This section has been created to give you easier access when searching for a trusted real estate a liate. Take a minute to familiarize yourself with the businesses sponsoring your magazine. These local businesses are proud to partner with you and make this magazine possible. Please support these businesses and thank them for supporting the REALTOR® community!
This section has been created to give you easier access when searching for a trusted real estate a liate. Take a minute to familiarize yourself with the businesses sponsoring your magazine. These local businesses are proud to partner with you and make this magazine possible. Please support these businesses and thank them for supporting the REALTOR® community!
Prestige Concrete Contractors
Prestige Concrete Contractors
Manny Morales (215) 770-1372 prestigeconcrete services.com
Manny Morales (215) 770-1372 prestigeconcrete services.com
Trinity Solutions USA (609) 385-9570 TrinitySolutionsUSA.com
Trinity Solutions USA (609) 385-9570 TrinitySolutionsUSA.com
Arising Home Inspection Ava Westfield (267) 410-4663 www.arisinghome inspection.com
Arising Home Inspection Ava Westfield (267) 410-4663 www.arisinghome inspection.com
Vitale Inspection Services LLC Carlo Vitale (732) 221-4711 www.vitaleinspection.com
Vitale Inspection Services LLC Carlo Vitale (732) 221-4711 www.vitaleinspection.com
First American Home Warranty Mike Cono (267) 642-3630 mikecono@fahw.com
First American Home Warranty Mike Cono (267) 642-3630 mikecono@fahw.com
Goosehead Insurance Eric Frain (267) 760-3389 www.goosehead insurance.com
Goosehead Insurance Eric Frain (267) 760-3389 www.goosehead insurance.com
Go Magnum Loans Christian Best (215) 987-4128 christian@gomagnum loans.com
Go Magnum Loans Christian Best (215) 987-4128 christian@gomagnum loans.com
Princeton Mortgage Corporation Frederick Lahm (609) 737-4365 fred.princetonmortgage.com
Princeton Mortgage Corporation Frederick Lahm (609) 737-4365 fred.princetonmortgage.com
Bryant Sanders Photography Bryant Sanders (267) 230-5488 www.bryantsanders.com
Bryant Sanders Photography Bryant Sanders (267) 230-5488 www.bryantsanders.com
Advisors Mortgage Group Carmella McGonegal (215) 901-8083 cmcgonegal@ advisorsmortgage.com
Advisors Mortgage Group Carmella McGonegal (215) 901-8083 cmcgonegal@ advisorsmortgage.com
Home Team Mortgage Je Tinney (718) 483-6421 jtinney@hometeam -mtg.com
Prosperity Home Mortgage Alex Lubo (267) 303-3368 www.AlexOnline Application.com
Prosperity Home Mortgage Alex Lubo (267) 303-3368 www.AlexOnline Application.com
Quaint Oak Mortgage Patrick Lopez (267) 800-2132 plopez@quaintoak.com
Home Team Mortgage Je Tinney (718) 483-6421 jtinney@hometeam -mtg.com
Independence Home Mortgage Corp. Doug Lotrecchio (215) 323-4120 www.Independence HomeMortgage.com
Independence Home Mortgage Corp. Doug Lotrecchio (215) 323-4120 www.Independence HomeMortgage.com
Lending Capital Group Susan Terra-Podio (267) 767-5759 stpodio.com
Quaint Oak Mortgage Patrick Lopez (267) 800-2132 plopez@quaintoak.com
MORTGAGE LENDING TAM Lending Center, Inc. Scott Foster (215) 359-7428 PEST CONTROL Bug N Out Nicholas Egan (215) 331-6318 bugnout.net@gmail.com
Lending Capital Group Susan Terra-Podio (267) 767-5759 stpodio.com
TAM Lending Center, Inc. Scott Foster (215) 359-7428
PEST CONTROL Bug N Out Nicholas Egan (215) 331-6318 bugnout.net@gmail.com
Berridge Photography, LLC Ryan Berridge (267) 930-1857 ryan@berridge photography.com
Berridge Photography, LLC Ryan Berridge (267) 930-1857 ryan@berridge photography.com
Kevin York Photography Kevin York (484) 390-2820 kevinyorkheadshots.com
Kevin York Photography Kevin York (484) 390-2820 kevinyorkheadshots.com
Premiere 360 Tours Thato Dadson (302) 521-3014
Premiere 360 Tours Thato Dadson (302) 521-3014
RockStar Closers, LLC Nicole Malcom (215) 579-8800 nicoel@deedsearchers.com
RockStar Closers, LLC Nicole Malcom (215) 579-8800 nicoel@deedsearchers.com
Walnut Street Closings, LLC Stephanie Chiacchio (267) 566-4928 stephanie@walnut streetclosings.com
Walnut Street Closings, LLC Stephanie Chiacchio (267) 566-4928 stephanie@walnut streetclosings.com
Paul Budget Tree Cutter Frank Feliciano (215) 288-9300 budgetlawn2003 @yahoo.com
Paul Budget Tree Cutter Frank Feliciano (215) 288-9300 budgetlawn2003 @yahoo.com
Kevin Donlon has been involved in real estate for over two decades from the ground up. Literally. From digging and pouring a foundation to hands-on sales and management, Kevin had a suc cessful career in marketing and advertising, custom carpentry, and construction management. He has been utilizing his skills in new ways since becoming a licensed REALTOR® in 2004. Like a fine wine, Kevin is only getting better with time.
