Reiki World Summer 2020

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REIKI WORLD UK Reiki Feder ation Ma gazine



ANIMAL REIKI Course approval updates! Great news for Animal Reiki courses See inside for details

Reiki Research Group Opportunity to join

TIPS: Protecting your business during lockdown Distance Healing Now is the perfect time

Starting a new Reiki therapy business?

See our tips and things to consider when starting up your own practice






Tips to protect your therapy business

Reiki Research Group


Animal Reiki course approval updates

Meet our team - National Coordinator and Area Reps





Guidelines: Exiting lockdown & returning to work


Tips to protect your therapy business


Reiki - The Start of a New Journey


Starting a new Reiki business - helpful tips


Reiki in Menorca - expanded and revised article


Reiki Research Group - meet the team


Distance Healing


Collective Distance Healing


Animal Reiki updates - course approval updates


Do we need a treatment room?


UKRF Vacancies & Opportunities


UKRF Merchandise


Merging Reiki and QiGong - back for part 2!


New Beginnings - one member’s journey


The Power of Reiki - a great example of Reiki healing


Reiki Sharing Groups


Approved Courses


12 Preparing to

return to work

37 UKRF Merchandise

Dear Members, “To what are you committed? What cause, what mission, what purpose? What are you doing? How does what you do every day reflect, in some way, the values you care about?” Taken from the Daily Stoic: Holiday and Hanselman


As Reiki practitioners and teachers, we have a huge part to play in the future of our world. During these challenging times, there is still much that we can be doing, to raise the vibration of the planet. Whether that be selfhealing, sending distant healing to others and to the current situation, we all have a crucial part to play. Now is an ideal time to reflect on how we wish for life to emerge after lockdown. What will we need to adjust to continue our Reiki practice? Are we allowing enough time in our life for our own spiritual growth? What can we do to help ourselves and others move forward and not fall back into our old ways? This time could be an opportunity for real growth and personal and professional change. We hope that you find the articles in this edition of Reiki World, to be stimulating and thought provoking, to support you on your Reiki journey.

Key Updates: Education We are pleased to inform you that Doreen Sawyer has been working on the accreditation of Reiki courses and has been instrumental in forging even stronger relationships between the UKRF and the CNHC. Together with Lindsay Wild, they have restructured the Education section of the UKRF and this will enable us to take the education standards of Reiki even higher. As a support to members, we are planning to develop teacher resources and a Reiki Manual for Reiki Master Teachers to purchase and use if they would like to. A future project is to produce a series of webinars aimed at enthusing and developing our members’ professional development.

Covid Awareness Course We are pleased to announce that the UKRF have approved an online COVID-19 Awareness Course to prepare members for the return to the workplace. We strongly recommend that you complete this course. The link is here https:// Research Torsten Lange has been busy overseeing research into the impact of Reiki. The research group has been given support in starting their evaluation of international research papers on Reiki. The first papers have been reviewed and are in the process of being made available to members on the Reiki Federation website. It is envisaged that a comprehensive resource, listing all quality research in Reiki, will be created. Reiki Medic-Care Initiative This initiative was launched on the 8th May 2020 and was formed to enable experienced Reiki practitioners to send distant healing to those health care workers who have requested Reiki. The UKRF have many members who have joined this world breaking initiative and we look forward to being part of hearing how this develops. REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF



The Foundation (level II) Animal Reiki recognition/ membership and course approval application forms and guidelines have been approved by the Reiki Council for the initial launch which is expected to occur within the next couple of months. Much work has gone into this project, led by our Animal Reiki Co-ordinator, Sue Malcolm, and we look forward to offering our members the opportunity to apply for professional recognition as an Animal Reiki Practitioner/Master/Teacher in the near future and to publicising approved courses on our website directory to help raise the standard of Animal Reiki training. Membership at Professional Practice level will follow, although this is now likely to be in 2021. Sue Malcolm has been doing sterling work in developing the Animal Reiki Practitioner course, Foundation level. To be recognised as an Animal Reiki Practitioner however, a basic Understanding of Animals is required. Many Animal Reiki courses do not specifically include this teaching. We have, therefore embarked on creating a CPD course to cover this content. As soon as the various documents are officially signed off by the Reiki Council and the processing operations, membership database and directory are set up across a number of Reiki Council organisations, we can progress to launch. IHC- Integrated Health Care Collaborative We are pleased to report that we have become one of the founding members of the IHC. The UKRF are committed to working collectively with other key organisations to promote greater integration with

Stay safe everyone and look after yourselves and your loved ones. Anne-Marie Carratu and Wendy Hick Chair and Vice Chair

conventional Western medicine and other common interests. There are many benefits to this including the promotion of complementary, traditional and natural healthcare. UKRF Conference This event is still live at this moment for the end of September 2020, as we await further guidance from the Government. However, an online Conference may be on offer if we need to cancel our venue and we will send out an email to all members to let everyone know. Returning to Work The UKRF team have written to everyone with some provisional guidelines as to how we can return to work safely, once we have a directive from Government. We will keep everyone updated as soon as we have more information to share. Annual General Meeting Finally…..we held an online AGM on Thursday 29th May 2020 which was attended by a number of members. We received some lovely feedback from this. We anticipate that next year we will have even more members joining us for this event! Please enjoy this edition of Reiki World. We have a range of inspiring articles from distant healing, starting a Reiki business, Reiki and QiGong amongst others.

The Integrated Healthcare Collaborative (IHC) has written to Health Ministers across the UK to ask that complementary, traditional and natural healthcare therapists and practitioners be supported in a quick and safe return to work, highlighting the contribution they can make to health and wellbeing as the country recovers from Covid-19.

2020 UKRF Conference Thursday 24th September 2020

More details will be released as soon as more is known about governement guidelines regarding social distancing. We may hold the meeting online if meeting in person is not possible. We are looking forward to seeing you either way! 4


Animal Reiki

The UK Reiki Federation becomes a founder member of the Integrated Healthcare Collaborative The UK Reiki Federation has become one of the founder members of the Integrated Healthcare Collaborative (IHC), which is a collection of leading organisations within complementary, traditional and natural healthcare. The IHC was formed following a recommendation in a report by the former All-Party Parliamentary Group for Integrated Healthcare entitled ‘Integrated Healthcare: putting the pieces together’. It said that “professional associations representing complementary, traditional and natural healthcare should work more closely together on common issues, to share knowledge and experience. A formal collaborative should be established which brings together major associations to take the field forward collectively.” This builds on over 30 years of work and collaboration between the former All-Party Parliamentary Group for Integrated Healthcare and organisations in the field. The aim of the new group is to bring together leading professional associations and stakeholders within complementary, traditional and natural healthcare, and work on common areas of interest. IHC members believe that an integrated healthcare service would

improve p a t i e n t experiences, bring about better patient outcomes, and provide a framework for a more c o s t effective delivery of healthcare services. The UK Reiki Federation’s membership of this new group shows our commitment to working collectively with other key organisations to increase access to Reiki and other therapies, promote greater integration with conventional Western medicine, and improve patient outcomes. Please take a look at the website:

The IHC - bringing together professional associations and stakeholders within complementary, traditional and natural healthcare




Meet our are a few more of our lovely team members... “I have been a member of the Reiki Federation since qualifying in 2014. Throughout my career I have been actively involved in managing and providing complementary therapy services in cancer and palliative care settings. I feel privileged to be taking up the role of Secretary and assisting the Management Committee in delivering our vision and mission.” Tina Glynn (UKRF Secretary)

“I was Business Manager for the UKRF for 15 years, moulding the Federation into a cohesive and professional organisation. I was instrumental in the setting up of the Reiki Regulatory Working Group, later the Reiki Council. Volunteering roles included Secretary, Treasurer, Coordinator for PR, Marketing, Area Representatives, Research, Education (14 years), Events, Regulation, Secretary, Grant Holder and Treasurer for the RRWG and Reiki Council. I have also gained over 20 years experience as a Reiki Practitioner and Teacher. I was on the original steering and planning groups for National Occupational Standards and helped develop the current standards. I am a qualified teacher with over 40 years of teaching experience and I have trained and assessed future trainers and assessors, both in college and directly for BTEC.” Doreen Sawyer BSc (Hons) CertEd (UKRF Education Team) “It is lovely to be able to introduce myself to you, my name is Lindsay Wild and I’m delighted to join the Reiki Federation Educational team. I am a Reiki Master Teacher and I run my own Holistic & Massage Therapy centre and Training Academy. I put my heart and soul into all that I do and work to the highest standard I can achieve, always striving to grow and evolve. I am a qualified teacher and assessor and love to help people achieve and learn, supporting and mentoring students on their journeys. I love my home and family, being a mum of four children and a wife and all that I do everyday. Living within the lake district and working from the centre of a small town brings me happiness and joy.” Lindsay Wild (UKRF Education Team) 6



Nationwide UKRF Area Representatives The UKRF supports a network of Area Representatives who volunteer to act as the local contact for our members. Our group of Area Reps provide great support to our members out there all over the UK and often run regular Reiki shares allowing more members to meet each other. We are pleased to introduce our new National Coordinator, Sarah Robinson who would love to hear from all the Area Reps out there, and anyone who would like to find out more about how they could get involved.

