to look for a house. Nowadays, we have to look at the whole picture. Clients have to prove income and have to show filed tax returns. Debt ratio has to be within certain parameters depending on the particular loan product. We look at all of those random deposits into bank accounts. Maybe an existing home has to be sold, maybe a client can rent it out…it is different for each person and one can no longer assume that impeccable credit rating will get any house without regard for the price. One thing is for sure though; it is a changed world out there. We get into your business, but if your client knows what they’re in for, the process isn’t so bad.

16 Real Estate Newsline August 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
R E A L T O R S ! Don’t Let This Lose A Sale Curb Appeal Is EVERYTHING! We Specialize In: •Driveways •Sidewalks / Walkways •Pavers •Driveway Stain Removal •Decks / Patios and more Dynamite Service With Explosive Results!

1-Sept Nelson Torres Believe Realty

Sharon Ruffo Realty Executives of S.A.

Aaron (Tommy) Hines Reliance Residential Realty

Jessica Carreon Old Republic Title

Melonie Sellge Old Republic Title

Bruce Balfour eXp Realty

Ron Reyes Keller Williams Heritage

Danny Herndon Century 21 The Hills Realty

Tony Carl Bagley Century 21 The Hills Realty

2-Sept Bill Williamson Property RE Services of TX

Jesse Haro Jesse Haro Realtors




Silvia Sahagun Realty Executives of S.A.

Sara Trimyer eXp Realty

Darline Hoffman Keller Williams Boerne

Evelyn Thomas Hardie & Associates

Alfred Perez Century 21 The Hills Realty

Keri Yuretich Independence Title

Libby Ross Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Maritza Venzor Home Team of America

Sylvia Santos Cooper Realty

15-Sep Lexi Bartolome Phyllis Browning Company

Dale Lewis Old Republic Title

Suzanne Menick South Texas Realty Services

Jessica Stagers M. Stagers Realty Partners

22-Sep Jeff Romo BHGRE Homecity

Carlos Fernandez Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Heather Duffin Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

April Maldonado RE/MAX North-San Antonio

Terri Velarde Old Republic Title

Miriam Campos Real

23-Sep Carol McLeod Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Lisa Grove Phyllis Browning Company

Chris Wilson Old Republic Title


Lisa Marie Heman eXp Realty

4-Sep Phyllis Trolinge RE/MAX Preferred

Sylvia Moore Garrett Wright Properties

5-Sep Keith Roland Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Claudia Nolen Phyllis Browning Company

Blain Johnson JB Goodwin Realtors

6-Sep Steve Mendoza Premier Realty Group

Linda Talbott Keller Williams Legacy

Chris Villanueva Keller Williams City View

Rick Kuper Kuper Sotheby’s International

Lisa Harder RE/MAX Associates

7-Sep Craig Ross Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper8-Sep

David Vaello Marick Realty

Tiffany Alvarez Keller Williams Legacy

Robert Hernandez Keller Williams City View

9-Sep Kim Clark Keller Williams City View

Rodeana Reynolds RE/MAX North - San Antonio

Susan Sanders Real Estate 210

Art Meister Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

10-Sep Phyllis Williams Old Republic Title

Josh Conley Old Republic Title


Joe Davalos Century 21 Davalos

Simon Arcos Keller Williams Legacy

Norma Rodriguez Vortex Realty

Paula Lopez Compass RE Texas

Lisa Castillo Real

Ayo Bodunde Keller Williams City View

17-Sep Glenn Gaiser Glenn Gaiser Broker

Annette Skalomenos Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

18-Sep Robert Evans Reliance Residential Realty

19-Sep Leah Hart Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Susan Marburger San Antonio Portfolio KW RE

Ann Jones Phyllis Browning Company

Lee Allen Realty Executives of S.A.

Karen Dixon San Antonio Better Homes

Maria Foley Legendary Realty

Susan Jones JB Goodwin Realtors

Jorge Gonzalez JPAR San Antonio

20-Sep Margie Martinez Old Republic Title

Rey Silva Rubiola Realty

21-Sep Elsa Leon Garcia Realty Executives of S.A.

