Panoram Italia Luxury Edition 2008

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Q U A R T E R LY • T R I M E S T R A L E • T R I M E S T R I E L












SPRING 2007 • VOL.2 • NO.1


Beaucoup plus


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Messaggio dell’editore Una delle nostre lettrici scrive “ I vostri articoli mi piacciono tanto. Sono interessanti e scritti bene, con passione. Contrariamente ad altre pubblicazioni, Panoramitalia presenta la nostra comunità formata da gente intelligente e forte. Sono tanto orgogliosa delle mie radici e la vostra rivista è un esempio magnifico, positivo di quanto anche altri lo siano.” Grazie ad Adriana Rinaldi per averci fatto recapitare queste belle parole. Testimonianze come questa saranno di sprone per tutti noi della redazione a continuare a rendere i nostri lettori sempre più fieri della loro origine. L’orgoglio, sentirsi orgogliosi di quello che siamo è il tema ricorrente nella nostra identità di italo canadesi.Attaccamento e rispetto dei valori familiari sono la pietra angolare del nostro sistema di valori, che ci vengono invidiati e sono imitati anche da chi ha un’origine etnica diversa dalla nostra. L’orgoglio di cui parlo si è manifestato in modo evidente nelle tantissime risposte ricevute per la rubrica “ i neonati dell’anno”. 106 faccine paffutelle appaiono a pagina 30. In loro io vedo l’espressione di tanto amore e l’impegno dei loro genitori a mantenere vive le nostre tradizioni. Anche l’istruzione è per noi, come comunità, un valore fondamentale.Ed una delle ragioni principali per cui i nostri nonni o genitori sono venuti in questo paese è appunto quella di permetterci di ricevere un’ottima istruzione che li ha ripagati dei tanti sacrifici fatti. Con l’istruzione è venuta anche la prosperità e l’accettazione odierna, a tutti gli effetti, nel tessuto sociale. Il che non è sempre stato il caso, come diversi articoli di questo numero raccontano o sottolineano. L’istruzione permane uno dei valori fondamentali della nostra comunità. Ecco perché abbiamo l’intenzione di iniziare una nuova rubrica: “ I diplomati e laureati dell’anno”. Tutti gli studenti che avranno completato gli studi a livello di scuola media superiore, di avviamento professionale, di laurea universitaria breve o a livello di master o di dottorato di ricerca nel corso dell’anno accademico 2006-2007 sono pregati di inviare alla nostra redazione una foto con nome,cognome titolo di studio ed istituto o università di provenienza. Sarà un piacere per noi a Panoramitalia far apparire gratis l’immagine dei nostri giovani professionisti emergenti (vedere pagina 36). Siete pregati di spargere la voce sulla nostra iniziativa editoriale. Se ci sono ancora famiglie italo-canadesi che non conoscono o non ricevono la nostra rivista a casa, sono pregate di inviarci il recapito postale alla redazione di Panoramitalia e verranno a far parte del nostro indirizzario.Stiamo facendo del nostro meglio per inviare tramite posta a tutte le famiglie la nostra rivista. Per finire un grazie di cuore ai nostri sostenitori commerciali. Senza il loro contributo finanziario Panoramitalia non potrebbe esistere. Giunga loro a nome dei nostri lettori e mio personale un ringraziamento sincero. Tanti auguri di Buona Pasqua a tutti voi, cari lettori Antonio Zara, editore

Message de l’éditeur

Publisher’s Note

Adriana Rinaldi, une des lectrices de Panoramitalia nous a écrit et nous dit : « J’aime beaucoup vos articles; ils sont bien écrits et intéressants ; ils contiennent de la passion. Contrairement à d’autres publications, votre magazine présente notre communauté comme étant formée de gens intelligents et forts. Je suis très fière de mes racines et votre magazine est un exemple magnifique, positif de combien le sont aussi tant d’autres ». Merci, Adriana, pour ce beau témoignage qui va nous pousser à continuer notre travail et tâcher de rendre nos lecteurs toujours plus fiers de ce que nous sommes en tant qu’italo-canadiens. La fierté, se sentir fier de ce que nous sommes est le thème qui revient pour définir qui nous sommes. Attachement et respect de la famille comme pierre angulaire de notre système de valeurs est ce qui nous rend ce que nous sommes. C’est une valeur qui nous est enviée par d’autres qui ne sont pas de notre même origine ethnique. Avec l’éducation est venue la prospérité et l’acceptation, en très grande partie, d’aujourd’hui. Ceci n’a pas toujours été le cas, comme plusieurs articles dans ce numéro relatent ou soulignent. La fierté dont je parle s’est manifestée par le biais des nombreuses lettres et photos reçues pour la rubrique « les bébés de l’année ». 106 petits beaux visages grassouillets apparaissent à page 30. Je lis dans leur visage l’ expression de beaucoup d’amour et l’engagement de leur parents à maintenir vivantes nos traditions. L’instruction aussi est pour nous, en tant que communauté, une valeur fondamentale. C’est une des raisons principales pour lesquelles nos grands-parents ou parents sont venus vivre dans ce pays. Grâce à tant de leurs sacrifices nous avons eu la chance de nous instruire. Afin de démontrer que l’éducation reste une des valeurs principales de notre communauté, nous avons l’intention de commencer la rubrique « Les diplômés et les gradués de l’année ». Tous les étudiants ayant complété leur cours secondaires, le CEGEP, ou un programme universitaire au niveau du bac, de la maîtrise ou du doctorat au cours de l’année académique 2006-07 sont priés de nous faire parvenir une photo avec nom, prénom, programme d’études complété et institution scolaire ou université de provenance. Nous publieront gratuitement toutes les images de nos jeunes professionnels en herbe (voir page 36).Vous êtes priés de parler de notre initiative avec vos chers ou amis. S’il y a encore des familles italo-canadiennes qui ne connaissent pas ou bien ne reçoivent pas notre revue chez eux, nous les invitons à nous envoyer leur adresse à notre rédaction afin de faire partie de notre liste d’envoi. Nous tachons de faire de notre mieux pour envoyer Panoramitalia par la poste à toutes les familles italo-canadiennes. En finissant un merci sincère à nos supporteurs financiers. Il n’y aurait pas de Panoramitalia sans leur contribution. Meilleurs vœux de Bonnes Pâques à vous tous, chers lecteurs.

One of our readers, Adriana Rinaldi, writes : « I love your articles. They are so interesting, passionate and well written. Unlike other magazines, Panoramitalia represents our community as intelligent and strong people. I am so proud of my heritage and your magazine is a wonderful and positive example of others being just as proud.:. We appreciate these heartfelt words. Messages like this give meaning to our work and fuel our intent to continue making our readers proud. Pride is a recurring theme in our present-day Italian-Canadian culture and identity which find their corner-stone in family values. An illustration of how important family is in our culture is the response to our “ Babies of the Year” initiative. (please reer to page 30). By looking at all the 106 beautiful little faces you will see, I am sure, what I saw: unconditional love, caring and a commitment on the part of every new parent to continue our traditions. Education is also very important to us all. It is one of the reasons our grandparents and parents came to this country. Their many sacrifices became worthwhile when they gave to us, their children, the opportunity to have a good education. With education came prosperity and, by and large, acceptance nowadays in the mainstream. This was not always the case, as several articles in this issue recount or point out. The purpose of these articles is to create awareness about where we came from and what we had to bear in order to become who we are today. Belief in education is prevalent in our community and this is why I am announcing another tradition we intend to begin in the section “Graduates of the Year”. All 2006-07 high school, CEGEP, trade school, university or post- graduate studies (master or doctorate) are invited to send their graduateing picture along with their name, title of study and school or university and Panoramitalia will publish them free of charge in the coming Summer issue. Please tell your friends and family about this initiative (see page 36). There may still be Italian/Canadians in the greater Montreal area who do not know of this magazine or do not receive it. To overcome this, all they need to do is send us their coordinates and Panoramitalia will be mailed to them free of charge. We are doing our best to reach everyone. A special thank you to our advertisers. Without their financial support our publication would not be possible. Thanks on behalf of our readers and myself. Lastly, please accept my sincerest wishes for a Happy Easter. May the light of the risen Christ shine on all of you.

















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COVER PHOTO Geraldo Pace





PRINTING Accent Impression




Our towns



Life Stories
















EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Filippo Salvatore MANAGING EDITOR Mario Di Flavio


PANORAMITALIA 9300 Henri-Bourassa West, Suite 100 Ville St. Laurent (Qc) H4S 1L5 Tel.: 514.337.7870 I Fax: 514.337.6180 or by e-mail at : We look forward to hearing from you!



IL NOSTRO AMORE ORGOGLIO ED AVVENIRE Printer : Accent Impression Inc. 514.337.7870 I Le opinioni espresse negli articoli firmati non rispecchiano necessariamente le idée della direzione e/o dell’editore che non vanno ritenuti legalmente responsabili del loro contenuto e della loro veridicità. Les opinions exprimées dans les articles signés ne sont pas nécessairement celles de la direction et/ou de l’éditeur et ils ne peuvent pas être tenus légalement responsables de leur contenu et de leur véridicité. The opinions expressed in this magazine and/or its signed articles are those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of its administration or publisher and cannot be held legally responsible thereof.





Free/Gratuit Distribution 80 000 copies 55 000 by address mail 25 000 through select merchants


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Virginia Casale è nata e cresciuta nella Piccola Italia ed è lì che sente di avere le proprie radici, malgrado il fatto che per ragioni di lavoro abbia fatto il giro del mondo diverse volte.

Virginia Casale est née et a grandi dans la Petite Italie et c’est là qu’elle recherche ses racines, malgré le fait qu’elle ait fait le tour du monde plusieurs fois pour des raisons professionnelles.

With a degree in Languages and Literature from McGill University (including two scholarships to the University of Perugia) her experience in the tourist trade, and an exuberant and likeable personality, Virginia has felt right at home in the role of Concierge at 4 major Montreal hotels for the past 23 years. Casale has earned the “Clefs D’Or”, an honour bestowed upon the best in her business. She has been elected as president of Les Clefs d’Or Canada three times, being the first person from Quebec and only woman ever to do so in a usually male-dominated profession. In 2005, Virginia ran for the position of International General Secretary of the “Union Internationales des Concierges d’Hotels, Les Clefs d’Or”. She won. Again, the first Canadian woman to do this. By the age of 40, it seemed that Virginia Casale had just about reached the pinnacle of success in her field and was still aiming higher, when a fateful encounter with a childhood friend and former associate added a few more achievements to her list.“ I enjoyed my career and my life and wasn’t looking for love, but it found me.” She was married within one year and blissfully happy with Salvatore Lattuca, “A man whose support,” she says, “ I could not live without.” Several months later, while getting vaccinated for a trip to the far east, Virginia found out that she was pregnant. Nine months later, Alessia Casale Lattuca was born. “ This was during the World Cup last year, and my impassioned husband remarked that if Italy were to win, our daughter’s middle name would be “Italia”. Well, we won on July 9th and Alessia was born on July 11th, 24 years to the day that Italy won their last championship in 1982. We compromised and gave her the middle name “Vittoria” for victory!” Casale explains that while her career is still important to her, it’s funny how one little, 7 lbs, 2 oz package can completely change your world. “My priorities are different today, and to those women or men who feel they must choose between career and family, or that it’s too late after a certain age, I say no. It’s never too late, not for love, not for family, there is always space in one’s life for both. A child is a blessing at any age.”

Dopo essersi laureata in Lingue Straniere all’università McGill ( ed aver ricevuto due borse di studio dall’Università per Stranieri di Perugia) la sua esperienza nel settore turistico, abbinata ad una personalità estroversa, le ha permesso di svolgere facilmente per 23 anni il ruolo di concierge in quattro diversi alberghi di lusso di Montreal. La Casale è stata insignita della Clef d’Or, un’onorificenza molto ambita nel suo campo di lavoro.E’ stata anche la prima donna quebecchese ad essere eletta per tre ben volte presidente delle “ Clefs d’Or “ del Canada, cosa rarissima in un settore dominato dai maschi. Nel 2005 ha concorso ed ha vinto la presidenza della “ Union Internationale des Concierges d’Hotels, Les Clefs d’Or”. Ancora una volta è stata la prima donna a superare questo traguardo. A 40 anni Virginia sembrava aver raggiunto l’apice della sua carriera allorché l‘incontro casuale di un suo amico d’infanzia ed ex socio le ha permesso di issarsi ancora più in alto. “ Mi piacevano la mia carriera ed il mio stile di vita e non ero alla ricerca d’amore, ma è lui che è venuto a trovare me”. Nel giro di un anno si è sposata e da allora vive felicemente con Salvatore Lattuca. “ E’ un uomo il cui sostegno mi è necessario”. Dopo nove mesi è venuta alla luce Alessia Casale Lattuca, proprio durante il Campionato Mondiale di calcio. “ Se l’Italia vince chiameremo nostra figlia Italia.” aveva detto Salvatore. L’Italia ha in effetti vinto il 9 luglio scorso e l’11 luglio è nata Alessia,esattamente 24 anni dopo la vittoria italiana del 1982. “ Abbiamo fatto un compromesso, chiarisce Virginia, ed abbiamo dato Vittoria come secondo nome ad Alessia.” Virginia Casale spiega che la sua carriera è ancora molto importante per lei, ma chiarisce “ E’ strano come una cosina di poco più di 3 chili può cambiare drasticamente la vita.. Le mie priorità al giorno d’oggi sono diverse. A coloro, maschi o femmine, che devono scegliere tra carriera e famiglia o che reputano che sia troppo tardi, dico no, non è troppo tardi per amare e per formare una famiglia. C’è sempre spazio per entrambi nella vita di ognuno di noi. Un bambino è una benedizione a qualsiasi età”.

Elle a complété ses études en langues modernes à l’université McGill (tout en gagnant deux bourses d’étude de l’Università per Stranieri de Perugia). Son expérience dans le domaine touristique, liée à une personnalité extrovertie, lui ont permis de jouer le rôle de concierge dans quatre grands hôtels de Montréal pendant 23 ans. Madame Casale a gagné la Clef d’Or , une honneur très recherchée dans son domaine. Elle a été la première québécoise à avoir été élue trois fois présidente des Clefs d’Or au Canada, chose rarissime dans un secteur d’activité dominé par les hommes. En 2005 elle a en plus été élue présidente du l’Union Internationale des Concierges d’Hôtels Clefs d’Or, la première femme a avoir atteint ce sommet. A 40 ans Virginia semblait avoir atteint son summum professionnel, mais la rencontre par hasard d’un ami d’enfance et ex associé lui a permis d’atteindre quelque chose d’encore mieux : la découverte de l’amour et du mariage. « J’aimais bien ma carrière et mon style de vie et je ne cherchais pas l’amour. C’est lui qui est venu me chercher. » Dans un an elle s’est mariée et partage sa vie avec Salvatore Lattuca, « un homme dont j’ai besoin le soutien ». Après neuf mois la petite Alessia Casale Lattuca est venue au monde en même temps que le championnat mondial de soccer. « Si l’Italie gagne nous appelleront notre fille Italia » m’avait dit Salvatore. L’Italie a en effet gagné le 9 juillet et le 11 juillet Alessia est née . « Nous avons fait un compromis, dit Virginia, et nous avons donné Vittoria comme deuxième prénom à notre fille Alessia. Virginia Casale considère sa carrière encore très importante mais fait aussi remarquer comment « Un petit bout de chou de 7 livres peut changer radicalement la vie d’une personne. Aujourd’hui mes priorités sont différentes. A ceux ou celles qui doivent choisir entre carrière et famille ou bien se considèrent trop vieux je dis : non, ce n’est pas trop tard pour aimer et pour former une famille. Il y a toujours de l’espace pour les deux choses dans la vie de chacun de nous. Un bébé est un cadeau du ciel à n’importe quel age ».

Photo: Geraldo Pace

Virginia Casale was born and raised in Little Italy, and despite a successful career that has taken her around the globe several times, that is where her heart has remained.

Mario Di Flavio, Managing Editor




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LA COMUNITÀ ITALIANA E LE ELEZIONI NEL QUEBEC Il 26 marzo 2007 è la data stabilita dal Primo Ministro Jean Charest Filippo Salvatore

per le prossime elezioni nel Quebec. Dopo la scelta dei candidati dei diversi partiti è emerso un dato ovvio, molto preoccupante, per la comunità di origine italiana che numericamente, secondo i dati ufficiali dell’ultimo censimento, è costituita di oltre 250,000 persone, l’equivalente di tutta la regione del Saguenay Lac Saint Jean.(Ufficiosamente si parla di 300,000 persone). Il dato preoccupante è questo: la scarsità di candidati di origine italiana. Due sono i candidati per il Parti Québécois (Nino Colavecchio e Pierre Curzi) e uno solo per il Partito Liberale, Tony Tomassi. Sono veramente pochi se si considera che i quebecchesi d’origine italiana rappresentano circa il 9% della popolazione nella zona metropolitana di Montreal. Un altro elemento che penalizza la nostra comunità è lo scarto numerico tra contee elettorali rurali ed urbane. Quasi la metà della popolazione del Quebec vive in questa area geografica, e ogni deputato all’Assemblea Nazionale rappresenta in media 44,000 elettori. La differenza tra il numero degli elettori delle contee rurali ed urbane è in molti casi del 30%.Ciò significa che un voto rurale conta molto di più di un voto urbano. Questo il Primo Ministro Charest lo sa benissimo, ma non ha fatto nulla per cambiare questa ingiustizia. A noi italo-quebecchesi toccherebbero da 8 a 10 deputati, rispettando le giuste proporzioni demografiche. Attualmente invece siedono al parlamento regionale solo due deputati, William Cusano, che ha deciso di mettere fine alla sua carriera politica, e Tony Tomassi. Nessuno dei ministri del governo Charest è di origine italiana. Gli italo-canadesi del Quebec stanno svolgendo come comunità un ruolo significativo in tutti i campi per lo sviluppo e la prosperità della zona metropolitana di Montreal. La nostra comunità viene spesso additata come un modello riuscito d’integrazione. Il tasso di bilinguismo ufficiale francese/inglese dei nostri figli nati ed istruiti nel Quebec è quasi del 90%,. Il tasso di proprietà dei nuclei familiari è dell’85%.







I risultati di una ricerca del sociologo Clifford Jansen dell’Università York di Toronto apparsi tre anni fa dimostrano che gli italo-canadesi fanno ormai parte della media ed alta borghesia ed il loro tasso d’istruzione è superiore alla media nazionale. Altri dati del ministero dell’industria e del commercio dimostrano anche che il tasso di disoccupazione tra di noi è inferiore alla media nazionale. Perché fornire tutti questi dati? Non certo per vanagloria, ma semplicemente per ricordare ai nostri governanti e concittadini di lingua madre francese che anche noi meritiamo un posto al sole ed una fetta del potere proporzionata al nostro numero e contributo economico. Quando si parla di nomine governative, ( oltre 2.000 all’anno) e di funzione pubblica vige ancora una visione mono-etnica. Sicché a Montreal come a Quebec oltre il 90% degli impiegati sono di origine francese di vecchio ceppo. Con quale risultato? Che si continua a considerare “ etnico” chi ha un cognome italiano con la conseguenza seguente: lo stato viene visto come l’espressione di una burocrazia anonima in cui non ci riconosciamo. É il sindacalismo corporativista che il governo non osa toccare che impedisce la vera meritocrazia e ci relega ai margini del potere. Facendo un paragone con l’Ontario ci rendiamo conto quanto grande sia lo scarto tra il ruolo politico ed istituzionale che gli italo-canadesi svolgono a Toronto e quello che svolgiamo noi a Quebec. Alla fonte di questo scarto c’è, certo, la minaccia secessionista. Sicché le nostre aspirazioni politiche si concentrano sul Partito Liberale che per troppo tempo ci ha preso e purtroppo







continua a prenderci per scontato e si limita a ripeterci a parole quanto siamo bravi e quanto grande sia il nostro contributo alla società quebecchese. Questo è ormai inaccettabile e lo dobbiamo far valere con il peso del nostro voto che può rivelarsi determinante per la vittoria o la sconfitta del nuovo governo. Tra le tante rivendicazioni collettive dobbiamo sottolineare il bisogno di mantenere viva la nostra lingua madre, l’italiano, che merita di essere inserito come materia curricolare nelle scuole pubbliche che paghiamo con le nostre tasse. Deve avvenire, in poche parole, un salto di qualità nell’esercizio del potere. Questo dobbiamo ripetere e far accettare al Primo Ministro Charest. Solo così i migliori tra di noi saranno tentati e disposti a lanciarsi in politica e solo così conteremo veramente.


Il governo liberale del Quebec prende per scontato l’appoggio della comunità italiana?

Rispondere a:


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LA COMMUNAUTÉ ITALIENNE ET LES ÉLECTIONS AU QUÉBEC Le 26 mars est la date que le Premier Ministre Jean Charest Filippo Salvatore

a choisie pour les prochaines élections au Québec. Après le choix des candidats ce fait est désormais évident et inquiétant pour la communauté italienne composée de 250,000 personnes selon les données du dernier recensement (300,000 selon des calculs officieux). Notre communauté a un poids démographique comparable à la Région du Saguenay Lac Saint Jean. C’est la pénurie de candidats d’origine italienne qui nous préoccupe. Nino Colavecchio et Pierre Curzi se présentent pour le Parti Québécois et Tony Tomassi est le seul candidat pour le Parti Libéral du Québec. Le nombre réduit de candidats d’origine italienne saute aux yeux surtout si l’on considère qu’environ 9% de la population de la région du grand Montréal est justement de la même origine ethnique. Un autre élément qui pénalise notre communauté est l’écart numérique entre comtés électoraux ruraux et urbains. Presque la moitié de la population du Québec habite cette région et chaque député représente en moyenne 44,000 électeurs à l’Assemblée Nationale. La différence numérique entre un comté rural et urbain est souvent de 30%.Un vote rural vaut donc beaucoup plus qu’un vote urbain. Le Premier Ministre Charest est au courant de cette anomalie, mais il n’a rien fait pour la changer. En voulant respecter les justes proportions démographiques, nous italo-québécois aurions droit à 8-10 députés. Actuellement il n’y a en que deux qui siègent à l’Assemblée Nationale, Wiliam Cusano, ( qui a décidé de mettre fin à sa carrière politique) et Tony Tomassi. Aucun des ministres du gouvernement Charest est d’origine italienne. Les italo-canadiens du Québec sont en train de jouer un rôle important pour le développement et la prospérité de la région du Grand Montréal. Notre communauté est souvent présentée comme un exemple réussi d’intégration. Le taux de bilinguisme officiel français/anglais chez nos enfants nés et instruits au Québec est presque 90%. Environ 85% des familles d’origine italienne est

propriétaire de la maison qu’elles habitent. Les résultats d’une recherche du sociologue Clifford Jansen de l’université York de Toronto publiés il y a trois ans démontrent que les italo-canadiens font désormais partie de la moyenne et haute bourgeoisie. Leur taux d’instruction est supérieur tandis que leur taux de chômage est inférieur à la moyenne nationale Pourquoi fournir ces données ? Certainement pas pour nous jeter des fleurs et de la gloriole. Tout simplement afin de rappeler à nos législateurs et à nos concitoyens de langue maternelle française que nous aussi méritons une place au soleil et un morceau du gâteau proportionnel à notre poids démographique et à notre contribution économique. On suit encore une logique mono-etnique quand il s’agit de nominations gouvernementales (2,000 par an) ou bien de fonction publique. Ainsi à Montréal et à Québec plus de 90% des employés sont des Québécois « de souche » . Le résultat ? On continue de considérer « ethnique » quelqu’un qui a un nom à consonance italienne avec les conséquences que nous connaissons. C’est la vision corporatiste des syndicats qui en est en partie la cause, certes, mais les gouvernements ne font rien pour faire valoir la méritocratie et nous finissons aux marges de l’exercice du pouvoir. Il y a un écart énorme entre nous, italo-québécois et nos cousins italo-ontariens en ce qui concerne le rôle politique et institutionnel qu’ils jouent à Toronto et celui que nous jouons au Québec. Cet écart s’explique en partie par la menace sécessionniste, certes. Nous dirigeons nos aspirations politiques vers le Parti Libéral

qui pendant longtemps nous a pris et continue à nous prendre pour acquis et se limite à répéter comment nous sommes gentils et combien nous contribuons à la société québécoise. Cette situation est désormais inacceptable et nous devrions le faire valoir avec le poids de notre vote qui peut se révéler déterminant pour la victoire ou la défaite du prochain gouvernement. Parmi le nombre de nos revendications il faut souligner le besoin de maintenir en vie notre langue maternelle, l’italien, qui mérite d’être inséré comme matière régulière d’enseignement dans les écoles publiques que nous payons avec nos taxes. En d’autres mots, il faut qu’il s’opère un saut de qualité dans notre exercice du pouvoir. C’est la seule façon de compter véritablement et c’est la seule façon d’inciter les meilleurs parmi nous à se lancer en politique.


Croyez-vous que le gouvernement libéral du Québec prend pour acquis l’appui de la communauté italienne?