“My name is Sarah Robinson and I am delighted to announce my new role as National Coordinator here at UKRF. By way of background, I am currently a Reiki Master Practitioner based in West Sussex. My Reiki journey started about 5 years ago after suffering the trauma of a minor hand injury and, after enduring four operations and numerous physio treatments, I decided to find ‘alternative’ therapies to help heal myself, both mentally and physically - and I found Reiki. I was so impressed with the treatment that I decided to learn how to self-heal and undertook a course to learn the teachings of the Usui Shiki Ryoho system of Reiki. I am currently studying to become a Reiki Teacher whilst running my business from home and I hope to continue to represent the beautiful county of Sussex alongside this new position. I am excited to be working alongside the new Management Team here at UKRF and I would welcome the opportunity of meeting all of the Area Reps one day soon. Due to the current climate this may not be physically possible, therefore, I would be really grateful if all the current Area Reps could drop me a quick email to say hello, introduce yourselves with the area you represent, and tell me all about how being an Area Rep has been for you? What have you been doing? What would you like to do going forward and how we can help you? In addition, I would also love to hear from any members who would like to become an Area Rep as well - we would love to welcome you to the team - just drop me an email here for more information: I look forward to hearing from you!” Sarah Robinson (National Coordinator & Area Rep for Sussex) email:




Meet our Area Representatives... “As a science enthusiast, integrative health writer and mindbody therapist, I am dedicated to taking the mystical out of the magical and bridging the gap between complementary and conventional medicine. As a Reiki practitioner and teacher since 15 years, I keep learning and deepening my understanding of how healing works as I travel the world and explore local traditions. I believe in empowering each other with kindness and compassion while walking softly upon this earth, giving what we can and taking only what we need.” Laura Vismara (UKRF Distance Healing Coordinator)

“My Reiki journey started about 5 years ago when I attended a life coaching course. I was something of a cynic about Reiki, chakras and crystals etc and I didn’t really get it. The course and the people I met certainly opened my eyes to the benefits as I was already a big acupuncture fan. They do say “when the student wants to learn, the teacher will appear”, and that’s how it started for me. A Reiki treatment led to a workshop and then achieving levels 1 and 2 to become a Reiki Practitioner. Learning to be a Reiki Master is certainly high on my to do list when times will allow. Reiki has come to mean a great deal more to me, since going into lockdown as it’s been a great reminder that the Reiki principles are not just carried out when seeing Reiki clients they definitely give you a great toolbox to tap into during challenging times. For example listening to our bodies when we are tired or hungry as well as the self-talk we use, the positive mindset, setting intentions etc. I have found these to be a skillset I can draw on time and time again.” Jenny Hindmarsh (Area Rep for Chester/Wrexham/North East Wales)

Reiki World articles... We know our members are sometimes part of really amazing local (and sometimes not so local) Reiki-related intiatives which others would love to read about, and be inspired by in Reiki World magazine. If you have any articles or stories (big or small as small pieces are useful for half pages) that you think would be interesting to our members, then please send them to our Reiki World Editor, Kerrie Baker at 8


MEET OUR TEAM “I started my Reiki journey in 2014 and now am a Reiki Master Practitioner based in London/Berkshire. As part of the UK Reiki Federation team, I’m also responsible for ensuring that lineages are valid and kept up to date. I hope to inspire and be inspired by everyone in the Reiki community.” Amit Sihra (Area Rep for London West & UKRF Lineage Coordinator)

“I have previously worked as an opthalmic, general and community psychiatric nurse, and for the last 20+ years I have been giving Reiki and later, running courses. I continue to practice reflexology, Reiki, hypnotherapy, hypnobirthing, counselling, and trans Reiki (using visualisation and Reiki together) which I developed and teach, and I hold monthly Reiki shares. I run my practice from Fyfield Therapy Rooms. I am passionate about Reiki and how it gives meaning and empowerment to people. I have many successful life changes stories from clients and students which is truly humbling. Reiki is for everyone. I have spoken on the radio and supported Reiki in hospitals at St George’s. Energy medicine is the future and I wish to support the Federation to promote this.” Jill Sudbury (Area Rep for Wiltshire) “I was first introduced to Reiki when a friend asked if I would be a case study for her. Until then I had never heard of Reiki, however, after each session I was amazed at how deeply relaxed and at peace I was. This started my Reiki journey ten years ago, and this year I achieved Reiki Master Teacher. Coming from a training and assessing background, it’s always been my passion to help others learn and achieve and I look forward to being able to carry this forward in Reiki and in my role as an Area Rep. Also, I am officially VW Campervan crazy. I got married recently and my sister hired one as a surprise for my Hen Day. I cried when I realised it was for me!” Nicola Hateley (Area Rep for Fife, Clackmannan, Falkirk & Stirling) REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF


REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - SUMMER 2020 “Hi, my name is Denise and I am a fully insured and accredited Usui Reiki Master and Teacher. My Reiki journey started over 10 years ago when I had my first Reiki experience and it changed my life. Not only because my experience opened me up to the possibility of using energy to heal and to cope with stress. Since then I have allowed my passion to grow and have studied Level One, Two and Master/Teacher Level of Reiki. With each attunement my understanding grew and I became awakened to the power of Reiki.“ Denise Priest (Area Rep for Tyne and Wear)

“I am an American Reiki Master Teacher who has travelled the world but settled here in beautiful England for the last nearly 30 years. I was drawn to energy work many years ago through working with different therapies and have studied Angelic healing and Shamanism, but found that Reiki was my great love. Reiki for me has represented an affirmation of a higher power and has led me on the most amazing journeys. I presently work as a Holistic Therapist but my greatest joy is teaching. I run workshops and retreats in teaching Reiki Levels, 1,2 and Master Teaching in Derbyshire and Glastonbury. My favorite things are gardening, learning about different healing modalities, nature, reading and spending time with my children and grandchildren.” Judy Moehlenkamp Sturgis (Area Rep for Derbyshire) “I’ve really enjoyed my journey from level 1 to master and the changes Reiki brings into my life. Reiki was one of the reasons I travelled to Japan; after 2 days in Tokyo I was off to Kyoto to meet Tadao Yagamuchi which was a special moment. Reiki inspired me to learn other holistic therapies like Indian Head Massage and more travel to India, home of Ayurveda and also China, home of TCM. Reiki deepens my “spiritual” experiences, such as meditation, yoga etc. I became an Area Rep because I enjoyed the shares I attended for many years; I love offering this experience to our members, the mutual support & healing, the chats and the exchanges.”


Marie-Ange Jean-Baptiste (Area Rep for London South East)

MEET OUR TEAM “Hello, my name is Erika Beale and I am very happy to be the new Area Rep. for Oxfordshire. I first became interested in Reiki during a particularly challenging time in my life. A friend of mine had been having regular treatments and had suggested that it may benefit me - well it did, with astounding results! I soon took my Reiki 1 course and began treating myself, my family and friends and then Reiki 2, which then led me towards traditional Japanese Reiki and I went on to train with Tadao Yamaguchi (Jikiden Reiki) and Frans Stiene, of the International House of Reiki which enabled me to begin my professional practice treating clients. I now have a daily practice which involves meditation, chanting, Reiju and handson healing, which helps me to move closer to wellness. One of the things I have learnt on this journey, is that healing is both wonderful and challenging, and the deeper we go, the harder it can be! But worth it. I wanted to become an Area Rep so that I could help bring Reiki people together, in an open and safe space; so that I could support people who may feel they need some extra guidance, or an ear to listen; so that I could continue to learn from others; so that I could help to spread the news about Reiki and how wonderful this is as a healing tool but also as a spiritual path, for those who choose it. I will be holding monthly Reiki shares in Minster Lovell, in Oxfordshire - dates to follow - which will involve time to talk, meditation, Reiju and handson healing. Getting together and being able to talk about how we are doing, I feel, is an important part of our healing journey. Please do get in touch if you have any questions, or just want to say hi!� Erika Beale (Area Rep for Oxfordshire)

When our life is based on respect and complete trust, it will be completely peaceful.

Our relationship with nature should also be like this. - Shunryn Suzuki



UKRF Member Guidelines:

Exiting lockdown and preparing to return to treating and teaching with Reiki The UK Government’s nationwide lockdown on 23rd ARE YOU COVID-19 AWARE and ONLINE March 2020 resulted in the closure of all ‘hands on’ COURSE: Reiki treatments and in person teaching. At the UKRF, we are fully aware of the impact this may We feel it is very important for all Reiki Practitioners have had on our industry and personal businesses. and Teachers to be fully aware of this virus, its Whilst some of you may have offered distant Reiki symptoms, how the virus is spread, anyone who may treatments and some may be considered vulnerable, have given online Reiki theory “At the UKRF we can self-isolating, shielding, how teaching, most of you will have to prevent the spread of now begin to give some stopped working altogether. the virus, how to manage guidelines as to how your workplace setting and we can possibly return We are now, however, enhanced hygiene. Please beginning to see the first signs note that shielding is in place to our Reiki practices of easing of the lockdown until the 30th June 2020 and and teaching, safely and restrictions, with the possibility will be reviewed before this practically...” that hair and beauty salons date. We would recommend in England may open on 4th you complete a certificated July 2020 at the earliest. At the UKRF we can now Covid-19 online awareness course for therapists begin to give some guidelines as to how we can and the UKRF have accredited the following certified possibly return to our Reiki practices and teaching, course. Please use this link: safely and practically. Whilst the UKRF cannot insist upon adherence to the guidelines specified below, it support members who decide to ignore the 19-awareness-for-therapists/ current social distancing rules and regulations. At the UKRF, we are carefully following the guidance from the UK government, the NHS, the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council, the Reiki Council and the Integrated Healthcare Collaborative. We are aware that the 2m social distancing rule still applies, where possible at the moment, throughout the UK and this is key to preventing the virus from rising again. Therefore, this document is to be considered as a guide to preparing to return to your practice/teaching again and will be updated as more information is received. The UKRF are not experts in Covid-19 and we strongly advise everyone to keep up to date with all the latest guidance provided by government below: staying-alert-and-safe-social-distancing/stayingalert-and-safe-social-distancing 12 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF

REIKI WORLD EVALUATING YOUR WORKING PRACTICES AND THE WORKPLACE: Whilst we are waiting for the lockdown to be eased, we each have the time to evaluate our working practices and the actual workplace. We will not be going back to working as we did before and so preparation and making the necessary changes now will prepare you adequately for starting up again. Will your workplace be adequate for a new way of working? If you are an employee or volunteer, you will need to follow any policies put in place by the organisation. However, if you are self employed and have your own practice or teaching facility, here are some suggested changes you will need to consider to avoid cross-contamination.

