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notions Volume 26 • May 2014

The Papaeliou Schools Magazine




School News ....................................... 2 Photo Gallery ................................... 10 Notions ............................................. 17 Σεμινάρια ..........................................20 Επιτυχόντες ..................................... 23 Τμήματα Γαλλικών Cours I ............................................... 25 Cours II ............................................. 26 Cours III .............................................26 Cours B1 ........................................... 27 Cours B2 ........................................... 28 Cours C1 ........................................... 30 Τμήματα Ισπανικών ........................ 31 Τμήματα Γερμανικών Α1 ...................................................... 33 Α2 ..................................................... 34 B1.2 ................................................... 34 B2 ...................................................... 36 Erwachsene ........................................ 36 Τμήματα Ρωσικών ........................... 38 Τμήματα Αγγλικών Pre-Juniors Class ............................... 40 PR1 Class .......................................... 42 PR2 Class .......................................... 45 A Class .............................................. 48 B Class .............................................. 52 C Class .............................................. 55 B-C Accelerated Class ........................ 57 D Class .............................................. 58 E Class ............................................... 62 D-E Accelerated Class ........................ 66 Lower Class ....................................... 67 L Accelerated Class ............................ 70 Prof 1 Class ........................................ 71 Prof 2 Class ........................................ 75 Adults ................................................ 78 IELTS ................................................ 79 Απονομή Πτυχίων ............................ 80

Διδάσκοντας αγγλικά σε επίπεδο Proficiency έρχομαι κάθε χρόνο αντιμέτωπη με τα πολύ φτωχά ελληνικά των εφήβων μαθητών μου. Προσπαθώ να διδάσκω το καινούργιο λεξιλόγιο με τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε να μη χρειάζεται να το μεταφράζουν. Εκείνοι με καθησυχάζουν λέγοντας ότι αδυνατούν να καταλάβουν τις δύσκολες λέξεις στα ελληνικά γιατί πολλές από αυτές τούς είναι άγνωστες και τις μαθαίνουν για πρώτη φορά! Ταυτόχρονα, πολλοί γονείς θεωρούν ότι μέσα από την προετοιμασία για τις εκθέσεις των αγγλικών τα παιδιά μαθαίνουν να οργανώνουν τη σκέψη τους και στα ελληνικά! Καθώς στο σχολείο μας –όπως θα δείτε στις σελίδες του φετινού περιοδικού– δίνουμε μεγάλη βαρύτητα στη σωστά δομημένη γραπτή έκφραση, θα περίμενε κανείς ότι το γεγονός αυτό θα μας χαροποιούσε. Νομίζω όμως ότι είναι άξιο προβληματισμού. Ανάγκη για ποιοτική παιδεία. Μια 20ετή έρευνα που μόλις εκδόθηκε στις ΗΠΑ κατάφερε να παρακολουθήσει την επαγγελματική πορεία 2,5 εκατομμυρίων μαθητών μετά τις σπουδές τους και να βρει ποιο είναι το μυστικό μιας επιτυχημένης καριέρας. Είναι κάτι που δεν έχει ξαναγίνει. Μέχρι τώρα οι επιτυχίες στις εξετάσεις και τα πτυχία θεωρούνταν τα μόνα προαπαιτούμενα εφόδια για να μπορέσει κανείς να βρει μια καλή δουλειά. Οι ερευνητές βρήκαν ότι αυτό δεν ήταν καθόλου σημαντικό! Αυτό που άλλαξε την πορεία των ανθρώπων ήταν η επαφή τους με κάποιον που τους ενέπνευσε να σκεφτούν. Όταν σε μια τάξη αντικατέστησαν έναν μέτριο εκπαιδευτικό με κάποιον πολύ καλύτερο (στην Αμερική υπάρχει αξιολόγηση), οι μαθητές της τάξης αυτής στη μετέπειτα επαγγελματική τους σταδιοδρομία είχαν συνολική αύξηση εσόδων ενός εκατομμυρίου δολαρίων! Η ανάγκη για ποιοτική εκπαίδευση στη χώρα μας είναι πιο επείγουσα από ποτέ. Ενώ θεωρούμε ότι η οικονομική ευμάρεια θα μπορέσει αργότερα να βελτιώσει το εκπαιδευτικό μας σύστημα, η παραπάνω έρευνα μας δείχνει το αντίθετο. Για να έχουμε παραγωγικούς πολίτες, θα πρέπει πάνω απ’ όλα να είναι πνευματικά ενεργοί!

Deutsch • Español • Pусский • Français • English! Το φετινό 26ο τεύχος του NOTIONS είναι αφιερωμένο σε όλες τις ξένες γλώσσες που διδάσκονται στο σχολείο μας. Είναι τα εργαλεία που θα δώσουν στους μαθητές μας την ώθηση να διευρύνουν τον κόσμο τους και να κάνουν τις δικές τους ιδέες πραγματικότητα! Μάθετε για τα προγράμματα σπουδών μας και απολαύστε τα άρθρα των μαθητών μας στα Ρωσικά, Γερμανικά, Γαλλικά, Ισπανικά και Αγγλικά! Η διεύθυνση και οι καθηγητές του σχολείου είμαστε πολύ περήφανοι για την προσπάθειά τους! Ινώ Παναγιώτου (ΜSc in Education)




Proprietor: The Papaeliou Schools Chief Editor: Ino Panayotou Typing: Lia Darema, Vivi Matthaiou, Magda Papakonstantinou Σελιδοποίηση: Ντέλλα Τσιφτσοπούλου

ΚΑΡΑΪΣΚΟΥ 111, 18532 ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ t 210 4173892, f 210 4121520

EΛ. ΒΕΝΙΖΕΛΟΥ 35, 18532 ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ t 210 4119996, f 210 4121312 ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΙΑΣ 124, 18451 ΝΙΚΑΙΑ t/f 210 4916800

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Cambridge University Press

Eν συ ημε να ρω ντ τι ήσ κέ ει ς ς Στις 27 Ιουνίου 2013 πραγματοποιήθηκε στο σχολείο μας στη Νίκαια συγκέντρωση γονέων, κατά την οποία η υπεύθυνη του Γαλλικού τμήματος μίλησε για τη χρησιμότητα της γαλλικής γλώσσας, για το μηδαμινό κόστος σπουδών στη Γαλλία και το πρόγραμμα σπουδών του γαλλικού τμήματος. Η συνάντηση ήταν πολύ επιτυχημένη και οι γονείς έμειναν ικανοποιημένοι από την παρουσίαση.

Τα σχολεία μας εδώ και χρόνια έχουν αναπτύξει μια αμφίδρομη σχέση μεταξύ γονέων και καθηγητών. Θεωρούμε τους γονείς συμμάχους στον αγώνα μας για σωστή και αποτελεσματική διδασκαλία. Στην αρχή της χρονιάς διοργανώνουμε γενικές συκεντρώσεις, στις οποίες οι διδάσκοντες παρουσιάζουν τον τρόπο καθώς και το στόχο του επιπέδου. Στη συνέχεια της χρονιάς φροντίζουμε η ενημέρωση να είναι συχνή και ποιοτική. Συνεχίζοντας την παράδοση αυτή, φέτος έγιναν πολλές και σημαντικές ενημερωτικές συναντήσεις. Το Σάββατο 28 Σεπτεμβρίου έγινε η πρώτη παρουσίαση του Ρωσικού μας προγράμματος. Η διευθύντρια σπουδών κ. Ινώ Παναγιώτου και η καθηγήτρια του Ρωσικού τμήματος κ. Τ. Μπογκντάνοβα παρουσίασαν στους γονείς και μαθητές τη Ρωσική γλώσσα, τα επίπεδα σπουδών και τις εργασιακές ευκαιρίες που αποκτά κάποιος που ξέρει ρωσικά. Το καινούργιο μας τμήμα είναι πια γεγονός!

Στις 5 Οκτωβρίου 2013, έγινε η καθιερωμένη πρώτη συνάντηση με τους γονείς της Α’ τάξης στα σχολεία του Πειραιά και της Νίκαιας. Η συντονί-στρια του επιπέδου, κ. Άννα Φριτζελά, παρουσίασε αναλυτικά τη φιλοσοφία και τους στόχους του καινούργιου επιπέδου (Senior A). Η κ. Έλενα Χρηστίδη έκανε μία επίδειξη της χρήσης του διαδραστικού πίνακα τελευταίας τεχνολογίας που διαθέτει το σχολείο μας και τον τρόπο ένταξής του στο μάθημά μας. Στη συνάντηση παρευρέθηκαν οι διευθύντριες του Πειραιά, κ. Κατερίνα Θεοδωράκη, και της Νίκαιας, κ. Αλέκα Κοτοπούλη, καθώς και όλοι οι καθηγητές του επιπέδου.


✷✷✷ Στις 19 και 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013, στα σχολεία της Νίκαιας και του Πειραιά, πραγματοποιήθηκαν δυο εξίσου επιτυχημένες συναντήσεις με τους γονείς των μαθητών των νηπιακών μας τμημάτων. Κατά τη διάρκεια των συναντήσεων οι γονείς των μικρών μας μαθητών αντάλλαξαν απόψεις για την ξενόγλωσση εκπαίδευση καθώς και τον τρόπο που μαθαίνουν οι πολύ μικροί μαθητές. Η διεύθυνση και οι καθηγητές μας είναι πάντα ενημερωμένοι για τις σωστές παιδαγωγικές μεθόδους που αρμόζουν στους μαθητές της προσχολικής ηλικίας. Η τάξη αυτή έχει στόχο τη σωστή εισαγωγή του μαθητή στην ξένη γλώσσα τόσο σε γραπτό, όσο και σε προφορικό επίπεδο. ✷✷✷

Το Σάββατο 5 Οκτωβρίου 2013 έγινε στα σχολεία του Πειραιά και της Νίκαιας η ενημέρωση των καινούργιων μας μαθητών της Ά Προκαταρκτικής σχετικά με το σύστημα διδασκαλίας του σχολείου. Οι διευθύντριες του Πειραιά, κ. Κατερίνα Θεοδωράκη και της Νίκαιας, κ. Αλέκα Κοτοπούλη καλωσόρισαν τους γονείς. Στη συνέχεια, η Γενική Διευθύντρια Σπουδών και συντονίστρια του επιπέδου, κ. Ινώ Παναγιώτου, μίλησε για τους στόχους της τάξης και ακολούθησαν οι καθηγήτριες, κ. Νατάσα Λύγκου, Μπέσσυ Γιαννιώτη και ο κ. Γιάννης Χαρίτος, οι οποίοι με τη σειρά τους ενημέρωσαν τους γονείς για τον τρόπο με τον οποίο γίνεται το μάθημα, ποια είναι η μεθοδολογία βάσει της οποίας πρέπει να γίνεται η μελέτη των παιδιών και ποιος είναι ο ρόλος των γονέων στη διαδικασία της μάθησης.

✷✷✷ Στις 19 Οκτωβρίου 2013 έγινε μια συνάντηση των γονέων των μαθητών της Lower τάξης με τη Διεύθυνση, τη συντονίστρια του επιπέδου κ. Μάρθα Χαρατσή και τις καθηγήτριες του επιπέδου. Η συνάντηση ήταν πολύ σημαντική, καθώς οι γονείς ήθελαν να ενημερωθούν για τα πτυχία του επιπέδου Β2 και την αναγνωρισιμότητά τους στην Ελλάδα και στο εξωτερικό. ✷✷✷ Το Σάββατο 19 Οκτωβρίου 2013 οι γονείς των μαθητών της Ε΄ τάξης του σχολείου της Νίκαιας είχαν την ευκαιρία να συναντηθούν με τις καθηγήτριες κ. Μίνα Παραδεισοπούλου και κ. Zara Hussein και να ενημερωθούν από τη συντονίστρια της ύλης κ. Μάρθα Χαρατσή γύρω από εκπαιδευτικά θέματα που αφορούν στο συγκεκριμένο επίπεδο. ✷✷✷

notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine Στολισμός τάξης

Λίγες μέρες πριν τις χριστουγεννιάτικες διακοπές η κ. Αλέκα Κοτοπούλη και οι μαθητές της της πρώτης προκαταρτικής στόλισαν την τάξη τους. Τα παιδιά είχαν την ευκαιρία να χαλαρώσουν από τη σχολική ρουτίνα, να ακούσουν χριστουγεννιάτικα κάλαντα στα Αγγλικά και να μπουν στο πνεύμα των Χριστουγέννων. Kαι του χρόνου!

Νηπιακό Τμήμα: Αποχαιρετιστήριο πάρτυ

Happy Birthday!

Στις 16 Δεκεμβρίου όλοι οι μαθητές της Lower 2 ευχήθηκαν Χρόνια Πολλά σε τρεις συμμαθήτριές τους, την Μαίρη Βαμβακά, Ειρήνη Δούκα και Γεωργία Μαυροπούλου που είχαν τα γενέθλιά τους την ίδια εβδομάδα. Τίμησαν όλοι την τούρτα, η οποία ήταν νοστιμότατη.

Τον Ιούνιο του 2013 η κ. Τίνα Στεργίου διοργάνωσε ένα πολύ επιτυχημένο πάρτυ αποφοίτησης των μαθητών μας των νηπιακών τμημάτων στο σχολείο της Νίκαιας. Όλοι μας κατασυγκινηθήκαμε κι ευχηθήκαμε καλή συνέχεια στα «μωρά» μας!


✷✷✷ ✷✷✷


Ανοικτό μάθημα

Όπως κάθε χρονιά, έτσι και το Μάιο του 2013 γιορτάσαμε το τέλος των μαθημάτων με ένα ανοικτό για τους γονείς μάθημα. Πράγματι, το τμήμα της πρώτης προκαταρτικής της κ. Πόπης Χαλδαίου κάλεσε τους γονείς να δουν τα παιδιά τους σε πλήρη δράση. Οι υπερήφανοι γονείς είχαν την ευκαιρία να καμαρώσουν τα παιδιά τους να χειρίζονται με ευχέρεια όχι μόνο την αγγλική γλώσσα, αλλά και τον υπερσύγχρονο διαδραστικό πίνακα του σχολείου μας στη Νίκαια. Ήταν, κατά γενική ομολογία, ένα υπέροχο απόγευμα. Συγχαρητήρια σε όλους!

Οι τάξεις της κ. Στέλλας Λεμονή D3, Lower 1 και Lower 2 αποχαιρέτησαν το 2013 παίζοντας Scrabble. Τα παιδιά διασκέδασαν και οι νικήτριες ομάδες πανηγύρισαν. Το πιο τυχερό τμήμα ήταν το Lower 2, που απόλαυσε ένα γλυκύτατο κέρασμα από τη μαθήτρια Γωγώ Θεοδωροπούλου, banoffee pie φτιαγμένο απ’ τα χεράκια της.

Ένα πάρτι «καθεστώς»

Στις 23 Δεκεμβριου 2013 έλαβε χώρα το πάρτι «καθεστώς», του προσωπικού του κτιρίου της Βενιζέλου. Το προσωπικό μας, που είναι ιδιαιτέρως allegro, συμμετείχε σε ανταλλαγή δώρων, άφθονο γέλιο, κρασί, φαγητό και φυσικά χορό απο την κα. Ντιάνα Παπαηλιού που φημίζεται για το μπρίο της! Να είμαστε όλοι καλά και υγιείς.....ΚΑΙ ΤΟΥ ΧΡΟΝΟΥ!! ✷✷✷


Όπως κάθε χρόνο έτσι και φέτος, η κυρία Κουτσογούλα και οι μαθητές του Proficiency 2 της Νίκαιας βρέθηκαν στο Village του Ρέντη, όπου παρακολούθησαν ταινία. Η επίσκεψη έγινε την Παρασκευή, 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2013, την τελευταία ημέρα πριν την έναρξη των διακοπών των Χριστουγέννων. Η ταινία που επιλέχθηκε ομόφωνα ήταν το remake της κλασσικής ταινίας τρόμου «Carrie» από το μυθιστόρημα του Stephen King. Η βραδιά έκλεισε με ζεστή σοκολάτα και κριτική της ταινίας σε ένα από τα café του Village. Σε γενικές γραμμές, το συγκεκριμένο remake δεν ανταποκρίθηκε στις προσδοκίες των μαθητών και η πλειοψηφία συμφώνησε ότι η αρχική έκδοση της δεκαετίας του 70 ήταν πολύ καλύτερη. Αντιθέτως, η βραδιά ήταν υπέροχη!

Last year she was Marilyn Monroe, this year she was a bad girl. Who is it?

School News

Jour des Crepes Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Γαλλοφωνίας

Στις 20 Μαρτίου 2014 γιορτάσαμε την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα της Γαλλοφωνίας με γλυκά στα χρώματα της γαλλικής σημαίας που παρήγγειλε ειδικά η καθηγήτρια μας κ. Πέννυ Δέδε! Την ίδια μέρα, έγινε η απονομή μεταλλίων και τροπαίου στους μαθητές του Cours II για την ολοκλήρωση του «Tour de France» που διοργανώσαμε στην τάξη μας από την αρχή της χρονιάς. (Ο «Γύρος της Γαλλίας» ήταν μια σειρά από διαγωνισμούς ορθογραφίας, γραμματικής και λεξιλογίου, όπου κάθε φορά οι μαθητές μας κέρδιζαν και από ένα «étape »)

Κάθε χρόνο στις 4 Φεβρουαρίου η Γαλλία γιορτάζει την Ημέρα της Κρέπας! Το Γαλλικό μας τμήμα αφιέρωσε μέρος του μαθήματος για να πράξει τα δέοντα! Φάγαμε νοστιμότατες κρέπες για να γλυκαθούμε πριν αρχίσουμε το μάθημα! Και του χρόνου! ✷✷✷


Είμαστε ακόμα μια φορά περήφανοι για το Γερμανικό Τμήμα! Οι μαθήτριες Ελένη Διακάτου και Ιωάννα Καγιά πέρασαν το πτυχίο Goethe Β1 με άνεση και προχωρούν για το Β2. Τους ευχόμαστε πάντα επιτυχίες!

Συρανό Ντε Μπερζεράκ Το Γαλλικό τμήμα των Κ.Ξ.Γ Παπαηλιού την Κυριακή στις 16 Μαρτίου 2014 διοργάνωσε μια θεατρική έξοδο, επιλέγοντας την παράσταση «Συρανό ντε Μπερζεράκ». Το «Συρανό» είναι ένα από τα λογοτεχνικά έργα στα οποία θα εξεταστούν οι μαθητές μας στις φετινές εξετάσεις SORBONNE C1. Η επιλογή έγινε στα πλαίσια του μνημονίου συνεργασίας που έχει το σχολείο μας με το Γαλλικό Ινστιτούτο και τη Γαλλική πρεσβεία. Μια συνεργασία που στηρίζεται στην καθολική αναγνώριση της 20χρονης επιτυχίας μας στις εξετάσεις D.E.L.F και D.A.L.F. Αυτή η επιτυχία οδήγησε στη βράβευση του Σχολείου μας από το Γαλλικό Ινστιτούτο Αθηνών και τον πρέσβη της Γαλλίας στην Ελλάδα, θεωρώντας το ως το μεγαλύτερο κέντρο Ξένων Γλωσσών στον Πειραιά, τόσο σε αριθμό μαθητών, όσο και στο ποσοστό επιτυχίας, το οποίο αγγίζει το 100%. Μετά το τέλος της παράστασης, όλοι φύγαμε με μια γλυκιά γεύση στις καρδιές μας και συνειδητοποιήσαμε την κοινή μας μοίρα και ότι τώρα πρέπει να είμαστε αλληλέγγυοι, όχι λόγω ιδεολογιών ή θρησκειών, αλλά λόγω αναγκαιότητας.

✷✷✷ Οι μαθητές της D3 τάξης της κ. Στέλλας Λεμονή έφτιαξαν με τη βοήθεια της καθηγήτριάς τους ένα ηλεκτρονικό βιβλίο, μέσα στο οποίο περιέγραφαν Χριστουγεννιάτικα έθιμα απ’ όλον τον κόσμο. Το βιβλίο εμφανίζεται στην ακόλουθη σελίδα στο Internet: fdnfb95m

νέ α Κο ιν ω νι κά

Την Πέμπτη 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2014, ο Αριστείδης Παναγιώτου πέρασε το VIVA του με επιτυχία! Αυτό σημαίνει ότι θα είναι σύντομα ένας Διδάκτορας της Κοινωνιολογίας από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Essex! Οι καθηγητές του και η οικογένειά του είναι πολύ περήφανοι! Συγχαρητήρια στο διευθυντικό μας στέλεχος! ✷✷✷

Στις 25 Ιανουαρίου 2014 η καθηγήτρια του γερμανικού τμήματος κ. Σοφία Μπόρου παντρεύτηκε τον εκλεκτό της καρδιάς της. Τους ευχόμαστε βίον ανθόσπαρτον! ✷✷✷ Το Σάββατο 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013, ο Αριστείδης Παναγιώτου παντρεύτηκε την εκλεκτή της καρδιάς του, κ. Δήμητρα Τσίγκου. Ήταν μια υπέροχη τελετή που συνεχίστηκε στη Λίμνη της Βουλιαγμένης με φαγητό, μουσική και πολύ χορό! Να ζήσουν!

Ο Δημήτρης Σταμόπουλος, γιός της καθηγήτριάς μας κ. Νατάσας Λύγκου, έλαβε μέρος στην ετήσια συναυλία που διοργάνωσε το Δημοτικό Ωδείο Νίκαιας. Έπαιξε τα κομμάτια: «η Λαχτάρα της Άνοιξης» και παραλλαγές πάνω σε ένα θέμα από την όπερα «Μαγικός Αυλός» του Μότσαρτ.

Την Κυριακή, 23 Μαρτίου 2014 η Τζωρτζίνα Υφαντή, κόρη της καθηγήτριας Αγγλικών κ. Νίκης Χατζηγιαννάκη και σπουδάστρια της δραματικής σχολής Ίασμος-Βασίλης Διαμαντόπουλος, συμμετείχε ως βοηθητική ηθοποιός στο 6ο επεισόδιο της νέας τηλεοπτικής σειράς της Ρέινας Εσκενάζυ «Καλές Δουλειές» με πρωταγωνιστή τον Πέτρο Φιλιππίδη. Το γύρισμα που διήρκησε 6½ και πλέον ώρες ήταν πολύ κοπιαστικό, αλλά η εμπειρία μοναδική. Το highlight του γεγονότος αυτού ήταν ότι η κ. Χατζηγιαννάκη και ο σύζυγός της, που συνόδευαν την κόρη τους στο πλατό, χρησιμοποιήθηκαν από την σκηνοθέτιδα για τις ανάγκες κάποιων σκηνών. ✷✷✷


✷✷✷ Στις 7 Νοεμβρίου 2013 η καθηγήτρια του Αγγλικού τμήματος κ. Τίνα Στεργίου γέννησε ένα υπέροχο αγοράκι. Να της ζήσει!

Cake Recipe

Στα πλαίσια του μαθήματος της PR2 οι μαθητές της κ. Έλενας Χρηστίδη είχαν μια γλυκιά έκπληξη από την καθηγήτριά τους. Όχι μόνο τους παρουσίασε τη δική της συνταγή κέικ, αλλά τους το έφτιαξε για να το δοκιμάσουν! Ήταν ένα υπέροχο μάθημα! Όσο για τη συνταγή, τη ζητήσαμε και μας την έδωσαν:

Η Βασιλική Δαρεμά μαθήτρια της Α΄ προκαταρκτικής και κόρη της κ. Λίας Καλαμάρα πέρασε με επιτυχία τις εξετάσεις της στο TAE-KWON-DO. Την Παρασκευή 28 Μαρτίου πήρε μισή πράσινη ζώνη. Συγχαρητήρια Βασιλική!

Vanilla and chocolate marble cake What do we need to make this cake? We need 250 grams of butter. We need 225 grams of sugar. We need four eggs. We need 250 grams of flour. We also need: 2 tablespoons baking powder, 2 tablespoons vanilla powder, 2 tablespoons butter and 4 tablespoons cacao powder! It is very easy and delicious!

Alexander Kapsis, the son of our teacher Ms. Dina Lampara has recently completed his military service in the Marine Corps. We wish him good luck and a bright future ahead!




