Panoram Italia Vol.2 No. 4

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WINTER 2007 • VOL.2 • NO.4


Q U A R T E R LY • T R I M E S T R A L E • T R I M E S T R I E L









oyster perpetual gmt-master ii en acier, in steel

Geraldo Pace


objets d’art

chemins de table

lampes luminaires coussins bureaux miroirs rideaux

Geraldo Pace

Beaucoup plus qu’un boucher...

158, Place Marché du Nord

80, de Callières

Montréal (Québec) H2S 1A1 Tél: 514.276.1345 • Fax: 514.274.0410

Duvernay • Laval (Québec) H7E 3N1 Tél: 450.661.6800


Our Cover



Filippo Salvatore

Q U A R T E R L Y PUBLISHER AND EDITOR Tony Zara EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Filippo Salvatore MANAGING EDITOR Mario Di Flavio COVER PHOTO Geraldo Pace PRINTING Accent Impression DESIGN - ART DIRECTOR Accent Impression - Manon Massé TRANSLATIONS Filippo Salvatore ADVERTISING - SALES REPRESENTATIVE Frank Crisafi COVER HAIR STYLIST Nazzareno Salvi Estetica CONTRIBUTORS Filippo Salvatore Maria Loggia Mario Di Flavio Joanne Latimer Aicha Cissé Melanie Porco Joey Franco Chiara Folini Gabriel RielSergio Gazzola Salvatore Domenica Chiara Folini Ciampini-Pulcini Erika Papagni David Lombardi Daniela Scoppa Pasquale Iacobacci Cinzia Vicario Marc Belcourt Sabrina Marandola

Index Editorials ................................... 12 Dossier................................. 14-21 Profile ................................. 22-24 Life Story ............................ 26-30 Newlyweds ......................... 32-33 Business .............................. 35-41 Fashion ................................ 42-43 Our towns.................................. 44 Wine.......................................... 45 Gastronomy ......................... 48-49 Events ................................. 50-57 Sports .................................. 58-59 Cartoons ................................... 60

PANORAMITALIA 9300, Henri-Bourassa West, suite 100 Ville St. Laurent (Québec) H4S 1L5 Tel.: 514.337.7870 I Fax: 514.337.6180 or by e-mail at : We look forward to hearing from you!




ilvia et moi-même avons appris à la bourgeoisie montréalaise l’art de bien manger». C’est ainsi, avec un ton satisfait, que Tony LeDonne s’exprime. Il est le propriétaire de la Boucherie Capitol, un des meilleurs magasins de viande et de produits alimentaires en Amérique du Nord, qui a pignon sur rue au Marché Jean Talon, au cœur de la Petite Italie de Montréal.

Tony Le Donne

«Nous vivons dans une société où règne le fast food et où c’est la grosseur de la portion que l’on met dans l’assiette qui domine. Mon credo gastronomique -dit M. Le Donne- épouse la philosophie du Slow Food. Ce n’est pas la quantité mais plutôt la qualité qui devrait compter quand nous mangeons. Personnellement je suis «une bonne fourchette», je suis gourmand, et je fais donc honneur soit à la qualité soit à la quantité de la nourriture avec le résultat que l’on peut voir» Il se réfère en rigolant à sa taille et à la rondeur de ses formes corporelles. Son poids et sa rondeur sont, cependant, deux faits qu’il accepte avec jovialité. Il possède le physique parfait du rôle et il s’en sert avec intelligence dans son travail de boucher. Peu de gens auraient envie, n’est-ce pas?, d’aller acheter de la viande chez un boucher grand et maigre, au visage pâle, peu bavard. Tony Le Donne a un peu plus de quarante ans. Il est né à Montréal (mais je me considère à 100% italien, dit-il) de parents originaires du village de Roseto Valfortore dans les Pouilles, en Italie méridionale. Son père Antonio et sa mère Maria sont arrivés é Montréal en 1956. En 1986 M. LeDonne s’est marié avec Silvia Alfieri, originaire de Santa Croce di Magliano, un village de la région Molise. «J’ai connu Silvia à 15 ans, grâce à son frère Adamo avec qui je fréquentais l’école secondaire Laval Catholic High School. Je suis tombé en amour avec elle tout de suite et je l’aime encore. Elle m’avait frappé pour sa beauté, mais surtout pour son intelligence. Ça été un amour à première vue qui continue. Épouser Silvia a signifié beaucoup pour

“Viviamo in una società dove impera il fast food e dove è la quantità della porzione messa nel piatto che domina. Il mio credo gastronomico sposa invece la filosofia dello Slow Food. Non è tanto la quantità quanto la qualità che dovrebbe contare quando si mangia. Io sono purtroppo una buona forchetta e faccio onore sia alla qualità che alla quantità ed il risultato si vede” dice Tony ridendo e facendo ironicamente riferimento alla sua apparenza fisica. La mole e la rotondità della sua stazza Tony LeDonne se la porta con cosciente giovialità. Ha il perfetto physique du rôle e se ne serve con intelligenza nel suo lavoro. A pochi verrebbe voglia di andare a comprare la carne da un macellaio alto alto, magro come un chiodo, pallido in viso, di poche parole. Tony Le Donne, poco più che quarantenne, è nato a Montreal (“ma mi considero al 100% italiano” chiarisce) ed è di origine pugliese. I suoi genitori Antonio a Maria sono originari di Roseto Valfortore, un paese del foggiano ai piedi del Gargano, e sono arrivati a Montreal nel lontano 1956. E’ sposato dal 1986 con Silvia Alfieri, molisana di Santa Croce di Magliano.” Ho conosciuto Silvia a

We live in a society where most of the people eat fast food and it is the huge size in the dish that counts. My gastronomic credo is different, it resembles the Slow Food philosophy. It is not the quantity but rather the quality that ought to count when we have a meal. Unfortunately for me, I am a food-lover and enjoy both the quality and the quantity of what I eat and you can see the result. ” He refers self-mockingly to his huge size and to the roundness of his bodily shape. He accepts himself, nonetheless, with joviality the way he is and looks. He has the physique du role and uses it intelligently in his trade as a butcher. Who wants to buy meat from a zipper-mouthed, very tall, lean, pale-faced butcher? Tony Le Donne is just over forty. He was born in Montreal (but I consider myself 100% Italian, he says). His parents Antonio and Maria arrived in Montreal in 1956 and were originally from the small town of Roseto Valfortore in the Apulia region of Southern Italy. In 1986 he married his high-school sweetheart, Silvia Alfieri whom he met at the age of 15 thanks to his friendship with her brother Adamo at Laval Catholic High School. “When I got to know her she struck me immediately both for her beauty and especially for her intelligence, -Tony explains-. It was love at first sight and it is still there. Getting married with Silvia meant a lot to me. She has given me two wonderful daughters, Amanda and Melissa, both psychology students at Dawson College. They also give a hand at the butcher-shop over the week-end. A few years later Silvia became my trusted business partner. She has been for the last 12 years president of

Suite à page 11, colonne 1

Continua a pag. 11, colonna 2

Continued on page 11, column 3


ilvia ed io abbiamo insegnato alla Montreal che conta l’arte di mangiare bene” afferma con compiaciuta certezza Tony Le Donne, proprietario della Boucherie Capitol, uno dei migliori negozi di carni e di generi alimentari in America del Nord, ubicato da oltre mezzo secolo nel Marché Jean Talon, nel cuore della Piccola Italia di Montreal.

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y wife Sil via and I have taught well-do-to Montrealers to eat well”, says with a selfingratiating tone Mr Tony Le Donne, the owner of Boucherie Capitol, one of the best stores of fresh meat and foodstuff in North America, located at the Jean Talon Market in the very hearth of Montreal Little Italy.”


moi. Elle est devenue mère de nos deux filles merveilleuses, Amanda et Melissa, qui étudient en psycho au CEGEP Dawson, et qui nous donnent un coup de main au magasin. Silvia est devenue ensuite mon bras droit en affaires. Depuis 12 ans elle est présidente de l’entreprise Papille qui se spécialise dans l’importation et la distribution aux meilleurs magasins en Amérique du Nord de produits gastronomiques surtout italiens (charcuteries, prosciutti, vinaigres balsamiques, fromages, gâteaux) de haute gamme.» «Nous avons -continue M. Le Donne -une quarantaine d’employés. C’est à Laval que nous produisons nos charcuteries et nos jambons. Réussir à donner bon goût à la viande ce n’est chose facile et on ne l’apprend pas si l’on n’y met pas de la passion. Certes la recette grâce à laquelle nous donnons de la saveur à la viande reste un secret professionnel. Je peux dire toutefois que pour produire de la bonne saucisse (et nous en faisons de différentes sortes) ou bien du prosciutto il faut toujours commencer par de la viande de première qualité. Nous la faisons assaisonner et mariner un peu pendant trois semaines et ensuite nous ajoutons les épices à la main. Pour le séchage le bon endroit est fondamental, mais il faut surtout avoir de l’œil. Il faut savoir connaître chacun des prosciutti que l’on produit. C’est ainsi -continue M. Le Donne- que je réussis à garder une dimension artisanale, fondamentale pour moi, dans le domaine gastronomique. Ce qui m’intéresse ce n’est pas nécessairement le volume des ventes; je ne cherche pas le profit de n’importe quelle manière. Je tâche d’offrir à une clientèle de fins gourmets des produits naturels et de qualité. C’est ainsi que je fais apprécier aux canadiens mon italianità, car l’excellence de la gastronomie est un des traits principaux de l’identité italienne.» Silvia et Tony ont un rêve qu’ils aimeraient réaliser bientôt: aller en vacances en Italie aux Isole Tremiti qu’on voit surgir du bleu de la Mer Adriatique de la fenêtre de la maison ancestrale de Silvia à Santa Croce. v

15 anni tramite il fratello Adamo di cui ero amico al liceo (Laval Catholic High School). Me ne sono subito innamorato e l’amo tanto ancora. Oltre che per la sua bellezza, Silvia m’ha subito colpito per la sua intelligenza. É stato amore a prima vista che dura ancora. Sposare Silvia ha significato tanto per me. É diventata col passare degli anni la madre delle nostre due meraviglose figlie Amanda e Melissa, studentesse in psicologia al CEGEP Dawson, ma che già mi danno un colpo di mano al negozio. Silvia è diventata anche il mio braccio destro nel mondo degli affari. Da 12 anni è presidente della ditta Papille che si specializza nella importazione e distribuzione nei migliori negozi del Nord America di prodotti gastronomici (salumi, prosciutti, aceti balsamici, formaggi, dolci) di gamma medio-alta. “Abbiamo una quarantina di dipendenti. É a Laval che produciamo i nostri salumi e prosciutti. Riuscire a dare sapore alla carne è un’arte che difficilmente s’impara se non si ha la passione per il lavoro che si fa. Certo la ricetta che dà sapore ai nostri salumi resta un segreto professionale. Posso tuttavia dire che nel fare la salsiccia, (e ne facciamo tanti tipi diversi!) o il prosciutto bisogna partire sempre da una carne di prima qualità che facciamo stagionare ed in parte marinare per tre settimane e poi la condiamo a mano solo con delle spezie. Per l’essicccazione diventa una questione di ambiente e soprattutto di occhio. Abbiamo imparato a conoscere ogni prosciutto che produciamo. Riusciamo così a mantenere una dimensione artigianale, fondamentale in campo gastronomico. Nella mia attività – sottolinea Tony - non è il volume delle vendite che perseguo nè il guadagno ad ogni costo. Cerco volutamente di offrire ad una clientela di intenditori e di buongustai prodotti genuini e di qualità. Questo è il mio modo di far apprezzare ai canadesi la mia italianità in quanto l’eccellenza della gastronomia è una delle caratteristiche principali dell’identità italiana.” Un sogno che Tony e Silvia hanno intenzione di realizzare fra poco è di trascorrere un periodo di vacanze alle Isole Tremiti che si stagliano invitanti dal blu dell’Adriatico dalla finestra della casa ancestrale di Silvia a Santa Croce. v


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Our Cover

the Papille company that specializes in the importation mainly from Italy and distribution of high quality food products, such as balsamic vinegars, cheeses, olive oils, prosciutti et cetera. We give work to about forty employees. We produce our own sausages and prosciutti in our shop at Laval. It is almost impossible to learn how to give taste to meat, unless you do your work with zest and passion. I will not reveal our professional recipe in the making of prosciutti. Suffice it to say that that you need to start with high quality meat; we marinate it a little and let it season for about three weeks and then we add to it different spices by hand. When it comes to the drying of the meat, the place is of crucial importance, as well as the knowledged gaze. We get to know each one of the prosciutti we make. This special care allows me to keep a home-made quality and dimension, so important when it comes to gastronomy. It is not necessarily the bulk and the amount of sales or making a buck at any cost I am after, but much more so the possibility of offering genuine and high-standard products to knowledgeable customers and refined gourmets. This is my personal way of having my Canadian customer appreciate my italianità. Let us not forget that excellence in the gastronomic field is one of the main traits of the Italian identity. ” There is a dream that Silvia and Tony wish to have come true in the near future: take a vacation to Italy to the Tremiti Islands that emerge invitingly from the azure of the Adriatic sea from the window of Silvia’s ancestral house at Santa Croce. v TO OUR READERS, PLEASE ADVISE US OF ANY CHANGE OF ADDRESS. THIS IS CRUCIAL IN KEEPING OUR MAILING LISTS UP TO DATE AND ELIMINATES UNNECESSARY EXPENSES. THANK YOU.


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A community in search of its adulthood

by Filippo Salvatore talians have been playing a significant role for the development and progress of Quebec, particularly of the greater Montreal area, for more than a century. We exist as an acknowledged community since 1885.At first we have been transient workers, later we became permanent residents. Up to the Second World War the Montreal Italian community, numbered, according to 1941 census, around 35,000 persons and was the most important in Canada. The Italian presence in the rest of the country reached roughly 85,000. There were Little Italies scattered in several Ontario towns and in British Columbia, in Vancouver in particular. During the 1930’s only a few hundreds immigrants per year came to Canada as a result of the economic crisis, the set limit for countries around the Mediterranean basin and the policies of the fascist regime that discouraged emigration. We too have been personae non gratae in this country. The situation changed drastically in the second half of the twentieth century. For two decades (1948-1968) Italy became one of the main sources of Canadian immigration. As a result Italians moved up from the 12th in 1941 to the 4th position in 2001 in the ethnic make up of Canada, after the British, the French and the Germans. In our Belle Province residents of Italian background constitute the 3rd largest ethnic component. The 2001 census revealed that there are 250,000 persons who have declared to be of Italian ancestry. The real number is most likely larger, if one takes into account multiple origins. Mixed marriages are growing. The unemployment rate within the Italian community is lower that the average, whereas the percentage of CEGEP and college graduates is higher. About 70% of Montreal residents are tenants, whereas 85% or more of families of Italian background own the property in which they live. The crime rate among Quebecers (and Canadians) of Italian ancestry has been for decades and remains one of the lowest amongst the various ethnic groups. York university sociology professor Clifford Jansen in several of his research papers and in particular in the volume Italians in a Multicultural Canada presents them, especially the second and third generations born in this country, as an ethnic component moving up fast in the social ladder. Most of them belong to the middle class and a sizeable percentage is heading towards upper middle class status. In the span of two/three generations Italians proved to be a model of harmonious social integration, probably the best immigrants Canada ever received, as renowned writer and Roman civilization scholar Hugh MacLennan used to repeat.


Why am I providing all these data? For two reasons. The first reason is this. We need to keep reminding our fellow citizens of French ancestry and Quebec political class that we too are entitled to our place in the sun. We ought to receive and we shall strive to obtain a slice of power proportionate to our size and to the truly exceptional economic contribution we are making to the society in which we live and to which we belong. Our presence in the political arena that counts and in the civil service is still ridiculously small. This has to change.

The second reason is this. We are, for all intents and purposes, a mature, adult community, but collectively we still behave in strange ways. It is not the best amongst us who become our interlocutors and/or are perceived as our spokesmen. There is still a negative gap between who we are and the manner in which we are perceived. We possess an array of know- hows and competencies that are simply ignored. We are still satisfied with mouldy crumbs, although we are entitled to several slices of freshly baked bread. This is simply our fault. There are just too many so called leaders in our midst who simply refuse to step aside and refuse to accept their limitations. Undoubtedly money counts, but brain power ought to count even more. Several organizations that speak supposedly on our behalf are simply not up to it. We do not constitute yet an effective lobby capable of obtaining the goals we set for ourselves.

Here are some lacunae that need to be filled as soon as possible. The pitiful state of our community archives is just inadmissible. It is inadmissible as well that we have not been able so far to have Italian language and culture taught as a regular subject in the public school system and in the private schools our sons and daughters attend.(The few existing examples are simply not enough). We still lack one or several high quality private schools where Italian language and Italian/Canadian culture would be taught by skilled teachers along other subjects in French and/or English. We need to produce fluently trilingual young people ready to compete with the rest of society. We still lack, and this is absolutely inadmissible, a research center and one or more chairs in Italian-Canadiana at the university level. We simply do not have sharp minds studying our multi-faceted reality and identity as Italian/Canadians. We still lack the power that the written word confers to us as individuals and as a community. Precise factual research and skill in using words are the tools we need to use more and more in the present and in the future in order to count. This is the leap forward we have to take in order to be an adult, community. v

Una comunità alla ricerca della sua maturità Filippo Salvatore a oltre un secolo gli italiani svolgono un ruolo significativo nello sviluppo e progresso del Quebec, soprattutto nella zona metropolitana di Montreal. Esistiamo come comunità riconosciuta dal lontano 1885. Dapprima come stagionali, poi come residenti permanenti, siamo stati fino alla seconda guerra mondiale, la comunità più numerosa del Canada.Secondo il censimento del 1941 vivevano a Montreal quasi 35,000 italiani. In Ontario e nelle altre province, in particolare a Vancouver, vivevano oltre 85,000 persone di origine italiana.Tra la prima e la seconda guerra mondiale l’arrivo di nuovi immigrati si ridusse a poche centinaia all’anno prima di tutto per la grave crisi economica che colpì il Canada, poi per il contingentamento imposto verso persone provenienti dai paesi del bacino nord del Mediterraneo e per il fatto che Mussolini scoraggiava l’emigrazione. Siamo stati anche noi personae non gratae. Le cose sono cambiate dalla seconda metà del Novecento.Per due decenni l’Italia ha fornito una percentuale altisssima di immigrati e dal dodicesimo posto siamo passati all’inizio del terzo millennio al quarto posto, dopo i britannici, i francesi ed i tedeschi, nella graduatoria delle componenti etniche del Paese. Nel Quebec siamo addirittura al terzo posto. Nella nostra Provincia risiedono, secondo l’ultimo censimento, 250,000 persone che si sono dichiarate d’origine italiana.Il numero reale è senz’altro superiore. Due terzi tra di noi sono nati a Montreal. Il numero dei matrimoni esoganici o misti è in crescita costante. Il tasso di disoccupazione tra di noi è inferiore , quello di istruzione è superiore alla media. Mentre il 70% dei montrealesi sono inquilini, vivono cioè in affitto, l’85% dei nuclei familiari d’origine italiana sono proprietari della propria abitazione. Il tasso di criminalità tra di noi è stato e rimane tra i più bassi di tutte le componenti etniche del Quebec. Nei suoi studi ed in particolare nel volume Italians in a Multicultural Canada, il sociologo Clifford Jansen dell’Università York presenta gli italo-canadesi come una comunità in piena ascesa sociale, appartenente ormai alla media ed alta borghesia. Nel giro di due/tre generazioni gli italiani si sono rivelati essere un modello di integrazione riuscita, probabilmente i migliori immigrati che il Canada ha accolto,come usava ripetere Hugh MacLennan romanziere ma anche stusioso della civiltà romana.Tanti sono quindi i tratti positivi che ci caratterizzano collettivamente.


Perchè fornire tutti questi dati? Per due ragioni. La prima è questa. Occorre ribadire costantemente ai nostri concittadini di origine francese ed a chi ci governa che meritiamo anche noi un posto al sole.Vogliamo e dovremmo ottenere anche noi una fetta del potere proporzionato al nostro numero ed al contributo economico davvero eccezionale che stiamo dando alla società in cui viviamo.Non è ancora il caso. Nell’apparato amministrativo siamo ancora mosche bianche, come pure nella sfera politica.

La seconda ragione è questa. Siamo a tutti gli effetti una comunità cresciuta,adulta ma spesso ci comportiamo ancora collettivamente in modo strano. Spesso non sono i migliori tra di noi che vengono visti come i portavoce delle nostre esigenze. Esiste ancora uno scarto negativo tra quello che siamo veramente ed il modo in cui siamo percepiti. Abbiamo tantissime competenze che vengono semplicemente ignorate. Ci accontentiamo ancora di briciole ammuffite pur avendo diritto a diverse fette di pane caldo croccante. É la mancanza della coscienza dei propri limiti di tanti cosiddetti leader il nostro problema ed uno dei nostri limiti più gravi. Certo il potere economico conta, eccome! Ma dovrebbe contare ancora di più il potere della mente. Diversi organismi che ci rappresentano non sono ancora pienamente all’altezza del nobile, storico compito da svolgere: farci contare sempre di più. Non siamo ancora diventati una lobby agguerrita che riesce a fare sistema e ad ottenere quello che le compete.

Ci sono poi tante lacune da colmare al più presto. É inammissibile che gli archivi comunitari siano in uno stato tanto pietoso. Altrettanto inammissibile è che non siamo ancora riusciti a fare inserire l’insegnamento della lingua e della cultura italiane nelle scuole pubbliche del Quebec o in quelle private frequentate da tanti dei nostri figli e figlie. (Quello che c’è è minimo). Ci manca ancora una o diverse scuole private di qualità dove potremmo fare insegnare da personale qualificato la cultura italiana ed italianese (italo-canadese). Abbbiamo bisogno di formare giovani perfettamente trilingui al termine delle scuole secondarie capaci di competere con i migliori del resto della società Ci mancano soprattutto una o diverse cattedre universitarie e un centro di ricerca dove si studierebbero e pubblicherebbero i risultati delle diverse sfaccettature della nostra storia, identità e realtà. In altri termini, ci manca ancora il potere della parola scritta, della mente, l’arma giusta che una comunità matura usa per farsi valere. Questo è il salto di qualità di cui abbiamo urgentemente bisogno. v

Tony Loffreda, C.P.A. Regional Vice-President, Commercial Financial Services Quebec West


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joyeux noël


Merry Xmas

Quelques mots du directeur et de l’éditeur

Un saluto dal direttore e dall’editore

From the editor’s and publisher’s desk

Nous remercions tous ceux et celles qui nous ont écrit des lettres de félicitation, ou bien nous ont fait parvenir des suggestions et même des critiques. Nous attachons beaucoup d’importances à vos réactions et nous vous invitons à continuer à les envoyer. Panoramitalia est devenu un outil nécessaire, le miroir de notre communauté. Nous en sommes très heureux et nous feront de notre mieux avec l’aide du reste de l’équipe de rendre les Italo-Québécois fiers de ce que nous sommes. Nous invitons les parents qui ont eu le bonheur d’accueillir chez eux un nouveau bébé en 2007 à nous faire parvenir sa photo que nous publieront dans l’édition du printemps. Ceux qui ne recoivent pas encore notre magazine sont priés de s’abonner en cliquant à l’adresse électronique suivante: Vous êtes priés de nous communiquer tout de suite votre changement d’adresse postale afin d’éviter des coûts inutiles d’expédition. Nos meilleurs voeux de Joyeux Noël à vous et à vos familles. Espérons que 2008 sera une année de paix et de compréhension mutuelle entre les peuples de la Terre, la petite planète qui est notre mère commune, qui nous nourrit et nous fait vivre et que nous devrions apprendre à respecter. v

Ringraziamo i numerosi lettori che ci hanno scritto per felicitarsi con noi, per fornirci argomenti da trattare ed anche, a volte, per criticarci. Diamo molta importanza alle vostre opinioni e vi incitiamo a continuare a farcele pervenire. Si amo f ie r i d i po t e r d ire c he l a r iv is t a Panoramitalia è diventata in poco più di un anno il veicolo e lo specchio in cui la nostra comunità si riconosce. Faremo del nostro meglio per continuare a fare onore al nome italiano nel Quebec. Invitiamo i genitori ad inviare, numerosi, le foto dei neonati del 2007 che appariranno nella edizione di primavera. Chi non riceve ancora Panoramitalia può abbonarsi entrando in rete all’ indirizzo elettronico seguente: Chi ha cambiato indirizzo postale è pregato di comunicarcelo al piu’ presto per evitare inutili costi di spedizione. Pervengano a voi tutti i nostri più sinceri auguri di Buon Natale. Possa il 2008 essere un anno di pace, di comprensione fra i popoli della Terra, la madre comune che ci sostenta e che dovremmo imparare a rispettare sempre di più.v

We wish to send a heart-felt thank you to all our readers who sent us letters of congratulation to provide us with topics to deal with in the future and also, sometimes, to criticize us. We value your opinions greatly, so keep on sending them. Panoramitalia is fast becoming a necessary tool and the mirror of our community. We are very proud of it and with the rest of the team we shall do our best to make us, Italo-Quebecers, proud. We extend an invitation to all parents to send us a picture of their new babies born in 2007. They will appear in the Spring edition of the magazine. We invite you to subscribe on line at this e-mail address: Please advise us promptly of any change of postal address. This will enable us to keep our mailing lists up to date and avoid unnnecessary expenses. Our best wishes for a Merry Christmas to you all and to your families. Let us hope 2008 will be a year of peace and of mutual understanding amongst peoples. Let us make every effort to respect our common mother, the planet Earth, that feeds us and allows us to live.v













Tony Zara publisher Filippo Salvatore editor.


JAGUAR LAVAL-IL VOSTRO STILE-IL NOSTRO SERVIZIO. JAGUAR LAVAL 3475 Boulevard Le carrefour • Tél.: 450.688.1880 • Tél.: 514.388.1880 •








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The Gazette and Organized Crime in Montreal By Filippo Salvatore

The facts:

he Gazette, an English language Montreal daily, in its October 24 and October 25 editions published two front page articles on organized crime.


