All night long: Queensland’s oldest and largest sewer was upgraded while the city slept

Read on to learn how we rehabilitated this 100-yearold sewer

All night long: Queensland’s oldest and largest sewer was upgraded while the city slept
Read on to learn how we rehabilitated this 100-yearold sewer
ProjectMax Company Director and Principal Engineer Steve Apeldoorn
New South Wales’ operators open doors to share and collaborate
Voeu keeps an eye on the evolving water sector
Adapting, improving, and leading the way in liner systems
Collaboration results in new drilling machine – AdaptX
Proof in the UK pudding
Providing the right technology to succeed with pipe rehab and repair
Aussie Trenchless steering future pipe rehabilitation
Smart Lock’s Shane Curren reveals the company’s full support capacity
McRobert restores PST channels at Woodman Point
Putting the best solution forward for corrugated pipe installations
DJ MacCormick Contractors completes seven drives on Iron Bridge Project
How Pezzimenti Trenchless overcame challenges using microtunnelling
The future of HDD: daunting, thrilling, and important Diversified partnering with Ditch Witch CEA for over 30 years
How Queensland’s oldest and largest sewer was upgraded while the city slept
Sustainable excavation for trenchless applications
The science behind jetting nozzles
CDE and Enviropacific close the loop on wet waste in Melbourne
Editor’s Letter
From the President
From the ASTT Secretary News in brief
No-Dig Down Under ASTT Corporate Members
People on the Move
This magazine is the official journal of the Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology (ASTT) and is distributed to members and other interested parties throughout Australia and the Asia-Pacific. It is also available on subscription.
The publishers welcome editorial contributions from interested parties. However, neither the publishers nor the ASTT accept responsibility for the content of these contributions and the views contained therein are not necessarily the views of the publishers or the ASTT. Neither the publishers nor the ASTT accept responsibility for any claims made by advertisers. All communications should be directed to the publishers.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise in writing, by providing editorial material to Prime Creative Media (PCM), including text and images, you are providing permission for that material to be subsequently used by PCM, whole or in part, edited or unchanged, alone or in combination with other material in any publication or format in print or online or howsoever distributed, whether produced by PCM and its agents and associates or another party to whom PCM has provided permission.
Cover image Left: Asset Survey Solutions is pushing the constraints of the underground mapping service sector. Image: Asset Survey Solutions.
We provide infrastructure and construction projects with unique solutions based on our full range of applications, including:
• 3D Laser Scan inspections
• Sewer Access Chamber and Pump Station refurbishment
• PVC and polyethylene welding
• High pressure jet pipe cleaning
• CCTV inspections of piping and sewage systems
John Murphy
Christine Clancy christine.clancy@primecreative.com.au
Molly Hancock molly.hancock@primecreative.com.au
Christian Alphonso, Jenna May
Nick Lovering nick.lovering@primecreative.com.au
Michelle Weston michelle.weston@primecreative.com.au
Blake Storey blake.storey@primecreative.com.au
Kerry Pert, Tom Anderson, Louis Romero
Trenchless Australasia is owned by Prime Creative Media and published by John Murphy. All material in Trenchless Australasia is copyright and no part may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means (graphic, electronic or mechanical including information and retrieval systems) without written permission of the publisher. The Editor welcomes contributions but reserves the right to accept or reject any material. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, Prime Creative Media will not accept responsibility for errors or omissions or for any consequences arising from reliance on information published. The opinions expressed in Trenchless Australasia are not necessarily the opinions of, or endorsed by the publisher unless otherwise stated.
© Copyright Prime Creative Media, 2021
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Welcome to the first edition of Trenchless Australasia for 2023. It is great to join you again this year to bring another year of the latest industry news, technology and projects around Australasia.
This edition we focus on new technology in the trenchless sector and where it is heading in years to come. As an industry that is forever evolving and adapting, it is an exciting time to see what is on the horizon.
Jason Marshall, Managing Director and Principal Consultant at Voeu, has 35 years experience in the construction and infrastructure industries. In an interview with Trenchless Australasia, he offers a unique and valuable insight into the current state of the gravity drainage market, with a vision towards the future and how new technologies may impact the industry.
Similarly, childhood friends from the UK and business partners, Darren Dean and Sean Henry took what was a gap in the market and brought their surveying knowledge and expertise to Australia to create Asset Survey Solutions. By working in a niche market, and the company’s long history of adapting innovative technology
on high profile infrastructure projects, it has provided the company with an exceptional amount of experience in delivering surveying solutions for the trenchless industry.
With a growth mindset, technology has resulted in new machines being built, which have the ability to adapt methods quickly and save contractors time and money.
OptionX Group has launched the AdaptX range – a fully adaptable drilling machine made in Australia. Stuart Harrison, the inventor of the Vermeer AXIS laser guided boring system, says the machine has a maximum thrust of 125 tonnes and a rotation torque of 180,000 ft lbs, and is primed to revolutionise the drilling industry.
In addition to this theme, other unique features in the next edition include Horizontal Directional Drilling, Rehabilitation and Repair, Microtunnelling, Relining and Vacuum and Hydro Excavation.
Happy Reading!
Molly Hancock
With a focus on safety, innovation and collaborative delivery over the last 30 years, Rob Carr has achieved outstanding outcomes in water, wastewater and energy infrastructure projects in both Australia and overseas. Rob Carr is part of Soletanche Bachy a world leader in foundation and soil technologies and subsidiary of VINCI, a global player in construction across more than 100 countries. With outstanding capabilities to manage the complexities of any project, Rob Carr has the people, knowledge and experience to deliver success.
ABN 43 893 870 966
18 Frinton Place
Greenwood, WA 6024
President: Ben Crosby
Secretary: Jeff Pace
Vice President: Blair Telfer
Western Australia: Trevor Gosatti
Queensland: Ben Crosby
New South Wales: Matthew Boyle
Victoria: Justin Shepherd
South Australia: Shaun Melville
New Zealand: Blair Telfer
Northern Territory: Vacant
Tasmania: Vacant
Sudipta Basu
Anew year is upon us, and I will take this opportunity to wish you, your families, and businesses a safe and prosperous 2023.
The ASTT closed 2022 off well and now we’ve all had a well earnt break, we turn our focus to the new year and what we have instore for 2023 is exciting.
2023 is our exciting conference year and at least the first half of this year will be dominated by the planning and organisation of what will be another great No-Dig Down Under Conference.
This year the conference is held in Brisbane between 12 September and 14 September under a slightly different and condensed program. By popular request, we have opted to remove the usual final day where the exhibition hall is open for a half day before bump out commences. This part of the conference is usually the quietest time and the foot traffic has slowed due to the previous two days in addition to the conclusion of the technical papers.
The theme this year is “Better Outcomes Through Trenchless” which we hope will stimulate conversation and influence the papers, the exhibitors, and the panel discussion on improving the service industry with better design, better method selection and better overall solutions.
I encourage you to be creative in the exhibits that you are planning, and we’d really encourage you to showcase your new products and services in the exhibition hall. I also implore you to celebrate your successes, challenges, and developments in the technical
portion of the conference. We had a great technical and case study paper presentation at No-Dig Sydney, and we’d love to see more in Brisbane this year.
The call for abstracts is now open and we encourage you and your colleagues to submit an abstract in the pursuit of being approved to submit your paper. We seek knowing how Council will continue to work through the all important key actions during 2023 as listed:
• The roll out of our Strategic Action Plan
• The finalisation of our Liner Design Specification
• The delivery of the Trenchless Technical Stream at Water New Zealand Oct 2022
• The finalisation of the Liner Design Training Package
• The continuation of the updates to our NASTT licenced training packages
• The compilation of the report: The State of the Industry (Trenchless)
• The partnership with AusJet
• The partnership with WSAA (Water Services Association of Australia)
All these initiatives are designed to deploy the membership resources to benefit the industry and the membership in one way or another. A reminder to our members; if there is something that you feel we as the peak trenchless body should be working on, please reach out and contact either myself or your local Councillor.
Ben Crosby ASTT PresidentWe are a
We are the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of fiberglass reinforced liners for trenchless pipe rehabilitation, Cured-In-Place-Pipe (CIPP) solutions.
We are reliable solution partners at all times, and commit ourselves to the highest future-proofed quality and to environmentally conscious conduct.
Wherever you're based, we're ready to help.
Environmentally Conscious
Our activities are always resource-saving and environmentally conscious.
Globally Trusted
IMPREG CIPP liner systems for UV curing are used and trusted all over the world.
Our warehouses are fully stocked. Contact us today to secure your pipe rehabilitation project this summer. sales-apac@impreg.com
On behalf of the ASTT, I extend a warm welcome to the following new members.
Michael Ellenrieder from IMPREG (Australia) Pty Ltd
Devan Russell from Aussie Drill Kings Pty Ltd
Individual Members – Australia
Aaron Gilboy from Stantec
Individual Members – New Zealand
Howard Simpson from Christchurch City Council
Salve Velasco from Christchurch City Council
The call for nominations to Council was emailed to all ASTT Members on 5 January 2023. The same notice was also published by Prime Creative Media on the Trenchless Australasia website on 12 January, 2023 also it was mentioned in the e-news dated 19 January 2023. The results will be published in the next issue and all positions will be ratified later this year at the AGM.
In early December, the majority of the membership would have received their tax invoices for the 2023 membership year through our new automated database system. These fees were due to be paid on 1 January 2023. It was pleasing to see that the number of members that renewed their memberships on time was an increase from last year. The PayPal method is now the most popular. For those that have still not paid, can you please expedite thus avoiding cancellation of your membership. Also, all members that change their email address or postal address are requested to let me know so that the ISTT and ASTT databases can be updated, these are the databases that amongst other things deter-mine distribution of the magazines. For those of you that no longer work for the companies that pay your membership renewals, can you please let me know that you have left and also who the replacement person is for your membership.
For those members living outside Australia that need to pay the annual membership renewal fee in Aus-tralian dollars will in most cases experience an international transaction bank fee. It is important to ensure that you add this fee to your transaction thus avoiding not paying the nominated amount. An international transaction fee is charged to you, the consumer, by your bank whenever you acquire something in a foreign currency. While all of these charges are applied to you the members, they are also to be added to your transaction when you make a purchase online from a foreign vendor. In most cases the general fee the banks are charging is $10. For example, in some cases your membership renewal fee for someone living in New Zealand is AUD$540, when you do the bank transfer the bank charges you $10, which means the ASTT only received $530. It is up to you to ensure the bank fee is added to your international bank transfer.
In September 2020, Blair Telfer your New Zealand Councillor established our second Special Interest Group (SIG) on the basis that this SIG represents the linings group in general. One of the original objectives of the group was to develop specifications for pipe lining that the industry, clients, consultants, asset owners, can use with confidence to ensure a quality product and that are appropriate & applicable to Aust & NZ conditions. Non-members can get a feel for the contents covered by this Specification by referring to our website, refer: https://www.astt. com.au/guidelines/. All ASTT members, as a membership benefit have full access to the entire 32 page document by accessing it through https://astt.wildapricot.org/ ASTT-Guidelines. The ASTT wishes to thank Blair and all those that contributed to the development of this specification.
It has been a long time since we developed the 2010 versions of HDD, pipe bursting,
microtunnelling Guidelines, Standards and Specifications onto our website. In 2020, we introduced our comprehensive Microtunnelling Design Guidelines Sewer (MDG-S) and now it is time to completely review the other documents we have on the ASTT website as listed at https://astt. wildapricot.org/ASTT-Guidelines.
No doubt most of you are aware that we are now back to our regular biannual frequency of holding our National Conferences now that COVID-19 seems to be under control. To this end our next National Conference and Exhibition will be held over September 12 to 15, 2023 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. I’m pleased to confirm that the organising committee has approved the conference theme of “Better out-comes through trenchless”. The call for abstracts is now out and submissions will close on 31 March 2023. In my previous report I mentioned that both sponsorship and exhibition space was progressing well ahead of schedule. When I last looked the exhibition was approximately 80 per cent sold and I am confident that the remaining spots will be taken up quickly. Exhibition sales are still available so if you are interested in exhibiting and do not want to miss out, then please contact Nick Lovering at nick.lovering@primecreative. com.au. More information is also available on the event website, refer: https:// nodigdownunder.com. There are now limited opportunities available with the following locked in thus far. Rob Carr as the Platinum sponsor. Vermeer as a gold sponsor, Wilmott Pipelining, Interflow and Rockpecker as the Silver sponsors. Sponsorship provides companies highly visible branding opportunities in Australia, New Zealand, and the global trenchless community, with packages that include exhibition space and conference tickets, as well as unique sponsorship.
Jeff Pace ASTT Secretary secretary@astt.com.auWatercare’s tunnel boring machine for the Central Interceptor project in New Zealand completed its undersea crossing of Manukau Harbour. Hiwa-i-te-Rangi, the tunnel boring machine (TBM) bored a 1500 m stretch of 4.5 diameter tunnel between 15 and 20 metres below the seabed.
The TBM required 15 crews on a 24/7 schedule working underground to make the 11-week crossing smoothly.
