RE Newsline - November 2021

Page 1

Articles In This Issue Page 1: Pat Farrell Page 3: SABOR


Page 7: The Way I See It Featuring: Cathey Meyer Page 12: NARPM Article Featuring: Brenda Davila Page 15: SAAREB Article Featuring: Brian Paris Pages 22-23: News Flash

November 2021

It Is That Time Of Year Again Pat Farrell / Contributing Writer

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November can be one busy month and it looks like we may actually be able to enjoy doing this year what was so dangerous to attempt last year. Those of us, unaffected by the trauma of the virus or having fortunately recovered, will again enjoy family reunions for the traditional Thanksgiving meal and of course be able to watch all the scheduled games on TV that day and over the weekend. Could be we will get to just sit around without masks and appreciate the beauty of our family and friends without their facial coverings. November, originally so named because it was the ninth month on the old Roman calendar retained its name even though it became the eleventh month when two months were added to the Julian calendar, which was adopted in 45 B.C. The penultimate month of November has history to it, some good, some not so good. Those of us of a certain age can remember where we were and what we were doing when in 1963 the news came that President John F. Kennedy had been assassinated while he and his wife were in a motorcade in Dallas after a brief morning visit to San Antonio. We also may remember that on the 19th of November in 1978, more than 900 followers of Reverend Jim Jones’ cult known as the “People’s Temple” either willingly or by force drank a cyanide-laced drink, thus participating in the largest mass suicide event in recorded history.

In the early colonial years in North America the hunters used to set out their beaver traps ahead of the freeze that usually came on in late November so the full moon that occurs in November became known as the Beaver Moon. And, today when we start into our winter months we might expect to see the arrival of the “Snowbirds” which as we know is not a reference to the so nicknamed dark-eyed Junco bird but to a group of mostly retirees that routinely migrate from the far northern regions to warmer parts of the world. At the same time of the year that we experience winter, those folks in the Southern Hemisphere are getting their bar-b-que grills out and preparing their pools for summer use. The last day of October and first two days of November have historically been dedicated to a celebratory period that honors the dead. They are a series of days that encompass what is known, depending on one’s culture, as Samhain, All Hallows Eve, Halloween, All Saints Day, Dia de los Muertos and All Souls Day. More than 2,000 years ago when the Celts occupied the areas that are now recognized as Ireland, Great Britain and northern France, their New Year was celebrated on November 1st before the period of cold was to begin. The Celts believed that the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred and the ghosts of the dead returned to earth on the night before the new year. These otherworldly spirits were thought responsible for causing trouble and damaging crops so on October 31st, during the celebration of Samhain (pronounced sow-in) the Celtic priests would build huge bonfires and the Celts would wear costumes which typically consisted of animal heads and skins, and they attempted to tell each other’s fortunes. Christianity had spread into the Celtic lands by the 9th Century and, over time, it blended with and eventually supplanted older Celtic rites with All Saints Day on November 1st followed the next day by All Souls Day. The All Saints’ Day celebration was also known as All-hallows or All-hallowmas (from Middle English Alholowmesse meaning All Saints’ Day) and the night before that, the traditional night of Samhain in the Celtic religion, became known as All-Hallows Eve and,

eventually, Halloween. Another important cultural celebration over these first two days of November originated in Mexico and Central America and is known as the Day of the Dead or Dia de los Muertos. Although frequently confused with Halloween the tradition is unrelated to it but is rather a way to welcome the deceased back for a brief visit using flowers, altars, food, and music, all of which are integral parts of the holiday. Families create altars decorated with bright yellow marigold flowers, photos of the departed, and the honoree’s favorite foods and drinks. It is believed that as the departed souls hear their prayers and smell their foods it will encourage them to visit from the land of the dead and join in the celebrations! But let us not forget November 11th, the day set aside nationally to honor our returning and/or retiring military veterans who answered the nation’s call to honorably serve in whichever part of the world they were assigned. Historically, the armistice for World War I between Germany and the Allies was declared in 1918 on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, so the day was originally known as Armistice Day but was officially renamed Veterans Day in 1954 and was declared a national holiday in 1971. The Congress of the Confederation, the forerunner of today’s U. S. Congress, established the country’s first three military services: the U. S. Army in 1784; the U. S. Navy in 1794; and the U. S. Marine Corps in 1798 and long after that, what was once the Army Air Corps became the U. S. Air Force in 1947. Originally founded as the U. S. Revenue-Marine in 1790 the U. S. Coast Guard was not sonamed until 1939 and is the only military service that comes under the Department of Homeland Security rather than the Department of Defense. The recently acknowledged U. S. Space Force was actually operational in 1954 as the Western Development Division and became independent of the U. S. Air Force in 2019. Veterans have served in the wars in which the United States chose to participate and at most times were welcomed home with open arms, as was the case in the World Wars I and II, Korea, Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Most of

