February 2023 Newsletter

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Volume 22 | Issue 10 Key Club International | CNH District | Region 3 | Division 30 South | Oxford Academy Key Club February 2023 February 2023
President's Corner Monthly Calendar Table of Contents 2 February News Contact Us! Editor's Note Updates & Events SunSpotlight 3-4 5-6 7-15 16-17 Contents | 2

Hey Key-uties! Happy March! We are wrapping up the 22-23’ term and are now almost readyto transition to our next term.

With Executive Board elections now completed and appointed applications right here, the end of the term is now here. This has been a great journey with our club and training our new elects is definitely exciting but also a bit sentimental, knowing that this marks the end of my term. I’m so grateful for everything I’ve learned from this club and how much love I’ve felt from all the people around me.

President's Corner

Thank you to all of you for your unwavering dedication during not just this month, but the entire term and I hope all of you continue to support our club! Have an amazing day and thank you for reading our sun-tastic newsletter :D

Corner | 3
Hey Key-uties!!
Hey sunshines!

What's poppin', OAKC!

It's almost the end of the term! I hope you all have enjoyed and made the most of your time in Key Club.

Thank you for supporting my newsletters and overall club events! With the new executive board elected, appointed applications are coming out soon! I encourage you all to apply and further your Key Club journey. It's an invaluable experience unlike any other!

With that, I wish you all a fun-filled and great March!

Thank you and have a great rest of your day!

Editor's Note Editor's Note
Kaylin Chan OAKC Bulletin Editor 2022-2023 KaylinChan Notes | 4
SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 12 19 21 18 11 7 February 5 3 4 5 22 28 23 10 17 24 25 13 20 27 Calendar | 5 Service Event Fundraiser 6 OAKC x Culinary Club Servathon Brookhurst Pantry Merch Payments Due Brea 5K -Pancake Breakfast -Charity Miles -Pause For Division Judging Committee Applications Due Executive Board Elections Executive Board Elections Executive Board Elections


Division Judging Committee Applications Due (Feb 14)



Brookhurst Pantry (Feb. 11th & 25th)

Brea 5K (Feb 26th)

Kiwanis Boys Baseball Pancake Breakfast (Feb. 25th)


Charity Miles (Ended Feb. 25th)

Pause For (Ended Feb. 25th)


Yearbook Pictures (Mar. 1st)

6 Updates | 6

Sun-Spotlight Sun-Spotlight

I'm Yuehanna Yuan and a historian this term. ^^ I love travelling and FOOOD!

I don't like CAKES

Who are you?

Advice for us? -w-

Don'tProcrastinate!! It'sgonnakillyou!!!

Fun Fact =3=

My favorite part of key club is getting to know more people.

Fav thing abt OAKC?

Spotlight | 7 YuehannaYuan

Key Club Key Club January Drip Check

Only one month left of the term by the time you read this. That means I have been in Key Club for 42 months, since September 2019. Over the past 4 terms, I have made so many memories that I will never forget and many friendships that I will cherish. I was able to meet so many new people and become close friends with some. With hundreds of events attending and almost 700 total service hours, I have definitely committed so much to Key Club events because I enjoyed them. And these hours don’t include the hours I have put in for 3 terms as Club Publicist, Project Chair, and Vice President! I don’t regret the time I put in, because, at the end of the day, I’m glad to have made such a large impact on my community and world because I was able to.

Each term was so different, with meetings held at different locations, as well as completely different events. In my freshmen year, I went to weekly meetings in Mrs. Vosskuhler’s room and attended many events involving marathons and 5Ks, whether it was the actual race or registration days. The next year was the COVID year, where weekly meetings were held on Google Meets, and the majority of projects I took part in were Charity Miles and writing letters to those in need. Finally returning back my junior year, I took part in Brookhurst Pantry as well as holiday events, while general meetings were held next to the Zen Garden. And the final year of all, my senior year. Meetings in Mr. Douthat’s room, and I, unfortunately, wasn’t able to volunteer as much as I wanted to. It would be because I am completely burnout from all my clubs, or some would say, a symptom of senioritis. Every year I have seen the seniors go through this, and now I understand how they felt. The desire to just relax after years of hard work. That’s why you all should enjoy and go to as many events as you can before it’s too late! I hope to see all of you at our meetings in my last month of Key Club :,(.

Articles | 8

Oxford Academy Key Club Elections

This past Wednesday, I was able to take part in our annual Executive Board Election for Oxford Academy Key Club. Seeing the candidates each give their speeches and the change happen right then and there was a really eye-opening experience; not only did it give me a chance to see how decisions such as these are made, but it showed me the importance of participation and commitment within the club. There were quite a few members at the meeting, each holding the ticket to our future leaders in their hand. With democracy also comes the importance of each member doing their part, and I think this year ’ s election is one clear way of showing the importance of every individual in OAKC.