Kevin Donlon has been involved in real estate for over two decades from the ground up. Literally. From digging and pouring a foundation to hands-on sales and management, Kevin had a suc cessful career in marketing and advertising, custom carpentry, and construction management. He has been utilizing his skills in new ways since becoming a licensed REALTOR® in 2004. Like a fine wine, Kevin is only getting better with time.
Homes have always been Kevin’s “thing.” He had grown up hear ing of the adventures of family friends who were REALTORS® and owned investment properties. It planted dreams deep in his heart that would bear a harvest years later. As he grew up, Kevin became a skilled handyman, and helped the REALTOR®-friends take care of the maintenance needs on their properties.
The Advocate Homes have always been Kevin’s “thing.” He had grown up hear ing of the adventures of family friends who were REALTORS® and owned investment properties. It planted dreams deep in his heart that would bear a harvest years later. As he grew up, Kevin became a skilled handyman, and helped the REALTOR®-friends take care of the maintenance needs on their properties.
After earning a degree in marketing, Kevin found an enjoyable job at an ad agency in Center City that allowed his creative, and communication, skills to flourish. Although it was a struggle to start a family, he soon became a proud father. His girls meant the world to him.
After earning a degree in marketing, Kevin found an enjoyable job at an ad agency in Center City that allowed his creative, and communication, skills to flourish. Although it was a struggle to start a family, he soon became a proud father. His girls meant the world to him.
When his family situation changed a few years later, Kevin found it hard to have time and energy for his two young daughters after managing advertisers needs all day. He brushed up on his carpentry skills and started working for a construction company. He joined the team and used his skills to create custom built-ins, remodel kitchens, build additions, and construct new homes. Soon he was managing developments for big builders.
When his family situation changed a few years later, Kevin found it hard to have time and energy for his two young daughters after managing advertisers needs all day. He brushed up on his carpentry skills and started working for a construction company. He joined the team and used his skills to create custom built-ins, remodel kitchens, build additions, and construct new homes. Soon he was managing developments for big builders.
In 2004 he became a licensed REALTOR® and started selling houses after work and on the weekends. He enjoyed serv ing others as an agent, and always worked hard to help his clients feel safe and comfortable with every step of the pro cess. Because he lacked confidence and the sup port of others, Kevin felt he couldn’t give up his steady paycheck to work a commissioned job.
In 2004 he became a licensed REALTOR® and started selling houses after work and on the weekends. He enjoyed serv ing others as an agent, and always worked hard to help his clients feel safe and comfortable with every step of the pro cess. Because he lacked confidence and the sup port of others, Kevin felt he couldn’t give up his steady paycheck to work a commissioned job.
He enjoyed being “hands-on” in sales and management, whether he was standing with clients in an empty lot, and helping them imagine their dream home, or talking to clients who felt “stuck” because of a wall they wished weren’t there. He was always energized when he could explain whether the o ending wall was load-bearing or not, and what their options were. He could also help clients be realistic about anticipated costs.
He enjoyed being “hands-on” in sales and management, whether he was standing with clients in an empty lot, and helping them imagine their dream home, or talking to clients who felt “stuck” because of a wall they wished weren’t there. He was always energized when he could explain whether the o ending wall was load-bearing or not, and what their options were. He could also help clients be realistic about anticipated costs.