La garanzia della tecnica tedesca con il calore e la cortesia italiani


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le courrier des lecteurs

Letters to the editor Filippo Salvatore

Due erano le domande poste alla fine degli editoriali dell’ultimo numero di Panoramitalia. Alla prima domanda “ siete a favore del ritiro delle truppe canadesi ed italiane dall’Afghanistan” le risposte sono state in maggioranza per il mantenimento della nostra presenza militare in quel paese. Chris Vincelli ne ha sintetizzato nella sua lettera che pubblichiamo nella versione inglese, le ragioni. Il Canada e l’Italia stanno portando la democrazia in Afghanistan e stanno combattendo contro l’oscurantismo dei talebani e la proliferazione del terrorismo internazionale di Al-Qaeda. Per quanto riguarda la seconda domanda: “ I siti web che banalizzano la violenza o incitano all’odio razziale o illustrano atti degradanti come la pornografia e la pedofilia vanno controllati malgrado il rischio di censura della libertà di espressione personale?” Le risposte ricevute, come quella del signor Michel Giannuzzi che pubblichiamo qui di seguito, sottolineano nella maggior parte dei casi che sta a noi come individui e non al governo sapere “giudicare ed agire con prudenza”. Per mancanza di spazio non possiamo pubblicare tutte le risposte ricevute. Ringrazio sentitamente chi ci ha inviato il suo parere e vi incito, cari lettori, a farci pervenire suggerimenti, apprezzamenti ed anche critiche. Un grazie particolare a tutti gli orgogliosi genitori che hanno partecipato al concorso “i neonati dell’anno 2006”. Buona lettura e Buona Pasqua. Credo che non dobbiamo contare sempre su una legge o un governo per dirci cosa fare e come. Qualcuno che vuole fare qualcosa di male lo farà! Da quando il mondo è mondo, niente è cambiato eccetto il modo di fare le cose. Sta a noi saper giudicare ed agire con prudenza. Michel Giannuzzi In the last issue of Panoramitalia questions were asked concerning the two editorials. The first question was: “ Are you in favour of the withdrawal of Canadian and Italian troops from Afghanistan?”. The majority of the answers were in favour of keeping our troops in that country. Chris Vincelli summarized the reasons in his letter, which we publish. Canada and Italy are bringing democracy in Afghanistan and fighting the Taliban’s obscurantism and their link with the terrorists of Al-Qaeda.

As to the second question: “ The web sites that foster violence or promote racial hatred or show degrading images, such as pornography or pedophilia, ought to be controlled notwithstanding the danger of censorship of personal freedoms?’ Again the majority of the answers ( like the one by Michel Giannuzzi which we publish) underline that it is up to us as individuals, not up to the government, to know how “ to judge and act with prudence”. Because of lack of space we cannot publish most of the letters we received. I thank those who sent us their opinion and ask you to keep in touch with us by providing suggestions, opinions and criticism. A special thank you to all the proud parents who took part in the “ Babies of the Year 2006” contest. Happy Easter to you all. I strongly support the presence of Canadian and NATO troops in Afghanistan. Since October 2001, our troops have brought tremendous progress to a country that was once living in fear and oppression. The Taliban ruled with an iron fist, with an ideology that resembled that of the stone age. Children were not able to go to school, women were treated as animals, movie theatres were closed, and sports venue such as soccer stadiums were the scene of public execution. Additionally, the Taliban harboured and supported Al-Qaeda’s presence in their country, as well as their mission to destroy values we deeply believe in: peace, progress and democracy. Al-Qaeda was able to go ahead with its terrorist attacks, like that of 9/11, because of the Taliban’s support. We cannot allow the Taliban to regain power in Afghanistan. Instead, we must fight them and support a progressive regime, instead of retreating and making way for the Taliban once again. Afghans might see the idea of democracy as new, but so what? It wasn’t long ago that democracy was considered a new concept for us Italians as well! Sincerely. Chris Vincelli


Letters to the editor

“ I have read the latest PANORAMITALIA magazine and found it extremely informative, interesting and newsworthy. It tugged my Italian roots. I found the layout, pictures and articles very professional. Thank you and looking forward to the next issue.” Assunta Ciarla-Heidersdorf “I am a former Montrealer who now lives in Quebec…reading the review gives me the capability of staying in touch with the Italian community…Receiving PANORAMITALIA, to a certain level, fills the void of missing Montreal.” Maria Di Giovanni “I love your articles. They are so interesting, passionate, and well written. Unlike other magazines, PANORAMITALIA represents our community as intelligent and strong people. I am so proud of my heritage and your magazine is a wonderful and positive example of others being just as proud. Thank you.” Adriana Rinaldi “ My children (16 and 14 years old) and I were really thrilled to receive your fall issue of PANORAMITALIA. We were very excited to look through the issue and read what’s going on in our community. Please keep it up as we are anxiously awaiting your next issue. Thank you so much for your efforts. They are greatly appreciated by myself and especially my TEENS, who are very proud to be part of the Italian culture and lifestyle.” Gabriella “I just wanted to thank you for sending this quality magazine to me. It’s great to see local people doing good work. I appreciate that it is in 3 languages. Well done! Thanks to the whole team and PANORAMITALIA.” Eric Raglione

“I have recently received a copy of this terrific magazine PANORAMITALIA. Although I’m not Italian, I find the magazine full of interesting articles and information. It is also beautifully presented. What a lovely way to keep up with what’s happening in the Italian community here in Montreal.” P.J. Andersen “I must compliment all the contributors to this magazine. It is great and I love reading all the many interesting stories.” Anna Stabile “I have to congratulate you on the excellent quality of the articles, especially pertinent to Italian-Canadians, and the presentation. All the best!” Daniela Baggio. “I had the opportunity to read your magazine. I think the articles are excellent. Pertinent information and trilingual. Your magazine reflects the hard work and progress that the Italians have always shown and I am happy to see that we are flourishing. Grazie.” Nick Sisti “I currently receive your publication at my office and I enjoy it tremendously. The articles are interesting and the magazine is a pleasure to read. Keep up the great work.” Frank Rossi “I saw your wonderful magazine. I think it is a great publication and I congratulate everyone involved. Keep up the excellent work, and congratulations to all your team.” Vince Di Lembo


le courrier des lecteurs

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I've just read my second issue of Panoram Italia (Quarterly) and was as impressed as with the first issue. I would like to extend my sincerest congratulations to the entire staff and hope that you will have a long an successful run with this magazine. As a proud Italian-Canadian son of Italian immigrants, I am very pleased to see a publication which caters to Italo-Montrealers. John Fraraccio Congratulations for your magazine. I'm very happy to have been chosen to receive this wonderful magazine, not only bilingual but trilangual! I'm impressed. Thank you and good luck for the future. Johanne Raffa Hello, Just wanted to let you all know that your magazine is terrific and allows us proud italo – Canadians, to continue to enjoy our heritage and language! Your magazine is another “tool” we can use to teach our children of their proud heritage and give them insight on what a beautiful language they have and will continue to learn in the future! Thanks for making this happen and you definitely have the Diodati family supporting your magazine! Sonia and Anthony Diodati I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for including my name on your subscriber’s list. I am of Italian decent but since my grandparents and now my parents have passed away I am not practicing my Italian very much, your articles and magazine will help me preserve my Italian heritage and pass in to the next generation. Once again I thank you very much for your publication. Linda Buri Hi! I enjoy very much the quarterly issues of your magazine. Thank you, a job well done. Giovanni D’Elia


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Dossier Filippo Sabetti* McGill University


ONE ANTI-ITALIAN STEREOTYPE TOO MANY 1. Italophobia refers to anti-Italian stereotypes, exaggerations and clichés. In an article published in 1969, Michael Lerner referred to anti-Italian stereotypes as one of the few bigotries still respectable in the American media and public discourse (Lerner, “Respectable Bigotry,” The American Scholar, 38, 1969, 606-16). In a survey of the history of Canadian and American attitudes toward Italian immigrants and North Americans of Italian origin, the late University of Toronto history professor Robert F. Harney suggested that Italophobia might well be “an English-speaking malady,” which also includes Catholic bashing (Harney, “Italophobia: An English-Speaking Malady?,” Studi Emigrazione/ Etudes Migrations 12 March 1985, 6-43). In Harney’s words, generations of English Canadians “derived their views of Italians from deeply embedded English-speaking cultural traditions, bits of information about Italians passed on like folklore and in complex relation to the English literature itself ” (p.10). This is reflective of the tendency to view people of Italian origins as not belonging here, even though it is a fact that Italians have been in Quebec and Canada as far back as the time of the Jesuit Relations. Ad hoc, casual anti-Italian stereotypes and clichés, often with Catholic-bashing, have been the worst because they can be found scattered in otherwise respectable texts and voiced by influential left-leaning, progressive, politicians like J. S. Woodsworth. In my book The Search for Good Government: Understanding the Paradox of Italian Democracy (2000, esp. chaps. 1 and 10), I noted that negative

stereotypes exist in the AngloAmerican popular and academic media and, as forms of self-hate, among Italians as well. Following Harney and Lerner, I compared Italophobia with anti-Semitism. Italophobia does not have the same standing as anti-Semitism as a mechanism for prompting sober second thoughts about what is being written. As a result, various dimensions of Italophobia prevail in the popular and academic media. Some who write, and promote, anti-Italian stereotypes may not even recognize, or be sensitive to, their offensive nature. 2. Like many other Canadian newspapers including those in more remote areas like

Northern Ontario, The Montreal Gazette has a long history of publishing negative stereotypes, exaggerations and clichés about Italians and North Americans of Italian origin. Two examples are illustrative of how widespread over time this problem exists in the Gazette newsroom. 3. The first example is offered by an article from Rome by Bruce Johnston, entitled “Vatican Intrigues”The Gazette, Sunday 10 May 1998, p. A7. What makes this article especially provocative is that Johnston combines Catholic-bashing with standard negative, anti-Italian, stereotypes. 4. Several Gazette readers wrote e-mails and letters to the Editor, complaining about the article. Those who wrote included: an official of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Montreal, several leaders of the Montreal Italian community, and a McGill professor, now a very high University official. The Gazette editors did not publish any of the letters received. Three points are worth stressing: (1) the Gazette editors ignored completely the complaint about anti-Italian stereotypes from several readers, all responsible leaders in their respective communities; (2) the readers whose letters were not published did nothing else, except lament what many have silently felt for years: an anti-Italian and anti-Catholic bias or ignorance at the Gazette; and (3) the Gazette continued to publish Bruce Johnston’s correspondence from Rome at least until 2005 (see Gazette, July 17, 2005, p.A8). In so doing, the Gazette editors seemed to condone or approve by implication Mr Johnston’s anti-Italian and anti-Catholic piece. 5. It would be unfair to blame the present Gazette owner, the Asper Family, and the current editors for the Gazette’s enduring record of respectable bigotry. 6. The second example is by the now infamous headline “The Pizza Parliament” of April 14, 2006. As more and more news of the headline spread, many in the Montreal community mobilized themselves to act. Some brought the matter to the attention of several academic internet lists dealing with Italian politics and society whose responses almost unanimously signaled strong disapproval of the Gazette headline: they found it offensive, stupid, ridiculous, insensitive and, for some, unfortunate. Three points are worth stressing: (1) the Gazette editor in chief, Mr. Andrew Phillips, has, to my knowledge, refused to admit either publicly or privately that the headline was offensive and, consequently, has expressed no regrets about it; (2) unlike the case of 1998, the Gazette this time chose not to ignore its public and wisely published one letter to the editor and an op-ed piece questioning the headline; and (3) the incident confirmed the existence of a deeply felt dissatisfaction about The Gazette among a sizeable segment of its readers. 7. “The Pizza Parliament” headline and the editor in chief’s denial are more troubling if put it in a comparative perspective. Just consider. The result of the Italian election was in many respects similar to the result of the recent German and Israeli elections. To my knowledge, the Gazette carried no op-ed page piece on the German election with the title “The Sauerkraut Parliament” and on the Israeli election “The Bagel Knesset.” Not that three or more evils would make a good, but invariably singling out Italy certainly adds insult to injury. The exchange I had with the Gazette editor-in-chief, Mr Andrew Phillips, suggests that he does not seem to appreciate this point at all. All he could say is that some of us complain too much.

* Professor of Political Science, McGill University, 855 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal Quebec H3A 2T7.Tel. 514 398 4812, A past president of the Conference Group on Italian Politics & Society, Filippo Sabetti is the author and coeditor of several books on Canadian federalism, comparative politics, and the political economy of crime and punishment in and beyond Sicily.


8. In fairness, it must be acknowledged that people who do the headlines and other lead entries for newspapers have a job which requires them to use words and phrases that are catchy and even sensational. When every possible allowance is made for this, and the fact that perhaps the Montreal Gazette folks may be more sensitive to German and Jewish/Israeli sensibilities, the fact remains that the “Pizza Parliament” headline is not an isolated, exceptional, extraordinary incident. Consider other very recent pieces with evident anti-Italian biases and prejudices. 9. The frontpage article by Catherine Solyom, “Inquiry puts ex-Gagliano aide under scrutiny,” The Gazette, May 9, 2005, is not entirely without merit. Her reference to Giuseppe Morselli as “liberal Mafioso,” if only in the form of a question, is questionable. It is a form of ethnic stereotyping made all the more untenable by two related facts. First, Ms Solyom and the Gazette never used expressions drawn from the Jewish/Israeli crime or illegal underworld to ask questions about Mr Beryl Wajsman, a close associate of Mr. Morselli. Even when extremely critical of Mr Wajsman, The Gazette did not pose the question “Is Mr Wajsman part of the Liberal “macher mania”? Or part of the “Liberal protectzia”? Second, when asked about the appropriateness of the question for Mr Morselli, the Gazette editor in chief, Mr Phillips, defended Ms Solyom, using in part the understandable, but unpersuasive, excuse that other Montreal newspapers have done much worse. Mr Phillips’ defense of a Gazette reporter is admirable but questionable in the circumstance. It sends the wrong message to both Gazette reporters and readers. 10. Janet Bagnall, “A blond with substance”, Gazette June 8, 2005, page A25, reveals a disturbing mindset. Not only the piece presumes to know what Bernard Landry thinks but labels, no doubt for effect, “Sicilian” an old adage about the struggle for power that can be found in any most inter- and intra party competition. When asked why she privileged Sicily, Ms. Bagnall, who shows great sensitivity to many other issues, did not even bother to answer. The Gazette refused to publish a letter to the editor complaining about Bagnall’s cognitive bias. 11. The Gazette, “Italians agog as wiretaps air elite’s secrets.” August 28, 2005. This is a good illustration of how some reports like to mix facts and fiction to distort, exaggerate and sensationalize the ins and outs of Italian public life. This is not to say that the article is entirely without merit, just that it distorts and exaggerates. When contacted, the folks at the Gazette were not even open to that possibility, and refused to publish a letter to the editor to that effect. 12. -D- David Segal, “On the Sopranos…The Return of the Whack-job,” The Gazette March 12, 2006, page A18-21. Like item no. 10 above, this article in the Arts section of the paper exaggerates in another direction when it says “the Sopranos has remained mercilessly true to the underworld it so faithfully chronicles, a realm where death is as common as good cannoli.” Mercilessly true? Faithfully chronicles? Again, they dismissed a complaint, and suppressed a letter to the editor. 13. The Gazette stories and editorial on Italian involvement in organized crime in Montreal are, unfortunately, good illustrations of respectable bigotry at work. Like most other commercial editors, the Gazette editors do not seem to tolerate those who challenge the accepted picture, or to reorient the image, of the mafia and its history. They defend the police’s tendency, noted by several scholarly publications, to mix facts and fiction when it comes to Italian involvement in organized crime. They tend to prefer big generalizing stories involving the presumed transplantation of “the Mafia” in Canada and tend to give enormous prominence to the status, charisma and power of individual mobsters as necessary to make things comprehensible to ordinary people and move them to buy and read newspapers. The Gazette Crime Reporter’s stories, in particular, have shown over the years a strong tendency to mix facts and fictions, and little or no capacity to learn from exaggeration and misrepresentation. The tendency to associate criminality with ethnicity is, at best, untenable and spurious and, at worst, abhorrent. Due process of inquiry does not apply here. This phenomenon merits a separate, more extended, analysis. 14. A more thorough search of the Gazette archives would most likely reveal other, possibly even more glaring, cases of respectable bigotry, as would a search of the experience of other readers who in the past expressed reservations about how things Italian are covered in the Gazette. The published work (in Italian) of Claudio Antonelli, a Montreal writer trained in law, literature and library science, has been addressing this problem for more than twenty years. 15. No doubt, many people of Italian origin work in different departments at the Gazette. I assume that they do so on merit. Yet the only regular column with an Italian sounding name is that of “Doug Camilli.” An entertaining but light, and even silly, column. I don’t know why Mr Brian Kappler, the author of the column, chose that name. I think it is time for Mr. Kappler to drop “Camilli” and adopt a new name for his entertainment column in keeping with the diversity of Montreal. Perhaps he could even use his own name. 16. Commercial and academic publishers routinely put out books dealing with different aspects of Italian life in North America and beyond. The University of Toronto Press has a distinguished book series on Italian culture that appeals to popular and academic audiences, as do McGill-University Press and Harvard University Press. The Association of Italian American Writers and the Canadian Society for Italian Studies routinely provide




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information about the literary academic and semi-popular publications of their members. There is a critical mass of people in and out of universities in Montreal who could review books of that sort. Yet, it is hard to understand why the Gazette books section, which is in very capable hands, seldom if ever pays attention to the Italian book world, except perhaps some books on organized crime. The criteria for privileging some authors and topics and not others are not clear. Certainly, space is not a problem for some. The main point remains: Italians are people of many books but one would seldom, if ever, know it by reading the Gazette books section. 17. It would be unfair to assign total blame for this state of affairs to the present owner of the Gazette and even to the present Gazette editors. The current publisher was once the editor in chief. Journalists and reporters are notorious for their unwillingness to admit mistakes. Even well-intentioned owners, publishers and editors cannot always do much about that, or about headline writers. Moreover, mindsets are difficult to change. 18. Still, the Gazette owner, publisher and editor in chief have the authority to recognize, and to express regrets publicly about, the misrepresentations, exaggerations and negative stereotypes that appear in the newspaper. They cannot remain silent. They should strive to make respectable bigotry in the paper no longer respectable. They should do so for one simple reason: even one anti-Italian stereotype in the Gazette is one too many. 19. As noted earlier, Robert Harney and Michael Lerner suggest that the Gazette’s respectable bigotry is by no means unique. Italophobia can be found in much of the Canadian news media, including self-styled national newspapers like The Globe and Mail. Lawrence Martin’s Globe and Mail column about Giuliano Zaccardelli, (“Our Lost Horseman” Dec. 7, 2006), is illustrative. Respectable bigotry is very much present in the Montreal French dailies. 20. Negative, anti-Italian stereotypes, clichés and exaggerations among public officials and in the news media would not be so respectable if concerned citizens would signal their displeasure and if the larger public and authorities would treat such occurrences in the same way they treat negative stereotypes about Jews. Greater awareness and sensitivity are needed. This article will have achieved its aim if it helps to increase awareness and education as the tools to combat hate and respectable bigotry, to foster human rights and to make our society an even better place to live.¨


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Dossier Claudio Antonelli


Mezzi D’Informazione E Stereotipi Anti-Italiani

Il contorno mediatico assunto dalla gigantesca retata – cui è stato dato il nome in codice “Colosseo” – contro la “mafia italiana”, condotta a Montréal lo scorso 22 novembre dai vari corpi di polizia, ha toccato il grottesco. I mass media, soprattutto del Québec, hanno dato un rilievo straordinario all’avvenimento usando in tutte le salse l’aggettivo “italiano”. Nei quartieri italiani di Montréal vi è stata addirittura un’invasione di reporter vogliosi di far conoscere ai propri lettori il commento dell’“italiano medio” di casa nostra sull’accaduto. Ciò è parsa una sorta di vendetta per il tripudio di bandiere italiane con cui gli italo-quebecchesi in particolare e gli italo-canadesi in genere hanno salutato qualche mese fa la vittoria della squadra di calcio del Belpaese all’ultimo Mondiale. E infatti « On était loin de l'ambiance qui règne pendant la Coupe du monde de soccer hier dans la Petite-Italie et dans le quartier Saint-Léonard, à Montréal » ha scritto con ironia Anne-Marie-A. Savoie sul “Journal de Montréal” (23-11-06). Tale quotidiano si è distinto “more solito” per il modo quasi isterico con cui ha coperto gli avvenimenti e sguazzato con voluttà nel braco facendo largo uso di parole e frasi italiane. L’ambasciatore d’Italia ad Ottawa, S.E. Gabriele Sardo, si è visto costretto ad intervenire contro lo spreco dell’aggettivo “italiano” cui i mass media e le stesse autorità di polizia hanno fatto ricorso. Sarebbe stato logico ed opportuno, infatti, chiamare “quebecchese” o “canadese”. un intervento di polizia diretto contro la criminalità locale. Ai commenti dell’Ambasciatore – disponibili sul Web – io vorrei aggiungere il commento del professore (Università McGill) Filippo Sabetti: « We generally applaud efforts by the police to rid our society of criminal elements, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity or race as long as the laws of the land are respected in so doing. But the naming of Montreal police operations after personalities and places of Classical Rome like Cicero and the Colosseum reveals a prejudicial mindset. Since when is it appropriate to trivialize the historical, cultural and religious patrimony of any people? The RCMP and the Quebec police forces have regrettably shown poor judgment. » Il ricorso delle varie polizie del Québec e del Canada a nomi come Cicerone e Colosseo potrebbe spingere qualcuno allora a chiedersi perché l’operazione condotta a suo tempo in Québec contro Maurice Boucher e la sua banda di « motards » criminali non sia stata chiamata in codice “Plaines d’Abraham” oppure “Monument National”, in omaggio all’identità franco-quebecchese del capo Boucher e della maggioranza dei suoi accoliti. Se ci si basa sul cognome per stabilire l’identità nazionale di un individuo, allora bisogna dire che nella lista degli arrestati, pubblicata dai giornali, i criminali di origine non « italiana » costituiscono un po’ più del cinquanta per cento (per la precisione i cognomi non italiani sono 47 su 87). Eppure il gruppo dei criminali è stato qualificato, in blocco, come “italiano”. Bisogna anche precisare che il giorno dopo, se si presta fede alle notizie riportate dalla stampa locale, un certo numero di questi “mafiosi per acclamazione” anzi “mafiosi italiani per acclamazione” è stato liberato su una cauzione di mille dollari. Il che fa pensare, o che l’inflazione dal tempo di Montcalm e Wolf ad oggi non è mai esistita, o che molti dei “picciotti” catturati erano veramente “piccioli”. Quando si tratta di noi italiani pare che sia sempre permesso agli altri di fare di tutt’erba un fascio... Per non parlare, appunto, dell’abuso dei termini “mafia” e “mafioso”. Anche un ladro di biciclette canadese se ha la ventura di avere un cognome italiano diviene ipso facto un “mafioso”. Evidentemente, le

autorità di polizia, travolte dalla loro passione per la storia di Roma, vogliono a tutti costi dare a Cesare anche quello che non è di Cesare... I mass media non dovrebbero avere tanta reticenza a usare l’aggettivo “canadese”. Dopo tutto, in Canada vige il multiculturalismo e non il tribalismo, anche se le prove in contrario, purtroppo, sono sempre più numerose. Se si accetta la logica seguita da autorità e da mass media che hanno chiamato “mafia italiana” la malavita locale composta oltretutto da gente di diversa origine, allora – secondo me – anche la polizia federale (la GRC-RCMP) andrebbe etichettata come “italiana” per la presenza al suo vertice di un Giuliano Zaccardelli. Del resto, noto en passant, nei corpi di polizia canadesi vi è una straordinaria presenza di dirigenti italo-canadesi, vedi Julian Fantino nominato di recente Commissioner della polizia provinciale dell’Ontario dopo essere stato capo della polizia di Toronto. Ciò non ci autorizza certamente a chiamare “italiani” i vari corpi di polizia diretti da questi italo-canadesi. A questo punto devo però dire che gli italiani dovrebbero far sventolare con moderazione, nelle patrie adottive, l’amato tricolore. Secondo me, la bandiera della patria lasciata si può continuare a portarla nel cuore, ma non la si ostenta. Innanzitutto per un dovere di lealtà “urbi et orbi” nei confronti della patria adottiva. Ma anche perché il fatto di ostentare il patriottismo d’origine con troppa insistenza può ritorcersi contro di noi. Come infatti è avvenuto. Io so che oggigiorno “globalismo”, “internazionalismo”, “multiculturalismo” spingono molti a tenere tutt’altri discorsi. Ma certe realtà oggettive e certi sentimenti in relazione alla terra in cui si vive sono lungi dall’essere stati aboliti in nome di un universale “volemose bene”, ancora di là da venire. Occorrerebbe quindi fare un onesto “mea culpa” circa la strana legge elettorale italiana che crea le circoscrizioni estere; legge che permette a noi elettori « italiani » d’inviare a Roma, dalla nostra patria adottiva, i nostri rappresentanti. Ciò rischia di far di noi, canadesi d’origine italiana – e anche dei nostri figli – una comunità avulsa dal resto della popolazione. Dei cittadini canadesi, insomma, “diluiti”, o se vogliamo “malfidi”. « Non si possono servire bene due padroni » vuole la saggezza antica. Arlecchino, sappiamo, non è d’accordo con questo detto. Ma siamo veramente noi italiani un popolo d’Arlecchini ? O più cinicamente detto: vogliamo veramente che gli altri ci conoscano come un popolo di Arlecchini? I mass media nordamericani non hanno certo aspettato questa legge elettorale italiana per far ricorso nei nostri confronti a stereotipi e a clichés basati sull’infamia o sul ridicolo. Da tantissimo tempo essi hanno la tendenza a trattarci, grazie anche al massiccio contributo di Hollywood, come un corpo di cittadini malfidi propensi alla pizza e al crimine; oppure, bontà loro, a considerarci come barzellette su due piedi. Dicendo questo io non esagero. Tutti noi, infatti, siamo stati prima o poi testimoni, vivendo all’estero, di un’ingiusta diminuzione della nostra umanità attraverso quei luoghi comuni e quei pregiudizi cui fanno ricorso per diritto divino le razze « più giuste e più forti ». Occorre riconoscere quindi che la legge elettorale italiana, che permette ad una massa di canadesi d’origine italiana d’inviare a Roma dal Canada i propri parlamentari scelti nelle proprie file, come se gli “italiani” fossero un corpo separato dal resto del Canada, rischia di far non solo di noi ma anche dei nostri figli nati qui dei canadesi a parte “non intera”. Occorre invece che tutti diano a Cesare quel che è di Cesare. Noi “in primis”.


