It has been with hard work, integrity and dedication that PFSA has served the community for over one hundred years, and it is an example of what being Portuguese Proud and honored to serve is all about.
PAMA was founded on the same principles, to serve our community as a voice and much more for the needs of Luso Americans, and their descendants,to spread our culture, our language and our "orgulho"Those who are proud of their heritage, but may have felt disconnected, perhaps because they no longer speak the language, or there may not be a medium to connect them.
We work hard every day to serve as their bridge. We have more than a team, we have a family that is dedicated to helping our community grow. It is an honor and a privilege to have this partnership with PFSA.
Issue Age
• 0-18
Coverdell Educational Savings Account
• You can contribute to both a Coverdell and a 529 plan, provided you meet the MAGI guidelines
Who can open an ESA
• Any individual below the income
• Withdrawals are Tax Free if used for limitations (parents, grandparents), the total contribution cannot exceed $2,000 Annually for all the combined accounts qualified Education Expenses Taxed as ordinary income and subject to 10% IRS penalty if not used by age 30
Welcome to PAMA
Our magazine follow have been created o English and may or and our communities.
This is a one-of-a-kind project in English and will focus on not just Portuguese communities, but communities in general, with issues that affect us all.
We want this to be a new form of information and education while keeping our culture in the middle of all of it. Our contributors and staff are from all backgrounds and will enrich the content of this monthly online publication.
As always, PAMA keeps an open door policy for community advocates, leaders, and organizations to help spread the word about all issues, events, information, etc. and this magazine will be yet another means to do so.
I am formally inviting you to join our list of subscribers and if you want to be a contributor, that door is very open as well. In the name of all our team, WELCOME, and we hope you join us from today on…
PAMAtalk schedule
Repeatson: Monday7pm
Program Schedu
Programs & Showtimes
Wednesday 1pm
Wednesday 9p
5a 1p 9p
Mondays at 11 am Repeats
Mondays 7pm
Tuesday-Friday 3a 11a 7p
New Friends Faith Ignited
Tuesdays 12pm Repeats
Tuesday 8pm
Wednesday-SAT 4am 12pm 8pm
Into the woods
Tuesdays at 5pm Repeats
1a 9a 5p
Benfica Podcast
Wednesdays 2pm repeats Wed 10pm
Thurs- Sat 6am, 2pm, 10pm
The Portugal Corner www pamamedia
Fridays at 6pm Repeats
Saturday-WED 2a 10a 6p
Journey through the mind
Thursday at 8am Repeats
Thursday 4pm
Thursday-Monday 12a 8a 4pm
“It’s called culture”
Thursday at 2p Repeats
Thursday 10pm
Friday-Monday 6a 2p 10p
World Ablaze
Wednesday at 7am Repeats
wed 3pm & 11am
Thursday 7am,3pm,11pm
Seleção Podcast ON PAMA 1 as the Portuguese National Soccer team plays !
The Lip Drip My dream as a child was to work in makeup and hair but I never got around to it .. life happened ! At 49 years old , I decided I couldn’t find a lip plumper that actually works ! So, i created my own!! 100% All natural & Vegan Hydrating Plumping And high shine gloss
When you purchase one I think you’ll get addicted while making my dream come true
Nelson TrvaelsYOSEMITE
Back in 2013 when I moved my family to the beautiful Golden State, I knew I was in for amazing scenery and experiences.
On the top of my list was Yosemite. I had read plenty about the 3rd National Park in the U.S. I knew about its amazing size of nearly 1200 square miles, the giant Sequoia trees, the tallest waterfalls in North America, etc. Nothing had prepared me however for the actual beauty of it. Sure, there are so many photographs of the park all over the internet, but to be there, to see its greatness, beauty, and peacefulness is unlike anything I have ever experienced in my life. Sure, I have been coming to this park for about 11 years now, and I always imagined how great it would be to drive the park in a convertible. Well, a few weeks ago, that dream became reality.
Behind the wheel of my older but still nice G37 convertible, I decided to take the two-and-a-half-hour drive to Yosemite in the evening hours to try to catch some of the Northern Lights that were reaching further South than normal. The night before, some amazing pictures were captured in San Francisco and other areas around here, so I figured, why not? Maybe I will get lucky. I am no pro photographer by any means, and I figured, a tripod and my iPhone 15 Pro may do it for me.
