October 2021

Page 1

Articles In This Issue



Page 1: Pat Farrell Page 3: SABOR Page 7: The Way I See It Featuring: Cathey Meyer Page 14: NARPM Article Featuring: Brenda Davila Page 17: In The Know Featuring: Jose D’Craw Pages 22-23: News Flash

October 2021

Does Anyone Remember Spot – As In “Run Spot, Run?” Pat Farrell / Contributing Writer

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It can be interesting to go back to the early days of school and look at the basic primers from which so many of us learned to read. They were known as the Dick and Jane series of books that were first introduced in 1930 and continued in use in most schools in the United States and some other English speaking countries until the last book was released in 1965. If you recall the books featured stories about the characters Dick and Jane along with their sister Sally and their dog, Spot, which was so named because of the many black spots found on his white body. The phrases in the book were quite simple as in “Look Jane, See Spot” or Run Spot, Run!” But remembering Spot brings to mind just the English word spot, you will find more meanings for that word than “Carter has liver pills,” as they used to say. Although the exact evolution of the word spot is impossible to trace it is thought to have originated around 1200 and comes from the Old English word spotte and may be partly from or related to the Middle Dutch word spotte. The word can

be found in so many phrases that are still in use today and can be applied in multiple situations, so just to get the grammar part over with the following are definitions for spot compiled from a variety of dictionaries and a thesaurus. Spot as a noun could be a mark on a surface differing sharply in color from its surroundings; a blemish, mark, or pimple on the skin; a stain or blot; a mark or pip on a playing card; a piece of paper money worth a specific number of dollars; a small area; a location or position; a point of interest; a position or an item in an ordered arrangement; in football the position of the ball for the line of scrimmage; a troublesome situation; a flaw in one’s reputation or character; a short presentation or commercial on television or radio; and finally, a small amount. And that is just the noun spot! As a verb spot may be defined: to cause a spot to appear on something; to soil with spots; to decorate or dot with spots; to bring disgrace to or besmirch one’s reputation; to place in a specific location (as in football to place on the line of scrimmage); to detect visually; to yield a scoring margin; to act as a spotter for; to lend some money; to cause a discoloration or stain; or during combat to locate targets from the air. And, then there are the adjectives which we will let be so we can look at just how prevalent spot is! Everyone needs a “Johnny on the spot,” that person who magically appears right when and where you most need him to help in whatever your situation might be. When looking at that mark that differs in color from its surroundings would certainly remind one of the time the spaghetti sauce dripped onto a brand new white blouse or shirt

– that would certainly be a stain or blot (spot) to remember! Or how about that occasion when you finally had a date with that special someone and suddenly there is a pimple (spot) that just popped up on your face, and you are sure it was so huge that it would not only ruin the evening, but also ensure that the date would never be repeated – Oh tragedy! You may have said or heard someone say “you are spot on” an adverbial phrase used when in agreement with someone, but did you know that the expression, which was popular among the United States and British aviators, originated during World War II? Now if you were to reverse the words you would hear that one is “on the spot,” rather than “spot on,” it would suggest they may be in some kind of predicament. Perhaps you understand someone is in a tough spot right now so, to be the bright spot in their day you may tell them that, yes, you can spot them a twenty or maybe a C-spot until payday. Or if someone asks you to recommend a great restaurant or a place with fun things to do you might suggest several spots with which you are familiar that they too might enjoy. When someone is complaining of physical or emotional pain they will readily point out the sore spot, whether it be in the arm, leg, back, etc., or the soft spot in the heart. Or perhaps they have a soft spot for their loved one, children, pet or perhaps an employee or student, or they could be referring to the soft spot in a newborn’s head. And then there is the blind spot one experiences when driving if the mirrors do not show the car next to you or when one has a blind spot and overlooks another person’s faults. Perhaps it is the swinging hot spot downtown where

