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The Experts in Women’s Health VHealthSt a r st ereH All Flowers are Perfect

Rather than focus on your face, body or mental relaxation, our highly curated team of women gynecologists and female providers focus on your personal and private internal wellness, sexual health, and confidence.

Power Your Intimacy




The Orgasm “O” Shot is a nonsurgical and comfortable injection that increases sexual arousal and improves vaginal health. O-Shot recipients report having increased arousal, more lubrication, and intensified orgasms.

Women who experience inability or difficulty orgasming, low sex drive, may be candidates for the O shot.

V HealthStarts H e r e
Indice What is non-surgical labiaplasty and how does it work? 5 Natural Breast Enhancement? Learn about the Most Used Techniques 11 Popular VSPOT Treatments 19 Do you feel a low sexual desire? These could be the causes 21 24 Shop VSPOT What is the impact of a balanced diet on women's intimate health? 29 The key to naturally alleviating menopausal symptoms 33 Power Your Intimacy 3.

leveD o p e d by Gynecologists forWome n’ s htlaeH


What is non-surgical labiaplasty and how does it work?

Labiaplasty, also known as labial reduction surgery, is a procedure that has traditionally been surgical.

What is non-surgical labiaplasty?

Non-surgical labiaplasty is an aesthetic procedure designed to reshape and rejuvenate the vaginal lips without the need for invasive surgery. Unlike traditional labiaplasty, which involves cuts and sutures, the non-surgical version uses advanced technologies to achieve similar results in a less invasive manner and with shorter recovery times.


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This procedure is usually performed in medical offices or specialized spas like VSPOT and does not require general anesthesia. Instead, techniques such as radiofrequency, laser, or dermal fillers can be used to reshape the vaginal lips according to the patient's needs and desires.

This procedure can address a variety of aesthetic and functional concerns, such as reducing the size of the lips, correcting asymmetries, improving skin texture, and stimulating collagen to achieve a more youthful appearance.

Additionally, this procedure can help alleviate physical or emotional discomfort related to the appearance of the vaginal lips.

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Youdon’ t h eviloteva lanigavhtiw dryness.

How does this procedure work?

The vaginal lips are a natural and unique part of the female body, but they can vary in size and shape. For some women, the lips can cause physical or emotional discomfort, affecting their confidence and comfort.

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VSPOT MD Collection Medical Grade Intimate care

To address these issues, at VSPOT, we provide the Precision Plasty service that shrinks the tissue and tightens the skin, especially of the upper lips, with the aim of reshaping the collagen and giving them a youthful appearance.

The recovery process for this innovative procedure is just one week, and during this time, certain restrictions may be established to promote de-swelling. But unlike surgery, where recovery can take up to eight weeks, with Precision Plasty, you can return to your normal activities in just 5 days.

7. Magazine

What are the benefits of non-surgical labiaplasty?

Non-surgical labiaplasty offers a series of benefits for women who want to improve the appearance and comfort of their vaginal lips. Here are some of the main benefits of this procedure:


Less invasive:

It does not require incisions or sutures, reducing the risk of complications and recovery time.

No need for general anesthesia:

It is performed in medical offices without general anesthesia, reducing associated risks.

Natural results:

It offers subtle and personalized results, avoiding an unnatural appearance.

Faster recovery time:

It allows for a return to normal activities almost immediately.

Lower risk of complications:

It reduces the risk of infections and other problems associated with invasive surgery.

Greater comfort and confidence:

It improves self-esteem and comfort in the body, benefiting sexual life and overall well-being.

Basically, it is a safe, effective, and less invasive alternative for women who want to improve the appearance and comfort of their vaginal lips without resorting to traditional surgery.


Surgical Labiaplasty

Vs. Non-surgical Labiaplasty

There are many differences that make non-surgical labiaplasty the best option when it comes to correcting common discomfort in the vaginal lips. To make it clear, here are the main differences.

Surgical Labiaplasty

Involves incisions in the vaginal lips and sutures to reshape their shape and size.

Generally requires local or general anesthesia to numb the area and reduce pain during surgery.

May require a longer recovery time due to the need for incision healing and the possibility of postoperative discomfort.

