Reiki World Autumn/Winter 2022

Page 1

Ways to strengthen your aura The powerful force of thoughts Kokoro, Mindfulness, Happiness Reiki and more... Protective - Selective bubbles ‘Qiki’ Gong Energy Practice The science of Reiki: Interactions between matter and energy See pages 30-31! Benefits of Animal Reiki training Feedback from our members See pages 10 - 14 REIKI WORLD UK Reiki Federation Magazine AUTUMN/WINTER 2022 SETTING THE STANDARD FOR REIKI IN THE UK REIKI REBALANCE REJUVENATE
27 4 Our
and values
8 The
9 Happiness
10 Benefits
15 Kokoro
18 Reiki
20 Qiki
24 Reiki and
26 Meeting
28 Ways
30 The
32 Accredited courses CONTENTS 22 Our social media posts 20 Qiki
10 Benefits of Animal Reiki Training 26 Spiritual meeting in
vision statement
- for every step of your Reiki journey
Member benefits - so many reasons to be part of UKRF
breath - by Tanya Leiper
- by Andrew Kempleton
of Animal Reiki training - feedback from our members
- The Japanese art of balancing heart, mind & spirit
and mindfulness - by Meghana Millin
Series - Protective - Selective bubbles
your pension - by Alistair Elliott
third in line Dalai Lama - by Lisa Pryce-Jones
to strengthen
aura - by Giancarlo Serra
science of Reiki - by Leo Maria Holmes
Kokoro - Heart

Dear Members, Gavin

Welcome to our latest edition of Reiki World and we hope you enjoy reading its many varied articles. As we approach the end of another year, we can reflect on how much we’ve achieved within the UK Reiki Federation, as volunteers, providing the best service we can for our members, by our members.


We provided a full ten days of online events with some very interesting speakers and workshops. Our AGM then followed and members who attended were able to meet some of our amazing Management Committee volunteers and hear plans for the next 12 months.


We are always looking for more people to join our Management Committee and sub groups so if you would like to be part of our team, please do get in touch with Anne-Marie chair@reikifed.

As always, this is your Reiki Federation and we would love to hear from you about anything new you would like to see from us, so do please reach out and get in touch.


We continue to offer our members the best experience we can and have hosted a number of interesting webinars over the last year. In the Members Are of our website, you can now access past events to enjoy listening to and watching. It also has our current month’s events listed there.

We deliberately reduced the number of online events that we ran in the summer months to

make sure we can enjoy the great outdoors, however, as autumn turns into winter, we have some excellent virtual events which were sent out in this month’s events email. These will of course include our twice monthly Reiki Shares hosted by Jo Fellows and Amit Sihra.


CNHC registration – we continue to provide excellent educational support for those members wishing to gain CNHC registration or for those members wishing to have their Reiki courses accredited. We have a number of CPD courses advertised on our website, all of which count towards your annual 12 hours of CPD.

The UKRF continue to be a part of the Integrated Healthcare Collaboration, working alongside 26 other complementary therapy originations. As a collective, we are there to support the whole community and elevate the Government’s understanding of how beneficial Complementary therapies are for everyone.

We also continue to be the only UK based organisation to be part of the European Reiki Group, which is an extensive group, representing Reiki across Europe, working collaboratively on projects. The UKRF will join their Annual Conference to discover what the latest research has to offer and any other information that we can all share.


Have you uploaded your details on our Members Directory? Please go to the Members Area of our website, where you will find a link to upload your details. If you need any support or help, please contact

We hope you enjoy reading this Autumn edition of Reiki World and we look forward to receiving any interesting articles you may have for the next edition.

Wishing you and your families, the warmest of Christmas wishes and a very Happy New Year. Stay safe and look after yourselves and your loved ones.

Animal Reiki and research, for every step of your Reiki journey.

Vision Statement
Our Values Compassion: Supporting our members through their learning and practice Kindness: To be kind to others at all times Gratitude: To always value our members Professionalism: To always uphold the Reiki principles, UK Reiki Federation Constitution and Code of Ethics for all our members and the public Self-care: To promote self love and treat our members and each other with respect and dignity REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 4
The UKRF is committed to providing support to the Reiki Community by promoting the highest standards of Reiki at all levels through respect, positivity and compassion. We aim to lead the way and to be innovators in Reiki education,

Our UKRF Team is growing...

“I started on my Reiki Journey in January 2022 and I’m excited to be part of this community. The benefits of Reiki are already showing in my day-to-day life, helping me to feel more grounded and connected to myself.


Alongside Reiki, my interests span across art law, cultural heritage, illustration and visual communication and teaching for creative practice. Proof of my lifelong passion for learning and bettering myself, my working career stretches across multiple professional areas and disciplines. I am currently building upon my teaching and artistic experiences by undertaking additional training as an integrative therapeutic counsellor, with an aim to include Reiki in my professional toolkit.”

Camelia has joined our Events and Marketing team and has already been busy organising and coordinating many exciting events for our members going forward.

Our recent Reiki Awareness Week - Celebrating 100 years of Reiki, was a huge success and we were treated to many interesting speakers thoughout the 10 days, ending with our AGM on Saturday 1st October. Here at UKRF we love to bring great, informative events to our members and we have lots planned for 2023!

Linkedin .com/ukreikifederation .com/UKReikiFed .com/UKReikiFed Members’ benefits include: FREE directory listing on the UKRF website FREE events - online Reiki shares & webinars Access to website resources and support in our Members Only section & use of UKRF logo Preferential rate for practitioner insurance Frequent updates about industry best practice including Covid-19 guidelines Regular e-magazine Reiki World containing interesting articles and updates You can see more about your membership benefits on our website. We are passionate about supporting you on every step of your Reiki journey UKRF are available in many ways, including through our social media channels. You can interact with us through any of these platforms by using the details below. It’s a great way for us to stay in touch with our members and to continue to support you. Email: As the largest professional Reiki organisation in the UK and Europe we are setting the highest standard for Reiki REIKI WORLD SETTING THE STANDARD FOR REIKI IN THE UK DISTANCE HEALING - THE PERFECT TOOL :Protectingyourbusiness Reiki Research Group Opportunity to join Boost your wellbeing UKRF Member Benefits REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - AUTUMN/WINTER 2022 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 6


with the UK Reiki Federation

REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 7 REIKI WORLD Reiki Shares Online Twice every month via Zoom 7pm - 45 minutes of Reiki healing Run by Jo Fellows, Reiki Master Teacher & UKRF Distance Healing Coordinator & Amit Sihra, Reiki Master Practitioner & UKRF Lineage Coordinator A lovely opportunity to join with like-minded people to give and receive Reiki UKRF Members will be sent a link via email The UKRF Team
The UK Reiki Federation offer their Practitioner members the opportunity to become part of a large distance healing network...and we’re always looking for new team members! Distance Healing Group
Practitioners give their time
to anyone who makes a request
group works
that each week
those people/animals/events that have
collectively send positive Reiki healing to
that suits
us. Would you like to join our team?
UKRF Reiki
each week
send Reiki healing
from anywhere in the world. How the
the volunteers receive a list of
and we all
everyone on the list, at a time
each one of
Email: for more information.

The Breath

Everything comes back to the breath, so take some time, and breathe...

The breath connects us in the most basic way with the world around us and yet it does so much more in that it can also help us to be more mentally, physically and emotionally balanced within ourselves.

Within the Reiki world the breath helps us to centre ourselves when connecting to the Reiki energy that is both within us and around us.

