2 minute read


Katelyn Ngo | 11 | Publicist

AUHSD held their annual districtwide Servathon, but instead of having it on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, they decided to have it on the following Saturday. On this day, students all across the district engage in different acts of service in order to help their community, and usually clubs are the ones that host these volunteer activities. Oxford Academy Key Club partnered with Culinary Club once again this year to assemble peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to be donated to the local homeless shelter. Eager students woke up bright and early, full of spirit and enthusiasm, to come onto school on their weekend to participate in the variety of volunteer options given by different clubs on campus. Many members from both Culinary Club and Key Club joined us to prepare the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. We were given boxes of donations (peanut butter, jelly, bread) from members and officers of both clubs to use. There were tables set up, and each table was assigned a different task to do: spreading peanut butter, spreading jelly, assembling the two halves, packaging the sandwiches, or writing nice messages on the Ziploc bags. Every table did their job efficiently, and we were able to finish and box tons of sandwiches for the homeless shelter. In the end, we had a very successful turnout and a wonderful day of service.


Yuehanna Yuan | 10 | Historian

For this year ’ s servathon, key club partnered with culinary club as usual to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to donate to a shelter. This may seem like a normal annual event for most, but it marks a full year with key club for me! I remember last year ’ s Servathon when I decided to go to the Servathon event because my friends were going. It was actually my very first in person event! I thought the process would be boring because who likes spreading peanut butter and jelly on white bread over and over again? Well, as it turns out, me!! I loved the experience and time flew by as I chatted with my friends while doing the service event.

Ryan Dang | 11 | Project Chair

Although it’s never fun to wake up early on a weekend, Servathon was a very enjoyable experience that I do not regret going to. Even though I didn’t stay at the peanut butter and jelly station for the whole time, I had a blast meeting new members and underclassmen while I was there. From talking about school, similar hobbies, and even prior experiences, I felt a sense of community and family that I have never felt before outside of my home. This feeling did not just come from Key Club though, as my interactions with the members of other clubs who also love serving also made my day great! From Friends 4 Hope to OA HOSA, the kindness of their members and board really made me feel as if we are all one big family at Oxford.