The results are permanent and may require several months to see the final result due to the healing process.

May have risks associated with any surgical procedure, such as infection, bleeding, abnormal scarring, or changes in sensitivity.


Non-surgical Labiaplasty

Does not require incisions or sutures, using technologies such as laser, radiofrequency, or dermal fillers to reshape the vaginal lips in a less invasive manner.

Generally performed without general anesthesia, as the procedures are less invasive and generally cause less discomfort.

Has a shorter recovery time, with most patients being able to return to their normal activities almost immediately.

The results are generally more subtle and may require multiple sessions to achieve the desired result, but they are not permanent and may require maintenance over time.

Has a much lower risk of serious complications, although temporary side effects such as redness, swelling, or sensitivity in the treated area may occur.

Also check: (link to another blog) Recover your intimate well-being with VSPOT.

With its less invasive approach, shorter recovery times, and natural results, non-surgical labiaplasty offers an attractive alternative to traditional surgery.

At VSPOT, we understand the importance of women's health and well-being. That's why we have a team of highly trained and specialized medical professionals in the application of non-surgical labiaplasty, through Precision Plasty.

Our commitment is to provide you with a welcoming, discreet, and safe environment where you can explore your options and receive the personalized care you deserve. Schedule your complimentary appointment today.

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Magazine Power Your Intimacy

Natural Breast Enhancement?

Learn about the Most Used Techniques

Breasts, in addition to being an important part of female anatomy, can significantly influence a person's confidence and self-esteem. For this reason, it is natural for many women to want to improve their appearance without having to resort to invasive procedures, such as breast augmentation surgeries.

There are many safe and effective techniques that can help you achieve breast enhancement naturally, without surgery, and today we are going to learn about some of the most efficient ones.

From options such as massages, changes in diet and supplements, as well as other methods that we will discuss here, all can help you achieve breast enhancement safely and non-invasively.

So, are you ready to further enhance your beauty naturally? Keep reading to discover how!

Magazine 11.
VSPOT MD Collection Medical Grade Intimate care

Can Breasts Really Be Increased Without Surgery?

With these types of techniques, in a very short time you can achieve the appearance you are looking for and with which you feel more comfortable, as well as the fullness of your breasts in a non-invasive and safe way.


Yes, it is possible to increase breast size without surgery! And the best part is that the results are really effective even from the first session.

Techniques such as massages, changes in diet and supplements, as well as specific creams and oils, have proven to be effective for many people in their quest for natural breast enhancement..

13. Magazine

What are the most common techniques for non-surgical breast growth?

There are several techniques that can be used when performing non-surgical breast enhancement. The choice of each one may depend on the body characteristics of each person and the expert opinion of a professional doctor.

Some of the most common ones are:


Regular massages can improve blood circulation and stimulate breast tissue growth. Massaging the breasts with gentle circular movements can help tone them and increase their size over time.

Changes in diet:

Consuming foods rich in phytoestrogens, such as soy, figs, flax seeds, and walnuts, can balance hormones and promote breast growth.

Creams and oils:

There are creams and oils specifically formulated to increase the size and firmness of the breasts. These products often contain natural ingredients that stimulate breast tissue growth and improve skin elasticity.

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Each of these techniques can offer positive results when combined with patience and consistency in their application. But if there is a technique whose results are really efficient and can be noticed from the first session, it is undoubtedly the stem cell treatment.

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Stem Cell Treatment for Natural Breast Enhancement

Stem cell treatment for natural breast enhancement is an innovative technique that is gaining popularity in the field of aesthetics, in which the patient's own stem cells are basically used to stimulate breast tissue growth.

The process begins with the extraction of the patient's blood, which is done exactly like a typical blood test. Once the blood is obtained, it undergoes a centrifugation process in which the platelets are separated from the red blood cells.

Then, these stem cells are strategically injected into the breasts, where they help stimulate the growth of new breast tissue, resulting in a natural increase in breast size and fullness.