The breath also helps us to achieve not only a state of calm but also a state of mental clarity when we set our Reiki intent.

There is a close correlation between our emotions and the way that we breathe. So, by controlling the way that we breathe we can help to influence our mental, physical, and emotional selves.

When we feel good, and we are relaxed, and contented, we naturally breathe more deeply and slowly, our breath and body reflecting our mental and emotional state at that time.

Whereas, when we are more stressed, our breath becomes naturally shorter and shallower as our body picks up on this emotion and prepares itself to go into fight or flight mode.

Using the breath is marvellous way of mentally and emotionally centring ourselves. So, by taking some time to just breathe more slowly and deeply while thinking about relaxing the different muscles within our body, we can become more balanced within ourselves, which is why the breath is such a lovely mechanism for meditation.

The breath can also be a lovely means of helping us to anchor ourselves more mindfully within the present moment, so allowing us more control over our thoughts and emotions.

We can all think of situations where our mind runs away with all the ‘what ifs’ that may happen in the future, even the very near future, which places us in a state of stress in the present.

By taking some time to breathe and focusing our thoughts on the breath and relaxing our body, we can help to emotionally calm and centre ourselves in the present, and there is so much more to be gained when we are able to calmly join in the present moment, not only with Reiki but also with the world in general.

So, take a moment to breathe…, relax…, centre yourself…, and enjoy that wonderful feeling of calm and connection to this world and the loving energy that is within you and around you.



I have seen many clients in my practice who ask me to help them find consistent happiness. Their desire is to find happiness and stay in that state for the rest of their lives. I find that really interesting and I would like to share here how I try to work with this.

First of all, looking for positive emotions is fine, but if we do so at the expense of the heavier ones, these difficult emotions that we are trying to avoid will grow in power. The phrase ‘what we resist persists’ is so true, everything we push away from ourselves is immediately attracted in and if we look away from our fear, shame, sadness etc, we will still emit their energy from our shadow self and attract in experiences influenced by their vibrations.

We will also likely project what we are not prepared to experience in ourselves onto other people. For instance, if we are only willing to embrace our happiness, we might become angry when our partners express their sadness. It is uncomfortable when someone else is prepared to enter a space we are avoiding and this can be very detrimental to the relationship.

When we avoid something within us we are saying that we are afraid of it, that we do not trust that we can look into whatever that heaviness is and emerge safely out the other side. Resistance is born out of fear. Fear attracts things to be afraid of.

I would suggest that the best way to find light and positive emotions within us is to be prepared to turn towards all that is not in that state. In this way, we bring our conscious love and attention into our shadows which will naturally transmute them. When we connect with our emotional wounds from a non-judgmental, loving place, then that emotion must fade. It may be uncomfortable for a while as we connect with our shame, grief, anger etc but this kind of authentic process will allow us to step into the wound and out the other side. So, going back to the point of this article, I believe that if we strive to be happy all the time, we will likely achieve the opposite, as our hidden sadness grows in the strength given to it from our avoidance and fear. I prefer to target peace as a goal. This is a state that we can be in, regardless of the emotions we are feeling and will facilitate a deep and loving connection with anything we encounter that is not based in love. Peace requires faith, courage and love, so when we are in that state any emotions we feel are easily transmuted. This is the way to move towards greater states of happiness without having to attach to that particular emotion as a constant in our lives.


If you like this article, take a look at Andrew’s website where you can sign up for his monthly newsletter:


Benefits of Animal Reiki training /expertise: Feedback from our members

I regularly hear Reiki Practitioners who attend Animal Reiki training say “I didn’t realise there was so much to Animal Reiki, way beyond just offering Reiki to animals”… and there really is! This is a key message that UKRF wishes to communicate so that animals are helped in the best possible way and Animal Reiki becomes the respected stand-alone complementary therapy it deserves to be.

For those of you wondering whether or not to go down this route of additional training I thought it may be useful to ask our Animal Reiki Practitioner members to share the personal benefits they’ve gained from taking Animal Reiki training and/or gaining many years of valuable expertise through offering Reiki to animals in a wide variety of situations and circumstances.

Here are a some of our responses – if they resonate with you and you’d like to know more please email me via

Sujarda Herring

“I have always enjoyed offering Reiki to my own animals but never felt confident enough to offer this as part of my business. The process of going though Animal Reiki training and becoming a certified practitioner has not only developed my skills and knowledge but my confidence. I now work with all kinds of animals and offer this beautiful therapy as part of my business. My furry, fluffy and feathery client list continues to grow and this is one of the most rewarding areas of my practice”.

“Taking an Animal Reiki Practitioner (ARP) training course has proven absolutely invaluable to me! The course has benefitted me, my animal clients and, alongside my UKRF AR Practitioner accreditation, helps build the reputation of Animal Reiki, amongst animal carers, Shelters and Veterinarians. The module about different species’ evolution and how it affects animals’ perceptions and behaviours, informed and enhanced my empathetic connection with animals. Some practical techniques I learned from my AR Practitioner teacher, are also useful in my other work; such as scanning with the eyes, and grounding others’ energy!

Since the UKRF has jointly developed the ARP Professional Standards alongside other organisations, as an Accredited ARP, I can also be confident that I’m working and talking in the right way about Animal Reiki, aligned with best practice and current legal/ethical requirements, in a joined-up way, alongside others working with Animals.“


“Animal Reiki training gave me the confidence to follow my own intuition whilst letting the animals lead. It gave me insights into animal behaviours to understand their signals and a whole toolbox of techniques to adapt to any situation.

Most of my work is with rescue animals with wide ranging mental, physical and emotional needs and since my training and the opportunity to work with many different animals, I feel confident in my ability to help each and every animal I meet. The rewards are enormous for both the animal and practitioner alike.”

Melissa Higgins

“The Animal Reiki training I undertook added a great deal more to my knowledge and practice about offering Reiki to animals, and I feel I’m able to provide Reiki to animals in a way that’s more informed than before. It’s only since I’ve been learning Animal Reiki that I’ve felt confident to ask and gratefully been given the opportunity to offer Reiki regularly to animals at a nearby wildlife park.

Becoming an Animal Reiki Practitioner has also given me the confidence that I have been trained

to a high standard of practice, in agreement with the UK Reiki Federation’s principles, giving reassurance to my clients. With so many practitioners out there, it’s important for people to receive assurances regarding professional membership.”

Laura Barbour

“Animals have always been my passion and all I ever wanted to do since childhood was heal animals, (the stories of James Herriot were my bed time reading). Although I have been sharing Reiki with horses and other animals for many years, becoming an Animal Reiki Practitioner has made me take a fresh look at the way I work and really appreciate the value of being seen as a “Professional Animal Reiki Teacher.”

“Taking the courses which lead to being an Animal Reiki Practitioner gave me a much fuller understanding of the differences in sharing Reiki with animals as opposed to humans. Through these courses you learn about the understanding of such things as the ‘all important signals’ animals give out as to whether or not they even want a treatment and when a session may be finished, or when to offer hands on or off, remote or distant Reiki. This is

Ali Schmutz
My furry, fluffy and feathery client list continues to grow and this is one of the most rewarding areas of my practice.”

Benefits of Animal Reiki training...continued

only a little of the information which is generally easily obtained when sharing Reiki with a human but humans speak human animals do not.”

Lucy Braganza

“It’s great that Animal Reiki is becoming more mainstream. I know I get a lot more interest than I used to. I decided to become a UK Reiki Federation Animal Reiki Practitioner early 2022. I now offer Animal Reiki sessions to businesses that look after/ care for animals, such as groomers and day-care.