everyone wants to be or the sweet spot an athlete identifies as that area on whatever instrument they may be using, bat, tennis racket, golf club etc., that will provide them the most power. There are spots to avoid too, like the black spot that goes on one’s record or the dark spot to one’s reputation. And when you consistently win at card games you are said to be knocking the spots off the cards! Should you find yourself in Britain you might be offered a spot of tea since in that part of the world spot also means a small amount of something, so while there one might find themselves in a “bit of a spot” or difficult situation and when one has a particularly satisfying meal they might say that “hit the spot.” If one is out and about they may spot someone they recognize in the crowd and often people are employed as a spotter, especially at a construction site, for example, to assist forklift operators, or at a manufacturing plant where they may spot problem workers or spot check the products for defects. Then, of course there are spots or product advertisements on radio or television and in sports one can spot some points to an opponent. Spot is a very multifaceted word in that it is a noun, a verb, an adjective and is part of adverbial phrases and since it is a popular name for dogs, that makes it a pronoun too while also being a four letter word that can be anagrammed as in tops, post, stop, pots and opts. Just like the “run Spot run” directive for Spot, the dog, the word spot continues to run and run, and while most stories have an end, the uses for the word spot seem to go on and on. As Lady Macbeth said in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, “Out damned spot, out I say!”


Real Estate Newsline

October 2021

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Reading Newsline .


(210) 508-0888 Real Estate Newsline 14546 Brook Hollow Blvd. #129 San Antonio, Texas 78232

Managing Editor...........Courtney Smith Contributing Writers:......Cathey Meyer ..................................................Pat Farrell Columnists........................Judy Goldick ...........................................Brenda Davila Business Development .......Joyce Orts Area Sales Director..........Rose Stewart .............................................210.386.6544 Real Estate Newsline is not responsible for the opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any byproducts in advertising or editorial copy. Real Estate Newsline takes the pandemic situation very seriously, we do not endorse or condone any behavior contrary to current CDC guidelines. To that end, please be aware, some pictures in this issue may have been taken pre-covid and should not be considered to represent anyone being irresponsible or careless in any shape or form. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR appears in this space, the registered trademark should be assumed.

Phillips and Associates Realty Happy Hour @ La Fogata Dominion Thursday, Sept. 9th Phillips and Associates Realty enjoy a night out with RE Newsline in hand! Pictured: Tom Phillips, Stacy Barton, Bill Barton, Gretchen Barton, Allan Anders, Alberto Delcampo, Tyler Houghland, Sarah Duran and Erica Jaramillo. All photos courtesy of Phillips and Associates Realty via webpage submission

We welcome submissions of photos, press releases or articles. Email to: editor@realestatenewsline.com


October 2021

Real Estate Newsline

SABOR Exceeds 2021 TREPAC Goal We are excited to announce that SABOR met (and surpassed) its TREPAC goal for the 2021 fiscal year. Thank you to all who invested! SABOR receives a goal from Texas REALTORS® every year based on how many members it has if each gave the $40 fair share. Our participation rate is high, but the total money invested often falls short of the goal. However, this year SABOR met its $437,080 goal, and did so before the end of the TREPAC fiscal year on September 30, 2021. This achievement was made possible by the investments of all sums made by members, and we are so appreciative of your commitment to protecting private property rights through your contributions and continuing to make the American dream of homeownership possible. To learn more about TREPAC and to invest, visit member.SABOR.com.

Melanie Gessner, home warranty specialist

Elrethia Tripplett, Elrethia’s House of Purpose, Jay Franklin, Allstate Insurance Company and Shiela Killpack, Grand Master Travel

Adriana Garza, Cannon Realty and Tonya Stuart, Bob Nichols Floors

Anna Hamad, JP & Associates and Pat Farrell, Real Estate Newsline.



Real Estate Newsline

October 2021

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Real Estate Newsline

October 2021

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GRI July 2021 Lunch

Jo Ann Karambis, eXp Realty and Guillermo Lugo-Beltre, RE/MAX Advantage

Susan Bylicki, eXp Realty and Missy Carpenter, RE/MAX Corridor

Tim Brown, RE/MAX Corridor, Bob Jacobs, RE/MAX Associate

Speaker, Xavier Escobedo


Botello, SABOR and

Susan Bylicki, eXp Realty and Patricia Botello, SABOR

Maudel Hardie, Hardie & Associates and Annette Slater, Landlord Property Management.