Watercare’s executive program director, Shayne Cunis, says that the successful crossing is due to the expertise of the tunnelling teams.
“It’s a big relief to get this done successfully, and the fact that it comes just before Christmas means everyone can enjoy a well-earned holiday break,” he says.
Trelleborg Group has finalised its acquisition of the business operations of I.S.T. Innovative Sewer Technologies (I.S.T.) as of the beginning of December 2022.
Based in Germany, I.S.T. is a globally active manufacturer and distributor of a range of cutting-edge sewer rehabilitation products. The company’s range includes several milling robot models for pipes with internal diameters from 100 to 700 mm, as well as mobile UV, steam and hot water units.
Jean-Paul Mindermann, President of the Trelleborg Industrial Solutions business area, says that the market for trenchless rehabilitation using UV light curing technology and glass fibre is growing rapidly.
“This acquisition is, therefore, a strategic addition that strengthens Trelleborg’s position in the pipe repair market. The acquired operation complements Trelleborg with its broad service offering, strong focus on R&D and entrepreneurial working methods,” he says.
I.S.T. has offices in Germany, Europe and North America, and works with an expansive global network of independent distributors. Mindermann said that both companies are excited about the acquisition, and that it aligns itself well with Trelleborg’s current momentum in sales and production.
Since beginning its crossing in August 2021, Hiwa-i-te-Rangi has travelled more than four kilometres from the Māngere Wastewater Treatment Plant to its breakthrough on the far side of the harbour. The first link sewer for the Central Interceptor also recently hit a milestone, with micro TBM Domenica achieving its third breakthrough in November.
Only 330 m of tunnelling remain for the first link sewer before Domenica begins the second next year.
The proposed extension of the Central Interceptor project is awaiting consent applications which are due to take place early in 2023.
Rob Carr has taken home the 2022 national award for Civil Construction at the National CCF Awards in Canberra.
The microtunnelling specialist won the award in the $5 to $10 million category for its Gnangara Branch Sewer section 2 project, located in Western Australia.
The project, undertaken on behalf of client Water Corporation, involved installing a new pressure main to an existing sewer section. The company’s expertise in microtunnelling saw it overcome several challenges for the project, including in-ground infrastructure and a limited time frame.
Teams completed four drives reaching a total 500 m of microtunnelling, and managed to construct a DN1000 glass reinforced plastic, 259 m microtunnel in 10 days.
The Gnangara project was automatically nominated following Rob Carr’s win at the CCF WA Awards in September.
Managing Director Damien Maitre received the award on behalf of the company.
Central Highlands Water’s Ballarat Sewer Build will commence stage 2 of its duplication in 2023 with microtunnelling beneath Humffray Street South.
For stage two of the Ballarat Sewer Build, a microtunnelling machine will bore a 700 m, 1200 mm diameter tunnel beneath Humffray Street South, with a pipe to be constructed parallel to the existing sewer infrastructure.
Minor repairs and sewer pipe relining for the existing pipes will co-occur during tunnelling operations.
Stage one of the project saw 1 km of pipe laid beneath the city’s CBD. The project represents a $25 million investment from utility company Central Highlands Water and will bolster the city’s two largest sewer lines – the Ballarat East and Ballarat South – which were constructed almost 100 years ago.
Since the original pipes were laid, Ballarat’s population has grown by more than five times to 117,000 people.
Once all stages are completed, two large interconnecting sewer lines will run beneath the streets of the city, approximately 6 km in length. The third and final stage of the project is currently in the planning phase.
Unitywater has reconnected water to White Patch in Queensland after it was washed away in February 2022.
A rain bomb destroyed a 20 m section of the White Patch Esplanade, including the water main that ran beneath the road, in White Patch –a small community in Bribie Island.
Local utility provider Unity Water enlisted a specialist contractor to build a temporary water supply. This was completed in three days.
Unitywater Executive Manager Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions Daniel Lambert says that it was critical for the company to restore the water supply to full service.
The project to establish a permanent solution took eight months, including geotechnical analysis, consultation with residents, local
council, and Kabi Kabi representatives.
A new 250 mm diameter pipe was installed using horizontal directional drilling.
“These were complex works that carried a level of risk, especially as some of the drilling occurred underwater,” says Lambert.
Rhett Duncan, Unitywater Executive Manager Customer Delivery, acknowledged a rough year for the residents of White Patch.
“Unitywater and our partners demonstrated what it means to work as a team during adversity, coming together to
In a bid to celebrate the achievements and growth of the trenchless industry and the ASTT, Trenchless will be running a new question and answer segment: Steve Apeldoorn, Company Director and Principal Engineer of ProjectMax. This is his story.
In your own words, how would you explain what the trenchless industry is?
The trenchless industry is a community of extremely skilled people and incredible technology that enables the construction and renewal of underground infrastructure that in many cases could not otherwise be built or would be hugely impacted and detrimental on the community.
How did you become involved in the trenchless industry?
In early 2000 I had the opportunity to manage a relatively small team replacing wastewater pipes in Waitakere City using pneumatic pipe bursting equipment and we also had small pit drill. But even well before that, in the mid 90’s we would use thrusting gear to install small diameter pipes where we couldn’t get excavators in or couldn’t disrupt the ground surface. By 2002 pipelining was really taking off and I had founded ProjectMax with some other colleagues. For the last 20 years we have helped Councils determine the best methods for rehabilitating and replacing their underground infrastructure.
What is a standout trenchless project or milestone you have been involved in? Can you elaborate more on this?
I have been involved in many challenging trenchless projects but what I am most proud of has been my involvement in the ASTT itself and what we have been able to add to the industry itself. In 2009 I had the privilege of becoming the NZ Councillor for the ASTT and between 2014 and 2016 the honour of being elected the President/Chair. Over that time, we extended the Trenchless Technology Forums, that we originally started in Auckland in 2007, to a number of states in Australia and introduced the special interest
groups, including the Microtunnelling and Pipe Lining Special Interest Groups. These have been hugely successful in providing opportunities for member engagement within the industry and promotion and education on trenchless technology with the wider public and infrastructure community.
What is the best part of trenchless technology? And how has it evolved since you first became part of the industry? Trenchless technology enables the installation or rehabilitation of underground infrastructure that would otherwise not be possible to construct or be very disruptive and cost prohibitive. Overtime what has been possible to achieve and continuously improved – size, length, bends, you name it.
Which form of trenchless technology do you think has had the most transformation and why?
I don’t know if I can identify a single trenchless method. In all areas we have continued to see outstanding, and sometimes mind-blowing achievement, that seem to continuously break records.
Where do you see the trenchless industry in the next 10-20 years?
At the 2015 conference opening address I made a statement along the lines that trenchless technology is no longer an alternative technology, but now part of how infrastructure is constructed. This will continue and as we move forward, the technology, the skilled workforce, and capability will continue to grow and it will be what delivers the significant infrastructure challenges that we will be facing over the next 20 years with aging infrastructure, climate change and our growing communities.
With trenchless technology having a strong ability to reduce the impact on the environment, what more do you believe the industry needs to do in order to further reduce emissions and the impact on the environment? I think that the industry is naturally continuing, through competition and growing capability, generating the equipment and technology to reduce the impact that constructing infrastructure produces. The capability to install longer lengths from a single site in itself has significant impacts. More efficient engines and electric motors, low carbon materials and waste material recycling are continuously being developed and we need this to continue to happen. The ASTT can play an important role advocating and promoting ongoing improvements, and vitally to continue to educate the public and wider industry on the environmental benefits that trenchless technology already brings over the alternatives.
This edition of Trenchless Australasia has an overall theme about new technology. How has the industry progressed in this and also being more diverse?
The amazing thing about the trenchless industry is that there seems to always be new technology emerging every day. This is being developed within Australasia and all around the world. The ASTT has for more than 30 years been the community in this part of the world that collectively has enabled asset builders and owners to adopt this technology so widely. I strongly believe that with out the ASTT that the development and use of the technology would not be so advanced. We need to Acknowledge the massive contribution that Jeff Pace has made to the ASTT. Jeff was one of the founding members of the society and has continued to help maintain and build the society to this day.
Trenchless operators in New South Wales have shown a strong sense of community, sharing product knowledge, technology, and expertise to ensure success and development in no-dig projects and asset management.
Trenchless industry operators across New South Wales have shown the true value of sharing innovations in the industry by opening its doors to anyone who might be interested.
In December, KOR Equipment Solutions held a networking and demonstration day at its Mt Druitt facility in Sydney. The event came following the company’s open day held in Mulgrave earlier in 2022.
The event brought together industry operators, with KOR putting its capabilities on full display. Attendees were able to see showcases of the company’s Cappellotto and Schwarze units, as well as KEG nozzles, TST
protective gear and products from Vanguard. Both events proved the value of networking and collaboration to the industry.
In November 2022, leading industry supplier SECA also opened its doors.
The company’s open day attracted operators from across Australia, some from as far as the Northern Territory, who descended on SECA’s Sydney warehouse.
Over the course of the day, the company held information sessions covering the latest advancements in CCTV inspection camera, Chemical-free pipe repair solutions with Quick-lock products, and how the latest software updates for cutting edge asset management program WinCan work to
eliminate the risk of human error in field operations.
Other suppliers from Kaiser, Asset Training and Switzerland’s ENZ were invited to join in, offering customers first-rate product knowledge and advice and showcasing the quality of products that SECA offers.
People pushing through Award-winning company Interflow was engaged by Sydney Water to rehabilitate central and northern rising mains using DN500 Primus Line solution in Marrickville.
Primus Line was installed from the sewer pumping station to the discharge points near Illawarra Road.
The company’s team pulled together to overcome a series of challenges for the project. Both of the existing rising mains required extensive cleaning and grinding works, while the crew were only able to access the line from a limited number of viable access points. To add
to the difficulties, the alignment also included a series of both vertical and horizontal bends.
The Primus Line was winched through the alignment before being inflated and then installed with end connectors. Finally, the line was pressure tested before repeating the process at the next section.
In executing the project successfully, Interflow has added at least 50 years to the service life of both rising mains.
Collaboration between major utility company Sydney Water and the University of Technology Sydney has resulted in new artificial intelligence (AI) technology to detect potential water main leaks and breaks, avoiding costly pipe failures.
Sydney Water’s new technology utilises acoustic sensors that can be located in water mains across the city. The cutting-edge detection equipment transmits signals to computers systems that run an AI program which is able to translate acoustic information into information about the condition of the infrastructure.
The effectiveness of the new technology has been studied over four years, and researchers have confirmed that it can predict the likelihood of a water main failure with 80 per cent accuracy at a range of 200 m.
The world-first AI water leak protection initiative has been rolled out in collaboration with the University of Technology Sydney and has saved an estimated 10,000 megalitres of water over a 30-month trial period.
The collaboration with technology developers vastly improves Sydney Water’s ability to detect faults early, which greatly reduces the
risk of catastrophic infrastructure failures and safeguards the city’s drinking water.
German-based IMS Robotics has partnered with KRE Engineering and UVR Hire to enter the Australian and New Zealand trenchless markets.
IMS, a leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of sewer rehabilitation technology, has established an affiliate company, IMS Robotics Australia, with its head office in Sydney.
KRE Director Keith Edmundson said the company is excited by the partnership and the opportunities it represents for the trenchless industry.
“We are very excited about the opportunity to represent the product portfolio of IMS Robotics and look forward to rendering the same level of services to the market, as we used to do for other brands, and of course, our own robotic cutting equipment,” he said.
The partnership looks to accelerate the market for main line cutting robots and UV curing technology in Australia and New Zealand and has acknowledged KRE’s existing presence in Australia as a specialist in the development and distribution of main line cutting robots.
IMS Head of sales and executive board member Konstantin Wolf said the new affiliate company will promote the group’s full product portfolio. He says that, besides the main line cutting and UV curing technology, IMS Robotics Australia also promote the brands and products of other IMS Robotics Group companies.
“We are certain that we can add more value to the trenchless industry down under, and look forward to the next steps,” he said.
At L&D Micro Tunnelling we specialize in laser guided boring. Our Tunnel bore machines use a vacuum extraction system where all spoil is sucked into interceptor tanks for easy disposal with no mess. All our heads are hydraulically driven and guided by a high accuracy laser to achieve precision over long distances.
Jason Marshall is the Managing Director and Principal Consultant at Voeu. With 35 years’ experience in the construction and infrastructure industries, he offers unique and valuable insights into the current state of the gravity drainage market, with a vision towards the future and how new technologies may impact the industry.
As the trenchless technology industry continues to mature, Marshall says that there are still challenges, and opportunities, for asset owners and delivery providers within the gravity drainage renewal market.
“Trenchless technology has been used in the renewal of gravity drainage across Australia for more than 30 years. No-dig operations have become the preferred method used by asset owners for renewal of aging gravity drainage infrastructure,” he says.
According to Marshall, the replacement value of publicly owned drainage networks
A specialist water sector advisory and consulting practice, Voeu delivers commercial advice and improvement projects for infrastructure owners, operators, and delivery providers.
are valued at more than $200 billion, with an estimated $450 million spent annually on asset renewals.
