2024 Summer Fluff

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The Official Newsletter of the National Jersey Wooly Rabbit Club: Summer 2024 Open Best of Breed 2024 National

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Pages 3-4

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Pages 7-8

Pages 9-10


NJWRC Committees


Important Dates

Secretary’s Report

District 1 Report

District 2 Report

District 5 Report

Pages 11-12 AMatter of Ethics Article

Page 12

Page 13

Pages 14-17

Page 18

Page 19

Pages 20-21

Page 22

Advertising Rates

District 7 Report

District 8 Report

District 9 Report

Record of Vote

2024 National Show BOB

2024 National BOSB

Pages 23-25 JW National Breed Show

Pages 26-28

National Show Youth Results

Pages 29-31 National Show Open Results

Pages 32-36

Meet the Candidates

Page 37 Fluff Editor Report

Page 38

Pages 39-51

Sweeps Report

Open Sweeps

Pages 52-64 Youth Sweeps

Page 65 In Memoriam

Page 66

Page 67

NJWRC New Member Application

NJWRC Renewal Member Application

Meet the NJWRC Board

President Cheryl Loesch momdeplume@comcast.net

Vice President Douglas Brown doug.brown1982.db@gmail.com

Secretary Alex Williams NJWRCsecretary@gmail.com

Interim Treasurer Julie Aversa jtaversa@gmail.com

District One Bethany Roberston bethanyrobertsongm@gmail.com

District Two Lori Robascotti dogznkidz@hotmail.com

District Three Izzy Bukovich izzybuk18@gmail.com

District Four

Michael Wolfe 2002michaelwolfe@gmail.com

District Five Brenda Kneir mobunniesrabbitry@yahoo.com

District Six Kirsten Taylor flyinghooffarms@yahoo.com

District Seven Connie Forward connieforward@yahoo.com

District Eight Julie Aversa jtaversa@gmail.com

District Nine

Michelle Landis roughnecksm@verizon.net


NJWRC Committees

Newsletter Pam Schmidt dpschmidt8@gmail.com

Website Brittany Moorse blmoorse@gmail.com

Standards Committee

Julie Aversa, Steven Buell, Tracey Freeman, Amber Henderson, Bethany Robertson, Cheryl Loesch - Chair

Constitution and By Laws Doug Brown - Chair

Sweepstakes Scoring Nicole Schmitt njwrcsweeps@gmail.com

Awards Alex Williams NJWRCsecretary@gmail.com

Youth Coordinator

Lindsay Aversa allstarwoolies@gmail.com


Bethany Robertson bethanyrobertsongm@gmail.com


President Cheryl Loesch momdeplume@comcast.net

First and foremost, I want to acknowledge Brenda Reilly for her years as our Treasurer. Brenda began her tenure in February 2016 when she was appointed to the job. In April 2024 Brenda resigned her position due to having many other responsibilities with her family and other clubs. On behalf of the board and the club, I thank Brenda for eight years of work as our treasurer, as well as for her many terms as D3 Director.

Our Scholarship Committee of Julie Aversa, Crystal Clack, and Abi Evans read through all submissions and recommended that Carlie Wood and Sarah Anderson each receive the $1000.00 awards this year. The board heartily agreed by voting unanimously to support the awards. Congratulations, Carlie and Sarah! We hope that this small award will help you as you start your first year at school.

Nationals 2026 was awarded to Ohio Jersey Wooly Rabbit Breeders. Nationals will be held April 11, 2026, in conjunction with the Hall of Fame all-breed rabbit show. The OJWRB did a wonderful job last year on their very first NJWRC Nationals, and I think we can look forward to another great Nationals in 2026.

This year, board elections include the positions of even numbered District Directors, Secretary, and Vice President. Ballots will be posted in August, and polls will close on September 1, 2024. New directors, continuing directors, and new officers will begin their terms following the membership meeting at Convention. I’m pleased to say that there was a good number of applicants this year for positions.

