Fall 2023

Page 1

Youth Best of Breed - Cody Landis



Meet the NJWRC Board

President Cheryl Loesch momdeplume@comcast.net

Vice President Douglas Brown doug.brown1982.db@gmail.com

Secretary Alex Williams zcharmed@msn.com

Treasurer Brenda Reilly NJRWCLUB@gmail.com

District One Bethany Roberston bethanyrobertsongm@gmail.com

District Two Lori Robascotti dogznkids@hotmail.com

District Three Izzy Bukovich izzybuk18@gmail.com

District Four Michael Wolfe 2002michaelwolfe@gmail.com

District Five Brenda Kneir mobunniesrabbitry@yahoo.com

District Six Kirsten Taylor flyinghooffarms@yahoo.com

District Seven Mae Swan maeswan@gmail.com

District Eight Julie Aversa jtaversa@gmail.com

District Nine Michelle Landis roughnecksm@verizon.net

3 President’s Report 4 Secretary’s Report Treasurer’s Report 5 District One Report NJWRC Committees 6 District Two Report 7 District Three Report Important Dates 8 District Four Report Advertising Rates 9 District Five Report 10 District Seven Report NJWRC Online Contacts 11 NJWRC Events at Convention 12 NJWRC 2024 National Show 13 NJWRC 2023 National Show Youth BOB 14 District Eight Report 16 District Nine Report 18 NJWRC 2023 National Show Youth BOS 19 Sweepstakes Report 20-32 Open Sweepstakes 33-42 Youth Sweepstakes 43-45 Treasurer’s Report 46 Editor’s Report 47 NJWRC MembershipApplication

It is with some sadness, and with great gratitude, that we say goodbye to our editor, Jordan Hobbs, who is stepping down due to health issues. Jordan has edited the FLUFF for a bit over two years. She came into the job raring to go, and just continued to turn out nice FLUFF editions for us. I think we all agree she’s done a wonderful job. I’m most grateful to Jordan for all that she’s done for the club.

And on another note, I’m pleased to introduce our new editor, Pam Schmidt. Pam has been a long-time editor for the AMLRC. We will continue to be in capable hands! Please join me in welcoming Pam to our Wooly world. hank you, Pam for stepping right into the fray and taking on an issue immediately! We have been so fortunate to find people who love to work on publications and who are excellent at what they do.

Other than that, it’s been Convention, Convention, Convention! The planning continues, and we are now at a stage where you can see some of the work coming to fruition. We’ve already finished out the Award Sponsorships, and you’ve all come through on that in less than 24 hours! Many thanks to Izzy Bukovich for taking on the challenge, and completing it in record time! We’ve secured many donations toward booth hospitality, thanks to Julie Aversa for her cheery and tireless efforts toward that. Julie is also in charge of booth décor, and she’s been working on making many nice items for that, and for our banquet.

Speaking of the banquet, Alex has been busy planning a banquet that will have ample social opportunity in a very charming historic setting. The banquet will be held on Tuesday evening, October 10, starting at 5 pm. Please RSVP to Alex by September 10, and pay via Paypal atnjwrclubtreasuerer@gmail.com . The venue for our banquet gives us ample space to give out Convention show awards, have corn hole games set up in the garden, and have a silent auction. The silent action is in lieu of a raffle, and in keeping with our theme of celebrating 35 years of the club, it harkens back to early days when it was the norm to auction off baskets at Convention. Please consider donating- you can go together with other people to make a basket, make one yourself, or even donate a single nice item. And be sure to join the fun of bidding, too.

The Golden Fleece Auction (GFA) is also well along in planning. Many of our top breeders are donating very nice animals for you to bid on. The GFA is a great place to bring in some new genetics to your herd. Michelle Landis, our very capable solicitor, will have a catalog out before convention so you can see the lovely animals that will be on our auction. There will also be a Trio Raffle, as usual. We will have more information in the coming weeks, so watch our Facebook group, NJWRC Members, for that. And of course, there are myriad opportunities to volunteer at Convention. The club has so much going on, and we need your help to be successful. e will need people to staff our booth. Sign up with a friend, or go by yourself and meet a new one! It’s always a great place to talk Woolies with old friends and new afficionados, and, a big bonus at Convention, you get a place to sit down for a while. We will also need everyone to help out at the show tables by running rabbits from their coops up to the table to be judged. The more hands, the better! Join us at 7:30 a.m. on show day at the our assigned table for information and instructions on running rabbits.

Whatever you volunteer at, you can be sure that your help is very much appreciated!

One last thing that I want to touch on in this report is a way to memorialize those of our friends who have passed. This year, we have had quite a few breeders pass away who were well known in earlier years of the club. I’d like to start a short memorial column to remember those folks in Winter issue each year. We can’t all know each individual, but we all know people in our own area. IF you know of a breeder who has passed, please let me know so that we can mention them in the memorial.

I thank you all for reading this all the way through, and I am so looking forward to seeing you at Convention!


Hello, fellow Wooly lovers! I hope this issue finds you well.

Are you as excited as I am that the 100th ARBA Convention is right around the corner? There is so much to do and plan that it often seems overwhelming!

If this is your first time at the Convention, things just seem to be so confusing. Breathe! It’s just another rabbit show and once you get into the swing of things, I promise it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! Just be sure to pack extra goodies to snack on and a comfortable pair of walking shoes, because, I promise you, you’ll get those steps in! Be sure to stop by our breed booth to say hello and check out the Golden Fleece Auction. , If you have time, we are always looking for volunteers at the booth and help getting rabbits to and from the table on show day.

I look forward to seeing you all there!


Hello members of the NJWRC! I hope this article finds you all well. ARBA convention is fast approaching as I sit here and write this article. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend due to some health issues in my family this past year. But I am sure that a good time had by all. With the extremely odd weather that we have, I had nothing would have been in coat for us to show anyway, but I will still miss my rabbit friends.

There is nothing like the close camaraderie that you find in this breed. I have had many different breeds over the years. Our wooly folks definitely stand out from the crowd in that regard, and it is something that we all need to take pride in.

I had the opportunity to talk with a youth in my area last night who is contemplating her first trip to Convention to show woolies. It warms my heart knowing that our future is still going strong. Thats all for me for today my abilities to type are kinda limited at this time.

Thanks for listening.

NJWRCsecretary@gmail.com zcharmed@msn.com

Bethany Robertson


Representing: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington, Wyoming, Saskatchewan, Alberta, BC, Yukon Territory, and Japan

Hello District 1 members! I hope everyone has had a safe, successful summer breeding and showing season.

As we all know, with summer comes more shows, such as county and state fairs, as well as heat waves and the stress of keeping our animals cool. Thankfully, we have many resources available to us to help us along with these events. These resources can be found online through web searches or Facebook groups, in our guide books, or simply by reaching out to other breeders within the hobby.

For some of our newer members, finding resources you can trust is not always an easy task. I believe it is an important aspect to remember, in order to keep our hobby alive and thriving, that everyone was a beginner at some point! I would like to encourage you to think of being a mentor to a youth or new breeder and, of course, invite them to join our breed club!

I have been in this hobby for most of my life and I still want to learn more. Even if you are not able to be a mentor, let me know if you have any tips or tricks that you would like to share.

As we move in to fall and gear up for National Convention, I would like to wish all NJWRC members good luck and safe travels!

Please send photos of your wins to be featured in the next Fluff to bethanyrobertsongm@gmail.com


Pam Schmidt

Website Standards Committee

Brittany Moorse

dpschmidt8@gmail.com blmoorse@gmail.com

Constitution and By Laws

Doug Brown - Chair


Alex Williams

Sweepstakes Scoring

Julie Aversa

Steven Buell

Tracey Freeman

Amber Henderson

Bethany Robertson njwrcsweeps@gmail.com

Nicole Schmitt


Bethany Robertson

Youth Coordinator bethanyrobertsongm@gmail.com

Lindsay Aversa

Cheryl Loesch - Chair

District One

Representing: Arizona, California, Hawai’i, Nevada, Utah, and Mexico

Greetings from District 2! It has been a very quiet Summer here. I know of only one show where there were Woolies exhibited.

On June 3rd, The Central Coast Rabbit and Cavy Club held a triple rabbit show in Santa Maria, California. Mic n one day for this show. That was at least 11 to 12 hours drive time for her true dedication! I also had rabbits entered and, just for fun, decided to show my dog at a venue 2 hours away as well. I dropped off rabbits the night before and did a quick fluff early the next morning before I left for the dog show. My enabler, Michaeline, put up my bunnies for me in show A. I showed my dog and drove back just in time to put the Woolies up for show B. No, I’m not crazy (wink, wink). I was lucky enough to win BOB and BOSB in show A with a Shaded Sr Doe and an Agouti Sr Buck. Show B and C, Michaeline took home BOB with a darling Broken Jr Doe and very handsome Agouti Jr Buck. I was awarded BOSB with an AOV Sr Buck and AOV Jr Doe. Long but fun day for both of us and I couldn t have done it without my fellow Wooly Cult member.

Now, let’s talk about quickly approaching Convention. There will be four of us driving out together from California to Kentucky. We are very fortunate to have the use of a very comfortable tow vehicle and a cargo trailer with a roof fan plus temperature monitoring in the trailer. We will be watching the temperature to determine the route we will take. Also, we plan to go through the high heat areas during the coolest times of the day.

Of course, we’ll take plenty of water and everything else that is necessary for the rabbits. Taking cheap Dollar Store plastic table cloths are great to use when cleaning carriers. Place the table cloth on the ground and put your carrier on it. This prevents your carrier from picking up any nasty stuff like RHD. When you’re done, just throw it away by folding /wadding it up with the ground side to the inside so you don’t touch any possible contaminates.