Articles | 11

Future of Key Club Convlave

On January 14 th , Division 30 South elected their new LTG, Austin Alves. Serving as president this year and attending this event, I had the opportunity to be a delegate this year, one of the two delegates from Oxford Academy. This was my second time serving as a voting delegate but this was my first time voting in-person. I got to the auditorium at around 8am, checked in and was able to find a seat amount the other D30S delegates. First, they held opening session where we went over introductions, conclave procedures and guidelines which was a great learning process about the whole event. Next, the candidates slowly began giving their speeches and going through their caucus sessions. First, the divisions with more than 2 candidates went through a nominating conference to narrow down the candidates for the actual round of voting.

Then, we moved onto candidates from every division, giving rousing speeches, specific and confident answers to the questions members were posing. As a delegate, I listened to each candidate and made sure to get up to ask questions when needed during the caucus sessions. Finally, we moved on to voting and turning in our ballots. While they were tallying up the votes, we were given updates from the region on DCON and information about registration, attire and events. Then the moment came for what we’d all been waiting for, the announcement of the new Region 3 LTGs. The announcement of our new LTG was exciting and we all were happy that the division would be in good hands for the next term. We ended off the event with a quick DCM and that ended off my fourth and final Conclave as a Key Club member.

When I reflect on this past term, I can’t help but feel a twinge of sadness, of a regret about missed opportunities. Division 30 South has had an interesting year, and I can’t help but reminisce about the division prior to the pandemic, in what could be considered a “golden” era. Regardless, this past month, Conclave passed by, during which Division 30 South welcomed its new Lieutenant Governor, Austin Alves. He recently was officially instated as LTG after winning LTG-elect, and I can’t help but get a sliver of hope again as he attempts to tackle handling this huge division. He has been a bright Key Clubber with a truly unique take, and I can’t wait to see what he does in the future! I’m looking forward to wrapping up this term, as well as a new term with our new Sunny LTG!

Articles | 9

Future of Key Club Convlave

| 11 | Treasurer

On, Region 3 held Conclave at Santa Ana High School, where we elected Lieutenant GovernorElects for the upcoming term. Some would ask, “Why go to a four-hour event to watch people talk a lot?” Personally, I had a blast at Conclave and listening to all the candidates from Region 3, as this was my first time at Conclave as a delegate. We had to arrive at the event at 8 am dress in professionally clothing, which I thought was too early but it was worth waking up early. One reason I had a lot of fun was because I kept asking the candidates questions during caucus. Caucus kept me entertained throughout Conclave and I personally had a great time! In addition, there was a famous tiktoker with 300k followers and my friend, Jasmine Tai and I even DoorDashed boba because we were so thirsty. Overall, Conclave is a great experience and one of my favorite events, as we get to witness the future of Key Club right before our eyes.

Victoria Tran | 11 | Secretary

During the month of December, our region held our conclave and elected our new LTG. AustinAlves, our LTG-elect will be leading our division towards a great term starting in April. I am very excited to serve as an officer in Key Club under this new leadership and hopefully, under a strong leadership position in my club. Pursuing a position on executive board, I am looking back and reflecting on my Key Club journey. Back in 9 th grade, I attended my first workshop on how to climb the Key Club ladder. Now, going for one of the biggest positions in the club, I think about how I really did it and learned so much along the way. I am excited for this new term and now as we approach February, I will continue to grow my passion, filling out the Member Recognition Program and going for distinguished secretary. This term went by a lot faster than I expected and considering the future of Key Club is a nerve wrecking yet nostalgic feeling.

Articles | 10


Katelyn Ngo | 11 | Publicist

AUHSD held their annual districtwide Servathon, but instead of having it on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, they decided to have it on the following Saturday. On this day, students all across the district engage in different acts of service in order to help their community, and usually clubs are the ones that host these volunteer activities. Oxford Academy Key Club partnered with Culinary Club once again this year to assemble peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to be donated to the local homeless shelter. Eager students woke up bright and early, full of spirit and enthusiasm, to come onto school on their weekend to participate in the variety of volunteer options given by different clubs on campus. Many members from both Culinary Club and Key Club joined us to prepare the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. We were given boxes of donations (peanut butter, jelly, bread) from members and officers of both clubs to use. There were tables set up, and each table was assigned a different task to do: spreading peanut butter, spreading jelly, assembling the two halves, packaging the sandwiches, or writing nice messages on the Ziploc bags. Every table did their job efficiently, and we were able to finish and box tons of sandwiches for the homeless shelter. In the end, we had a very successful turnout and a wonderful day of service.

Yuehanna Yuan | 10 | Historian

For this year ’ s servathon, key club partnered with culinary club as usual to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to donate to a shelter. This may seem like a normal annual event for most, but it marks a full year with key club for me! I remember last year ’ s Servathon when I decided to go to the Servathon event because my friends were going. It was actually my very first in person event! I thought the process would be boring because who likes spreading peanut butter and jelly on white bread over and over again? Well, as it turns out, me!! I loved the experience and time flew by as I chatted with my friends while doing the service event.