“Using my building and advertising knowledge and skills gives me a unique advantage over most,” observed Kevin humbly. “I am the best advocate for my clients, whether I am negotiat ing on their behalf regarding their new construc tion home or helping a buyer understand, and catch a vision for, various remodeling options for an established house.”
“Using my building and advertising knowledge and skills gives me a unique advantage over most,” observed Kevin humbly. “I am the best advocate for my clients, whether I am negotiat ing on their behalf regarding their new construc tion home or helping a buyer understand, and catch a vision for, various remodeling options for an established house.”
The Next Level
From afar, Kevin had seen how the Opus Elite Real Estate team was bringing hope and encour agement to the community in the midst of the pandemic. He was also impressed at their focus on collaboration across all brokerages, and he wanted to be a part of it. He left the legacy bro kerage he was with for 18 years to become a part of the team of goodwill ambassadors. He also stepped into real estate full time.
From afar, Kevin had seen how the Opus Elite Real Estate team was bringing hope and encour agement to the community in the midst of the pandemic. He was also impressed at their focus on collaboration across all brokerages, and he wanted to be a part of it. He left the legacy bro kerage he was with for 18 years to become a part of the team of goodwill ambassadors. He also stepped into real estate full time.
“All REALTORS® have access to the same tech nology and training, but we don’t all have the same people skills, and not everyone is willing
“All REALTORS® have access to the same tech nology and training, but we don’t all have the same people skills, and not everyone is willing
I am the best advocate for my clients, whether I am negotiating on their behalf regarding their new construction home or helping a buyer understand, and catch a vision for, various remodeling options for an established house.
I am the best advocate for my clients, whether I am negotiating on their behalf regarding their new construction home or helping a buyer understand, and catch a vision for, various remodeling options for an established house.
to help or to do what is right, especially if it means taking a commission hit.” Kevin observed. “Joining Opus took my business to the next level within six months. They gave me support, positivity, encouragement, and freedom to be my best. I wanted to host events and sponsor things in my community, so Opus and I were a perfect fit. Likeminded people are attracted to each other.”
to help or to do what is right, especially if it means taking a commission hit.” Kevin observed. “Joining Opus took my business to the next level within six months. They gave me support, positivity, encouragement, and freedom to be my best. I wanted to host events and sponsor things in my community, so Opus and I were a perfect fit. Likeminded people are attracted to each other.”
Every Wednesday one of the four Opus o ces hosts a Neighborhood Spotlight event. Kevin is excited for the Wednesday each month in which they focus on the Bristol Borough. He loves the historic town and the beau tiful waterfront community.
Every Wednesday one of the four Opus o ces hosts a Neighborhood Spotlight event. Kevin is excited for the Wednesday each month in which they focus on the Bristol Borough. He loves the historic town and the beau tiful waterfront community.
Kevin has been doing what he can to promote and build relationships with small business owners so he can help his town continue to thrive. He enjoys focusing on the lesser-known shops and helping grow their businesses. This fall he sponsored a photo booth for the local “Boos and Brews” event and had a lot of fun getting to know com munity members and collaborating with the town’s local organizations.
Kevin has been doing what he can to promote and build relationships with small business owners so he can help his town continue to thrive. He enjoys focusing on the lesser-known shops and helping grow their businesses. This fall he sponsored a photo booth for the local “Boos and Brews” event and had a lot of fun getting to know com munity members and collaborating with the town’s local organizations.
Paying It Forward
Kevin is honored to be part of the Bristol Borough Business Association, and he enjoys volunteering at St. Ann’s Church. He also volunteers regularly with the local food charity Philabundance (philabundance.org).
Kevin is honored to be part of the Bristol Borough Business Association, and he enjoys volunteering at St. Ann’s Church. He also volunteers regularly with the local food charity Philabundance (philabundance.org).
One of his favorite weekend activities is chau euring people on the River Runner, a special golf cart that was purchased by the nonprofit organization Bristol Borough: Raising the Bar (find them on Facebook).
One of his favorite weekend activities is chau euring people on the River Runner, a special golf cart that was purchased by the nonprofit organization Bristol Borough: Raising the Bar (find them on Facebook).
Raising the Bar is a collaboration of people who live, or have lived in, and love the Boroughs. Kevin and the other volunteers raise awareness, and money, and use grants to preserve the area’s rich history and help others enjoy it.