Be sure to see and download more pictures from this event and others online:

Jeffery Shaffer, BHGRE Hom Renae Pretty, Keller Williams Heritage and Anna Hammad, JP & Associates

October 2021


THE WAY I SEE IT Cathey Meyer / Contributing Writer

Neighbor Next Duh School is back in session (as much as possible in these times) and youngins are learning new things every day. As my brain allows for lesson changes in life, I am attempting to acquire new knowledge from resources outside my comfort level each day. Nothing as challenging as speaking another language, but maybe I attempt to memorize a phone number instead of the face reference on my phone. Certainly SUDOKU, puzzles, square dancing and physics problems all keep the dying brain cells active. Not to mention I could eat more greens, fiber, and other awful food groups to enhance my decaying cerebrum; but I am just not quite motivated to tackle any of those at the moment. Ironically, I may have stumbled on my new brain trainer with the popular/unpopular app, Next Door. As a non-Facebook participant all these many decades, I am well aware I have missed all the exciting family, friends and wanna-be-friends news. If you do

not know you missed it, how can you miss it. I miss for nothing. How I got sucked up into the Next Door drama is beyond my short term lack of memory. As a multiple zip code property owner, I have access to a variety of neighborhoods. I never have to engage with any of my neighborhood strangers; I can just read and train my memory as they interact amongst themselves and witness entrainment that requires no special code, sign-in or verification. Early on, I noticed the site should just be named Next Dog. eightyt-five percent of the ‘alerts’ involve the same reference,“Just found this little fellow wandering the streets . . .” Then 15 minutes later is a post,“My fur-baby escaped the fence and is on the lose . . .” Hello? Can they not make the connection? Same neighborhood, same fur-baby description! Always a fan favorite for me is the post,“Just picked up this sweetheart. I already have seven darlings and can’t keep her. Not chipped, full of fleas, may have some

Real Estate Newsline

Pitbull in her. Can anyone help?” Really? I have no interest in meeting the neighbor claiming that lost pup. Porch pirates are very popular on the site. My favorite happened this week when a neighbor posted the Ring camera of the pirate taking her package. Another neighbor immediately responded it was the girl who lived two doors down. Then the thread started with all the neighbors about what to do. OMG! The debate was hilarious as they went after each other online about whether to call the police, call her parents, what was her IQ that she was clearly photographed in the act and easy to identify, what was in the package, should they take matters into their own firearm hands and on and on and on. Hello? She lives two doors down, go get your package and get to know your thieving neighbors. The righteous consumer thread is never ending fun. Daily someone gets home with their incorrect drive-thru food order and immediately goes to town on why no one should EVER go to that place again. The next neighbor chimes in that they got extra fries and would be willing to share but first they have to find a home for the lost dog they picked up on the way back. The next neighbor chimes in they just lost their job and need dog food but will take the fries instead. Then someone not from the neighborhood announces they just heard gun shots several blocks over. Must be bullets with a sonic boom as a different zip code neighbor


shares their target practice victories. Really? Flying bullets do not justify a 911 call? ‘Suspects’ in the hood have a popular following: “Just saw a gang of young men running down the street. Have called the police.” Followed by, “This is cross-country track season. That was the high school team training for Saturday’s meet.” “Well, they looked suspicious all wearing the same color clothes.” The next neighbor shares a be on the lookout for a slow-moving vehicle casing homes in the area. Thirty minutes later the owner of the slowmoving vehicle shares the family dog got out and they were searching for the pooch and then realized the catalytic converter on their minivan was stolen causing the van to move slow. Could anyone recommend a reliable mechanic and loan them the repair cost? Game on for the vehicle theft thread. “My car was broken into last night. They took my gun, wallet, console change and laptop. I just forgot to lock it one night!” No one addressed the fact that an unlocked car is a free invitation to move about the cabin, they just add to their own misery. “I know how you feel. Some clown took the antenna off my Prius last night. Might be the same dude.” Is this because that was the one item missing from the thief’s bingo card? Hello? A gun is now loose in the hood. Oh wait, anyone can carry a gun these days in Texas, but that is for another Next Dawg.