NOTE FOR REIKI MASTER TEACHERS: Once social distancing has been eased and teachers are allowed to teach again in person, it is recommended that the use of Gyoshi Ho is used to replace the blowing of the breath as part of the attunement process. Teachers will need to bear in mind that the following should be included in any course material you give your students too.




Consultation forms and case notes will need to be completed electronically or via phone before the client attends a treatment. All Practitioners and Teachers should check that clients are assessed for treatment suitability considering elderly clients, comorbidities and those shielding themselves or other family members. When doing this initial consultation, which should probably occur no more than one day before the treatment is to take place, clients should be directed as to how the treatment will be conducted and any guidelines/rules they are expected to follow, this should also include something about failure to follow the guidelines may result in the treatment being terminated. A written protocol, specifically for Covid-19, should be created (which can also be put on your websites) and completed by every new and existing client. This could be created in a format that can be emailed or texted to a client and will include a statement as to how you intend to keep your clients safe e.g. whether PPE will be used by either yourself or your client, how your practice will have been modified to be Covid-19 aware, your new hygiene methods and how you can (continued on page 14)

demonstrate you are carrying these out, how you will be checking both your own health and that of your client’s, rebooking any treatments if you feel your client is at risk or if you feel you are at risk, stating that you have completed a Covid-19 awareness course. As well as being included within your Aftercare Advice, this could also be placed on your website Your consultation should now include the following questions, which of course you can add to. These should be asked of all new and existing clients before each and every treatment: •

How they are feeling today? Have they got a temperature or persistent cough or any other symptoms they cannot account for? Have they had any of these symptoms in the last 14 days?

Have they or anyone directly close to them had Covid-19, been tested for it or received treatment for it? If so, when?

Are they or anyone they have close contact with self-isolating at the moment?

Are they shielding anyone they have close contact with at the moment?

Do they have any underlying health conditions that make them high risk to Covid-19? If so, which conditions?

Have they followed social distancing guidelines as set out by the government? (Please be aware that this may not be answered correctly).

Checking they have read and understood the new protocols you have implemented and are happy with it.

After each treatment, you need to write up extensive notes as to how the treatment went, how the client was and extra precautions you took to carry out the treatment. Please note that if the client did not follow or resisted following the distancing/directions of the practitioner during the treatment. These would be grounds to stop and not rebook treatments.

If you feel a client is not suitable for treatment, then do please rebook. Do not treat anyone with any Covid-19 symptoms or those who are in close contact with anyone suffering any Covid-19 symptoms. REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 13

REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - SUMMER 2020 We recommend you ring every client on the day of the treatment to check they are feeling well. Ask them if they have been in contact with anyone with Covid-19 symptoms. If they have, please rebook their treatment. We would also encourage you to take your own temperature and give yourself a health check to ensure you are well enough to give a treatment on the day. Aftercare Advice sheets should now be amended to reflect any reference to feeling unwell with any Covid-19 symptoms and any hygiene protocols you have introduced into your practice. This will also form part of your risk assessment process.

RISK ASSESS YOUR WORKPLACE: If you work for yourself, from home, you will need to carry out a risk assessment on a daily basis and in between clients. This checklist could be visible for your clients to read to reassure them you are carrying out these checks. Hygiene levels must be increased and a checklist created so that you can disinfect at the beginning and the end of the day and in between clients. (Please remember that at the moment the only people who may enter your home other than you and those you live with are nannies and cleaners. It is still currently against the rules to have a client or student come to your home for treatment/learning).

Soft furnishings including rugs, cushions and soft chairs should be kept to a minimum and ideally removed.

All surfaces must be able to be wiped clean with disinfectant or alcohol wipes (although wipes are not environmentally friendly).

Consider where you may need to clean that a client can touch, e.g. toilet and sink area, front doorbell, door handles, payment keypads, pens, waiting areas.

Convector heaters and cooling fans should not be used in the treatment room.

The treatment couch, stool and any other therapy equipment should be hygienically cleaned and disinfected between clients.

Couch table linens should be kept to a minimum and no shaking of any towels or linens should be done. Preferably couch roll should be used. If using linens, these should be carefully removed after each client and placed into a plastic linen bin with lid (this can easily cleaned and disinfected) Wash all linens at a minimum of 60 degrees. Disposable gowns may be preferable.

At no time should a client be allowed to bring their own sheets, towels, blankets or pillows.

Treatment rooms should be as close to the main entrance/exit as possible.

Social distancing measures should be addressed in any waiting areas.

The treatment room should be well ventilated.

Doors to all other rooms should be kept closed.

Anything and everything that has been touched by a client should be cleaned hygienically, including door handles, front doorbells, any use of toilet facilities.

Pedal waste bins should be placed in the treatment room, foot operated with a bag for rubbish lined inside. This should be emptied daily.



Pump bottle sanitisers/dispensers should be in each treatment room, ideally one for the therapist and one for the clients. A pump bottle should be by the front door so that a client can use this on entering the property and on leaving. Home-made hand sanitisers are not recommended.

Create a space where your client can leave their shoes and outer clothing as these must not enter the treatment room.

If you use any form of bolster for comfort, ensure these are wipeable and not cloth covered. A rolled-up towel can also be used instead and washed at a high temperature afterwards.

To perform hygienic cleaning, client appointments must be suitably spaced apart and you should wear gloves whilst cleaning.

Therapists should wash their hands immediately before and after treatments, taking care not to touch any other surface between the sink and the client. PPE disposable gloves are preferable.

PPE disposable aprons should be worn for each client.

PPE disposable medical face masks should be worn by both the client and the therapist during the entire treatment. Home-made face coverings should be discouraged. Clients should be asked to wear face masks as it is likely to be recommended by the Government as part of lockdown easing measures. A letter to Government has been sent by the Integrated Healthcare Collaboration asking about supplies of PPE for therapists. If your client has access to medical face masks, they should ideally be asked to provide their own.

SOURCING PPE: The UKRF have sourced a company (Bunzl Greenham) that supplies PPE and have set up an account with them. They can supply, masks, gloves, hand gels, aprons, digital thermometers, eye wear and much more. We have secured a discount rate, which may still seem a little high, but unfortunately products of this nature are expensive at the moment. All you have to do to place an order is call 0208 232 4422, quote account number U058071 (UK Reiki), request the products you require and pay for them via credit/debit card. The guide to donning and doffing standard PPE is here uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/877658/Quick_guide_to_donning_doffing_standard_PPE_ health_and_social_care_poster__.pdf A guide to the correct handwashing is here Further guidance and information can be found here Once the government have released guidance on how the relaxation of the 2m rule

The UKRF Team

will impact our industry and we have confirmation of a date when it is safe to return to face-to-face practice we will let you all know.



Reiki Awareness Week: 21-27 September The purpose of Reiki awareness week is to promote awareness of Reiki in our local communities. Normally we can do this as individual practitioners in various ways, such as by offering treatments in exchange for donations to a local charity or giving talks to local groups or by offering Reiki taster sessions. Obviously with the current situation with coronavirus, these face-to-face ideas are not possible at the moment. Why not find other ways to raise awareness and also bring Reiki to those in need? Here are a few tips: • Consider offering online Reiki sessions to a local community support group of carers? There are lots of stressed people out there right now - so this is the perfect time to reach out to them. • If you have your own Reiki practice, why not create a post on your social media pages explaining the basics of Reiki and how it has changed your life? • Why not write an article for a local publication or newsletter to let people know how Reiki and mindfulness can help them in their lives every day? Or perhaps post it on local community pages? Suggest that anyone interested can find a Reiki practitioner by searching the CNHC register in their area.

Other key dates for your diary: 12th July: National Simplicity Day 10th October: Mental Health Day 12th October: Work Life Week Why not create posts to tie in with these events and use the opportunity to create awareness and also connect with potential clients?

