Reiki World Spring 2020

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REIKI WORLD UK Reiki Feder ation Ma gazine


N E W D E C A D E - N E W E N E RG Y - N E W M AG A Z I N E

2020 UKRF AGM Friday 24th April

A great opportunity to meet other members and hear about the latest UKRF news. See inside for details


Exciting UKRF updates! Organising a Reiki share Interesting insights

Merging Reiki and QiGong Try some moves

TIPS: Using Reiki with Children

Connecting Reiki with Medicine

A fascinating insight into Reiki on REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF the wards at St George’s Hospital





Join the Reiki climate revolution





Connecting Reiki with Medicine

Animal Reiki updates

Meet our team


Social Media - connect with us online


Teaching Reiki in Spain


Can Reiki mitigate climate change? Find out more...


Connecting Reiki with Medicine - you can help the cause


The Waltham Forest Reiki Project


Animal Reiki updates - new courses coming soon


UKRF Pioneers Group - an opportunity for all


UKRF Vacancies


UKRF Merchandise - apparel and other items


Why you need Reiki for children - helpful tips


Reiki for Christians


Tips for organising a Reiki share


Merging Reiki and QiGong (pictured right)


The Reiki Room - a great journey into the mind



Showering Qi exercises

Welcome to Reiki World, Hello everyone and a very warm welcome to our new look magazine, which we hope you enjoy. As most of you know, Annie Harrington resigned at the end of October 2019 and I have stepped into the role of Acting Chair with Jon Matson-Higgins stepping into the role of Temporary Acting Vice Chair. Between us and the amazing team of hard-working volunteers on the Management Committee, we have made many positive changes to the way the UKRF now runs on a day to day basis. These include Jon having:• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Redeveloped the email system for every day emailing and mass emailing Created a full cloud based integrated database Created a CPD course listing process for the website Created a NOS courses listing process for the website Created the course accreditation process for courses to be accredited by the UKRF Simplified the navigation around the UKRF website Replaced all online PDF website forms with 20 fully functioning forms to make the usability easier and to cut down on the amount of paper used within the UKRF Simplified the membership renewal and the documentation process for renewal Created the GDPR process for the UKRF Updated a complaints process for the UKRF Created a complaints process for making a complaint against a member practitioner Created a complaints process for making a complaint against a registered training provider Created a basic business plan for future devolvement of the UKRF.

All of the above will simplify and speed up processes that have historically taken a long time to deal with. Jon, having achieved all of the above, will be stepping down as Acting Vice Chair in April. We thank him so much for everything he has done for the UKRF. Wendy Hick has kindly offered to relinquish her role of Secretary and will stand for election as Vice Chair. Another huge cost we looked at was the running of the office at Ludgershall. As a team, we decided we couldn’t justify the costs involved in running this office, so we have moved to a much smaller serviced office in Croydon, where Sarah Laing now works as our Acting Office Administrator. Sarah is still working her way around the new database we’re now using so please bear with us as she catches up with any outstanding orders and enquiries. The office is now open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday. On Fridays there will be someone to take telephone messages and emails will still be received at

Tom Jones continues to be our Treasurer and as a qualified Accountant, Tom’s hard work and a reliable cloud-based accounting package, produces accurate reports showing where we are financially. Email: Wendy Hick is currently Secretary to the Management Committee and is arranging our AGM. More details to follow. Wendy will be standing for election as Vice Chair in April. Email: Sue Malcolm continues to be our Animal Reiki Coordinator and is finalising all the necessary paperwork to allow approved courses for teaching and learning Animal Reiki to RCVS standards. This work has taken years and when launched, will be very exciting for those members wishing to take these approved courses. Email: Anna Maria Walton continues to be our International Coordinator and her role is to extend the UKRF hand to other Reiki organisations worldwide. Email: Rachel Ford has joined our Management Committee as Compliance Coordinator, where she is currently overviewing all our policies and procedures, ensuring that the UKRF is at its most professional and compliant in all respects. Email: REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF


REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - SPRING 2020 Torsten Lange has taken on the role of Research Coordinator and has a team of volunteers under him who are currently seeking out interesting research for members to read. The research team are made up of UKRF volunteers Trish Parry, Mark Prangell, Sally Cooper, Vicky McLennand and Jane Metcalfe. Email: Laura Clark has taken on the role of National Coordinator and is very much looking forward to developing this role. However, this is the last part of the database that is being worked on so will need a little more time before we can launch this properly and without breaching GDPR. If you are currently an Area Rep, or wish to become one, then do please contact Laura at Sharon Penny has become our Clinical Advisor and is happy to answer any questions you might have with regard to using Reiki in any clinical setting or with any medical condition. Email: Samantha Metcalfe has taken on the role of Events Coordinator and will be helping to coordinate our Annual Conference and liaise with members and organisations about other events we may wish to take part in. Email: Angela Worsley has taken on the role of Social Media and we look forward to seeing her posts. Please do follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Email: Laura Vismara is taking over from Sarah Laing in February for Distance Healing and looks forward to new members joining the group to send Reiki far and wide. Email:

Kerrie Baker has joined the team as Publications Coordinator to take over production and design of our regular magazine and has created the new Reiki World publication. If you have any articles and high resolution photos please send them in. Email: Amit Sihra has taken on the role of looking after Lineages and is currently building a new cloud-based database which will be fully functional at the end of February. Amit has already got a lot of lineage information and is able to offer a lineage tracing service. Email: Education is still looked after by me and I am currently looking for any qualified Assessors to join the Education team. If you have experience in teaching and assessing, then do please contact me at We are currently looking for a volunteer Secretary to join the Management Committee and would like to hear from any Practitioner Members who have experience in taking Minutes, arranging meetings, collating reports, organising paperwork for the AGM. Please do contact me if you would be interested in becoming a Volunteer as part of our wonderful team. Email: Please do get in touch with any of us on the Management Committee, we really would like to hear what we can do for you, especially going forward with a new team on board. Whilst we are all busy with our own full-time jobs and businesses, we are all here as volunteers to take the UKRF in a new and exciting direction. You can email me at

A date for your diaries... We have arranged our annual get together, now called the UKRF Conference, which will be held on Thursday 24th September. More details will follow as we have recently taken on Samantha Metcalfe as Events Coordinator to oversee this and other events. We are absolutely delighted to say that one of our speakers is going to be Johannes Reindl from Austria, who on 15th March 2019, became Phyllis Lei Furomoto’s successor as Lineage Bearer for Usui Shiki Ryoho. We have also confirmed attendance for Margaret Coats from the CNHC, who we work closely with as an organisation.



Acting Chair UK Reiki Federation


Meet our team...

I discovered Reiki in 2001 when I learned it to treat my son, who has Autism. His remarkable improvement, when treated regularly with Reiki, was astounding and my passion for Reiki grew experientially. Giving up my full-time corporate work in 2007, I have since become a full time Reiki Practitioner and Master Teacher, also working at St George’s Hospital, SW London as part of the Connecting Reiki with Medicine team. I joined the UKRF as an Area Rep in 2011 and was then invited to join the Management Committee that same year. For the last two years I have been Education Coordinator for the UKRF and as a qualified teacher and assessor, I am also part of the CNHC’s PSB board for Reiki education. As Acting Chair now, I would like to see the UKRF go from strength to strength and am committed to the UKRF being the most outstanding Reiki organisation.

Anne-Marie Carratu (UKRF Acting Chair)

I was born and raised in Peterborough and moved to London in 1992 where I worked in a very demanding high profile job. Eventually, this lifestyle took its toll on my health and well-being so I moved to Brighton for a more relaxed and peaceful lifestyle by the sea, and cherish the time with my family and friends. I love being by the sea and on the edge of the South Downs National Park and have found this incredibly calming and energising. Holistic health and the holistic approach has always played a part in my life, it was after my Reiki ‘attunement’ that my life pathway changed, and over the years my personal growth has been incredible. This wonderful energy has helped me to develop calmness and stillness and has helped me to recognise compassion for other people’s needs and give me the understanding for me to be a better person, practitioner and tutor. Also teaching me that being dyslexic is not a problem, but a gift. I have met many wonderful people on this very exciting journey and I have realised how powerful the gift of holistic energy really is, and how rewarding life can be as a holistic practitioner and tutor. I was honoured to be awarded Commended Tutor for the Federation of Holistic Therapists in 2012. In 2015 I was humbled when the Federation of Holistic Therapists made me a Fellow Member, also in 2015, I was awarded FHT Excellence in Practice - Advocate. I am also a Reiki Master Teacher and I am passionate about my role as Vice Chair of the UK Reiki Federation.

