The K of D Playbill

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The Young Professionals Company at OCT Presents:

Produced by special arrangement with The Dramatic Publishing Company of Woodstock, Illinois.

The K of D is sponsored by Val Landrum

Thank you to our Season Sponsors:

Benicio Delgado

Sofia Gomez

Marissa Margolin

Ruth Siviglia

Ethan Thompson

Elijah Tinker

Eddie Vassilenko

Featuring (in alphabetical order)

Brett Hoffman, Johnny Whistler

The Girl, Charlotte McGraw

Becky Ray Voss, Johnny’s Girlfriends

Steffi Post, Mrs. McGraw

Trent Hoffman, Jack Whistler

Jamie Quisp, Mr. McGraw

Understudies: Oliver Chally, Luna Flores, Aria Root

Artistic and Production Team

Dani Baldwin

Luna Flores*

Thuy Chau*

Chloe Wilson*

Elliot Odette

Chris O’Toole

Erin MacGillivray

Elijah Tinker*

Owen Abrahams*

Director; Artistic Director, YP Company

Directing Apprentice Stage Manager

Costume Designer

Lighting Designer Production Sound

YP Production Manager

Assistant Stage Manager

Lead Scenic Carpenter

Support provided by OCT Production

*Member of the Young Professionals Company Special Thanks to Sydney Dufka


B enicio Delgado

is a first-year Young Professional, and is absolutely honored to be performing in The K of D! Some of his favorite roles have been Will Bloom in Big Fish and his current role in The K of D! He hopes that you enjoy this beautiful show as much as he does!

Marissa Margolin

is so excited to take part in her first show with OCT! She is a second year YP and a junior at Ida B. Wells High School. Her recent appearances include her school’s productions of The Importance (Riley) and She Kills Monsters (Lilith), as well as originating the role of Nora in On The Subject of Socks. Marissa is grateful to have been a part of The K of D company, and would like to give a huge thank you to Dani, Blake, Matt, and everyone else at OCT who has supported her in pursuing her love for theater!

Ethan Thompson

is a fourth year YP and a senior at Sam Barlow High School. You might have seen him in YP’s The Mad Ones as Adam. Ethan is so excited to be playing Trent/ Jack in The K of D, and would like to thank Dani for her hard work in providing countless opportunities through the Young Professionals Company.

Eddie Vassilenko

is over the moon to be a part of this production of The K of D! Although this is only his first year as a YP, Eddie has been doing theatre for a plethora of years and has been in many school productions, namely Spongebob the Musical (as Patchy), and Lucky Stiff (as Vinnie DiRuzzio). Eddie hopes to finish high school as a YP again next year! When not on the stage, you can find Eddie venturing into unknown lands in search of lost treasure and playing Guitar Hero 3.

Sofia Gomez

Sofia, a second-year YP and senior in high school, is thrilled to be playing Girl/Charlotte in The K of D, her second YP production. This production has been a new challenge and an incredibly enriching experience for Sofia. Sofia has been involved in theatre in Portland for 12 years and her favorite most recent projects include Leading Player in Pippin, Samantha Brown in The Mad Ones, and Miss Honey in Matilda. Sofia recently finished college auditions and will be going to school to pursue a BFA in musical theatre. Special thanks to Dani Baldwin for always providing a healthy environment to learn and grow.

Ruth Siviglia

is a junior at Oregon Episcopal School and a 2nd year YP. Most recently she’s performed in the YP production of Impulse 17! Outside of acting she likes to play guitar, sew, seed chaos, chase her dog around the house and avoid emails from her college counselor. She’s so glad she gets to help build the world of The K of D alongside her wonderful cast members and would like to send a huge thank you to Dani for her support!

Elijah Tinker

is a senior at Cleveland High School and an enrolled member of the Osage Nation in Oklahoma. He is very involved with the choir and theatre departments at his school. He is the president of Choir Council, as well as president and founder of the Improv Club and Native Student Union. He has been involved with music since elementary school, but started his journey with theatre and singing two years ago, coming back from online school after the pandemic. He also writes, directs, plays music, yo-yos competitively, and (surprisingly) keeps a multitude of plants alive.

Cast - Understudies

Oliver Chally

Oliver is a third-year Young Professional and a senior at Catlin Gabel. He most recently served as the dramaturgy/ directing apprentice to the YP production of SPIDER and has previously worked on the YP productions of Twelfth Night as a lighting apprentice and Pestilence: Wow! as Raoul. Oliver is incredibly grateful to be a part of The K of D!

