PAMA Magazine -MAY- 2024

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celebrating moms M A Y w w w . P A M A M E D I A . C O M W W W . P A M A M E D I A . C O M MAY 2024 VOLUME 01 ISSUE 02

Welcome to PAMA

This is the first issu Our magazine follow have been created o English and may or may not speak Portuguese, yet want to know about our culture and our communities.

This is a one-of-a-kind project in English and will focus on not just Portuguese communities, but communities in general, with issues that affect us all.

We want this to be a new form of information and education while keeping our culture in the middle of all of it. Our contributors and staff are from all backgrounds and will enrich the content of this monthly online publication. As always, PAMA keeps an open door policy for community advocates, leaders, and organizations to help spread the word about all issues, events, information, etc. and this magazine will be yet another means to do so.

I am formally inviting you to join our list of subscribers and if you want to be a contributor, that door is very open as well. In the name of all our team, WELCOME, and we hope you join us from today on…



P A M A Whoweare.


PAMAcelebratesour LUSObrothersand sisters!

1st,2nd,3rd generationsandon. Ifyouspeak Portugueseornot,we welcomeyou. You’vefoundyour people. VivaPortugal!

A Portuguese Media company.


It always starts with one of Nelson’s crazy ideas. I get a phone call like many phone calls I have gotten from Nelson “Hey, I have an idea!”... “what do you think about having a station just for our podcasts?” I instantly replied “ I think that is a great idea!” Nelson responded “REALLY!” because he knows I am honest with him. It was my genuine response. Why wouldnt we start a talk radio station?

At that point I had been working with PAMA for about a year and we had a lot of Portuguese American/Canadian podcasts being broadcasted on PAMA1. We knew something had to change because PAMA1 was designed to support our popular hits from Portugal and showcase our Luso decendents who are out there making music of their own.

PAMAtalk was born! The shows that you are about to learn about are all people from our community. WARNING: All shows are for mature audiences only. We give creative freedom to our hosts and we intend to keep it that way. Our shows are top quality content that you wont get anywhere else. 24/hr talk radio, a new show every hour on top of the hour! Don’t forget to follow their pages and let them know you're listening!

Our journey started with a simple desire to hang out and reconnect. We're two sets of brothers, and also cousins, Evan & Kris and Justin & Patrick. Both of us are half Azorean and half continent, with our mom's coming to Canada from San Miguel, and then myself and Kris' dad are from Aveiro and Patrick and Justin's from the Algarve.

As life got busier, we found ourselves drifting apart, but whenever we got together, soccer was always the glue that held us. Whether we were debating the Portuguese national team or the local league, it was our shared passion.

Then came Covid, and boredom hit us hard. So, we decided to kick off "The Portugal Corner." With my brother Kris's music background and a makeshift studio, we figured why not give it a shot? It wasn't about fancy skills; it was about rolling up our sleeves and putting in the work.

We saw a gap in the podcast world - no one was talking about Portuguese soccer in English with a laid-back vibe. We wanted to keep it real, poking fun at ourselves and the game. Sure, we've got our favorite teams, but we're all about giving everyone a fair shot. So, here we are, just a bunch of guys, having a blast talking about growing up in Toronto and Portuguese soccer.

immensely grateful.

It's incredible to see the connections formed through our podcast, whether it's bonding with fellow enthusiasts across the globe or collaborating with likeminded creators. One such connection led us to The Longball Futbol Podcast in England, where we've struck up a supportive partnership, encouraging our listeners to explore each other's content. Additionally, we regularly invite one the hosts a Sporting CP Podcast "All things Alvalade", who lives in Toronto. A new friend we would not have met otherwise.

ch c P e h de a o

The feedback from listeners has been overwhelming, spanning from Canada to the USA, Portugal to England, and even reaching as far as Australia. It's incredibly rewarding to engage with fans of Portuguese soccer from all corners of the globe, knowing that our shared passion transcends geographical boundaries.

We’re grateful for the platform it provides us to connect with Englishspeaking Portuguese communities worldwide.