This is a chance to use your imagination and come up with something new to have a more dynamic approach and bring Reiki to the attention of a larger audience. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you take photos and if you think it’s something other UKRF members would be inspired by or like to read about, then please send them to Kerrie Baker at We are looking forward to seeing what you all get up to! UKRF are available in many ways, including through our social media channels. You can interact with us through any of these platforms by using the details below. It’s a great way for us to stay in touch with our members and to continue to support you. .com/UKReikiFed .com/ukreikifederation 16 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF

Tips to protect your therapy business


During these difficult times whilst we have been in lockdown, many therapists have wondered how to protect their business from too much damage when you can’t see your clients face-to-face. This is also a time that some have used positively to think about ways to streamline their businesses, or to learn new skills. We know that great numbers of you have been using your skills to help others, in any way you can. This difficult chapter in humanity will not last, but existing and potential clients may need your services now whilst they are struggling and may also need you to help them recover later on. Make sure you and your business are ready to help. Here are some tips to help keep your business strong: Move to online therapy where possible, maybe some of your clients would be happy to connect to you with a Reiki session via Skype? Stay in touch with your regular clients directly via messages or email to check they are coping OK. This way they will be helped in their time of need and also remember the value they get from sessions with you. Post regularly on your social media channels so your clients know you are still available. Join local networking group pages on Facebook etc so you can reach out to the local community. Consider writing a blog giving tips on coping during these difficult times in lockdown. Keep your messages positive and avoid using ‘doomsday’ language, this way people will feel enlightened when in conact with you or reading your posts. If your business involves training courses, can any of them be done remotely? For example, mindfulness concepts could be taught online or via Skype. You may need to adjust the content to allow for being in lockdown but it could be a source of income during this time. Once lock down is relaxed, some people, particularly those in vulnerable groups may be hesitant in resuming their treatments, but if therapy-in-person does continue, scrupulous hygiene will be necessary. You may need more couch covers, couch roll and blankets available so you can change everything after every client. Handwashing for you and your clients will be essential so make sure access to a basin is possible with anti-viral cleaners in a pump bottle. Surfaces, door handles and all other items such as pens and chairs will need to be cleaned with alcohol/disinfectant before and after each client. You will need to allow more time for each session to allow for this and also more time between clients to adhere to these cleaning regimes. Why not use any spare time you currently have to read over your training material so you can remember all that stuff you learned when you started your Reiki journey? You’ll be amazed how inspired you will feel when you revisit your manuals. Restart any daily practice that has been a bit absent! Think about ways in which you would like to develop your business. What steps would you need to take to make this happen? Open the door in your mind for this growth and make a written step-by-step plan to achieve your goals. After this strange period is over, what would wish you had used the time for? REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 17


Reiki: The Start of a New Journey by Lindsay Wild

Reiki was the start of a new journey in life and changed things forever. I remember my Reiki Master saying to me a long time ago, that with each attunement to Reiki our personal unique lesson or journey unfolds, and your way becomes clear. This was certainly very true, my Reiki I attunement to Dr Mikao Usui Reiki was an amazing healing journey emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. I connected to my authentic self, my life simplified as my values and principles became very clear.

Teacher over the following 10 years. I wanted more than anything to be able to help other people with Reiki and empower them to make positive changes in their lives as I had in mine.

“...Mother Earth is an important part of my life to keep me grounded and feel the calm, healing, renovating energy.�

It left me hungry to move onto the next level and become attuned to Reiki II then ART and Master


Growth and evolution came as I connected to this beautiful, healing energy through further training and development.

In my journey with Reiki energy I felt the deep connection with all living things and the vibration of life. Being outside and connecting to trees, woodlands and Mother Earth is an important part of my life to keep grounded and feel the calm, healing, rejuvenating energy.


Linking to the vibrations of the elements, colours and energies of a higher source are all an integral part of my being and resonating to the beautiful healing energies of crystals that I surround myself in around my home and work. It felt a very natural progression within my therapy work to learn and train in holistic therapies, holistic life coaching and massage. Reiki and the healing touch created a deeper feeling of relaxation and wellbeing for my clients, when receiving a therapy treatment or massage it is the difference between having a good therapy experience and an exquisite therapy experience. My core is always going to be Reiki and as it flows through me, the intentions of love, healing and empowerment increase the vibration within my work. I absolutely love this journey in my life, developing my holistic therapy centre to include being a training academy. Being able to use my previous skills in teaching and assessing has been amazing and fills me with joy. I love teaching, as therapists we love what we do. I am now an executive training provider for accredited practitioner courses in holistic and massage therapies with the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine.

As is my core in my therapy work, I have always offered Reiki training and attunements, which is the most rewarding, magical experience, honour and privilege. Progression and development provide focus and I aim to create the best experience, to the highest standard for clients and my students. I want more than anything for my students to love learning, feel joy and passion in what they are doing with the teaching support and mentoring they all individually need. The training hub I provide has nurtured lovely friendships and professional support. We do Reiki shares, massage shares and workshops for extra learning opportunities. I am so proud of this beautiful community as I am invited back to the Reiki Federation Educational team as an assessor. And finally the privilege to once again work with Doreen Sawyer who I have so much respect and love for. I look forwards to helping the UK Reiki Federation Educational department grow and develop as we continue this journey together. If you would like to know more about me, my work and training academy you can follow me on facebook BH Holistics @Adlib, Instagram BH Holistics or my website

Lindsay Wild (UKRF Education Team)

If there were one word that could act as a

standard of conduct for one’s entire life, perhaps it would be thoughtfulness. - Confucius



Things to consider when starting a Reiki business... With many of us still in isolation right now, this could be a good time to start researching those plans to set up your own therapy business. There’s a fair bit of reading and thinking to do, so maybe now is the right moment for you?

Where is the best location for my business? Think about where you will run your practice from. Do you have a private space in your home or garden? The advantages are that you can set up straight away and there are no rental fees to pay. Your home will need to be kept clean, tidy and presentable. Consider how working from home will fit around your family and pets. Alternatively, consider renting space locally, maybe within another established business such as a beauty salon or natural health practice. This option will obviously cost more but may create more customers who will visit the premises for other reasons. If you do choose to rent a space, make sure you have a contract with suitable terms.

Best practice...always Check the UKRF NOS (National Occupational Standards) and also the CNHC Code of Conduct, Ethics and Performance to make sure you adhere to correct practice right from the start. For example, you will need a private, lockable cabinet in which to keep client records. All this information can be overwhelming at first but once you have familiarised yourself with the basics you can get started on building your professional business.

What’s in a name? Think carefully about your business name. First, check there are no other businesses with the same name. You could name it after yourself or choose something relevant to your therapy type. Think about how unique it is i.e. if you make it too generic then anyone searching for it will get many, many results to sift through. Once you have a shortlist of potential names you could consider registering a domain name (this is the website address) with one of the domain companies available. (Note: be ready to register it as you might find that automatic search bots snap up domain names they detect have been searched for with a view to selling it to you at an inflated price). Once you have chosen your unique business name, consider registering it as a trade mark it to protect it.

Looking good To get your business recognised it’s a good idea to have a style, colour scheme and logo, even if your business is simply named after yourself. It helps potential clients to notice that they’ve seen your posts online before and they are more likely to remember you, to mention you to others and maybe contact you themselves. Design a business logo and theme, or consult a Graphic Designer to help you make it all look good. There are some logo creators available online if you fancy having a go yourself. Try Canva or Wix. 20 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF


Create an online presence Create a social media presence on Facebook and Instagram to begin building your brand as soon as you decide to go ahead with starting your own practice. It’s free and easy to do and you can set it up how you like before it will be seen by anyone. You can put a few posts there to make it interesting and ask a couple of close friends for their opinions if you aren’t sure prior to reaching out for followers. It’s a very powerful tool in Googl connecting with potential clients. To increase your chances of being found by a Google search, set up your Google My Business page. It’s also free and easy to do and you can add photos of your practice. Google it to find out how!

Reiki Th

My Busin



Protect yourself and your clients Make sure you have professonal insurance as soon as you start to use Reiki on other people. There are professional bodies, such as Balens, that specialise in this type of insurance.

Keep Records Make sure to keep financial records right from the start as you will need to provide financial records to HMRC, even if you don’t make a profit initially. Using a simple spreadsheet in Excel is a good way to get started. Keep records of your assets (therapy room furniture, specialist books, anything else you use for your business) and also your expenses (including utility bills as a percentage of these can usually be offset against your tax liability). Consider using an accountant if this is not your ‘thing’! For more information, check these websites: and (there is a wealth of information about self-employment and registering your business on these pages), & (check these sites out for ideas about graphics and logos, (there is lots of information on our own website and help is available to UKRF members), (the CNHC Code of Conduct, Ethics and Performance can be downloaded), (Specialist Insurance Broker).



Teaching Reiki in Menorca by Leo Maria Holmes

As I watch the sun rise, illuminating the drystone wall and the terracotta earth beyond, I am filled with gratitude. Grateful for the quality of the Mediterranean light, the warmth of the sun, the connection to nature, the stillness of the energy on this magical island and for my first Reiki 1 course here exceeding my expectations. Menorca has been my family’s holiday destination for over 27 years. Every time I return to the UK I long to come back hence my decision to work out here so I can spend more time on the island that has captured my heart.

abroad, so I was grateful to the UKRF for answering my last-minute questions and for connecting me with John Curtin. Appreciation also goes also to Torsten Lange at the Reiki Academy London for allowing me to use their manual as the basis for my course and for reminding me that teaching Reiki is about passing on a skill and is not a performance. A big thank you goes to John Curtin from the Federación Española de Reiki ( w w w. f e d e r e i k i . es) who explained the difference between practising professionally in the UK and Spain.

Before leaving London, I checked with Holistic Insurance Services that I would be covered to teach and give treatments in Spain. However, I was told that their policy wouldn’t cover me as I hold a Spanish bank account. So, on the advice of the UKRF, I approached Balens Ltd who give worldwide cover to both teach and practise abroad. Members of the UKRF and Reiki Academy London get a discounted rate with Balens.

In Spain, since Reiki is not recognised as a therapy, anyone can set up in practice once they have trained at Level 1 but they must have membership of the Federación Española de Reiki, have passed their online exam and taken out the relevant insurance cover in order to be recognized as a professional Reiki Practitioner. John in turn is indebted to the UKRF; the Federación Española de Reiki was founded on their principles and he continues to follow their lead.

I have been practising Reiki professionally for over 11 years and started teaching last year. I discovered that there were many things to consider when working

Many thanks to Carol Garrett whose assistance was invaluable and to all those on Menorca who shared the promotional flyers.