I feel that my Animal Reiki membership to the UK Reiki Federation along with my insurance helps to give business owners the confidence to refer me to their customers, knowing that I follow a strict set of guidelines and have the relevant knowledge and experience needed to offer Reiki to their muchloved pets.”

Debbie O’Hara

“The benefits of being an Animal Reiki Master Practitioner are huge and seamlessly link with generic Reiki practice. Immediately after my original Reiki qualification, I received requests to offer Reiki to a variety of different animal species. Consequently, I chose to train in Animal Reiki. I find that Reiki attunement has ‘powerfully enhanced’ my communication and connection with all species. Communication with all species is key in practice, and Reiki intuition assists when training on multi species body language, and emotional and physiological needs.

I offer to work closely with veterinary colleagues, and I was happily involved with piloting the UKRF ARP membership process. I believe wholeheartedly that professional recognition of Animal Reiki is vital. Animals teach us so much and my own animal companion family seem delighted that their human works with Animal Reiki – they are my best mentors!”

Nicola Hateley

“Whilst I have had dogs for years and felt that I knew them, since Animal Reiki training my bond has strengthened even more than I thought possible. I became aware of body language signs to look out for, and enjoyed learning how to best approach unknown animals, specifics for working with rescue animals and different techniques of connecting with the animals. The practical sessions really enforced how sensitive animals are to Reiki, the importance of always letting them lead, and to always expect the unexpected! The icing on the cake had to be the animal communication that mentally flowed naturally and unexpectedly without effort – it blew me away, incredible! I haven’t offered Reiki to animals previously via my Reiki business but I’m now confident to do so after many varied experiences with different species.

It’s good to have trained as an Animal Reiki Practitioner to a level that is professionally recognised by Reiki organisations.”

A pleasing story from my training: Another Animal Reiki Practitioner student (Hellen) and myself went to help 3 Chihuahuas offering Reiki weekly, for 4 weeks. They all lived together and one was top dog, always on alert for the whole family. The first week he stayed on his perch watching out the window. The second week, Hellen communicated with him and he got closer.

The third week he came and sat beside me, and I offered him Reiki from a few inches away. The fourth week he wanted Reiki on our knees like the other 2 dogs had from day one. This was a massive learning curve and experience for us as we thought after day one, we will never get near him, but it was amazing to see how quickly the dogs calmed down and jumped on our knees waiting to receive Reiki. They loved it. And the releases afterwards by one of the dogs rolling around erratically on the rug from the side to side, was so funny; the owner had never seen him act in this way before and also couldn’t believe how peaceful the dogs were during Reiki.


Liz Clifton

“Wow! Becoming an Animal Reiki Practitioner has completely changed my life and now I’m training other Animal Reiki Practitioners so that collectively, we can help as many animals as possible to enjoy the magnificence of Animal Reiki. I hope to soon have my Animal Reiki training UKRF accredited.

My family always described me as having “a gift” with animals, because they always appeared to be calm around me and flock to me at farms etc. Animal Reiki therefore became a natural extension to Reiki and my expertise developed through years of experience. Animal Reiki played a huge part in rehabilitating our first rescue dog, and myself too in the process and is a part of my bigger mission in life. Reiki with people is beautiful and still a huge part of my life but supporting animals who so often find themselves voiceless in our present society is truly priceless – a pleasure and an honour.

Being a UKRF recognised Animal Reiki Practitioner is the cherry on top and has already led to new contacts and enquiries for my business “

Sue Leet

“For many years I’ve been a member of UKRF working and training with people and animals. Following the Animal Reiki practitioners’ training I found the section on common signs of processing and releasing especially beneficial. Having reproduced a list of signals to look out for, at a recent yard visit, several people had congregated, I offered this information with an invitation to notice how many other horses in the yard displayed any of the signs noted.

As I worked (offering Reiki) I could hear gasps as several horses yawned, stretched and lay down. At the end the first Animal Reiki session, keen to report their findings the group shared that all of the horses displayed more than one signal of processing or releasing. A great example of the power of Animal Reiki..”

Sarah Woyboys

“I am working towards being an accredited Animal Reiki Teacher with the UK Reiki Federation and am very grateful to be a UK Reiki Federation Animal Reiki Practitioner member and feel that it has enhanced my business by showing a more professional approach to Animal Reiki.

My most vivid experience is working with an Alpaca, Fergus, who was extremely ill with respiratory problems and the treatment the vet had to give him was giving him ulcers in his stomach. I went to help and gentle contact was welcomed for optimum calmness and relief; his owner said he never let anyone touch him on the back but he knew and enjoyed Reiki there. I am so thankful that he is now happy, running around and I still give him and his two brothers distance Reiki daily.”

Julie Court

“Since learning Animal Reiki, I feel that my connection with animals has grown in strength especially with my own animals. My confidence in approach has improved as I have learnt more about behaviour and communication, this I feel adds to the wonderful experiences of Animal Reiki.

When meeting new people and discussing about the benefits of Reiki, I always inform them that I am registered with the Uk Reiki Federation as I feel this adds credit to my business and myself, but also gives reassurance that I have trained and have understanding in the therapy offered. After all I wouldn’t take my precious gems to someone who calls themself a jeweller without seeing they are registered or certificated, after all our animals are precious to us”.

“Having studied Animal Reiki and achieved Diplomas in recognition of my studies as well
Being a UKRF recognised Animal Reiki Practitioner is the cherry on top and has already led to new contacts and enquiries for my business. .”

as fostering and working in a couple of Veterinary Practices, I felt that I had achieved the level required to become an Animal Reiki Practitioner. However, through the comprehensive knowledge I obtained in fully understanding all aspects of animals including anatomy, behaviour and reactions, it was evident that the foundations I had learnt were very insufficient to enable me to become a proficient and credible Animal Reiki Practitioner.

After learning more about Animal Reiki I have found that it is an extremely effective way to help increase my own awareness, insight and also provides me with personal growth. I feel more positive and confident in my own abilities and even though I already had the knowledge to do so, after in depth studies, I feel that I am now better equipped to make a greater connection,

To conclude, a few words from my perspective:

knowing that everything that I do, with feeling, does matter and can make a difference to the lives of animals. I have found that animals show us so much about ourselves as they are like sponges absorbing healing and its benefits. This provides validation and confirmation that Animal Reiki is restoring and balancing the animal’s natural ability to heal itself.”

“Learning about Reiki healing for animals has given me confidence in my work as a Practitioner. I’ve developed a deeper understanding of animal behaviour, how to approach animals, what to look for and how they can respond in different ways to the healing. I’ve learnt to focus with pure love and intent deepening the connection for the release of emotional problems. It’s been invaluable for me and the animals I see.”

Attending Animal Reiki training as a Reiki Practitioner opened up a new world for me. My Reiki training had included some basics about offering Reiki to Animals but attending training and doing further selflearning made me realise how much I hadn’t known, and how much more there is to Animal Reiki than applying Reiki learnings. Above all I learned how to best help animals in varying states of emotion, from ‘too excited to settle’ through to emotionally traumatised, and with emotion related behaviours stemming from past events.

Training, practicing and gaining wider animal awareness though helping at a number of animal rescue centres and sanctuaries boosted my skills to the levels where clients were coming through word of mouth and an Animal Welfare College asked me to set up a stand and give a talk at a Careers with Animals Day. My Animal Reiki work is now primarily teaching and sharing my knowledge .. but none of this would have happened without the Animal Reiki training that started my journey and the hundreds of Animals who have been wonderful teachers, showing me how Animals are individual in their desires and preferences … just like us!