Ultimately, whether our podcast reaches new heights or remains a beloved pastime, one thing is certain: we'll continue to enjoy the camaraderie and shared experiences that come with being two sets of

Jessica DeMelo

Travel Planner Specializing in Disney Destinations WALT DISNEY WORLD RESORT DISNEYLAND RESORT DISNEY CRUISE LINE ADVENTURES BY DISNEY “With my experience and expertise, I can help families plan every step of their vacation, removing the stress so you can enjoy the magic.” @friendlikejess Speaks fluently in Portuguese

We are sharing our own personal stories (and those of our guests and listeners) across the backdrop of the immigrant experience. Culture is a funny thing. It can make you feel connected to a total stranger. It fascinates us how people living all across the world can share mannerisms, sayings, traditions, recipes, beliefs, and fears. Our listeners often tell us that we remind them of their family members and that our show feels like home.

y Millennialchildrenofimmigrants reflectontheirintangibleAzorean heritage.Mel&Kelarechildhood bestfriendswhosharestories, anecdotes,andhistorical informationaboutgrowingupas firstgenerationAmericansinthe citywiththenation'smostdense Portuguesepopulation(FallRiver, Massachusetts).

In our 30s, we realized we had work to do to ‘unlearn’ ideas of guilt, fear, shame, and social norms influenced by ethnicity, religion, and media. Armed with a sarcastic and humorous delivery even when handling the most sacred of topics, we continuously explore and challenge how to break-free from these ideas throughout the show. Ultimately, our podcast is an entertaining collection of stories and discussions that preserve the past of our culture and help shape the future of it.


PREMIER Thursdays 2pm

REPEATS Thursdays 10pm

FRi-MON - 6AM, 2PM, 10PM


“A Caminhada “ (The Journey) that is what my life so far has felt like. A journey that has both opened and closed doors for me so many times. In 2018, Mom and I joined the PAMA Family with our podcast, A Caminhada . Again, that word -That particular journey took some convincing. Mom and I started the very first Podcast, in Portuguese and English. We brought the “tabu” of addiction in some of our Portuguese households today and we know that a lot of our moms and women in our culture,suffer in silence, behind the facade that addiction tricks us with at times. We have tried to bring it to the forefront; that it’s ok to reach out to someone and talk about it. We continued airing our show with PAMA for about 2 years on a biweekly bases. I believe our episodes were the most listened to at that time. It was a true blessing from God who opened up this door for us and we don’t take what we do lightly. It’s a heavy topic but PAMA allowed us to take that topic on and we remain grateful for the opportunity.


You maybe know me as “the laughter” in funny videos I record with my mom Minha Mama Teresinha, just so that we can bring a little laughter into this very unfunny world. If we made you smile or laugh , we have done our jobs. We are about 17k strong men and women growing with “our family” everyday, from people all over the world. We are so grateful for our faith that keeps us strong in difficult times.

Covid, was so bad in the beginning and nobody knew what to do. I went to my mom and said, “Mom, I feel so helpless, what can we do? The only thing that we knew had to do is pray!” So, we started about 4 years ago, every single Sunday, live in my parents living room we prayed. We give people a safe place to come. We accept everyone as they are. There has been so much division in the world and we want to provide comfort, peace, and hope every Sunday. Even if there is only 1 person or 400 people, we pray the same for everyone and I am extremely proud of what we do on Sundays, it has changed me forever.

PAMA for me, is synonymous with Familia . We are all a family here. Nelson and his team have been incredible. I created Faith Ignited so it would be a vibe. I wanted a late night, calm, spiritual, Zen program that each Friday I narrated some type of miraculous story. Stories, to uplift and restore faith.

“Re-ignite” Faith so to speak to whomever might be the listener. I research my stories carefully in hopes that this week someone can relate on some level to what I’m saying. I also dive into NDE’s ( near death experiences) and have guest speaker who come and share they’re story of their near death experience and we have an open dialogue about what exactly transpired during what happened in their case. It’s off the cuff, un rehearsed, real life incidences that have happened to them . I can tell you one thing for certain, every episode I will bring my best self forward every time because I do not know how to be any other way. I wear my heart on my sleeve all the time. In fact to my detriment in some cases.

I’m here as a second generation Portuguese girl who loves our culture and I love to engage with people whom are like- minded. I want to keep all of our traditions and rich history alive. I look forward to getting to hang out with you guys and have some FUN this summer! Lots of Exciting things happening make sure you are subscribed everywhere @PamaMedia!