These figures include the value of pipelines and structures that make up wastewater, stormwater, and culvert gravity drainage systems, along with associated costs incorporated into renewal programs.
“The renewals market for gravity pipelines is typically divided three ways; 70 per cent wastewater, 10 per cent stormwater, and 20 per cent culverts, though this varies by region,” says Marshall.
“Stormwater pipelines are underrepresented in trenchless renewal because they are typically laid shallowly, making them easier to replace using open cut methods.”
“Significant changes continue to occur within the renewals market as asset management priorities evolve, innovative technologies continue to be developed, and new delivery providers emerge,” he says.
Marshall says that the industry is steadily increasing its focus on asset condition assessment and planning, which has resulted in asset owners improving their understanding of the condition of their existing assets. This information has been used for strategic asset management targeted at optimising the performance and whole-of-life cost of the drainage systems.
“Early adopters of trenchless technology are realising operational improvements from long-term renewal programs. Reduction of chokes, wet weather overflows, discharge to waterways, and critical asset failures are examples where program objectives are being achieved,” he says.
There is, Marshall says, an emerging trend that sees pipeline renewal being incorporated into larger capex and opex programs. A trend that he believes is likely to continue, especially with larger authorities. These programs incorporate maintenance, design, and renewals
where the delivery provider is accountable for performance outcomes and risk.
“When it comes to the benefits, and risks, of an evolving industry, it’s primarily delivery providers who are in the thick of it,” he says.
A broad category itself, delivery providers can be further divided into four main groups:
• Large specialist renewal contractors that provide a wide range of products and services across the water sector in multiple regions.
• Small specialist renewal contractors that provide a limited range of products and services usually to a specific region or customer group.
• General renewal contractors that provide a limited range renewal products and services in addition to their core business, for example; civil contracting or drain cleaning.
• Specialist contractors such as plumbers who have entered renewals in small diameter pipelines or provide specialist services such as patching or junction sealing.
There is a high level of competition between large specialist contractors as they typically compete for larger contracts and have greater insight to each other’s operational costs and productivities. Contractors usually focus on delivering larger contracts to enable continuity for their lining crews and on larger diameter projects that are typically more profitable.
The product groups used in trenchless gravity drainage renewal have not changed radically
over the last 30 years. These products include:
• CIPP lining
• Die reduction lining
• Fold and form lining
• Lateral lining
• Patching
• Pipe bursting
• Protective coatings
• Slip lining
• Spiral wound
• Spray linings.
Technological advancements in renewal products and services are usually enhancements made to existing products, or alternative versions of current products from new suppliers.
“A CIPP lining system that use UV or LED lights to cure the liner instead of heated water is an example of a product enhancement, while new equipment suppliers providing forms of spiral wound lining systems –products with patents that have lapsed – to the market represent an alternative version of a current product,” says Marshall.
Gravity drainage renewal is a highly
competitive market, partially because the barriers for the entry of new competitors is so low.
“There are multiple versions of products available from suppliers with equipment that can be leased or rented prior to purchase,” Marshall says. “Training and technical support is provided by suppliers during bidding and through project delivery.”
“There is also a clear path for new operators – a healthy demand for operators on smaller projects in regional areas to build operational credentials and experience,” he says.
The changes within the drainage renewals market provide opportunities and challenges for the industry as innovative technologies emerge and new competitors enter the market.
“There are significant opportunities for the industry given the current unprecedented spend in the infrastructure sector, offset by the risk of cost increases and shortages in the supply of materials, equipment and skilled labour,” says Marshall.
The evolution in asset management needs to be acknowledged and considered by industry operators, as priorities shift inexorably towards strategic asset management over renewals programs.
“As a company specialising in advisory and consulting services for the water industry, Voeu uses its industry experience and commercial expertise across the water sector to partner with organisations to help them grow and become more profitable,” he says.
For more information visit www.voeu.com.au
IMPREG finds its origin in the regional south of Germany, not far from Stuttgart. The area is known for global, high-quality brands and IMPREG is no different – leading the way in trenchless pipe rehabilitation through high-tech cured-in-place pipe liner systems for UV-curing.
Clients have come to expect outstanding quality from IMPREG. After installing an IMPREG liner, pipe systems are securely protected for decades, withstanding the most demanding loads.
IMPREG proves its innovation through its cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) solution; one of the leading technologies within the industry that is adaptable to various project scales.
IMPREG not only meets and accelerates global standards, but its liners are innovative especially for dimensions between DN 1200 and DN 2000. With the GL 16 liner, IMPREG hits the nail on the head – creating a liner so versatile and effective, it’s a favourite for projects.
The liners are developed with specific impregnations which are cured using UV light. This method has a clear advantage – speed. Up to three pipes per day are capable of being installed. The pipes are functional immediately after being cured and the technology is environmentally friendly thanks to its high energy efficiency, this makes IMPREG’s CIPP liners the economical solution on any project.
Outside the installation process, clients can store IMPREG liners for up to three months at normal temperatures of 25°C, without additional cooling.
IMPREG CIPP liners come well packed in a specially made, stable transport box made from wood. The inside of the transport box is additionally lined with a UV-resistant foil which provides a further protection against premature curing. Upon request, IMPREG can also use wood treated to IPPC standards to construct the transport boxes. The experienced team can provide support at any time with customs clearance and import into the destination country.
With over 20 years of experience in the industry, IMPREG has been a trusted partner for a variety of projects. Core to the business is the notion that consistent quality and timely innovations
are never achieved through shortcuts.
high-quality and specifically selected raw materials through a certified production process. All liners in IMPREG’s product range have been awarded through German National Technical Approval (DIBt, Berlin), further highlighting the ingenuity of the products.
The company leaves nothing to chance when it comes to ensuring the consistently high quality and very best material parameters for its CIPP liners. Impregnated with innovative resin systems under strictly controlled and monitored conditions, the liners are held to the most current quality standards.
IMPREG’s liners are made using specially designed and high-tech material. This material is reinforced by glass fibres making it permanently resistant to corrosion. Due to its design, the liners possess the optimum properties of high strength and durability, low intrinsic weight, and a long lifetime.
As the world continues to look towards the
important that IMPREG’s liners not only last for decades to come but also limit the use of chemicals.
Notably, when using IMPREG’s liners for a project no chemicals need to be handled on site to install the liners. Additionally, following pipe installation chemical reactions can take place in complete isolation from the environment with no contact to groundwater or soil.
Depending on the use and task, IMPREG can individually optimise resin systems of the liners to ensure additional safety for each individual project. Exclusively DIN-standard unsaturated polyester resins are used across all products within IMPREG’s range. High performance vinyl ester resins are used for waste waters that experience heavy chemical pollution and at high temperatures works to minimise environmental impact.
As IMPREG continues to work on expanding within the Australian market, the company is looking forward to working on many more projects across the country in the years to come.
Edge Underground is a precision microtunnelling contractor that operates in Australia and the USA. With a focus on innovative technology and expertise, Edge Underground designs and enhances the performance of trenchless equipment. Full factory backing here in Australia means solutions can be created when they’re needed most.
OptionX Group is launching the AdaptX range – a fully adaptable drilling machine made in Australia. With a maximum thrust of 125 tonnes and a rotation torque of 180,000 ft lbs, this new machine is primed to revolutionise the drilling industry.
Manager Tom Chart was instrumental in production.”
To ensure the AdaptX has the features the industry needs, Harrison and his team took the time to further consult experts, including Tom Chart, now OptionX Group’s Head of Manufacturing. After working for many years at Bournedrill, Chart has the working knowledge to bring a new concept to completion. The AdaptX is made in Bournedrill’s Queensland workshop, securely under Chart’s supervision.
“The AdaptX is a great concept. Edge Underground has tested the equipment and we’ve worked with them throughout the design phase to finalise the machine. It’s something new for the Australian market, but it’s been put through its paces over the last year and held up in all conditions,” says Chart.
The AdaptX modular drilling system is the culmination of work from experts across OptionX Group, with insights from Bournedrill and Edge Underground as well as input from industry leaders.
The innovation was spearheaded by Stuart Harrison, the inventor of the Vermeer AXIS laser guided boring system, who sat down to tell Trenchless Australasia how the industry will benefit from a machine like the AdaptX.
“Previously, contractors needed different equipment for vacuum, slurry, bed boring, auger boring and pipe jacking. With its modular design, The AdaptX can do all this and more,” says Harrison.
Given how often ground conditions present unexpected problems, the ability to adapt methods quickly will save contractors time and money. Other capabilities of the AdaptX include pressure air vacuum, HDD, displacement pilot, canopy tunnel drilling, pipe assist and pipe bursting. Torque and speed can also be adjusted to suit the job.
“The new AdaptX range has more than a dozen inventive features and we’ve sought protection of those features through the Australian Patent Office. We expect this to be granted in the coming years after positive
feedback. International patents will also be sought in due course,” he says.
“The team at Edge Underground has enjoyed working closely with Bert Fourie of Fourie Tunnelling Systems, and Allen Henley, who is the Senior Design Engineer at Bournedrill. As the product moved into manufacturing, Bournedrill’s former General
“Internationally, there’s already interest in the machine. When Stuart and I recently attended the Bauma Trade Fair in Germany, with all the leading manufacturers in the industry in attendance, everyone was looking for updates on the new AdaptX range.”
Along with being manufactured in Australia, having a local engineering and
production team means that any repairs or modifications needed can be completed quickly. Bournedrill’s workshop, and its team, are equipped to service the drilling, tunnelling
and boring industries, and have everything needed to continue to build the AdaptX.
Harrison says inevitable delays associated with using overseas suppliers have had a
negative impact on Edge Underground projects in the past.
“Importing replacement parts has become slower and more expensive over the last few years. Any delay on a project is costly and contractors are always keen to minimise this. We know that if a piece of equipment breaks down or needs modifications, everyone on site is keen to get it back up and running as quickly as possible.
“The faster an issue can be rectified, and the works continue, the better for everyone,” he says.
The current range of AdaptX machines includes the AdaptX Mini and the AdaptX Maxi. Both can be adapted for pit launched HDD, vacuum microtunnelling, auger boring, hammer reaming, pipe jacking and more.
The AdaptX Mini features a torque range of 10,000 to 60,000 with a max thrust of 40 tonnes. The AdaptX Maxi torque range 17,500 to 180,000 with a max thrust of 125 tonnes.
From childhood friends in the United Kingdom to business partners in Australia, Darren Dean and Sean Henry took what was a gap in the market and brought their surveying knowledge and expertise to Australia to create Asset Survey Solutions.
go-to service mapping company, Asset Survey Solutions is at that stage now where it will be recognised for its quality engineering solutions too.
“As a result, we’ve been picking up survey packages for high profile infrastructure projects, such as level crossing removals, including Webb Street at Narre Warren Station. We’ve been getting these packages off the back of that reputation,” Dean says.
Removing this level crossing will improve safety, relieve congestion on Webb Street, and allow more trains to run on the Pakenham Line, more often. The Webb Street level crossing removal is part of a $15 billion investment to upgrade the Pakenham Line, which will be boom gate free by 2025.
Darren Dean and Sean Henry saw an opportunity to grow a business in Australia, especially in the underground services mapping sector.
Today, Asset Survey Solutions specialises in being a multi-disciplined survey company.
Henry says since the company’s partnering with Rangedale in 2017, he and Dean have been able to provide effective and innovative solutions for its clients to better resource their projects.
Following a couple of years of steady growth and business, Asset Survey Solutions has really made a name for itself following works on the Westgate Tunnel Project and the Metro Tunnel Project early works.
“That’s where we really carved our teeth as a company. From there, over the last two years, we’ve just gone through a rapid rate of expansion and growth and we’ve doubled, even tripled, in size over that time,” Henry says.
“We’ve recently branched out into other states as well. We are now in Queensland and Sydney, as well as Melbourne. I think it’s safe to say we’re one of the largest servicers in terms of underground service locating and mapping along the East Coast of Australia.”
Dean says that now the business is five to six years down the line, he and Henry have become proactive in proving themselves to be a leading provider in all surveying services, not just underground service mapping.
He says that by working in a niche market, its long history of adapting innovative technology
on high profile infrastructure projects has provided the company with an exceptional amount of experience in delivering surveying solutions for construction, plant, residential and civil infrastructure projects such as roads, railways, bridges, and the trenchless industry.
“Through our extensive range of laser scanners, total stations, GPS/RTK systems and qualified surveyors, we have the capacity to provide specialist expertise, equipment and experience specific to the projects’ requirements,” Dean says.
Building off the reputation of being the
“Asset Survey are working in conjunction with site engineers deploying multiple survey disciplines aiding and supporting the construction of new car parks and train stations,” Dean says.
“Our role is to ensure that everything that is being installed is in the right place and to within the expected accuracy tolerance. The project only started in September last year, so it’s still really in its early stages.
“We had some of our team working all throughout the Christmas break, conducting track monitoring for multiple rail projects throughout the Victoria region ensuring any track movement is reported. We work closely
with our client and Metro Trains to make sure mandates and safety tolerances are met.”