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Pre-juniors Open Lessons

Αποκριάτικο Πάρτι

Την Πέμπτη 27 Φεβρουαρίου τα παιδιά του τμήματος των Pre-Juniors της Νίκαιας μαζί με την καθηγήτριά τους κ. Χρύσα Αρβανίτη έκαναν ένα μίνι αποκριάτικο πάρτι. Υπό τους ήχους και τα τραγούδια του «Playway to English» τα παιδιά έμαθαν καινούργια πράγματα, έπαιξαν, τραγούδησαν στα Αγγλικά και διασκέδασαν. Και του χρόνου! ✷✷✷

Στις 19 και 20Φεβρουαρίου 2014 οι καθηγήτριες κ. Έλενα Χρηστίδη και Χρύσα Αρβανίτη και οι μαθητές των νηπιακών μας τμήματων στον Πειραιά και στη Νίκαια κάλεσαν τους γονείς να παρακολουθήσουν τον τρόπο με τον οποίο γίνεται το μάθημα και να δουν πώς οι μικροί μας μαθητές έχουν εξοικειωθεί με την αγγλική γλώσσα, πόσα πράγματα έχουν μάθει στα αγγλικά και πόσο ευχάριστα παρακολουθούν και συμμετέχουν στο μάθημα. Κατά γενική ομολογία, ήταν μία πολύ ευχάριστη εμπειρία για όλους, ιδιαί-τερα για τους γονείς, που είδαν με έκπληξη τα παιδιά τους να καταλαβαίνουν και να τραγουδούν στα αγγλικά τόσο σύντομα, μόλις μέσα σε τέσσερις μήνες!

Dead Poets Society

Χριστουγεννιάτικο Πάρτι

Στο ταχύρυθμο τμήμα B-C Αccel, τους αρέσει να μετατρέπουν την αίθουσα του διαδραστικού πίνακα σε αίθουσα προβολής ταινιών. Η καθηγήτρια κ. Άννα Φριτζελά και τα 4 αστέρια της: Ντέπυ, Θάνος, Άσπα και Ιζάουρα οργάνωσαν ένα χριστουγεννιάτικο πάρτι την τελευταία μέρα των μαθημάτων. Πέρασαν υπέροχα με τα αστεία του Θάνου, έφαγαν σνακς και ήπιαν αναψυκτικά, ενώ βλέπανε το «Εγώ ο Απαισιότατος 2». Στο τέλος όλοι συμφώνησαν ότι τα Μίνιονς έκλεψαν την παράσταση! ✷✷✷


Ο μαθητής μας Βασίλης Περιβολάκης (C2 Nikea School) πήρε μέρος στον Πανπειραϊκό Διαγωνισμό του Εκπαιδευτικού Οργανισμού Saint Paul «ΓΡΑΦΩ και ΜΕΤΡΩ» και βραβεύτηκε τη Δευτέρα 7 Απριλίου στον Πειραϊκό Σύνδεσμο! Μπράβο, Βασίλη!

Tην Κυριακή, 6 Απριλίου 2014 η διευθύντρια του σχολείου της Νίκαιας κα. Αλέκα Κοτοπούλη διοργάνωσε την προβολή της ταινίας «Ο κύκλος των χαμένων ποιητών» για τους μαθητές των Ε και Lower τάξεων. Η κα. Κοτοπούλη προλόγισε την πασίγνωστη και πολυβραβευμένη ταινία, η οποία έχει θέμα τις προσπάθειες ενός καθηγητή της φιλολογίας να διδάξει στους μαθητές του την έννοια της ποίησης και να τους εμφυσήσει το ανήσυχο πνεύμα και την αξία της κάθε στιγμής. Στις σκληρές μεθόδους ενός αυστηρού κολλεγίου αρρένων του 1959, ο νέος καθηγητής θα αντιπαραθέσει νέους τρόπους διδασκαλίας, διεύρυνση των οριζόντων και διάπλαση των παιδιών στην ευαίσθητη ηλικία με σεβασμό στις ατομι-κές ανάγκες και ανησυχίες του καθενός. Όμως, το κατεστημένο θα αποδειχθεί πολύ πιο ισχυρό και οι προσπάθειές του θα φέρουν τραγικά αποτελέσματα… Μετά την προβολή η κα. Μίνα Παραδεισοπούλου ενθάρρυνε τα παιδιά να κάνουν διάφορα κουίζ που είχε προετοιμάσει για το διαδραστικό πίνακα. Στη συνέχεια, οι κυρίες Zara Hussein, Αλέκα Κοτοπούλη και Νίκη Χατζηγιαννάκη συζήτησαν με τα παιδιά τα εκπληκτικά μηνύματα της ταινίας για την αξία της ζωής! Τέλος, στα παιδιά δόθηκε ένα φυλλάδιο που είχε ετοιμάσει η κα. Παραδεισοπούλου με τις πιο χαρακτηριστικές σκηνές και ατάκες της ταινίας. Ήταν μια υπέροχη εμπειρία για όλους και αξίζει να επαναληφθεί!

Κοπή Πίτας Βενιζέλου

Στις 27 Ιανουαρίου 2014 οι καθηγητές της Βενιζέλου έκοψαν τη δική τους βασιλόπιτα όπως συνηθίζουν τα τελευταία 15 χρόνια! Η τυχερή που κέρδισε το φλουρί δεν ήταν η Χρύσα Αρβανίτη, όπως αναμενόταν, αλλά η Έλλη Λάμπρου η οποία για πρώτη φορά δε διαμαρτηρήθηκε για... αδικίες και κανονισμένα κομμάτια! Ευτυχώς για τις υπόλοιπες, γιατί έτσι δεν αναγκάστηκαν να υπομείνουν τον καταιγισμό κατηγοριών σε ...άπταιστα Ελληνικά. ΚΑΛΗ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ!

Κοπή Πίτας Σχολείου

Την Τετάρτη, 15 Ιανουαρίου, έγινε η καθιερωμένη κοπή της βασιλόπιτας των ΚΞΓ Παπαηλιού για το 2014, στο κτίριο της Καραΐσκου στον Πειραιά. Οι διευθύντριες των σχολών, Μαριάννα και Ντιάνα Παπαηλιού και η κ. Ινώ Παναγιώτου, υποδέχτηκαν τους εργαζόμενους μέσα σε ζεστό και εγκάρδιο κλίμα για να ανταλλάξουν ευχές για το νέο έτος. Τυχερή της φετινής χρονιάς ήταν η κα. Χρύσα Αρβανίτη, η οποία παρέλαβε το χρυσό φλουρί για καλή τύχη. Και του χρόνου!


Όπως κάθε Χριστούγεννα, έτσι και φέτος οι μαθητές του σχολείου της Νίκαιας προσέφεραν απλόχερα τρόφιμα για τους απόρους της Εκκλησίας του Αγίου Ιωάννη Ρέντη και της Εκκλησίας της Κοιμήσεως της Θεοτόκου στο Πικέρμι. ✷✷✷ Οι μαθητές του σχολείου του Πειραιά, στην Καραΐσκου, πρόσφεραν τρόφιμα στην Αδελφότητα Πειραιώς «Ο καλός Σαμαρίτης». Η πρόθυμη προσφορά και συμπαράσταση των μαθητών του σχολείου μας βοήθησε πολλούς στερημένους συνανθρώπους μας να περάσουν, όπως αξίζει σε όλους τους ανθρώπους, τα Χριστούγεννα, με πλούσιο φαγητό. Μπράβο στους σπουδαστές μας!!

Μόναχο & όχι μονάχοι

Στις 28 Οκτωβρίου 2013 πραγματοποιήθηκε ταξίδι στο Μόναχο, με πλούσια συμμετοχή, αλλά τελικά με ηχηρές απουσίες (κ. Παπαηλιού, Ρηγοπούλου, Θεοδωράκη)! Συμμετείχαν οι κυρίες: Γεωργία Βούτου (oh!), Χριστίνα Γιατράκου (εορτάζουσα, έκλεισε τα ...25), Βιβή Ματθαίου, (general manager), Ντίνα Λαμπάρα (γευσιγνώστης), Κάλλη Παντελή (θαρραλέα στον αέρα), Ειρήνη Ιακώβου (κριτικός τέχνης!), Έλλη Λάμπρου (μασκότ) και Νατάσσα Σιούτα (διερμηνέας). Η προσπάθεια κατανόησης της Γερμανικής γλώσσας απο τις καθηγήτριες Αγγλικών ήταν αξιέπαινη, αλλά μάταιη! Εκτός της κυρίας Λάμπρου που κέρδισε τις εντυπώσεις μιλώντας άπταιστα γερμανικά (κατά τη γνώμη της) με εξαιρετική προφορά και αέρα! Ξεναγηθήκαμε πλήρως στην πόλη και στα μουσεία της, επισκεφθήκαμε το στρα-

τόπεδο συγκέντρωσης στο χωριό Νταχάου, περπατήσαμε στους εμπορικούς δρόμους, γελάσαμε, και απολαύσαμε το εξαιρετικό φαγητό τους (όχι τόσο light) και τις τεράστιες μπύρες τους! Και του χρόνου ...χικ!


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:978-9-479-3 2-1


Charles Perraul t retold by H.Q. Mitchell

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Andersen Christian  Hans   Mitchell     retold by H.Q.

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and the Nightingale sing, The Emperor hears But then another bird takes it to his palace. out how the Emperor do? Find comes... What will beauty. to appreciate true the Emperor learned



original story

Andersen Hans Christian H.Q. Mitchell


Headwords: 170

Puss in Boots is the tale of a very clever He is so clever cat. that not only he manage find his poor s to master a new life but also princess to a real marry. Read and learn what Puss uses to tricks make all this happen.


retold by160 Headwords: H.Q. Mitchell

classic story

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original story


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classic story


Headwords: 90

Gepetto has always wanted a son and now he has Pinocchio. But the little puppet is very naughty and keeps getting in trouble. How will Pinocchio manage to become a real boy? A fun classic story that also teaches how precious it is to be good and honest.


Suit The King's New

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CD / CD-RoM included

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Adapted by H.Q.




Book and Activity Section) • Multilingual glossary • Audio CD • Teacher’s notes


S T U D E N T ’ S




of tasks on each chapter.


• Student’s Book (Story



A Midsummer Night’s Dream






The activity section

contains a variety

The activity section

contains a variety of tasks on each chapter. • Student’s Book (Story Book and Activity • Multilingual glossary • Audio CD • Teacher’s notes

Malkogianni Adapted by H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni

A classic story

carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English at Upper-In termediate level. A large number of full-colour illustratio ns facilitate understanding.

Adapted by H.Q. Mitchell

learners carefully adapted to suit the needs of of English at Intermediate level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.

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Student’s B ook






A Midsummer Night’s Dream David

and Amazons A classic story



The activity section

contains a variety of tasks on each chapter. • Student’s Book (Story Book and Activity Section) • Multilingual glossary • Audio CD • Teacher’s Book


Student’s Book S W I S S


of tasks on each chapter.



The activity section contains a variety

Section) Book and Activity • Student’s Book (Story • Multilingual glossary • Audio CD • Teacher’s Book


A classic story

carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English at Pre-Intermediate level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.



in China


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Swiss Family Lisa Robinson


Lisa in China


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top readers

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student’s book A classic story


student’s book A classic story

carefully adapted to suit the needs of young learners of English at Pre-Intermediate level. This book contains full-colour illustrations to facilitate understandin g.

the needs carefully adapted to suit of young learners of English This book at Pre-Intermediate level. contains full-colour illustrations g. to facilitate understandin



to London in order to take A young girl goes on a trip Join her and her part in the final of a competition.sightseeing tour of exciting fellow finalists on their the British capital.

Also available: with glossary • Student’s Activity Book • Teacher’s Book • Cassette • Audio CD

a eGoes LisCav Lost in the

to London

Three teenagestarter H.Q. MITCHELL byand girls, Ellise, Fran Agnes join a potholers’ club in Derbyshire and go with other club members on a trip to the Peak District National Park. Their first visit into a cave leaves them excited and hungry for more, so they decide to go to the cave again. This time, however, the girls are alone, so a difficult and at times dangerous adventure begins. Ellise, Fran and Agnes not only prove that nothing is impossible, but they also learn a great deal about themselves.



Lost in the Cave by H.Q. MITCHELL


Also available:

• Student’s Activity Book with glossary

• Cassette

• Teacher’s Book

Also available: • Student’s Activity Book with glossary. • Cassette • Teacher’s Book

Also available: with glossary. • Student’s Activity Book • Cassette • Teacher’s Book

sStudent’s Book ISBN 960-379-0753 3 ISBN 960-379-075-

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Ino Panayotou Εργασία και Ξένες Γλώσσες – Ψάχνοντας για δουλειά τον καιρό της ύφεσης! ΕΛΛΑΔΑ: ένα μικρό, ηλιόλουστο κράτοςμέλος στο νοτιοανατολικό άκρο της Ε.Ε. Όλα άρχισαν όταν, μετά το Β΄ Παγκόσμιο πόλεμο, στην Ελλάδα αρχίζει σιγά σιγά μια ανάπτυξη που δημιουργεί εξειδικευμένες θέσεις εργασίας. Όλο και περισσότεροι καταλαβαίνουν ότι για να βρουν μια καλή δουλειά θα πρέπει να αποκτήσουν πανεπιστημιακό πτυχίο. Ο τρόπος εισαγωγής στα πανεπιστημιακά ιδρύματα συνδέει στο μυαλό των Ελλήνων την ιδέα της επιτυχημένης εκπαίδευσης με την επιτυχημένη απόδοση σε μία και μόνο εξέταση. Η συγκεκριμένη νοοτροπία, ότι η γνώση και η ικανότητα αποδεικνύονται με ένα και μόνο χαρτί, επικρατεί για μισό αιώνα και δεν αμφισβητείται από κανέναν. Εκατομμύρια μαθητές για δεκαετίες πιστεύουν ότι ένα πτυχίο είναι αρκετό για να τους εγγυηθεί μια σίγουρη θέση στον εργασιακό τομέα! Λάθος... ΑΝΕΡΓΙΑ: Με 30% ανεργία και αρνητικό πληθωρισμό το 2014, η Ελλάδα είναι μία από τις Ευρωπαϊκές χώρες που έχουν χτυπηθεί περισσότερο από την οικονομική κρίση που μαστίζει εδώ και μια επταετία τη νότια Ευρώπη. Πολλοί απο τους κατοίκους με μεγάλη εργασιακή εμπειρία και καλές σπουδές βρέθηκαν ξαφνικά άνεργοι σε μια αγορά χωρίς προοπτικές για άμεση ανάκαμψη. Υπάρχει λύση; Σίγουρα! Σε μια παγκοσμιοποιημένη οικονομία, εργασιακές ευκαιρίες υπάρχουν, απλώς δεν είναι προσβάσιμες σε όλους. ΔΟΥΛΕΙΕΣ ΥΠΑΡΧΟΥΝ: Ο Αυστριακός φιλόσοφος Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) υποστήριζε ότι τα όρια του κόσμου μας καθορίζονται από την ποιότητα, το είδος και το εύρος της γλώσσα μας. Η σκέψη αυτή δε θα

μπορούσε να είναι πιο επίκαιρη. Οι ξένες γλώσσες δίνουν πρόσβαση σε περισσότερες γνώσεις, διαφορετικό τρόπο σκέψης, δυνατότητα για ταξίδια, για σπουδές και, φυσικά, ευκαιρίες εργασίας! Ενώ η παγκοσμιοποίηση ανοίγει το δρόμο για εργασία πέραν των συνόρων (γεωγραφικών και ηλεκτρονικών) του Ελλαδικού χώρου, αυτές οι ευκαιρίες δεν μπορούν να αξιοποιηθούν χωρίς τις απαραίτητες γνώσεις. Τα πτυχία και η εργασιακή εμπειρία δεν είναι αρκετά για να είναι κάποιος ανταγωνιστικός στον παγκόσμιο εργασιακό στίβο. Η εξαιρετική γνώση τουλάχιστον δύο ξένων γλωσσών είναι αναπόσπαστο εργαλείο για επαγγελματική επιτυχία τον 21ο αιώνα.

οι μετανάστες που βελτιώσαν τα Αγγλικά τους από το επίπεδο «καλά» στο «πολύ καλά» είχαν αύξηση κατά 30% στο εισόδημά τους. Η ζήτηση ποιοτικής γνώσης σύντομα θα γίνει πραγματικότητα και στην Ελλάδα. Γι’ αυτό το λόγο η ανταγωνιστικότητα δε θα μένει μόνο στα χαρτιά ενός βιογραφικού. Στον παγκόσμιο εργασιακό χάρτη, νικητές θα είναι εκείνοι που θα μπορούν να χρησιμοποιούν τις ξένες γλώσσες τόσο καλά ώστε να περάσουν την πρώτη, ίσως και τη δεύτερη, συνέντευξη και να αποδώσουν στην εργασία τους καλύτερα από όλους τους άλλους – και όσο τα εργασιακά σύνορα διευρύνονται και ο κόσμος γύρω μας μεγαλώνει οι «άλλοι» θα γίνονται ολοένα και περισσότεροι!

ΠΟΙΟΤΙΚΗ ΓΝΩΣΗ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ... ή αλλιώς: όχι άλλα πτυχία! Ξέρατε ότι στην Ελλάδα υπάρχουν τουλάχιστον 14 αναγνωρισμένα πιστοποιητικά γλωσσομάθειας επιπέδου Γ2 (Proficiency) και 18 για το επίπεδο Β2 (Lower) με τον αριθμό να αυξάνει κάθε χρόνο για κάθε επίπεδο και για κάθε γλώσσα;

ΠΟΙΕΣ ΞΕΝΕΣ ΓΛΩΣΣΕΣ; Πολλοί σπουδαστές έχουν συνήθως το δίλημμα: «εκτός από τα Αγγλικά ποια άλλη γλώσσα να επιλέξω;» LC+Menu/FORIS/Ipodigmata/prok.csp Αυτό όμως έχει φέρει τα αντίθετα αποτελέσματα για το επίπεδο της ξενόγλωσσης παιδείας στη χώρα μας. Όσο ο αριθμός των αναγνωρισμένων πτυχίων αυξάνει, τόσο χαμηλώνει η ποιότητα των γνώσεων στις ξένες γλώσσες! Με το άγχος να είναι ανταγωνιστικοί, όλοι, σπουδαστές και σχολεία, θέλουν κάτι γρήγορο και εύκολο! Με τα αντίθετα βέβαια αποτελέσματα... Σε μια έρευνα που έκανε η Αμερικανική κυβέρνηση παρατήρησαν ότι

ΕΡΕΥΝΑ Με μια σύντομη αναζήτηση στο διαδύκτιο κάποιος θα διαπιστώσει ότι δεν υπάρχει σωστή απάντηση. Οι περισσότερες έρευνες έχουν γίνει από και για Αμερικάνους. Ξέρουμε λοιπόν ότι η πρώτη ξένη γλώσσα σε προτίμηση στις Η.Π.Α. είναι τα Ισπανικά, για ευνόητους λόγους. Οι περισσότερες χώρες της Αμερικάνικης ηπείρου έχουν επίσημη γλώσσα τα Ισπανικά, ενώ οι Ισπανόφωνοι Αμερικανοί αποτελούν τη μεγαλύτερη μειονότητα της χώρας με την τάση να γίνουν πλειοψηφία μέχρι το 2040! Όσο για τις άλλες γλώσσες, το 2013 παρατηρήθηκε αύξηση 127% στους σπουδαστές που μαθαίνουν Αραβικά και 51% σε αυτούς που μαθαίνουν Κινέζικα Μάνταριν. Άλλες δημοφιλείς γλώσσες είναι τα Λατινικά


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine (για ακαδημαϊκές σπουδές), τα Γερμανικά και τα Ρωσικά. Στην Ευρώπη, από την άλλη, τα τελευταία στοιχεία προέρχονται από την επίσημη ιστοσελίδα της Ευρωπαϊκής Στατιστικής Υπηρεσίας και αφορούν το έτος 2012. Ο μέσος όρος εκμάθησης γλωσσών ανά ευρωπαίο μαθητή είναι 1,5 με την Ελλάδα να είναι στο 1,9 και να βρίσκεται πάνω από τη μέση. Το Λουξεμβούργο έρχεται πρώτο με 2,5 και ακολουθούν Φινλανδία με 2,2 και Ολλανδία μαζί με την Μάλτα στο 2,1. Τα Αγγλικά έρχονται πρώτα σε προτίμηση με διαφορά. Οι περισσότεροι Ευρωπαίοι μαθαίνουν Αγγλικά σε ποσοστό που κυμαίνεται από 97-100%. Το ποσοστό της Ελλάδας είναι λίγο πιο χαμηλο (70-94%). Οι άλλες γλώσσες που προτιμούν οι Ευρωπαίοι είναι τα Γερμανικά και τα Γαλλικά. Η Ελλάδα έρχεται στις τελευταίες θέσεις και για τις δυο αυτές γλώσσες. Μόλις το 4,4% των Ελλήνων μαθαίνει Γαλλικά, ενώ το ποσοστό για τα Γερμανικά είναι 2,1%. Αξίζει να σημειώσει κανείς ότι οι Κροάτες και οι Τσέχοι μαθαίνουν Γερμανικά με ποσοστά πάνω από το 60%! Η πιο ενδιαφέρουσα πρόσφατη έρευνα όμως είναι αυτή του περιοδικού Economist. Σε ένα πολύ πρωτότυπο άρθρο, στο τεύχος της 11ης Μαρτίου 2014, παρουσιάζεται πρόγνωση του κέρδους (σε ευρώ) που μπορεί να αποφέρει η κάθε μία από τις 3 πιο δημοφιλείς γλώσσες:

γλώσσα φαίνεται ότι στον Ευρωπαϊκό χώρο τα Γερμανικά μαζί με τα Γαλλικά θα είναι απαραίτητα για εργασία. Τα Ισπανικά θα γίνουν η πιο δημοφιλής γλώσσα τόσο στη Νότια όσο και στη Βόρεια Αμερική. Τα Ρωσικά, Αραβικά και Κινέζικα (Μάνταριν) θα χρειάζονται για δουλειές ή σπουδές στο Ανατολικό κομμάτι της υφηλίου. Εσείς, ποια γλώσσα θα μάθετε φέτος; ✷✷✷

Ισπανικά, Γαλλικά, Γερμανικά! Βλέπουμε, λοιπόν, για πρώτη φορά με στατιστική ανάλυση, ότι τα Γερμανικά είναι αυτά που από τη συγκεκριμένη χρονική περιόδο και πέρα θα δίνουν μεγαλύτερες δυνατότητες αύξησης του μισθού σε αυτόν που τα μιλάει. Τα Γαλλικά έρχονται δεύτερα και τα Ισπανικά είναι στην τρίτη θέση. Το γράφημα δείχνει ότι η ανοδική πορεία και των τριών αυτών γλωσσών θα συνεχιστεί σταθερά μέχρι το 2054! ΣΥΜΠΕΡΑΣΜΑ Είναι ξεκάθαρο ότι τα Αγγλικά δε θα είναι αρκετά για να είναι κάποιος ανταγωνιστικός για το υπόλοιπο του 21ου αιώνα. Με γνώμονα τα στοιχεία που έχουμε στη διάθεσή μας και χωρίς κάποια ιδιαίτερη προτίμηση σε συγκεκριμένη

Για τα στατιστικά στοιχεία των ΗΠΑ: top-10-languages/ popular-foreign-languages-tech-language_sp08-cx_rr_0222foreign.html Για όλα τα στατιστικά στοιχεία της Ευρώπης επισκεφθείτε: page/portal/education/data/main_tables Για όλο το άρθρο του Economist:

Teachers of the heart

Diana Papaeliou 22

Why is it so difficult for adults to learn foreign languages? One might expect that it would be easier for people who are mature and sophisticated to assimilate and grasp languages pretty easily. Unfortunately this is far from true. Unlike young learners who are more impulsive and spontaneous, adults tend to be more hesitant, introverted and self-demanding. We might say that learning a new language is one of the most traumatic experiences adults could have in their lives. Is it a matter of memory failure? Is it the difficulty of new grammatical and syntactical patterns that hinders learning? Is it a question of unfamiliar accents and intonation? Is it the bulk of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions that frightens adult students? I believe that it is much more than that. Perhaps it is the sense of vulnerability that turns learners into helpless hostages, confined in the cells of a linguistic code they do not understand. They feel exposed and naked, as they cannot come to terms with their new identity. Deprived of their ability to express feelings, ideas and knowledge, adult learners are filled with a sense of ridicule. This hostile new language makes them sound idiotic and naïve and on top of that, they are forced to ‘unlearn’ their own natural code of communication! Isn’t this frustrating? Isn’t it like betraying their ‘authentic’ self? The truth is that language learning is often associated with anxiety, as it is a complex system of utterances, which cannot be learnt mechanically; it requires creative involve-

notions ment. It is not simply a task of memorizing phrases and structures. It is much more than that. Adult learners should be prepared to meet the enormous challenge that lies ahead. Undoubtedly it is no easy task for them to open up and externalize their emotions, exchange information and ideas in a foreign language. Isn’t it frustrating when the inherent linguistic obstacles distort the self-image they strive to project? How could the learner be freed from this torturing insecurity? The fervent supporters of the technological revolution in education argue that now with the plethora of software available on the internet foreign language learning will become easier and the physical presence of teachers will become a thing of the past. But in reality can an impersonal and detached approach relieve the learner’s anxiety? My answer is ‘definitely not’. Now more than ever before, in our new globalized environment foreign language learning is a ‘sine qua non’. However, the more essential the knowledge of languages becomes, the more anxious learners feel. Only a good teacher can give love and support. A good language teacher is the person who can probably reduce the levels of stress and anxiety, soothe the learners’ uncertainties and instill enthusiasm in the students’ hearts. A good teacher can boost creativity and self-confidence. We are shrouded in thick technological mist. Computer literacy enables us to have access to a deluge of software programs but we have difficulty choosing the best ones and even if we find them we don’t know how to use them. This is when we need the help of the experienced captain most. She can definitely transform us into fearless explorers. Our captain will take us to new beautiful lands awaiting to be discovered. We need better captains, better coaches, better leaders and most of all better teachers; not simply teachers of the mind but also teachers of the heart.