those amongst our younger generations may be unaware though that those who served in Vietnam did not receive the same warm welcome home. I am quite sure that my return from Vietnam mirrored that of other veterans at the time as, for example, it was almost impossible to flag down a taxi at the airport as the cab drivers were too busy spitting at anyone who wore a military uniform! We were treated like criminals, so I find it fortunate that people today appreciate that this is “The Home of the Free Because of the Brave!” Veterans are a major component of the population of San Antonio, Military City U.S.A. and since one important benefit available to a veteran is the VA Loan, they should also be important to the REALTORS® and Lenders in our industry. There is little doubt that the VA Loan is, in most cases, the best option for the veteran to buy a home, yet often REALTORS® will advise their sellers to not accept a VA Loan offer and Lenders will fail to advise the veteran about the VA Loan. In most instances the practitioners are operating under old information about VA loans in general and really need to learn more about the current process which is often an easier and quicker process than FHA loans. For an in-depth look at the VA Loan I would highly recommend taking the Military and Veteran Housing Certification (MVHC) course offered by the San Antonio Chapter of the Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals (VAREP). It also includes 7 hours CE for REALTORS®. November begins by honoring saints and remembering our departed loved ones and comes to an ending with being thankful for what we have, and often taking advantage of the shopping deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday after Thanksgiving Day. If you are reading this you have survived the pandemic when, unfortunately, so many of our friends and collogues did not. During November we have the opportunity to take stock of our lives, examine what we have accomplished this year and see if we have any incomplete tasks. If that is the case, take heart as we still have December to catch up with what has, to date, been left undone for the year. And as we sit down to our Thanksgiving Day meal remember to thank the Lord and those veterans who made it possible for us to enjoy the day in peace!


Real Estate Newsline

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November 2021

Travis Bradley Crawford 10/12/2021



(210) 508-0888 Real Estate Newsline 14546 Brook Hollow Blvd. #129 San Antonio, Texas 78232

Managing Editor...........Courtney Smith Contributing Writers:......Cathey Meyer ..................................................Pat Farrell Columnists........................Judy Goldick ...........................................Brenda Davila Business Development .......Joyce Orts Area Sales Director..........Rose Stewart .............................................210.386.6544 Real Estate Newsline is not responsible for the opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any byproducts in advertising or editorial copy. Real Estate Newsline takes the pandemic situation very seriously, we do not endorse or condone any behavior contrary to current CDC guidelines. To that end, please be aware, some pictures in this issue may have been taken pre-covid and should not be considered to represent anyone being irresponsible or careless in any shape or form. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR appears in this space, the registered trademark should be assumed.

Congratulations! Trevor and Aly Crawford Love, Grampa David

We welcome submissions of photos, press releases or articles. Email to:

November 2021

Real Estate Newsline


There is Still Time to Apply for the 2022 TRLP Class Don't miss your opportunity to apply for the 2022 TRLP c l a s s ! P a r t i c i p a t i o n i n t h e Te x a s R E A LT O R S ® Leadership Program (TRLP) will help you realize your potential by shaping you into a dynamic, confid e n t l e a d e r f o r t o d a y ’s m a r k e t place. TRLP covers diverse topics such as communication, governance, meeting planning, creating influence, overcoming obstacles to leadership, spokesperson training and so m u c h m o r e . H o w e v e r, t h e r e a l value of the program is in developing quality leaders for t h e R E A LT O R ® o r g a n i z a t i o n a t all levels. Yo u w i l l e m e r g e f r o m t h e program armed with powerful bonds with your fellow program

members that are long-lasting and you will be challenged to learn more about yourself and how to harness your potential to lead and inspire others. Ask anyone who has part i c i p a t e d i n T R L P, a n d y o u w i l l instantly see their face light up as they share excitedly about the extensive benefits of the program. Each graduate from the program has emerged as a better leader and a passionate advocate for the impact the program has had on their confidence and ability to be a strong l e a d e r. Consider applying to be a part of the 2022 TRLP class! The application deadline for the 2022 class has been extended to 5 : 0 0 p . m . o n N o v e m b e r 1 2 . To apply visit

