September 2021

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Articles In This Issue Page 1: Pat Farrell Page 3: SABOR Page 7: The Way I See It Featuring: Cathey Meyer Page 14: VAREP Article Featuring: Judy Goldick Page 14: NARPM Article Featuring: Brenda Davila Page 17: Associate Spotlight Featuring:


Hollywood Crawford Pages 22-23: News Flash

September 2021

It Was Really Mickey That Started It All Pat Farrell / Contributing Writer

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Can you imagine just how many children grew up at least hearing about, if not actually watching, the cartoon character Mickey Mouse? Mickey’s debut dates back to a time when most of those reading this were not yet born, however, their parents were most likely among those children watching Mickey’s antics. It is thanks to Walt Disney that we had and still have Mickey and a whole slew of his animated friends like Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy, etc. Walter Elias Disney was born in the Hermosa area of Chicago on December 5, 1901, as the fourth son of Canadian father, Elias Disney who was of Irish descent and wife Flora Call Disney, an American of English and German descent. As a youngster Walter developed an interest in art and practiced by copying cartoons from Appeal to Reason, a newspaper to which his father subscribed. In Walt’s early years the family moved quite a bit and while they were living in Missouri he attended Saturday classes at the Kansas City Art Institute and also took a cartooning course by correspondence. After the family returned to Chicago he attended regular school during the weekdays while also attending Saturday classes at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts. Walt became his high school newspaper’s cartoonist, often drawing patriot-

ic images during World War I. In 1918 Disney tried to join the Army but was rejected due to his age so he altered his birth certificate, was accepted by the Red Cross, was sent to France as an ambulance driver, but arrived after the Armistice had been signed. While with the Red Cross he had some of his cartoon work published in the military newspaper, Stars and Stripes. After his return to Kansas City, he apprenticed as an artist at a local Art Studio, drawing illustrations for theater programs until he left there to form a very short-lived business with his animator friend, Ub Iwerks. After that business failed he went on to work for a company that was using animation. He became fascinated with the cel animation process but could not persuade the company to use it so, with friend Fred Harman he formed a company, Laugh-O-Gram Studios, to produce film clips which were essentially modernized fairy tales based on Aesop’s Fables. However, after an initial success that company also failed. Walt had produced a promising, 12-and-a-half-minute, one reel film which combined live action with animation, called Alice’s Wonderland, but unfortunately it was finished too late to save his previous company. At age 21 he moved to Hollywood where he continued to try to sell his film when finally, a New York film distributor contracted with him to produce six Alice comedies with an option for 12 more to follow. At that time, he formed another company with his older brother, Ron and called it the Disney Brothers Studio which ultimately became The Walt Disney Company. Although he, along with Iwerks, created a character called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit for distribution through Universal Studios, he later learned that they actually held the rights to Oswald. This is when Mickey Mouse was born but Walt’s first attempts to find a distributor for his Mickey films, Plane Crazy and the Gallopin’ Gaucho failed. However, when The Jazz Singer (1927) which had introduced synchronized sound was so successful he released his Mickey Mouse cartoon, Steamboat Willie in 1928 utilizing a

similar system. This film was a hit, so he followed it with the Silly Symphony series of Short Subject Cartoons, one of which was Flowers and Trees, which won him an Academy Award. The series consisted of numerous short films, all from five to seven minutes, that were produced in the Short Subject Cartoon category. But, unable to obtain an increase in his income at Universal Studios, he moved his studio operations to Columbia Pictures for the distribution of the Mickey Mouse films. In 1933 Disney produced the film, The Three Little Pigs, which was touted by some as “the most successful short animation film of all time,” and this too garnered him an Academy Award in the same category. During his career, Disney faced many ups and downs, successes, and setbacks, and by 1934 he had tired of working with just the short, animated cartoons. It was in that year that he began production of his first full length animated film which cost him $1.5 million to complete but was an effort that many thought to be a foolish venture and expected this to be his final folly and would lead him to bankruptcy. However, when pre-released in December 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was heralded as the most successful motion picture of 1938 and at the following Academy Awards ceremony Disney was given an honorary award, receiving one regular and seven small Oscar statues. This major success was followed by the animated films, Pinocchio, Fantasia, and Dumbo, after which the studio had suffered some major losses and they were in debt to Bank of America to the tune of approximately $4 million. Fortunately, the leadership at the bank had faith in the work Disney was doing and continued to financially support their efforts. World War II was another factor in Disney’s money problems as the film industry in Europe and thus the money from that market was drying up and the Studio was getting close to bankruptcy. While profit would have been welcomed, Disney helped in the war effort by producing training films for the US Government but only at