Jon Matson-Higgins (UKRF Acting Vice Chair)



REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - SPRING 2020 “I have been in the teaching profession for 27 years and in that time have held a variety of leadership and consultancy roles. I am currently in my third headship and I am the Headteacher of a large, inner city primary school in London. I am passionate about well-being and I am a qualified Meditation Teacher [accredited by the British School of Meditation] a Reiki Master Practitioner and a Leadership and Life Coach. I have been meditating for over 30 years and enjoy teaching others about the many benefits that meditation can bring. I started my Reiki journey in 2015 and became a Master Practitioner in 2017. During this time I have been instrumental in promoting Reiki within schools. I feel honoured and privileged to be part of the Management Committee and holding the role of Secretary. I look forward to supporting the UKRF in developing its aims and fulfilling its vision.” Wendy Hick (UKRF Secretary) “As Treasurer I am pleased that I can use the skills that I have learnt in the business world as an Accountant to help the UK Reiki Federation to move forward and thrive as an organisation. I have been involved for several years now and I am pleased to be part of this creative and dedicated team. The UKRF is at an exciting time in the journey of Reiki, so many new opportunities and technological advances. Reiki is also gaining the respect that it deserves in the wider community. I live in Spain with my son and three dogs. I enjoy walking my dogs, jogging and cycling and of course, practising Reiki! “ Tom Jones (UKRF Treasurer)

“I have been a member of the UKRF since 2013. I joined the UKRF Management Committee in 2019 as Compliance Coordinator and will be working with the Federation to review and ensure that our policies and procedures are compliant and up to date with current industry and legal standards. Prior to training as a complementary therapist I worked extensively in retail, gaining experience in several departments dealing with different aspects of compliance. I am a Reiki Master Practitioner, registered with the CNHC for both Reiki and Massage. I have post graduate qualifications in a number of advanced massage techniques, Ayurvedic therapies and Tsuboki foot massage. My practice is located in Berkshire and I am currently in the process of completing a level 4/5 diploma in Clinical Aromatherapy, and writing my own Reiki course material which will follow the Core Curriculum National Occupational Standard for Reiki.” 66


Rachel Ford (UKRF Compliance Coordinator)

MEET OUR TEAM “My Reiki journey started more than a decade ago, and I have been a member of the UK Reiki Federation for almost as long. Having founded the Reiki Academy London, I am a full time Reiki Teacher, Author, and Researcher. My first book about Reiki was published by Hay House a few years ago, and I am currently working on my second which explores the connections between Reiki and the idea of reincarnation. I have done research into the history of Reiki in Japan and recently worked with a Swiss laboratory exploring the effects of Reiki on water (yes, it improves the water quality significantly). My current work includes new research projects of Reiki as a complementary therapy for humans, and how it can mitigate the effects of climate change. I am also Research Coordinator for the UK Reiki Federation.” Torsten A. Lange (UKRF Reiki Research Coordinator) “I have been a UKRF Management Committee member since 2015, when I joined as the Pioneers Coordinator. I then set up an Animal Reiki project and became our Animal Reiki Coordinator. I am now leading a Reiki Council initiative that is creating national training standards to enable the recognition of Animal Reiki Practitioner members at foundation and professional practice levels. This will lead to the identification of courses that offer good quality training too, which is the most requested information I receive from UKRF members. I have also been a volunteer at a dog rescue centre for many years and assisted at a national dog training school. I now run my own holistic animal ‘good cause’ organisation that gives holistic therapies (principally Reiki) to animals in various rescue centre and sanctuary settings, as well running training and workshops. From 2020 my good cause will be re-homing animals too.” Sue Malcolm (UKRF Animal Reiki Coordinator) “I’m Laura, an at-home mum to four - three girls and one boy, whom the girls claim is my favourite! Reiki came into my life almost nine years ago, and i’ve loved every bit of my Reiki journey. I’ve met so many amazing people and made friendships that will last for life. I love that Reiki is accessible to everyone. I’ve recently qualified as a Master Teacher and am really excited about the next year ahead. As our local area rep for Perth and Kinross I have events and shares planned starting early this year, and I am honoured to be holding the banner for The UK Reiki Federation.“ Laura Clark (National Coordinator and Area Rep for Perth & Kinross)



REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - SPRING 2020 “I have been in nursing for 40 years and in 1996 I became a Registered General Nurse and also qualified as an Aromatherapist in Holistic Massage. The main part of my nursing career has been in Palliative Care and for the last six years as Complementary Coordinator, organising all the therapy treatments within the Hospice. I am working as a Care Advisor for a GP surgery with the chronic long term patients, looking at different and more holistic ways of dealing with their conditions. Over the last year I have qualified as a Reiki Practitioner with the UK Reiki Federation to use within palliative care. I also work as a Reiki Practioner from home, and in the future hopefully I’ll be using Reiki as part of social prescribing for the GP practice, as I am passionate about getting Reiki and other complementary therapies into GP practice as part of prescribed treatments. I look forward to being part of the Reiki Federation team.” Sharon Penny (UKRF Clinical Coordinator) “My Reiki journey started in 2016 and it is incredible how this has developed with an ever increasing passion for learning, sharing and teaching Reiki. I also work full time within project delivery that gives me a unique insight into the magic ingredients for a successful project. This has included work around personalised services that make a difference to people, as well as coordinating and facilitating training, workshops, courses and events. I am grateful to family and friends who support me and keep me grounded to enable me to practice and teach Reiki evenings and weekends. It is an honour to join the UKRF team to support members and to promote the benefits of Reiki...together we can make a difference .“ Sam Metcalfe (UKRF Events Coordinator) “I joined the Reiki Fed in 2016 as a member, and then part of the Management Committee. I am currently blessed with being one of the Reiki Practitioners on the ‘Connecting Reiki with Medicine’ (CRwM) team, at St George’s hospital in South London, which is creating a transferrable clinical training and mentoring programme for Reiki Practitioners. This allows us to work on acute and high dependency units in a way which can be accepted by medical professionals in hospitals. I am now excited and honoured to be Administrator for the UK Reiki Federation, and combining my administration and hospital work, I am looking forward in bringing the Federation into the 21st century with the intention to streamline services and create an efficient, happy and supportive environment for all.” Sarah Laing (UKRF Administrator) 8


MEET OUR TEAM I have always held an interest in complementary medicine and learning about natural ways to keep myself and my family healthy. I have an interest in science and metaphysics and love thinking about what makes people who they are. After starting my Reiki path in early 2013 I have continued through to be a full time Reiki Master Practitioner, and currently working on my Reiki Teacher Manual. I also work as a freelance Graphic Designer which is handy for my new role producing Reiki World magazine! I love how Reiki has changed my life and enjoy bringing the Reiki principles to those around me every day. It really does change your life in the most amazing ways. Kerrie Baker (UKRF Editor of Reiki World/Publications Coordinator) I spent 10 years as Secretary to Solihull SANDS (Still Born and Neonatal Death charity) a national organisation supporting bereaved parents. During the past 8 years I have been working as a volunteer Complementary Therapist as well as in two different hospices. I am a Reiki Master Teacher supported by a wide range of other modalities including specialised massage techniques for cancer care patients and recently completed CBT and Hypnotherapy training which I find to be a fascinating subject and hope to put this to good use in the future. I am currently living in Worcestershire with my wife Elizabeth and am now running a holistic therapy/craft business. I also run an 11 day multi faith camp during August in the Forest of Dean each year which includes a team of 30+ complementary therapists delivering over 300 free treatments during the camp. Ralph Brown (UKRF Pioneers Coordinator)

“I started my reiki journey in 2014 and now am a Reiki Master Practitioner based in London/Berkshire. As part of the UK Reiki Federation team, I’m responsible for ensuring that that lineages are valid and kept up to date. I hope to inspire and be inspired by everyone in the Reiki community.” Amit Sihra (UKRF Lineage Coordinator)




UKRF Social Media “I began my Reiki journey in 2019. After receiving several sessions with a practitioner near my home in Northamptonshire, I felt compelled to book onto a Reiki training course. Recently completing my Reiki Level 2 and setting up my own practice has been an amazing and unexpected journey. I have previously worked in marketing communications as well as some time spent working in Australia, and more recently, in small creative businesses closer to home. It is great to be able to use these skills to help the UKRF team and make a contribution to the amazing work that they carry out, as well as having the opportunity to connect with the membership community. I spend most of my time bringing up my two lovely children which keeps me very busy! I also enjoy reading about consciousness and energy and I’m fascinated by the teachings of traditional Eastern spirituality as well as the principles of quantum physics. Since discovering Reiki my entire life and career path has been evolving in new directions. It is a privilege to be involved with the UK Reiki Federation and I look forward to immersing myself in the role and the community in the coming months.” Angela Worsley (UKRF Social Media Coordinator)

Our fabulous new website offers the opportunity for new members to join online and for existing members to renew their membership online too. You can find out about research, education and training, the work our pioneers are doing, regulation and so much more. There is also a much simpler search for members of the public to find Practitioners and Master Teachers in their area. The updated members section is now live and you can log in to access a wealth of information and resources. We have a Social Media presence across Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram and Twitter and a closed Facebook group (UK Reiki Federation - Members Only Group) for UKRF members only. Please join us to keep up to date on all UKRF matters. UKReikiFed UKReikiFed UKReikiFed ukreikifederation




Friday 24th April 2020 - 6:30pm to 7:30pm Barnes Green Centre

The Green, Barnes, London SW13 9HE

The 2020 UKRF Annual General Meeting is a great opportunity to come along, meet your fellow UKRF Members and Management Committee, and hear all about the great changes and improvements to the organisation we’ve been working on recently. We are meeting at the lovely Barnes Green Centre which is easy to get to and has ample free parking on surrounding roads. The Centre is 10 minutes walk from Barnes Bridge and Barnes overground stations. More details will be sent to Members via email nearer the time.

photo of Thorpe Hall



Teaching Reiki in Spain by Leo Maria Holmes

As I watch the sun rise on the horizon, illuminating the dry-stone wall and the terracotta earth beyond, I am filled to the brim with gratitude. Grateful for the quality of the Mediterranean light, the warmth of the sun, the connection to nature and the stillness of the energy on this magical island; I’m very happy that my first Reiki 1 course here went better than I could have hoped.

and was a little apprehensive about my first course abroad, so I was grateful to the UKRF for answering my last-minute questions and for connecting me with John Curtin. Appreciation goes also to Torsten Lange at the Reiki Academy London for allowing me to use their manual as the basis for my course and for reminding me that teaching Reiki is about passing on a skill and is not a performance.