October 24

October 25

The first one, written by Paul Cherry, was titled: “Rizzutos ‘pulled strings’. Wanted in Italy Mafiosi tried to launder millions from prison cells, police say”. On page 4 the article continued with the heading “organized crime”, with a quote ‘The businessmen prefer to make a pact with the mafia rather than denounce the blackmail”(report on Italian economy), with a four columns picture of handcuffed Niccolò Rizzuto between two police officers with this comment “(Niccolò)misspelled “Nicolo” Rizzuto was arrested in a roundup of more than 90 people last November in Montreal. Now he’s wanted by Italian authorities”. That was not all. Page 4 also included two more articles. The first was titled” Tentacles of Crime Busted”. Large-scale money-laundering operation based in Italy had Montreal links, authorities say’ and the pictures of Vito Rizzuto, and several of his alleged associates. Right beside it a four columns, huge title proclaimed “Mafia Inc. is Italy’s big boss. Now largest segment of economy”. (It was a reprint of an ar ticle signed by Peter Kiefer previously published in The New York Times.)

On October 25 another front-page article signed by Paul Riga stated “Behind the Bust Cocaine and Cash. Evidence said to include wiretap on Vito Rizzuto”. The article continued on page 2 with a three-columns title “Bust Rizzuto taped talking to ‘associate’ whom he ‘had done things with’”. On the same page another article appeared signed by René Bruemer “Bihind bars but still in chargeRizzuto had ways, authorities say’ capped with a quote by Antonio Nicaso “if you have that kind of money and power, of course you can communicate from jail” and a picture of Vito Rizzuto seated inside a car and the comment “Vito Rizzuto is alleged to be behind a consortium that is accused of trying to use illicit money- $ 6 billion worth – to build a bridge linking Sicily and mainland Italy”.

The same news in The Globe and Mail and La Presse The Gazette was not the only Canadian newspaper to report Vito Rizzuto’s actions. The Globe and Mail published on page 10 the article “Prison not stopping Canadian mob boss, Italy says” signed by its Montreal-based reporter Tu Thanh Ha. The French language daily La Presse on page 21 published under the rubrique “actualités” the article signed by André Cédilot and André Noël “Rizzuto actif même en prison”.




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There is a striking, enormous difference between the way in which The Gazette and two other important Canadian dailies reported the same news. Both The Globe and Mail and La Presse attached to it the importance it deserved. It was a minor item and was soberly reported in one of the internal pages. On what grounds did The Gazette decide to give such prominence to a minor story? Organized crime in Canada does exist and we are the first to say that it needs to be unmasked, fought and possibly extirpated. The news that Vito Rizzuto is pulling strings even behind bars is worrisome and the public is entitled to know. But there is an objective, responsible way to report this kind of news as well as a sensationalistic way. Sensationalism is the logic The Gazette decided to adopt and follow. This is cheap, unprofessional, irresponsible journalism. What is objectionable in this particular instance is the blatantly splashy manner in which The Gazette decided to sensationalize a minor item and build it into major news, as if it were a hidden skeleton in a closet they were the first to discover The Gazette gave for two consecutive days its front-page to a footnote and reinforced it with two recycled pictures and a reprint from another daily. What is even more unacceptable to me, both as a reader and as a journalist, is the subliminal message sent out by The Gazette. Italy, a major economic power in the world, is, for all intents and purposes, in the hands of organized crime and consequently any law-abiding foreign businessman better avoid such a country and invest his money somewhere else. What is not mentioned or alluded to is the fact that many Canadian, American, British, German, French, Russian, and coetera companies, petroleum multinationals, bankers or stockbrokers use a logic in their shady dealings often as ruthless as that of organized crime. Another subliminal message I find absolutely unacceptable and particularly detrimental in the kind of irresponsible, sensationalistic journalism The Gazette decided to adopt and practice is this: the impact that extensive reporting on organized crime has on the perception and mind-set of the average reader. Prosperous Italian/Canadians who have emerged in our society by means of the sweat of their brow and hard work are subliminally linked to organized crime. What I, as a Canadian of Italian origin, as the editor in chief of Panoramitalia and as a Gazette reader, object strongly to and I am not willing to accept any longer, is the smear campaign of which I have been repeatedly, for years, the target by WASPS like the

ones at The Gazette. It is a form of respectable bigotry, (to use the words of McGill professor Filippo Sabetti), that has to stop. I do not feel like tolerating anymore the direct equation that people at The Gazette still make between the term Italian and Mafia. It is a prejudicial and detrimental attitude for our collective reputation. Whenever the occasion lends itself The Gazette just loves to pour salt on our collective wound with a clear, malicious intent. To this I say enough, BASTA, and I am sure I am interpreting the feelings of the whole Montreal Italian community. We at Panoramitalia are the first to condemn organized crime, but we also remind the people at the Gazette that police reports and statistics have shown and continue to show that Canadians of Italian origin are one of the most lawabiding components of our society. This is our true image and this is the way we demand to be portrayed and perceived. En passant I wish to remind The Gazette that the biggest percentage of its subscribers and readership is made up of Italian/Canadians. I let them draw the logical, necessary, conclusions. v



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Percorso Pasolini ad Ostia: dal degrado al Parco Letterario Pier Paolo Pasolini


Erika Papagni

Ostia è una cittadina sul litorale tirrenico, poco distante da Roma. Non fa ancora freddo i primi di novembre. E’proprio sul litorale di Ostia che Pier Paolo Pasolini, uno dei più grandi intellettuali italiani del secondo Novecento, è stato ucciso il 2 novembre del 1975. Quando abitavo a Casal Palocco, ogni mattina per recarmi a scuola percorrevo in moto il lungomare Paolo Toscanelli che finisce all’idroscalo di Ostia, proprio dove è “finita” la vita di Pasolini.

gni 2 novembre andavo sul campetto da calcio a vedere il piccolo monumento in cemento grezzo e a bbandona to , dedic a to a Pasolini. Gli portavo delle margherite bianche per ricordare la sua bontà d’animo, il suo spirito puro. Va sottolineato che non c’è neanche un cartello stradale, nessuna indicazione per ricordare quello che è successo là. Restavo basita: E’ un monumento di Mario Rosati dedicato ad uno dei più grandi poeti civili italiani, una pietra di forma indefinita che erge dal suolo, in mwzzo ad un praticello E meditavo alle parole di Pasolini sulla violenza: «In tutta la mia vita non ho mai esercitato un atto di violenza, né fisica, né morale. Non perché io sia fanaticamente per la nonviolenza. La quale, se è una forma di auto-costrizione ideologica, è anche essa violenza. Non ho mai esercitato nella mia vita alcuna violenza, né fisica né morale, semplicemente perché mi sono affidato alla mia natura, cioè alla mia cultura...» Pier Paolo Passolini

Nella notte in cui fu assassinato, rilasciò a Roma un’intervista, tra le 4 e le 6 del pomeriggio, a Furio Colombo, intitolata profeticamente: Siamo tutti in pericolo. Dopo l’intervista e dopo una cena con Ninetto Davoli al ristorante il Pommidoro, Pasolini muore assassinato. Fu Maria Teresa Lollobrigida, “proprietaria” di una delle baracche della zona, a ritrovare il corpo pensando che fosse “un sacco di immondezza”. Fu lei la prima a piantare un paletto e a mettere un piccolo vaso di fiori accanto al poeta (il primo monumento in suo onore). Ma neanche di questo resta traccia. Il giorno dopo,

Monumento a P.P. Pasolini di Mario Rosati nel parco letterario.

domenica, il corpo senza vita di Pier Paolo Pasolini era all’obitorio della polizia di Roma. Solo nel 1998, dopo ben ventitré anni dalla morte di Pier Paolo Pasolini, fu redatta da “Pagine Corsare” una petizione al Sindaco di Roma, Francesco Rutelli, e ai ministeri dei Beni culturali e della Pubblica istruzione.” Egregio Signor Sindaco, siamo un gruppo di estimatori dell’opera artistica di Pier Paolo Pasolini. Le indirizziamo, da Roma e da diverse altre località d’Italia e di altri Paesi, la seguente petizione. CHIEDIAMO: “che il luogo dov’è avvenuto il suo assassinio sia indicato nella Il degrado del sito ad Ostia segnaletica stradale e che sia raggiungibile anche nei giorni di pioggia, cosa che attualmente è alquanto difficoltosa; che la stele in disfacimento sia opportunamente restaurata; infine, poiché Pasolini dev’essere ricordato anzitutto per la sua poesia, chiediamo che un frammento di quella stessa poesia sia inciso su una piccola lastra di marmo bianco da porre in quel luogo.” Lasciai Ostia per andare a studiare in Canada proprio nello stesso anno, e non tornai fino all’ottobre del 2000. Mi recai al monumento nella speranza di trovarlo in uno stato degno.Era meno sporco, ma ancora avvolto dal degradato. Finalmente un anno dopo, nel 2001, Davide Bordoni, consigliere comunale di Forza Italia e Presidente del Municipio di Ostia comunicava: OSTIA NON DIMENTICA PASOLINI: “Pier Paolo Pasolini è uno degli autori più emblematici e discussi della cultura del Novecento e in molte opere ha celebrato i luoghi del litorale romano dove il 2 novembre di 26 anni fa è stato ucciso. In occasione dell anniversario della sua morte la presidenza del XIII Municipio organizzerà un settimana di appuntamenti a lui dedicata: • Venerdì 2 novembre, giorno della sua morte: alle 11.00 verrà deposta una corona al monumento a Pasolini all idroscalo di Ostia. • Lunedì 5 novembre: serata a inviti al Cineland di Ostia. Alle ore 20.00 verrà proiettata la pellicola Mamma Roma, per la regia di Pasolini con Anna Magnani. La pellicola, del 1962, è stata recentemente restaurata da Medusa che per l’occasione ne ha gentilmente concesso l’uso dopo la presentazione al Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Venezia. Invitati alla serata: Laura Betti, Franco e Sergio Citti, il Sindaco Veltroni, l’assessore alla cultura del comune di Roma Borgna. • Dal 2 al 9 novembre, presso la biblioteca Elsa Morante, in via Adolfo Cozza n° 7 (Ostia Lido), sarà allestita una mostra delle opere di Pasolini romanzi, poesie, sceneggiature e critica letteraria dal titolo Le parole e l’anima e nella mediateca sarà inoltre possibile visionare i film dai lui diretti; l’8 novembre, alle ore 17:00 sarà organizzato il dibattito/incontro Pier Paolo Pasolini, l’opera e l’eredità. Tra i presenti il poeta Elio Pecora e l’artista Mario Rosati. A sei mesi dal mio insediamento, come amministratore del territorio, ho voluto dedicare a Pasolini degli avvenimenti che gli rendessero omaggio; il valore dell’artista è riconosciuto in tutto il mondo e vorrei riuscire a creare una struttura permanente che lo sappia ricordare e che sappia promuovere le sue opere. Oggi,nel 2007, a distanza di sei anni, a nome di tutti scrivo questo articolo per ringraziarlo. Ha mantenuto la promessa data. E’ riuscito non solo a risanare il monumento ma ha contribuito a creare il “Parco Letterario Pier Paolo Pasolini” per un ricordo perpetuo di un grande poeta che vivrà per sempre dentro ognuno di noi. Colgo l’occasione per ringraziare anche la Dottoressa Sara Sottini, che ha telefonato a Davide Bordoni nel giorno del trentaduesimo anniversario della sua morte (2 novembre 2007), per fargli una domanda ben precisa: Perchè ricordare Pasolini? “Pasolini lo si ricorda per essere stato uno degli artisti più importanti del Novecento. Non solo. La figura di Pasolini, la sua tragica morte è strettamente collegata con il territorio di Ostia: l’omicidio di Pasolini in via dell’idroscalo, infatti, è spesso stata lo specchio di un’ Ostia pericolosa, degradata, abbandonata a se stessa. Ricordare Pasolini a 26 anni dalla sua morte ha rappresentato un momento di riscatto per il nostro territorio oggi ben lontano da quella periferia degradata che Pasolini usava frequentare durante la sua permanenza a Roma.” Il monumento e il Parco Letterario sono stati inaugurati il 2 novembre del 2005. Mario Rosati nel 2000 mi ha spiegato che il monumento è una “colonna spezzata in cima come una vita, intorno due uccelli in volo sospeso e, incastrato, un disco, che rappresenta la luna piena come quando hanno ammazzato Pier Paolo. È stata lei la sua ultima compagna”. Oggi quel monumento che è identico all’originale, ma in travertino, è recintato e fa parte del Parco Letterario Pier Paolo Pasolini, in cui citazioni dalle sue opere circondano il sentiero in pietra che conduce al monumento, mentre su alcune lastre di vetro affondate nel terreno sono riportate le produzioni del Pasolini scrittore, critico, regista e poeta. v




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Questa poesia é stata composta il 2 novembre 1975, subito dopo la notizia dell’assassinio del poeta, scrittore, polemista e regista Pier Paolo Pasolini sul lido di Ostia. Fa parte della raccolta bilingue italiano-inglese Suns of Darkness / Tufo e Gramigna, Guernica, Toronto, 1980. Si ringrazia l’editore Antonio D’Alfonso per la collaborazione.

Di bene te ne voglio un sacco* A Pier Paolo Pasolini Proclamano nelle edicole L’atroce notizia scandalosa grossi titoli freschi d’inchiostro: morto è Pasolini pestato ed arrotato da un riccetto cha ha rifiutato la copulazione. Speculano le matrone durante il teat-time sui particolari nelle sontuose dimore dei Parioli: -Una faccia atroce, invizzita dal vizio, ha fatto la fine che si meritava!Ronzano le ironie nei salotti dei Novissimi avanguardisti mentre il tuo corpo puro di pederasta riposa non ancora incenerito nella bara. Ti hanno ritrovato in una pozza di sangue tra rifiuti immondi della città di Pietro, poco distante dal litorale senza verzura sul quale s’infrangono onde di fetida schiuma. All’età della ragione con in bocca il sapore della lingua dei gelsi eri scappato giù dalle sponde del Piave nella stupenda, misera città e, per l’ansiosa volontà di essere diverso, nel polveroso, melmoso Testaccio, impero di accattoni di bulli e di puttane, a due passi dall’Aniene, t’eri immerso nel caos non ancora proletario ed avevi vissuto l’interno dominio della volgarità. Mortale peccato non è Il groviglio delle buie viscere, ma ardore di redenzione;

ben più nera è l’anima del beffardo fariseo e del politico minchione che lancia tante pietre sul tuo errore pagato con la vita. Riposa in pace, caro voyeur voyant, una vampata di disperata vitalità ti ha bruciato le ali, riposa in pace, sacrilego usignolo. Ora sai se esiste la sacra matrice del vivere, l’eterna redenzione che l’inesausta tua passione ti additava e ti rendeva cantore inguaribile della vita vera che non fa parte della Storia e ti faceva disperatamente amare il contadino dalla pelle scura che nell’universo delle sue colline apprezza ancora il significato dell’età del pane, odiare visceralmente il borghese perbenismo offerto come modello nei caroselli per l’acculturazione conformistica. Vorrei poter asciugare, ringentilito contadino, eroe della sconfitta nella guerra col progresso in questa città nordamericana, le lacrime di ferro inchiodate negli occhi della vecchia friulana che soffre, come nel Vangelo di Matteo, la fine impietosa di suo figlio sul Calvario. Di bene, come lei, te ne voglio un sacco. * (verso di un sonetto scritto per Pasolini dalla madre) Filippo Salvatore


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Filippo Salvatore et Stéphane Dion

Entrevue avec l’honorable Stéphane Dion par Filippo Salvatore


’entrevue avec Stéphane Dion, chef du Parti Libéral du Canada et de l’opposition officielle du gouvernement fédéral à Ottawa, a été réalisée le 10 novembre à Montréal.

1) Le scandale des pots-de-vin à Brian Mulroney Q. Le premier ministre du Canada, M. Stephen Harper vient de donner son approbation pour déterminer si l’ancien Premier Ministre conservateur a commis des gestes illégaux quand il a accepté $300,000 en pots-de-vin de l’homme d’affaire Karlheinz Schreiber à propos de la vente d’avions Airbus. Que pensez-vous de cette décision? Peuton tracer un parallèle avec l’enquête que le juge Gommery a menée sur le scandale des commandites? R. Il y a une différence fondamentale entre les deux questions. Dans le cas de l’enquête Gommery il n’y a aucun député qui a été reconnu coupable de quoi que ce soit d’illégal. Dans le cas présent le protagoniste est un ancien premier ministre quand il exerçait encore ses fonctions. C’est très grave, car c’est l’intégrité de la principale institution, essentielle pour notre démocratie, qui est en cause. Il faut aller au fond des choses, d’abord pour M. Mulroney luimême, car c’est sa réputation qui est en jeu et surtout pour sauvegarder l’intégrité de la fonction de Premier Ministre. N’oublions pas que nous avons déjà payé $2,1 millions pour interrompre une enquête là-dessus. Nous savons que depuis le mois de mars M. Schreiber avait écrit une lettre à M. Harper révélant pour la première fois que ces tractations avaient été discutées. C’est une allégation grave que M. Harper avait dans ses mains depuis longtemps. Je m’explique mal qu’il ait refusé une enquête publique. C’est un manque flagrant de leadership. Maintenant il veut faire une enquête sur une enquête. Nous, les libéraux, voulons une commission d’enquête publique sur cette question.

2) La reforme du sénat. Q. Abordons la question de la reforme de sénat. Est-ce que le temps est arrivé pour que l’on reconsidère sa nature? Devrait-on continuer à nommer ou faudrait-il élire les personnes à cette institution? R. Il faut tenir compte des difficultés qu’un sénat élu comporterait. Il faudrait s’entendre sur un mécanisme constitutionnel sur les résolutions des conflits des deux chambres. Pour le moment il n’y en a pas. Le Sénat a virtuellement les mêmes pouvoirs que la Chambre. La grande différence est que les sénateurs sont nommés plutôt qu’élus et donc ils n’ont pas la même légitimité. Il faudrait en outre s’entendre sur le nombre des sénateurs par province et pour le moment il n’y en a pas. Ce n’est pas une priorité, toutefois la façon de procéder de M. Harper, - faire un referendum sans avoir consulté les Provinces,- c’est du mauvais fédéralisme. Pour reformer le sénat ça prend sept provinces, mais pour l’abolir ça prend l’unanimité. Même s’il y avait une majorité, les assemblées législatives des Provinces pourraient s’y opposer et on se retrouverait à la case de départ après avoir dépenser beaucoup d’argent. Nous, les libéraux, proposons de limiter le temps du mandat des sénateurs entre douze et quinze ans. De cette façon, à la fin de son mandat, la personne nommée pourrait retourner sur le marché du travail. L’avantage est que je pourrais, comme Premier Ministre, nommer des gens jeunes. Présentement on nomme des personnes de 60 ans environ pour éviter que la personne nommée, disons à 35 ans, y reste pendant 40 ans.

3. Le rôle de la monarchie au Canada Q. Quel devrait être le rôle de la monarchie au Canada? Devrait-on l’abolir et couper définitivement le lien colonial avec l’Angleterre, surtout après le rapatriement de la constitution en 1982? R. La monarchie est une institution qui appartient à notre histoire. La Reine Elizabeth II est reine du Canada et donc il n’y a rien de colonial dans cette institution que nous devrions garder pour plusieurs raisons. Pour la plupart des gens la question de la monarchie n’est pas importante et ils sont indifférents quant au statut de la reine. Le gouverneur général joue un rôle très important parce qu’il retire des mains des Premiers Ministres une part du prestige de l’État. En outre si on éliminait la monarchie on se sait pas par quoi et avec qui la remplacer. Il y aurait un débat à n’en plus finir au Canada et nous, comme pays, malgré tant de qualités, ne sommes pas très bons pour les débats symboliques. Les priorités du PLC sont ailleurs.

4. Libre échange interprovincial Q. Abordons la question du libre échange entre les provinces canadiennes. Nous avons signé un traité de libre échange commercial avec les États-unis et le Mexique, mais il existe toute une panoplie de tarifs interprovinciaux qui nous coûtent des milliards de dollars. R. Il n’y pas de barrières tarifaires entre les provinces. Il y a des politiques d’achat qui favorisent le marché de la province et il y a des règles, imposées par les ordres des différents métiers, à respecter qui rendent difficile la libre circulation des travailleurs. Ceci est un vrai problème. Chaque fois qu’on a essayé de les changer il y a eu une levée de boucliers dans différentes provinces. Nous avons un accord interprovincial sur le commerce qui existe depuis une décennie; il faudrait que les provinces le respectent.

5. Incongruité numérique entre contés électoraux ruraux et urbains Q. La différence du nombre des électeurs entre comptés urbains et ruraux dépasse souvent 25%. Ne trouvez-vous pas que cette situation, typique dans les Provinces Maritimes et dans le Québec rural, nie l’égalité du principe une personne, un vote?

R. Il faudrait autant que possible avoir le même poids électoral dans tous les comtés. Il faut en même temps tenir compte que le Canada est un pays très vaste et que certains comtés sont énormes, comme celui de l’Abitibi qui a un territoire aussi vaste que la France. Si on accroissait la taille du comté, on rendrait la vie du député encore plus difficile. On essaye de garder l’écart à l’intérieur d’une fourchette acceptable. Il y aussi des droits constitutionnels à respecter. L’Île du Prince Edouard a droit à quatre sénateurs et doit avoir un nombre égal de députés. C’est la réalité d’un pays complexe et grand comme un demi continent.

6. Accommodements raisonnables Q. A propos des accommodements raisonnables, où, selon vous faudrait-t-il établir la ligne de démarcation entre droits individuels et bien commun? R. La tolérance est un principe essentiel pour un pays d’immigration comme le Canada. Les nouveaux arrivants doivent se sentir acceptés, bienvenus. Ceci suppose qu’ils s’adaptent et qu’ils s’intègrent. Ça va dans les deux sens. Voilà pourquoi un projet comme celui du Parti Québécois de Madame P. Marois, m’apparaît complètement inacceptable. On veut imposer un seul moule dans lequel tout le monde devrait rentrer. On veut retirer des droits civiques aux gens pour aucune raison valable. Elle veut se faire du capital politique sur l’inquiétude d’une partie de la population québécoise. Ceci doit être condamné et heureusement qu’on a une charte des droits pour l’empêcher. Il est sûr que les gens qui viennent au Canada doivent s’adapter et éviter des pratiques qui sont illégales ici. Ce qui doit primer c’est la tolérance, le respect, l’acceptation de l’autre, l’accueil. C’est comme ça qu’on bâtit un pays. La croissance démographique du Canada dépendra de l’immigration de régions comme l’Asie, l’Afrique et le Moyen Orient. Il faudra apprendre à vivre avec ça et ne pas trembler de peur. C’est un défi énorme et nous ne sommes pas les seuls à l’affronter; mais le Canada est mieux équipé que d’autres pays pour l’affronter parce nous avons prouvé que la diversité peut être une force.

7. Les politiques du PLC sur la protection de l’environnement Q. La «vocation verte» du PLC est un aspect sur lequel vous avez insisté pendant la course à la chefferie et sur laquelle vous retournez fréquemment comme leader de l’opposition à Ottawa. Quelles sont les lacunes, en ce qui concerne l’environnement, du gouvernement conservateur actuel? R. Le gouvernement conservateur a saccagée nos efforts tant sur le plan domestique qu’international sur le changement climatique. Il a annulé l’entente qui existait au Parlement avec trois partis d’opposition sur l’air pur et sur les pluies acides. Il a fait le minimum pour la protection de l’environnement naturel et pour la conservation de la flore et de la faune. Il a complètement ignoré toute la question des produits toxiques dans l’environnement et la chaîne alimentaire. On a répertorié 23,000 produits cancérigènes et le gouvernement n’a rien fait. Q. Qu’est ce que vous, en tant que Parti Libéral, entendez faire sur l’environnement si vous formez le prochain gouvernement? R. Sur les changements climatiques nous avons mis de l’avant le « projet carbone », qui permettra de réduire les émissions. On va investir des milliards de dollar dans les sources d’énergie propres et renouvelables. On va régler l’industrie touchant l’air pur et les poussières fines qui rendent les gens malades. On va s’attaquer aux produits nocifs qui sont dans l’environnement et même dans nos maisons. On va protéger fortement la santé des gens; si on ne le fait pas on sera obligé de mettre des sommes énormes dans notre système de santé. Enfin nous allons nous occuper des parcs nationaux. On va investir beaucoup là dedans. Je veux dire aux gens que la meilleure approche pour avoir une économie forte et une société plus juste, riche et verte, sera d’appuyer les politiques du PLC.

8. Le rôle militaire du Canada en Afghanistan Q. Passons à la politique étrangère. Quel rôle le Canada devrait-il jouer en Afghanistan? La situation est de plus en complexe et le nombre de soldats canadiens tués augmente de jour en jour. Quelle est la position du PLC? R. La position du PLC est connue depuis le mois de février dernier. Le Canada s’est engagé à rester à Kandahar jusqu’à février 2009. Il a pris cet engagement et il va l’honorer. Mais nous devons signifier dès maintenant à nos alliés de OTAN et au gouvernement afghan que la mission de combat se terminera effectivement en février 2009.A partir de ce moment là nous allons aider les Afghans dans différents domaines (construction de routes, protection des sources de l’eau et caetera) sans participer aux combats.

9. Les rapports entre le Canada et l’Italie Q. Les rapports entre l’Italie et le Canada sont bons, mais pourraient être meilleurs. Comment pourra-t-on fortifier la collaboration entre deux grandes démocraties qui font partie du G8? R. Je veux dire aux lecteurs de votre magazine que nous, les libéraux fédéraux, partageons la colère des italo-canadiens sur la myopie du gouvernement conservateur qui vient de fermer le consulat canadien à Milan, la ville la plus dynamique d’Europe sur le plan économique et culturel. Ceci n’a pas de bon sens. Nous nous engageons à garder ce consulat ouvert et à renforcer les liens avec l’Italie dans les différents domaines.