We are currently exploring options for fully electronic balloting. We feel that electronic ballots will increase voter participation and interest. In order to ensure that each eligible voter can vote via the electronic means, each of them will need to submit their own separate email address to our Secretary. Electronic balloting allows each email one vote. All youth, 14 and up, are eligible to vote in club elections, and two adults per household are eligible to vote. Any aid you can give us in making sure you are able to vote is much appreciated.

Sweepstakes: njwrcsweeps@gmail.com www.njwrcsweeps.com
NJWRC Members Find the NJWRC

President’s report continued. . .

We have many active members who are interested in serving the club. Julie Aversa put together a list of committees and other positions that show the range of opportunities available; I’d be so happy to see more of you volunteering for the club. Please see her report in this issue for a list of items. Any interested parties can approach either their District Director, our Secretary, or me with your interest.

Before board elections, we will have a separate ballot for a change to the CBL. This will be a separate ballot, also via electronic balloting. This initiative has to do with district representation and district boundaries connected to those. We have long had an issue within many districts with getting continuous active participation in running for District Director. Angel LeSage wrote about the issue in the Spring 2016 Fluff. She wrote, “In January, as we were renewing the Charter, we ran into a problem with ARBA requiring that all director positions must be filled.” The extenuating problem is that in small population districts it is harder to get representation for our members. Often, the board has needed to find someone to run or be appointed “in name only” to fulfill the requirement.

After speaking extensively with ARBA Director Eric Stewart, he encouraged me to help our club find a way to assign representation that would more accurately reflect our club’s population. He also gave examples of ways other clubs make these divisions or how they assign representatives to the board. There are some clubs that have all representatives “at large,” rather than one representative per geographic district. Some have 3 or 5 zones with a certain number of representatives in each. I encouraged the board to think about ways to assign representation for our club, and we then discussed the various options. There were 8 options, including all of those forwarded by Eric as examples, a couple of options that “quartered” the country and had differing numbers of representatives, and a couple of options that reduced the number of districts to 7, based on population in each area. The board eventually settled on one of the 7 district options which they felt gave equal representation to each district. Districts were divided into fairly equal geographies based on raw population as well as “active” population of those showing. The districts differ in size geographically, but each has an equal population. The idea is that there are more people in each district to draw from for our board representation. I will be posting about the representation proposal on the Facebook NJWRC Members group soon, and I will include more information there for you to see and talk about.


June 1

July 1


August 15

September 1

October 26-30

November 15

April 12, 2025

April 11, 2026

REMINDER - keep back a promising Senior for the GFA!

Convention Planning Begins

Start of the 2024-2025 Sweeps year

Ballots go out for 2024 board elections

August Fluff article due date for fall edition

Postmark date for return election ballots

ARBA Convention

November Fluff article due date for winter edition

Jersey Wooly Nationals

Hutchinson KS

Jersey Wooly Nationals

Canton OH


Secretary Alex Williams


Hello everyone!

I hope this finds you well. It feels like just yesterday I was writing about the excitement on the eve of Nationals in Louisiana. Boy, oh boy, was competition stiff this year! There were just so many beautiful animals that were put on the table. But in the end, there could only be one BOB and BOSB winner for Open and Youth. So, a big congratulations goes out to Christy Boston Przybylowski (BOB) and Daniel Kuyoth (BOSB) for Open. And in Youth Carson and Kaiden Reker (BOB) and John Harris Anderson (BOSB). The Louisiana Jersey Wooly Breeders Association did a wonderful job showing us what southern hospitality is all about! They not only made sure to have a banquet that was fun, but they made sure to feed us during the show. I have to say, I really enjoyed myself and they put on one heck of a show.

In April we had our high school seniors send in their NJWRC Scholarship applications for the opportunity to receive a $1000.00. Congratulations Carlie Wood and Sarah Anderson. I know you will go far in your pursuit of success. I look forward to seeing each of you take the world by storm!

Now, May has come and will be gone sooner than later. This is the month that we will see who is running for even numbered Districts, Vice President, and Secretary. Be sure to check out their bios in this Fluff. I’m super excited to see so many new people wanting to run for an office. Even more exciting is the fact that we will have those who are fourteen years of age and older vote in the eleceion. Please don’t forget to send me their emails so they too can cast a vote.