We have been taking family holidays on Menorca for over 27 years. Every time I come back to London I feel as though a piece of me has been left behind and I long to return - hence my decision to work out here so that I can spend more time on this island that has captured my heart.

A big thank you to John Curtin from the Federación Española de Reiki ( who explained the difference between practicing professionally in the UK and Spain. In Spain, since Reiki is not recognised as a therapy, anyone can set up in practice once they have trained at Level 1 but they must have membership of the Federación Española de Reiki, have passed their online exam and have taken out the relevant insurance cover in order to be recognized as a Professional Therapist by the Federation. John in turn is indebted to the UKRF as the Federación Española de Reiki was founded on their principles and he continues to follow their lead.

Before leaving I checked with Holistic Insurance Services that I would be covered to teach and give treatments in Spain but was told that they do not cover for this if you hold a bank account out there. So, on the advice of the UK Reiki Federation, I spoke to Balens Ltd who give worldwide cover to teach and practice. Also, members of the UKRF and Reiki Academy London get a discounted rate with Balens. Although I have been practicing Reiki professionally for over 11 years, I only started teaching this year 12 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF

Despite, or perhaps because of, the fact that the number of people turning to alternative therapies has grown exponentially, in Spain there is currently a crackdown on a number of therapies such as Reiki of

REIKI WORLDWIDE which the Head of the Observatory Against Pseudoscience, Jerรณnimo Fernรกndez is not currently in support of. The course was taught in English in a Yoga studio called Cutรณ Vida (see photo) in the centre of Mahon. The students included both British and Spanish and although a small group, there was a wide range of experience and exposure to Reiki. Before everyone arrived on the first day, I connected to Reiki and did a short meditation with the intention that everyone receive the connection during the attunements and get what they needed from the course. Leo Maria Holmes UKRF Member

There is a place inside you where everything is possible



Can Reiki Mitigate Climate Change? by Torsten A. Lange

From the devastating fires in Australia to the highest ever floods in Venice, from last year’s deadly heatwave in Japan to the melting polar ice caps the evidence for global warming is everywhere. The more we search, the more shocking the findings. What will our planet look like in ten years? In twenty? In a hundred? Will it still be habitable? More and more scientists are coming to the conclusion that climate change - at least to a large degree - is man-made. The big question therefore is: Can we also reverse it? Or at least halt the process? I truly hope we can. As Reiki Practitioners, I would argue it is even part of our job. And since Reiki works holistically it can tackle the problem in a variety of ways. I indeed feel that it has the potential of becoming central to finding solutions for the climate disaster. Our planet certainly needs healing. Here are ten ways how Reiki can help: 1. Reiki can heal water. Recent research has 1. shown that Reiki can significantly improve the quality of water, making it possibly more potent to feed crops, replenish scorched earth, and improve the quality of lakes, rivers, and even oceans. ( 2. Reiki can heal plants. Have you ever tried to 2. give Reiki to ailing plants on the windowsill? They flourish within days! Could this also be used on a larger, possibly industrial scale on crops? Giving Reiki to the seeds and seedlings, using less chemical fertilizer? Possibly even less pesticides? Scale trials are needed urgently. 3. Of course, Reiki is best known for facilitating healing in people too. Clinical trials (and the everyday practical experiences of Reiki Practitioners and recipients) have shown that patients can often reduce painkillers and other medication, and the healing process is vastly accelerated. It can be concluded that Reiki stimulates the body’s self-healing abilities. This means a significantly reduced number of 14 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF

chemical drugs may be needed (which is bad news for the pharmaceutical industry but good news for everyone else). 4. Reiki tends to make people more aware of their eating habits. Many Reiki students drastically reduce their consumption of meat and fish, a large number even turn completely vegetarian or vegan. Over the years this has been a significant learning point for me: The awareness of the impact of our diet on both our own health and the environment is a major eye-opening effect. The disastrous effects of mass-meat production and monocultural farming are of course well documented. 5. 5. Reiki brings more awareness. After the astonishing and often unexpected experience of sensing the flow of energy in their palms, Reiki students are less inclined to accept the status quo. They start to question established habits and look for new and more ethical ways of daily conduct and how to make a positive change. 6. Reiki is known to bring more creativity, inspiration, and guidance. People try new paths, look for creative solutions, and begin to trust in guidance. Guidance by higher levels of consciousness is clearly needed to cope with the climate emergency. Established ways need to be re-considered, and new technology and new thinking developed. 7. One of the Reiki Principles - designed to bring Reiki awareness into everyday life - can be translated as working with diligence - or working honestly. It is about becoming aware of the ways how we can individually make a difference in everyday life. E.g. by living more sustainably, changing shopping habits, using recycling resources, and making conscious lifestyle choices. If, before every action we take, we always ask: “Is is helpful, is it kind, is it diligent?” this may be all the difference needed. 8. Using Reiki, we are tapping into the realm of interconnectedness, the quantum level. This can simply be done with the help of the “Connection symbol”, a tool that helps to send a treatment over

REIKI AND CLIMATE CHANGE a distance rather than having to physically travel to the recipient - a step towards reducing our carbon footprint. But this tool helps us also to become more aware of the suffering of the planet, and the realisation of individual responsibility and potential to make a difference. 9. Reiki students often practice group healing when they get together: Several practitioners give a treatment simultaneously to the same recipient - either in person or over a distance. This could be multiplied, with hundreds, thousands, or even millions of Reiki Practitioners joining in, and directed at global environmental issues. 10. Reiki changes people. Feeling the calming and healing energy, and experiencing the deep spiritual connection to the source will make people more aware of the core of their being: The fact that we are all coming from the same source, that we are all interconnected, and we are all beings of love. Let’s give Reiki to as many people as possible and allow them to change for the better. And, as a side effect, acknowledge the need for action of the climate change.

Can we change the world? Yes, we can. Let’s change or established habits and bring positive change. Join the Reiki climate revolution! You can find out more in Torsten’s blog: Torsten A. Lange is UK Reiki Federation Research Coordinator, Director of the Reiki Academy London, Hay House Author, and has a Master’s Degree in Political Sciences.



Connecting Reiki with Medicine by Anne-Marie Carratu

A day at St George’s Hospital

Today was the first day back at the hospital since Christmas and I wondered which patients might still be on the wards that I had maybe met before. There were a few patients still on the wards I knew, as many are in hospital for long stays, however, there are always new patients to meet each week too. As always, the staff we Reiki Practitioners encounter on the wards are always so pleased to see us. Quoting one Staff Nurse, “Reiki really improves the environment of the ward. It takes the patients’ minds off being in hospital for a short while, relaxes the patients and really benefits those in pain and makes them feel more comfortable.” She also stated that she “would like to see more Reiki on the wards as patients discuss the benefits of having treatments amongst themselves and that if there were more Practitioners, then more patients could be seen”. From treating more patients, we also collect more data for research, which is an important part of this work. I was mindful today of just how much training the seven of us Reiki Practitioners have received at St George’s and how rigorous the application process and training has been. Firstly, all of us had to be CNHC registered, we all had to have prior clinical experience, we all had to have been in practice for at least 2-3 years and once accepted, we all then underwent 6 months ‘inhospital’ clinical training to be eligible to go on to the wards to treat without a mentor. Our training is well researched, thorough, extensive and professional. Reiki is seen very much as a respected therapy at St George’s now and we are representing the model as being viable for every hospital. Today’s list of patients were all people with varying degrees of cancer, some palliative, some on the road to recovery. We can be given any medical condition to treat, we never know what we’re going to encounter, and we’ve been trained to know how to treat any condition we are presented with. In addition to the list of patients referred to us by the medical staff, I just love it when I get on a ward and the Staff Nurse, Duty Doctor or Consultant look so pleased as they state they have someone new who they feel will benefit from Reiki. This is by far the best proof that 16 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF

Reiki is making a difference on the wards we treat on. I also love it when the respective Nurse, Doctor or Consultant then asks how the patient got on after a treatment.