On my drive with the top down, I felt the cool air breeze, the smell of pine, and the clean air in the Sierras. Trying to take photos on the road with my phone on a holder was not easy, so forgive me for that. I got to the park just before sunset, and started to take as many photos as I could. Glacier Point Road was still closed, so I settled for the Valley and even got a picture of a moon set, as the moon disappeared behind El Capitan.
Shortly after, it was pitch black, and I could witness a clear sky with amazing views of stars, planets, and even airplanes. The only sounds were of toads and the amazing waterfalls in the distance. I thought to myself - why are there people in this state that have never visited this beautiful place?
I know friends in our community that have never visited and have lived here all or most of their lives I can’t believe they are missing the spectacle that is this beautiful park, this place where nature displays all of its glory, and makes me feel like we humans are nothing compared to a place like this. The peacefulness is just breathtaking. I can tell you that I have never felt a stronger connection between my soul and nature than I did when I went to YNP.
As I stood there in the dark, taking pictures, some better than others, I wish I could share what my feelings were at the moment with all of you. I just knew I had to write this article.
If you have never visited, make it a priority to do so, I can assure you that you won’t regret it.
Meet the Umbrella SkyProject
One of the most instagrammable places on the face of the earth!
The "Umbrella Sky Project" was born in Águeda, in the year of 2012, and is composed by several colorful art installations spread all around the city, with the sky of umbrellas that seem to float in the air being the strong element of this project. This project has been on display through several countries and stands out for the involvement it can create with the public, causing a dynamic interaction with social networks. An open-air museum that produces beautiful and viral images, attracting the attention of bloggers, photographers, and the press. Contributing to the increase of tourism and consequently the increase of local economy. One of the most recent distinctions was given by Architectural Digest magazine that placed the umbrella streets among the most beautiful in the world.
The motto is Coloring Life, bringing color to gray spaces and making people smile!
We use color to make a positive impact in the world!
Meet the artist
Patrícia Cunha
Patrícia Cunha, the creative mind behind the artists' collective Impactplan. Born in 1978 in Portugal in a small town called Águeda. Studied Marketing and advertising and started working in the fashion industry, helping to create several clothing brands, until around 2009 discovered her true mission, when started creating small artistic installations for public spaces. From dressing trees, to painting benches and stairs, it evolves into creating colorful skies, like the world famous "Umbrella Sky Project". It was such a success that together with her partner, Bruno Almeida, she founded Impactplan art productions, a collective of artists who travel the world spreading art, color and happiness! Together they worked hard to transform the company into what it is today. Many new projects emerged, such as "Color Rain"; "Tropicália"; "Bubble Sky"; among many others, with color being the strong element and the universal language with the power to inspire human connection! As a pioneer in this form of expression, Impactplan continues to grow and innovate, leaving its colorful mark on the world!
We are a collective of artists located in Portugal, working worldwide; Our team is composed by amazing people between designers, marketeers, creatives, inventors, thinkers, dreamers... Coloring the grey landscape is always our starting point. In the process we use vibrant colors and unusual objects in unexpected places to create impact and provoke immediate feelings and reactions, after all coloring life is our motto! Our future projects are based on creating more and more with eco-friendly materials, recycling, re-using! We turn ideas into reality by creating beautiful and instagrammable art installations that have a real impact on places and in people's lives!
We invite you to join our colorful movement, together we can make a better world!
BY: Daiane Dutra
If you ever take anything from my reviews, let it be this: READ BOOKS BY EMILY HENRY !! Rom-com queen with wholesome characters and lots of charm. I have read all of her books and, in my opinion, they just keep on getting better. I liked the MC's individually and loved them even more together Found family, female friendships, heartbreak, and love There is some light spice which is always a plus ;) If you are looking for a good, light read, this is it. Or any of EH books.