10. La pénurie de candidats d’origine italienne chez les libéraux fédéraux


11. Pourquoi voter pour les libéraux?

Q. Il est probable qu’il va y avoir des élections fédérales dans les mois qui viennent. La date dépendra aussi de vous, évidemment. Comment expliquez-vous la pénurie chez les libéraux au Québec de candidats d’origine italienne? Notre communauté a pourtant un poids démographique et économique comparable à toute la région du Saguenay Lac Saint Jean. Elle compte presque 300,000 personnes et elle est là depuis plus d’un siècle. Qu’entendez-vous faire pour que la communauté italo-québécoise puisse exprimer dans le domaine politique tout son potentiel au niveau fédéral, en choisissant, par exemple, des candidats ministrables? R. Je ne sais pas combien de candidats d’origine italienne le PLC aura au bout du compte. Je suis fier de pouvoir compter sur des députés du Québec comme Francis Scarpaleggia et Massimo Pacetti. Je peux dire que depuis mes onze ans en politique la population d’origine italienne du Québec a été bien représentée au Caucus libéral et même au cabinet des Ministres, comme par exemple Madame Liza Frulla. J’ai déjà eu des collègues d’origine italienne, comme Madame Lisa Frulla. D’ailleurs je veux souligner qu’il y a beaucoup d’italo-québécois qui travaillent à différents niveaux pour le PLC.

Q. Pourquoi la communauté italienne du Québec devrait-t-elle appuyer le PLC aux prochaines élections fédérales? Il y a une alternative crédible représentée par les conservateurs. N’avez-vous pas tendance au PLC à prendre pour acquis son appui? R. Les conservateurs proposent des choses qui ne sont pas acceptables pour notre pays. Ils mettent de l’avant des politiques injustes qui pénalisent nos concitoyens les plus pauvres, parmi lesquels il y a des personnes d’origine italienne. Je veux un Canada plus ouvert et tolérant, plus juste et plus vert. La nature multiculturelle (enchâssée dans la constitution ainsi que dans la Charte des Droits) de notre pays c’est le parti libéral qui l’a défendue et promulguée. Ce sont des valeurs dans lesquelles je crois profondément ainsi que, j’en suis certain, nos concitoyens d’origine italienne. Les conservateurs veulent faire du Canada un petit États-unis. Ils remettent en cause l’abolition de la peine de mort et le contrôle des armes à feu; ils sont indifférents aux problèmes de l’environnement et tolèrent en pratique la pauvreté. Le choix pour les électeurs entre les conservateurs et nous les libéraux est clair. Je suis confiant que nos concitoyens d’origine italienne sauront choisir. v

I punti salienti dell’intervista a Stéphane Dion, capo dell’opposizione liberale ad Ottawa 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Lo scandalo delle bustarelle in cui è coinvolto l’ex Primo Ministro conservatore Brian Mulroney che ha ricevuto $300.000 da Kalheinz Schreiber nella vendita degli aerei Aibus a Air Canada, è molto grave.Mette in gioco l’integrità istituzionale della carica di Primo Ministro.Occore fare tutta la luce tramite una inchiesta pubblica. Occorre riformare il senato, limitando ad un massimo di quindici anni, la durata delle nomine.Stephen Harper sbaglia nel voler fare un referendum sull’abolizione del senato senza aver consultato le Province ed ottenuto il loro consenso. La maggioranza dei canadesi dà poca importanza al ruolo della monarchia.Il governatore generale incarna lo Stato e ne esprime la sua tradizione istituzionale. L’accordo interprovinciale sul commercio andrebbe rispettato per favorire la libera circolazione dei lavoratori da un oceano all’altro del Canada. La differenza nel numero di elettori nelle diverse province e tra circoscrizioni rurali e urbane dovrebbe rispettare uno scarto massimo del 25%. Il Canada deve restare un paese accogliente e tollerante verso i nuovi immigrati che devono però adattarsi ed evitare pratiche e comportamenti ritenuti illegali nella nostra società.


Il governo conservatore attuale, secondo Stéphane Dion, ha saccheggiato gli sforzi domestici ed internazionali per il rispetto dell’ambiente. Un governo liberale investirebbe miliardi di dollari in energie alternative rinnovabili, nella difesa dei parchi nazionali e nella battaglia contro le piogge acide, le emissioni di anidride carbonica e di altri prodotti tossici .Un eventuale governo liberale sarebbe più giusto, aiuterebbe i poveri e si darebbe una vocazione verde. 8. Le truppe canadesi in Afghanistan smetteranno di partecipare ai combattimenti il mese di febbraio del 2009. 9. I liberali federali si impegnano a riaprire il consolato canadese a Milano. 10. Gli italo-quebecchesi dovrebbero scegliere,secondo Stéphane Dion, di votare per i liberali, il partito che ha promulgato la politica del multiculturalismo e la carta dei diritti del cittadino, che è contro la pena di morte, è per il controllo delle armi e fa della difesa dell’ambiente e della riduzione della povertà le sue priorità alle prossime elezioni.




Saint-Laurent / Cartierville Chef de l’Opposition officielle (514) 335-6655

I vostri deputati federali vi augurano un Buon Natale ed un Felicissimo Anno 2008, colmo di pace, salute e prosperità.

Le très honorable Paul Martin, député, C.P

L’honorable Denis Coderre, député, C.P

L’honorable Lucienne Robillard, députée, C.P

L’honorable Marlene Jennings, députée, C.P

Lasalle - Émard (514) 363-0954

Bourassa (514) 323-1212

Westmount - Ville-Marie (514) 283-2013

Notre-Dame-de-Grâce - Lachine (514) 489-8703

Pablo Rodriguez, député Honoré-Mercier (514) 353-5044

Raymonde Folco, députée Laval-Les Îles (450) 689-4594



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Francis Scarpaleggia, député Lac Saint-Louis (514) 695-6661

Massimo Pacetti, député Saint-Léonard / Saint-Michel (514) 256-4548

Bernard Patry, député Pierrefonds - Dollard (514) 624-5725


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Carlo Caramelli, pittore metafisico Filippo Salvatore

Biografia arlo Caramelli è nato a Grosseto in Toscana nel 1926. Dopo gli studi è venuto a lavorare in Canada per la Pirelli quale direttore della pubblicità dal 1957 al 1965. È in seguito tornato a Roma, ma nel 1967 ha scelto di tornare a vivere a Montreal.L’interesse per l’arte è stata una costante per chi,come lui, è nato in un territorio che vanta una tradizione di millenni, dagli etruschi al Rinascimento ai macchiaioli. Carlo Caramelli ha studiato storia dell’arte e arte grafica rispettivamente all’Accademia di Brera a Milano ed alla Washington School of Arts. Il suo lavoro nel settore commerciale non gli ha impedito di coltivare la sua vocazione artistica che è diventata la sua ragione di essere dopo il suo pensionamento.Vive attualmente a Saint Bruno, alla periferia di Montreal,dove svolge anche un’intensa attività didattica. Ha ricevuto diversi ed ambiti riconoscimenti sia negli USA che in Canada, tra cui lo Shepard Award per il suo eccezionale contributo nel settore del marketing.Molti suoi quadri si trovano in collezioni private in Canada, negli USA ed in Europa. Dal 1995 una delle sue tele più significative “Lo Spazio Metafisico” fa parte della mostra permanente del Musée de la Civilisation Canadienne ad Ottawa.


Lo Spazio Metafisico (collezione permanente al Musée de la Civilation Canadienne, Ottawa)

Intervista La figura femminile è un tema ricorrente nella sua arte. Da cosa deriva questa predilezione? Trovo i miei soggetti preferitinel mio bagaglio culturale, nelle nostre radici mediterranee, che in Italia si sono rinnovate attraverso i secoli, in particolare durante il Rinascimento, un periodo che continua ad affascinarmi. Questa carica deriva dal mio subconscio, cui aggiungo la mia fantasia e la mia creatività. La figura femminile, sia essa storica, mistica, o dipinta nuda, è per me una fantasia-simbolo, o per usare un termine junghiano, una anima che assume sulla tela una forma complementare, visiva.

La Metafisica e la Modella

L’ora metafisica



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Nello Studio di Leonardo con il suo simbolo metafisico Il momento evanescente del potere metafisico

L’ora metafisica di Pandora

La Sua arte è stata definita “metafisica”. Vuole spiegare cosa intende con il termine “metafisico”? Per me la “metafisica” artistica corrisponde all’inserimento di un soggetto in uno spazio fisico, al regno supremo dello spazio e del silenzio. Mentre dipingo cerco di respirare il sentimento del soggetto e di trasmettere le sensazioni che provo da minuzioso osservatore. Vuoti e distanze inseriscono la figura rappresentata nell’architettura globale, nella logica prospettica, nel contrasto tra luce ed ombra, nel taglio diagonale della costruzione. Ovviamente la pittura, per staccarsi dal banale, deve andare aldilà della mera rapprsentazione figurale. Deve inserire una dimensione di mistero. In questo consiste lo spazio metafisico da scoprire.

La Sua interpretazione “metafisica” del reale si differenzia sia dalle citazioni del surrealismo sia dalla prepotenza dell’iperrealismo. È proprio così. Il surrealismo trasforma la forma in allucinazione (come il telefono che cola di Salvador Dalì). L’iperrrealismo sfocia nel descrittivismo esagerato, quasi fotografico e si nutre inoltre di scialbe scelte cromatiche. Questo provoca un senso di vuoto, di squallore in quanto esclude lo spettatore e la sua partecipazione intellettuale nella decifrazione dell’immagine. Uno dei suoi quadri s’intitola “La metafisica e la modella”. Spieghi perchè può essere considerato un’ esplicita manifestazione della Sua concezione artistica. Il quadro è costituito da due scene che si sovrappongono: il pavimento dello studio del pittore in basso e la tela della marina posta sul cavalletto in alto. La figura della modella è il solo elemento che congiunge i due piani spaziali. La modella immagina di osservare il mare sottostante, mentre, in realtà, è in piedi vicino al cavalletto. Qual è dunque la realtà? È proprio nell’impossibilità di dis-

tinguere chiaramente tra i due piani spaziali rappresentati che è espressa la mia percezione metafisica. Lei usa spesso dei reperti archeologici etruschi e romani che possiede come molla per far scattare la sua vena creativa. È vero. Possiedo una modesta collezione di antichi reperti etruschi e romani che sono per me uno stimolo costante, che nutrono la mia immaginazione. Creo le immagini delle mie tele a partire ed intorno aloro. In tanti miei quadri esprimono la mia nostalgia per dei mondi antichissimi sconosciuti, anacronistici apperentemente, ma che diventano reali, vivi quando sono rivisitati dal mio pensiero e dalla fantasia che ne scaturisce. Questa è la matrice del mio sentire “metafisico” che mi permette di evadere dalla superficialità e dalla banalità dell’esistere quotidiano, dai valori che il progresso tecnologico e materiale ci impone. Così facendo riesco a salvaguardare la mia sensibilità mediterranea in una realtà nordica nella quale fisicamente esisto. v

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Julien Riel-Salvatore Archéologue Par Aicha Cissé

ombien d’entre nous auront la chance d’exercer la profession qui nous a toujours passionnés? À 30 ans, Dr. Julien Riel-Salvatore est un homme accompli et pratique un métier qu’il adore. Cela fait maintenant plus d’une décennie qu’il étudie en archéologie et sa passion l’a amené à sillonner le globe, de l’Italie à l’Afrique du Sud, du Mexique à l’Ethiopie. Et celui qui se dit avoir toujours été captivé par l’histoire de notre espèce, plus particulièrement l’évolution de l’Homo sapiens, ne regrette aucunement son choix professionnel.


«J’ai toujours eu le goût de la découverte, mais ce n’est donc pas tant le côté Indiana Jones de l’archéologie qui m’a séduit plutôt que le goût de comprendre nos origines. C’est ce qui m’a poussé à m’interroger sur les hommes des cavernes» explique Riel-Salvatore en riant. Cette passion pour l’évolution de notre espèce l’a poussé à parcourir la planète à la recherche de preuves pouvant témoigner des différences entre le développement de l’Homo sapiens et l’Homme de Neandertal. Ayant obtenu son baccalauréat à l’Université McGill en 1999, il a aussi récemment complété un doctorat en anthropologie à l’Arizona State University. Au fil des ans, il a effectué plusieurs études en Italie qui lui ont permis de faire d’étonnantes découvertes. «Je me concentre sur l’étude des outils préhistoriques qui peuvent livrer des données importantes sur les questions que les scientifiques se posent quant à la disparition des Néandertaliens.» Étrangement, cette extinction se produit lorsqu’apparaît Homo sapiens en Eurasie, et plusieurs théories supposent que les Néandertaliens, qui occupèrent cette région pendant plus de 200 000 années, sont disparus parce que l’Homo sapiens avait un comportement plus polyvalent. Mais cette disparition est-elle la preuve d’un processus évolutif ou s’agi-il plutôt d’une coïncidence? La nature des relations entre les deux espèces demeure encore un mystère, et c’est sur ce point que Riel-Salvatore concentre ses recherches. Dans le cadre de ce travail, il cherchait une région isolée par rapport au reste de l’Europe, ce qui l’a mené en Italie. Géographiquement, l’Italie représentait la région idéale. «J’ai considéré l’Italie comme une région géographique bien définie que j’ai approchée comme un laboratoire archéologique,» explique Riel-Salvatore. Il s’est concentré sur les rapports entre l’Uluzzien et l’Aurignacien, il y a environ 40 000 ans. L’Uluzzien d’Italie mériodionale représente peut-être la dernière culture de l’Homme de Neandertal, tandis que l’Aurignacien identifié

au nord représenterait la première culture d’Homo sapiens. Avec la collaboration de chercheurs italiens, le jeune archéologue a p rocédé à l’analys e d’outils préhistoriques recueillis dans des sites des deux cultures. Les résultats de ce travail ont surpris plusieurs spécialistes. «Mes analyses régionales ont montré que les derniers Néandertaliens avaient des comportements similaires à ceux de l’Homo sapiens. C’est donc un peu comme un casse-tête où chaque nouvelle pièce rajoute des Fouille en Ligurie en Italie du Nord détails à la connaissance de notre histoire. Il est donc important «Rome m’a vraiment enchanté! En plus de sa richesse d’effectuer des études régionales et de confronter leurs architecturale, historique et culturelle, sa face moderne cosrésultats aux attentes tirées de modèles plus généraux.» mopolite et sa vie civique vibrante sont uniques au Riel-Salvatore est fier de ses recherches qui lui ont monde.» aussi fait mieux connaître tant l’Italie et que sa commuJulien Riel-Salvatore est parti en Italie pour en nauté scientifique. Ses voyages en Italie lui ont en effet perapprendre plus sur l’humanité, mais ce faisant il en a aussi mis de participer à des projets archéologiques collaboratifs, beaucoup appris sur lui-même. Il affirme avoir ainsi pu mais aussi de renouer avec ses racines et d’explorer des «forger sa propre identité en tant qu’Italien». Par-dessus régions qui lui étaient peu connues. tout, il admire l’identité italienne qu’il a connue dans son «J’ai eu la chance de pouvoir parcourir toute l’Italie pays et à laquelle il croit fermement que les différences lors de mes recherches. J’ai visité des régions que je n’avais régionales ne font que contribuer. jamais eu l’occasion de visiter, et j’ai pu parfaire ma conEn ce moment, Riel-Salvatore est chercheur postnaissance de la langue et redécouvrir la cuisine et la culture doctoral du Conseil de Recherche en Sciences Humaines du pays en entier. Et parcourir l’Italie contemporaine, ça du Canada, à l’Université McGill, où il travaille avec des permet de remonter dans histoire, jusqu’à l’Empire romain collègues italiens et américains sur un projet archéologique et même au-delà.» en Ligurie pour comprendre les comportements des preCe voyage aussi enrichissant intellectuellement que miers Homo sapiens dans la région. En 2008, il enseignera culturellement lui a aussi permis d’explorer certains aspects aussi à l’Université McGill. v de la culture de son père, Filippo Salvatore. Il a en particulier été conquis pas la capitale, Rome, où il a vécu penBlog : http// dant trois mois.

2227 Bélanger est • Montréal • Québec H2G 1C5 T.514.374.5653 •

Breaking the beat with a New Spin

by Chiara Folini

hen it comes to physical activity, Luca Patuelli, a 23 year old young man, defies all odds. Starting with skateboarding on his knees, then sitting on his skis, it eventually led him to breakdancing with his crutches, earning him the nickname of “Lazylegz” across the world.


Lazylegz, a name given by his childhood friend, has stuck with him and proves his ability to laugh at his condition by putting a positive spin on it. “It’s about taking the bad and making it good” says Luca and his nickname is proof of it. “If you can adapt yourself in your creative environment, you can do anything. I am only disabled if I allow myself to be disabled” Luca says confidently. Luca was diagnosed with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC), a disorder in which joints become inert, resulting in reduced mobility in the arms and legs. Born in Montreal, Luca was raised in Bethesda, Maryland where he had undergone surgery 16 times. His smooth transition from Bethesda to Montreal revived his strong interest in the break-dancing scene. In 2004, the Freestyle Session Competition was the first and most rewarding international battle experience Lazylegz has been in. “After long hours of hard work at Beaver Tails in Old Port, I saved enough to pay my flight to Los Angeles” Luca tells proudly. Traveling alone, he landed in LA and to his surprise he met some competitors from Montreal and Toronto, who all proudly represented the Canadian team. They placed 16th out of the 78 teams participating in the competition, thus placing Montreal B-boys on the map in the international break-dancing scene. B-boys, a term that refers to male breakdancers who are devoted to hip hop culture and to performing stylized “breaking” movements. For Luca, being a B-boy means breathing, experiencing and living the break-dancing culture and lifestyle everyday. “When I started performing at break-dancing battles in Montreal, I quickly formed a new group of friends and in 2004, I became part of an eight-man West Island crew called Illmatic Styles” says Luca. The Illmatic style crew has competed and has performed in many cities in Canada, the US, and Europe. In 2007, Illmatic team and highly competitive, Red Mask joined forces, becoming IllMask, one of the top crews in Quebec. During break-dancing competitions, Luca takes the lead on stage with his signature move. By using his upper strength, he effortlessly flies off his crutches and momentarily suspends in the air before landing on his hands. “I stand out from the B-boys so I chose to stand out even more” explained Luca. Lazylegz instantly charms the spectators by adding a humorous component to his performance, which involves bringing a prop on stage like a wig, a golden chain or even mini shoes attached to his crutches. Luca invites the audience to have fun with him, the true measure of being a performer. Over the past three years, Luca has received a lot of publicity. After being discovered through You Tube, he appeared on NBC Today’s show with his family where he discussed the impediments he has overcome, a documentary has been created by Much Music entitled “Music is my Life” based on Luca’s story and he has been a contestant on the popular “America’s Got Talent” show. Luca has trained with Cirque du Soleil, where he came to the realization that

his crutches can be used as an extension of his arms and found a break-dancing style adapted to his disability. He also performed with many prominent artists such as Talib Kweli, K-OS and Kayne West. In 2006, Floormasters, known as the original break-dancing crew in Canada, awarded Luca the Canada’s highest honours in the B-boying scene. Coming from an Italian background, Luca has had the opportunity to travel, particularly to his grandmother’s homeland Velletri in Rome, Italy. Luca’s grandmother is the only grandparent alive from both sides of the family. “Upon my visit, I was captivated by Italy’s beauty.” He feels that moving back to Montreal brought him closer to his Italian roots. “I realized that family is more valued within the Montreal Italian community, allowing me to feel more connected to my upbringing.” He demonstrates profound admiration towards his father for teaching him that the “first failure is not to try.” Both his father and mother encouraged him to be fearless and to believe in himself. “It’s all in the way we perceive our failure, every single day we are constantly learning from it and it makes us who we are and who we are going to become.” Luca has not only inspired his loyal B-boys, but has touched countless people, from all walks of life. He firmly believes that he is learning from others and thinks everyone can be an inspiration. He deci ded t o i ncorp orat e t h e ar t of breakdancing with his interest in people. In doing so, Luca tours around the world as a motivational speaker. “Even if I motivate one person from the crowd, I’ve done my job.” Luca aims to share his personal triumphs through his stories. As for what the future holds for Luca is a lengthy todo-list. With Washington friend and business partner Jed Klenow, Luca is in search of grants to create Ill-Abilities, a team of disabled dancers competing internationally. Luca announced a world debut of Ill-Abilities team at the Red Bull competition BC-One this year. In the upcoming year, he wants to travel to Asia and South America to promote his message and to finish his school studies. Along with the competitions he continues to organize, he is also involved in creating Concordia’s break-dancing club and performing at various benefit charities. Being part of a video game is one of Luca’s dreams; he wants Lazylegz to be portrayed as a famous break-dancer in a B-boy video. There is a lot on his plate, but he is fully prepared to face the challenges. “It’s about taking that risk and seeing where it can take you.” Due to his zest and positive attitude on life, Luca’s physical limitation goes unnoticed. Luca continues to embrace his career in break-dancing by taking in the success and fame it has brought him one step at a time. v For more information:

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Sandra Propetto: a young talent

Sandra Propetto on stage.

par Aicha Cissé

Having a nice voice is a blessing, but overcoming the obstacles to launch a successful singing career is an accomplishment. At only 18, Sandra Propetto is a genuine prodigy. Not only is this Italian beauty a rising star, but she is also a gifted artist. When she is not entrancing an audience by her soulful voice, she sheds her artistic light on another passion: drawing. Born and raised in Montreal, Propetto has proven herself to be a true artist since the tender age of two. It wasn’t until she performed at an Italian singing competition at the age of 12 that her family realized the extent of her talent. “My husband heard her sing and her voice was just so powerful. He was amazed. That was the first time he actually heard her on stage. She was so comfortable; it was natural to her. It made us realize she was definitely special,” explained her proud mother Gina Lariccia. Most of Propetto’s upbringing was devoted to music and her aspirations to become a successful performer. She took vocal lessons for 6 years, which made her blossom into the talented singer she is today. She considers jazz songstress Joss Stone, Lara Fabian and Marie-Helene Thibert as her musical influences. Propetto also credits much of her success to her family’s unabated support. Her encouraging parents are her biggest fans. After honing her singing in Italian - mainly after a trip to Italy and a great deal of time well spent with her ‘nonas’– she is

crossing over to French. She is also learning to play the guitar. “When I’m on stage I feel so happy. I want to Sandra Propetto with Ginette Reno be the best performer I can be. I love Italian ballads and pop. Pop is definitely my style. I’m learning to sing in French and I love it. I’ve got a keyboard and I’m learning that as well. I’m a perfectionist,” declared Propetto. The humble young singer is already a familiar face at the annual singing competition Superfantastico at Place Des Arts – she has been a four time finalist. Every year, she enjoys the company of her friends as well as the audience’s response. “Not winning made me focus on improving myself. I take it as an experience and learn form it. I love being with my friends and hearing people’s feedback. It’s what I value the most. It makes me persevere,” explains Propetto. The young songbird has been called ‘the Italian Celine Dion’ by her community. She is currently working on her first demo with a professional production company and is also looking for a manager. She says she is now “ready to take her career to the next level”. Propetto’s list of accomplishments does not stop at her singing; she shows an even more impressive resume as an artist. Art design, pastels and charcoal are her favourites. “I’ve been drawing since the age of two with my crayons. I get that from my dad. He’s an incredible painter. I could draw for 13 hours straight. I’ll draw tattoo designs, what I dreamt of and the world around me. Italy, especially Venice, really blew me away. The scenery, the architecture, the colors. It left me speechless,” said Propetto. She has exposed twice at the Mostra d’Arte Conteporaneo at the Casa d’Italia. The young artist has even sold a painting to Ginette Reno. Propetto’s work has been exhibited last November at the ‘Molisano Art exhibition (L’ASSOCIATION DES PEINTRES ET SCULPTEURS MOLISANI AU CANADA REGION QUEBEC)” along with other renowned artists. Blessed with such talent and beauty, it will not be too long before Propetto graces the music charts with her first single.v


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histoires de vies

Life Stories

The Little Boy Spoiled with Love Ryan’s sudden death left the family in shock By Melanie Porco

here are no more bedtime stories, no more group hugs, no more searching for a missing toy car. For Mary and Johnny Perrotti, seeing their son Ryan doesn’t consist of peeking their head into his room anymore, but a ride from their Montreal-North home to his resting place at the Cemetière de Laval.