REIKI WORLDWIDE Despite, or perhaps because of, the fact that the number of people turning to alternative therapies has grown exponentially, in Spain there is currently a crackdown on a variety of therapies, including Reiki, which the Head of the Observatory Against Pseudoscience, Jerónimo Fernández is not currently in support of. Obviously I don’t share this view. By contrast, in the UK, Reiki can now be prescribed within the NHS. My Level 1 course was taught in English in a Yoga & Wellness Centre called Cutó Vida in the centre of Mahón (see photo insert below). Within the small group there was a wide range of experience and exposure to Reiki and I was blessed to have students with such open minds and hearts. Before everyone arrived on the first day, I did a selftreatment and a short meditation with the intention

that everyone feel the connection during the attunements and receive what they needed from the course. The two days flew by and although we are taught not to have expectations or be attached to outcome, I was gratified that everyone felt the connection to Reiki. Towards the end of the second day, the energy in the circle was palpable. When talking about energy it is difficult to find language to describe the experience but I felt completely connected to all of the students and a strong sense of light and lightness in the whole room. I started writing this piece to communicate the practicalities of teaching Reiki in Spain but it has also turned out to be a piece about gratitude - an emotion and quality of thankfulness which seems to snowball and take on a life of its own the more it is felt. Moltes gràcies.

Leo Maria Holmes Nutrition and Light Contact: +44 (0)7961 817202



The UK Reiki Federation Research Group Our Vision and Goals The research group was established in April 2019 with Trish Parry as Research Coordinator. The group now has four members (including Torsten Lange) and meets twice monthly on Zoom. More information about the group members is at the end of this article. The group are working on a voluntary basis and have a good range of skills and experience between them. Our vision is to facilitate Reiki being accepted and used as part of a holistic health care plan for many conditions in the NHS and beyond. There is a basic set of objectives for the group in order to help us move towards this vision:

To undertake literature searches on Reiki research published since 2010 and to assess the robustness of the research in terms of study design, whether the number of participants has been determined to provide irrefutable evidence (power of the study) prior to research commencement and what the statistical analysis is stating. The searches are based on specific medical categories. We have chosen the following categories for the literature searches:

Anxiety/depression/stress Autism Crohn’s Disease Dementia Fatigue Heart Disease Pain/musculoskeletal Oncology Reproductive health


We are finding that good evidence-based research supporting Reiki is rare and this has highlighted the need for more robust data to be available and accepted in the medical world. The plan is that the results of the literature searches will be made available on the Federation’s website for members to access and to discuss with clients who have particular conditions. This work has commenced, and the literature search in the use of Reiki in stress and anxiety should be available on the Federation’s website soon. Our plan is: •

To develop and implement a research protocol which uses qualitative methods i.e. questionnaires given to recipients to determine the effectiveness of Reiki. This will require approval by an Ethics Committee and participants to give written informed consent.

To develop and implement a research protocol which uses quantitative methods i.e. collections of numeric data that can be statistically analysed.

If any member of the UKRF is interested in joining the research group or being part of future research studies please contact us through the UK Reiki Federation


Trish Parry – Research Group Coordinator Since becoming attuned to Reiki in 2007, I have had an overwhelming desire to combine the benefits of Reiki with medical research so that Reiki can be recognised, accepted and integrated more widely in the medical world. I am very fortunate to have had a fulfilling 30-year career as a scientist working in clinical trials. During this time, I have designed, managed, monitored, provided regulatory training and written reports for many clinical trials for or on behalf of pharmaceutical companies. I have also written a short book to explain the statistical techniques used in clinical trials. It has been a privilege to see many advances in science as a result of clinical trials, some of which I have worked on directly. For example, in my early days of conducting clinical trials in breast cancer, I remember being delighted that one of the patients survived for 5 years. Now, breast cancer is considered to be curable for the majority of patients. I also recall an amazing connection with someone I sat next to on a flight. As we chatted away about what we did for a living it became clear that they had taken part in one of the clinical trials I worked on 10 years before. The trial was in severely ill patients who were expected to live only for 1-2 days at that time. I was overwhelmed to see them so healthy 10 years later, living life to the full.

has grown with a natural interest and ability in healing which appears to have been influenced by my attunement. I have trained in other Reiki courses including Kotadama and Karuna Reiki. In 2009, I discovered and trained in Reiki Drum and I loved this technique so much I trained to become a Master/Teacher in Reiki Drum in 2016. In 2015, I became a Holy Fire Reiki Master/ Teacher as a student of William Lee Rand and I can honestly say that Holy Fire Reiki has changed my life. I believe Reiki should be accessible to everyone and my current practice includes running Reiki courses and holding a monthly Healing Drum Circle (online for the duration of isolation) as Dragon Fire Healing. Being a member of the Reiki Research group has given me the opportunity to work with a great group and to finally realise my dream to combine Reiki and research where this can be done.

My Reiki journey started in early 2007, when I trained and was attuned to Usui Reiki I and II. Later that year, I received my Usui master/teacher attunement when I was pregnant with my third child. My son

Mark Prangell I first came across Reiki in 2003 when I tried to book a Reflexology session but, after a few careful questions, was guided towards a Reiki session instead. Being a scientist by background my instinct was to try and analyse what was going on in that and subsequent sessions I received but eventually I just accepted that it was a very wonderful experience. Later that year I achieved my Reiki first degree and spent the next couple of years exploring self-healing. In 2005 I achieved my Reiki second degree and in the following 5 years started to practise. In 2010 I decided to take the next step on my Reiki journey so that I could enhance my abilities and teach others, achieving my Reiki Master degree that year.

Since then I have taught a number of people to first and second degree level and practised on a private and voluntary basis, the latter in both hospital and hospice settings. Recently I volunteered to support the Reiki Research Group of the UK Reiki Federation. (Research article continued on page 27) REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 25


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Vicky McLelland I am Vicky McLelland and I did part 1 Reiki training in 2005 after a friend had told me how wonderful Reiki was. I eventually became a Reiki Master Teacher in 2016. Reiki has transformed my life and I see clients privately and also for a charity. I trained as a nurse and having gained a BSc in Biological Sciences started working in research in the NHS. I did this for 15 years either seeing patients and collecting data for clinical trials and epidemiology research, organising the research, managing a research department and advising on a research committee. I also established and ran a charitable research company for five years, raising money to fund research through clinic trial work. I also did a PhD by research during this time and I worked briefly as the Research Governance lead for a strategic health authority.

Now, I am a Stress Management Consultant, a Health and Wellbeing Coach and an Instructor in Mental Health First Aid. I work part-time in the NHS helping staff to manage stress, anxiety and depression. I joined the Research Group because I wanted to combine my passions for Reiki and research. I have already completed a literature review of 22 papers in the use of Reiki in stress and anxiety.

The Reiki Research Group is looking for volunteers to join! The UK Reiki Federation Research Group is currently working on compiling a comprehensive list of scientific studies on Reiki. They are looking for two or three volunteers to join and help with the time-consuming work. It would be ideal if applicants had experience in working with scientific papers and research. Over time, the group will also be conducting their own studies on the efficacy of Reiki in different areas. If you are interested in helping, please send an email to: and include a brief summary of your experience and motivation.

We at the UKRF are grateful to our Research Group for all the great work they are doing to bring more scientific evidence of the healing effects of Reiki. If you are interested in joining the UKRF Reiki Research team or would like more information, please send an email to REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 27


Distance Healing by Torsten A. Lange

There are two elements that set Reiki apart from any other complementary therapy: the attunements - opening the initial connections to Reiki - and the possibility of distance healing. Even the National Occupational Standards acknowledge that a Reiki treatment can be given in three ways: hands-on, hands-off, and from a distance. In these difficult times of the outbreak of the coronavirus, this makes Reiki the most amazing tool: we can send Reiki treatments to friends and family in need - and professional practitioners can continue to treat their regular clients. Or even get new ones. Let’s make the most of this incredible opportunity! One of my most amazing experiences with distance healing treatments was when I offered it to the husband of an old school friend. He was in hospital with acute leukaemia - and the prognosis was not very encouraging. My school friend knew that I was practising Reiki and got in touch to ask whether I had a suggestion how to complement the chemotherapy. Given that I lived in London and they were in Germany, she did not expect me to do anything myself. But of course, with the distance healing tool, we can! I said I would be happy to send him a distance healing treatment, he should just choose the time. Of course, he didn’t believe that this treatment would do anything - but in such dire circumstances he was prepared to give it a try. I sent the treatment at 9pm, when everything was quiet at the hospital. At half past nine he phoned his wife. She later told me that his voice had completely changed from the Reiki before. He sounded, almost, upbeat. And just couldn’t contain his incredulity: He had actually FELT something! He went on to describe the physical sensation of energy moving around his head - and right through 28 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF

his body. Then he said “This is the first time I feel that I may make it through after all.” Three months on, with daily distance Reiki treatments (in addition to the conventional medication), he was completely cured. My scientific research into the effects of Reiki on water showed the efficacy of distant treatments, too. It was great fun to hear about the astonishment in the Swiss laboratory when they placed a bottle of tap water on a desk - and after I sent an hour of Reiki from London, the quality had improved to match spring water. If you are not certain how to give a distance healing treatment yourself, here is an extract from my Hay House book on Reiki with a step-by-step guide: Exercise: The traditional Western method for distance healing, follow these steps: Connect to Reiki. Draw the Connection Symbol in front of you while repeating the accompanying mantra three times. Intend to connect to the person receiving the treatment. Say their name and location; for example, ‘I intend to connect to Aunt Mary in Sydney for this treatment.’ Start sending Reiki, using your hands. You can either use all 12 hand positions, or a selection, or follow your intuition. Practitioners often find that remote healing is particularly intense and therefore needs less time than a treatment in person. Many remote treatments last 30 minutes instead of 45 or 60. When the treatment is finished, clap your hands with the intention of ending the energetic connection or just say to yourself, ‘I am now ending this connection.’ Finish by giving thanks in Gassho.