In total, the procedure lasts between 60 and 90 minutes, and you will be able to see the results in a very short time, displaying a much younger and renewed appearance.


by Gynecologists

o p e
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Benefits of Stem Cell Treatment

Stem cell treatment offers a variety of significant benefits that make it attractive for achieving effective natural breast enhancement. Some of these benefits include:

Lifted breasts

Fuller breasts

Firmer breasts

More symmetrical breasts

Adds volume to the upper part of the breasts.

More pronounced cleavage

Improves the sensations of the breasts and nipples.

Corrects inverted nipples

Less noticeable scars and stretch marks.

Produces softer and healthier-looking skin around the breasts.

Restores blood flow to the breasts.

Youthful breasts

No downtime

No pain

Without a doubt, it is an attractive option if you are looking for natural and lasting breast enhancement, with fewer risks and a faster recovery compared to traditional surgery.

16. forWome n s’ htlaeH Magazine



Elevate Your Beauty Naturally at VSPOT

With its benefits of naturalness, lasting results, and less invasiveness, the stem cell breast enhancement technique represents a significant advancement in the field of breast aesthetics.

At VSPOT, we are committed to offering you the latest and most innovative options to enhance your beauty and confidence. If you are interested in learning more about stem cell treatment for breast enhancement, our medical team is ready to help you.

Get in touch with us to schedule a courtesy consultation today.

Power Your Intimacy 18. Magazine


Vaginal Tightening

Maybe it was caused by childbirth, or the natural thinning of the vaginal wall that occurs over time. Either way, you’re feeling loose.

O Shot - Enhance Climax

Have you ever thought — Why is it hard to orgasm or difficult to orgasm? Don’t worry! Better sex is in your blood–literally.

Painful Sex - V Dryness

Let’s just say it: your vagina is dry, which makes sex painful and can give you an itching or burning sensation. Not fun. Lets fix it!

Non Surgical Breast Lift

Whether your breasts have begun to sag, soften or are uneven, the Non Surgical Breast Lift can turn back time and give you the perkier youthful chest.

19. Magazine

Non Surgical Labiaplasty

Vaginal Tightening
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VHealthSt a r st ereH VSPOT MD Collection Medical Grade Intimate care POWER YOUR INTIMACY

Worried about the appearance of your vulva?

We must accept that each vulva is UNIQUE, and that is wonderful.

Every detail makes you unique.

Variations in shape, size, and color are completely normal and natural.

Do you have any questions?

Accept and celebrate your differences! Diversity is beauty.

have aesthetic concerns about their vulva. 50% of women

Let's talk. Our specialists are here to support you.

Fuente: International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Do you feel a low sexual desire?

These could be the causes

Have you ever felt puzzled by a low sexual desire? You are not alone. Low libido is more common than you might think and can affect people of all ages and genders. In a world where stress, responsibilities, and social pressure can overwhelm us, understanding the causes behind this phenomenon is extremely important.

For this reason, in this article, we are going to explore the possible reasons behind a low sexual desire, delving into both physical and emotional factors that can influence your libido. Our goal is to provide you with clear and accessible information so that you can better understand your body and your sexual needs.

Join us on this journey of sexual self-awareness as we discover the causes of low sexual desire and work together to find the solution you need to address them and reclaim your intimate life without issues.

Magazine 24.

Detecting low sexual desire can be challenging, as it can manifest in various ways and vary from person to person. However, there are some common signs that Lack of interest or desire:

If you feel a significant decrease in your interest in sex or a lack of desire to engage in sexual activities, it could be a sign of low sexual desire.

Fewer sexual thoughts or fantasies:

If you used to have sexual thoughts or fantasies regularly and now they occur less frequently or have disappeared altogether, this could also indicate low sexual desire.

Difficulty becoming aroused:

Experiencing difficulties becoming aroused, even in situations that used to arouse you, can be another sign of low sexual desire.

Avoiding sexual situations:

If you tend to avoid sexual situations or intimate encounters with your partner, this could indicate low sexual desire.

Anxiety or discomfort associated with sex:

Remember that it is normal for sexual desire to vary throughout life, and many people experience periods of low sexual desire at some point. But if you are concerned about your libido or if your low libido is causing problems in your life, it is important to seek help from a healthcare professional.

Feeling anxiety, guilt, or discomfort before, during, or after sexual activity can be a sign that you are experiencing low sexual desire.