Είναι σπάνιο ένας γονιός να θυμάται και να ευχαριστεί όλους τους ανθρώπους που συνέβαλαν στη μόρφωση του παιδιού του. Στην περίπτωσή μας όμως η μαθήτριά μας Τατιάνα Βλαχαδάμη πήρε το Proficiency και η περήφανη μητέρα και ακαδημαϊκό στέλεχος του σχολείου μας, κ. Μάρθα Χαρατσή, θέλοντας να εκφράσει την ευγνωμοσύνη της έγραψε το παρακάτω κείμενο το οποίο και αποφασίσαμε να εκδώσουμε αυτούσιο:

Yes, she did it!!! The achievement in question being the acquisition of the ECPE and the girl as you might have guessed is no other than my Tatiana. I always feel proud of my students’ accomplishments but this time I feel twice as proud because it’s my own flesh and blood whose name is, yet again, in my students success list. It feels like only yesterday when she walked into her PR1 class and now, 10 years later, she has graduated with one of the highest qualifications in English in her hands. However, I feel I owe a very special thanks to all her English teachers before me who have made this possible for her. To Konstantinos Tatsis who was the first to teach her to read and write in English in under a month, when she was only a second grader and was still struggling with her Greek. To Anna Fritzela who took her on the following year. To Popi Vassilakou who had her for the following two years in a row in A & B class. And then of course to Bessie Yiannioti, the sweetest teacher ever, to Xristina Giatrakou and finally to Kally Pantelis! I also owe an extra special thank you to Dema Kirkili, who, although never taught her formally, took her under her wings like one of her own students and gave her a chance to get on stage at the Christmas celebration that year, remember Dema mou??? In all fairness, due credit should be given to her school English teachers who treated her equally despite the fact they knew they would not take any pride in including her in their success list as she took both her ECCE and her ECPE exams with us! Thank you Dora Assyrian and P. Arvaniti for constantly encouraging her, reinforcing her knowledge and, above all, for believing in her! You all laid solid foundations not only for her language awareness but also for the boosting of her confidence and self-esteem – and for anyone who knows Tatiana, you know that was the real challenge. Each and every one of you contributed in your own way to the things she knows and to the kind of person she has grown up to be. Be sure that had she had a FB account she would be thanking you personally. She has already got to the point of admitting that she does miss her English classes, the fun and enjoyment she used to have as well as all of you! You will always have a special place in her heart but also in mine for listening to my worries, sharing my concerns and working together with me so that today she can reap the fruits of her endeavors.


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine

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It was a very festive occasion with representatives from all the major supporters of Cambridge English. ✷✷✷


On the 1st of September 2013, οur exuberant FCE teacher Lina Patera attended a Panel Discussion on ‘Common Mistakes Teachers Make’ in the 3rd Languages Forum. ✷✷✷

Οι καθηγήτριες του Γερμανικού Τμήματος Σοφία Μπόρου και Ρίτα Στηντλ παρακολούθησαν τη 13η Επιστημονική Ημερίδα του Συλλόγου Καθηγητών Γερμανικής Γλώσσας που έγινε στις 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013 στον πολυχώρo ΑΘΗΝΑΪΣ.

On September 14 2013 our teacher John Haritos attended a seminar at the Cervantes Institute regarding the changes in the diplomas DELE B1 και Β2. Later in September, on the 17th, John attended a seminar entitled ‘Effective Presentations’.



Στις 11 Οκτωβρίου 2013 οι κυρίες Νατάσα Σιούτα, Ρίτα Στηντλ και Ινώ Παναγιώτου παρακολούθησαν στo Goethe Institut αναλυτική παρουσίαση της καινούργιας εξέτασης Β1.

On Sunday, 12 January Sophia Nikoletou was at the Hellenic American Union where she attended ‘Bullying in the 21st century’ by Dr Barbara Kondilis and ‘Learning difficulties and second language learning’ by Dr Dora Papadopoulou (Plenary), as well as ‘EAP and ESP’ by Panagiota Frytzala. ✷✷✷ On March 8th 2014 Stella Lemoni attended a panel discussion entitled ‘How has technology changed the way we teach?’ She also attended a presentation and discussion on ‘Real English B2’. Both events were held at the Royal Olympic Hotel. ✷✷✷ On the 9th of March 2013, our teacher John Haritos was awarded a Certificate of Recognition by the company Executive Communication. ✷✷✷ On the same day, 9 March 2013, our Proficiency teacher Dina Lampara attended the 4th Foreign Languages Forum in the Athens Hilton Hotel. ✷✷✷

On October 9 2013 a joint Proficiency 1+2 meeting took place. Teachers of both levels had the opportunity to interact and exchange ideas about the changes that have occurred as well as the goals for the academic year and our students. Proficiency meetings are always fun! ✷✷✷ ✷✷✷ Στις 9 Μαρτίου 2014 οι κ. Ριτα Στηντλ και Νατάσα Σιούτα ξαναβρέθηκαν στο Goethe Institut σε ειδικό σεμινάριο επιμόρφωσης των καθηγητών της Γερμανικής γλώσσας.

Mrs Sophia Nikolettou was at the Big Sig Day on Saturday 10 November 2013 at IST College. There, she attended ‘Learning Technologies’ by Alexandros Vougiouklis. ✷✷✷


ΑΓΓΛΙΚΟ ΤΜΗΜΑ On Thursday 29th August 2013, Ms Ino Panayotou and Mrs Diana Papaeliou were invited by H.E. The British Ambassador, Mr. John Kittmer, to the British Embassy for the celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Cambridge Language Assessment.


On 12 November 2013, our IELTS team, Ino Panayotou and Niki Hatzigiannaki attended a most interesting seminar at the British Council. The seminar was led by Cliff Parry, the British Council Academic Manager, and provided teachers with relevant information on the content of IELTS, the key strategies for success in IELTS as well as practical ideas for classroom teaching.

Mrs Sophia Nikoletou and Mrs Natasha Lygou attended the 35th Tesol Greece International Convention on Saturday and Sunday, 15 and 16 March at the Hellenic American Union. This year’s Convention was entitled ‘Learning in the 21st Century’. All presentations aimed to suggest innovative ideas which can help students achieve their learning goals and develop their motivation. ✷✷✷ Το Σαββάτο 29 Μαρτίου 2014 η κ. Αλέκα Κοτοπούλη και η συντονίστρια των επιπέδων C & D κ. Στέλλα Λεμονή παρακολούθησαν δύο σεμινάρια : 1) ‘Rethinking and redesigning Education: Developing 21st Century skills’ από την κα. Ευδοκία Καραβά, Βοηθό Πανεπιστημίου στο Τμήμα Αγγλικής Γλώσσας και Λογοτεχνίας και 2) ‘Are you a teacher? Do you need a painkiller?’ από την Katie Quartano και τον Paul Shaw. ✷✷✷

Σεμινάρια An informative Seminar by Elli Lambrou On 15th March our school attended a Cambridge ELT seminar with Herbert Puchta on ‘Critical thinking with juniors’ and ‘Teaching seniors – balancing creativity, learning and fun’ at the Divani Acropolis Hotel in Athens. I believe my colleagues and I were enlightened by the techniques discussed during the seminar. Dr. Puchta gave a vibrant talk on how to encourage critical thinking in both junior and senior learners through simple activities, using the attention grabbing approach, as children adapt to a sensory environment. Dr. Puchta emphasized that the tools of the mind extend our cognitive capabilities and without them children will not be able to pay attention and will consequently have poor memory skills, leading to the inability to engage in abstract thinking. He also recommended his book ‘Teaching young learners to think’ as a must to encourage children

Following the changes to the ECCE rating system effective as of May 2014, our teacher Mrs Kallie Pantelis has successfully completed an online retraining course for oral examiners. She is also attending a follow-up seminar in April 2014 at the premises of the Hellenic American Union. ✷✷✷ Στις 12 Απριλίου 2014, οι κυρίες Στέλλα Λεμονή και Ελένη Κουτσογούλα από το σχολείο Νίκαιας και οι κυρίες Σοφία Κουζούμη, Λίνα Πατέρα, Ντίνα Λαμπάρα και Γεωργία Βούτος από το σχολείο του Πειραιά συνόδευσαν τους μαθητές των τμημάτων LOWER και PROFICIENCY στο ξενοδοχείο ROYAL OLYMPIC, όπου παρακολούθησαν σεμινάριο του

WEBINARS This past academic year, the schools’ E & Lower co-ordinator, Mrs M. Haratsi, attended three Cambridge Webinars on the following areas: to be divergent thinkers because children need to face the challenge of a changing and unpredictable world. On the whole, from a personal point of view, it was one of the most interesting and useful seminars I have attended. I believe Dr. Puchta is making a difference and would like to believe that if we adopt his techniques, we will encourage critical thinking in our own students. Attendees: Papaeliou Diana, Panayotou Ino, Rigopoulou Mary, Theodoraki Katerina, Kotopouli Aleka, Lambrou Elli, Arvaniti Chryssa, Lampara Dina, Patera Lina, Hatziyiannaki Niki, Haritos John, Pantelis Kally, Voutos Georgia, Giannioti Bessie, Christidi Helen, Fritzela Anna, Koutsogoula Helen.

British Council και Cambridge English Language Assessment. Το σεμινάριο έφερε τον τίτλο «Tips for Cambridge English» και ο σκοπός του ήταν να παρέχει συμβουλές στους υποψήφιους μαθητές που θα εξεταστούν στα πτυχία FCE και CPE το Μάιο του 2014. Κατά τη διάρκεια του σεμιναρίου οι μαθητές τους είχαν την ευκαιρία να ενημερωθούν και να λύσουν όποιες απορίες είχαν σε θέματα ερωτήσεων που αφορούν όλες τις δεξιότητες στις οποίες επρόκειτο να εξεταστούν. ✷✷✷

• How are Cambridge English Writing papers marked (September 2013) • Introducing Cambridge English: First for Schools (November 2013) • Changes to Cambridge English: Advanced from 2015 (March 2014) All webinars were live online and featured interactive sessions offering practical advice and the chance to interact with other participants from around the world! ✷✷✷

Ms Ino Panayotou, attended a webinar organized by Cambridge English on CPE Writing Part1. It proved to be very informative since the presenter clarified the grading and organization of this new task. ✷✷✷ Το Φεβρουάριο 2014 η κ. Αλέκα Κοτοπούλη παρακολούθησε ένα διαδικτυακό σεμινάριο με θέμα «Changes to Cambridge English: First and First for Schools from 2015» και ενημερώθηκε για τις τρεις βασικές αλλαγές που θα ισχύουν στις εν λόγω εξετάσεις από τον Ιανουάριο 2015. ✷✷✷ Το Μάρτιο 2014, η κ. Αλέκα Κοτοπούλη παρακολούθησε ένα διαδικτυακό σεμινάριο με θέμα «Ο Διαδικτυακός Καθηγητής». ✷✷✷


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine ΓΑΛΛΙΚΟ ΤΜΗΜΑ


Το Σάββατο 8 Μαρτίου οι κ. Αζάτ και Ελίζα Δουργουτιάν παρευρέθηκαν στη Λογοτεχνική και μουσική βραδιά προς τιμή του Μαρσέλ Προύστ που διοργανώθηκε από το Γαλλικό Iνστιτούτο και το ελληνικό τμήμα του Συνδέσμου Μελών του Τάγματος του Ακαδημαϊκού Φοίνικα (AMOPA). Στην εκδήλωση μίλήσαν ο σημαντικός γάλλος μελετητής του Προυστ Luc Fraisse για τον εκλεκτικισμό του Σουάν, ο γάλλος συγγραφέας και κομίστας Stéphane Heuet για τη μεταφορά του έργου του Προυστ σε κόμικς και ο πρόεδρος του ελληνικού τμήματος του AMOPA Νικόλας Χριστοδούλου για την κοινωνιολογία του μυθιστορήματος από τη σκοπιά του ερωτισμού. Στη διάρκεια της βραδιάς ο πιανίστας Κάρολος Ζουγανέλης ερμήνευσε έργα Ντεμπισί, Ραβέλ, Φορέ και Σοπέν.

La professora de espanol senora Vicky Serti asisto a los siguientes seminarios:


Angela Ramantani, head of the accounting department, together with our Head Director, Diana Papaeliou, attended two very informative seminars on the latest tax reforms which are to be implemented from this year on. The seminars were held at Titania Hotel on Thursday 16.01.14 and Wednesday 26.03.14. They were

co S nn tay ec te d!

Τη φετινή χρονιά οι καθηγήτριές μας κ. Aζάτ και η Eλίζα Δουργουτιάν πέρασαν από σεμινάρια και κατόπιν αξιολόγησης ανανέωσαν τη συνεργασία τους ως εξετάστριες του γαλλικών διπλωμάτων DELF και SORBONNE.

• 14 de sept. jornadas sobre los nuevos exámenes Β1 y Β2 realizado en el Instituto Cervantes. • 18-19 de sept. curso de acreditación de examinadores Β1-Β2 realizado en el Ιnstituto Cervantes. • 15 de marzo τετράωρη επιμόρφωση αξιολογητών ΚΠΓ, β΄ κυκλος που πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Φιλοσοφική Σχολή του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών.



ή κάντε ‘add’ το προφίλ PapaeliouSchools

Στις 12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013 έγινε η γενική συνέλευση των διευθυντών και των coordinators των σχολείων μας. Τέθηκαν οι στόχοι της καινούριας χρονιάς και συζητήθηκαν οι αλλαγές στα πτυχία καθώς και στην Ελληνική κοινωνία. Η διεύθυνση των σχολών μας και το εκπαιδευτικό προσωπικό προσπαθούν πάντα να είναι ενημερωμένοι και να παρέχουν σωστή πληροφόρηση και ποιοτικές υπηρεσίες στους σπουδαστές μας. ✷✷✷

Histoire de France (Guerre de Cent ans – Renaissance – Guerres de religion): watch?v=lTm3LKqBb3o Blogs: Διαβάστε τα blogs των τάξεων και των καθηγητών μας

Pinterest: Δείτε φωτογραφίες των εκδηλώσεών μας ανά χρονιά

Facebook: Κάντε like τη σελίδα μας



Twitter: Ακολουθήστε μας στο Twitter

YouTube: Επισκεφθείτε το κανάλι του σχολείου μας

both sponsored and organized by PALSO association and focused on the changes in data processing and accounting analysis. Let’s hope that no more changes will occur in the near future!

A-B Class 2014/02/b-class-projects-amazingpeople.html

✷✷✷ Δείτε tα βίντεο με την ιστορία της Γαλλίας φτιαγμένα από την καθηγήτριά μας, Πέννυ Δέδε: Histoire de France (De Vercingétorix à Philippe Le Bel): watch?v=g7mpAcYNhqs

Upper Intermediate Level http://upperintermediateclasses. John Charitos: http://charitosgiannisstudents. IELTS

Επ ιτυ χό

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English FCE + ECCE Ιούνιος 2013


Δεκέμβριος 2013


FCE Ιούνιος 2013



Δεκέμβριος 2013


Δεκέμβριος 2013


ECCE + Κρατικό Β2 Ιούνιος 2013


Δεκέμβριος 2013


FCE + Κρατικό B2 Ιούνιος 2013


ECCE Ιούνιος 2013


Κρατικό B2 Ιούνιος 2013


PET Ιούνιος 2013


Proficiency Cambridge + Michigan Ιούνιος 2013


Δεκέμβριος 2013


Proficiency Cambridge Ιούνιος 2013



notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine Proficiency Michigan


Ιούνιος 2013



Δεκέμβριος 2013



FranÇais DELF A1 Μάιος 2013


DELF A2 Μάιος 2013


Sorbonne B1 Μάιος 2013


Sorbonne B2 Μάιος 2013


Δεκέμβριος 2013


Deutsch B1 für Jugendliche Ιανουάριος 2013


Μάιος 2013

Sorbonne C1 Μάιος 2013


Sorbonne C1


Μάιος 2013

Νοέμβριος 2013

Μάιος 2013





Τμήματα Γαλλικών Azat Dourgoutian Lisa Dourgoutian Penny Dede

Décrivez votre mère Ma mère est très belle et mignonne. Elle a les cheveux roux et raides et les yeux marron. Elle porte des lunettes. Elle est gentille et généreuse. Elle aime porter des jeans bleus, des sweat-shirts et des bottes noires. Elle adore le cinéma et la pizza mais elle déteste la couleur rouge .

Ma mère a 42 ans. Elle est grande et mince, elle est brune et elle a les yeux marron. Elle porte des lunettes. Elle est sportive, elle adore les jeans et les teeshirts. Elle est gentille et très souriante. Elle aime la couleur rouge mais elle déteste le noir. Elle aime beaucoup les maths et la gymnastique. Elle est super intelligente et cool.

Baoussi Anastasie, Cours I

Tsaldari Danaé, Cours I

Présentez votre famille Ma famille est géniale. Ma mère s’appelle Hélène, mon père s’appelle Vassilis et mon frère s’appelle Agelos. J’ai deux grands-pères et deux grands-mères. Mon père a une sœur, elle s’appelle Charoula, c’est ma tante. Mon oncle s’appelle Simos et il est sympa. J’ai deux cousins aussi, Vagelis et Georges. Ma mère a un frère qui s’appelle Apostolis et sa femme s’appelle Hélène. Ils ont un bébé. Il est tout doux. J’adore ma famille.

Kaklamanou Irène, Cours I


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine Recette Mon chien

La recette des cupcakes Ingrédients : 125 gr. de farine Un peu de beurre 200 gr. de sucre 2 œufs 25 cl. de crème fraîche Cassez les œufs dans un saladier, puis ajoutez le sucre et la farine. Battez avec un fouet. Ensuite, ajoutez la crème fraîche et battez encore une fois pour avoir une pâte lisse. Versez le contenu du saladier dans 6 petits moules beurrés. Faites cuire à 180˚C pendant 30 minutes. Enfin, prenez une cuillère et versez la crème sur les cupcakes. Bon appétit!

Vangelis Velivassakis, Cours II Tous les jours, je me réveille à sept heures du matin. Je me lave, je m’habille, je me coiffe et je prends mon petit-déjeuner à sept heures et demie. Ensuite, je pars à l’ école et je rentre chez moi à deux heures. Je déjeune avec mes parents. Puis, je commence à faire mes devoirs. Le mardi et le jeudi, j’ai un cours de français à quatre heures et demie. Quand je rentre chez moi, je finis mes devoirs et je regarde la télé. Je dîne à huit heures et je me couche à minuit.

Quand je serai grande, je voudrais devenir une styliste parce que je crois que c’est un métier intéressant. Je crois que j’ai du talent et je dessine bien. J’ai aussi de l’imagination. De même, je vais avoir une maison à côté de la mer, je vais créer une famille et je vais avoir un petit chien. Chaque week-end, je vais faire des promenades avec mes enfants. Mais, je dois étudier beaucoup pour réaliser mes rêves!

Hélène Lebessi, Cours III

Quand je vais avoir 18 ans je vais quitter mes parents et faire des études longues à la meilleure université des Etats-Unis pour devenir chercheur. Je vais travailler dans un laboratoire et je vais étudier des anciennes civilisations. Je vais aussi vivre seul dans une grande maison individuelle à la campagne. Ce sera génial!


Barthélemy Misaelidis, Cours II

Mon emploi du temps

so nt Qu d’ vos els av p en ro ir? jet s

Marianne Telli, Cours II

La semaine dernière, j’ai adopté un chien. Il s’appelle Nicolas et il a deux ans. Il est tout doux avec ses petites pattes et son museau rose. Il a les poils marron et une petite queue. J’adore jouer avec lui! Il n’est pas agressif et il aboie seulement quand il a faim.

Loukas Kentro, Cours III

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J’obtiendrai mon bac et je quitterai mes parents, je serai étudiante à l’université. En plus je m’installerai dans un studio et je vivrai en collocation. Je trouverai un travail et je continuerai mes études à l’étranger probablement à Paris. Plus tard, je rencontrerai l’homme de mes rêves et je me marierai. Je serai heureuse !

Lamarissou Jeanne, Cours III Mes projets sont de quitter mes parents à l’âge de 19 ans et m’installer dans un studio avec mes copains. Ensuite, je vais aller à l’université et quand j’aurai fini mes études je chercherai un bon travail. Plus tard je me marierai et aurai deux enfants, un garçon et une fille. Je vais les appeler Maria et Nikos. Je vais aussi acheter un chien et nous allons nous installer dans une grande maison avec un grand jardin avec beaucoup d’arbres et de fleurs.

Korombili Konstantina, Cours III Les profs doivent-ils être sévères ou pas ?

Dans sa vie, l’écolier rencontre beaucoup de profs de personnalités différentes. Il y a donc des profs sévères et des profs plus indulgents. Les profs qui ne sont pas bons, ce sont les profs qui sont injustes et trop sévères sans raison. Ils se mettent en colère avec les élèves parce qu’ils n’ont pas de patience. Quand le prof est très sévère, les élèves ont peur de lui et ils ne lui posent jamais de questions s’ils n’ont pas com-

Kaboli Rania, Cours B1

pris. En conséquence, ils détestent la matière enseignée et leur prof aussi. D’autre part, si un prof est trop laxiste, les élèves ne le respectent pas et le cours est impossible. En plus, il y a toujours de la pagaille dans la classe, tous les élèves crient et chahutent et il n’y a jamais de silence. Enfin, un prof idéal est un prof qui a sa propre façon particulière d’enseignement avec lequel les enfants ne s’ennuient jamais et ils participent en classe. Pour moi, le prof doit être gentil, sympa et un peu drôle pour que ses élèves s’amusent.

Un mail à ta meilleure copine Chère Marie, Salut! Comment vas-tu? Moi, pas très bien! Je t’écris pour te parler de mes problèmes avec ma demi-sœur. Tu sais bien que mes parents se sont séparés et mon père s’est remarié! Ma vie est horrible! Tout d’abord, j’ai de mauvais rapports avec tous les nouveaux membres de ma famille. Ma demi-sœur chipe toutes mes affaires et nous nous disputons tout le temps. Elle se plaint après à mon père qui m’engueule et me fait toujours des reproches! Il est vraiment très injuste! En

plus, ma belle mère me fait obéir à des règles très strictes et elle me gronde sans raison. Mon père ne me soutient jamais et il ne me fait pas confiance. Je suis très fâché contre ma demisœur et je suis également navré avec les engueulades parce que ce n’est pas de ma faute! Que proposes-tu que je fasse? J’espère que tu m’écriras le plus vite possible!