Joel Sparta, VAREP SA Vice President, Chelsea Smith, Independence Title and Shawn Hansen, Simmonds Real Estate

Katy Griffin-Ross, RE/MAX Associates with Desaree LaMacchia and Andrew LaMacchia, both Guild Mortgage


Real Estate Newsline

November 2021

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Imagine Homes 15th Anniversary OH at Park Place in Tobin Hill

Victor Viniegra, Keller Williams Heritage with Efrem Martinez and John Friesenhahn, both Imagine Homes.

Cristina Flores Schnoke and Sandra Padilla, both JB Goodwin.

Erin Hillis, Imagine Homes with Ellen Schuler, Cornerstone Home Lending

Alyse Alonso and Greg Shamon, Christy Johnson, warranty professional.

Tiffany Gaitan, Dillingham and Poone Real Estate and Ginger Hebert, Imagine Homes

Ginger Hebert, Imagine Homes, Guillermo Lugo-Beltre, RE/MAX Realty Advantage and Diane Gonzales, Premier Realty



Be sure to see and download more pictures from this event and others online:

Pattie Holladay, Kellie Sue Daniels and Denise Martinez, all Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper REALTORS with Cassandra Jones, RE/MAX Advantage




Real Estate Newsline

November 2021

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Pattie Holladay, Kellie Daniels and Denise Martinez, all Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper REALTORS.

Renae Pretty, Keller Williams Heritage, Susan Bylicki eXp Realty, Amelia McFarlane, Hardie & Associates and Alishia Ritchey,

Denise Martinez and Pattie Holladay, both Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Andrew LaMacchia and Patrick Moore, both Guild Mortgage

Craig Lannom, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper, REALTORS and Connie Hentosh, Esperanza

Demetria Gonzalez, ERA Colonial Real Estate and Jay Franklin, Allstate Insurance Company

Christy Johnson, warranty professional, Andrew Ibarra, VIP Mortgage and Adriana Garza, Cannon Realty

Viara Sherman, Keller Williams Heritage

November 2021

THE WAY I SEE IT Cathey Meyer / Contributing Writer

Phone Club? Once every six or seven years, I am forced to buy a new phone. This is not my choice, but I have no option. Back in the landline days, no one ever sent me a text announcing my ‘current carrier is no longer providing service and I have 30 days to schedule an appointment for new service.’ Or something along those phone lines. If you are on your toes here, you would immediately yell,“Got ‘ya! Landlines do no texting!” Not the point. Landlines also never dropped calls, got misplaced in the place you never look, or charged you ridiculous fees that are allegedly government controlled. I had a great mobile plan: $30 of unlimited service a month plus $50 a month in questionable taxes and hidden fees. The memory of when I joined the phone service with a fast dash name is murky as it was so long ago. I do recall I left a company with capital letters and an ampersand because they got high and mighty with their fees and lack of service. I am pretty sure it was way

back in the 1900’s that my early sprint to a new phone service took me to affordable phone care. I still had my reliable landline with the ampersand company, but I was content with my availability to those who needed to locate me. As the 21st century took off and phones became less of a calling service and more of a video service, I just plugged along with my easily operated flip phone and home answering machine that provided hilarious audio screening. As much as aging cannot be halted is as fast as technology cannot stop multiplying. My fast dash company did a grand job of carefully nurturing my loyalty and I only had to upgrade my mobile phone a couple of times. The last upgrade was the result of a toilet drop and I ended up with a much better phone because I had phone insurance of which I was unaware I had been charged for over who knows how many years. Suddenly I needed faster service, clearer photographs, more storage and