Raising the Bar is a collaboration of people who live, or have lived in, and love the Boroughs. Kevin and the other volunteers raise awareness, and money, and use grants to preserve the area’s rich history and help others enjoy it.
Although he doesn’t ride BMX as much as he did when he was younger, Kevin belongs to a local BMX club. He enjoys riding trails with fellow adventure-lovers, and is proud to help sponsor the club’s monthly bike giveaways to local chil dren and families.
Although he doesn’t ride BMX as much as he did when he was younger, Kevin belongs to a local BMX club. He enjoys riding trails with fellow adventure-lovers, and is proud to help sponsor the club’s monthly bike giveaways to local chil dren and families.
Kevin is proud of both of his daughters who have grown up to be responsible, caring women. He is thankful that the bond between them remains strong.
Kevin is proud of both of his daughters who have grown up to be responsible, caring women. He is thankful that the bond between them remains strong.
Work is a way of life for Kevin and his girlfriend Carmella, who is proud to work for Advisors Mortgage Group, a Buck County Real Producers preferred partner. They are both first-time homebuying specialists. Kevin also specializes in divorce real estate, and his girlfriend special izes in divorce lending.
Work is a way of life for Kevin and his girlfriend Carmella, who is proud to work for Advisors Mortgage Group, a Buck County Real Producers preferred partner. They are both first-time homebuying specialists. Kevin also specializes in divorce real estate, and his girlfriend special izes in divorce lending.
Kevin explained, “When you work the way you live, combining the two worlds is fun and easy. There is no ‘clocking in and out’ for us…it’s life happening!”
Kevin explained, “When you work the way you live, combining the two worlds is fun and easy. There is no ‘clocking in and out’ for us…it’s life happening!”
“My strength is communication,” Kevin shared. “I enjoy the branding, and I have fun doing it. I have learned some great lessons along the way about staying the course and being strategic with my marketing and branding. I have also learned the importance of supporting local businesses and spon soring local teams. I know there’s no need to panic when it looks like some thing ‘isn’t working,’ I just readjust. I am very skilled at on-the-spot ideas and problem-solving! I have bought home warranties for clients, given up commissions, and have even strapped on my tool belt to take care of things because it is the right thing to do. I’m a ‘go all in, and do whatever it takes’ kind of REALTOR®. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
“My strength is communication,” Kevin shared. “I enjoy the branding, and I have fun doing it. I have learned some great lessons along the way about staying the course and being strategic with my marketing and branding. I have also learned the importance of supporting local businesses and spon soring local teams. I know there’s no need to panic when it looks like some thing ‘isn’t working,’ I just readjust. I am very skilled at on-the-spot ideas and problem-solving! I have bought home warranties for clients, given up commissions, and even strapped on my tool belt to take care of things because it is the right thing to do. I’m a ‘go all in, and do whatever it takes’ kind of REALTOR®. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Mike Cono has always loved writing, record ing and performing music. And, believe it or not, Mike’s experience as a professional musician has helped him as a First American
Mike Cono has always loved writing, record ing and performing music. And, believe it or not, Mike’s experience as a professional musician has helped him as a First American Home Warranty area manager.
In Philadelphia in the late 1990s, Mike started performing in local bands and ultimately signed on to tour with one of the region’s largest cover bands, living the dream of being a full-time musician, singing and playing keyboard, guitar and bass. His tour ing took him up and down the East Coast.
In Philadelphia in the late 1990s, Mike started performing in local bands and ultimately signed on to tour with one of the region’s largest cover bands, living the dream of being a full-time musician, singing and playing keyboard, guitar and bass. His tour ing took him up and down the East Coast.
“To be a musician and perform four or five nights a week, you have to compete, advo cate for yourself and build relationships. You have to be professional. You have to be relentless,” Mike said. “It’s music, but you have to set yourself apart from the hundreds
“To be a musician and perform four or five nights a week, you have to compete, advo cate for yourself and build relationships. You have to be professional. You have to be relentless,” Mike said. “It’s music, but you have to set yourself apart from the hundreds of others trying to get that job.”
The relationship-building skills and disci pline honed as a musician have helped Mike become a successful area manager in eastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey over
The relationship-building skills and disci pline honed as a musician have helped Mike become a successful area manager in eastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey over the past six years.
events. I’m such a foodie, and I love talking about recipes or local restau rants. It’s an easy way to talk to people and build connections.”
events. I’m such a foodie, and I love talking about recipes or local restau rants. It’s an easy way to talk to people and build connections.”