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Riding High Shauna Hardy

JAGUAR LAND ROVER LAVAL There is no doubt that running a successful business takes determination and talent. But add passion into the mix and the company takes on a whole new dimension. Ercole (Nino) De Cubellis and his brother Renato know a thing or two about being enthusiastic about their jobs. Having spent almost their entire lives around cars, the brothers are busy celebrating the second anniversary of their Jaguar Land Rover dealership in Laval. “Cars are in our blood,” explains Renato. “We’ve always loved luxury performance cars. We both began washing them at about the age of ten! It’s always been fun to be around nice cars. I think that my brother and I are lucky that we developed a passion for it – it makes what we do that much more enjoyable.” Their father Villio De Cubellis began working in the car dealership business in 1973, an immigrant from Galluccio,Caserta; the elder De Cubellis worked with a variety of different brands throughout his career. Now, he stands happily alongside his two sons. “When you think about it, it’s quite incredible,” says Nino. “Between the three of us, we have 75 years worth of experience! My father is a phenomenal mentor and an incredible source of experience. He’s a great reference thanks to his broad range of business and community contacts. He always knows the right person to get in touch with!” The De Cubellis family has seen enormous success with its latest dealership. The company has more than tripled its sales in the area and was ranked fifth in Canada for Land Rover sales. With Laval and the North Shore being slated as one of the fastest growing markets in Canada, the Jaguar Land Rover dealership is perfectly positioned for success. “Where do we see the dealership going?” says Renato. “The possibilities are infinite. We’re not afraid of growth or expansion – but it’s all in due time.” Rather than rushing into expansion, the brothers are focusing upon what

they do best – applying a personal touch that sets their dealership apart from the rest. Each customer is treated specially; the staff is able to become close to its clients, forming close-knit customer relationships and dealing with almost everyone on a first name basis. “We are really going back to our roots in terms of the business approach,” explains Nino. “Our customers allow us to make a living and we are very grateful for that. We want to make doing business here as pleasant an experience as possible for the client. And while our staff is always on top of its emails and voicemail, nothing really beats the interpersonal connection.” The brothers also enjoy the complicity of working together. ““We have fun all the time,” says Renato. “We really rely on each other for support and trust – there is a big comfort level there. When you have two people working together, you have to compromise, but it also means that when you’ve got two people coming up with ideas, you’re able to sift through everything and find the best one.” Always looking for ways to address its customers’ needs, Jaguar Land Rover Laval has its own on site body shop and soon will be opening a car aesthetics centre on Chomedey boulevard as well. “The goal is to make things as easy for our customers as possible,” explains Nino. “Our customers can get everything that they need under one roof, in an environment that they trust, normally within a single visit. We really want to cut down on the time that they have to spend, as well as any stress that they might feel.” “My favourite part of the business is the pleasure of face to face conversations, of meeting people and taking care of their needs,” he continues. “It’s so much fun seeing a former customer’s face who didn’t know that we purchased this dealership. Their reactions are amazing – we get smiles and hugs, it’s so much fun to reconnect.”

“ We are really going back to our roots in terms of the business approach...Our customers allow us to make a living and we are very grateful for that. We want to make doing business here as pleasant an experience as possible for the client.”

JAGUAR LAND ROVER LAVAL 3475 BOUL. LE CARREFOUR, LAVAL, H7T 3A3 • TEL.:450.688.1880 • FAX.:450.688.7080



The triumph of intolerance and racism to condemn. A black page to remember in the social and judicial history of the USA. Filippo Salvatore

, the judge

2007 marks the 80th anniversary of the trial and killing in the state of Massachusetts of Italian anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti .This event is remembered as one of the darkest pages of American social and judicial history for it was the expression of political and ideological intolerance, of the denial of basic individual freedoms by the judicial system and of one of the most blatant forms of ethnic prejudice and racism. Two innocent men were electrocuted because of their political belief in anarchy and their Italian origin. The 1920’s were in North America a period of strident ideological confrontation, of fastpaced economic change and of social upheaval and unrest. The last part of the 19th and of the first two decades of the 20th century were witness in the USA to a massive wave of poor, often illiterate immigrants from European countries. In the cities of New England the presence of huge Irish, FrenchCanadian, Jewish and Italian communities were profoundly changing the ethnic composition of the American population which had been made until then of WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants). Nativism and social Darwinism became the tools the establishment used to defend its traditional wasp value-system, and the social and economic privileges that came with it, against what was viewed as the “ scum of Europe”. Anarchy and communism became the declared ideological enemies of American liberal democracy and the justification for implementing savage capitalism and for bashing unions. After the assassination at Monza of the king of Italy UmbertoI in 1900 by anarchist Gaetano Bresci who had

, the prosecutor

gone back from Paterson, New Jersey, and of the Austrian emperor in 1914 also by an anarchist, anarchists were portrayed as blood-thirsty fanatics. Fear of Communist Bolshevism that had seized power in Russia in 1917 was also rampant in the USA and Canada. It resulted in what has been defined historically as the Red Scare. During the same period (1870-1930) the industrial revolution was in full swing in New England. America had become at the end of World War I one of the most powerful nations in the world and was looked upon as the promised land by millions of poor Europeans. The American political authorities reacted strongly against radical political activities. Many subversives, such as anarchists, were arrested and put in jail without a fair trial; boatloads of Russian immigrants were denied entry on American soil oe simply sent back., others were deported. The Red Scare was, in simple terms, the hysterical reaction of the American political establishment towards the Russian Revolution and the communist ideology. In the 1920’s Social Darwinism reached its peak. Immigrants form Southern and Eastern Europe, Jews as well as Blacks and Asians were considered and treated as inferior beings. The same attitude prevailed also in the Dominion of Canada. In 1891 11 Italian immigrants. originally from Sicily, were lynched in New Orleans. The Italian immigrants took the place of former black slaves in the cotton fields, and were considered by the KKK “ people in between” neither blacks nor whites. They are deprived of the rights of white people and subjected to the discriminations and abuses of blacks. Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti immigrated to America before World War I. Both of them belonged to the working class .Both had received rudimentary schooling and spoke poor, accented English.. Nicola Sacco was from Southern Italy (Puglia) and worked in a shoe manufacture, while Vanzetti was from Northern Italy (Piemonte) and was a fish peddler. After their arrival they struggled, like many other Italian immigrants, to fit into the dominant protestant American way of life. They were against the barbarian exploitation of the immigrant working class in the cotton fields of the American South or the coal mines of Pennsylvania and against savage capitalism and as it was practiced by American industrialists and factory owners in New England . In 1917, both Sacco and Vanzetti; being anarchists and opposed to the American participation in World War I, had fled to Mexico to escape the draft. At the end of the war they returned to the United States and belonged to anarchist groups active in the states of New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts. On May 5th 1920, they were arrested because they were found in possession of guns, without legal permit. This led to their two trials. The allegation was that they had been involved in two robberies. The first one had happened on April 15th 1920, in South Braintree when $15,776 were stolen and the paymaster Frederick Parmenter and guard Alessandro Berardelli were killed. The second robbery had occurred earlier in that year. After their arrest both Sacco and Vanzetti pleaded not guilty to both charges. Their trials and appeals lasted seven years. In the process their trial acquired an international dimension. They seemed to be innocent but were being punished simply because they were working class Italian immigrants and anarchists. Notwithstanding strong opposition in many countries and pleas for clemency, on August 23rd 1927, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were electrocuted. The Sacco and Vanzetti trial is even today historically significant because it can be taken as a perfect example of the pervasive racism and social discrimination present in large segments of the population in the United States in the 1920’s. Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were found guilty and put to death on account of what they represented and stood for; undesirable immigrants and anarchists. The Sacco and Vanzetti trial dragged on, as mentioned, for sever years(1920-27) and before its tragic conclusion had become an international cause celèbre. The execution of the two anarchists on trumpeted up charges shattered the myth of America as the land of freedom, of tolerance and of plentiful opportunities for everyone. In reaction to this unfair trial, riots and demonstrations took place all over the world. There were huge demonstrations in London, Berlin, Warsaw, Buenos Aires, Mexico, Cuba, Japan, Milan, Turin, and elsewhere. Throngs marched in Boston and New York City to demand clemency. Until the very end attempts were made to save the lives of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti. Judge Webster Thayer adamantly refused the possibility of saving them. The impact of the Sacco and Vanzetti trial can best be resumed by these words uttered by BartolomeoVanzetti in self defense at the conclusion of his trial: “ I am suffering because I am a radical. I am suffering because I am an Italian, and I am an Italian. I am suffering more for my family than for my personal fate. And yet I know I am right and if you could condemn me to death twice, and I came back to life twice, I would do exactly what I have done till now... Never in our full life could Nicola and I have hoped to do so such for tolerance, for justice, for man’s understanding of man as now we do by accident.” Some References 1. NULL, Gary., STONE, Carl. The Italian-Americans. 1976, Harrisburg,Pa : Stackpole books, p.220 2.PORTER, Katherine Anne, 1890-1980. The never-ending wrong/ Boston: Little Brown, 1977 3. EHRMANN, Herbert Brutus, 1891- The untried case; the Sacco-Vanzetti case and the Morelli Gang, NewYork : Vanguard Press, 1960 4. Carla Stampa, I Documenti Terribili, Sacco e Vanzetti. Milano:Mondadori, 1974



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Massothérapie Douce Harmonie

The power of touch Shauna Hardy Tanya D’Ambrosio and Patricia Marini may have only known each other since September 2005, but when you meet them it certainly feels longer than that. The high energy dynamic duo has recently opened their own massage clinic, Centre Professionnelle de Massothérapie Douce Harmonie Inc., but their mission goes beyond simply bringing peace and relaxation to their clients. The two women also enrolled in a special course at Laval’s Guijek institute designed to teach certified massage practitioners how to give massage to cancer patients. “It’s basically massage and accompaniment,” explains Marini who works as an elementary school teacher. “It’s therapeutic massage that blends kinetic and Swedish techniques.” While both women were drawn to massage, they instinctively knew that they wanted to spend a portion of their time doing something that would be slightly more

Tanya D’Ambrosio and Patricia Marini

challenging. Something that would broaden their own characters while giving back to the community at the same time. “I couldn’t see myself just doing massage for the next 20 years

“They are so busy being care-givers, that they don’t take the time to re-energize

of my life,” says D’Ambrosio who works as a CISCO Network Engineer. “I wanted to give

themselves. And it’s not just about the massage, we are there for accompaniment as well,”

back; I wanted to do something that would make people feel good. Massage is part of that

says Marini. “It’s basically whatever our clients needs. We encourage them to just go with

strategy, but what else could I incorporate?”

whatever they are feeling. No matter what it is – we will accompany you in it. If you want

The two were admittedly nervous when they started working with patients in remission, but the results that they witnessed soon gave them confidence to delve deeper into

to cry, scream, talk – it doesn’t matter – we are there for them.” The touch combined with the gentle support is a way for both patients and families to become whole again, a way that let’s them reconnect with their bodies and their

“We feel that we are giving back power to these patients,” explains D’Ambrosio. “People tend to forget the human side of cancer. They forget that patients need human contact, they need to be touched. They are so much more than just the disease.”

souls. D’Ambrosio emotionally recounts the story of a palliative care patient who had urged his mother to let D’Ambrosio care for her. “The look on his face,” she says. “Seeing his mother able to relax just gave him such a sense of peace.” There is no denying that what D’Ambrosio and Marini are doing might be perceived as emotionally draining to their own lives, but in fact, it is the complete opposite. They are constantly buoyed by the response that they receive when walking into the hospital. No matter how sick the patient, there is always a sense of joy and gratefulness when it comes to receiving that massage. “There was a little girl who was so sick, partway through the massage she dropped off to sleep,” recounts Marini. “As I was leaving she started to wake up. She just looked at me and whispered ‘Merci’. It really touches you.” “We almost feel guilty, because they make us feel so good,” continues D’Ambrosio. “There is so much energy that is exchanged and the patients give back 1,000 times. We get so much thanks. ‘Thank you for touching, thank you for listening’. It means

their practice. As part of a 10-week project for the course, both women began seeing

so much to learn that you’ve touched a soul. We are just working with our regular hands,

patients who were in remission, with the help and support of Orlando Prizio, a psychologist

but people tell us that they feel like a hug.”

in Oncology at Santa Cabrini Hospital. After the third and fourth visits, both the patients and the massage therapists were noticing marked changes.

The women’s goal is to eventually be able to set up an integrated clinic within a hospital setting. But the road is long and the red tape is extremely thick. There are still so

“Their stress levels had decreased, insomnia was reduced, energy levels were up

many misconceptions about massage, so many standards that still need defining within the

and their skin was much smoother and softer,” says Marini. “You start realizing that you can

industry and so many prejudices to overcome. But the two women absolutely refuse to let

actually make a difference in someone’s life –you can actually help to change things.”

go of their dream.

Cancer patients are often robbed of their humanity, the disease can take up so

“Teaching was very fulfilling, but this is a step above,” states Marini. “Knowing

much space in their lives as well as those of their loved ones that there is little room for

that you are actually doing something to better society - if we can get more smiling faces, it

anything else. But both D’Ambrosio and Marini feel that the therapeutic massage helps to

just keeps opening doors. I think that it’s made both of us better people, I think it’s helped

put things back into balance – if only for the briefest moment.

us both to become more calm. It’s helped me to take a step back and realize that there is

“We feel that we are giving back power to these patients,” explains D’Ambrosio. “People tend to forget the human side of cancer. They forget that patients need human contact, they need to be touched. They are so much more than just the disease.” The focus for this type of massage extends beyond the adults and children who are bravely fighting the disease. Marini and D’Ambrosio also offer it as a soothing respite

more to life.” Tanya D’Ambrosio and Patricia Marini belong to the Federation Quebecoise des Massotherapeutes. Contact information for their services will be listed at as well as beginning this spring. Massothérapie Douce Harmonie: Tanya D’Ambrosio (514) 755-6568 Patricia Marini: (514) 513-4407

to family members.



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histoire de vie

Life story

TurningTragedy into Hope Imagine losing a husband or wife to a cancer that’s not supposed to affect people in an age range specific to them. Now, imagine losing a child three years later to a cancer not usually found in children. How do you go on? For some, this situation is not something they will have to deal with in their lifetime. But for Pauline Patulli, this is her reality and through her struggle she has managed to start a foundation in her son’s name to have his legacy carried on. “Knowing my son, he would want me to go on, and my husband I know he would want me to for sure because we had talked about it,” she says. Married in 1983 to Carlos Gomes, Pauline who works in the hotel industry had her first child Jason in 1987 and her second, Nicholas in 1992. It was in 2003 that her husband Carlos was robbed of his life at only 44 years old on February 27th after surviving just over a year after his diagnosis. He succumbed to pancreatic cancer, a type of cancer that doesn’t normally strike people at such a young age. Finding strength in each other, Pauline, Jason and Nicholas continued to live their lives. “We talk about their father. It’s not a subject we don’t talk about,” Patulli says. “I made sure their lives were normal. We did the hockey, the soccer, they didn’t miss anything. We just helped each other get through it.” But unfortunately their strength could not avert them from the tragedy that decided to strike just a year after the passing of Carlos. Jason Gomes, who was described as many as being very loving and kind-hearted, was diagnosed with the same disease that took his father. One of Jason’s dreams was to play hockey, a sport he was extremely talented at, and attend Cornell University. In the spring of 2004, he got accepted to two prestigious Prep Schools in the United States. “When he got those acceptance letters, he was overjoyed,” Pauline says with tears in her eyes as she remembers Jason’s reaction to one of his greatest moments. “He worked so hard for that.” But the joy was short-lived because just as he graduated from Collége Ste. Anne in Lachine, Jason got news that would turn his life upside down. It started with what seemed to simply be a case of acid reflux but after a battery of tests, Jason was found to have stomach cancer with a lot of lesions on his liver, which is highly rare amongst young adults his age. His mother tried to be strong for him. “You try to be brave in front of him but you’re thinking this can’t be happening again,” she says of her reaction to the news. “It was a nightmare.” Because it was not a childhood disease, Pauline decided to take Jason to the Jewish General Hospital to be treated. After doing chemotherapy both intravenously and through pill format, it was discovered he was severely anemic and needed blood transfusions. At this point, Pauline decided to take Jason to Centre Hospitalier de L’Université de Montréal (CHUM), where Dr. Denis Soulières decided to investigate Jason’s progress further. It was discovered that the treatment had not had any effect on him. Jason then contracted a deadly streptococcal infection, which he fought against all odds. Dr. Soulieres, who deals with a lot of cases like this one, then tried a different approach to try and rid of Jason’s cancer. Things seemed to be looking up. Jason enrolled at John Abbott College but in the summer of 2005, he started having other pains and it was found that the cancer had spread to his hip. By December it was in his brain and though they did radiation, making the brain tumor disappear and although he fought right until the end, his liver failed and Jason could no longer beat the odds losing his courageous battle on February 3rd, 2006. “He told me he didn’t want to die,” Patulli says of what her son wanted for himself. “All I could say to him was that I’d trade places with him if I could. I couldn’t tell him he was going to get better. I couldn’t lie to him because I didn’t know the answer myself.” Out of such tragedy, came a little piece of hope for other sufferers in Jason’s situation. Fonds Jason, an idea thought up by Jason’s god-father and uncle, is a foundation in which Pauline is president. Its basis is to get funding for young adults with cancer. According to the foundation’s mission

By Daniela Scoppa

statement and as stated by Dr. Soulières, the survival rates for young adults are not encouraging because they seem to have a reduced tolerance to chemotherapy. “I don’t know why this is,” says Pauline. “I guess it’s because they’re still growing between the ages of 17 and 21 but more research is needed in this area.” The foundation hopes to get funding in order to facilitate the research greatly needed in this area.

The Canadian Cancer Society doesn’t list any statistics on this particular age group, classifying young adults as being between the ages of 20 and 44 and although they have some support groups that help youths starting at age 18, there weren’t any that could help Jason. According to Patulli, there is also a great lack of talk groups for people in Jason’s age group. “I became his best friend,” she says, being glad for that precious time she had with him since she works from home. “But of course as close as we were, there are still things you’re not going to tell your mom. It would’ve been different for him in coming to terms with his illness if he would have had someone to talk to who was going through the same things he was.” She speaks about the isolation that could be felt by these youths, as demonstrated by Jason because not a lot of people understand what they are experiencing and this is why there is a need for support groups, even chat forums on the internet to be set up for youths like Jason. “One day his body could take him playing two hockey games and a soccer game in one day. Then all of a sudden you can’t get your body to do what it’s used to doing,” she says of one of the many physical as well as psychological struggles her son dealt with. “They [youths like Jason] become so alone because their life is at a standstill while everyone else goes on with theirs.” For Jason, his family and friends gave him strength. In an article he wrote for La Presse last February, he explained what his family meant to him, writing, “My family and my friends are a great help in my struggle. Without them, I surely would not be here.” Pauline says Jason was very family-oriented among many other things. She speaks openly about him, saying that it helps her with the healing process. “He was a very serious kid but at the same time he was happy. He was very tenacious, courageous and just had a great aura about him,” she says with a look only a mother could have for her child. She hopes the foundation will help carry his memory on. Pauline, along with other volunteers on the committee including Dr. Soulières, started an annual golf tournament which raised over $40,000 last August. With the help of volunteers, she is also organizing a benefit dinner, starting a website and looking for corporate sponsorship. “Knowing Jason, I’m sure this is what he’d want to do. He always wanted to be of help,” she says. “I think what I’m keeping alive is that spirit.” She says he was always generous with others even when he was sick. She remembers the time Jason had an elderly lady in his hospital room who was almost blind. There was nobody there to feed her in the mornings and Jason couldn’t get out of bed because he was paralyzed on one side. “He wanted to help her eat,” Pauline says with tears in her eyes remembering her son’s caring spirit. “So he’d say to her ‘it’s on your left or it’s on your right’ until he was sure she had eaten all her

Life story


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food. Then when her family came to visit later on, he’d tell them what had happened with her during the day.” It’s this generosity Patulli hopes to convey through the foundation and in the foundation’s mission statement, it boasts to “demonstrate to these youths that society cares about them.” Through the foundation she’d also like to help families who can’t necessarily afford the medication these youths need to fight cancer, saying that some of Jason’s prescriptions used to cost her $1,500 for 30 days. “I was fortunate because I have insurance and I work but some people don’t have this and need assistance.” As for the future, Pauline finds strength in sharing Jason’s story and telling people about his courageous battle. In his article in La Presse, Jason told his story of constant struggle openly as his mother is now doing. Just a year before his death, he shared with so many his love for life when he wrote, “I appreciate life so much more and I wake up every morning with a smile on my lips acknowledging all that I have today…and all that I hope and dream about for tomorrow.” Unfortunately his life was cut too short, his hopes and dreams not realized but his loving mom is hoping to make a difference for other youths who have hopes and dreams like Jason. “He’s still around,” she says. “He’s with me all the time so I guess I just keep going because of that. I still talk to him. What gives me strength is knowing that he’s gone but he’s also still right here.”

For more information or to donate to Fonds Jason: FONDS JASON, 3551 boul. St. Charles, Suite 249, Kirkland, QC H9H 3C4 Tel: (514) 630-0110 Email:


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Business Life insurance offers tax-sheltered investing

By Peter Pomponio Much of financial planning focuses on gaining tax advantages so that your investments can grow tax free until you have the need for them. But one area that’s often overlooked by investors is permanent life insurance. It’s a vehicle that provides a tax-free benefit to your beneficiaries and shelters your investments so that they can be passed along to your beneficiaries untaxed. Some life insurance products are commonly used as investment vehicles and, similar to Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), assets grow in a tax-sheltered environment. However, not all investors are aware of the benefits offered by tax-exempt life insurance. These investment vehicles provide policyholders with life-long insurance coverage and include a savings component. Under Canadian tax law, life insurance assets accumulate tax free, much the same as tax-deferred investments in as RRSP. In many cases, tax-exempt life insurance is used by individuals who have maximized their RRSP contributions and are looking for additional ways to continue tax-deferred investing. This is why many financial advisors include life insurance as part of the estate planning process. Effective insurance strategies While businesses can also make use of life insurance products for planning purposes, these strategies can be used by individuals: Maximize your estate: You can benefit from the two key advantages of tax-exempt life insurance. Savings are sheltered from tax, and the entire value of the policy – insurance plus investments – is received by your beneficiaries tax-free. Supplement your retirement income: Savings accumulated in a tax-exempt life policy can be used to supplement your retirement income, either through withdrawals or a loan. Preserve your estate: Upon your death, capital gains tax is payable on assets such as non-registered investments, the family cottage, and your RRSP or Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF). However, tax-exempt life insurance can provide the necessary funds to offset these taxes and leave the estate intact. Leave a legacy to a charity: Thanks to tax-sheltered growth and a tax-free payout, you can leave a larger charitable gift with tax-exempt life insurance than through other means. You receive the tax advantages – either by reducing your tax bill annually, or by providing tax relief to your estate.

