Pat Mesiti June 2011 Newsletter

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What are you willing to








Welcome to June You will never possess what you are unwilling to pursue Last month was an awesome month as we held our annual Wealth Warrior Event in Fiji. I wrote articles for this newsletter while sitting on the soft white sands with a group of elite clients and business owners who attended the Wealth Warrior Event. There are a couple of clients here with me who attended our $1 Million Reason to Change Your Mind Live Event in May and decided with only a weeks notice, to take action and sign up for this event in Fiji. As I speak with these guys I can see the success around them and being attracted to them. There is something very powerful about being focused on what it is you want and pursuing it with a single mind. These guys are focused on the success of their business and took massive action. Their ability to make a decision like attend a week long business course in Fiji with only a few days notice was an easy decision for them as they know their outcome. It’s not can I afford it, do I have the time, can I do it next year. The words used and actions taken shows a higher priority on the success of their business to see the massive value they will receive and the end result that they are looking to obtain, and taking action. You will never possess something you are unwilling to pursue. Focus requires clarity and specificity. You need to pursue not just some abstract ideal, but something tangible – a specific amount of investment, a certain type of relationship, a certain position or opportunity. Think about the kind of people you want in your world; which specific individuals would you like to build an association with?

As I spend time with the people at our Wealth Warrior Event, and watch them interact and the conversations and networking that is happening here, I can see this law of prosperity at work and the connections, breakthroughs and success flowing into the businesses and lives of those attending. The feedback we have had from all those who attended our $1 Million Reason Event on the 13th – 15th May has been overwhelmingly positive. The AHA moments and distinctions made by those who attended is the reason I do what I do. To see the changes in people’s lives, new understandings and insights into their behaviors, tools for change and opportunities available to them. My team and myself are now preparing for our upcoming Relationship Weekend “How to Stay Together Without Killing Each Other” Live Event 22-24 July in the Gold Coast. This is our LAST Relationship Weekend for 2011 and let me tell you, it will be our best ever. We will reveal vital keys for your relationships. This is a weekend to help YOU connect with YOU primarily, plus build stronger sustainable relationships with your family, your partner and your kids…BUT not just in your personal life, in your business life too. I hope you enjoy this months newsletter and look forward to seeing you at our next live event. Yours in Prosperity

!"#$%$&'()*+,$-+.#$,+.$-.//$&'0.1$ )23$%$&'(2$-0//$&.40#.$%$5%#67 The heading for this article is a really powerful statement for anyone who wants to be prosperous. There are times in life when all you have may disappear on you and the garden of prosperity does indeed turn into a drought ridden baron land. How you handle such a situation will indeed determine how you will recover from it. If you focus on what you had, what you lost, what you missed, what has been taken from you and everything that is not, this will become the dominate image of your life and prosperity will not flow. The drop you have will disappear and you will remain a victim to forces beyond your control. The history books are filled with triumphant victories from the most s u c c e s s f u l , prosperous people who ever walked the earth. They make failure a teacher. They focus on the drop that remains and not the dry well. Their character is set to success, their dominant thoughts in the midst of crisis remains focused on success, and this success will once again flow back to them. There is a story of a young man who was involved in an oil venture. He eventually ran out of money and was forced to sell his interest to his partners. This young man had a lot of money, time, energy and effort but had to walk away from the venture. Not long after the remaining partners had a breakthrough and struck a huge oil deposit. The company today is known as CITGO. The young man who withdrew from the venture later got involved in the clothing business. This venture turned out worse than the oil venture. This man was once again broke and it seemed

that everything had been taken away from him. Yet rather than focus on what he did not have, and what had been taken away from him, he started into politics. Historians have had many things to say about the great president Harry S Truman. This two-time failure kept his focus on what he had in him that he could use, not on what had been taken from him. Harry S Truman became the President of the United States of America not by what had been taken from him, but the drop of success that remained inside of him when he faced his droughts. Zig Ziglar tells us “Optimists are people who, when they wear out their shoes, just figure they are back on their feet”. How do you look at your glass of water? Half full or Half empty? Or better yet, are you looking for where the water has gone or how you can get more in? This distinction is the difference between failure and learning. The well may be dry, but focus on the drop you have left. All you need in your reach right now. The thought that comes from scarcity will only ever bring with it scarcity. The thought that comes from a place of abundance will bring with it abundance, even if you are seemingly surrounded by scarcity, if you can look at the drop you have and only see abundance, that drop will bring with it the flood of success you seek. Napoleon Hill once said “The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans, new opportunities to take the place of those that fail.” When you have lost something stop dwelling on the lost and leverage it to springboard you into the future. Make plans to succeed, not wallow in your loss. Pat Mesiti