Building Skills in the Family Business, Building Relations Over Barbecue
Building Skills in the Family Business, Building Relations Over Barbecue
Mike hails from Gwinnett County, GA, where his parents were entrepre neurs. When Mike was 13, his father started a shower door manufacturing company, where Mike worked for 12 years, learning about the diligence, commitment and customer service needed to make a business thrive.
Mike hails from Gwinnett County, GA, where his parents were entrepre neurs. When Mike was 13, his father started a shower door manufacturing company, where Mike worked for 12 years, learning about the diligence, commitment and customer service needed to make a business thrive.
“I know what it’s like to get dirty building and installing doors, but I also understand what it takes to earn new business,” he said. “I spent a lot of time in all areas of my family’s business and gained a well-rounded skill set. That experience taught me the value of rela tionships and how to build relation ships with all kinds of people.”
When Mike joined First American Home Warranty, he quickly learned how a home warranty can be a valuable part of a real estate transac tion. With a home warranty, buyers and sellers are protected from the unexpected expense of home sys tem and appliance breakdowns. When a covered item breaks, First American sends a service contractor to the home to diagnose and repair or replace the item. First American home warranties can o er protection for appliances, heating and air condi tioning systems, water heaters, and plumbing and electrical systems if they fail due to normal wear and tear.
When Mike joined First American Home Warranty, he quickly learned how a home warranty can be a valuable part of a real estate transac tion. With a home warranty, buyers and sellers are protected from the unexpected expense of home sys tem and appliance breakdowns. When a covered item breaks, First American sends a service contractor to the home to diagnose and repair or replace the item. First American home warranties can o er protection for appliances, heating and air condi tioning systems, water heaters, and plumbing and electrical systems if they fail due to normal wear and tear.
“Having a home warranty may not be top of mind for many people, but when you need it, you’ll be thankful it’s there. It can really save on the cost of expensive repairs,” Mike said. “My goal is to demonstrate the value of a First American home warranty and what customers will experience if they have a claim. I don’t think of it as selling warranties. We’re giving homeowners peace of mind.”
“I know what it’s like to get dirty building and installing doors, but I also understand what it takes to earn new business,” he said. “I spent a lot of time in all areas of my family’s business and gained a well-rounded skill set. That experience taught me the value of rela tionships and how to build relation ships with all kinds of people.”
Before joining First American, Mike worked for a barbecue manufactur er’s competition grilling team and fell in love with all things barbecue. An award-winning pit master, Mike was the Pennsylvania state ribs champion at the 2016 Pit at the Park competition in Macungie and still participates in sev eral barbecue competitions each year.
Before joining First American, Mike worked for a barbecue manufactur er’s competition grilling team and fell in love with all things barbecue. An award-winning pit master, Mike was the Pennsylvania state ribs champion at the 2016 Pit at the Park competition in Macungie and still participates in sev eral barbecue competitions each year.
“Food is something everyone is interested in. It’s a hobby people can connect over,” he said. “I’ve grilled at o ces and customer appreciation
“Food is something everyone is interested in. It’s a hobby people can connect over,” he said. “I’ve grilled at o ces and customer appreciation
“Having a home warranty may not be top of mind for many people, but when you need it, you’ll be thankful it’s there. It can really save on the cost of expensive repairs,” Mike said. “My goal is to demonstrate the value of a First American home warranty and what customers will experience if they have a claim. I don’t think of it as selling warranties. We’re giving homeowners peace of mind.”
Mike also loves educating real estate agents and homeowners on the value of sellers’ coverage and how it can transfer to the buyer after a home sale. He helps agents understand how a home warranty can help minimize risks for both sellers and buyers by providing coverage during the listing period and after the sale. Many agents even give clients a home warranty as a closing gift.
Mike also loves educating real estate agents and homeowners on the value of sellers’ coverage and how it can transfer to the buyer after a home sale. He helps agents understand how a home warranty can help minimize risks for both sellers and buyers by providing coverage during the listing period and after the sale. Many agents even give clients a home warranty as a closing gift.
A home warranty helps protect a homeowner’s budget for systems and appliances that will inevitably fail over time — unlike homeowners insurance, which is designed to protect against
A home warranty helps protect a homeowner’s budget for systems and appliances that will inevitably fail over time — unlike homeowners insurance, which is designed to protect against
losses such as a fire or water damage that might happen. First American puts no limit on the age of the home, systems or appliances and o ers several plans for a customized solution for clients’ needs.
losses such as a fire or water damage that might happen. First American puts no limit on the age of the home, systems or appliances and o ers several plans for a customized solution for clients’ needs.