Reduced frequency of sexual activity:

If the frequency of your sexual activity has decreased significantly and this is not due to external factors such as stress or fatigue, it could be indicative of low sexual desire.

Where can low sexual desire in women come from?

Low sexual desire in women can have multiple causes, both physical and psychological. Here are some of the most common ones

It is important to note that low sexual desire can be a combination of multiple factors and that each person is unique. If you are experiencing low sexual desire, there are procedures that can help, but it is important to seek a medical evaluation first.

Hormonal factors:

Changes in hormonal levels, such as during menopause, postpartum, or certain health issues, can influence sexual desire.

Stress and anxiety:

Chronic stress, anxiety, and work or personal pressure can negatively affect sexual desire by distracting the mind and increasing the production of cortisol, a stress-associated hormone.

Fatigue and tiredness:

Extreme fatigue, physical or emotional exhaustion, and lack of sleep can decrease interest in sexual activity.

Relationship issues:

Unresolved conflicts, lack of communication, lack of emotional intimacy, or relationship problems can negatively affect sexual desire.

Self-image and self-esteem:

Feelings of low self-esteem, concerns about physical appearance, or a negative perception of one's own sexuality can decrease sexual desire.

Past traumatic experiences:

Experiences of sexual abuse, emotional trauma, or unwanted sexual relationships in the past can affect libido in the present.

Medications and health conditions:

Some medications, such as antidepressants, hormonal contraceptives, or certain medications for high blood pressure, can have side effects that affect sexual desire. Additionally, certain health conditions, such as depression, diabetes, or hormonal problems, can contribute to low sexual desire.

Power Your Intimacy

An effective treatment to reclaim your sexual health

By stimulating the production of collagen in the vaginal tissue, FEMILIFT improves elasticity and natural lubrication, which can increase comfort during sexual intercourse and, consequently, promote greater interest and sexual desire.

Additionally, by treating issues such as vaginal dryness, vaginal laxity, and urinary incontinence, FEMILIFT helps improve satisfaction during sexual intercourse, which can strengthen intimacy with a partner and enhance overall sexual quality of life.

This treatment can also be beneficial for women experiencing uncomfortable symptoms of menopause, such as vaginal dryness and irritation, by improving vaginal lubrication and restoring vaginal tissue health.

FEMILIFT is an effective treatment option used to address a variety of sexual health issues in women. This procedure uses laser technology to rejuvenate and revitalize vaginal tissue, which can have several benefits for sexual health.



We understand and enhance your sexual life

If you are experiencing low sexual desire, it is crucial to remember that you are not alone and that there are options available to help you reclaim your sexual vitality.

However, it is important to keep in mind that low sexual desire can be a symptom of more serious underlying issues, such as hormonal imbalances or medical conditions, so it is always advisable to seek medical evaluation and guidance.

At our medical spa, VSPOT, we understand the importance of addressing these issues in a comprehensive and personalized manner. With our FEMILIFT treatment, performed by expert physicians in a safe and welcoming environment, we offer an effective solution to improve your sexual health and overall well-being.

Do not hesitate to contact us to begin your journey towards a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual life. Schedule a complimentary consultation.


What is a balanced diet?

What is the impact of a balanced diet on women's intimate health?

When it comes to women's health, a balanced diet is a key component that is often overlooked and ignored. But did you know that what you eat can significantly influence your intimate health? This time, we will talk about the impact of balanced nutrition on women's intimate health.

Yes, it's true. From menstruation to menopause, what we consume can have a profound impact on how we feel and function in our daily lives.

Let's remember that nutrition is like fuel for our bodies, and just like a car, our bodies need the right fuel to function properly, with foods that have specific nutrients to maintain an optimal balance.

In this article, we will explore how a balanced diet can directly affect aspects of women's intimate health, from vaginal health to sexual desire. So take note and get ready to change your eating habits starting today to enjoy much more efficient intimate health.

A balanced diet is one that provides your body with all the essential nutrients it needs to function optimally. This includes a variety of foods from different groups, such as fruits, vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and suitable dairy products or alternatives.