Continuing to push outside the constraints of surveying, Dean and Henry are able to accumulate all information, whether it be through service locating, surveying, laser scanning, monitoring, through to one singular conduit of information. Providing a clear line of communication between Asset Survey’s data management teams and Project Design.
“As a result of our continually improving data sets and deliverable standards, lines of communication is improving essentially having everyone singing from the same hymn sheet, that flow of data to the project design team is becoming far, far more seamless,” Henry says.
The pair were also able to use their insights into Europe’s civil sector to further help Rangedale advance its offerings. Rangedale Group of companies is vertically integrated, allowing turnkey solutions utilising all in-house services.
With the scale of its fleet, personnel, industry knowledge and expertise, Rangedale Group of companies can provide solutions for drain cleaning, maintenance construction and relining, inspection, maintenance and repair, service locating, as well as mapping, service proofing, saw cutting, restoration, NDD, CCTV, civil
works, industrial cleaning, bulk liquid, and slurry waste management.
Henry says because of its relationship with Rangedale, its clients love that they only have to make one phone call and all services are available under one roof and meet Australia’s equipment standards.
“It only takes one contractor to let you down on a single project and the whole day is ruined, the costs associated with contractor standdown time can blow project budgets way out. Whereas
with our in-house connections, it’s one person that they have to contact and if there’s an issue, it’s only one person they’re chasing, and our clients love that,” he says.
“It goes without saying, obviously, the more resources available to that single point of contact for the bigger projects, the better.”
» Quality and collaborative HDD design and construct services
» Expertise to advise at the right time in the project delivery cycle
» Gas, water and sewer, rail, road, power, telecommunications, mining, residential development, renewables and hydrogen
» Maxi-rigs capable of long and wide diameter bores in hard rock and difficult conditions
» Building a future we all look forward to
SECA’s offering of trenchless pipe repair solutions brings the most advanced, up to date innovations to industry operators in pipe repairs and rehabilitation.
NBR, or silicon. As a fully mechanical system that eschews the need for any chemicals, the innovative solution removes the health, safety, and environmental risks associated with chemical-based solutions. Quick-Lock has proven itself over the last 30 years in the renovation of sewer pipes.
Wthree main technologies which are pivotal in restoring the integrity of pipes and ensuring the repair and rehabilitation is costeffective and eco-friendly.
Quick-Lock: reliably versatile
For a trenchless pipe repair solution that restores the integrity of pipes and seals out groundwater, operators need look no further than the UHRIG Quick-Lock. The product’s pneumatically expanding rehabilitation sleeve provides structural repair to the inside of pipelines. Quick-Lock is designed for point repair, prelining stabilisation works, junction capping, and as a liner end seal.
Its versatility and reliability enables it to be suitable for all pipe materials. Its patented locking system and static capabilities allow the sleeve to remain permanently in position and absorb the natural tectonic movements of the pipe.
Used for cracked systems, root intrusions, leaks, pressure pipes, junction capping, and joint displacements, the product is manufactured using long-life materials that are designed to outlast almost any other repair solution. QuickLock has revolutionised sewer rehabilitation and is the ideal choice for long-term watertight lining projects.
The patented Quick-Lock system is based on compression and durable materials –1.4404/316L stainless steel and EPDM, or
Not limited to these classic application and repair methods, the Quick-Lock system is also used for connecting pipe liner systems and for rehabilitating walkable sewers.
Trelleborg: forward-thinking
SECA is also a supplier of Trelleborg products. The Trelleborg range includes a number of ecofriendly technologies designed to service and maintain underground utilities while minimising potential disruption and now boasts a tested service life of 100 years.
The Trelleborg Drain Packer is suitable for the sectional repair of damaged, still-buried gravity sewer pipes and pipelines. The Drain Packer method can be applied to the following situations:
• Leakage with or without groundwater infiltration or ex-filtration at pipe joints, pipe walls, lateral junctions.
• Offset pipes, cracks and debris, ruptures.
• Mechanical wear.
• Corrosion.
The Drain Packer repairs damage in the pipe and joint region for lengths of as little as 50 cm to 5 m and can be used even in cases of strong infiltration.
It also repairs pipes of nominal diameters from DN 50 to DN 1200 (WSA Product Appraisal 1918).
Used to repair typical circular pipes, it can also repair egg-shaped pipes across a vast range of construction material – concrete, asbestos cement, plastics (PVC, PP, HDPE), cast iron, ductile cast iron, reinforced concrete and vitrified clay.
SECA’s range of Trelleborg products also includes DrainSystems – both a pipe repair device and a method for trenchless rehabilitation of lateral connections and pipes. The inflatable
system is able to repair and seal lateral interface and connections from the main pipe.
Cherne’s point repair carriers are another pivotal part of SECA’s rehab and repair solutions. Wellsuited to most point repair systems, these carriers are available for multi-size line covers pipe sizes from 4-inch to 36-inch (100—914 mm) diameters and lengths up to 4.5 m.
Cherne’s carriers have a reputation for durability, and its flexible redesign allows for ease of transport and optimised movement. The caster wheel assembly and bypass channel has been integrated and optimised for ease of movement and enhanced ability to bypass effluent. Featuring a maximum pipe contract guides and centre line allows operators to ensure proper placement of repair medium, minimising waste and increasing productivity.
With its ever-expanding range of cutting-edge products, SECA is continuing to supply the trenchless industry with the equipment it needs to succeed at repair and rehabilitation projects with the confidence that comes from using one of the country’s most experienced suppliers.
For more information visit www.seca.com.au
Best suited for urban and residential utility, gas and fiber jobs, it provides 3,000 ft-lbs of toque and 24,000 lbs of thrust and pullback while maintaining a small footprint. Promoting a wider frame, the JT24 can confidently traverse uneven terrain and city curbs, offering best-in-class stability. Best of all the JT24 offers exceptional value for money
Like to know more?
Aussie Trenchless has been passionate about progressing new infrastructure opportunities and accomplishing superior outcomes since it was founded in 2014.
Aussie Trenchless Director Chris Meredith and the team are committed to pioneering state-of-the-art solutions and furthering business in the trenchless industry. As part of that innovation, the company continually offers a wide range of unique products both in Australia and internationally.
Aussie Trenchless’s SRP-EXP Spiral Lining System is designed to rehabilitate pipes from DN150 to DN1200 using a selection of six different sized profiles. The SRP-EXP system
is a close fitting structural spiral ribbed PVC trenchless pipelining system.
The SRP EXP sizes range from a profile type E7-050-5 for DN150 to DN250 pipes, E9085-6 for DN300 to DN450 pipes, E14-085-6 for DN375 to DN600 pipes, E20-085-6 for DN600 to DN900 pipes.
Wastewater and sewer pipeline networks are under stress and, as time goes by, underground pipeline networks continue to age and breakdown. Aussie Trenchless believes repairs using traditional civil open cut methods are far
too costly and disruptive on communities. Trenchless, rehabilitation techniques, Meredith says, continue to grow in volumes as they are a cost-effective repair solution.
“The SRP EXP Spiral Lining System can be installed under flow conditions, with no by-pass pumping needed it is quick and efficient, using a third-generation high quality profile to ensure ease of installation, providing a value-added outcome for the network owners,” he says.
The SRP EXP Winding Unit and Cages are a standard design. Each winding unit supplied is the same, the cages vary in diameter to suit the underground pipe size and all parts that make up the cages are standard and interchangeable on some cage sizes.
The winding machine is positioned into an access chamber or pit, then helically winds the SRP-EXP ribbed strip to produce a pipe within the existing pipeline. Aussie Trenchless’ SRP-EXP is first installed at a smaller diameter, then expanded to closely fit against the internal surface of an existing pipe.
During this initial wind-in process the spiral pipe lock holds the spiral wound pipe tight to the initial and smaller diameter.
Once the far end of the installation length is reached, the SRP-EXP Liner end is then
restrained, with the lock area sequentially released such that the SRP-EXP pipe expands in a controlled manner until it has been pressed hard against the inside wall of the pipe its being installed to.
The installation process is entirely mechanical, meaning that no chemical curing nor steam heating is utilised during the process. Not only is the system easy to install, but it’s likewise easy to remove if necessary.
The SRP-EXP system is capable of negotiating displacement and slight bends while also maintaining a relatively small site footprint. Furthermore, the system is smooth to both work with and install, with minimal and recyclable wastage.
If a client requires a special diameter cage outside of the SRP EXP product range, Meredith says the company can design and supply it.
Spiral lining and pipe segment technology is now available to all trenchless rehabilitation contractors in Australia and overseas through Aussie Trenchless.
For more information, visit www.aussietrenchless.com
Quick and easy to install
The perfect rehabilitation solution for deteriorated sewer and storm water pipelines:
• An expandable tight fitting liner
• No issues with high infiltration
• Negotiates displacements and slight bends
• Small site foot print
• Smooth to work with and install
• SRP EXP pipe is made from factory produced PVC profile strip
• Profile is supplied on large steel drums which are collapsible for easy reuse
• The minimal wastage is recyclable
• For DN150 to DN1200 pipe lines
• Mechanical installation – no chemical curing or steam heating
• Easily removed if site issues encountered
+61 418 691 989
PO Box 155 Oyster Bay NSW 2225 Australia
As trenchless pipe relining continues to gain favour over open-trench or relaying operations, Smart Lock is helping operators within the industry use this growth as an opportunity to adapt and improve.
Smart Lock’s Business Development Manager Shane Curren talks with Trenchless Australasia about how the company expanded its offerings to make it a stronger partner for industry operators.
How do you think the trenchless industry has changed?
There was a time when large work crews were required to live away from home, transporting one-off, custom-built equipment on trucks and offering rehabilitation slots in a yearly budget calendar.
Due to an increase in the number of professionally trained relining contractors throughout Australia, coupled with the increased availability of pipe relining equipment, drainage and water networks are in good hands. Having equipment on hand that can be hired, or purchased outright, relining solutions are becoming increasingly available, locally, in locations across the country.
Drain rehabilitation contractors can now work across many regions because they have hireable and off-the-shelf modular relining units right where and when they need them. Advanced curing and installation equipment is now abundant, and is available to all operators in the trenchless industry.
How is Smart Lock positioned in the trenchless relining industry?
Smart Lock Group has always had ability to produce the Smart Lock Liner End Seal – a simple manufacturing alteration to the standard Smart Lock sleeve which is proudly built in Melbourne.
The modern pipe reline contractor has many lining products at its disposable, some adhere to the host pipe on installation and others are known as loose-fit.
Loose-fit lining is where the mechanical Smart Lock Liner End Seal can ensure that liner specifications are achieved as promised.
Now manufactured with a life expectancy that is able to match the 100-year life of the pipe, the
Smart Lock Liner End Seal ensures that drainage engineers and asset owners don’t need to be concerned about the longevity of their renewal efforts on their sewer and stormwater networks.
How does the Smart Lock End Seal differ from other options?
Asset renewal methods using the Smart Lock Liner End Seal are low-impact, are approved for saltwater tidal conditions, and are available in standard pipe sizes with custom made options on request. They are becoming increasingly economical each year.
The relining industry is differentiating itself from the increasing civil costs and timeconsuming reinstatement works that come into play when replacing existing drainage systems.
Because of this, Smart Lock Group is also evolving as a national supplier, catering for the new needs of pipe rehabilitators all over the country and extending well beyond the Smart Lock sleeves.
Today, we can supply specialist installation equipment, fiberglass liner for longer sectional repairs and fiberglass patching for varying point repairs.
More than that, we have made a CCTV assessment coding service available to our customers so that we can provide them with the means to supply asset managers with an approved drainage assessment format, accepted nationally.
Training has evolved at the Smart Lock Group, with the Altona training facility set up to deliver advanced operational training options, rather than the basic product training offered at the time of purchase.
We have added three additional scheduled advanced training sessions, which we advertise each year, along with two VIP research and development sessions. The training is designed to benefit both experienced reliners and drain relining novices, providing them with the means to set goals and realise achievements beyond what would usually be available.
Advanced training sessions allow existing drainage rehab installers to stand out and identify themselves as high-level professionals in the field. Our improved training module provides accredited schooling in the mechanical Smart Lock product range, sectional pipe relining and advanced fiberglass patching.
The training includes student assessment, allowing operators to know exactly what to expect from the student who completes the course.
As a result, students learn the small, expert details for rehab jobs. The things that come from hard-earned experience in the field which, ultimately reduces mistakes made on the job and lowers the risk, potentially changing the outcome and cost of more difficult installation jobs.
By hosting the training at our facility in Altona, we take the onus off customers to provide the necessary equipment – appropriate pipe sections, packers – meaning the quality and efficiency of the training is consistently high.
Smart Lock Group is a valuable and dedicated partner in the drainage rehab industry, offering trenchless products and support to Australian operators who are striving to be the best.
For more information call Shane Curren on 0406630250, or visit www.smartlockgroup.com
The Woodman Point Waste Water Treatment Plant in Munster, Perth, experience deterioration of the concrete structure around its channels due to gas attack.