Serving the Community Mike believes his commitment to his community is a competitive advantage. He participates in a number of local events, including the annual Keller Williams RED Day of service, as well as various events benefitting breast cancer aware ness, the homeless, food banks and more. He is an a liate member of the Bucks County Association of REALTORS® in Pennsylvania and the NEXUS Association of REALTORS® in New Jersey.
Serving the Community Mike believes his commitment to his community is a competitive advantage. He participates in a number of local events, including the annual Keller Williams RED Day of service, as well as various events benefitting breast cancer aware ness, the homeless, food banks and more. He is an a liate member of the Bucks County Association of REALTORS® in Pennsylvania and the NEXUS Association of REALTORS® in New Jersey.
“I live in the area, so the agents appreciate when they see me out there alongside them, support ing events that benefit the community,” he said. “You’re hand in hand, not just with agents, but oth ers in the community. We all care about the com munity, and that strengthens these relationships.
“I live in the area, so the agents appreciate when they see me out there alongside them, support ing events that benefit the community,” he said. “You’re hand in hand, not just with agents, but oth ers in the community. We all care about the com munity, and that strengthens these relationships.
“At the end of the day, I am proud to be part of First American Home Warranty because the culture is great, and we’re bringing value to our customers,” he said. “I tell agents that I’m not going anywhere. The company is solid, I’m solid, so I’d love the opportunity to become your home warranty guy.”
“At the end of the day, I am proud to be part of First American Home Warranty because the culture is great, and we’re bringing value to our customers,” he said. “I tell agents that I’m not going anywhere. The company is solid, I’m solid, so I’d love the opportunity to become your home warranty guy.”
I “Gatta” Guy
As Mark and his beautiful wife, Maria, began expanding their family, Mark caught the vision for real estate investment. He pur chased several properties, and after a few years, Mark sold two of his franchises so he could spend more time focusing on his family and community, as well as investing in real estate.
As Mark and his beautiful wife, Maria, began expanding their family, Mark caught the vision for real estate investment. He pur chased several properties, and after a few years, Mark sold two of his franchises so he could spend more time focusing on his family and community, as well as investing in real estate.
Mark’s mother knew of his lifelong desire to master his own destiny and his passion for creating a future for his family. She recognized his skill in networking and in connecting community members to the resources they need. She suggested that he con sider a career in real estate, and the more Mark thought about it, the more it made sense.
Mark’s mother knew of his lifelong desire to master his own destiny and his passion for creating a future for his family. She recognized his skill in networking and in connecting community members to the resources they need. She suggested that he con sider a career in real estate, and the more Mark thought about it, the more it made sense.
After welcoming their fourth child into the family, Mark was driven to provide additional income so Maria could focus on being a stay-at-home mom. He became a licensed REALTOR® in 2013 and split his time between real estate and Express-O-Tan.
After welcoming their fourth child into the family, Mark was driven to provide additional income so Maria could focus on being a stay-at-home mom. He became a licensed REALTOR® in 2013 and split his time between real estate and Express-O-Tan.
He exceeded his goal twice over during his first year. In year two, he was still dividing his time between two ventures, but he sold three times as many houses as he had the first year. In 2016 Mark closed the salon and completed 60 transactions without an assis tant or coordinator.
He exceeded his goal twice over during his first year. In two, he was still dividing his time between two ventures, but he sold three times as many houses as he had the first year. In 2016 Mark closed the salon and completed 60 transactions without an assis tant or coordinator.
Mark reached out to Volkan Andic, an agent with the same work ethic and heart for others. The pair started a satellite o ce for their brokerage in Newtown and created a team that quickly numbered eight like-minded agents and an assistant.
Mark reached out to Volkan Andic, an agent with the same work ethic and heart for others. The pair started a satellite o ce for their brokerage in Newtown and created a team that quickly numbered eight like-minded agents and an assistant.
In 2018 Mark and Volkan decided to create their own brokerage, combining the best practices they had learned in business, real estate and life. “Opus” means “work,” or “com position,” and since the pair was determined to be a beacon of excellence in their community, they called their new brokerage Opus Elite Real Estate. Their team is the instrument in build ing your masterpiece.