Types of tax-exempt insurance One distinguishing feature of tax-exempt life insurance policy is the cash value, which is the savings component. Whole life, universal life, or universal life with guaranteed investments are types of permanent insurance which include this feature and provide life-long coverage. All of these products can be effectively used for any of the solutions provided above. The differences between the three involve the flexibility of the product and the nature of the investments: Whole life insurance: With this type of policy, the insurance company decides the asset mix of the savings portion. Generally, it’s a conservative blend of bonds, equities, mortgages and real estate. Although whole life has a certain degree of flexibility, it is usually customized when the policy is established. Whole life is also available as a participating policy. As such, policyholders may receive annual dividends, which can be in the form of cash, applied to premiums, used to purchase additional coverage, or left on deposit to earn interest. Universal life insurance: With universal life, the savings component is separated from the insurance and the policyholder chooses the mix of investments. There is a wide selection to choose from including domestic and foreign equity funds, fixed income funds, and balanced funds, as well as guaranteed investment certificates (GICs). Universal life is designed for flexibility and policyholders can increase or decrease the amount of the premiums and death benefit throughout the life of the policy. Universal life insurance with guaranteed investments: The only difference with this type of product is that policyholders have some flexibility with premiums and can choose their own guaranteed investments. Choosing the right solution In many instances, the appropriate type of tax-exempt insurance will be determined by your particular investment personality and your tolerance for risk. For example, if you want to assume control over your asset mix, universal life may be your solution. If you prefer discretionary management of your investments and want guaranteed performance, then whole life insurance may suit you best. Another consideration is how you wish to manage the policy over the years. Whole life suits investors who prefer a vehicle requiring little maintenance, while universal life offers more hands-on opportunities for those wishing to make changes in the amount of their premiums, or death benefit from time to time. – Peter Pomponio is a Vice-President of Assante Capital Management Ltd. He is the owner of the Ville St-Laurent Branch and practices as a Senior Fully Licensed Financial Planner from the Ville St-Laurent office. He can be reached at (514) 832-5100, or by e-mail at

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Nicola Marrone RITRATTO



Aicha Cissé

Décrire Nicola Marrone en tant que légende est peu dire. Avec un curriculum d'activités sportives et socioculturelles bourré d'exploits, cet ancien champion canadien de course, de marche athlétique et de marche sur raquette aurait raison de se vanter d'être un athlète exceptionnel. Bien au contraire, l'humilité presque palpable qui émane de ses yeux contribue grandement à son charisme et à sa simplicité. Nicola Marrone n'est pas qu'un simple athlète encensé de médailles et d'honneurs. Celui qui se qualifie de « citoyen du monde » est fier de son Italie natale et prône un respect exemplaire pour le sport qu'il considère « un service social qui encourage les échanges culturels. » et qu’il définit comme « Une éducation physique et morale pour un bon usage de la liberté. » Il est né à Fossacesia, dans la région Abruzzo, en Italie centrale. Alors que sa ville se remettait des séquelles de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale, Marrone s'est tourné vers le sport. (Fossaciesia se trouve tout près d'Ortona où a eu lieu une des batailles les plus farouches entre les Allemands et les Canadiens). « On était au début des années 45 et déjà à l'école, je montrais un fort intérêt pour le sport. Ma ville était très à l'avant-garde pour les disciplines athlétiques. » dit M. Marrone. C'est après avoir gagné le championnat junior italien de 10 km en course à pied sur piste à Torino en 1950 qu'il a contemplé l'idée de venir au Canada. Il a ensuite suivi des cours à Pescara pour devenir entraîneur senior en athlétisme et s'est spécialisé dans les compétitions de course sur route et dans la marche athlétique. Sa relation avec son père s'est détériorée lorsqu'il a décidé de quitter sa famille pour le Canada en 1952. Ce qui initialement devait être un voyage de 5 ans dure depuis 54 ans. C'est en riant que Marrone confie « avoir légèrement prolongé sa visite au Québec. » Ses premières années au Québec ont été couronnées de succès sportifs. En 1954i1 gagne le premier championnat provincial sur route du 20 km avec un temps record de 1h.04.07, la meilleure performance en Amérique du Nord En 1955 il remporte le championnat canadien du 20 km course sur route à St. Hyacinthe. « En 1956, les Jeux Olympiques de Melbourne ont eu lieu en Australie, mais je n'ai pas pu y participer car je n'étais pas encore citoyen canadien. J'ai donc commencé à m'intéresser à la marche sur raquettes. J'ai gagné huit championnats internationaux consécutifs du 5 miles marche sur raquettes » Parallèlement à ses intérêts sportifs, il cultive son amour pour la culture. En 1960 il participe à la formation du groupe théâtral et folklorique « Piccolo Coro Abruzzese». La même année, il fait aussi la promotion, à l'intérieur de la grandissante communauté italienne à Montréal, de la marche athlétique au sein de l'Union Sportive Italienne à titre d'instructeur et athlète, et il gagne le premier championnat senior de marche athlétique sur route de 20km pour l'Union Sportive Italienne. En 1962, il gagne le championnat national canadien du 20km marche athlétique sur route au Park Lafontaine. « C'était très excitant pour moi, car la marche athlétique était méconnue au Québec .J'ai donc réussi à promouvoir cette discipline. Du point de vue culturel je m'étais impliqué dans différents projets pour l'association de ma ville natale qu'on avait fondée à Montréal. C'était très important pour moi, car je crois qu'il faut être fier de ses origines et il n'y a pas de contradiction à valoriser sa patrie d'adoption et son pays natal. » 1963 est une année inoubliable pour Nicola Marrone. Il gagne en effet la médaille comme « Athlète de l'Année » par les journalistes sportifs du quotidien La Presse. C'est l'année pendant laquelle il atteint le point culminant de sa carrière athlétique. Le journaliste sportif de la Presse M. Paul Émile Prince concluait à ce moment là son entrevue avec Marrone en disant :« Bonne chance! Que peut-on souhaiter d'autre à un tel gentilhomme du sport? » Comme le dit si bien le dicton: « Derrière chaque grand homme, se cache une femme ». C'est bel et bien le cas pour Nicola Marrone qui en 1966 rencontre son plus grand allié. Alors qu'il préside la première Semaine Italienne à Montréal, il fait la rencontre de Angela Angela Frisina Frisina qui allait bientôt devenir sa femme Angela « mon ange gardien

» s'implique elle aussi dans l'athlétisme et accompagne son mari à travers le monde pour diverses compétitions et le seconde souvent en tant qu'arbitre dans un domaine dominé par les hommes. En 1969 le délégué français M.J. Maléjac, appelé au Québec par le Gouvernement invite Nicola Marrone à l'aider à restructurer la Fédération d'Athlétisme du Québec.Il est alors nommé adjoint technique de la Fédération. Après avoir instauré la discipline de la marche athlétique au Québec et avoir contribué à la rédaction de deux ouvrages sur le sujet, M. Marrone a réussi avec M. Maléjac à inclure la discipline de la marche athlétique féminine/masculine à la Fédération Québécoise et dans les écoles. En 1972 la Fédération « Canadian Track & Field » le nomme Chairman National pour la Marche et en 74 Marrone réussit à faire reconnaître au niveau national canadien la marche féminine comme discipline sportive de coordonnateur pour la marche aux Jeux Olympiques de Montréal en 1976. En 1980, il est nommé Juge pour les Jeux Olympique de Moscou et obtient ce même poste pour le Jeux Olympiques de Los Angeles quatre ans plus tard. Le travail remarquable de sa femme Angela est aussi reconnu lorsqu'elle devient la première femme du monde à obtenir le grade 5 de la I.A.A.F. pour la marche en 1977. « J'étais vraiment fière car elle a aussi été nommée La Grande Dame Du Sport. M. Tom Lord, Président National, (C.T.F.A.) a mentionné dans un bulletin officiel que cet honneur était un grand hommage au Canada. » En 1992, Nicola Marrone reçoit, du Gouverneur Général du Canada~ la médaille commémorative du 125eme anniversaire de la Confédération du Canada pour sa « ,contribution significative au bienêtre de ses compatriotes, de sa communauté et du Canada. » En 1993, il crée la Fédération des Associations Régionales d'Abruzzo du Québec Inc. dont il est toujours le président honorifique. L'ancien champion est aussi fier d'avoir appris que la ville de L'Aquila, la capitale administrative de la région Abruzzo, prévoit créer un musée en l'honneur du sport et de la culture. Et Nicola Marrone, ancien gagnant de la marche au niveau régional et national en Italie et au Canada, aura sa place d'honneur dans ce musée . Angela et Nicola forme un couple heureux e dédient maintenant leur temps aux activités communautaires. Ils font partie d'une chorale et d'une troupe théâtrale. Nicola Marrone qui aujourd'hui a « quatre fois vingt ans » espère avoir réussi à transmettre, par le biais de la discipline sportive, de vraies valeurs aux jeunes. Pour réussir, ça prend de la persévérance, une bonne dose d'humilité et le goût du travail bien fait car dans le sport, comme dans la vie, on ne peut rien prendre Nicola Marrone pour acquis.»


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6999 Boul. St-Laurent, Montreal (Little Italy) • Tel.: 514-270-4124 / caisse canadienne italienne

Angela Iermieri

Carmelo Barbieri

Giuseppe Guerrieri

Maria Biondi

Michelina Lavoratore

Manager, Wealth management Little Italy

Branch Manager Rivière des Prairies

Branch Manager St-Leonard

Branch Manager Little Italy

Manager, Services to individuals and business development Little Italy

Monique Nault

Nick Mignacca

Rita Tamburro

Tony Villani

Marcella Di Lillo

Mariano A. De Carolis

Manager of administration Little Italy

Branch Manager St-Leonard

Branch Manager Montreal / Ahunstic

Branch Manager Lasalle

Branch Manager Montreal-Nord / Lacordaire

General Manager

Sometimes a corporation is just a corporation. And sometimes a company can expand beyond that definition to become something more. La Cassa Popolare Canadese Italiana certainly falls into the second category. Along with providing indispensable services and advice to its members, the one-stop financial shop is also a pillar of the Italian community. Established in 1975, the Cassa joined forces with the Desjardins Financial Group, the most important cooperative financial institution in Canada, almost ten years ago. With eight locations spread all over the island of Montreal, the Cassa has expanded to offer a wide-range of services that are appealing for both business accounts and personal accounts. “In the beginning we used to provide only the most basic of services,” explains general manager, Mariano A. De Carolis. “But now we have expanded to cover everything from insurance and loans to investments and commercial / industrial lending. We are growing in step with the needs of the community.” Customer-service is one of the Cassa’s most important priorities, along with an easily accessible network of ATM machines; the financial institution’s website is a user-friendly tool that makes banking a snap. But while it is important to keep up with today’s banking technology, Cassa Popolare recognizes the importance of human contact.

“Customer-service is one of the Cassa’s most important priorities” “We maintain the highest standards for our employees. It is important that our members are able to receive their service in the language of their choice. As a result, we offer private courses in Italian for our employees who would like to improve their skills. It is our desire to constantly raise the standards of both our service and the language that they are offered in.” In order to better answer its members’ needs, the Cassa has also instituted extended hours, allowing members to access the wise, up-to-date advice of financial advisors at a moment that is truly convenient to them. “It is important to us that our members not feel like numbers,” states De Carolis. “It’s like an experience when you come through us! When you are referred to one of our affiliates, they already know your whole history – there is never a need to start from zero again.” Profit sharing is another incentive that keeps members happy. Known as the “patronage dividend”, the Cassa distributes a portion of its yearly profits to qualified members. The members have received up to a 10.25% return on the interest that they paid on products

such as loans and interests earned on investments. Last year over $2,100,000 was distributed among its qualified members. But the Cassa’s commitment to member satisfaction extends far beyond the financial realm. “We understand where our members come from and the importance of community,” states De Carolis. “It is important that we look to our elders because of the significant contributions that they made to our society and it is just as important that we look toward

“It is important to us that our members not feel like numbers,” the younger generation as they represent the future.” From local regional village associations to cultural groups, Cassa Popolare Canadese Italiana has involved itself with numerous Italian associations. “We should take enormous pride in what previous generations have done for our community. It is important for us to give back, because they have given so much to us. We are very proud and want to support our italianita,” says De Carolis passionately. “The Cassa was founded for the Canadian Italian community and to this day the Cassa continues to maintain its Italianità.” But the financial institution’s community interests are not just limited to culture and arts. It has also worked tirelessly in areas that range from health to athletics – giving more than $100,000 in donations and partnerships to non profit organizations in the last year alone. Education is another major area of focus. In association with the CIBPA, the Cassa (through its members) contributes to 10 different bursaries a year for Italian students who are concentrating upon furthering their studies. Over the past 20 years, the Cassa and its members have donated over $450,000. Devoted to helping members understand how to make the most from their money, the Cassa has also launched several educational programs in schools. From kindergarten through the highschool level, students are given valuable information about everything from opening a savings account to understanding investment tools and planning for an education. Built upon a philosophy of respect, understanding and honesty, the Cassa is devoted to helping its members manage their money successfully while helping the Italian community to thrive. “The Cassa is based upon family-values,” concludes De Carolis, “But we have the professionalism, experience and decision-making capacity of a corporation. It’s a formula that helps everybody win!”


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Our Treasures, Our Pride, Our Future Panoramitalia would like to introduce you to some new members of our community. They’ve only recently just arrived and, as you can see, are quite friendly and eager to make your acquaintance. They are still little but with a lot of love, care and good, solid Italian food they will grow into strong, kind, proud and talented people! We welcome them with open arms and open hearts.

Ecco I volti del nostro avvenire,del nostro amore e del nostro orgoglio. Panoramitalia vi presenta alcuni nuovi volti della nostra comunità che sono appena arrivati tra di noi, sono tanto carini e desiderano fare la vostra conoscenza. Sono ancora piccoli, ma, trattati con tanto amore e nutriti di buon cibo italiano, cresceranno e diventeranno grandi e forti e faranno fruttare il loro talento. Accogliamoli con affetto ed a braccia aperte.

Voici les visages de notre avenir, de notre amour et de notre fierté. Panoramitalia vous présente quelques visages de notre communauté qui viennent d’arriver parmi nous. Ils sont beaux et désirent vous connaître. Ils sont encore tout petits, mais en leur donnant beaucoup d’amour et en les nourrissant avec de la bonne nourriture italienne, ils deviendront grands, forts et démontreront leur talent. Accueillions-les à bras ouverts.

Mario Di Flavio, Managing Editor

Christian Matteo Beato May 25th, 2006 Vito Beato & Nadia Iuliano

Alessia Vittoria Casale Lattuca

Deanna Rossi

february 3rd, 2006 Tino Rossi & Sandra Giorgi

Andrew Sierra

Jordan Battista

Gianni Rossi

Giuliano Giove

January 7th, 2006 Nancy Forcione & Ferdinando Battista

June 9th, 2006 Gina Italiano & Mr. Rossi

March 2006 Peggy Constant & Vincent Giove

Laura De Angelis

Sofia Paola Mossa

Mario Adrianio Santopietro

July 11th, 2006 Virginia Casale & Salvatore Lattuca

July 25th, 2006 Tanya Fabrizi & Efrain Sierra

March 31st, 2006 Sandra Daoust & Angelo De Angelis

March 19th, 2006 Maria Grazia & Vito Mossa

October 10th, 2006 Riccardo Santopietro & Marie Montreuil

Samantha Diodati

Emilie Nicole Campione Nelles June 9th, 2006 Donald Nelles & Linda Campione

Christopher Cardoza

September 15th, 2006 Franca Scalise & Alexander Cardoza

Cristian Sergio Garofalo

Andrew Matassa

Victoria Carlacci

Alessia Mambro

Luca Delle Donne

February 23rd, 2006 Sonia & Anthony Diodati

July 31st, 2006 Massimo & Maria Garofalo

April 12th, 2006 Angela & Salvatore Matassa

Dante Zonin

Massimo Mucciarone

April 26th, 2006 Maria Cifaldi & Mario Carlacci

January 4th, 2006 Massimo & Loredana Mambro

February 5th, 2006 Robert & Maricarmen Delle Donne

March 27th, 2006 Angela Zampini & Giovanni Zonin

Laurence Bonfanti Soucy

Alessandro Giordano

Michael Romano Macri

Mario Joseph Scioli

May 17th, 2006 Marie-Josée Bonfanti & Benoit Soucy

July 19th, 2006 Veronica Arduini & Peter Giordano

April 24th, 2006 Anna Maria Cuzzolini & Sal Macri

June 13th, 2006 Marietta & Remo Scioli

Febuary 3rd, 2006 Mauro & Katherine Mucciarone

Matteo Pirro

March 6th, 2006 Ivano Pirro & Marie-Jo Demers


Romina & Gianmarco October 11th, 2006 Isabella Bucaro & Giovanni Zaccheo

Angela Vecchio

Jenna Marie Pizzanelli

February 4th, 2006 Mary Melchiorre & Sandro Pizzanelli

Luca Cognata

September 2nd, 2006 Suzy & Emanuele vecchio

August 30th, 2006 Frank Cognata & Carmela Martignetti

Massimo Catania

Dalia Gagliano

February 15th, 2006 Carolyn Daoust & Alfonso Catania

Berardino Perillo

January 6th, 2006 Patricia Strazza & Biagio Gagliano

Dalia Tatta

July 17th, 2006 Gerry & Linda Perillo

June 5th, 2006 Maria Di Matteo & Andre Tatta

Siena Gioia & Giulia Amora Rosato

Eliana Lauren Mercuri

July 3rd, 2006 Mr. & Mrs. Rosato

September 8th, 2006 Vanessa Marotta & Vince Mercuri

Jennifer Mastromonaco

Luca Castellana

January 18th, 2006 Caroline & Antonio Mastromonaco

August 11th, 2006 Marilena & Mr. Castellana

Jonathan Franco

Joshua Grandillo



31 64


Justin Tufano-Hodgson

December 10th, 2006 Dino & Josie Franco

March 17th, 2006 Anthony Grandillo & Lucy Dutton

December 4th, 2006 Mr. & Mrs. Tufano-Hodgson

Luca Di Salvo

August 12th, 2006 Sandra De Angelis & Decoroso Di Salvo

Lucas Vincent Arcaro

December 2nd, 2006 Robert Arcaro & Maria Santino

Maria Antonietta & Kora Denise

Michael Fanelli

Sabrina Del Giacco

Arianna Lafoley

September 15th, 2006 Marisa & Giovanni Fanelli

March 15th, 2006 Francesco Del Giacco & Caterina De Leo

August 27th, 2006 Denise Spino & Kevin Pomaski

January 13th, 2006 Sabina Calabrese & Marc Lafoley



32 64



Having a baby

Sonya Legault-Cesta

“Gina and Mikey sitting in a tree/K-I-S-S-I-N-G/First comes love,/then comes marriage,/then comes Mikey pushing the baby carriage.” The tune goes something like that.

Thinking Back I remember spending my summer days at my grandparents’ home in R.D.P., at the age of six, playing soccer outside with friends. I remember teasing some of my friends with that song. When I wasn’t scraping my knee on the cement, I was playing mommy. At that age, I was just convinced that getting married and having children was going to be in the cards for me. Seven in total: one child for every day of the week, I use to say. Talk about a handful. I knew what names I was going to give them and what clothes I would dress them in. All that was missing was a man and my adulthood – but that was no big deal for six-year-old Sonya. Today, I’m 23. I’m neither married, nor pregnant. I am working on it, though – getting married that is, not getting pregnant, not just yet. I don’t want seven children, not anymore. Two or three will be fine, thank you very much.

Getting Down to Business Many women share similar childhood memories: a period where motherhood is not yet tangible, a mere fantasy. Now that motherhood seems possible for many women in their 20s and 30s, questions need to be posed. What are the implications related to pregnancy and parenting? Although it might seem that I’m trying to complicate a simple issue, I’m essentially attempting to discuss the cultural moulding of pregnancy and early motherhood. Recognizing that single-parenting is a common feature of our contemporary society, this month’s subject specifically focuses on pregnancy within the “couple sphere.” For this issue of PanoramItalia, I start my inquiry with one central question: how does interculturalism play within the spheres of pregnancy and parenting? The 2001 census shows that 38 percent of Montreal couples are married with children, whereas, 13.5 percent of unions are common-law couples with children. The number of births in the province of Quebec has increased from 74,000 to 76,000 in the 2004-2005 timeframe, according to the Quebec government. After almost five years of marriage, Rita Bartolucci (36) and Sylvain Gordon (41) have a three-year-old daughter, Alexia, and have just welcomed their second child. This time, it’s a boy. The Blainville couple revealed that pregnancy and parenting is very much influenced by culture – or culture(s), in their case. Rita is of Italian descent and Sylvain is French-Canadian. They are one of the many intercultural couples representing the diverse demography of the Greater Montreal Area. Both parents juggle work and parenting. Rita is a nurse at the Jewish General Hospital and Sylvain is a chef at Café Mode.

Expecting a Child Although pregnancy does not drastically change a couple’s relationship, it does impact the mother’s overall quality of life, claimed Rita and Sylvain. “You can’t do as much as you use to. You’re more tired,” revealed Rita. Hormones also play an important role. Impatience becomes a factor contributing to the mother’s loss of strength, she added. Pregnancy also involves physical strain, especially during the last trimester. During her last cycle, Rita’s placenta was low. “I couldn’t pick up heavy things,” she said. Simple actions like bending and reaching become difficult movements to carry out. Rita also stayed home on sick leave for most of her pregnancy, whereas “Sylvain worked a lot,” she added. “I was often home alone. But when he came home, he [helped me].” In this case, pregnancy involved partnership and the sharing of tasks.

Choosing a Name When dealing with interculturalism, couples face particular challenges – sometimes big, sometimes small. “Name talks” represent one of these challenges. Do we use the father’s family name or the mother’s? The child’s name should be of which origin? Should it have an Italian or a Canadian ring to it? Some intercultural couples will dwell within this sea of interrogation and others will not. For Rita, the act of naming a child implies finding the correct pronunciation: “You don’t want to choose a name that can be destroyed in either language.” For example, the name Alexia – Rita and Sylvain’s first child – can be correctly pronounced in French, English, and Italian. My fiancé, Joseph Ojeil, and I have also started thinking about children’s name for the future. I am Italian-Canadian, and he is of Lebanese descent. We have decided to pass down his family name and choose Italian first names – for example, Giovanni Ojeil. This way, our children will have a story to tell every time they will say their name. This is our way of integrating both cultures.

Use of Languages Parenting consists of providing the proper discipline, education, affection, and values to children. It has become common knowledge that children are like sponges, especially during their pre-school years. I remember that growing up, I spoke English, French, and Italian with my family. My mother spoke to me in Italian and English, and my father conversed with me in French. By the age of five, I was trilingual.

For Rita and Sylvain, a similar situation is taking place. Whereas Sylvain speaks to Alexia in French, Rita speaks to her daughter in English. Rita’s parents converse with their granddaughter in Italian. Rita acknowledges that the act of transmitting the Italian language to her children vitalizes her Italian heritage. “I want to keep [the culture] alive. At home, Alexia, will say little words in Italian like testa dura,” claims Rita.

Talks about Religion For the past 50 years, religion has been in decline in the province of Quebec. For many families, religion has been associated to “special occasions” – Christmas and Easter – and events – baptisms, communions, and weddings. However, many Quebecers still strive to maintain their religious identity and heritage, especially when it comes to children’s upbringing. Rita and Sylvain are both Catholic and believe in the importance of baptism. That is why they decided to have a traditional baptism for their daughter Alexia and are planning to do the same for their newborn. For Italians, baptisms are occasions where family members reunite to celebrate the child’s religious beginning. The traditional white dress is an important aspect which characterizes Italian baptisms as “events.” Family members wear their best attires to commemorate the special day. A family meal usually succeeds the religious celebration. It is not uncommon for families to stop at a photography studio right before the family meal. Sylvain reinforces the notion of family when it comes to Italian culture: “The family is IMPLICATED.” Often, special occasions are just not enough to keep the religious heritage alive. Individual measures need to be taken. Rita believes in associating the realm of the home with spirituality, and especially with her children’s upbringing. Before her daughter goes to bed, Rita lays beside her. Both mother and daughter say their prayer. Rita has taught her three-year-old to give thanks to God. “For me, it’s important,” she said.

Support from In-Laws Rita and Sylvain are thankful for having support from their respective in-laws. However, they differentiate between Italian and French-Canadian cultures. Rita explained that her parents worry a lot. Calling her parents everyday to talk about the well-being of her family is a normal act for Rita. The same goes for many Italians. In contrast, Sylvain pointed out that French-Canadian parents are more easy-going in terms of daily calls and family talks. Grandparents’ support ultimately involves babysitting. Since Rita’s parents live closer Ahuntsic – they babysit more often. Sylvain’s parents live in Rawdon. It is thus more difficult for them to babysit their grandchildren. However, they do participate in their grandchildren’s upbringing whenever they come to visit, said Rita.

Use of Daycares Talks about daycares have been the source of much debate recently. When is a child ready to attend a daycare? What is too young? Sylvain finds that many French-Canadian couples let their children attend a daycare at a very young age – younger than 18 months. “Italian parents and grandparents are more protective,” said Rita. “They will usually say: ‘bring [the children] here, we will watch them.’” By the age of two, a child is usually more autonomous, according to Rita and Sylvain. They can go to the bathroom. They can play on their own. They interact with other children. They are then ready to attend a daycare. The trick is to find a proper daycare, one where parents feel comfortable to send their children, said Rita. Nevertheless, Rita acknowledges that some parents have no choice but to bring their children at a young age to the daycare. Such situation is often due to financial limitations.