Jim Kolodziej Phyllis Browning Company

Celina Lopez Century 21 The Hills Realty

24-Sep Luis Mongiello Keller Williams City View

Monica Garza BHGRE Homecity

Brenda Baldwin eXp Realty

Scarlett Wolte Wolter Real Estate

25-Sep Kevin McCullar Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Ryan Mazza JPAR San Antonio

26-Sep Jennifer Shemwell Phyllis Browning Company

27-Sep Teresa Brown Brown Realty

Kathryn Budde Keller Williams Boerne

Marty Shields Premier Realty Group

Ester Morin Premier Realty Group

28-Sep Patti Bennett Patti Bennett Homes

Lorenzo Garza Home Team of America

Sally Blaschke Keller Williams Legacy

Amelia Campos Vortex Realty

Rosalinda Tomlin RE/MAX Alamo Realty

Alex Perches Middleton Group Realty

30-Sep Mark Stillings Real

Tara Allman Keller Williams Heritage

Alicia Mendez Keller Williams City View

August 2023 Real Estate Newsline 17
2023 FHA Grade Carpet in stock for very prompt installation Call 210-655-8269 for FREE Estimates • Carpet • Hardwood • Ceramic Tile • Vinyl 12202 Bulverde Rd., San Antonio, TX 78217 bartoncc@bartoncocarpets.ccom Barton Co. Carpets – est. 1995 6 Month Deferred Interest Financing With Approved Credit *Always First Quality! * The Latest Styles! Do you have a listing that needs new flooring? FHA GRADE CARPET SOLIDS OR FRIEZES IN STOCK COLORS over 7/16” Pad, Installation Special Pricing For Realtors and Property Managers VINYL PLANK STARTING AT $.92 CENTS A SQ. FT.


Century 21 Scott Myers, Realtors Welcomes

It is with great delight that Century 21 Scott Myers, Realtors welcomes Nikki Elias back to our team of dedicated salespeople.

Nikki started her career with us a few years ago, then

departed for another company, and returned to our company about a month ago.

She is a wonderful agent and a credit to our company.

If you want to reach Nikki for assistance with your real estate needs, you can reach Nikki by calling our office, 210479-1222 or by e mailing Nikki at

Signs Of The Times

Sumbit your sign or any news event to be featured in an upcomng issue!

Baja Pork Tacos


1 boneless pork sirloin roast (3 lbs)

5 cans (4 oz. each) chopped green chilies

2 Tbsp reduced sodium taco seasoning

1 Tbsp ground cumin

24 corn tortillas warmed

3 cups shredded lettuce

Shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese


Cut roast in half; place in a 3-4 quart slow cooker. In small bowl, combine chilies, taco seasoning and cumin; pour over pork. Cover and cook on low for 8-9 hours until meat is tender.

Remove pork; cool slightly. Skim fat from cooking juices. Shred meat with two forks; return to the slow cooker and heat through. Spoon onto each tortilla; top each with lettuce and cheese. Enjoy!

18 Real Estate Newsline August 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
Elias ELIAS SS a a vv e e TT h h e e D D a a tt e e :: R R EE N N e e w w ssllii n n e e N N e e tt w w o o rr kkii n n g g H H a a p p p p yy H H o o u u rr!! Thursday, September 7th 4 - 7PM Hosted By: Chicken N Pickle 5215 UTSA Boulevard Join Us For Happy Hour and Meet Some Staff, Advertisers, Readers & Friends! Photo Opportunities, Door Prizes, Lots of Fun Mingling. The September issue will be available for pick up. RSVP to Karen Evans 210.526.1420 -
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Welcome to "The Happy Critic" Column I created for folks who love extraordinary experiences. I use uplifting words to draw attention to remarkable people and their stories about preparing, serving, eating, and savoring food. I share only the best!

LA FRITE is a favorite restaurant of mine in Southtown because of the fantastic food, delightful service, and charming bistro atmosphere. I am honored to present the mother and son team that created this classic dining space; Icy and Miles Donnelly. They are proud of what they have built and grateful to the customers who have supported them over the years. And they are excited to continue preparing Belgian cuisine in Southtown.