Well folks, before we know it Convention will be upon us, so be sure to keep an eye out for a Golden Fleece Rabbit in your barn. In addition, we always need volunteers to help out at Convention, too. Please think about helping out at the booth or even helping out on a committee.

I look forward to hearing from you as always, and please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. Until next time, may your nest boxes be full.

NJWRC Secretary Alex Williams


District One

Bethany Robertson


Representing: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington, Wyoming, Saskatchewan, Alberta,

Hello District 1 members!

Show season is in full swing and what a fun time it has been! With the warmer weather comes beautiful coats, lots of babies, and great times with friends at shows.

I would like to send out a big congratulations to D1 youth member, Mara Lautzenhiser, for winning WCC Queen! What an amazing achievement!I have the pleasure of seeing and showing with Mara at local shows in Oregon and Washington and I am so impressed by her dedication and hard work within the hobby and in her Jersey Wooly program.

A very fun win and congratulations goes to Crystal Clack. Crystal has been raising Jersey Woolies for many years and she has produced some beautiful AOV- pointed white Woolies. At the Oregon State Convention Crystal took a Best of Breed win with her gorgeous senior buck, McK’s Zeus.

As always, I look forward to seeing my fellow “Fluff” lovers at the next show!

L - Crystal Clack with McK’s Zeus; R - Crystal with McK’s Zeus, McK’s Titus, and McK’s Euripedes

Arizona, California, Hawai’i, Nevada, Utah, and Mexico

Hello from District 2. I hope this report finds everyone happy and healthy.

We have had a couple of well attended shows this Spring where we were able to spotlight our Woolies. March 9 and 10 was Cal State Convention held in Fresno, California. Not only were many of our Cali breeders in attendance, but we also had the pleasure of the company of Angela Holbrook from Utah. Her passion for our breed is obvious and dedication is evident from the very long drive she made. Carla Morrison swept the BOB wins with her REW Sr buck, Vegas, three times and her Otter Sr buck, Buddy, once. BOSB was spread out among Amber Henderson with a Broken Sr doe, Michaeline McConnell also a Broken Sr doe, and myself with two different Shaded Sr does. All exhibitors went home with legs, high quality animals, and a great outcome for all.

On April 20th at Riverside County RBA in Costa Mesa, California, Michaeline McConnell's Broken Sr doe was awarded BRIS. Michaeline's Henrietta was given this award by judge Michael Perez in show C. Way to go! So exciting!!!

Our second big show, well attended by Wooly supporters, was West Coast Classic in Reno, Nevada. This show took place over Mother's Day weekend May 10 through 12. It is always a well run event with high entry numbers. We were excited to not only show with District 2 breeders, but also those from District 1. More people always equals more fun! Sarah Maki dominated the weekend by winning BOB and BOSB in four out of five shows. The stunners that she won with were a Broken Sr buck, REW Jr buck, Shaded Jr doe, BEW Sr doe, and a Broken Sr doe. In the War of the Wools specialty, Michaeline McConnell won both BOB and BOSB with a Broken Sr doe and a Self Sr buck. I'm already planning for my return to the WCC next year.

I will not be running for District 2 Director again. We need someone to run for the position. If you are interested or have questions contact me or our club secretary Alex Williams.

Take care all, until we see each other again.


dogznkidz@hotmail.com Representing:
Kansas State Fairgrounds Hutchinson KS
2025 National Jersey
12, 2025

BOB PCWRC Specialty

Reno NV 5-11-24

Sarah Maki Broken Sr buck. Judge - Beh Aik Kang from Malaysia WCC all breed show C RIS Michaeline's Henrietta Riverside County RBA

Hello District 5:

Hope you all are staying cool. The summer heat didn’t waste any time moving into Southeast Missouri. It’s time to take measures to keep the bunnies cool! Rabbits can suffer and die from heat stroke. It’s best to be prepared to prevent that from happening. Watch for signs of over heating. Fast, shallowing breathing, hot ears, tossing head back and breathing with mouth open, listlessness, and a wet nose can be signs your bunny is in trouble. If your rabbits are housed outside you will want to make sure they are shaded at all times. If you don’t have natural shade from trees you can set up an awning or umbrellas. Direct sunlight can quickly cause over heating. If possible, set up fans. Frozen 2 liter soda bottles and frozen ceramic tiles are great for helping rabbits keep cool. Fresh, cool water is important. If possible, change the water out a couple of times a day to keep it cool. You can also add ice cubes to their water. If you are using fans or air conditioning it is very important to keep those clean. Ventilation is also important. Exhaust fans in an enclosed barn are a must to control the ammonia.

NEARB held their annual Spring Show on Easter weekend. Carson & Kainen Reker took BOB & BOS in all shows. They were also RIS Show B with Mo Bunnies Domino. Open A was Kathy Moerbe with BOB & BOS. Show B Kathy Moerbe had BOB & Brenda Kneir took BOS. Show C Kathy Moerbe had BOB & Brenda Kneir had BOS.

Colson Enfield traveled to Stillwater, Oklahoma where he tried his first attempt at Pee Wee Showmanship - and won. He was also BOB & BOS Show B with Judge Gene Gillespie. Show A & B BOB & BOS went to Jordan Tucker.

The Sunflower Jersey Wooly Club hosted a Specialty in conjunction with The D5 Convention at Decatur, Illinois. Judge was Amanda Hutcheson.


BIS & RIS Carson & Kainen Reker

Youth Best Wool Makayla Wallock


BIS Madelyn DeSelm

RIS Karen Mezek

The club welcomed 2 new members, Sharon Moore and Makayla Wallock. A big Thank you to all who came out to support us with entries, raffle donations and buying raffle tickets! If you would like to join the club or help with hosting 2025 Nationals, please contact Melissa Tillery.

We have a FB page just for D5 members. If you haven’t joined, please do so. Hope you all have a great summer and remember to send your pictures to mobunniesrabbitry@yahoo.com.

9 District
mobunniesrabbitry@yahoo.com Representing: Illinois, Kansas, and Missouri

D5 Convention

Decatur IL

Colson Enfield

D5 Convention

Decatur IL

Colson Enfield and Judge Gene Gillespie

Decatur IL Kainen Reker &

D5 Convention D5 Convention Jordan Tucker & Judge Stacey Martin BOB & BOS D5 Convention Makayla Wallock BOB, Kainen Reker BOS, Judge Zach Sauer D5 Convention RIS Carson & Kainen Reker with Judge Josh Humphries

A Matter of Ethics

AMatter of Ethics

Truth and Consequences, Part 2

And now the conclusion of the story of the interesting predicament we found ourselves in on our way to Convention. If you have not read part 1, stop now and read the article titled“Truth and Consequences” in the last issue of The Fluff.

Did you discuss the questions asked in the first part of the story? What are the positive or negative consequences that might come from the decisions of the people involved? How do those decisions affect the individual? Do those decisions affect anyone else? What about the animals? Let’s get back to the story.

My traveling companions and I immediately felt very uncomfortable about the oddly behaving rabbit that was just put into our transport carrier. The tilted head and spinning in circles was a clear sign of illness in the rabbit, not playfulness. Though neither I nor my companions (a mother and her 12 yr old daughter) had never seen it before, we feared the rabbit may have E. cuniculi. We said as much to the breeder and reminded them that, per our transport agreement, we could not transport rabbits that showed signs of illness. The breeder insisted the rabbit was fine and we insisted we could not transport a sick rabbit. We went back and forth like this for several minutes. Frustrated, in a raised voice, the breeder told us the rabbit, a buck, must go with us because it was already sold as part of a trio. The breeder said the buyer would be furious if we did not take the rabbit then threatened to call him and “tell him everything!” if we did not take the buck.

It was at this point that the 12 yr old little girl stepped forward, stood a little taller, and with assertiveness, spoke up. “This is my first time going to Convention.” Then, pointing to a beautiful, chunky, little Netherland Dwarf in the back of our car, said, “This is my ONLY rabbit! I am not going to put your sick animal in the back of this car and drive a thousand miles in a closed car and risk my rabbit getting sick and dying. I love him too much. And what about everyone else’s rabbits in the car? They might get sick, too.” And that was that.