Vassilis Braimis, Cours B1 31

notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine Ecrivez un mail à votre copain Cher Paul, J’ai trouvé que l’agrotourisme est très à la mode aujourd’hui, parce qu’on a l’occasion de passer du temps avec le fermier et renouer avec la nature. J’ai organisé alors une excursion dans une ferme avec ma famille et je t’écris pour te décrire mon expérience. En premier lieu, on a rencontré plusieurs animaux. Ensuite, j’ai participé à

Angélique Misaélidou, Cours B1

des activités très intéressantes. J’ai trait la vache et j’ai bu son lait, j’ai tondu le mouton et j’ai pansé le cheval avec l’aide du fermier. J’ai compris que les animaux de la ferme permettent au fermier et à sa famille de se nourrir mais s’occuper des animaux, c’est très fatigant mais vraiment une expérience enrichissante. Si tu veux on peut aller dans une ferme le mois prochain. Réponds-moi si tu t’y intéresses. Bisous, Angélique

Parles d’ un voyage à ton blog Bonjour mes amis, J’ai passé un été inoubliable et j’espère que vous vous êtes aussi amusés pendant vos vacances! J’ai visité Londres, la ville de mes rêves et j’y suis resté pour un mois. D’abord, j’y suis allée en avion et la vue par la fenêtre était impressionnante. J’ai séjourné dans un hôtel luxueux. Il a fait froid pendant tout mon séjour mais ça ne m’a pas du tout dérangé. Premièrement, je suis allée au musée de Madame Tussaud qui est un musée de cire et on peut y trouver tous les célébrités de notre

époque. J’ai pris des photos avec toutes mes idoles. Puis, je suis allée à Big Ben, la fameuse horloge symbolisant l’Angleterre. J’ai visité aussi le palais de Buckingham qui est la résidence de la famille royale où il y a des gardiens partout. Enfin, j’ai fait les magasins car à Londres on peut trouver toutes les marques connues des vêtements. J’ai passé des moments fantastiques et j’espère y retourner dans l’avenir !

Kotsira Argyro, Cours B1 Pensez-vous que les jeunes soient encore racistes aujourd’hui? Le sujet que je vais aborder ce sont les jeunes et le racisme. Sont-ils les jeunes encore racistes et pourquoi? Avant tout le racisme est un comportement qui consiste à se méfier, à mépriser ou à rejeter une personne qui ne nous ressemble pas par ses origines, la couleur de sa peau, ses croyances et ses habitudes. De plus, il y a la peur de la différence. En général, l’être humain a tendance à se méfier de ce qui est différent de lui, d’un étranger par exemple. Quelqu’un qui vient d’un autre pays, qui parle une autre langue ou qui s’habille autrement. En revanche on ne nait pas raciste. On le devient à cause de ce qu’on entend autour de soi et de ce qu’on croit voir à travers l’actualité et les stéréotypes. Heureusement qu’il y a des jeunes qui ont l’esprit ouvert et qu’ils vont vers l’autre, ils le connaissent et ils l’intègrent tout en respectant son éducation et ses différences. A mon avis, le racisme existe depuis toujours mais il faut l’effacer par l’éducation de notre peuple.

Τsirimokou Claire, Cours B2 Nikea 32

Français Peuvent les grands-parents élever et éduquer leur petits-enfants?

Alexandra Baousi, Cours B2 Travailler ou étudier?

L’ éducation est la chose la plus importante que les jeunes ont besoin pour devenir meilleurs. Mais il y a d’autres qui abandonnent leurs études pour commencer le travail plus tôt. Les études surtout celles du lycée et de l’université élargissent nos horizons, ouvrent notre esprit et développent notre imagination. L’environnement de l’école ou de l’université nous aident à faire des nouvelles connaissances et de créer des amitiés qui vont garder pour plusieurs années. En plus, une personne éduquée sait comment défendre ses droits et elle n’est pas manipulée par les autres. De même, elle accepte plus facilement les nouvelles idées et elle a appris à respecter l’autre et ses droits. I l est inacceptable pour un enfant de travailler et de ne pas continuer ses études car cela l’amène à un développement mental et physique plus tardif. Cependant le travail nous apprend le sens de responsabilité et de la discipline mais cela ne suffit pas pour une vie réussie dans l’avenir. Malgré les difficultés économiques qu’on envisage de nos jours aucune famille ne doit forcer ses enfants à travailler. Dans le monde entier toutes les organisations humanitaires font des efforts pour l’abolition du travail des enfants. Mon avis personnel est que le seul travail des enfants doit être leur éducation. D’ailleurs, quand ils vont devenir adultes ils vont être obligés de travailler.

Il est vrai que de plus en plus d’enfants sont élevés de leurs grands-parents. La raison est que les parents n’ont pas beaucoup de temps à cause des horaires exhaustifs de leur travail. Cependant, il y a deux avis différents sur ce sujet. D’abord, il y a ceux qui croient que les grands-parents sont aussi bons que les parents à éduquer les enfants. Ils sont plus patients, ils ont plus de temps libre et ils n’ont pas d’autres obligations. En plus, ils ont assez d’expérience et ils savent mieux ce que les enfants en ont besoin. Pourtant, il est considéré que les parents ont l’éducation nécessaire pour mieux élever leurs enfants. De même, ils sont plus jeunes alors le fossé de générations n’existe pas. Finalement, les parents sont plus sévères et les enfants ne deviennent pas gâtés. Pour conclure, je pense que tous les deux sont capables d’élever des enfants car ce que les enfants ont vraiment besoin c’est l’amour et la compréhension.

Rafaella Sofra, Cours B2

Les rapports entre parents et adolescents Les rapports entre parents et adolescents sont différents dans chaque famille mais la majorité des ados a les mêmes problèmes. Quand les ados ont des rapports faciles avec leur famille c’est parce que les parents négocient avec leurs enfants. Quelque fois les parents s’informent par des livres ou des articles sur internet, pour comprendre les inquiétudes de leurs enfants et les envisager efficacement. De même, ils prennent en considération l’avis de leurs enfants et ils essaient de leur expliquer leurs fautes toujours en dialoguant. De l’autre côté les parents ne comprennent pas tout le temps leurs enfants parce qu’ils ont eux aussi oublié leur puberté. Les ados veulent être avec leurs amis et ils se rebellent contre leurs parents, les limites et les lois. Mais les parents ne les comprennent pas à cause du fossé des générations. [...] Pour conclure, il faut avouer que I’ adolescence est une période difficile à la vie de l’ado et les parents doivent l’aider. Leurs rapports sont parfois tendus mais ils doivent trouver la juste mesure et éviter les conflits.

Dimitris Trevizakis, Cours B2 Nikea 33

notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine Les avantages de faire ses études à l’étranger

Depuis quelque temps, de plus en plus des jeunes décident de poursuivre leurs études à l’étranger. D’ailleurs, l’Union européenne offre des programmes qui permettent aux étudiants de participer à des échanges pour un ou deux semestres. Mais cette expérience, que peut-elle apporter aux jeunes? Tout d’abord, si une personne fait ses études à l’étranger, elle apprend une nouvelle langue, ce qui est très important. Ceux qui maîtrisent bien deux ou trois langues, ont en effet plus de chances de trouver un poste de travail bien rémunéré. Par ailleurs, ils élargissent leurs horizons et ils s’épanouissent. De plus, un jeune qui s’installe à l’étranger pour y faire ses études, il acquiert de nouvelles expériences. Plus précisément, il apprend à assumer ses responsabilités, vu qu’il est obligé de vivre seul, loin du «cocon» familial. Il devient ainsi plus responsable. Habiter à l’étranger permet enfin de mieux connaître un pays et sa culture. A force de fréquenter les gens du pays, on découvre mieux leurs coutumes et leur mentalité. De cette manière, on apprend à comparer et à relativiser. Le contact avec l’altérité nous rend plus ouverts et plus tolérants. Pour conclure, je dirais que si un jeune a la possibilité de partir à l’étranger, il doit saisir cette occasion, car cette expérience lui offre beaucoup d’avantages. La France est à cet régard, une destination idéale, parce que la qualité des études y est remarquable et les frais d’inscription sont très faibles.

Hélène Skiadaresi, Sorbonne C1

Πρόγραμμα Γαλλικού Τμήματος ΤΜΗΜΑΤΑ ΜΑΘΗΤΩΝ COURS I Επίπεδο Αρχαρίων Κατά τη διάρκεια της πρώτης αυτής χρονιάς οι μαθητές έρχονται σε επαφή με τη γαλλική γλώσσα και αποκτούν πολύτιμες βάσεις. 4 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση COURS II Επίπεδο Α1 Το μάθημα γίνεται στο μεγαλύτερο βαθμό στα Γαλλικά. 4 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση COURS III Επίπεδο Α2 Προαιρετική συμμετοχή στις εξετάσεις διπλώματος Α2. 4 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση.

Σπουδές στη Γαλλία

ΤΜΗΜΑΤΑ ΕΝΗΛΙΚΩΝ COURS Α1+Α2 Εντατικό τμήμα Κατά τη διάρκεια της πρώτης αυτής χρονιάς οι σπουδαστές έρχονται σε επαφή με τη γαλλική γλώσσα και αποκτούν τις βάσεις της γραμματικής και του λεξιλογίου. Στο τέλος της χρονιάς θα μπορούν να ταξιδεύουν σε γαλλόφωνες χώρες ή να συνομιλούν στα γαλλικά με συνεργάτες στο εργασιακό τους περιβάλλον. Το μάθημα μετά τους δύο πρώτους μήνες γίνεται σε μεγάλο βαθμό στα γαλλικά. Η ύλη είναι προσαρμοσμένη στις ανάγκες των ενηλίκων σπουδαστών. 5 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση

ΤΜΗΜΑΤΑ ΠΤΥΧΙΩΝ OURS B1 C Προετοιμασία για το δίπλωμα Β1. 5 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση COURS B2 Προετοιμασία για το δίπλωμα Β2. [Αντίστοιχο Lower Αγγλικών] 6 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση COURS C1 Προετοιμασία για το δίπλωμα C1. [Αντίστοιχο Advanced] 6 ώρες/εβδομάδα COURS C2 Προετοιμασία για το δίπλωμα C2. [Αντίστοιχο Proficiency] Δίνει επάρκεια και άδεια διδασκαλίας. Απαραίτητο για σπουδές στη Γαλλία.

Τα γαλλικά πανεπιστημιακά ιδρύματα είναι κορυφαία στον κόσμο ενώ έχουν πολύ χαμηλά δίδακτρα! Το προηγούμενο ακαδημαϊκό έτος, τα βασικά δίδακτρα για προπτυχιακές σπουδές στη Γαλλία ήταν 174 ευρώ το χρόνο, ενώ τα δίδακτρα για μεταπτυχιακά σε γαλλικά πανεπιστήμια ήταν 237ευρώ το χρόνο! Αξίζει κανείς να γνωρίζει ότι το γαλλικό κράτος επιδοτεί την στέγαση σε εστίες καθώς και τη σίτιση των σπουδαστών. Οι Έλληνες φοιτητές μπορούν να κάνουν εγγραφή στα περισσότερα γαλλικά πανεπιστήμια με τα πτυχία DALF C2 ή SORBONNE C2.



Τμήματα Ισπανικών Vicky Serti

Querida María, Te escribo esta carta tomando un café en la casa de mi nueva amiga Tina. Tina es mi nueva compañera de trabajo. Trabajamos juntas desde hace tres meses y me siento muy bien con ella. Ella es una persona alegre, simpática y muy inteligente. Está casada y tiene dos hijos como yo. Se parece mucho a mí. Es morena, no muy alta pero es delgada y muy elegante. Aunque trabaja muchas horas siempre está de buen humor y quiere ayudarme. Ambas hacemos muchas actividades, vamos al cine o al teatro, hacemos gimnasia, vamos de compras, etc. En este momento Tina está preparando una tarta de fresas. Bueno, quiero que vengas a conocerla cuando puedas.

¡Hola! Me llamo Constantina Zacharaki. Encontré su anuncio por Internet debido a que estoy buscando yo también a una compañera para alquilar juntas un apartamento. Tengo 45 años y trabajo en la Universidad como profesora de Lingüística. Quiero mudarme porque mi casa de ahora es un poco pequeña. Quiero encontrar a una compañera que sea alegre y al mismo tiempo responsable. ¿Le gustan los animales? Tengo un perro que es muy obediente, tranquilo y cariñoso. Además no fumo. Bueno, si tiene tiempo libre ¿quiere tomar un café conmigo para conversar y quizás buscar apartamento? Yo puedo mañana por la tarde y todo el sábado. Hasta pronto, Constantina.

Constantina Zacharaki, B1

Filareti Kypreou, Α1+2

Besos, Filió Kypreou

Antonis Sigalas, Α1+2 Querido José, Mi amigo español, no hemos hablado desde hace mucho tiempo y quería contarte mis noticias. ¡Hay algo que tú no conoces! ¡Tengo una nueva novia! Se llama Penélope y es estudiante en la misma universidad que yo. Es una mujer muy guapa. Tiene el pelo largo y liso. Es morena y tiene los labios gruesos. Sus ojos son como una pintura, grandes y verdes. No es muy alta pero practica el tenis y puedes

imaginar su cuerpo delgado. Además Penélope es una persona muy amable. Es un poco tímida pero yo creo que eso es muy romántico. Pero tengo un problema, en un mes Penélope va a ir a Madrid por todo el verano y no tengo dinero para visitarla. ¡No sé qué voy a hacer! Si tú tienes alguna idea, dímela y cuéntame tu noticias también. Besos, Antonio


Πρόγραμμα Ισπανικού Τμήματος CURSO A1+A2

Βασικό Επίπεδο (A1) Για αρχάριους σπουδαστές. Στο τέλος της χρονιάς οι σπουδαστές μπορούν προαιρετικά να συμμετάσχουν στις εξετάσεις DELE για το δίπλωμα A2. 3 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση


Συμμετοχή στις εξετάσεις DELE για το δίπλωμα Intermedio (Β1). 3 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση


Συμμετοχή στις εξετάσεις DELE του διπλώματος B2. 4 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση


Συμμετοχή τους στις εξετάσεις του διπλώματος C1 [Αντίστοιχο Advanced]. 4 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση


Συμμετοχή στις εξετάσεις DELE του διπλώματος C2. Το Δίπλωμα Ισπανικών Diploma C2 (Nivel Superior) απαλλάσσει τους δικαιούχους του από την υποχρέωση να υποβληθούν σε οποιαδήποτε περαιτέρω δοκιμασία γνώσης της ισπανικής γλώσσας. Με την απόκτηση του DELE C2 (αντίστοιχο Proficiency) δίνεται επάρκεια διδασκαλίας. 5 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση

Γιατί να μάθω ΙΣΠΑΝΙΚΑ;

• 350.000.000 σε όλο τον κόσμο μαθαίνουν τα Ισπανικά ως μητρική τους γλώσσα • 150.000.000 σε όλο τον κόσμο μαθαίνουν τα Ισπανικά ως δεύτερη γλώσσα • είναι η 3η πιο διαδεδομένη ξένη γλώσσα σε όλο τον κόσμο (μετά τα Αγγλικά και τα Γαλλικά) • είναι η 3η πιο διαδεδομένη γλώσσα στο διαδίκτυο (μετά τα Αγγλικά και τα Γερμανικά) • είναι η 1 από τις 6 επίσημες γλώσσες του ΟΗΕ

Πρόγραμμα Γερμανικού Τμήματος ΤΜΗΜΑΤΑ ΜΑΘΗΤΩΝ STUFE Α1.1 & A1.2 Ειδκό τμήμα για μαθητές Δημοτικού (επίπεδο Α1 σε 2 έτη) 4 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση STUFE A1 Τμήμα για μαθητές Γυμνασίου (επίπεδο Α1 σε 1 έτος) 4 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση STUFE A2 Τμήμα για μαθητές (επίπεδο Α2 σε 1 έτος) 4 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση STUFE B1.1 & B1.2 Τμήμα μαθητών προετοιμασίας για πτυχίο Goethe Β1 (επίπεδο B1 σε 2 έτη) 4 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση

Σπουδές στη Γερμανία

ΤΜΗΜΑΤΑ ΕΝΗΛΙΚΩΝ STUFE Α1+Α2 Εντατικό τμήμα ενηλίκων Οι σπουδαστές έρχονται σε επαφή με τη γερμανική γλώσσα και αποκτούν τις βάσεις της γραμματικής και του λεξιλογίου. Στο τέλος της χρονιάς θα μπορούν να περάσουν το επίπεδο Α2. 4 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση STUFE Β1 Εντατικό τμήμα ενηλίκων προετοιμασίας για πτυχίο Β1 Οι σπουδαστές εμβαθύνουν στις δομές της γερμανικής γλώσσας και αποκτούν ευχέρεια στη χρήση της γραμματικής και του λεξιλογίου. Στο τέλος της χρονιάς θα μπορούν να δώσουν εξετάσεις για το πτυχίο Goethe B1. 4 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση

ΤΜΗΜΑΤΑ ΠΤΥΧΙΩΝ STUFE B2 Τμήμα προετοιμασίας για πτυχίο Goethe Β2 (επίπεδο B2 σε 1 έτος) 5 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση STUFE C1 Τμήμα προετοιμασίας για πτυχίο Goethe C1 (επίπεδο C1 σε 1 έτος) 6 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση STUFE C2 Τμήμα προετοιμασίας για πτυχίο Goethe C2 (επίπεδο C2 σε 1 έτος) 6 ώρες/εβδομάδα, 8μηνη φοίτηση

Τα γερμανικά πανεπιστημιακά ιδρύματα είναι κορυφαία στον κόσμο ενώ έχουν πολύ χαμηλά δίδακτρα! Το προηγούμενο ακαδημαϊκό έτος τα βασικά δίδακτρα για προπτυχιακές ή μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές στη Γερμανία ήταν 500 ευρώ το χρόνο. Αξίζει κανείς να γνωρίζει ότι τα πτυχία των γερμανικών πανεπιστημίων είναι πλήρως αναγνωρισμένα από τον ΑΣΕΠ.


Τμήματα Γερμανικών Rita Stiedl Lina Habilidou Natasha Siouta Sofia Borou

Hallo! Hallo! Ich heiße Anna-Maria Bilia und ich bin neun Jahre alt. Ich habe eine Mutter und einen Vater. Ich habe auch einen Bruder. Sein Name ist Hannes und er ist sechs Jahre alt. Ich habe zwei Omas und zwei Opas. Mein Hobby ist Tanzen und ich spiele auch Gitarre. Ich mache gern Sport. Ich spiele Volleyball und ich höre gern Pop Musik. Ich trinke gern Saft, Wasser, Limonade und Cola.

Hallo! Ich heiße Stamatis und ich bin elf Jahre alt. Mein Vater heißt Kostas und meine Mutter Chrysa. Ich habe zwei Schwestern. Sie heißen Marietta und Afrodite. Ich habe ein Hobby, Tennis. Ich spiele auch Volleyball. Ich höre Pop Musik und ich trinke gern Limo und Cola.

Ich heiße Evana und ich bin elf Jahre alt. Meine Mutter heißt Pepi. Mein Vater heißt Nektarios. Ich habe eine Schwester, sie heißt Eliza und ist neunzehn Jahre alt. Ich habe viele Hobbys. Ich tanze, spiele Keyboard und ich male. Ich höre gern Musik. Ich trinke gern Limonade, Milch, Wasser und Saft. Ich mache auch Sport. Ich spiele Basketball und Volleyball.

Anna-Maria Billia, A1.1

Stamatis Zografos, A1.1

Evanthia Kladaki, A1.1


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine Geburtstagsparty Nikäa, den 25.02.2014 Liebe Frau Heimann, Ich heiße Michael und bin dreizehn Jahre alt. Ich wohne in Korydallos. Das ist in Griechenland. Ich habe keine Geschwister, aber ich habe einen Freund. Sein Name ist Jörg. Ich gehe in die zweite Klasse des Gymnasiums und in meiner Freizeit fahre ich gern Fahrrad. Meine Lieblingsfächer sind Religion, Erdkunde, Deutsch und Kunst. Ich habe bald Geburtstag. Meine Party ist am zwanzigsten März. Ich möchte Pop, Jazz, Rap- und Rockmusik auf meiner Party haben. Ich möchte viele Hamburgers, Sandwiches zum Essen bestellen. Ich möchte auf meiner Party Cola, Saft und Mineralwasser zu trinken. Natürlich möchte ich auch eine Torte haben! Viele Grüße Michael Andreakos

Michael Andreakos, A2 Nikea Mein Lieblingssport Lieber Stefan, Wie geht es dir? Ich hoffe es geht dir gut! Bei mir ist alles super. Meine Mannschaft hat mit Asteras gespielt und wir haben gewonnen. Ich spiele FuBball, aber ich finde Basketball so gut wie Fussball. Ich spiele Volleyball nicht, weil ich es blöd und langweilig finde. Was spielst du in deiner Freizeit? Bist du in einem Sportverein? Bis bald, dein Kostas

Kostas Giannaris, A2

Arbeiten aus dem Internet

Ich glaube, dass Kevins Kommentar nicht richtig ist. Jeder Schüler muss allein seine Hausarbeiten machen. Wenn man ein Projekt machen muss, dann kann man Informationen und Ideen im Internet finden, aber nicht, um sie herunterzuladen und zu benutzen. Aus diesem Grund informieren Lehrer die Eltern, damit ihre Kinder das Internet nicht dazu benutzen. Ebenso laden oft Schüler Projekte und bekannte Arbeiten herunter und haben dann die gleiche Präsentation mit anderen Schülern. Zum Schluss glaube ich, dass man fertige Arbeiten aus dem Internet verbieten sollte.

Matina Tampakea, B1.2 38

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Lieber Georg, wie geht es dir? Letzte Woche fand an unserer Schule ein Sporttag statt. Obwohl du nicht da warst, schreibe ich dir diese E-mail, um dir zu beschreiben, wie der Sporttag war. Also, am Freitag sind zwei Sportler gekommen. Sie haben uns gesagt, dass Sport wichtig ist und dass wir Sport treiben sollen, um gesund zu bleiben. Das, was mir gut gefallen hat, war eine Diashow über Sport, die wir gesehen haben. Möchtest du mich treffen, damit wir über den Sporttag diskutieren? Wie wäre es mit Samstagabend? Schreib mir bald. Viele Grüße, dein Panagiotis

Panagiotis Papageorgiou, B1.2 Lieber Dimitris, wie geht es dir? Ich weiß, dass du am Sporttag, der die letzte Woche in unserer Schule stattfand, nicht gekommen bist, weil du krank warst. Ich glaube, dass der Sporttagg sehr interessant und toll war. Die Jungen haben Fußball und Basketball gespielt und die Mädchen Volleyball. Obwohl viele Schüler nicht sportlich sind, haben alle daran teilgenommen. Mixalis Zambidis, der in Griechenland sehr bekannt ist, war er auch da! Ich schlage vor, dass wir ein Termin am Samstag in einem Eiscafe machen. Ich warte auf deine E-mail. Viele Grüße, dein Kostas

Konstantinos Tzortzis, B1.2 Nikea

Lieber Mark, Wie geht es dir? Es tut mir leid, dass du krank warst! Der Sporttag war fantastisch! Wir haben viele Sports gemacht. Mein Lieblingssport ist Basketball. Deshalb war ich mich darüber viel gefreut, dass wir auch Basketball gespielt haben. Ich möchte dir einen Vorschlag machen. Möchtest du, dass wir uns treffen, um gemeinsam Sport zu treiben? Bist du frei am Samstag um 11 Uhr oder möchtest du mich einen anderen Tag treffen? Schreib mir bald! Deine Io.

Io Chassoura, B1.2 Nikea 39

notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine Das Rauchen Piräus, 20.02.2014 Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, mit großem Interesse las ich Ihre Meldung über das Passivrauchen und wie es negativ auf Kindern wirkt, was auch der Anlass meines Briefes ist. Aus meiner Sicht greift die Mehrheit zur Zigarette, weil das zu einem Trend geworden ist. Die Leute von jedem Alter fangen das Rauchen an, weil sie von ihrer Umgebung beeinflusst sind und möchten etwas Besonderes werden. Andere haben viele Probleme und als Lösung rauchen sie. Dann werden sie süchtig und können nicht damit aufhören. Ich finde, dass besonders die Kinder geschützt werden müssen, weil sie sonst in der Zukunft erkranken oder Verhaltensstörungen haben werden. Das Rauchen führt immer zu Atemwegs- und Krebserkrankungen und es ist sehr wichtig, Abstand zu haben. In meinem Heimatland ist die Situation mit dem Rauchen schlimm. Überall sehe ich Leute, jung und älter mit einer Zigarette in der Hand. Weil das nicht verboten ist, haben sie die Gelegenheit in jeder Art und Weise zu rauchen. Ich habe festgestellt, dass es viele Leute gibt, die kleinen Kindern Zigarette geben. Wir müssen viele Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Nichtraucher nehmen. Ich schlage vor, dass Spezialisten oder die Eltern ihre Kinder über die Folgen des Rauchens informieren sollten. Für die Kinder ist es besser, weit von Umgebungen mit vielen Rauchern zu sein und auf keinen Fall eine Zigarette von anderen annehmen. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie auch weiterhin so interessante Artikel veröffentlichen würden. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Johanna Kajia

Johanna Kajia, B2 Nikea Piräus, den 23.1.2014 Lieber Markus, endlich habe ich Zeit gefunden, dir einen Brief zu schreiben. Wie geht es dir? Mir geht es prima. In diesem Brief schreibe ich dir über mein Wochenende. Heute ist Freitag. Ich schlafe um halb elf. Ich muss morgen früh aufstehen. Ich kaufe morgen mit meiner Mutter ein. Später, am Mittag, treffe ich Mary. Wir gehen in einen Gasthof essen. Sie backen da fantastischen Apfelkuchen! Ich möchte am Nachmittag ins Kino gehen. Ich will den Film “Hobbit„ sehen. Am Abend kochen wir. Ich bereite Schweinebraten und meine Mutter Fisch. Wir haben Freunde eingeladen. Ich gehe um elf Uhr in eine Diskothek tanzen. Ich muss am Sonntag meine Hausaufgaben machen. Also, ich bleibe zu Hause. Ich lese am Abend ein Buch oder sehe fern. Ich schlafe um zehn Uhr, denn ich schreibe am Montag einen Test. Das war alles für heute. Ich warte auf deine baldige Antwort. Viele Grüße, deine Lamprini.