BONUS! Portugal is mentioned in the book a few times along with pastéis de nata! I always love these little surprises! *published in portuguese
Daphne always loved the way her fiancé Peter told their story. How they met (on a blustery day), fell in love (over an errant hat), and moved back to his lakeside hometown to begin their life together He really was good at telling it right up until the moment he realized he was actually in love with his childhood best friend Petra Which is how Daphne begins her new story: Stranded in beautiful Waning Bay, Michigan, without friends or family but with a dream job as a children’s librarian (that barely pays the bills), and proposing to be roommates with the only person who could possibly understand her predicament: Petra’s ex, Miles Nowak Scruffy and chaotic with a penchant for taking solace in the sounds of heart break love ballads Miles is exactly the opposite of practical, buttoned up Daphne, whose coworkers know so little about her they have a running bet that she’s either FBI or in witness protection The roommates mainly avoid one another, until one day, while drowning their sorrows, they form a tenuous friendship and a plan.
- small-town romance
- good humor
- Daphnes' fiance dumps her for his BFF
- Miles's GF dumps him for her BFF
- roommates to bffs to lovers -found family
TW: trauma from absent father, trauma from emotionally abusive parents, mental health, breakups
If said plan also involves posting deliberately misleading photos of their summer adventures together, well, who could blame them? But it’s all just for show, of course, because there’s no way Daphne would actually start her new chapter by falling in love with her ex-fiancé’s new fiancée’s ex…right?
Portugal Round Trip
By: Devin Meireles
“Why did you leave?”
That’s a question posed by many secondgeneration descendants of immigrants, including myself. Recognizing our parental homeland is not always a common thought but sometimes a forced one. Many of us heard the tales. Immigrant children are often reminded of the struggle. The sacrifice that our parents made for a chance at an opportunity elsewhere. It’s something that could be taken for granted if forgotten.
It’s not lost on me though, the irony of it all, that when we go back there is a feeling of sentimentality. How saudade can be inherited across generations. It only makes sense when we were raised with that constantly around us. Some of our parents never lost touch and go back often, even retiring there. Back where it all started.
For some, going full circle was always the master plan. They left their homes to build a new life with every intention of going back eventually. Maintaining long distance relationships with their loved ones still on the island. The life of a Portuguese immigrant was a hard one and the decisions that led to those choices were even harder. We can never lose sight of that.
I t a l w a y s w a s . T h a t l o n g d i s t a n c e r e l a t i o n s h i p w a s
s o m e t h i n g t h a t o u r a n c e s t o r s m a i n t a i n e d ,
a n d i n t u r n , w e d i d t o o . O u r b r o k e n c o m p r e h e n s i o n o f t h e
l a n g u a g e w a s n o b a r r i e r t o t h e i n f i n i t e
l o v e t h a t o u r f a m i l i e s h a d f o r u s , n o r t h a t a f f e c t i o n t h a t t h e
c o u n t r y s h o w e d u s . T h e r e w a s
a l w a y s a n a d o r a t i o n r e g a r d l e s s o f h o w w e c o m m u n i c a t e d
w i t h e a c h o t h e r . W e a r e P o r t u g u e s e
a t h e a r t . T h a t s t a n d s t o t h i s d a y w h i l e l e a r n i n g t h e m o t h e r
t o n g u e i s i n h e r e n t l y w i t h i n r e a c h . I t ’ s
b e e n d o w n l o a d e d s u b c o n s c i o u s l y f o r u s . L i k e s o m e t h i n g
t h a t c a n b e a c t i v a t e d f r o m c o g n i t i v e
m e m o r y . S h e i s a s b e n e v o l e n t a s e v e r .
F o r t h o s e w i t h o u t f a m i l y t i e s , i t ’ s j u s t a s e a s y t o f a l l i n
l o v e w i t h P o r t u g a l . T h o u s a n d s a l r e a d y
h a v e . I t s b o o m i n g t o u r i s m i n d u s t r y i s e v i d e n c e t h a t t h e
w o r l d i s m e s m e r i z e d w i t h t h e c o u n t r y .
O n e k i s s f r o m t h e f e r t i l e l a n d i s a l l i t t a k e s , a n d o f i t s
l u s h , b o d a c i o u s t e r r i t o r i e s , t h e i s l a n d s a r e
m o s t a l l u r i n g . W h e n y o u f i n d P o r t u g a l , y o u w i l l u n d e r s t a n d
c l e a r l y h o w s o m e p e o p l e c o u l d v i s i t
t h e s a m e d e s t i n a t i o n i n c e s s a n t l y i t ’ s w h e r e y o u f e e l a t
h o m e .