Gender Roles and Parenting Since Rita is home more often than her husband, she assumes more of the domestic tasks: housekeeping and childrearing. Alexia interacts more often with her mother in the course of the day. However, Rita mentions that when Sylvain comes home at night, Alexia is right beside him, spending time with her father. Sylvain admitted that he conducts most of the disciplining. He plays the authoritative role. “Alexia listens to Sylvain more,” emphasized Rita. “I’ll repeat [an order] ten times. She presses my buttons more. However, I’m not afraid to say NO.” In today’s multicultural setting, parents coming from different ethnic backgrounds are inventing and re-inventing their identities, hence creating new cultural heritages for their children. Pregnancy and parenting are not necessarily embedded within a cultural framework. However, it is safe to say that interculturalism does influence – to a certain extent – children’s upbringing – whether one likes it or not. This statement is not meant to generalize cultural interactions, but it’s intended to underline the cultural implications defining parenting. And the tune goes something like this: “Gina and Mikey sitting in a tree/K-I-S-S-I-N-G…”

w w w . p a n o r a m i t a l i a . c o m


Bruno Giulio Picciani

Regina Bourkas

January 22th, 2006 Silvia & Roberto Picciani

June 9th, 2006 Nadia & Bobby Bourkas

Deana Augello

Nicolas Masella

Eva Gastana Dorico

Stefano Santella

April 19th, 2006 Sonya & Arthur Dorico

Arianna Aquino



33 64


Julia Di Iorio

March 2nd, 2006 Maria Varano & Luigi Santella

January 21st, 2006 Linda & Franco Di Iorio

Vanessa Gallucci

Gianluca Anthony Parisi

March 9th, 2006 Marisa & Vince Augello

April 4th, 2006 Pina Pernatozzi & Antonio Masella

June 29th, 2006 Helen Papageorgion & Joe Aquino

September 6th, 2006 Margherita Iafrancesco & Felice Gallucci

July 13th, 2006 Victoria Palmigiani & Antonio Parisi

Juliana Vescio

Siena Anna Maria Marsillo

Karina Cardinal Calagiacomo

Eliana Nicole Laudadio

Gianna Alexandra Simancas

October 15th, 2006 Cinzia Pascale & Daniel Vescio

Sandro Signorile

March 18th, 2006 Leah & Leonardo Signorile

Emma Nardozza

May 9th, 2006 Jonathan Nardozza & Saverina Lanzisera

June 9th, 2006 Nadia Palladino & Antonio Marsillo

August 6th, 2006 Jacques Cardinal & Mrs. Calagiacomo

Rebecca Ragusa

Tristan Antonio Saltarelli

February 6th, 2006 Antonella Scarola & Joe Ragusa

November 20th, 2006 Stéphanie & Frank Saltarelli

June 24th, 2006 Tania Ciciola & Mark Laudadio

January 18th, 2006 Veronica Loffreda & Paco Simancas

Emlio Borrello

Alexander Daniel De Luca

Novembre 8th, 2006 Alfredo Borrello & Célia Cresp.

August 21st, 2006 Daniela & Bruno De Luca

Carlo Scalzo

November 20th, 2005 Carlo Scalzo & Tia Rosa

Th u r s d a y


Fr i d a y

Ni gh t s Closed Sundays

Michael Di Pietro

September 5th, 2006 Effi Batsos & Remo Di Pietro

Joey Alphonso Gagliano

May 31st, 2006 Laurie Modugno & Franco Gagliano

RESERVATIONS 514.337.6664

5291, H e nri-Bo urassa We st, St-L aurent, Q uebec H4R 1B7




34 64


Fabio Lepore

December 12th, 2006 Anna Scarola & Lorenzo Lepore

Giona Villella

May 2nd, 2006 Hind Ellougani & Antonio Villella

Dalia Maria Arcaro

Sofia Bruna Raggi

May 23rd, 2006 Margherita Di Paola & Daniele Raggi

Luca Delli Colli

October 11th, 2006 Lucia & Ian Wort

Francesco Pulice

Leanna Murrin

Elissia Chiara Maria Fatica

July 30th, 2006 Anna Mariani & Adam Murrin

Markus D'Elia

Alessandro Luca Morrone

Giada Romanelli

Lorenzo Caluori

Dante Giuseppe Tempone August 4th, 2006 Micheal & Tecla Tempone

Sara Olivia Fratarcangeli

August 25th, 2006 Connie Campisi & Pat Mignacca

Date to come Diana Nardelli & Paolo Fratarcangeli

Chiara Francesca Cristiano

Sienna Catherine Gentile

July 11th, 2006 Angela & Tony Cristiano

October 3rd, 2006 Giovanna & Massimo Delli Colli

November 2nd, 2006 Gaudia Guerra & Alfonso Pulice

February 2nd, 2006 Erika & Mike D'Elia

Francis Pat Mignacca

Matteo Alessandro Delli Colli

October 12th, 2006 Peter & Natacha Riccardi

August 8th, 2006 Angelo Delli Colli & Silvia Marinelli

December 24th, 2006 Michael Arcaro & Sandra Lombardi

August 26th, 2006 Valerie Bechard & Michel Jr. Caluori

Nicholas Riccardi

November 23rd,2006 Melanie and Tony Gentile

December 21st, 2006 Claudia Basciu & Guido Morrone

March 22nd, 2006 Teresa Scarano & Marco Romanelli

Riano Wort

September 6th, 2006 Nick Fatica & Carmelina Macri

Simona Panzera

December 23rd, 2006 Diana Sacco & Pino Panzera




Nicola Archambault

August 14th, 2006 Gisele Deyoung & Eric Archambault

Brandon Santilli

March 7th, 2006 Johanne & Sergio Santilli

L’ E X C E L L E N C E À M O N T R É A L

Alessia Iorio

Michael Giovanni Di Raddo

Rosario & Dalia Santalucia

Sonia Di Fiore

March 31st, 2006 Gloria & Tony Iorio

July 23rd, 2006 Filomena DiLella & Francesco Santalucia

July 16th, 2006 Candida & Giovanni Di Raddo

July 13th, 2006 Mima Marchetta & Simon Di Fiore


Simona Ioannone

January 17th, 2006 Carlo & Lisa Ioannone

Daniel Di Ruocco

September 6th, 2006 Antonio Di Ruocco & Sonya Stamegna

• Plus de 80 mets à volonté alléchants fraîchement préparés • Vaste sélection de fruits de mer • Atmosphère musicale exceptionnelle • Un chef de renommée mondiale

Découvrez la Différence • Plus de 100 vins po pula ires

Vince Iacono

April 10th, 2006 Angelo & Liliana Iacono

Lissandra Carina Sicurella October 11th, 2006 Peter & Vanessa Sicurella


LIVRAISON ET RÉSERVATIONS • DELIVERY & RESERVATIONS Le Faubourg • Ste-Catherine O. I 1616, rue Ste-Catherine O. Montréal T 514.937.6000 Décarie • Jean-Talon I 7373, boul. Décarie Montréal T 514.731.1818 T 450.973.1818 Laval • Chomedey I 1955, boul. St-Martin Ouest, Laval T 450.656.1818 Brossard • Longueuil I 5605, boul. Taschereau Brossard

SEND US YOUR GRADUATION PHOTOS Graduates of the Year 2006-2007 Please send us your graduating picture, name, title of study and school. High school-Trade schoolUniversity-Postgraduate studies. We will publish it free of charge in our summer 2007 edition.

I Diplomati e Laureati dell’anno 2006-2007 Tutti gli studenti che avranno completato gli studi a livello di scuola media superiore, di avviamento professionale, di laurea universitaria breve o a livello di master o di dottorato di ricerca nel corso dell’anno accademico 2006-2007 sono pregati di inviare alla nostra redazione una foto con nome, cognome, titolo di studio ed istituto o università di provenienza. Sarà un piacere per noi a Panoramitalia far apparire gratis immagini nell’edizione estiva 2007.

Les Diplomés et les gradués de l’année 2006-2007 Tous les étudiants ayant complété leurs cours secondaires, le CEGEP, ou un programme universitaire au niveau du bac, de la maitrîse ou du doctorat au cours de l’année académique 20062007 sont priés de nous faire parvenir une photo avec nom, prénom, programme d’études completé et institution scolaire ou université de provenance. Nous publieront gratuitement toutes ces images dans l’édition estivale 2007.

Adam Ranalli Bachelor of Arts • 2006 Concordia University


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Sicilia Terra di Vino

énommé “Trinacria” par les grecs pour sa forme triangulaire, la Sicile, la plus grande île de la méditerrané, a toujours été une terre d’accueil favorable à la culture de la vigne. Empreint de l’influence des nombreuses civilisations qui s’échangèrent tour à tour le contrôle de son territoire (Phénicien, grecs, romains, etc.), elle compte certainement parmi les premières régions où s’implanta l’art du vin en Italie. On y retrace même des vestiges vieux de 2000 ans av JC de cette industrie. Malgré son glorieux passé, le vignoble sicilien a longtemps produit des vins à forte teneur en alcool, dévoués de personnalité, destiné à la vente au volume et comme vins d’assemblage. À l’instar d’un bon nombre de régions de l’Italie méridionale, la Sicile bénéficie toutefois depuis la dernière décennie d’une forte poussée qualitative. Stimulée dans un premier temps par l’implantation de nouveaux cépages internationaux (notamment : le cabernet sauvignon, le merlot, le syrah, le sangiovese, le chardonnay et le sauvignon blanc) cette nouvelle tendance offre une comparaison avec la production indigène et permet de sélectionner les meilleurs cépages propres à faire des vins de calibre mondial. L’arrivée de nombreux entrepreneurs étrangers et d’Italie du nord (Mazzei de Toscane notamment : rechercher son Zisola 100% nero d’avola) dans la région a aussi permis l’introduction de nouvelles méthodes de production (sélection clonale, choix du terroir, temps des vendanges, vinification à basse température, affinage en barriques de chêne neuf, etc.) et de réaffirmer l’énorme potentiel du terroir sicilien par la production de vins de qualité. Des quelques 500 cépages autochtones répertoriés sur l’île, plusieurs variétés possèdent des caractéristiques prisées des vignerons et gagnent de plus en plus de crédibilité sur la scène internationale. Le catarratto, l’inzolia, le grillo, le grecanico, le zibibbo (muscat d’Alexandrie) et la malvasia di Lipari comptent ainsi parmi les cépages blancs les plus appréciés. Le frappato, le nero d’avola (aussi nommé calabrese), le nerello


mascalese, le nerello mantellato et le gagliopo occupent eux les meilleurs rangs des raisins rouges. Avec cette richesse ampélographique (étude scientifique de la vigne) exceptionnelle, certains puristes affirment que les variétés internationales qui saturent déjà les marchés n’ont pas leur raison d’être en Sicile à part dans de rares exceptions.

Gabriel Riel-Salvatore

La plupart des experts s’entendent néanmoins pour dire que la renaissance du vignoble sicilien repose sur ses vins rouges et plus particulièrement sur les épaules du nero d’avola son cépage étoile. Traditionnellement, la Sicile a toujours produits plus de vins blancs que de vins rouges. Mais, cette tendance se renverse tranquillement aidé par un système d’appellation moins contraignant que par le passé. Les IGT (indicazione geografica tipica), souvent plus intéressantes que les DOC (denominazione di origine controlata) offrent ainsi un régime de contrôle plus souple dans le choix des cépages et des assemblages ainsi que pour les méthodes de vinifications et les conditions d’élevage. C’est que le nero d’avola a tout pour réjouir les consommateurs friands de vins riches et fruités avec ses saveurs de baies noires et de prunes empreints d’une légère sensation d’épice. Peu tannique, il plaît aisément et s’assemble facilement avec d’autres variétés comme le Frappato, le merlot, le syrah et le cabernet sauvignon. Toutefois, sa faible teneur en tannins rend son vieillissement difficile. Les producteurs consciencieux affrontent ce problème en le plantant dans les meilleurs terroirs avec des résultats parfois surprenants. Plusieurs producteurs locaux encouragés par cette nouvelle prise de conscience se sont aussi associés à des œnologues de renom tel que Carlo Ferrini (la star des consultants toscans) dans le but d’élever les standards de production de leurs vignobles. Le Conte Tasca d’Almerita (Regaleali) avec son Rosso del Conte, ainsi que le Duca di Salaparuta (Corvo) avec son Duca Enrico, tous deux à base de nero d’avola, constituent maintenant des références incontournables pour quiconque souhaite découvrir le meilleur de la Sicile. D’autres maisons siciliennes figurent aussi en première ligne pour la qualité de leurs vins, notamment Francesco Spadafora réputé pour son « syrah » Schietto. La fameuse maison Donnafugata (famille Rallo) qui tire son nom du célèbre ouvrage de Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa : Il Gattopardo, mis à l’écran par Luchino Visconti en 1963, possèdent aussi son champion : Contessa Entillina Mille e Una Notte. Un vin qui au goût de feu Luigi Veronelli exprime toute l’élégance d’un vrai nero d’avola, allant tout à fait à l’encontre du récent style « gonflé » et « hyper-boisé » répandus ces dernières années. Finalement, la maison Planeta, la recrue prodige, a su répondre aux nouvelles exigences du marché, à la fois avec des cépages internationaux et locaux, et possède le mérite de produire parmi les meilleurs blancs de la région : particulièrement grâce à son Chardonnay. Dans cette lignée, le Duca Enrico IGT Sicilia 1999, du Duca di Salaparuta (100% nero d’avola) étonne par la puissance de son fruit légèrement confit évoquant la cerise, la violette et la tomate verte. Charnu et viandeux, il livre un aspect sanguin évoluant sur des belles notes épicées égayées par des tannins puissants, mais déjà fondus. Laissez-le respirer, il s’assouplira encore plus. SAQ 865113 49,25$ Le Nero d’avola IGT Sicilia 2004 de Regaleali (Tasca d’Almerita) nous offre un vin à la robe violacée assez foncée. Bien typé nero d’avola au nez, ses notes de fruits noirs évidentes et agréables s’accompagnent d’un aspect légèrement épicé, rappelant la cannelle ou la noix muscade, pour finir sur des notes de terre noire et de feuilles mortes (humus). Son fruit doux, chaud et épicé en bouche semble plus riche que la moyenne des nero d’avola de sa catégorie. Sa vive acidité et son aspect moyennement corsé en fait un vin parfait pour accompagner les fromages doux tel le friulano. SAQ 482604 16,80$

Plus corsé encore que le précédent, le Lamuri IGT Sicilia 2004 de Tasca d’Almerita, à la robe d’un grenat profond, exhalent de belles notes de fruits noirs, surtout de prune et de cerise, sur un fond d’épices, de fenouil et de sous bois. Des tannins légèrement sablonneux confèrent matière et structure à ce nero d’avola sans toutefois nuire à la rondeur de son fruit tout en s’accommodant aussi d’une bonne finale poivrée. Un vin idéal sur des pièces de viande et des plats mijotés. Essayez le avec un osso bucco accompagné d’un rizotto au safran sans négligez la gremolata qui rehaussera l’acidité du vin balançant ainsi ses tannins. SAQ 10542971 22,80$ Un nouveau venu sur nos tablettes au Québec, le Nero d’avola IGT Sicilia 2004 de Morgante présente une robe pourpre claire aux teintes violacées. Ici aussi, le fruit noir domine au nez. Surtout la cerise, secondée d’un aspect de bois et d’écorce humide pour finir sur une touche légèrement épicée. Souple et rond en bouche, son fruité charmant, son acidité vibrante et sa faible teneur en tannin nous invite à boire ce vin avec joie. SAQ 10542946 16,60$ Au style moderne, vieilli dans des barriques de chêne américain, le Syrah IGT 2003 de Planeta offre un vin racoleur qui saura plaire. Très « nouveau monde » au nez : noix de coco, fruits mûrs, des notes de fumée et un aspect « toasté », il demeure toutefois beaucoup moins « gonflé » en bouche. Équilibré, loin d’être lourd, son beau goût de fruit riche et soyeux se termine sur des saveurs de réglisse anisée. Il sera parfait sur des plats à base de viande préparés à l’orientale. SAQ 747097 35,75$ Dans le blanc, le Insolia IGT Sicilia de Fazio présente une belle couleur paille claire aux légers reflets verdâtres. Un nez assez gras et légèrement glycériné qui rappelle la pêche blanche et les abricots, laisse aussi poindre un aspect minéral assez surprenant. Une bouche ample et onctueuse au fruité plutôt discret sur des notes minérale s’efface malheureusement un peu vite. SAQ 898684 15,90$ Toujours à base d’insolia le Nozze d’Oro de Tasca d’Almerita à la robe dorée teintée de vert offre un vin beaucoup plus fin et complexe que le précédent où fruits exotiques : papaye, kiwi, banane et pêche côtoient la fleur blanche et le tilleul. Son nez assez gras, presque beurré, rappelle aussi la mie de pain fraîche. Ce vin offre ainsi un étonnant mélange entre rondeur et vivacité, avec son fruit enrobant à la finale légèrement minérale. SAQ 927988 25,35$ Grand vin de méditation, le Passito di Pantelleria DOC Ben Ryé (qui signifie fils du vent) 2002 de Donnafugata tire son nom de l’arabe. D’une étonnante couleur cuivrée orangée, ce nectar renferme à lui seul tous les secrets de l’île de Pantelleria. Issu de vignes de zibibbo plantés selon la méthode ancestrale alberello (système de culture sans tuteur à bas rendement), son nez d’une incroyable complexité rappelle la marmelade de pêche et d’abricot, la figue séchée, le safran, le tabac et les épices pour finir sur des arômes de zeste d’orange confit. Fermez les yeux et laissez vous emporter par le vent. Vous éprouverez en bouche la sensation de savourer des goûtes de miel. SAQ 897462 70$


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Events Michael Benigno

Gala del 70emo anniversario della Casa d ’Italia. dell’Assemblea Nazionale, William Cusano, Nicolas Girard, rappresentante del capo dell'opposizione ufficiale André Boisclair e deputato di Gouin e portavoce dell'opposizione ufficiale in materia d'occupazione e della solidarietà sociale, Tony Tomassi

Il Gala del 70° anniversario della Casa d’Italia, che si è svolto l'11 novembre scorso al Sheraton Four Points ha riscosso un grande successo con la partecipazione di 900 persone. Quest' anniversario che inizia il processo di restauro e d'ingrandimento di questa bella struttura Art-deco costruita nel 1936 ha voluto sottolineare il ruolo fondamentale che la Casa d’Italia ha svolto nell'evoluzione e la crescita della Comunità italiana di Montreal. La serata è stata presentata da Carole Gagliardi, editrice del Corriere Italiano e membro del consiglio d'amministrazione dell'organismo comunitario. Nella sua allocuzione, il Presidente Gaby Mancini ha sottolineato l'importanza di ridare una vocazione funzionale allo stabile, luogo di memorie, di riunione e simbolo d'unità della comunità culturale più importante nel Québec. Secondo una collaudata tradizione annuale due personalità della

delle varie associazioni regionali. Gli invitati hanno assistito alla proiezione di un documentario di 10 minuti sulla costruzione della Casa d'Italia e l'evoluzione della Comunità Italiana dall'inizio del secolo scorso, realizzato nel quadro della campagna congiunta per la raccolta fondi in corso presieduta dal presidente Giuseppe Danisi. L'allocuzione di Frank Zampino ha suscitato molto interesse, Egli ha ricordato che questa struttura storica è stata il frutto di una volontà identitaria collettiva dei cittadini d’origine italiana sostenuti dal sindaco di Montreal dell'epoca Camillien Houde. “La Casa d'Italia” ha detto, “è il frutto del lavoro dei nostri padri, dei nostri pionieri e ancora oggi conserva l'aria discreta e sobria della nostra gente, abituata a lottare, a vivere, a perdere e guadagnare senza mai darsi troppe arie”.

deputato di Lafontaine e vicepresidente della Commissione dei trasporti e dell'ambiente, Elsie Lefebvre deputata di Laurier Dorion e portavoce dell'opposizione ufficiale in materia d'immigrazione e delle Comunità Culturali, Frank Zampino sindaco del distretto di Saint-Léonard e

Durante il gala è avvenuta la mostra di quadri di pittori italo-quebecchesi che avevano come tema la realta’ della Piccola Italia. La collezione dei quadri si è arricchita col passare degli anni. Pasquale L. Iacobacci è il direttore del progetto d'ingrandimento della Casa d’Italia realizzato in collaborazione presidente del Comitato Esecutivo della Città di Montréal, François Purcell, Capo del partito Vision Montréal, Annie Samson sindaco dei distretti Villeray-St- Michel-Parc Extension, Yvette Bissonnet consigliere della città di Saint Léonard Est, Noushig Eloyan, Capo dell'opposizione e consigliere comunale di Bordeaux-Cartierville, i consiglieri comunali Mary Deros, James Infantino, Joe Magri, e Clementina Teti-Tomassi. Tra i presenti va segnalata la presenza dei giudici Brian Riordan e Antonio Discepola della

Comunità italiana sono onorate. Quest’anno ha riconosciuto e sottolineato il contributo comunitario e filantropico del deputato di Viau e primo vicepresidente all’Assemblea Nazionale William Cusano e il contributo allo sviluppo economico di Montréal dell’imprenditore edile Donato Broccolini. Numerosi rappresentanti del mondo politico erano presenti, come Michel Bissonnet, presidente

con il Centro Culturale Italiano. La serata ha permesso la raccolta di 65,000$ che serviranno al funzionamento della Casa d'Italia durante il processo di restauro. I membri del comitato organizzatore ringraziano gli ospiti ed i sostenitori per il loro sostegno e la loro generosità, in particolare Carole Gagliardi e il Corriere Italiano per la pubblicazione dell’inserto speciale sulla Casa d’Italia. Appuntamento all’anno prossimo. To see more about this event please visit our website

Corte comunale di Montréal, Ronald Schacter della Corte Superiore del Québec, dell’Onorevole John Ciaccia, ex ministro degli affari internazionali ed ex-ministro dell'immigrazione e degli affari culturali, Jean Pierre Desrosiers e Nicholas Di Tempora, co-presidenti della campagna congiunta di finanziamento Casa d’Italia e Fondazione Comunitaria. Presenti tra gli ospiti anche rappresentanti



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Sabrina Marandola










ITALIAN CUISINE AT Italians are the toughest critics when it comes to eating out, and that’s why Marco Landucci smiles when he sees they keep walking through the glass-paned front doors of Zioz restaurant. “Italians are the hardest customers to please because they already eat well at home,” says Landucci, co-owner of the family restaurant. “So, if the base of our clientele is Italian, you can be sure the food is good.” Located in Rosemère, Landucci established Zioz just two and a half years ago. But this 45-year-old is definitely no stranger to the restaurant business – or to Montreal’s Italian community. Having worked in the business for 11 years, Landucci used to own Quelli Della Notte and Sotto Sopra, situated in the heart of Little Italy. “I love being Italian…and I work in this business because I love people.” Landucci says Zioz is a refreshing change for him since it attracts a different type of crowd than his previous prestigious restaurants did. “All of the other restaurants I’ve worked in were always high-end restaurants. This is a jet-set and trendy-looking place, and you get very good-quality food, but for half the price. It’s family-oriented.” David Giorgi agrees. After having worked for years in restaurants himself, the 31-year-old decided to partner up with Landucci to co-own Zioz. “It’s a great place for families to eat, and that’s why we called it Zioz,” Giorgi says.

“The quality is there and we’re not expensive for what we offer,” says Giorgi. “That’s why we get a lot of parties.” Landucci says he’s most enthusiastic about unlocking his doors, and starting up the fire in the oven on a Saturday or Sunday morning, for private parties. “There are a lot of engagement parties here, bridal showers, baptisms, and communion and confirmation parties,” says Landucci. “It’s great because we can really get creative with the menu.” Landucci says he works with the party-thrower to find the perfect meal at the right price. “We can work with any budget,” Landucci says. “And the bonus is that my staff is a lot of the same people who used to work with me in the high-end restaurants – so we have the team here to take it up a notch if that’s what the client wants.” Landucci says he enjoys consulting with the client to offer specialties, such as grilled octopus as an antipasto, Chilean sea bass as a first course or prepare authentic dishes from various regions of Italy – Tuscany’s Rigatoni alla Matricciana, for instance. “If people from R.D.P. are coming here to book a party, it’s because you can never find that kind of a meal for that kind of a price on a fixed menu,” Landucci says. The restaurant’s high ceiling coupled with its very clean lines make the room airy. Virtually no décor in the restaurant has a curve in it. From the square tables covered in pristine white tablecloths, to the straight-back wooden chairs, to it’s cubed glass vases, the look is clean and “zen”.

“Italians are the hardest customers to please because they already eat well at home... So, if the base of our clientele is Italian, you can be sure the food is good.”