cost. There were several Donald Duck shorts to support the war bond effort and some propaganda films like Der Fuerer’s Face along with a feature film, Victory Through Air Power. Having weathered the war and his money issues Disney was very adamant in his support for the American way of life and very opposed to the communism ideals that seemed to be overtaking the entertainment industry. In 1954 Disney was made a "full Special Agent in Charge Contact" by J. Edgar Hoover who had also allowed Disney to film FBI Headquarters in Washington. In the early 1950’s Cinderella, with a production cost of $2.2 million was released and returned almost $8 million its first year. That decade also saw the release of Treasure Island, Alice in Wonderland, The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men and Peter Pan. By then Walt was less involved in movie making, and after visiting Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen had started to think in terms of his own theme park, a clean place where children and their parents would both find enjoyment. He began construction on land purchased in Anaheim, CA in 1954 and opened Disneyland the following year and by end of year had attracted 6.7 Million visitors. He did not give up film work altogether though and still managed to produce Lady and the Tramp and Sleeping Beauty during the 1950s and One Hundred and One Dalmatians and The Sword and the Stone in the early 1960s. The films noted here represent only the more recognizable of his films as there are so many more! We lost Walt Disney in 1966 at the age of 65. Is there actually a reader here that has not seen all, if not most, of Disney’s films or is still watching them when they are shown on television? Or is it possible there is someone who has never visited one of the Disney Theme Parks? Perhaps, there are some who were (or maybe their parents were) members of the Mickey Mouse Club because remember it all started with Mickey and although Walt Disney is gone, Mickey and his legacy remain.


Real Estate Newsline

September 2021

Signs Of The Times

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(210) 508-0888 Real Estate Newsline 14546 Brook Hollow Blvd. #129 San Antonio, Texas 78232

Managing Editor...........Courtney Smith Contributing Writers:......Cathey Meyer ..................................................Pat Farrell Columnists........................Judy Goldick ...........................................Brenda Davila Business Development .......Joyce Orts Area Sales Director..........Rose Stewart .............................................210.386.6544 Real Estate Newsline is not responsible for the opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any byproducts in advertising or editorial copy. Real Estate Newsline takes the pandemic situation very seriously, we do not endorse or condone any behavior contrary to current CDC guidelines. To that end, please be aware, some pictures in this issue may have been taken pre-covid and should not be considered to represent anyone being irresponsible or careless in any shape or form. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR appears in this space, the registered trademark should be assumed.

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September 2021

Real Estate Newsline



Sherry Loftus / Damsel In Defense

September is Realtor Safety Month!

Safety Tools September is REALTOR® Safety Month, and we have many resources available to help you stay protected. Never underestimate how important it is to take precautions and always make your safety a top priority. At SABOR, you can visit our website ( and access handouts and videos with numerous guidelines for safety at the office, in homes and even online. These items can be found under the “REALTOR® Resources” tab in the “REALTOR® Safety & Fraud” section. Share these tools with your office and make sure you take even the most basic precautions. You never know what a criminal might try, and you don’t want to take any chances with your safety. For example, have a buddy system in which you agree to check in with someone at your office at a specified time. If you don’t check in, they will know something is wrong and take action to help you. Also, make sure your cell phone is fully charged when you leave the office and consider keeping a charger in your car.

In addition to these tools, the National Association of REALTORS® also has many resources available on For example, NAR provides information on over a dozen available safety applications for your mobile device. Their website also features safety products such as safety locks that keep you from being cornered in a property and a device that plugs into your vehicle and will automatically call 911 for you if you are in an accident. NAR also hosts several webinars with handouts that you can watch live or download later. These have many great tips and tools to keep you safe while at the office or in the field. In addition, features office safety forms you can download, flyers you can print and display in your office, and banners to display on your website. Most importantly, always remember that your welfare is more important than any sale. Make safety precautions a part of your routine and know your limitations.

Did you know that in the US, one in three women experience domestic violence? One in five women are survivors of rape. One in four girls and one in six boys have been molested. A violent crime occurs every 28 seconds and a child is abducted every 46 seconds. Those numbers are staggering. They sound like something out of a movie, but they are the reality. The mission of Damsel in Defense is to equip, empower and educate women, children, and nice men to protect themselves from a would-be attacker. We educate people on the statistics and strategies to reduce their chances of becoming a victim. We equip them with innovative self-defense products that can level the playing field between them and an attacker – or two or three! By doing the above, we empower them to be proactive in their own safety and exude an image of confidence. Realtors, especially female agents, can be particularly vulnerable, due to the nature of the profession. Showing a vacant home to someone they haven’t met (and background checks can only go so far) can pose risks that we can help reduce. Open Houses are just that - open, to a potential predator. I remember when my husband and I were looking at homes, my husband wanted storage. Where do you find storage? Attics, garages, walk-in closets, out-buildings, and in some areas, basements. Those are places a Realtor could find herself in a precarious posi-