Podcast Host Faith Ignited Nancy Burns

The Lip Drip My dream as a child was to work in makeup and hair but I never got around to it .. life happened ! At 49 years old , I decided I couldn’t find a lip plumper that actually works ! So, i created my own!! 100% All natural & Vegan Hydrating Plumping And high shine gloss

When you purchase one I think you’ll get addicted while making my dream come true

Through the

Journey Mind

From the vibrant landscapes of sunny South Africa, Cass and Clauds proudly present the Journey through the Mind Podcast. Leveraging their collective skills and expertise, they provide invaluable insights and foster awareness on mental health. Their overarching mission is to empower, assist, and guide both their clients and audience along the intricate journey of life. In times necessitating courage and fortitude for growth and transformation, they stand ready to offer support and encouragement.



The Leite Show is a program that started way back with roots as early as 2008, known as the LUSOSHOW. With the launch of Radio

Comunidade USA in New Jersey, one of the first web based Portuguese Radio stations in the US.

The original hosts were Nelson Leite and a familiar voice in the Portuguese Radio World…Beta Marques.

A Monday-Friday program that covered everything from news to curious facts, music requests etc.

Several co-hosts were a part of the LUSOSHOW along the way, and when the radio came to California with Nelson, so did the program. This time Nelson was the sole host and the show changed format and became more of a talk show than a morning program.

Along the years and with several changes on the schedule, we arrived at the current format and the new name the “Leite Show” pronounced “late”.

Nelson is a very opinionated host and likes to focus on different aspects of life such as dating, food, sports, politics, and of course, Portuguese culture.



“The Seleção Podcast” is an English-language soccer/football podcast covering the Portuguese National Team, the 2016 European Champions and inaugural Nations League Champions (2019).

As a first-generation Portuguese-American, the love and passion Danny has for his Portuguese heritage and our beloved Seleção runs deep.

"The Seleção Podcast" is his passion project; to connect with as many Englishspeaking supporters of the Portuguese National Team from around the globe and sharing our love, passion, and opinions about the Seleção.

Danny's goal is to bring you the best possible coverage of the Seleção by giving you his opinions and sharing yours, and conducting interviews with those Danny follows in the media, as well as his very close friends.

Based out of Northern California in the United States, Danny began this project in May 2018. In November 2018, the podcast began a partnership with and its wonderful founder, Tom Kundert. In January 2024, Danny and “The Seleção Podcast” joined PAMA Media.

Thank you for your support of The Seleção Podcast and PAMA Media...


New Friends Podcast THE BEGINNING


What you see is what you get.

I feel like I need to start right off the bat and say, I don’t have much of a filter I am a talker, I’ve always been born this way I am beyond being an extrovert, people fuel me I get so much energy from socializing, and connecting with people on a deeper level. We all have a story, one that has made us who we are I just want to hear it! I’ve always been an “oversharer” and because I am so extroverted - when I am going through something I need to talk about it! So I used the podcast as my diary

I was finally starting to breathe after facing Post Partum depression! Yes! I felt free… but then I had something happen that shook me to my core I lost two friends that were like sisters to me I had so many “best friends” but where were they and what happened? I knew I needed to dig deep. So the (No) new friends podcast started.

I decided, it was time. I needed to seek outside help. I went to therapy for the first time. I REALLY wanted to know why my friendships failed and what part I played in the the downfall I wanted to have healthy friendships moving forward Well therapy was rough, I had to actually process experiences in my life that I had blocked out and truly face my demons

Slowly, I started finding bits and pieces of myself that I loved again It changed my life, and forced me to get to the root of my ugly My first guest started it off with a bang! I got the courage to message my “ ex best friend”-Vanessa I explained my podcast vision to her and she was game We spoke for the first time in 6 years on that phone call We talked it out and it was beautiful to be quite honest Vanessa and I talk on a regular basis and we are up to our old shennagains again



Over time, I began having more and more guests on the show with a sprinkle of some solo episodes Something just didn’t feel right about the name of the podcast - it felt so negative and dark with NO in front of new friends It didn’t reflect who I was anymore So “The New Friends Podcast” it is I’ve done just that! I’ve made so many new friends and have connected with so many old friends along the way!

At first I was very reluctant about sharing this new “cheap” form of therapy with the Portuguese community C’mon- you know we have the “fama” of being judgy and gossipy With encouragement from my friend and past pod guest, Angela Brito Baldwin, (more like she yelled at me to make a Facebook for my podcast and I listened to her) BOOM - there it was! I put all my “shit” out there I claimed my trauma and felt like I had been given some of my power back!