“I feel guilty when I don’t go. I go almost everyday. I like going. We talk to him,” says Mary of their cemetery visits at Ryan’s grave. “My life changed on September 30, 2003.” That day, now four years ago, was a normal day, routine by all accounts. There were no signs or warnings, but it would turn out to be anything but routine. Ryan went to school and Mary dropped him off, while her parents waited with him until the bell rang. “I was scared to leave him alone. I was so overprotective. I was worried. The minute I would see the school’s telephone number at work, I’d almost have a heart attack,” said Mary who had good reason to worry. Ryan had what doctor’s diagnosed as Benign Epilepsy - something they claimed he would eventually outgrow. His epileptic seizures could happen any time of the day without warning. The first episode came at the age of three with a high fever. Subsequently he had three more before the age of five with elevated fevers. Once Ryan started school, he began to have seizures with no provocation. Each episode was different, but would all end the same way, with Ryan being hospitalized for a few days. “The hospital even told me not to bring him in when he had a seizure, because they said after a while he would be okay,” explained Mary. Each hospital visit brought about the same response from doctors; there was nothing they could do since Ryan didn’t have any other health problems. “Doctors would say that we were just overreacting. One time they said we were crazy too,” explained Johnny, clearly frustrated. Ryan was eventually put on medication after his first non-fever related seizure in kindergarten. On that seemingly normal fall day in 2003, seven-year-old Ryan came home from school and did his homework. “I remember we had hamburgers for supper, which was his favourite. He ate everything,” said Mary. As their typical day continued, “we even took pictures of him,” said Johnny. “I took a picture of him the same night. We had gone to a wedding two weeks before and he was posing for me to finish off my film,” explained Mary. Ryan went to bed early, but within a half hour, he suddenly made vomiting sounds. He had thrown-up a little bit and Johnny took his son into the bathroom. “We could see he was going to have a seizure, but two seconds later he seemed to be fine and my husband asked him, ‘Do you know who we are?’ Those were his last words to us, ‘Mommy and Daddy,’” continued Mary slowly. By the time an ambulance arrived, taking Ryan and his mom to the hospital, his dad made his way by car alone to Maisonneuve-Rosemont. “I got there before they did,” said Johnny. “When they hear it’s a seizure, they don’t take it seriously,” adds Mary. Ryan’s parents still can’t understand why it took the ambulance so long to reach their home and then the hospital, but that detail they say is a whole other story. Ryan’s seizures were continuous in the ambulance with his mom there, but at the hospital, they were told to wait outside the room while they worked on stabilizing him. “They said it was nothing,” explained Mary. The entire Perrotti family had come down to join in the wait with Ryan’s parents, as they did each time the little boy was brought in. “No one came to tell us anything. They just came towards the end,” said Johnny of the wait during the one hour from when they arrived by ambulance to when they finally were given the news. Someone had come out to tell the family that Ryan’s heart had stopped, but that he had been revived. Five minutes later, Mary remembers another person coming out with a glass and a pill, “a calming pill I think, I can’t even remember,” and it was over. Their son, their sweet and innocent son, first born grandchild on both sides, spoiled with love, six days after celebrating his seventh birthday, had passed away. “He was gone. I don’t even want to say the word. We were all there and we were just screaming in the hall,” she says, trying to get through the memory. “They said he would outgrow it, they never told me he could die from it,” Mary said, still not able to understand what went wrong. An autopsy ruled Ryan’s death SUDEP, sudden unexplained death in epilepsy. The report read “Status Epilepticus”, when the brain is in a state of continuous seizure. “It was a shock, no warning. I never heard of anyone dying of a seizure. Even when I tell people they say, ‘Well he must have had something else?’ We had the autopsy done just for that point,” said Mary. “I have no explanations. Seven years old, he was so full of life, he was always in a happy mood.”

The family was eventually let in to see Ryan on that night that turned out to be anything but ordinary. They were able to hold the boy they had raised, the quiet, calm, and loving son they had for such little time. “We sang to him ‘You Are My Sunshine,’ that was his favourite song,” said his mother. Her little boy loved to sing. On a family trip, “From here to Vermont, Ryan sang every song in the book that he knew. There was a song in French that he used to sing, “Quand j’avais un ans, quand j’avais deux ans,” sings Mary. “The whole time he sang and then my sister said, ‘Ryan could you stay quiet because Jessica, his cousin, has to sleep,’ and he would listen. After a while he would say, ‘Zia can I talk now?’” she says laughing. Mary may be able to think back on memories with Ryan and laugh now, but on that fateful day in September, they did anything but. “I was in shock. We had to go sign the papers and I remember going down this long corridor I don’t even know what I signed, if you ask me today. Even the day after, we woke up in the morning and we had to go make funeral arrangements.” With a cruise vacation to look forward to that November, Mary had bought Ryan a suit. “I went with my mom on a Saturday morning. I wasn’t planning on buying it that day, but I got him everything, the suit, the shoes, the tie, everything…little did I know that I was preparing him to go somewhere else,” she says. The pain felt by Ryan’s family in the days to come reverberate through Mother Nature. “No exaggeration, when he died it was like the sky was crying, three days of rain and cold, and then Sunday the sun comes out,” said Mary, perhaps a foreshadowing of things to come for the Perrottis, but not before more heartache. Mary would experience a miscarriage before being able to carry her second son to term. “We were planning on having another child. The miscarriage, I guess, was because of all the stress with Ryan. A year and a half after Adam was born,” says Mary. “We knew we were having a boy. It was hard but it was good too.” At eleven months though, Adam had his first seizure with a high fever. “That’s why I still sleep him in our room,” she says looking over to the open door and the crib with their blond curly haired baby boy sleeping. “Oh my God, I went into shock when he had his first seizure. On top of that they took him to Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital where my son died.” Genetic testing was done and the results showed that Mary carried the gene that the seizures stemmed from, although she has never had them herself. Adam is now taking medication as a precaution, but doctors believe high fevers are to blame and the family history. The Montreal Neurological Institute is handling their file, but have so far come up short with answers. What they do know is that Adam, at only two years old, is aware of who his brother is. “He understands and every once in a while he goes into Ryan’s room and he kisses his picture,” says Johnny. “If we didn’t have him I don’t know what we would do. Adam’s a blessing.” New memories, as well as those Ryan occupies, are kept close to their hearts. The family had gone on numerous vacations with their oldest son, including Disney. This year, they went back, this time with Adam. “Just to see his face was worth it,” says Mary, but remembering other times there was hard. “We were at MGM and we passed this restaurant, and out of the blue I remembered we had been there with Ryan. It had been raining that day

and just to get out of the cold, we had shoved ourselves in there. I started crying and I just sat on a bench there, crying my head off. At that minute, I remembered things we did together.” The seven-year-old was a loving boy, always making time for others and trying to help if he could. After the mother of Ryan’s friend, Melissa, had given birth to a new baby, Melissa told Ryan that she missed her mom at night. Ryan invited her for a sleepover. “They had gone apple picking and Melissa started crying. He asked her why and she explained about her mommy and the new baby. He then said, ‘Do you have a sleeping bag? Bring it to my house and you could sleepover,’” says Mary. “The whole bus ride, the teacher told us he was singing that Italian song Ti Sposero Perche, until a point where he had to be told to stop,” Mary says smiling. “I taught him that song,” says his Nonna, Anna Vittoria, in Italian. Ryan loved speaking the Italian language and watching all of his grandmother’s favourite shows with her. “He was always with me, anything he did I was there. Every step of the way” Nonna Anna now has her hands full with her youngest grandson. Once Adam’s awake, his smile and infectious giggle fill the room as his grandmother tries to keep him busy. “Adam is always in a good mood, like his brother, but he gets into trouble if you’re not watching him,” says Mary. A fact clearly evident when he strolls into Ryan’s room, still completely untouched since his death, and tries to pull a toy off a shelf, in turn making the shelving fall. That’s okay though, as long as he doesn’t find his way into Ryan’s beloved car collection yet. Ryan loved cars and had boxes full of little Hot Wheels. “He’d drive me crazy because he had so many of them,” says his mom, “but he would remember every single car,” adds Johnny. “When he couldn’t find one he’d look all over until he did. He was a car lover. The Beetles, the Super Mario cars, all of them.” For the Perrottis, remembering Ryan’s birthday comes just as they must remember his death. Born September 24, 1996, he passed away September 30, 2003. “For us, it’s a double whammy. It’s a hard week. For his birthday we go to the cemetery and bring balloons, releasing them there,” explains Mary. “I wonder, what would he be like now? This year would be his last year in elementary. Every year it’s a different question.” With each passing year comes a little less crying, but still the same pain. “It’s hard because you have to face people. It was so hard the first year. My mom would have to come

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upstairs; I didn’t want to be alone. Now I don’t cry everyday, but when I wake up in the morning Ryan’s the first thing I think about, along with Adam obviously, but in a different way. You have that for the rest of your life,” says Mary. Although their hearts may still ache daily, Mary and Johnny have found a way to slowly heal while helping others too. Once a month, they attend a group called The Compassionate Friends. “It’s helped us a lot,” explains Mary, “but now I go more to help other people. The group was small, but every month it gets bigger and bigger. There are people that lost children of all ages, in all different kinds of ways.” The Compassionate Friends is non-profit, self-help support organization that offers friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings. Ryan and Adam are siblings with a spiritual connection now. All of Ryan’s favourite books still sit on the shelf in his room. He may never get to read to his little brother, but Mary and Johnny will be sure to do it for him. “Ryan loved books,” says his mom. At five years old, on a Saturday night when the family didn’t have other plans, they’d head to the bookstore. “He picked-up this book and said, ‘Mommy, that’s Robert Munsch,’ and I go, ‘Ryan how do you know about Robert Munsch?’ He said, ‘we read about him at school.’” That’s when Ryan’s book collection started, with More Pies at the top of his list. Although most are in his room, there are a few special ones that mom and dad let Adam keep in his. When Ryan died, the family contacted Munsch and he sent them a signed copy of Love You Forever, a book he wrote after he and his wife had two stillborn babies. The words in that book could not ring truer for the Perrottis. They may not be able to read Ryan that bedtime story anymore, but he’ll always be their little boy, their baby. Now they’ll read to his little brother, as they continue to cry and laugh through the pain and new blessings in their life. I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be Robert Munsch To make a donation to the Montreal Children’s Hospital Neurology Department in memory of Ryan, please call 514-934-4846 and reference fund #63284. For more information on the Montreal chapter of The Compassionate Friends, call: Jane 450-458-3164 or Carol 514-331-0960 v

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Life Stories

The Ultimate Christmas Gift By Daniela Scoppa

or many people, Christmas is a time for getting together with family and friends, lots of food, exchanging presents, decorating the house, among many other things. But for Nicola Di Lemme, this Christmas will have a whole new meaning. This Christmas, Nicola will be celebrating the first anniversary of his new life and he owes it all to his daughter Claudia.

F Nicola Di Lemme with his daughter Claudia Di Lemme

It all started 13 years ago, when Nicola, a divorced father went for a routine medical exam. His place of employment, Bell Canada offers non-obligatory check-ups and when he got the call from Bell’s doctor those years ago, he decided to go for the examination. “When it comes to health, I take it very seriously,” Nicola says. It was during that particular trip to the doctor it was discovered, through a simple urine sample that Nicola had something called IgA Nephropathy, a kidney disorder that could lead to complete kidney failure. “People relate fatigue to stress or their job,” Nicola says of the only symptom he ever felt prior to his diagnosis. “You don’t know something is happening until one day your kidneys completely fail.” Luckily for Nicola, his kidneys hadn’t completely failed and treatment began immediately. In 13 years, Nicola took medication to control his blood pressure, watched his diet closely so as not to take in too much protein, and for a year took heavy doses of cortisone, which not only changed his physical appearance drastically but sent him on an emotional roller coaster. “I couldn’t sleep, I was always hungry, always nervous, stressed and at any moment I would fly off the handle,” he says of the drug. “It was not fun.” A few years ago, it was discovered his kidneys were only functioning at about 15% and it was then that his doctor decided something else needed to be done. IgA Nephropathy is one of the most common diseases of the kidney, other than those caused by diabetes or high blood pressure. IgA is a protein and sometimes that protein settles in the kidneys. Those deposits may cause the kidneys to leak blood and protein into urine. It can happen at any age, even during childhood, it can’t be cured and after damage has been done to the kidneys, the damage can’t be repaired. Like Nicola, the first sign of the disease is blood in the urine. Treatment focuses on slowing the disease and preventing complications. 25% of adults develop total kidney failure and are put on dialysis or need a transplant. There are no symptoms, as was Nicola’s case, and sometimes the disease can go unnoticed for years or even decades. Nicola was put on a waiting list for a kidney transplant and was given a pager in case one became available. During this time, he was still working but his condition was deteriorating. “People were telling me I looked green

and I lost a lot of weight. But thankfully, I was never put on dialysis,” he says. Meanwhile, his now 22-year-old daughter Claudia was planning to be tested to see if she was able to donate her kidney to her father. “All along she was saying, ‘Dad, if you need it, you know I’m here for you,” he says of his daughter. “I kept saying that she wouldn’t need to. As a parent, that’s the last thing you want your kid to have to do.” For Claudia, there was never a doubt in her mind. It was what she had to do. “I’ve always been pro organ donation, although I’d never really reflected on donating a live organ,” she says in an email from Amsterdam, where she is currently living. “Aside from filling out those ‘after-death’ forms that say you agree to give up your organs, I don’t think people really ever think about donating, unless it suddenly concerns a loved one.” After realizing the only other family member who got tested to see if he was a match wasn’t compatible, Claudia pushed even harder to get checked. She finally did go and it was discovered her health was fantastic and her kidney was compatible with Nicola’s. “The word ‘No’ was completely out of the question for her,” Nicola says of his daughter’s decision. “She even told me she was going to go behind my back and do what she had to do since donation is anonymous.” On the 19th of December of last year, a day before Nicola’s 49th birthday, Claudia was admitted to the Montreal General Hospital and Nicola at the Royal Victoria hospital. Claudia’s kidney was first removed and then rushed over to Nicola. He says he was so nervous and while Claudia was going through her surgery, they were keeping him up to date with how it was going for her. “I started crying because I realized this was really happening,” he says. Both surgeries were a great success and on Christmas day, father and daughter were reunited at Nicola’s parents house. “It was very emotional to say the least,” he says of the reunion. “We always talked during the five-day stay at the hospital but when I got home everything that had happened just sunk in. I think I cried for a week non-stop after I got home.” The change in Nicola is incredible. Before the surgery, he didn’t have any energy and was constantly sleeping. Even during his lunch break at work, he’d go into his car to have a nap. He had trouble playing golf, a favourite pastime of his, because it would take him two days to recover from

all the activity. Both physically and mentally, his entire life has changed. “I just feel happier. I can take on new challenges at work and in my personal life. I’m just a normal person who takes pills,” he says of the anti-rejection pills he has to take for the rest of his life. As for Claudia, she says the most difficult part for her during the whole process was not the surgery itself. “The hardest part for me during the whole process was having to deal with the people who were misinformed, concerned, negative and having to constantly explain and reassure them. It’s very difficult when you’re about to do something to have the people you love disapprove of it and try to discourage you from doing it.” Nicola can’t even find the words to express his gratitude toward his daughter. “I think she’s the most courageous person I know,” he says choked up, with tears in his eyes. “There aren’t even words to tell you how I feel.” Claudia says that however strong their father-daughter bond was before, it’s grown even stronger after this experience. “I absolutely never regretted or doubted my decision,” she says. “Especially now, that I see my father healthy and getting his life back on track, it’s the greatest gift for me. I can never, ever regret what I’ve done.” For the future, Nicola hopes that he’ll be able to see Claudia grow old and see what her future will be like. His biggest fear though is that the kidney she gave him will fail so he’s doing everything he can so that it doesn’t happen. “Whatever the doctors ask me to do, I do and more. If they ask me to drink two litres of water, I’ll drink three,” he says. He continues to play golf but has to stay away from contact sports such as soccer, hockey and football and the antirejection pills lower his immune system so he has to stay away from public places that may harbour a lot of germs like a gym. Constant hand washing is something he also has to do but Nicola says that’s a small price to pay for what he’s gotten back. So far, he has a clean bill of health and his prognosis couldn’t be better. “I feel great. I didn’t recognize myself anymore. Now I’m back,” he says. Christmases for Claudia and Nicola are forever changed, as is Nicola’s life. “I feel like I’m reborn in some way and I owe that all to my daughter. Without her…” Nicola says, unable to finish the sentence knowing what would have happened had Claudia not done what she did. For Claudia, “I’d do it over again in a heart beat.” . v




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Visita a Pier 21 a Halifax

A proposito dell’identità italiana: “Si può aggiungere ma non si può togliere!” Domenica Ciampini Pulcini ono nata a Pozza, una frazione del comune di Acquasanta in provincia di Ascoli Piceno, il 20 giugno 1948. In paese tutti mi chiamavano ‘Menichetta’ o ‘Menica’. Avevo sei anni quando i miei genitori hanno deciso di cominciare una nuova vita e sono partiti per il Canada. La partenza dal naese natio è una storia che i miei genitori mi hanno raccontato tante volte.


Io strillavo perchè non volevo andare via e lasciare la mia nonna paterna, Nonna Melietta (Emilia). Purtroppo non avevo scelta e sono stata costretta a partire il 18 ottobre 1954 con il resto della mia famiglia composta da mio padre Vittorio Ciampini, mia madre Antonia D’Alesio, mio fratello Francesco diquattro anni e mio fratello Giacomino di appena 5 mesi. Dopo un lungo viaggio in mare siamo arrivati con la nave e sbarcati al Pier 21 a Halifax, come tanti altri immigrati, il primo novembre 1954, e due giorni piu tardi siamo giunti in treno a Montreal. Il mio nonno materno, Nonno Renzo (Lorenzo) ci ha accolti e abbiamo abitato con lui finchè abbiamo potuto affittare una casa per la nostra famiglia. Ho subito incominciato a frequentare la scuola in lingua inglese, ma non mi sentivo a mio agio perché non riuscivo a capire niente. Spesse volte mi mettevo a piangere e dicevo a mia madre, “Non ci voglio andare più a scuola!”. Ma lei m’incorraggiava e mi spiegava pazientemente quanto indispensabile era andare a scuola e poi mi diceva “Allora cara Menica che ti piaccia o meno a scuola ci devi andare!”. Infatti, man mano che i mesi passavano e con ogni nuovo libro che leggevo la mia comprensione della lingua inglese è diventata addirittura migliore di quella italiana. E’ sorta così in me, come in tanti altri giovani d’origine italiana, una duplice identità, un pò schizofrenica. A casa mi sentivo italiana e a scuola con gli amici mi sentivo canadese. La mia identità mi confondeva. Dopo pochi anni, mio padre ha accolto a Montreal i suoi fratelli e le sue sorelle. La nostra casa era sempre piena di parenti. Mia madre lavorava presso la Consumers Glass però era sempre pronta ad accommodare ed aiutare i nuovi arrivati, i “nostri”. Ricordo benissimo l’arrivo di mia zia Paolina e della sua famiglia di quattro figli. Eravamo in tanti ad abitare sotto

lo stesso tetto; c’era la mia famiglia, c’era mia zia Vincenza e la sua famiglia e mia nonna. In tutto eravamo sedici persone. Per noi bambini era divertente ma per mia madre e gli altri adulti non lo era di certo. Quegli anni della mia infanzia mi hanno insegnato e fatto capire l’importanza della famiglia, un valore fondamentale in cui credere. Avevo tredici anni nel 1961 quando la mia sorellina Rosa “la Canadese” è arrivata tra di noi. Che gioia è stata la notizia della sua nascita comunicataci dal Babbo nel tornare dall’ospedale. Eravamo diventati sei in famiglia. Ora nel 2007 ne siamo 35 ed il numero aumenta di anno in anno. Ho mantenuto uno stretto legame con i miei fratelli e con mia sorella con le rispettive famiglie. Continuiamo a frequentarci spesso e celebriamo le feste con i nostri genitori, figli, e nipoti. Con il passare degli anni, la mia fierezza di essere italiana è diventata sempre più profonda. Socialmente mi sonoperfettamente integrata nella realtà canadese, però dentro le mie vene circola il sangue della mia vera identità. Ho capito diventando adulta che anche se mi ero arricchita di due nuove culture, cioè quella inglese e quella francese, la vera identità di ‘Menica’, restava quella italiana, indelebile e profonda. Sapere da dove ero venuta, mi aiutava a capire meglio chi ero diventata dopo tanti anni trascorsi a Montreal. Questa consapevolezza mi ha insegnato che nella vita di una persona si può aggiungere ma non si può togliere. È così che la mia fierezza di essere italiana ha ripreso forza. Quando parlo il dialetto con i miei genitori, i miei zii e mio marito sento una tenerezza al cuore e mi dà l’impressione di ricevere un fort’abbraccio, simile a quello che mi dava mia madre che mi faceva sentire protetta da tutti gli ostacoli del mondo. Durante i primi sei anni della mia vita, ho sentito e parlato solamente il dialetto marchigiano e adesso so che il suono di quella parlata ed i sentimenti che suscita rimarranno vivi in me per il resto della mia

Menica e suo fratello Francesco

Domenica Ciampini Pulcini oggi

vita. Un giorno mi piacerebbe ritornare nella terra d’origine non soltanto con i miei figli ma anche con i miei nipoti per far conoscere loro le nostre meravigliose radici. All’età di sedici anni ho interrotto gli studi e, pensando di essere già adulta e pronta ad iniziare la convivenza con un uomo, mi sono sposata con Quirino (Rino) Pulcini di Quintodecimo. Poco dopo sono nati quelli che da madre orgogliosa considero i più bei bambini del mondo. Nel 1966, è nata mia figlia Antonietta e nel 1972 mio figlio Vittorio. Ho ripreso gli studi per un anno per poter lavorare come segretaria in un ufficio. Pur avendo lavorato per oltre 20 anni come amministratrice, non mi sono sentita appagata con questo genere di lavoro, per cui alla bella età di quarantaquattro anni ho deciso di continuare i miei studi. Mi sono iscritta all’università Concordia e mi sono laureata nel nel 1999 con un B.A. in Human Relations. Dunque, ho imparato che non è mai troppo tardi per realizzare i propri sogni! Ora, ho quattro nipoti: Marco di 15 anni, Carlo di 13, Tayne di 4 e Ravyn Dorin Toni, la principessa della famiglia nata il 28 giugno 2007. Ho invogliato Marco e Carlo a seguire dei corsi d’italiano come avevo fatto con i miei figli e fra poco anche i più piccoli l’impareranno. E’ con piacere ed orgoglio che constato che nella nostra famiglia, ogni generazione, (e siamo arrivati alla quarta) parla ancora la nostra bellissima lingua, anche se non perfettamente e con interferenze del dialetto marchigiano. La fierezza di essere d’origine italiana resta un valore fondamentale nella nostra famiglia.Invito le altre famiglie d’origine italiana ad imitare il nostro esempio. Un caro saluto a tutti voi da Menica. v


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Life Stories

Buon Natale 1937

by David Lombardi

t felt like I was discovering a forgotten secret, resurrecting a long lost memory. They were in a faded white envelope hidden in the back drawers behind a volume of photo albums. As I reached into the envelope to pull out a stack of black and white square photos, my heart paced faster as I began to realize what these photos contained.


The Photos

Giuseppe Lombardi

They were war photos of my Nonno during his time serving as a Carabiniere in Ethiopia. Why had I not seen these pictures before? Truth was that these photos were rediscovered in my grandparent’s old home in Italy and were brought back to Montreal on one of their trips but for some reason or another, they never crossed my eyes. Now here I was, with Nonno having passed away recently, with so many questions to ask. The photos were dated between the years 1937 and 1939. He was in his mid twenties at the time, and prior to these photos, the youngest picture I had ever seen of my Nonno was when he was in his forties. Seeing this young, slim soldier, whom I resembled, struck a deep cord within. It is difficult to tell why, but it moved me to see my Nonno in such a youthful state wearing a t-shirt, army pants and boots. It was a glimpse of a side of him I never knew. One picture showed him gleefully hanging from a tree with fellow soldiers while another showed him building a home out of rock and mortar. A few solo shots show him looking into the distance with a cigarette in his hand, a classic Marlboro moment, the ultimate symbol of masculinity for the time.

Mussolini and Ethiopia Growing up, all I knew was that Nonno was a Carabiniere, was stationed in Russia and Ethiopia and had to once s n ea k o ut from his army base in Rome to retur n to Campobasso and see his first born son. Of most importance, I knew that he had never killed anyone. I never heard Nonno talk politics or express his view on the situations he found himself during the Mussolini years in which he served. Looking through these pictures, it brought back to light the reasons why he was in Ethiopia. Mussolini had occupied Ethiopia at the time and it was one attempt at trying to bring Italy back to its former Roman colonial glory. The Italian soldiers stationed in Ethiopia were there not as liberators but as an occupying force and their main enemies were guerrilla forces fighting off the Italian occupation. Was my Nonno for this conquest? Did he agree with the politics of the times? Was he in favor of the fascist regime or was he simply a soldier obeying orders not too concerned with the raison d’etre? I did not have any answers.

Finding Answers If a story were to be told based on these photos, to me they would tell a story of a soldier more concerned with the welfare of the people who surrounded him rather than the political interests of the country he represented. There’s a shot of Nonno with Ethiopian children, another of him around a camp fire with locals, many of him brick lying and others of him laughing with his comrades. Interestingly, I could not help notice my Nonno’s absence from the photos of Italian soldiers performing the Roman salute next to a bust of Il Duce. Was his absence by chance of by choice? Having reflected on Italy’s conquest of Ethiopia and the selfish power politics that lead to the occupation, my Nonno’s assertion that he never took a life away spoke louder to me than ever. My initial awe of my grandfather being a soldier stationed far from home and my inquiring of his politics gradually gave way to wanting to know more of the man behind the soldier.

The Man behind the Soldier One photo that stood out the most was of my grandfather pointing to a blanket that had “Buon Natale 1937” painted white on it. The man I see in this picture is really the man we would see behind every soldier: The husband, the father, the brother, the son, the man desiring a slice of heavenly peace in what was sure a hellish environment. No matter what side of the fight, the desire to be home, to be able to hold your wife and your children and to be safe and secure, is shared by every man in a soldier’s uniform and this human need transcends all political, cultural and religious boundaries. Nonno was sent to Ethiopia to impose the power of Rome on a population, but I trust the man Ethiopians found in Giuseppe Lombardi was an honest and caring man who was not out to harm. If the government was trying to portray an Italy of raw power and superiority, Nonno was portraying a more human side of Italy. A side that recognizes our common humanity, our common hopes and dreams and that wishes the peace of “Buon Natale” for all. On Christmas day 1937, Nonno had dreams still to be fulfilled but many uncertainties lay ahead. He had no idea Italy would be on the wrong side of history as it would go down in defeat years later to the Allied forces. He could not have imagined two decades later, he would be moving his family to North America. Finally, he probably did not consider that exactly 70 years later, his photo would be in a magazine saluting the Montreal Italian community!