I’m sure we’d all agree that Animals are our best teachers but they can be anxious and vulnerable so it is important that we learn essential skills so that we are able to help them optimally from our very first physical approach or distant healing session.

For more about Animal Reiki and Practitioner membership please see : ANIMAL REIKI | UK Reiki Federation (


Modern life seems to demand an ever-present need for us all to be more, do more, see more and live more. We put ourselves under extraordinary pressure to do everything in a hurry, trying to cram more stuff into less time than ever before. This hurried and stressful state of being has long-term consequences for our health and wellbeing.

Ongoing levels of stress can accelerate ageing, upset our mental balance and increase our risk of long-term illness or disease. But there are alternative ways to live.

It’s obvious that we should make sure family time is prioritised and passtimes that support a good flow of energy and calm may then become a focus. Practices such as Reiki, meditation, tai chi and yoga are benficial to finding this balance. Research indicates that activities like these which promote a greater sense of mindfulness have a really positive short and long-term impact on our bodies and happiness levels.

Heart, mind and soul are intrinsically linked in the concept of kokoro. Kokoro promotes a calmer, more deliberate way of life. It focuses on the spiritual and heart-centred things that bring true value and fulfillment, such as relationships and family.

Anything you can do to reduce stress, clear your mind of unnecessary clutter and make life easier is all good for your long-term happiness and wellbeing.

Here are 3 simple ways to introduce kokoro into your life:


Kokoro – The Japanese art of balancing heart, mind and spirit kokoro

Dedicating even a small amount of time each day to focusing or clearing your mind, can be a brilliant way of achieving calm and improving your mental wellbeing. Meditation has also been found to improve your health and reduce the risk of illness.


We all know that exercise and a healthy diet is good for your body and your mind - it improves your mental capacity and lifts your spirits, which is why it is highly recommended for anyone who suffers from stress or depression. Committing to regular exercise really helps you to focus on making positive change. Spending time outdoors in nature is another brilliant way to clear your mind and feel more connected to the Earth.


Your physical environment affects your mood and clutter can make your home feel busy and stressful. Have a sort out and get rid of anything that doesn’t bring you happiness. Be ruthless and have a good old purge and know that you’re helping energy to flow freely. Add plants to your environment to bring nature closer.

REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 17 REIKI WORLD Insurance cover for members of the UK Reiki Federation BALENS Specialist Insurance Brokers Telephone: Web: Email: 01684 580771 Balens Ltd is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority UKRF Individual Package Includes: Professional, Public and Products Liability Cover Limit of Liability of £4,000,000 or £6,000,000 Multi erapy Cover for over 3,500 activities (subject to quali cations) Cover for temporary work abroad Legal Protection Cover (temporary trips abroad excluding the USA & Canada) » » » » » Other Packages Available: Home Insurance Includes seeing your clients from home erapy Room Contents/Surgeries Package Personal Accident and Sickness Policies (£6M limit) Premiums From: £32.07 £45.87 (including insurance premium tax and fees) (£4M limit) UKRF » » » Automatically provides cover for your business activities online » (USA & Canada by referral) Pioneers 70 for over the carers years! Caring for

Reiki and Mindfulness

Reiki and mindfulness are two different approaches to the same goal: holistic healing. In many ways, the two methods are similar, yet very different. In this article, we’ll look at similarities, and differences and how they complement each other.

Both mindfulness and Reiki have their origins in eastern traditions that have been taken to the west. The mindfulness tradition may be traced back to the early eastern religion of Buddhism, which was founded more than 2,500 years ago in India. It focuses on the Gautama Buddha’s (Born: Siddhartha Gautama) Eightfold Path teaching, with emphasis on living a life free of judgment and compassion for oneself and others. The practice of vipassana, or “insight meditation”, which is integral to Buddhism, helps the practitioner learn to heal the mind and body.

Bringing mindfulness from the east to the west is in large part credited to Jon Kabat-Zinn. Having studied mindfulness under several venerated Buddhist teachers, including Thich Nhat Han, he introduced it to the west through the sciencebased program called Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, which was developed at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Over the years other Mindfulness programs such as mindfulness-based cognitive therapy have come to be an integral part of alternative therapy. The goal of all these mindfulness therapies is to help people with chronic illness, such as depression, anxiety, and hypertension, cope with their condition better and experience improved overall health.

Reiki, as most readers will know, began in eastern traditions and was brought to the west. Reiki’s heritage may be traced back to Mikao Usui’s teachings in Japan in the early 1920s. Usui’s spiritual practices were influenced by

Buddhist, Taoist, and Shinto lineages, the most notable of which was the Zazen (Zen) practices that coexisted in Japan at the time. After twentyone days of fasting and meditation on Mount Kurama Yama, he had a profound and mystical experience that led him to create Usui Reiki Ryoho. Shin-Shin Kai Zen Usui Reiki Ryo Ho is a healing modality (The Usui Reiki Treatment Method for Improvement of body and mind)

While Mikao Usui developed the Usui Reiki Ryoho system, Mrs. Hawayo Takata is credited with bringing Reiki to the west after experiencing her healing through this modality. Having studied Reiki under Dr Chujiro Hayashi, who was trained by Usui Sensei, she went on to develop her method of teaching Reiki that was more in line with the ways of the western world.

Both Reiki and mindfulness enable the wellbeing of the body and mind, but the techniques used to achieve these goals are very different.


Reiki improves the flow of the universal energy in the body, which in turn improves health and well-being. Mindfulness, on the other hand, is a form of meditation that focuses on the present moment to heighten awareness and live in the ‘now’.

Mindfulness is about being present in the present moment, being in the here and now. Mindfulness can be practiced in a variety of ways, including eating, walking, running, gardening, and photography to name a few, but most people choose mindful meditation.

Through mindful meditation, we learn to connect with our breath and body. With regular meditation, we learn to calm our mind and body, thus giving our body the space to relax and heal itself. This is made possible through the development of so-called ‘processing’ and ‘receiving’ skills. The former refers to the ability to filter out unimportant information from sensory input, while the latter refers to the ability to let go and accept this input. For example, when we are stressed our breathing becomes rapid and shallow, which limits the oxygen that is available to the body and brain. Mindful meditation teaches us how to control our breathing, which allows the body to receive the oxygen it needs to function efficiently.

Contrary to this, Reiki is a practice that focuses on the energy channels, or subtle energy systems, of the body to improve the well-being of the body and mind. The practitioners act as conduits to the flow of the universal energy through their hands, which promotes healing and relaxation to the person receiving it. To be able to do this a Reiki practitioner needs to be attuned to Reiki, whereas this attunement is not required in mindfulness.

Reiki practitioners learn to meditate to quieten the mind to enable them to work more effectivity with subtle energy. Hence, Reiki practitioners are ideally suited to offer mindfulness practices to their clients alongside their core Reiki practice. This not only provides a more holistic healing experience to their clients but also allows them to gain additional knowledge and experience in this area, which can only be beneficial as they move forward with their Reiki practice. Through mindfulness practices, the Reiki practitioner can empower their clients to take charge of healing their bodies and mind from the inside out.

