CWU Hype - Winter 2018

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VOL. 14 • ISSUE 2

–4– INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Strokes of Beauty Behind Our Cultures

HYPE is published quarterly by the Publicity Center, a full-service agency offering a variety of creative services and professionally mentored experiences for student staff and collaborators.

–6– LOBBY DAY Cats at the Capitol: Change Starts Here


–8– SHOWTIME AT CENTRAL Step on Stage, It’s Showtime!

STORIES Mikayla Kimery, Jason Morales, Eric Rosane

–10 – LEADERSHIP & RESILIENCE The Power of Resilience

LAYOUT & EDITING Justin Beckman, Lola Gallagher, Hayley Harrell, Ricki Towner

– 12 – OUTDOOR EXCURSIONS Less S.A.D. and more O.P.R.

PUBLICITY CENTER STAFF Kathleen Anderson, Ariel Bender, Matthew Conrardy, Claire-Anne Grepo, Kaitlyn Kurisu, Hailey McGraw, Tyrelle Phillips, Lana Robinson, Aubrey Schultz, Julian Smart, Zach Thomson, Jakob Wachter, Maurice Watkins, Keahi Wong

– 14 – CAMPUS ACTIVITIES What’s New with Campus Activities – 16 – EVENTS CALENDAR What’s Happening?

DESIGN Vanessa Cruz

COMMENTS 509-963-1677

AA/EEO/Title IX Institution. Persons with disabilities may request reasonable accommodation by contacting the sponsoring departments listed or emailing

IT’S ALL ABOUT THE HYPE Your quarterly Hype is back, giving you a snapshot of upcoming events at CWU. Enjoy stories and event highlights in the first half, and then save the date for a variety of events listed in the second half. Hype is handy, that’s for sure, but a snapshot is simply that: a snapshot. To get the full picture of what’s going on this quarter, connect with us online and in person. LET’S GET DIGITAL, DIGITAL Let’s face it: we’re social media crazy. We’re posting about upcoming events, and sharing behind-the-scenes footage or covering events while they're happening. Tag us in your photos, and use the hashtag #CWUHype for a chance to be featured! FACE, FACE BABY We may live in a digital world, but we’d like to get to know you beyond the screen. When we’re not posting about events, our Hype Street Team is connecting you to SURC departments, student clubs and more. The Hype Street Team tables in the SURC weekly to help you discover events, win prizes and get connected on campus. Don’t experience #FOMO this quarter – connect with CWU Hype and have an amazing winter quarter!




STROKES OF BEAUTY BEHIND OUR CULTURES We say we want to travel, but we have a tour of the world when we walk to class every day. Often we notice cultural differences from what we see, but we don’t take the time to appreciate the ones that are hidden. We just walk pass them. They are just silhouettes. A blur in our peripheral vision. Many people know about the annual Parade of Nations, but this year, the Center for Diversity and Social Justice (CDSJ) and other departments are expanding it into a weeklong series of events that celebrates our incredible diversity and culture on campus. “With so many different cultures, I see us as a canvas; we are a masterpiece,” CDSJ student programmer Justin Francisco said. The new International Festival encourages the CWU community to accept our differences and acknowledge each other as the many different colors on the spectrum. We can use every color on our palettes to coat the canvas of Central.

“Normally, a program is geared to identify a specific culture, but with this event, we can showcase the whole world,” Francisco said.

JAN. 22

The International Festival will show appreciation towards immigrants around the world, acknowledge our very own Wildcats who are not from the United States, and reveal that we have a blend of enriching cultures right here on campus.

JAN. 23

“What do we have to offer as Americans?” CDSJ student programmer La’Shawnda Mason asked, pointing out that most students at Central consider themselves Americans. “It’s hard for Americans, but we are all immigrants to this land,” she said. Everyone has a culture, and everyone has the right to showcase their culture to each other. Many countries are represented throughout the week, and the CDSJ invites YOU to advocate for your country and culture! Sign up to participate during the first week of winter quarter in SURC 253.

International Appreciation Day 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. SURC Pit

World Art Exhibit 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. SURC 140

JAN. 24

Culture Fair 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. SURC Walkway

JAN. 25

Parade of Nations 5 – 8 p.m. SURC Ballroom

JAN. 26

Global Dance Party! Starts at 7 p.m. Wellington Event Center


CATS AT THE CAPITOL: CHANGE STARTS HERE Sometimes the problems that surround us as students can be overwhelming and burdensome on both our wallets and physical well-being. School expenses can be just one contributing factor. There is a way to change, if not mitigate a portion of these institutional problems. On Friday, Jan. 26, Central Washington University (CWU) students will head to Olympia, in an event known as Cats at the Capitol. Organized by the Associated Students of Central Washington University (ASCWU) Student Government, this event gives Wildcats the opportunity and resources to lobby and advocate for a day in the state’s capitol. GET OFF CAMPUS AND FIGHT FOR A CAUSE From civil issues to funding State Need Grants (SNG), Cats at the Capitol gives Wildcats the ability to connect with legislators and senators that can instill real change both statewide and on campus. This will be Michael Scott’s second year attending lobby day, and his first time directing the

operations as the ASCWU VP for Legislative Affairs. “There’s nothing like being there in person. Lobby Day is a chance for... [a] day of shaking hands, looking these people in the eye and talking about what Central needs and how we can be the best school we can be,” Scott said. Last year the Wildcats took on Olympia in early February. The decoupling of S&A funds, a request for $49.9 million for a new health sciences building and extra funding for programs were just some of the proposals that Wildcats presented. THIS YEAR’S AGENDA This year ASCWU hopes to build on what they advocated for last year. With one-third of students at CWU receiving SNGs, the group will continue pushing for fully funding those grants. They will also propose a halt in tuition increases.

textbooks and are far more accessible and affordable for students without sacrificing the educational substance. ASCWU will also advocate for additional support for survivors of sexual assault and veterans’ mental health. They will seek funding for one full-time counselor for the Veterans Affairs Office and develop new guidelines for investigating sexual assault in a more timely and sensitive manner. “It’s going to be a real cool experience. On the surface, you’ll have a day off from class, free food, the chance to visit a new city and get out of the Ellensburg winter,” Scott said. “But looking past the cool and free stuff, you’re going to be able to make a real difference. People throw that term around a lot, but I wholly believe in Lobby Day.”

