THE HUB Magazine, January 2020

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Cover Photo: Monique Gerber


I had the opportunity to interview Penny McDonald, co-owner and manager of the Rack and Q, sports bar, billiards and cafe, located at 65 Norfolk Street in Simcoe. Penny is not only a woman managing a business in Simcoe, she is also a mom. Family means the world to her, and they come first. Penny says, “It’s all about family, my children, 8 grandchildren, and husband. They come first.” I asked Penny what inspired her to open a business in Simcoe. Penny said, “It was an opportunity that fell in my lap, and I went with it,” and “it turned into a family run business.” Q: What other jobs have you worked? A: I managed Country Coffee in Waterford for 15 years, and I have been a bookkeeper. Q: What kind of future do you want for your establishment? A: I worked hard to make this a respectable establishment in this community. There has been a 100% change, and there is mutual respect and trust for my customers and me. Q: What kind of activities do you have at Rack and Q?


A: I hosted a Christmas Dinner for my regular customers and people in the community that did not have anywhere to go for Christmas dinner. Everyone was Welcome! We just built a new DJ booth. We have our regular dances on Fridays, and we are starting Karaoke on Saturday nights from 9-2. Q: Do you like your job? A: I love my job, there is nothing about it that I do not love. I am a people person. Everyone is welcome, local residents, tourists and seasonal workers. Q: What are your hopes for the future of Simcoe’s downtown core? A: I feel that a good job is already happening. I was born and raised in Simcoe, I know people and they know me. I have never had any damage to my business, and I have flower pots outside, and they stay there throughout the season, no one damages the property. There is mutual respect.


Thanks so much, Penny for taking the time to meet with me to do this interview. I am sure that people in Norfolk will find your story very interesting and I recommend people popping in sometime and see the changes! SP O NSO R ED BY: TIL L SO NBU RG K I A & SIM CO E VO L K S WAGEN

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learning experience! Randy continues to be one of the top local DJ’s in the county and if you are preparing for an event this coming year, now is the time to consider booking Randy. Take the time to give a listen!

20/20 WITH RANDY You can listen to Boomer Music Experience, a monthly audio podcast featuring Randy Halmo, at We are set to begin the second year of our show in which Randy and I step back in time to discuss the history of Rock 'n' Roll.


NAtIONAL PRESIDENt’S AwARD A fantastic part about working with Randy RANDY HALMO wINNINg PROFESSIONAL DJ is his encyclopedia-like mind that seems to “Entertainment as Unique and Professional DJ Individual as You Are” know the dates and times of places of some Phone: 519-583-9771 / Email: RANDY HALMO / 519-426-4750 519.426.4750 of the most famous music events that PROFESSIONAL have MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PROFESSIONAL DJ ASSOCIATION D.J. or call 519.583.9771 happened in the last 50+ years. It is always a •



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THANK YOU! Last month I had the privilege to work with two outstanding folks from Norfolk, Chris Atkins (One Media) and Dean Rainey (Rainey Media). The three of us worked together and created the video 'Twas the Night Before Christmas… in Norfolk! Chris and I have had the opportunity to work together on many local videos since 2013. Chris is an amazing editor, producer and cameraman. Chris has travelled all over the world filming, from Siberia (a documentary on reindeer) to Afghanistan (interviewing seven women who had escaped from ISIS). He is currently filming a TV show in Israel. This is just a small sample of his work. His passion for helping others and his ability to create and tell stories is truly a talented gift. Dean has done it all from CNN to National Geographic, directing and producing shows for both. He has also travelled the world over and like Chris works from his home base in Norfolk County. Dean's vision for beyond the norm and his attention to detail serves him well in the media industry. I have to say, it was such a wonderful opportunity to work with these two professionals, creating 'Twas the Night Before Christmas... in Norfolk. The video itself has well over 33,000 views, and the behind the scenes video is over 4000. The concept was a simple one, just have fun with local businesses reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, adding their own product in, with the three of us frantically trying to keep the process moving and creating a few laughs along the way. ALL three of us donated our time and in exchange, we asked the businesses to make a financial donation to their local food bank. We felt this was an excellent opportunity to give back to our community and a wonderful Christmas present while reminding folks to shop local! Dean Rainey (Rainey Media) (519) 427-9282