Ryan Dang | 11 | Project Chair

Although it’s never fun to wake up early on a weekend, Servathon was a very enjoyable experience that I do not regret going to. Even though I didn’t stay at the peanut butter and jelly station for the whole time, I had a blast meeting new members and underclassmen while I was there. From talking about school, similar hobbies, and even prior experiences, I felt a sense of community and family that I have never felt before outside of my home. This feeling did not just come from Key Club though, as my interactions with the members of other clubs who also love serving also made my day great! From Friends 4 Hope to OA HOSA, the kindness of their members and board really made me feel as if we are all one big family at Oxford.

Articles | 12


Lynne Ta | 12 | Project Chair

For the first time ever, Servathon was moved from MLK Day, to a Saturday. So on a bright Saturday morning, at 8 AM, Key Clubbers and Culinary Clubbers joined together to make PB&J sandwiches to donate to a shelter in Long Beach. We functioned as an assembly line, two tables spread peanut butter, two tables spread jelly, a table packaged, and a table decorated With the combined work of all the joiners, we were able to fill 5 boxes to donate towards shelters and provide food for the homeless community. The event was only 2 hours, but through it, we were able to make a substantial difference. Servathon is AUHSD’s commitment to bettering the lives of others, and it’s only 3 hours! So that means, it’s open to any Oxford Academy student – through a club of their liking. It’s a great way to gain community service hours and truly make an impact.

Rachel Kim | 11 | Publicist

On January 21st, all the schools in our district took part in the annual Servathon. On this annual day of service, many clubs at Oxford Academy hosted a variety of service projects to support and bring positivity to our community. This year, OA Key Club worked with Oxford’s Culinary Club to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for residential shelters. In total, our clubs were able to donate around 300 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to the homeless and those in need. Although I came slightly late, I donated some bags of bread and jars of peanut butter and jelly. Different from last year, we attempted an assembly line system where we were assigned to different jobs by tables Certain tables spread jelly, some spread peanut butter, others packaged the sandwiches, and others wrote uplifting notes. I helped with packaging the sandwiches and spreading peanut butter on slices of bread. At one point, we ran out of bread, like last year, so during that break time, I visited other clubs. For example, OA Art Club painted rocks and wrote messages to uplift and beautify the campus. The parents also served coffee and snacks in the quad. As I saw many people participating in these club activities and service events to help out the community, I realized how much a few hours of service could result in a bigger impact of making a change in the community. The sandwiches we made might not feel special to us, but to those people in need, the sandwiches probably brought smiles and happiness.

Articles | 13


It’s almost that time of the year once more… the time to choose our next District board at the annual District Convention, DCON! DCON is one of the biggest events in Key Club every year, as it’s where the future leaders of our district are chosen. I’ve always wanted to go to DCON, but due to past prices I’ve never been able to attend. Hopefully this year will be different.

Usually, members attending stay in hotels in the designated area. The location of the District Convention changes each year, but it is usually somewhere in Nevada or California, since we are in the California-Nevada-Hawaii District. Depending on availability and cost, I may be able to attend this incredible event where Key Clubbers from all over the District – people from Nevada, Hawaii, and all of California — come together under one roof for a series of fun experiences, insightful workshops, and beautiful memories!

To all the suns hesitating out there, I’d say go to DCON at least once in your Key Club journey. It’s an amazing experience and truly opens one ’ s eyes up the vastness and significance of Key Club International even on the District level. It’s definitely an experience not to miss!

Articles | 15

OAKC Board

PRESIDENT: Devanshi Kothari

VICE PRESIDENT(S): Kenneth Nguyen & Helen Tran

SECRETARY: Victoria Tran



PROJECT CHAIR(S): Ryan Dang & Lynne Ta

HISTORIAN(S): Brandon Duong, Janice Lee, Yuehanna Yuan

PUBLISIST(S): Rachel Kim & Katelyn Ngo

DLT Service Project Coordinator: Ryan Dang

Spirit Coordinator: Jonathan Nguyen

Historian: Brandon Duong

Publicity Coordinator: Katelyn Ngo

Member Recognition Chair: Megan Tran

Board | 16

Contact Us :))

Devanshi Kothari: -- devanshi3743@gmail.com

Kenneth Nguyen: -- kennethnguyen6296@gmail.com

Helen Tran: ------------ helentran734@gmail.com

Victoria Tran: -------- victoriattrann@gmail.com

Megan Tran: -------- megan.trann13@gmail.com

Kaylin Chan: -------- kkchn56@gmail.com

Rachel Kim: --------- rachelhk06@gmail.com

Katelyn Ngo: ------- katelynngo05@gmail.com

Ryan Dang: -------- ryandang1794@gmail.com

Lynne Ta: ----------- lynnetaa@gmail.com

Brandon Duong:--- bdbrandonduong@gmail.com

Janice Lee: ---------- ceojl28@gmail.com

Yuehanna Yuan: -- mailyuehannayuan@gmail.com

Jonathan Nguyen: ------ johnnynguyn05@gmail.com

Contact Us | 17
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