Open Educational Resources (OER) would reduce the cost of attendance for students and ASCWU would like the state to invest more in these. OERs serve as alternatives to

CATS AT THE CAPITOL Friday, January 26 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. Free lunch, dinner and t-shirt provided 6




STEP ON STAGE, IT’S SHOWTIME! The lights, the buzz of the crowd, the sweat beginning to form on the back of your neck. You begin to slowly make your way onto McConnell’s grand stage. Seeing the vast amount of people staring back at you, you almost walk right back off; but no, you tell your doubt, you got this. You’re going to rock this stage. With one last deep breath, you are ready. You open your mouth, and proceed to rap Dr. Seuss’s “Green Eggs and Ham.” The crowd goes wild, appreciating your tug on nostalgia. You pray that they continue to love it, remembering you must wow the crowd in these vital first 30 seconds. Finally, the Kiki walks across the stage and they continue to cheer; you have avoided the Sandman’s dreaded broom! Now that you have ensured success, or at least the crowd’s undivided attention, you finish your “Green Eggs and Ham” and end your performance with a spin-off of “One Fish, Two Fish”, leaving the crowd speechless. You walk off-stage to the sound of your adoring fans chanting your name. Does this sound like you? Do you love that almostpukey-but-really-it’s-just-adrenaline feeling before you perform on stage? If so, Showtime at Central is offering you your time to shine. Showtime at Central has been put on by the CWU Black Student Union (BSU) for over a decade now, and is modeled after the famous Showtime at the Apollo in Harlem. The BSU officers are looking forward to another great show. Even the people who get booed off the stage have a great time! So what are you waiting for? Dust off your skates or pull out that violin, and start preparing for this year’s Showtime at Central. SHOWTIME 101

Showtime at the Apollo: The original television debut of this talent show started in 1987. The Apollo Theatre is known as the place where stars are born and legends are made, including stars like Lauryn Hill, N.W.A and Michael Jackson, who all performed on Amateur Night before finding fame. The Apollo Theatre continues to feature talent from all over the country. Sandman: Howard Sims, acclaimed tap dancer and the original “Sandman” for Showtime, would gently remove performers from the stage if the crowd was not impressed. This year, our student Sandman may do any variety of things, so if you watch the show expect the unexpected! The Kiki: This position is named after Kiki Sheppard, the long-time co-hostess of Showtime. Our Kiki will be responsible for strolling across the stage with the 30-second card. 30-Second Rule: Performers have 30 seconds at the beginning of their performance to win over the crowd. When the Kiki enters on-stage, it is the crowd’s responsibility to either cheer with delight or boo in displeasure to confirm their decision.

SHOWTIME AT CENTRAL Friday, February 23 7 - 11 p.m. McConnell Auditorium 9

THE POWER OF RESILIENCE Think about the people you pass by while walking home, to work, or your classes every day. You may not know it, but the person that just passed by on your left is the same one that had to flee their home country and start fresh on unfamiliar ground. Or the one on your right is struggling with depression while trying to raise younger siblings at home. We all face trials, big and small, throughout our lives. The question is, how do we recover? What is the innate response to adversity, and how can we not only recognize our reactions, but change them for the better? The answer is resilience. There are many different definitions of resilience, according to Carolyn Thurston, CWU Director of Academic Success Initiatives. “A common concensus is that resilience is the capacity to rebuild and grow from adversity,” she said. “Furthermore, it’s not something you have

to be born with; resilience can be learned.” FOSTERING RESILIENCE ON CAMPUS The Center for Leadership and Community Engagement (CLCE) is incorporating resilience as the theme of the 10th Annual Leadership Conference, on March 1, 2018. Keynote speaker Andres Lara (“The Cuban Guy”) will share his experiences and the importance of remaining motivated during difficult times. Lara is well aware of the power of resilience. At the age of 16 he fled Cuba to the United States with no money, no English, and no home. The UW Resilience Lab will also be paying a visit to share how they foster resilience on their campuses. Additionally, other faculty members and experts on resilience will be hosting workshops.

year’s conference. Dr. Ralf Greenwald, a CWU professor who teaches courses on neuroscience and cognitive psychology, will talk about the power of neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is essentially our brain’s way of recovering from trauma and developing over time to optimize our strengths. KNOWLEDGE IS EMPOWERING Register for the Leadership Conference by visiting the CLCE or online through their website. Registration is only $10, and you can pick and choose which workshops work best for your schedule. The deadline to register is Feb. 23, and the knowledge learned from these workshops is ultimately priceless. As a student, learning how to foster resilience is a skill that will last a lifetime, so take advantage of this conference by soaking up as much knowledge as you can.

Not only will the idea of resilience be a focus, but the science behind it will also be an important aspect of this

LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Thursday, March 1 Register by February 23




LESS S.A.D. AND MORE O.P.R. Winters can be tough in Ellensburg. Between the long treks through knee-deep snow and barely seeing the sun between classes, some days can seem dreary. Instead of tackling those mountains of yawn-inducing homework, take a moment to appreciate the mountains of Washington and join Outdoor Pursuits and Rentals’ (OPR) winter trips. Throughout January, February and March, OPR is hosting excursions to take advantage of the colder weather and the beautiful Central Washington region. Student trip leaders Andrew McDonald, Nick Poprawksi and Kendra Turner are psyched to take you out and show you the ropes. Who knows, you might even make a friend or two! “I went on a trip last year and met one of my now-best friends on it,” McDonald said. “I went knowing nobody, so I was pretty scared about that, but then I ended up coming out with a lifelong friendship.”

NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED All experience levels are welcome; OPR’s team will show you the basics so that you can focus on meeting other people and having a great time. “That’s what we’re here to do. But ultimately, it’s to get people outside,” Poprawski said. “No matter where you come from or what your experience level is, we’ll accommodate to you.” Turner agreed with Poprawksi. Since not everyone is active in outdoor recreation, it can seem difficult to pick up an activity that seems completely foreign. “It’s definitely hard the first time, but [after] you’ve done it once, it’s so much easier. You also realize the effect it has on your overall health and mental health,” Turner said. Getting outside can also ease mental health issues like Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which affects roughly 20 percent of people in the United States, according to the American Academy of

Family Physicians. Roughly four percent of people also suffer from seasonal depression, a more intense version of SAD. One way to combat these mental disorders is to stay active, stay social and get plenty of Vitamin D from the sun. “If I just sit there at home doing nothing then I’ll feel really bummed, but if I get out there and do something that I’m proud of and that I want to tell people about, then I feel pretty great,” McDonald said. “So I really encourage people, for their mental health, to come out and do these activities.” CALL OF THE ADVENTURE Tuesdays starting Jan. 9: OPR will bus up to Snoqualmie summit to shred some fresh powder. Wax and tune-up on your snowboard is available from OPR for only $25. Jan. 20: Head to Roslyn for Ice Skating at Suncadia. Jan. 27 & 28: Enjoy an epic cross-country skiing weekend in the North Cascades; we’ll stay in a comfy, cozy hostel.


@cwuopr 13

WHAT’S NEW WITH CAMPUS ACTIVITIES? SOMEBODY ALWAYS HAD TO by Jason Morales I was told that Somebody always had to Be the peasant in A princess story. We can’t all be the Striving little wanna Be kid with the dreams of being the next Celebrity.

Spoken word is just one of the few things that you’ll hear on a Thursday night in the SURC Pit. Whether a new song with guitar or social commentary shared with a side of laughter, you won’t go wrong spending Thursday evenings with Campus Activities. IN ADDITION TO YOUR REGULAR OPEN MIC NIGHTS, CHECK OUT THESE WINTER QUARTER PERFORMERS! FREEQUENCY Thursday, January 25 7 p.m. • SURC Pit This riveting slam poet will share brutal truths and touch your soul with just words.

The media only portrays the minorities as The famous people. So, to escape the hood, you Become This fairy-tale princess everyone Whispers about.

JESUS TREJO Thursday, February 1 8 p.m. • SURC Pit This L.A. based comedian could make milk squirt out of your nose because he is THAT funny.

The odds to magically Morph into anyone With a decent Income boggles even the little Lightbulb we All carry above our heads.

SHANE & EMILY Thursday, February 15 8 p.m. • SURC Pit This musical duo is known for their amazing indie folk music with a hint of soulful flare.

I was told that Somebody always had to Be the peasant in A princess story. It’s sad to See All those little Lightbulbs shatter with Their hopes because they Never realized That they were all the peasants In someone Else’s princess story.








ASCWU Student Government Public Meeting Tuesdays • 5 p.m. • SURC Pit SG will discuss student-centered issues, vote on actions, recognize your club and hear public comments. ASCWU • 509-963-1696 Mindful Mondays 11:10 - 11:30 a.m. • SURC 273 Free • Relax and practice mindfulness with the Wellness Center and Student Medical and Counseling Clinic. Wellness Center • Cold Weather Shelter Mondays & Wednesdays 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. • CLCE 256 • Free Make sandwiches for the cold weather shelter. Food handlers’ permit will be required. CLCE • 509-963-1850 Snoqualmie Pass Ski Bus Tuesdays Depart 3:15 p.m. • $10 CWU Students, $12 non-students Take a mid-week break from classes and hop on OPR’s bus to Snoqualmie Pass for night skiing and snowboarding. OPR • 509-963-3537


Top-Rope Tuesdays 6 - 8 p.m. • Climbing Wall Be belayed for free and share the love with the climbing community! Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539 Kids Rock Every Sunday 2 - 4 p.m. • Climbing Wall • $8 for children of Rec. Center members $12 non-members Children ages 6-12 can climb for fun or advance their skills! Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539 Youth Climb Fridays (except Feb. 23) 5 - 6 p.m. • $75 children of Rec. Center members $95 children of non-members Children ages 6-15 will learn a new skill each week while being encouraged to climb as much as they can. Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539

JAN. 2

Orchesis Dance Company Auditions • 1:30 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Rm. 106 • Free CWU Dance Performance Company auditions. Previous dance experience required. Dance • 509-963-1937

- First Year Experience Events

JAN. 3

Book Buyback Hours may vary • Wildcat Shop Get cash for your books! Wildcat Shop • 509-963-1311 Full Moon Ski & Snowshoeing Depart OPR at 5 p.m. • $10 CWU students, $15 non-students Snowshoe or XC ski the Plain Valley Nordic ski trails by the light of the full moon. Bonfire and s’mores included. Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539

JAN. 3 - 17

Housing Priority Selection Don’t miss your chance to secure your room for next year! Visit MyHousing through MyCWU or visit University Housing • 509-963-1831

JAN. 4

Welcome Back! 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Brooks Library lobby • Free Treats and info on resources and majors. Brooks Library • Bad Movie Bingo: Super Troopers 8 p.m. • SURC Theatre • Free Watch a bad cop movie with our great CWU cops, and play bingostyle movie trivia with Campus Activities! Campus Activities • 509-963-3315