Luna Flores

Luna is currently a sophomore at Catlin Gabel, and is so excited to be a part of her first YP show. This is Luna’s first year with the company, though she has been a part of the theater community as soon as she started talking. Recently, she played Antigone in her schools production of Antigone and/or Still She Must Rise Up, and Cathy in You On The Moors Now Being the Directing Apprentice and Understudy for Girl/Charlotte has been such a rewarding experience for her, and she’s loved the start of her journey with YP. Luna wants to thank Dani for giving her this opportunity to have this experience, her family for their unwavering support, and every single person who’s been a part of creating this amazing show.

Aria Root

Aria is a senior at Milwaukie Arts Academy. She is a second year YP. She last house managed Pestilence:Wow! and was seen in her schools production of I Never Saw Another Butterfly. She has been taking classes at OCT for a large portion of her life. Outside of theatre she loves fashion and makeup. She is extremely thankful for the cast and crew of this production for making the experience so wonderful.

Creative Team

Dani Baldwin Director; Artistic Director, Young Professionals Company

Dani is thrilled to be presenting this beautiful story with this amazing cast and team! The K of D was canceled in 2020 due to Covid. It’s been a gift to finally get to bring it to life! Dani is an award-winning director, actor, and a designer for OCT and other companies. She works as an improviser training their medical professionals on communication skills. She is grateful for her family, husband, and her adorable dogs.

Luna Flores* Directing Apprentice

See Luna’s bio on the cast page.

Thuy Chau* Stage Manager

Thuy Chau is a second-year YP and junior at Vancouver School of Arts and Academics. They have performed in The Nutcracker at Columbia Dance Center, and were a lighting apprentice for The Mad Ones last season. Thuy finds joy in choreographing and witnessing great performances. Outside of the arts, they enjoy baking with sourdough, going on walks, and learning fun penguin facts. Thuy would like to thank their family and teachers for their continuous support!

Chloe Wilson* Costume Designer

Chloe Wilson is so excited to be the costume designer for this wonderful YP show. She’s a junior at Catlin Gabel and has worked on previous YP and MainStage shows this season. This is her third OCT production she’s been a part of, but she’s done previous work in a few productions before this season.

Elliot Odette Lighting Designer

Elliot graduated from Lawrence University last spring with a B.A. in Theatre Arts and a focus in design. Their previous work includes lighting design for Lawrence University’s The Musical of Musicals (The Musical!) and production design for The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.

Chris O’Toole Production Sound

Chris is a composer, sound designer, and musician who’s thrilled to be working with OCT’s YP program. Recent credits include What the Constitution Means to Me with Portland Center Stage, Adam’s Run with Renegade Opera, and Pestilence: Wow! with the YPs. You can catch her onstage playing with her band Death Knell, or in the irreverent sketch comedy group Spectravagasm.

Erin MacGillivray YP Production Manager

Erin is a Portland area stage manager and costume designer. Her previous work with Oregon Children’s Theatre includes production stage management for WROL and Twelfth Night, and being the Production Coordinator for DNA. She has also stage managed for Original Practice Shakespeare and Milagro, as well as been a production assistant at Artists Repertory Theatre. As a former YP, Erin is thrilled to be able to mentor young stage managers!

Elijah Tinker* Assistant Stage Manager

See Elijah’s bio on the cast page.

Owen Abrahams* Lead Scenic Carpenter

Owen Abrahams, a Junior at Northwest Academy, enjoys technical theater, visual arts, and cooking. When he’s not building sets or running lights, he enjoys spending time with his dog.

*Member of the Young Professionals Company

Become a YP!

The Young Professionals Company is made up of dedicated theater students ages 14–18 who have been selected to participate in a year-long mentoring program, where they receive advanced training through exposure to a wide range of college-level workshops and professional development.

Are you interested in becoming a YP? Sign up here to receive updates on informational meetings, auditions, and more!

Information about the 2024-2025 YP Season will be available in early summer.


Make a Donation!

All OCT programming, including performances & classes, are possible because of the financial support of our donors. If you are able, please make a tax-deductible donation today to help support our future programs.


New this year!

When you buy 5 or more tickets to a YP performance, you’ll save 20% on your ticket order! Use code YPGD5! at checkout.


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