Meghana Millin

UKRF Member Source/ Reference:
Author Profile: Meghana Millin is a CNHC registered Reiki Master and Mindfulness Now Teacher, founder of Wellness-me a wellness and well-being practice based in Newcastle upon Tyne. Website:

Protective-Selective Bubbles

Many of us are sensitive and even hypersensitive to other people’s energies, both positive and negative. As practitioners, we know that clients generally come to us with issues and we ground and centre ourselves before and after treatments. However, when it is a general everyday situation of stress/negativity, we may not be as prepared and can quickly feel overwhelmed and drained by its power, almost as if we are under attack.

There are a variety of strategies we may use to deal with this and here we offer another suggestion, using the power of your imagination, intention and Qiki Gong.

Is it any surprise then that at the macro level we, as human beings, could also benefit from a protective bubble. The last “science” bit now. The “Protection Motivation Theory” (1) deals with how you cope with and make decisions in times of harmful or stressful events.

First, the Threat Appraisal deals with how threatened you feel by the perceived threat.

We know you like a bit of science from our investigative team – well you haven’t told us otherwise :). We humans are made of trillions of very clever Eukaryotic cells, which contain a special outer lining known as the plasma membrane. This membrane serves to separate and protect a cell from its surrounding environment, allowing things to enter and exit.(2) The cell has to constantly decide what to take in and what to keep out – what is good for it and what is harmful. This is the cell’s amazing protective-selective bubble.

Second, the Coping Appraisal is your evaluation of the various factors that are likely to ensure that you engage in a response that is preventive – ie that protects you. This being how and what you decide to let in and out through your flexible, protectiveselective bubble.

Ruthie developed this Qiki-feelmove© when returning from holiday. Flights had been cancelled due to bad weather and the small airport was crowded with passengers who were becoming upset and even aggressive, which seemed to be increasing moment by moment.

Not all energies were negative – there were helpful and cheerful people whose energies remained high and who were comfortable to be around. Just like the Eukaryotic cell, it was beneficial for her to let the latter in. To keep the more negative energies to a minimum, she decided to visualise drawing a bubble of golden light surrounding her, to keep her own vibrations high, as well as relaxing, making positive comments and smiling.

As she did so, she noticed most of the people around her began to chat about things other than the immediate situation.


This is an important reminder that we all have feelings, wherever we are, whatever situation we find ourselves in and whatever psychological or physical condition we may have. It is what drives us as people. It is the key driver behind Qiki Gong, where we fully accept the responsibility of being able to change these feelings for our health and well-being. In Qiki Gong we encourage using imagination, playing with new ideas, energies, everyone in their own way, in movement or in stillness. It’s one of the reasons we believe Qiki Gong is totally inclusive.

The link to our movie “Feeling Qiki – Protective-Selective Bubble” at the end of this article demonstrates the Qiki feelmove©. If out in a public place or in a stressful situation you may choose to visualise this powerful move.

Settle (standing or sitting) with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Feel your Qiki energies between your hands. Gently rotate to one side, using one foot as a pivot if you are able and turn your hands so one is palm down and the other palm up, holding the energies between your hands.

Gently raise the palm down facing hand in an arc around your head to the other side, leaving the other arm gently extended, rotating back to a

feet parallel forward-facing position as you do. You may see a colour or you may choose your own favourite protective colour beaming from your hands.

Slowly lower both hands, continuing the curve of the bubble down and together. Rest, then repeat to the other side. Finally settle again when you are ready.

You can choose to protect yourself from negativity and let positive/ higher vibrations in and offer them out, just as your cells do every second of every day.

In continuing to raise our vibrations, we can all start to shift others’ vibrations too. It’s like a smile – it’s contagious, in the best way possible. Link to the Qiki Protective-Selective Bubble mini-movie:

Be In-Joy Namaste References – Date accessed – August 2022 1. 2.
Ruthie Moriarty – Golden Protector par excellence Alan Sanson – Practising Selector extraordinaire

UKRF on Social Media

Posting on our social media platforms is a great way for us to share our events and celebrations with our members. This has been a big year for us as we have made many positive changes as well as finding ways to show we support diversity and inclusion. Here is a selection of the posts we have published since spring this year! Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. See you there!


Reiki and your pension

I am a Reiki practitioner and in my day job I am also a chartered financial planner, working for the Government’s impartial MoneyHelper service which provides support to help people make the most of their money and pensions. In this article I will look at how reiki can impact on our pensions. I will be focusing on personal pensions, stakeholder pensions and workplace pensions (which are types of defined contribution pensions). These work in a different way from final salary pensions and the State Pension.

Reiki and our money

Reiki for most practitioners is more than a healing modality. It is an approach to life based on love. We want to make a positive difference to people and the planet. This can include making ethical choices in what we spend our money on. For many of us, our pension is one of the largest assets we have apart from a house, if we are lucky enough to have one. Richard Curtis, the film director (Four Weddings and a Funeral) is one of the founders of which encourages us to think about where the £3 trillion in our own pensions in the UK is invested. This money is owned by all of us, and is invested to build our savings for the future. But from fossil fuels to tobacco, exploitation to extraction, these investments are often contradicting our values.

Ethical funds

Your pension pot is invested in funds where the manager buys shares in companies in the stockmarket that they believe will help grow the value of your pension pot. Most pensions will allow you a choice of funds to invest your money in. Unless you make a positive choice, your money will typically go into a fund that does not have any ethical dimension. Many pensions now offer an ethical fund which is still aiming to grow your money but has environmental, social or governance screening, for example it may avoid investing in certain areas such as tobacco or armaments or animal-testing. These funds have a variety of names – sustainable, ethical, green, environmental, socially responsible, impact investing. There are also now some Sharia-compliant pension funds, which invest in accordance with Islamic law, for example avoiding companies involved in gambling or alcohol. If your existing pension provider does not offer an ethical option, you can transfer your pension pot to one that does. If transferring always check for charges and whether you are giving up any special features in your existing pension – in particular, some older pensions include valuable guarantees.


Self-employed Reiki practitioners

Most Reiki practitioners are self-employed. You can normally get tax relief from the Government on pension contributions up to the level of your profits. Let’s say, you make £8,000 in income and have business expenses of £2,000, resulting in a profit of £6,000. This means you can pay up to £6,000 into a pension, which will only cost you £4,800 as the Government will top up your payment with tax relief, even if you are not a tax payer. You can pay into a personal pension (including stakeholder pensions), self-invested personal pension or the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) set up by the Government.


If you are employed, earn at least £10,000 a year, and are aged between 22 and State Pension Age, your employer must put you into a pension scheme (this is called automatic enrolment) and pay a percentage of your salary into it. Due to the employer’s contribution and the Government’s top-up, the amount you pay in is often doubled. The scheme that your employer offers may include an ethical fund – check with your pension provider. If it does not, ask your employer if they can offer a scheme which has an ethical option. Volunteering Reiki practitioner

If you do not earn money from your Reiki practice and do not have any taxable income, you can still pay into a pension and get tax-relief from the Government. You, or someone else, can pay up to £2,880 a year in to a pension for you, and the Government will add on £780 in tax relief even though you are not a tax payer. You can pay into the same types of pension as a self-employed person, except that NEST is not available.

Show kindness to all beings

You can say what you want to happen any money left in your pension pot when you die. You can nominate whoever you want to receive it. They receive it tax-free if you die before age 75. If you leave your pot to a charity they receive it tax-free however old you are when you die.