- Sophomore Year Experience Events

- Traditions Keeper Events

JAN. 5

First Friday Wall Crawl 6 - 8 p.m. • Climbing Wall • $20 (includes equipment & supervision) Climbing wall staff will be on hand to belay kids, play games, and supervise kids during the open climb time. Kids ages 6-15. Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539

JAN. 8

Top-Rope Belay Certification Clinic 5 - 7 p.m. • Climbing Wall • $15 (includes equipment & belay certification exam fee) Pre-registration is recommended. Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539 The Corporation: Documentary clips and discussion 6 p.m. • SURC 137 A/B • Free Legally, a corporation is considered a “person.” If this is true, then what kind of person is it? Department of Law & Justice Monday Movie Madness: The Breakfast Club 7 & 9:30 p.m. • Free for CWU Students • $3 GA Spend detention with this group of 1980’s high school misfits who have much more in common than they thought. Campus Activities • 509-963-3315

JAN. 9

Route Setting Interest Meeting 5 p.m. • Climbing Wall • Free Learn the basics of setting boulder problems. Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539 Private Climbing Instruction Info Session 5 - 6 p.m. • Climbing Wall • Free Learn about a new offering from the climbing wall! Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539 Game Night at Brooks Library 7 - 9 p.m. • Jimmy B’s coffee shop, Brooks Library • Free Play board games and do a CWU History Trivia Challenge! Brooks Library •

JAN. 10

Top-Rope Belay Certification Clinic 5 - 7 p.m. • Climbing Wall • $15 (includes equipment & belay certification exam fee) Pre-registration is recommended. Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539 ASCWU Elections FAQ & Coffee Chat See back cover.

JAN. 10 - 11

Make a Difference 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. • SURC Theatre and Ballroom • Free Educate 2nd - 5th grade students from Mount Stuart Elementary school about Martin Luther King, Jr. CLCE • 509-963-1850

JAN. 11

MLK: Annual Vigil and Celebration 3:30 - 6 p.m. • SURC Pit and Theatre • Free Remember Martin Luther King, Jr. during a celebration and special address. Peace march TBD. CLCE • 509-963-1850 Men’s Basketball vs University of Alaska Anchorage 7 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Free/$5/$8 Athletics • Open Mic Sign ups 7:30 p.m., Event 8 p.m. SURC Pit • Free Sign up to perform or come to enjoy the show. Either way, you’ll be star struck by local talent! Campus Activities • 509-963-3315

JAN. 11 - FEB. 4

PUNCH Projects: The Woods Opening Events: Thursday, Jan. 11 • 5 - 7 p.m. Experience the work of rural arts collective PUNCH Projects. Art Department • 509-963-2665

JAN. 13

Clear the Way - Snow Shoveling 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. • Meet at SURC Pit Give back to area residents who

need assistance clearing snow! Pre-regsiter at: CLCE • 509-963-1850

Men’s Basketball vs University of Alaska Fairbanks 7 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Free/$5/$8 • Athletics •

JAN. 13 - 15

PCIA Climbing Wall Instructor Course 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. $95/students • $125/non-members Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539

JAN. 14

Snow Sledding Depart 10 a.m. • $10 CWU students, $12 non-students Let your worries melt away as you tube down snowy hillsides. OPR • 509-963-3537 •

JAN. 15

Book Club kick-off display All day • Brooks Library Circulation Desk • Free Pick up your copy of this year’s One Book One County selection, A Tale for the Time Being, by Ruth Ozeki. Other events in February. Brooks Library •

JAN. 15 - FEB. 9

Intramural Sports $55 • Recreation Center Registration is from January 3 - 11. Recreation • 509-963-3511

JAN. 16 - FEB. 16

Vertical Challenge - Climbing Competition Ongoing • Climbing Wall $30 per person • Challenge yourself and one of your friends to climb as high and as hard as you can. Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539

JAN. 17

International Students and Internships 4 - 5 p.m. • SURC 135 • Free This joint workshop with OISP will teach you the ins and outs of searching for, applying to, and securing an internship or job. Career Services •

Events subject to change. Please contact department listed for most current information.


What Employers Want 4 - 5 p.m. • SURC 140 • Free Identify what you can offer employers, create a personal introduction, and work a career fair. Career Services •

See story on page 5 for full list of events. • CDSJ • 509-963-1298

JAN. 23

Dine & Tote 5 p.m. • Location TBA • Free Register for Dine & Tote to learn how to cook easy, healthy meals. Wellness Center •

Geek Out Game Out 8 - 11 p.m. • SURC Pit • Free Geek out and game the night away! Your favorite game consoles and board games will take over the Pit. Campus Activities • 509-963-3315

Top-Rope Belay Certification Clinic 5 - 7 p.m. • Climbing Wall • $15 (includes equipment & belay certification exam fee) Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539

JAN. 18

JAN. 19

JAN. 23-24

International Café 12 - 1:30 p.m. • SURC 137 • Free Engage and form friendships with students from around the world. CLCE • 509-963-1850

Ladies’ Climb Night 6 - 8 p.m. • Climbing Wall • Free Meet other women climbers or check out the climbing wall for the first time in a safe environment! Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539

Find a Job or Internship Using the Wildcat Career Network 12 - 1 p.m. • SURC 140 • Free Learn how to use the Wildcat Career Network. Career Services •

How to Negotiate 4 - 5 p.m. • SURC 137A • Free Develop negotiating skills to carry with you throughout life’s journeys. CWU Human Resources 509-963-1202 Top-Rope Belay Certification Clinic 5 - 7 p.m. • Climbing Wall • $15 (includes equipment & belay certification exam fee) Pre-registration is recommended. Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539 Pecha Kucha Ellensburg 20X20, “Art is for Everyone” 6:30 p.m. • Dean Hall Lobby • Free Ellensburg’s Pecha Kucha is coming to CWU! Museum of Culture and Environment • Lynnwood Etiquette Dinner CWU Lynnwood • TBA A four-course meal and professional dining seminar will be presented by Mary Mitchell. Pre-registration required. See Facebook event for details. Career Services •