This trip will take us three days, driving approximately 800+ miles each day. With 4 drivers, this will be a breeze and fun too! I hope I will see you all in October. I’m looking forward to some great visits with some great people. Safe travels and see you soon.


Representing: Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin

I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer this year! With fall and Convention steadily approaching, I know I am personally starting to get ready to do my last deep clean of the year before it gets cold out. I'd like to share one of the easiest things I do to help keep things clean and keep rabbits healthy- cleaning crocks!

In the warmer months, I advise cleaning crocks out, at the very least, every month, more frequently if they're really gross! To clean them, I fill a bucket full of water, add a small splash of bleach, and then let the crocks soak for a few minutes before I start scrubbing. The bleach works wonders! It not only disinfects and prevents microbial growth for a little bit, but if allowed to soak, it makes scrubbing a breeze! Once they're clean, I rinse them and let them dry before putting them back in the cages. I hope this advice helps!

As a reminder, any D3 wins can be emailed to me at izzybuk18@gmail.com so they can be included in our next Fluff edition!

September 11, 2023

September 25, 2023

October 7 - 11, 2023

October 15, 2023

November 15, 2023

February 15, 2024

February 17, 2024

March 1, 2024

April 1, 2024

ARBA convention entry deadline

ARBA convention changes deadline

ARBA Convention, Louisvlle KY - 100th Anniversary of ARBA, 35th Anniversary of the Jersey Wooly breed

Get photos of your BOG/BOSG, and other significant Convention rabbit wins for the FLUFF!

Fluff submissions deadline for Winter Issue

Fluff submissions deadline for Spring Issue

National JW Show

West Monroe LA

Deadline for 2026 Nationals bids

Scholarship applications due


I hope everyone reading this “Fluff of Fancy” is beating the heat. Here, in district four, we have had some record breaking heat, and, unfortunately, that has put a damper on things some.

I would like to point some things out for our members who do not have climate-controlled barns. The coats on our jersey woolies act as insulation for the animals and help them maintain a consistent body temperature. I would strongly recommend against shearing, or clipping coats down on animals this time of year unless they are felted. Another tidbit of information that may help you out is to make sure there is constant air movement for your animals. Air movement is very important in this heat as it helps circulate the cool air in and the warm air out (Please do not forget heat rises.).

We have had a wonderful turnout at the few shows we’ve had this summer, with lots of participation from our youth membership. I have also really enjoyed seeing everyone work on a variety of colors down here. We have both open and youth exhibitors working on various colors, but the one that has seemed to take everyone's interest is the oranges. I am excited to so see what ends up on the show tables here in Winter of 2024. I am super proud of the Snider family in achieving a“Best in Show” at the Wichita Falls show we had in June with a homegrown animal.

This upcoming show season is going to be starting strong with us kicking it off with ARBA Convention, and it is the 100th anniversary. I would like to encourage all exhibitors to attend this event if possible and meet some of the other wooly folk from across the country. Please do not forget to remain courteous to all the other exhibitors when you are at a show. These rabbit shows arejust that, rabbit shows, and they are here for all of us to enjoy and take part in. If anyone has any questions, or issues with anything please feel free to reach out to me.


Winter: November 5-12

Spring: February 5-12

Summer: May 8-15

Fall: August 8-15

Hurry! Ad rates might go up, so contact the Newsletter Editor or your District Director to place your ad now!

8 ADVERTISINGRATES 1 Issue 4 Issues Full Page: $45.00 $150.00 1/2 Page: $24.00 $85.00 1/4 Page: $12.00 $40.00
Michael Wolfe 2002michaelwolfe@gmail.com
Representing: Arkansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas

Brenda Kneir


Representing: Illinois, Kansas, and Missouri

Hello District 5!

It’s been a long, hot summer for most of us! We have not made it out to any shows since Nationals. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at Convention! If this is your first convention, don’t be afraid to reach out to your fellow breeders for advice on what you need to bring. It can be overwhelming! Put a smile on and have a good time! I know several from District 5 are planning to be there. So, that being said, see you all in Louisville!




BestinShow! SharonMoore


EleanorLefevre -YouthBOB

PleasantHill MO

Ournewestyouthmember, JordanTucker, BOB&BOSOzark

EmpireFair, SpringfieldMO


Representing: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Vermont

Hi all!

I usually only breed from late winter to early summer but extended my season a bit this year. My litters were smaller than what is typical, usually only 2 or 3 per litter, versus the 5 to 6 my girls usually have, but the pairings are very compatible, so I'm hopeful about these offspring.

I've been putting extra focus on hindquarters. Most of my herd was solid in this regard a few years ago. I compromised a bit when struggling to shorten midsections. I've noticed definite improvements in the kits from this year's spring litters, in both length and in the HQs that I previously let slip; this is exciting. Hindquarter is one of those features that is so easy to lose and hard to regain. I would not recommend letting attention to hindquarters lessen in favor of other attributes unless you're willing to sacrifice several future seasons regaining lost ground.

This will be my last D7 report. I've been honored to have this position. Wooly people are an amazing bunch, and I appreciated meeting and talking to everyone over the past few years. Best wishes to the future D7 director and all D7 members. May your nest boxes be full of Grand Champions! Sweepstakes:

njwrcsweeps@gmail.com www.njwrcsweeps.com
Website: www.jerseywooly.org
Find the NJWRC
Facebook: NJWRC Members

NJWRC Events and Happenings at the 100th ARBA Convention

NJWRC Club Events at Convention

*Subject to change. Keep checking the NJWRC Members group on Facebook, and the NJWRC Booth at Convention for up-to-date Info.


6:00 PM - SHOWROOM OPEN to accept animals until Midnight. NO ANIMALS ACCEPTED BEFORE

6:00 PM


7:00 AM - SHOWROOM OPEN to accept animals until Midnight


6:00 AM - SHOWROOM OPEN to accept animals until 3 PM.

11:30 AM Board meeting (executive session)

3:00 PM - Entries close Check-in closes. All packets must be picked up and all substitutions made.

9:00 PM - Animals must be cooped. SHOWROOM CLOSES.


6:00 AM - Showrooms open

7:30 AM exhibitors gather at show tables for instructions. Clerks and Ramrods, please be in position.

8:00 AM Judging Begins – Open (West Wing)

9:00 AM - Judging Begins - Youth (West Wing)

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM - Booth Contest Judging

10:00 PM - Showrooms close


6:00 AM - Showrooms open

7:00 AM - Judging begins (West Wing)

8:00 AM NJWRC Membership meeting in room W1

12:30 PM - Cavy BEST IN SHOW JUDGING Youth & Open

11:00 GFA animals lined up for DQ inspection. DQ inspection closed to public

11:30 GFA inspection opens

12:00- GFA starts

2:00 PM - Rabbit BEST IN SHOW JUDGING - Youth & Open

6:00 PM - Showrooms close


7:00 AM - Showrooms open

5:00-9:00 PM - NJWRC BANQUET at the Country Cottage

6:00 PM - Showrooms close


6:00AM - Showrooms open

7:00 AM - Release of animals



Here’s the fluff on the 2024 National Jersey Wooly Rabbit Club National Show!

WHERE: Ike Hamilton Expo

501 Mane Street

West Monroe, Louisiana

WHEN: Saturday, February 17, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.

JUDGES: Dakota Manning - Josh Humphries

Joey Martin - Stacy Martin

SHOW SECRETARY: Kirsten Taylor - flyinghooffarms@yahoo.com

TENTATIVE ENTRY FEE: $7.00 per Wooly

HOTEL: Hilton Garden Inn

400 Mane Street

West Monroe LA 71291

Phone: 318-398-0653

Price: $119 per night

Pet friendly with a charge

Right across from the Expo Center

BANQUET: Catfish Charlies (tentative)

2329 Louisville Avenue

Monroe LA

Saturday, February 17 at 6:30 p.m.

Located approximately 7.5 miles from the Expo Center

This show is in conjunction with the Fluffy Butt Rabbit Club that is hosting a Friday night all-breed show and a double all-breed show on Saturday.


National Jersey Wooly Rabbit Club Youth Best of Breed National Breed SHow

When my mom sent me the Snapchat that Panda won Youth Best of Breed, I was so surprised and proud of Panda! I was also very sad that I couldn’t be there to see him win and celebrate. I was planning to go to JW Nationals, but at the last moment my migraines decided otherwise. I wish that I could have been there to see all of my friends. I missed seeing everyone. I am really looking forward to seeing all of you at convention!!

AFB’s Panda Bear has been my dream rabbit from the moment that he was born. He lives to be snuggled, cuddled, to chew holes in my clothes, and to show off on the show table. He also is a very prolific breeder and has passed on quite a bit of himself to his offspring. It seems like he is in almost all of the rabbits in our barn. At 4 years old, he still has great type, head, ear, wool, and bone. He currently has 58 legs and is still looking great. I jokingly told him that I wasn’t going to take him to convention in Louisville this year unless his coat was perfect. Well, I guess he took that personally and is on track to hopefully have a perfect coat in Lousiville, if he doesn’t decide to molt again before then.

I wanted to say a HUGE Thank you to Jocelyn Byers for putting my rabbits up on the show table at JW Nationals since I couldn’t be there. It was really nice of you! And congratulations on winning Youth BOSB at Nationals!

I want to congratulate all of the other winners at Nationals. Everyone always has such great Jersey Woolies and it is a huge honor to have had my rabbit picked as Youth Best of Breed.