Financial guidance and advice

This article contains information and guidance only does not constitute financial advice. Ethical funds are investments and can rise and fall in value. If you want free, impartial guidance on your options you can contact the Government’s MoneyHelper service ( which has a pensions helpline 0800 011 3797. If you want personalised advice on your pension, you can find a financial adviser regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) using the Retirement Adviser Directory on MoneyHelper’s website: You can input your post code and find the nearest advisers. You can filter your search for advisers who can advise on ethical or sharia funds.


There are many convincing scams which aim to part you from your pension money, so only ever deal with firms and individuals regulated by the FCA. Scammers often even lure people in by saying that they are offering ethical or environmentally-friendly funds. Never deal with anyone who contacts you out of the blue – this is nearly always a scam and you can you can end up losing all your pension pot. Also be wary of any pop-up adverts on-line – these firms are often not regulated. If you are worried about a scam call MoneyHelper’s specialist scams support team on 0800 015 4402.

Just for today

Dealing with our pensions is not something that most of us relish. If you would like to make sure that your pension pot is working for a better world as well as for your own retirement, decide on a day when you will commit to getting out your pensions paperwork or log into your on-line pensions account, and check with your pension company if they have an ethical option. Most companies will let you switch your fund free of charge.

Alistair Elliott UKRF Member Background photo: Taken by Alistair when sitting in the sun at Compton Bay on the Isle of Wight listening to the UKRF AGM and Reiki share in September. “It was lovely to bathe in the sun and Reiki!”

How we met the 3rd in line Dalai Lama Buddhist monk Geshe Lama Ahbay Tulku Rinpoche...

As both a Hypnotherapist and Healer I often help people to learn to calm their overactive chattering mind down to allow them to have the space that they need to make much needed and wanted changes in their lives.

Most of my therapy sessions involve Hypnotherapy followed by a Reiki session. Alongside this I offer a form of counselling called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. By working with clients on a subconscious, spiritual and conscious level at the same time the progress is much quicker than individual therapies alone. Hypnotherapy is a great way to offload what I refer to as emotional baggage very quickly and to provide the subconscious mind with more effective strategies to embrace life and make the most of each day.

The Reiki healing activates the client’s immune system, promotes deep relaxation, helps to relieve stress/anxiety/trauma, energises the body, relieves

pain, increases the body’s ability to restore at a deep level wherever needed and balances both the mind and body helping the client to start listening to their body and prepare for change that’s needed.

At the end of the client’s first session I usually share the importance of:-

• Keeping the mind in the present moment to prevent anxiety (looking at the possible ‘what if’s’ in the future) or depression (looking back at the past) and share examples of how to do this easily in their everyday lives.

• Grounding oneself at the start of the day, throughout the day and at the end of the day too.

• Protecting your own energy field (using your bubble) throughout your day.

• Desensitising (closing down) your crown energy centre before going to sleep.

...and what we learned

I provide each client with some gifts too:-

• A card which contains the Reiki Principles on one side which I suggest that they say to themselves at the start and end of their day. On the reverse side are examples of daily affirmations for them to use as they feel the need to.

• A pen which displays the Reiki Principles which can help focus them when their mind wanders.

Whilst I thought I was being mindful in my daily life I only truly began to truly understand it in 2019 whilst observing people in Japan as I completed my Reiki Master training. It became apparent that everything was done in such a calm, considered and deliberate manner. Having slowed everything that I did down to a new level really allowed me to listen to what I needed and wanted and also to have more time to consider others and also realise how my interaction with them affected them too.

Earlier this year a fellow Reiki Master and Teacher, Rosemary Griffiths, shared that she was delighted to be hosting the 3rd in line Dalai Lama, Geshe Lama Ahbay Tulku Rinpoche (known as Ahbay), on his travels in the UK to share his wisdom. We were delighted that both myself and my partner David Muzzlewhite (also a Reiki Master Teacher and Spiritual Healer) were able to join this special day.

As we arrived in beautiful West Wales on 4th September 2022 the sun was shining and the far reaching views from Rosemary’s home were spectacular. There were 25 of us gathered in Rosemary’s lounge in readiness for Ahbay’s arrival. There was a beautiful altar with the blue Medicine Buddha on display along with flowers and biscuits. We didn’t know what to expect but were quickly put at ease as soon as Ahbay’s relaxed manner and sense of humour became apparent.

His calming presence was felt by all. He spent the morning sharing philosophy on how there are effectively 3 minds – positive, neutral and negative and to achieve a positive and peaceful mind there are 7 things required (impermanence, tolerance, humility, compassion, satisfaction, love and patience). His view was that we should all strive to improve upon these daily and recognise the importance of them for ourselves, our family, our society, our community and our world. The negative mind which leads to suffering and destroys our inner peace comprises 7 elements (attachment, anger, ego, jealousy, dissatisfaction, hatred and impatience).

To reduce one’s selfishness Ahbay suggested increasing altruism (thinking about and loving others, having compassion for others). To do this he suggested recognising that each one of us are the same as human beings, we all need peace and do not need suffering. By increasing altruism (by listening, contemplating, meditating and practicing) the 7 negative minds reduce which in turn reduce suffering. The correlation between the Reiki Principles and the advice given by Ahbay is certainly clear to see and not surprising given Reiki’s Buddhist roots.

Ahbay shared that Buddha teaches that we are both our own protector and enemy so if you love yourself you should check your mind often as we tend to make ourselves suffer. You are effectively your own master and as such have to take responsibility for yourself. He recommends keeping some black and white crystals next to our bed. The white represent the positive things we have done that day whilst the black represents the negative things and in due course hopefully there will be far more white than black!

Ahbay then carried out a Medicine Buddha ceremony which included us chanting, placing the Buddha upon each of our heads and giving us a pendent to wear and a blessed biscuit to eat. This was very special and I experienced a profound sense of calmness and could see an outline of the Medicine Buddha too in my mind’s eye.

After lunch David and I embraced the opportunity offered to have a separate healing session with Ahbay with the specific intention to enhance our spiritual development. It was quite a surreal time and as we received the healing we both felt so blessed and experienced an overwhelming sense of peace and love. Since this healing we have both felt that our ability to channel healing has increased even further and we are so very grateful indeed to Rosemary, Ahbay and the wonderful universal healing energies.

With love, gratitude and peace


UKRF Committee Member, Hypnotherapist & Reiki Master Teacher


Ways to strengthen your aura

The Human Energy Field

The Human Energy Field or aura is a matrix of subtle energy fields or patterns that surround and penetrate the physical body. These fields define the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical makeup of an individual and contain the blueprints for the physical body and information of how to function. They also contain the blueprints for our emotional and mental energy as well as higher levels of consciousness.

Living cell tissue generates stores and transmits energy and scientists are now able to confirm a wide range of the energetic activities which make up our energy fields. These include, but are not limited to, electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic energies, light, heat and sound.

An illness will originate in the human energy field before manifesting in the physical body and by working with Reiki, we are often able to work with preventing as well as healing ailments in the human body. Reiki energy has its own Higher Intelligence, it automatically works on these higher levels and this is why Reiki is able to heal on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being.

Every human energy field has its own unique frequency. Human energy fields interact with each other as well as with the energy fields of animals, plants, minerals etc. The longer and more intimate the interaction between the energy fields, the greater the energy exchange. Every energy field contains an abundance of information and reflects physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the individual.

“Everything that is alive pulsates with energy and all of this energy contains information.(…) Your physical body is surrounded by an energy field that extends as far out as your outstretched arms and the full length of your body. It is both an information centre and a highly sensitive perceptual system. We are constantly ´in communication´ with everything around us through this system, which is a kind of conscious electricity that transmits and receives messages to and from other people’s bodies.”