tion. Damsel in Defense has a variety of products to help Realtors avoid an attack. I am available for Safe Showings presentations at your office team meetings, or after-hours at a restaurant or even at a model home. This presentation is designed to show Realtors how to reduce their chances of becoming a victim of crime. Self-defense tools that may appeal to a real estate agent include our very discreet, Little Ringer stun gun, equipped with a flashlight and wrist strap/disable pin. If that device were to be wrestled out of your hand, it will be disabled and the attacker cannot use your weapon on you! Pepper Sprays with disable pins are also available, although they are not the best option for an enclosed space, for obvious reasons. We now have a pepper spray with GPS tracking and a silent panic button to notify up to 5 of your trusted contacts that you are in trouble and where you are. It’s patent-pending and unique to Damsel in Defense. A doorstop alarm is a useful product to place at the back door. You can keep that door unlocked, so that you have an alternate exit, but will be notified when someone opens that door. More products are available to see on my website, Please feel free to reach out to me if you would like more information on scheduling a presentation or seeing what products may help you and your family.


Real Estate Newsline

September 2021

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SAAREB July Lunch

Marques Williams, Goosehead Insurance and Maudel Hardie, Hardie & Associates

Gwen Derry, Old Republic Title and Cynthia McClure, Keller Williams Heritage

Christine Denney, Elite Living Realty and Brian Paris, Keller Williams City View

Paula Grigsby and Jennifer Lang, Sponsors (TAP FCU)

Yashica Warrior, Keller Williams City View and Sebastian Formica, Keller Williams Heritage

Velma Greene, Keller Williams Heritage and Noble Cooper, Home Team Realty

Be sure to see and download more pictures from this event and others online:

Cynthia McClure, Keller Williams Heritage, DeMarcus Berry, Berry Group Inspection, Yashica Warrior, Keller Williams City View, Brian Paris, Keller Williams City View and Christine Denney, Elite Living Realty


Real Estate Newsline

September 2021

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September 2021

THE WAY I SEE IT Cathey Meyer / Contributing Writer

Olympic Agony How anyone knows the first Olympic Games were 684 BC boggles my mind. I doubt there is much written material with those facts, maybe some hieroglyphics highlights on the sports section of the cave wall. Seven original events entertained the spectators for a full day of running, jumping, shot putting, javelining, boxing, horse stuff and something referred to as pankration. The advantage of a one-day event back in the B.C. times allowed for spectators to avoid long-winded commercial breaks, enjoy LIVE events, avoid the lack of minddulling commentary, and witness competition from Greeks and a few European neighbors—all countries one could identify on a road map. Fast forward a few thousand years, and my how times have changed. The original seven events still hold court at some venue somewhere in countries far, far from Greece. Now add 33 total sports, 46 variations of those sports and somehow 339 medals get hung around the necks of athletes from countries some of

us could not find on a Google map. Back in the day, I had the fantasy I could one day compete at an Olympic level at some random sport and serve as a breakfast cereal model, but the Greek Gods had other plans for my lack of coordination and dearth of discipline to endlessly train. My true talent lies in the ability to fill a glass, open a bag of chips and chill in front of the television watching the time delayed results. The delay of the 2020 Olympics into 2021 was disheartening. I could not imagine being one of the athletes working all those decades to compete and then adding yet one more year of training for the elusive medal. My summer was under-booked, and I was not committed to spending odd hours in front of the television rooting for athletes for whom I had no connection. Personally, I miss the days of Jim McCay and ABC’s Wide World of Sports: The thrill of victory; the agony of defeat, but any port in a storm—and the lack of any decent television given all the channels, forced my hand and I caved

Real Estate Newsline

to the watch party. At least I thought I did. What I actually watched was commercials peppered with athletic events. When that first split screen appeared in the middle of the diving event with an oversized advertisement and a mini-window so tiny I could barely see the diving board, I knew Dorothy was a long way from Kansas. Not being able to identify participating countries scrambled my interest for the first few days of competition. The ROC threw me way off kilter—Russian Olympic Committee? What country is that?! I found myself cheering hard for the red, white, and blue only to discover several countries share those colors. Many USA athletes were sporting nonred, white and blue in their competing ‘outfits’ making USA pride difficult to muster. Many countries had a single red shape for their logo, so I never knew if I was watching China, Japan, Poland, Switzerland, or Indonesia. (Refer back to Coach Arnold for my lack of World History knowledge.) I have very little interest in swimming, but for some reason I miss the country flag over-lay in each lane so I could figure out which obscure country came in last. The swimming competition was fairly anonymous as all those little bodies looked like the same person splashing through the water. I did some channel surfacing and discovered channels I did not know I had broadcasting Olympic events LIVE. That was exciting to watch in real time, but I had no clue what I was watching. Apparently, skateboarding is now a medal