The podcast naturally took a turn. How could I think I get away from the Portuguese community? One thing about us - we show up for one another. As vulnerable as I was to share, the “comunidade Portuguesa” was there to support before anyone else. I started getting really newsworthy guests on the show like; David Rodrigues from “How to cook stuff”. I even had a spiritual healer on once! It’s been so fun - I’ve loved every minute of it (except editing).

I am a one woman show, 2 years in and I can’t imagine not having the podcast in my life. I’ve turned my platform into a place where Portuguese creators can share their craft and get behind who they really are behind the glitz and glam.

I joined forces with PAMA media a year ago. Nelson asked if I wanted to broadcast my show on the radio. No gimicks, or nothin’. Over time i started making graphics for PAMA and before you know, I was all in. PAMA has given me great opportunties. Most recently, I was invited to host the red carpet premieren for “Portuguese Problems” and host the Dia de Portugal & Portuguese Heritage Night.

The podcast now is thriving ! I’ve been able to highlight the coolest people. I took the reigns and help with the PAMA magazine as the Content Designer. It’s been so fun getting to know everyone that comes on and I am so thankful for all the listens, shares and blessings!

I’m not going anywhere, so get comfy and enjoy the show!





Portuguese Clams & Shrimp

4-6 LBS of clams (in shell)

Soak and scrub for cleanliness/remove sand

1-2 LBS small or medium shrimp (with shell gives more flavor)

1 Large onion, diced

2 cups of white wine

1/4 cup olive oil

2 tablespoons of chicken boullion

2 tablespoons of pepper sauce (Pimento)

1-2 garlic cloves, chopped

1 bunch of cilantro

In a pot/sauce pan

Use your oil, onion, garlic, wine, cilantro, etc

Saute ( get a boil going )

Start adding your shrimp.

Cover for 5 minutes on medium heat

Add clams, stir and cover 5-6 minutes

Check for closed clams. Remove and discard.

Serve with toasted sourdough bread and wine

Coisa Boa!

Realtor/ DRE 01382697 Top 1% of all Santa Clara County Realtors
follow me @ lisa2homes With 20 years experience, helping buyers & sellers achieve their Real Estate goals in the bay area. Lisa Paz-Furtado Fluent in Portuguese Experience buying/selling in Portugal !


Hi! My name is Catarina, and I am the coowner of Vianaccessories, a thriving business venture I share with my mother, Linda. Our brand is deeply rooted in tradition, yet blossoming in innovation, offering an array of handmade items inspired by Portuguese culture.

Based in New Jersey, Vianaccessories is a luso-american, women owned, small business. From clothing to accessories, purses to jewelry, we try our hardest to make sure that our creations accurately and beautifully embody the rich heritage of Portuguese Lenços and traditional patterns, with a modern twist.



Our journey began long before our business was established, tracing back decades to my mother's early years in Portugal. Linda started dancing Rancho in Portugal at a very young age, and her passion continued to burn brightly when she immigrated to the US some 25 years ago. She made sure to pass this love to my brother and I, forming our deep connection to our Portuguese roots. For as long as I can remember, we have been a part of the vibrant Portuguese community here in New Jersey

As someone with an eye for fashion, I found myself looking for uniquely Portuguese pieces to wear at cultural events. In Portugal, I always saw stores selling beautiful lenço shirts, but I could never find anything similar here! Frustrated by the lack of options in the US, my mother and I embarked on a journey of creativity and entrepreneurship. Drawing from our shared love for Rancho and fashion, we founded Vianaccessories.


It has truly been an experience that I would relive one hundred times over.

Launching a business within such a niche community definitely posed its challenges. Today, nearly a year later, we stand proudly thanks to the support from family, friends, and other Portuguese immigrants around the world. We have recieved an immeasurable amount of love from complete strangers, and it has been incredibly reassuring and motivating.

Beyond the success measured in sales, the true reward is the bond my mother and I have formed. Despite our occasional disagreements and creative differences, the shared moments of creativity and collaboration have strengthened our relationship in ways we never imagined. Whether we're sewing side by side for hours or calling eachother at crazy times to brainstorm new ideas, each day brings us closer together. It has truly been an experience that I would relive one hundred times over.