Cody Landis

Representing: Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Manitoba, and Ontario

Well, I hope everyone survived the heat of this summer. I know, here in Michigan, we were hot and humid and had a lot of rain. And all of the above spells out no coats for Jersey Woolies. I hope that we can find a few that will be in coat for Convention. I am looking forward to the celebration of 35 years of Jersey Woolies and the 100th year of the ARBA convention. Fall is my favorite time of year. The crisp feel to the cool air, the beautiful colors the trees change to. I hope you take the time to enjoy the change of season this year.

So, the last group that we have left to discuss is the Tan group. Our SOP says the following: All varieties are to have “Tan Pattern Markings” in the following areas, nostril, eye circles, jowls, inside of the ears, belly, insides of legs, and underside of the tail. All other areas are to be as described in each variety. The belly and insides of the legs are to have a complementary under color. Lap marks are permissible. Faults are ticking on the face and ears. Disqualification if lack of eye circles or nostril markings. Our acceptable colors are: Black otter, blue otter, chocolate otter, lilac otter, sable martin, silver martin, smoke pearl martin.

Black Otter: The main color is to be that described for the corresponding variety. Dividing line between the body color and the belly color is to be orange. Tan pattern markings are to be silver, and shall be accentuated with orange to tan coloration. The triangle is to be orange. Orange tipped guard hairs are to be interspersed on the chest, forward of the shoulders. Orange ticking is to extend well up into the body color along the sides, flanks, and rump. The belly under color shall be slate. Eyes are brown.

Blue Otter: The main color is to be that described for the blue variety. Dividing line between the body color and belly color is to be fawn. Tan pattern markings are to be silver, and shall be accentuated with fawn coloration. The triangle is to be fawn. Fawn tipped guard hairs are to be interspersed on the chest, forward of the shoulders. Fawn ticking is to extend well up into the body color along the sides, flanks, and rump. The belly under color shall be slate. Eyes are blue gray.

Chocolate otter and Lilac otter will be included in the next sop once ARBA has supplied them to us.

Sable Marten: The main color is to be that described for the Siamese Sable. Tan pattern markings are to be silver white. The triangle is to be silver. Silver tipped guard hairs are to extend well up into the body color along the sides, flanks, and rump. The belly under color shall be light sepia. Eyes are brown, ruby cast is permissible.

Silver Marten (Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac}: The main color is to be that described for the self variety. Tan pattern markings are to be silver white. The triangle is to be silver. Silver tipped guard hairs are to be interspersed on the chest, forward of the shoulders. Silver ticking is to extend will up into the body color along the sides, flanks and rump. The belly under color of black or blue should be slate or white. The belly under color of chocolate should be dove gray or white. The belly under color of the lilac should be light dove gray or white. Eyes are to be as described in the self-variety.

Smoke Pearl Marten: The main color is to be that described for the Smoke Pearl. Tan pattern markings are to be silver white. The triangle is to be silver. Silver tipped guard hairs are to be interspersed on the chest, forward of the shoulders. Silver ticking is to extend well up into the body color along the sides, flanks and rump. The belly under color shall be light smoke. Eyes are blue gray with a ruby cast permissible.


District 8 - Aversa continued. . .

Some of the faults I have seen over the years I have seen in Otters and Martens are: stray white hairs, no belly undercolor, white nails, blue eyes on Black Silver Martens, high rufus ticking on face giving a mealy appearance on face, and faded color on Tan Pattern Markings. Most of these faults need to be culled out if we want to eradicate these faults from our breed. White hairs, white spots, or white nails cannot be bred out. No belly under color is usually from the wide band gene and needs to be culled out if we do not want to see it everywhere. High rufus ticking is a fault and can be used to raise the rufus on your tans. Faded color on the tan pattern markings are usually shaded carriers, and will eventually need to be bred to a higher rufus tan to keep the markings correct color.

I hope to see you at convention. I would love to see some discussions on Facebook, and in person, about our SOP and breeding. I hope your nest boxes are full.




BestofBreedatLima - B&BMimosa


- Higher
ExpectationsBlueBelle- KylieEstrella Tioga CountyFairARBAAll-breedShow

I hope that this all finds you enjoying a beautiful fall day.

As summer winds to a close, I am enjoying looking back on all of our members’ pictures of their 4H, FFA and local fairs. Fair time is such a magical experience full of fun, friends, laughs, and lots of memories. Kids learn so much throughout the year while working on their projects. The projects not only teach them about their chosen topic, but also teach them responsibility, time management, scheduling, bookkeeping, working well with others, and often public speaking/educating the public. Plus, the kids have the opportunity to educate the public about rabbits and their proper care. So many wonderful life skills are learned throughout each year.

Here in District 9 I was excited to see that we had an awesome highlight this summer among our D9 youth. Nikolai Mock won Best in Show at his 4H Rabbit Club Show at the Montgomery County MD Ag Fair in August. He won with his Jersey Wooly Junior Buck named Raven’s Woods Rabbitry Spice Cake. Congratulations, Nikolai and Spice Cake!

Representing: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington DC, and all other foreign regions

NikolaiMockwinningBestinShowwith Spice Cakeat his4HshowinMontgomeryCounty,


Woolydoe,decidedthathisshoulder wasthebestvantagepointtoviewthe crowdsofpeoplestoppingbyatthe pettingtableattheMiddletown GrangeFair.

NikolaiMockwinning1stReservein ShowwithMysterioattheOpen NCRBAshow.

National Jersey Wooly Rabbit Club Youth Best Opposite Sex National Breed SHow

I had a fun weekend at Nationals this year, and I want to thank the Ohio Jersey Wooly Rabbit Club for putting on a great show. I got to see and feel a lot of great Jersey Woolies in one place. While putting my rabbits on the table, I also helped put Cody Ladis’s rabbits up as, unfortunately, he was sick. What a wonderful broken buck he has.

Our self doe, Cotton, is homegrown, out of Byers’s Frosty, a REW buck, and Charolette, a Smoke Pearl doe. Cotton has never let us down on the show table. At home, loves to self-pose, but we can never get her to be like that at shows. Case in point, last year’s Nationals in Minnesota, she lost out to Makayla Wallock’s AOV doe for best in breed. Cotton makes up for that throughout her great type and has taught me what to look for in my woolies.

Thank you again and I hope everyone’s nest boxes are full. I can’t wait to see everyone at the next show.


Hello NJWRC Members!

Whew! Another season in the books! It was hard-fought to get to the finish line on this one, and a huge THANK YOU is owed to our NJWRC Secretary, Alex Williams, for stepping in & taking over completion of another club’s reports – they were the last 6 I needed!

And, a warm welcome to Pam Schmidt, our new Fluff Editor. Hi Pam!

Just some fun facts & I’m going to keep this short.

I issued the 1st NJWRC sanction on October 9th, 2014 & have been doing this for 107 months! I’ve made 261 bank deposits as I write this.

Seasonal Fun Facts! In open, NJWRC members won BOB/BOS with exactly 400 unique ear numbers, and in youth, with 212! There were 701 open shows that took place with a total of 16,732 Woolies shown. In youth, 5,447 Woolies were shown in 398 shows – totaling 22,179 Woolies shown in 1,099 shows! These numbers are up from the 21/22 season. Youth transfers from open took place in 224 shows total (wowza!), with BOB/BOS wins being transferred a total of 109 times (go kids!), 47 white wool & 50 colored wool transfers. And those are all my fun facts for now!

Regarding 2023/2024 points – the season just began on 7/1, and July isn’t a big show month, so points for the 23/24 season won’t be posted for a while.

19 Sweepstakes
njwrcsweeps@gmail.com www.njwrcsweeps.com
Some of the Sweeps Reports may be truncated due to space constraints in The Fluff. The full Sweeps Reports can be viewed on the NJWRC Sweeps website: www.njwrcsweeps.com.