Real Estate Newsline

October 2021

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Replacing Your Garage Door is the #1 Rated Home Improvement Project both Nationally and in San Antonio According to Remodeling Magazine’s 2021 Cost Versus Value Report!


Real Estate Newsline

October 2021

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Business Attire Clothing Drive for Dress for Success

Phillips and Associates Realty recently held a professional attire clothing drive to benefit Dress for Success San Antonio. Dress for Success San Antonio targets the needs of low-income women by promoting economic security and self-sufficiency to break the chains of generational poverty through job preparation, employment retention and career development programs. Each applicant receives full business attire for interview day and a few extra business outfits if needed. With the help of their Realtors, clients and business partners they were able to donate over 2 and 1/2 half truck loads of clothing to in-need business professionals in the San Antonio area just starting their career!

All photos courtesy of Phillips and Associates Realty via webpage submission


October 2021

Rob Flores, John Cortissoz, Brendan George, Marcia Messer and Todd Weber, all with SWBC Mortgage.

Sarah Baraz and Katherine Tichenor, both with Movement Mortgage

Real Estate Newsline


Victor Yong and Letty Yong, both with Home Team of America

Malorie Lerma, Realty Executives Access and Patrick Moore, Guild Mortgage


Real Estate Newsline

October 2021

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October 2021

Arlene Chalkley, Amanda Dryja, Tracy Cooper and Lisa Curtis, all ERA Colonial Real Estate

Kim Miller Perry, Keller Williams Heritage and Zakiyyah Carter, REAL Broker

Real Estate Newsline

Melisa Fitchett, Coldwell Banker Valerie Wilshire, Independence Title.




Megan Keenum, Kelller Williams City View, Rhiannon Keller Williams Boerne and Lulu Bishop, Keller Williams Boerne

Now serving the El Paso Texas market!




Real Estate Newsline

October 2021

NARPM Brenda Davila / SAMAC, NARPM Vice President

Stay Focused As fall nears, let us reckon on all the things we accomplished and even the things we are still working o n . We s t i l l h a v e t i m e t o c o m p l e t e 2 0 2 1 ’ s N e w Ye a r ’ s resolutions and if we don’t c o m p l e t e s o m e , i t ’ s o k a y. Every day that we wake up, we have another opportunity to get back on track and make small steps towards our goals. Stay focused, follow through and break your personal glass ceiling. At SAMAC, we have been able to help people achieve their personal and business goals with our organization’s lunch and learn events and through charity events that we hold d u r i n g t h e y e a r. T h e w o n derful thing about our NARPM chapter is that

although some of us came in as strangers, we end up as friends. NARPM has been one of the best things that has happened to me and I am honored to be a part of it. Our organization is one of a kind and the spirit and vibes each member brings to the table is what makes us successful. Our level of educational topics, the number of vendors we work closely with, the networking opportunities and all the charitable events we hold dear to our hearts are well worth the t i m e , m o n e y, a n d e n e r g y e x p e n d e d . R e c e n t l y, w e h a d our nominating committee hold interviews of applicants who would like to serve on the 2022 SAMAC Board and voting will take

Follow Us @renewsline p l a c e s o o n a f t e r. A l t h o u g h applications to serve on the board has been completed, we are still in need of committee chairs. If you would like to serve or have a question about one of our positions, please reach out to one of our board members and we would be glad to assist. Also, on September the 15th, we held our chapter meeting and education event, which was a great interactive class with our p r e s e n t e r, S t e v e A . K l e i n . Klein, spoke on “best practices guide to time management.” This class was right on time especially for some of us property managers that are already preparing to wrap up for the end of t h e y e a r. T h e e n d o f t h e year can lead to stress, u r g e n c y, l a c k o f t i m e a n d that can lead to mistakes. After taking Klein’s class, we should be more prepared to take on those “end of year blues” and will close out strong and be ready to take on 2022 with a smile. L a s t l y, N A R P M w i l l b e holding its Annual 2021 C o n v e n t i o n a n d Tr a d e S h o w on October 26th in Kansas

