OSA Annual Report FY20

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Letter from the Executive Director . . . . . . . 3 Towards 2021 and Beyond. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion . . . 6 OSA Creates from Home. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 OSA Student Demographics. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Financial Statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Donor Highlights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Student Highlights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 College Acceptances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Supporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Contact Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


A CHALLENGING YEAR WITH MANY ACHIEVEMENTS A L E T T E R F R O M O S A’ S N E W E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R , L I S A S H E R M A N - C O LT Dear OSA Supporters, Welcome to Oakland School for the Arts. It was in March of 2020 that we began remote teaching and learning. No one would have imagined at that time that we were on the brink of a triple pandemic of COVID-19, the economic crisis and the ongoing acts of racism throughout our country. Even with these incredible challenges, we continued to make grand achievements. • 99% of our Class of 2020 graduated and of those students, 95% applied to 2/4 year post-secondary programs. 100% of students who chose to apply to post-secondary programs received acceptance letters. • We are maintaining a 98% attendance rate while in remote learning. • Over 200 Chromebooks and 115 hotspots are being provided to students in need. • A year-long Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) plan has rolled out that examines all aspects of how the school operates and will result in creating a leadership role and an equity rubric for the school. • OSA is undergoing the accreditation process through the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). Our school community is taking part in this process. • We are designing a 3-year Strategic Plan for 2022-25 that focuses on setting goals, benchmarks and an action plan to our four pillars: Academic Excellence, Artistic Excellence, Community, and Sustainability. Our school community is taking part in the design process and adopting metrics for the plan to hold ourselves accountable. • We served 90 students in grades 5-8 who attend Oakland Title 1 schools through OSA’s Step it Up recruitment program. • We developed over 50 community partnerships with Oakland businesses, community not -for -profit organizations and educational organizations. Even as a confluence of unparalleled circumstances has become a part of our everyday lives, we are forging ahead with the OSA mission on behalf of our students, faculty, staff and community, to make OSA a leader in equitable instruction through the arts. I will continue to lead OSA with the vision that former Governor, then Mayor Jerry Brown, had when he opened OSA nineteen years ago. None of this would have been possible without your support. Thank you. It is an honor to serve as Executive Director for OSA. I hope you will enjoy reading our FY19-20 Annual Report. Thank you for your continued support for OSA.

Lisa Sherman-Colt Executive Director


LOOKING TOWARD 2021 AND BEYOND In Winter of 2020, OSA Leadership came together to draft new Mission and Vision statements to reflect the new charter.

MISSION Oakland School for the Arts is a diverse and inclusive public 6-12 charter school that blends immersive, robust arts with comprehensive academics, providing integrated opportunities for collaboration, expression, and personal growth.

VISION OSA students will be creative and critical thinkers who demonstrate a commitment to equity, community, collaboration, and self-reflection. Through meaningful engagement with pathwayintegrated curriculum and work-based learning opportunities, graduates will be resilient and ready for college and career. Alumni will exemplify the essential value of the arts in all they do.

C H A R T E R R E N E WA L OSA recently took a dramatic step in becoming a more diverse place to serve students. In our most recent charter renewal in January 2020, we removed the requirement for students to audition to attend OSA. This action will allow the school to reach students who may not have the formal background in the arts but would thrive in the OSA community. The school actively recruits through Step it Up, a program that provides underserved youth from local Title 1 elementary schools with specialized instruction in any OSA art program. Top: Artwork by Ajai Kasim from the Fashion Design department’s spring Lilac zine; bottom: Invitation for “Heart of Oakland” Spring 2020 fundraiser featuring art created by OSA students, cancelled due to the pandemic; opposite page, top: Visual Art faculty member Marina Perez-Wong with students in front of the new mural by Mission District-based Precita Eyes Muralists Association at the new Chase Center in San Francisco.



JUSTICE, EQUITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION In the Spring of 2020, the OSA community came together. Families, OSA staff, and students attended rallies and in solidarity marched together for a common PL A C E H Ocause— LDER IMAGES Black Lives Matter. We are proud of our teachers and students who expressed themselves through the painting of striking murals on our building and in the Uptown neighborhood. We take a stand as a school community to say that we do not tolerate racism. Resources were committed for the 2020-21 school year to the rollout of an expansive, year-long Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion plan designed to examine all aspects of how the school operates. This work will result in creating a leadership role as well as an equity rubric for the school that will be implemented in our next Strategic Plan.