Lamprini Miliori, A1+A2 Erwachsene

Deutsch Lieber Georg, endlich habe ich Zeit gefunden, dir einen Brief zu schreiben.Wie geht es dir? Mir geht es prima. In diesem Brief schreibe ich dir über mein Wochenende. Am Samstag stehe ich um zehn auf und frühstücke. Ich esse ein Brötchen mit Butter und Marmelade und gehe von elf bis halb zwei zeichnen. Am Mittag esse ich Kartoffeln und Hähnchen. Am Nachmittag lese ich Bücher und rufe meine Freunde an.Um zehn Uhr gehe ich ins Kino und sehe einen Film. Deshalb schlafe ich sehr spät. Am Sonntag habe ich vor,um elf Uhr aufstehen.Um fünf nach zwölf treffe ich Leute. Von drei bis fünf mache ich einen Spaziergang, denn ich möchte die Vögel hören. Am Abend gehe ich mit Lamprini in die Diskothek,wir tanzen und trinken ein Bier. Ich verbringe eine fantastische Zeit. Das war alles für heute. Ich warte auf deine baldige Antwort. Viele Grüße, deine Kristi

Kristi Sehai, A1+A2 Erwachsene Ich glaube auch wie Tanja, dass persönliche Treffen immer seltener werden. Die Leute haben heutzutage wenig Zeit für ihre Freunde, weil sie mehr arbeiten oder oft sehr weit auseinander wohnen. Das Internet ist eine leichte und schnelle Art Kommunikation, um mit Freunden kommunizieren zu können. Leider wurde das persönliche Treffen durchs Internet ersetzt. Das finde ich nicht so gut. Ich glaube, dass ein persönliches Treffen die Basis für eine freundschaftliche Beziehung ist.

Giannis Savvadis, B1 Erwachsene

Lieber Thomas, ich schreibe dir, weil ich über meine Feier schreiben möchte. Ich hoffe, dass du nicht mehr krank bist. Die Feier war toll. Ich hatte viele Freunde eingeladen. Ebenfalls gab es viel zu essen und zu trinken und auch noch tolle Musik. Ich habe viele Geschenke bekommen, aber ich fand Hannes’ Geschenk fantastisch. Es ist ein neues Computerspiel. Könntest du dich mit mir am Montagabend treffen? Bitte antworte mir schnell. Liebe Grüße, dein Dimitris

Dimitris Matakias, B1 Erwachsene 41

notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine

Τμήματα Ρωσικών Татьяна Богданова

Давайте познакомимся. Меня зовут Ставриани. Мой родной город Афины. Я студентка. Вот моя семья. Здесь слева мои родители. Это мой папа. Его зовут Иван Иванович. Он доктор. А вот моя мама. Её зовут Анна Сашовна. Она тоже врач. Тут справа моя бабушка. Её зовут Ставриани, и она домохозяйка. Рядом мой дедушка. Его зовут Виктор. Он ещё преподаватель. Прямо мои сёстры. Их зовут Анна и София. Они школьницы. А вот мой брат. Он слева. Он школьник. Его зовут Саша. Мой брат Антон тоже справа. Он ещё ребёнок.

Давайте познакомимся! Это моя семья. Меня зовут Варвара. Я студентка. Вот мои родители. Это мой папа. Его зовут Иван. Он преподаватель. Справа его жена. Её зовут Анна. Она моя мама. Она домохозяйка. Тут мой дедушка. Он тоже преподаватель. Его зовут Антон. Справа моя бабушка. Её зовут Мария. Я не знаю, кто она. Тут мои братья. Это мой брат, а это мои сёстры. Его зовут Саша. Он ещё школьник. Их зовут Ира и Наташа. Ира тоже студентка, а Наташа ещё ребёнок.

Здесь мой дом. Прямо наша машина. Справа мой отец. Моя сестра тоже справа. А вот моя мама. Она его жена. Она юрист, и она читает книги. Слева моя сестра. Её зовут Анна. Она уже студентка. Завтра утром экскурсия. Я не знаю, где экскурсия. Но я знаю, что это мои сумки. Сейчас лето, утро. Летом тепло.

Давайте познакомимся! Это моя семья. Меня зовут Варвара. Я школьница. Вот моя сестра. Её зовут Анна. Она тоже школьница. Вот мои родители. Это моя мама. Её зовут Наташа. Она экономист. Справа мой папа. Его зовут Виктор. Он журналист. Вот наш дом и наш сад. Здесь наша машина. Я знаю, что это наши вещи. Это наши сумки, а это моя игра и моя шапка. Я знаю, что сейчас лето. Летом всегда тепло.

Σταυριανή Γιάνναρη / Ставриани Янари, A1+A2

Βαρβάρα Σαράντη / Варвара Саради, Α1+Α2


Pусский язык Меня зовут Еррика Андрианопулу. У меня есть один брат. Его зовут Георгос. У меня есть ещё мама и папа. У нас есть фабрика и магазин в городе Пиреас. Я живу в Пиреях, это мой город. Я работаю в городе Пиреас. Каждое утро я завтракаю и гуляю в парке. Потом я готовлю обед и иду на работу. Вечером я изучаю русский и английский языки, смотрю телевизор, отдыхаю или читаю интересную книгу. Мне нравится читать книги о литературе и о политике. Я знаю английский, французский и русский языки. Я часто отдыхаю. Я обычно отдыхаю на море. Я много путешествую. На работе я разговариваю об искусстве, о погоде, о политике, об иностранных странах. У меня есть машина. Моя машина маленькая, но очень удобная. Моя машина белая. Часто я покупаю молоко, хлеб, фрукты и овощи. Я очень люблю путешествовать по Европе. Я очень люблю слушать советы моих родителей. Я люблю субботу и пятницу. Я обычно хожу в кино или театр. Я очень хочу играть на гитаре, но не могу, потому что у меня нет времени. Мне очень нравится музыка, и я не могу жить без музыки. Ещё я не могу жить без друзей и без собаки.

Έρρικα Ανδριανοπούλου / Эррика Андрианoпулу, B1

Πρόγραμμα Ρωσικού Τμήματος Το διεθνές σύστημα εξετάσεων γλωσσομάθειας ALTE στη ρωσική γλώσσα (TORFL) αποτελείται από έξι επίπεδα: ΒΑΣΙΚΟ ΕΠΙΠΕΔΟ Α1

Ο σπουδαστής αποκτά αρχικές γνώσεις της ρωσικής γλώσσας. Το λεξιλόγιο αποτελείται από 600-700 λέξεις. 100-120 διδακτικές ώρες.


Ο σπουδαστής αποκτά της βασικές γνώσεις της ρωσικής γλώσσας, οι οποίες καλύπτουν τις βασικές του επικοινωνιακές ανάγκες. Το λεξιλόγιο αποτελείται από 1.200 λέξεις. 120-140 διδακτικές ώρες.


Το λεξιλόγιο αποτελείται από 2.300 λέξεις. 180-200 διδακτικές ώρες.


Το πτυχίο του 2ου επιπέδου είναι απαραίτητο για την απόκτηση των τίτλων Bachelor και Master των ρωσικών ΑΕΙ, εκτός των φιλολογικών σχολών. Το λεξιλόγιο αποτελείται από 5.000 λέξεις. 320-360 διδακτικές ώρες.


Το πτυχίο του 3ου επιπέδου είναι απαραίτητο για την απόκτηση του τίτλου Bachelor των ρωσικών ΑΕΙ στη φιλολογία. 380-450 διδακτικές ώρες.


Ο κάτοχος του πτυχίου 4 έχει δικαίωμα να διδάσκει τη ρωσική γλώσσα και είναι σε θέση να εκπονεί επιστημονική έρευνα στον τομέα της ρωσικής φιλολογίας. 380-400 διδακτικές ώρες.

Πιστοποιητικά Γλωσσομάθειας

Το Κρατικό πιστοποιητικό γλωσσομάθειας (TORFL) είναι αναγνωρισμένο από το Α.Σ.Ε.Π. και διεθνώς. Βάσει της απόφασης του Υπουργείου Παιδείας της Ρωσικής Ομοσπονδίας ιδρύθηκε και λειτουργεί το ρωσικό κρατικό σύστημα πιστοποίησης γλωσσομάθειας των πολιτών ξένων χωρών και αφορά στην εκπαίδευση τους και στις επικοινωνιακές τους δυνατότητες στη Ρωσική γλώσσα ως ξένη (TORFL). Το εν λόγω σύστημα αντιστοιχεί στα κριτήρια του ευρωπαϊκού συστήματος πιστοποίησης γνώσεων ξένων γλωσσών ALTE.



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Pre-Ju nio rs

notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine


n iti

Elena Christidi

Iriana Tsichli

Stelios Alourdas

Sophia Linde

Selina Simoni

Maria Zabiadaki

Melina Maravelia

Themis Kouvardas

Eleni Zabiadaki


Alexandra Katsikadakou

Elisavet Stefanakou

Peny Papadopoulou

Alexandros Bogris

Angelos Bogris

Nikolaos Boustris

Despoina Dimitrakopoulou

Peny Giannikaki

George Kioulafas

Malvina Mikaelian

Maro Mikaelian

Myrto Matsi

Για τα τραγούδια των Pre-Juniors επισκεφθείτε τo κανάλι μας στο YouTube 45

notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine

PR1 Class Ino Panayotou Aleka Kotopouli John Haritos Bessie Giannioti Natasha Lygou

My garden Hello! I am Antonia and this is my garden. My garden is big. In my garden there are one green tree, five big flowers, three big birds in the sky and three baby birds on the tree. Look! The door is open! The sky is very blue and the sun is very yellow. My garden is very pretty, too.

Hello! I’m Alex and this is my garden! My garden is big. In my garden there are five colourful trees, six small flowers and six black ants. There is a nest on the tree with two baby birds. Look! There are four big birds in the sky! Look! There’s a long snake on the ground! The snake’s colour is green. Its name is Leon. It is an angry snake.

Antonia Bobai, PR1.2 Nikea

Alex Dilaveris, PR1.3 Nikea

Konstantinos Chiou, PR1.3 Hello! I’m Konstantinos and this is my garden! My garden is big. In my garden, there are a lot of green trees and bushes. There are a lot of colourful flowers, and three small, black ants. There are three baby birds in the nest. The nest is on the tree. There are two big birds in the sky and one long snake on the ground. The shake’s name is Ben! It is a happy snake!


PR1 My family I am Flora Daskala. I am 8 years old and I am from Greece. Look! This is my family. This is my grandpa. He’s old and fat. His name is Manolis. This is my grandma. She’s short and thin. Her name is Toula. This is my dad. He’s thin and tall. He’s 42 years old. His name is Michael. This is my mum. She’s very pretty. She’s 38 years old. Her name is Helen. This is my brother. He’s 3 years old. He’s short and funny. His name is Manos. We are a happy family and I love my family very much.

Flora Daskala, PR1.2

Konstantinos Tourikis, PR1 Second Semester Exams Myself Hello! My name is Konstantinos Tourikis. I’m 8 years old and I’m from Greece. I am tall and thin. I have got brown hair and brown eyes, too. I have got a long face, a small nose, and a small mouth, too. My family is small. There are four members in my family: mum, dad, my sister and me. My mother’s name is Evagellia. She is 39 years old and she is a reporter. She is tall and thin. She has brown hair and brown eyes, too. She is pretty. My father’s name is Gus. He is 43 years old and he has got a café. He is tall and thin. He has got black hair and brown eyes. He is funny! My sister’s name is Sophia. She is 5 years old and she is a pupil. She is tall and thin. She has got brown hair and brown eyes, too. She can’t smile! My best friend is Aggelos Tagouzis. He is 9 years old and he is a pupil. He is short and thin. He has got brown hair and brown eyes, too. In my school bag there are: a notebook, manga books, three folders, and a pencil case. In my pencil case there are two pens, six pencils, a rubber, and a ruler. My flat is big. I live on the 2nd floor. In my place there are: a dining room, a bathroom, a kitchen and three bedrooms. In my bedroom, there is a big bed, my desk, my chair, a bookcase, a bedside table and a laptop. I can play football and run fast but I can’t play the drums or stop cars. My favourite singer is Stan. He is 25 years old and he is from Piraeus but he lives in Athens. Every morning, I eat bread, drink milk and go to school. On Monday, I go to the park with my friend. On Tuesday, I play the drums. I like rock and pop music. On Wednesday, I go to the football pitch with my dad: GOAL!! On Thursday, I go to the gym with my mum. On Friday, I play board games with my sister. She is angry because I win every time! On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I have English lesson. On Sunday, I play computer games on my bed! My favourite day is Saturday because I play football with my team in a real pitch.

✷✷✷ Hello! I’m Stavroula! I can dance and I can swim. I can ride a horse and I can play tennis. I can skip and I can sing. But, I can’t speak Chinese or play the guitar. I can’t drive a car or fly.

Stavroula Kosmidou, PR1.2 Nikea

What about you?


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine My Family Hello! I’m Iria Spathoula and I am seven years old. I am from Greece. This is my mother. Her name is Maria and she is 37 years old. This is my dad. His name is George and he is 39 years old. And this is my sister. Her name is Evelina and she is ten years old. My family and I are very happy!

I’m George and I’m nine. My family is Greek. Look!This is my family! My dad is big. His name is John. He is 36 years old. He is a cook. My mum is pretty. Her name is Rania. She is 37 years old. She is an accountant. My brother is 3 years old. His name is Jimmy. He is very funny. Our house is big and our car is fast.

Iria Spathoula, PR1.1

George Xenikakis, PR1.3 Nikea

Angelina Pagoni, Pr1.1 Nikea My Garden Hello! I’m Angelina and this is my garden! It is big. In my garden, there’s a big tree, two big orange flowers and three small red flowers. There’s a tortoise, too. Look! There’s a small brown dog and a grey mouse on the ground. There’s a nest on the tree and in the nest there are two birds. There is a pretty butterfly in the sky!

My favourite animal My favourite animal is the zebra and it is from Africa. It’s very big! It has got black and white colours and it has got four long legs but it hasn’t got big ears. It can run and it can kick but it can’t fly or swim. It’s my favourite animal because it is clever!

Chrysi Naoum, PR1.1



PR2 Class Ino Panayotou John Haritos Elena Christidi Bessie Giannioti Mina Paradisopoulou

Theseus and the Minotaur Theseus was a strong, clever and happy young man. He lived in Troejen with his mother. In their garden there was a rock and under it there was a sword King’s Aegeus sword. King Aegeus was the king of Athens and Theseus’s father, so Theseus went to Athens. In his father’s home there was Medea, his father’s new wife. Medea wanted to kill Theseus but Aegeus stopped her. King Aegeus cried one day because the next day fourteen young Athenians went to Crete and they were food for the Minotaur. The Minotaur was half bull-half man and he lived in a dark and cold maze. Then Theseus said to his father: “ I can go to Crete and kill the Minotaur”. The next day fourteen young Athenians and Theseus went to Crete by boat. Theseus said to King Minos that he was the son of Kings Aegeus. Then King Minos that he was the son of Poseidon, the good of the sea and the son of King Aegeus. Then King Minos smiled and he said to Theseus: “Are you a son of a God? What can you do? Let’s see! My ring is in the sea and two white dolphins gave him the king’s princess Ariadne wanted to help Theseus because she didn’t like her father or Crete. Ariadne went into Theseus’s room and she gave him a knife and some string and she said to Theseus to kill the Minotaur. Then Theseus kill the two men at the door and then he went into the Minotaur’s maze. Theseus walked and walked in the maze. The string was always in his hand. Some time later he saw the Minotaur! He caught his knife. Theseus foot hit a small rock and he fell on the floor but his knife was in Minotaur’s head again and again. Theseus remembered the string so he walked back to the door and then to the boat with the Athenians and Ariadne. Theseus said to Ariadne to say in Naxos. He didn’t take her to Athens. The Athenians sailed to Athens. Theseus said to the Athenians to take down the black sails and put up the white sails. The boat was near Athens. King Aegeus was in his garden and he watched the sea and he saw the boat when it had the black sails. The Athenians and Theseus were unhappy because King Aegeus was dead. Now Theseus was the King of Athens.

Irene Kaklamanou, Second Semester Exams (May 2013)


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine Postcard to a friend Dear Froso, I’m on holidays in Milos and I’m having lots of fun! In Milos you can find lots of cats, dogs and houses near the sea but there aren’t many cars. Our hotel is big and it has got a swimming pool! There is a little dog here and my dog is friend with it! In Milos the sea is blue with white sand. You can find lots of different shells on the beaches. Every morning, I go to the beach and I swim with my sister and my dad. My mum reads magazines with our cousin and my dog sleeps on my towel. It is so cute! At night, we go to the café and we eat ice creams. Yum! Today, we are on the mountain. Mum is looking at the sea, my sister is playing with her toys, mu dad is taking photos and I am painting all I can see. Are you on holidays, too? Are you having a good time? Your friend Helen

Helen Lekanidi, PR2.3 My island Hi! My name is Pashalina and I live in the Butterfly Island. It is in Italy. The sea is brown and grey. In the sea there are also lots of fish and lots of dolphins but there aren’t lots of octopuses and lots of starfish. In my island there are houses, people, lots of trees and lots of flowers. Also, there are lots of mountains. The houses are colourful and they are in the sea. The mountains are green and pink. The trees are purple, pink, orange and blue and the flowers are pretty. The people are queens and kings and they are also happy. The sky is blue. My island is very nice.

Pashalina Katsara, PR2.1 Nikea

How I spend my day My name is Angelos Tagouzis and I’m 9 years old. I’m from Greece and I live in Piraeus. I’m clever and cool. This is how I spend my day. In the morning, I always wake up at half past seven. I always wash my face and eat breakfast. Then, I put on my clothes. My favourite clothes are T-shirt and caps but I don’t wear sweater. I always go to school at eight o’clock. I usually come home at two o’clock and I eat lunch. My favourite foods are pizza and crepa. Then, I do my English homework and then, I write my Greek homework. In the afternoon, I go to my English lesson but I don’t go to ballet class. In the evening, I sometimes play computer games. I come home and I eat dinner with my family. I go to bed at 10 o’clock. My favourite day is Thursday because I always see my favourite game on TV and it is the last day I do my homework. This is how I spend my day.

Angelos Tagouzis, Pr.2.2 50

PR2 Postcard to a friend Dear Kate, I’m on holiday in Koroni with my family. It is a town in Messinia, Peloponnese. I’m having a great time here because I play with my friends and we swim in the sea every day. The place is really fantastic! The sea is beautiful and the beaches are clean. The sand is cool, too. We can play with our spades and buckets. The people are friendly and polite. The houses are pretty and there are big trees and nice flowers. I can see a lot of fish here. I’m staying in a hotel at the moment. In the morning, I always go to the beach. My friends and I go swimming wearing our masks and fins. Later I go to the park with my family. At night, we sometimes eat ice-cream and pizza. Today, we are at home and I’m writing this postcard to you. I’m going to a restaurant with my family tonight but I’m visiting my friend later. Are you having a good time? Write back soon and tell me all your news! Take care, Chryssoula

Chryssoula Vlachou, Pr2.2 Nikea My favourite island My favourite island is Cyprus. It is in the Mediterranean sea. Also my dad is from Cyprus and we got in the summer. Cyprus has got lots of beaches but it hasn’t got many mountains. The beaches have got white and warm sand. Also the sea is light blue or only blue. You can find lots of different animals like sea turtles, crabs, dolphins, sharks, fish, jellyfish, starfish and other animals. You can find lots of different shells, too! At the beaches there are lots of pretty people. The houses are modern in Cyprus and the people speak very fast! You can ride horses but you can’t see sharks! I love Cyprus very mush because it is a very quiet island!!!

Lydia Grigoratou, PR2.1 How I spend my day My name is Christina Bougai and I’m 9 years old. I’m from Greece and I live in Nikea. This is how I spend my day. In the morning, I get up at 7 o’clock and I wash my teeth. For breakfast, I eat pancakes and jam. At noon, I am at school and I have lessons. I usually do my homework there. After school, I go to my house. For lunch, I sometimes eat spaghetti and salad or pizza and French fries. In the afternoon, I listen to music and I watch TV. I also eat chocolate and play. Later I take a nap. In the evening, I eat dinner with my family and at night, I go to my bed. My favourite day is Friday because I finish my lessons at school. On weekends, I can play with my dolls and my computer game.

Christina Bougai, Pr2.3 Nikea 51

notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine

A Class Anna Fritzela Katerina Theodoraki Elena Christidi John Haritos Chryssa Arvaniti Poppie Chaldaiou

School life and free time Rania Kassimis, A2 Nikea On a school day I always get up at seven o ‘clock and eat my breakfast. Then I go to school by car. During my school day I am very busy because I have a lot of lessons. At school, we learn maths, grammar, history, art and English. I am good at maths because I like numbers but I ‘m not interested in football because I don’t like it. My favourite subject is Art because I like pictures.

Konstantina Lyra, A2 Nikea I have got a lot of free time. I prefer indoor activities and I ’m a creative girl. In my free time I play with my dog or I listen to music and dance with my sister. I want to try zumba because my best friend has tried it and she says it’s very nice and interesting. I also want to try hip-hop dance because I love this music and hip-hop clothes!


A Class My best friend and what we do together My name is Maria-Thekla and I’m eight years old. I have lots of friends. I like all of them but Irene is my best friend. She is my classmate and neighbor. We go to school together and we sit at the same desk Irene lives near my house. In the evening we meet at my house. We sit in my room and we read comics. Irene is good at Art but she isn’t interested in Maths. So whenever she faces difficulties in her Maths homework she asks me to help her. When her parents go out, I go to her house and we watch T.V together, so she doesn’t feel lonely. We both love modern dance. On Mondays and Fridays we go to our dance school and learn modern dance. We also like riding our bikes at Marina Zeas. We enjoy ourselves and have fun together. We sometimes go to the park or to the cinema. We like listening to pop music and dancing in my house. I’m very proud of my best friend Irene, she’s great. We’ll be friends forever.

Maria-Thekla Michail, A5 When I was a baby When I was a baby I was thin and tall. I was very pretty ,too. I always laughed. My mother says I was a happy and quiet baby. I had a round face and my hair was brown and curly.My mother says I had a cute nose and big lips. Also I had red cheeks. When I was a baby I didn’t have any brothers or sisters. But I had a lot of friends and two cousins. When I was a baby I had a lot of toys. I liked playing with cars, building blocks, planes and rattles. I didn’t have a pacifier. I always slept in my crib and I liked going to the park in my baby stroller. I had many toys and I played for hours with my mum.I was very happy, because my parents loved me.

Billy Papagiannopoulos, A3 Nikea

My superhero My super hero’s name is Doubleface. Doubleface is one day good and one day bad. When he is good, he is strong, big, very fast and very brave. When he is bad, he is a strong, strange, big, fast, very clever and a scientist. When Doubleface is good, he has a blue uniform, a mask and a weapon. When he is bad, he has got a red uniform, a mask and a whip. When he is good, he can fly, he can see through walls, see in the darkness and drive fast. But when he is bad, he can destroy the world, he can hear very well and he can throw fire or throw poison. Now he is good and he is saving the world. I like him because he is very cool.

Nick Flamos, A1 Nikea 53

notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine How I spent last weekend Last weekend was interesting. I had a cool weekend with a lot of fun. On Saturday morning I got up early at half past seven, I ate breakfast and I did my Greek and English homework. My cousin came to my house at ten. At noon we had lunch. My mum cooked my favorite meal and we both enjoyed her delicious pastitsio. In the afternoon we went to the park and played football. In the evening we ate dinner and played lots of board games. At night my cousin and I watched T.V. and went to bed early. On Sunday morning we got up at twelve o’clock and we ate breakfast. In the afternoon we listened to music. In the evening we went to a fancy dress party. We danced, we ate delicious food and we really enjoyed ourselves. Finally, we came back home late and went to bed tired but happy. This was a great weekend!