Each person I treated today was so grateful to receive a treatment in their hospital beds, to escape the endless hustle and bustle of the wards, the endless noise of beeps and buzzers. Every one of them visibly relaxed for a short while and all said they could feel the benefits of receiving a treatment that allowed their bodies to just feel calm for a short while. I find it a very humbling experience to be part of this incredible initiative and team and I am looking forward to seeing the day when this template of giving Reiki in hospitals is replicated in as many hospitals as possible because what it delivers is the true integration of Reiki with medicine. After seeing all the patients on my list today, each treatment is then recorded on the hospital’s in-house clinical computer system and each treatment is also assessed using a MYMOP equivalent form. This information is then keyed into our own Reiki database for ongoing research purposes and already we are seeing exciting results.

CONNECTING REIKI WITH MEDICINE The programme, currently based at St George’s University Hospital, London, is also creating a transferrable clinical training and mentoring programme for Reiki Practitioners. This allows them to work on acute and high dependency units in a way which can be more readily accepted by the medical professions in hospitals everywhere.”

Most of us have now completed our Child Safeguarding training and just before Christmas the first ever Reiki treatment took place in Paediatric ICU. As a mother, I am mindful that I will be treating someone’s little boy or girl in an acute medical setting, and I welcome the chance to be part of this process too. Taken from their website, www.reikiwithmedicine. org/ Connecting Reiki with Medicine is part of Full Circle Fund Therapies. It states that “Being diagnosed with a life-limiting condition can be a frightening and upsetting experience. Research suggests the value of integrating Reiki into acute and high dependency hospital settings. We have introduced Reiki to support very sick children and adults, their carers and staff in areas of critical need at St George’s Hospital. From this, we plan to carry out well designed research studies to add to the evidence base of the benefits of Reiki for patients. Wholly funded by kind donations, the aim of this pioneering initiative is to introduce, independently evaluate and clinically research Reiki in acute medical settings.

The UKRF have adopted Connecting Reiki with Medicine as our chosen charity because we, as a Management Committee, realise the benefits of having robust, clinical research being carried out, especially in tandem with Reiki becoming a fully integrated therapy, such as that which is happening at St George’s Hospital. This is a programme that aims to have longevity and bring about a significant body of research to prove the efficacy of Reiki in acute medical settings and elevate the already changing view of how Reiki can be beneficial to all. It is also the plan to join with other hospitals in research partnerships. This could be at a hospital near you. If you feel you would like to donate to the UKRF appeal, then please do go to the Homepage on website and click on the Make a Donation button or use this link: I left St George’s today very mindful that I was leaving behind very sick patients, their families and very overworked staff. That I was very grateful to have full health and that I was very fortunate to be part of an excellent team of Reiki Practitioners that support each other. The St George’s model truly honours Reiki and Reiki Practitioners in often exceptionally challenging situations. It is very special work which I would love to see come about more and more to hospitals everywhere.

Anne-Marie Carratu UKRF Acting Chair & CWRM Team Member

All photos: © Copyright 2019 Connecting Reiki with Medicine REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 17


The Waltham Forest Reiki Project by Aisling Lee

The Waltham Forest Reiki Project has been run from a local community centre, once a month for the last 4 years. It is a drop-in session staffed by volunteers and welcomes around 11 people for treatment at each session. As part of my CPD I thought I would find out 1) how this project is set up, and 2) a little about the Practitioner’s experience. I am currently a Reiki Level 2, about to take my Reiki Master course. I am curious about the practical and spiritual aspects of running this service. Narinder and Barbara kindly agreed to be interviewed at the tranquil Friends House café. It is an oasis of spiritual calm in contrast to the busy Euston Road outside.

didn’t have good energy she knows how to protect herself. This has come from a combination of years of experience, advice from experienced Energy Practitioners and through seeking guidance from Reiki. From the very beginning her Reiki training highlighted the importance of protection. She finds that practicing Zhuang Zhan (a precursor to Chi Kung), supports her connection to Reiki which helps with protection. Narinder usually takes charge of preparing the room. He puts out a welcome table at the entrance where clients are expected to sign in. He also records

Narinder, who set the project up, has recently appointed Barbara as Project and Reiki Manager. He regards himself as a natural project starter and coordinator with a background in organising open mic nights and event management. He isn’t a Reiki Practitioner, but ensures that clients feel welcome and Practitioners are looked after. Barbara has been a Reiki Master for 14 years, and takes overall responsibility for the coordination and delivery of Reiki treatments. All Practitioners are insured and qualified to at least level 2. They are vetted by Narinder and Barbara by interview. Narinder talked about how the project’s first Reiki Manager impressed him with her professional attitude. He said he observed her take what she was doing seriously, she was relaxed and her focus was 100% on the client. I asked Barbara for a Practitioner’s perspective on what constitutes a professional attitude. She listed the following: sincerity, wanting to help, doing one’s best, treating everyone equally, concentrating on the client, remembering to protect oneself and being comfortable working with seriously ill people. Some Reiki healers are wary of accidentally picking up energy from a very ill person. However, in her experience people who are seriously ill often have good energy. If she were to meet someone who 18 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF

attendance and the donations they receive. The aim is to create a calm, safe space which he does by ensuring the room is warm, Reiki music is playing and refreshments are available. Well-being books are put out for people to read whilst they are waiting. These have have proved popular, so he now sells them too. Occasionally, he invites a guest to speak or give demonstrations. The last guest they had was a sound bathing specialist who bathed the room using sound bowls designed to produce healing vibrations within the room. Another guest came to speak about meditation and was listened to with great interest by clients. He says, every month is a work in progress and they are learning all the time.

REIKI AND COMMUNITY Running the service comes with overheads such as venue hire. The service also needs ongoing promotion at fairs and in magazines. They ask for a voluntary donation, suggesting £5. People give according to ability which means no one is turned away due to their financial situation. On the whole, Narinder says, people have been very generous. Treatments are given in the sitting position and last 15 minutes. There is an option to prebook a 30 minute treatment for £20. As well as helping people access Reiki treatments easily, the project also aims to help Practitioners by offering them opportunities to practice Reiki in a supportive environment. Practitioners meet regularly. Reiki shares for their Practitioners are being planned and will help ensure that Practitioners also receive a treatment to keep their energy healthy. Sometimes Practitioners don’t have the opportunity to receive, yet busy themselves with giving.

Occasionally there are more notable experiences. One lady, upon receiving her first Reiki session, said she felt half her body was coming away from the other. Apparently she is now a regular. After the interview I found myself questioning Barbara more closely about protection. It’s an issue I appproach with ambivalence and would love to learn more from other people’s experiences. As I stepped out of the café after thanking Narinder and Barbara I marvelled at how fortunate I was to have found myself meeting people in a place that honours the spiritual in the midst of an environment that seems to favour the opposite. Aisling Lee UKRF Member

Clients typically report they feel notably relaxed after a session, frequently describing it as fantastic.

Hope, Health & Happiness Weekend At: The Friars, Aylesford Kent On: Friday 3rd July - Sunday 5th July 2020 We are living in exciting times where new ideas and possibilities abound. We will be learning & experiencing healing & different techniques to help with personal transformation, to benefit ourselves others and our planet at this time of great change. The weekend will give us the opportunity to share with like-minded people in a fun & relaxed environment, whether for a day or the whole weekend. For bookings and information please contact: Laura Joy Mason Phone: 01825 509014 Email: REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 19


Animal Reiki Update by Sue Malcolm

All animal lovers will be pleased to hear the very good news that professional recognition for Animal Reiki Practitioners is moving apace. A huge amount of work has been put into producing all the documentation which is the basis of this project. All eight member organisations of the Reiki Council are keen to introduce professional recognition in this field and are working hard together to this end. Our goal is for Animal Reiki Practitioners to be known for their understanding of animals as well as Reiki and be accepted in the community with the same familiarity and credibility as Reiki Practitioners. As this project has progressed, it has become a considerably larger initiative than initially expected and for simplicity, we have decided to divide the work into two phases.

First phase: Foundation Animal Reiki Practitioner (including Master/Teacher) membership, also the provision of teaching guidance for all of these levels. Approval of Foundation Animal Reiki Practitioner courses will be offered to suitably trained teachers running courses that meet the guidelines. The details for this will follow when we have verifiers in place to assess the courses. The cost will be minimal to encourage as many suitable courses to be approved as possible. This will give potential students a selection of courses that will deliver a good basic level of Animal Reiki Practitioner training.

Practitioner (Level 3) courses. Teachers will be required to be verified at this level too. The second phase is recommended if you wish to work professionally with animals. It is comparable to level 3 (NOS) Reiki training that enables members to be listed on the Complementary Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) Accredited Register of Complementary Health Practitioners. GPs may refer patients to any Practitioners on this Register. The first phase documents will be launched in 2020.

Canine Reiki specialist wanted We are looking for a Canine Reiki specialist to represent us on the Reiki Council Animal Reiki Group, inputting knowledge and expertise. This role is unpaid but enables you to be part of an influential team. We are looking for the candidate to input knowledge and help us in setting high standards for Animal Reiki Practitioners who wish to be recognised for their specialist skills and expertise as Canine Reiki Practitioners. If interested please contact me via Wishing you all a wonderful start to 2020. Sue Malcolm Animal Reiki Coordinator

We are creating a Continued Professional Development (CPD) resource that includes legislation, notifiable diseases, red flag symptoms, basics of understanding animals and more. Many training courses do not cover this content so this resource will enable many members to be upgraded to meet the requirements of the Foundation Animal Reiki Practitioner certificate. An update will be provided when we have further information.