Variations: A timed treatment: When you say the name and location of the person, add that the treatment should be received at a certain time, for example 4 p.m. local time. A ‘remote’: You can place your hands on a ‘remote’ while giving a treatment. Teddy bears, pillows, etc., can be used. A photograph: You can place your hands over a photograph of the person. A piece of paper: Write down the name and location or name and date of birth of the person on a piece of paper and hold your hands above it. Visualization: Visualize the recipient and feel your connection to them. (Extract from Reiki Made Easy by Torsten A. Lange) Torsten A. Lange Research Coordinator You can find out more in Torsten’s blog: Torsten A. Lange is UK Reiki Federation Research Coordinator, Director of the Reiki Academy London, Hay House Author, and has a Master’s Degree in Political Sciences.

If you are interested in joining the UKRF Reiki Research team or would like more information, please send an email to

‘Scientific research into the effects of Reiki on water showed the efficacy of distant treatments’



Thoughts on... Collective Reiki Distance Healing by Toni Lester

What it is to work with Love... It is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart, even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth... Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet The deadly coronavirus has spread fear and alarm to all of us that inhabit this planet. An invisible and yet powerful enemy that can sometimes overcome the finest defence mechanism that we have - our immune system.

The Law of Dharma asks us: ‘How can I serve and How can I help?’ The answers to these questions will allow us to help and serve our fellow human beings with love... ...and I like to think include helping our planet too.

I was always taught that the HSZSN distance healing symbol has the unique power of being able to send healing to past, present and future kharmic debt. However, we are the fortunate ones for we have In a rather ironic manner, if we think that ‘we are been given the ‘Magic Key’ to the Achilles heel of this reaping what we have sown’ then the coronavirus rampant virus - we have the power of sending Reiki stops us from breathing and we have decimated the Distance Healing. Not only can we send it individually rainforests and coral reefs, polluted our atmosphere but by sending ‘collective healing’ (each evening at with excess green house gases 8pm). ’We could soon reach to the point where our planet Earth is struggling to breathe. ’We could soon reach a critical a critical mass of Perhaps as Gilbert & Sullivan mass of successful people successful people which quipped in The Mikado, ‘the which could transform life on punishment is being made to fit planet Earth’ Deepak Chopra could transform life on the crime!’

planet Earth’ Chopra

When I teach a Reiki Master Deepak course, I like to use Deepak Chopra’s ‘The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success’ as a guide to underpin our spiritual journey. Each spiritual law is assigned to a different day of the week. The Master course finishes on a Saturday and as all subsequent Master reunion days are held on a Saturday, we conclude the course by concentrating on ‘The Law of Dharma’ which correlates to a Saturday.


If however, HSZSN can be sent to heal past, present & future kharmic debt then by combining our Reiki distance healing in a collective body to be sent to the saving of planet Earth, world peace, reduction in green house gases and overcoming coronavirus then we indeed have a ‘Magic Key’ that will unlock the future of this planet and save it in all its magnificence for future generations!


May we all join in each evening at 8pm to collectively send Reiki Distant Healing to the saving of our wonderful planet Earth, the overthrow of the coronavirus & the protection of all our amazing front line workers who are risking their lives whilst caring for those affected by COVID -19. In love, light and namaste (instead of hugs), Toni Lester Reiki Master & UKRF Member Further info: For the last 19 years Toni has volunteered at The Sutton Cancer Support Centre (in Sutton Coldfield), which offers Reiki for those affected by cancer. As part of this service the charity teaches clients and their families Reiki. ‘Working as I do with so many people who are affected by cancer, the main aspect they struggle with is their inability to have much control over their treatments. Reiki gives them back a sense of ownership and trust in their altered body, and calm in the face of an uncertain future.’



Animal Reiki Membership & Course Approval Update by Sue Malcolm

From previous communications, you will be aware that we are working with other Reiki Council member organisations in an Animal Reiki working group to create a common set of requirements for Animal Reiki Practitioner and Master Teacher recognition, and also Animal Reiki Practitioner course approval. Both will be offered at two levels - Foundation (level II) and Professional Practice (level III, meeting National Occupational Standards). I am delighted to say that the Foundation level paperwork, which equates to most Animal Reiki training, is complete and has now been agreed by all member organisations within the Reiki Council.

The documents include: • Application form Practitioner for membership

for ‘Foundation Reiki Animals’ recognition/

• Application form for ‘Foundation Reiki Practitioner for Animals’ Course Approval • Requirements for recognition/membership as a Reiki Master Teacher (in the UKRF we will offer membership at Master as well as Teacher level - some organisations just have the one level) • Training guidelines for ‘Foundation Reiki Practitioner for Animals’ (aimed at teachers developing courses) • Training guidelines for Reiki for Animals Master Teachers (again aimed at teachers) A CPD resource which will be available online is also in its final stages of development. It will need to be read and understood for the application form to be complete if important basics of ‘Understanding Animals’ is not included in your Animal Reiki training.


No matter how large or small, animals are very receptive to receiving Reiki energy Now that the above documents are agreed, we are working hard at a member organisation level to set up the processes and have the right people in place: • to receive, applications





• to enable appropriate Animal Reiki certificates to be issued • to ensure that website information and directories are kept updated and provide answers to frequently asked questions as best as we can • to enable membership renewal, with appropriate CPD monitoring and more…

ANIMAL REIKI We can launch only when all organisations involved in this first phase are ready. We hope that in July, we will be able to invite applications for: (i) Foundation (level II) Animal Reiki Practitioners, Masters and Teachers (ii) Foundation (level II) Animal Reiki Practitioner courses for approval as meeting Reiki Council requirements. We know that a number of you have been waiting for a long time and we thank you for your patience. Similar documents for Animal Reiki at a Professional Practice level will follow when we have actioned initial applications from this first phase and addressed any teething issues. We will keep you updated and let you know when we are ready to start accepting applications. With very best wishes, Sue Malcolm Animal Reiki Coordinator


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Do we need a treatment room? by Sharon Leech

As Reiki practioners, do we need a treatment room to practise from? Due to the unprecedented times we find ourselves, and I find myself asking, “What can I do to help people who need Reiki now more than ever?” The answer showed itself in the form of an email from the UKRF on Monday 16th March 2020, asking all members to participate in Reiki Distance Healing to help combat the COVID-19 situation. This was to take place on Wednesday 18th March 2020 at 20.00hrs GMT. I have previously been asked to send Distance Reiki to clients who, for one reason or another were unable to attend a face to face treatment. I joined the Reiki sessions on 18th & 22nd March with the UKRF and members. The Distance Reiki Healing session was very powerful indeed for me and during this session I was guided by the images in my mind’s eye to create a Distance Reiki & Crystal Healing Grid. I gave extra protection by using my copper healing pyramid tool for all people of the world. The next day I contacted clients offering the choice of a Distance Reiki Healing session or a photo of the Distance Reiki & Crystal Healing Grid that they could keep on their phone and use when they themselves felt in the need of some healing. This was provided free of charge.

“Thank you, this couldn’t have come at a better time, my partner who is a nurse, is starting her ITU training today and I am already very worried about her. This will really help me.” LH “Thank you, as soon as I saw the photograph I felt as if I was in your treatment room and the calm I get when I am there washed over me.” AT “Thank you for the lovely session, I could feel the Reiki working on my right side, my head turned in that direction and I could especially feel it working on my face, ear, hip and leg.There was an emotional release and a much needed sense of relaxation.” EH (Reiki Practitioner) My conclusion is that we don’t always need our treatment room to deliver our services. It also confirms the intelligent form of energy that Reiki generates alongside the unconditional love to the client. Sharon Leech UKRF Member

This was an instant success and below is just some of the feedback I have received: “Thank you, I feel reassured and safe.” A member of staff from Merseyside Police Federation. “Thank you, I can already feel my anxiety easing.” H O’B “My tension headache already lifted, thank you, you never fail to help me.” GC REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 35


Would you like to join the UKRF Team? To continue to offer the best skills and support for our members we need volunteers for the following roles: Legal Coordinator:

To assist with the legal aspect of compliance and administration. Must have current legal knowledge.

Merchandise & Members’ Benefits Coordinator:

To assist with member discounts and UKRF merchandise sales.

If you are interested in either role or would like more information, please email Anne-Marie Carratu at

UKRF Vacancies: Area Reps The UKRF supports a network of Area Representatives who volunteer to act as the local contact for our members. We have lots of lovely volunteers but still have vacancies for some areas of the UK, including: London SW, Kent & Surrey. Please do contact our National Coordinator, Sarah Robinson if you are interested in representing any of these areas by emailing Sarah at

The UK Reiki Federation Research Group is looking for volunteers to join! The UKRF Research Group is currently working on compiling a comprehensive list of scientific studies on Reiki. They are looking for two or three volunteers to join and help. See page 27 for advert. If you are interested in helping by joining the group, please send an email to Torsten Lange: and include a brief summary of your experience and motivation.






We have a range of clothing and other merchandise available on our website, all of which bears the UK Reiki Federation branding to add professionalism to your therapy business. The t-shirts, hoodies and polo shirts are available in various colours and sizes.


Shop online at

Ladies’ t-shirts, polo tops, hoodies and fleeces.