Real Estate Newsline

immediate internet service. Apps were appearing on my mobile phone literally out of nowhere and the dependency on my handheld device was near addiction. I had arrived in the 21st Century. The landline was disconnected years back when one day the ampersand company called the mobile to voicemail me the landline was dead. I must admit I still miss the security of a small plastic rectangle with the attached answering machine. I enjoyed my relationship with the voice that announced, “You have six new messages,” even if four of them were from my mother. Screening was great because you could listen directly to the message you chose to ignore. Paying your bill was easy as opening the mailed bill, writing a check, peel and stick a stamp and send off with the post-person. The transition to my current state-of-the-art S50plus minicomputer that serves as a telecommunicator has been less simple than the peel and stick stamp days. The first rule of new phone club is there are no platinum members. The second rule of new phone club is they much prefer you do everything yourself. You are constantly reminded you can order online, transfer your own data and return your old phone to the new company—ironically via the postal service. For what I am paying for this new ‘service’, my third rule of phone club is they will do everything for me. Playing dumb does have its own platinum points. Of course, playing dumb


was not a technology stretch for me. A very patient Gen-Z-er with a tight t-shirt, jeans cropped at the ankles, and too many buds in his ears got me started on my phone club journey. He attempted to explain why my current phone would be obsolete as of January 2022, how my new bill would work virtually through my new phone, and why I needed to join the Cloud. We settled on a phone that would be available in four to six weeks, he did some chip magic in my current phone and sent me on my merry way. I was not quite sure what just happened. In less than four days, a tiny box arrived with my new phone valued at over $1000, but will cost me a mere $2.99 a month with no interest. I lost interest long ago. Visit two at the mobile phone shoppe was much the same: Gen-Z-er, tight tee, cropped jeans, ear buds plus and I was not sure of their pronoun preference. With the trust of a priest in a confessional, I handed her/him my old phone, my new phone, all my passwords and a credit card. They could not call me when things were ready as they had all my communication tools. I was told to return in three hours and not to worry. I am not sure what went down, but rule four of phone club is to grab and go. In three hours, I had my new phone, my credit card and a phone that looked very much like the one the said they took. Everything was the same, but was it? My next credit card bill may tell the true tale of phone club.


Real Estate Newsline

November 2021

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VAREP San Antonio Chapter Lunch & Learn September 2021

Carlos Rodo, VAREP SA Secretary and Judy Goldick, VAREP SA President

Rosemary Gomez, APEX Smart Home and Pat Farrell, Real Estate Newsline

Chelsea Smith, Independence Title and Kim Mixon, Keller Williams Heritage

Jay Prado, Regal Realty and Jollyn Hilliard, JPAR New Braunfels

Tom Phillips, Phillips & Associates Realty and Joel Sparta, VAREP SA Vice President

Fred Wolff, RE/MAX Corridor and Mike Crowley, SABOR

Be sure to see and download more pictures from this event and others online:

Ashley Martinez & Rosemary Gomez, APEX Smart Home with Elvia Williams, Your Time Inspections, Sponsor

Replacing Your Garage Door is the #1 Rated Home Improvement Project both Nationally and in San Antonio According to Remodeling Magazine’s 2021 Cost Versus Value Report!


Real Estate Newsline

November 2021

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Janna Valencia, eXp Realty and Michelle Gallahan, Insurance Pro

Sandy Anzaldua, REAL Broker and Mary Corcoran, Key Realty

Monique Slater, Hall American Realty and Maudel Hardie, Hardie & Associates

Lanette Pennell, Keller Williams City View and Nelly Strey, Keller Williams Boerne

Cookie Gehring, Keller Williams Heritage and Tammie McWilliams, Keller Williams Boerne

David Avila, Xsellence Realty and Megan Whitmore, Movement Mortgage

Brad Dawson, Movement Mortgage and Michelle Perez, Realty Executives of San Antonio

Rayna Sue Irwin, Axis Realty Group, Frank Fitzpatrick, Lionel Consulting, and Christina, Key Staff San Antonio.