Second phase: Professional Practice Animal Reiki Practitioner (including Master/Teacher) membership, and approval of Professional Practice Animal Reiki 20 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF

The very happy face of a cat receiving Reiki

Animal Reiki and Volunteering


by Julie Ackroyd

My name is Julie Ackroyd and I would like to share with you my story about how I found Reiki, and my journey to discovering the joys of Animal Reiki and volunteering. I have always enjoyed living and working with animals, especially horses and dogs. I was fortunate enough to own my own horse, Tara for 20 years and I also had a very special bond with my Staffy x Labrador, Jess for 13 years. I felt both their losses very deeply. My amazing journey with Reiki began after became severely affected by a medical procedure which resulted in me nearly losing my life. It caused severe complications and a lot of pain throughout my body for which I took a lot of medication. After nearly 10 years I was ready for change and a fall on some ice resulting in a bad back introduced me to a Reiki Master Healer. After the first few treatments the pain was lessened considerably and as I started to rebuild my life, I realised there is another way to heal the body and I decided to pursue Reiki for my self healing. I looked for a Reiki Master and I feel so fortunate to have found my Teacher. I took my first degree in April 2018 and I slowly felt myself become the person I was before the illness. It became part of my life and as I gained in confidence and ability, I wanted to build on that foundation. This led me to gaining my Reiki Practitioner certificate in November 2018. I also took level 1 in Animal Reiki which has proved invaluable in my development with healing animals.

empathy for the animals and I can intuitively sense what is affecting them and I get so much back from them. Cats that I had previously visited and did not want to interact, now roll on their backs and want to be stroked. I feel so valued as a Reiki Practitioner and student Animal Reiki Practitioner by the staff at the Centre and by Sue.

I enjoy working with animals as much as people. I can see the relief in their faces and it helps them, without question.

I started voluntary work with Friends of Baxter Animal Care with Sue, my Teacher, at the Yorkshire Cat Rescue about a year ago and I absolutely love it. The cats are so receptive to the energy and to see cats that are stressed out, or in pain, responding to the Reiki, by looking soothed, calm and sleepy is so rewarding. Rehoming the cats is smoother if they are relaxed, happy and content. A lot of cats struggle with being kept in pens and they need help to adjust to it. My abilities as a Reiki Practitioner have developed in every way. I enjoy working with animals as much as people. I can see the relief in their faces and it helps them, without question. I feel so much more

I will further my training to achieve my level 2 Animal Reiki Certificate to ensure I help as many animals, who are in need of comfort and pain relief, as possible. The benefits are boundless and if more people consider Animal Reiki and supportive animal centres are happy to share the benefits we can help many more animals in need. If you are considering an Animal Reiki course to help the animals in your life, I would say “YES!! DO IT!!� The animals need it and the rewards are many, but it is worthwhile doing good training that will allow you to be professionally recognised in the future. Thank you for reading. Julie Ackroyd UKRF Member REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 21


Pioneers wanted... by Ralph Brown

The UK Reiki Federation is acknowledged to have been at the forefront of Reiki in the UK for over 20 years and as we move into a new decade we wish to strengthen our position as leaders in the introduction and development of novel methods and research into how variations of Reiki are breaking new ground. Changes to traditional teaching and combining Reiki with other modalities has not always been popular with Reiki ‘purists’ but we are keen to hear about your experiences. We have an open mind and listening to our membership is important whatever you wish to say, standing still is not an option for us. Your particular experience may be with sound, children, sports, homeless persons, disadvantaged groups, addressing specific medical conditions, mental health, physical disability, schools, armed forces, Police, Fire Fighters, race relations, victims of abuse... The list is endless. Please let us know what you are up to, we are interested in everything from the bizarre to the banal. Our aim is to identify activities that other members will be interested to hear about and may wish to develop themselves, perhaps forming interest or discussion groups to facilitate progress.

Much is to be gained by sharing our experiences and the Pioneer Group is the perfect platform to do so. Being a member and contributor of the Pioneer Group takes time and commitment and deserves recognition, and so we shall issue certificates that members can hang in their treatment rooms to show their involvement. Also, suitable wording may be added to stationery e.g Mrs Mary Smith UK Reiki Federation Pioneer Group Member. For those members who have already been in touch please keep us up to date with progress on a regular basis as we are always keen to hear how things are progressing, good or bad. The best means of contact is via pioneers@ We look forward to hearing from you. Love & Light Ralph Brown (UKRF Pioneers Group Coordinator)

The very nature of kindness is to spread.

If you are kind to others, today they will be kind to you, and tomorrow to somebody else. -Sri Chinmoy




2020 UKRF Conference Thursday 24th September 2020 Mercure Queens Hotel

Meyrick Road, Bournemouth BH1 3DL

The 2020 UKRF Annual Conference is a one-day event which brings together Reiki professionals from all over the country to celebrate the progress made in bringing Reiki to people. This year we are very fortunate to have Phyllis Lei Furumoto’s successor Johannes Reindl, Lineage Bearer of Usui Shiki Ryoho speaking at our Conference, and also Margaret Coats, Chief Executive photo of Thorpe Hall and Registrar of the CNHC. We will also

Special guest

Johannes Reindl

Lineage Bearer of Usui Shiki Ryoho

hear talks from Torsten Lange and Sue Malcolm to give updates on Reiki research and Animal Reiki. Pictures: Courtesy of Mercure Queens Hotel



UKRF Vacancy: Secretary We are currently looking for a volunteer Secretary to join the Management Committee and would like to hear from any Practitioner Members who have experience in taking Minutes, arranging meetings, collating reports, and organising paperwork for the AGM. Please do contact AnneMarie Carratu if you are interested in becoming a Volunteer as part of our wonderful team. If you would like more information or to apply for this volunteer role, then please email Anne-Marie at chair@

Reiki World articles... We know our members are sometimes part of really amazing local (and sometimes not so local) Reikirelated intiatives which others would love to read about, and be inspired by, in Reiki World magazine. If you have any articles or stories that you think would be interesting to our members, then please send them to our Reiki World Editor, Kerrie Baker at

You yourself must make the effort. The Buddhas are only teachers. - The Dhammapada




We have a range of clothing and other merchandise available on our website, all of which bears the UK Reiki Federation branding to add professionalism to your therapy business. The t-shirts, hoodies and polo shirts are available in various colours and sizes.


Shop online at

Ladies’ polo tops, t-shirts, hoodies and fleeces.

Men’s t-shirts, polo tops, hoodies and fleeces. We also have notebooks, wrist bands, lanyards, heart squishies and tote bags! REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 25


Why you need Reiki for children... All parents are going to agree with me on this...most children get ill a lot! If you have more than one child, it’s especially bad as they get each other’s lurgies as well! Their immune systems are still developing so they catch everything and let’s just say, their hygiene leaves a lot to be desired. For example, when my daughter was 5, she enthusiastically came out of school with a shiny pretty bead which she found in the toilet. Yes, actually inside the toilet, and she didn’t wash it! As a parent, I’m always looking for ways to keep the little ones healthy and one method I use a lot is Reiki, since I am a Practitioner by occupation. So how can Reiki help children? What can it be used for? Is it just for illnesses?

What is the purpose of Reiki? In the west, people go to see a Reiki Practitioner to receive healing. Not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally. It is safe and non-invasive and can be used on children too, from newborn babies to teenagers.

Why should I use Reiki on my children? Immunity Unlike most adults, children seem to get ill fairly often and especially in the winter, they can catch one cold after another. Their immune systems are constantly being challenged and this can leave them feeling depleted and weak. This leads to a lot of stress, both for the carer and for the child, who is missing out a lot at school. A series of Reiki treatments can help the child recover faster and boost their immunity.

Change and growth Reiki is also helpful for the many changes children have to go through. Most children will have to change schools as they get older and Reiki can support them emotionally through this. Stages of physical growth, especially at puberty, can be a bewildering and embarrassing experience. Reiki is soothing and can even help with ‘growing pains’. My eldest son often has unexplained leg pains and 26 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF

cramps in the night when he is going through a growth spurt and I’m always grateful that Reiki removes the pain and gets him back to sleep quickly.

Pain and injury I notice that my children seem to have a lot more injuries just after a growth spurt. My theory is that their brains haven’t adjusted to their new limb lengths so they become uncoordinated! Boisterous kids seem to always be falling over, crashing into things and getting hurt. It is beneficial to use Reiki for children who are in pain, not just from injuries but also from operations or other medical procedures. Everyday complaints such as tummy aches and earaches can benefit too.

Stress Sadly, as much as we wish for children to always be happy and have fun, they also undergo periods of stress, such as during exam times when the pressure to succeed is high. Homelife can be extremely difficult too depending on the circumstances. Sometimes children are afraid to express their worries; they may be a victim of bullying at school or being pressurised by friends and don’t feel that they can talk. Reiki not only helps to relieve stress but can also offer comfort.