Once you find that spot it’s easy to go back. Then, after touching down so many times you develop a kinship with the land that leaves an imprint on your heart like branding flesh. Forging a relationship that conciliates the soul as much as a kindred spirit. That’s how we endorse an adopted heritage. That’s how you get smitten by an island. To find Portugal is to find love.
The Festival commemorates the Day of Portugal, of Camões and the Portuguese Communities, celebrated annually on June 10th. This year was a special year, as Luís de Camões, the Portuguese poet who the holiday is named after, was born 500 years ago, in 1524. City Hall Plaza is an iconic space in Boston, and serves as a prime location to showcase both traditional and contemporary Portuguese customs and traditions, as well as cuisine, products and other cultural manifestations.
The BPF brought together crowds of thousands of local Portuguese-Americans as well as visitors passing by City Hall Plaza. The Festival commenced with a performance by Rancho Folclórico Recordações de Portugal (New Bedford, MA) followed by a flag-raising ceremony featuring participation by the Filarmónica de Santo António (Cambridge, MA) and Banda do Espírito Santo (Lowell, MA), who played the national anthems. Our traditional Portuguese entertainment concluded with another folklore performance by Rancho Folclórico de Peabody (Peabody, MA).
The Festival’s entertainment also featured a diverse entertainment line-up of both local and internationally-recognized Lusophone artists. Performers included local favorites ERATOXICA and Nélia, as well as Júlia Machado, winner of The Voice Portugal Kids and Portugal’s representative at Junior Eurovision Song Contest in 2023. Additional performances by Luso-French and international superstar, Lucenzo, known worldwide for the hit “Danza Kuduro”; DJ and producer DJ R'AN; Saúl Ricardo from Portugal; and Romeu Bairos, hailing from São Miguel, Azores, who recently appeared in Netflix Portugal’s original series Turn of the Tide (Rabo de Peixe). Vavó Brito provided comedic entertainment, along with an appearance by The Portuguese Kids. Julianne Lima returned to the Boston Portuguese Festival stage for a second year along with Ruben Pacheco Correia, TV personality and chef-owner of the award-winning Botequim Açoriano of Rabo de Peixe, São Miguel.
The BPF featured a mix of Portuguese and American cuisine by Casa Benfica (Cambridge, MA); Avó’s Feast (Fall River, MA); Two Sisters Catering (Fall River, MA); The Neighborhood Restaurant & Bakery (Somerville, MA) and sweets by Joey Bats (New York, NY). Additional vendors include Matilda’s, Dean’s Concessions, and Italina’s Ice Cream.The Boston Portuguese Festival Youth Zone featured games for children of all ages as well as soccer activities by the New England Revolution. The BPF vendor tent spotlighted PortugueseAmerican businesses, selling a variety of apparel and wares, including: Copper Minted, Paixão by Xtina, Maeven in Me, Wellas Cork, Patricia Ferreira Ceramic & more. This year’s celebration aimed to bring together local Portuguese-American businesses and organizations, cultural associations, recreational groups, schools and community members to honor the contributions of Portuguese-Americans to the City of Boston and across the Commonwealth. This event and all of the Boston Portuguese Festival’s events are free and open to the public. All who love Portugal or would like to learn more about the country are invited and encouraged to attend.
The Boston Portuguese Festival welcomes the participation of volunteers to assist in various capacities before, during, and throughout the course of the Festival For more information regarding opportunities, please contact hello@bostonportuguesefestival org or visit bostonportuguesefestival org
Photos by Boston Portuguese Festival, courtesy of Sousa Image Works.
There are huge fan zones here. It's very organized. There are UEFA kiosks everywhere and lots of volunteers at the train stations. Last night after the game, it was hard to find a place to eat. Restaurants close at 9 like in the USA. We got a sandwich at a Subway. Bars were open though and hookah lounges.