sport. Someone added stringy ribbons to gymnastics and took the fun out of the floor exercise. How is surfing an event? The horse jumping was entertaining, but again, I had no clue what I was watching as the commentators seemed to be equally uninformed on what was going on when ‘fences’ fell and riders took too long to adjust their hats. Too many kinds of volleyballs were flying around in various competitions. I am fairly sure no one was watching the women play beach volleyball but were watching for those tiny ‘uniforms’ to slip right off as they took a dive for an errant ball. How does Iceland have a men’s beach volleyball team? Where were the Icelandic women’s volleyball players? Surprisingly for me, the most Olympic fun I had was watching in Española. The commentary inflection was infectious; the lack of commercial interruption was appreciated, and the country identification was much easier to follow. My high school Spanish paid off in spades as I could follow the numbers, colors, and most noun phrases. With my bilingual knowledge, I took on the weak coverage of my native tongue channels and surprised myself at how long I stayed engaged with the delayed 2020 Olympics. In these times, I really did not care who wore what or who won what. The Olympic Gods sucked me in and the spirit of the Olympics captured my heart. Somewhere, I could hear Jim McCay announcing the thrill of victory as I said a little prayer on the agony of defeat. Here’s to 20-whenever the next Olympics occur.


Real Estate Newsline

September 2021

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Replacing Your Garage Door is the #1 Rated Home Improvement Project both Nationally and in San Antonio According to Remodeling Magazine’s 2021 Cost Versus Value Report!


Real Estate Newsline

September 2021

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September 2021

John Kuntz III, Local Realty and Danny Ashinhurst, ERA Colonial Real Estate

Lori Hernandez, Keller Williams Heritage, Valerie Independence Title and Lynda Lowder, eXp Realty


Renae Pretty, JP & Associates, Realtors, and David Cruz, REAL Broker, Members-at-Large

Frankee Chapa, RE/MAX North San Antonio and Megan Whitmore, Movement Mortgage

Real Estate Newsline



Real Estate Newsline

September 2021

VAREP Judy Goldick /

VAREP President, San Antonio Chapter

Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals Established in 2011, the USA Homeownership Foundation, Inc. DBA Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals (VAREP), is a non-profit 501(c)(3) and HUDapproved housing counseling organization. We are dedicated to increasing sustainable homeownership, financial-literacy education, VA loan awareness, and economic opportunity for the active-military and veteran communities. While our focus is on the active-military and veteran communities, our services are also available to eligible low-to-moderate income families. Our doors are open to all that want to realize the American Dream of homeownership. Our members represent and work within all sectors of the real estate, housing, and financial-services industries and our success is not measured by a balance sheet for shareholders but rather by how

many lives we can improve through our programs and services. While our proactive stance may not end the epidemic of homelessness among the veteran community, it might help to prevent it from continuing to happen in the future, one veteran at a time. Originally founded in California, VAREP now has 45 chapters located in 25 states across our nation especially in states that have a relatively large veteran population. Nationally we advocate for government to develop programs that reduce barriers to homeownership in the military and veteran communities and provide housing education through live and online courses on such topics as foreclosure prevention, financial literacy, and understanding credit—pre and post-purchase. We try to provide affordable home buying opportunities for those who have gone

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through VAREP’s homeownership education and counseling services, and we collaborate with other organizations to support veteran employment. The VAREP San Antonio Chapter, through its programs, helps empower the local real estate and mortgage company professionals to better serve the needs of our military and veteran families. The covid climate permitting we hold monthly meetings such as our Lunch & Learns (L & L) where guest speakers provide up-to-date information on a variety of relevant subjects or we meet for an opportunity to get to know each other better at our networking mixers. Examples of topics presented at the L & Ls might include: How to Work with the Veteran Client, Demystifying the VA Home Loan and How to Write a Great VA Offer and Get it Accepted in the Current Market. At least twice a year we offer an in-depth program called Military and Veteran Housing Certification (MVHC) for members of the real estate community. The MVHC course is a Continuing Education class in which the REALTOR® will earn 7 hours of CE credit and all receive the MVHC certification. During this course we really dive deeply into all matters of the VA home loan and the importance of, along with tips for,