Women’s Basketball vs Simon Fraser University 7 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Free/$5/$8 • Athletics •

National Popcorn Day 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. • Wildcat Shop Free • Stop by for a free bag of popcorn on National Popcorn Day. Wildcat Shop• 509-963-1311

JAN. 20

Suncadia Ice Skating Depart OPR at 5 p.m. • $10 CWU students, $15 non-students Join OPR for some ice skating, fresh mountain air & wintertime fun in nearby Cle Elum/Roslyn area. OPR • 509-963-3537 Women’s Basketball vs Western Washington University 7 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Free/$5/$8 • Athletics •

JAN. 22

Monday Movie Madness: Pretty in Pink 7 & 9:30 p.m. • Free for CWU Students • $3 GA Social cliques, awkward school dances and those 80’s vibes – what more could you ask for than this 1986 classic? Campus Activities • 509-963-3315

JAN. 22 – 26

Blood Drive Tuesday: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Wednesday: 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. SURC 137 A/B Free • Up to THREE people could be saved from your single donation of blood. Walk-ins are welcome, no appointments required. CLCE • 509-963-1850

JAN. 24

ASCWU Elections FAQ & Coffee Chat See back cover.

JAN. 25

Annual Crab Feed 4:30 - 7 p.m. • Holmes Dining Room $14.50 + tax (meal plan discounts apply) CWU Dining • Brad Shepik Trio 7 p.m. • McIntyre Recital Hall Music Department • 509-963-1216 Spoken Word Artist FreeQuency 7 p.m. • SURC Pit • Free Award-winning slam poet will set the stage for Wildcat performers on this special Open Mic night. Campus Activities • 509-963-3315 Open Mic Sign ups 7:30 p.m., Event 8 p.m. SURC Pit • Free Come listen to your fellow Wildcats showcase their talents! Campus Activities • 509-963-3315

International Festival Celebrate diversity and culture during this week long event series!

- First Year Experience Events

- Sophomore Year Experience Events

- Traditions Keeper Events

JAN. 26

FEB. 1

FEB. 3

Women’s Basketball vs Seattle Pacific University 5:15 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Free/$5/$8 • Athletics •

Over-the-TOPera Concert 7 p.m. • McIntyre Concert Hall $12 GA; $6 Senior/Student/Alumni • Music Department 509-963-1216 •

JAN. 27 - 28

Our Changing Pacific Northwest Part II 5:30 p.m. • Museum of Culture and Environment • Free Learn how rising temperatures and 20th century fire suppression affects our environment. Museum of Culture & Environment

Full Moon Ski & Snowshoeing Depart OPR at 5 p.m. • $10 CWU students, $15 non-students Snowshoe or XC ski the Plain Valley Nordic ski trails by the light of the full moon. Bonfire and s’mores included! OPR • 509-963-3537 •

JAN. 29

Men’s Basketball vs Western Washington University 7:30 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Free/$5/$8 • Athletics •

Cats at the Capitol (Lobby Day) Depart at 7 a.m. (subject to change) Olympia, WA • Governor Hotel Advocate for your campus community by lobbying for change in Olympia, Washington. Transportation, lunch & t-shirt provided. ASCWU • 509-963-1696

JAN. 27

Men’s Basketball vs Montana State University 7 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Free/$5/$8 • Athletics • Methow XC Ski Overnight Trip Depart OPR at 9 a.m. • $81 CWU students, $95 non-students Ski by day, enjoy a hostel by night in Winthrop, WA. OPR • 509-963-3537 • Dine & Tote 5 p.m. • TBA • Free Register for Dine & Tote to learn how to cook easy, healthy meals. Wellness Center • Monday Movie Madness: Sixteen Candles 7 & 9:30 p.m. • Free for CWU Students • $3 GA Campus Activities • 509-963-3315

Energy Time Management 4 - 5 p.m. • SURC 137A • Free Explore procrastination and discuss strategies and tools to help you optimize your time. CWU Human Resources 509-963-1202

Comedy Night: Jesus Trejo 8 p.m. • SURC Pit • Free Enjoy a night of laughs with with this L.A. based comedian. Campus Activities • 509-963-3315

FEB. 2

JAN. 30

Leading with Resilience 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Shaw Smyser 115 • Free Learn how to build resilience, hope, confidence and optimism within teams and organizations. CWU Human Resources 509-963-1202

JAN. 31

First Friday Wall Crawl 6 - 8 p.m. • Climbing Wall $20 (includes equip. & supervision) Staff will be on hand to belay kids, play games, and supervise kids during the open climb time. Kids ages 6-15. Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539

JAN. 29 – FEB. 1

Civil Rights Exhibit All Day • SURC Ballroom • Free CDSJ • 509-963-1298 Resumes and Cover Letters for Ed Majors 4 - 5 p.m. • Black 203 • Free Construct a resume and cover letter that provide a dynamic and achievement-oriented presentation of your qualifications. Career Services • The City of Tomorrow 7 p.m. • McIntyre Concert Hall • Music Department 509-963-1216 •

Madden Tournament 12 p.m.- 10 p.m. • SURC Pit • $5 Celebrate Superbowl 51 with an action-packed Madden tourney held in the SURC Pit! Free, prizes. Recreation • 509-963-3511

Kittitas County Search & Rescue Fundraising Dinner & Auction 5:15 - 9 p.m. • SURC Ballroom $30 per person Volunteers will help with set up, registration, item runners and clean up. Dinner provided for volunteers. CLCE • 509-963-1850 Women’s Basketball vs Saint Martin’s University 5:15 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Free/$5/$8 • Athletics • Men’s Basketball vs Simon Fraser University 7:30 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Free/$5/$8 • Athletics •

FEB. 5

Monday Movie Madness: Matilda 7 & 9:30 p.m. • Free for CWU Students • $3 GA Campus Activities • 509-963-3315 Evening of Recognition: Call for Nominations Honor students, faculty and staff by nominating them for awards recognizing their endeavors and extraordinary actions. CLCE • 509-963-1850

Events subject to change. Please contact department listed for most current information.


