Queen's College Magazine 1962 ~ 1963

Page 105



O N DIT .that during the strike Pirate had to resort to Bed Rose Tea and dryleaves for his pipe. He says it makes a perfect blend . ...that the balcony has a new janitor. One “Reds” from Pilgrim Housethat a certain Fifth Former on Seeing the signs “Qeep on the right,” said wisely, “Counter to the general drift. We’re all on the left. The reactionaries!” ...that a first former declared that Gibraltar is a rock in the Caribbean. ..that “Fmh” has applied for membership of the “Cosmos Sports Club.” ..that “Fadder’s” car was bought by a well-known city mortician — “Let the dead burry the dead.” ..that after the ‘A’ Levfevl results, Co Banks was seen begging lodg­ ing /at the Sanatan Dharm Maha Sabha. ...that Berkeley McG and Cadam are now life-members of the D.T.C. ..that a tall member of the Lower Sixth remarked the Breezy’s les­ sons arre more effective than sleeping tablets. ..that it is the duty of 5G’s monitor to post each day’s lo’clock screen guide o nthe form notice board before roll callthat Percy F ’s greatest ambition is to become Georgetown’s society osteopath. .htat the “Teen-age Chronicle” elected K.S.B. 1962’s “Teen Angel” Editors’ note: At the time of going to print there was a change in the attitude. that thle following dialogue took place: Cadam: “Man oo, the. wind of change is blowing.” Co: “Ves man, but more wind than change.” that our “Manchurian Candidate” claims that he has a most striking resemblance to Laurence Harvey. that Morro refused to board the plane at Atkinson when told it wuold neither stop at Hong Kong nor Tokyo.

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