November 2021

Real Estate Newsline


Grilled Romaine with Bacon Vinaigrette Dressing Ingredients:

Dana Poole, Molly Harvey, Demetrio Gonzalez and Arlene Chalkley, all ERA Colonial Real Estate

4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 3/4 cup chopped red onion 1/2 pound bacon, chopped 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar 3 heads romaine lettuce, cut in 1/2 lengthwise 1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese Freshly ground black pepper Preheat the grill to high heat.

Preparation: Heat 1 tablespoon of the olive oil in a sauté pan over high heat. Add the onions and bacon and cook until the bacon is crispy. To the same pan add the balsamic vinegar and 1 tablespoon of the olive oil and stir to combine. Remove from heat and set aside. Brush the romaine lettuce with the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil, place on the grill cut side down, and quickly sear.

Christine Denney, Elite Living Realty, Cynthia McClure, Keller Williams Heritage, Yashica Warrior, Keller Williams City View and Brian Paris, Keller Williams City View

Serve the lettuce, cut side up, and drizzle the balsamic dressing over the lettuce. Sprinkle with blue cheese and garnish with cracked black pepper.


Real Estate Newsline

November 2021

NARPM Brenda Davila / SAMAC, NARPM Vice President

A Little NARPM History NARPM had humble beginnings. It was around the late 1980’s that NARPM was born out of a need for more education, networking opportunities, recognition and most importantly validation. Validation for agents that worked hard in an industry that at times was isolated from other agents and had little to no guidance. After property management software was introduced to the office setting and became the norm, an individual by the name of Ralph Tutor of Real Estate Software, Inc. began to hold productivity seminars thorough out the country to teach property managers how to utilize his company’s software. At these seminars property managers from all over the US would gather to learn the software and in discussions discovered that many had common ground issues within their businesses. These gatherings

opened the pathway to what would soon become the non-profit trade association that we know and love today, NARPM. One day in 1987, Dallas, Texas an organizational meeting was held for the newly created association and with the votes of fellow property managers, Ralph Tutor was elected NARPM’s first president and the rest is both history and present. NARPM has had its struggles throughout the early years but with so many dedicated individuals with a passion to teach and learn, what started with 13 members, has currently grown to 5,500 strong across the US. NARPM is a full-fledged non-profit trade association with a national office, local chapters, national conventions, newsletter, designations, a code of ethics and standards of professionalism.

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With a tenure of 34 years experiences and National Presidents, we can say we have come a long way and our past and current leaders have and continue to pave a way for your specialization to be relevant in today’s market and to have the proper tools to be the best we can be to our community and industry. In 2021 our local SAMAC chapter has acknowledged 4 members for receiving designations and certifications: Courtney Rosen, RPM – March Jason Bridgeman, RMPJune Melanie Thomas, MPMSeptember and Brenda Davila, RMP recently graduated from TRLP in October. Do not miss your opportunity

to serve, gain industry knowledge, and make new friendships. If you are interested in joining or would like to discuss; do not hesitate to reach out to us. For membership information or our calendar of events, please visit: h t t p : / / w w w. s a n a r p m . w i l d a p r i Please review our November calendar of events: NOVEMBER 10, 2021 SAMAC EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING *2021 will be filled with new educational classes, speakers, and more opportunities for charitable events. To accommodate our members and affiliates, educational classes will be available both hybrid and in person.

Lacy Hendricks, Kyle Hendricks, Brenda Davila, Marty Hutchison and Brian Phelps

November 2021

Viki Melton, Stone Oak Realty Services and Valerie Wilshire, Independence Title

Ojas Tasker, Caballero & Associates and Emily Piperato, Assurance Financial

Real Estate Newsline



Real Estate Newsline

November 2021

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Martha Sarwar, Mitchell Realty and Bertha Wicker, Keller Williams Legacy

Marty Hutchison, Property Management Services and Sheila Moran, RE/MAX Access

Cali Redd and Jessica Johnson both with Solid Realty Group

Keonna Luera and Dianna Patterson, both Redbird Realty with Cheryl Wilson-Brown, JB Goodwin