Open Overall Sweepstakes 2022-2023

20 # Shown: 16,732 # of Shows: 701 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts 1Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 7 69 19436 2Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 52 12972 3Sherlock, Barb - PA 9 49 12034 4Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 9 35 10471 5Edder, Deidre - SC 9 63 8004 6Moerbe, Kathy - TX 4 54 7493 7DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 8 46 7111 8Mezyk, Karen - IL 5 31 7098 9Landis, Michelle - PA 9 29 6364 10Lovely, Tara - ME 7 35 6186 11Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 8 50 6075 12Beirau, Gayle - IL 5 25 5299 13Robasciotti, Lori - CA 2 28 5250 14More, Gail - OH 8 47 5134 15Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 8 29 4770 16Hobbs, Jordan - IN 8 23 4767 17Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 7 9 3862 18Vara, Emily - WI 3 16 3415 19Deer, Steve & Terri - NC 9 21 3247 20Kneir, Brenda - MO 5 30 3166 21Boulier, DeAnn & Niles - MI 8 18 3074 22Anderson, Grace - KY 8 31 2888 23Boarts, Becky - MI 8 19 2610 24Neveu, Heather - WI 3 28 2584 25Arnold, Dave - OH 8 24 2552 26Milton, Jackie - TX 4 34 2344 27Freeman, Tracey & Tyrone - LA 6 18 2189 28Collins, Judy - OH 8 42 2186 29Jusko, Tayler - NY 7 24 1958 30Roman, Casey - NY 7 21 1885 31McConnell, Michaeline - CA 2 27 1834 32Achgill, Helene - IN 8 31 1761 33Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 4 14 1555 34Henderson, Amber - CA 2 12 1544 35Austin / Hillery, Chase & Kathy - TX 4 19 1531 36Wassom, Claudia - SD 3 16 1529 37Reilly / Ringelstetter, Brenda & Christi - WI 3 27 1519
Final Report
21 38Garsow, Lori - MN 3 11 1429 39Deling, Kelsey & Carmen - MN 3 12 1409 40Loesch, Cheryl - MN 3 16 1347 41Moore, Sharon - IL 5 14 1313 42Becker, Conner - MN 3 16 1242 43Evans, Abigail - GA 6 17 1228 44Maki, Sarah & Shane - CA 2 5 1177 45Medo, William - WI 3 17 1120 46Sheets, Angi - IN 8 18 1114 47McCullough, Jan - WA 1 23 1004 48Summers, Andrea - WY 1 10 984 49Brehm, Ryan - NY 7 14 983 50Turley, Rose-Marie - NJ 9 13 934 51Olson, Robin - NC 9 15 893 52Hammond, Sara - MI 8 22 871 53McKie, Helen - NC 9 8 846 54Neveu, Rachelle - MI 8 15 819 55Stoeckl, Sophia - OK 4 11 789 56Robertson, Bethany - OR 1 1 697 57Daniel, Evan - MS 6 18 646 58Dinsmore, Paige - VA 9 22 596 59Williams, Alexandra - PA 9 27 565 60Wood, Laurie - OH 8 7 548 61Stone, Kaitlyn - ME 7 15 546 62Younggreen, Kellyjo & Cassidy - CO 4 10 494 63Wallace, Shannon - CO 4 12 481 64Longdo, Michelle - WI 3 17 479 65Olmstead, Rebecca - WA 1 20 460 66Kelly, Janelle - OR 1 7 450 67Bell, Lisa - OH 8 26 422 68Taylor, Kirsten - LA 6 16 419 69Roe, Deborah - MI 8 9 391 70Grady, Rob & Paula - CO 4 6 381 71Jones, Sue - IN 8 11 368 72Lyons, Melanie & Yvonne - NY 7 1 361 73Pienta, Mallory - WI 3 6 345 74Andrus, Alicia - AK 1 3 327 75Pridgen, Stacey - MD 9 16 297 # Shown: 16,732 # of Shows: 701 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts
Final Report
Open Overall Sweepstakes 2022-2023

Open District Sweepstakes 2022-2023

22 # Shown: 16,732 # of Shows: 701 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts D1: 1McCullough, Jan - WA 1 23 1004 2Summers, Andrea - WY 1 10 984 3Robertson, Bethany - OR 1 1 697 4Olmstead, Rebecca - WA 1 20 460 5Kelly, Janelle - OR 1 7 450 6Andrus, Alicia - AK 1 3 327 7Sultan / Robertson, Meadow & Bethany - OR 1 8 268 8Hammond, Becky - AK 1 6 227 9Olmstead, Chuck - WA 1 13 191 10Born, Annette - AK 1 2 56 11Taliaferro, Jessica - WY 1 2 6
Report D2: 1Robasciotti, Lori - CA 2 28 5250 2McConnell, Michaeline - CA 2 27 1834 3Henderson, Amber - CA 2 12 1544 4Maki, Sarah & Shane - CA 2 5 1177 5Robasciotti, Lori & Gillian - CA 2 11 220 6Robasciotti, Gillian - CA 2 14 199 7LeSage, Angel - CA 2 3 102 D3: 1Vara, Emily - WI 3 16 3415 2Neveu, Heather - WI 3 28 2584 3Wassom, Claudia - SD 3 16 1529 4Reilly / Ringelstetter, Brenda & Christi - WI 3 27 1519 5Garsow, Lori - MN 3 11 1429 6Deling, Kelsey & Carmen - MN 3 12 1409 7Loesch, Cheryl - MN 3 16 1347 8Becker, Conner - MN 3 16 1242 9Medo, William - WI 3 17 1120 10Longdo, Michelle - WI 3 17 479 11Pienta, Mallory - WI 3 6 345 12Brown, Doug - WI 3 4 270 13Cartwright, Rebecca - MN 3 5 266 14Bukovich, Izzy - MN 3 17 262 15Hatt, Janice - WI 3 8 134 16Moorse, Brittany - MN 3 6 127 17Ziner, Dale - MN 3 3 81 18Langreck, Jennifer - IA 3 2 53

Open District Sweepstakes 2022-2023 Final

D4: 1Moerbe, Kathy - TX 4 54 7493 2Milton, Jackie - TX 4 34 2344 3Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 4 14 1555 4Austin / Hillery, Chase & Kathy - TX 4 19 1531 5Stoeckl, Sophia - OK 4 11 789 6Younggreen, Kellyjo & Cassidy - CO 4 10 494 7Wallace, Shannon - CO 4 12 481 8Grady, Rob & Paula - CO 4 6 381 9Martin, Kira - TX 4 6 276 10Wolfe, Michael - OK 4 16 254 11Younggreen, Kellyjo - CO 4 2 253 12Ledesma, Bailey - TX 4 2 185 13Reeves, Tonya - OK 4 4 121 14Knecht, Cleva - OK 4 4 108 15Snider, Joanna - TX 4 4 6 D5: 1Mezyk, Karen - IL 5 31 7098 2Beirau, Gayle - IL 5 25 5299 3Kneir, Brenda - MO 5 30 3166 4Moore, Sharon - IL 5 14 1313 5Oldham, Christina - IL 5 5 198 6McGrath, Janet - IL 5 8 188 D6: 1Freeman, Tracey & Tyrone - LA 6 18 2189 2Evans, Abigail - GA 6 17 1228 3Daniel, Evan - MS 6 18 646 4Taylor, Kirsten - LA 6 16 419 5Reynolds, Lisa - AL 6 2 68 6Taylor, Brandon - LA 6 3 37 D7: 1Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 7 69 19436 2Lovely, Tara - ME 7 35 6186 3Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 7 9 3862 4Jusko, Tayler - NY 7 24 1958 5Roman, Casey - NY 7 21 1885 6Brehm, Ryan - NY 7 14 983 7Stone, Kaitlyn - ME 7 15 546 8Lyons, Melanie & Yvonne - NY 7 1 361 9DeVito, Amanda - NH 7 10 284 10Buell, Steven - NY 7 19 197 11Manger, Cassie - CT 7 3 110 12Forward, Connie - NY 7 4 30 Gebelein, Sharon - MA 7 2 30

Open District Sweepstakes 2022-2023 Final Report

24 D8: 1Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 52 12972 2DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 8 46 7111 3Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 8 50 6075 4More, Gail - OH 8 47 5134 5Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 8 29 4770 6Hobbs, Jordan - IN 8 23 4767 7Boulier, DeAnn & Niles - MI 8 18 3074 8Anderson, Grace - KY 8 31 2888 9Boarts, Becky - MI 8 19 2610 10Arnold, Dave - OH 8 24 2552 11Collins, Judy - OH 8 42 2186 12Achgill, Helene - IN 8 31 1761 13Sheets, Angi - IN 8 18 1114 14Hammond, Sara - MI 8 22 871 15Neveu, Rachelle - MI 8 15 819 16Wood, Laurie - OH 8 7 548 17Bell, Lisa - OH 8 26 422 18Roe, Deborah - MI 8 9 391 19Jones, Sue - IN 8 11 368 20Hanchar, Nancy - MI 8 8 87 21David, Corrie - OH 8 2 58 22OBrien, Teresa & Skeeter - IN 8 3 46 23Anderson, Larry - KY 8 3 32 24Sterner, Teresa - OH 8 3 24 25Verschure, Emmaline - MI 8 2 22 D9: 1Sherlock, Barb - PA 9 49 12034 2Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 9 35 10471 3Edder, Deidre - SC 9 63 8004 4Landis, Michelle - PA 9 29 6364 5Deer, Steve & Terri - NC 9 21 3247 6Turley, Rose-Marie - NJ 9 13 934 7Olson, Robin - NC 9 15 893 8McKie, Helen - NC 9 8 846 9Dinsmore, Paige - VA 9 22 596 10Williams, Alexandra - PA 9 27 565 11Pridgen, Stacey - MD 9 16 297 12Deer, Terri - NC 9 2 270 13Perkins, Rebekah - PA 9 18 168 14Schmidt, Rachel - MD 9 1 36 Underwood, Echo - MD 9 2 36

Open Award of Excellence 2022-2023

25 # Shown: 16,732 # of Shows: 701 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist ShowC Bonus Pts 1DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 8 46 1432 2Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 7 69 1355 3Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 9 35 1323 4Moerbe, Kathy - TX 4 54 1204 5Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 52 1143 6Mezyk, Karen - IL 5 31 1025 7Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 8 50 877 8Lovely, Tara - ME 7 35 707 9Sherlock, Barb - PA 9 49 700 10Landis, Michelle - PA 9 29 683 11Edder, Deidre - SC 9 63 637 12More, Gail - OH 8 47 592 13Deer, Steve & Terri - NC 9 21 556 14Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 8 29 506 15Hobbs, Jordan - IN 8 23 442 16Robasciotti, Lori - CA 2 28 432 17Beirau, Gayle - IL 5 25 368 18Loesch, Cheryl - MN 3 16 350 19Boarts, Becky - MI 8 19 338 20Boulier, DeAnn & Niles - MI 8 18 330 21Anderson, Grace - KY 8 31 290 22Vara, Emily - WI 3 16 267 23Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 7 9 263 24Kneir, Brenda - MO 5 30 259 25Henderson, Amber - CA 2 12 225 26Wassom, Claudia - SD 3 16 214 27Arnold, Dave - OH 8 24 207 28Neveu, Heather - WI 3 28 195 29McConnell, Michaeline - CA 2 27 194 30Medo, William - WI 3 17 181 31McCullough, Jan - WA 1 23 173 32Daniel, Evan - MS 6 18 172 33Becker, Conner - MN 3 16 169 34Milton, Jackie - TX 4 34 167 35Freeman, Tracey & Tyrone - LA 6 18 165 36Olson, Robin - NC 9 15 160 37Brehm, Ryan - NY 7 14 130 38Deling, Kelsey & Carmen - MN 3 12 125 39Younggreen, Kellyjo & Cassidy - CO 4 10 112
Final Report