City Missouri. If you would like more information, please visit our website (information below). Thank you and hope to see you there! If you’d like to join us, please review our October calendar of events: Oct 13 SAMAC Executive Board Meeting Oct 21 SABOR Leasing and Property Management Committee Meeting Oct 26 The 2021 C o n v e n t i o n a n d Tr a d e S h o w *2021 will be filled with new educational classes, speakers, and more opportunities for charitable e v e n t s . To a c c o m m o d a t e o u r members and affiliates, educational classes will be available both hybrid and in person. Do not miss your opportunity to serve, gain industry knowledge, and make new friendships. If you are interested in joining or would like to discuss; do not hesitate to reach out to us. For membership information or our calendar of events please visit: h t t p : / / w w w. s a n a r p m . w i l d a pricot.org


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October 2021


Real Estate Newsline


Weeknight Chicken Piccata Season: 4 Chicken Cutlets

Sauté in: 2 T vegetable oil

Deglaze with: 1/4 cup dry white wine 1 teas minced garlic

Add: Carmen Ramirez, Texas Premier Realty and Art Michel, Santa

1/2 cup chicken broth 2 T fresh lemon juice 1 T capers, drained

Finish with: 2 T unsalted butter Fresh lemon slices Chopped fresh parsley


Connie Hentosh, Esperanza and Debbie Snelling, Keller Williams Heritage

*Always First Quality! * The Latest Styles! Do you have a listing that needs new flooring? FHA GRADE CARPET IN STOCK COLORS over 7/16” 5# Pad, Taxes & Installation $14.50 a Sq. Yd. OR $1.61 a Sq. Ft. INSTALLED!! If occupied add $1.50 a sq. yd. or .16 cents a sq. ft.


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Season cutlets with salt and pepper, then dust with flour. Coat a sauté pan with nonstick spray, add 2 T vegetable oil, and heat over medium high. Sauté cutlets 2-3 minutes on one side. Flip the cutlets over an sauté other side 1-2 minutes. Transfer cutlets to warm plate; pour off fat from pan. Deglaze pan with wine and add minced garlic. Cook until garlic is slightly brown, about two minutes. Add broth and capers. Return cutlets to pan and cook on each side for 1 minute. Finish sauce with butter and lemons, garnish with parsley. Enjoy!!

16 1-Nov


Real Estate Newsline Maria Major

Home Team of America

Patricia Sanchez

Keller Williams Legacy

Eddy Hall Keller





Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Barbara Faulkner

Keller Williams Heritage

Williams Legacy

Jim Bailey

Tracey Lammert

Exquisite Properties

Lynn Boyd

Phyllis Browning Company



Home Team of America

Aurora Crawford

M. Stagers Realty Partners

Donna Phelan

Rita Parker

Keller Williams City View

Kyle Cornell

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

All City Real Estate

Dorothy Williams

Smart Group, REALTORS

Edward Alanis

San Antonio Portfolio KW RE

Sherrell Russell

Keller Williams Heritage

Lisa Stanley

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Sara Woolford

Hill Country Retreat Realty

Nena King

Nix Realty Company

Jennifer Romance-Deal 11-Nov



Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Olga Gallego

A & N Realty

Susan Brand

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

eXp Realty

Martha Gutierrez

Keller Williams Legacy

Jamie Farley

RE/MAX Corridor

Kathy Alberthal

Garrett Wright Properties

J. D. Boggus

exas Land 4 You

Joe Buzzank

Vortex Realty

Randall Odom

Randall Odom, Realtors

Stacy Jonas

Mission Real Estate Group

Ron Diggs

Home Team of America

Andy Mushinski

Keller Williams Heritage

Holly Holleway

Realty Executives of S. A.

