Parker Life: January 2010

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difficult time. “Everyone bombarded me,” said Lowrey. “They wanted to help, wanted to serve. It wasn’t about the fire. It wasn’t about Dustin. It wasn’t about position or politics. Our fellow student—someone we love— needed help, so we made it happen.” The students put together a meal service that provided the couple with dinner every night. They collected money. Everyone stopped for a moment, put their own lives aside, and did whatever they could for the sake of a classmate.

“The biggest surprise I had in Tri-One was how incredible our professors were!” said Asa Haddsell. “I knew they would be good, but I had no idea how much love and energy they would give the class and the students.” And it’s true. Parker is known for having the best, most highlyinvolved faculty that is genuinely and completely accessible to students at any time. The lines separating administration and students are blurred, and students truly have a voice. While in many organizations that would be considered a privilege, Parker sees it as a necessity.

The student community at Parker College is like that of a close-knit family.

“It’s amazing how willing [the administration] is to listen to students. They really care,” said Lowrey. “Whatever you need to say, there’s a channel [for you to say it]. And they listen. You can give your opinion, and they’ll always look to make it better.”

“We got donations—not just from the students, but from people I didn’t even know,” said Jones. “Especially from alumni. It shows that [giving] continues after you get out of school.”

“You can get Parker fever, and it’s easy to get sidetracked and frustrated,” said Jones. “[Remember] what you have and what’s most important. I’ve made closer friends here than I’ll ever have in my life. I see the world completely differently.”

The most unexpected proposition Jones received was from Parker’s vice president of Development and External Relations. “Dr. Lamarche offered us [to stay in] his house,” he said. This level of generosity might appear extreme to an outsider, but it is simply part of Parker’s culture and values. The entire organization, from students to faculty and staff, truly care about one another, and it’s apparent from the moment you set foot on campus.

This collective energy is what students love most about Parker— that no matter what, classmates, faculty, administration, staff, alumni, and the entire Parker family will be there with the support they need to reach their goals.

Life as a student isn’t easy, and sometimes it seems like there are never enough hours in the day for the all the classes, exams, labs, and studying. But, chances are, even if you do catch students in the middle of board reviews or after a pop quiz, they’ll still probably tell you that they wouldn’t trade their time at Parker for anything else in the world. 

Fun Times at Parker College Jeremy Rawls “I remember the time I let Dr. Marzban beat me in arm wrestling during a lab because I still had a final to take.”

David H. Tran “I feel like I’ve entered into a challenge on the TV Show "Survivor" every time I cross the bridge for the undergraduate parking.”

Timothy Rutter “I remember in Tri-Six during E Care lab, Mrs. Robinson faked a bad fall with lacerations to her face. Some students ran down the hall to PT lab and cried wolf to Dr. Kearsing. He came running down the hall in his white sneakers, face flushed, only to find out that it was a BIG joke on him. Upon realizing it was a prank, he courteously exited the E Care room in disgust, leaving the students of the lab left to chuckle for quite some time.”

Brent Holland “I don’t think you could find a faculty this inspiring, exhilarating, motivating, or entertaining at Disney World. It is such a family atmosphere here at Parker College. It really recharges you and equips you with the ability to turn potentially negative or droll situations outside these walls into something positive and educational at the same time.” 2010 | ParkerLife Magazine


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