Fixing the damage was broken into two stages. McRobert Contracting Services (MCS) were brought in on the first stage
The success of the first stage saw Woodman Point engaging MCS to continue the work on the second stage. This required work on
and four launder channel entries on the PST channel.
MCS were called in to use its patented
and roof of the channel, up to the horizontal deck.
Before the lining could be attended, MCS undertook a thorough cleaning process using high-pressured water jet cleaning of all concrete surfaces, as well as scabbling works to improve adhesion.
MCS used layers of 12 mm high-density polyethylene (HDPE), striped to 25 mm wide and fixed to the perimeter of the channel lining. The process allowed them to extend the lining, including pouring high strength grout behind the lining and existing concrete surfaces.
A minimum of 12 mm of grout was injected into each section using and injection tubes and funnel system. This worked to both secure the lining in place, and to rebuild the existing deteriorated concrete. While rebuilding the internal concrete maintained structural integrity, the HDPE lining also provides corrosion protection.
MSC used an internal bracing and scaffolding systems to stabilise the HDPE lining while the high-density grout was injected and dried.
The entire process was undertaken in stages, lining 2.6 m sections at a time.
The Woodman Point Water Resource Recovery Facility was upgraded in 2020. The
upgrade increased the facility’s capacity to 180 megalitres per day and included improvements to its odour control system.
MCS channel lining comes before further upgrades to the Woodman Point’s sludge processing system, which is expected to commence later this year.
By upgrading the system, Woodman Point aim to recover 100 per cent of the biosolids, or ‘sludge’, in the Perth metro region.
MCS have developed a name as leaders in the fields of pipeline maintenance and plastic welding, among others.
Its HDPE patented innovations were designed with the safety of staff and clients a priority, and with interest in remaining environmentally friendly and beneficial in terms of cost.
In order to tackle the task, MCS were able to utilise a number of its innovative patents to ensure the safety of its workers and success on the project.
The work is covered by MCS’s 50 years guarantee, which will allow Woodman Point to move into the upgrades to its sludge processing system without worry.
For more information visit www.mcrobertcontracting.com.au
Designed to be compatible with all types of pipe material, kwik-ZIP’s HD and HDX/HDXT spacer system series can be used on and in corrugated pipe installations.
Manufactured from high-grade thermoplastic, kwik-ZIP’s casing spacer and centraliser products are used and recommended by pipeline and civil contractors, water and gas utilities, drilling companies and international engineering firms.
kwik-ZIP’s HDX/HDXT spacer system series are aligned with the company’s ethos to provide simple, cost-effective, and high-quality solutions. Manufactured and designed to be utilised on and in many types of pipe including corrugated pipe installations, the HDX/ HDXT series are one of the most versatile and adaptable spacers on the market.
The use of kwik-ZIP products helps contractors to comply with the numerous regulations which require casing centralisers or pipe spacers (slippers or spiders), including wastewater and sewerage codes and construction standards.
Since its inception in 2000, kwik-ZIP has been designing centralisers and spacers systems for a wide range of applications across many different industry sectors. Available in various product series (HDXT, HDX, HD, GT, 380, and 155), each series is available with varying bow/runner heights, making these highly flexible products.
pipe. The products are adaptable and versatile, able to work on corrugated pipe which is being inserted into a smooth pipe and function on a smooth pipe that’s then being inserted into a corrugated pipe.
For corrugated carrier pipe, the flat base of the HDXT and HDX runners bridge the pitch of the corrugations which allows the load to be transferred to the carrier pipe via the full length of the runners. Additionally, if the enveloper is corrugated, the HDX and HDXT flat-wear pads allow for smooth slip lining along the invert.
kwik-ZIP’s innovation when it comes to its solutions are one of the many reasons its
products are the first choice for many when looking for a versatile spacer solution.
Designed to last, expertly manufactured and compliant across guidelines
The HD series can adapt to a range of on-site scenarios. It is designed for trenchless and cased crossings, slip lining, gravel packed well screens, pump torque arrestor, water well casing, coal seam methane casing, pump riser/ submersible pump installation and piling.
Coming in four sizes, ranging from a 30 mm bow up to a 100 mm bow, the HD series can be used for both vertical and horizontal
kwik-ZIP’s HDX and HDXT products are suitable for installation on and in corrugated
With unique features including a curved bow spring that boasts a superior centralising force, no special tools are required to assemble the HD Series casing spacers.
Similarly, kwik-ZIP’s HDX and HDXT series spacers are designed for use on medium to heavy weight pipes in cased crossings. They can be utilised on a wide range of pipe material including steel, DICL, HDPE, concrete and MSCL carrier pipes, minimising running friction between the carrier pipe and the casing during installation.
The HDX casing spacer comes in four runner heights; 38 mm, 65 mm, 90 mm and 125 mm. Likewise, the HDXT casing spacer also comes in four runner heights of 43 mm, 63 mm, 103 mm and 153 mm. The different runner heights across the two models ensures that pipeline installers can handle a broad range of carrier pipe OD and casing (host pipe) ID combinations and customise pipe position for grade control or ‘centring’.
The HDX/HDXT series casing spacer is compatible with all types of pipe material, minimising running friction during installation, and stations the pipe to promote even grout cover. If the pipe is not to be grouted the HDX/HDXT will support and isolate the
carrier pipe plus its contents for the design life of the installation.
This highlights kwik-ZIP’s ability to provide an off the shelf solution irrespective of the requirements due to its wide range of products and options.
The HDX and HDXT models are the only casing spacers currently on the market that have been approved as compliant by WSAA.
In addition to receiving WSAA approval, other kwik-ZIP products have also been added to the Accepted Infrastructure Products
Queensland Water Supply and Sewerage Design and Construction Code (SEQ Code).
kwik-ZIP maintains a focus on price effectiveness, simplicity, and rapid on-site assembly, to ensure that its centraliser and casing spacer systems deliver significant cost, time, and operational advantages to its end user customers.
For more information visit
DJ MacCormick Contractors has completed the twin crossings of Humes 1000 mm reinforced concrete jacking pipe in Port Hedland, Western Australia.
To complete the project, DJ MacCormick Contractors utilised the Iseki closed face slurry shield microtunnelling system. Ground conditions on site were in wet clay and at depths that ranged from 4 m to 6 m cover.
Of the six 1000 mm drives completed, two drives of 46 m were completed under Utah Road with an additional two drives of 152 m under the BHP Rail also being completed. A further two drives of 80 m under the FMG Rail line were also undertaken. A seventh drive of 1800 mm was also completed 112.5 m under the BHP Rail, located nearby the Iron Bridge mine site.
The total distance tunnelled for the project was approximately 668.5 metres.
The launch and receival shafts for all twin drives were designed so both drives could be undertaken via a singular shaft.
Temporary designs were undertaken to accommodate the two twin drives and were signed off by DJ MacCormick’s structural engineer, including designs for the Ground Support Systems (Australia) shoring design.
The two drives of 45 m, which were performed under Utah Road, were notable due to the road being the main arterial access to the Finucane Island Port and included the stakeholder Pilbara Port Authority. The two twin drives located below the BHP and FMG rails were also noteworthy due to the critical number of trains which cart iron ore to ports from various mine sites.
Additionally, a further drive was undertaken close to the Ironbridge mine site, which is located 110 km south of Port Hedland for a Humes 1800 mm reinforced concrete jacking pipe. The drive length was 112.5 m and a Herrenknecht AVN 1600 closed face slurry shield microtunnelling machine, equipped with an extension kit along with a rock cutting wheel, was used for the drive.
The rock in excess to 200 MPA and several rock cutter changes were required throughout the drive length. The system is designed to enable such changes from within the tunnel boring machine (TBM) given the diameter of the pipe is man-entry available.
All personnel on the project were experienced and trained in working at heights, in confined spaces, gas monitoring, tunnel entry and tunnel rescue in addition to being capable of utilising all safety equipment required for contingency situations.
The bentonite mix design was based on the clay and rock drives which were encountered on site and was established to ensure that the safe jacking loads of pipes was not exceeded. Following the completion of the drives, a separate grout mix design was used through the grout ports to provide a 5 MPA for any annulus between the outside of the envelope pipe and the surrounding surface. Grouting pressure was kept to less than one bar to ensure there was no heave at the surface.
All drives were completed with no settlement at surface, including at all rail crossings and
road crossings.
The project involved a significant amount of pre-planning including risk assessment workshops, several management plans, inspection test plans and numerous safety workshops and on-site work based contingency demonstrations to ensure all personnel were ready if an emergency arose.
DJ MacCormick Contractors proudly delivered the microtunnelling scope with no safety incidents. The works were undertaken over a period of nine months. All vehicles were provided to mine specification requirements for the project including plant risk assessments.
The company appreciates the input from both MCP Kinetic and Iron Bridge in delivering this successful project.
DJ MacCormick management would also like to thank the efforts of their tunnelling and shaft construction crews for undertaking the works in professional manner without incident and ensuring all drives were completed successfully.
For more information, visit www.djmaccormickcontractors.com.au
Pezzimenti Trenchless is continuing to cement its legacy of expertise and excellence by completing works on the Highlander Branch Sewer project in Mickleham, Victoria.
An industry pioneer since 1957, Pezzimenti Trenchless has completed Stage 4 works on behalf of Victorian hydraulic infrastructure company Califam Constructions, awarded by Yarra Valley Water and Spiire.
The scope of the Highlander Stage 4 project involved the microtunnelling of four sections of 25 m, 103 m, 90 m, and 103 m in length. Microtunnelling was the method of choice for the project due to the depth of the sewer line as it was a more economical, environmentally friendly, and safer method of completing the job.
Speaking to Trenchless Australasia, Director Joe Pezzimenti says that the pipe used for the contract was 272 mm and 376 mm OD Hobas GRP jacking pipe, installed at a depth of 12 m through basalt rock.
“Our systems ensure all types of pipes can be installed for fast and efficient installation,” he says. “This adaptability includes uPVC and poly pipes, as well as Hobas jacking pipes, Humes or Rocla concrete jacking pipe.”
“Each method uses a laser guided microtunnelling system, with vacuum extraction to remove spoil from the cutter face directly into a tank for dumping on, or off, site.”
On site, the ground conditions ranged between 120 MPa and 240 MPa. While the project was completed efficiently manner, Joe says the conditions proved to be a challenge and the project experienced a slower drilling rate as a result of the strength and penetration resistance.
“Progress ranged from 4 m per day up to 8 m per day, which is below average on this type of project,” he says.
Pezzimenti Trenchless’ basalt capabilities span from 440 mm up to 1850 mm in diameter, with a fleet of trucks that includes six crane trucks and a crawler crane for tight access sites.
Each crane truck can transport the drilling gear required for each project and provides the means for both lowering and lifting the gear in
in efficient and safe manner,” says Joe.
The company’s specially designed and built vacuum trucks provide efficient and the quickest means of bringing the spoil up to the surface. Each of its seven vacuum trucks is capable of intaking spoils into the truck or distributing it into interceptor trucks to best suit the needs of the project.
The Pezzimenti Trenchless team ensured every stage of the project was executed diligently and efficiently, regardless of the complications that arose.
“The 12 m deep launch shaft on site was inundated twice with water due to the extreme weather events that the area experienced during
standard for the industry when it comes to quality, care, and development. The dedication our team shows when it comes to completing a project under any circumstance, both efficiently and safely, is why we’ve stood the test of time.”
Pezzimenti Trenchless is currently undertaking Stage 3 of the Branch Sewer consisting of 500 m of microtunnelling on behalf of MFJ Constructions and Yarra Valley Water.
For more information, www.pezztrenchless.com.au
Our patented HYDRO:TIP™ technology dewaters slurry caused by hydro-excavation, easily and efficiently.
Our HYDRO:TIP™ solution not only facilitates cost-handling of waste mud but, when combined with our washing technology, enables operators to recover recyclable materials that can be re-sold as an additional revenue stream.
Find out more about our HYDRO:TIP™ by scanning the QR code.
Rodney O’Meley is the CEO and owner of Maxibor Australia, one of the country’s leading horizontal directional drilling (HDD) design and delivery companies. He speaks to Trenchless Australasia to provide insight into the challenges and future direction of HDD in the Australian infrastructure sector.
Maxibor’s Rodney O’Meley has first-hand experience of the many challenges which the HDD industry has faced, and subsequently solved, since the first rods turned in Australia in the 1990s.
“The industry challenges ahead are different now, and the future of the industry and broader infrastructure sector will be daunting, thrilling and important,” he says.
O’Meley believes that the most formidable near-future challenges for HDD operators will revolve around the accelerating pace of climate change and the impact it will have on infrastructure assets, both existing and new. Local and global economic and political factors are also adding to the challenges.
Maxibor has been highlighting that HDD is an important part of climate change adaptation for the past few years. The company believes that the industry has a role to play in mitigating the increasing frequency and impact of fires, high winds, floods, drought, and rain bombs.