Opposite page and above: Mural conceptualized by OSA Visual Art alum Rachel Dharmapalan & OSA Fashion student Mooka Dharmapalan, and installed with help from Pablo Cristi, Chair of OSA Visual Art, and fellow OSA students.

Above: Images created by OSA students in response to Black Lives Matter actions which took place across the country in mid-2020.


UNIFYING LEADERSHIP This year, Dr. Dianne Woods stepped into the Vice Chair role on OSA’s Board of Directors. And, while we have always had parent representation on our Board, we have now enshrined this value in our charter to include 3 voting seats for parents of current students and 1 non-voting seat for a student representative. OSA welcomed Lisa Sherman-Colt as Executive Director in March of 2020. As the Executive Director of Oakland School for the Arts, Mrs. Sherman-Colt’s responsibilities include leadership and accountability for the success and quality of all educational programs; management of personnel; oversight of financial planning; management of communications; maintenance of relationships with OUSD and oversight of OSA’s operations. Mike Oz, former Assistant Principal, is now all-school Principal. Katy Zaugg, former Dean of Students is now Assistant Principal, and Anna Deroos moved into our Dean of Students role. Arlyle Schultz moved into a Head Counselor role. OSA welcomed Sara Ordaz as OSA’s new Special Education Coordinator. Their all-school leadership will allow OSA to be more responsive to student needs and school-wide demands.

NEW ADVISORY PROGRAM In 2019-2020, the school piloted a new Advisory program which included a special period each week designed to support students and connect the greater school community. Teachers and staff were each designated an Advisory class, and overall there were 53 Advisory groups. The OSA Advisory program promotes meaningful relationships between staff and students while providing a structure to integrate all students into our school community. Advisory is designed to help balance academic success with emotional and physical well-being for all students. Structured meetings include academic conferencing, community building, social/emotional learning and college and career readiness.

INTERSESSION OSA’s second-ever Intersession in January 2020 was a great success. All students and staff spent the day fully immersed in new activities, experiencing different communities through exploration, team building, community service or personal growth opportunities. These activities help students learn more about their community, explore art and history, engage in new physical activities, and develop personal goals. Students chose from over 40 different projects and activities that were planned based on interest, grade level and local community resources. A few of the offerings included: a tour of Wired Magazine, a field trip to Oakland Museum of California, a bike ride across the Golden Gate Bridge, an adventure on Angel Island, a Design Squad workshop, a self-care workshop, skateboarding with Principal Mike Oz, and so much more! Intersession is indeed a large all-school and community effort. Special thanks to our community partners, our faculty and staff for sharing their experience and personal interests with OSA students, and OSA donors for helping make this day accessible for all students! Above: Skateboarding at Town Park; opposite page: OSA’s student-run radio station www.KOSA.org headed up by Program Director Jonah Rotenberg, Music Director, Avalina Santos, and staff. 8



19% Hispanic/ LatinX

36% White 19% African American 19% Hispanic/LatinX 18% Two or more races 8% Asian

WHERE OSA STUDENTS LIVE 60% of the students OSA serves are from Oakland. The remaining 40% come from all over the Bay Area. In total, OSA served students from 46 different cities in the 2019-2020 school year.

18% Two or more races

19% African American

8% Asian

GENDER About 65% of OSA’s student population identify as female, 34% as male, and 1% as nonbinary.

36% White

STEP IT UP OSA’s Step it Up program served 90 students in 2019-20. The program provides students in grades 5 through 8, who reside in the City of Oakland and who attend Title 1 schools that lack arts education, with free instruction in one of several different arts disciplines: Visual Art, Theatre, Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Digital Media, Dance, Literary Arts and Production Design. Participants learn foundational and technical skills, and are taught by professional artists, teachers and student assistants. They also learn audition techniques and portfolio-building skills. 10


2019-20 Unaudited Actuals


General Block Grant $6,815,251 Federal Revenue $134,199 Other State Income $1,514,325 Local Revenue $671,848 Donations and Grants $717,096 School Generated Income $61,179 Rental Income $102,729 Misc Income $55,855 Total Revenues $10,072,482

EXPENSES Certificated Employees $3,765,298 Classified Employees $2,148,843 Total Employee Benefits $1,577,967 Total Books and Supplies $399,391 Total Services and Other Operating $2,218,094 Total Expenses $10,109,593