FEB. 5 - 9

Nelson Mandela Tribute SURC • Free Pay tribute to the late president of South Africa. Experience a simulation of the cell Mandela occupied for 27 years. CLCE • 509-963-1850

FEB. 5 - 26

Marijuana Mondays 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. • SURC 140 • Free SURC 140 will be transformed into a mock marijuana retail store. Learn about dosages and how to read labels. Wellness Center •

FEB. 6

Brown bag craft talk with Sam McManis 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. • Black 151 • Free CWU MA candidate and GTA Sam McManis will be sharing about travel in California, reading from his new nonfiction book. English Dept. • Selling Sustainability within the Social and Business Environment 4 p.m. • Science II, 103 Student talk & reception with former EPA Director Regina McCarthy. Environmental Studies Former EPA Director Regina McCarthy “Sustainability & Justice: The Environmental Truth” 6 p.m. • SURC Ballroom Part of this year’s Social Justice and Human Rights Dialogues series. Women’s Basketball vs Northwest Nazarene University 7 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Free/$5/$8 • Athletics • A Long Night Against Procrastination 8 - 10 p.m. • Brooks Library ARC Free • Come to the ARC where we’ll have folks from tutoring and the library to give you a boost. Brooks Library •


FEB. 7

Tea @ 3 3 - 4 p.m. • SURC Pit • Free Discover the hardships, successes and personal anecdotes of special guest speakers. Treats & beverages available! CLCE • 509-963-1850

FEB. 8

Everything You Need to Know About Internships 4 - 5:30 p.m. • Bouillon 211 • Free Students and faculty, learn about the internship process for academic credit. Career Services • Interviewing for Ed Majors 4 - 5:30 p.m. • Black 142 • Free Interview tips. Career Services • Women’s Basketball vs Montana State University - Billings 7 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Free/$5/$8 • Athletics • Open Mic Sign ups 7:30 p.m., Event 8 p.m. SURC Pit Free • Listen to your fellow wildcats showcase their talents! Campus Activities • 509-963-3315

FEB. 8-10

Short Works Festival 7:30 p.m. • McConnell Tower Theatre GA $12/$10 • CWU student w/ID $8 Works by current CWU Theatre students, designed to showcase upcoming talent. Theatre Department 509-963-1750 •

FEB. 9

Cheryse McCloud-Lewis, voice recital 7 p.m. • McIntyre Recital Hall Music Department • 509-963-1216

- First Year Experience Events

FEB. 9 & 10, 12-16

Book Buyback Hours may vary • Wildcat Shop Get cash for your books! Wildcat Shop • 509-963-1311

FEB. 10

Clear the Way – Snow Shoveling 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. • SURC Pit • Free Shovel snow from sidewalks and driveways for local residents in need. Lunch and transportation provided. CLCE • 509-963-1850 Archery Tag Tournament 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Rec Center $10/team Like competitive paintball, but with bows and harmless arrows. Recreation • 509-963-3511 POOL PI-YO! 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. • CWU Aquatic Center • $3/$5 Get on ‘board’ with Pool Pi-Yo Experience stand up paddle boarding in the pool. No experience necessary. Sit, kneel, stand, PilatesYoga flow options for everyone! Dept. PESH – OPR • 509-963-2060

FEB. 11

Mission Ridge Ski Bus Depart OPR at 7 a.m. • $12 CWU students, $15 non-students Beginner and expert skiers are welcome on this trip. OPR • 509-963-3537 •

FEB. 12

Monday Movie Madness: Can’t Buy Me Love 7 & 9:30 p.m. • Free for CWU Students • $3 GA Can a nerdy high schooler buy the love of a beautiful cheerleader for a month? Find out tonight! Campus Activities • 509-963-3315

FEB. 12 - FEB. 15

Random Acts of Kindness 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Tabling Area • Free Inspire people to be kind during a worldwide celebration of good deeds. CLCE • 509-963-1850

- Sophomore Year Experience Events

- Traditions Keeper Events

FEB. 13

One Book, One County Book Discussion 7 - 8 p.m. • Brooks Library, Music Library, 4th Floor • Free Join us to discuss author Ruth Ozeki’s A Tale for the Time Being. The author visits campus on Feb. 26, 2018! Brooks Library • Translating Your Military Experience 3 - 4 p.m. • Black 142 • Free Identify strengths, knowledge, and skills to enhance your resume. Career Services • The Importance of Communicating 4 to 5 p.m. • SURC 137A • Free CWU Human Resources 509-963-1202 Find a Job or Internship Using the Wildcat Career Network 4 - 5 p.m. • SURC 140 • Free Career Services • Mardi Gras Dinner 4:30 - 7 p.m. • Homes Dining • $14 CWU Dining •

FEB. 14

LoveMyFDL 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. • Brooks Library lobby • Free Learn more about the Brooks Library’s role in serving as a Federal Depository for government information. Brooks Library • What Employers Want Library • 4 - 5 p.m. Identify what you can offer employers, create a personal introduction, work a career fair. Career Services • Private instruction Top-Rope Belay Certification Clinic 5 - 7 p.m. • Climbing Wall • $15 (includes equipment & belay certification exam fee) Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539

Valentine’s Day Bash/Smash 6 - 7:30 p.m. • SURC Pit • Free It’s okay to be a little heartless as you swing at a giant piñata today! Treats and music by 88.1 The ‘Burg Campus Activities • 509-963-3315