Chris Atkins (One Media) (905) 902-5735

Dave Scott (Hub Media) (519) 429-2567

Chris Atkins

144 Queensway East Simcoe • 519-426-3010 •

with marie The hypnosis I perform at New Leaf Hypnosis Centre is not what you would see on stage. I use behaviour modification hypnosis. Hypnosis is a safe and effective way to change existing negative behaviours. Hypnosis can be performed for/to: • stop smoking • weight management • eliminate fears • stress management • improve self confidence • pain management • athletic improvement • academic improvement • breaking habits Basically, any behaviour you would like to change can be achieved through hypnosis. How does hypnosis work to change behaviours? All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The hypnotist is the guide or leader. You are really the one doing it. All of us have experienced hypnosis like states in our lives. Have you ever arrived in your driveway and wondered where the last 8 blocks went? This is a hypnotic state. Nearly everyone can be hypnotized. Through a FREE consultation, the potential client and I discuss the behaviour, do a small hypnosis test and decide if hypnosis is a good fit for this client. It is important to know that the goal at the end of all my programs is to teach the client to perform self hypnosis for use when they are done their program. I use a variety of proven techniques with hypnosis, positive suggestions, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), audio programs to listen to at home. I do NOT do past lives or regression therapy.

Success with hypnosis depends on several variables which include the motivation, cooperation, attitude and attendance of the client. As personalities vary, so does the length of sessions. All programs are customized to each client to ensure the success of the client. Clients receive a written guarantee that it is 100% confidential. WHAT IS SAID IN SESSION STAYS IN SESSION. I am often asked why I got into this random field. After having a successful career in Esthetics, then at a helping, non-profit agency, I just wanted to retire and enjoy life. A close friend became inflicted with an undiagnosed (as of yet) condition which has her in a wheelchair without use of her legs. She is in constant pain and has unbearable muscle spasms. I wanted to help her somehow. Sitting holding her hand and trying to distract her just wasn’t cutting it any more. I had used hypnosis 10 years ago for weight loss and thought, why not give this a try? Hypnosis would not interfere with any of her other treatments and medications. With hypnosis, what did she have to lose but the pain? When she receives a treatment, it is very effective for her, and she is able to achieve restful much-needed sleep. I am now working on teaching her self hypnosis so she can do this when she needs to. I thought, if she was having great results with her pain management and I am having great progress with weight loss, maybe others could benefit too. That’s how New Leaf Hypnosis Centre was born. For information on hypnosis and how it can help you, contact me, and we will set up a FREE consultation. I am glad to answer any questions you may have. No commitments. 519-420-7911 Facebook & Instagram @newleafhypnosiscentre





IT'S DECISION TIME What to do? We are in the midst of that change in season time. The end of October marked the beginning of cold, winter weather conditions. Many anglers still had their boat ready to hit the water when time would permit. For those stream anglers, plenty of Pacific salmon and migratory rainbow and brown trout were in the river systems and eager to take a bait offering. In fact, steelhead (migratory rainbow trout), were providing great surface action within some rivers in southwestern Ontario. A fly angler’s dream! It appeared nature was going to be so kind as to extend these fishing opportunities.

Then November arrived! Its arrival brought colder air temperatures, wind and precipitation, either as heavy rain or wet snow. Ice was starting to form along the river’s edge and on lakes. Now, what to do!?