Charo King

RE/MAX North - San Antonio

Donna Frye

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Jay Villarreal

Old Republic Title

John Michael Little Keller Williams Legacy

Alejandra Martinez Premier Realty Group

Kathy Seale

Phyllis Browning Company

Katy Stephens

Phyllis Browning Company

Jason Payne

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Marcela Muzza Flores

Liz Chiego

Phyllis Browning Company

Lonna Atkinson

Home Team of America


Sally Romo

BHGRE Homecity

Peggy A. Orf

RE/MAX Elite - SA


Estela Haese



Keller Williams 24-Nov

Brenda Worsham

Keller Williams City View

Karen Franz

Keller Williams Heritage

Keller Williams Heritage

Gilbert Munguia

REAL Broker

David Kline

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Brenda Brock

Kimberly Howell Properties

Bryan Lantzy

Global Realty Group

Denise Carswell

eXp Realty

Aneeta Bhalla

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Grace Joseph

Independence Title

Sandy Miller

JB Goodwin Realtors

Grant Shaffer

Century 21 Scott Myers


John Ximenez

Mission Real Estate Group

Linda Forchione

Sterling Group Real Estate

Jocelyn Dela Rosa Century 21 Northside


Jane Gordon

Home Expression Realty

Connie McCord

RE/MAX Associates

Lorena Rodriguez

Full Spectrum Realty


Mike Idrogo

Vortex Realty

John Brown

Alamo Realty Experts

Paul Tamez

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Bruce Wedell

Excel Realty Group

Joel Garza

Texas Edge Realty

Rosalyn Mitchell

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Joyce Odom

Randall Odom, Realtors

Lynane Eifler

Key Realty

Lenora Cromer

Simmonds Real Estate

Pat Lyssy

Davidson Properties

Bob Leonard

RE/MAX Associates

Sharon Herbert

Independence Title

Sue Rodarte

Phyllis Browning Company

Frances Ross

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Paul Germano

Old Republic Title

Alfonso Baeza

Landlord Property Mgt.

Chris Schenk

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Karishma Rupani

Levi Rodgers Real Estate Group

Roger Brissette

JB Goodwin Realtors

Debbie Turner

Nix Realty Company

J. R. Troy

ERA Troy Realtors

Rose Jamison

The Horn Company Residential

Claudine Coleman

JB Goodwin

Joseph Garrett

IH 10 Realty

David Saenz

Keller Williams Legacy

Nancy Skovly

BHHS Prudential Don Johnson

Danny Ashinhurst

ERA Colonial Real Estate

Chelsea Clark

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Jeanine Schuchardt


Follow Us @renewsline

Susan Petereit

Kathleen McKan Tirado


October 2021


Key Relo Real Estate




Jaime Sepulveda

Strategic Property Management

Richard Mays

RE Mays Realty

Lowie Van Diest

Red Diamond Realty

Viki Melton

Stone Oak Realty Services

Robert Pike

BHHS PenFed Realty

Steve Bennett

BHGRE Homecity

Carol Schultz

Hill Country Home and Land

Luci Cockrell

Cockrell, REALTORS

Michelle Campbell

Keller Williams City View

Praveen Mammen

BHHS PenFed Realty

Mary Corcoran

Key Realty

Howard Rhoder

Shining Star Real Estate

Harold Crawford

H Crawford Realty

Michael Trautman

Redfin Corp.

Kurt Varela

Lincoln Realty Group

Lyndsay Kranz

eXp Realty

Michele Gammel

Levi Rodgers Real Estate Group

Nancy Oberman

Phyllis Browning Company

Diane Craig

RE/MAX Associates

Jon Hess

Phyllis Browning Company

Tere Arenivar-Garcia

Tammy Leeper

Premier Hill Country Prop.

Cheryl Aycock

Phyllis Browning Company

Jennifer Beck

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Bob Mueller

Century 21 Northside

Lupe Kennedy

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Bob Mueller



Alli Wilson-Shelton Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Delia Sutton

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Jan Hicinbothom

RE/MAX Associates

Jennie Hampton

Phyllis Browning Company

Century 21 Northside

Jeanette Draves

Rubiola Realty

Charla Sealy

Realty Executives of S.A.