Da Nonno a tutti, Buon Natale 2007 David Lombardi David Lombardi is creator of, a faith, family and culture web site for Italian Canadian families. v



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Il significato e l’attualità di Natale atale, dal latino nativitas, è una festa religiosa che celebra la ricorrenza dell’incarnazione del Creatore dell’universo. 2007 anni fa Dio ha preso le sembianze umane in Cristo che è diventato il tramite grazie al quale il genere umano ha potuto essere redento dal peccato originale commesso da Adamo ed Eva. Gesù, figlio di Dio, incarnatosi nel ventre della vergine Maria di Nazareth, è il Salvatore che ha riaperto all’umanità le porte del Paradiso.Questo è il significato teologico di Natale nel quale oltre un miliardo di essere umani, i cristiani, si riconoscono.


Natale è quindi una festa che celebra la gioia, la rivelazione, l’epifania. I Re Magi arrivati in Palestina dall’Oriente guidati dalla cometa sono stati i primi a cui Maria e Giuseppe hanno mostrato il frutto del loro amore. É stato San Francesco d’Assisi che ha fatto rivivere nel 1200 la scena della Natività con personaggi viventi. E da allora è emerso e si è affermato prima in Italia e poi nel resto del mondo cattolico l’uso del presepio, ossia la ricostituzione dell’avvento, della nascita e della prima adorazione del Bambino Gesù, con figurinee di argilla. Dopo lo scisma protestante ad opera di Martin Lutero nella prima parte del 1500, i popoli dell’Europa continentale celebrano il Natale accendendo delle candeline, simbolo della luce della fede, su un abete. Questo spiega l’origine dell’albero di Natale. v

Un terzo elemento da considerare è il personaggio di Babbo Natale, un vecchio gioviale vestito di rosso che dal polo Nord vola con la sua slitta trainata dalle renne e va in giro a distribuire i regali ai bambini che sono stati bravi. Il punto di riferimento storico è Nicola, vescovo di Antiochia in Anatolia, patrono dei marinai, che aveva salvato dalla carestia diverse città del Mediterraneo, come Bari. Effettivamente la ricorrenza di San Nicola è diciannove giorni prima di Natale, ma ad un certo punto le due celebrazioni, quella di San Nicola e quella della nascita del Bambino Gesù, si sono fuse, soprattutto in America del Nord, e dal Novecento uno dei simboli che riscuote maggiori consensi è Babbo Natale o Santa Klaus, San Nicola. v

Che significato si dà al giorno d’oggi al Natale? Una minoranza lo celebra per il suo valore teologico.La maggioranza vede nel Natale un’occasione per rinsaldare i vincoli familiari e per far trionfare almeno per un giorno la generosità, la solidarietà e la bontà umana. Possa la ricorrenza della nascita di Cristo essere per ognuno di noi l’occasione di dimenticare gli odi, gli egoismi, le bassezze tanto presenti nel nostro mondo. Se invece di un solo giorno fossimo disposti a seguire come regola di vita quotidiana i valori che la nascita di Gesù ci dovrebbe ispirare, la vita sul piccolo pianeta Terra che come umani abitiamo, sarebbe senz’altro diversa, migliore. In questo incitamento alla bontà risiede l’attualità del Natale. (F.S.) v

Natale 1986

Natale 2007 Schietti gli aceri, resi nudi dai mesi, le sferzate di tramontana con il loro ululo infrangono ed il rombo dello jumbo invisibile tra grige, gravide nubi.

Montreal, terzo venerdì di dicembre, ora di punta. Verdi, gialli, rossi di semafori, incauti pedoni e gracchi di trombe d’impazienti autisti e sirene di ambulanza, sirene di pompieri, sirene di polizia.

Accovacciato su un arabesco dorme il cane sul tappeto persiano nel salotto, indifferente ad un crescendo di Vivaldi pago del tepore della fiamma del camino.

Muzì, tabarnak, aleppe!

“Il Dow Jones ha perso 100 punti, il barile di petrolio è salito di 6 dollari, 40 talibani sono stati uccisi a Kandahar, 77 sono le vittime di un’autobomba nel mercato centrale a Baghdad, il papa ha pregato scalzo con l’iman nella Moschea Blu di Istambul.”

Autobus che fumano e scaricano nubi plumbee, sulfuree; raffiche di vento che sferzano mani ed orecchi intirizziti. e rombi possenti di jumbo. Umani ingorghi dei cinque continenti e felpati rimbombi di tacchi inghiottiti dai tentacoli della metropolitana.

Cambio canale, chiudo il libro e guardo oltre il davanzale. Scroscia ora sui vetri a raffiche la pioggia e continua dallo schermo la voce: “ Il vino novello è di ottima qualità, un bambino su tre in occidente è obeso, l’effetto serra farà salire di 4 gradi la temperatura sulla Terra fra 20 anni, 50 milioni sono gli infetti di AIDS in Africa, il presidente dell’Iran nega l’Olocausto, 20 migranti clandestini sono annegati in mare.”

Immensa illumina la notte il caleidoscopico minuetto di vetrine addobbate con neve ed abeti artificiali. In coro salutiamo l’avvento della stagione degli affari: video, robot, hi-fi spec, computer, cell, high tech. Muzì, tabarnak, aleppe! Filippo Salvatore

Famelico rovista nei bidoni dei miei rifiuti, un povero cristo. Top of the Basilica and of the Christmas tree in Saint Peter’s Square in Vatican City. The tree, which was donated to pope John Paul II by the northern Italian region of Trentino Alto-Adige, is 35 metres high and is 110 years old. (Reuters / Alessandro Bianchi)

Fra qualche giorno sarà Natale. Filippo Salvatore


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To love somebody Newlyweds SPOSI NOVELLInouveaux mariés


by Mario Di Flavio, managing editor


hether it was love at first sight, months of hard work or years of begging, when your sweetheart finally said “I do”, it was the happiest day of your life. To know that you’d never be alone again, that you’d have someone to share the good times with, someone to stand behind you during the hard times, and someone that thinks that you are the greatest thing on earth. To those of you privileged enough to find love, treasure each other, fight for each other, hang on to each other and never let go. v


Congratulations Mara DiFlavio & Rino Possemato August 11th, 2007

Ida Cocco & Dominic D’Alesio September 2nd, 2006

Sabrina Sciola & Michel Chalfoun July 14th, 2007

Lucia & Daniel September 16th, 2006

Framary Messina & Salvatore Cefaratti August 18th, 2007

Diana Passalacqua & Joey Trentadue September 8th, 2007

Laura Monaco & Anthony Gallo August 4th, 2007

Maria Pagano & Pascal Luciani May 20th, 2006

Carlo Goia & Nancy Landry September 1st, 2007

Angela Giorgio & Mario Viscoso September 9th, 2006

Joe Vallone & Maria Oppedisano June 16th, 2007

Lidia Di Pietro & Cedric Paternieri July 28th, 2007

Antonina Nobile &Jack Michael Zenga June 2nd, 2007

w w w . p a n o r a



33 64

SPOSI NOVELLInouveaux mariĂŠs

Laura Persechino & Didier LeScraigne September 1st, 2007

Riccardo Esposito & Nadia Baratta May 19th, 2007

Don & Franca De Luca June 30th, 2007

Maria Caruana & Michael Andreoli May 12th, 2007

Alejandra Uribe & Julien Riel-Salvatore 1er juin 2007 en Arizona

Jennifer Cestra & Raffaele Del Coro June 23rd, 2007

Jessica Rose Cestra & Claudia Grassi September 16th, 2006

Tanya Oliveri & Danny Grossi August 25th, 2007

Agnesa Buono & Stephane Gagne with son Leo-August 4th, 2007

Julia Di Nardo & Bobby Charalabous September 15th, 2007

Tina Spinelli & Piero Moretti June 2nd, 2007

Gina Dragone & Colin Bayne June 16th, 2007

Cristina Sciortino & Santino De Luca September 1st, 2007

Linda Zegarelli & Mark Simonetti October 7th, 2007

Jennifer Storto & Jimmy Tarantino October 20th, 2007

Nadia Di Meco & Massimo Lumia September 8th, 2007

Valerie & Raffaele Nardi 26 Mai 2007

Sabrina & Jerry Gagliano August 12th 2006

Francesca Morena & Adamo Sicoli June 17th, 2006

Jennifer Conforti & Robert Esposito August 11th, 2007

m i t a l i a . c o m

Les bébés de l’année I Neonati dell’anno Babies of the year


Envoyez les photos des bébés (préférablement par courriel) avec le nom et le prénom de l'enfant et des parents et date de naissance à l'adresse de la revue Panoramitalia. Elles paraîtront sans aucune charge dans l'édition du printemps.

Le foto, corredate di nome e cognome dei bambini (preferibilmente tramite messaggio elettronico) e dei genitori, e data di nascita vanno inviate all'indirizzo della redazione di Panoramitalia. Saranno pubblicate gratis nell'edizione primaverile.

PanoramItalia 9300, Henri-Bourassa ouest Bureau 100 St-Laurent (Québec) H4S 1L5

Send us your baby’s picture along (preferably by e-mail) with his/her name and the name of the parents and date of birth and we will publish it free of charge in our spring edition.

w w w . p a n o r a m i t a l i a . c o m





Casa Vogue – Welcome home! By Sabrina Marandola

ny interior designer or home decor magazine will tell you every room needs a great “conversation piece” – you know, that special piece of furniture that’s just so unique, it brings character to the room and gives your dinner guests something to talk about.


The white-pillar, recently renovated building, situated 8260 St. Michel Blvd., is owned and operated by the Territo family. “My father Calogero, an expert cabinet-maker, started the business in 1972 when he and two other partners actually manufactured and sold solid wood bedrooms and dining rooms.” Says Jack. “Everyone’s looking for that secret gem,” Eventually Calogero bought out his partners and ultimately restructured the business. He sold his furniture factory and we come in – when you’re looking for developed a retail outlet, where he sold furniture from renowned Italian furniture makers such as Donati & Gasperini, and Fratelli quality... something with a little jazz.” Catteneo. “As business grew, my mom Francesca, who was a hairdresser, joined my dad in the business.”says Jack. “Then I joined when I graduated from Concordia university in 1994, and then my brothers Riccardo and Davide joined.” Riccardo graduated from McGill University with an engineering degree in 1997 and Davide from Concordia with Bachelor’s degree in business administration. The brothers say working alongside their father all these years has taught them the importance of customer satisfaction. “My dad always had a keen eye for service and listening to customers,” Jack says. “Our philosophy is to give the customer good service, because it doesn’t end when clients leave the store. It happens when the furniture is delivered, they’re happy, and they call to say ‘Thank you.’” “We are dedicated to our customers and to our jobs because furniture is what we do,” Riccardo adds. “We live it and breathe it.” The Territo’s take part in seminars, conventions, subscribe to the Riccardo Territo, Simona Territo, Gabriella Territo, Jack Territo hottest decor magazines and travel to Europe to bring the best quality and (Riccardo and Jack holding Jack’s twin daughters) hottest trends in furniture to their 35,000 square-foot store in Montreal. “We consider ourselves trend setters and are not afraid to present novelty” Says Riccardo, adding that black and white is an up and coming color scheme, especially with leather living rooms and lacquered furniture. “We are part of a very urban city environment and enjoy presenting fashion forward home solutions. The fact that Casa Vogue launched Italian designer Pasquale Natuzzi’s living room furniture collection this past October is a case in point. Natuzzi is a world-renowned Italian furniture-maker whose sofas and chairs are reputed for their chic, clean style, exceptional quality and value. Casa Vogue worked together with Natuzzi, marrying the highend sofas and chairs with elegant coffee tables, lamps, rugs and other accessories to create their 3,000 square-foot Natuzzi gallery on the store’s main floor. “Italian quality, style, and design are imitated, but not easily Calogero Territo, Franca Territo, Riccardo Territo, Jack Territo duplicated,” says Riccardo, who travels to Italy regularly to get a sense of upcoming trends in the furniture industry. “We are committed to the Italian design.” But Italian living room sets such as Natuzzi are not all you’ll find at Casa Vogue. Bedroom and dining room galleries dress up the main floor, along with juvenile bedroom sets. “We’re young buyers so we have the eye to catch things that young people like,” says Riccardo. “However, the classic pieces are still a mainstay at our store.” Walking through the galleries clients will notice they can choose from all the best brands such as American Drew, Stanley, Michael Amini, Durham, Calligaris italia, just to mention a few. Styles range from modern, contemporary to more classic or traditional looks. The last department on the main floor is dedicated to Simmons mattresses. Meanwhile, the store’s second-floor showcases lines such as Italsofa – a “good-quality, everyday, more competitively-priced brand,” Riccardo says, describing Casa Vogue as a Big Box Boutique. “We’re a big store with lots of selection, but we have high-quality products, like a boutique.” Catering to young couples as well, Casa Vogue offers a “trio promotion,” explains Jack. “Bedroom, living room and dining room – you furnish your home for $8,000…we’re aggressive in our pricing.” Riccardo adds that the professional and knowledgeable staff, offers sound advice to Casa Vogue shoppers. Our sales staff is not commission based and we want people to feel at home when they come shop creating a laid-back and relaxed environment. “Throughout the greater Montreal area, deliveries are performed by our own professionally trained staff. They are meticulous workers and make sure it’s done right. We are proud to say we offer the highest standard of service in the business.” Says Jack adding that direct impact he has on his customers’ satisfaction is his favourite part of the job. “I have control over what I can do for my client, and that’s the best part.” Jack also admits the Italian quality and value he can offer to Montrealers brings him pride. “We’re committed to Italian designs because we’re Italian,” he says. “We’re proud of our heritage and we’re proud of our community.” Casa Vogue - 8260 St. Michel Blvd - Tel: 514.722.5828 -

says Riccardo Territo. “That’s where authentic furniture with style and Riccardo and his brother Jack are co-owners of Casa Vogue.

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A Different Kind of Telecom Peter Comito

By Daniela Scoppa

taying competitive in the field of telecommunications is not an easy task. But 41-year-old Peter Comito, President and CEO of Selectcom Telecom makes it look and sound effortless. “We’re the cheapest in town. We’ll beat anybody but most of all we pride ourselves on quality telecom and on the quality service we give our clients,” Comito says of his business.


Started in 2002 by Comito along with three other partners, Selectcom Telecom is a fully Canadian owned company. It offers a wide-range of services that can be found at any other major telecom company, such as long distance packages, local line services and Internet service both residentially and in businesses. The only service not offered by Selectcom is cellular phone service. The reason being, the CRTC hasn’t opened that area of the market to competition. “We do hope to one day offer mobility services. It’s a very important product,” Comito says. “We do however come close to that.” He’s referring to Selectcom selling long distance on cellular phones. “If you need to make a long distance phone call on your cell phone, you can do so through us,” he says. The rates offered for all services are among the lowest people can find, according to Comito. To make a long distance call to Canada, Italy, China and many others is only three cents a minute. Local phone service is $29.95 and for businesses to set up their Internet connection with Selectcom will cost $59.95. The reason why the cost of their services is so low lies in the relationships and ties Comito forms with the carriers they buy their lines from. “We don’t buy from grade B or C carriers – only grade A,” he says of some of the companies they get their lines from such as Bell, AllStream, and Rogers. Selectcom’s head office is in Montreal but they have offices in Halifax, Toronto, Ottawa and a newly opened office in Calgary. “We have customers from Newfoundland all the way to Victoria, B.C., “ he says of his 30,000 residential customers and 6,000 commercial customers, which include the likes of Days Inn, McDonald’s, Ferrari, Easton, and Telelatino among many others. The commercial customers make up about 60 per cent of Selectcom’s business. Although keeping good relations with their suppliers is important and having the lowest prices helps, Comito credits Selectcom’s success to doing business the “old fashioned way.” When it comes to signing up new clients, Comito and his staff will physically visit the businesses interested in their services. “We pride ourselves in being a phone company where if you call us, someone will actually pick up the phone,” he says of another approach they use. Pre-recorded messages that send the caller in loop after loop don’t exist at Selectcom. Their clients are also served in nine different languages, ranging from English, French and Italian to Arabic, Chinese, and Russian. Selectcom’s billing is also very simple so as to avoid any confusion and if customers want a customized bill, they’ll get it. “We’ll do anything for our clients to keep them happy,” Comito says. “Whatever they need, we’ll do it for them.” Another unique feature Selectcom has is that any growth that occurs is organic – meaning the company doesn’t have any debt at all. “We work with our own money,” Comito says of his company that pulls in $15 million of revenue per year. “We don’t grow as fast but it’s very safe.” A strategy Comito also uses is to under-commit and over-deliver when it comes to his phone line suppliers. “For example, if I tell the supplier that we’ll give them $5 million of business this year, we’ll give them $7 million instead,” he says of the way he conducts business. “They’re happy and in turn, they’ll give me lower rates which I can in turn pass down to my customers.” Comito also gives back to the community by donating to many causes as well as many organizations. For the future of his company, Comito would like to see Selectcom grow more and eventually have an office in every province in Canada. He’s confident that this will happen seeing how they offer personalized service that’s not available through the bigger telecom companies. “It’s all about the people,” he says crediting that very attitude to Selectcom’s success. v




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Real Life, Real People, Real Solutions For the financial realities of life By Morri Mostow

urvey the past, examine the present and look to the future. This motto* on the Standard Life crest still inspires Joseph Iannicelli, the dynamic 46-year-old president and CEO of Standard Life Canada.


“We take it to heart in everything we do, since what we do affects people’s lives,” says Mr. Iannicelli, who has been leading the company since 2005. “We’ve also never lost sight of our ultimate responsibility: the protection and prosperity of our customers.” Joseph Iannicelli is Standard Life’s dynamic CEO in Canada. Fulfilling that mandate today Amongst his many interests, he makes time for his Italian heritage through presents unique challenges. People’s involvement in certain activities of the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Toronto expectations and concerns are vastly and the Leonardo da Vinci Centre in Montreal. different from decades ago, let alone 175 years ago, when a Standard Life affiliated agent was appointed in Lower Canada and went on to write what is believed to be the first insurance policy in Canada. “Hence, we’ve modified our approach,” explains Mr. Iannicelli. “Our new products and services take their cue from real people experiencing real life and the financial realities of life, not the cookie-cutter lives portrayed in many retirement planning brochures.” For example, to address people’s worry about outliving their income, Standard Life offers a flexible annuity that lets clients choose the proportion of fixed and variable income. This gives them the security of lifelong income plus the potential to benefit from market growth.

A major force in the financial services sector Adds Mr. Iannicelli: “We are more than an insurance company. We are dedicated to building and protecting the wealth and well-being of our clients. That’s why we believe in taking a holistic approach to retirement and life planning.” Standard Life seeks to meet its clients’ evolving needs for asset accumulation, protection and asset enjoyment throughout the different phases of their lives. “Standard Life Canada is an integral part of the success of our group,” says Gerry Grimstone, chairman of Scotlandbased Standard Life Group – one of the world’s leading providers of financial products and services, with over $300 billion in assets under management, 7 million customers and 1.5 million shareholders. From its headquarters in Montreal and offices across the country, some 2000 Standard Life employees in Canada provide products and services through financial advisors and other intermediaries, to more than 1.3 million Canadians. The company’s offerings range from life insurance, savings plans, and health benefit insurance to retirement income sources.

Standard Life’s Canadian head office is located on Sherbrooke Street West in Montréal. Standard Life has some 2,000 employees in Canada and has been a prominent player in the Canadian marketplace for 175 years.

Serving Canadians for a century and three-quarters Standard Life also takes its social responsibilities seriously. In March 2007, Standard Life was globally recognized for meeting corporate responsibility standards as it became part of the FTSE4Good Index at the London Stock Exchange where the company’s stock is traded. For instance, since 1983, the annual Step Up for the Children with Standard Life event has raised over $6 million for research into children’s diseases. Another example: packages for pension plan members are printed on 100% recycled paper and assembled by a special team created in partnership with the West Montreal Readaptation Centre, which provides vocational adaptation and integration services to people living with intellectual challenges. In 2008, Canada’s oldest insurance company will celebrate 175 years of growth and achievement. Standard Life’s continuing success is a testament to its reputation for providing clients with quality service and products that lead to financial peace of mind, and for its commitment to the Canadian community. v

Detailed information on Standard Life retirement, investments and insurance products can be obtained through a financial advisor or at * Respice, Aspice, Prospice

Standard Life 1245 Sherbrooke Street West Montréal, Québec H3G 1G3


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Business Terrasse Côte St-Luc

Sam Scalia

Samcon A leader in the Condo Market

uilding has been in the cards for Sam Scalia since he was a young boy. Even as an eight-year-old student, Sam was predicting his future as a builder in assignments he was writing about where he saw himself when he was “older.” His 30year look-ahead proved to be true and is evident in his successful business, Samcon.


By Daniela Scoppa What began in 1991 as an eight condo project on St-Christophe near Downtown Montreal has grown into a project that has seen Samcon build over 2,000 condos. Samcon is an urban-redevelopment company, started and now overseen by Scalia, that doesn’t focus on starting new projects from scratch. Rather, it’s concentrated in areas that are already developed. “We’re more interested in going into the city where everything’s been built and developing and demolishing buildings that aren’t needed anymore,” says Scalia. Samcon builds condos because of the dense population found in the areas where they build such as Mercier, Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Rosemont, Downtown, Villeray, Ville-Emard, to name a few. They are also looking to expand into Verdun, Montreal West, and Cote St. Luc. “We try to cover many boroughs in order to diversify,” he says of the locations they choose to build their three to eight storey condos. “If customers want to buy a Samcon condo, we hope that they can find what they’re looking for in the borough that’s interesting to them.” When someone purchases a Samcon condo, they can expect a variety of things such as a hardwood floor throughout, ceramic in the kitchen and bathroom, nice brick on the outside and most condos have large balconies. All this is chosen by each client in Samcon’s state-of-the-art Design Centre where every last detail from faucets to flooring is decided. The condos range in price from $120,000 to $200,000. “We pride ourselves on being a sort of rental option,” Scalia says of the excellent prices they offer. “If you’re making a monthly payment, you may as well have a chance to be an owner and we’re giving you that chance.” If you pay about 900$ per month for a rental, you can afford a Samcon’s condo. 42-year-old Scalia is continuing a business that has been in his family since 1954. His father and uncles started a contracting business when they came from Sicily. They built apartments in locations similar to those where Les Bourg Viau

Samcon now builds and they also built duplexes and triplexes in areas such as St. Leonard. Scalia worked with his father for a while and says of the experience, “It was great working with my father. I learned a lot but at one point, I was ready to go on my own.” That’s when Samcon started. In 16 years of business, Samcon has won six awards. They won the Domus Builder of the Year twice, three Domus awards for Excellence of Concep t from L’Association Provinciale des Constructeurs d’Habitations du Quebec (APCHQ) and the award Excellence Cond’or for promoter recognition, an honor granted to the promoter who respected the laws of the industry and that delivered products and services consistent with customers’ expectations over the years. They are known as a Platinum Builder and have maintained an average of below 3% when it comes to complaints from clients to the APCHQ. “I’m very proud,” Scalia says of Samcon’s achievements. “We have an excellent team of people working here.” It is his team of 80 internal employees and their dedication to quality service that makes them so successful. According to Scalia, there are many systems in place to monitor every aspect of the business from the construction sites to the schedules to customer satisfaction. Scalia and his team attend many training sessions in order to further the quality of everything they do. “We live in a very service-oriented marketplace. The companies that care about their clients, give them excellent service and products are the ones who succeed the most,” Scalia says of the way he chooses to conduct his business. “We only want the best, we want to be the best and we strive for that continuously.” Samcon also offers its clients a full after-sale service, which includes a warranty to fix minor items for the first year after purchase and to service anything that has to do with the structure for the first five years. Currently, Samcon has 17 projects in the works and Scalia estimates most will be finished by next year. “They’re selling very, very well,” he says.

Place Lajeunesse

Domaine André-Grasset

For the future, Scalia would like to see the company expand to the North and South Shores of Montreal. From there, they can perhaps start construction in another city. For now, their focus is on bettering themselves on giving the best product and satisfying their customers’ every need. They’ve also started “going green” by installing alarm systems, which save energy when turned on, using ecological paint as well as “green” insulation. “As leaders in this market, we have an obligation to be at the forefront and push this ‘green’ movement further,” he says. “More and more, we’re striving to use only ‘green’ products and not products that are bad for the environment.” Very close to Scalia’s heart is his family, who he says is constantly behind him. His father and mother David and Nina, his sisters Stella and Josie, his four children David, Nina, Joseph and Joanna, who he says keep him grounded and his wife Diana Ferrara. “She’s been there since the beginning,” he says of his wife of 10 years. As for his thriving business, Scalia says he’s steadily improving it and continuously making it better. “The buyer wants to see that there’s longevity, stability, knowhow, expertise and they want security. They want to be sure they’re dealing with a serious company,” he says. “This is what I believe Samcon offers as a condo builder in the city. We have all those qualities. We’re still here – it’s been 16 years and they’ll find all they need with us.” v


the one-stop shop for men By Sabrina Marandola

triped ties are still hot. The three-button suit is on its way out. Brown shoes? Definitely in, no matter what colour clothes you’re wearing. The Rondina family knows everything there is to know about the latest in men’s fashion. They’ve been dressing men in Montreal for decades with only the best quality clothes and some of the most exclusive brands. Welcome to Italmoda


“We’re like an institution. We’ve been here forever,” says Linda Rondina, who works at the two-storey boutique on St. Hubert Street with father Marco and her uncle Edo. Marco Rondina established the store back in 1961, when he first arrived in Montreal, and Italmoda has been owned and operated by the Rondina family ever since. “I came to Canada from Italy in 1956. I first went to Ontario. Then in 1961, I came to Montreal,” Marco recalls. “St. Hubert was the place to be.” Located o n the o utd o o r st r i p m a ll o f Pla z a St. Hubert between Belanger and St. Zotique, Italmoda prides itself on exclusive imports and high-quality merchandise. Specializing in European menswear, Italmoda offers several labels, such as Hugo Boss, Canali, Zegna Z, Zegna Sport, Paul & Shark, and more. “We focus on offering quality, service and the latest fashions,” says owner Marco Rondina. “That’s why we offer a wide-range of products, from Canali suits that are produced in Italy along strict tailoring standards to brands like Hugo Boss that reflect European styling in both suits and sportswear.” About 300 suits are displayed on the second floor of Italmoda. “The number of suits a man needs depends on whether or not he wears a suit to work every day, although it’s difficult to get away with owning less than two,” Marco says. “For those who want to put together a professional wardrobe that will be suitable for numerous occasions but are confused by all the options available, a darkcoloured suit in the blues or the greys is a good place to start. It’s also important to update your suits regularly to ensure that you’re always looking your best.” “His daughter Linda says working with people and helping her clients find that perfect fit is her favourite part of her job. “It’s all about making sure the style ‘suits’ the customer,” Linda sayss. “We know more or less someone’s size right away. We then have them try on two or three different cuts, and then the tailor comes in.” Marco refers to his tailor Fernando, who completes alterations within a maximum of a week, as a ‘master’.

