Middle School Handbook 2021

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Co-curricular Sport At Pymble, our huge range of Co-

field and multipurpose courts and

curricular options lets girls learn new

ovals. Middle School sport includes: AFL,

team or individual sports, join social

Athletics and Cross Country, Badminton,

or competitive sport – and provides

Basketball, Cricket, Diving, Equestrian,

pathways for our elite sportswomen

Fencing, Football, Golf, Gymnastics (Artistic

to strive and excel. Our coaches are

or Rhythmic), Health and Fitness, Hockey,

among the best in the industry and our

Netball, Rowing, Rugby Sevens, Sailing,

world-class sporting facilities include

Snow Sports, Softball, Surfing, Swimming,

an indoor aquatic centre for swimming,

Taekwondo, Tennis, Touch Football,

diving and water polo, a fully equipped

Triathlon, Volleyball and Water Polo.

gymnastics centre, synthetic hockey

Saturday Sports Pymble has an extensive weekend

and skills of their chosen sport during

interschool competitive sport program,

twice-weekly training sessions held

and many codes are played through

before or after school. Most games are

the Independent Girls Schools’ Sporting

held on Saturday mornings against teams

Association (IGSSA). Our experienced

from other IGSSA schools at various

coaches guide students through the rules

Sydney locations, including Pymble.

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