With nothing more to say, the breeder grumpily took their spinning buck and the two does out of the transport carriers and we left. We stopped at the nearest parking lot we could find and spent about 20 minutes thoroughly disinfecting every inch of the carrier in which the sick rabbit had been placed. The rest of the trip to ARBA Convention was relatively uneventful. We did, however, receive a call from a very angry buyer who’d been told we’d unreasonably refused to transport his trio of rabbits. But, after we described the symptoms the buck had displayed, the buyer’s yelling subsided and his anger turned to expressions of gratitude to us for saving him from the disappointment of being sold a sick animal.

The truth is, the breeder had been selling unhealthy rabbits to unsuspecting buyers for years and didn’t seem to have any problem with it. They even got angry with us when we refused to take part in their unethical decisions. Sure, the breeder had the right to sell their rabbits. What was the harm in it? Who did their decision affect?


article continued. . .

The breeder’s choices yielded negative consequences that affected several people. The pet buyers, mentioned in the first part of the story, likely had to fork out expensive vet bills to have their rabbits’ teeth trimmed again and again. We lost over an hour of drive time and the transport money. The buyer of the spinning-buck trio was grieved, had to try to get his money back, and no longer trusted the breeder. And, of course, the seller lost their reputation.

In the end, I know we made the right decision when faced with an ethical dilemma. Yes, we lost time and money. We were guilted, threatened, and yelled at but because a normally shy 12 yr old girl spoke up loud and clear, we walked away with our integrity, did not risk the health and comfort of any rabbit, increased our reputations as trustworthy transporters, and did not have anything to regret.

Did this story turn out any differently than you thought it would? Would you have done anything differently? If so, what? What would your friends have done? Ask them. I hope you talk about these sort of things every now and then because making ethical decisions in the heat of the moment can be difficult. However, such decisions are made much easier when you decide ahead of time what you will do when faced with a variety of ethical scenarios. Until next time, talk amongst yourselves.




Winter: November 15

Spring: February 15

Summer: May 15

Fall: August 15

Hurry! Ad rates might go up, so contact the Fluff Editor or your District Director to place your ad now!

Full Page: $45.00 $150.00 1/2 Page: $24.00 $85.00 1/4 Page: $12.00 $40.00

Youth BIS Kylie Estella

Cayuga Lake Rabbit and Cavy Show

Auburn, NY on 2/25

Higher Expectations Dolly Parton Judge - Robert Frizzell.

Open RIS Daniel Kuyoth

Catskills Region April 13

AOV Sr Buck TT317 Judge - Dana Bramble.

I hope everyone is enjoying spring and has lots of babies in nest boxes. Be prepared for hot weather if it ever makes an appearance. Freezing water bottles helps.

I hope to see some new faces at some upcoming shows. If anyone has some big wins send me a message.

District Seven Connie Forward connieforward@yahoo.com Representing: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island,

District Eight Julie Aversa

At the time of writing this I have just come home from a weekend of showing. I have noticed at the last few shows that clubs have been begging for volunteers. This hobby is run by volunteers and it seems everyone is always begging for help. So, with that in mind ,my article this time is on just that volunteering for your club. What can you do to keep your National Jersey Wooly Rabbit Club running? Find your volunteer opportunity. Let your District Representative know what you may be interested in doing. Also let them know if you have any ideas regarding what you would like to have happen, or anything in general. We all have to give of ourselves to make this hobby great.


Volunteer: The offer to do something that you do not have to do, without expecting payment. The act of doing without being forced, or paid to do so.

Our National Jersey Wooly Rabbit Club board is made up of volunteers. Volunteering is an activity where you provide services with no goals for financial or social gain. Some positions do receive a small stipend as an incentive.

Things you can gain from being a volunteer: time management skills, teamwork skills, strong work ethic, leadership skills, compassion, communication skills, commitment, problem-solving skills, training skills, and interpersonal skills.