Anatomy of the Spirit – Caroline Myss

We perceive these messages from and within the energy field usually at the unconscious level, with some of them occasionally coming to conscious awareness as an intuition, a gut feeling. Intent and techniques such as “energy scanning” makes this information more easily available at the conscious level.

“Our thoughts and feelings are powerful forces and energetic realities. They are the substance of which our experience of the world is made of. They influence our environments, our energy fields and they influence the physical tissue within our bodies. In this way your biography – that is, the experiences that make up your life – becomes your biology.” Caroline Myss

The human energy field is most commonly perceived:

1. kinaesthetically, through feelings and sensations.

2. visually as and aura of soft white or pastel coloured light.

3. intuitively through a direct inner knowing.

‘Our thoughts and feelings are powerful forces and energetic realities.’

Strengthening the aura

All spiritual, shamanic and yogic traditions are rich in techniques and recommendations for strengthening the human energy field. A Reiki treatment or self-healing session is one of the most effective ways to strengthen the aura.

Like the mind and the body, the aura thrives on a healthy life style:

– a good healthy and organic diet – optimism and positive thinking – clean and fresh air – a sense of purpose in life – healthy relationships – honesty

– doing the work you love

– being in touch with nature – enjoying the beauty of the arts – expressing yourself – correct breathing – sufficient rest – appropriate exercise – meditation and prayer and other ways of realising the Divine.

Above all it thrives on positive intention in all of these things.

If you are using a protection technique on a regular basis (recommended), then filling your aura with Reiki is a very positive way to enrich your energy body and yourself. Using the Reiki symbols on a regular basis is also a very beneficial exercise.

Regular cleansing of the aura is also a way of strengthening it and I would recommend having a look at the following exercise, as well as the Hatsurei-Ho technique.

Reiki Aura Cleansing – Clearing the Aura of Heavy Energy

This clearing technique can be used for both the client or on the self. There are many versions of this technique in use and the following is just one example:

• Stand up and ground thoroughly.

• Remaining standing, reach your hands up to the sky with both hands facing each other (forming a funnel shape). Feel the connection to with the energy coming from the Universe.

• Visualise white light coming down into your body through the Crown chakra (top of your head) and filling the whole body, especially the hands, with a white light.

• Now visualise the white light just above the head spiralling around you in a clockwise direction moving downwards. As it spins around, see the white light removing blockages and strengthening the aura as it goes. The white light dissipates down the Earth, transmuting into positive energy.

• Repeat step 4 nine times.

• Visualise now golden light starting above the head and going down to below the feet. See the golden mist around you and breathe it in. Expand your energy out the rest of the universe as you breathe out. Do this for as long as you like.

• Ground when you feel ready and then open your eyes.


The Science of Reiki

As a teenager, one of my favourite school subjects was Physics. Never bored, I sat, totally absorbed as Mrs Cox explained the interactions between matter and energy. As an adult, discovering such books as ‘The Field’ by Lynne McTaggart and Gregg Brayden’s ‘The Divine Matrix’ engaged me with this natural science on a deeper level.

When I became a Reiki practitioner, the connections between energy healing and the science behind it further intrigued me. On discovering the ReikiScience practitioner training, I was able to explore this in more depth.

During the course, Torsten Lange shared the findings of his experiments in a Swiss laboratory giving us the world’s first scientific proof of Reiki. The results also showed a significant increase in the redox potential of the water, increasing the amount of negative ions and therefore the healing potential of the water. Given that our bodies are on average 60% water the implication of these outcomes on human health are exciting to say the least.

The controlled scientific experiments conducted by the Hagalis Institute showed a significant before-and-after effect and remarkably, also identified different vibrational levels when using the Reiki symbols, indicating an innate science within the system of Reiki.

In addition to learning about the experiments, we received a powerful attunement and learnt

new Joshin Kokyo Ho, Hatsurei-Ho, Reiji-Ho and Tanden treatments all of which I felt further deepened my connection to Reiki.

As Reiki practitioners we know and trust that Reiki works, often in ways impossible to articulate; so do we really need it to be validated by science or even have knowledge of it? Some of my clients aren’t remotely interested in the science, as for them the healing effects of the treatment are enough; others are keen to learn more.

From a business perspective, knowing some of the science can open doors to working in sciencebased institutions such as the NHS.

When encouraging new clients I’ve found it helpful to talk about these experiments and also point them to the work of Tamisha Sabrina (1). She collated multiple studies demonstrating the connection between science and energy healing. Notable studies that she explored include works by Dr. John Zimmerman (2) in the USA and Seto (3) in Japan who investigated the pulsating biomagnetic field that is emitted from the hands of energy practitioners.

Whether you are drawn to the science, want to widen your client base, deepen your connection or simply want to broaden your understanding of the link between science and spirituality, I wholeheartedly recommend the ReikiScience course. A rewarding two days well spent.

(Find out more:

‘As Reiki practitioners we know and trust that Reiki works...’

Right: Swiss tap water after 1 hour of Reiki using the Connection symbol

Image copyright: Torsten A. Lange

Left: Swiss tap water before Reiki treatment

Image copyright: Torsten A. Lange

1. Further details of Tamisha Sabrina’s findings are here:

2. Zimmerman J, ‘The laying-on of hands, healing and therapeutic touch: a testable theory BEMI currents’, Journal of the Bio-Electromagnetics Institute. Vol 2, 1990.

3. Seto A. et al., ‘Detection of extraordinarily large biomagnetic field strength from human hand during external Qi emission’, Acupuncture and Electro-therapeutics Int. Jnl. Vol 17. 1992.


UK Reiki Federation Members’ Resources

As part of your UKRF membership you have access to exclusive resources in a special area of our website. Why not log in and have a look? We have more member benefits coming along all the time so check back regularly. This is where we have the member guidelines which we update regularly whenever there is new information and where we publish event info.

On your mobile: Click the 3 lines, then scroll down to ‘Login’ to access the Members Area

Our current FREE member events are:

Reiki Shares (Virtual via Zoom)

The UKRF Reiki share gives members the opportunity to join together to simply give and receive Reiki to help nurture, heal and support themselves, as well as others. Hosted by Jo Fellows, UKRF Distance Healing coordinator, this 45mins practice includes cleansing energy meridians, a Reiki meditation and Reiki healing.

Wellbeing Webinars (Virtual via Zoom)

We will hold regular live webinars to offer support during challenging times and allow members the opportunity to connect with others. Hosted by Amit Sihra, UKRF Lineage Coordinator and Area Representative, the webinars guide members through techniques and tips to use in their daily life. Webinars to date have included: Managing worry, fear, anxiety and stress, Boosting confidence in yourself, Creating a positive culture around yourself. All webinars can be accessed on the members page and contribute towards CPD.

Reiki Awareness Week, Annual Conference and AGM (Virtual via Zoom)

The UK Reiki Federation Reiki AGM, Conference and Reiki Awareness Week are annual events designed to bring people together whilst providing a platform to learn, research & support individual wellbeing and all within the Reiki community. These events are FREE to members.


The UK Reiki Federation is happy to highlight courses offered by their Teacher members, which, in their opinion, are appropriate for training purposes. The directory includes courses which are suitable for professional Practitioner training, recorded as “Practitioner” and those which are suitable for CPD (Continuing & Professional Development), recorded as “CPD”: “Practitioner” courses have been checked against the National Occupational Standards for Reiki to ensure that all topics are included.