*Does not include prepaid rent expense


DONOR HIGHLIGHTS ANNUAL FUND OSA’s generous Annual Fund donors raised a remarkable $452,930 for the school. The Annual Fund is the backbone of fundraising at OSA, garnerin critical support for faculty salaries, arts supplies, equipment, and technology. It helps us to close the gap between public funding and what it costs to provide each student with a unique OSA education. We saw 54% family participation in the Annual Fund in 2019-20. Opposite page, top: 2020 Jazz Combo “The Messengers” performing at the Annul Fund Kick-Off Concert in October 2019; opposite page, bottom: A look from Sweet’s Ballroom onto The Uptown. OSA partnered with The Uptown Nightclub to host our Annual Fund Kick-Off fundraiser.

BANDCAMP OSA is honored to be supported by Bandcamp, whose headquarters is across the street from the school in downtown Oakland. For many years, Bandcamp has helped to underwrite OSA’s Step it Up program, and has generously provided their space to host fundraising events for OSA. In January 2020, OSA hosted a live “Off the Table” production to help raise funds for the school. OSA’s “Off the Table” is a take on NPR’s Tiny Desk series. It is filmed, recorded and produced by a team of OSA students to highlight the powerful creative culture of Oakland youth. Pendarvis Harshaw, host of KQED ARTS Rightnowish, compared OSA’s Off the Table to NPR’s Tiny Desk concert series, “but even better” [because], “you’re getting the chance to look at the next wave of talent out of the Bay Area.” OSA Student, Oliver Tuttle was the artist featured the day Harshaw recorded the Rightnowish episode.

G I V I N G T U E S D AY OSA students and faculty came together in support of Giving Tuesday—a global day of giving—on December 3, 2019. Together, the community raised $25,000 to go toward Chromebook purchases. This effort helped us significantly in getting closer to our goal of having a 1:1 student/Chromebook ratio.



OSA CREATES FROM HOME In response to the global pandemic of COVID-19, OSA created the “OSA Creates from Home” Emergency Relief Fund and raised over $200,000 to help recover some of the revenue lost due to canceled fundraising events, performances, exhibits, and other traditional appeals. The idea was that even though our building was closed and the lights out, “the show must go on!”. During this time, the school swiftly transitioned into remote teaching and learning. Left, and opposite page: While in shelter-in-place, students created a range of work that reflected their experiences of being in remote learning. Examples include visual artwork that was produced, complex pieces strung together in Instrumental Music, fashion zines, virtual Digital Media galleries, and virtual Theatre performances and Literary Arts readings.

STUDENT HIGHLIGHTS S C H O L A R S H I P AWA R D Class of 2020 Ajai Kasim Wilborn (right) was awarded a GUCCI Changemakers Scholarship. It goes to 2 diverse graduating high school seniors who plan to study fashion design at an accredited four-year college or university. The award is up to $20,000 per year for four years for both selected scholars.

ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Chachi Delgado, 2019 graduate (Theatre) plays the voice of the main character in the Disney Plus Short, Loop , which focuses on a girl with autism and a chatty boy learning to understand each other. The short was released on Disney+ on January 10, 2020.



COLLEGE ACCEPTANCES CLASS OF 2020 Congratulations to the Class of 2020, with 95% of those students applying to 2/4 year post-secondary programs. 100% of students who chose to apply to postsecondary programs received acceptance letters.

( A C C E P T E D / AT T E N D I N G ) Berklee School of Music 4/2 Brooklyn College 1/0 California Institute of the Arts 2/1 California State Universities: CSU East Bay 2/0 CSU Fullerton 3/0 CSU Long Beach 7/1 CSU Northridge 2/0 CSU San Diego 1/0 CSU San Marcos 1/0 Cal Poly State 2/1 Humboldt State 3/1 Sacramento State 2/0 San Diego State 3/0 San Francisco State 4/0 San José State 2/0 Sonoma State 3/1 California College of the Arts 1/2 California Jazz Conservatory 2/1 Carnegie Mellon University 1/0 University of Cincinnati 1/0 University of Colorado Boulder 1/1 University of Colorado Denver 1/0 Columbia College of Chicago 11/1 Concordia University Montreal 1/1 Cornish School of the Arts 1/0 DePaul University 1/0