Inspiration and problem solving Often, solutions to problems are found during a moment of clarity. If you have an older child who is working through a project or even just writing an essay, a bit of Reiki can help to inspire them! It can put them back in touch with their intuition and the relaxing benefits can give them a boost of creativity. Reiki can clear the mind as it creates a meditative state. This releases worry and creates a fresh perspective on things.

Conclusion I hope I have given you some ideas on how Reiki can be used for children. I find that children respond really well to it; they have less resistance and emotional baggage. I feel that the energy travels through children very quickly and their treatments typically take a lot less time than an adult’s. If you feel that your child could do with a boost, give Reiki a try!

REIKI FOR CHILDREN If you enjoyed this article, I would love for you to visit my new health and healing website: Charlin Morgan UKRF Member

‘Reiki is soothing and can even help with growing pains’

Giving Reiki to children Here are three tips:


Children and babies love Reiki and it’s perfectly safe to give them treatments regularly. Children who receive Reiki benefit from empowerment as well as its calming and restorative effects.


Why not set aside a time every week when your child learns about meditation, talks about their worries and you can teach them the Reiki principles from an early age.


Children can learn Reiki too! This will depend on the age and maturity of the child but they can learn how to give Reiki to themselves and others. They will need to see a Reiki Master Teacher for this. A first-degree Reiki course can be learned over a weekend.

If you are concerned about any aspect of your child’s health please visit your GP. REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 27


Reiki for Christians by Wrio Russell

The journey of our life is about transformation, and for those of us who understand that, it can be a journey of growth and very often joy. And when it is not joyful, then it can at least give us the strength and understanding to deal with life’s suffering moments. This is why it was so interesting to read Elaine Hamilton Grundy’s article in the UKRF Newsletter (summer 2019), “Reiki’s Shift into a Spiritual Journey”. Elaine has discovered the deeper meaning of this wonderful healing system that we all love. My own Reiki teacher Arjava Petter is always speaking of Reiki as being ‘love’. And love is at the centre of my own Christian spiritual journey too; it is what Jesus taught and what Christ was, is and always shall be. And universal unbounded love is at the centre of what we practice, what we call Reiki as that was the name Usui Sensei chose. With all our heart we allow the Reiki healing energy to radiate through us to the receiver.

As a catholic Catholic (as opposed to a fundamentalist Catholic: yes, they exist, too!), I believe deeply in my heart that God is in all things of the light, especially in all things that can be of help to people, which of course includes Reiki. The very word catholic means universal, being open-minded and tolerant. I know for a fact that there are many Christians, including religious

I am happy to be a Catholic Christian and I have also been practising Reiki for over 20 years without any sense of any conflict between Reiki and my faith. Why should there be? It was Jesus’ healing miracles that drew me away from my work as an academic teacher and massage therapist to work with Reiki, to helping people with their healing and well-being at the deepest level. Why people such as nuns, monks and priests, who should I question that, unless with pedantry? get great fulfilment from practising Reiki as it is For me, Reiki is a not only a very valid practice of compassion healing system but it also enables us and loving kindness, a both to give to others way of giving to others, and this surely is what and to help us in our own journeys of Jesus was guiding us to do. There is no transformation. We are nourished both dichotomy because to my way of thinking in the giving and in Reiki is God-given; it is a sublime healing energy the receiving. That said, it must be said with universally available for any one of us to tap into, sadness that numbers of religious people of all if we wish for it. Other Reiki Practitioners may denominations have abused their calling in the see it in another way and that is fine, too, if from past, for where there is light there is darkness the heart. and they have come out of the darkness and are

With all our heart we allow the Reiki healing energy to radiate through us to the receiver


REIKI AND RELIGION symbols of our fallen humanity which is prevalent in our world. Yet where there is true goodness the devil cannot be present; the light will always outshine the darkness. Our transformation requires us to become humble so that we can serve others with honesty and truth rather than ego-seeking. This is very helpful for us as Reiki Practitioners as the true practice of Reiki embodies humility, so that we acknowledge that we are no more than conduits for the healing energy which I believe to be God-given. It was Jesus’ overwhelming goodness and pure intention to help others that made him into such a remarkable healer. And he himself said, “Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14: 12) We are being asked to serve others in whatever way we can and using the healing power of Reiki is one such way. I have heard and read of many examples of wonderful healings of all sorts brought about by the use of Reiki, be they of body, mind or spirit. I myself give thanks to God for my swift return to good health with the considerable help of Reiki after a near death moment in 1999. If your belief system is true and sincere, whether you are a Christian or Buddhist, Hindu or Muslim or whatever, then using Reiki for the healing and well-being of others will never fracture that belief because it is based on pure, pure love.

And Reiki itself is love unbounded Wrio Russell UKRF Member

When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project,

all your thoughts break their bonds: your mind transcends limitations,

and your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. - Patanjali



Tips for organising a Reiki share by Alistair Elliott

Are you thinking of organising a Reiki share? I recently took over running the Brighton and Hove Reiki share as the previous organiser had to stand down and this article is about some of the lessons I have learned.

What happens at a Reiki share? Attending a Reiki share is a way of meeting other Reiki students, practitioners, teachers and those interested in finding out more about Reiki. The concept of a Reiki share is for everyone attending to both give and receive Reiki in a safe, supportive and loving environment. Whilst one person is lying on the treatment couch, 2,3 or 4 people give Reiki to them at the same time, moving to whichever parts of the body they feel drawn. Treatments are hands-on or hands-off depending on what the recipient prefers. When that session has finished, someone else will then be treated. This rotation continues until everyone has received a treatment. The number of people attending our shares normally varies between 4 and 8 people.

Why go to a Reiki share? Reiki Practitioners can benefit enormously from attending Reiki shares as, by nature, they are very giving people and wish to heal others, sometimes forgetting their own needs. Reiki shares are an opportunity for them to receive Reiki themselves, and complement their own self-treatments. For people who may wish to build their confidence in giving treatments or for those who have little or no experience of using Reiki, shares are a good way to build that confidence and knowledge. There is always a special energy when Reiki people gather at a Reiki share. Many people notice an increased intensity in the Reiki they receive as it comes from multiple hands.

Meetup website to promote itself and over the last 5 years built up a ‘membership’ of 400 people but, as anyone who has used Meetup will tell you, there is a big difference between the people who express an intention to come to an event and those who actually turn up. Nevertheless Meetup has been invaluable in establishing and sustaining the group. Now that we are established, as it costs money to promote events on Meetup (see ‘Money’ section below) we have stopped using Meetup and instead I have a mailing list and every fortnight I send an email reminding people about the upcoming share and giving them information about anything else Reiki-related that may be of interest. The mailing list comprises local Reiki Practitioners I know, people who have attended a share, plus I am gradually adding on other local Reiki Practitioners as I come across them. We also have a facebook page for the group and a page on the website of the well-being centre from whom we rent a room (see end of article). Every so often I put up a card on the community noticeboard in Waterstones (no charge) and in a couple of local health food shops (small charge). I also leave flyers in the building’s waiting area.

Where to hold it Ideally you want a location which is readily accessible. The main choice is between a room in your home or hiring a room. Having it at home saves money but depending on the layout of your house can be disruptive to the other people you live with and not all homes have enough space or the right ambience. We hire a room which has some attractive artwork, and a therapy couch in place and so there is less hassle to prepare the room.

Feedback from attendees

Ambience/room set-up

I started going to Reiki shares because I love to both give and receive Reiki. Now that I organise the share, I have added responsibilities but with those comes the satisfaction of creating an event that is often a high point of an attendee’s day or even their week.

A Reiki share can be done anywhere, but a relaxing, calm room with uplifting art, lighting that is not too bright and relaxing music helps create a peaceful place of escape from the day-to-day pressures of life. Have water available. You could also provide herbal teas. We also give a name badge to everyone when they arrive.

Promotion A Reiki share is a great experience for everyone who comes, but the challenge is to make people aware of the event and then get them to turn up when they are so busy. For example, one of our attendees normally has a Brazilian dance class that clashes with our share but comes when she can. The group has used the 30 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF

When to hold it You will never find a time that is good for everyone, so it needs to be a time that works for you as the organiser, and for as many of your target audience as possible. Many shares are monthly. We do ours fortnightly and carry on all year. We have ours at 6.30pm on Monday

REIKI SHARES night: after many people have finished work and still leaving them time for other activities later in the evening.

Length of the share Many shares are two hours, but ours has traditionally been an hour as that is less of a commitment for attendees although it means less time to receive Reiki. A little Reiki can go a long way.

Format of the evening We sit in an informal circle, and if there is anyone new present, we each say a few words about our Reiki experience and practice. I explain that this is a safe place and everything in the room is confidential between those in the room. To help everyone put the day behind them and become fully present, we start with a very brief guided meditation for example focusing on the breath, or doing a body scan, using a Tibetan bell to start and end the meditation. We then take turns to receive Reiki. We end with another guided meditation, for example reminding us of the Reiki principles as we head back into the world. Then everyone has a chance to say something if they want to, for example what they felt when receiving or giving Reiki. This is often fascinating.