Open Award of Excellence 2022-2023

# Shown: 16,732 # of Shows: 701 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist ShowC Bonus Pts 40Collins, Judy - OH 8 42 111 41Garsow, Lori - MN 3 11 109 42Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 4 14 97 43Achgill, Helene - IN 8 31 93 44Austin / Hillery, Chase & Kathy - TX 4 19 86 45Pienta, Mallory - WI 3 6 85 46Reilly / Ringelstetter, Brenda & Christi - WI 3 27 81 47Evans, Abigail - GA 6 17 78 48Roman, Casey - NY 7 21 70 49Moore, Sharon - IL 5 14 68 50Olmstead, Rebecca - WA 1 20 63 51Bukovich, Izzy - MN 3 17 53 52Sultan / Robertson, Meadow & Bethany - OR 1 8 52 53Kelly, Janelle - OR 1 7 50 54Summers, Andrea - WY 1 10 48 55Neveu, Rachelle - MI 8 15 47 56McKie, Helen - NC 9 8 38 57Taylor, Kirsten - LA 6 16 32 58Maki, Sarah & Shane - CA 2 5 30 59Andrus, Alicia - AK 1 3 29 60DeVito, Amanda - NH 7 10 28 Jusko, Tayler - NY 7 24 28 62Dinsmore, Paige - VA 9 22 27 Roe, Deborah - MI 8 9 27 64Wallace, Shannon - CO 4 12 26 Younggreen, Kellyjo - CO 4 2 26 66Hammond, Becky - AK 1 6 25 67Deer, Terri - NC 9 2 24 Jones, Sue - IN 8 11 24 69Turley, Rose-Marie - NJ 9 13 23 70Born, Annette - AK 1 2 20 Moorse, Brittany - MN 3 6 20 72Bell, Lisa - OH 8 26 17 73Stoeckl, Sophia - OK 4 11 14 74Pridgen, Stacey - MD 9 16 13 Robasciotti, Gillian - CA 2 14 13 76Hanchar, Nancy - MI 8 8 12
Final Report

Open Rabbit of the Year 2022-2023 Final Report

# Shown: 16,732 #of Shows: 701 Rank Ear # Variety/Class Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Dist Sho Herdsman Pts ROTY Pts 1B9 Bkn D DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 8 21 32 1238 253B Bkn D Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 9 10 20 869 3W244 Bkn D Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 7 24 46 659 4M606 Self D More, Gail - OH 8 13 21 535 5BC1 Ag B Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 8 12 18 409 6W228 Ag D Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 7 7 12 369 7CS1 Self D Mezyk, Karen - IL 5 16 15 357 8X2 Bkn B Moerbe, Kathy - TX 4 11 20 356 9BB316 Self D Sherlock, Barb - PA 9 8 15 320 10WIT Self D Loesch, Cheryl - MN 3 1 2 283 TX1 Bkn B Moerbe, Kathy - TX 4 12 18 283 12BM Bkn D Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 5 8 262 13AF606 Ag D Boarts, Becky - MI 8 2 2 243 TT282 Shad B Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 7 3 4 243 15AF503 Self B Landis, Michelle - PA 9 8 10 236 163B100 Self D Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 9 6 11 208 17BZB Bkn D Boulier, DeAnn & Niles - MI 8 5 9 204 18S04 Self D Moerbe, Kathy - TX 4 8 13 188 19CHINA Bkn D Edder, Deidre - SC 9 9 15 180 JL Bkn B Henderson, Amber - CA 2 5 6 180 21AF569 Bkn B Landis, Michelle - PA 9 4 7 177 22RA Self B Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 6 9 174 23PP Self D Moerbe, Kathy - TX 4 5 8 171 24KT Bkn D DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 8 7 13 165 25GW4 Bkn D Neveu, Heather - WI 3 3 6 162 26TT269 Shad D Lovely, Tara - ME 7 3 5 158 27YBU2 AOV D Robasciotti, Lori - CA 2 9 17 152 28MIM Self D Anderson, Grace - KY 8 8 9 148 29CAM Tan B Lovely, Tara - ME 7 5 7 147 30AF448 Bkn D Landis, Michelle - PA 9 3 5 145 31T2 Ag B Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 7 15 14 142 32MC1 Self D Mezyk, Karen - IL 5 5 10 138 33RIZ Bkn D Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 8 4 8 135 34WP Bkn B Arnold, Dave - OH 8 4 6 133 35AF506 Self B Mezyk, Karen - IL 5 5 6 129 36AVA Self D Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 8 6 9 120 37AL4 Ag D Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 8 2 3 115 38BB453 Shad B Sherlock, Barb - PA 9 3 4 114 39AR Tan D Deer, Steve & Terri - NC 9 5 7 112