Clark Tilley

Clark Tilley INC

Manny Arredondo

Realty Executives of S.A.

Kristi Maxwell

Kuper Sotheby’s Int’l Realty

Jose Lopez

Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Randy Rice

Premier Realty Group



JB Goodwin




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October 2021


IN THE KNOW Jose D’Craw / Contributing Writer

Your Health - It’s Important All Year Long! You already know about how an IRA can help you save money on your taxes and help plan for your retirement. Well, think along those lines and you will be able to understand the value of setting up a Health Savings Account (HSA). The HSA is a bank account you set up from which you can draw out money to pay for your medical expenses. That’s it. Any money you don’t draw out stays in your account to be used for future medical expenses, and it earns a competitive rate of return while it’s in there. Why should you consider a HSA? Let’s take a look at Schedule 1, Additional Income and Adjustments to Income, of last year’s tax return (your 1040) and go down to line 12. It reads “Health savings account deduction. Attach Form 8889.” This is a good place to put in a number, if you can, because whatever number you put in that space comes right off of your gross income. If you look at Form 8889, it gives you instructions on how to calculate the contribution limits and distributions from your account. In 2020, the maximum you’ll be able to contribute is $3550 (or

$7100 per family). You can contribute an extra $1000 “catch-up” amount if you are over the age of 55 but you cannot set up an HSA if you are enrolled in Medicare. Form 8889 explains all the rules you must follow. If you don’t care about tax benefits or you require a more deluxe health plan to make you happy, then you won’t want to read any further. If, however, you think you already pay too much in taxes, you may be very interested in learning more how simple it is to establish an HSA plan. In order to set up a HSA, you must first purchase a special kind of health insurance plan that conforms to specific guidelines. The plans protect you against the large medical expenses that you might incur, like if you needed heart surgery or cancer treatments. For instance, in 2021 your health insurance policy must have a $7000 limit – meaning the most you would pay out of your pocket has to be $7000 or less ($14,000 or less for a family) before the insurance company will pick up 100% of your remaining medical expenses for that calendar year. These HSA qualified plans must be High Deductible Health Plans

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(HDHP) and do not have the nice doctor office co-pays and prescription plans that you might prefer. They are ideal plans for people who do not have ongoing medical issues and don’t take much medication. Most people who set up a HSA will select a 100% health insurance plan that pays all of their medical expenses once they reach their deductible. For example, a $3550 deductible plan conveniently matches the maximum contribution amount for 2020. To be a qualified HSA plan, the deductible cannot be lower than $1400 for an individual or $2800 for a family (these amounts will be the same for 2022). You will also always receive the negotiated discounts for your medical treatments and hospital stays that your insurance company has established if you stay within their network. These discounts are substantial. You do of course pay for the health insurance plan you select – there is a monthly premium. And you must go through underwriting to get the health plan because coverage is not guaranteed. Hopefully you will let an experienced agent help you with obtaining the right plan for you, because like your clients who use you as a Buyers Agent, you don’t pay for this extra service to represent you. The agent gets paid by the insurance company, just like the seller normally pays the buyer’s agent commission. How do you set up the bank part of your plan the actual Health Savings Account? Remember, this is the account


from which you will draw money to pay for your medical expenses until you’ve reached your maximum out of pocket for the year. It’s easy. You can just go to your regular bank and they can set it up for you. Or you can use the bank that the insurance company is affiliated with to set up the account. All of the major insurance companies have their own sources for HSA administration. The advantage to using your local bank is that you already have an established relationship. Once you have purchased a health plan that is HSA qualified, then you can arrange to get your new HSA established at the bank. The major advantage to using the sources provided by the insurance company to establish and administer the account is that the fees are often lower, or in some cases FREE. Additionally, you normally will write just one check per month to cover both your insurance premiums and your HSA contributions, which simplifies things a lot. Your insurance company does not care if you use their source or your own source to establish your HSA. It’s your choice where you set up your account and you can change your contribution amount whenever you want – and you can choose to fund your HSA monthly, yearly, or not at all. HSA plans are becoming more popular as people seek simple ways to save money on their health insurance and save money on their taxes. The rules change each year, so to learn more, call your insurance agent.