“The impact of climate change is accelerating faster than expected, becoming increasingly extreme. Simultaneous disasters in multiple locations continues to stretch the ability of infrastructure asset owners, emergency services personnel, and other resources to respond to these events in a timely and effective manner,” O’Meley says.
“Having key infrastructure, such as electricity and telecommunications, underground in times
of extreme and frequent climate change-induced events provides greater certainty in terms of supply by keeping them safely away from the above-ground impact of extreme weather events.”
The extent of flood events is also causing decision makers to rethink the management of water resources. O’Meley says that several populated, higher risk areas have become uninsurable and, in some cases, uninhabitable.
“This means more innovative design for longer and larger diameter pipelines to better control never-before-seen stormwater and flooding flows,” he says.
The Albanese Labor Government has increased the focus on the transition from fossil
fuels game through enshrining in legislation Australia’s emissions reduction target of 43 per cent and net zero emissions by 2050. According to O’Meley, the transmission process is being complemented by reasonably aggressive emissions reduction targets for the top 215 high emitting facilities from 1 July 2023.
“Early investment responses will be required by the mining and manufacturing sectors as the cost of inaction will outweigh the cost of adaptive action. This will place further strain on existing civil construction resources to help meet these reductions,” he says.
“The availability of government and private sector funding for projects to generate affordable renewable energy will create added demand for pipeline construction resources as new projects around solar, wind, hydrogen and pumped hydro come on board.”
He also says that the transition period will see new pipelines required for the new natural gas projects.
O’Meley predicts that the pressure to accelerate the energy transition will result in higher demand for HDD resources, along with other trenchless solutions – including microtunnelling and tunnel boring machines (TBMs)
– throughout the decade.
“An already under-resourced civil construction sector is still adjusting to the built-up demand for resources due to projects delayed by COVID-19. Migration of skilled workers to Australia is unlikely to reach previous levels as there is a world-wide demand for skilled labour. Disrupted supply chains, rising inflation and cost of finance are all impacting access to materials and capital for projects and new equipment.”
Increasing demand for trenchless resources is not limited to Australia. O’Meley says that other countries also require new sources of energy to be established as part of their commitment to renewables. Where there is geo-political disruption, such as in Europe, security of supply is also an issue and alternative supply routes are being sought.
The international demand for trenchless resources is taking already-scarce HDD labour and plant resources away from Australia, further reducing the capacity of the local industry to deliver.
While the picture ahead is daunting, O’Meley assures that it also creates thrilling opportunities for the HDD industry. The charged physical environment means that HDD design engineers
The Subsite® Marksman HDD Guidance System provides superior performance in high-interference environments with the industry’s widest range of frequencies in a single beacon.
Scanning the most usable frequencies, the Subsite® Marksman selects the best choice to avoid interference while its increased beacon power signal improves performance at extended depths.
Easy to use with your choice of user interface, the new Marksman View features intuitive graphics and clear data, and with a simple single toggle control you’re more productive from day one.
are being able to innovatively respond to the infrastructure challenges being faced.
“The design of HDD solutions needs to accommodate longer and larger diameter bores. HDD design, engineering and project delivery experience on these more complex bores is essential if the designs are to be constructable and the pipelines successfully installed,” he says.
“Maxibor is very fortunate in having access to design experience on long, large diameter bore projects. This knowledge is something the Australian infrastructure industry needs to take advantage of to facilitate more innovative trenchless solutions that can be applied to increasingly complex infrastructure challenges.”
Alex Tao, the Australian and New Zealand representative of China Railway Construction Heavy Industry Corporation Limited (CRCHI), says that the technology for underground construction has advanced significantly in the past decade, making it much more cost effective to use HDD, micro-tunnelling and TBMs in any geology.
“Knowledge transfer into the Australian market is important with regards to the newer technologies such as microtunnelling and TBMs. Here it is important that there are good
relationships across the supply chain from manufacturers like CRCHI through to design and construct providers, principal contractors and infrastructure asset owners,” he says.
It is important that there is wider community benefit arising from the procurement process around major infrastructure projects. Something that, O’Meley says, requires asset owners to drive a project procurement process which is responsive to community benefit factors, including local content, diversity, social enterprises, knowledge transfer and training.
The involvement of Australian owned companies in the delivery of the solutions is even more important in the changed international circumstances.
An important part of the knowledge transfer process is training. Skill improvement in longer, wider and more technologically advanced underground infrastructure installation solutions requires training for current operators and newcomers to the industry. It also important that there is diversity in the training process so
that a wider cross-section of the community can benefit from the knowledge transfer and skills build up.
“Maxibor is proactively seeking out collaborative arrangements with various stakeholders across the supply chain to help optimise outcomes. People and organisations working cooperatively will build respect, relationship and achieve a much better response,” O’Meley says.
As part of Maxibor’s contribution to emissions reduction, it has invested in a full electric HDD Gallagher maxi-rig spread. Known as ‘The Hulk’, the rig is capable of drilling over 3000 m and up to 1.6 m diameter bores in all ground conditions including extremely hard rock.
Electric HDD technology uses an integrated electric power system that optimises efficiency of the drill rig, pumps and fluid management systems during operations. When connected to the electricity grid, the system operates as a fuel-free system with lower noise and provides an overall smaller spread footprint.
The electric spread is supported by electricity driven Gardner Denver PZ9 pumps and a cleaning system with high flow capacity, making it ideal for long, large diameter infrastructure installation projects – especially where there are environmental and community sensitivities at stake.
The electric HDD spread solution also provides an opportunity for immediate reductions to the high emissions operations in the coal mining and gas industries, assisting their gas extraction and dewatering activities and help meet their increasing emissions reduction targets.
“Being part of the solution in overcoming the challenges ahead is important to Maxibor. We can achieve the desired outcomes by working in a cooperative way to build a future we all look forward to,” says O’Meley.
For more information visit www.maxibor.com.au or email rodney.omeley@maxibor.com.au
Ditch Witch CEA’s AT32 is helping Western Australian horizontal directional drilling experts complete projects for some of the state’s industry leaders.
Arelationship that originated before the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) explosion began in Australia, Ditch Witch CEA and Diversified are a duo primed for success.
Diversified’s Managing Director, David Proctor, says the key to the longevity of the three-decade-long relationship between the two companies is not only the quality of the equipment but also Ditch Witch CEA’s tireless commitment to Diversified as a customer.
“We have been very fortunate to have had Graham Rutter as our Ditch Witch CEA representative for the past 32 years,” says Proctor.
“His product knowledge and commitment
to customer service has been invaluable.”
Recently Diversified has undertaken works with one of its long-time clients to replace the existing cast iron distribution network in Fremantle. The limestone rock ground conditions of this project presented several logistical challenges, but not insurmountable for Diversified with its newest Ditch Witch CEA machine – the AT32.
“The AT32 was purchased specifically with this project in mind and its performance on this project has been impressive,” says Proctor.
Released in 2022, the AT32 boasts increased drill pipe capacity, allowing 137.2 m of all-terrain pipe or 182.9 m of dirt pipe with reversible pipe box onboard, boosting the
productivity of any project.
It also features a patented ‘slide cartridge’ which provides back-up for the carriage rollers, allowing operators to complete a job without stopping to replace failed rollers. The drill’s 1200 ft lbs of inner rotational torque allow for greater efficiency and better production in hard formations.
“The increased HP and torque along with the new open vice wrenches and wireless control has helped us increase job productivity on-site,” says Proctor.
“The upgraded operators station also provides more comfort than previous models, along with improved operator visibility for safer performance.”
An integrated wireless remote control gives operators the ability to set up the rig outside of the cab, allowing more precise positioning of the unit on the job. The controller includes multi-mode ground drive, dual independent stabilizers, stake down, cab traverse, and dual pivot. Its unique ‘add-a-pipe’ design allows operators to manually insert additional pipe, improving productivity.
Diversified’s team has been involved in HDD since the very inception of the technology. Benefitting from the opportunity to grow alongside the technology, the company has developed strong alliances with both equipment suppliers and manufacturers.
Founded in 1991, the company has cemented its enviable reputation over the years as a solutions provider with a can-do approach. As a testament to this, the company is frequently called in to provide specialist HDD services on a range of projects amid various onsite conditions.
Proctor says that the company got its start working with the State Energy Commission of Western Australia (SECWA) Gas in Perth to install gas services and mains on the local distribution network.
With experience working for Vocus, Optus, Telstra, ATCO Gas, the Department of Defence and several of Western Australia’s leading builders and contractors, Diversified continues to bolster its reputation as a leading service provider.The company recently completed civil construction for the land component of the Hyper One sub-sea cable link.
“The works our team completed started from the cable landing station located in City Beach, Western Australia, through to a new data centre in Shenton Park, located in Nedlands,” says Proctor.
“The project involved 9000 m of HDD installation and required a full turnkey solution. We undertook the installation of multiple HDPE conduits and manholes to house both fibre optic as well as earth grid network cables.
“Our fleet of eight Ditch Witch CEA drill rigs ensures we can meet all of our client’s needs, no matter the job; from simple underroad crossings through to multiple conduit packages and large diameter pipe installations under highways, railways and even rivers.”
Ditch Witch CEA is committed to continuing to provide Diversified with expert advice on what equipment best suits the company’s needs and ensuring each piece of machinery is of the highest quality.
For more information, visit www.ditchwitchcea.com.au
Over 100 years since its inception, Brisbane’s S1 Main Sewer has undergone a seven-year upgrade. By harnessing the power of innovation, Urban Utilities and its delivery partner, Interflow, have given a new life to a hidden but essential piece of infrastructure.
Deep under Brisbane’s bustling CBD lies Brisbane’s oldest and largest sewer pipeline. Averaging 1.5 m in diameter, the S1 Main Sewer runs a total of 12 km, stretching from Toowong to the Eagle Farm pump station and is buried eight stories beneath the ground.
Completed back in 1924, the S1 serves well over 750,000 people, carrying 60 percent of the city’s sewage. To put that in perspective, more than 60 Olympic-sized swimming pools of wastewater travels through the system daily.
A lot has changed in Brisbane over the last 100 years, so it’s no surprise that the S1 would eventually need an upgrade to meet the needs of the growing city. The works involved rehabilitating a section of the pipeline between James Street in Fortitude Valley to the Eagle Farm pump station, spanning a 5.7 km distance.
Owner of the asset, Urban Utilities, first
awarded the rehabilitation works to leading pipeline infrastructure company, Interflow, back in 2015. Since then, Interflow has relined 40 individual sections (averaging 160 m) of pipeline using a spiral-wound lining system.
Fast forward seven years, and the S1 Main Sewer upgrade is now complete, with Brisbane’s largest sewer asset ready to serve its community for generations to come.
While the S1 Main Sewer lies quietly 20 m below ground, the same can’t be said for the bustling corridor of Kingsford Smith Drive located directly above. The busy road is a primary freight route linking Brisbane’s CBD to key places such as the Brisbane Airport, Port of Brisbane, and Northshore Hamilton.
To reduce community disruption and minimise traffic impacts on the busy road, work
took place at night. This meant all traffic lanes could operate undisrupted during peak travel periods. It also meant crews needed to move on and off the busy road each night to allow full lane access in the morning.
“We developed a portable set up that could be quickly assembled and removed, giving us more time to make progress on relining the S1 within our small nighttime working window from 8pm to 5am,” says John Adamo, Interflow’s Project Manager during the program’s early phases.
“Once we had sewer access, we would mobilise a gantry set up straight over the access chamber using a small crane, which could easily take it on and off the worksite daily.”
“We did something similar for our grouting team, too. We imported a special trailer and built a mobile grout plant on it,” Adamo says.
Operating as a separate team up the road, the
grouting crew would move large bags of cement by forklift and empty them into a mixer before blending it with water. The grout was then sent down the access chamber and injected between the lining and the old pipe to secure it in place.
By making their set up portable, Interflow was able to work in the peak of the night within a small working window, allowing little disruption to Brisbane’s traffic network.
On projects of this scale, it is not unusual for conditions to change along the way. In this case it led the delivery team to seek new solutions in order to adapt.
“As we moved further through the sewer, the pipelines were getting deeper,” Interflow’s Development Manager Boris Graljuk says. “This meant there was an increase in the external forces on the pipeline.”
The increasing depth of the sewer meant the relining solution had to be incredibly strong to withstand the extra pressures. Working closely with technology partner, Sekisui Rib Loc Australia, Interflow identified an innovative way of reinforcing a spiral-wound liner with steel.
“Spiral lining is performed by winding an interlocking strip of PVC into an existing pipe to form a smooth, continuous pipe,” says Graljuk. “The new solution, called RibSteel, involved clipping stainless steel strips into the outside of the PVC strip in the lined pipe, which makes it exceptionally strong.”
To make sure this solution was suitable for S1 upgrade, Interflow conducted a series of rigorous tests in their workshop to make sure it would be reliable in the challenging conditions. Once both Interflow and Urban Utilities were satisfied that RibSteel was up to the task, Boris and the team took the process to site.
“We did everything on site. The steel arrived flat and was formed to shaped using a roll former, before being coiled into the same diameter as the liner. Once it was formed, we could pass it down to the winder and insert it into the profile,” Graljuk says.