Emerson College 2/1 Evergreen State College 3/4 Fashion Institute of Technology 3/2 Fordham University 1/0 George Washington University 1/0 Gettysburg College 1/0 University of Hawaii at Hilo 1/0 University of Hawaii at Manoa 2/0 Hillsdale College 1/1 Howard University 1/1 University of Iowa 1/1 Jacobs University Bremen 1/0 University of Kansas 1/0 Kenyon College 1/0 University of La Verne 1/0 Long Island University 1/0 Louisiana State University 2/0 Loyola University Chicago 1/0 Loyola Marymount University 2/0 Loyola University New Orleans 5/0 Manhattan School of Music 1/0 Maryland Institute College of Art 1/1 Marymount Manhattan College 1/0 New Jersey Institute of Technology 1/0 The New School 8/3 New York Conservatory of Dramatic Arts 1/1

New York University 4/2 Occidental College 3/1 University of Oregon 1/1 Otis College of Art and Design 2/1 Pace University 3/2 Pacific Northwest College of Art 1/1 Pacific University 1/0 University of the Pacific 3/0 Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University 1/0 Point Park University 1/0 Portland State University 1/0 Pratt Institutet 3/1 Purchase College 1/0 Reed College 3/0 Roosevelt University 1/0 Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1/0 Rutgers University 1/0 San Francisco Conservatory of Music 1/1 University of San Francisco 1/0 School of the Art Institute of Chicago 4/0 School of Visual Art 0/1 Skidmore College 1/0 Stanford University 1/1 University of Southern California 3/0 Southern Methodist University 2/1 St. Mary’s College 4/1 Temple University 1/0 Towson University 1/0 Union College 1/0 University of California: UC Berkeley 5/1 UC Davis 6/2 UC Irvine 2/1 UC Los Angeles 7/4 UC Merced 2/0 UC San Diego 6/0 UC Santa Barbara 6/2 UC Santa Cruz 11/4 Willamette 1/0 University of Wisconsin 1/1


THANK YOU TO OSA SUPPORTERS FISCAL YEAR 2019/2020 Donations to OSA support a new generation of creative Bay Area youth. OSA relies on this funding each year to make our immersive arts education possible for our nearly 800 students. We are grateful for the support of many OSA families and other individuals in our community, foundations, and corporations. The following is a list of our Supporters who have made gifts of $1 and greater. + Matching Gift

• Recurring Gifts

LEA D ER ’ S C IR C L E $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 + Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock CrankStart Foundation BENEFACTO R ’ S C I RC L E $ 25 ,0 0 0+ Alma Gaoaen Another Planet Entertainment PATR O N’ S C IR C L E $ 10 , 0 0 0+ Denny Abrams Libitzky Family Foundation Pixar Animation Studios Quest Foundation T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc. Walt Disney Foundation + CUR ATO R ’ S C IRC L E $ 5 ,0 0 0+ Bandcamp Inc. Brie Gallagher and Derek Cedars + Chevron Humankind + David Devlin Elizabeth Gazzano + Jennifer and Robert Russ + Kelli and Jeff Brown + • Margaret Naraghi-Quattrin Philippa Roberts-Porter and Brian Porter Sharon and Christophe Le Duy • The Darwish Family Charitable Fund The Lutes and Abrons Family Fund Wells Fargo Foundation + Thank you, to all of our Anonymous Donors!


L E A D E RS H I P C I R C L E $2 5 0 0+ Aerial Contrivance Workshop • Albert and Shauna Olson Hong Andrea Ruport Angelica and Eric Matsuno Anne Ashbey and Louis Pierotti Anne McSilver + Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Benchmark Pizzeria, Inc. BlackRock, Inc. + Buddy James • Carla and Patrick Feely • Chris Stubbs and Sandy Swing Cindy and Thomas Lawrence Dr. Susanna Gordon and Eli Rotenberg Elisa Edwards Eric Ettlinger Flora Family Foundation Jaime Maldonado and Cindy Ng • Jane Greenberg and Albert Dicruttalo Janeen Smith-Mesa and Luis Mesa + • Janine Kovac • Jean-Francois Racine and Anne Hebert Johannes and Isabella von Sichart Josh and Anita Rotenberg Julie-Ann Cesareo and Tim Dense Karima Cammell and Duncan Brown Katherine Marx and Carl Stein Kelley Lamsens and Gustavo Manriquez Kim Collins and Jim Capobianco + Leo and Rebecca Levenson Lisa and Nicholas Triantafyllos Mally Arad and Sally Emeson