“It’s like ‘your uncle’s place’, where you eat typical Italian meals.” The menu boasts a variety of dishes, where even the pickiest eater will likely find a choice to please his palate. “Everything is good, so it’s hard for me to tell you what my greatest dish is,” Giorgi says. For $8 or less, you can choose from a range of antipasti, including bruschetta, salsiccia e pepperoni arrostiti, focaccia or how about mozzarella in carozza, which is mozzarella that is breaded and fried. If you’re a meat-lover, an array of veal scaloppini may hit the spot. For less than $20, you can savour a serving of scaloppini sautéed in various flavours such as limone, marsala or parmiggiano. If pasta is your passion, you can taste the authentic Italian al dente dishes such as fettuccine made with porcini mushrooms, or fazzoletti al forno, which is a dish of pasta “au gratin”; it’s made with cheese and spinach, topped in a rosée sauce, and then browned in the oven. You can also taste the gnocchi, made in the Zioz kitchen with potato dough, or Zioz’s own home-made cavatelli or maltagliati. Finally, pizza-lovers will not be disappointed when they see their thin-crust pizza, starting at $11, come right out of the brown-brick, wood-burning oven at back of the restaurant.

“That’s why there’s the z at the end of Zioz – it’s very zen,” Landucci says. Long benches line the entire side of one butter-coloured wall. All of the walls are a warm yellow, but one façade - right near the entrance - greets guests with a punch of red. Zioz can seat 170 people, but Landucci says it is ironically a small room at the back of the restaurant that is a hit with party-throwers. “We have a little room in the back. It’s just 4 walls, but that is what made us,” Landucci says. “We leave it open for the kids, so they can run around and play there while their parents can enjoy the party and the food without having to worry.” “Families love it,” agrees Giorgi. “We’re not in Montreal, so it’s a way for the family to get out of the city and go somewhere new. Italians are demanding…[but] the feedback has been great.” For more information, visit or call Zioz:

201 Labelle Boulevard (corner of Grande Côte) Rosemère (450) 979-7777


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Dario Guiducci was one of 47 students who earned a bursary from CIBPA . Antonio Zara, publisher of Panoramitalia magazine and doner of Dario’s bursary, was thrilled and touched when he received this letter from the young student. In it Dario expresses his appreciation and emphasizes the importance of continued support and encouragement for our students. Dario Guiducci’s words reflect the sentiment and gratitude shared by all hardworking and promising students with a desire for success.

CIBPA bursary

Aicha Cissé CIBPA celebrated excellence and assiduous work last November by awarding bursaries to 47 students of Italian origin who illustrated themselves through academic performance. The scholarships - ranging from $ 2000 to $ 4000 - were offered to scholars in financial need and exemplified the philanthropist spirit fostered by the Canadian Italian community. “We would like to give special thanks to the Caisse Populaire Canadienne Italienne and Samcon for their efforts. Each worked assiduously to seek many contributors and regrouped them or the foundation. They’ve really brought in contributions from a larger portion of the population. We’d also like to thank Salvatore Guerrera who also greatly contributed. These donations are primordial because we’re not only helping future leaders, but the community as a whole,” explained former bursary recipient Rita De Santis. In the future, investors are hoping to create awards in specific fields on study such as a Hydro-Quebec bursary for engineering students. “Awards like these are a great opportunity to emphasize the involvement of Italians in North America. From construction to the arts, we are proud of our origins and through our bursary program, CIBPA is expressing that pride,” said Rita de Santis. To see more about this event please visit our website


Aicha Cissé

Le 30 Novembre dernier, le théâtre Mirella et Lino Saputo vibrait au son d’extraits d’opéras italiens dans le cadre de la soirée inaugurale de la seconde saison de l’Orchestre Symphonique Leonardo Da Vinci. Sous la direction du remarquable Paolo Bellomia, l’orchestre a majestueusement accompagné les voix du jeune baryton Jonathan Carle et de la ravissante mezzo-soprano Julie Nasrallah pour faire voyager les spectateurs sur de magnifiques airs du répertoire italien. Après une première saison encensée par les média et critiques, c’est avec aise que l’orchestre a trouvé son inspiration pour une entamer une deuxième

saison qui promet d’être tout aussi magique et mémorable. De Vincenzo Bellini a Umberto Giordano, en passant par Mozart, l’Orchestre a su rendre hommage aux grands maître de la musique classique et de l’opéra. « La public a été extrêmement chaleureux. Nous sommes certains que nos jeunes musiciens professionnels pourront livrer des prestations de très haut niveau. Notre visons toujours à développer la culture artistique de Montréal tout en encourageant l’épanouissement culturel des jeunes générations. » a déclaré le président du conseil d’administration Gian Carlo Biferali.

« Chaque concert constitue une expérience différente. On cherche toujours à jouer le plus grand nombre de pièces, mais surtout des œuvres peu connues afin de les faire découvrir au public. » a expliqué Paolo Bellomia en parlant de la versatilité de son orchestre. Cette année aussi, selon la tradition, l’orchestre offrira un tremplin à un jeune chef d’orchestre de niveau international. Jusqu’au mois de Mai, les avides le la musique classique sont invites à sillonner les sièges du centre Leonardo Da Vinci pour une soirée inoubliable avec l’orchestre Symphonique.

w w w . p a n o r a m i t a l i a . c o m


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Pasta Tutti Giorni in Lachenaie: A Recipe for Success! Shauna Hardy Pasta Tutti Giorni’s latest franchise location in Lachenaie is growing incredibly quickly. Opened less than a year ago, the 100-seat restaurant located at 1208 Yves Blais has already exceeded expectations. Owners Victor Salvatore and Antonio Ciarciello could not be happier. With a combined experience of over 20 years in the restaurant industry, the business partners felt that buying a Pasta Tutti Giorni franchise was a winning recipe for success. Specializing in delicious Italian cuisine, the restaurant is an excellent location for a business lunch, a family night out or a romantic date. “Pasta Tutti Giorni really has a perfect formula,” says Ciarciello. “How can you go wrong with great food at affordable prices in a warm and inviting atmosphere?” The great reputation of the Pasta Tutti Giorni location spread quickly. Antonio Ciarciello and Victor Salvatore welcome loyal and new customers on a daily basis. “It’s important that when customers step through the door, they feel welcome. Pasta Tutti Giorni should feel as if it is a home away from home, a place where everyone can simply relax and have a good time.” says Ciarciello. While the food and the prices might be wonderful reasons to eat at the restaurant, both partners acknowledge that above all, service is the most important element. “It all starts with the attitude, with the way that you greet people, the way that you treat your staff,” explains Salvatore. “You have to treat everyone the way that you want to be treated”. That personal style of service starts from the owners and trickles down to all the employees at the Pasta Tutti Giorni in Lachenaie. “We’re on a first-name basis with many of our clients,” says Ciarciello. “People enjoy being recognized, enjoy that someone is taking the time to ask them how they are doing – people really appreciate that.

We make sure there is plenty of eye contact with our clients. Not a single customer should feel as if they are a number. I think that at the end of the day, I just want to know that my customers have walked out the door and that they were happy. That is what gives me satisfaction. We really want to build long-term relationships with our clients.” The restaurant chain’s appeal was further cemented by its recent 2006 Consumer Choice Award from Leger Marketing as the best Italian restaurant in its category. The success of its first nine restaurants has led to numerous inquiries from interested parties who would like to start a franchise of their own. Interestingly enough, many of these prospective owners are devoted customers who understand that good food, a friendly atmosphere and reasonable prices are a combination that naturally leads to success. The company’s 3-6 week training program, ongoing franchise support and assistance with site location are further enticements for entrepreneurs interested in owning a Pasta Tutti Giorni franchise.

Pasta Tutti Giorni restaurant chain voted 2006 Consumer Choice Award from Leger Marketing as the best Italian restaurant in its category.

Antonio Ciarciello and Victor Salvatore

For more information on becoming a part of the Pasta Tutti Giorni franchise family, please contact:

Gino Beccherini, 514 783-1367

“How can you go wrong with great food at affordable prices in a warm and inviting atmosphere?”



Mastri Oleari Gabriel Riel-Salvatore L’Italie est sans conteste LE pays de l’olivier. La culture de l’olive y occupe depuis toujours une place de prédilection et génère aujourd’hui près du tiers de la production mondiale. Celle-ci puise ses sources dans l’immense potentiel du terroir italien et dans la qualité distinctive de ses fruits. L’importance de l’olive et de l’huile d’olive dans les us et coutumes des italiens s’inscrit ainsi depuis des temps immémoriaux non seulement dans une tradition gastronomique désormais célèbre mondialement, mais s’avère aussi intimement liée à la culture, à l’art, à l’agriculture et à l’économie de la péninsule.

Afin de préserver à tout prix l’intégrité et les mérites des huiles d’olives italiennes minées par une production effrénée, un groupe de producteurs passionnés et chevronnés : La Corporazione dei Mastri Oleari (guilde des maîtres huiliers), lutte depuis 1984 pour maintenir en vie la qualité traditionnelle des produits de l’olive italiens. Ce consortium à but non lucratif composé de l’élite des producteurs d’olive d’Italie cherche ainsi à promouvoir et à défendre la culture de l’olive en élevant les standards de production et de diffusion de l’industrie, surtout à travers l’élaboration d’huile d’olive extra vierge de grande qualité et par la création de réseaux d’information susceptibles de sensibiliser les gens à l’importance des produits du terroir. Pour ces raisons, la force et la réputation de la Corporazione dei Mastri Oleari ne se base pas sur le nombre, mais les qualifications particulières, l’implication et l’intention de ses membres. Le nom et le symbole (facilement reconnaissable par un lion noir debout sur ses pattes arrières brandissant un rameau d’olivier) de la Corporazione dei Mastri Oleari s’inspire des anciens corps de métier (Arts and Crafts) du moyen-âge. Soyez à l’affût, car plusieurs produits des membres de ce fameux groupe d’experts sont disponibles sur nos tablettes. Parmi ceux-ci, j’ai choisi de vous proposer l’Olio extra vergine di oliva : Abbo Frantoio del Podere Bevera High Standard.

Membre du club sélect des Mastri Oleari, Gianpaolo Abbo bénéficie d’une réputation de dégustateur hors pair. Le mouvement Slow food le tient d’ailleurs en haute estime retenant souvent ses services comme conférencier et panéliste pour de nombreux concours de dégustation en Italie. Les produits du frantoio Abbo d’une qualité exceptionnelle reflètent bien évidemment le talent du propriétaire de cette petite huilerie familiale fondée en 1893. Provenant de Vintimiglia à la frontière de la côte d’Azure et du littoral ligure, en Italie, les huiles Abbo Frantoio del Podere Bevera sont depuis longtemps reconnues pour leur côté soyeux et onctueux et leurs saveurs fruitées mêlées de notes d’artichaut propres à la variété d’olive Taggiasca. L’huile Abbo Frantoio del Podere Bevera High Standard offre ainsi un fruité délicat qui en fait un ingrédient idéal pour les mayonnaises et les pâtisseries fines. Elle s’harmonisera aussi à merveille sur les poissons ou vos salades préférées. Disponible chez : Milano, Douceurs du marché, Cavallaro Kirkland, Gourmet Laurier, Latina. Olio extra vergine di oliva : Fattoria di Asciano fino dei monti pisani High Standard Membre de la prestigieuse famille des Mastri Oleari, cette huile toscane de la province de Pise est produite de façon traditionnelle à partir d’olives Lecino, Canino et Frantoio cueillies à la main et pressé à froid sur meule de pierre. L’oliveraie de 10 000 arbres de la Fattoria di Asciano s’étend sur des collines en bord mer sur des terres ayant appartenu à nul autre que Lorenzo di Piero de’ Medici (Laurent le Magnifique), grand dirigeant florentin et figure célèbre de la Renaissance Italienne. Preuve d’un grand terroir, contrairement aux autres huiles de la région généralement intenses et poivrées, l’huile Fino dei Monti Pisani High Standard de la Fattoria di Asciano exhale de doux arômes fruités marqués par des saveurs veloutées d’amande, idéales pour accompagner du poisson, des sauces et des mayonnaises légères. Disponible chez Milano.


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Mario Di Flavio

r e c e t t e s

It’s March. In less than one month spring will be in sight. Maybe one more snow storm before it gets warmer, the sun comes out of hibernation and melts away the winter for good, or at least a good while. Ginger is in season and its fresh, strong flavour should be enjoyed in an Italian dish. Spinach is vibrant in April and is a versatile, healthy favourite, we’ll see it here, accompanied by garlic, eggs and cheese, possibly Spinach’s three best friends. By May everything should be green again including the asparagus which is at its best, especially when lying alongside pasta. Spring is a time of regeneration. Everything is new again, the earth, the air and the water. We are reborn. Our three seasonal ingredients mirror this feeling with their freshness, colour and radiance.


Spaghetti con

e Pomodoro

We think of ginger as being typically Asian yet it has been used in Italian cooking since Roman times. Matched with garlic, pepperoncino and fire-red Italian plum tomatoes, this strong, peppery stem reflects some of the taste and character of the regions where its use is most prominent, the south of Italy. 150g fresh ginger, peeled and minced 1 large can peeled plum tomatoes, drained 150ml olive oil 4 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped


3 dried red chillies or chilli flakes (1 table spoon) Salt and pepper-Juice of two lemons 300g Pecorino Romano cheese, grated Freshly chopped basil 400g spaghetti

In a large saucepan, heat 3 table spoons of olive oil. Add garlic, ginger and chili peppers until garlic and ginger become translucent. Add tomatoes and season with salt and pepper. Cook on medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 35 minutes. Remove from pan and puree in a blender. Boil pasta, drain, return to saucepan and toss with lemon juice and olive oil. Add half of the Pecorino Romano, stir in pureed sauce, mix well. Sprinkle remaining cheese as well as freshly chopped basil over top and serve.

di Frittataspinaci Italians love their greens, and they don’t get any greener than in April. Eggs may be associated with breakfast in North America but Italians also enjoy them for lunch or a late supper. A combination of spinach, garlic, and strong provolone cheese fluffed and puffed into a frittata is a great way to enjoy our cherished “verdura”. 1kg fresh spinach, washed, stalks removed Salt and pepper-8 large eggs 100g Parmigiano, grated-4 table spoons olive oil

150g strong provolone cheese, grated 150g Soppressata Calabrese, diced 1/2 inch (optional)

instructions Blanch spinach in boiling water, drain. Saute spinach with garlic and olive oil, chop. Break eggs into bowl and beat. Add salt, pepper, parmigiano, grated provolone and sautéed soppressata (optional). Add chopped, sautéed spinach into egg mixture. Preheat large non stick frying pan with 3 tablespoons of olive oil on medium heat. Add egg mixture, cook for 10-15 minutes or until the frittata has almost completely risen and has become crisp at the edges. Cover with large plate, flip frittata onto plate, return to pan, cook other side for further 2 minutes. Sprinkle more Parmigiano on top, drizzle with olive oil and serve.

alla Penne conAsparagi Carbonara Asparagus is popular and rightfully so. It is beautiful to look at, has a delicate texture, whether crisp or tender, and its flavour is phenomenal. Of the many options one has with this vegetable, the most tempting choice is to pair it with pasta. The richness of a carbonara and the bite of perfectly cooked penne and asparagus are a consummate match. 1&1/2kg sprue asparagus, sliced at an angle, 2 inches long Salt and pepper 8 egg yolks 150g Parmigiano, grated

100g butter 3 table spoons fresh thyme 200g pancetta, diced 1/2 inch, sautéed (optional) 400g penne rigate

Blanche asparagus spears for 6-8 minutes in boiling water, drain. Lightly beat egg yolks, season with salt, pepper and Parmigiano. Melt butter in a separate pan, add asparagus, thyme and toss. Boil pasta, drain. Add hot asparagus and butter. Mix well then pour in egg mixture. Toss gently letting the penne get coated with egg. Sprinkle more Parmigiano on top and sautéed pancetta (optional), serve.

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Holidays feste

f ê t e s

An Easter story

Mario Di Flavio

I always wanted a pet. Unfortunately, my sister has always been extremely allergic to cats and dogs so we could never have one. Hamsters were out of the question, (for my mom, it would be like having rats in the house). I wasn’t crazy about birds either (they make me nervous) so that didn’t leave me with many options. Back then, it wasn’t like today where you can walk into a pet store and leave with a 6 foot snake, some kind of monkey and lizards the size of small dinosaurs. You didn’t have much choice. A dog, a cat, a bird, or goldfish…that’s it. We started with fish but the trouble is that the fun is over before it even starts. The most exciting part of getting goldfish was walking around with that plastic bag full of water and one fish. When you get home, it’s over. We had a lot of toilet funerals. Then it was turtles, those little colorful ones that swim around, at least they had feet. But they didn’t do much and looked depressed most of the time. One summer a pigeon found its way into our neighborhood so I kept him . My dad built a cage under our vines and I enjoyed feeding him grapes and watching him get fat. When Autumn came my parents told me I’d have to let him go so that he could fly someplace warm, I cried. When I finally found the courage to do it and threw him in the air, he flew into my neighbours’ back yard and almost got eaten by their gigantic German Shepard dog. But he got out alive. Then one day in Spring my grandfather brought home an interesting little creature, a baby goat. He was black with a bit of white and quite gentle. No one said anything about where he came from or why he was here so I assumed he was for me. I spent the weekend playing with him in the back yard… Easter is a great holiday. I loved having Good Friday off from school, driving around with my family in the rain, (it always rained on Good Friday), Mario had a little lamb... shopping for food and eating frittata or fish & chips for lunch.(Oggi non si mangia carne!) Either Ben-Hur or The Ten Commandments were always on television and I loved watching the Jesus of Nazareth movie. I myself had just played the part of the high priest (one of the guys who bribes Judas to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver) in the Easter pageant at school the day before, I did okay. I was hoping to get a better role but apparently the twelve spots at the table were all taken up and Jesus was played by teacher’s pet. Most children can’t wait to consume ridiculous amounts of chocolate during Easter and I was certainly no exception. Unfortunately, the way I chose to do it may have displayed a certain lack of judgement. A week or so before Easter Weekend, I was given Cadbury Easter Eggs to sell for my soccer team. Cases of the stuff, which I kept under my bed…I hated going door to door, so I didn’t. Lying in my bed every night and knowing what was underneath it began to take a toll on me. Two cases of perfectly good chocolate right underneath me! It was like The Last Temptation of Christ. I took one of the heavy little eggs, unwrapped it, and ate it. I didn’t think they’d miss it. The next night I had trouble sleeping (another egg) and so on. I finished the two cases. My parents were not pleased. Once again, my insatiable appetite had gotten me into a predicament. They had to pay for the chocolate and I would have to pay some other way. It was Easter Sunday, I awoke and had my special Easter treat which we call “cuzzupe”, a sweet bread shaped into braids or crowns with a hard boiled egg baked into it. You slice the bread, spread butter on it and peel your egg, we each had our own. I hadn’t seen my little goat since Saturday afternoon. I took off for my grandfather’s but was stopped by my mom who said we were late for Church. I spun on my heels and turned back, I’d see him later. When we returned from Mass, lunch was already prepared, so I was rushed to the table. My mouth watered as I took inventory, there were home made ravioli with ricotta and spinach “in bianco” meaning no tomato sauce, just melted butter and a ton of grated cheese. My grandfather’s home made sausage, a big, beautiful pink ham, breaded and fried turkey cutlets, peas, string beans and “polpette di patate” deep-fried football shaped mixtures of cheese and potato. I also spotted a plate with some kind of roasted meat that I didn’t recognize. I knew that I’d never seen it before because the meat was a different colour than usual and the bones were also different. “What is it?” I asked. I looked around at the faces but no one said anything. They were all looking away, avoiding me. I glanced at my grandfather as he succulently tore at the juicy flesh and smiled at me slyly. He had the look of a fox. I looked over towards his back yard. No little goat, just the cord still tied to the fence. I suddenly got a weird feeling, “where’s the goat?” I asked. “Oh, he had to go back to the farm.” said my mother. “Strange.” I thought. I never did eat the meat. Some time later, my grandfather brought home “un’anguilla”, a large eel. As I looked at it in the bath tub I thought to myself, “Hmm, I wonder where we’re gonna keep this thing…”


5 1 4 . 3 3 7 . 7 8 7 0



1700, Boulevard Saint-Elzéar Ouest, Laval (Qc) H7L 3N2 T.450.687.1514


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nos villages



Filippo Salvatore

APPUNTI STORICI SUI GUGLIONESANI DI MONTREAL Guglionesi è una prospera cittadina di circa 6.000 abitanti del Basso Molise, sita a circa 10 km da Termoli, sulla costa del Mare Adriatico, su una ariosa e ridente collina di 369 metri che permette di spaziare a 360 gradi e di ammirare le vette della Majella e del Gran Sasso a Nord, le Isole Tremiti ed il Gargano a Sud. Il comune ha un agro di 12,000 ettari coltivabili, il più esteso della Regione. L’agricoltura è ancora la principale risorsa economica della popolazione, anche se dagli anni Settanta è avvenuta una notevole industrializzazione nella fondovalle del fiume Biferno.Il nucleo industriale, tra cui spicca per importanza lo stabilimento FIAT, dà lavoro ad un numero crescente di addetti La presenza guglionesana a Montreal risale alla fine dell’Ottocento, anche se si trattava nella maggior parte dei casi di stagionali che, racimolato un gruzzolo, preferivano tornare in Italia. I molisani ed i casertani costituirono verso il 1885 il primo nucleo permanente della comunità di origine italiana nel Quebec che oggi conta circa 300.000 persone. Gli immigrati trovarono nella parrocchia il punto di aggregazione. Nel 1905 fu costituita la prima parrocchia “italiana” che aveva nella Chiesa della Madonna del Carmine, ubicata vicino all’odierna sede di Radio Canada, il luogo di culto. Tra il 1918-19 nel quartiere Mile End, in quella che era allora la periferia nord della città, fu costruita una nuova chiesa a cui fu data il nome di Madonna della Difesa. 004) Olive (2 I guglionesani provavano una speciale devozione a delle Raccolt damo Zara A Oliveto per il santo patrono Adamo. Nel 1926 Nicola Pace e Maria Stella Carini coadiuvati da Raffaele Tarasco ed Antonio Raspa, fecero una colletta tra i paesani e fecero realizzare una replica della statua del santo che fu solennemente venerata durante la precessione il mese di giugno del 1927. La devozione al santo durò fino al giugno del 1940, data dello scoppio delle ostilità tra l’Italia ed il Canada. Nel 1945 dopo la parentesi bellica, durante la quale il governo federale decretò l’internamento di centinaia di italo-canadesi perché considerati “enemy aliens”, ricominciarono le attività ricreative dell’Associazione Guglionesana e la processione di Sant’Adamo nella parrocchia di Saint Joseph (angolo Notre Dame e Richmond).

Il Polo culturale civico è stato pensato, progettato e realizzato come ‘luogo’ di organizzazione e di fruizione di ‘servizi ed eventi’ attorno ai quali realizzare un’offerta culturale integrata di qualità e di eccellenza che l’Amministrazione comunale di Guglionesi intende mettere a disposizione dei cittadini residenti e non, in particolar modo dei giovani, degli studiosi locali, dei ricercatori investendo sulla crescita culturale e civile della comunità. Si tratta di un sistema il cui funzionamento concreto prevede la collaborazione aperta ad Enti ed Associazioni private (Università del Molise, Direzione regionale per i Beni paesaggistici e cultuali, Curia vescovile, Scuole, fondazioni culturali, archivi privati, etc.) le quali sono chiamate a progettare e a gestire l’offerta integrata, anima del Polo culturale. Il Polo potrebbe fungere da modello per gli altri comuni interessati ad un’iniziativa di valorizzazione culturale, i quali potrebbero costituire un sistema culturale territoriale, per produrre un centro coordinato del patrimonio. Da gestire assieme al mondo della Scuola, ma anche all’Università e a tutti coloro che sono mossi da ‘curiosità ed ansia’ di conoscenza. La realizzazione del Polo culturale civico si nutre di due diversi processi di ‘musealizzazione’: quello del contenitore(i) e quello delle opere contenute. La sua completa realizzazione prevede diverse fasi. Nella prima fase (periodo 2003-2006) si è proceduto: a) al recupero/restauro di una delle più significative emergenze monumentali del nostro territorio, l’ex convento dei Cappuccini, lo storico edificio fino a poco tempo fa adibito a carcere, attribuendogli una nuova destinazione d’uso a carattere culturale; b) alla collocazione/organizzazione in esso di vari spazi destinati all’Archivio storico comunale, alla Biblioteca civica, ad una Teca degli scrittori guglionesani e ad un Centro multimediale, nonché ad attrezzature e servizi atti a promuovere la conservazione e la valorizzazione/fruizione dei documenti storici e dei testi bibliografici di cui il Comune allo stato dispone. Nella seconda fase (anno 2007) è stato previsto: a) l’allestimento di una Pinacoteca civica di Arte moderna e contemporanea, che andrà a completare la sezione museale già in fase di avanzata realizzazione, unendosi con il Museo archeologico collocato presso il centro culturale L’Incontro; il potenziamento del patrimonio librario attraverso il collegamento in rete con le biblioteche: della Provincia di Campobasso, dell’Università del Molise, delle biblioteche nazionali e, previa convenzione da stipularsi con la Curia vescovile della Diocesi di Termoli-Larino, la organizzazione della consultazione dell’Archivio storico della Parrocchia di Santa Maria Maggiore di Guglionesi.