Balance is achieved by consuming appropriate portions of each food group, avoiding excesses or deficiencies. For example, it is important to include a variety of fruits and vegetables to obtain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, while proteins help repair tissues and muscles.

Carbohydrates provide energy, healthy fats are essential for proper brain and nervous system function, and dairy products or their alternatives provide calcium for bone health.

Additionally, keep in mind that a balanced diet is not just about what you eat, but also about how you eat. It is important to maintain a balance between the amount of calories you consume and those you burn through physical activity, not forgetting that adequate hydration also plays a crucial role in a balanced diet.

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How does a balanced diet benefit women's intimate health?

A balanced diet can have numerous benefits for women's intimate health. To give you an idea, here are some of the most important ones:

Vaginal Health:

A balanced diet can help maintain an optimal vaginal pH and prevent infections such as bacterial vaginosis or candidiasis. Consuming foods rich in probiotics, such as natural yogurt or kefir, can promote a healthy balance of bacteria in the vagina, reducing the risk of infections.

Healthy Menstruation:

A balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients can help regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce associated symptoms such as cramps and mood swings. Consuming iron-rich foods such as spinach and lean meat can help prevent menstrual anemia.


During menopause, a balanced diet can help alleviate symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Consuming foods rich in phytoestrogens, such as soy and flax, can help balance hormone levels and reduce menopausal symptoms.

Sexual Pleasure:

A healthy diet can improve blood circulation and promote optimal cardiovascular health, which is essential for healthy sexual function. Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants, such as brightly colored fruits and vegetables, can help improve vascular health and sexual sensitivity.

lifestyle for women's intimate well-being, which also includes regular exercise, stress management, and emotional care.

Magazine Power Your Intimacy

You d o n t’ otevah evil igavhtiw n a l dryness.

Tips for maintaining a balanced diet

Now that you know how beneficial a healthy diet can be for women's intimate health, you are probably asking yourself, "How can I maintain a balanced diet?" To help you, here are 5 tips that will surely be extremely useful:

Variety and Color on Your Plate:

Opt for a wide range of foods of different colors and textures to ensure you get a variety of nutrients. For example, brightly colored fruits and vegetables are often rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Including foods from different food groups in each meal ensures a balanced intake of essential nutrients.

Portion Control:

Learn to listen to your body's signals and control portions to avoid overeating. Instead of filling your plate to the brim, serve moderate portions and savor each bite. Paying attention to satiety signals will help you avoid overeating and maintain a healthy weight.

Prioritize Whole Foods:

Choose whole foods over processed and refined options whenever possible. Whole foods, such as whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables, are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and often have lower sugar and saturated fat content than processed foods.

Adequate Hydration:

Water is essential for good health and for keeping the body hydrated. Try to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, and more if you are exercising or living in a warm climate. Limit the consumption of sugary and alcoholic drinks, as they can add empty calories to your diet and contribute to dehydration.

Meal Planning and Preparation:

Dedicate time to plan and prepare your meals in advance to avoid turning to unhealthy options when you are busy or tired. Set aside a day each week to plan your meals, make a shopping list, and prepare some basic foods, such as chopped vegetables or cooked proteins, that you can use during the week.


Leave Your Intimate Health in the Hands of Specialists

In conclusion, the importance of a balanced diet for women's intimate health cannot be underestimated. From maintaining a healthy vaginal pH to improving hormonal function and blood circulation, what we eat can have a significant impact on how we feel and function in our daily lives.

Adopting healthy eating habits can help us prevent diseases, improve quality of life, and enhance our intimate well-being.

At VSPOT, we understand the importance of comprehensive intimate health care. That's why our medical spa offers a range of services designed to improve your intimate health and well-being, provided by professionals who will provide the safety and comfort you need.

If you are ready to take the next step towards optimal intimate health, schedule your appointment today!

Magazine 32.

The key to naturally alleviating menopausal symptoms

We know that menopause is a time of transformation for women, but it can also come with challenges that affect our quality of life. That's why today we want to talk about a question that many women ask:

How to naturally relieve menopausal symptoms?

In this article, we will explore what those annoying symptoms that can appear during this stage are, and we will give you the key you need to know to relieve them naturally.