Martijn Cohen and Valerie Hamill Mary Gomes and Allen Kanner Matthew and Jennifer Crossland Michael and Amy Barr Michelle Sicula and Ruben Sundeen Milica Mitrovich and John Missing Naila and Ryan Jenson Nancy Malone and Bruce Brubaker Natasha Haugnes and John Tuttle Nelson and Mika Max Romy Falck and Julian Fountain • Sara Barrios Soo Zee Park and Peter Birkholz Teresa Taylor and John Metellus The Walt Disney Company + Thomas Levy and Yasmin Anwar Tipping Point Community V I RT U O S O C I R C L E $ 1 50 0 + Alex and Haleh Cunningham + • Angela and Dan Engel • Anna Kartavenko Anonymous Bright Research Group Catherine and Chad Kassirer + • Catherine Payne and Thai Nguyen Christine Chan and Peter Chung • Daphne Wilkerson + • Debra Roisman Dehaan & Associates Construction Consulting Inc. Dell Technologies + Dr. Jason and Patricia Crane • Dr. Sonja and Damone Poole • Eifler Morello-Frosch Fund Elizabeth Lyons and Jeff Thompson • Eric and Pamela Trawick

Gilead Sciences Inc. + Google Matching Gifts + Heather and Mark Thornsley Heather Siglin and Maurice William Osser + Henry Massie Family Charitable Trust Jasmine Brown and Concesi Civela Iyanvwa Jeffrey Eckber Jennifer and James MacDaniel • Karen M. McClinchey and Bartosz M. Jaworski + Karen Morfin Laura Babitt Michael Lande and Heidi Brueckner Paul Greyson • Peter Domingo Ruth and Marc Halpern • Shannon and Rob Adkins Siddharth Kiyawat SiriusXM + Sven and Karin Jensen + Valerie Chan William A. and Sherrie Millichap A RTISA N C IR C L E $ 5 0 0+ Aaron Terrell and Amber Richardson • Adobe Systems Inc. + Alan Young Amanda Brown-Stevens • Amy Smith and Michael Harrison Anchor Electric Inc Anders and Susan Pers Andrea and Jay Dodge Ann Kawamoto Anna Gruver and Marcia Raymond Annie Hope and Mark Csikszentmihalyi April Stevenson Asonda Adams • Atlassian Inc + Audrey and Andy Menconi • Benjamin Doyle and Anna Kingsley • Beth Vandervennet and Tim Carless Brenton Cheng and Terese Gjernes • Brian Leonard and Eli Olson + Carin and Robert Ramsey + • Chanthal Lasso and Kwabena Stewart Charmain and RJ Harrison + Christine and Jeffrey Nygaard Claudia Hung-Haas and Jengiz Haas

Courtney Little • Daniel and Victoria Chapman • David and Nancy Gersh David and Stacy Eisenmann + Deidre T. Martin and Peter Yaroschuk Denise and David Weinstein • Donna and Jody De Souza + • Donny and Sarah Closson + Ed Bray + Efrat Rafaeli and Charles Doell Emil Palacios + Emma Coleman Eric Schweickert Erica and Dan Kolodny • Erica Tanov and Steven Emerson • Erin Kennedy • Evie Ladin Fawn and Thomas Downs Fieldwork Film Company Gay Luster and Omega Brooks George Woods Gretchen Schuessler and Richard Danielson • Guy Gayle Herivelto and Maria R. Pereira • Holly and James Jansen • Holly Trejo Hua Peng Igor Gasowski Jacqueline Musich Jamilah Sanchez and Esau Sanchez-Diaz Jane Henderson and Kevin Shea • Jason and Michele Blackwell Jeffrey and Romy Douglass + Jennifer and John Lyell Jessica Natkin and Blair Biddle Jo Ann Aita and Jason Lockwood Joni Luce and Anthony Baraceros • Jora Trang and Naru Kwina • Joshua Evju and Ingrid Mozerova Julie and Jon Boe Juliet Bashore and Chris Walker Karen and Daniel Shows • S U P P O RT E R ’ S C I R C L E $1 - $4 9 9 AbbVie Employee Engagement Fund + Abby and Ariel Klein Adam and Dana Blankman Adam and Katie Kleinberg