Konstantinos Assimakopoulos, A2 My best friend and what we do together Hello! My name is Anastasia and my best friend is called Giovanna. She is ten years old and we are classmates. We are friends from 1st grade and we meet every day after school to study. Giovanna is a very kind and funny person. She likes reading books, playing computer games and watching TV. Her favourite food is pizza. She likes cartoons and comedies. She is good at maths and History but she isn’t very good at P.E. When I see her at weekends, we play family, dark-room, computer games, hide and seek, book store and we watch TV. We sometimes fight but then we forget what happened. We have got a lot in common; we both play star-doll and we both like Barbie!

Anastasia Baoussi, A1 Similar Animals Hello! My name is Evelin and I am Eleven years old. My city is Nikea and my country is Greece. Black bears are so pretty and cute. They are mammals. They live in North America (Canada). They have sharp teeth, long claws, black and shiny fur and a strong body. They eat fish, seals and lots of honey. Polar bears are very beautiful. They are mammals, too! They live in the North Pole or Antarctica. They have sharp teeth, long and dangerous claws, wild fur and a very strong body. They eat fish and seal. Black bears and polar bears are similar but they aren’t the same. They have some different characteristics. Black bears live in North America but polar bears live in the North Pole or Antarctica. Black bears have black fur but polar bears have white fur. Black bears eat fish, seals and honey but polar bears eat fish and seals.

Evelina Tsichti, A1 Nikea 54

A Class My school day and hobbies My name is Naya and I’m ten years old. I live in Piraeus, a small city in Greece. Every week, I have school from Monday to Friday. I usually get up at 7:30. I always drink milk in the mornings. My lessons start at 8:15 and finish at 2 o’clock. My favourite subject is language because I like to learn about our language. I’m good at Art because I like drawing but I’m bad at Geography because I must remember countries and rivers on the map. I don’t like history because I don’t remember the dates and the names. It’s a very difficult subject. I also go to a language school to learn English two days a week. I always have lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 to 7:30. In my free time I do a lot of activities. I always play board games with my brother in the afternoon. I go to the gym with my friend on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, too. I read a lot of books but my favourite is “High Mountains”. At weekends I do different activities. On Saturdays I go to traditional dance lessons. Sometimes, my cousins come to my home. On Sundays I sometimes go to my friend’s house and we play board games, computer games and we dance. I would like to try playing the guitar because it is very interesting. I think that painting is fantastic so I would like to try that someday, too!

Naya Emfietzi, A4

My school day and hobbies

Helen Orfanoudakis, A3

y name is Helen and I’m nine years old. I live in Piraeus, a small city in Greece. M Every week, I have school from Monday to Friday. I always get up at 7:30 and I have breakfast in the morning. My lessons start at 8:15 and finish at 2 o’clock. My favourite subject is Physical Education because I want to be a gymnastics teacher. I don’t like history because it’s boring. I’m bad at art because I’m not a good artist. I also go to a language school two days a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:20 to 5:20. In my free time, I do many interesting activities. I usually go to Tae kwon do on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays afternoon. I usually play board games on Fridays and I always play computer games on Thursdays. In winter, I sometimes go snowboarding with my friend Nick. I often go horse riding in Spring and Summer. At the weekends, I do different activities. On Saturday morning I always play chess and tennis. In the afternoon, my family and I go to Fun Park, the theatre or the cinema. On Sunday morning I play tennis again. In the afternoon my family and I usually visit my grandma. I want to try ski jumping because it’s fantastic. I also think that playing the guitar is exciting so I would try that too some day.

A strange Dream! Last night, I had a strange dream. I lived on an island in the middle of the sea. I was the king of the island. Our island was not very big but we really liked it. The island was magical, too. One day, I was sitting on my throne and one knight came in the room. He said: a sea monster is attacking us and we can’t defend our island for long! It is stronger than our walls and it ate eleven people in the sea. They were fishing in their boats. When I heard that, I called my friend. He was a wizard with magic powers. He killed the monster and he saved us. After this I woke up and went to school happily because my dream was wonderful!

Saranbir Singh, A Class 55

notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine

B Class Anna Fritzela Natasha Lyngou Olympia Souti Sofia Nikoletou Zara Hussain

An e–mail to a friend

Disaster Stories

Dear Tony,

Take great care, George.

Last winter my family and I went to Parnitha to play with the snow. I was great when something unusual happened to me. It was five o’ clock in the afternoon when suddenly I heard a strange noise. A tree was coming down the mountain. I thought it came down because of the wind but I was wrong. After a few minutes I saw a lot of snow coming towards us. It was an avalanche! My mother and father shouted to me to be careful but it was too late. I was into the snow with other people, too. At that moment my family thought that I would die. But a brave man saved me and the other people and luckily I didn’t die. Because I was scared I couldn’t remember my name but my family helped me and after a few minutes I was OK. Afterwards, the avalanche caused a lot of destruction. I think it was a very scary and terrifying experience. But I was very relieved because the avalanche stopped before anybody got hurt or died.

George Kouskoulianos, B2 Nikea

Kathrine Bofiliou, B3

I hope you are very well. I think that it is a good idea to visit the London zoo together next week. I prefer to go there on Thursday because I have a day off. If you agree, I will book our tickets online. There is a list of daily events at the zoo. For example, we can join a team and feed the penguins or see the dolphins. There are many places to relax, eat or drink something. If you are interested, we can visit the Jungle restaurant and try their food. They say it’s great! After that, we can go to the souvenir shops and buy presents for our friends. And, of course, we must visit the bugs place. I’m sure we’ll love it!! If you agree with my ideas, send me a message and I will book our tickets immediately.


pe A rs sp on e in cia m l yl ife

B Class

Katerina Sjordara, B1 Nikea

A special person in my life is Panagiotis. This person is my twin brother. We spend a lot of time together. Panagiotis is 12 years old. My brother is tall and has brown hair and brown eyes. He lives in Pireaus and he lives with me. Panagiois is always there for me because he helps me with my homework. He spends a lot of time doing his homework too and he also plays very good football. He does well at school because he is very clever. We have a lot in common, like we like hamburgers and coca cola. Also, he likes to go to the cinema with me and my friend Dimitris. Panagiotis has won prizes in football and he has a lot of medals in our house. He is very athletic, he plays basketball and baseball. He likes to read books too and he always learns his homework. I chose this person because he is amazing, funny, brave nice and always very, very happy. He is popular, talented in football, polite and also very cool.

My grandfather Nikolas, was an amazing person. He was born in Alexandria of Egypt, in 1931, but he was Greek. He had short, white hair and brown eyes. He was cheerful with a beautiful face, too. He was thin and tall, because he used to eat healthy foods. I admire this person because he knew four different languages. He was a special person, with many ideas and values, but he wasn’t ambitious. He was an exciting and interesting person, with wide knowledge of many subjects, too. He was a Marathon athlete and as far as I know, an expert mechanic. He used to read books and watch football and basketball matches, especially with Olympiakos. He also designed the first machine which could make tins! I chose this person because he taught me that I need a lot of qualifications and he gave me the best preparation for life! He also taught me to fight in my life, to be independent and the best student. Finally, he taught me how to play chess and other board games, like Monopoly. I wish he was here with we but he isn’t. He died one year ago.

Jim Papadopoulos, B2 A special person in my life is my aunt Mary. She is 33 years old and she has got long black hair and brown eyes. She is my father’s sister and she lives in London. My aunt is a cheerful person because she always tells funny jokes and makes other people laugh. She is also hard-working because she works as a doctor all day. She is a very special person!! She was born in Athens in 1981. While she was at the university, she met a man called George. Two years later, they got married and they also had two children Kate and Bob. Three years ago, they moved to London because she wanted to work there. I see my aunt twice a year, at Christmas and in the summer. She also comes to Greece some other times when she has some work to do here. I want her to come and live here again because I love her and I want to play with my cousins more often.She is special to me because she is kind, cheerful and friendly.

Irene Metaliki, B3 Nikea 57

Iw ill A ne da ve y rf or ge t

notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine

Angela Kiafa, B2

It was a hot, sunny day so we decided to go sailing. My little brother and I were very excited. We loved the sea and we were looking forward to going swimming in the clear, blue water. It was ten o’clock when the weather changed and it became windy. Soon it started to rain. The wind became stronger and the sea much rougher. All of a sudden, we saw a huge wave coming towards the boat. The wave knocked the boat and the boat started moving from one side to the other. We were very frightened. My little brother started screaming and I wanted to cry because I felt helpless. Fortunately, the weather changed again. The dark clouds disappeared and the wind stopped. We sailed back to shore an hour later. It was a horrible experience. We were lucky to be alive. “What an adventure” dad said “but I’m gland it’s over !” I never want to have such an experience again.

Last year, I was driving my car. I was alone near my mother’s village. I was going to meet my parents in a restaurant. The weather was good but after twenty minutes it became very windy. Suddenly, it started to rain. The sky became darker. I was overcome with fear. I got out of my car and I ran to the nearest house. The people let me in and we closed all the windows and doors. We just stayed in the house and waited for it to end. I had never felt so scared before. In two hours it was quiet again. We got out and we were so shocket that we couldn’t say anything. The hurricane destroyed everything. I was worried about my parents but I called them and luckily they were ok. It was the worst experience I had never had. I will never forget that day as long as I live.

Ariadne Papaspiliopoulou, B1

It was 9 o’ clock in the morning. I was in my country house with my family. We were eating breakfast when we heard a strange noise. We went outside to our balcony and we saw a huge wave coming towards the village. It was a tsunami. It hit all the houses near the beach, but ours was up on a hill so it was OK. We felt so scared that we couldn’t say anything. Afterwards, all the places in Anabysos were destroyed. There were broken houses everywhere, people were shouting and kids were crying. I’ll never forget that day as long as I live.

Lia Saltouridou, B4


C Class

C Class Stella Lemoni Mary Andreopoulou Chryssa Arvaniti Mina Paradisopoulou Eleni Koutsogoula Anna Fritzela

Chocolate Log (Cormos) INGREDIENTS 1 egg yolk 2 Cups of sugar 2 spoons of cocoa 1 cup of water 2 packs of petit-beurre biscuits 125 gr. dark chocolate 125 gr. soft butter PROCEDURE • Beat the soft butter with the egg yolk in a large bowl. • Put the sugar, water, dark chocolate and cocoa in a saucepan. • Heat the saucepan and mix until the chocolate and the sugar melt. • Put the soft mixture into a bowl. • Crumble the biscuits and add them in the mixture. • Pour the mixture into a cake pan and put it in the freezer for an hour.

Konstantinos Bougai, C3 Nikea

George Petromilonas, C3 A place worth visiting Iraklion is in Crete and it is one of the most popular holiday destinations in Greece. One of the most interesting places tourists can visit is the archaeological museum which is located in the centre of the city. Also, the Venetian Castle and St.Markos church are sights worth visiting. Iraklion is also famous for its clean and sandy beaches. The sea is a bit cold but crystal clear. You can enjoy the Greek sun and do all the water sports you can imagine. When night comes, you can go for a walk, drink coffee at the numerous cosy cafes and taste the traditional Greek dishes (Crete is famous for its cuisine). In my opinion, Iraklion is the most interesting place in Greece because it has millions of things to do and you will never get bored. It is a must for holiday lovers.


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine A description of a person

Alexandra Epitropou, Nefeli Grigoratou, Poppie Maragou, Maria-Despina Xagorari, C1 Being a friend

What are your friends like? My friends are the best!!! They are all from my Greek school except Maria who is from my English class. My friends are funny and they always encourage me. They make me and other kids laugh. They do their best to cheer me up when I’m sad or upset. My friends and I have many things in common. We are all into pop music and we like hanging out together.

I met Kelly a year ago when she came to my school. She was a new student and she didn’t know anybody. She was alone so I decided to approach her and we started talking. We found out that we share the same interests and we immediately became friends. Kelly is a sweet person and she cares about everyone. Also, she is kind and generous. She is the one that I always turn to when I have a problem. I tell her all my secrets and I know that she will never reveal them. [...] We are both into pop music and going to the cinema. We are also fond of dancing, reading books and going to parties. Basketball, volleyball and tennis are our favourite sports. Kelly helps me improve at tennis and I teach her volleyball.I really enjoy hanging out with her. She is not perfect but I feel good with her being around. I know I can always rely on her.

Michaela Louzi, C4

Do you always get along with them? We usually get along fine. We rarely argue about trivial things. But in the end we make up again every time! Do you think you are a good friend? I believe I am a good friend because I always care about them and if they need me I will be by their side. What do you think an ideal friend should be like? I think an ideal friend shouldn’t be selfish, stubborn or quick-tempered. They should be polite, kind, easy-going, out-going and have a good sense of humour.

Melina Kontosfyri, C1 Nikea A description of a person I have made a new friend and his name is Chris. He is 11 years old and we met at school. We are classmates but we are neighbours, too. I’ve known him for some time now. He is a very kind and outgoing boy. He takes care of me and his friends. Chris is also easy-going because he doesn’t get angry easily. Sometimes he can become stubborn but I don’t mind. Chris is confident about himself and this is something I admire! He is fond of reading books and going to the theatre. He likes playing the piano and we often meet during our piano lessons. Chris doesn’t like football so much but he is into basketball. He plays in a team and he is a very good player. We usually play cards together and we go cycling every Thursday. He is keen on dancing as well. Chris always makes me laugh. Even if he sometimes doesn’t change his mind easily, he is a great friend to have!


C Class B-C Accelerated

Thanos Amvrazis, Orfeas Antonakos, Andromachie Boulieri, Konstantinos Kallinikos, Antony Koutroulis, Maria-Despina Vourada, C2 Why are you learning English? I have been learning English for five years and I really enjoy it. When I started I was five years old. I have been attending lessons at the Papaeliou Schools in Piraeus. I have lessons every Monday and Wednesday. I really enjoy the lessons because our great teacher makes the lesson more interesting. I don’t study English every day but when I do, I study for an hour. My English has improved a lot since last year. I’m learning English because… F I want to learn a second language and get more certificates so I can be better qualified. F it will help me find a job later and it is a beautiful language. Moreover I want to learn how to speak and write English very well and take the Proficiency Certificate. F I want to travel to foreign countries and I need English to communicate with the people there. Fsometime in the future I want to visit other countries. F it is an international language and I ’ll need it in the future.

Description of a place

Billy Perivolakis, C2 Nikea

Paris is the capital of France and one of the most beautiful cities in the world. There are 12,223,100 people who live in this wonderful city. Paris is so popular because of its sights. One of them is the Eiffel Tower which is the tallest structure in the city and the most-visited paid monument. Another popular building is Notre Dame; it is a Catholic cathedral with ancient statues that impress all its visitors. Also, the Louvre museum is one of the most attractive as well as important museums in the whole world. [...] In my opinion, Paris is not dull at all! It is one of the loveliest and most beautiful cities in the world. You will have an unforgettable time there, so don’t miss it!

Despina Awakie Kittens at School! Hello Kostas, How’s life? I hope everything is Ok. Sorry I haven’t written so long but I was quite busy. I’m writing to tell you what happened at school today. Remember how I told you about the cats in our school in my last email? Well, something funny happened the other day. In the morning all classes were in the yard to watch the final football match between the 6th and the 3rd grade. After half an hour our goalkeeper heard a strange noise. He tried to find where it was coming from. He asked from the referee to stop the match and he went closer to the drain pipe. Everybody gathered around to see what was happening. When I got closer I saw that something was moving in it. To my surprise they were two screaming white kittens! A boy from 6th grade decided to pull them out with the help of his classmates. They took them to their classroom and fed them with milk. Later the teachers called the animal rescue team to take them. Anyway, I must go now. Say hello to cousin Bennis and and my baby-nephew Rollings. Wating for your reply with your news. Hugs and kisses, Your cousin Despina


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine

D Class Stella Lemoni Christine Giatrakou Sofia Kouzoumi Eleni Koutsogoula Niki Chatzigiannaki Mary Andreopoulou

Laptops vs. Desktop Computers Are you interested in buying a laptop or a desktop computer but you can’t decide? Let’s have a look at the advantages and the disadvantages of these gadgets. The biggest advantage of a laptop is its size. They are portable, light and small so they are easy to use and they don’t take up much room. Apart from that, laptops are convenient as they have fewer cables, so your mum won’t complain every time she cleans up the house! On the other hand, desktop computers can also be useful because they are more powerful with larger memory. Another thing you should keep in mind is that they are easier to repair and hard to steal. Unless you are prepared to spend a fortune, buy a desktop computer as laptops are more expensive. Good luck with your choice and enjoy it whatever it is!

Spyros Chatzis, Emiliano Feizai, Katerina Kaila, Bill Karastatiras, John Palaiokrassas, Mike Papadopoulos, Stella Villiou, D3 62

D Class Will computers replace teachers? It is very unlikely.To begin with, teachers are more than just machines.That means they provide students with information and show them how to use it. What's more, they help learners with their needs especially if someone comes across difficulties.

Jimmy Magginos, Elena Tsoulfa

D2 Pireas

No way! Personally, I believe that computers can't do this kind of job.First of all, they can't interact with students and secondly, they are electronic devices which means they can get stuck at times.As a result, they need constant upgrading which is costly.

Aristotle Matakias Personally, I don't agree with this statement.Although computers may be smart, correct exercises quickly and flawlessly, they don't have feelings.In contrast, teachers can respond to every need a student has and help them when they experience difficulties.Besides that, if there isn't a teacher to keep a student quiet, who will? The way I see it, computers can do a part of a teacher's job, but not replace them.

Joanna Zacharia

Amanatidi Maria, Theodosiou Sevi, Katsaitis John, Kouvaras Aggelos, Nitis George, Palalimneou Marilena, Papaspuropoulou Maria-Christina, Prokopiou John, D1 Body language

Body language is an important form of communication which can reveal 50% or more of what we are thinking or communicating about. These behaviors include: body posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movement. It may show aggression, boredom, pleasure, amusement, etc. For example, direct eye contact when speaking to someone can indicate honesty. Teenagers don’t look at adults in the eyes when they haven’t developed self-confidence or when they are lying. When somebody has their hands in their pockets, they could be worried or bored. Crossed legs usually mean that you feel threatened or insecure. Arms can include defensiveness, openness or dominance among other. Closed arms indicate defensiveness. Arms held behind body show authority or confidence. It is seen in authoritative figures such as policemen or army officers. Body language is important to relationships too. It can be helpful in dating, mating or family matters. Although body language is non-spoken, it can reveal a lot about your feelings to others and their feelings towards you.

I don't think it will ever happen. Firstly,teachers show students the way to look up for information, how to use it and teach them to cooperate. Apart from that, sometimes students get distracted and if there isn't a teacher to tell them to pay attention, who will? The way I see it, teachers cannot be replaced but computers will work alongside with them.

Tassos Tsaldaris, Anastasis Vatistas I don't believe that computers will ever replace teachers. In my opinion, computers can be very useful, but only as a part of a teacher's lesson plan. They are not capable of educating and motivating students. However, there are some benefits when using computers. For instance, students can have access to information quickly something which helps them save time.

Kostas Giannaris


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine My dearest grandfather

Letter of application

My grandfather’s name was Stilianos. Unfortunately, he is not around anymore, but he will always exist in my heart because he was the best person in the world. Grandpa was really fun to be with. Together we used to have the time of our life. Although he was much older than me, we used to play lots of games together and have a lot of fun. He used to work in a pizza place, which was a family business. He was friendly with everyone and was well known to the whole neighbourhood. Also, he was very polite and unselfish. He would always greet everyone, help poor families and give money to charities. Moreover, he was a very sociable person, who had a lot of friends and used to have a great time with them. My dear grandpa is now gone. He died at the age of 78 from a terrible illness. I loved and will always love him, I just wish he were still around so I could see him one more time. Anyway, I somehow know that he’s always next to me.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Every generation revolts against its fathers and makes friends with its grandfathers. Lewis Mumford

Eftichia Nikolaidi, D2 Nikea


I am writing to apply for the position of shop assistant as advertised on the website yesterday. I am 19 years old. I consider myself to be trustworthy and punctual. I also understand the necessity of being kind and helpful with customers. I am fluent in Greek, English and German. In the past I worked as a shop assistant at a jeweler’s. My boss really trusted me and he asked me to open and close the shop every day. I am also available to work any day of the week, even on weekends. I believe that I am suitable for the job because I have all the necessary qualifications. I hope my application will be taken into consideration. I am available for an interview at your convenience.

Kostantinos Folidis, D3 Nikea

I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Dimitris Siou.

A Person I Admire

The person I admire the most is Lea Michelle. She is a singer and an actress. She lives in New York and she has taken part in a lot of plays in Broadway. Lea Michelle is tall and thin. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She is passionate with her work and she tries really hard for the best. One of her qualities is that she is very ambitious. When she was young, she wanted to be a really good performer. Lea Michelle is the strongest person I know. In fact, she has been dealing well with difficult situations lately. That’s why I believe that she is a role model for a lot of young people. She is very successful too, as she made her dream come true. Lea Michelle has been a huge influence on me. This is the reason why I’ve decided to become a performer. Everyone likes her because of her personality and her successful work. She has inspired me and helped me become stronger and stronger. I hope I will gain the kind of love she gets from her fans.

Stella Koroneou, D3 Nikea

D Class Story It was a cold quiet day. Sue and Susan were sitting in their house near the fireplace and they were drinking hot chocolate. It was Sue’s idea to explore the big forest which was near their house. When they reached the forest Sue said to Susan: “Continue walking alone because I want to pick up some flowers. But watch out! If something happens to you, call me immediately”. Susan continued walking through the forest when suddenly, she heard a strange noise. She didn’t pay much attention but within minutes she heard the same noise again. She soon realized that a large and dangerous tiger was a little away from her. Without thinking she started walking quietly and when the tiger was not looking she climbed on a tree. She tried to call Sue but the signal was weak. She closed her eyes and she knew there was no hope left. Luckily, at that moment she heard Sue’s voice: “Come on! The tiger’s gone!” Susan jumped down the tree. The two girls hugged each other and returned to their house. Susan will never forget what happened that day.

Dora Davitou, D1 Nikea

Bill Davalas, Flora Gavala, Harry Kanakis, Andy Kofinas, Chryssia Koumoutsi, Silia Manola, Vivian Odabasoglou, Thanasis Papadopoulos, George Tsiroukis, Eva Zagoraki, Irene Zouganaki, D4 Ferry Boats – Airplanes – Cars The main advantage of a Ferry Boat is that it’s very comfortable. You can book a cabin, grab a bite at the ship’s restaurants and go shopping at the shops, too. Another advantage is that it’s very enjoyable and you don’t get easily bored. It’s inexpensive, so you don’t have to spend a fortune at tickets, like you have to do with plane tickets. However, Ferry Boats also have disadvantages. For instance, they are very slow and there can be delays because of bad weather conditions. In addition, a lot of people get seasick so they get dizzy and frustrated and want to use other means of transport. In our opinion, we think that the airplane is the best means of transport to use to go on holiday because it is the safest way to travel long distances. We can reach places we couldn’t reach by other means of transport. The main advantage is that it is very fast and also very enjoyable. However, there are a lot of disadvantages. The main disadvantage of travelling by plane is that it is very expensive. Also, some people have a fear of travelling by plane because they are scared of the height. Another disadvantage is that there can be many delays because of bad weather conditions. Finally, it is the least environmentally friendly means of transport because it causes air pollution. We would much rather travel by car because it is the best means of transport for traveling long distances. The main advantage is that it is the most convenient, as we don’t have to book tickets in advance. Another advantage is that there are no delays because of the weather conditions. Also, it is the most inexpensive means of transport and it gives you freedom because you can stop whenever you want and you can visit and see beautiful places. However, there are some disadvantages, too. The car is the most dangerous means of transport because there are a lot of accidents. Also, it is tiring and some people suffer travel sickness! When we travel short distances the worst problems are the parking and the heavy traffic.