In 2018 Mark and Volkan decided to create their own brokerage, combining the best practices they had learned in business, real estate and life. “Opus” means “work,” or “com position,” and since the pair was determined to be a beacon of excellence in their community, they called their new brokerage Opus Elite Real Estate. Their team is the instrument in build ing your masterpiece.
Opus Elite is actively grow ing and now consists of 70 others-focused top-producing agents who serve from o ces
Opus Elite is actively grow ing and now consists of 70 others-focused top-producing agents who serve from o ces
“Mark has completely bridged the gap between brokerages and taken away the unwritten sense of competition among real estate agents focusing on the common goal of helping clients.”
REALTOR® Kim Rock, of Keller Williams Langhorne
“Mark has completely bridged the gap between brokerages and taken away the unwritten sense of competition among real estate agents focusing on the common goal of helping clients.”
REALTOR® Kim Rock, of Keller Williams Langhorne
in five Pennsylvania towns. They have helped over hundreds of families collectively, and Mark has personally completed 90 transactions this year. The future plan is to grow by empowering agents to grow. Mark’s biggest “why” is helping people, including clients, agents and the community.
each community in which they serve. As big believ ers in collaboration, Opus Elite hosts events with other brokerages throughout the year. They also have an annual black-tie client appreciation event.
Each Opus Elite o ce hosts monthly events to cel ebrate the amazing people, and talent, that make up their town. They also look for ways to give back to each community in which they serve. As big believ ers in collaboration, Opus Elite hosts events with other brokerages throughout the year. They also have an annual black-tie client appreciation event.
A portion of every transaction is donated to the Barkann Family Healing Hearts Foundation (thebar kannfoundation.org), providing resources for local families facing hard situations. To date, Opus Elite has donated over $25,000 to the Barkann Foundation.
A portion of every transaction is donated to the Barkann Family Healing Hearts Foundation (thebar kannfoundation.org), providing resources for local families facing hard situations. To date, Opus Elite has donated over $25,000 to the Barkann Foundation.
Mark collaborated with the mayor of Newtown and other small business owners to create The Newtown Experience to beautify the community. The Opus Elite family has proudly participated in the Pine To Pink cancer fundraiser and the Maple Point Coaches Versus Cancer basketball event. They have spon sored Shop With A Cop and sponsored an annual food drive for Thanksgiving. This winter, they will
Mark collaborated with the mayor of Newtown and other small business owners to create The Newtown Experience to beautify the community. The Opus Elite family has proudly participated in the Pine To Pink cancer fundraiser and the Maple Point Coaches Versus Cancer basketball event. They have spon sored Shop With A Cop and sponsored an annual food drive for Thanksgiving. This winter, they will be serving at local soup kitchens as a team.
Mark is an active Shriner and a past president, as well as a member of the Rotary Club, and is also involved at his church. He loves taking Maria out on date night every Wednesday and is proud that she serves as PTO president at two of the children’s schools, helps with all the Opus Elite events and is a wonderful wife, mother and cook.
Mark is an active Shriner and a past president, as well as a member of the Rotary Club, and is also involved at his church. He loves taking Maria out on date night every Wednesday and is proud that she serves as PTO president at two of the children’s schools, helps with all the Opus Elite events and is a wonderful wife, mother and cook.
The Gattas love freshly laid eggs from their chick ens and cure their own meat. The family enjoys outdoor activities, especially camping, fishing and spending time at the beach house. They have family season passes to Six Flags. When they do eat out as a family, they like to support local; one of their favorite pizza places is Sawmill.
The Gattas love freshly laid eggs from their chick ens and cure their own meat. The family enjoys outdoor activities, especially camping, fishing and spending time at the beach house. They have family season passes to Six Flags. When they do eat out as a family, they like to support local; one of their favorite pizza places is Sawmill.
Their children range in age from 15 to 10. Pietro is a great builder, like Mark’s father, and is very thought ful and genuine. Caterina takes after her mom. She is a great helper, an amazing cook, has a heart for others and is very organized. Fiorella loves to learn and read and wants to make the world a better place. Donato takes after Mark as a natural leader with a big heart and his own independent thoughts.
Their children range in age from 15 to 10. Pietro is a great builder, like Mark’s father, and is very thought ful and genuine. Caterina takes after her mom. She is a great helper, an amazing cook, has a heart for others and is very organized. Fiorella loves to learn and read and wants to make the world a better place. Donato takes after Mark as a natural leader with a big heart and his own independent thoughts.