I was obtaining ice condition reports from knowledgeable anglers in northern Ontario. They were putting their boats into winter hibernation mode waiting for safe ice. In this part of the province, southern Ontario, many anglers were hoping for milder temperatures to return to still launch their boats or to fish rivers without their fishing rod guides freezing solid. If you were a river angler, as well as a boating angler, as well as an ice angler, confusion set in. What to do! What to wish for! I know many a fisher person who wrangled with these scenarios. It is tough at this time of the year, with these type of weather conditions, to absolutely decide where to concentrate your fishing efforts. Then late into November and early December, we received some moderation in the weather. What has this meant? There are still many an angler in their boats fishing open water for mostly walleye, pike, trout and salmon species. With great success for those that persevered. The rivers lost their shore ice, and therefore stream anglers were smiling once again.

No matter what your water, flowing, hard, or lake, exercise caution. Everything is in a state of transformation. No matter what, the water temperature is extremely cold. If you happen to slip or fall in, hypothermia is minutes away. Dress appropriately for the weather conditions at the moment, as well as later into the day/evening. Layering is the best method. Dress comfortably. Make sure the clothing selection allows you to conduct the activity with ease of movement. Mitts are warmer than gloves, so if possible, choose them. Take both if there are times gloves are better suited to the angling technique. If deciding to venture onto ice for the first time, check for the thickness of the ice. Remember four inches is the minimum required for walking onto the ice. Six inches is definitely better. Watch for areas in front of incoming and outgoing flowing water. The ice will definitely be weaker (thinner) than abutting ice. Keep a lookout for wet spots and pressure cracks as you are heading out. These are definitely indicators of ice that is not safe. If boating, ensure your engine and all equipment attached to, and within the boat, is functioning properly. This is a must as you will encounter very few others on the water. Emergency aid could be hours away. Notify family or friends of your destination and approximate time of departure and return. If you are wading in flowing waters to fish, make sure the waders do not leak. Over the years, I have guided clients who adamantly stressed their waders did not leak, only to find out the hard way, that they in fact did. It can result in a very short, limited amount of time on the water as nothing gets colder than toes, and if they are extremely cold, this could severely affect your ability to walk back to the starting point. In these cases, it was foolish as I supply non-leaking waders. In all scenarios, always take a fully charged phone, in a waterproof case/bag, and a change of clothes. Have fun out there but practice safe methods. Happy New Year! Larry can be reached at

serving Lake erie Boaters for over 60 years


487 Q ueensway st w. s imcoe




HYDRATION FOR ULTRAS PURE WATER IS THE WORLD’S FIRST AND FOREMOST MEDICINE. “Don’t forget to drink water so you can stay hydrated while you suffer.” -Fellow Competitor In his first ultra race in 1980, Barney Klecker ran 50 miles in 4 hours 51 minutes setting a world record that remained an American best until 2019. During that event, according to his recounting, he consumed a grand total of 4 ounces of fluids. In 1982, Alberto Salazar, the number one rated marathoner in the world at the time, won the Boston Marathon by 2 seconds in the famous Duel in the Sun. On that warm, sunny day, he drank a total of 3 ounces of water. Salazar never ran that well again. I myself have a long history of not drinking adequately. I rarely drank water during over 30 years of long days teaching and coaching. I was wellknown among my Georgetown Runners team-mates for often completing our long summer runs of up to 35 km without carrying liquids. Finally, my friend John took to carrying mixed drink bottles for both of us. For me, it was simply that I did not like wearing a fuel belt or carrying a hand-held bottle when I ran. Today there is much more scientific information about hydrating readily available for all athletes. The topic is addressed repeatedly in running groups and for sports teams. My own journey toward good hydration has been slow. My knowledge exceeds my actions. However, I am determined to do better as I attempt to set a new age-group 6 Day record in May 2020.