Cecilia Soares
Messages from Cecilia Soares
“Last night was crazy. I had no idea there would be so many Turks in Dortmund. They invaded the city and hung around until early in the morning, making lots of noise and their cars clogged the streets. It was liked they were celebrating which didn’t make sense since they lost 3-0. The Czechians were much more subdued when we played them in Leipzig. Both cities are big with populations of around 600,000. Both very diverse with non-Germans outnumbering natives. Lots of Asians, middle easterners and Africans. During last night’s game, I thought there were lots of Portuguese when I heard the anthem, but then the Turks sand theirs and it was 10x louder. They were extremely noisy every time we had the ball. It was annoying but they quieted down after that auto-goal. One thing you probably didn’t see was that Ronaldo was rushed on the field by 5 different fans trying to take selfies. The first time was cute because it was just a kid. The other times were not funny. I don’t get how it happened because security was so tight. Our own Vale Vargueiro João Neves got to play the last few minutes of the Czechia game, but not last night. In 2 days we move to see the team play Georgia in Gelsenkirchen. It’s been exciting. Tony is loving it.”
Your paragraph text
Born in Lisbon, Wilson played youth football for Sporting CP in the city He was an unused substitute for the reserves in the Segunda Liga on 4 May 2014, in a 1–1 home draw against S.L. Benfica B.
On 3 January 2016, Wilson signed a twoyear deal at S C Braga, being assigned to their second team of the same level. He made his league debut on 13 February, playing the full 90 minutes of a 1–0 loss at C.D. Mafra. He totalled 17 appearances over the season, being sent off in a 2–0 home defeat to S C Covilhã on 27 February and scoring in a 3–2 loss at Vitória S.C. B on 17 April.
Wilson was called up to the first team by coach José Peseiro in place of the injured Lazar Rosić for a Primeira Liga game at home to F.C. Paços de Ferreira on 11 December 2016. He played the full 90 minutes of a 3–0 win
In June 2019, Wilson signed a three-year contract with C.D. Tondela, with Braga retaining 50% of the player's rights. He scored his first top-flight goal on 3 November, the only one late on in a home game against former club Sporting. Wilson returned to the Estádio Municipal de Braga on 31 January 2020, agreeing to a three-year deal with an option for three additional seasons. He scored his first competitive goal against Vitória F.C. on 23 February, in a 3–1 home victory.
On 30 August 2020, Wilson was loaned for a year to CD Tenerife of Spain's Segunda División. He made 21 total appearances for the team from the Canary Islands, and scored to open a 2–0 home win over Girona FC on 21 December.
On 22 June 2021, Wilson joined newlypromoted F.C. Vizela on a three-year contract. During his spell, always spent in the main division, he played 68 games in all competitions and scored three goals.
On 8 February 2024, Wilson signed a two-year deal with Major League Soccer side San Jose Earthquakes. [17] He scored his first goal on 30 March, in the first minute of an eventual 2–1 loss at Houston Dynamo FC. Wilson's grandfather, Mário, was also a footballer and later a manager of clubs including S.L. Benfica, and the Portugal national team. Through him, he had American and Mozambican heritage.
We hope to see you all on Portuguese Heritage Night not only to cheer on the Earthquakes but to support “our guy” Bruno Wilson.
Yuhui Lin
Taylor is a first generation Portuguese-American born in Santa Clara, CA to immigrant parents from the Azores Islands (Portugal). The youngest of three, my siblings and grew up in a very tight-knit family. Active in both sports and theater growing up, Taylor has spent nearly the last decade contributing to working as the In-Stadium/On-Screen Show host for the San Jose Earthquakes (of Major League Soccer) while simultaneously touring the country as a Stand-Up Comedian. You can find Taylor on the sidelines at San Jose's Paypal Park, conducting player interviews, promoting sponsors and delivering a fun & interactive game day experience for a stadium of 18,000 fans. Most recently, I was the host of NBC Sport's "Earthquakes Exclusive", a series that focuses on Major League Soccer, primarily covering the San Jose Earthquakes for it's fans in the greater Bay Area.
Outside of soccer Taylor has spent the last 8 years performing Stand Up Comedy, touring in more than 25 cities across California as well as along the East Coast and Canada. He was given the opportunity to visit Portugal (Azores) for the first time in my in his career! His start in comedy was with material focused on his culture, family and roots, a style built around story telling and sharing the experiences of a kid growing up in a family full of crazy Portuguese people.
“Since the beginning of my journey into comedy, I've been lucky enough to have been invited to tour alongside internationally-known sketch comedy & improv group, "The Portuguese Kids" (out of Massachusetts) and we've done shows together in a handful of states as well as across Canada and now, Portugal. It was through these shows that I was invited to open for the International Portuguese Music Awards back in 2018- and now release a new sketch comedy show “ Portuguese Problems”. The show aired on RTP. RTPi and RTP Play app across the world as the first ever English speaking program. I whole heartedly want to thank every single person who has supported me and the whole “ Portuguese Problems” production.” All episodes are available for download now.