“He works magic,” Marco says. “He is a master of a tailor and people leave here very happy.” Linda and Marco also stress the importance of their dedicated staff that shares the same passion for the business. Some members, like Laura and Rosa, have worked at the store for over 20 years, as have Edo and Linda. Others like Anna and Liviu have joined the team more recently. Regardless of years of service, all members ensure that the store lives up to its promise of personalised service by helping customers find anything they’re looking for – from a young, modern look to more traditional and classic cuts. “The staff here always goes the extra mile so that people leave here happy,” Linda says, adding they sometimes make personal home deliveries and often call clients to tell them about new items they’ve just received. “People tell us they like the atmosphere. They feel comfortable and can have a coffee and take a look feeling relaxed.” The sales staff is not only knowledgeable in the formal wear, but also knows about the latest trends in casual wear – which is featured on the first floor. Italmoda is, after all, a one-stop shop for men. That means they’ll find wardrobe pieces for any occasion: suits, shirts, coats, jackets, polos, slacks, socks, shoes, knitwear, and accessories including belts, ties or cufflinks. The store’s customers appreciate its focus on quality, service and the latest fashions. According to Marco, “People like the quality of our merchandise. They come here and say [Italmoda] has more of an Italian touch.” In fact, Marco says he travels to Italy regularly – about two or three times a year – to ensure he can bring Italian quality and design to Montreal. Marco adds that over 40 years, he’s been committed to exceptional quality and service, and he will continue to be. “My saying is: ‘Chi più spende, meno spende’ (He who spends more, spends less). Our customers are happy with what they get and they keep coming back… that’s why I love this business. v 6873, Plaza St-Hubert Montréal, Québec 514-276-1360



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Eight tax credits for you and your aging relatives


f you have an aging parent or relative, sorting out the complex tax breaks that may be available can be a challenge. Seven of the more common federal and Quebec tax credits that can apply are listed below:

Federal tax credits 1. The disability tax credit (DTC) is a non-refundable $1,068 tax credit that individuals may claim if they suffer from “one or more severe and prolonged impairments in physical or mental functions” that markedly restrict their ability to perform a basic activity of daily living. This must be certified by a qualified health professional. 2. The medical expense credit (MEC) offers tax relief for medical costs. This non-refundable tax credit only applies to qualifying medical expenses that exceed a minimum threshold (generally 3% of an individual’s net income or approximately $1,900, whichever is less). Qualifying expenses can include certain payments made to hospitals and medical practitioners, as well as the cost of prescription drugs and a wide variety of medical devices, such as wheelchairs, limb braces and speaking aids. Amounts paid for attendant or nursing home care may also qualify. 3. The caregiver credit (CGC) is a tax credit of up to $623 that individuals can claim if they live with a dependant adult relative or a parent or grandparent who is age 65 or older. The CGC is not available if the dependant relative, parent or grandparent has income exceeding $17,745.

Quebec tax credits 4. The tax credit for home-support services for seniors is tax relief of up to $3,750. A maximum of $15,000 in home expenses may be taken into account for purposes of calculating this refundable credit. The maximum credit is 25% of $15,000. When two or more persons share a dwelling, each can claim a credit of up to $3,750. 5. You may be eligible for a non-refundable tax credit for medical expenses if your medical expenses amounted to more than

3% of the total of your income and that of your spouse. Your expenses would not quality for this tax credit, however, if they have already been used in the calculation of a refundable tax credit for medical expenses in an income tax return, or are used to calculate the tax credit for home-support services for seniors. 6. The refundable tax credit for medical expenses may be claimed by you for medical expenses if you meet certain conditions that include having family income that is less than certain maximums. 7. The tax credit for a severe and prolonged impairment in mental or physical functions is a $2,250 credit available if the condition is certified by an appropriate medical professional. 8. The tax credit for caregivers allows you to claim up to $1,000 for each eligible relative who lived with you during a particular year. Certain conditions apply (for example, the relative must have lived with you for a certain length of time). Two categories of relatives can entitle you to this tax credit: • a relative who is at least 70 years old on December 31 of the year concerned; or • a relative who has a severe and prolonged impairment in mental or physical functions and who, at some time in the housing period in the year concerned, is at least 18 years old. Who is an eligible relative? The relative may be your or your spouse’s father, mother, grandfather, grandmother or any other of your or your spouse’s direct ascendants, or your or your spouse’s uncle, aunt, great-uncle or great-aunt. If the relative has a severe and prolonged impairment in mental or physical functions, he or she may also be your or your spouse’s child, grandchild, nephew, niece, brother or sister.

Maximizing the tax credits Aging individuals, as well as the family members who care for them, can benefit from these tax credits. Keep these planning strategies in mind: • Has your dependant relative not used all of his or her DTC? If that’s the case, the relative may generally transfer the unused portion of the credit to you, reducing your personal tax.

By Peter Pomponio

• Don’t forget: you may claim up to $10,000 of qualifying MEC expenses that you pay on behalf of a dependant adult relative and that exceed the relative’s minimum threshold. • Consider combining qualifying MEC expenses for you, your spouse (or common-law partner) and your minor children and claim them on one tax return – this should enhance your family’s MEC claim since the minimum threshold will only apply once. • Thinking about claiming the MEC for attendant or nursing home care costs? Carefully review the medical condition in question and the specific attendant or institutional services that will be provided to make sure that they will satisfy the technical provisions of the MEC. Professional assistance is recommended. • Disabled individuals who receive qualifying nursing home or attendant care may either claim the cost of their care as medical expenses and forego the DTC, or limit their MEC claim to $10,000 and also claim the DTC. You should check MEC expense levels each year and compare them with the value of the DTC to determine the best option. • Certain expenses, such as nursing services provided by an attendant for persons with a severe and prolonged impairment in mental or physical functions, qualify for Quebec’s tax credit for home-support services for seniors and the province’s refundable tax credit for medical expenses. However, you cannot claim both of these Quebec tax credits with respect to the same services. You should choose the tax credit that is more advantageous to you. The information in this article is provided solely for informational and educational purposes and is not intended to provide individual financial, investment, tax, legal or accounting advice. Professional advice should be obtained prior to acting on the basis of this information. Peter Pomponio is a Vice-President of Assante Capital Management Ltd. He is the owner of the Ville St-Laurent Branch and practices as a Senior Fully Licensed Financial Planner from the Ville St-Laurent office. He can be reached at (514) 832-5100, or by e-mail at v

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Le louage


par Roberto T. De Minico

e bail est un contrat par lequel une personne, le locateur, s’engage envers une autre personne, le locataire, à lui procurer, moyennant un loyer, la jouissance d’un bien, meuble ou immeuble, pendant un certain temps, sans que cette période puisse excéder 100 ans. Le Code civil du Québec prévoie des règles générales qui s’appliquent à tous les baux mais aussi des règles particulières visant exclusivement le bail de logement. Lorsqu’il loue un local, le locateur a des droits et des obligations envers le locataire, notamment: • Il doit délivrer le bien loué au locataire en bon état de réparation; • Il doit s’assurer que le locataire peut utiliser et jouir du bien pendant la durée du bail; Ceci touche notamment les agissements de tiers et ceux d’autres locataires du bien loué qui pourraient déranger le locataire; • Il doit garantir au locataire que le bien peut servir à l’usage pour lequel il est loué et l’entretenir à cette fin pour toute la durée du bail; • Il peut vérifier l’état du bien loué et y effectuer des travaux; • S’il s’agit d’un immeuble, il peut également faire visiter à un locataire ou à un acquéreur éventuel du bien, de façon raisonnable;



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• Il doit faire les réparations nécessaires au bien loué, à l’exception des menues réparations d’entretien; Quant au locataire, ce dernier a aussi des droits et des obligations envers le propriétaire. En effet, il doit notamment: • Payer le loyer convenu au propriétaire; • User du bien avec prudence et diligence; • Se conduire de manière à ne pas troubler la jouissance normale des autres locataires; • Réparer le préjudice subi par le locateur en raison de pertes survenues par sa faute ou par la faute des personnes à lesquelles il avait permis l’usage ou l’accès; • Faire les menues réparations d’entretien; • Aviser le locateur des défectuosités ou des détériorations substantielles du bien loué; • Remettre le bien loué dans l’état où il l’a reçu; • De plus, tant le locataire que le propriétaire ne peuvent changer la forme ou la destination du bien loué. Dans l’éventualité où le locateur ou le locataire fait défaut à l’une ou l’autre de ses obligations envers l’autre partie, divers recours s’offrent à la partie lésée. En conséquence, cette dernière pourra notamment demander la résiliation du bail et/ou des dommages-intérêts et/ou une diminution du loyer et/ou l’exécution en nature de l’obligation, le tout dépendamment de la nature du défaut. Un locataire peut aussi sous-louer ou céder son bail mais doit aviser le locateur de son intention et lui donner le nom et l’adresse de la personne à qui il entend sous-louer ou céder son bail. Le locataire doit également obtenir le consentement du propriétaire, lequel ne peut refuser ledit consentement sans un motif sérieux. Le propriétaire qui veut refuser la souslocation ou la cession a alors 15 jours de la réception de l’avis du locataire pour indiquer les motifs de son refus à défaut de quoi, il sera réputé avoir accepté la sous-location ou la cession. Par ailleurs, il existe une différence importante entre la sous-location, pour laquelle le locataire demeure responsable des obligations du bail et la cession de bail qui décharge complètement l’ancien locataire. Le bail se termine à la fin du terme convenu entre les parties et peut être reconduit pour un autre terme. Cependant, si aucun terme n’a été convenu, le bail demeure en vigueur tant et aussi longtemps que le propriétaire ou le locataire ne décide pas d’y mettre un terme après un avis donné selon certaines modalités. Des règles particulières s’appliquent au bail de logement, à savoir un local destiné à l’habitation. Ces règles sont impératives, d’ordre public et on ne peut y déroger. Ce seront ces particularités qui feront l’objet du prochain article. v 1 Rouleau_ad_11_07 10/30/07 12:07 PM Page RBC DOMINION SECURITIES

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RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member CIPF. ®Registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. RBC Dominion Securities is a registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. ©Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.


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Under Aldo





Make way for two new staples and gutsy prints to keep you warm all winter. By Joanne Latimer



Deep Purple R escued from near obscurity, the colour purple is storming the runway. And talk about flattering! This rich jewel tone is a miracle colour on many women - explaining why it’s the hot new colour for everything from parkas and eyeshadows to party tops and satin dresses.

Le Chateau


Lise Watier

Le Chateau

Le Chateau

Clarins eye

Le Chateau



w w w . p a n o r a m i t a l i a . c o m


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Envers, BSD and Helmer photos by Jimmy Hamelin


Simon Chang




Bold and Brassy What’s under your winter coat? Confident patterns and bold prints! Drop the demure act and wear a splash of aqua and brown, or retro geometrics. Evening dresses just got more interesting, with long swaths of pattern in eye-popping colour combinations.

Gray Beats Black If there’s one colour that pays fashion dividends, it’s gray. This classic hue gives everyone a break from black, while still providing a wearable neutral. From charcoal to light steel, gray is a winning colour for hosiery, suits, dresses and tunics. It’s time to update your winter wardrobe with the season’s new staple: gray boots and gray-wash denim.


Simon Chang

Simon Chang

Le Chateau H&M Hilary Radley


La Canadienne

Aquaitalia by Marvin K


Votre nom Votre nom


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I NOSTRI PAESInos villages

Our towns

Messina par Maria Francesca Polito

Piazza del Duomo

Lo stretto di Messina

Cenni Storici Nel 396 a.C. fu distrutta dai Cartaginesi e riedificata da Dionigi, tiranno di Siracusa. Nel 263 a.C. fu conquistata dai Romani, nell’843 dagli Arabi, successivamente dai Normanni e dagli Angioini. In seguito fu dominata dagli Aragonesi e dagli Spagnoli, sotto i quali fiorì notevolmente il commercio. Sotto i domini svevo angioino aragonese divento’ capitale del Regno di Sicila, e per molto tempo comprese tutta l’Italia Meridionale. Fu per molti secoli la citta’ siciliana piu ricca, seconda nel Mezzogiorno d’Italia solo a Napoli. Nel XVII secolo la città si rivoltò contro l’esosità del governo spagnolo. Soppressa la rivolta, Messina cominciò a decadere, le furono abrogati i privilegi che aveva avuto precedentemente e fu istituita la “Cittadella”, una macchina bellica a salvaguardia della città. Fu colpita dalla peste nel 1743 e da un terremoto nel 1783, che la danneggiarono gravemente. Nel 1847 e 1848 partecipò alle lotte risorgimentali. Dopo la distruzione della città causata dal terremoto del 1908, fu ricostruita mutando completamente il suo precedente assetto urbanistico.

Terremoto del 1908 Il 28 dicembre 1908, lunedi alle 05:21 del mattino, nella piena oscurità e con gli abitanti in parte immersi nel sonno, un terremoto che raggiunse il 10 grado della scala Mercalli, accompagnato da un maremoto, mise a soqquadro le coste sicule-calabre. La città di Messina fu quasi completamente rasa al suolo. I sopravissuti furono colti dalle esplosioni e dagli incendi causati dal gas che si sprigiono’ dalle tubature interotte. Ai danni causati dalle scosse sismiche e ed a quello degli incendi si aggiunsero quelli cagionati dal mare. Le acque si ritirarono e dopo pochi minuti, onde gigantesce, da 3 a 10 metri, raggiunsero il litorale spazzando e schiantando quanto esistente. Gravissimo il bilancio delle vittime. Messina che all’ epoca contava circa 130 mila abitanti ne perse circa 80 mila. Catastrofici i danni materiali.

Mezzagosto: processione della “Vara” e dei “Giganti La festa più importante è quella che si svolge a Mezzagosto di ogni anno: viene portata in processione da quasi duemila fedeli vestiti di bianco ed a piedi scalzi un’antica macchina votiva, la Vara, raffigurante le fasi dell’Assunzione di Maria al cielo. La processione richiama una folla crescente di visitatori. La Vara, alta circa 13,50 metri, poggia su grandi scivoli metallici e presenta numerose figurazioni in materiali diversi di angeli, le due grandi sfere rotanti del Sole e della Luna e, in cima, la statua del Cristo che sorregge per una mano Maria, in atto di portarla all’Empireo; La Vara è una macchina trionfale, costruita per la prima volta nel 1535, in onore dell’Imperatore Carlo V, in quell’anno in visita a Messina; la sua processione, sicuramente la più imponente delle feste di tutta la Sicilia, richia-

el sec. VI a.C. il nome originario della città era Zancle, che in greco significa falce e si riferiva alla forma della penisola di S. Ranieri, dove sorse il primo nucleo abitato fondato da coloni calcidesi. La città mutò denominazione nel sec. V a.C., chiamandosi Messanion dopo l’invasione dei Messeni, trasformatosi in Massana durante la dominazione romana, in Msna sotto gli Arabi e successivamente Messina, il nome attuale.


ma a Messina, nel pomeriggio del 15 agosto, oltre duecento mila fedeli dalla Sicilia. Nei giorni precedenti il 15 agosto, le vie della città sono percorse dalla processione festante dei due Giganti. Due colossali statue a cavallo raffigurano i leggendari fondatori della città, la messinese Mata ed il moro Grifone.

Mata e Grifone Intorno al 964 il moro Hassam Ibn-Hammar era sbarcato nelle vicinanze delle coste di Messina allo scopo di saccheggiare i paesi tra Camaro e Dinnamare. Durante una delle sue tante incursioni il moro vide e si innamorò di una fanciulla di nome Marta (da cui Mata), figlia di Cosimo II di Coltellaccio, commerciante messinese. Contrariati e decisi a rifiutare la proposta di matrimonio del musulmano, i genitori di Marta nascosero la fanciulla in un luogo sicuro, lontano dal pericolo dei saccheggi. Scoperto il nascondiglio segreto, gli uomini che agivano in nome di Hassam rapirono Marta e la consegnarono al loro capo. La povera fanciulla si chiuse in un lungo silenzio e soltanto la conversione del moro al cristianesimo la fece rinascere spiritualmente, tanto da accettare Grifone (questo il nome cristiano Del moro) come sposo.Questa antica storia d’amore rivive all’interno della festa che ricorre il 13 e 14 agosto. Grifone è raffigurato a cavallo, in veste di guerriero che impugna una mazza con una mano e con l’altra lo scudo su cui è inciso lo stemma della città (un castello con tre torri di colore nero su un campo verde); Mata, anch’essa a cavallo, è rappresentata con il capo incorniciato da una corona su cui sono disegnate tre torri, a simbolo dei tre porti di Messina.

Leggenda di colapesce Molti scrittori dell’antichità parlano di un pescatore dalle qualità fisiche eccezionali, un tal Cola o Nicola nato e vissuto a Messina e figlio di un pescatore di Punta Faro. Cola era un ragazzo simile agli altri, solo che aveva moltissima passione per il mare: infatti stava giornate intere a contemplarlo. Egli aveva un infinito rispetto per i pesci e tutti quelli che il padre riusciva a prendere lui li ributtava in acqua in modo che vivessero. Sua madre era disperata, così un giorno, per rabbia, gli lanciò una maledizione. “Possa diventare anche tu un pesce”; così fu, gli spuntarono le pinne, le branchie, e le squame. Divenne un pesce anche di nome, fu chiamato Colapesce e cominciò a vivere sempre più in mare e sempre meno in terra. Si gettava in mare dalla punta di Messina sprofondando giù e tirando, per divertimento, le code alle

Facciata della cattedrale

murene, cavalcava i delfini e quando, dopo alcuni giorni, tornava in superficie, raccontava tutte le meraviglie che aveva visto nelle profondità marine. Molti navigatori lo incontravano lungo le loro rotte e lui indicava il percorso più conveniente per evitare la rema e le burrasche. Colapesce, che in realtà era un bel giovane, divenne così famoso che lo volle conoscere persino il re di Sicilia, il quale venne a Messina per sperimentare l’abilità di Colapesce. Fatto venire il giovane, il re con la sua nave, si portò nello stretto e lanciò in mare una coppa d’oro chiedendo a Colapesce di andare a prenderla. Quando egli risalì descrisse al re il paesaggio marino, i pesci e le piante che aveva visto. Il re, ancora più incuriosito, gettò la sua corona in mare in un punto più lontano: Cola si tuffò e cercò per due giorni e due notti; per due volte passò sotto la Sicilia fino a quando ritrovò la corona ed emerse dal mare. Il re gli chiese cosa avesse visto e lui rispose che aveva visto la Sicilia poggiare su tre colonne: una era rotta ma resistente, la seconda era solida come granito, la terza era corrosa e scricchiolante: gli disse anche che aveva visto un fuoco magico che non si spegneva. Il re desiderava avere maggiori informazioni: buttò nell’acqua un anello e invitò Colapesce ad andarlo a ripescare e riferirgli cosa avesse visto. Il giovane era stanco e titubava ma il re insisteva e Colapesce non se la sentiva di dire di no. Decise di obbedire e disse che se si fossero visti risalire a galla un pugno di lenticchie e l’ anello di certo non sarebbe più risalito. Così si tuffò lasciando tutti in ansiosa attesa; dopo diversi giorni, quando il re stava decidendo di andar via, si videro galleggiare le lenticchie insieme all’anello che bruciava. Il re capì che il fuoco esisteva veramente nel mare e si rese conto che Colapesce non sarebbe risalito mai più: era rimasto a sostenere la colonna corrosa.

Scilla & Cariddi Ancora oggi, attraversando lo Stretto di Messina con la nave traghetto, non si può fare a meno di pensare a Ulisse e a tutte le difficoltà che dovette affrontare per poter ritornare a Itaca. La maga Circe lo aveva avvertito dei pericoli che lo attendevano al passaggio tra gli scogli e i vortici dei paurosi mostri Scilla e Cariddi. SCILLA, la mostruosa figlia di Ecate, legata all’oltretomba e alla luna, attendeva Ulisse e i suoi compagni sulla costa calabra con ululati disumani, emergendo dal mare simile a una gigantesca piovra con sei colli, dodici braccia e una bocca serrata dai denti, mentre CARIDDI si celava in una grotta della costa messinese, all’altezza dell’odierno rione di Ganzirri e minacciava i navigatori gorgogliando e creando mulinelli per inghiottire le imbarcazioni di passaggio. Molti compagni di Ulisse vennero trascinati negli abissi e divorati nei gorghi di Cariddi. L’eroe, però, riuscì ad approdare sulla “Terra del Sole” nelle vicinanze di Taormina. v * Su Messina, vedere anche l’evento a pagina 50.



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L’Amarone della Valpolicella: una storia d’amore By Gabriel Riel-Salvatore

ull, rich and fruity with hints of leather, tobacco, chocolate and Maraschino cherry, the Amarone della Valpolicella is one the most appreciated Italian wines in the world. It is a unique wine that leaves no one indifferent. Even people with no experience enjoying wine whatsoever can notice that Amarone is truly something else when they try it for the first time. Every time I organize a wine tasting, people are always struck by how Amarone sticks out of the lot with its unique and characteristic fragrances. What is so special about this product? And why is it so expensive?


Amarone is produced in the heart of the Valpolicella region (from the Latin “Vallis polis cellae”, literally the “valley of many cellars”), located just north of Verona in the Veneto region. A beautiful hills area that borders the Garda Lake, blessed with a microclimate ideal for the production of the main local varieties: Corvina, Rondinella, Molinara and Corvinone, the grapes that make up traditional Valpolicella wine, which is much lighter and suppler than its greater cousin the Amarone. The main diffference between the two is that Amarone, just like the Recioto della Valpolicella, is made from grapes partially dried up in traditional crates called “graticci.” This method refered to as “appasimento” uses carefully selected bunches to prevent undesired rot which ensures high quality standards. After a withering (drying) process of at least 100 days, the grapes are drained of about 30 percent of their water content concentrating their sugar level. The fruits are then pressed and the extracted liquid is transformed into the famous Amarone. All these factors contribute to give Amarone its specific taste, but also explain why it is so expensive: count at least 40 $ for an average bottle. In contrast to Port wine or French appéritifs (such as Rivesalte of Pineau des Charentes) that contain added alcohol, Amarone is a naturally sweet wine. Compared to sweeter, abboccato Recioto that contains high levels of residual sugar (unfermented sugar), Amarone is much “dryer” and bereft of sugary residue. It is hence considered a “dry wine,” even if it is not uncommon to taste Amarones close to 16 or even 17 degrees. This high alcohol content can, however, be admirably balanced by these wines’ vibrant acidity and husky tannins. Ropy and suave, it is hence appreciated both in its youth or after a few years in bottle. The best vintages in some cases age up to 30 years. An ideal winter wine, it is a perfect companion to heavy meals such as roasted meats (bistecca alla Fiorentina or Ossobuco con Gremolata), or bolliti misti (stews - involtini di vitello e costatine di agnello al sugo). It is also amazing with strong cheeses like Grana Padano or Parmigiano Reggiano. Some Venetians will even drink it as an apperitivo.

If you are thinking about buying a wine for a loved one this Christmas, Amarone della Valpolicella wines are undoutbetdly a sure bet. Here are some of my favourite picks avaible at the SAQ.

Masi, Costasera 2003, Amarone della Valpolicella Classico D.O.C. (39.75 $ 750 ml) SAQ: 00317057 Rich and voluptuous with smooth yet asserted tannins. Unctuous maraschino cherry flavours combined with notes of dry plum, cocoa and chocolate. Very good Amarone for its price range that will keep up to 2013.

Tommasi Amarone della Valpolicella Classico 2003 D.O.C. (43 $ 750 ml) SAQ: 00494393 Warm, ripe on the nose, intense and of great refinement. Complex, smooth, full bodied, characteristic with clear shades of dried grapes. Very good Amarone for its price range that will keep up to 2013.