The human body is about 50 – 70 % water. You are constantly losing water from sweat, urine and even minor leaks like the moisture in a breath. Many years ago, the prevailing advice to endurance athletes was to avoid drinking fluids during competition as they would likely cause stomach upset and probably wouldn’t be absorbed into the system until after the race was completed. The Boston Marathon didn’t have water stations until 1978. Beginning in the late 1960’s, studies began to link dehydration with overheating. New research has also shown that even swallowing small mouthfuls of water, too small to make a difference to overall hydration levels, boosts performance levels. Perception seems to make a difference. It may be that thirst, rather than actual dehydration, increases the sense of perceived effort and thus causes one to slow down. Regardless, hydration affects performance and the proper functioning of the body’s systems. In ultra endurance events, hydration is probably more important than nutrition. Nutrients have one function, providing energy to working muscles. Fluids, particularly water, have a variety of critical roles. Firstly, water regulates your core temperature during exercise. A lot of the heat produced by exercise has to be dissipated in order to keep your core temperature down. Sweat is the main cooling mechanism. Thus the amount of fluid you need to consume is based on sweat rate. In addition, fluids are needed to enable you to digest food, so nutrition and hydration are inextricably linked. To get carbohydrates from the intestine into the blood, you need to have enough water in the intestine to allow transportation. However, the body prioritizes temperature regulation over digestion, so if it is not getting enough water, digestion slows, causing gastrointestinal distress. It can result in any of bloating, gas, stomach pain, muscle cramps, vomiting or dizziness. With mild dehydration, urine production decreases and the urine darkens. Severe dehydration can damage your kidneys. You can monitor your own hydration by weighing yourself before and after exercise. Weight loss during exercise is due to fluid loss. There is no absolute rule dictating how much fluid you should take in during training. Of course, it will vary with the temperature as you will sweat more when it is hotter. Core temperature is also moderated by workload or intensity. It is often recommended that you try to drink one bottle (20 ounces) of fluid per

hour when exercising. On the other hand, many say simply to drink to thirst. It is definitely recommended that you drink 8 ounces of water whenever you take a highly concentrated energy gel, in order to dilute the mixture so that it doesn’t sit in your stomach. In general, it is preferable to consume small volumes of fluid a few times an hour, rather than drinking the entire amount needed once an hour. When you overload your system, gastric emptying is unable to keep up, and the liquid sloshes around in your stomach.





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For me, it seems I have to train myself to be comfortable drinking more. I have to find a method for carrying the liquid while training that functions satisfactorily. Currently, I use a hand-held bottle, but it is not enough for long runs. Also, it is awkward to put my hand in the strap when I am wearing thick mitts. I’ve never really liked fuel belts or vests so I’ll have to experiment. I am trying to be well-hydrated when I start out, and I am trying to drink frequently. I am not worrying about having any exact amount. That is about as scientific as I seem willing to get. TRAINING UPDATE: As I write this article, I have completed the first six weeks of my six month build-up in preparation for the race in May 2020. My early goal was to log between 110 and 125 km per week and to make the training simply part of a daily routine. I have been generally successful thus far. Most importantly, I am injuryfree at the moment, and mentally I am feeling quite positive about the process. The weather has been good or reasonable most of the time and, except for a few days after the early November snowfall, I have been able to utilize the Lynn Valley Trail for my running and walking. Because almost the entirety of the work has been Long Slow Distance, basically time on my feet, I have not had to worry about any intimidating workout. I look forward to going out in nature each day. The trail is also easier on my knees. My highest week has been 126 km (Week 6), and my lowest was 80 km (Week 2 – the first major snowfall). So far, so good.