Taylor has been hosting the Portuguese heritage night at the PayPal park for quite some time he focuses on highlighting various Portuguese owned businesses, showcasing filarmónicas, rancho florcloricos and vocalists, year after year. We hope to see you there ! Thank you to those who continue to show up to the event every year ! #forcaquakes
Join us for the San Jose Earthquakes TWELFTH Annual Portuguese Heritage Night celebration on Saturday, July 13th at beautiful Paypal Park! This year we are hosting our Western Conference rivals, Sporting Kansas City, with the match kicking off at 7:30pm (and stadium gates opening at 5:30pm). Come celebrate your Portuguese roots with us and bring the whole family to the stadium with you!
*Special Event Ticket includes your ticket to the game as well as a Portuguese Heritage Night themed promotional item, to be announced in the coming weeks.
Music has the ability to bring people from different backgrounds together and create a sense of unity and understanding
BritoBaldwin &
ManiacBoysand girlsclub
Angela’s love of music began blossoming at a very young age. Her father, from São Brás de Álportel, in the region of Algarve, played the Guitarra Portuguesa and shared his passion for Fado with her. Angela has fond memories of hearing the crisp sound of the Guitarra Portuguesa as she watched her father’s fingers dancing along its strings.
He and her mother, originally from the city of Ílhavo, in the Beira Litoral region of Portugal, were actively involved in many Portuguese organizations. They made it a priority to immerse Angela and her brother, Paulo, in all of the rich traditions that they were raised with.
Angela began singing in her school and Portuguese parish’s choir and soon discovered that singing was her life’s passion.
At 14 years of age, Angela had the most wonderful opportunity to sing Ave Maria at the Basilica in Fátima, Portugal during a trip with her Portuguese school choir. It was a blessed moment that Angela holds dear to her heart Angela’s love of music didn’t stop there. She continued singing in Harmonía, then in Nova Geração and lastly in Raça Over the years, she has been invited to record with various artists on their respective projects.
One of the most exciting chapters in Angela’s Fado career began when she recorded her debut album with Helder Carvalheira, João Cardadeiro, and Manuel Escobar The album, aptly titled “Fado ~ De Olhos Fechados” was long-awaited. This album also introduced Angela as a songwriter. It was released in 2014. The album was considered for a Grammy in the World Music and Best New Artist categories.
Angela continues to perform all over the United States with Fadistas from all over the world.
Angela and her “Fado-Mate” David Silveira Garcia are currently the Resident Fadistas at Portuguese Restaurant UMA CASA in San Francisco, CA. Their shows, paired with a 4course meal by Chef Antelmo Faria have become so popular that tickets sell out in just a matter of hours.
Aside from Portuguese music, Angela has also been invited to perform the National Anthem for the Oakland A’s, SF Giants, SJ Sharks and SJ Earthquakes.
Jessica DeMelo
Engraçado(a) - Funny
“Rir é o melhor remédio.”
Hilário(a) - Hilarious
Cômico(a) - Comedic
Talentoso(a) - Talented
Criativo(a) - Creative
Engenhoso(a) - Witty
Bem-humorado(a) - Good-humored
Espontâneo(a) - Spontaneous
Carismático(a) - Charismatic
Divertido(a) - Entertaining
Perspicaz - Sharp
Versátil - Versatile
Imprevisível - Unpredictable
Original - Original
Imaginativo(a) - Imaginative
- Laughter is the best medicine.
“Quem ri por último, ri melhor.” - He who laughs last, laughs best.
“Rir para não chorar.”
- Laugh to keep from crying.
“O bom humor é contagioso, passe adiante.”
- Good humor is contagious, pass it on.
Steve and Carol Olson, your passion for sopas and community has left an indelible mark on our hearts and taste buds, and for that, we are eternally grateful. Here’s to many more years of delicious traditions and cherished memories.