writing a really great VA offer for home purchase. Through our VAREP Cares program we try, when possible, to provide assistance to families that have been identified as having specific needs. For example, this past Christmas, as a chapter we able to provide gifts for three families, along with their holiday meals. In 2018 we were also fortunate to be a part of National VAREP’s Mortgage free home donation program as we got one ready for a local veteran family. To date National’s home donations are in excess of 45. We have a number of events, including fundraisers, coming up over the next few months and on into 2022 and you can always keep up with what is in the works by going to our Facebook page (VAREP San Antonio Chapter). The National Leadership Conference held in October each year was scheduled for San Antonio in 2020 but was postponed due to covid. We do anticipate a reschedule for here in the not too distant future. We invite you to participate along with us in carrying out this worthwhile mission to serve those who have done so much to serve and protect us and if you are interested in joining us or learning more please contact me at or call 210-5779748.

September 2021

Real Estate Newsline


Beth Aitken, Sara Schaff, Courtney Maxwell, Kelly Melson, John Kuntz III, Susan Fuller, Lisa Shelton, Dion Jones and Monica Ryan, all Local Realty.

During the 64th Fiesta Noche del Rio at the Arneson River Theater, John Neely of Mission Title catches up on exciting August Issue!

Art Michel, Santa and Connie Hentosh, Esperanza - Boerne

Tyniqua Miller, Women’s Council SW Dallas County with Missy Starling, 2021 President, Women’s Council SW Dallas County and Cathy Heshmat, Keller Willianms Heritage.


Real Estate Newsline

September 2021

NARPM Brenda Davila / SAMAC, NARPM Vice President

What Has NARPM Been Up To? SAMAC, NARPM Vi c e President Let’s start with a quick recap and update: Last month’s article was titled “What to expect when the eviction moratorium ends”. This was written in response to what was supposed to be the anticipated end of the moratorium on July 31st.. As most of you have heard in the media and within our indust r y, o n t h e 3 r d o f A u g u s t , t h e CDC (Center for Disease Control) issued a new agency order to further extend the moratorium to the 3rd of O c t o b e r. T h e s e t r y i n g t i m e s will continue a bit longer for e v e r y o n e i n v o l v e d . Tr y t o k e e p your head up and we will keep you updated. N o w, i n c o n t i n u a t i o n o f “What has NARPM been up t o ? ” We h a v e b e e n b u s y a n d

are getting ready for our next Annual Convention and trade show that will take place October 26th -29th in Kansas C i t y, M i s s o u r i . M o s t o f u s can’t wait to meet up with other industry professionals and people who have become friends over the years. Hope to see you all there and registration is now open. And let us not forget July and August. These were information and fun filled months. On July 14th, SAMAC held its Chapter meeting and educational event where we had the pleasure of hearing from two interesting speakers. Our speakers specialized in Risk and Emergency Planning, as well a s C y b e r S e c u r i t y. T h e r o o m was attentive and full of “ A H A’ s ” a b o u t h o w t o p l a n f o r the next emergency such as

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“Snowpocalypse” to minimize l o s s o f p r o f i t a b i l i t y, e q u i p ment and to sustain health and s a f e t y. O u r s e c o n d a n i m a t e d speaker showed us how quick and vulnerable our online presence is susceptible to identity theft and how to protect ourselves from becoming a statistic. All this while sitting amongst our peers, enjoying a great catered lunch and all the excitement of the giveaways. Also, in July we joined in the cause to help CAM (Christian Assistance Ministry) with their “Getting back to school” backpack drive. SAMAC members came t o g e t h e r, s p o n s o r e d s e v e r a l children, and made sure they were well equipped and ready for the new school year by collecting school supplies and backpacks. A n d l a s t l y, O n A u g u s t t h e 12th, SAMAC members donated their time, skills, and strength at Habitat for H u m a n i t y. T h e r e w a s h a m m e r ing, framing, reading plans, sawing, laughs and good t i m e s . We a r e s o g l a d t o h a v e experienced this moment in assisting in the house building process. I’m sure some of us had aching muscles the next day but it was so worth it. Knowing that a family would

be living in their dream home in a few months that was built with love. Thank you SAMAC NARPM members for all you d o ! Yo u r s e r v a n t h e a r t , a m b i tion and knowledge makes us a great organization that I’m proud to be a member of. If you’d like to join us, please review our September calendar of events: Sep 08 SAMAC Executive Board Meeting S e p 0 9 N A R P M Te x a s Social Sep 15 Chapter Meeting & E d u c a t i o n a l E v e n t - T h e Ti m e o f Yo u r L i f e : a B e s t P r a c t i c e s G u i d e t o Ti m e M a n a g e m e n t *2021 will be filled with new educational classes, speakers, and more opportunit i e s f o r c h a r i t a b l e e v e n t s . To accommodate our members and affiliates, educational classes will be available both hybrid and in person. Do not miss your opportunity to serve, gain industry knowledge, and make new friendships. If you are interested in joining or would like to discuss; do not hesitate to reach out to us. For membership information or our calendar of events please visit: h t t p : / / w w w. s a n a r p m . w i l d a p r i