Allegrini, Amarone della Valpolicella Classico 2001 D.O.C. (83 $ 750 ml) SAQ: 00907196 Multilayered wine of great balance and incredible complexity. Absolutely sublime soft, round and suave fragrances of maraschino cherries are elegantly balanced by a smoky and chocolaty character. Fine, ripe jammy plum, prune and licorice flavours linger endlessly and are supported by well-tamed tannins and discrete roasted wood. Clearly a wine of meditation. Selling for half the price of Amarone, Ripasso della Valpolicella wines are a good alternative for smaller budgets. These wines have recently been granted a controlled appellation of their own as an answer to their growing popularity. These wines are made with a different process then the appassimento called the Ripasso method that consists

in refermenting normal valpolicella wines on the lees of Amarone to confer them a heightened structure and complexity. Some of the most interesting ones on the market are: Zenato Ripassa (24.75 $ SAQ: 00974741) Tommasi Ripasso della Valpolicella Classico Superiore (24.15 $ SAQ: 00862110) Tedeschi Capitel San Rocco (20.95 $ SAQ: 00972216) Allegrini Palazzo della Torre (27.95 $ SAQ: 00907477) La Grola (29.95 $ SAQ: 00858753). v

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Amedei Chocolates By Gabriel Riel-Salvatore


As I like to say, there is chocolate and then there is good chocolate. Amedei is more than that. It is a dream chocolate. Elegant and seductive, the products from Amedei truly embody what real chocolate is all about, passion. Yet, Amedei is more than a dream chocolate. It is a dream come true. A reality Cecilia and Alessio Tessieri have carefully crafted after converting their parents’ pastry company into one of the most respected Tuscan chocolatiers. What is even more astonishing is that they were able to do so in just a little over fifteen years, reaching levels chocolate makers such as Valrhona or Richard Paris (France) took decades to achieve. Their secret? Making their own true chocolate with their own exclusive, imported cacao beans. To make the best chocolate, the Tessieri siblings felt the need to avoid doing business with the usual brokers that generally sell anonymous cacao. Hence, they went about carefully selecting their beans travelling around the world’s finest plantations simply to buy the best stuff available in such exotic places as Venezuela, Grenada, Jamaica, Ecuador, Madagascar and Trinidad. This, combined with their own innate savoir faire ensured the creation of true signature chocolates. Hence, Amedei advertises its products just like the greatest Bordeaux wine makers do, using the concept of cru. Like a Grand Cru Classé, Amedei cacao beans come from specific parcels of land that give their chocolate a distinctive and unique taste. It is logical when you think about it that Italy would end up making the best chocolate. Italy already makes the best coffee in the world. Even the French won’t argue on that one. Why? Simply because Italians are the best at roasting and preparing it, even if the

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hocolate lovers, treat yourself this Christmas with the unique and exquisite Amedei chocolates.

country is far from being covered by coffee groves. Amedei is located just south of Florence in the heart of Tuscany in what is now known as the Chocolate Valley, because of the concentration of chocolatiers based there. Renowed for its great wines, the region was far from being so famous before the Marchese Nicolò Incisa della Rocchetta and the Marchese Antinori inititated a wine making revolution with wines such as the Sassicaia and Ornellaia. Amedei might be Tuscany’s next firestarter. It certainly has the credentials to do so, its cru Chuao already being considered the worlds’ best chocolate by some of the greatest chefs in the world such as Ferran Andrià (from the famous El Bulli in Catalunya) and chocolate guru Pierre Hermé. For an ultimate sensorial experience, I strongly recommend trying the Amedei chocolates with sweet natural wines such as a French Banyuls, an aged Rivesalte or a Vintage Port Wine. Some will even have them with a 12 year old Scotch-Whisky. I would personally go for an Italian vin santo (Isole e Olena), a Passito di Pantelleria (Donna Fugata) or a Venetian passito wine (Maculan). A convenient package of 12 Napolitans (chocolate cubes) six cocoa monorigin selection advertized as I Cru, is a perfect way to intiate yourself to Amedei’s splendors. From one to the next, you will sense a clear difference, some being delicate and flowery (Grenada), others more powerful with redolent fragrances of wood and herbal scents (Jamaica). Yet, the ultimate bounty is probably Amedei’s Chuao and Porcellana bars. The former offers elusive plum and red fruits flavours mixed with a pleasantly pungent aftertaste. The latter carries an exquisite and complex fruity flavour of toasted raisin ending on a mellow toasted almond sensation. For those who feel the need to taste them all or who want to spoil their loved ones, a gift box, “Le Selezioni”, containing five of Amedei’s top products is also available, although, just like any luxury product, Amedei chocolates are worth their weight in gold: count 8 to 9 $ for a single bar. However, you might say that Amedei chocolates are like black gold. v


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Olive oil

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OLIO D’OLIVAhuile d’olive

Olive oil By Gabriel-Riel Salvatore

ooking for last minute Christmas gifts? Check out the superb extra virgin olive oils from the Graco and Colonna Estates: “Colli Dauni, Il denocciolato” and “Colonna DOP Molise” and “Granverde.”


A good olive oil should always have a nice taste of fresh olives combined to secondary aromas that reveal its unique personality. The best and easiest way to describe these fragrances is by relating them to other types of foods. A trained palate can detect an impressive range of scents that are generally divided into two categories: fruits and vegetables. Fragrances recalling lemon, apple, tomato, pear, avocado, artichoke and almond are the most common and are generally combined with green aromas such as fresh hay and salad leafs like chicory, rucola (rocket) or radicchio. Olive oil is said to carry a fruity character that is either smooth, medium or intense according to its level of ardence or bitterness. This must not be confused with a level of sweetness as olive oil contains no sugar. It rather relates to its level of intensity. I am always amazed to see how intense an oil can actually be, somtimes to the point of making you cough as if you had swallowed chunks of pepper. A fun exercice to do while tasting oil is to compare oils of different categories. You will be amazed for instance to see how silky a Taggiasca from Liguria can be compared to a Leccino from Tuscany generally much spicier. Obviously, you should always start by the lightest moving progressively to the most intense. Yet, the real secret of quality olive oil is not

related to how powerful or gentle it is, nor to how dark it is. Light or strong, green or gold, prime extra virgin oils always carry a low level of acidity. This is the secret of a truly good olive oil. The rest is only a matter of taste and depends on what you are serving it with. Superstar extra virgin olive oil, “Colli Dauni, Il denocciolato” is an especially fine product of the Graco oil-mill. This prime estate is located in Torremaggiore, the heart of the “Peranzana” olive groves, a unique variety of the Apulia region in southern Italy. The fruits used to make this high quality oil are pitted (separated from their seed) before being pressed into millstones of granite. This process lowers the level of acidity, leaving a fresh and fragrant taste of olive that sets it among the best products in Italy and a rightful member of the Mastri Oleari (Guild of master oil makers). It displays a dim emerald green colour, a clear smell of olive with a grass scent and nice fruity almond flavour of medium intensity. Use it with a Frisedda alla Pugliese (Frisedda with tomato salad, oregano and a pinch of salt) or with Broccoli di rape all’aglio e peperoncino (bitter broccoli with garlic and peperoncino). Another champion brand recently available in some of our best grocery stores is the Colonna Estate which

I had the opportunity to discover last summer during a trip in the Molise region. Located in the farmlands of Bosco Pontini in San Martino in Pensilis, it is the property of Marina Colonna, daughter of Prince Francesco Colonna. Their unique range of products, made out of 22 varieties of olive trees, are of the highest quality and made with utmost care and respect for the environment. The certified oil “Colonna DOP Molise”, a blend of “Rosciola”, “Leccino” and “Gentile di Larino” specific to the region, has recently enjoyed some of Italy’s greatest recognitions. It won first place in the Ercole Olivario and in the Leone d’Oro organized by the Corporation of “Mastri Oleari” as well as a “Due Olive” prize from the Slow Food Guide to Extra Virgin Olive Oils. It is luscious and smooth, with a clear, distinctive olive flavour that is complimented by overtones of apples and pears and a gentle, spicy bite of medium intensity complying with the lowest degrees of acidity. Truly one of the best olive oils that I have tried. Try it with an Agliata (garlic sauce made with breadcrumbs soaked in vinegar with a pinch of salt and pepper) served on top of broiled fish or with Cicoria, cacio e uova (boiled and chopped chicory stir-fried with onion juliennes and beaten eggs previously mixed with pecorino). The Colonna Estate also offers a range of exquisite citrus oils made with the zest of the skin of organic citrus fruits or spices: Granverde (lemon), Arancio (orange), Mandarino (mandarine), Bergamia, Spice and Aromatico. Use them as a marinade on raw fish, with prawns or crab or on pasta dishes with olive paste, courgettes, eggplant and capers. The “Granverde” drove me crazy. Fresh and crispy, with a gentle, almost sweet lemon flavour, so fresh you would bet it had just been made. Apart from being delicious, all of Colonna’s products also have the advantage of being presented in a lovely amphora shaped bottle. These products are exclusively available at Cuisine Gourmet (5675 Monkland Ave.), a very stylish fine grocery store located in the heart of Monkland Village and which is also well worth visiting for its range of carefully selected imported foodstuffs. v

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Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année


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Holiday Feast

By Maria Loggia

hile most children had images of “sugar plum fairies” dancing in their heads, my thoughts as a child during the holidays, were mostly of beautifully stuffed ravioli, tender panettone, plump chestnuts, succulent lamb roast and of course the sweets!..... Oh to feel like a child again and to look so forward to tasting the wonderful cornucopia of sweets (torrone, pizzelle, taralli, pinze, biscotti, strudel and baci di cioccolata) prepared by my mother, aunts and grandmothers.


Maria in class demonstrating how to prepare the Arista di maiale to students.

Who can forget the nervous excitement everyone had in the house as the final touches were made to the table and the prepared dishes carefully set in the best china. Sitting patiently by the window in nervous anticipation of my cousins’ arrival. The explosion of noise as all the children started to play at Mach 1 speed fueled by the treats we had been consuming for the last few days. Later as we sat down for the meal, the childrens’ table was always served first… that way the adults could also savor their meal without too many interruptions. Just like today, holiday meals with family back then, were the result of a fair amount of planning and hours spent in the kitchen preparing what we knew would be appreciated and enjoyed by those that love us. Today, preparing for the “feast”, is slightly easier, as many of the sweets that were prepared back then are now readily available at specialty food shops, thereby simplifying the preparations. Preparing a holiday feast for “the family” at my house has always demanded careful planning as our tastes vary tremendously (typical southern cuisine vs northern Italian

Arista di Maiale alla Maria Roast pork loin Ingredients • 1 bone in pork loin roast ( 6 to 7 pounds) • 2 tbsp Dijon mustard • 6 garlic cloves, peeled and roughly chopped • 2 tbsp fennel seeds • 1-2 small peperoncini (hot chili pepper), about the equivalent of 1/4 to 1/2 tsp • grated zest of 1 orange • sea salt, freshly ground pepper

To assemble • 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, to oil pan • 3 large oranges, cut into 1/4 inch slices • 2-3 fresh rosemary sprigs, whole • 1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice • 1 cup dry white wine For the sauce • About 1 cup chicken stock, completely defatted, preferably homemade • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard • 1 tbsp unsalted butter, cold

Preparation To prepare the roast Have the butcher partially detach the bone from the meat. You will later want to untie the roast and open it into two parts, with the rib bones on one side and loin on the other side. At least 24 hours in advance, in a mortar using a pestle, pound together the garlic and a small pinch of sea salt. Pound until a smooth paste forms. Add the mustard and orange zest and mix well. Set aside. In a coffee grinder add the fennel seeds and the dry peperoncini. Pulse to grind to a medium-fine texture. Set aside. Using paper towels, wipe the roast dry. This will encourage even browning. Generously salt the whole roast including the rack of bones liberally inside and out with sea salt, target the thickest sections most heavily. Smear the inside and outside faces of the roast with the garlic mustard paste. Repeat by scattering the ground fennel mixture and freshly ground black pepper. Reassemble the loin and Arista using kitchen string, tie the meat to the bone at 1 to 1-1/2 - inch intervals. Insert the rosemary sprigs between the string and the roast. Oil a large roasting p an, make a bed with the orange slices and place the roast on the slices. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

tastes). But we are fortunate as Italians in that we have traditions to guide us. As there is a natural order of things in the universe, so there is a natural order at our table; antipasti, pasta, main course, contorni, dolci and then more dolci. As man is a creature of habit, we tend to repeat dishes from prior years. However, in order to change the paradigm, I am including a few of my favorite recipes which can be added to your repertoire this holiday season. Whatever you may be celebrating , it is almost certain a large part of the celebration will happen around the dining room table. It is here that lasting memories will be formed. As we remember those childhood memories so will our children and their children. Happy holidays Receipes provided by Tavola Mia Culinary School visit v

Photos: Helen Henshaw

Preheat oven to 425 F Bring the meat to room temperature. Place pan in the oven and cook uncovered for 15 minutes, then lower heat to 350F Baste with the orange juice and wine, continue cooking , turning occasionally to brown all sides until meat thermometer inserted into thickest part registers 150-155 F, about 2-1/4 to 2-1/2 hours. Remove from heat, set the roast on a platter, sprinkle with salt and tent loosely with foil. Let rest at least 20 minutes prior to carving. Meanwhile prepare the sauce: Remove the orange slices and reserve. Moisten pan juices with chicken broth to deglaze the baked on meat drippings, add the mustard and simmer until the sauce has a rich flavor. Adjust seasoning, stir in the cold butter. Set aside. Snip the strings and cut between the rib bones then slice into chops. Alternatively, you can bone the loin completely and slice into medallions, then break the rack into crusty ribs to eat with your fingers. Serve warm with a drizzle of sauce and caramelized orange slices. Yield: Serves 10-12

Rapini saltate con aglio e peperoncino Sautéed broccoli rabe Ingredients • 2 bunches broccoli rabe • 3 large garlic cloves, peeled and halved • dried peperoncini (hot chili peppers), to taste • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil • salt and freshly ground pepper

Preparation Trim and discard any large woody stalks and wilted leaves. Wash well and soak in a large bowl of cold water for 30 minutes. Drain and set aside. Meanwhile, bring a large pot of water to a boil over medium-high heat. Salt and add the broccoli rabe. Cook until almost tender, about 2 minutes and then plunge into ice water to cool. Drain and lay flat on a baking sheet lined with a dish towel. Cover and set aside. These steps can be done several hours ahead. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the garlic and chili pepper and cook. When the garlic begins to color add the broccoli rabe and season with salt and pepper. Cook and stir just long enough to coat the broccoli rabe with the garlic-infused oil and to heat through. Adjust seasoning and serve hot. Yield: 8 servings Rapini Saltate con aglio e peperoncini



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Crostata di Ricotta con Marmelata di Amarene.

Crostata di Ricotta con Marmelata di Amarene

Pure di Patate al TartufoPure di Patate al Tartufo.

Pure di patate al Tartufo

Ricotta cheesecake with sour cherry jam

Truffle scented potato puree

Ingredients To assemble • 5-6 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • 3 tbsp fresh chives, finely chopped • sea salt, to taste • butter for ramekins

Ingredients • 3-3/4 to 4 lbs. peeled yellow-fleshed potatoes such as Yukon Gold, cut into rough chunks • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, just melted and still warm • 3/4 cup milk, heated until hot • 1 cup heavy cream, heated until hot • 2 whole eggs, lightly beaten • salt and freshly ground white pepper, to taste

To serve 4 tsp truffle oil or a few shavings of jarred truffle slices (I use Scaglie di Tartufo Estivo, Tentazioni Brand)

For the pastry • 2-1/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour, plus more for rolling • 1/3 cup granulated sugar • pinch of salt • 10-1/2 tbsp unsalted butter, cold, cut into small pieces • grated zest of 1 lemon • 2 whole eggs • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract For the filling • 475 grams, fresh ricotta cheese, drained • 1/4 cup granulated sugar

Preparation Soak the potatoes in a large bow l of c o l d w a ter f o r a b o u t 30 minutes. Drain and place in a large saucepan, add cold water to cover by a few inches. Bring to simmer over medium heat uncovered and season generously with salt. Cook until fork tender, about 25-30 minutes. Drain potatoes well, return them to the pan and put them back over the heat to dry (30 seconds). While still hot, put the potatoes through a ricer. Return them to the pan and using a wooden spoon, beat in the butter, milk and cream. Slowly add the beaten eggs in a thin stream, whipping vigorously. Season with salt and pepper. In a small bowl add the extra-virgin olive oil, chives and salt. Mix well. Butter ten 1/2-cup ramekins. Spoon the puree into the ramekins. Make a small hole in the centre of the potato mound and drizzle some chive oil into the opening. The potatoes can be made ahead of time up to this point,cover with plastic wrap and refrigerated for several hours before baking and serving. Preheat oven to 400F Bake for 15-18 minutes until heated through and the top is golden. To finish, drizzle some truffle oil or finish with a few shavings of truffle. Serve warm directly from ramekins. Yield: 10 servings



Le Conserve delle Nonna Confettura extra di amarene Retail suggested price is $ 5.00 Available Capitol Butchers 158 Place Marche du Nord T: 514 276-1345

• 1 egg, lightly beaten • grated zest of 1 lemon • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract • 4 tbsp sour cherry jam (I use Confettura extra di amareneLe conserve delle nonna brand) • 1/3 to 1/2 cup best-quality white chocolate chips To assemble • 1 egg yolk, lightly beaten with 1 tbsp milk • 2 tbsp raw sugar (turbinado sugar) • icing sugar, to sprinkle over cake

Preparation Butter and flour a 10- inch round pie pan and set aside. To prepare the pastry combine the flour, sugar, and salt in a bowl of a food processor. Using on/off turns combine dry ingredients. Add the cold butter and lemon zest and process until mixture resembles coarse meal. In a small bowl add the eggs and vanilla extract and mix well. Add to flour mixture and process until moist clumps form. Gather dough into a ball and flatten into a disk. Wrap dough with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Preheat oven to 425F. Let the dough soften slightly before rolling. Divide the dough into 2 unequal pieces, roughly one-third and twothirds. On a lightly floured work surface roll out the larger piece of dough to a circle of about 1/4 inch thick and approximately 11 inches in diameter. Transfer the rolled dough to the pie pan, lining the bottom and sides. Trim off any excess dough and add it to remaining dough. Prick the dough with a fork and set aside. In a bowl of a food processor combine ricotta, sugar, egg, lemon zest and vanilla extract. Pulse until well combined. Set aside. Using a spatula, spread the cherry jam over the pastry base. Sprinkle chocolate chips over the jam. Cover with the ricotta filling. Set aside. Roll out remaining dough and cut into 1-inch thick strips with a serrated pastry wheel. Lay the strips over the ricotta to resemble a grid of crossed lines. Crimp the edge all around with your fingers. Brush strips with egg wash and sprinkle raw sugar over top. Tent cake edge with foil to prevent it from browning too quickly. Bake for 30 minutes then lower heat to 375F and continue to bake for 20-22 minutes or until top of crust is golden. Remove from oven and let cool, then place in refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Serve in slices with a dusting of icing sugar. Yield: 10 servings

Tentazioni Scaglie di Tartufo Estivo Retail suggested price is under $ 23 Available Fromagerie Cavallaro 11760, boul. de Salaberry Dollard-des Ormeaux, Québec T: 514-683-9662 And also Milano Fruiterie 6862 St. Laurent, Montréal, Québec T: 514 273-8558


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Associazione Messinese


’idea di formare a Montréal un’associazione messinese nacque nel 1980, in seguito ad uno scambio d’idee tra S.E. Francesco Paolo Fulci, allora Ambasciatore d’Italia in Canada, e il Sig. Lorenzo Mandanici. Nel 1981, l’associazione, molto attesa, divenne realtà grazie all’intervento dei membri fondatori. Essi sono: Lorenzo Mandanici, Salvatore Alibrando, Giuseppe Brunetta, Santa Burrascano, Fortunato Catalfamo, Mariano Cirino, Antonino Di Paola, Fortunato Donato, Lorenzo Impala, Domenico Merulla, Giuseppe Sciotto, Agostino Sunseri. Durante i susseguenti ventisei anni, quest’associazione culturale è cresciuta sotto la direzione di sei presidenti. Essi sono stati: Lorenzo Mandanici, Domenico Merulla, Antonino Catalfamo, Franco Donato, Antonia Di Paola-Belliveau, Franco Mendolia e l’ attuale presidente Maria Donato. L’Associazione è stata fondata allo scopo di preservare la cultura ed il patrimonio culturale d’origine, italiano e siciliano, ed allo stesso tempo al fine di aiutare i suoi membri ad inserirsi nella vita sociale del Canada, in particolare in quella del Québec. Oggi l’Associazione accoglie 175 famiglie, in maggioranz d’origine siciliana. Nel passato, per stimolare la partecipazione dei nostri giovani, l’Associazione ha organizzato sfilate di moda e concorsi di bellezza (Miss Messina). Oggi, per i giovani dai 6 ai 18 anni, è stata formata una lega di “bowling”. Ed ogni anno, Babbo Natale, viene a visitare ed a fare dei regali ai nostri bambini. Ogni anno, l’Associazione organizza una serata per la festa di San Valentino, una scampagnata con colazione a base di zucchero d’acero quebecchese (la cosiddetta “cabane à sucre”), dei pellegrinaggi, dei pic-nic per le famiglie, delle feste destinate in particolare alle mamme e alle persone della terza età, una lega di “bowling” per adulti. Tramite queste attività si promuove la partecipazione alle varie attività dei nostri membri e di tutta la comunità. Durante gli ultimi 17 anni, il Comitato Donne ha preparato delle specialità gastronomiche tipicamente messinesi, che vengono offerte ai presenti nel corso dell’annuale Festa del Vino, organizzata a scopo di beneficenza a vantaggio della Fondazione nelle Ricerche sulle Malattie Infantili. Finora le somme date in beneficenza a questa fondazione assommano a $39 000. Il nostro dodicesimo Torneo di Golf (svoltosi il 28 Maggio scorso) ci ha permesso di raccogliere $40 000, che sono stati versati in beneficenza alla Fondazione dell’Ospedale dei Bambini di Montreal. L’Associazione ha contribuito finora con più di $160 000 a questa causa meritoria. I preparativi per il torneo del prossimo anno sono già in corso. L’ 8 marzo scorso abbiamo organizzato, come ogni anno, una serata per celebrare la Giornata Internazionale della Donna. Il ricavato di $13 500 è stato offerto alla Fondazione Quebecchese sul Cancro del Seno. Altri $6 000 sono andati alla Fondazione dell’Ospedale Lasalle. Il mese di Ottobre 2007 abbiamo organizato un spettacolo teatrale in collaborazione del gruppo Colapesce proveniente direttamente della provincia di Messina, accompagnato da diverse personalità come l’onorevole Santi Formica Assessore della regione Sicilia, Antonio Tufano rappresentante dell’ ANFE e Franco Maricchiolo, rappresentante della provincia di Messina. L’Associazione non dà solamente alle fondazioni, ma partecipa anche ad altre attività di beneficenza a vantaggio di ospedali e parrocchie. La sua implicazione nella società è quindi molto ampia. L’Associazione è sempre pronta a sostenere le nuove cause meritevoli che vengano portate alla sua attenzione . Negli ultimi 26 anni abbiamo ospitato numerose delegazioni commerciali italiane, incluse quelle provenienti da Messina. Il nostro obiettivo è di facilitare l’introduzione di prodotti italiani nei mercati canadesi e, viceversa, d’incoraggiare e facilitare la penetrazione dei prodotti canadesi nei mercati italiani. Pur avendo come scopo primario quello di promuovere la nostra Associazione, noi siamo attivi anche nel promuovere altre associazioni che abbiano obiettivi simili ai nostri. Un esempio di questo nostro spirito di apertura è il rapporto che abbiamo instaurato con il “Messinesi Club” di Toronto. L’Associazione ha avuto il raro onore d’ospitare l’Ambasciatore Francesco Paolo Fulci Rappresentante Permanente d’Italia alle Nazione Unite, l’Ambasciatore d’Italia in Canada Marco Colombo, il Console Generale d’Italia a Montréal Dottor Gian Lorenzo Cornado, il Primo Ministro del Canada l’Onorevole Paul Martin, l’Onorevole Governatrice del Québec Lise Thibault, i due sindaci successivi di Montreal, Pierre Bourque e Gérald Tremblay, e i vari rappresentanti dei governi federale, provinciale e municipale ai quali rivolgiamo un saluto riconoscente per la stima e l’amicizia testimoniataci. La “raison d’être” della Associazione Messinese di Montréal è: il riconoscimento ed il rispetto dell’Associazione sia a Montréal, città splendida, sia in Québec, spettacolare Provincia, sia in Canada, meravigliosa nazione, e sia in Italia, e infine in Sicilia amatissima terra da cui provengono le nostre radici. v


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Casa d’Italia st 71 Annual Banquet By Pasquale Iacobacci


ore than 1000 participants were present at the Casa d’Italia 71st Annual Banquet held on Saturday November 10th at the Sheraton Four Points. The Board of the Casa d’Italia honored Mirella Saputo, President of the Fondazione Mirella e Lino Saputo, for her community and humanitarian involvement and Dominic Taddeo, outgoing President of the Montreal Port Authority, for his professional life achievements. A special public acknowledgement was bestowed on Luciana Soave, Founding Director of the Multi-Ethnic Association for the Integration of Handicapped Persons, for her dedication to better the life of these citizens. The Banquet was well attended by many local representatives of the political world in a show of support for Casa d’Italia: the Consul General of Italy Dott. Francesco Paolo Venier, the Honorable Marisa Ferretti Barth, Tony Tomassi, MNA of Lafontaine representThe recipients of the Casa d’Italia 71st Annual Banquet, Mirella Saputo, Gaetano Sabatini, Dominic ing Premier Jean Charest, the President of the National Assembly Michel Bissonnet, Taddeo, Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension Borough Mayor Anie Samson and the Casa d’Italia Montreal Mayor Gérard Tremblay, Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension Borough Mayor President Gabriele Mancini. Anie Samson, and many more representatives of the federal, provincial and municipal governments. During the evening, Mariano De Carolis, Director General of the Cassa popolare Canadese Italiana remitted a check of $100,000 on behalf of the Mouvement Desjardins and Cassa popolare Canadese Italiana to the honorary co-presidents of the Joint Fundraising Campaign, Jean-Pierre Desrosiers and Nicholas Di Tempora and Campaign President Giuseppe Danisi. The emotional highlight of the evening was the recognition ceremony of Gaetano Sabatini who contributed to the 1934 fundraising campaign of Casa d’Italia. Gaetano Sabatini was born in Carpineto Sinello, in the Province of Chieti in 1913. He immigrated to Canada on the Augusta in November 1928 and worked as a shoe manufacturer for La Gioconda Shoe Mfg. Co. in the downtown area. In 1934 he and his fellow workers each gave $1 per week for ten weeks to the Sottoscrizione Pro Casa d’Italia. Going on 95, Gaetano Sabatini walks over ten miles per day to maintain his health. Gaetano Sabatini was moved by the recognition and notwithstanding his humble means pledged $25 to the renovation project of Casa d’Italia. In the wake of the renovation and expansion project that will give a new vocation to this historical site, the presidents of many community groups that were born and evolved in Casa d’Italia were present for the occasion: Domenico Aloisio, President Ordine Figli d’Italia, the Honorable Marisa Ferretti Barth, President of the CRAIC, Antonio Sciascia, President of the National Congress of Italian Canadians, Carmine D’Argenio President of the Jean-Pierre Desrosiers and Nicholas Di Tempora, honorary co-presidents of the Joint Fundraising Italian-Canadian Community Foundation and Anna Campaign CASA-FCCI, receiving a check of 100,000$ from the Director General of the Cassa Colarusso President of the Italian Cultural Centre of popolare Canadese Italiana Mariano De Carolis, in company of the Campaign President Quebec. Giuseppe Danisi. The key message of the evening was best expressed by the Consul General of Italy Dott. Francesco Paolo Venier. He stated not only the importance of preserving the structure of Casa d’Italia but more importantly the preservation of the values, culture, traditions and language that have kept our community together and made it one of the most vibrant cultural communities in Montreal and Canada. The Consul General of Italy See you next year! v Dott. Francesco Paolo Venier.