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Coaches Corner… Don’t become a stuck dinosaur, recognize that change is inevitable. If there is one thing that you can bet the farm on, it is that things change. Nothing stays the same, not even you. If you could go back in time and spend a few hours talking to you 5, 10, 15 years ago, I bet you would find all sorts of changes, and I am not talking about the physical aspect here either. Did you have convictions 5 years ago that you would be embarrassed to admit to now? I know I did, I reckon I had beliefs this year that I wouldn’t admit to now. Why have I changed, because I continue to adapt. I will continue to read new books, study new programs, listen to new talks, and learn new things. I have seen it too often, people who are stuck. They are pointing the finger at their boss, their employees, their partner, the market, everyone but themselves. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. We do this in our lives, our relationships, our businesses and our investments. It is sad, maybe it did work once, but things change, that same marketing campaign that worked years ago and gave you a great result does nothing but loose money and waists time in this environment. I have had the privilege of working with some of the world’s greatest innovators, teachers and implementers of change. I have also had the privilege of insight and learning’s from working with those dinosaurs who just refuse to change. I can tell you now, the ones who are refusing to change will be in the same spot in 6 months, 12 months, 2 years and even 5 years from now with the same conversations, same complaints and same outlook, while the ones who are adapting to change for example, will in a 6 months period have accomplished what the dinosaurs are lucky to do in multiple years, they are excited about life, engaged in new relationships and constantly have new opportunities flowing into their lives. Their conversations are new and they don’t seem to repeat themselves very often, as there is so much happening. How do you know if you’re a stuck dinosaur, have a look at the problems you are facing on a constant basis, in your relationships, in your finances, in your business, in your health. Are there items that are constantly reoccurring in your life? Things like: My boss doesn’t recognize my hard work, my husband never does anything romantic, my employees don’t appreciate their job, my kids just wont listen, I don’t have time to exercise. These things will continue to keep reoccurring in your life until you change. Dinosaurs are extinct, they once served a purpose on this planet, but could you imagine a Tyrannosaurus Rex fumbling through your trash cans today? Don’t miss out on the evolution of your life and stay stuck in prehistoric thoughts, beliefs and behaviors, do new things, continually grow and learn, don’t let your success become extinct.

Noni Clark


FRUSTRATION I love it, I love to be frustrated. Now you may be saying, Pat have you lost your mind? Well hear me out guys… You see, your frustration is simply the prelude to a conviction that you don’t have yet, and your convictions are the signposts to your life’s true calling and inner peace. But just as frustration is a prelude to a conviction, know that if you choose to ignore your frustration or resolve it, it will work in the opposite and weaken your conviction and ultimately damage your true character. Think of a time when you were so frustrated with a situation that you could not take it anymore and finally out of utter frustration said “THAT IS IT, NEVER AGAIN” magically causing you to have a new conviction and changes your character to a resolve that this will never happen again. Maybe it was the frustration of feeling embarrassed at your weight when you went to the beach that caused you to say “THAT IS IT, NEVER AGAIN” and turned your life around to eat right and exercise. It could have been the frustration of not being able to afford the lifestyle

your partner and kids deserve that made you say “THAT IS I T, N E V E R A G A I N ” a n d decided to increase your prosperity by picking up one of my books, which by the way was a the best thing you could have done. You can either use or abuse your frustrations, and it is a simple choice. When I start to get frustrated I know I have some growth coming. In my business, if I start to feel I am getting frustrated with my team, I know I can either grow to handle this frustration, or I can just blame my team for causing the frustration. I know the result with my actions too. If I have a goal to increase my business and I am frustrated with my team, I need to look how I can grow to handle the frustration because if I blame them for my frustrations I have just prevented my business from growing. Who of you can can see that by blaming them for my frustrations is weakening the character and the culture of my business. Knowing that frustration is only the prelude to a conviction, why would you not love your frustration? It shows you where your weaknesses are so you can

go and find some tools to overcome this challenge. So let me ask you, What is frustrating you? Is it a person? A situation? Finance? Health? An outcome? Now before I finish here, let me tell you that while I love frustration for what I know it is leading too, I love it in small doses. If I can’t overcome my frustrations in a short period of time I am not working hard enough at it. I will pull out all the stops when I can’t personally break through my frustrations, I will find mentors in that area, read books on the subject on how others have overcome it and visualize what it is that I want my outcome to be. PAT MESITI

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Want To Get FREE Promotion Of Your Business Or Just Want To Share A Story About Yourself To Encourage Others. One of the best ways to get motivated is to see other people do well at things. Seeing real life examples, people who are just like you. Doing it tough working extra hard to get results and willing to put in the effort to see results. So we’ve decided to add a new section to this newsletter. Introducing the…

“Limelight Corner” If you have any success stories from having used the Mesiti products or attended our live events and feel these may inspire more people, then we want to know about it. We want to feature you in this newsletter and let you promote yourself or your business. Why would we do this? Well it’s simple, we want as many people to achieve great successes utilising our personal development material. As mentioned earlier… the best way to motivate others is giving real life examples of how other people have utilised the materials. Secondly, we want to give back. We want to give back to our clients, our subscribers and our customers by giving you a chance to promote yourself to a large audience of likeminded people via this newsletter. You’ll be allowed to share your website, your business details and a short description of what you do, which will be added to your story. This is a great opportunity for you if you have an inspiring story to share, want to get FREE advertising for your business or just want to get the chance to be in the limelight for once. If this is you then please write an email to with your story and a picture of yourself. You will then be considered as our feature story for the next edition. We look forward to receiving many success stories and using them to inspire others to reach higher levels of success.

If you have a success story you would like to share and at the same time promote your business totally free please email with your details and you’ll be considered as our next feature success story.


How to think like a millionaire and uncover the fortune that lies hidden in your mind!


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