What is meant by this:

Time management skills: projects are sometimes time-sensitive. You may have deadlines for certain tasks. It may also be necessary to be able to multitask.

Teamwork Skills: the ability to work with others is a large part of volunteer work. Most of our tasks require you to collaborate with others, which can help you develop some great teamwork skills.

Strong Work Ethic: some of the committees require a long-term commitment with stringent deadlines, and require interaction with many people. This in turn requires you to be able to interact equally with others, and in a timely manner. Having a strong work ethic allows you to help people while maintaining a positive attitude.

Leadership Skills: managing a project or chairing a committee, being a District Representative, or an executive board member (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary), can help you develop your leadership skills. As a leader, it is important to motivate other volunteers and make sure everyone remains productive. The main goal is to keep the group on-task toward the club’s goals and the work it does. You also must be able to delegate work effectively, meet deadlines, and make sure you all have the resources needed. These tasks will help you improve your leadership skills.

jtaversa@gmal.com Representing:
Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio,

Compassion: supporting our club and/or helping others is the foundation, and this can help you develop your compassion and empathy. Serving and working with others requires compassion. It is important to consider others’ perspectives and situations. Compassion helps you realize that everyone is different, and that you can make an impact on their lives however big or small that impact is.

Communication Skills: you will be required to work closely with the people you serve, and other volunteers. This will help you develop and fine tune your communication skills.

Commitment: as a volunteer, it is important to be committed to the NJWRC. It is important that you truly care about it. It is important to have the ability and time to volunteer. It is also very important that you honor this commitment.

Problem-Solving Skills: as a volunteer you will come across issues that needs to be resolved. By working with others, you can find the best solutions. Usually, you will be considering a range of solutions to resolve the issue effectively.

Training Skills: it may be necessary to teach fellow volunteers or members to do specific tasks. This can help you develop training skills.

Interpersonal Skills: you will meet new people and practice social interactions. You may make new friends, and strengthen relationships with members. You will have the opportunity to learn from others’ viewpoints. This is probably the most rewarding skill.

Volunteer opportunities: Board of Directors: you can refer to the By Laws on our membership group or on the club website for position definitions and requirements.

Executive Officers of the Board: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary. (Treasurer is an appointed position. However, it is always good to have a list of people that are willing to serve in this position).

District Directors: we have NINE districts with 1 representative from each district.

Committees: There are two types of committees, Standing Committees and other long-term committees, and Ad-Hoc Committees. Standing Committees and long term committees are those that are continuously, or almost continuously, running. Ad-Hoc committees are short-term committees that deal with single items. Terms on Standing Committees are generally for two years. Ad-Hoc committee membership is completed when the task is completed. Committee members are selected by the President and approved by vote of the board.

Examples of, but not limited to, Standing and Long-Term Committees: Standards Committee: this committee is composed of at least 5 knowledgeable JW Breeders. Parameters of the committee include appointing guidelines and work can be seen in the front portion of the SOP.

Constitution and By-Laws Committee: This committee works in conjunction with the board and members to review and suggest changes to the CBL, which will then be passed on to the board for approval to be submitted to membership for vote.

Youth Committee: establishes and coordinates youth activities or programs for youth members, subject to approval of the Vice President.

Judge Selection Committee: solicits commitment from available judges for years the club has vacancies for Convention judging. The committee also solicits continuous feedback from membership on judges desired.


District 8 report continued. . .

Convention Show Committee: Breed Chairperson, Breed Superintendent, Breed Secretary and Recorder, plus supporting personnel as may be required for efficiency. These individuals run all aspects of the show from the club perspective and adhere to Host Committee requirements.

Golden Fleece Auction: solicitor requests donations from members who meet the parameters specified, gathers pedigrees and other information by specific deadlines. The chairperson coordinates the auction and paperwork. The auctioneer emcees and ensure bids are heard. Handlers: 3 or 4 to help handle rabbits at auction time. Other duties as assigned.