Sharing time The amount of time that people receive Reiki for depends on the number of people present. For example if there are 4 people you may each receive Reiki for 11 minutes (11 minutes of 3 people giving Reiki equals 33 minutes of Reiki in total), after allowing time for the meditations at the start and end of the evening. To time each session, I use the timer in the Insight Timer app (free of charge) on my phone. It lets you set the time and gives you a choice of music. I tend to use ‘Deep Om’ and ‘Limitless’.

are prepared to subsidise the costs. There is no one right approach, but you need to be clear in your own mind what you want. We have a lovely, sizeable room in central Brighton which costs £12.50 for the hour. We just want to cover our costs. We charge £4 for the share so as long as we average 3 to 4 people per share we cover the room cost. Make sure you have a cash float to give change for people who do not have the exact money.

Equipment There is more organisation required than I expected and I now have a Reiki share bag with my equipment: keys for the room, cash float, welcoming signs for the doors, ‘blu tack’, list for newcomers to write their email address on, pens and labels for name badges, scripts for guided meditations, Tibetan bells, speaker to link to my phone (make sure that your phone and the speaker are charged!), bolster to go under the knees. Any questions? Do get in touch if you have any questions and good luck if you decide to set up your own share. What can be better than sharing Reiki? And as the organiser make sure that you have your own turn on the therapy table! Alistair Elliott 872819.


Facebook: Tree of Life: share/4593592275

Alistair Elliot UKRF Member

How many people do you need for a share? You need 3 or more people for a share which means that multiple people can treat someone else at the same time. Having more than 4 people treating someone else gets rather crowded, so if you have more than 5 people attending, you can have separate clusters of people.

Money You need to decide whether you want to make money from the share, just cover your costs or whether you



Merging Reiki and QiGong by Ruth-Ann Moriarty

Fusing these two beautiful practices is what we are exploring and wish to share. We are Ruth-Ann Moriarty - Reiki Master Teacher since 2005, privileged to have trained with William Lee Rand, Laurelle Shanti Gaia and Michael Arthur Baird in NY State, USA and Alan Sanson, a QiGong facilitator for 15 years. Ruth started her QiGong journey two years ago. Alan is beginning his Reiki journey. QiGong is an ancient Chinese practice of slow, focused movements allied with Traditional Chinese Medicine to improve your mind, body, spirit, and well-being. Our unique imagination plays a major part of QiGong. In your mind take yourself to a place you feel comfortable and calm. Doesn’t that make you feel better?


QiGong I remember an expression “where the mind goes the Qi goes”. My first lesson in the synergy between Reiki and QiGong - Wow. Ruth is teaching me to feel Qi/Ki through Reiki. This focused intent on the power of universal energy is a wonderful new dimension to my QiGong and the way I can help others.

Conclusion Hopefully we have given you a feeling that fusing Reiki and QiGiong can improve your mind, body and well-being still further. We hope you enjoy playing some QiKiGong.

Showering Qi

Stand with flexed knees, with your feet shoulder width From my very first QiGong session I felt the most apart, settle your body and mind into the ground, immediate and profound connection - it felt I knew hands hanging loosely by your side. Feel the energy what to do, like relearning something I had forgotten. flow through and around you, visualise taking yourself The movements and feelings to a place where you feel are designed to physically calm. Make the moves slow The movements give a feeling and flowing. warm and tone the body, to help reduce blood pressure of being part of nature, the Bring your hands in front of and stress, opening up the Qi/Ki flow in meridians and energies of Earth, sky, all that you, palms facing each other chakras, rebalancing mind, at height of sacral chakra body and spirit. to the place where you feel surrounds us and within us energies between your hands. I am aware of strong Reiki Keep your shoulders and energies flowing when I QiGong. The movements elbows soft (photo 1). give a feeling of being part of nature, the energies of Earth, sky and all that surrounds us and within us. As Raise your arms out to your sides, palms down to I practise the gentle movements I feel the external about shoulder height (photos 2/3). Visualise drawing energies mingling with my own and I always feel the up Earth Qi/Ki through your hands, allowing it to merge power of this moving meditation and the peace and with your Qi/Ki. harmony it brings. Gently rotate your arms so your palms face up (photo I now use QiGong in Reiki 1 training to help students 4). Feel the sky Qi/Ki settle/merge into your arms and with self care and well-being – and now bring Reiki hands. Allow this to slightly sink your body by flexing to QiGong classes. Ultimately we all benefit from a your knees a little more. fusion of the two practices that, as we like to have fun and play we are calling it QiKiGong (‘Cheeky Gong’). Draw your arms up as high as you feel comfortable, elbows and shoulders soft and rounded. As you raise your arms your head looks up to follow the movement, Alan palms facing each other to feel the combined Qi/Ki of the Earth, sky and your own (photo 5). Hold for a When I first met Ruth she said “we have intent, we moment as you enjoy the merging of all these energies. focus our intention when treating”. When I started 32 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF

REIKI AND QIGONG Release your shoulders and bring your hands down in front of you, palms down (photo 6) showering the combined energies through your etheric field, until you return to the starting position. Watch your hands as they lower. Repeat as many times as you like. When you are ready to finish, lower your hands to your sides, shake your wrists allowing any residual energy to flow back to the Earth. Move gently through your day. Namaste.

Footnote: Alan’s focus is on facilitating QiGong sessions with people of all ages and all abilities, standing or seated. As a patient once told him “you give me time to be myself, that is so good for me”. Alan is invited to QiGong at an NHS Health and Care Trust on their in-patient wards supporting people with psychiatric conditions, people affected by strokes, sight loss, dementia, cancer, and their carers are welcome too. Ruth fuses QiGong with Reiki and also Aromatherapy with Reiki, using a combination of custom blended essential oils for each client, light massage and Reiki. She often demonstrates QiGong to clients which they can use at home, a number of them are attending classes or asking Ruth to teach them more. Email for any further information. Ruth-Ann Moriarty UKRF Member






Ruth-Ann Moriarty and Alan Sanson demonstrate the moves for ‘Showering Qi’.




The Reiki Room by Alistair Elliott

For many years I have used an imaginary house to organise my life. I learnt about it on course in the 1990s and it has served me well. Since becoming a Reiki Practitioner, I have incorporated Reiki into my imaginary house. A good time to try this is when waking up in the morning. I lie in bed with my eyes closed and in my mind I do a quick body scan and relax each part of my body from my head to my toes. I then picture myself going to the house which is set in attractive countryside. Above the front door is stained glass with words to remind me of 3 of the Reiki principles: ‘Gratitude’, ‘Diligence’, ‘Kindness’. In the hallway is a symbol of abundance. I go through to a shower room which is like a waterfall in the jungle (this is in my mind so anything goes). The cold water is like a Reiki shower and cleanses me both externally and internally so every cell of my body is vibrant and refreshed.

Going through to the central hallway, there are pictures on the wall reminding me of great moments from my life. One of these is the bliss I felt after I did my Reiki Master course in Glastonbury which left me in a deeply altered state of higher consciousness. I find it immensely encouraging to know that it is possible for me to feel like this. Even though I do not 34 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF

manage it most of the time, it is good to know that it is a destination I have the capacity to get to. I then proceed into the editing room where I programme my life. There are 4 large cinema screens on the wall. On the right is a screen where I can play back things that have happened in the past. The next screen shows the present. The third screen along is the future and I project on there whatever I want to happen. The fourth screen shows the consequences of what I have projected on screen 3. I work primarily with the third screen. I see all of the events of the coming day and see them happening on the screen. I see them all working out well. For example if I am organising a Reiki share that day on screen 3 I see people arriving a bit harassed and leaving an hour later smiling and relaxed and grateful. On the fourth screen I see the consequences: all the attendees go back into the world lighter and better able to cope, which improves the lives of their families, friends and co-workers. A ripple of peace goes into the world from the share. I also send Reiki to the image on the third screen using the Reiki symbols and mantras. The image on the screen becomes more vivid and I freezeframe it. Whatever I am programming for, the underlying principle is ‘may the best happen for all concerned and the planet’. As well as programming my day, I also programme the success of the goals I am currently working on. These can span across a range of areas covering relationships, health and hobbies. I have recently taken on the running of our local Reiki share group, so one of my goals is for the group to

REIKI VISUALISATION continue to be sustainable and attract more attendees. I have created another room which I call the Reiki room. This is a magical room that is filled with Reiki. When I go through the door it is like being in space. There is no gravity and I gently float off the ground so I am floating horizontally in the air. I become invisible as I become pure Reiki energy and dissolve in the Reiki. Every cell of my body is permeated. My ego disappears. I am pure life force energy. My body feels lighter and my muscles relax. After I emerge from the house, I count up from 1 to 7, gradually coming back to waking consciousness and opening my eyes as I reach number 7. It’s great way to start the day, with my body and mind refreshed and focused on what a fantastic day I am going to have. The course I went on taught me that we can either programme to be our own best self or we can become support actors helping other people achieve their goals. In case anyone is interested, the course I attended was run by a company called MindStore and you can read about creating a house in the book by Jack Black (not the actor) ‘Mindstore: The Classic Personal Development Program’. I think I have just scratched the surface of how I can incorporate Reiki into this internal architecture. Alistair Elliott UKRF Member



Reiki Sharing Groups We now have information about many Reiki Sharing Groups all over the country so we have collated the information and you can access it by typing this link into your browser: Or follow this path on our website:





What is a Reiki share? Holding or attending a Reiki share is a wonderful way of meeting other Reiki students, Practitioners, Teachers and all those interested in finding out more about Reiki. The concept of a Reiki share is for everyone attending to both give and receive Reiki healing in a supportive and loving environment. There maybe to 3 or more people to each treatment couch, and whilst one person is laying on the couch everyone else is giving Reiki to them. When that session is finished someone else will then be treated. This rotation continues until everyone has received a treatment.