LLuso American Claudia Avilia is a fashion guru! As a stylist to the stars she continues to use her rich Portuguese culture to inspire her everday Claudia grew up heavinly involved in the Portuguese community with the influence from her parents, with her dad from Terceira, Açores and mom from mainland, Portugal. They made their roots in California, and Claudia soon had her first on stage performance at 1 years old at the Luso American fraternal federation annual convention and soon becoming “baby queen” shortly after Claudia then became an active member on the state youth board for Luso American Carnaval wasa huge part of Claudia’s life, dedicating 15 years to her beloved “ Terceirense” traditions Her love for music led her to 10 years in a Filarmónica (marching band) and her love for dance led her to 5 years in a rancho florclorico Lastly Claudia served as “senior” queen, not knowing where the holy spirit would take her next - she decided to take the leap into fashion !
Creating looks for unique artists with new designers from all over the world was always the dream, now I know it’s my purpose
I majored in visual communications from FIDM and began to intern in the PR world. After 10 years of visual design for major retail stores across the country, where I did window displays and launched concepts for brands including their marketing. Once I felt confident enough in my craft of styling,which was a big part of my role in the retail companies, I wanted to combine my love for fashion and culture with music and sports.
I began assisting major stylists in Hollywood and different costume designers who do incredible work for Post Malone,GretaVanFleet,LauraDern,Orville Peck, Johnny Knoxville, Maluma , Weezer, Kesha,A$APFerg,FIFAwomen’sWorldCup , Real Houswives of Beverly Hills, Naomi Osaka, Vince Staples I began to create my own creative teams and our work started to get press and show up in magazines like GQ, ELLE, Harper’s Bizarre, andSchön. Inow focusonjustalbumart and sports but I did International campaigns for nikon Japan and I landed a role at the NFL network. This led to more press, surrounding the Super Bowls and the ESPY awards where USweekly and Women’s Wear Daily named my looks best of the carpet which was really major since I was so new in the styling . My first tour with Royal & the Serpent led to working with more incredible musicians, labels,andcreatives.Myworkhasreached the Grammys, Nikon Japan, billboard women in music, nfl honors , the espys, and Times Square. My intention is to bring Portuguese designers and other artists into the industry and give them the same opportunity as anyone else to show their crafttotheworld
What my artists /clients are doing right now:
Moye Billboard blues no 1: guitarist
Audriix on tour with Lindsay stirling : Pop
DJ Pennywild just did stagecoach time square
Lorelei Marcel singer songwriter she’s in everything right now
When musical talent gets signed to a label, I am hired to image consult them as well as the album art and its concepts. I then work with designers big and small who are interested in placement. I decide which pieces work best on on what talent and the same goes for anyone who hosts and attends the shows during awards season in Hollywood.
Portuguese Tasty Desserts in Santa Clara CA is the sweetest touch to our Portuguese Community! Nelio and Teresa decided it was time to revive “ The Portuguese Bakery” Teresa's parents had established a well known local name for 40 years and She wanted to keep her families traditions and culture alive! Both being retired from the school district, they knew it was the perfect time to find a spot and commit In 2022 they were open for business!
Their bakery has that “old school”, the recipes come straight from Azores, Portugal You can find various imported items, your favorite Portuguese sweet bread, Pastel de natas, arroz doce and you cant forget their malasadas You can always expect a sample of some sort and now you can enjoy a very affordable lunch there too!
Nelio and Teresa continue to give back to tthe community with various donations and sponsors for various events Recently, Portuguese Tasty Desserts helped sponsor the premiere in San Jose, CA- of the sketch comedy show “Portuguese Problems” staring the Portuguese Kids that aired on RTP They continue to serve our holy ghost with their sweet bread and joined forces with PAMA and Taylor Amarante by sponsoring their new segment “Festa in the streets”
We wish Portuguese Tasty Desserts so much success and want to thank the Defreita famiy for all of their contributions to help keep our traditions and recipes alive! Nelio and Teresa are just as sweet as their biscoits! If you see them around, say hello! They love meeting new friends and customers! They hope you visit them in the bakery soon!
Name: Directions: Send a snap shot of your “LUCKY GALO” to or @PAMAmedia on Facebook & Instagram. Top ten entries will be voted on our FB page and the winner will be submitted in the PAMA Magazine. – Think “out of the box” get creative. Example. Soccer theme, beach theme etc. BOA SORTE !
one lucky galo !
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