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine

E Class Martha Haratsi Olympia Souti Lina Patera Mina Paradisopoulou Zara Hussain

An exciting assignment. Debbie woke up early that day feeling nervous and excited. Just then she realized why she was feeling nervous that way. She hadn’t finished her school assignment. Debbie was in a school for teenage secret agents. For her final exams her teacher had asked her to bring in a very dangerous person to put into prison. Debbie had tried to catch him but he always managed to escape. The moment Debbie was leaving her house the phone rang. A woman’s voice said “005.17, did you complete your task?’ In a state of panic Debbie put the phone down. This woman was her teacher and she didn’t know what to say to her. At that moment she made the decision to catch this dangerous man, as fast as she could. Debbie put on her coat and left the house to find clues to catch this person. As soon as she left the house someone was spying on her but Debbie didn’t know it. Half an hour later Debbie realized where the murderer was. As she bent down to tie her shoelace she felt something move behind her. As she turned she saw the man that she wanted to catch. At first she thought “lucky me”, but then the dangerous man took out a gun and pointed it at her. Debbie, being a very good special agent student, had very fast reflexes. She took her gun out too. Her gun was something special, the bullets contained an anesthetic and so they wouldn’t kill anybody but just knock them out. The man pulled the trigger and the bullet was coming towards Debbie. She avoided the bullet and she shot at his arm. After 15 seconds the man was on the floor, asleep. Debbie had finally accomplished her task. She passed the assignment and her class and became a real secret agent.

Alice Kanaki, E3 Nikea


E Class An E-mail Hello Katie, I’m so excited about staying with you in London. I’m arriving in ten days and I can’t really wait! My flight number is AS 3124, so you can come and meet me at the airport. You know, there are so many places I’d love to visit in your city. I suggest going to the Tower Bridge as it is regarded one of the most popular tourist sights. This way I will be able to admire the view of the River Thames, don’t you think? It’s a good idea to go to the London Eye and see this enormous Ferris wheel. We could also visit other attractions like Big Ben and Madame Tussauds. As you wrote to me, it’s a brilliant idea to do some nice things in the evening. I love rock music and going to concerts is my idea of fun. You’ve asked me about food. As I know, your mum is a great cook. I don’t really have any special food preferences, so don’t worry. She can cook traditional dishes that I usually like and anything else with fresh vegetables. Anyway, I have to go now. We’ll talk again soon. I’m looking forward to seeing you!

Maria Sarafoglou, E1 Nikea

Yours, Maria

An amazing Concert

Irene Georgiou, E2 Nikea

It was important for Sally to get to the concert early that day. It was the first time that her favorite band, One Direction, would be singing in her town. She wanted to get to the stadium early to get the chance to meet them and also to claim good front row seats. For this reason she arrived at the stadium two hours early. [...] After she arrived at the stadium an hour passed and the band finally arrived. Sally saw them and screamed with all the power in her to make them notice her; and it worked. When they saw her screaming they approached her. The moment she saw them coming closer to her, she fainted. The boys took her to their dressing room. When she woke and felt better she realized what was happening. She hugged all of them and thanked them for looking after her. The boys were really kind and friendly. They gave her their telephone numbers and they took some photos together. When the concert finally began they took her onto the stage with them and also dedicated a song to her. The concert was amazing and an unforgettable night for Sally. That night was so incredible and one that Sally will never forget. She will always love One Direction and remember that incredible night.

My favourite teacher

My favorite teacher is someone I’ve known my whole life. Ms. Daphne has been my teacher since I was six years old. Ms. Daphne is much older than me and she used to look after me when I was younger. She sometimes helps me with my homework, no matter how busy she is with her work. Her personality is great! She taught us not to judge a book by its cover, to be responsible and thoughtful. Also, she’s never rude to anyone and that’s why her kindness stands out in her personality. She never tells anyone what to do, but she only says her point of view about something, so she’s not judgmental. She’s an easy going and witty person as she can cheer me up with her sense of humor. She’s taught me how to deal with nervousness and not to be rude. Another thing which only she can do is stick up for me. That’s why she’ll always have my love and admiration.

Costas Poupos, E2 67

notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine A dream comes true Kelly woke up early that morning feeling nervous and excited. It was a different kind of day today. She was nervous because she was taking part in a dance competition and she was going to dance that evening. In addition, she was really glad about it because dancing is her passion and she had been learning to dance since she was five. It was her big dream to take part in a dance competition and it was extremely important for her to win the competition because she has been training for several months. This dance competition was going to be a major event in her life and she wanted to give it her best shot. Time was moving on and Kelly was getting ready at the dance studio. It was now time for Kelly to dance with her dance partner. Her name was called on stage and as she was getting ready to dance she felt very sure about herself. When the music started it was a magical moment for her. After she finished dancing everyone clapped for her and her parents were very proud of her. All the people were looking at her spellbound. At the end of the competition she waited patiently to hear the name of the winner be announced. When the judge stood up to announce the name, Kelly held her breath. No, it wasn’t a dream, it was clearly heard by everyone, Kelly Wilom! She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Se felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Kelly will never forget this day. She was sure it was the best day of her life. Her participation and winning the concert was an unforgettable experience.

Konstantina Kosmidou, E2 Nikea Eurovision

Zografou Afroditi, Panaousi Elisabeth, Panagiotou Alexandros, Charalampopoulou Christine & Psarou Eva, E4


Denmark is hosting the 59th Eurovision contest at the B&W Hallerne, in the city of Copenhagen this coming May. But what makes everyone look forward to this musical event? The Eurovision contest is one of the biggest and oldest musical competitions in Europe. Its main concept is to bring together singers from different countries, not only European but also outside the boundaries of Europe. Every year in May, participants get together to present their entries and thousands of people of all ages watch them on their screens. There are many reasons for this huge success of the Eurovision contest. First of all, it is a great show with breathtaking special effects, fantastic performers from various countries, amazing costumes, all of which contribute to an unforgettable evening of music and entertainment. Most of the songs are performed in English, but nowadays more and more participants decide to sing in their own language in an attempt not only to be more traditional but also to attract a wider audience and win more votes for their countries. To sum up, winning the Eurovision Song Contest provides an opportunity for all the artists to take advantage of the publicity and promote their careers. Many artists now have international careers as a result of their participation in Eurovision.

E Class Α talented student My name is Billy Mossoras and I like taking photos of ships because when I grow up I want to become a sailor. At the beginning, when I started this hobby, I didn’t know anything about ships but now I know a lot. I started when I was in the first grade of high school. I was influenced by a friend who was very fond of ships. I had been taking photos of ships for two years when I decided to send my own photos to a magazine called “EFOPLISTIS”. After some time they published my photos. It is really exciting for me to see my photos there!

Billy Mossoras, E1

Amanda Vassila, Alexandra Velliou, Vassia Kokaki, Jim Lazaridis, Fressy Lousai, Mariangela Pastrikou E3 Young People and Modern Technology Mobile phones are widely used on a daily basis. But what is the reason we, young people, can’t imagine our lives without them? The answer can be found in the mobile phone’s various features. We use our mobile phones to communicate with other people, keep in touch with our friends or arrange different events. Entertainment is another important issue for us, so we usually rely on our mobile phones for that. We listen to music, take photos, play games and many more. Moreover, we have the possibility to download various applications which allow us to keep in touch with our friends through chatting and texting. Finally, we can easily connect to the Internet from free Wi-Fi spots in the area and take advantage of everything the Internet offers. There are many reasons why mobile phones are so widely used. First of all, most teenagers basically buy a mobile phone because they have been influenced by their friends and they want to follow the trend. Some of them may think that mobiles are useful only for emergencies. For example, if you have an accident you can call for help. But actually, we all use them because they are quick, affective and easy to use. However, they have one major disadvantage – they are becoming more and more expensive because of the technology used. To sum up, we’d say that mobile phones have become part and parcel of a teenager’s life. They have changes the way we communicate and entertain ourselves. We can’t avoid them but we can learn how to use them wisely.


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine D-E Accelerated FILM REVIEW

A person I admire

“Life can only be understood looking backward. It must be lived forward.” Eric Roth, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button screenplay

My aunt Mary is the person I admire the most. She works as a teacher at a primary school. My aunt is the most unselfish person I have ever met. She always cares about other people and never about herself. She works for five hours every day but she spends at least three more hours after school, helping the students who face difficulties. She doesn’t mind spending all her day there since she is passionate about her job and she enjoys helping her students. She doesn’t consider it a duty. Few people are as hard working and patient as she is. In fact, she has hardly ever punished her students even when they don’t do their homework. She isn’t strict and that’s why all her students love her and seek her advice. Another quality that really stands out is her sense of humour. Whenever we are together, she makes me laugh a lot. As for myself, my aunt has had a great influence on me. She has shown me how important it is to help other people. She is the reason I have decided to become a teacher when I grow up. She is my role model. My aunt Mary has achieved to be a likeable person to everybody. I hope I will be like her one day.

The curious case of Benjamin Button has been adapted from a short story which was published in Colliers Magazine by Scott Fitzgerald, in 1922. It is an award-winning film, starring Brad Pitt and Kate Blanchett. This story of fantasy, romance and drama is directed by David Fincher. Born in New Orleans in 1918 with the look of a really old baby, Benjamin grows up with a very nice black lady who is his step mom and an employee in a home for the aged. While everyone around him ages and dies, he keeps getting younger and younger. This film is a great story about a romance that can’t possibly exist while it gives us lessons about how we can live with others that are different from us. The special effects are very good and the leading actors’ performance is superb. It’s an amazing film which conveys a lot of messages. I recommend it to anyone who thinks that they deserve a quality film.

Maria-Anna Telli

Hara Michalakou A letter of advice Dear Julie, I was sorry to hear that you’ve got problems and I really want to help you. I know how it feels to have problems with your friend because I have felt the same way many times in the past. So, you can say that I am an expert! Being late or forgetting to meet your friend is, you have to admit, a rather difficult situation. So, I have some tips for you. First of all, try to surprise her by taking her on an outing to her favourite place. That way you will show her that you care about her and you feel bad for letting her down. Also, try to do more things together like going shopping or for a walk as long as you make sure that you are punctual so that she doesn’t get upset again. Apologise for your mistake and be kind and calm so as not to have arguments. Don’t forget that it was your fault that you forgot your date (three times!). I hope everything goes well. Good luck, Hara


Anastasia Volika


Lower Martha Haratsi Lina Patera Christine Giatrakou Sofia Kouzoumi Stella Lemoni Niki Chatzigiannaki

Suggestions for a gift Dear Mr. Grant, Thank you for your e-mail. I believe buying Ben a gift because he is going to college is an excellent idea. You said that you are thinking of getting him a DVD player. I am not sure that this is a good idea because Ben is not keen on watching movies at home. He prefers going to the cinema with his friends. However, your second option is much more interesting. Ben will be over the moon if you buy him the latest model of a mobile phone as he is really interested in technology. I think that this is the perfect present for him. You can also consider of getting him a laptop to do his homework and his projects. You may also buy him a motorbike if you can afford it, so he will not need to go to college by bus every day. I am sure that Ben will appreciate your present whatever it may be. All the best, Marina

Mary Diakona, Lower 1 Nikea My Dream Day Many people prefer spending their dream day doing something unusual,in the company of people they love. I would like to do the same thing in my dream day. My dream day would be a visit to a farm. I imagine that there, I would see a variety of animals, such as horses, sheep, pigs. There would also be many trees. Wherever I would look, I would see

Constantinos Sachtouris, L2

breathtaking scenery; the small and cute puppies would play with each other, flowers in blossom, the owner’s big wooden house would command the whole field. My family would come with me, because we all love animals. We could spend our time doing horse riding, feeding the animals or talking to the owner. Furthermore, we would enjoy the fresh air. I know that it is just a dream but if it weren’t, I would surely have the time of my life. It would be a nice experience, which I wouldn’t want to end.


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine The Perfect Destination

The perfect holiday destination for me is Thassos, one of the most beautiful islands of Greece. I used to go there when I was a little kid and I remember lots of things. Thassos could also be a very nice place for tourists. Some of Thassos’s special characteristics are its shallow waters and wonderful beaches full of people and children. There is also a beach called Marmaras, which has turquoise waters and amazing view. But except for its beaches there are lots of other things the island consists of. It is covered with trees, especially pines and olive trees. The houses are picturesque and the gardens have colourful flowers and plants. But what is really fascinating is the port - small with beautiful shops, where people can buy many souvenirs, postcards and traditional sweets. Thassos is very special for me because of its natural beauties and its hospitable and friendly people. That’s why I have many friends there. There is also another reason I love this island. It has a huge production of nutritious foods such as olive oil and honey. I would recommend Thassos to everyone because I’m sure they would love it. Being close to nature is a great opportunity and something that all people need. There is no doubt that Thassos provides all the above.

Natalie Koliou, L3

Antonakou Danae, Dogias Lefteris, Koumoutsi Valia, Simou Stella, Tsougas George, Vatistas Andrew, Lower 1 (group a) Village Cinemas Village Cinemas, the well-known entertainment complex located in the area of Redis is the ideal place for an evening out with friends. It is easily accessible by public transport as it can be found on many bus routes and a parking facility is also available for those who prefer to drive there. This amazing 20-screen multiplex is very modern and the decoration will appeal to younger people. The cinema screens show high quality movies, ranging from comedies and dramas to thrillers and animation, which will definitely satisfy all audiences. There is no need to book tickets beforehand as there are many different times to choose. However, remember that it can be busy at certain times, so you might need to be there a bit earlier. The price of a ticket at €7 is really affordable and there are special offers on weekdays. For a great evening out, you can combine your cinema going with the other interesting facilities the complex offers. Why don’t you try one of the restaurants? There are many different ones to choose from. Italian and Greek ones, fast food outlets and many more to cater to all your needs. If you are not for a bite to eat, you could have a drink or enjoy a dessert at one of the cafés. Prices range so you will definitely find something for you and your friends! In our opinion, Village Cinemas is a place worth visiting with either your friends or your family. You will not regret it!!!!


Lower E-mail giving opinion

A dream day in New York

Dear Mr. Johnson,

A couple of years ago when they asked me how I imagine my dream day, my usual answer would be a day in Disneyland. Things didn’t go as planned so this remained just a dream. Today, I have changed my mind and I would love to spend my dream day elsewhere. My dream day would be a day-trip to New York City at Christmas. I’d stay at an elegant hotel in town. I can imagine that wherever I would look there would be an amazing scenery. There could be lots of trees and the cute squirrels. My best friend Lisa would come with me and we would spend our day visiting the sights of New York city. We’d visit the Times Square and the Statue of Liberty. Then, we’d go shopping and have a great time. In the evening we would have a great meal at a luxurious restaurant. At the end of the day we’d take the plane back. I know this is just a dream but perhaps one day it will come true. There’s one problem. It would be such a wonderful day I wouldn’t want it to end!

Thank you for your email. I believe that inviting someone to come and give a talk to our English class is a great idea. Well, I think both the people you recommend, the Australian doctor and the Canadian writer, would be perfect. However, since you are already aware that medicine has been my passion, I will go for the Australian doctor who has worked with children all over the world. I am really interested in learning some details about his career so I would like to ask him about the difficulties he faced and about some of his greatest achievements. Now as for the person who will thank him at the end, I consider that Elena would be the best because we all know how good she is at making speeches. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Jill Dana

Artemis Vatikioti, L4 A Dream Day

Elpida Sikalia Trakou, Lower 2 Nikea

A dream day for me would be a day in a foreign country, especially somewhere in the country side in winter away from traffic, noise and pollution. Could you think of anything better? So, Scotland is this ideal place for me. During winter the whole country is covered with snow, the rivers and lakes are frozen and generally the entire country’s scenery seems breathtaking. The person I would be grateful to be with is Tim Burton, the famous director. Some of his famous works are The Nightmare Before Christmas, Sweeny Todd, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Batman Returns and others. I would love to discuss with him how he makes his movies. Another interesting thing would be to make up with him an imaginary story and decide together which actors we would choose to play the characters. I would like this whole conversation to take place in an old tower while we would be drinking hot chocolate and talking about our favourite movies. This would be the most delightful day of my entire life. Meeting Tim Burton in Scotland is for me one of my wildest dreams.

Preventza Fedra, L3


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine Julius Aliasis, Rania Kaboli, Panagiotis Kardakaris, Manolis Lagoudianakis, Danny Orfanos, Pantelis Stefanias, Lower 1 (group b) Volunteering Have you ever thought of it? Well, volunteering is not just spending a few hours away from home. If you think twice, you will understand that it is much more than just that since it offers a lot of benefits to society as well as to the participants themselves. To begin with, the most important advantage of volunteering is that you can learn to help people in any way you can. Many volunteers have offered their services in International Organisations such as the Olympics, or joined specialized volunteering humanitarian Organisations like Doctors without Borders. Others participate in local events to help destroyed areas recover from natural disasters. Finally, local teens frequently visit community centres, hospitals and other welfare facilities with their schools to offer their services, enthusiasm and optimism to people in need. All of the above can provide you with valuable experience for a future career since you have practiced different skills beforehand. In addition, you get a sense of accomplishment and the satisfaction to have contributed the best you can. You also learn to work under difficult conditions including long and hard hours. Last but not least, you get the chance to associate with people of other nationalities, share experiences and eventually reach a common goal. In conclusion, volunteering is something that everybody must have tried at least once in their lifetime so that they can be called complete individuals.

L Accelerated A Letter to a Newspaper Dear Editor, I am writing regarding your article about about a large shopping centre that is going to be built in the outskirts of the city. I would like to express my views and give suggestions for the benefits of the mall. First of all, I am sure the idea will benefit the city. In this shopping mall there will be many shops that cannot be found in the city centre. So people will be able to go shopping at the mall and the traffic in the city centre will be reduced. Furthermore, such a mall would be a convenient meeting place for teenagers and people of all ages who love shopping. In addition, it will be a source of money, if cultural events, that could attract people, are organised there. It might be a good idea to have restaurants and a playground for kids on the top floor, so that parents could relax and eat while their kids play and have fun. Another possibility would be to build a parking lot so as to solve the parking problem. I hope the local authorities will take my suggestions into account when finalising the plans for the new shopping mall. Yours sincerely, Zoe Poulopoulou


Zoe Poulopoulou, L Accel

Prof 1

Prof 1 Diana Papaeliou Elli Lamprou Ino Panayotou Kalli Pantelis Niki Chatzigiannaki Zara Hussain Sofia Kouzoumi THE PROPHECY The prophecy was about to come true. Emris, the prophet of doom, woke up early for the seventh day in a row. This time the silver moon was still up in the sky; shining through his window. He saw the dream again. He was being haunted by the same image for days now. Every time he dreamt, he saw a beautiful woman smiling at him. Emris had no idea that this woman was the necromancer Daeris. Many days passed since Emris, the young prophet last saw this reoccurring dream. He had to leave his village to go to work in Loth Muin, the capital of the Empire. He had a passion for swords and so he worked as a black smith. He made a lot of interesting friends in the Empire. Glan, a good-looking man who performed amazing magic tricks for a living. His stage name was “The escapist” for a reason. He could escape even from the trickiest of tricks, in seconds! Then, Emris met Aran and Melui. They were best friends. Aran worked for the king of the Empire, he was a genius. Melui was the fastest runner of all and he worked as a secret messenger for the king. These friends were all very talented and made a contribution to the Empire. The dreams had stopped a while ago but yesterday Emris saw the woman again. This time they were kissing. He didn’t want to wake up from this dream, but he had to for work because this particular day the black smith had arranged for

his daughter and Emris to meet. When he saw her he couldn’t believe his eyes. She was the exact same woman who he had been dreaming of, for days! But she, Daeris, had a different plan in store for him. A ccording to the prophecy a necromancer had to bear a child, a child that had to be one with the prophet of doom. This child would become the next King, rule everybody and bring sadness and misery to the empire; a prophecy that Emris didn’t know about. They soon got married and bought their own little house and after a month Daeris was pregnant. [...] The child grew fast as the days passed. His uncles Glan, Aran and Melui raised him as one of the kindest and talented people in the kingdom. Daeris wasn’t happy at all as her plans to raise a catastrophic king and ruin the empire were starting to fail. The years went by and Daeris’s son became a great young man. She couldn’t take it anymore so she murdered Emris’s best friend in order to stay true to her evil roots. That’s when Emris understood who she really was. He took the decision to kill her and one day in her sleep, put a dagger through her heart. However, Emris loved her so much, that he couldn’t live with himself after what he did. He took her soulless body, and placed it on their bed, sat next to her and killed himself. This was a tragic moment for the kingdom.

Io Chasoura, Prof 1.1 Nikea Their boy became a king. Not evil as the prophecy said but a great and fair one. He had no enemies. He ruled the empire until great age and lived happily ever after with his family and the love and support from the residents in his Kingdom. He became well known for being the one to end all evil prophecies. THE END


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine Health and nutrition

Fotini Pilati, Prof 1.1 Online university education Nowadays, an increasing number of students are turning to the internet in order to start Massive Open Online Courses, called MOOCS. Online University Education has became a fashion trend; but, is this a positive step for education? The Internet is the ‘magic and glossy’ tool for Universities to attract students. Many claim that online education is replacing the offline. Information, professors abd courses can be accessed easily and quickly at home so there is no need for physical proximity. Universities can attract more students from the world over and promote education, as there are no space limitations. Furthermore, online education requires fewer lecturers for students’ education. That means that universities will gain profit handsomely as a result. On the other hand, there are certain disadvantages. Online courses do not offer exclusivity and break the personal link between students and universities. There is limited interaction with professors and course content is often standardised, as creators want to keep costs down. As far as the design of MOOC is concerned, the fixed cost of creating an online course is relatively high. Getting started means putting together a curriculum, producing written and recorded material to support it and this procedure is expensive. Finally, even though the registration is convenient and attainable with a click of a mouse, dropout rates are high. To sum up, despite the drawbacks, online university education abounds with supporters and provides a wide variety of courses that suit all tastes. There is no doubt that the rise of online instruction will upend the economics of higher education


Child obesity and health problems caused by food choices are an issue of paramount importance all over the world. Health experts and governments are trying to find solutions in order to overcome this problem. Some believe that an effective measure against this phenomenon would be the implementation of health and nutrition as parts of the school curriculum. On the one hand, family should bear the responsibility to teach children and young people healthy living. For instance, if a family’s eating habits are unhealthy, children are more likely to consume fattening products full of harmful additives. On the contrary, if parents’ diet is based on nutritious foods that benefit health, children will follow suit since they are usually influenced by their parents. On the other hand, the school’s role is important. Healthy living is a significant part of our lives and teachers should inform their students accurately about possible ways to achieve that. Students’ projects that have to do with the nutritional value of various foods would be a good idea. Furthermore, headmasters could organize presentations in order to raise students’ awareness of the implications of low quality foods, or invite experts to speak to children about the damage that unhealthy products may cause to one’s health. In conclusion, healthy living should be a person’s first priority. [...] Family and school should encourage youngsters to adopt healthy eating habits. In case this does not happen, obesity and other health problems relating to bad food will not be dealt with properly and the rate of those who suffer from these problems will increase.

Sofia Konstantinopoulou, Prof 1.1 Nikea

Christina Michili, Prof 1.2 Tourism: A blessing or a curse? It is widely believed that tourism can be beneficial for a country as it can have some positive effects regarding the country’s development. However, some people believe that tourism may prove to be harmful. On the one hand, the influx of tourists in a country has a positive impact. To begin with, people from different backgrounds get the chance to interact and gain insight of the locals’ way of life. Tourism can help reduce the stereotypes which have been formed throughout the years as well as the negative perceptions and instead develop appreciation and understanding of different cultures. Furthermore, tourism can help enhance the economy of a country, which will profit from the tourist’s expenditures and foreign exchange. This generates income and can stimulate financial growth. On the other hand, tourism can have a negative impact on a region when there is lack of consideration for the host country. Tourists are sometimes unwilling to immerse themselves in the local culture and are often disrespectful towards the host country. Simple mistakes made by tourists can cause cultural clashes and offence to local people. In addition tourism can have adverse environmental effects, which are linked with the construction of roads, airports and tourist facilities. This can lead to the loss of the country’s natural beauty, the loss of wildlife habitats and the deterioration of scenery. All things considered, tourism can either be beneficial or detrimental. The more tourism thrives in a country, the more improvements will be made. However, a country’s culture and the environment deserves our respect.

Prof 1 Advertising and child obesity It is generally maintained that an important factor for the increasing rate of child obesity is the advertising of non-nutritious food products at peak viewing hours for children. However, would a ban have an effective influence so as to reduce child obesity? To begin with, advertising has an adverse effect on children’s eating habits and on child obesity. Children cannot understand the persuasive intent of adverts and cannot distinguish the difference between programming and advertising. They have the ability to recall content from ads to which they have been exposed which may lead to the overconsumption of these unhealthy products. To make matters worse, food companies supply their products with toys or gifts, and use other attractive ways to draw the attention of children. This means that all these food advertisements entice children into buying products they crave, and as a result young children pester their parents to purchase them. On the other hand, questions have been raised on how effective a ban on these advertisements could be. The way food companies promote their products is manipulative so if children are exposed less, it may diminish the appeal of certain foods in their consciousness. However, parents should shoulder some of the blame. It is their responsibility to monitor their children’s viewing of ads, to provide healthy alternatives and support legislation to curtail advertising to kids. In this way, their children might adopt healthier eating habits. All things considered, we can admit that food advertisements have certainly had an influence on children’s eating habits. A ban could reduce child obesity but it’s also the parents’ responsibility to take steps to regulate their child’s media exposure.