Alexander Abajian and Juniper Bauch Alexandra Leban and Helga Sigvaldadottir Alisha Blau and Eric Braun Allison and Boudewijn Vonk Amalie Hazelton and Scott Hewitt • Amanda Alba and Shawn Davis Amber Frazier Amber Heyer-Rasmussen Amy and John Gaerlan Amy Cosentino and Tom Tillotson Amy Langer Anand Ammaiappan + Andrea Mahoney Anita Hong Anna Burrell + • Antoine and Benny Jude Isla Apple Inc. + AT&T Employee Giving Campaign + Audrea Butler Acuna and Armando Acuna Autodesk - USA + Avery Trufelman Ayanna and Revell Jackson Baby Djojonegoro • Barb McClung and Katherine Culberg • Barbara Luck and Charles Aquilina Belinda Morris and Tony Brunello Belky Iliana Escobar Betty Evans Beverley Shniffer Biliana Stremska • Bobbie and Daniel Fernandez Bonnie and Paul Shea Brian Schwartz Brittany Walker Pettigrew BZ Lewis • Camille Calica Carl and Olga Pezold • Carly and Michael Reynolds • Carol Seine-Gahm Carole Ruwart Carrie Kessler Catherine and Frank Mercurio Catherine Kuzmeski Catherine Revon Celeste Neal Celia Bueb Chairman Morey Riordan Charles Idelson Chel Svendsgaard + •


Cheri and Dan Robertson Chiyo Nukaga and Richard Jacobus Christen McFarland Christina Moraes and Evan Reeves • Christine Atkins Christopher Haag Cindy Goldfield and Stephen Leigh Eskew Claire Chen-Carter Clarence Berger-Greer • Claudia Bastias and Helder Pinto Claudia Flores de la Cruz Claudia Florian-McCaffrey and John McCaffrey • Cliff Flamer and Molly Glockler Colorado Kagan and Mitch Costanza Community Health Charities Constance Ford Cristina Snider Crystal Charity Cynthia and Greg Stewart Dandelion Harris Dane Moore • David Olson David Smith Denise Doyle • Denise Norris Denise Simard Desiree and Anthony King Diana Schneider Dorothy Steele Dr. Geoffrey Watson and Carolyn Watson Dr. Greg Feist Dr. Michael De Rosa Dylan Ousley Eisenmann Architecture + Elaine Fajardo Elena Brignole • Elizabeth Tucciarone • Engine Works Inc. Eric Johnson Erik Miller and Dinah Mattick • Erika Artis + • Erika Cockrell Erin Berwick + Erin Collom Erin Klenow Farzana Yaqubi Francoise Lang Genia Blam


Gianna Abondolo and Francisco Mayo Ginger Rose Gloria T. Downs Gonzalo Erausquin Google + Halima Hanif Heather and Andrew Gersh • Hip Online + Hisae Matsuda and Robert Wade-Erickson Hoa On Howard Feight and Tamar Etziony • Hyun Joo Chung and Darren Kim Ingrid Simone Patrick Ingrid Stebbins Ivy Tom and George Chan Jackson Fountain James Walker Janet Hunter + • Janice Oliver Jason Overton • Jean Lutwak Jenna and Chris Bates • Jennifer and Gregory Duff Jennifer Lambert • Jennifer Parker + Jennifer Raven-Harris + • Jenny and Jenny Wong-Stanley • Jenny Carless Jerry and Barbara Schauffler Jessica Lefebvre Jessica Turner Jill Detweiler and Ben Clemens Jill Hartman Jillian Buckley JoAnne and Mitch Tobias Jodie Ruland and Brian Linde + • John McCaffrey John Seibold Joie Toscano Jonathan and Richard J. Mayer Jonathan Benitez Karen Breslau Kathryn Massie Kisha and Severan Grove • Lana and Andrew Hurteau Larry Schenkman Laurel Katz Lila Sklar Harrison and Benjamin Conrad Lillian Lujan + •