November 2021

SAAREB Brian M. Paris / SAAREB President

Creating Generational Wealth SAAREB (San Antonio Association of Real Estate B ro k e r s ) i s a n o n - p ro f i t o rg a n i zation focused on improving the homeownership rates for African American families in S a n A n t o n i o . We d o s o b y ensuring our membership body i s p ro f i c i e n t i n t h e a r t o f b u y ing, selling and investing in R e a l E s t a t e . We w o r k t o e d u c a t e our community on key topics leading up to and including home ownership. Many topics such as budgeting, credit, i n v e s t i n g , a re a l l a v a i l a b l e t o o u r c o m m u n i t y a t n o c h a rg e , either in person or via Zoom classes. As we continue in our seco n d y e a r o f f i n d i n g d i ff e re n t w a y s t o n a v i g a t e t h ro u g h t h e Real Estate maze with COVID protocols still in place, the e x p re s s i o n I h a v e b e e n u s i n g i s

“ N o w t h a t w e k n o w W H AT t o d o , t h e re i s N O e x c u s e f o r n o t doing it!” So, what has SAAREB been up to lately? • T h e re i s a c e r t a i n e n e rg y t h a t i s c re a t e d w h e n y o u g e t likeminded people aligned with a specific goal in the same ro o m . We h a v e re s u m e d m e e t ing in person at the SABOR auditorium with a hybrid a p p ro a c h , u s i n g Z o o m t o a l l o w all members to stay engaged w i t h t h e o rg a n i z a t i o n . • We c r e a t e d a Wo m e n ’ s Council of SAAREB. WCSAAREB is a 501c3 nonprofit organization with the focus on empowering, elevati n g a n d e d u c a t i n g Wo m e n a n d M e n i n t h e R e a l E s t a t e i n d u s t r y. The WCSAAREB leadership t e a m , l e a d b y M a d a m P re s i d e n t Ve n u s M a r s h a l l w i l l b e a c r i t i -

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Real Estate Newsline

cal partner with SAAREB as we work together to deliver on our commitment to our community and to our membership. • I n A p r i l w e re c o g n i z e d the top 20 Black Realtors in San Antonio. • We p ro v i d e d 3 d e s e r v i n g young men and women $1000 Scholarships for the college of their choice. • We p a r t n e r e d w i t h 4 H a n d G re a t e r B a l l A M E C h u rc h t o p u t o n a F i n a n c i a l We l l n e s s series for the youth between the ages of 10-17 years old • Members of our National organization, NAREB, are called Realtists. As part of our R e a l t i s t We e k c e l e b r a t i o n , w e donated over 500 pairs of socks to the Agape Ministry • We p a r t i c i p a t e d i n t h e J u n e t e e n t h B l o c k P a r t y, g i v i n g away various gift cards to those that attended, bringing a w a re n e s s t o t h e f re e c l a s s e s w e o ff e r. • We p a r t i c i p a t e d i n t h e I n c re a s e t h e P e a c e 9 B a c k t o S c h o o l e v e n t w h e re o v e r 1 0 0 0 b a c k p a c k s w e re d o n a t e d t o o u r n e i g h b o rh o o d y o u t h . Whats on tap… • The Black Homeownership Summit will b e h e l d a t Te x a s S o u t h e r n University November 4th and 5th and NAREB will discuss the


SHIBA Report (State of Housing in Black America). • NAREB hosts 2 annual conferences where members and non-members can network, learn and engage with likeminded Real Estate P ro f e s s i o n a l s a c ro s s t h e c o u n t r y. I a m e x c i t e d a n n o u n c e t h a t t h e M i d Wi n t e r C o n f e re n c e w i l l b e h e l d h e re i n S a n A n t o n i o M a rc h 1 s t t h ro u g h t h e 4 t h . T h i s will be a fantastic opportunity to show what the Alamo City h a s t o o ff e r ! • We w i l l i n c r e a s e t h e focus on overarching homeo w n e r s h i p e d u c a t i o n . We w a n t to ensure that the education just does not stop at the home purchase. Our communities should know • How to Obtain… • How to Maintain… • How to Retain the home t h a t t h e y a re i n • We p l a n t o p r o v i d e Scholarships for college as well as looking into providing scholarships for those wanting to get into Real Estate. If you are interested in a n y o f t h e p ro g r a m s o r e v e n t s we have in our pipeline, please reach out to me directly at 210-445-8963 | or any one of our SAAREB members for more information!