Sherry Loftus (210) 501-6264

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September 2021

Real Estate Newsline


Mexican-style Shrimp Cocktail Ingredients:

Pat Busby, Alison Heft, Lauren Cornwell, and William Forber, all Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper REALTORS

1 1/2 C tomato juice Juice of 1/2 large lemon 1/2 C catsup 1/2 C chopped green onions 1 ripe tomato, seeded & chopped but most of the time, I use 'Nature Sweet' cherry tomatoes, and I don't peel them. Cilantro, chopped, to taste 1 jalapeno, minced (optional) Dash or two Worcestershire Avocados Tabasco, or Tapatio, or other hot sauce -- preferably Mexican if you can get it

Preparation: Combine all ingredients except avocados. Chill for several hours. Traditionally served in large goblets, like beer schooners, called 'copas' in Mexico, or in large parfait or Pilsner glasses. Pour the cocktails into copas. Slice your avocadoes in half. Remove skin and seed. Now cut your avocado halves lengthwise again. On top of each 'copa' of shrimp cocktail, arrange two crescents of avocado. You can also decorate with a sprig of celery. Serve with saltines, extra slices of lime, and a selection of hot sauces. Angelica Albanese, eXp Realty, Tom Guajardo, Tom Guajardo Real Estate.

Note: If you serve this with mixed seafood, such as fish, squid, etc., it becomes a 'Coctel Campechana,' or 'Mixed seafood cocktail in the style that women from Campeche make it.'

16 1-Oct

Real Estate Newsline Ruben Cortez

Cortez Realty

Clarissa Ramos-Hughes



5-Oct 6-Oct


Home Team of America


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Rudy Andabaker

Global Realty Group

Scott Small

Keller Williams Legacy

Chris Bond

King Realtors

Cathy Liu

Home Team of America

Chien Liu

Home Team of America

Yvonne Mauro

Kuper Sotheby's International

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Doris Finch

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Kelley Martin

San Antonio Portfolio KW AH

Kellie Daniels

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper


Sharon Teich

Chuck Berry

Vortex Realty


Christina O'Connor Pilgrim Mortgage

Ana Mainini

Compass Real Estate Texas

Denise Barnhil

Kathy Huddleston

Keller Williams Legacy

Janice Tisdal

Phyllis Browning Company

Mike Gardenswartz Vortex Realty

Betty Boston

Nix Realty Company


Manuel Fernandez

eXp Realty

Madison Madrid

Poly Properties


Dorothy Lofton

RE/MAX North-San Antonio

David Wilcox

Keller Williams Heritage

Sidra Schimelpfening


September 2021

Realty Executives of S. A.

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Kimberlee Carranza Home Team of America 22-Oct

Brad Dietrich

RE/MAX Associates

Kimberly Phillips

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Debby Gardner

Deborah Gardner

Cindy Cox

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Jill Cortissoz

Old Republic Title

Mary Ann Jeffers

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Yolanda Barboza

RE/MAX North - San Antonio

Roberto Hinkson

Keller Williams City View

Karen Lauderdale

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Rose Snow

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Tony Zamora

Keller Williams City View

Renee White

Old Republic Title

Beth Smarzik

Allison James Estates & Homes

Cathy Hopkins

Greg Weber Realtors

Becky Sperber

Keller Williams Legacy

Judy Goldick

Regal Realty

Pam Poitevent

Premier Hill Country Prop.

Cob Garner

RE/MAX Preferred

Courtney Silver

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

David Harder

RE/MAX Associates

Inez Moya

RE/MAX Preferred

Juan Rangel

Icon Realty

Tammy Cooper

RE/MAX North-San Antonio

Maris Wise

Sterling Group Real Estate

Gary Campbell

BHGRE Homecity

Allen Pozzi

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Julio Lopez-Perez

Century 21 Northside

Nicholas Guevara

JPAR San Antonio

Cynthia Chavers

Keller Williams Legacy

Heather Hower

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

David Rosow

Rosow Realtors

Lucy Huereca

Legendary Realty

Sue Stoller

Old Republic Title

Lizabeth Garcia

Premier Realty Group

Kate Lanfear

Phyllis Browning Company

Isaac Korrodi

Davalos & Associates

Sandra Cruz

Old Republic Title

Jack Everhart

Phyllis Browning Company

Judy Rohm

Judy Rohm & Associates

Larry Kroeger

Phyllis Browning Company

Lee Allen

Realty Executives of S. A.