Beginning the next chapter of the S1’s history
The upgrade of Brisbane’s oldest and largest pipeline undertaken below one of its busiest roads, makes it one of the most challenging sewer upgrades to be completed on Australian soil.
With the last line now complete, the S1 Main Sewer is ready for its next chapter. The impressive yet hidden piece of infrastructure will go on to serve the Brisbane community for generations to come.
learn more about Interflow and the work
In a world where sustainability and environmental protection is key, more contractors are turning to equipment that minimises the risk of damaging utilities during the excavation process and most of all, reduces surface disruption in areas with improved landscapes.
This approach helps to protect existing underground pipelines and utility infrastructure such as telephone, gas and electricity services, making vacuum excavation – also known as non-destructive digging (NDD) – the safest way to dig.
The combination of high-pressure water with an air vacuum quickly and effectively allows for the removal of significant amounts of earth with minimal damage and destruction to the environment.
Vermeer’s range of versatile vacuum excavators work to ensure that environmental disruption, area downtime and damage to utilities as a result of project work are a thing of the past.
Vacuum excavators are becoming increasingly popular in trenchless pipeline projects, with many contractors now recognising the potential safety risks that come with digging trenches or excavating close to urban and residential areas. Vacuum excavation works to mitigate this risk, minimising the risk to employees’ safety as well as reducing the damage caused to the surrounding environment.
Before maintenance work or construction can begin, oftentimes debris needs to be removed or space needs to be exposed. Using a traditional excavator or backhoe to do this can be difficult and may result in damage to the surrounding environment.
Additionally, extra care is needed for works which involve sensitive equipment that can easily be damaged through conventional excavation, such as buried pipes and utility infrastructure.
The how of vacuum excavation
Vacuum excavation works through a combination of powerful suction and containment. High pressure water is used to disturb the debris, which is then vacuumed into the tank.
Microtunneling projects are commonly undertaken in residential or urban areas, so keeping the work site compact to avoid disruption to the surrounding environment, community and businesses is an incredibly important factor that contractors have to consider.
Utilising vacuum excavation methods –which moves excavated material from the pit straight to the tank – enables contractors to keep work site area to a minimum.
The direct pit-to-tank feature of vacuum excavators means no piles of spoil sitting around the work site, taking up room and requiring multiple trucks and loaders to move. Negating the need for these bulky vehicles avoids disruption to the environment and community, as well as further restricting the work area.
There is an increased demand for awareness and accountability for contractors carrying out works. This is especially true when it comes to spoil management on trenchless pipeline installation works, with contractors needing to ensure proper disposal environmental regulations are met and site personnel are kept safe.
Further safeguarding against detrimental environmental impact is the fact that vacuum excavation as a practice has minimal incoming and outgoing materials, meaning the process can help contractors to meet stringent environmental guidelines requiring that
For more information on Vermeer’s range of vacuum excavators, call 1300 VERMEER
When it comes to high pressure water jetting, the quality of equipment is important, but so is making sure that the equipment is fit for purpose.
Drainchem’s Managing Director, Marshall Horne, talks to Trenchless Australasia about the importance of choosing the correct nozzle for the job.
“Choosing the right nozzle is a science. The angle and number of water jets can vary from model to model,” says Horne
“Not only that, but the internal design of the flushing nozzle – the passages where the water runs through the nozzle body before the water flows out through the jets also changes.”
Horne says that the three tiers of nozzle are
the simplest way to talk about quality.
Tier one nozzles have the water jets drilled directly into the equipment.
“The problem with tier one is that, once the nozzle is worn out, you have to throw the whole piece away,” he says. “Tier two and three nozzles will have screw-in jets, which lets operators replace them as they wear out, while keeping the original nozzle.”
Both nozzle types have very basic hydro dynamic design and typically deliver only 3040 per cent of pump power to the pipe.
Tier three nozzles are well-designed, with inner workings that guide the flow of water directly to the jet, rather than having a single chamber like the drilled nozzles at tier one.
The number of water jets – the number of times the water flow is divided – the thinner each water jet will be.
“A good rule of thumb is to choose a nozzle with fewer water jets, which makes the jets you do have as thick and powerful as possible,” Horne says.
However, he does warn customers that fewer jets can clean pipes unevenly, often looking like the pipe has been roughly scoured in some sections – an effect called ‘stripping’.
“Stripping usually happens when the obstructing material is hard packed on the sides of the pipe, or if there is any drainage material in the pipe, such as loose sand or gravel,” he says.
Stripping can cause problems in the future, as CCTV inspection of assets can sometimes read strips as cracks in the pipe.
For moving material in-pipe, Horne says that fewer jets are still more effective compared to using many smaller water jets.
“To optimise work, operators should be sure to have access to both options on the job, as nozzles with more water jets are better designed for pipes that require 360˚ cleaning,” he says.
Nozzles are separated into three categories, based on the angle of their water jets.
0–12-degree rear thrusting jets are designed
to move material in the pipe.
“The lower the angle, the more efficiently material will be transported in the pipe,” says Horne.
At a lower angle, the distance between the nozzle’s jet and the pipe wall is greater. If the inner structure of the cleaning nozzle is optimised with a water-conducting design, it will keep the jets together behind the nozzle for longer stretches.
“This means that operators can work with lower jet angles and still clean all the way out to the pipe wall,” Horne says. “But nozzles with poor internal design are not going to cut it, especially for larger pipe diameters.”
13–30-degree rear thrusting jets, normally called universal cleaning nozzles, often have more rear thrusting jets that sit at multiple angles.
“They can typically move material in-pipe if there is not too much, and they’re characterised by efficiency,” says Horne. “Universal cleaning nozzles are also able to clean the inner pipe wall effectively, as long as the material is not too hard or greasy.”
31–90-degree rear thrusting jets should be used exclusively for pipe wall washing or descaling.
Examples of these are rotary nozzles and bombs, flounders or grenade type nozzles –where 50 per cent of the jets have an angle of up to 85 degrees. These are intended for pipe wall cleaning and descaling operations.
“These types of nozzles are not designed to move large amounts of material in pipe,” says Horne. “If the pipe contains a large amount of material, operators first need to clean out the material with a more efficient 0 to 12-degree cleaning nozzle.”
For a nozzle to work effectively, it needs as little internal turbulence as possible.
Turbulence is caused when the internal structure of the nozzle is poorly designed, and results in lower pressure, less water at the nozzle, and less effective cleaning.
Horne says that turbulence also diminishes the power of the nozzles and results in a shorter water jet length.
“The less turbulence created, the more efficient a nozzle is,” he says.
This efficiency has carry-on effects. Operators using good nozzles do not need to throttle up their jetting unit as hard which, in turn, reduces wear and tear on the pump,
driveline, and clutches and saves a lot of diesel, water and money.
Horne advises operators to use a highperforming cleaning nozzle designed to minimise the pressure loss within the nozzle itself.
“Selecting a high-quality nozzle, with the correct number of jets and jet angles for the job, allows operators to work with lower pump speeds, which significantly cuts the amount of fuel required for a job,” he says.
“Years ago, operators would burn through 220 litres of diesel per hour. These days it can be closer to 330 litres.”
As one of the biggest expenses in the drain cleaning sector, cutting fuel costs makes perfect sense.
“If you’re buying a state-of-the-art truck, then insist on state-of-the-art nozzles,” says Horne.
Drainchem has a range of very highperformance jetting nozzles and is equipped with the expertise to assist customers in selecting the right nozzle to achieve cost reductions and higher productivity.
For more information visit www.drainchem.com.au
Operating around the clock to reduce waste-to-landfill volumes across Australia, SOLVE, Enviropacific’s state-of-the-art soil and waste processing facility in Altona, is the setting for an innovative approach to industrial waste management.
With infrastructure expenditure at an all-time high and hydro excavation continuing to grow in popularity, there has never been more wet waste traversing the cities of Australasia. Alongside clean material, this means there’s also a record number of contaminated materials leaving sites on the back of a vacuum trucks or wet waste tankers.
In response to the amount of contaminated wet waste materials being disposed of at licenced contaminated landfills, Enviropacific has leveraged its expertise in water filtration and contaminant destruction with the development of a CDE wet waste processing facility at its SOLVE site.
Since opening its Thermal Destruction Plant in 2018, SOLVE has accepted contaminated material from Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales and the Northern Territory, and has supported landmark remediation projects including the former Fitzroy Gasworks and Armidale Gasworks sites.
The plant was designed following months of collaborative workshopping between the companies and is now ready to set the benchmark within Melbourne for its ability to separate and de-water solids contained in wet waste from the region.
Taking the specialist environmental services provider in a new direction with the adoption of its first-ever wet processing solution, the turnkey CDE plant has been integrated into Enviropacific’s existing operation to complement its thermal desorption technology.
Enviropacific’s General Manager - Fixed Facilities, Brayden Rees, says the SOLVE plant in Altona proves that both companies have been able to collaborate to do what they do best.
“CDE have delivered for us a plant which is not only extremely safe but also efficient for wet waste trucks to tip off and is capable of producing three highly dewatered solid streams,” says Rees.
“From there our water experts treat the plant’s wastewater, removing contaminants and recycling it back into the system for reuse. Having our thermal plant on site, closes the loop – this means we’re able to treat any residual contamination through that system without it
ever needing to leave the site.”
When asked about any challenges the project faced, CDE’s Regional Manager Dan Webber says that the biggest hurdle tackled during the execution of the project was the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic and, subsequently, labour availability.
“We tackled these challenges head-on by working alongside Enviropacific,” he says.
“We had a tight delivery schedule but the fact that we had a dedicated project delivery team across the region meant that there were
no significant delays. This success was only achievable thanks to the detailed design work undertaken months in advance and our ability to build it inhouse –- this level of efficiency is what helps set CDE apart from competition and derisks complex projects like this for our clients.”
The plant is capable of accepting up to eight trucks an hour via its dual HYDRO:TIPTM 2RS units. CDE’s HYDRO:TIP allows operators to process wet waste with ease and efficiency. It can handle storm wastewater, dredging spoils and waste muds in a cost-
effective and responsible manner.
From there, the plant can treat up to 200 m3 per of dirty water through its AquaCycle highrate thickener, producing water which is largely free of suspended solids and up to ten tonnes per hour of mud. This mud receives further treatment by a decanter centrifuge making a spadable filter cake and returns even more water for decontamination.
Beyond the success of this first phase of the project, both Enviropacific and CDE are looking to the future.
“Enviropacific is determined to be a force for good and divert as much material as we can from landfill. This means that we are always looking for new materials that we can accept and beneficiating that material as best we can,” says Rees.
“Our SOLVE site is in a great location and we are sure it will treat millions of tonnes of material that would otherwise go to landfill over its life.”
Speaking to that longevity, Webber adds that CDE has progressed into the sustaining period of the plant and that it has been handed over from the company’s project team to its caretaking team.
“Wet processing plants don’t have a lot of wear or maintenance intensive parts like crushing and screening plants or hydraulic systems do,” says Webber. “However, they do need some
monitoring and Enviropacific have been quick to adopt our Preventative Maintenance Inspection (PMI) regime.”
Of course, the CDE team will be onsite if a failure or issue requires the company’s locally held spare parts stock. It is ideal, however, if CDE can identify parts that may be close to malfunctioning and optimise said parts’ performance if operating parameters drift.
“CDE are thrilled to be supplying solutions to handle wet waste and sometimes contaminated wet waste,” says Webber.
“There’s no point in letting these materials going to landfill just because they are difficult to handle. Yes, they can come in waves with periods of peak volume, and they can be highly variable. However, when we collaborate with customers like Enviropacific, we can manage these issues and develop great, long-lasting solutions that deliver for the economy and the environment.”
With Smart Lock, you can seal redundant lateral connections and repair cracked or damaged pipes in three easy steps, cured in only 30 minutes.
LOAD Smart Lock into position using the packer
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LEAVE Cured in under 30 minutes so you can move to the next job
No-Dig Down Under is the Southern Hemisphere’s only large-scale conference and exhibition dedicated to trenchless technology, and it is back in 2023 with support with some of the trenchless industry’s experts.
Supported by the Australasian Society for Trenchless Technologies (ASTT), NoDig Down Under 2023 is continuing its reputation as the essential industry event, but places are filling fast. With more than 80 per cent of the available exhibition space already sold, the event is looking to be better than ever.
After the undeniable, sold-out success of No-Dig 2022, those who want to exhibit at the event are encouraged to book early to ensure they will have a space on the floor.
The No-Dig Down Under 2023 conference and exhibition would not be possible without its sponsors and the support some of the industry’s most reputable names.
This year’s event is supported by platinum sponsor Rob Carr, known for its reputation delivering project excellence for utilities infrastructure. With a focus on safety, collaboration and a high aptitude for innovation, Rob Carr has delivered outstanding outcomes in drainage, water, wastewater, and energy pipeline infrastructure projects using microtunnelling for major utility authorities, councils and tier 1 contractors.