16 1-Dec

Real Estate Newsline

November 2021

Follow Us @renewsline

Kelly Lucas

Keller Williams Legacy

Lydia Lozada

Texas Premier Realty

Rosalinda Hoback

Lifetime Real Estate Srv.

Carlos Fernandez

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Luis Galindo

San Antonio Elite Realty

Joe Reyes


Tim Brown

RE/MAX Corridor


Ron Mersinger


Victoria Subia

Champions School of Real Estate

Gwen Derry

Old Republic Title

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Gerri Johnson

Avenue Realty

Russell Deiley

Laughy Hilger Group

Lisa Martinez

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

RE/MAX North-San Antonio

Pam Slocum

Beth Harmier Properties

Sonia Flores

Kimberly Howell Properties

Shyler Leon

Phyllis Browning Company

JB Goodwin

JB Goodwin Realtors

Terri Saari

Kristalli Real Estate

Gabriel Garcia

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Jennifer Hard

Keller Williams Legacy

Mike Klein

Michael Klein Realtors

Lisa Morales

Century 21 Northside

Richard Guerrero

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Holly Mahler

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Alice Boubel

Century 21 Northside

Gail Couser

Independence Title

Matthew Smith, III Alamo Top Realty

Judy Dunlap

Phyllis Browning Company

Brent Knapp

Keller Williams Legacy

J.J. Rodriguez

Dawn Ainslie

Home Team of America

Carlos Perez

1st Brokerage

Jeff Frye Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper






J.J. Rodriguez Real Estate

Leslie Swasey

Swasey Sells San Antonio R/E

Al Cannistra

Texas Premier Realty

Sol Hooda

Linary Commercial Group


Debbie McNeal

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Penny Anders

Forward Real Estate

John Alaniva

Kimberly Howell Properties


Gilbert Moses

A&G Property Services

Norma Jean Denman

Chris Schofield

Vortex Realty

Laura Gordon

Sterling Group Real Estate

Lauren Cornwel 8-Dec



11-Dec 12-Dec




Old Republic Title


Russell Hild

Mission Real Estate Group

Polly McKinley

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Bill Graves

San Antonio Portfolio KW RE

Troy Hoessly

Home Team of America

Scotti Evans

Old Republic Title

Paul Davalos

Davalos & Associates

Becky Rabel

Keller Williams City View

Robin Wysong

Old Republic Ttitle

Robert Wood

RE Consultants

Thomas Fentress

RE/MAX Preferred

Victor Yong

Home Team of America

Carolyn Sparks

Carolyn Sparks Real Estate

TeAnglia Moore

Reliance Residential Realty

Terry West

Coldwell Banker Stagecoach RE

Geri Barrows

BHHS PenFed Realty

Pamela Montano

RE/MAX Associates

Laura Sanchez

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Tammy Greenbauer Full Spectrum Realty

Randy Pereira

T2M Real Estate

Corleen Schneider

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Tiffany Wright

eXp Realty

Catherine Rosales

IH-10 Realty

Michelle Fink

Texas Premier Realty

Kathy Vogel

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Bob Mabry

ERA Colonial Real Estate

Rosemary Lotz

Keller Williams City View

Monica Vasquez

eXp Realty

Krista Boazman

Phyllis Browning Company

Judy Dalrymple

Phyllis Browning Company

Joraine Miller

JB Goodwin Realtors

Marilu Salazar

Old Republic Title

Rick Clifton

Home Team of America

Debra Maltz

Kuper Sotheby's International Realty

Sherry Keeble

Exit Realty New Braunfels

Orquidea Blain

Belmares Properties

Tyler Herman

Home Team of America

Kate Griffin-Ross

RE/MAX Associates

Yvonne Elizondo

Keller Williams Heritage

Frank Ruffo

The Real Estate Group

Eddie Martin

Mission SA Property Mgt.

Karen Critchlow

Realty Executives of S.A.

Pete Peters

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Randy Elgin

Keller Williams City View

Mark Castricone

Century 21 Northside

Cyndi Luna

eXp Realty

Michael Carmona

Tierra Realty

Lily Stribling

Caballero & Associates

Gilbert Rodriguez

JPAR San Antonio

Clifton Jansky

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Terry Reitz

Rock House Real Estate

Herlinda Hernandez Rigel Realty

Shannon Miller

Trinidad Realty Partners

Caesar Flores

Realty Executives of S.A.