It all started in 2017 when Lucy retired from her job of 20 years. She decided to open a small boutique within a co-op store in downtown Oakdale She started to outgrow the space so in 2020 the hunt for a larger location began In 2021 the perfect spot presented itself and she jumped on it. With the expansion of the business Lucy felt she couldn’t do it alone and at this point her daughter Ashley and granddaughter Kaylee joined in a partnership with her and rebranded to Cotton & Sage

After 4 long months of remodeling with family and giving the location a facelift we were able to open the doors July 2021 along side our friend and fellow boss babe Carly with Bronze Beauty Bar. She built her treatment room in the back of the store where she offers an array of beauty services from teeth whitening to spray tans. Syanne joined us October 2023 and brought in her super amazing Felt + Feather Hat Bar She has been the perfect finishing touch making us a trio of women owned businesses!


Next came KC Bridal Co. A dream of Kaylee’s has been to own a bridal shop since she was a little girl. Now 21 years old that dream came to life. In 2022 the most amazing location became available and even though it was much sooner than we had planned we went ahead and went for it. We opened the doors April 2023.

It’s been a crazy 7 years and we have had MANY learning experiences that have helped us to grow. Some really bad and some really good. Regardless we are so thankful for the journey and can’t wait to see what the future holds.

C O T T O N & S A G E
OCT 35
Mom (Lucy). She moved to the US when she was 16 from San Jorge (Azores) Portuguese Roots We are beyond excited to be offering David’s cookbook in store! We love our Portuguese culture and to be able to share that with our community is a bonus. Pick up your copy today ! @_cottonandsage_ |

Mommi you made 3 girls into women. You have prepared us for motherhood in more ways than you can imagine. You sacrificed your own idenity to be a present mom. I love you beyond words and thank god for choosing you to be my mom.


I want to express my deepest gratitude for everything you've done for me. Your love, guidance, and sacrifices have shaped me into the person I am today. Thank you for always being there for me, for your endless support, and for believing in me even when I doubted myself. You are my rock, my inspiration, and my best friend. Happy Mother's Day! Love, Nelinha

Happy Mother’s Day to these 3 beautiful women in my life, my mom Mary, Avo Rosalina and daughter Angelina! A special thank you to my mom for always going above and beyond for your family and loving us unconditionally.

“A nossa mãe, a nossa amiga.


dia de mãe para a nossa mãezinha.

Love Sandy & Jess”

Feliz dia das Mães to my mom & mother in law - Devin Meireles

This is my mom and I on my wedding day. She passed away 8 months ago but I will never forget how loving of a mom she was to me and how selfless, strong and hardworking she always was and I will continue to celebrate her life by doing what she taught me! - Marlene Silva

Happy Mother’s Day to my amazing Mae Mary and Sister Desarae! Thank you for everything you do for our entire family. We love you! - Paula Silva

Happy Mothers Day! Love Marina

Happy Mother's Day to the best Mãe ever! Thank you for everything you do for us and for always being my biggest supporter! We love you so much! XO

Happy Mothers Day Mommy! Love you!Marlene

Para a minha esposa Susete, a minha mãe Dulce, a minha sogra

Madalena e a sua mãe Cristiana, e a minha irmã Sandra, que vocês tenham um Dia das Mães cheio de amor e amizade.

Obrigado por tudo que fazem para nossa família, principalmente para o Eliseu e Lucas.

I Love you Mama!! You mean the world to me, you have Always been the best Mãe to me!!! You are the best!! I Love you so much!!! Happy Mother's Day!! 2024 You deserve the world! Love you Forever and Always Jimena Troncao

HappyMothers day to my mom ! -Roger

Happy Mothers Day Mom! We love you !

Feliz Dia das Mães. Grateful god placedo you to be our mãe.

To my dearest, mãe,

The best of the best,

The amor you give

Puts you above the rest

You cooked me comida

You dressed me just right

You combed my cabelo

You eased any fright

The times when I was sad

You made me feliz

And times I was sick

You wiped my wet nariz

You always helped guide me

Between Sul and Norte

You helped me grow up

To be so big and forte

You taught me lições

To help weather the storms

And through each big cold one

You helped keep me warm

My first best amiga

The best there could be

Cheers to the best mãe

The reason that I’m me

Andrea is an established author in our community. Support her by visiting her site and see where “Stella” is going next.



You guys!!!!! This is my favorite book of 2024 so far! As far as Rom-Com/ cont. Romances go, she's in the top 3 for sure!