Festa di Sant’Adamo

Tappa del Giro d’Italia 2006

Panorama di Guglionesi

Chiesa Santa Maria Magggiore

Durante il ventennio 1948-1968 avvenne la seconda ondata immigratoria italiana in Canada. Tanti forono i guglionesani che vennero a vivere a Montreal al punto che al giorno d’oggi la comunità è di oltre 4.000 persone. Al Comitato Festa Sant’Adamo, subentrò nel 1970 l’Associazione Culturale Guglionesana che nel 1981 divenne l’Associazione Guglionesana del Quebec Usconium di cui fu eletto presidente Leo Pizzi. Il signor Pizzi si distinse per l’organizzazione nell’agosto del 1982 della serata in onore di una delegazione della Regione Molise giunta a Montreal per partecipare all’esposizione di Terre des Hommes. Fu in quell’occasione che nacque l’idea di fondare la Federazione delle Associazioni Molisane del Quebec e fu il Professor Filippo Salvatore che ne assunse la prima presidenza nel maggio del 1983. Al giorno d’oggi l’Associazione Usconium è una delle più numerose ed attive in seno alla comunità italiana di Montreal ed i guglionesani nati in Canada sono perfettamente integrati, sono presenti nei diversi settori di attività e fanno ormai parte della piccola e media borghesia.

Viale Margherita

A conclusione di questa breve presentazione non intendiamo nascondere che siamo particolarmente orgogliosi di vedere completata un’idea progettuale che, nata nel 2001, costituiva uno dei traguardi ambiziosi dell’Amministrazione comunale di Guglinesi: la creazione di un Polo culturale civico. Un centro di cultura che avesse le carte in regola per diventare un punto di eccellenza e di qualità e, quindi, di attrazione della popolazione (non solo locale), capace di concorrere all’azione di valorizzazione del nostro patrimonio storico-artistico-culturale e nel contempo, attraverso la collaborazione con altri Enti ed Istituzioni mettere a disposizione della comunità, soprattutto dei nostri ‘ragazzi’ e delle loro famiglie, risorse e conoscenze per aprirsi in maniera critica alle complesse opportunità del nostro tempo per aiutare loro, e noi stessi, a ‘diventare cittadini del mondo’. [Il Sindaco Cloridano Bellocchio | L’Assessore alla Cultura Iolanda Aceto] To see more images and information on Guglionesi, visit

Life stories


histoire de vie

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Family Tree

Nicolas Mancini

A proud father of three and grandfather of five, Nicola Mancini’s journey to Canada began long before the massive wave of Italian immigration of the 1940s. Born in 1916 in Guglionesi, a small comune in the province of Campobasso, Nicola was the fourth of Antonio Mancini and Teresina De Lillis’ eight children.

At the age of 13, Mancini came to Canada with his brothers Giovanni, Oreste, and his sisters Teresa and Aurora, to rejoin his parents who had already settled in Montreal two years prior. “With seven children in the house, my father realized that our family was getting too big for the land we had,” he says, “so he went to Canada in search of better opportunities with my mother and my youngest sister Assunta, and we would join him when we had enough money.” In late 1928 Nicola’s voyage began when he took a boat from Napoli to Genoa, where he would migrate to the port of Halifax via a French boat called the Aurania. “Back then not as many people were emigrating to Canada, so we didn’t need a sponsor. All we had to do was obtain a passport and permission from a travel officer at the mayor’s office”, says Mancini. Having finally reunited with his parents in April 1929, the Mancini family settled into a modest home in Old Montreal, where his father worked for a construction company, and his older brother as a tailor. However, upon his arrival and admission into school, Nicola, like many other Italian children of the time, was underestimated in his scholarly capacities. “I was 13 years old and they put me in kindergarten! They said it would be temporary, just until I would learn the language, but I stayed there for a long time. After that, I expected to be

put with children my age, but all they did was put me in the first grade, then briefly in the second, until my teacher realized I wasn’t being challenged.” Shortly after his promotion to the third grade, Mancini quit school following a dispute with a teacher, and began to assist his older brother in his tailoring. Eventually he got his first tailoring job at Friedman and Gabby, where he was employed as a coat maker. He then pursued his tailoring career at Calafiore and LaVita for 32 years, and then

continued working at Simpson’s Department store, an icon of the Montreal of yesteryear. During this time he met his future wife, Giovanna (Jeanne) Ravenda. “I was on the streetcar on my way home from work, and she was there too, tanned from a vacation she had been on. We used to get off at the same stop, so slowly we started talking, and then going out to eat, for about three years time.” Eventually, Nicola and Jeanne married in 1952 and moved to a small flat on Casgrain Street, near the epicentre of the Italian Canadian community. A year later their first child, Antonio, was born, another son Lorenzo, would then follow, and a daughter Teresa. The family later moved in the St-Michel district in 1965 and then to their present home near Gouin blvd. and Papineau in 1978. A tireless perfectionist who took great pride in his trade, Nicola Mancini retired at 78 years old, and has since enjoyed life in his Ahuntsic home with his wife, and in between was blessed with five grandchildren. Today, at age 91, you can still find him enjoying his walks on l’Île de la Visitation, or making sausage in his basement. An eternal sense of optimism, family values and a determined work ethic are the epitome of the Italian Canadian community, and Nicola Mancini exemplifies these standards.


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Events 25° anniversario dell ’Associazione guglionesana del Quebec Usconium


Domenica 3 dicembre, allo Château St-Michel, si è svolto il pranzo pre-natalizio dell’ associazione “I Larinati”. Il signor Pardo Di Liello, presidente dell’ associazione, ha accolto i suoi membri con umiltà e gratitudine. La vecchia città di Larino è un gioiello nel cuore del Molise. Al tempo della Roma antica, Larinum, era un municipium. Nel centro storico di Larino si trova un colosseo in miniatura, l’anfiteatro che fu costruito nel primo secolo d.c. e poteva contenere diciottomila spettatori. L’associazione “I Larinati” è nata il 14 Febbraio del 1993. Pardo Di Liello ha dichiarato ai suoi membri e compaesani “siamo qui per festeggiare il nostro patrimonio di fratellanza ... con tanta gioia, con tanto amore, ma sopratutto con grande fatica, e sacrifici”. Il presidente Di Liello, scrittore, giornalista, e poeta, ha aggiunto “il vero tesoro della vita è quello di amarsi, e di volersi bene”. I membri del consiglio di amministrazione dell’ associazione “I Larinati” sono; Domenico Di Palma, Luigi Gammieri, Pardo Di Liello, Pardo Morrone, Pasquale Stelluti, Giuseppe Di Palma, Alberto Amoroso, e Luigi Garofalo. To see more about this event please visit our website

da sinistra Anna Bellocchio, il sindaco di Guglionesi Maria Sorella, Anna Bellocchio, il sindaco Bellocchio, l’ex professor Cloridano Bellocchio, Lina Ruscitto ex presidente presidente Vincenzo Lorito, il presidente Nicola Di Paolo, della Usconium, il presidente della Usconium, la segretaria la segretaria Anna D’Olimpio, l’assessore Erardo Filippone. Anna D’Olimpio e semicoperto l’assessore Erardo Filippone.


Il 16 dicembre 2006 si è celebrato nella sala di ricevimento Villa Italia nel quartiere di Rivière-des-Prairies il 25° anniversario dell’Associazione guglionesana del Quebec USCONIUM. Per l’occasione è stato redatto e distribuito ai presenti un libro-ricordo che contiene i fatti salienti delle attività svolte dall’associazione. Erano presenti circa 400 persone, guglionesani d’origine e simpatizzanti. Tra gli invitati d’onore va sottolineata la presenza del sindaco di Guglionesi, Professor Cloridano Bellocchio e dell’assessore Erardo Filipone, con la gentili consorti, giunti di proposito a Montreal dall’Italia . Altre personalità presenti al banchetto erano il console italiano reggente di Montreal Dr Sergio Monti, il presidente onorario della Usconium,con la consorte Isa, l’industriale Arrigo Ciccarelli, la presidente del Com.It.Es di Montreal Giovanna Giordano, il direttore del settimanale Il Cittadino Canadese, Basilio Giordano, l’editore della rivista Panoramitalia e uomo d’affari Antonio Zara, il professor Filippo SALVATORE, docente di studi italiani all’università Concordia, giornalista e scrittore. L’archivista della Usconium V. D’Urbano aveva allestito una mostra fotografica che dava uno spaccato delle attività ricreative e culturali svolte dall’associazione. Il sindaco Bellocchio ha regalato al presidente Nicola Di Paolo una elegantissima collezione di immagini che illustrano oltre che i monumenti storici e religiosi di Guglionesi, le più recenti realizzazioni in campo sportivo e culturale ( la pinacoteca nel vecchio convento di Castellara, il museo archeologico di palazzo Massa, il nuovo cinema-teatro, il palazzetto dello sport ecc.). Il sindaco Bellocchio ha annunciato che l’amministrazione comunale è disposta ad investire i fondi necessari per realizzare uno scambio culturale tra giovani oriundi montrealesi ed italiani. Solo attraverso il coinvolgimento delle giovani generazioni i legami tra i residenti in Italia ed all’estero potranno rinsaldarsi e continuare.E’ da prevedere quindi che in un prossimo futuro un gruppo di giovani guglionesani sarà accolto a Montreal ed un gruppo di oriundi montrealesi visiterà la terra degli avi. Un plauso a tutto il direttivo della USCONIUM per l’ottima organizzazione. L’editore di Panoramitalia Tony Zara, il sindaco di Guglionesi Cloridano Bellocchio, il professor Filippo Salvatore.

da sinistra in prima fila Vincenzo D’Urbano, Angela Salvatore, in piedi da sinistra Vincenzo Lorito, Carlo Vernacchia, il sindaco Bellocchio, Lucia Salvatore, Nicola Di Paolo, Guido Flocco, Maria Sorella, Anna D’Olimpio, l’assessore Erardo Filippone, Pasquale Dell’Armi, Costanza DiPaolo, Lina Di Biase e Rosa Lombardi. To see more about this event please visit our website

Yellow Fish Art Vernissage C’était l’ambiance idéale:un loft spacieux au beau milieu du boulevard Saint-Laurent, du vin raffiné à volonté et pour couronner le tout, la chance de rencontrer le talentueux Pino Guidolotti. Ce n’est pas pour rien qu’une horde de fanatiques d’art se soient réunis lors de son Vernissage à la galerie Yellow Fish Art le 29 Novembre dernier. C’est avec admiration sans précédent que la foule contemplait ses œuvres photographiques mais les regards étaient tournés vers un Guidolotti souriant et charmant à la personnalité très terre-à-terre. C’était une première visite dans notre métropole pour le célèbre photographe qui a laissé l’univers de la mode pour se consacrer aux portraits d’architectes. Guidolotti s’est dit fier de présenter « Archistar » : le fruit de 20 années de travail. Il en a aussi profite pour souligner les

Aicha Cissé

SAPORI D’ITALIA 2007 Michael Benigno Serata di beneficienza della Fondazione Canadese Malattie del Fegato, sezione di Montreal. Una serata di raccolta fondi denominata “Sapori d’Italia 2007” da devolvere alla Fondazione Canadese Malattie del Fegato ha avuto luogo venerdi’ sera 2 febbraio al Madison a Saint Leonard. L’evento al quale hanno partecipato circa 400 persone era sotto la presidenza d’onore di Mario Galella, vice-presidente della Banque Laurentienne e della signora Angela Civitella, vice-presidente di CIVEC Inc. Durante la serata ha preso la parola il Dottor Marc Deschenes, Md FRCPC dell’Associazione Canadese per lo Studio del Fegato.Una vibrante testimonianza e’ stata fatta dalla signora Maria Teresa Rosatelli, malata di epatite e guarita grazie ai piu’ recenti risultati della ricerca. Durante la serata gli invitati hanno gustato piatti tipici della gastronomia italiana.” Grazie al sostegno di Mario Galella e di Angela Civitella, speriamo che questa serata sapra’ toccare il cuore della gente” ha detto Claude Legault, presidente del consiglio d’amministrazione della Fondazione Canadese delle Malattie del Fegato, sezione di Montreal. “ Molti pregiudizi, ha continuato, esistono sulle malattie di epatite.Il nostro compito e’ di sensibilizzare una comunita’ come quella italiana alla nostra causa.Questa e’ una bella occasione per unire l’utile ed il dilettevole”.




Filippo Salvatore

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mérites avant-gardistes des artistes italiens. Une trentaine de photographies d'architectes imprimées par l'artiste lui-même dans sa chambre noire ont été exposées jusqu’au 10 Janvier pour le plaisir de tous. Parmi les portraits on retrouvait ceux de l'architecte d'origine égyptienne Hani Rashid ainsi que d'Alessandro Scandurra, ayant conçu l'aménagement de cette même exposition au Museo Palladio de Vicenza. « Je suis vraiment fier d’avoir développer mon art en Europe, surtout en Italie car c’est la capitale de l’art. Les photographies italiennes sont la référence dans ce domaine. J’ai toujours eu une grande admiration pour l’architecture. Comprendre la beauté de l’architecture et l’immortaliser en image, c’est rendre justice à une des disciplines les plus admirables. » a expliqué Guidolotti.

La Fondazione si e’ fatta promotrice,grazie alla ricerca ed all’educazione, di una campagna di prevenzione contro l’epatite. Per ulteriori informazioni sulle sue attivita’ consultare il sito web <> Nella foto da sinistra Enzo Reda, Roberto Di Minico, Claude Legault, Angela Civitella, Carmine D’Argenio e Mario Galella.

CE QUE VOUS DEVEZ SAVOIR SUR LES VICES CACHÉS Lorsque vous faites l’achat d’un bien, savez-vous que le vendeur est tenu en vertu de la loi de vous fournir un bien qui est exempt de vices cachés… Cette notion est plus connue comme la garantie contre les vices cachés ou garantie de qualité. Selon la définition de l’article 1726 du Code civil du Québec, un vice caché est un vice qui rendrait le bien acheté « impropre à l’usage auquel on le destine ou qui en diminue tellement son utilité que l’acheteur ne l’aurait pas acheté, ou n’aurait pas donné si haut prix » s’il l’avait connu. Cependant, tel que le prévoit également cet article, la garantie ne peut être invoquée si lors de l’achat, le vice est apparent ou qu’il peut être « constaté par un acheteur prudent et diligent sans avoir besoin de recourir à un expert » En conséquence, si le bien que vous acheté est détérioré ou brisé, s’il y a un défaut dans sa conception ou sa fabrication qui empêche son usage normal, la garantie contre les vices cachés pourrait trouver son application. Cette garantie pourrait également être applicable si l’acheteur et le vendeur conviennent d’un usage précis pour le bien vendu au moment de la conclusion du contrat et qu’en raison d’un défaut, le bien ne peut servir à cet usage. Pour que la garantie contre les vices cachés s’applique, il faut que le vice soit grave en tenant compte des inconvénients et des coûts de réparation, qu’il soit inconnu de l’acheteur au moment de la vente et qu’il soit bien évidemment caché. En effet, l’acheteur, personnellement ou par l’entremise d’un expert, doit faire un examen raisonnable du bien lors de l’achat. Tel que le précise le Code civil du Québec il n’est pas impératif d’avoir recours à un expert bien que l’acheteur a le devoir de procéder à un examen attentif et sérieux. Cependant, l’acheteur n’a pas, lors de son examen, l’obligation de prendre des mesures inhabituelles ou exceptionnelles à moins d’avoir certains indices et/ou soupçons qui pourraient lui laisser croire qu’un vice existe. Il est évident que pour que la responsabilité du vendeur soit impliquée, le vice devait exister précédemment à la vente. En effet, un acheteur ne peut invoquer la garantie du vendeur si le vice résulte d’un mauvais entretien ou à un usage abusif du bien suite à son achat. Lorsque, à titre d’acheteur, vous croyez que le bien acheté est affecté d’un vice caché, vous devez dénoncer ce vice par écrit au vendeur, dans un délai raisonnable, le tout dans le but de permettre au vendeur de constater le problème et de le corriger ou de le réparer. En effet, cette dénonciation écrite est nécessaire avant que les travaux correctifs soient effectués. Dans l’éventualité où une demande à la Cour était présentée par un acheteur, ce

dernier peut demander l’annulation de la vente, s’il n’avait pas acheté le bien s’il avait su que le bien était affecté d’un vice, ou une réduction du prix payé. Si le vendeur connaissait ou était présumé connaître le vice, une demande pour des dommages-intérêts peut également être présentée au Tribunal. Afin de vous protéger, si vous agissez à titre de vendeur du bien, il est sage de dénoncer les vices ou les problèmes que vous connaissez et qui affectent le bien que vous vendez. Il est également important de ne pas faire de fausses représentations puisque dans cette éventualité, un Tribunal pourrait en arriver à la conclusion qu’un vice était caché même s’il pouvait être apparent lors de la vente. En conclusion, afin d’éviter tout problème lors de la vente ou l’achat d’un bien, ayez la puce à l’oreille, procédez à un examen minutieux du bien et portez une attention particulière au bien que vous désirez acheter et pour lequel le prix demandé est moindre que celui à lequel vous vous attendez.

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Francesco De Gregori 35 anni d ’Italia… Ogni volta che finisco di raccontare la storia di uno dei grandi cantanti italiani, mi chiedo se ne troverò un altro per il numero successivo. E, puntualmente, tra la polvere dei miei vecchi 33 giri, la confusione dei miei CD e l’organizzazione maniacale degli MP3, spunta una canzone, un nome, che mi fa esclamare: “È vero! C’è lui/lei! Come ho fatto a non pensarci prima?” E così, dovendo selezionare un artista che potesse accompagnare un film sulla più recente storia italiana e le sue alterne vicende politiche, mi è capitato tra le mani un CD di Francesco De Gregori. Da quasi quarant’anni, De Gregori cavalca il palcoscenico della musica italiana d’autore. Nato a Roma nell’aprile del 1951, è un cantante introverso, uno di quelli che può arrabbiarsi se, durante un concerto, il pubblico canta le canzoni, coprendo la sua voce. Sebbene non tutti siano d’accordo nel riconoscere l’esistenza di una “scuola romana” nella storia della canzone italiana, è pur vero che alla fine degli anni ’60, anche sulla spinta dalla presenza degli studi di Cinecittà, a Roma transita la maggior parte della produzione musicale italiana. E De Gregori si forma proprio in questo contesto. Ispirandosi ad artisti stranieri (Bob Dylan) ed italiani (De André), diventa presto uno dei giovani del mitico Folkstudio, la cantina di Via Garibaldi, nella quale si è esibito lo stesso Dylan. Avendo trovato nel fratello Luigi Grechi un valido supporto, con la chitarra sulle spalle, a bordo della sua Renault 4, inizia a girare l’Italia per una serie di piccoli concerti. Nel ’72, in collaborazione con Antonello Venditti, pubblica il suo primo album: Theorius Campus. Sempre sotto l’etichetta

Massi Miliano

RCA, pubblica altri due album che, ad eccezione del pezzo Alice, non riscuotono alcun successo, soprattutto a causa dei testi a volte troppo ermetici. Ma la RCA crede in lui e, nel 1975, De Gregori realizza Rimmel: uno degli album più venduto degli anni ’70. Questi, comunque, per l’Italia sono anni bui e la strategia della tensione e delle bombe non risparmia la musica, tanto che, durante un concerto a Milano presso il Palalido, De Gregori viene contestato dal pubblico che lo accusa di utilizzare il messaggio politico delle sue canzoni, al solo fine di arricchirsi (analoghi episodi avvennero con Lou Reed, Santana e Patti Smith), “…Per come si erano messe le cose avrebbero anche potuto spararmi” dirà più tardi il cantante, raccontando l’episodio. Comunque questa esperienza lascia un segno, tanto che per due anni De Gregori si allontana dalla scena musicale andando a lavorare presso una libreria. Nel ’79, però, torna sui palcoscenici con un evento memorabile per la musica leggera italiana: “Banana Republic”, un tour realizzato con Lucio Dalla e Ron che riapre le porte ai grandi concerti di massa. Così, con titoli quali: Generale, Viva l’Italia, Titanic, La donna cannone e tanti altri successi, si arriva ai giorni nostri con gli album Pezzi (2005) e Calypsos (2006). Francesco De Gregori è nel cuore degli italiani di tutte le generazioni. Quando un gruppo di amici si riunisce e c’è anche una chitarra, state tranquilli, se non è la prima, la seconda canzone che canteranno sarà Generale. Per un’antologia delle sue opere, vi consiglio la recente raccolta: Tra un manifesto e lo specchio.


Massi Miliano



1. Elisa feat. Ligabue 2. Tiziano Ferro 3. Ligabue 4. Zero assoluto 5. Zucchero 6. Laura Pausini 7. Neffa 8. Adriano Celentano 9. Nek 10. Luca Carboni 11. Subsonica 12. Giancarlo Del Duca 13. Le Vibrazioni 14. Raf 15. Cesare Cremonini 16. Rio 17. Finley 18. Caparezza 19. Samuele Bersani 20. Mietta

Gli ostacoli del cuore Ed ero contentissimo Cosa vuoi che sia Sei parte di me Occhi Io canto Cambierà Oh Diana Instabile Malinconia Coriandoli a Natale Canzone Se Passeggeri distratti Dev’essere così La vita perfetta Sole di settembre Dalla parte del toro Sicuro Precariato Il fiore


IL BANDITO E IL CAMPIONE (1993) BIJOUX Même si je ne les aime pas trop, encore une fois je me trouve à vous proposer un album “live”. Ça par ce que, au contraire des albums enregistrés en studio, ils permettent de mieux connaître l’artiste qui, dans l’ambiance du concert, se laisse aller en faisant sortir tous ses émotions. Donc, pour mieux connaître Francesco De Gregori, je vous propose « Il bandito e il campione » enregistré entre le 1992 et le 1993 en occasion de son tour « su e giù » à travers l’Italie. Il comprend les plus grands succès de l’artiste et aussi un inédit: la chanson qui donne le titre à tout l’album: Il bandito e il campione (la seule en version « studio »). Elle raconte la vraie histoire de deux amis d’enfance des années 30, qui dans la vie ont suivi des chemins différents: Costante Girardengo (champion de cyclisme) et Sante Pollastri (brigand entreprenant).

Already on his fourth album, the 37 year-old Giovanni Allevi is the youngest and most representative Italian pianist. A Native of Ascoli Piceno, his talent is already recognized all over the world, either on classical or jazz expressions. (In the 2005, he played at the Blue Note in New York, performing two sold out shows). This album was conceived in an ambulance: victim of a panic attack, Allevi promised: “If I will come out from here, I will play the joy for life.” And he did it!

SAMUELE BERSANI - “L’ALDIQUÀ” The face of a “good boy”, Bersani can describe the problems that society has to face, with the same ease as you can tell a fairy tale. L’Aldiquà is a non-existing word, in opposition to the aldilà (afterlife), that explains the full meaning of the entire album: Bersani is inspired by what he sees everyday (like broken glasses or a roasted chicken), to illustrate the related feelings. I hate following charts, but this time I have to agree that Sicuro precariato (safe-temporary employment) is the most representative song of the album.

Musique Ambiance Think spring! et

Massi Miliano Cette fois la mission qu’on me demande c’est impossible! Dans un monde qui se plaint du fait qu’il n y a plus de mi-saison, je dois chercher de créer une trame sonore toute italienne à votre printemps! Mmm… laissons la réalité de nos jours pour aller déranger le maître Botticelli, par ce que, si je dis printemps, c’est exactement ça ce que je vois: des figures gracieuses suspendues entre le ciel et la terre, dans un monde mystique et fabuleux… sur le style de Uccelli (Franco Battiato) Quelle poésie! Dans mes journées de printemps j’aimerais écouter quelque chose qui me rend heureux, mais qui n’est pas trop énergétique, comment par exemple Cara Valentina (Max Gazzé), Frena (Carlotta) ou encore Cuccurucucu (Franco Battiato). A la chaleur des premiers rayons de soleil j’aimerai chanter L’astronauta (Stragà), La primavera (Marina Rei) ou Meraviglioso (Domenico Modugno). Le printemps est aussi la saison des premiers promenades dans la nature qui se réveille, alors, pourquoi ne pas le faire avec Lullaby (Stefano Fucili) et Primavera (Luca Carboni). Mais quoi de mieux d’un espresso goûté sur la terrasse d’un café sur le Corso Vannucci de Perugia, en écoutant Il cielo in una stanza (Gino Paoli), devant un panorama qui mélange la solidité des églises et des palais antiques à la grâce et le style moderne du monde qui se promène.