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October 2021

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October 2021

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October 2021

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We Want To Know! Empowered. Women. Inspire. October 21 at 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM CST Venue TBA This event will feature up to 10 female panelists that are successful entrepreneurs and professionals who have broken barriers and made an impact in the Latino community. Yo Soy! I am. register online https://nahrepsanantonio.org/events/

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October 2021



Daniela Jarda decided to move to Realty San Antonio because of the brokerage’s level of professionalism, branding, and the marketing and member support available. She also looks forward to bringing her clients to the amazing new office and getting them in their next dream home. Ismail Cruz decided to move to Realty San Antonio because of the technological and growth potential. He was very impressed with the display of tools and resources being offered. Ismail is very excited to bring a lot more value and ease to his clients throughout the home buying process because at the end of the day—that’s what it’s all about! There were several reasons John Talamantes decided to move to Realty San Antonio, but most importantly it was the cutting edge technology, the support, and the culture. He strongly believes in Realty San



Garvens Joins Phillips and Associates Realty

Realty San Antonio Welcomes New Agents


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Antonio's vision and felt it aligned with his goals. He’s excited to make this move because it will not only help him accomplish his goals, but will help him better serve his clients in an extremely competitive market. Learn more at realtysanantonio.com/careers. For Jose Urrabazo, finding an elite brokerage with an excellent reputation and agent support was important to him. He values the amazing support system, training program, and the latest tools and technology offered to him by Realty San Antonio. He’s capable of taking these tools and building his professional business. There were many contributing factors on why Rebeca Jarda decided to join Realty San Antonio, but primarily she wanted an energized group of people that are detail-oriented, creative problem-solvers, dependable, and as hardworking as she is because she takes pride in her work.

Traci moved to San Antonio in 1999 and immediately knew she was home. For 19 years she held many positions in the insurance industry. She also GARVENS had the opportunity to handle several of her family's personally owned properties. This is what lead

her into the exciting world of real estate. Her understanding nature, compassion and hard work ethic, will highly serve the needs of her clients when it comes to finding that perfect home. Not one detail will be left out! Welcome to the Phillips and Associates Realty family, Traci. We look forward to watching you shine! Traci can be contacted at (210) 857-2375

Century 21 Scott Myers, Realtors Welcomes Ethridge Century 21 Scott Myers, Realtors is pleased to welcome Audrey Ethridge to its San Antonio office. Ethridge has 17 ETHRIDGE years of experience in the field and most recently moved from another brokerage firm. Ethridge specializes in residential real estate, and raw land, and also specializes in working with

investors of single family or multi unit dwellings As local market experts, Century 21 Scott Myers, Realtors sales professionals are uniquely qualified to help consumers navigate the opportunities that exist in the local real estate market and provide current sellers with an excellent opportunity to gain additional exposure for their properties. For Open House listings in San Antonio, consumers can visit the Century 21 Scott Myers, Realtors Web site at WWW.Century21ScottMyers.com.


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October 2021

Platinum Top 50 at Esperanza

Debbie Snelling and Yvonne Meza, both Keller Williams Heritage

Heidi Moyer, Amy Kolb Real Estate, Kelly Maizel, Platinum Top 50 and Amy Kolb, Amy Kolb Real Estate

Charles and Alisa Wason, both Laughy Hilger Group

Teri Arenivar-Garcia, Sandi Gamble Bell, all JB Goodwin



Megan Weaver and Jenny Nagelmueller, both Legacy Mutual Mortgage

Garmoe and

Josh Hoffert, A-Pro Home Inspections and Amy Kerekes, Jefferson Bank Mortgage

Be sure to see and download more pictures from this event and others online:

Todd Schneider and Amy Kerekes, both Jefferson Bank Mortgage with Denice Brown, Independence Title

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