I absolutely love the DPOV and understanding and loving both main characters where they are. We have Justin, the MMC who is big-hearted, funny, committed, and mature. He is what I like to call the "golden retriever"

Then, we have Emma, the FMC who is complex, empathetic, and layered. Two completely different lives merging into a complicated, yet beautiful story. Through the trials and tribulations currently brewing in their life, their love and commitment to "meet me where I'm at" is not always that easy. Their honesty with each other and their communication is so refreshing. The "miscommunicated issues" we read TOO OFTEN in romance have me constantly rolling my eyes or yelling at the pages. This was a pleasant change. (Bonus points for that!) It is a story of friendship, love, family, forgiveness and healing! This book made me giggle, happy, lump in my throat, sad, upset and then happy.

A 5-star heart felt must-read!


romantic comedy

dual POV complex

-family dynamics

-mental health/PTSD

*not yet published in Portuguese

Justin has a curse, and thanks to a Reddit thread, it is now all over the internet. Every woman he dates goes on to find their soul mate the second they break up. When a woman slides into his DMs with the same problem, they produce a plan: They will date each other and break up. Their curses will cancel each other’s out, and they’ll both go on to find the love of their lives. It is a bonkers idea… and it just might work.

Emma hadn't planned that her next assignment as a traveling nurse would be in Minnesota, but she and her best friend agree that dating Justin is too good of an opportunity to pass up, especially when they get to rent an adorable cottage on a private island on Lake Minnetonka.

It's supposed to be a quick fling, just for the summer. But when Emma's toxic mother shows up and Justin has to assume guardianship of his three siblings, they're suddenly navigating a lot more than they expected–including catching real feelings for each other. What if this time Fate has actually brought the perfect pair together?

Daiane’sMonthly Daiane’sMonthly Daiane’sMonthly BookReview BookReview BookReview

comics by yve

You can order Devin’s books by tapping on the link below.

Live Portuguese Soccer Feels Intense

By: Devin Meireles

Soccer in Portugal is like religion Dedicated fans make pilgrimages to show support for their beloved clubs. Crowds swarm the gates at far off stadiums as they announce their allegiance out loud. They chant, taunt and wave their colours in the face of the home team

Witnessing the traveling ultras from one of Portugal’s Big Three was a sight to see I was there when C S Maritimo in Madeira hosted Sporting Lisbon during their 2022/23 Primeira Liga campaign. Those visiting fans were fervent leading up to the game. The city was astir like twinkling bugs hovering in the night They caused a ruckus on the weekend of, so much so that it was a trending topic on the news.

My first impression when I arrived at the Estádio do Maritimo was unlike any other soccer game I’d been to. It was jarring. A sea of green had taken over the perimeter as they howled and even confronted some of the other attendees I’d never seen such intensity before kick off

Incredulously, a squad of hooligans mobbed an innocent man wearing a Benfica sweater alongside his wife donned in the island kit. After getting berated, an officer keeping the peace made the man take off the rival colours, even though they were not playing in the match up That’s how hardcore some of the supporters were

My group did our best to avoid confrontation but proceeding to our seat was somewhat uncomfortable when we realized the section was adjacent to those Sportinguistas Fenced off, they did not hesitate to heckle me for wearing a Maritimo jersey. I remember giving it back to them until they multiplied and I conceded That’s when my group claimed open seats away from that area, yearning to be with the home stand.

Giving in to the spirit of the game, we jeered at every call and wanted them to lose so badly The action on the field was thrilling. It was a tightly contested game as the crowd went back and forth the Sporting fans shouted derogatory chants while the home crowd sang the Bailinho da Madeira together. That atmosphere was nerve racking yet so ecstatic

The scorecard stood pat until a foul in the second half gave the home team a penalty shot With that, they scored a goal that propelled me from my seat and roared across the stands, except for the Sportinguistas The visitors were agitated for the remaining minutes as a sound defensive line pushed to close the game out With each block and tackle they cried for a call, anything to give them an upper hand, but the referee gave them nothing and their belligerent noise was drowned out by the end The Islanders toppled the Lisbon giants 1-0.

That was a phenomenal soccer match Let me tell you how proud I was to wear that Maritimo jersey as the fenced off visitors waited to exit after everybody else That was the most authentic footy experience I’d ever been a part of.

Now imagine those that travel to continental Portugal to partake in some of the most heated rivalries in the league It’s no wonder why the die hard fans stick with their team. The passion is unmatched, and for those first timers attending just one match up, that’s enough to make new believers of the beautiful game. Soccer really is a religion.