Open Rabbit of the Year 2022-2023

40MER Self D Lovely, Tara - ME 7 3 5 110 41MISS Bkn D Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 4 7 108 42CI Tan B Kneir, Brenda - MO 5 3 5 107 43SAS Bkn D Milton, Jackie - TX 4 5 7 104 44AF576 Self D Landis, Michelle - PA 9 2 4 102 45CM Bkn B Deer, Steve & Terri - NC 9 3 5 99 TX1 Bkn B Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 8 4 5 99 47FW Self D Younggreen, Kellyjo & Cassidy - CO 4 7 10 98 48MT Shad B Medo, William - WI 3 5 7 96 49BB339 Shad B Collins, Judy - OH 8 2 3 93 TS4 Ag D Freeman, Tracey & Tyrone - LA 6 3 5 93 51PERS Tann B Edder, Deidre - SC 9 10 12 90 52RD Tan D Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 2 3 89 TP Bkn D Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 1 2 89 54SR Self D Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 2 4 88 55YP Ag D Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 3 3 82 56AH Bkn B Hobbs, Jordan - IN 8 3 4 81 573B77 Tan B Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 9 3 3 77 BB511 Shad D Sherlock, Barb - PA 9 2 3 77 59HIS Bkn D Medo, William - WI 3 3 4 75 SKY Ag D Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 8 2 4 75 61PFB Bkn B Mezyk, Karen - IL 5 5 4 74 62WA AOV D Deer, Steve & Terri - NC 9 3 6 71 63HWF Ag B Edder, Deidre - SC 9 7 9 70 SPA Shad D Lovely, Tara - ME 7 4 3 70 AF586 Shad D Mezyk, Karen - IL 5 2 4 70 661RD Bkn D Beirau, Gayle - IL 5 2 4 69 W218 Bkn D Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 7 1 2 69 3BAF Bkn D Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 9 3 4 69 69DORA AOV D Brehm, Ryan - NY 7 2 4 68 H51 Self B DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 8 6 6 68 71HT2 Tan B Beirau, Gayle - IL 5 2 3 67 JH1 Tan D Hobbs, Jordan - IN 8 3 3 67 STAR Bkn D Moerbe, Kathy - TX 4 4 6 67 V246 Tan D Vara, Emily - WI 3 2 3 67 75BT Self D Deer, Steve & Terri - NC 9 2 4 66 76DOC Self B Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 1 2 65 CL6 Tan D Beirau, Gayle - IL 5 2 3 65 # Shown: 16,732 #of Shows: 701 Rank Ear # Variety/Class Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist Sho wC Herdsman Pts ROTY Pts
Final Report
# Shown: 16,732 # of Shows: 701 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist Herdsman Pts 1Edder, Deidre - SC 9 41 2Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 39 3Moerbe, Kathy - TX 4 38 4Robasciotti, Lori - CA 2 34 5Lovely, Tara - ME 7 32 Mezyk, Karen - IL 5 32 7Deer, Steve & Terri - NC 9 31 8Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 8 27 9Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 9 25 10Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 7 24 11Hobbs, Jordan - IN 8 23 Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 8 23 13Daniel, Evan - MS 6 22 14Sherlock, Barb - PA 9 21 15Anderson, Grace - KY 8 20 Landis, Michelle - PA 9 20 17Wassom, Claudia - SD 3 19 18Beirau, Gayle - IL 5 17 19McConnell, Michaeline - CA 2 16 20DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 8 15 McCullough, Jan - WA 1 15 22Kneir, Brenda - MO 5 14 23Boulier, DeAnn & Niles - MI 8 13 Vara, Emily - WI 3 13 25Milton, Jackie - TX 4 12 26Garsow, Lori - MN 3 11 27Henderson, Amber - CA 2 10 Medo, William - WI 3 10 Olmstead, Rebecca - WA 1 10 Olson, Robin - NC 9 10 31Becker, Conner - MN 3 9 Deling, Kelsey & Carmen - MN 3 9 Loesch, Cheryl - MN 3 9 34Freeman, Tracey & Tyrone - LA 6 8 Kelly, Janelle - OR 1 8 Reilly / Ringelstetter, Brenda & Christi - WI 3 8 Roman, Casey - NY 7 8
Open Herdsman 2022-2023 Final Report
30 38Arnold, Dave - OH 8 7 Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 4 7 More, Gail - OH 8 7 Neveu, Heather - WI 3 7 42Austin / Hillery, Chase & Kathy - TX 4 6 Brehm, Ryan - NY 7 6 Evans, Abigail - GA 6 6 Sultan / Robertson, Meadow & Bethany - OR 1 6 Summers, Andrea - WY 1 6 Younggreen, Kellyjo & Cassidy - CO 4 6 48Boarts, Becky - MI 8 5 Bukovich, Izzy - MN 3 5 Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 7 5 Pienta, Mallory - WI 3 5 Wallace, Shannon - CO 4 5 Younggreen, Kellyjo - CO 4 5 54Achgill, Helene - IN 8 4 Andrus, Alicia - AK 1 4 Born, Annette - AK 1 4 Collins, Judy - OH 8 4 Hammond, Becky - AK 1 4 Neveu, Rachelle - MI 8 4 60Jusko, Tayler - NY 7 3 Moore, Sharon - IL 5 3 Moorse, Brittany - MN 3 3 Turley, Rose-Marie - NJ 9 3 64Deer, Terri - NC 9 2 DeVito, Amanda - NH 7 2 McKie, Helen - NC 9 2 Olmstead, Chuck - WA 1 2 68Bell, Lisa - OH 8 1 Grady, Rob & Paula - CO 4 1 Hammond, Sara - MI 8 1 Hanchar, Nancy - MI 8 1 Jones, Sue - IN 8 1 Martin, Kira - TX 4 1 Robasciotti, Gillian - CA 2 1 Robasciotti, Lori & Gillian - CA 2 1 Stoeckl, Sophia - OK 4 1 Taylor, Brandon - LA 6 1 Taylor, Kirsten - LA 6 1 # Shown: 16,732 # of Shows: 701 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist Herdsman Pts
Final Report
# Shown (W): 324 # of Shows 143 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist ShowC White Pts 1Robasciotti, Lori - CA 2 22 1046 2Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 7 13 913 3Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 8 863 4Sherlock, Barb - PA 9 36 414 5Brehm, Ryan - NY 7 6 342 6Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 9 13 318 7Achgill, Helene - IN 8 4 215 8McCullough, Jan - WA 1 1 128 9Boulier, DeAnn & Niles - MI 8 1 104 10Longdo, Michelle - WI 3 16 96 11Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 4 4 80 12Olmstead, Rebecca - WA 1 5 36 13McKie, Helen - NC 9 2 27 14Lyons, Melanie & Yvonne - NY 7 1 16 15Garsow, Lori - MN 3 2 12 Henderson, Amber - CA 2 2 12 Landis, Michelle - PA 9 1 12 18Lovely, Tara - ME 7 1 9 19Buell, Steven - NY 7 1 8 Dinsmore, Paige - VA 9 1 8
Open White Wool 2022-2023 Final Report
# Shown (C): 906 # of Shows (C): 155 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist ShowC Colored Pts 1 Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 7 16 5585 2 Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 7 875 3 Turley, Rose-Marie - NJ 9 12 779 4 Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 9 8 729 5 Boulier, DeAnn & Niles - MI 8 2 720 6 Robasciotti, Lori - CA 2 20 715 7 Henderson, Amber - CA 2 9 686 8 Olmstead, Rebecca - WA 1 12 584 9 Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 4 6 476 10 Olmstead, Chuck - WA 1 10 329 11 Anderson, Grace - KY 8 2 238 12 Arnold, Dave - OH 8 2 218 13 Sherlock, Barb - PA 9 23 200 14 Dinsmore, Paige - VA 9 3 114 15 Landis, Michelle - PA 9 2 109 16 Pienta, Mallory - WI 3 1 105 17 Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 8 3 91 18 McKie, Helen - NC 9 1 85 19 Longdo, Michelle - WI 3 12 78 20 Vara, Emily - WI 3 1 68 21 Pridgen, Stacey - MD 9 2 40 22 Kneir, Brenda - MO 5 1 34 Olson, Robin - NC 9 1 34 24 Buell, Steven - NY 7 1 30 25 Verschure, Emmaline - MI 8 2 26 26 Garsow, Lori - MN 3 2 12 27 Lovely, Tara - ME 7 1 11
Open Colored Wool 2022-2023 Final Report

Youth Overall Sweepstakes 2022-2023

33 # Shown: 5,447 # of Shows: 398 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts 1Boling, Carlie - TX 4 49 7309 2Landis, Cody - PA 9 33 5940 3Withrich, Addison - MO 5 43 5599 4Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 29 4426 5Wood, Carlie - OH 8 28 4187 6Bloomer, Amelia - OH 8 51 4087 7Wallock, Makayla - WI 3 45 3907 8Estrella, Kylie - NY 7 59 3613 9Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 8 27 2760 10Williams, Autumn Marie - TX 4 23 2384 11Reker, Carson - MO 5 27 2160 12Coston, Katelynn - TX 4 24 2002 13Ashton, William - OH 8 42 1956 14Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 9 15 1860 15Anderson, Owen - TX 4 26 1705 16Floyd, Keely - TX 4 31 1697 17Jean, Keira - TX 4 27 1517 18Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 1 26 1497 19Jacobson, Hannah - WI 3 28 1493 20Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 1 35 1380 21Dotts, Cora - OH 8 19 1350 22Walkup, Rachael - PA 9 18 1199 23Benjamin, Brenna - FL 6 11 1115 24Hammond, Lottie - IN 8 16 978 25Brown, Lauren - IN 8 13 859 26DeVito, Angelina - NH 7 22 707 27Che, Izel - TN 6 18 634 28Manger, Ashlynn - CT 7 15 628 29Summers, Leif - WY 1 10 607 30Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 5 11 547 31Perkins, Karen - PA 9 18 509 32Enfield, Colson - MO 5 8 486 33Pieffle, Molly - WI 3 7 443 34Carey, Megan - OH 8 18 438 35Ketterman, Bristal - MD 9 10 401 36Ryan, Levi - OH 8 12 378

Youth Overall Sweepstakes 2022-2023

Final Report 37Curletto, Bettina - CA 2 1 324 38Floyd, Kali - TX 4 20 311 39Floyd, Karley - TX 4 22 252 40Callicoat, Elaina - OH 8 7 248 41Burrell, Stella - OH 8 10 222 42Schwartz, Arianna - PA 9 11 205 43McCloskey, Franny - PA 9 12 196 44Jankowski, Katie - PA 9 5 128 45Early, Darwin - OH 8 10 116 46Tetzlaff, Bryan - MI 8 6 112 47Archabal, Dana - ID 1 1 83 Tillery, Haley - KS 5 4 83 49Reker, Kainen - MO 5 3 78 50Gordon, Jeremy - MD 9 3 77 51Taliaferro, Justin - WY 1 3 76 52Ponsano, Ezra - CA 2 1 63 53Stouffer, Bella - WA 1 4 59 54Benjamin, Lynlee - FL 6 4 58 Verschure, Emmaline - MI 8 2 58 56Nash, Baelynn - TX 4 4 53 57Benjamin, Abriella - FL 6 4 50 58Kelly, Cheyanna - OR 1 4 48 59David, Ryah-Grace - OH 8 4 47 60DeSelm, Sophie - MI 8 4 42 61Kyser, Rhys - OH 8 1 32 62Mack, Joshua - OH 8 4 28 63Fox, Pason - MI 8 2 12 Gordon, Maddox - MD 9 1 12 65Saunders, Gabrielle - OH 8 1 8 # Shown: 5,447 # of Shows: 398 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts

Youth District Sweepstakes 2022-2023 Final

# Shown: 5,447 # of Shows: 398 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts D1: 1Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 1 26 1497 2Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 1 35 1380 3Summers, Leif - WY 1 10 607 4Archabal, Dana - ID 1 1 83 5Taliaferro, Justin - WY 1 3 76 6Stouffer, Bella - WA 1 4 59 7Kelly, Cheyanna - OR 1 4 48 D2: 1Curletto, Bettina - CA 2 1 324 2Ponsano, Ezra - CA 2 1 63 D3: 1Wallock, Makayla - WI 3 45 3907 2Jacobson, Hannah - WI 3 28 1493 3Pieffle, Molly - WI 3 7 443 D4: 1Boling, Carlie - TX 4 49 7309 2Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 29 4426 3Williams, Autumn Marie - TX 4 23 2384 4Coston, Katelynn - TX 4 24 2002 5Anderson, Owen - TX 4 26 1705 6Floyd, Keely - TX 4 31 1697 7Jean, Keira - TX 4 27 1517 8Floyd, Kali - TX 4 20 311 9Floyd, Karley - TX 4 22 252 10Nash, Baelynn - TX 4 4 53 D5: 1Withrich, Addison - MO 5 43 5599 2Reker, Carson - MO 5 27 2160 3Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 5 11 547 4Enfield, Colson - MO 5 8 486 5Tillery, Haley - KS 5 4 83 6Reker, Kainen - MO 5 3 78 D6: 1Benjamin, Brenna - FL 6 11 1115 2Che, Izel - TN 6 18 634 3Benjamin, Lynlee - FL 6 4 58 4Benjamin, Abriella - FL 6 4 50