Linda and Don Malone Linda Jaskol and Steve Maclauchlan LinkedIn + Lisa Chapnerkar • Lubica and Milan Hanacek Mariaelena and Christopher Quale • Mariposa Baking Martha Lyman and Francis Upton, IV. • Mary Krenn Mary Mathaisell and Scott Johnson Mary Moran Michael Baus and Lorraine Dillon Mindy Rousseau and Efren Franco Mireya Albarran and Daniel Sanchez-Glazer Naomi Davis • Natalia Aurrekoetxea and Stefan Galvez-Abadia • Nicole Jurjavcic Nimaljeet and Cesar Tarango Oakland Art Association Oportun + Philanthropic Ventures Foundation Pouneh and Lorenz Trockle Pramod Joshi Randi Gallenson Rhush Wanigatunga • Robert and Debra Sopkic • Robert C. and Diane Douglass Roberto Montoya + Rolf Nelson and Maria Grazia De Angelis Nelson • Ross Gives Back + Rune and Renee Hoyer-Nielsen Sara and Josh Sens • Sarah Baughn Sarah Gort Sarah Young • Sergio De La Torre • Sharon Green Sherna Perez and Jose Perez-Valls • Steve Chabon Steven and Betsy Borg • Susan Ketchner and Ben Schwartz • Susan Sekler and Greg Gurnick T.L. McMillian-Lipner and Matt Lipner Tami Driver and Evan James Palmer • Tammy Cheney Taoming Gan The Daily Method Berkeley Thera Kalmijn

Toby and Lauren Abom • Tom Malarkey and Nicole Newnham Toshihiko Takeuchi Velibor Mandic and Anita Sulimanovic • Vincent and Bettina Minoue Visa + Ward and Pat Thompson Wei-Ling Huber • William Dougherty Williams Sonoma + Xochitl Henninger • Jonathan Schainker and Amber Doyle Josephine Gaytan Josh Shaw and Cigdem Cogur Joshua Pearl and Sophina Vong • Joshua Phillips and Kirsten Dahl Josue Landa Julie Kleinman and Mewail Berhe Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Campaign + Karen Smith and Jordan Shapiro Karry Walker Katherine Alice and David Anthony Gillman Kathleen Barrett Kathryn and Bruno Kark Kathryn Kumisca Katy Nunez-Adler and Jorge Nunez • Katya Min and Paul Kim Keiko Kanayama and Furkan Khan Kelly and Ed Henderson Kenneth and Yulia McCall Kian Ahmadian + Kim and Shane Donahue Kim Johnson Kim Kvarda Kim McDonald and Martin de Jesus Kimberlee Koym-Murteira Kirsten Saxton and Karl Garcia Kristopher Davis Kusum Crimmel Laila Villaume and Daryl Gault Lana Tillis • Larisa Brothers and Obadiah Butterworth • Latoya Carnegie and Rodney Harps Laura and Joshua deLeon Laura Katz Lavonne Brighton Leah Lampley and Homayoun Saffarian

Leona Toves • Leora Barzell-Weber and Rebecca Weber Levi Strauss & Co. + Linda and Max Geiser • Lisa and Lance Perry Lisa Oberg and Scott Marshall Cohen Lori and Robert Ortiz Lourdes Haro and Cesar Barravino Mara and Steve Penny Margaret and Paul Salop Margaret Huang Margie Callado and Jannel Ray Maria and Jose Romero Maria Grazia De Angelis Marissa Jones-Friedman Mark Foxton + • Mark Serr Photography Inc. • Martha and Scott Wojno Martha Olney and Esther Hargis Mary Lucus-Flannery and Brian Flannery Mathias Schmidt Mawiyah Johnson Mela Saunders Melinda Jackson and Abdul Kargbo Mere Longwood Meredith Orthwein Michael Hedrick and Julie Glass Michelle Trattner • Molly Marion • Molly Morelock Myoko and Jeffrey Burr Myra Mitzman and Richard Doty Myrtha Fils-Aime Nancy Forsberg Naomi Azriel Nicole Neditch Nicole Silver Nikki Bas and Brad Erickson • Norma Kaufman • Oracle Corporation + OSA Facebook Donations Pacific Gas & Electric Employee Giving + Pamela Masten Patrice St. Arnaud and Victoria Johnson Paul and Jeanne Doty Paul Wagenblast

FY 2019-2020 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Elise Darwish, Chair Steven Borg, Vice Chair Michael Barr, Treasurer Milica Mitrovich, Secretary Dr. Dianne Rush Woods, PhD Buddy James, DMA Theresa Mak Jonathan Dharmapalan Carol Isen

Contact Us: Kathryn Keslosky Director of Advancement (510) 873-8819 kkeslosky@oakarts.org



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