While my allegiance is undoubtedly red, I would go to great lengths to be there for any major game You should too! I highly suggest it. To be in the stadium, to hear that crowd roar and feel that encounter live would be something else Just remember to not wear the wrong colour in the wrong section. Força!


If you’re struggling, it’s okay to share your feelings. To start, copy one of these pre-written messages and send it to a trusted contact.


With the popularity of technology in the classroom, is it required for students to have the priciest laptop just to keep up with learning and assignments?

Lots of students decide to switch over because of convenience. “It is cheaper to find resources online and easier to carry around a laptop or iPad than it is a textbook for each class,” Jordan Rezab said

You might believe that students, especially in college, strictly use laptops and iPads for their education Surprisingly, lots of students use a hybrid of handwriting and tablets Rezab chooses to handwrite all of her notes because she believes she retains the information given the best when she is writing it all down. But she doesn’t just use pen and paper. Like most college students, she uses pen and paper, her iPad, and an Apple Pencil She can write directly on her device as if it were a notebook. “The information is better understood and retained in my head if I write them myself rather than typing.” Since COVID-19, most students are required to bring some form of technology to learn and do assignments Most high schools lend the students a laptop for four years as long as it is returned in perfect condition. This almost eliminates the use of paper and pen but brings a new generation of distractions

In Professor Yang Sao Xiong’s Asian American classes, he keeps a strict no-technology policy “I believe that taking notes on paper helps the note taker remember or recall more of the key ideas as they are actually writing down what they are thinking,” Xiong said “Taking notes on paper encourages the note taker to be selective about what they write down instead of trying to write down everything or every word that the speaker is saying ” The limit of technology brings little to no distraction to Xiong’s classes as he can teach freely without worry When a student brings a laptop in, they will often attempt to multitask and not give their full, undivided attention. Xiong can captivate the attention of the classroom and create an environment where students aren’t afraid to put their phones away Other students, like Andrea Mora, only use an iPad to hold all their notes. “I choose this form of note-taking because it is more convenient compared to wasting paper, it’s all in one place, cool features, and I still get the benefits of writing it down myself,” Mora said. “Sometimes writing down your notes can be hard because your professor may speak too quickly, never post the notes, etc ”

Studies in Frontiers in Psychology show that students handwriting their notes produces a higher level of electrical activity across different regions in their brains Meaning, they understood more from writing than typing Charlotte Hu writes, “When taking notes by hand, it’s often impossible to write everything down; students have to actively pay attention to the incoming information and process it—prioritize it, consolidate it and try to relate it to things they’ve learned before ” Hu also adds that using a stylus and tablet creates the same high level of electricity in the brain.

Alyssa Woodard, another college student, strictly prefers pen to paper “I’ve used it all my life and I’m faster writing than I am typing,” Woodard said. “I can feel what words I’m writing on paper rather than typing it or writing on an iPad.”

Andres Cabrera is the same way He believes the information is retained a lot better due to the motion of handwriting notes He prefers to carry a notebook for each class rather than an iPad and only uses his laptop for assignments. “I don’t like relying on technology since laptops and tablets are very fragile ” Cabrera believes no classroom should ban the use of electronics unless there is a huge distraction problem “I believe some people learn more from writing on paper and some learn more from using technology ”

Other benefits come from handwriting When students are studying for a test, instead of writing down all the information, they scribble while reading it The scribble method is beneficial in a time crunch because the student is partaking in the act of handwriting while obtaining the information read

Other theories that come from handwriting is the use of blue ink. Blue is the best color to use while writing because of its vibrant shade The words stand out in the student's mind and the information is a lot easier to process and remember Lots of students will combine the use of blue ink with scribbling to create the best combination for studying. Fortunately, most classrooms still require pen and paper whether it’s for notes or assignments Most students, even in college, prefer to handwrite their notes because of the retainment they receive from it.


























We have so much fun in store for Dia De Portugal. Come find us at our booth and take pictures in front of our photo backdrop, raffle, and a coloring contest for kids to be featured in PAMA magazine,

Volunteers Needed!

Our Dia de Portugal Festival is only possible because of the volunteers who make it possible. To volunteer, please call (415) 990-5534 or fill out the form on the Volunteers page today so that the committee can plan for your participation.

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