FEB. 15

Rooted from The Pacific 4 - 7 p.m. • SURC Ballroom • Free Travel to eight of the Pacific Islands, all represented by CWU students. Music and food. CDSJ • 509-963-1298 Using LinkedIn 4 - 5 p.m. • Library 152 Discover why so many people are using LinkedIn! Bring your laptop or check one out at Library Circulation. Career Services • Dine & Tote 5 p.m. • To Be Announced • Free Register for Dine & Tote to learn how to cook easy, healthy meals. Wellness Center • “Property Of . . .” 5:30 p.m. • Free Engage in a conversation about the issues surrounding property rights and free speech. Museum of Culture & Environment Men’s Basketball vs Concordia University 7 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Free/$5/$8 Athletics • Rui Carvalho with CWU Jazz Band 1 7 p.m. • McIntyre Concert Hall Music Department • 509-963-1216 Shane and Emily Acoustic Cafe 8 p.m. • SURC Pit • Free This folksy and soulful married couple add rich harmonies to mash ups of everyone’s favorite songs. Campus Activities • 509-963-3315

FEB. 15 - MARCH 14

Horatio Law Artist Exhibit Opening Events: Thurs., Feb. 15 4 p.m., Artist Talk • Randall 117 5 - 7 p.m., Reception in the Gallery Law uses common cultural artifacts to explore issues of identity, memory and more. Art Department • 509-963-2665

FEB. 16

Ladies’ Climb Night 6 - 8 p.m. • Climbing Wall • Free Meet other women climbers or check out the climbing wall for the first time in a safe environment! Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539

FEB. 17

Men’s Basketball vs Western Oregon University 7 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Free/$5/$8 Athletics •

FEB. 21

Clue: A Murder Mystery 6 - 7:30 p.m. • SURC Ballroom Free • Join Scarlet, Professor Plum, and all of the Clue characters to solve the murder of Mr. Boddy. The board game comes to life in this fun murder mystery! Campus Activities • 509-963-3315

FEB. 22

Finding a Career Direction 4 - 5 p.m. • SURC 140 • Free Learn how to use interests as a compass to point you in the right direction. Career Services • Open Mic Sign ups 7:30 p.m., Event 8 p.m. SURC Pit • Free Listen to your fellow Wildcats showcase their talents! Campus Activities • 509-963-3315 Poetry Slam 7 p.m. • SURC Theatre • Free Words leave a big impact on audiences and performers alike at this annual poetry slam. CDSJ • 509-963-1298

Events subject to change. Please contact department listed for most current information.


Women’s Basketball vs University of Alaska Fairbanks 7 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Free/$5/$8 Athletics •

Women’s Basketball vs University of Alaska Anchorage 7 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Free/$5/$8 • Athletics •

FEB. 23

CWU Choirs 4 p.m. • McIntyre Concert Hall $12 GA; $7 Students/Senior/Alumni Music Department • 509-963-1216

Forget Me Not Bingo 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. SURC Pit • Free CWU students and older adults come together in a fun-filled afternoon of bingo and raffles. CLCE • 509-963-1850 Diversity and Gaming Panel 6 - 8 p.m. • SURC Theatre • Free Three panelists discuss the culture around gaming and share their personal stories. CDSJ • 509-963-1298 Showtime at Central 7 - 11 p.m. • McConnell Auditorium Free • Modeled after the famous Showtime at the Apollo, cheer on or boo local talent! Black Student Union

FEB. 24

Wind Ensemble Concert 4 p.m. • McIntyre Concert Hall Music Department • 509-963-1216 Ropeless Rodeo Climbing Competition 8:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. Climbing Wall • $25/$35 As a part of the NC3 climbing series, the Ropeless Rodeo is bringing the best rock climbers from the region’s colleges and universities to CWU. Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament 9 p.m. • Rec Center • Free Open to all CWU students, free 3 on 3 basketball tournament with prizes for the winners! 3 divisions: Rookie, Pro, Co-ed Wellness Center •


FEB. 25

FEB. 26

Lion Rock Visiting Writer Series: Ruth Ozeki Craft talk Noon - 1 p.m. • Black 151 Reading/book-signing 6 - 7:30 p.m. SURC Theatre • Free Ozeki will offer a noon craft talk and an evening reading/book-signing. English Department Monday Movie Madness: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 7 & 9:30 p.m. • Free for CWU Students • $3 GA Campus Activities • 509-963-3315

FEB. 26 - MARCH 2

NEDA Week Shine the spotlight on eating disorders and put life-saving resources into the hands of those in need. Wellness Center •

FEB. 27

Symphonic Bands Concert 7 p.m. • McIntyre Concert Hall Music Department • 509-963-1216 Body Love Campaign 11 a.m. • SURC Pit • Free Come by the SURC Pit to celebrate loving all different body types through positive affirmations! Wellness Center •

FEB. 28

The Amazing Race-Ellensburg Registration Deadline Modeled after the Amazing Race! Register in SURC 256 for this free March 9 event. CLCE • 509-963-1850

- First Year Experience Events

Education Career Fair 12 - 3 p.m. SURC Ballroom • Free School districts and related employers will come to campus to recruit students for teaching jobs. Career Services •


Smash the Scale! 12 p.m. • SURC West Patio • Free Stop by the West Patio to join us in challenging media’s notion of the “ideal body” by smashing scales with negative statements on them. Wellness Center • International Café 12 - 1:30 p.m. • SURC 137 • Free Engage and form friendships with students from around the world! CLCE • 509-963-1850 Communicating Professionally and Effectively 4 - 5p.m. • Shaw Smyser 106 • Free Enhance your communication skills CWU Human Resources • 509963-1202 2018 Annual Leadership Conference: Resilience 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. SURC Ballroom • $10 Reg. Fee Workshops, speakers and keynote Andres Lara, “The Cuban Guy.” CLCE • 509-963-1850 Humanities Washington and the MCE feature Daudi Abe “Emerald Street: Race, Class, Culture, and the History of Hip Hop in the Northwest” 5:30 p.m. • Free Discover how Northwest hip hop is a living document of our region’s social and political movements, styles, energies, and ideologies. Museum of Culture & Environment Open Mic Sign ups 7:30 p.m., Event 8 p.m. SURC Pit • Free Listen to your fellow wildcats showcase their talents! Campus Activities • 509-963-3315