Mick Petrucci, magisterial district judge, shared, “Mark Gatta and his team at Opus Elite have added tremendous value to our community here in Newtown since day one. Mark has personally orchestrated countless fundraisers to help others in need. He has continuously given himself and his many talents to our community in the form of assist ing with multiple community events and has taken a real leadership role on several committees. Mark is known in town as that go-to guy. … He can get things done, and he can do it expeditiously and gracefully.”
Mick Petrucci, magisterial district judge, shared, “Mark Gatta and his team at Opus Elite have added tremendous value to our community here in Newtown since day one. Mark has personally orchestrated countless fundraisers to help others in need. He has continuously given himself and his many talents to our community in the form of assist ing with multiple community events and has taken a real leadership role on several committees. Mark is known in town as that go-to guy. … He can get things done, and he can do it expeditiously and gracefully.”
“Mark Gatta is incredible! You will NOT find anyone else who truly cares more about his agents’ well-being, happiness, and their success.”
REALTOR® Lindsay McCormick, Opus Elite
“Mark Gatta is incredible! You will NOT find anyone else who truly cares more about his agents’ well-being, happiness, and their success.”
REALTOR® Lindsay McCormick, Opus Elite
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The most magical season is upon us, with many ways to spread holiday cheer all throughout Bucks County! There are countless ways to make holiday memo ries with your loved ones this year, from fun events on the farm to festive holiday stores and historical holiday overlays.
Every November, the paths of Peddler’s Village come to life with lights that will guide your way as you eat and shop your way through the village’s 60-plus retail and dining locations. This year’s Grand Illumination will be tak ing place on Friday, Nov. 18, and will light the night every evening until Jan. 8. Also returning during this time is Peddler’s Village’s beloved Gingerbread Decoration Competition, where you can stop by the Peddler’s Village Events Center and admire the creative pieces of edible art put together by the talented members of our community. There will be plenty of holiday events at Peddler’s Village throughout November and December, so be sure to visit https://peddlersvillage.com/ festivals/ to see all that’s in store.
around town
All aboard the North Pole Express! Join Santa and Mrs. Claus for a train ride that you will never forget this holiday season. Guests of all ages are welcome to come along for a relaxing ride through Bucks County while they enjoy hot cocoa, cookies, and sing along to their favorite Christmas carols. Santa will also take time to greet each family and has an extra special gift to present to each child to remember the magical experience by.
There’s no better time to visit one of Bucks County’s prized possessions, Fonthill Castle. This magnificent beauty was built in 1908-1912 by Henry Chapman Mercer, and the interior is filled with his famous Moravian Tiles. This time of year, the rooms of Fonthill Castle are donned with Christmas trees and decorations that transform the castle and bring it shining new life for the holiday season. Visitors will feel as if they are trans ported back in time as they enter the castle for a guided tour or to walk through at their own pace for the Holiday Lights Meander.
The Festival of Trees returns to the Pearl S. Buck Estate just in time to join in on the magic of the season. Local artists, decorators and community groups come together each year to deco rate trees spread throughout Pearl S. Buck’s historic house to “convey the spirit of Pearl S. Buck’s legacy as an author, humanitarian and activist.” Plan a holiday visit to this piece of Bucks County history to explore the grounds, take a tour to learn all about Pearl S. Buck and make sure to vote for your favorite tree before you leave.
thousands of sparkling lights that make up the scenes from beloved Christmas stories, kids’ cartoons, national landmarks and more. Also returning this year is the farm’s “Candy Cane Lane” — a walk-through light show experience — their holiday gift shop and, of course, meet and greets with Santa. Don’t forget to stop at the Shady Brook Farm Market before you leave and grab some seasonal peppermint ice cream from Uncle Dave’s Homemade Ice Cream to complete your visit!
For many locals, it’s simply not the holiday season until you have made a trip to Feeney’s in Feasterville. Having been “Bucks County’s No. 1 holiday desti nation” for over 50 years, families from all over the county have made fond memories here throughout the years. Every year, the nursery is transformed
into a winter wonderland and fea tures dozens of magnificent trees and displays around the store. These picture-perfect scenes are sure to inspire the inner decorator within each guest and also serves as an ideal backdrop to take photos for your holi day cards. Santa Claus himself also makes an appearance on select nights, so be sure
so are sure to find one meant just for you.