Reiki share benefits For those who may wish to build their confidence in giving treatments or for those who have little or no experience of using Reiki. The shares are a good way to build their confidence and knowledge. Reiki Practitioners can also benefit enormously from attending Reiki shares as by nature they are very giving people and wish to heal others, sometimes forgetting their own needs. Reiki shares are an opportunity for them to receive Reiki themselves. Reiki shares are also a good way to meet other likeminded people and discuss experiences of using receiving or training in Reiki. The UK Reiki Federation holds a list of members who currently hold shares in that area so if you are interested in attending a share then do please see the list and contact the member holding it. If you hold a Reiki share, please contact the office to get your share added to our list. Reiki shares are usually held once a month and serve to be a focal point for ongoing contact and support. Participating in a Reiki share is very beneficial to the individual and to the whole group collectively, it is an amazing experience to be part of a group meeting together to heal and be healed. 36 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF


The UK Reiki Federation is happy to highlight courses offered by their Teacher members, which, in their opinion, are appropriate for training purposes. The directory includes courses which are suitable for professional Practitioner training, recorded as “Practitioner” and those which are suitable for CPD (Continuing & Professional Development), recorded as “CPD”: “Practitioner” courses have been checked against the National Occupational Standards for Reiki to ensure that all topics are included. “CPD” courses (members only) are those which we feel would be beneficial to Reiki Practitioners. Please also note that this list is not exhaustive and that our Teacher members all over the country also offer training courses and you may contact any of those Teachers. Professional Usui Reiki Practitioner Course Course Provider: Wendy Hale In The Pink Therapies & Training Caerphilly Phone: 01633 614329 Reiki Professional Course Course Provider: Simon Bailey Shavington, Cheshire Phone: 01270 260200 Email: Reiki Practitioner Course (inc Reiki 1 & 2) Course Provider: Gaia School of Natural Health Ellesmere Port, Cheshire Phone: 07932 063576 Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner Course Course Provider: Deborah Cordery (Rejuvenating Hands) Leigh on Sea, Essex Phone: 07989 318790 Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher incorporating Reiki 1, 2, Professional Practitioner Diploma & Master Practitioner Course Provider: Linda Cowan Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland Phone: 01383 723222 or 07814 505098 Email: Usui Reiki Ryoho Practitioner Course Course Provider: Heidi Fawkes Ripon/Bedale, North Yorkshire Phone: 01677 988264 Reiki Level 1 & Reiki Level 2 Professional Practitioner Certificate Course Course Provider: Harshani Lori Curbishley-Brown Islip Northamptonshire Phone: 07941 841485 Reiki Practitioner Course Course Provider: Mandy Goddard Worcester, Worcs Phone: 07878 712212 Email: Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma (including Reiki I & II) Course provider: Susan Baker Taunton, Somerset Phone: 01823 490521

Reiki Master Teacher (including Reiki 1 & 2) Reiki Master Practitioner (including Reiki 1 & 2) Professional Reiki Practitioner Course Provider: Anne-Marie Carratu Banstead, Surrey Phone: 01737 557944 Professional Reiki Practitioner Course provider: Ruth Handley Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales Phone: 07748 446060 Reiki Practitioner (Usui Tibetan Reiki) Course provider: Christine Sutton Solihull, West Midlands Phone: 0121 246 9448 Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho Second Practitioner Level Course Provider: Fiona Heath Droitwich, Worcestershire Phone: 07713 915416 Reiki Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Ann Pigott Stourbridge, West Midlands Phone: 07929 634051 Professional Practitioner Diploma; Usui Reiki 1, 2, Master & Teacher Courses Course Provider: Wendy Liles Billinghay, Lincoln, Lincolnshire Phone: 07759 119135 Email: Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Professional Practitioner Diploma and Master Teacher Course Provider: Annie Harrington, Hathor Natural Healing Poole, Dorset, Phone: 07427 671324 Email : hathornaturalhealinguk@ Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki III, & Reiki IV Course Provider: Shaylini Popat London, Harley Street Phone: 07546 048659

Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki III & Reiki IV Course Provider: Carolina Starre Epsom, Surrey Phone: 01372 878606 Email: Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma incorporating Level 1 & 2 Course Provider: Michael Kaufmann Location: Central London Phone: 07801 284073 Reiki Second Degree Course Provider: Brighton Holistics (Jon Matson) Brighton Sussex Phone: 01273 672690 Email: Professional Reiki Diploma Course Provider: Reiki Master Academy Hove, Sussex Phone: 07795553038 Email: tom@reikimasteracademy. Professional Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Surrey School of Reiki & Susan-Emma Complementary Therapy Addlestone, Surrey Phone: 07789681775 Email: Reiki Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Sarah Presley Bristol, Wiltshire Phone: 7590621495 Email: Reiki Professional Practitioner including Level 1 & 2 Course Provider: Sue Malcolm Wakefield, West Yorkshire Phone: 07737 396948 Email:

Reiki Professional Practitioner Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Wendy Radford Reiki Academy London- Torsten Lange Crowborough, East Sussex London TW10 Phone: 07921 837807 Phone: 02082 870699 Email: wendy@radford-holistictheraEmail:


Thank you

very much to everyone who has contributed to this first edition of REIKI WORLD magazine.

Is there something you would like to see in REIKI WORLD? Maybe a regular feature on a certain subject? Letters page, book reviews etc? Please let us know. REIKI WORLD is mainly written by members for members. Please send articles, poems, letters and stories to together with your membership number preferably by email in a Word document. Articles always look better with accompanying pictures, so please include photographs and artwork as attachments to go with your articles if possible, and please ensure that you have permission to publish any photograph from everyone in it. All images must be high resolution (300+ dpi), and suitable for printing. We would like to hear what interesting things our members are doing. Articles on anything that you think would be of interest to your fellow members, anything Reiki-related including any articles on anything you are doing for Reiki awareness would be very welcome! We really do need your input to keep the magazine interesting. The deadline for submissions for the summer issue of REIKI WORLD magazine is 6th April 2020.

Kerrie Baker UKRF Editor of Reiki World Email:

Please note: Contributors to Reiki World magazine do not necessarily express the opinion of the UK Reiki Federation and the UK Reiki Federation accept no responsibility for views expressed. The UK Reiki Federation does not accept any responsibility for the independent advertisers or their services featured in this magazine. All content of Reiki World is Š Copyright to UK Reiki Federation. Unless otherwise stated, the design and layout of this magazine and any material published (including text, graphics, logos, images) is the property of the UK Reiki Federation. We authorise users to copy articles from this magazine only for personal, non-commercial use, clearly acknowledging the source. ISSN (printed): ISSN 2633-5115 ISSN (digital): ISSN 2633-5123


ADVERTISING RATES FOR RESONANCE MAGAZINE Would you like to advertise your courses, retreats, holiday accommodation, supplies, books, new age items etc. to like minded individuals? Please send your adverts to


Eighth page (105 x 70mm) Quarter page (portrait 140 x 105mm) Half page (landscape 140 x 210mm) Full page (portrait 285 x 210mm) Full page back cover (when available)

£25 £50 £75 £100 £125

Courses and retreats to be advertised by members only.

LEAFLETS The new colourful UK Reiki Federation ‘Client/Patient’ leaflets and ‘Information for the Carers of Animal & Pet Clients’ leaflets are an ideal way to explain about Reiki to clients and to anyone who would benefit from receiving information about it. They are available for purchase by members. £1.50 each or: UK


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Brochure UK Reiki

25 leaflets ….…..£ 8.00


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50 leaflets ………..£12.00






100 leaflets ……..£18.00 200 leaflets……….£30.00











Prices for ‘Client/Patient’ leaflets include postage and packing. Members may also request 25 copies of the UK Reiki Federation promotional leaflet free of charge, with a contribution of £1.50 for postage and packing if being requested without any other purchase. The UKRF information leaflets are popular with Teacher members who use them to advise their students about the Federation. TO ORDER Please visit our website and can be found by clicking on ‘Shop ► Publications’ or type in this link into your browser: K


Reiki Principles The UK Reiki Federation prides itself on working to these principles and values.

The Reiki Principles To bring the spiritual depth into everyday life, Mikao Usui, the founder of the system of Reiki, created a set of five principles (or precepts). They can be found on his memorial stone in the grounds of the Saihoji Temple in Tokyo. He called them...

‘The secret method of inviting good fortune. The marvellous medicine for all sickness.’ Just for today: Do not anger Do not worry Be grateful Work with diligence Be kind to others Every morning and every night sit in Gassho (palms placed together) and speak these words out loud in your heart - Mikao Usui

UK Reiki Federation Suite 437, 4th Floor, Davis House, Robert Street, Croydon CR0 1QQ


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