Youth District Sweepstakes 2022-2023

36 D7: 1Estrella, Kylie - NY 7 59 3613 2DeVito, Angelina - NH 7 22 707 3Manger, Ashlynn - CT 7 15 628 D8: 1Wood, Carlie - OH 8 28 4187 2Bloomer, Amelia - OH 8 51 4087 3Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 8 27 2760 4Ashton, William - OH 8 42 1956 5Dotts, Cora - OH 8 19 1350 6Hammond, Lottie - IN 8 16 978 7Brown, Lauren - IN 8 13 859 8Carey, Megan - OH 8 18 438 9Ryan, Levi - OH 8 12 378 10Callicoat, Elaina - OH 8 7 248 11Burrell, Stella - OH 8 10 222 12Early, Darwin - OH 8 10 116 13Tetzlaff, Bryan - MI 8 6 112 14Verschure, Emmaline - MI 8 2 58 15David, Ryah-Grace - OH 8 4 47 16DeSelm, Sophie - MI 8 4 42 17Kyser, Rhys - OH 8 1 32 18Mack, Joshua - OH 8 4 28 19Fox, Pason - MI 8 2 12 20Saunders, Gabrielle - OH 8 1 8 D9: 1Landis, Cody - PA 9 33 5940 2Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 9 15 1860 3Walkup, Rachael - PA 9 18 1199 4Perkins, Karen - PA 9 18 509 5Ketterman, Bristal - MD 9 10 401 6Schwartz, Arianna - PA 9 11 205 7McCloskey, Franny - PA 9 12 196 8Jankowski, Katie - PA 9 5 128 9Gordon, Jeremy - MD 9 3 77 10Gordon, Maddox - MD 9 1 12 # Shown: 5,447 # of Shows: 398 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts
Final Report

Youth Award of Excellence 2022-2023

Final Report

#Shown: 5,447 # of Shows: 398 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist ShowC Bonus Pts 1Boling, Carlie - TX 4 49 951 2Landis, Cody - PA 9 33 804 3Bloomer, Amelia - OH 8 51 792 4Reker, Carson - MO 5 27 561 5Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 29 542 6Withrich, Addison - MO 5 43 517 7Estrella, Kylie - NY 7 59 500 8Wallock, Makayla - WI 3 45 498 9Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 8 27 487 10Williams, Autumn Marie - TX 4 23 404 11Wood, Carlie - OH 8 28 345 12Ashton, William - OH 8 42 253 13Coston, Katelynn - TX 4 24 243 14Floyd, Keely - TX 4 31 224 15Anderson, Owen - TX 4 26 199 16Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 1 26 166 17Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 9 15 161 18Benjamin, Brenna - FL 6 11 144 19Jacobson, Hannah - WI 3 28 131 20Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 5 11 129 21Walkup, Rachael - PA 9 18 127 22Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 1 35 107 23Summers, Leif - WY 1 10 90 24Callicoat, Elaina - OH 8 7 71 25Dotts, Cora - OH 8 19 70 26Che, Izel - TN 6 18 64 27DeVito, Angelina - NH 7 22 60 28Perkins, Karen - PA 9 18 54 29Ketterman, Bristal - MD 9 10 52 30Carey, Megan - OH 8 18 44 31Hammond, Lottie - IN 8 16 42 Ryan, Levi - OH 8 12 42 33Jean, Keira - TX 4 27 40 34Manger, Ashlynn - CT 7 15 36 35Brown, Lauren - IN 8 13 30 36Floyd, Kali - TX 4 20 29 37Floyd, Karley - TX 4 22 20 38Gordon, Jeremy - MD 9 3 15 Stouffer, Bella - WA 1 4 15

Youth Rabbit of the Year 2022-2023

# Shown: 5,447 # of Shows: 398 Rank Ear # Variety/Class Exhibitor Name - State - District - # Dist Show Herdsman Pts ROTY Pts 1AF387 Bkn B Landis, Cody - PA 9 16 27 604 2M535 Self B Bloomer, Amelia - OH 8 26 39 536 3NAL AOV D Wallock, Makayla - WI 3 22 35 353 4DO Bkn B Reker, Carson - MO 5 14 20 341 5BB229 Shad D Boling, Carlie - TX 4 7 13 297 6BB207 Self D Coston, Katelynn - TX 4 5 10 191 7B30 Bkn B Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 8 10 6 178 8BX7 Bkn B Williams, Autumn Marie - TX 4 5 9 167 9W17 Ag B Wood, Carlie - OH 8 8 14 162 102RD Bkn D Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 7 8 160 11HTB Tan B Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 7 10 158 12SWISS Shad D Withrich, Addison - MO 5 7 11 156 13B18 Self D Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 8 7 4 153 143RFW Shad D Bloomer, Amelia - OH 8 9 13 150 15KA2 Bkn D Ashton, William - OH 8 9 14 147 16J14 Tan D Withrich, Addison - MO 5 7 7 127 17PM2 Bkn D Estrella, Kylie - NY 7 8 14 123 18AF578 Shad B Landis, Cody - PA 9 6 9 121 19DQ5 Bkn D Williams, Autumn Marie - TX 4 2 4 111 20BMY Shad B Boling, Carlie - TX 4 3 5 110 21M607 Self D Reker, Carson - MO 5 10 11 104 22BB218 Ag B Boling, Carlie - TX 4 4 6 103 23HEDOLLY Tan D Estrella, Kylie - NY 7 19 9 96 24BB97 Self D Boling, Carlie - TX 4 4 5 94 25SBSC Self D Wood, Carlie - OH 8 5 7 93 26JAM Tan B Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 5 3 6 86 27K4FROG Tan D Floyd, Keely - TX 4 6 11 83 283ROV Bkn B Bloomer, Amelia - OH 8 4 4 75 29AF428 Bkn B Estrella, Kylie - NY 7 10 1 71 30BLU Bkn D Callicoat, Elaina - OH 8 4 4 70 KV Self D Dotts, Cora - OH 8 2 2 70 32HEBB Self D Estrella, Kylie - NY 7 6 4 67 RJ11 Ag B Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 1 8 11 67 34LOVER Shad B Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 8 4 5 66 35BB302 Bkn B Boling, Carlie - TX 4 3 5 64
Final Report

Youth Rabbit of the Year 2022-2023

# Shown: 5,447 # of Shows: 398 Rank Ear # Variety/Class Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist Show C Herdsman Pts ROTY Pts 36AL4 Ag D Ashton, William - OH 8 1 2 59 37RDX Ag D Anderson, Owen - TX 4 3 4 58 38VICUNA AOV D Boling, Carlie - TX 4 2 2 57 39TBBB2 Shad B Summers, Leif - WY 1 6 6 56 40JBR13 Self B Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 1 2 55 41BB220 Bkn B Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 2 4 52 BB320 Self B Boling, Carlie - TX 4 2 3 52 TACM Bkn B Withrich, Addison - MO 5 3 3 52 44AM47 Self D Anderson, Owen - TX 4 1 2 51 IRISH Tan D Perkins, Karen - PA 9 5 7 51 46AF395 Self D Landis, Cody - PA 9 4 5 48 47 K4BLACKIE Self D Floyd, Keely - TX 4 6 7 47 AM60 Self B Williams, Autumn Marie - TX 4 1 2 47 49DB Bkn B Boling, Carlie - TX 4 2 2 45 50B11 Self D Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 8 2 4 43 51MYS Bkn D Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 9 2 0 42 M588 Self B Ryan, Levi - OH 8 2 4 42 KNB Bkn B Wallock, Makayla - WI 3 7 3 42 54BB01 Tan D Boling, Carlie - TX 4 1 2 41 TODD Shad B Che, Izel - TN 6 7 10 41 56CS1 AOV B Benjamin, Brenna - FL 6 3 3 40 WVAN Bkn D Reker, Carson - MO 5 2 2 40 58BB38 Tan B Boling, Carlie - TX 4 2 2 39 AE Ag D Carey, Megan - OH 8 3 5 39 C1 Tan B Reker, Carson - MO 5 4 1 39 TAUFO Self D Withrich, Addison - MO 5 3 4 39 62ACE Bkn D Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 9 3 3 38 63BB83 Ag B Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 1 2 3 37 TS3 Ag B Reker, Carson - MO 5 4 5 37 65POLAR Shad B Manger, Ashlynn - CT 7 4 3 36 66DH3 Bkn B Coston, Katelynn - TX 4 3 2 35 MOPC2 Ag B Walkup, Rachael - PA 9 3 5 35 JRDD Bkn B Withrich, Addison - MO 5 1 2 35 69PECAN Ag D Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 1 2 2 33 LHL AOV B Walkup, Rachael - PA 9 2 4 33 71AF590 Ag B Jacobson, Hannah - WI 3 3 3 32
Final Report

Youth Herdsman 2022-2023 Final Report

# Shown: 5,447 # of Shows: 398 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist Herdsman Pts 1Boling, Carlie - TX 4 41 2Withrich, Addison - MO 5 27 3Estrella, Kylie - NY 7 25 4Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 24 5Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 8 20 6Floyd, Keely - TX 4 18 Reker, Carson - MO 5 18 8Landis, Cody - PA 9 17 Walkup, Rachael - PA 9 17 Wood, Carlie - OH 8 17 11Bloomer, Amelia - OH 8 16 Wallock, Makayla - WI 3 16 13Jacobson, Hannah - WI 3 15 14Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 1 14 Williams, Autumn Marie - TX 4 14 16Ashton, William - OH 8 13 17Anderson, Owen - TX 4 12 18Benjamin, Brenna - FL 6 11 19Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 9 9 Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 1 9 Summers, Leif - WY 1 9 22Coston, Katelynn - TX 4 8 23Che, Izel - TN 6 7 Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 5 7 25Hammond, Lottie - IN 8 6 26Carey, Megan - OH 8 5 Perkins, Karen - PA 9 5 28Callicoat, Elaina - OH 8 4 Floyd, Kali - TX 4 4 Ketterman, Bristal - MD 9 4 Ryan, Levi - OH 8 4 32Jean, Keira - TX 4 3 Manger, Ashlynn - CT 7 3 34DeVito, Angelina - NH 7 2 Dotts, Cora - OH 8 2 Floyd, Karley - TX 4 2 Gordon, Jeremy - MD 7 2 Kyser, Rhys - OH 8 2 39Benjamin, Lynlee - FL 6 1 Schwartz, Arianna - PA 9 1