Howard Shelf I

Howard Shelf & Assoc Realtors

Alison McLaughlin

eXp Realty

Bea Forthman

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Kenneth Prosser

Luxury Homes

Angela Epstein

Icon Realty

Louis Rubiola

Rubiola Realty

Karen Garrett

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Wes Boyd

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Susan Rodriguez

RE/MAX New Heights

Laura Estes

Laura Estes Real Estate

Erica Vogel

Global Realty Group

Julie Durick

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Nancy Brown

RE/MAX Corridor

Misty Volluz

RE/MAX New Heights

Lissa Navarro

Realty Executives of S. A.

Kerry Dike

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Nancy Halvorson

iHeart Realty

Linda Cantu

RE/MAX North-San Antonio

Nora Richards

Realty Executives of S.A.

Denise Graves

San Antonio Portfolio KW RE

Jeanie Travis

Nix Realty Company

Bridget Archer

Kuper Sotheby's International Realty

Amy Oakley

RE/MAX Associates

Claudia Dearman

Home Team of America

Kim Young


Rozlyn Reeves

Coldwell Banker Stagecoach RE

JoHelen Clark

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Narcy Nelson

Keller Williams City View

Alma Lopez

Keller Williams Legacy

Lorena Pena

RE/MAX Associates

Susie Trefzer McClung

Jessica Borrego

RE/MAX Associates

Sandi Peerman

JB Goodwin Realtors

Margaret Vasquez

Covenant Partners Realty

Gonzalo Quezada

Madison Allied

Bill Ash

Bill Ash, Broker

Nerissa Ruiz

eXp Realty

Cecilia Guzman

RE/MAX Preferred

Bill Wells

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Christi Hensley

ERA Colonial Real Estate

Brian Jenkins

Home Team of America

Fran Daniels

Daniels and Daniels Real Estate

Maria Baxter

Home Team of America

Gloria Byington

RE/MAX Associates

Stephanie Rodger

RE/MAX Corridor

Laura Vargas

Premier Realty Group

Roy Daniels

Daniels and Daniels Real Estate

Sarah Permenter

Alamo Real Estate Brokers

Dorothy Steger

Realty Executives of S. A.

Fred Flores

Fred Flores & Company

Kit Preston

Home Team of America

Carolyn Brown

Welcome Home Real Estate

Staci Musick

Coldwell Banker Stagecoach RE

Roy Bogar

Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper

Maribel Frey

IH-10 Realty

Farrah Simmons

Century 21 Northside

Tony Garza

eXp Realty

Julie Bryan

Home Team of America

Ruth Cole

BHGRE Homecity

Amy Kolb

Amy Kolb Real Estate

Mary Jane Bell

Phyllis Browning Company

Thomas Peterson

Heirloom & Co.

Leslie Brown

Phyllis Browning Company

Sue Johnson

RE/MAX Associates

Kath Quinn

JB Goodwin Realtors

Kellye Harris

South Texas Realty Services

Lupe Hernandez







18-Oct 19-Oct 20-Oct








Keller Williams City View



As all REALTORS® know, eyecatching garage doors greatly enhance the curb appeal of any property and they will often recommend to their sellers that older, worn out garage doors be replaced with quality units. For the second year in a row Remodeling magazine’s Cost vs. Value Report (, states an upscale garage door replacement has the highest return on investment of any home improvement project in the nation, recouping an average 97.5 percent of costs. Hollywood-Crawford recently opened a new 2,000 square foot showroom with 44 garage doors on display to help homeowners choose the perfect garage door to enhance the value and curb appeal of their home. In January 2018, Clopay, a

September 2021

major garage door manufacturer, partnered with an independent research firm to conduct its own nationwide survey to gauge REALTOR® perceptions about the garage door category, and to determine if garage door appearance made a difference in the listing price they would assign to a house. Here’s what they said: • 70 percent of REALTORS® agree that a new garage door helps sell a home faster. • More than 80 percent of REALTORS® believe a new garage door can impact home value. • REALTORS® estimate that upgrading a garage door can increase the perceived selling price of a home by up to 4%, depending on the style. • With the average U.S. home price estimated at $295,300 in June

Real Estate Newsline

2020, this can mean an incremental increase of up to $11,800 just because of the garage door. These days, when owners consider making any upgrades to their homes, they will often consult Angie’s List for a recommended remodeling company. HollywoodCrawford is proud to say, that in keeping with their mission to provide the best experience possible for every customer, they are the only garage door company in the San Antonio area to have been awarded the prestigious Angie’s List Super Service Award every year since 2007. Hollywood-Crawford Door Company has been providing San Antonio homeowners, homebuilders and businesses with residential garage doors, commercial overhead doors and garage door service and repairs for more than 70 years. The company offers a large selection of residential garage doors and openers from trusted, name-brand manufacturers like Wayne-Dalton, Clopay, Amarr, Genie and Lift-Master. They have doors to fit every home or commercial enterprise and every budget. The products offered from these fine name brands have stood the test of time for endurance, beauty and functionality. Their expert garage technicians are all Hollywood-Crawford employees who undergo extensive training, background checks, and drug testing.