HAPPY CRITIC: What is the story behind La Frite, and what inspired you to become a restaurant owner?

MILES DONNELLY: Back in 2008, when we were figuring out what I would do with my life, I worked here as a server for Chef Damien Watel when he owned this little jewel. My dad had just become sick and was not able to work anymore. Was I supposed to go to professional school? What do I do? At that

moment, the restaurant came up for sale. I was excited about La Frite possibly becoming our family business. I approached my parents, and we started talking about buying the restaurant to provide for my family. That "moment" turned into our new adventure that included the food and the people we love.

HAPPY CRITIC: What is it like working as a mother and son team?

MILES DONNELLEY: It's phenomenal! We like being part of a family unit. Our family loves happiness in the kitchen, which is how my brother Rick and I grew up. I love supporting my family and doing this together.

HAPPY CRITIC: What makes La Frite so great?

MILES DONNELLEY: Honestly, it is us; we love each other and get along great. Our interaction and respect for each other, our staff, and our guests are critical. Everyone here is such an essential part of our success. Our Executive Chef, dishwasher, and prep people have been here for the entire 15 years we have been open. We are family.

HAPPY CRITIC: I know you all immediately set to work making changes. You renovated the kitchen, updated the menu, and added a new outdoor patio in the front. Tell me about your food from Heaven menu.

ICY DONNELLEY: We get our food fresh from vendors every day. We don't have freezer space; we cook the food when we get it. Steak a Poive with green peppercorn sauce is so tasty. I think it is one of our meals that you eat and you will never forget. We added the spectacular mussels in the worldly sauces served with frites, which have become our signature dishes. There is a person for every mussel sauce on the menu. There is a customer for every item on the menu. We did not change the menu at all. We just added to it. We added daily specials; some favorites are the shrimp risotto, curry lamb shank, and rabbit.

HAPPY CRITIC: The changes paid off. La Frite quickly became a popular destination in Southtown.

The food is praised by critics and diners alike. The atmosphere is warm and inviting. And the service is topnotch. If you are looking for a delicious and authentic Belgian or French meal in San Antonio, I highly recommend checking it out.

My favorite dishes on the La Frite Menu:

• The Bavarian Moules Served with Frites, delicious Beer sauce with bacon, mustard, and double the blue cheese!

• Steak au Poivre; beef tenderloin rare served with a perfectly dressed salad verte and frites

• Escargot Bourguignon perfectly cooked Burgandy-style snails with an herb butter sauce.

• Outstanding French Wine selection

Some things to know about La Frite:

• The menu is available for lunch and dinner.

• There is also a brunch menu available on weekends.

• The prices are reasonable, especially for the quality of the food.

• The restaurant is located in the heart of Southtown.

• It is the city's only Belgian bistro.

• The wine list features a selection of Belgian beers and wines.

I am sure everyone will agree with me....the secret ingredient to La Frite's success is LOVE!

728 S. Alamo in Southtown 210-224-7555

11:30 am-2 pm Tuesday-Friday Lunch

6-10 pm Tuesday-Saturday Dinner

Wine, Beer & Champagne

Reservations and Walk-Ins Welcome

August 2023 Real Estate Newsline 19
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24 Real Estate Newsline August 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
Brian Paris, Keller Williams City View and Maudel Hardie, Hardie & Associates Charles Ward, Choice FX and Jackie Ward, Jackie Lynn Ward, Attorney At Law Regina Eldridge, Success Mortgage Partners, Speaker Clara Gilroy, Mitchell Realty and Tye Washington, The Water Man Yvonne Cousar, NB Realty and Jean Marie Warren, Regions Mortgage Venus Marshall, Keller Williams City View and Maudel Hardie, Hardie & Associates Kenny Cunningham, Click & Move Realty with wife Tamika Cunningham, Fairway Mortgage Jean Marie Warren, Regions Mortgage and Regina Eldridge , Success Mortgage Partners
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