Charlene Gubernator

Vivienne Porter

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Holly Weems

eXp Realty

Ara Fesperman

M. Stagers Realty Partners

Jessica Uralde

Redfin Corp.

Alisa Cox Keller

Williams City View

Lee JonesKeller

Williams City View

Randal McLeaird

RAM Group

James Harrison

StepStone Realty

Gil Aldaco

Premier Realty Group

Nereyda Vicente

JPAR San Antonio

Priscilla Allen

Home Team of America

Margie Morcher

The Homeland Group of Texas

Kurt Jaeckle

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Molly Harvey

ERA Colonial Real Estate

Cheryl Moore

Old Republic Title

Lynn Knapik

Lynn Knapik Real Estate

David Geramita

RE/MAX Preferred

Oscar Vaca

Home Team of America

Dan Lope

Integrity Realty

B.K. Buske

B. K. Buske

Jaylove Malapo

Century 21 Northside









RE/MAX Associates



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November 2021

Real Estate Newsline


Syndi Peerman, Kim Nail, Tere Arenivar-Garcia and Judy Garmoe, all JB Goodwin

Kelly Atkin, The Lookout Group with Connie Hentosh, both Esperanza-Boerne.

Renae Pretty, Keller Williams Heritage and Quynh Nguyen, eXp Realty

Amy Kerekes, Maggie Rodriguez, Lou Sada, Gina Guereca and Todd Schneider, all Jefferson Bank Mortgage





SABOR Keeping Posted

November 2021

Follow Us @renewsline

November 2021

SABOR Keeping Posted



SABOR Keeping Posted

November 2021

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November 2021

SABOR Keeping Posted



Real Estate Newsline

November 2021

Congratulations to Pat Farrell for winning the Spirit of TREPAC Award for 2021! This award is given to Texas REALTORS® who have exhibited excellence in one or more of the P.A.C. criteria at the local level during the year.

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November 2021

VAREP San Antonio Names Phillips as New Membership Director Tom Phillips, Broker/Owner of Phillips & Associates Realty named Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals (VAREP) San Antonio Chapter Membership Director. Tom brings over 30 years of experience to the organization and hopes to help the chapter grow to further help our PHILLIPS Veterans. "It is important to me that we prioritize the needs of our local servicemen and veterans to ensure that they have the best support when buying, selling or investing in real estate," said Tom. Established in 2011, VAREP is a national housing non-profit for vets, by vets, dedicated to improving the lives of servicemembers and veterans through housing, financial literacy, homeownership and philanthropy. With over 7,000 members, they work within all sectors of the real estate, housing, and financial-services industries and are comprised of patriots from diverse backgrounds as well as military veterans. By the end of 2021, VAREP will expand their reach to 25 states with over 45 chapters allowing them to empower local real estate, lending, and housing professionals to better serve the needs of military and veteran families.

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FHA Grade Carpet in stock for very prompt installation

Real Estate Newsline


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Real Estate Newsline

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November 2021

WCR July 2021

Sara Gerrish and Beatrice Briseno, both RE/MAX Unlimited

Rebecca O’Shea, Fathom Realty and Scott Jauregui, Keller Williams Heritage

Valerie Wilshire, Independence Title with Rachael Bruno, Beatrice Briseno and Angelica Sanchez, all RE/MAX Unlimited

Florence Terrell, Keller Williams Legacy and Mary Ann Jeffers, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Adriana Garza, Cannon Realty Group and Cathy Heshmat, Keller Williams Heritage

Michelle Gallahan, Insurance Pro, Renae Pretty, Keller Williams Heritage, Ojas Tasker, Caballero & Associates and Kim Miller Perry, Keller Williams Heritage

Be sure to see and download more pictures from this event and others online:

Quynh Nguyen, eXp Realty, Gwen Derry, Old Republic Title, Scott Jauregui and Renae Pretty, both Keller Williams Heritage, Anna Hammad, JP & Associates, Valerie Wilshire, Independence Title and Pat Farrell, Real Estate Newsline

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