The technicians put customers’ needs first, so REALTORS® and their clients can be assured that they, and the property, will be treated with the utmost respect. As San Antonio’s only IDEA (Institute of Door Dealer Education and Accreditation) accredited door dealer, Hollywood-Crawford ensures the safety of their employees, as well as the customers and their homes. They also have 20 IDEA Certified Residential Garage Door Technicians on staff. Each technician is properly trained and insured, and abide strictly by all manufacturer safety guidelines and regulations. Hollywood-Crawford provides garage doors, openers and repair services to San Antonio and the surrounding areas which include New Braunfels, Boerne, Pleasanton, Floresville, Seguin, Bulverde, Spring Branch, Blanco, Devine, Lytle, Castroville, Hondo, Bandera, Wimberley, Fair Oaks, Bergheim, Pipe Creek, Canyon Lake, Medina Lake, Poth and LaVernia. REALTORS®, when your clients ask how to improve curb appeal to facilitate the sale of their homes, have them visit Hollywood-Crawford Door Company’s new showroom at 11234 Gordon Road or visit their website at They can also call (210) 494-3434 to schedule a free estimate. They will not be disappointed


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September 2021

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September 2021

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September 2021

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Real Estate Newsline

September 2021

Realty Executives Welcomes Two New Agents



Realty Executives of San Antonio is pleased to announce the addition of

two experienced agents. Beth Hardwick was a high school teacher in San Antonio before moving to the Tucson area and becoming an agent. Beth has dual licenses in Arizona and Texas. Karen Callaghan has been in the real estate business for over 20 years in the San Antonio market. Broker-Charlie Ruffo will present both agents in Scottsdale, AZ this year at the Realty Executives yearly conference.

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September 2021

Realty San Antonio Welcomes New Agents



A personal relocation opportunity allowed Kari Berger, REALTOR® at Realty Austin, the freedom to move and transfer her business to San Antonio while staying with the brokerage she loves. Kari will be expanding her business under the Realty San Antonio brand, backed by Central Texas’#1 independent brokerage. Are you making big moves in your career? Learn more at Growth, technology, and culture will support the dynamic duo, Justin and Gina Budd of the Budd Group, as they join Realty San Antonio as REALTORS®. With an agent-first mindset and proven track record, the team has chosen Realty San Antonio as the launch pad to help take their business to the next level. Justin and Gina look forward to leveraging innovative solutions to help their clients reach their home buying and selling goals. Learn more at REALTORS® need a brokerage with a



variety of tools to help them navigate challenging real estate market conditions. Monica Anguiano, REALTOR®, proudly joins Realty San Antonio for their proven success record in helping agents grow their business along with a dedicated coaching and support team to help her reach her goals. The cherry on top was the brokerage’s culture of giving back to the community. For Monica, Realty San Antonio checks all the boxes. Learn more at Nick Insalata joined Realty San Antonio because he believes it is prudent to have backing from a broker that holds the same service-first values that he gives to all of his clients. Over the years, he’s come to realize that helping clients is a collaborative effort between the agent and broker. The tools provided by RSA help their agents achieve their needs faster and more efficiently for all of their clients. Learn more at

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FHA Grade Carpet in stock for very prompt installation

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Real Estate Newsline

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September 2021

VAREP June Lunch & Learn

Ruben Pena, TC Austin Residential Group and Diane Gonzales, Premier Realty Group

Judy Goldick, Regal Realty and Mary Corcoran, Key Realty

Joel Sparta, Mortgage Pro and Anna Hamad, JP & Associates

Art Martinez, Texas Land 4 You and Cynthia Emerson, Regal Realty

Fred Wolff, RE/MAX Corridor, Jollyn Hilliard, JP & Associates and Carlos Rodo, Inspection Pro (Chapter Secretary)

Anna Hamad, JP & Associates and Ojas Tasker, Caballero & Associates Realty

Be sure to see and download more pictures from this event and others online:

Cynthia Emerson, Regal Realty, Jerry Newman, Brown Realty and Cecilia Sosa, Mobile Notary

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