Youth White Wool 2022-2023 Final Report

# Shown (W): 82 # of Shows 43 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist ShowC White Pts 1 Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 1 30 438 2 Wood, Carlie - OH 8 17 361 3 Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 8 7 192 4 Reker, Carson - MO 5 2 156 5 Withrich, Addison - MO 5 2 112 6 Walkup, Rachael - PA 9 1 110 Wallock, Makayla - WI 3 5 110 8 Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 1 2 80 9 Archabal, Dana - ID 1 1 64 10 Brown, Lauren - IN 8 1 50 11 Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 1 20 DeVito, Angelina - NH 7 1 20 Hammond, Lottie - IN 8 1 20 14 Anderson, Owen - TX 4 2 12 Estrella, Kylie - NY 7 2 12 Fox, Pason - MI 8 2 12 Jankowski, Katie - PA 9 2 12

Youth Colored Wool 2022-2023

42 # Shown (C): 325 # of Shows (C): 103 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh Dist ShowC Colored Pts 1 Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 1 23 1986 2 Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 1 35 895 3 Wood, Carlie - OH 8 19 754 4 Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 16 630 5 Landis, Cody - PA 9 2 570 6 Withrich, Addison - MO 5 9 503 7 Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 5 7 425 8 Estrella, Kylie - NY 7 19 411 9 Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 8 5 299 10 Curletto, Bettina - CA 2 1 288 11 Anderson, Owen - TX 4 6 275 12 Summers, Leif - WY 1 1 256 13 Hammond, Lottie - IN 8 1 231 14 Reker, Carson - MO 5 2 162 15 Boling, Carlie - TX 4 2 120 16 Brown, Lauren - IN 8 1 105 17 Wallock, Makayla - WI 3 2 40 18 Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 9 2 26 19 DeVito, Angelina - NH 7 1 20 20 Floyd, Keely - TX 4 1 15 21 Verschure, Emmaline - MI 8 2 12
Final Report

The Budget report submitted by our Treasurer, Brenda Reilly, is a projected budget for the coming year using estimates based on prior years’ income and spending. We use the Budget as a planning tool. The numbers for the checking and savings accounts are the club’s current holdings.

43 NJWRC Budget Amount July1,2023 thru for planning purposes Aug,21, 2023 Estimated Income: Memberships $4,200.00 $ 34.00 Sanction Sales $10,500.00 $ 1,065.00 Golden Fleece Auction $2,500.00 Scholarship $2,000.00 Boutique $300.00 Convention Awards $1,100.00 $ 500.00 Trio Raffle $1,100.00 Booth Raffle $300.00 Banquet $ 117.00 Auctions Misc. $ 470.00 Total income: $22,000.00 Expenses: ARBA Charter $30.00 Bank Service Charges $150.00 Bond $190.00 Corp. Fees $85.00 Election $300.00 Audit $300.00 Guidebooks $300.00 Hall of fame $150.00 Nationals $1,200.00 Scholarship recipient $2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Total Misc. Expenses: $4,705.00
Treasurer Brenda Reilly
44 Convention: Booth Decorations & Hospitality $500.00 Banquet Favors/exhibitor bags $100.00 Judges stipend $450.00 Judges gifts/ lunch $150.00 Booth rental $600.00 Supplies / hospitality other events $100.00 Banquet expenses $ 600.00 Start Up $100.00 Golden Fleece 1/2 what came in Member Buttons Presentation Exp. 1/2 entry fees Total Conv and Booth: $2,000.00 Conv. Awards Y & O up to $2,000.00 Placement 1-3 $750.00 Tabulation (Best Display) $50.00 Shipping/postage Total Awards: $2,800.00 Sweepstakes Awards, O&Y up to $2,500.00 $ 1,371.00 Pins $1,200.00 Postage $400.00 Total sweepstakes $4,100.00 Sweeps Tabulation $3,000.00 $ 182.50 Sweeps Bonus $200.00 $ 200.00 Sweeps Totals: $3,200.00 Fluff Newsletter: Editor stipend, $350.00 issue $1,400.00 Software support $150.00 Total Newsletter: $1,550.00 President stipend $1,000.00 President Total: $1,000.00 NJWRC
Projected Budget continued. . .
45 Secretary: Secretary Stipend $450.00 Office Supplies $125.00 Postage $250.00 Total Secretary $825.00 Treasurer: $ 150.00 Treasurer Stipend $450.00 Office supplies $100.00 Postage $75.00 Bank service charges $50.00 PayPal Fees $200.00 Total Treasurer $875.00 Website: Webmaster- $500.00 every 6 mos. $1,000.00 Hosting $150.00 Software $150.00 Total Website $1,300.00 Boutique Exp Total Boutique: Misc. Expense: Special Election $400.00 Birthday cards $ 63.00 Misc. Total Misc. $400.00 Total Expenses $22,755.00 Estimated: Total Income: $22,000.00 -Total Expenses $22,755.00 Totals -$755.00 Current Account Balances: Checking: $ 17,645.05 Savings $ 14,063.61 Total $ 31,708.00
NJWRC Proposed Budget continued. . .

Hello to all of the National Jersey Wooly Rabbit Club Members!

I have recently accepted the club’s offer to step into the role of Editor for The Fluff. I have some big shoes to fill as Jordan steps down. All the best to you Jordan, and thank you for your assistance in getting me up and running with all things Fluff!

Here is a bit about me, just in case you are curious! I am currently the Editor of the American Mini Lop Rabbit Club Gazette. I have done so, on and off, since the club was chartered in 2011. I am certain my name was dropped to the NJWRC President via the club’s beloved Sweeps person, Nicole Schmitt. I have known Nik (and Ellis, too) for more than 20 years, meeting both of them when we started in Mini Lops many moons ago. These two are family for sure!

My husband, Dale, raises and shows Mini Lops. He is currently the Treasurer for the AMLRC. We started with rabbits when our daughter, Emily, was 9 and starting 4H; she is now 34, so it’s been a while!

Emily started showing Mini Lops in her annual 4H show. She liked it, and we liked it, so it was time to get better rabbits and check out the things called ARBA-sanctioned shows. Once we got better Mini Lops, purchased from reputable breeders, we were hooked! It wasn’t long before the rabbits took over two bays of our three car garage. We found rabbit showing a great family hobby. We all helped with chores, discussed breedings, and attended shows, lots and lots of shows!

We did a number of ARBA Conventions, starting with Peoria IL. Since we are from Illinois, we thought a convention in our back yard was fabulous! Through the years we have ventured to Providence RI, Indianapolis IN, Louisville KY, Dallas-Fort Worth TX, Wichita KS, Harrisburg PA, West Springfield MA, and San Diego CA. Our daughter stopped showing when she headed off to college. Dale and I started showing together, and for the last several years it’s been all Dale. Dale and I are both retired; him from the State of IL and me from banking. When we retired we always knew we wanted to move closer to our daughter, who now lives in Indianapolis. So we bought 1.5 acres outside of Marshall IL, a little town in southeastern IL just across the boarder from Terre Haute. The plan, to build a house there. First things first, in 2022 we built the new bunny barn on the property. In July of this year we sold our house in northern IL, put a 5th wheel next to the new bunny barn, stored all of our worldly possessions in the shop area of the barn, and took a leap of faith! The house is under construction and two months ahead of schedule. Can I get a WOO HOO!!? We are hoping to be in by spring.

We are enjoying the MUCH shorter drive to Indy to visit our daughter; 1hr 15min versus 4.5 hours! Can I get another WOO HOO!!? And we are surviving life in a 5th wheel with 2 large dogs and 2 house cats!

So, that’s me in a nutshell. I look forward to working with the NJWRC Officers and Directors to keep Jersey Wooly news available to the membership. You are welcome to email me with questions or ideas.

Enjoy the remainder of summer and that beautiful thing we call fall. . .ahhhhh! I love fall!


National Jersey Wooly Club Membership Application

Name ARBA#

For Family membership

List names of all family members that wish to join and who currently live at the same address:

Name ARBA#(if available) Youth DOB required (month & year)

Name ARBA#(if available) Youth DOB required (month & year)

Name ARBA#(if available) Youth DOB required (month & year)

Name ARBA#(if available) Youth DOB required (month & year)

Address Number &Street City State Zip County

Phone #


Membership includes an email version of the newsletter and one FREE guidebook “Guide to the Jersey Wooly” to new members

year $12 or 3 years $25

Family Membership 1 year $25 or 3 years $60

2 adults and any children under the age of 19 legally residing at the same address

Life Membership $125 one-time payment

Any member in good standing who has held continuous membership for a minimum of 3 years and has reached the age of 45 years.

Total Due $___________

Send check or money order payable to NJWRC along with the application to: NJWRC Secretary, Alex Williams

932 Bentleyville Road, Charleroi PA 15022


Or: PayPal: (if paying by PayPal, make sure to type YOUR NAME and a list of ALL MEMBERS included on this application in the PayPal Notes section.)

$___________ Adult
$___________ Youth
Adult New Membership* 1 year $15 or 3 years $35
Youth New Membership* 1 year $12
Renewal 1 year $9

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