“CPD” courses (members only) are those which we feel would be beneficial to Reiki Practitioners. Please also note that this list is not exhaustive and that our Teacher members all over the country also offer training courses and you may contact any of those Teachers.

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745 9746

Professional Usui Reiki Practitioner Course Course Provider: Wendy Hale In The Pink Therapies & Training Caerphilly Phone: 01633 614329

Reiki Professional Course Course Provider: Simon Bailey Shavington, Cheshire Phone: 01270 260200 Email:

Reiki Practitioner Course (including Reiki 1 & 2) Course Provider: Carolyn Roberts, Gaia School of Natural Health Ellesmere Port, Cheshire Phone: 07932 063576

Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner Course Course Provider: Deborah Cordery (Rejuvenating Hands) Leigh on Sea, Essex Phone: 07989 318790

Reiki Professional Practitioner (including Level 1 & 2) Course Provider: Sue Malcolm Wakefield, West Yorkshire Phone: 07737 396948 Email:

Usui Reiki Ryoho Practitioner Course Course Provider: Heidi Fawkes Ripon/Bedale, North Yorkshire Phone: 01677 988264

Reiki Level 1 & 2 Professional Practitioner Certificate Course Course Provider: Harshani Lori Curbishley-Brown Islip Northamptonshire Phone: 07941 841485 Email:

Reiki Professional Practitioner Course Provider: Shaylini Popat London, Harley Street Phone: 07546 048659

Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma incorporating Level 1 & 2 Course Provider: Michael Kaufmann Location: Central London Phone: 07801 284073

Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 Diploma Course Provider: Yvette Haines Reiki Healing, Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancashire Phone: 07868 003175 / 07711 313101 Email:

Reiki Master Teacher (including Reiki 1 & 2) Reiki Master Practitioner (including Reiki 1 & 2) Professional Reiki Practitioner Course Provider: Anne-Marie Carratu Banstead, Surrey Phone: 01737 557944

Professional Reiki Practitioner Course Provider: Ruth Handley Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales Phone: 07748 446060

Reiki 2 Practitioner Course Provider: Rebecca Nichol Banbury, Oxfordshire Phone: 07879 426624 Email:

Reiki Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Giancarlo Serra London W5 Phone: 07786 497360 Email:

Reiki Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Ann Pigott Stourbridge, West Midlands Phone: 07929 634051

Professional Reiki Practitioner Course Provider: Ann Singleton Preston, Lancashire Phone: 07906 351445 Email:

Professional Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Sue Walsh, Surrey School of Reiki & Susan-Emma Complementary Therapy Addlestone, Surrey Phone: 07789 681775 Email:

Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma (including Reiki 1 & 2) Course provider: Susan Baker Taunton, Somerset Phone: 01823 490521

Reiki Professional Practitioner Course Provider: Julie Rennie Craghead, Stanley, Co Durham 07990 753300

Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Clarity of Sight Holistic Centre (Penelope Alterskye) Milton Keynes Phone: 07850 953811 Email:

Reiki Practitioner 1 & 2, Reiki Master Diploma Course Provider: Carolina Starre Epsom, Surrey Phone: 01372 878606


Reiki Professional Practitioner Course Provider: Wendy Radford Crowborough, East Sussex Phone: 07921 837807 Email:

Reiki Second Degree Course Provider: Brighton Holistics (Jon Matson) Brighton Sussex Phone: 01273 672690 Email:

Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Reiki Academy London - Torsten Lange London SW13 9HE Phone: 07774 590211 Email:

Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Reiki Academy London - Rupert Fawcett London SW13 9HE Phone: 07774 590211 Email:

Reiki Practitioner Course Course Provider: Sarah Presley Bristol, Wiltshire Phone: 07590 621495 Email:

Advanced Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma incl 1 and 2 Course Provider: Gwen Allison, Croydon Tel: 07415 377535

Reiki Practitioner (Usui Tibetan Reiki) Course Provider: Christine Sutton Solihull, West Midlands Phone: 0121 246 9448 / 07790 069429 Email:


Autumn/Winter: We can’t help thinking and writing about the weather...because, well, it’s just ‘there’ isn’t it! Whatever we’re doing, the weather is part of it. Obviously a lovely blue sunny sky is always guaranteed to give us a boost, and I often marvel at how beautiful our planet is. We have such wonderful displays of colour, from sunrise to sunset, so many different cloud formations and then there’s my favourite - the rainbow!

Thank you to all those members who have submitted articles. We are proud to include a wide range of subjects from stories of discovery from our members to scientific articles relating to research, Reiki and associated practices. We are lucky to also have continued articles from the Qiki pair, Ruthie & Alan, what fun they have!

Please send your interesting updates, articles and stories to us at together with your membership number, by email in a Word document. Articles always look better with accompanying pictures, so please include photographs and artwork as separate attachments to go with your articles if possible, and please ensure that you have permission to publish any photograph from everyone in it. All images must be high resolution (300+ dpi), and suitable for printing. All our members receive an e-magazine.

The deadline for the spring issue of REIKI WORLD will be published on our Facebook page. We are looking forward to seeing your articles.

Kerrie Baker

Editor of Reiki World / Marketing & Publications Coordinator


Watch out for our events being promoted on our social media platforms!

Please note: Contributors to Reiki World magazine do not necessarily express the opinion of the UK Reiki Federation and the UK Reiki Federation accept no responsibility for views expressed. The UK Reiki Federation does not accept any responsibility for the independent advertisers or their services featured in this magazine. All content of Reiki World is © Copyright to UK Reiki Federation. Unless otherwise stated, the design and layout of this magazine and any material published (including text, graphics, logos, images) is the property of the UK Reiki Federation. We authorise users to copy articles from this magazine only for personal, non-commercial use, clearly acknowledging the source.

ISSN (printed): ISSN 2633-5115 ISSN (digital): ISSN 2633-5123

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and retreats to be advertised by members only. Reiki Brochure Green 01-20 - Text Outlined.pdf 1 08/01/2020 21:11 UK Reiki Brochure 01-20 Text Outlined.pdf 1 02/01/2020 21:06 CY CMY UKReikiBrochure-Pink01-20-TextOutlined.pdf 08/01/2020 21:15
LEAFLETS The new colourful UK Reiki Federation ‘Client/Patient’ leaflets and ‘Information for the Carers of Animal & Pet Clients’ leaflets are an ideal way to explain about Reiki to clients and to anyone who would benefit from receiving information about it. They are available for purchase by members. £1.50 each or:
Prices for ‘Client/Patient’ leaflets include postage and packing. Members may also request 25 copies of the UK Reiki Federation promotional leaflet free of charge, with a contribution of £1.50 for postage and packing if being requested without any other purchase. The UKRF information leaflets are popular with Teacher members who use them to advise their students about the UK Reiki Federation. TO ORDER Please visit our website and can be found by clicking on ‘Shop ► Publications’ or type in this link into your browser:

The Reiki Principles

The UK Reiki Federation prides itself on working to these principles and values.
To bring the spiritual depth into everyday life, Mikao Usui, the
created a set of five principles (or precepts). They can be found
grounds of the
He called them... ‘The secret method of inviting good fortune. The marvellous medicine for all sickness.’ Just for today: Do not anger Do not worry Be grateful Work with diligence Be kind to others Every morning and every night sit in Gassho (palms placed together) and speak these words out loud in your heart - Mikao Usui Reiki Principles UK Reiki Federation 9 Barnfield Close, Old Coulsdon CR5 1QR
founder of
system of Reiki,
memorial stone in the
Saihoji Temple

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