Men’s t-shirts, polo tops, hoodies and fleeces. We also have notebooks, wrist bands, lanyards, heart squishies and tote bags! REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 37


Merging Reiki with QiGong - part 2 by Ruth-Ann Moriarty and Alan Sanson

Encouraged by the feedback and questions from our initial article on QiKiGong (Cheeky Gong) in Reiki World Spring Issue 1, we are very pleased to continue to share the way we have fused these two beautiful practices. In this article we describe one of the first movements and related feelings we play with in the sessions. About us: We are: Ruth-Ann Moriarty, a Reiki Master Teacher since 2005, privileged to have trained with William Lee Rand, Laurelle Shanti Gaia and Michael Arthur Baird in NY State, USA. Alan Sanson, a QiGong facilitator for 15 years. Ruth started her QiGong journey nearly three years ago and Alan is progressing the early stages of his Reiki journey. The essence of all the moves and feelings in QiKiGong sessions we breakdown into Grounding/ Centering, Cleansing, Replenishing, Rebalancing and Freedom. Everything is always performed with sensitivity, total awareness, peacefulness and joy.

Stroking the Waterfall Grounding and centering...

1 2 3

Stand or sit with your feet mid shoulder width apart, knees slightly flexed (not fixed). Gently raise your arms up in front of you to slightly above shoulder height, or as high as you feel comfortable, as you gently flex your knees and ankles. Slowly lower your hands imagining you are stroking a waterfall (or if you do not like water maybe stroking a silk curtain, or even imagining you are tiny and you are stroking a blade of grass â˜ş ).

First we take a little time to stand with palms facing each other at solar plexus level to relax and begin Let your hands and arms relax completely before you to feel the energies flowing. expand up through your body to repeat. As we gently breathe we take When you have done this a few in external Ki/Qi, envisaging times and feel comfortable with this entering through every the move, use your feelings fibre of our mind and body to draw up the Earth energy from the soles of our feet to through your feet and hands to the tips of fingers and to the ripple through and gently expand top of our head, followed by your whole body and mind as you gentle exhaling to release raise your arms. any tensions. We don’t count, just allow our body to find its Blend your own energies with own rhythm as we focus on the Earth energy as you release, stroke your hands the energy and smile. downwards and feel your connection to the Earth. When ready we begin to ground and centre by Imagine the water or curtain to be as real as possible, feel its energy and enjoy playing. Smile. Repeat until you Stroking the Waterfall. feel connected and grounded.

Everything is always performed with sensitivity, total awareness, peacefulness and joy

Relax your hands down to your sides, give a small bow to the universe and go gently about your day.


REIKI AND QIGONG As we are writing this article in exceptional times, where fear and uncertainty are touching many lives, we feel that the exercise we describe above may be of help to reground and recentre. If we cannot be in a physical group, we imagine being surrounded by others as we gently move energies and allow love and light to fill our hearts and minds and radiate out.

Namaste Footnote: Alan’s focus is on facilitating sessions with people of all ages and all abilities, including an NHS Health and Care Trust on their in-patient wards supporting people with psychiatric conditions, people affected by strokes, sight loss, dementia, cancer, and carers. Ruth also works with Aromatherapy and Reiki, custom blending essential oils for each client and combining light massage and/or Reiki to help with a wide variety of physical and emotional needs. She often demonstrates a few QiKiGong moves to clients as well as her Reiki students. A number of them are now attending classes or asking Ruth to teach them more. Ruth-Ann Moriarty and Alan Sanson Email:

Why not check out these videos from Ruth-Ann and Alan on Youtube? QiKi Shower (from Part 1) Stroking the Waterfall (Part 2)





New Beginnings Reiki and QiGong - part 2 Sarah Toll Moriarty by Ruth-Ann

As a lover of writery things, I was excited when the call to submit an article came, although it left me wondering what useful little gems I might share with a discerning, well informed audience. It’s a tough gig. So, my intention is this; if I can’t give you something informative, I shall at least give you something that will silence the noxious coronavirus natter for a few moments. Clearly my concentration is rubbish as an hour has passed and all that I have achieved is one paragraph and the consumption of a cup of tea, a coffee and an accidental crumpet (or two); oh yes and some wilfing around on social media. Which as it turns out has given me an idea. I am a Reiki practitioner of seven years, but six months ago decided the time was right for me to set up a practice. “Hurrah!” I cried as I charged about creating my website; I had business cards printed, got the word out amongst my chums, advertised through social media etc. Unable to set aside space to give Reiki at home I chased down a therapy room to rent, I even had friends with spare rooms who were willing to let me use their space, so was all sorted. And then pop! Coronavirus pinched the lot. But, in global terms it was little more than a decision that vanished, others have lost so much more. Nevertheless, this was a big change for me, so was impactful.

me think differently. I’m not going to let it beat me before I even get started. My brain is boiling away like a blackened kettle over an open fire, steam coming out of my ears as I try to figure out how I can make this work. “Distance Reiki” I hear you cry and this is where my focus of attention is going to be, however, there are barriers to progress. The challenge of helping people to understand what Distance Reiki is and how it works is a tall order, especially when science struggles to explain it. Furthermore, as I built the framework for my business, I discovered that advertising and selling an intangible commodity produces zero clients. Uniquely though I believe the problems can be overcome with one solution. In the olden days - last month to be honest when we were still able to hang out in coffee shops, I met up with a lovely lady who works in marketing to discuss my challenges. She told me that people like to buy but they don’t like to be sold to, which I can relate to. Her suggestion to me was to educate. I imagine a number of you have websites, blogs, Facebook pages and if so, you might like to try her suggestion too.

‘The gift of Distance Reiki was given to us for a purpose and maybe that purpose is now.’

For an as yet unknown reason, divine timing directed me to this moment of my life to make the change; possibly the worst point in the history of the world. You can tell me 10,000 times over that things have happened like this for a reason and who am I to question it… but in the words of John McEnroe “you cannot be serious!” However, the thing I love about this dilemma, is that it is making 40 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF

Write content, provide information on the what, the why and the how. Blog about your experiences, talk about the feedback you get from your clients (all within the bounds of confidentiality, but I don’t need to tell you that because you’re already in tune with your responsibilities). Share things that will resonate with people, talk about how your practice manages social anxiety, chronic pain or whatever it is that you specialise in and people will learn about what you are able to do for them, without you having to sell anything. They will then, in time, become clients.

REIKI WORLD This unprecedented time conflicts with what we know as humans; we are sociable, tactile people who use touch to heal both in spiritual and practical terms. The first thing any of us do when we hurt ourselves is rub it; we turn to our loved ones to hold us, to make things better, which flies in the face of everything that is being asked of us at the moment. The gift of Distance Reiki was given to us for a purpose and maybe that purpose is now. Wishing you all health, wellness and kindness. Namaste. Sarah Toll UKRF Member

Cherry Blossom After Rain 雨のち桜


The new CD from composer, harpist & Reiki Master

Hilary de Vries Music for relaxation & reflection ‘it has a lovely musical flow…an Oriental minimalism about it’ Alison Kinnaird, harpist REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 41


The Power of Reiki by Carolina Starre

I know Reiki works because of my dad. In 2017 my dad did a silly thing and accidentally set fire to himself. He was air ambulanced to Galway Hospital where they put him in an induced coma. In the morning when I spoke to the night nurse that cared for him overnight, they told me he should be taken to Dublin Burns Unit but was too ill to be moved. I prayed and sent Reiki. Later that day he was able to be moved to Dublin but we were still told to expect the worst. Dad had diabetes and was going through kidney failure, which we’re told are two of the four conditions that do not help burn victims. The next few days were critical, and Dad had several operations. We were told he was still unlikely to make it. All I could do was pray and send Reiki. I spoke to my friends, family and healers and set up a ‘Dad’s healing group’ to enable as many people as possible to send distant healing to him. The first week was touch and go and he had 27% burns. I visited the hospital as many times as I could, giving dad Reiki as often as possible, sometimes for a good few hours a day. Little by little, day by day, his body started to respond. I know Dad was receiving the Reiki on some level as his eyebrows moved up and down until I started it again even though he was unconscious. As each day went past, we were told that Dad would have to stay in hospital for many months to recover. After 3 weeks they woke him up from the coma. 42 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF

Dad continued to get better and better, stronger and stronger. His accident was on 12th July and he was transferred to a rehabilitation unit in Galway six weeks later, where he learned to walk and rehabilitate himself again.

Interestingly there was a gentleman who came in on the same day as Dad with the same level of burns. He was a few years older but was a physically fit man with no prior conditions. Sadly, he was still in a coma when Dad was transferred to the rehabilitation centre. Dad had been receiving kidney dialysis in hospital and when he arrived at the rehab centre they needed to change the line, strangely they found Dad’s skin was growing up and around the line that connected him to the machine. The doctors and nurses could not believe it and had never seen it before. I put this down to his body receiving the healing. To have access to what I call ‘Reiki Magic’ is so amazing and available to everyone.


Me & Dad in 2019 Nearly two years on Dad has made a remarkable recovery. He has kidney dialysis now twice a week, but apart from that he is good. The doctors and nurses said his quick recovery was a miracle - I firmly believe that due to the fabulous care he received in the hospital, the love of his family, the access to the Reiki healing and my dad’s will to get better all helped his speedy recovery. Reiki isn’t a substitute for medical interventions or treatments but it may aid recovery when used alongside appropriate care. Please always check with the relevant medical doctors. Carolina Starre UKRF Member

Meditation Corner... Whilst you and your family are in isolation, and if you are lucky enough to have an outside space, why not have a mini meditation session? Choose a warm, sunny day and a nice blanket (if you don’t fancy sitting on the grass) and sit comfortably. Just begin by breathing slowly and noticing the breath. Relax each part of your body from your toes up to your head, paying particular attention to your tummy muscles, shoulders, neck and hands which are areas in which we tend to hold tension. Think about all you have to be grateful for and let your focus be there for a few minutes. Send gratitude and love to yourself and those around you. Visualise your body filling with glowing white light. Feel your energy level increasing. Rest in the moment. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes. Even a few minutes every day makes a big difference to your well-being and can be a great way of keeping in touch with your spiritual daily practice. You can tailor your session however you like. Finish by setting an intention to keep the calm feelings with you all day...and beyond.