Similarly, No-Dig Down Under’s gold sponsor this year is Vermeer Australia which, since 2015 has been part of what is known today as RDO Equipment. Across Australia, the company’s dealership network proudly employs more than 900 employees throughout 29 locations in metro and regional Australia, providing an extensive range of premium equipment and after-sales support to service the agricultural, civil, construction, utility, mining, forestry, and natural resource management industries.
The event is also supported by three silver sponsors: Wilmot Pipelining, Rockpecker and Interflow.
Wilmot Pipelining transforms ageing pipelines and infrastructure using experience
and assets using no-dig trenchless pipe relining technology. The company provides many different rehabilitation ranges to its clients and pride itself on a pipeline rehabilitation solution for any situation.
The Rockpecker team specialises in building application specific PDC drill bits, stabilisers, centralises, hole openers and other drilling accessories - ensuring every bit has been designed to achieve the best results in the formation. Based in the United Kingdom, it has a distribution network around the world to ensure quick delivery and post sales service. Similarly, Interflow has carved out its place as a leader in pipeline infrastructure solutions across Australia and New Zealand since it was established in1936. Employing over 600 field people across Australia and New Zealand, Interflow specialises in the water, wastewater, stormwater, and culvert sectors. The organisation’s services span project planning, design, construction, and maintenance, including trenchless technologies, proactive and reactive works.
No-Dig Down Under 2023 will focus on the overarching theme of ‘Better outcomes through trenchless’. This could mean better environmental outcomes, from less wildlife disturbances and pollution, better community
essential roads and services and better financial outcomes.
No-Dig Down Under will include a range of networking and sponsorship opportunities, training courses, the ASTT Gala Dinner and Awards evening, and exhibitions of the latest and greatest in no-dig innovations.
The second-largest no-dig technology event in the world has become the must-attend calendar event of the year for all professionals in the trenchless technology industry.
The conference’s technical program will invite and encourage speakers from around Australia and the world to present papers covering case studies, new and emerging technologies, challenging projects and environments, industry skills and training, risk management and more.
A range of training courses on trenchless methods will be presented prior to the conference. These will be presented by industry leaders from Australia and overseas and will be of value to anyone who encounters trenchless technologies as part of their employment.
The exhibition will be held at Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre on September 13 and 14, 2023.
Want-to-be exhibitors can register their interest here: www.nodigdownunder.com/interestedin-exhibiting
For more information about No-Dig Down Under 2023 visit www.nodigdownunder.com
individual members throughout Australia and New Zealand.
The successful establishment of the trenchless industry in Australia has been supported and promoted by the peak industry organisation, the ASTT, since it was established in 1991.
The society works tirelessly to promote the use of trenchless technology in Australasia, lobbying government and industry.
Membership is open to all who are concerned with the provision of gas, water, sewerage, drainage, roads, telecommunications and electrical services.
ASTT membership provides trenchless professionals the tools and services they need to be better informed and better connected in this industry. countries worldwide.
The ASTT currently offers two levels of membership available to all residents of Australia and New Zealand or anyone who is
The be ne fits of Co rp orat e M embe rshi p in your membership are entitled to receive the below
•Acknowledgment of your company in every edition of the Trenchless Australasia magazine
•An annual subscription to Trenchless Australasia magazine (4 issues per year)
•An annual subscription to Trenchless International magazine (4 issues per year)
•A company listing Australasian Trenchless Directory (print and digital)
•Opportunity to promote your membership of the association by including the ASTT logo on your business communications and website
•Special offers and links with international organisations including the ISTT
•Opportunity to nominate for ASTT and ISTT awards
•Free access to all ASTT and ISTT past conference proceedings
•A communication network to keep abreast of the advancement of the science and practices of trenchless technology throughout the world
•Discounted rates at International No-Digs and national events including No-Dig Down Under
1.Visit the ASTT website: https://www.astt.com.au/membership
The be ne fits of Indi v id u al M em ber shi p
•Acknowledgment of your membership on the ASTT website
•An annual subscription to Trenchless Australasia magazine (4 issues per year)
• An annual subscription to Trenchless International magazine (4 issues per year)
• A print copy of the Australasian Trenchless Directory
• Opportunity to nominate for ASTT and ISTT awards
• Free access to all ASTT and ISTT past conference proceedings
• A communication network to keep abreast of the advancement of the science and practices of trenchless technology throughout the world
• Discounted rates at International No-Digs and national events including No-Dig Down Under
Corporate AU$540
Individual AU$135
2.Click the relevant membership category and complete the form
3.Click ‘Submit’
Your membership request will be emailed directly to the ASTT for processing. You will receive an invoice based on the information you supply. Acceptance foes not take effect until payment is received in full.
For more information visit www.astt.com.au or email secretary@astt.com.au
Arcadis Australia Pacific Pty Ltd
Bamser Holdings Pty Ltd
Michels Asia Pacific Pty., Ltd.
Herrenknecht AG
J&R Contracting Limited
Orion Consulting
AECOM New Zealand Limited
Applied Felts
Aqua Assets
Aqua Metro Pty Ltd
Atteris Pty Ltd
Aussie Drill Kings Pty Ltd
Aussie Trenchless Supplies Pty Ltd
Austunnel Pty Ltd
Ballarat Underroad Boring and Excavations Pty Ltd
BG Risk Solutions
Blick Group
Bortec Laser Bore Pty Ltd
Bothar Boring
Bullseye Boring
D.J. Mac Cormick Contractors
DCS Manufacturing Pty Ltd
Denso (Australia) Pty Ltd.
Digital Control - Australia
Directhitt Trenchless Pty Ltd
Diversified Services Australia
DKM Utility Services Pty Ltd
DM Civil
Dormway Pty Ltd
Drillers World Australia
Eco Relining Supplies
Edge Underground
ELB Equipment Pty Ltd
Empire Infrastructure
Fulton Hogan Construction Pty Ltd
Future-Proof Solutions
GM Microtunnelling
Hard Metals Australia Pty Limited
HDI Lucas
HEB Construction
Asset Owners
Auckland Council
Watercare Services Ltd
Greater Western Water
Knox City Council
Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd
Hynds Pipe Systems Ltd
IMPREG (Australia) Pty Ltd
Independent Sewer Consulting Services Pty Ltd
Insituform Pacific Pty Ltd
Interflow Pty Ltd
Iplex Pipelines Australia
JB Trenchless Pty Ltd
KAISER Technology Pty Ltd
kwik-ZIP Spacers
LKL International Pty Ltd
M. Tucker & Sons Pty Ltd
March Cato Ltd
Maskell Productions Ltd
Maxibor Australia Pty Limited
McBerns Innovative Solutions
McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust)
Pty Ltd
McElroy Manufacturing Inc.
McMillen Jacobs Associates (NZ)
Melbourne Water
Metrocorp Technologies
Mullane Trenchless Pipeline Solutions Pty Ltd
Nu Flow Technologies 2000 Pty Ltd
Pezzimenti Laserbore Pty Ltd
Pezzimenti Trenchless Pty Ltd
Pezzimenti Tunnelbore Pty Ltd.
Pipe Core Pty ltd
Pipe Insight Ltd
Pipe Tek
Pipeline Drillers Group
Prime Creative Media
Prime Horizontal Pty Ltd
Qalchek Pty Ltd
Qenos Pty Ltd
R & R McClure Excavations
Raedlinger Primus Line Pty Ltd
Ravago NZ Ltd
RBM Plumbing and Drainage Pty Ltd
Reline NZ Ltd
Rob Carr Pty Ltd
Rose Atkins Rimmer (Infrastructure) Pty Ltd
RPC Pipe Systems
SA Water
SASTTI Joint Venture
Schauenburg MAB
SEKISUI Rib Loc Australia Pty Ltd
SEQ Trenchless
Sewer Equipment Company (Aust)
Stiles Electrical
Sydney Water
TDM Pipeline Solutions Pty Ltd
TRACTO-TECHNIK Australia Pty Ltd
Trenchless Advisor Pty Ltd
UEA Pty Ltd
Vermeer Australia
Vertical Horizonz Australia
Vinidex Pty Limited
Warren Smith & Partners
Wilmot Pipelining
Wilsons Pipeline Solutions
Yarra Valley Water
BRP Corporation Pty Ltd
GN Solids Control
L P Pipe Civil
Pipe Doctor Australia Pty Ltd
Sika Australia
The Australasian Society of Trenchless Technology (ASTT) is a non-profit organisation comprising of members throughout Australia and New Zealand.
The successful establishment of the trenchless industry in Australasia has been supported and promoted by the peak industry organisation, the ASTT, since it was established in 1991.
The society works tirelessly to promote the use of trenchless technology in Australasia, lobbying government and client organisations to highlight the advantages of using trenchless technology and the benefits of training for industry.
Membership is open to all who are concerned with the provision of gas, water, sewerage, drainage, roads, telecommunications and electrical services.
ASTT membership provides trenchless professionals the tools and services they need to be better informed and better connected in this industry.
The ASTT is part of the International Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT), an affiliation of societies in more than 30 countries worldwide.
The ASTT currently offers seven levels of membership available to all residents of
Australia and New Zealand or anyone who is also a financial member of an existing ISTT Affiliated Society.
The benefits of Membership depending upon category can include: Up to 10 people from your organisation may be included in your membership and are entitled to receive the below benefits:
• Acknowledgment of your company in every edition of the Trenchless Australasia magazine
• An annual subscription to Trenchless Australasia magazine (four issues per year)
• An annual subscription to ISTT’s Trenchless Works
• A company listing Australasian Trenchless Directory (print and digital)
• Opportunity to promote your membership of the association by including the ASTT logo on your business communications and website
• Access to Guidelines and Standards
• Discount rates (normally 10%) at National Conferences and Exhibition.
• Discount rates (normally 10%) at International Conferences and Exhibition.
• Discount rates (normally 10%) at Trenchless Forums.
• Opportunity to become involved in our Special Interest Groups (SIG’s) which
are technical divisions of the ASTT representing specific trenchless sectors.
• Special offers and links with international organisations including the ISTT
• Opportunity to nominate for ASTT and ISTT awards
• Free access to ISTT past conference proceedings
• A communication network to keep abreast of the advancement of the science and practices of trenchless technology throughout the world
• Discounted rates at International No-Digs and national events including No-Dig Down Under.
Visit the ASTT website: https://www.astt. com.au and refer to MEMBERSHIP and check out the membership benefits that apply for each category.
Your membership request will be emailed directly to the ASTT for processing. You will receive an invoice based on the information you supply. Acceptance does not take effect until payment is received in full.
For more information visit www.astt.com.au or email secretary@astt.com.au
has expertise and skills forged by his time spent working as a senior graphic designer, an industrial services technician, and an offshore maintenance coatings coordinator among other roles. Equipped with his wealth of experience, Matthews is eager to continue showcasing the effectiveness of the Viscotaq range as a solution to a large variety of corrosion prevention applications. “At Denso, I’m looking forward to using my experience to provide a service in which we can better assist the clients with the execution of works rather than just supplying the equipment,” he says. “The company has a good, diverse bunch of people who have all been here for a long time. I think a key indicator of a strong business is how long the employees have been on board.”
Alluri has experience in several production and manufacturing industries. Equipped with a Master of Engineering in Additive Manufacturing from Deakin University and recognised as a mechanical engineer by Engineers Australia, Alluri’s fast developing knowledge of the industry makes him a perfect fit at the company.
“As a mechanical engineer, I am always keen on designing and developing mechanical devices and solving issues related to technical problems. The role I’ve stepped into at kwik-ZIP offers me the perfect opportunity to hone these skills and strengthening my understanding of the industry,” says Alluri. “I’m eager to continue learning from the experts around me and collaborating with my team.
kwik-ZIP is known across a range of diverse industries for its good reputation and quality products and I’m excited to play a part in its growth. I’m looking forward to helping implement positive change in the industry and help our customers grow.”
mainly selling pipes and associated adhesives.
“Now it looks like I’ll be offering products to inspect and repair the pipes that I sold in my early career,” she says. Dawson is looking forward to working alongside some of the biggest and best operators in the industry, backed by her decades of experience.
Working for SECA, Dawson says she is excited about being able to meet customer needs and help offer solutions for any problems that customers might face.
Her interest in the trenchless industry comes from her own experience, but also from her family, with both husband and son in plumbing construction.
“This industry combines the use of technology along with the physical works, so you get the best of both worlds,” she says.
If your company has recently employed a new person within your business you would like profiled in ‘People on the Move’, send details of the career news alongside a high-res photo to Journalist Christian Alphonso at christian.alphonso@primecreative.com.au
In this new and regular column, Trenchless Australasia is tracking new appointments in Australia and New Zealand’s trenchless industries, celebrating the people who make the industry what it is.
THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR DOWNHOLE POWER, SO TRY THE VERMEER D100X140 S3 DRILL. With a maximum rotary torque output of 14,000 ft-lb (18,981.5 Nm) and rotational speeds up to 203 RPM. The D100x140 S3 Navigator® horizontal directional drill offers an exceptional one-two punch in response to your most challenging projects.
Talk to the leader in HDD today and visit your local Vermeer Australia branch.