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JUST SHAKE IT OFF Guest columnist Monique Gerber I wonder if Taylor Swift spent time with horses when she wrote the song, "Shake It Off." I will be honest here and confess I had to look up the lyrics after I wrote this line and saw, after many repeated mmm, mmm, mmm’s shake, shake, shakes, fake, fake, fakes… the song really had nothing to do with horses and the natural response of horses to shake off negative and trauma inducing emotions. It did though, in her hip shaking, foot tapping repetitive phrases sort of way, indicate that she can just shake off bad vibes and the soul sucking actions of others. In other words, releasing the potentially harmful trauma inducing emotions that can be brought on by noxious events. So in effect, exactly what horses do when experiencing a stressful situation. They do, in fact physically shake it off. Sometimes quite dramatically and emphatically! I have watched my horses drop down and role during a session with a client who is moving through some fairly deep, stressful moments, then get up, shake vigorously and proceed to walk away quite calm and relaxed with an expressive swish of their tail as if to say, "and that’s how it’s done." Just shake it off.

Horses are the empaths of the animal world. Whatever we are feeling, they feel as well.

Science and research has proven that this action in horses (all mammals to be precise - yes that includes us) does in fact reduce cortisol (those nasty stress inducing hormones) and lowers heart rate, blood pressure, loosens the muscles and returns the body to a state of relaxation, or as horses prefer, back to grazing.

Horses are the empaths of the animal world. Nature has instilled this mechanism that allows them to pick up on the emotional state of their herd members as well to help them release this tension and stress through the act of "shaking it off." I guess they truly live by the adage "do unto others" because that is exactly what they do. When we come together with a horse, we become their herd mate. Whatever we are feeling, they feel as well. To rid themselves of the negative effects of stress and tension, they will drop, role and shake. Brilliant!

20 ! 20 T R A ST

Now I’m not saying that the next time you are in line at Walmart and the person in front of you with their 2 heaping carts, pulls out their weekly flyers of price matching and you are on a tight timeline because your daughter has a dance class, your son has hockey practice and your husband can’t make it home in time because something big is happening at work so it’s all on you baby, you should drop, roll and shake. I suggest you do it when you get home, well at least the shake it off part. Try it. you may just like it! You may just start singing "I’ll never miss a beat, I’m lightening on my feet - I’ll shake it off, shake if off, mmm, mmm, mmm." Monique Gerber Leading Edge Equine Academy Certified Equine Assisted Learning Facilitator

Let's Connect Oxford County by Celebrating: People, Places, Events, Arts, Entertainment, Leisure, Story Tellers and so much More! Coming this year Movie ! T H G and Theatre Reviews I R OFF Rin the HUB A E Y by Geoff Dale W THE NE ith Musing Aboutevery month! ew ple Advertis ver 15,000 peo ch o Contact Kathy Eller and rea 519-532-0762 Follow us on

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This month Craig from Causyn Cooling & Heating chats with us about those nasty drafts of cold air that sneak into our homes during these winter months. Craig shares a few ideas on how to make our homes just a little more efficient. Craig suggests checking windows and doors for drafts entering the home, especially the basement windows which seem to be an area that people miss. If there is a problem, maybe a little spray foam can help prevent the frosty air from entering. Furnace filters also need to be changed regularly, particularly if there are pets in the home. Dirty filters are the number one problem for shortening the life of your furnace. This is an excellent time of year to consider a new fireplace for your home. Craig has 14 floor models to choose from, ranging from the traditional stand-alone to the latest design. With quality names like Napoleon and Heat & Glo, stop by and check them out and you can feel the warmth and glow of a fireplace on a cold, winter's night!

421 Queensway West, Unit 1 I Simcoe, ON N3Y 2N4 I 519-428-3241



What needs will likely change, will you be living where you are now or probably somewhere different. MORE THAN JUST A NEW YEAR, IT’S A WHOLE NEW DECADE

Are there areas you desire to change and how would you go about the necessary changes?

While I’m not a resolution type of person, reflecting on this last decade, I have most certainly developed a desire to develop an action plan of sorts.

Health, finances, relationships, education – do you have a wild, hairy, scary dream on your bucket list?