Reiki Sharing Groups We now have information about many Reiki Sharing Groups all over the country so we have collated the information and you can access it by following this link: Or follow this path on our website:





What is a Reiki share? Holding or attending a Reiki share is a wonderful way of meeting other Reiki students, Practitioners, Teachers and all those interested in finding out more about Reiki. The concept of a Reiki share is for everyone attending to both give and receive Reiki healing in a supportive and loving environment. There maybe three or more people to each treatment couch, and whilst one person is laying on the couch everyone else is giving Reiki to them. When that session is finished someone else will then be treated. This rotation continues until everyone has received a treatment.

Reiki share benefits For those who may wish to build their confidence in giving treatments or for those who have little or no experience of using Reiki, the shares are a good way to build their confidence and knowledge. Reiki Practitioners can also benefit enormously from attending Reiki shares as by nature they are very giving people and wish to heal others, sometimes forgetting their own needs. Reiki shares are an opportunity for them to receive Reiki themselves. Reiki shares are also a good way to meet other like-minded people and discuss experiences of using receiving or training in Reiki. The UK Reiki Federation holds a list of members who currently hold shares in that area so if you are interested in attending a share then do please see the list and contact the member holding it. If you hold a Reiki share, please contact the office to get your share added to our list. Reiki shares are usually held once a month and serve to be a focal point for ongoing contact and support. Participating in a Reiki share is very beneficial to the individual and to the whole group collectively, it is an amazing experience to be part of a group meeting together to heal and be healed. 44 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF


The UK Reiki Federation is happy to highlight courses offered by their Teacher members, which, in their opinion, are appropriate for training purposes. The directory includes courses which are suitable for professional Practitioner training, recorded as “Practitioner” and those which are suitable for CPD (Continuing & Professional Development), recorded as “CPD”: “Practitioner” courses have been checked against the National Occupational Standards for Reiki to ensure that all topics are included. “CPD” courses (members only) are those which we feel would be beneficial to Reiki Practitioners. Please also note that this list is not exhaustive and that our Teacher members all over the country also offer training courses and you may contact any of those Teachers. Professional Usui Reiki Practitioner Course Course Provider: Wendy Hale In The Pink Therapies & Training Caerphilly Phone: 01633 614329 Reiki Professional Course Course Provider: Simon Bailey Shavington, Cheshire Phone: 01270 260200 Email: Reiki Practitioner Course (including Reiki 1 & 2) Course Provider: Gaia School of Natural Health Ellesmere Port, Cheshire Phone: 07932 063576 Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner Course Course Provider: Deborah Cordery (Rejuvenating Hands) Leigh on Sea, Essex Phone: 07989 318790

Reiki Master Teacher (including Reiki 1 & 2) Reiki Master Practitioner (including Reiki 1 & 2) Professional Reiki Practitioner Course Provider: Anne-Marie Carratu Banstead, Surrey Phone: 01737 557944

Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki III & Reiki IV Course Provider: Carolina Starre Epsom, Surrey Phone: 01372 878606 Email:

Professional Reiki Practitioner Course provider: Ruth Handley Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales Phone: 07748 446060

Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma incorporating Level 1 & 2 Course Provider: Michael Kaufmann Location: Central London Phone: 07801 284073

Reiki Practitioner (Usui Tibetan Reiki) Course provider: Christine Sutton Solihull, West Midlands Phone: 0121 246 9448

Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho Second Practitioner Level Course Provider: Fiona Heath Southleigh, East St, West Coker, Nr Yeovil Professional Reiki Diploma Phone: 07713 915416 Course Provider: Reiki Master Academy Hove, Sussex Reiki Practitioner Diploma Phone: 07795 553038 Course Provider: Ann Pigott Email: Stourbridge, West Midlands Phone: 07929 634051

Reiki Professional Practitioner (including Level 1 & 2) Course Provider: Sue Malcolm Wakefield, West Yorkshire Phone: 07737 396948 Email: Reiki Professional Practitioner Course Provider: Wendy Radford Crowborough, East Sussex Usui Reiki Ryoho Practitioner Course Phone: 07921 837807 Email: wendy@radford-holistictheraCourse Provider: Heidi Fawkes Ripon/Bedale, North Yorkshire Phone: 01677 988264 Reiki Level 1 & Reiki Level 2 Professional Practitioner Certificate Course Course Provider: Harshani Lori Curbishley-Brown Islip Northamptonshire Phone: 07941 841485 Reiki Practitioner Course Course Provider: Mandy Goddard Worcester, Worcs Phone: 07878 712212 Email: Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki III, & Reiki IV Course Provider: Shaylini Popat London, Harley Street Phone: 07546 048659

Reiki Second Degree Course Provider: Brighton Holistics (Jon Matson) Brighton Sussex Phone: 01273 672690 Email:

Professional Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Surrey School of Reiki & Susan-Emma Complementary Therapy Addlestone, Surrey Phone: 07789 681775 Email: Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma (including Reiki 1 & 2) Course provider: Susan Baker Taunton, Somerset Phone: 01823 490521 Reiki Professional Practitioner Julie Rennie Craghead, Stanley, Co Durham 07990 753300

Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Reiki Academy London - Torsten Lange London SW13 9HE Phone: 07774 590211 Email: Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Reiki Academy London - Rupert Fawcett London SW13 9HE Phone: 07774 590211 Email: Reiki Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Sarah Presley Bristol, Wiltshire Phone: 07590 621495 Email:


Hello there

to all and thank you to everyone who submitted articles for this second edition of REIKI WORLD magazine. We had a great response to our first issue in spring and have had lots of positive feedback. It’s lovely to see members helping to put together a magazine that helps fellow members. From the comments I have received it is clear most of you like reading about the journeys of others and find it quite inspiring. I have included part two of popular ‘Merging Reiki with QiGong’ and also an updated, extended version of the ‘Teaching Reiki in Spain’ article from the last issue for you to enjoy. We would like to hear about how you’ve set up your business, any tips you would give to fellow new members, spiritual trips you’ve been on and new skills you’ve learned to add to your business and remember to take photos of these interesting things too. Please send articles and stories to together with your membership number by email in a Word document. Articles always look better with accompanying pictures, so please include photographs and artwork as separate attachments to go with your articles if possible, and please ensure that you have permission to publish any photograph from everyone in it. All images must be high resolution (300+ dpi), and suitable for printing. The deadline for submissions for the autumn issue of REIKI WORLD magazine is 6th August 2020. We are looking forward to seeing your articles.




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Kerrie Baker Publications Coordinator / Editor of Reiki World Email:

21-27 September Please note: Contributors to Reiki World magazine do not necessarily express the opinion of the UK Reiki Federation and the UK Reiki Federation accept no responsibility for views expressed. The UK Reiki Federation does not accept any responsibility for the independent advertisers or their services featured in this magazine. All content of Reiki World is © Copyright to UK Reiki Federation. Unless otherwise stated, the design and layout of this magazine and any material published (including text, graphics, logos, images) is the property of the UK Reiki Federation. We authorise users to copy articles from this magazine only for personal, non-commercial use, clearly acknowledging the source. ISSN (printed): ISSN 2633-5115 ISSN (digital): ISSN 2633-5123


ADVERTISING RATES FOR REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE Would you like to advertise your courses, retreats, holiday accommodation, supplies, books, new age items etc. to like minded individuals? Please send your adverts to


Eighth page (105 x 70mm) Quarter page (portrait 140 x 105mm) Half page (landscape 140 x 210mm) Full page (portrait 285 x 210mm) Full page back cover (when available)

£25 £50 £75 £100 £125

Courses and retreats to be advertised by members only.

LEAFLETS The new colourful UK Reiki Federation ‘Client/Patient’ leaflets and ‘Information for the Carers of Animal & Pet Clients’ leaflets are an ideal way to explain about Reiki to clients and to anyone who would benefit from receiving information about it. They are available for purchase by members. £1.50 each or: UK


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Brochure UK Reiki

25 leaflets ….…..£ 8.00


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50 leaflets ………..£12.00






100 leaflets ……..£18.00 200 leaflets……….£30.00











Prices for ‘Client/Patient’ leaflets include postage and packing. Members may also request 25 copies of the UK Reiki Federation promotional leaflet free of charge, with a contribution of £1.50 for postage and packing if being requested without any other purchase. The UKRF information leaflets are popular with Teacher members who use them to advise their students about the UK Reiki Federation. TO ORDER Please visit our website and can be found by clicking on ‘Shop ► Publications’ or type in this link into your browser: K


Reiki Principles The UK Reiki Federation prides itself on working to these principles and values.

The Reiki Principles To bring the spiritual depth into everyday life, Mikao Usui, the founder of the system of Reiki, created a set of five principles (or precepts). They can be found on his memorial stone in the grounds of the Saihoji Temple in Tokyo. He called them...

‘The secret method of inviting good fortune. The marvellous medicine for all sickness.’ Just for today: Do not anger Do not worry Be grateful Work with diligence Be kind to others Every morning and every night sit in Gassho (palms placed together) and speak these words out loud in your heart - Mikao Usui

UK Reiki Federation Suite 437, 4th Floor, Davis House, Robert Street, Croydon CR0 1QQ


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