Concert Bénéfice au profit de la Fondation Canadienne du foie


e 23 octobre dernier se tenait au Centre Léonardo da Vinci la 13e édition du Concert Bénéfice au profit de la Fondation canadienne du foie sous la présidence d’honneur de monsieur Tony Loffreda. Laurence Jalbert a offert un concert privé, fidèle à elle-même elle a été très généreuse. La soirée a permis d’amasser la somme de 105 000 $ au profit de la recherche sur les maladies du foie. v De gauche à droite: Monsieur Frank Cavallaro, Fondation Frank Cavallaro / Monsieur Tony Loffreda, Vice-président régional, Services financiers commerciaux, Québec Ouest RBC Banque Royale et président d'honneur de l'événement / Madame Jeane Day, directrice régionale, Fondation canadienne du foie - Montréal / Madame Christina Bayer, Vice-présidente, collecte de fonds, Fondation canadienne du foie, Bureau National / Monsieur Claude Legault, Président du Conseil d'administration-Montréal.



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Labour of Love

by Mario Di Flavio


f you look up “Labour of Love” in the dictionary you will find this definition for the term, “Productive work performed voluntarLIVING ITALIAN STYLE ily without material reward or compensation”. In a day and age when this can rarely be said of anyone in society or the business world, one man’s dream to create a work that speaks to the world, showing it his immense pride and deep love for his culture and roots is then a true example of this. On October 4th, 2007, Publisher Antonio Zara saw his dream come true at Ferrari Quebec in the presence of family, friends and several hundred very special guests. The evening marked a milestone for Panoramitalia, which he founded 6 years ago. This launch inaugurated the latest edition of his magazine and its expansion and sale within Canada and the United States. Quite an accomplishment for something that began purely out of affection for his country of origin on the most local of levels. Among those in attendance were the many varied and fascinating figures featured in Panoramitalia Living Italian style 2007. The presence of one guest in particular demonstrated just how far reaching Panoramitalia has become. Italian-American painter and actor Federico Castelluccio of the American hit television series “The Sopranos”, who is also featured in the latest issue, traveled from his home in the US to share in the festivities. The event mirrored the style and energy with which Italians have come to be known as wine flowed and food and great music were enjoyed by all in a setting enhanced by the beauty that is Ferrari. This is merely the beginning for Panoramitalia Living Italian Style, it will soon be appearing two times per year and will continue to showcase the stories of love, passion, talent and determination which are the essence of the Italian culture and its people. Truly a magazine for those of all cultures who appreciate and love everything that is Italian. Antonio Zara spoke from the heart when he stated, “I am proud of the fact that it is a home-grown magazine, something that comes from us. It is inspired by hard working people, our parents and ourselves and I am very proud of who we were and who we have become.” v I TA L I A



To view more photos from the event, please visit our website at:

w w w. p a n o r a m i t a l i a . c o m




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Romanza: The 23 Annual FCCI Governors’ Ball rd

By Mario Di Flavio


omance was the theme for this ball and it is no surprise that Angela Civitella, this year’s ball president, came up with the idea. She added the one important element that sets events like this apart from all others… a woman’s touch. “Our wish was to give our guests the feeling of being in Italy for one night” declared Civitella. Over 800 guests including 33 new Governors were present at the Sheraton Laval on October 20th for what was indeed a romantic evening and probably the most successful ball to date. All of this thanks to a dedicated organizing committee who worked extremely hard while headed by Angela Civitella, ball president and Mario Galella, honorary president. Every detail, down to the names of the different courses on the grand menu (homard amore mio, coupe de la passion, and veau al bacio, to mention a few) was carefully planned and professionally executed. $360 000 was raised this year and will be donated to, among many other non-profit organizations, the Leucan Association for its research in children’s oncology. Along with the

other festivities, Mario Galella, ex-officio president of the FCCI was honoured for his work in the past by Carmine D’Argenio (FCCI president), Giuseppe Borsellino (Founder of the ball) and Silvio De Rose (President of the Leonardo Da Vinci). The FCCI wishes to thank its many sponsors including the Laurentian Bank, Bell Canada, The Royal Bank, Uniprix and HydroQuebec. During the course of evening, FCCI president Carmine D’Argenio stated, “Keeping the Italian language, culture and the belonging feeling will be our future challenge.” With the hard work, passion and dedication of an organization such as the Italian-Canadian Community Foundation, it seems that this challenge, as proven throughout the years, will be met, time and time again. v

Albanese Vincenzo - Johanne Principe Président Distribution GVA

Bassani Loris Vice-président Capmatic Ltd

Biello Vincenzo – Alida Mikponhoue Président et coutier propriétaire Re/Max Immobilier Inc.

Caci Guglielmo – Maria Caci - 3021 Président Habits et chemises sur mesure

De Risi Tony– Rosa Maria Paniccia Président Intermarché De Risi

Di Battista Dr. Pietro Parodontiste

Di Geso Luigi – Lynne Cloutier Directeur Général Mapei Inc.

Falvo Giuseppe Project Manager RSW Inc.

Magri Tony jr. – Vincenza Magri Entrepreneur Général Habitations Magribec

Marsilii Joe – Nancy Triassi Vice-président Finances et Investissements Jolina Capital

Mattei Lina – George Lundy Président Mei Deisgn

Migliara Giovanni – Anna Migliara Président Groupe Maxera Inc.

Venturino Raffaele – Josie Monticciolo Directeur des systèmes de vente Saputo

Successeur / Bassani Alioscia Président Capmatic Ltd

Successeur / Minicozzi Eduardo – Alba D’Amore Président Minicut International

Successeur / Saputo Lydia – Vincenzo De Petris Président Paul & Co.


Me Cavallaro Damiana – Gislain Gauthier Notaire

Comito Peter – Natacha Bougie Président Selectom Telecom

D’Argenio Gerardo - Maria D’Argenio Président du conseil BMW/Mini Laval

De Benedictis Carmine Directeur Activités Commerciales Hydro-Québec Distribution

Me Iacono Angelo – Rana Haddad Avocat

Lobasso Joseph – Anna Lobasso Président Céramique Pavigrès

Loffredo Steve – Maria Loffredo Président Loffredo Construction

Magri Joseph – Luisa Magri Entrepreneur Général Habitations Magribec

Panzera Michael – Candida Panzera Directeur Général Ciot Montreal Inc.

Scalzo Carlo – Tia Rosa Président Diamond 2 Scalzo Bros.

Scattolin Ivano – Diane Fafard Vice-président Les produits alimentaires Viau

Telaro Andrea – Elisa Di Sabbatino Président Ristorante Andrea

N’étaient pas présents à la soirée Cesta Nino Président Les Communications Trispec Ami de la Fondation Robert Trudeau Successeur / Mario Lecaldare – Johanne Pothier Banque Nationale

Giancola Giuseppe Président Construction Giancola Inc.

Pietrovito Roberto Président Les Aliments Unifood



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Luigi Ferrari Club Quebec Annual Fund-Raiser

by Marc Belcourt

October 26, 2007


his year, 2007, our Club decided to hold a different kind of fund-raising event to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Ferrari. It was carried out in the few weeks prior to the Grand Prix F1 du Canada with a night of celebrations on Thursday June 7th following our annual parade to Peel Street. The event was more of a success than we had planned. The donors to this event, who had their logos affixed to our Ferrari’s throughout Grand Prix week, were very generous and a total amount of SIXTY thousand dollars ($60,000) was raised and was divided equally between four foundations; The Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation, The Quebec Society for Disabled Children, the Department of Paediatrics of the Hôpital du Haut-Richelieu and the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. With this fund-raiser, the Luigi Ferrari Club Quebec has raised in excess of $1,075,000 since its inception in 1990. We are very proud of this accomplishment and we are more than pleased for the recipients who are and have been needy children and related children’s causes.

Our thanks go out once again to all the contributors and donors for their continued generosity and support. FORZA FERRARI !! Marc Belcourt, Vice-president Frank Del Pinto, Secretary-treasurer

La Mia Amica Speranza / A friend in Hope alla Scuola

East Hill


ontreal. Il 26 ottobre si è celebrato il lancio della traduzione in lingua italiana del racconto inglese dal titolo: A friend in Hope, (La Mia Amica Speranza). Si tratta di un progetto culturale realizzato dagli studenti di italiano della scuola East Hill a Rivièredes-Prairies. L’iniziativa ha riscosso un vero successo grazie anche alla presentazione di una recita tratta dal racconto. Due studenti: Michael Veleno e Victoria Petrella hanno presentato le origini della Fondazione Canadese del Tumore Cerebrale, che si propone di aiutare, istruire ed informare ogni canadese affetto dalla malattia e di trovare fondi per finanziare la ricerca. Va ricordato che le persone affette da tumore cerebrale, acquistano una migliore comprensione della malattia e ricevono conforto presso la Fondazione del Tumore Cerebrale. La fondazione è nata a London, Ontario, 1982 a cura di Steve Northey, che perse la figlia di otto anni per un tumore cerebrale, del neurochirurgo dott. Rolando del Maestro e di Pamela Del Maestro, infermiera in neuroscienze che si occupa di aiutare a migliorare la qualità di vita dei pazienti. Nella simpatica cerimonia alla East Hill, alla presenza dei loro compagni di scuola, Marie Coladonato ha dato il via alla recita. Matteo Esposito e Alessia Schiamone, hanno interpretato in un ottimo italiano e con grande coinvolgimento emotivo il ruolo di Daniele e di Speranza.Matthew Fiorito e Alessandro Campanelli, hanno dato il loro contributo alla recita nella parte dei narratori,mentre Dalia Cassano e Sierra Lorenzana hanno partecipato alla preparazione dei disegni. Le autorità presenti hanno assistito con sincera partecipazione, come ha sottolineato il console Dr Sergio Monti, ad un lavoro di giovani studenti all’insegna della solidarietà e dell’italianità.A loro, ai docenti d’italiano ed alla direzione della East Hill va un meritato plauso. Presenti alla cerimonia: la Direttrice della scuola East Hill, Maria Di Perna; il Console Sergio Monti; la Dott.ssa Luisa Faggian, Dirigente scolastica del consolato; il Prof. Giovanni Pillonca Vice Direttore dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura; il Prof. Salvatore Filippo, responsabile della Commissione Lingua e Cultura del Comites; il Vice Presidente del Comites, Tony Vespa; il Consigliere Gennaro Panzera,Giovanna Giordano, presidente del Comites, nonché insegnante e animatrice del progetto, il Prof. Antonio La Croce; il Deputato Tony Tomassi; il Commissario scolastico, Mario Gaggiano; il consigliere comunale Joe Macrì, il presidente del Comitato dei Genitori, Mike Cantili. v

Québec Breast Cancer Foundation Dinner Event


special thank you, to all who were part of our outstanding evening October 13th, 2007. The much needed funds raised, and awareness for Breast Cancer was truly exceptional. We were able to shave 2 heads, and raise $9007.20 with this event for the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation. We would love to share this euphoric experience and have you join us next year! Take out your agendas and pencil us in October 25th, 2008 for another inspiring dinner event with good friends, good food and for a good cause! v




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La prima Giornata dell’APIQ Cinzia Vicario Vicepresidente APIQ


omenica 28 ottobre scorso, si è svolta presso l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Montreal, la prima Giornata dell’APIQ, l’Associazione dei Professori d’italiano del Quebec. L’APIQ esiste già da diversi anni, ma solo di recente e cioè dal mese di marzo scorso, è stata aperta a tutti gli insegnanti di lingua italiana di qualsiasi livello. Gli scopi della rinata associazione sono molteplici, ma tutti essenzialmente centrati sulla diffusione della lingua e della cultura italiana nel Quebec, attraverso iniziative che ne incrementino il già crescente interesse. A tale scopo, l’APIQ intende sostenere e coadiuvare il lavoro di quanti sono impegnati quotidianamente in questa missione non facile, ma certamente entusiasmante. La Giornata dell’APIQ svoltasi il 28 ottobre è stata all’insegna del dinamismo, un dinamismo che è sinonimo di cambiamento perché ha rivelato il comune e profondo desiderio di modificare la percezione dell’Italia da terra di migrazione, con i suoi problemi e le sue pecche, a ritrovata culla di cultura da cui tutti possono attingere. L’APIQ si prefigge dunque di unire gli sforzi di tanti insegnanti, metterne insieme le esperienze e talenti personali per favorire questo nuovo sentimento. La tavola rotonda a cui hanno generosamente partecipato la Professoressa Denise Agiman, il Professor Anthony Mollica, il Professor Filippo Salvatore e il Dottor Donato Taddeo, ha permesso a tutti i partecipanti di capire quali siano i modi e i possibili settori d’intervento. Tali settori sono strettamente legati ai quattro campi d’azione individuati dall’APIQ: École Option Italie, Una piccola estate italiana, Al di là dei corsi e Ponte Italia. Il Professor Mollica ed il Professor Salvatore, rispettivamente della Brock University di St. Catharine, Ontario e della Concordia University di Montreal, hanno esposto ai docenti le nuove metodologie attualmente adottate nel campo dell’insegnamento della lingua che spaziano dalla didattica ludica e l’uso delle glottotecnologie ad un approccio di tipo umanistico-affettivo, mostrando con esempi chiari e mirati come sia possibile attirare “l’utenza” e renderla maggiormente ricettiva alla nuova realtà culturale italiana. L’introduzione del gioco e della canzone nell’attività didattica, sono alcuni dei metodi oggi largamente utilizzati nell’insegnamento dell’italiano. Essi, oltre ad avere il merito di invogliare lo studente rendendo la lezione più dinamica, hanno come obiettivo quello di permettergli di acquisire conoscenze anche a livello storico, geografico, letterario e sociale. Tra questo tipo di attività troviamo anche il teatro del cui aspetto didattico nell’insegnamento della lingua ha parlato la Professoressa Denise Agiman, docente di estetica, storia ed interpretazione teatrale presso l’UQAM. Nella sua presentazione, la Professoressa Agiman ci ha rivelato le mille sfaccettature del teatro e di come esso faciliti il contatto con una nuova cultura. Attraverso il teatro lo studente riesce ad immedesimarsi nelle situazioni, nella mentalità e nella lingua, scoprendo un’Italia che non conosce. Mediante l’uso di espressioni idiomatiche colorite, modi di fare ed atteggiamenti a lui non familiari egli entra in contatto con l’italianità e ne rimane affascinato. Gli interventi dei tre relatori hanno permesso di vedere il legame tra lingua e cultura e sono perfettamente aderenti a due delle iniziative proposte dall’APIQ: Una piccola estate italiana – campo estivo riservato ai ragazzi- e Al di là dei corsi -attività culturali e ricreative riservate agli studenti adulti di livello intermedio ed avanzato-.

Da sinistra: Dottor Denise Agiman, Angelo Mazzone, direttore dell'Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Prof. Filippo Salvatore,Concordia University, Prof. Anthony Mollica, Emeritus Brock University, Pier Luigi Colleoni, Presidente dell'APIQ (Associazione dei professori d'italiano del Quebec), Jacqueline Samperi, vice-presidente dell'APIQ, Dottor F.P.Venier, Console Generale d'Italia a Montreal,Gianni Pillonca direttore associato dell'IIC, Cinzia Vicario, Vice-presidente dell'APIQ, Dottor Donat Taddeo.

L’attività ludica, il teatro e l’approccio di tipo umanistico-affettivo, sono alcuni degli elementi essenziali del nostro lavoro per coinvolgere gli studenti e portarli ad amare la nostra lingua. L’APIQ ha dunque deciso di organizzare un campo estivo riservato ai bambini dagli 8 ai 13 anni e delle attività definite appunto “Al di là dei corsi” per gli adulti. Per ciò che riguarda i ragazzi, l’APIQ propone un campo giornaliero nel quartiere della Piccola Italia ed eventualmente anche a Laval e a Ville La Salle. Le zone menzionate sono state scelte in quanto raccolgono il maggior numero di famiglie di origine italiana, tuttavia il campo sarà aperto a tutti i giovani coetanei per favorire la promozione dell’ italiano anche all’interno di nuclei familiari di origine diversa. Le iniziative proposte saranno di due tipi: a) un campo totalmente in lingua italiana, con attività ludiche, sportive e artistiche come canto, pittura, teatro ed escursioni nella natura; b) un campo abbinato a quello di un centro ricreativo di quartiere e con un programma italiano limitato a 1-2 ore al giorno. In questo caso, le iniziative saranno esclusivamente di tipo artistico e favoriranno l’uso della lingua italiana attraverso la preparazione di scenette di teatro, canti ed altro. Le attività per gli adulti saranno di vario tipo, spazieranno dal teatro al cinema, dalla giornata al mercato alla preparazione di una cena con menù italiano, alla mostra di pittura con guida in lingua italiana e così via. Le proposte per gli adulti saranno esposte nella bacheca virtuale che verrà appositamente creata nel sito web dell’Associazione: a cui tutti gli insegnanti potranno attingere per organizzare le attività dei propri studenti, o su cui potranno invece proporre nuove idee da sviluppare o richiedere iniziative specifiche. L’APIQ invita caldamente tutti gli insegnanti a partecipare, siano essi docenti universitari o presso enti, scuole pubbliche o private, e conferma il suo desiderio di impegnarsi e di partecipare anche agli eventi programmati dagli atenei e riservati agli studenti adulti. Naturalmente una volta creato l’entusiasmo verso l’apprendimento della lingua e della cultura italiana, il passo più ovvio è certamente quello del viaggio in Italia. L’APIQ organizzerà dunque un viaggio culturale in Italia con un’iniziativa denominata Ponte Italia, dedicata a giovani ed adulti, che si svolgerà in momenti diversi e chiaramente con attività mirate e pensate appositamente per ciascun gruppo. Il viaggio rappresenterà per gli studenti il coronamento dello studio, la possibilità di mettere in pratica ciò che si è appreso, ma anche il sentimento di potersi finalmente immergere appieno nella nostra cultura, assaporarla, sentirne il profumo e viverla fino in fondo. Alla tavola rotonda della Giornata APIQ ha partecipat o anch e i l Dot t or Donat o Taddeo, gi à decano dell’Università Concordia di Montreal, Delegato del Quebec a Roma ed attualmente Direttore della McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) Foundation. Il Dott. Taddeo ha affrontato nel suo intervento uno dei campi d’azione proposti dall’APIQ e cioè quello definito come

École Option Italie che si propone di promuovere l’insegnamento dell’italiano quale lingua di cultura nelle scuole secondarie e nei Cegep. Il Dott. Taddeo ha presentato alla sala una panoramica della storia dell’insegnamento dell’italiano in Quebec dagli anni ’50 ad oggi ed ha insistito sul fatto che per promuovere l’inserimento della lingua italiana nel curricolo delle scuole secondarie e nei Cegep è necessario un intervento dal basso. Sia il Dottor Taddeo che l’APIQ sono d’accordo sul fatto che per raggiungere l’obiettivo sia necessario il coinvolgimento delle famiglie e di coloro i quali lavorano all’interno delle scuole (consigli scolastici, comitato genitori, insegnanti). Solo queste persone hanno infatti il potere di spingere affinché le scuole domandino alle Commissioni Scolastiche l’inserimento dell’italiano all’interno del curricolo. Come il Dottor Taddeo ha sottolineato nel suo intervento, partire dall’alto significherebbe bloccare le proposte a causa di problemi burocratici, amministrativi o semplicemente perché l’utilità di tale inserimento non è percepita. L’APIQ cerca dunque persone coinvolte all’interno delle scuole a vari livelli, per poter mandare avanti questo progetto il quale consentirebbe di avere più studenti nei corsi universitari e permetterebbe di avanzare la richiesta di un riconoscimento legittimo dei titoli universitari in studi italiani, necessari per l’insegnamento nelle scuole. Ricordiamo infatti che tutti coloro attualmente in possesso di un B.A.C. in Letteratura italiana non possono insegnare nelle scuole perché non sono in possesso di un permis d’enseignement. Questo certificato si può ottenere solo dopo un B.A.C. in educazione e non prevede conoscenze specialistiche come ad esempio la letteratura italiana. La prima Giornata dell’APIQ ha visto l’attiva partecipazione del Console Generale d’Italia Paolo Venier, che ha mostrato il desiderio di contribuire a questa causa, della Dottoressa Maria Luisa Faggian, responsabile della Direzione Didattica presso il Consolato d’Italia a Montreal, e dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura che nelle persone del Dottor Angelo Mazzone direttore e del Dottor Giovanni Pillonca, vicedirettore, ha permesso lo svolgimento della giornata ed ha contribuito al suo successo. L’Associazione dei Professori d’italiano del Quebec desidera ricordare che insegnare l’italiano è insegnare cultura ed estende nuovamente l’invito a tutti i docenti a partecipare attivamente alle attività proposte le quali, altrimenti, non potranno avere seguito. Gli interessati possono comunicare la propria adesione ad una delle attività inviando un messaggio al seguente indirizzo di posta elettronica: v Cinzia Vicario Vicepresidente APIQ


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SPORT sport


On Top of the World By Joey Franco

he UEFA Supercup matchup between AC Milan and Sevilla FC on Friday August 31st at the Stade Louis II in Monaco will be remembered by many as a tribute to Antonio Puerta, the 22-year-old Sevilla player who passed away several days prior to the Supercup final. It will also be remembered by many, especially Milan supporters, as a landmark in world club competition.


Sevilla FC were the defending Supercup champions, having beaten Barcelona 3-0 in 2006. Sevilla’s Renato scored the first goal of the game, as the Spanish team celebrated by pointing to the heavens, in memory of their team mate. Inzaghi, Jankulovski, and a Kaka penalty kick ended the game 3-1 in favor of the Rossoneri. Andrea Pirlo picked up the Carlsberg Man of the Match award as Milan celebrated their fifth UEFA Supercup victory, a victory which sees Milan as the most titled club in the world with 17 international trophies, one more than Argentina’s Boca Juniors. The UEFA Champions League and Supercup trophies are in Milan, the World Cup is in Rome and the Ballon D’Or is in Naples. What more can we ask for? (Maybe a Euro cup next year) Italian soccer has been at the forefront of the sport for decades. Every continental or world competition has been won by an Italian side at least once, not to mention the numerous individual player awards. Yet, we Italians will always criticize our teams and our players when they do fall short of victory. Italian soccer has the greatest span of achievement in the world. Great teams such as Hungary, Uruguay, and Czechoslovakia lost their flair in the post WW era, and Brazil only emerged as a soccer power in the ‘50s. The period between Italy’s first and last World Cup victory is 72 years, compared to Brazil’s 44 years. Considering nations with rich soccer histories such as Portugal and Spain who have never won a world title, and England with only one title (they invented the sport for crying out loud, and even their victory in ’66 was dubious, not to say fixed) we should consider ourselves very fortunate and remember that there are 200 other countries in the world. The point I’m trying to make is that in the end, through good times and bad, somehow, we Italians defy the odds on the soccer pitch and manage to win something. If not this year or the next, we will prevail… eventually. But let’s hope we win the European cup in Austria and Switzerland in 2008. Grazie Rossoneri, grazie Bianconeri, grazie Neroazzurri, grazie Azzurri! v

3750 Crémazie est, suite 500 Montréal, Québec H2A 1B6 Tel: 514-328-2555 • Fax: 514-328-9846 e-mail

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SPORT sport

The Iceman Cometh By Joey Franco

n incredible turn of events has left McLaren Mercedes team boss Ron Dennis wondering how he was left empty handed during a season where the British team should have swept both titles with ease.


Ferrari President Luca Di Montezemolo’s statement following the last race summed up the 2007 F1 season for Ferrari. “Hearing the Italian anthem in this type of sport, so technologically advanced makes us all very proud. We are a nation that never gives up. Our victory is one that came at the end of a difficult season, a season full of poison,” stated Montezemolo. Finnish driver Kimi Raikkonen has achieved what he had not been able to achieve with McLaren Mercedes; a world title. The man who has been named the Iceman, for his lack of emotion is now free to smile, smile as much as he wants because the whole world is below him, or he is on top of the world. Either way, the car with the number one on it is his for the 2008 season. “I don’t believe it… I’m going to celebrate for one month, it was a great comeback. We always believed that we could come back,” said the neo-world champion Raikkonen. Kiki Raikkonen was born in Espoo, Finland on October 17th 1979 and was hired by the Sauber team for the 2001 Formula One season. The FIA refused to let Kimi drive in the F1 championship because he did not have his superlicense and had not gone through the Formula 3000 ranks. He was finally allowed to compete in the championship and quickly attracted the attention of Ron Dennis. After five seasons with Mclaren Mercedes Kimi was called upon to be the successor of Michael Schumacher. Raikkonen was 17 points behind Lewis Hamilton with two races to go and little hope. With a twist of luck and an unbridled belief in himself, Kimi defied the odds. The Iceman is the 2007 FIA world champion and Ferrari has won the constructors championship. After Keke Rosberg and Mika Hakkinen, Kimi is the third Finn to win the world F1 title. At the start of the season, many would have doubted Ferrari could achieve what they achieved in the days of Michael Schumacher, Ross Brawn, and Rory Byrne. PanoramItalia would also like to Congratulate Laval born member of Scuderia Ferrari Gino Rosato for winning the 2007 FIA constructors championship. v




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