Thanos Psaroudas, Prof 1.3

Technological Development

John Simatos, Prof 1.2 Nikea

The development in technology has a positive as well as a negative impact in our eating habits, our health and our social life. The Internet is mainly responsible for changing people’s lives. People believe that the Internet can either cause damage to our health or help us become socially better. On the one hand, technological development has a wide variety of disadvantages. Firstly, some devices such as the television or the computer change teenagers’ eating habits. There are some teenagers that become obese due to the fact that they are sitting in front of a screen for the whole day. So, they start eating unhealthy snacks, like chips, pizza and chocolates. The result is that they become addicted to food, which results in various diseases and health problems. [...] On the other hand, the latest technological achievements have a good impact on our daily life. Nowadays, we have the ability to communicate with our friends and family all around the world, while being far away from them. We can also make new friends online. Secondly, in reference to an article I found online (, our lives have become much easier since technology and the Internet came into place. We have the ability to book tickets online without having to move. In addition, entrepreneurs are able to promote their business by advertising their products online. Very convenient is also the fact that work is done automatically as manual work can be very exhausting and difficult. [...] A research conducted, by a website called HUMAN KINETICS, gives information about the things that teenagers do online. First of all, 97% stay in touch with their friends. That is very encouraging because the majority of people understand that friendship is the most crucial relationship in life. Then, 68% spend their time sharing videos and photos. 52% find out more people and make new friends. Half of the users of the Internet communicate with their classmates. Many plan events and invite people to attend them or they participate in social interest groups. The majority of people also use the Internet as a forum to express their opinions and beliefs or for professional activities. In conclusion, making use of the technological achievements of the 21st century can have either a good or bad effect in our daily lives. However, in my view we have to separate the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. As users we should have the knowledge to use the Internet correctly and avoid mistakes that can damage and affect our lives in a negative way. So we must be careful to use the Internet without putting ourselves and or health in danger.


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine Illiteracy Nowadays

Alex Bolofis, Prof 1.4 The Financial Crisis It’s not accidental that the word “credit” derives from the Latin creditus, meaning “trusted.” Banks use highly rated securities as almost the equivalent of cash — whenever they need more dollars or euros, they hand the bonds over to another bank as collateral. It’s one of the basic ways they ensure they have the exact amount of money they need to meet their obligations on any given day. But when it came to those mortgagebacked securities in early August 2007, that simple exchange suddenly became complicated. The problem was not just that the securities were worth less than they’d been before. Rather, it is that no one knew just how much less, and whether, if one bank had lent money to another just down the street in exchange for securities, it would ever get paid back.... History has taught us again and again that when banks shut down and hoard their money, so too do the economies they serve. A banker who’s unwilling to lend to other bankers is also more than likely to be unwilling to lend to the businesses and households [...]. If unchecked, the banking crisis in Europe could actually inflict untold damage on the world economy. I believe it’s crucial for the countries of Europe, especially Greece, to change their financial system to a more lenient one because it is having a detrimental effect on people and their daily lives. If countries like Greece are going to continue playing the game that banks have so cleverly set up it will lead to war. We have to stop them from manipulating us. It’s high time we rebel against this regime.


It’s undeniable that illiteracy is widespread in most parts of the world. This means that more and more people on our planet do not gain the appropriate knowledge in order to have a critical mind for their daily life. Illiteracy is sometimes caused by economic reasons or malfunction of the educational system. To begin with, many people decide not to attend school from an early age. That happens because their family for example may face economic problems, which means that these kids have to work in order to help their family make ends meet. Undoubtedly, this takes place in many underdeveloped countries on our planet, where people do not even have the basics. Yet another failure is that of the educational system. Furthermore, people use their education as a way of finding a future job, not caring about having understood the real hidden meaning. As a result they become illiterate because of not having gained the essential knowledge to get ahead in life. Despite the fact that a large number of people in this world are illiterate, there are some logical solutions to this problem. More specifically, free education should be provided to all, because it is one of our basic human rights. The economically weaker members of our community should have access to free education. [...] All in all, illiteracy is still a problem in our world that is basically encouraged by governments, which benefit from controlling uncritical minds. However, there are solutions to change this fact to make our community better and smarter.

Metaxia Kokkinou, Prof 1.5

Christina Kosti, Prof 1.1 Vienna Have you ever been to Vienna? If not, you should go, as it is an excellent destination. Don't miss the chance to see the fantastic places and picturesque landscapes! It is the capital of Austria and the 7th biggest city by population in the European Union. Given that Vienna has a big legacy in music, a great deal of popular sites associated with famous prodigious composers, who lived there, can been visited. In order to creatively spend your time there and see as much sights as you can, a programme is needed. So plan ahead! A great number of churches, museums, palaces, parks, art galleries, an opera, the oldest zoo in the world make visiting the city- unudoubtedly worthwhile. In addition, visitors who really like adventure have the chance to climb the Alps and drink a cup of hot chocolate on top of the mountain, while others can go hiking or walking. The river that passes through the city is of utmost importance for Vienna’s urban life. It attracts a lot of people, who wish to go cycling or walking by the river banks. Vienna is also known for the famous ‘Viennese Waltz’. Many places host such parties, where proffesional dancers compete with each other. F urthermore, it’s essential that visitors taste the delicious traditional food, like Schnitzel, and sample the city’s vineyard white wine. Vienna's nightlife is fantastic. Many pubs, bars, breweries, cafés, theatres offer tourists a lot of entertainment. To sum up, the magnificent landscapes, the traditional food, the great legacy in music, the nightlife and the many sights make Vienna a great destination throughout the year. Are you still thinking about it?

Prof 2

Prof 2 Diana Papaeliou Georgia Voutos Dina Lampara Eleni Koutsogoula

Film Review: The Internship

Georgia Chartofylaka, Prof 2.2

Been feeling down in the mouth lately? Chances are, you are not alone. There is, however, something you can do about overcoming this feeling if the “blues”, many have done so. That is the main reason why “The Internship” has appealed to so great a number of people, since its release. Meet Billy and Nick, whose careers in sales fail when the company they work for faces bankruptcy. Struggling unsuccessfully to find a full-time job based on their current experience, they find their way into the demanding internships for prestigious Google. Undoubtedly, things aren’t easy for the pair given that highly-educated as well as tech-expert students are eager to work in the colossus bestriding the world. Unexpected friendships play a key role in the film and help them overcome the difficulties they face. Billy (Vince Vaughn) and Nick (Owen Wilson), salesmen and true friends, try to find a job suitable for their experience. Without knowing anything about the digital world they finally get an opportunity to intern at Google. Billy, much more confident than Nick, talks him into doing the internship. Both have a great talent in persuading people and both are witty, flexible and upfront. Yet, what is it about this film that makes it worthy of being characterized as a “feel good film”? The credit has to go to the lovable and really funny characters played by the comedians and well-known actors, Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn, who have a real talent in starring in comedies. It’s certain that the young cast also makes the film unforgettable. The film provides quite a few opportunities for laughter. What is most important is the message that the film conveys, that no matter what challenges we face, we must never let ourselves be disappointed or depressed. We must make an effort to make amends somehow, or especially, to find the job of your dreams. This is, in fact, a great and timely message. This immensely popular film is what the doctor ordered for the holidays and this period of time, as it deeply affects a great deal of viewers these days. I hope you all enjoy it as I did. And don’t forget: LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE.


notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine Home vs Office Today, modern computer technology has made it possible for people to work from home. Working from home is becoming an increasingly common career choice. There are a number of benefits to this telecommuting; however, there are also drawbacks that come with it as well. One of the greatest advantages of working from home is that there are no additional costs. A case in point is when you decide to work at the office and have to use the means of transportation or your own car. By working from home, these costs are avoided. Moreover, working from home is more convenient as, not only do you have the ability to give a personal touch to how your office looks and make your personal time schedule, but also you are the boss of yourself since you don’t have to ask anyone’s permission. On the other hand, working from home has disadvantages as well. One of the main negative consequences is the fact that people tend to isolate themselves and thus get lonely. Workplace gives you the chance to socialize and communicate whereas working alone can lead you to depression. Furthermore, many people do not know how to separate their worklife from homelife. It is essential that you distinguish your personal from your professional life so as to avoid overloading one on the expense of the other. As far as I am concerned, I would like to work from home in order to experience it and ascertain whether it is as comfortable as it widely believed although, I have a suspicion that working at the office might suit me better. Taking everything into consideration, the benefits of working at home by far outweigh the drawbacks. Nevertheless, working from home is not for everyone as it takes a lot of dedication and discipline to pull yourself together and work alone efficiently.

Dimitris Chaideftopoulos, Prof 2.1 Tug of War: Teens VS Advertisers

Chamarias Dimitris, Prof 2.3 80

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to avoid the bombardment of advertisements in the media and more importantly, for a teenager who has access to a variety of sources like television, radio and the internet. Advertisers regard teens as open ground where they can define their tastes through advertisements. However, with the passage of time,advertisers have become more familiar with the minds of teenagers, thereby leading those in the industry to make innovative adverts which can be considered a form of art. Undoubtedly, in recent years, advertisements have worked their way into all kinds of information sources and the media. At all times of the day and night, teenagers are besieged by adverts which they can’t help but tolerate. With the increase in the number of teenager internet users, comes an increase in advertisements which aim to trick young people into consuming ever more products. Marketeers have become experts at reading teenagers’ minds, forcing them to buy certain items that will make them look ‘COOL’ or be members of an ‘in’ group of people. If they don’t, most teenagers find themselves facing social exclusion from the group and end up alone or in a less popular circle. On the other hand, all this knowledge about the way teens think and behave has led to the development of sophisticated and innovative ads that are more often than not, nothing short of witty and hilarious. In other words, advertising has been likened to a form of art, pushing advertisers to their creative limits,thanks to the power of adolescents.Even though advertisements can sometimes be perpetual and overdone to some extent, the humour that it contains can be charming. This entices young people into finding out more information about the product being advertised. This generation of teens and their way of life has resulted in more creative advertisements, forcing those in the industry to raise the bar and make the next big advert that will make young people excited about an upcoming item. Taking all things into consideration,marketing experimentation on teenagers has resulted in a new movement of cleverly designed adverts because of the knowledge gained in terms of how teenagers think and act. However, although advertising has become a form of art in its own right, all this bombardment of advertisements has led to consumerism which has made teenagers buy items for all the wrong reasons.

Prof 2 The End of Fast Food, the Rise of Disorders? With cooking shows daily dominating our TVs, one cannot do otherwise but accept the fact that people nowadays do pay more attention to their diets. After all, who would notice the few extra calories in their meal a few years ago? All these indicate the same thing: Our frame of mind towards food has irreversibly changed. Our innovative approach has had great consequences without us being fully aware of them. Not only do we feel healthier and more energetic but also, as current studies suggest, there has been a decline in the profits of companies associated with the so-called “junk food”. People, influenced by the media, choose their daily meals more wisely and tend to devote some of their time to prepare their own meal. Now this doesn’t mean that we no longer consume junk food out of the blue; we just happen to eat lees of it. Unfortunately, as many would point out, this sounds too good to be true. The situation is not yet utopian. With media hysteria growing, many people get overly ambitious and follow unhealthy and harmful diets of their own. As a result, there has been a sudden and dramatic increase in the cases of people suffering from eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. As far as I am concerned, the lack of interest in junk food people now possess is a pleasant effect of the media campaign on healthy eating. On the other hand, I strongly believe that we could do without the exaggerations of specialists and the endless talking over balanced diets that tend to do more harm than good.

Panagiotis Minaidis, Prof 2.4 The Barking Murder Who wasn’t taken aback by the success of James Woodson’s debut novel? It’s one of these rare cases when a new and unknown author strikes overnight with a best-seller. The Barking Murder’s popularity is immense. Readers, absorbed in the book, trying to solve this case and at the same time bursting into laughter at the hilarious incidents described, can be found everywhere. This phenomenal police novel is already available in 15 languages and counting. The story opens on a beautiful day in the early 1900s in Madrid when a bull-terrier is found shot by a rifle in the middle of the town’s square. The plot thickens when a nearby shopkeeper calls Jim Gibston, a British private detective, claiming she had witnessed the event and that she was sure the one who had shot the animal intended to kill her husband. Full of originality and black humour, the plot is far from the cliché-Poirot style. The book does not only focus on the investigation and the main character, the private detective who is full of arrogance, a fact that makes him a rather exceptional and interesting personality. On the contrary, the secondary characters - the shopkeeper and her husband, responding policemen and many more - are portrayed in great detail with references to their lives as well as reactions connected to the event. This is something that adds to the book’s originality just by itself. This unique novel places great emphasis on everyday life problems to the extent that one could go as far as to classify the book in the social genre. In that way, the author succeeds in building an engaging and realistic ambience, wrapping the mysterious aspect of the novel in such a fascinating way that appeals to absolutely any reader, male or female, younger or older. The novel is an incredibly unique piece of writing which takes the concept of police novels to a totally different level. This daring and already admirably successful book can only be described in two words; WORTH READING

Stratos Karagiannis, Prof 2 summer 81

notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine A Learning Experience KаК Вac Зoвyт? It might sound like a really simple question to Russian speakers but how many people around the world are able to answer it? It is a fact that nowadays, more and more people around the globe have a good or even excellent knowledge of our ‘Lingua Franca’, English. But how many of us know or are willing to learn languages, such as Russian, Turkish, Arabic or even Chinese? Why should one learn foreign languages in the first place? It is obvious that the most common reason is communication among people in other countries. [...] Knowledge of foreign languages may also increase our chances of finding a new job, getting a promotion or going on business trips. It is a great advantage, especially when one’s job involves regular contact with speakers of foreign languages.

owever, is one foreign language enough? H [...] In the developed world, besides English, the majority of people who make the same decision, usually choose among French, German, Spanish or Italian. No one can deny that these are quite widespread, but their demand nowadays is becoming more limited. For example, why would an employer choose candidates who are speakers of any of these four languages rather than ones who know Chinese? This could give his business a great opportunity to expand, by dealing with countries which are on the other side of the earth. I finally made my decision and I have now been learning Russian for almost 6 months. To be honest, I now understand why people do not prefer to take up a language like Russian, since it is extremely

difficult to learn, being even harder for adults like myself! However, this has been a challenge for me. Yet, the more I learn, the more I appreciate the priceless value of what are now considered to be ‘languages of the future’.

Barbara Saranti, Prof2 Nikea

Adults A person I admire

The person I admire most is Mr Nikos. I met him twenty years ago. I have worked for him ever since every Saturday and we have also been good friends. Mr Nikos is a very serious, responsible and unselfish man, but he also has a wonderful sense of humour. In addition, he works very hard. He goes to work at seven o’clock and he finishes at five p.m. every day. He continues working for three to four hours at home. Except for a great boss he is friendly with all his employees. As for myself, he has had a lasting effect on me. He is the main reason I have worked very hard and when I need him he is always there for me. Finally, I believe that all his employees appreciate him as much as I do.

Evangelos Karletsos, C-D Adults A letter of application Dear Sir / Madam,

Anneta Koumi, C Adults

I am writing to apply for the position of sales assistant. I am twenty-six years old and I have a marketing degree. I am single and currently working in a café. I believe that I am suitable for this position because I have previous sales experience. Last year I worked as a shop assistant at a big department store. For this reason I consider that I am familiar with customer service. Furthermore, I am fluent in Spanish and I have a good knowledge of French. Also I have very enthusiastic and friendly nature because I always have a big smile on my face. In addition, I am a very polite and helpful person. I have enclosed a copy of my curriculum vitae describing my qualifications and experience. I hope my application will be taken into consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Anneta Koumi



Avgi Mouzenidou, IELTS WRITING TASK 1

The line graph below illustrates the percentages of unemployment in the US and Japan from March 1993 to March 1999. It is clear from the graph that there has been an overall downward trend in the unemployment rates in the US while the unemployment figures in Japan demonstrated an overall upward trend and at the end of the period unemployment rates fluctuated at about 5% in both countries. In March 1993, unemployment rates in the US were almost 4% higher than unemployment in Japan, namely 7%. During the first 5 years of the examined period US unemployment rates decreased by 2%, whereas Japan’s unemployment percentages increased by 2%. Finally, during the last year surveyed unemployment rates were almost stable for both countries with the percentage of 5%.



Improvements on health, educational system and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. However, it is a perennial question whether or not the governments of richer nations should be responsible to provide help to the poorer nations in these areas. Although many people advocate the stated opinion there are also others with opposing arguments. Both views will be examined in the paragraphs that follow supported by poignant examples. There is a great difference between rich and poor nations. The only vital solution to this problem is to provide and support poorer nations. This will be beneficial not only for the poorer countries but also for the whole world, as the globalized economy is influenced by every single country. For instance, without a robust health system, many diseases are in rise in poorer nations, some of which can be easily spread around the world, creating a severe global problem. Additionally, the main problem of poorer nations stems from the lack of an effective educational system. The majority of poor nation’s residents are illiterate and unaware of many significant issues. Furthermore, their country’s educational system deprives them from the opportunity to develop their skills, so they cannot be creative as individuals neither have a productive county. Undisputably, richer governments can offer their poor counterparts explicit guidelines on education. Trade and commodities is another integral part of the theory. Richer nations should extend the international legislation on trades. Poor nations should enjoy a special treatment, and the international system should encourage them to export their local products at no extra cost. However, there are some opposing views. Many people support the idea that poor nations should be solely responsible to solve their domestic problems without the help of richer nations. I feel this is utopic since developed countries can solve their own immediate problems by helping poor countries solve theirs. All things considered, poorer nations need the support and guidance from rich countries. Solidarity among countries is the only optimistic scenario, so that people around the world live properly and growth and prosperity spreads around the world.

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notions The Papaeliou Schools Magazine

Η απονομή πτυχίων Μαΐου 2013 των Αγγλικών, Γαλλικών και Γερμανικών τμημάτων των Σχολών μας έγινε στις 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 για δεύτερη συνεχόμενη χρονιά στο σχολείο της Νίκαιας! Με τα ίδια αισθήματα συγκίνησης και ικανοποίησης που προκαλεί κάθε χρόνο η εν λόγω εκδήλωση, ήρθε κι εφέτος η τελετή απονομής να διακόψει τη σχολική μας ρουτίνα και να προσθέσει έναν ακόμη κρίκο στην πλούσια ιστορία των Κέντρων Ξένων Γλωσσών Παπαηλιού. Η προσέλευση του κόσμου ήταν πραγματικά εντυπωσιακή. Μια ευχάριστη έκπληξη περίμενε τους προσκεκλημένους στην είσοδο του σχολείου, όπου τους υποδεχόταν η χορωδία του αγγλικού τμήματος του σχολείου της Νίκαιας. Οι μαθήτριες: Λυδία Ηλιοπούλου, Όλγα Λύρα, Μυρσίνη Καφέτση, Μελίνα Κοντοσφύρη, Ειρήνη Μεταλίκη, Αλίκη Τυροπώλη και Elisabeta Hida απέδιδαν κάλαντα και Χριστουγεννιάτικα τραγούδια με τη συνοδεία της κιθάρας του μαθητή μας Χάρη Καφέτση. Η γιορτή ξεκίνησε με ένα σύντομο, αλλά εύστοχο χαιρετισμό από τη Γενική Διευθύντρια των Σχολών μας κ. Ινώ Παναγιώτου. Στη συνέχεια, η Γενική Διευθύντρια των Σχολών μας κ. Ντιάνα Παπαηλιού με τη χαρισματική της ομιλία συνεχάρη τα παιδιά, τη μοναδική πηγή έμπνευσης κι αισιοδοξίας μας, και τα προέτρεψε να έχουν συνοχή κι αλληλεγγύη, γιατί αυτά τα στοιχεία κάνουν τους λαούς να μεγαλουργούν. Έτσι, θα βοηθήσουμε όλοι στο κτίσιμο μιας χώρας που θα μας σέβεται και θα μας αξίζει. Ακολούθησε η απονομή των πτυχίων των αγγλικών, γαλλικών και γερμανικών τμημάτων και αμέσως μετά η Διεύθυνση των Σχολείων διοργάνωσε ένα καταπληκτικό barbeque πάρτι στον προαύλιο χώρο του σχολείου με ψητά λουκάνικα, υπέροχα σουβλάκια, παραδοσιακό γερμανικό Sauerkraut, μουσική κι αστείρευτο κέφι! Το μουσικό πρόγραμμα ξεκίνησε με τη μαθήτρια του τμήματος Cours III του γαλλικού τμήματος Κωνσταντίνα Κορομπίλη, που ερμήνευσε στο βιολί ένα δύσκολο, μα μαγευτικό κομμάτι κλασικής μουσικής του Vivaldi. Στη συνέχεια, ο μαθητής του τμήματος Cours II του γαλλικού τμήματος Ευάγγελος Βελιβασάκης έπαιξε στο αρμόνιο τα κομμάτια «Ο Μικρός Τυμπανιστής» και «Χιόνια στο Καμπαναριό». Η γιορτή συνεχίστηκε με τη μαθήτρια της Lower τάξης Ράνια Καμπόλη που έπαιξε στο μπουζούκι το «Ζεϊμπέκικο της Ευδοκίας», ένα από τα πιο γνωστά, πολυακουσμένα κι αγαπημένα ορχηστρικά θέματα στην ιστορία της ελληνικής μουσικής. Έναν ξεχωριστό τόνο στη γιορτή έδωσαν οι μαθήτριες του Cours B1 Aγγελική Μισαηλίδου και Ράνια Καμπόλη, που ερμήνευσαν έξοχα την «Gnossienne» του Γάλλου συνθέτη Erik Satie. Υπεύθυνες για τη συνέχεια της διασκέδασης όλων των παρευρισκομένων ήταν οι μαθήτριες του Cours B1 Ράνια Καμπόλη και Μισαηλίδου Αγγελική, που ερμήνευσαν άψογα στο μπουζούκι και αρμόνιο αντίστοιχα «Τα Κάλαντα των Χριστουγέννων». Ιδιαίτερα επιτυχημένη ήταν η εξαιρετική απόδοση του διαχρονικού τραγουδιού «Imagine» του John Lennon από την Χριστιάννα Ελντεχέπι (μαθήτρια του Proficiency I), συνοδευόμενη από την κιθάρα του Χάρη Καφέτση (D Class). Το τραγούδι προκάλεσε έντονα συναισθήματα, ίσως γιατί όλοι κατά βάθος ευχόμαστε να ζούσαμε σε μια παρόμοια κοινωνία, χωρίς πολέμους, χωρίς διακρίσεις, χωρίς σύνορα. H Xριστιάννα συνέχισε με το υπέροχο τραγούδι «All I want for Christmas» κι αμέσως μετά ο Χάρης Καφέτσης μάς μάγεψε παίζοντας στην κιθάρα του τα υπέροχα κομμάτια «Γιορτή Αγάπης» και «Χριστούγεννα». Την παράσταση έκλεψε το συγκρότημα «Blast Wave» των μαθητών μας Στράτου Καραγιάννη (Proficiency ΙΙ) και Γιάννη Δρακωνάκη (τμήμα Α1 Ρώσικων) που έπαιξαν τα κομμάτια: «Nemo» (Nightwish), «Utopia» (Within Temptation), «Boulevard of Broken Dreams» (Green Day) και «Lithium» (Εvanescence). Κρίνοντας από τις αντιδράσεις του κόσμου, η εκδήλωση άφησε τις καλύτερες εντυπώσεις. Ήταν μια πινελιά από κάτι απλό μα και συνάμα ξεχωριστό! Συγχαρητήρια στις προσπάθειες των μαθητών μας, στη συμπαράσταση των γονιών τους στο εκπαιδευτικό μας έργο, αλλά και στο σχεδιασμό και συντονισμό των Διευθυντριών των Σχολών μας, κ. Κατερίνας Θεοδωράκη, κ. Μαίρης Ρηγοπούλου και κ. Αλέκας Κοτοπούλη. Και του χρόνου ακόμη καλύτερα!



Θερινά Μαθήματα Εντατικά Τμήματα όλων των επιπέδων 16 Ιουνίου – 31 Ιουλίου 20% Έκπτωση! Επιτυχίες και ποιότητα στην ξενόγλωσση εκπαίδευση από το 1955!

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