Santiago Zabala (edited by) Weakening Philosophy, Essays in Honour of Gianni Vattimo, Montreal& Kingston, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007, pp.454 Gianni Vattimo is one of the world’s most important philosophers, yet he has received little attention in the English-speaking world. The essays in Weakening Philosophy, from leading figures such as

Pane Amaro,

di Gianfranco Norelli 2007

Nella serie “ La Grande Storia”, è andato in onda su Rai 3 il 29 gennaio ed il 5 febbraio scorsi il film-inchiesta del giornalista e regista italo-americano Gianfranco Norelli intitolato “Pane Amaro”. Gli USA sono stati con il Brasile e l’Argentina i paesi principali verso cui si è diretta la massiccia ondata emigratoria italiana nel cinquantennio 1880-1930. Negli Stati Uniti sono circa 5 milioni gli italiani giunti dal 1880 alla seconda guerra mondiale. Il tema centrale del documentario è questo: gli immigrati italiani soffrirono le pene dell’inferno per essere accettati e per integrarsi. Esso è costruito su centinaia di foto e documenti originali – pagine di giornali, caricature, rari filmati d’epoca – e di interviste con storici italo-americani per far riemergere e portare a conoscenza del grande pubblico alcune delle vicende più drammatiche della presenza italiana negli USA. Norelli insiste su vari episodi tra cui spiccano: il linciaggio di 11 pescatori siciliani a New Orleans nel 1891; l’attentato a Wall Street ad opera di anarchici nel 1920 che ha causato la morte di 39 persone e di centinaia di feriti; il processo di Sacco e Vanzetti e l’internamento in campi di prigionia di oltre 2,500 civili italo-americani considerati “enemy aliens” ( lo stesso avvenne in Canada) dopo la dichiarazione di guerra di Musssolini il 10 giugno 1940. Il documentario di G. Norelli, che ha lavorato come regista di documentari per la BBC, PBS ,

Il neo-vedutismo di Johanne Cullen. L’8 novembre scorso ha avuto luogo alla Galerie d’art Yves Laroche sita nel Vieux Montréal il vernissage della mostra intitolata Vol/Flight/ Volo dell’artista montrealese Johanne Cullen. Dopo l’azzeramento del figurativo di un Pollock o di un Borduas, la Cullen recupera nelle sue opere le forme, i contorni precisi e la terza dimensione. Ma è un recupero ironico, post-moderno. Le figure umane hanno nei suoi quadri una dimensione iper-realistica ma sono inserite in un contesto onirico, surreale. Spesso è un particolare che viene scelto: le mani o il viso femminile provocatoriamente sensuale. I piani di rappresentazione spaziale sono multipli e si intersecano come in Altitude(la figura di un uomo che da dietro il vetro di una una finestra guarda un aereo avvicinarsi minacciosamente),o in Réunion (un’aquila


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Filippo Salvatore

ARTE, CINEMA & LIBRI art, cinema & books Art, cinéma et livres

Umberto Eco, Richard Rorty and Canadian Charles Taylor, introduce his ideas to a wide audience. Moving away from Jacques Derrida’s deconstructionism and Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutics and building on his experience as a politician (he is a former member of the European Parliament), Vattimo asks if it is still possible to speak of moral imperatives, individual rights and political freedom. Ackowledging the force of Nietzsche’s “ God is dead”, Vattimo argues for a philosophy of pensiero debole that shows how moral values can exist without being guaranteed by an external authority. His secularizing interpretation stresses anti-metaphysical elements and puts philosophy into a relationship with postmodern culture.

National Geographic e la RAI, comincia alla fine dell’Ottocento e traccia la storia dell’immigrazione italiana. Nel primo decennio del Novecento sbarcano una media di circa mille italiani al giorno ad Ellis Island a New York. Nel 1906 la bellezza di 358,000 italiani arrivano negli USA. La stampa americana considera questi arrivi massicci una invasione da parte di un popolo ritenuto culturalmente, moralmente e geneticamente inferiore. Numerose caricature dipingono gli immigrati italiani come un’orda subumana, topi da fogna incontrollabili e violenti. Le condizioni di vita e di lavoro della maggioranza degli immigrati italiani riflettono la loro condizione di cittadini di seconda categoria. Né bianchi e né neri, “ people in between”, senza i diritti dei bianchi e soggetti alle discriminazioni dei neri. La paura dell’invasione degli indesiderabili italiani, fa varare una legge negli anni venti che riduce a quasi zero il loro arrivo.( lo stesso avvenne in Canada) Contemporaneamente al darwinismo sociale prevale anche la paura per le idee radicali e rivoluzionarie che alcune frange di militanti politici comunisti e soprattutto di anarchici difendono. Il processo contro gli anarchici Nicola Sacco e Bartolomeo Vanzetti ( 1920-1927) va legato all’attentato del 16 settembre 1920 all’ora di pranzo a Wall Street dove perdono la vita 39 persone e centinaia altre vengono ferite. La Red Scare contro i bolscevichi e contro gli anarchici raggiunge forme di isteria ed in parte spiega la condanna a morte degli anarchici Nicola Sacco e Bartolomeo Vanzetti. Scopo del documentario “Pane Amaro” del Norelli è di far riflettere sulle logiche che sono prevalse nel passato e che prevalgono anche al giorno d’oggi nel fenomeno migratorio. “ La psicosi che si percepisce oggi in Italia nei confronti degli immigrati, chiarisce Gianfranco Norelli, è la stessa che ha fatto soffrire ed ha ucciso tanti loro antenati in America”.

con le ali spiegate tra le macerie di una città distrutta sembra minacciare un uomo in piedi). Oppure il realismo delle immagindella Cullen finisce col creare un insieme surreale come in Ma Musique ( una musicista che porta sulla spalla sinistra un violoncello mentre dietro di lei su una spiaggia desolata sono gettati alla rinfusa altri strumenti a corda) e come in Signes des Temps ( una donna elegantemente vestita, senza scarpe, appoggiata con le mani su un macigno che grida (o ride?) in uno spazio aperto senza vegetazione. Le uniche forme di vita che sembrano fare eco al grido della donna sono cinque oche). Il viaggio, il sogno, la passione, l’erotismo sono elementi alla base dell’ontologia e dell’ispirazione della Cullen. Tuttavia la dimensione che trovo particolarmente interessante nella sua arte è quella che mi piace definire il suo neo-vedutismo,ossia la percezione di un ambiente urbano catturato nel suo insieme e spesso dipinto dall’alto, da sopra i tetti. Per i vedutisti del Settecento come Guardi o Canaletto la veduta era la rappresentazione tridimensionale, “fotografica”, secondo il preciso rispetto della prospettiva, di un ambiente urbano, di solito Venezia. Anche la Cullen percepisce l’ambiente urbano come i vedutisti, ma lo fa da nordamericana e con una sensibilità post-moderna. Molto rappresentativo di questo stile è il quadro Quiétude à Montréal. Una donna, rappresentata di profilo, seduta su un tetto e vestita con una gonna fatta di penne di pavone, chiude gli occhi mentre in cielo sfrecciano aerei in diverse direzioni ed in lontananza appaiono i tetti piatti delle case, la punta degli alberi ed i grattacieli del centro della città. Lo scarto tra il rombo dei motori e lo sguardo trasognato della donna-pavone indica che la “veduta” è solo apparentemente realistica. Ed è questa la vera natura del neo-vedutismo di Johanne Cullen.

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pring leaning Laura Casella

It’s time to put away the darks and the fur, and revamp your closet for springtime. Here are the trends that will give your wardrobe the long awaited face-lift it needs, and will have you breathing a breath of fresh air.

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1. The Bigger the Better Handbags are getting larger this season, giving us ladies more room to tag along all our necessities. Just make sure to switch sides every so often to avoid any shoulder or back pain. It hurts to be beautiful, doesn’t it?

1. Bermuda Triangle Bermuda shorts are very in for men this season. Worn best with a basic t-shirt or polo shirt and comfy loafers or sandals, shorts will put you in a laid-back, sophisticated mood.

2. Long Legs Show off some leg with spring’s short shorts ruling fashion runways. Wear them casually for day, or glam up for night, shorts are this season’s hottest ticket.

2. Go Long Coats that reach just a few inches above the knee are hot this season. Worn over a suit, or jeans, a coat will keep you warm and stylish on a cool spring’s day or night.

3. Waists Don’t Lie This season is all about defining the waist. Do so by adding a belt or sash around a sweater, blouse, or dress to complement just about any look.

3. Bare Feet You might have to wait a couple of more months to wear them, but flip-flops are making big news this season. Worn with shorts, jeans, or pants, it’s time to prep your feet for this season’s hottest look.


4. It’s Getting Cold Hopefully not outside, but colors surely are, with lots of neutrals, grays, blues, and the classic black on white schemes coming out on top. But look out for yellow to make a bold appearance. 5. Go With the Flow Lucky for us, this season, sexy is not all about hip hugging clothes, but rather loose, flowing skirts, dresses, and tops, which will have us feeling comfortable and sexy all at once.

4. Turn On the Lights Colors are very light this season with gray, light beige and pale blue as popular choices. Black and white always remains a fashion favorite, but look out for royal blue and purple to emerge from the plain color scheme. 5. Comfort Factor This season is all about comfort with clothes taking on a more casual look. The best looks are a simple polo shirt with baggy pants. Men can count on finding more basic clothing on racks this season.

a time to unwind It’s been a long day, you’re tired, and have a headache. You have to help the kids with their homework or have homework to do yourself. But once you put the children down to sleep, or you’ve finally finished that term paper, take the time to relax and soak in a nice, hot bath. Here’s how to get your bathing experience just right. Step 1: Leave your cell phone, pager, or any other electronic device at the door. Step 2: Lock the door to prevent any disruptions. Step 3: Stop the drain in the tub, turn the water on (adjust temperature to your liking) and pour some bubble bath into the running water. Let the water rise.

Step 4: In the meantime, light some aromatherapy candles. Choose a lavender scent, which relieves stress. Step 5: Turn off the water once the tub has filled. Pour in more bubble bath if you prefer more suds, and add some bath salts, which are great for reducing stiff, sore muscles, and aching legs and feet, from standing up all day, or working at your desk. Step 6: Slip into the tub, lie down and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly, concentrate on the sound of your breathing, and relax.

*Some Extra Tips: If you want to make your downtime experience even more soothing, add some soft music to help you relax, or grab that book you’ve always been meaning to finish. If you are pregnant or have dry skin, choose warm water instead of hot. But most of all enjoy, and make sure to take the time out of your busy schedule every once in a while, just for you!


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Fundraiser Gala: Sabrina and Camillo continue to inspire Joey Franco On Saturday February 3rd, over 750 people attended the third annual fundraising gala for The Sabrina & Camillo D’Alesio Foundation, held at Le Madison reception hall in St. Leonard. The Sabrina & Camillo D’Alesio Foundation is a nonprofit charitable organization committed to enhancing and making a significant contribution to the lives of children who are inflicted with medical ailments. The foundation was created by the parents of Sabrina and Camillo;Gabriel D’Alesio and Carmela Centorame. Gabriel D’Alesio, who presides over the foundation was passionate with his explanation of “The Healing with a Smile Program” his foundation has created. “It’s so important for children, when they’re going into a hospital, in a very difficult situation, it’s important

With the funds raised at the third annual gala, the Sabrina & Camillo D’Alesio Foundation will help fund and maintain “The Healing with a Smile Program”, fund a clown project at Ste. Justine Hospital and a music therapy program at The Montreal Children’s Hospital. Mrs. Gil Lamy, events manager from the Montreal Children’s Hospital, expressed her gratitude towards the foundation through a heartfelt speech. “I don’t think that we can ever find the words to convey just how much your support means to our young patients, their families and to all our staff,” stated Lamy, adding “thank you Gabe and Carmella, especially, for having had the courage to set up the foundation that is helping thousands of kids


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that they smile,” said D’Alesio, adding “During their stay it’s very important that they keep their spirits up and make sure that they have smiles on their faces”. D’Alesio and Centorame are no strangers to the sight of ill children, having spent many months in the Hematology/Oncology department at the Montreal Children’s Hospital with their ailing children. Camillo and Sabrina were both diagnosed with Chediak-Higashi Syndrome, a disease so rare that Camillo and Sabrina’s doctors had never even heard of it. As much as Gabriel D’Alesio and Carmela Centorame are grateful for the medical and scientific efforts healthcare specialists are involved in every day at the Sainte-Justine and the Montreal Children’s Hospital, they truly believe in psychological healing. According to D’Alesio and Centorame, laughter and music are the most important medicines that can be offered to an ill child. “My children loved music, Sabrina and Camillo absolutely adored Shania Twain, they would watch Shania on video every single day and that was their favorite music,” recalls Carmela Centorame.

in all our hospitals, in Ste. Justine and the Montreal Childrens.” “When we started the foundation we said if we’d raise a dollar it would be a dollar more than we had yesterday,” said Gabriel D’Alesio at the beginning of the evening. The Evening came to a close with the presentation of a $140,000 cheque made out to the Sabrina & Camillo D’Alesio Foundation. To date, $400,000 has been raised by the foundation. Sabrina, who loved putting her dolls in their carriage and taking them for a stroll and Camillo who adored playing with his collection of VW Beetles, remain an inspiration for all of us. Gabriel D’Alesio and Carmela Centorame are exemplary in their actions; it is astounding how two people who have had so much taken away from them in their lives have an extraordinary will to give.

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SALES REPRESENTATIVE to sell advertising space Requirements: • Trilingual (Italian, English, French) • Experience is an asset but not a must Please send curriculum vitae to : or fax to 514-337-6180

Laura Caruso, jeune humanitaire

Aicha Cissé Pour la plupart d’entre nous, la transition du CEGEP à l’Université anime un sentiment d’angoisse et d’anxiété. Ce n’est pas le cas de Laura Caruso, une jeune étudiante de 19 ans dont la générosité s’étend bien au-delà du stress pre-universitaire. Plutôt que de sillonner des sentiers paradisiaques ou de visiter les merveilles du monde, Laura a décidé de se consacrer à une cause humanitaire. En effet, la diplômée en psychologie du Collège Dawson est la seconde canadienne à avoir été acceptée dans le programme Africatrust Networks. A partir de Janvier 2007, la jeune étudiante travaillera pendant 6 mois au Ghana comme bénévole au sein de l’organisation britannique. La famille de Laura a organisé une soirée au Wax Lounge pour ramasser des fonds qui seront ensuite investis au Ghana. « Je me sens tellement privilégiée d’avoir été acceptée. Au lieu de commencer l’Université en Janvier, j’ai décidé de rentrer en Septembre. J’ai toujours voulu contribuer à des œuvres humanitaires et j’en ai maintenant la chance, » a expliqué la jeune femme toute souriante. Parmi les invités présents à la levée de fonds, on pouvait compter le député de Lafontaine Tony

BMW Laval First Annual Toy Drive

Aicha Cissé

BMW Laval commemorated the holidays by starting a new tradition to benefit children in need. La Maison des enfants le Dauphin de Laval and l’Association amicale des jeunes et parents AGAPE benefited from the love of great cars combined with an inspiring sense of generosity on that evening. Organized by the Rinaldi Group, the launch of the 2007 X5 featured an impressive crowd of car-enthusiasts enjoying a succulent buffet while grooving to DJ Daniel Denoyers’ beats A toy-packed X5 vehicle was showcased at the entrance and people were encouraged to donate everything from puzzles, dolls to toy trucks for the worthy cause.




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Tomassi. Les fiers parents de Laura se sont déclares ravis du support que leur fille avait reçu. « Elle est parmi les plus jeunes bénévoles et nous sommes extrêmement fiers d’elle. C’est une geste d’une generosite extraordinaire et nous encourageons plusieurs personnes à suivre son exemple. Ça ne peut qu’être bénéfique. On devrait avoir plus de programmes comme ça au Canada, » a déclaré la mère de Laura Elizabeth Lungarini Caruso.

“We’re very proud to launch the new X5, a spacious and refined vehicle, and inaugurate our first tradition to honor children in need. La Maison des enfants le Dauphin de Laval and l’Association amicale des jeunes et parents AGAPE are admirable organizations that put children first and it’s with great pleasure that we encourage you to take part in this generous gesture.” said BMW Laval president Carmine d”Argenio. La Maison des enfants le Dauphin offers support to children and their parents through special activities and discussion groups. AGAPE is a non-profit organization devoted to helping needy families by providing them with necessities. To see more about this event please visit our website

Arrival of the 2007 Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano.

clearly brilliant

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As events are happening around this big auto show season, Ferrari Maserati Quebec had a very important Sneak Peak gathering of our clients at our showroom for a private viewing of the all new Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano. We turned it into a Wine & Cheese evening with friends getting together to "talk cars" and appreciate the latest offering from the house in Maranello. Jan-18-28 2007: Ferrari Quebec was honored to be part of the Canadian Unveiling of the 2007 Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano. It took place at the 2007 Montreal Auto Show at Le Palais Des Congres in front of numerous Canadian journalists.


6020, rue Jean-Talon Est suite 420 Montréal, Québec H1S 3B1

Tél.: 514.257.7090

Fax: 514.257.1022


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Joey Franco

Have you tried the new Zambrotta espresso, or the exhilirating Spumante Gilardino. My favorite of course is the tasty new ice cream, Coppa Cannavaro, now available in a new flavor, GOLD! Don’t expect to see these products at your local Intermarche, or at Capitol. The “Produit En Italie” products belong to a series of ads promoting Nike’s new Celebration line of soccer boots; Total 90 Supremacy, Air Legend, and Mercurial Vapor III. Only seven thousand pairs of celebration shoes were made, and of course, manufactured, you guessed it, in Italy. The poster ads were designed by Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam. The artists, designers and illustrators involved in the campaign are Mauro Gatti, Giuliano Garonzi, Federico Galvani, Andrea Paletto, Pietro Janelli, Lunardo Orofreccia and Paolo Martinini. Although nearly half are not Italian, they assumed Italian names to pay homage to the World Champions.

La coppa gelato Fabio Cannavaro: “La Coppa golosa che fa il mondo geloso”

Le pere di Vincenzo Iaquinta: “Dalle nostre aree, alle reti di tutto il mondo!”

Each poster is reminiscent to 1940s and 1950s style advertisement, which was, and is considered by many art-historians as an art form. This period was also a time where Italian illustrators and painters, were at the forefront of advertisement. Most importantly it was a time where national pride was ever present. Italmania could not have come at a better time. Italian soccer was crushed by the recent scandals. Brazil and Joga Bonito is now as the French say, passé, Produit En Italie, is back in style. The Italian image is being championed throughout the world, not thanks to Nike but thanks to the incredible determination shown on the soccer pitch by our heroes of Berlin. “Made In Italy” is back, it represents what all the world should imagine when it thinks Italian; perfection, perseverance, and style. So continue the trend, think Italian.

Il caffè espresso di Gianluca Zambrotta: “Difese di tutto il mondo, buongiorno!”

Gli armadi di Marco Materazzi: “solidità mondiale testata a prova di testata”

Cannavaro Ballon D’or 2006 Ancora una volta, l’Italia trionfa nel mondo calcistico. Fabio Cannavaro, il cosiddetto “muro di Berlino” ha conquistato il prestigioso pallone d’oro edizione 2006. Appena quattro mesi dopo il trionfo a Berlino, in cui il mondo ha visto Fabio sollevare la coppa del mondo, arriva un’ altra soddisfazione per il mondo dello sport Italiano. Il 27 Novembre, la rivista francese France Football, ha reso la notizia ufficiale. Fabio Cannavaro è il cinquantunesimo vincitore del Pallone D’oro. Da Fuorigrotta a Berlino, l’avventura di Fabio è stata da favola. Fabio esordisce in Serie A nel 1993, con la maglia del Napoli. Il palmares di Fabio è impressionante, ha vinto quasi tutto. Il capitano azzurro ha dedicato il pallone d’oro ai bambini di Napoli “Voglio che tutti gli “scugnizzi” della città sappiano che un ragazzo di strada come me (e dunque uno di loro) può arrivare a tanto con forza di volontà, perseveranza, spirito di abnegazione ed umiltà.” La conquista del pallone d’oro è stata una sorpresa per Fabio visto che è la prima vola che un vero difensore ha vinto il premio. Sammer e Beckenbauer, due calciatori “difensivi”, centrocampisti, hanno vinto il premio nel passato. Cannavaro ha dichiarato ai giornalisti italiani “I bambini di Napoli devono sapere che bisogna credere nei sogni, perchè a volte si avverano, è fondamentale avere degli ideali, dei valori sani”.

2006 could not have been a better year for Italy. If the heavily scrutinized olympic games in Turin was the cake, and the World Cup was the icing, the 2006 Ballon D’Or is definitely the cherry on top of it all. A golden cherry, for a magnificent player who disputed an impeccable season with Juventus and displayed legendary skill at the FIFA World Cup. Fabio Cannavaro is

France Football’s Ballon D’Or winner for 2006. The Neapolitan fullback, and captain of the Italian national team is the 51st recipient of the prize. A group of 52 European journalists chose Cannavaro as player of the year. Buffon was second and Henri third. Fabio Cannavaro dedicated his prize to the children of Naples. The captain of the Italian national team was born in Naples on September 13th 1973. He played his first games on the dirtfields at Fuorigrotta. In his youth, Cannavaro was a ballboy at the San Paolo stadium in Naples. This time around the ball he is retreaving is made of solid gold.

Joey Franco

Fabio Cannavaro, le solide défenseur du Real Madrid a reçu le Ballon d’Or 2006 de France Football. Le capitaine de l’Italie a fierement declaree «j’ai la Juventus dans mon coeur, » ajoutant, «Je l’aurais donné [le ballon d’or] à Gigi [Buffon] ». En tout cas, les 52 journalistes du jury de France Football ont choisi Cannavaro comme successeur à Ronaldinho. Gigi Buffon est terminé 2e dans le classement, et Thierry Henry 3e. Marcello Lippi, le sélectionneur de l'Italie championne du monde, a atteste l’excellence de Cannavaro. « Cannavaro est le capitain fantastique d'une équipe fantastique, à tel point qu'il y avait sept de ses joueurs nommés pour le Ballon d'Or. C'est le meilleur de tous, mais je suis sûr que lorsqu'il aura pris son trophée il pensera à tous ses extraordinaires coéquipiers ». Âgé de 33 ans, Cannavaro est le cinquième Italien à gagner le prix [Omar Sivori (1961), Gianni Rivera (1969), Paolo Rossi (1982) et Roberto Baggio (1993)].


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Spotlight Montreal boasts an array of exiting sports leagues, be it soccer, hockey, baseball, football, and so on. Sports organizations in any community are an important asset. The lessons athletics can teach are invaluable, moreover, athletics fosters a healthy sense of competitiveness and self determination. This brand new section of PanoramItalia Quarterly’s sports section will showcase local sports teams, at both amateur and competitive levels. Young, old, male, female, everyone who is part of a team should enjoy taking part in that sport with their teammates. Everybody likes to win, especially Italians, (and let’s face it, we do it in style) but in the end what truly matters are the fun times and the memories.

YLC 1 (12-14yrs)

CALCIO D’ORO Top Row: Joe Macchiagodena (Co-coach), Alessio Chiarella, James Maddalena, Nicolas Zampino, Mario Lombardi, Anthony Barbaro, Johnny Cioffi, Frankie Cirillo (co-coach) Bottom Row: Pietro Bongiorno, Eric Ciampini, Francesco Frenna, Sal Gualtieri, Nicolas Tortorici

The YLC1 (14-16 year olds) participated in the 2006 edition of the Friendship Games, disputed between the Don Bosco Youth Leadership Center (YLC) and La Maison des Jeunes de Rivière-des-Prairies. A big thanks, on behalf of YLC coordinator Theo Vecera, to Frankie Cirillo and Joseph Macchiageodena for helping organize the teams and coaching YLC1.


Back row: Dominic Terrone, Donato Terrone, Joseph Mucciarone, Michael Paladino, Pat Terrone, Gino Certosini Front row : Giulio Cavallo, Marco Uccello, Danny Petti, Anthony Marsillo, Giulio Matani, Justin Marinelli Calcio D’oro are the reigning Totalcampo summer 2006 C1 champions. This year Calcio D’oro is disputing the Laval Totalcampo championship in the B3 division. The C3 division plays every Thursday at the Bois-de-Boulogne complex in Laval.

Back row from left to right: Remy Eyckerman (Keeper coach), Paul O'Brien, Stefano Arcoraci, Davidee Inukpuk, Nikita Ngapy, Maximilian Hayes, Zacharia Laleg, Jade Oueini, Baris Bekir Sagit, Vincent Miklaszewski, Stephen Iadeluca, Lloyd Barker (Head Coach). Front row from Left to right: Antoine Martineau-Cammalleri, Gregory Holland, Miro Leclair Ramirez, Michael McIntyre, Derek Eskildsen, Nicholas Sisti, Leo Mitterand, John Abraham Not present: Durnick Jean (Assistant Coach) Jorgan Ulloa-Aguilar The U13 Lakers finished 2nd overall in the U13AA regional boys league last summer. The team also played in the regional championships in Sherbrooke, competing against the top teams in Quebec. The Lakers won the gold medal in the regional championships, making them the top team in Quebec within their age group. The Lakers played against youth clubs from Porto, in Portugal last year. In April they will travel to France to play four exhibition games against youth teams from Paris.

DOLLARD DRAGONS Back Row Mirco Alessi, Alison Harris, Frank Dufresne, David Rossi Middle Row Mathieu Dufresne, Marco Lemery, Roberto Casoli, Jonathan Banks, Joseph Colombo, Alex Spina Front Row Anthony Mungiovi, Arik Adjamian, Nicholas Rossi, Julian Alessi, Gianluca Discenza, Matthew Grabowski Missing: Riadh Dhane, Kieran Laurie The Dollard Dragons, a U11AA soccer team, won the Laval International Soccer Cup held on July 8th & 9th 2006, the same day the Italian national team triumphed in Berlin. Congratulations to them.


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