What we want with this article is to provide you with useful and practical information that allows you to navigate through this moment of your life with greater comfort and well-being.

So, if you are looking for ways to feel better during menopause without resorting to medication, you've come to the right place!

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33. Magazine

What are the most common symptoms of menopause?

Menopause, which usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, marks the end of menstrual cycles and the beginning of a new phase in a woman's life. However, this natural body process can bring a series of annoying symptoms ranging from hot flashes and vaginal dryness to mood swings and sleep problems.

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Power Your Intimacy VSPOT MD Collection Medical Grade Intimate care uoY nod ’ t havetolive with vagina l d r sseny .

These are the most common symptoms of menopause:

Hot flashes:

Sudden waves of heat that can cause sweating and reddening of the skin, especially in the face, neck, and chest.

Changes in the menstrual cycle:

During perimenopause (the period leading to menopause), it is common to experience changes in the duration and regularity of menstrual periods. Eventually, menstrual periods will cease altogether.

Vaginal dryness:

Decreased estrogen levels can cause vaginal dryness, which can lead to discomfort during sexual intercourse and increase the risk of urinary tract infections.

Sleep problems:

Some women experience difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep at night, which can lead to fatigue and affect the quality of life.

Mood swings:

Hormonal changes can trigger mood swings, irritability, anxiety, or depression in some women.

Bone density loss:

Decreased estrogen levels can increase the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures.

Weight gain:

Many women experience weight gain during menopause, especially around the abdomen.

Cognitive problems:

Some women may experience difficulties concentrating or remembering things during menopause.


These are just some of the most common symptoms. Remember that if you experience symptoms that significantly affect your quality of life, it is important to speak with a healthcare professional to explore treatment and management options. We are here at VSPOT to help you!

How to relieve menopausal symptoms naturally?

First and foremost, it is important to highlight that each woman experiences menopause differently, and what works for one person may not be effective for another. However, there are some natural strategies that can help relieve these symptoms and improve our quality of life during this stage.


Some of these natural methods include the following:

Regular exercise

Regular physical exercise can help relieve many menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, weight gain, and bone loss. It is recommended to engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week. This can include walking, swimming, practicing yoga, or any other activity that you enjoy and makes you feel good. Exercise can also improve your mood and help you sleep better at night.

Balanced diet

Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet can help reduce menopausal symptoms and improve your overall health. Try to include a variety of foods in your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Also, limit the consumption of processed foods, added sugars, and saturated fats. Some women also find it helpful to reduce their intake of caffeine and alcohol, as they can exacerbate symptoms such as hot flashes and sleep problems.

Natural supplements

Some herbs and natural supplements can help relieve menopausal symptoms. For example, black cohosh, St. John's wort, and red clover have been traditionally used to reduce hot flashes and mood swings.

However, it is important to speak with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement, as they may interact with other medications you are taking or have unwanted side effects.


Discover Hormone Replacement Therapy – Biote

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a treatment used to relieve menopausal symptoms by replacing the hormones that the body stops producing during this stage of a woman's life.

One of the most well-known HRT methods is Biote, which involves the insertion of subcutaneous pellets that release hormones continuously into the body.

The Biote procedure begins with a consultation with a hormone specialist, who will evaluate your medical history, symptoms, and hormone levels to determine if you are a candidate for the treatment.

Once it has been determined that Biote is suitable for you, small pellets will be placed under the skin, usually in the gluteal area, through a small incision.

These pellets are composed of bioidentical hormones, which are identical in molecular structure to the body's natural hormones. As the body absorbs the pellets, hormones are gradually released into the bloodstream, providing a constant and balanced dose of estrogen and/or testosterone, which will help you feel much better during menopause.

We can help you achieve the well-being you seek

At VSPOT, we understand that menopause can be a challenging stage in a woman's life, but we are here to help you navigate it with confidence and comfort. Our team of professionals is ready to provide you with the support and treatments you need to naturally minimize symptoms and regain your quality of life.

If you are looking for an effective and personalized solution to relieve menopausal symptoms, we invite you to discover the benefits of Biote treatment at our medical spa.

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