As I look back over the past 10 years, life has had many beautiful moments, but it has also had some wicked curve balls. Some predictable but more often not! There were so many moments... Like most of you, I have laughed and cried (I’ve cried a lot!!). I’ve been weary, frustrated, angry, I’ve felt grief beyond what I thought I could bear and guilt over feelings I wasn’t proud of when circumstances were really rough, and I resented the lack of control I felt over my life. I have also felt a sense of accomplishment, a sense of adventure, a desire to explore so many new opportunities and support my community. Mostly though, I have embraced gratitude and acknowledged all of the areas in which I am blessed – deeply thankful to the people in my life that have sustained me and especially those that have challenged me to grow as a person. LIVING WITH INTENTION AND DIRECTION Life takes guts – living with intention is not a skill we are born with, and it isn’t something we are necessarily taught. Having a direction usually means you have a least some vision, goals, dreams or accomplishments that you are focused on. This doesn’t mean life can’t go to pieces, but it may very well be what sustains you when it invariably does. Align with the right people, those with similar ideas and plans, they are your support system and sounding board as well as inspirational and encouraging when the wheels get wobbly. Look at your life openly, honestly and objectively. How old will you be in 10 more years – how old will your parents, children or grandchildren be?

Don’t be afraid to ask yourself the big questions – life goes on, and invariably change is going to happen. Design your perfect life and set out an action plan and share it with those that care about and support your ideas. Give back more than you take – this will give you a life of abundance in so many ways. YOUR PERSONAL 2020 VISION Start your 2020 intentions with mindful decisions regarding your personal health – what current habits serve you and which patterns sabotage the visions you see for yourself. You may be ready to shift entirely, or you may choose small steps first. Either way, finding moderation and balance in your life will serve you in a positive manner. Only change can create the changes we desire and our good health is front and centre to all that we aspire to become. At Dover Apothecary, we are passionate about assisting our clients in all facets of life. We have the professional staff, high-quality, effective supplements, and some fascinating, life-changing wearable Neurotechnology to help you move forward into this exciting new decade. Book a Nutritional Consult or talk to me about how wearable Neurotechnology may assist you. It’s your journey - resolve to discover solutions to serve you in identifying and achieving your goals! Barb Anstead NNCP 519-410-3544

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WHAT IS SCIATICA? The sciatic nerve runs down the length of each leg, starting in your low back and ending at the heels of your feet. Sciatica is a term used to describe the pain caused by irritation of that nerve. Health professionals have a variety of names for it, including lumbosacral radicular syndrome, discogenic sciatica, nerve root pain, and nerve root entrapment, but sciatica is the most common term.


Have you ever had pain radiate from your low back, through your hips, and down one leg? If so, you may have experienced sciatica. What exactly is it, and what can you do to treat the pain?

Sciatica is different from low back pain in that it results from the sciatic nerve, rather than the spine. This nerve serves an important function, affecting the hamstrings, calf muscles, lower leg muscles, and some foot muscles. In many cases, the pain gets worse with twisting, bending, sneezing or coughing. WHAT CAUSES SCIATIC PAIN? Researchers estimate that 90 per cent of cases are caused by a herniated disc where the nerve root is compressed – something that may occur as a result of an injury, or age-related wear and tear. Other possible causes include lumbar stenosis, or piriformis syndrome. Chiropractors are spine, muscle, and nervous system experts who provide effective treatment to promote health, alleviate pain, and improve your quality of life. If you’re struggling with sciatica and want relief, visit a chiropractor today. And remember – you can always ask questions and take an active role in your recovery. Courtesy of The Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA)

Dr. Dwayne Willaert, Dr. Bruce Veltri, Dr. Lance Willaert

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Lynn River was the home for this Majestic Pair of swans, which Vic originally painted some 40 years ago from a picture he had taken along the river! We came across this leftover print, and well, Vic hopes to frame up this last remaining one! The subtle, blue calming water with the pink flowering magnolia hanging delicately above the beautiful, elegant, majestic pair is the perfect, serene setting for this one of a kind! Vic wants to remind everyone to have a safe and wonderful 2020!