- Sophomore Year Experience Events

- Traditions Keeper Events




First Friday Wall Crawl 6 - 8 p.m. • Climbing Wall $20 (includes equip. & supervision) Staff will be on hand to belay kids, play games, and supervise kids during the open climb time. Kids ages 6-15. Climbing Wall • 509-963-3539



Crimson & Black Sale All Day • Wildcat Shop Special Wildcat Shop sale! Wildcat Shop • 509-963-1311

MARCH 2, 3, 5, 8-11

In the Next Room, or the Vibrator Play 7:30 p.m. / March 11 at 2 p.m. McConnell Auditorium • Adults $15 | Seniors $12 | Alumni $12 | Students $12 | CWU student w/ ID $8 This award-winning comedy addresses Love, Intimacy and the Advent of Electricity. Shocking and funny. current-productions


Stevens Pass Ski Bus Depart OPR at 7:30 a.m. • $12 CWU students, $15 non-students Join OPR for a fun filled day of skiing at Stevens Pass. OPR • 509-963-3537 Hoops for Hospice: 3v3 Basketball Tournament 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. • Rec Center Join Recreation and the local Hospice Friends for a 3v3 basketball tournament, open to all Recreation •


Vocal Jazz Concert 4 p.m. • McIntyre Concert Hall $12 GA, $7 Senior/Student/Alumni Music Department • 509-963-1216

Monday Movie Madness: Top Gun 7 & 9:30 p.m. • Free for CWU Students • $3 GA One daring young pilot learns a few flying lessons not taught in the classroom. Campus Activities • 509-963-3315 Quarterly Pill and Needle Drop 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. • SURC 139 • Free Safely dispose of your pills and needles at the Wellness Center. Wellness Center •


The Amazing Race-Ellensburg 4 - 6 p.m. • CWU Campus and Downtown Ellensburg • Free Modeled after the Amazing Race, with prizes and more. Register in SURC 256 by Feb. 28. CLCE • 509-963-1850 Jazz Band Concert 4 p.m. • McIntyre Concert Hall $12 GA, $7 Senior/Student/Alumni Music Department • 509-963-1216

Zach VandeZande & Maya Zeller 6 - 7:30 p.m. • Dean Hall Lobby Free • English Dept. faculty Maya Zeller and Zach VandeZande will offer a craft talk and book signing. English Department




Tea @ 3 3 p.m. • SURC Pit • Free Discover the hardships, successes and personal anecdotes of special guest speakers. CLCE • 509-963-1850 Percussion Ensemble Concert 7 p.m. • McIntyre Concert Hall Music Department • 509-963-1216


Orchestra Concert 4 p.m. • McIntyre Concert Hall $12 GA, $7 Senior/Student/Alumni Music Department • 509-963-1216 Paws and Relax 4 - 7 p.m. • Library Room 288 • Free Finals prep got you beat? Come cuddle with friendly therapy pups. Brooks Library •


Waffle Night at Brooks Library 8 - 9:30 p.m. • Brooks Library Fish Bowl, 2nd Floor. • Free! Take a study break and recharge your batteries with fresh waffles, coffee and tea. Library •

Works in Progress Dance Performance 4:30 - 6 p.m. • Nicholson Pavilion Rm. 106 • Free Admission Peek in on dance classes and get a preview of the choreographic works in progress for our Spring Performance! Dance • 509-963-1937 Women’s Poetry Slam 6 p.m. • SURC Ballroom • Free Many stories are never told, but these powerful performers are laying it all on the table for this night of unforgettable poetry. CDSJ • 509-963-1298

Events subject to change. Please contact department listed for most current information.



ASCWU Elections FAQ & Coffee Chat 6 - 8 p.m. • SURC Pit • Free Are you looking to step up, work hard and make a difference? Learn about the process to run for Student Government, get questions answered by current officers and Election Commissioners, and find out how you can make an impact on Wildcat Country!

JAN. 24

ASCWU Elections FAQ & Coffee Chat 6 - 8 p.m. • SURC Pit • Free This is your year to make a difference at CWU! Learn about the process to run for Student Government, get questions answered by current officers and Election Commissioners, and be a leader in change!


MAR. 9

ASCWU Student Government Candidate Registration Opens

Classes End

MAR. 27


Classes Begin

FEB. 16

4:00 p.m. • SURC 263 ASCWU Student Government Candidate Registration xCloses

MAR. 28

FEB. 19

11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. SURC Marketplace ASCWU Student Government Candidate Fair

FEB. 21

12:00 p.m. • SURC Pit ASCWU Student Government Public Debate

FEB. 28

6:00 p.m. • SURC Theatre ASCWU Student Government Public Debate

MAR. 7

12:01 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. • Online ASCWU Student Government General Election - Online

MAR. 8

8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. • SURC ASCWU Student Government General Election – Onsite

7:00 p.m. • Location TBD ASCWU Student Government Campaign Kick-Off Meeting 7:00 p.m. • SURC Theatre ASCWU Student Government Candidate Introductions – Club Senate 7:00 p.m. • Wellington Events Center ASCWU Student Government Candidate Introductions – Residence Hall Association 7:00 p.m. • Location TBD ASCWU Student Government Candidate Introductions – Equity & Services Council ASCWU Student Government Primary (if needed)





Student Government 509-963-1696 •


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