The Olde Towne Gallery (519) 428-1329 • 1395 Charlotteville Road 8, RR#6, Simcoe, ON N3Y 4K5

If you haven’t yet made any New Year’s resolutions for 2020, don’t despair. It doesn’t make you a bad person, and it doesn’t mean you won’t better your life this year. It’s okay to wait until you are ready to commit to your goals and make sure they last for a lifetime. With the right motivation, an eye on the long-term and the right timing, you can enjoy a much better chance of achieving lasting change. Human beings are resilient creatures. We can achieve almost anything if we dedicate ourselves to it and adopt an effective strategy. We already have what it takes inside us. Happy New Year from all of all at CMHA BHN! BRANT ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 44 King Street, Suite 203 Brantford, ON N3T 3C7 HALDIMAND NORFOLK OFFICE 395 Queensway West Simcoe, ON N3Y 2N4 519-428-3424 Toll Free: 1-888-750-7778 Website:


Simcoe Natural Foods Presents

MICHAEL FAUSTIN founder of Seek-Yur-Health

Michael will be speaking on CELL MUTATION and how the outcomes and conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, fatty liver all begin with cell abnormalities.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2020 6:30PM - 9:30PM

First Baptist Church Simcoe I 129 Young street (Talbot Entrance) (Snow Date: Thursday, January 16, 2020)

Simcoe Natural Foods 479 Queensway West, Simcoe (at the corner of Hwy #3 & Park Road)


BIOLUMIN-C EYE SERUM Brightening Vitamin C Eye Serum

Supercharged Vitamin C Eye Serum outsmarts visible premature skin aging caused by daily eye movements and environmental stress. Lightweight serum delivers a highly-bioavailable Vitamin C complex to the skin around the eyes to dramatically brighten and visibly firm. 355 Main St, Port Dover, ON N0A 1N0 519-583-2021






A Supportive & Informative Meeting on Lyme Disease LOCATION 23 Market in Port Dover

NEUROFUNCTION ACUPUNCTURE PROVIDER Michelle Noorenberghe I HBScKin, RMT, SMT(cc) Michelle was born and raised in Norfolk County. She is a graduate of the University of GuelphHumber receiving an Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Kinesiology and a Fitness and Health Promotion Diploma over her four years of study, while playing varsity Rugby and extramural hockey. She then went on to pursue Massage Therapy at the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy (CCMH). The combination of the two health care professions has given her extensive education and understanding of the body and its anatomy. Michelle has also obtained her certificate in Contemporary Medical Acupuncture from McMaster University. Her treatment style is based on a full-body assessment, including her palpation skills. Joint Mobilizations, Neuromuscular techniques, Trigger Point, Myofascial Release and Swedish techniques are all combined in her treatments depending on the client's needs. She focuses on finding the true source of your pain and believes the way to healing and restoring your body is a combination of release AND reactivation/strengthening. Though her treatment style may have aggressive techniques, Michelle works within your pain tolerance and uses Swedish techniques to calm the nervous system and give you the best results.

101A Queensway E. Simcoe, ON • 519-718-2882

Michelle Noorenberghe HBScKin, RMT, SMT(cc)


Nostalgi Nostalgia NORFOLK





“A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action becomse reality.” - Unknown



Yoga & Wellness Studio 519-583-1200



Debbie Cole CFP 519-900-3101














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549 Woodward Ave, Hamilton, ON 289.203.7228


299 Thompson Rd W., Waterford 519.443.0291


22 Peel Street, Simcoe 519.428.4650


140 Queensway Dr. E., Simcoe 519.426.7441


86 Second Ave, Simcoe 519.426.7271



See you in the Spring! 814 COCKSHUTT RD, SIMCOE

161 West St, Simcoe 519-428-4003

See you in the Spring! WWW.CIDERKEG.COM I 1231 HWY 24 S


Helping build a better community. 9 JAMES STREET, SIMCOE • 519-426-0791

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