Sweepstakes: consists of our Sweeps Chair, whose duties are to maintain current and accurate sweepstakes points records, issue and maintain breed sanctions, ensure that points are awarded according to the rules laid out by the club, and issue periodic reports to the Fluff Editor and website host for publication.

Examples of Ad-Hoc committees: Scholarship Committee: reviews and selects scholarship recipients based on established guidelines, makes recommendations to the board.

Convention volunteer opportunities: Booth décor: this person plans our booth theme, gathers décor, and puts everything together on Saturday. They can and should find helpers for set up.

Hospitality Planner: this person plans booth hospitality for our attending membership. Generally, this includes snacks and drinks. This person also solicits donations of these items.

Banquet: this person plans and obtains the space for the banquet, sets banquet price, sells and keeps track of tickets for the event.

Sweepstakes Awards: this person works within our cost parameters to purchase awards for the top sweeps awards winners. They also need to arrange transport of awards to Convention, and at convention, helps to sort and label the awards.

Convention Awards: This person works within our cost parameters to purchase awards for convention wins for groups, BOB, BOS, Best Display and Wool awards.

Convention Placement Awards (1st -3rd place for all breed and wool classes, Open and Youth): this person works within our cost parameters to purchase placement prizes and transport those to convention.

Convention Apparel coordinator: this person, along with an assigned board representative, coordinates with the Boutique to come up with a design that goes along with the theme of convention. The Boutique provider creates the design, working with the idea and theme suggested by the coordinator. The coordinator and board representative approve the design. Our current boutique does the rest. Should match the theme of booth décor.

Convention Staff: 3 Ramrods, 3 writers, 1 clerk to transfer and check results to official forms, responsible for recording show results. Show supervisor person available for any problems that may arise, and responsible for keeping things running smoothly.

Running Rabbits: probably the most important job at Convention. Runners keep the show running smoothly. We need people to run rabbits. Ideally, each person should run as many rabbits as they brought to show, and then a few more, because those working behind the tables cannot be runners and also have brought rabbits to show. The show does not run if we do not have runners to bring rabbits for judging.


There may be more that I missed but this is a good overview of the volunteer opportunities that keep this club running. Without volunteers we would not have a club!!!! Let your District Director know if you would be interested in volunteering, and what you would like to do. A list of interested volunteers is a great thing to have, whether it be a two-hour booth commitment or a 2 year committment to the board or a standing committee.

May your nest boxes be full.

Your District 8 Representative Julie Aversa

DaveArnold with his Broken Senior BuckDean

As I write this, I can’t believe that we are only 5 months away from the 101st ARBA Convention in Louisville, KY!! I hope you have all been breeding for convention and that your nestboxes are full and your juniors and young seniors are looking gorgeous.

I am blessed to have been asked for the 3rd year to solicit donations to the Golden Fleece Auction and the Jersey Wooly Trio. A lot of people have asked about how to donate to the auction. I am going to make a post on the NJWRC Members Facebook page explaining the criteria for deciding who we ask to donate. I will also explain the Request To Donate application option that we started 2 years ago. I am going to start sending out the requests to donate to the GFA and Jersey Wooly Trio starting the beginning of August, so keep an eye on your FB Messenger.

Here in District 9 we have all been having a great time attending shows throughout the East coast and beyond. I love seeing all of the FB updates showing how well Jersey Woolies are doing at a lot of shows. It is exciting to see how often they are recognized and given the coveted BIS and RIS! It shows just how far our breed has come. I get an even bigger thrill when that award is won by a youth. The youth are our future and I love seeing posts about how other JW breeders (both youth and open) are taking the time to mentor and help the newer youth breeders along with the newer open breeders. We are also blessed with many amazing judges throughout the country who love to spend time with and educate newer and seasoned breeders. It warms my heart to see the care and commitment that they show when explaining a DQ, fault, or excellent quality of an animal. We might not always agree 100% with their assessment, but it would be impossible to always agree on everything. Here is a reminder to take time to sincerely thank your judges and show committees. They have taken time out of their busy schedules, missed family functions, and forgone a relaxing weekend to travel to the show to judge and run the shows for all of us. We owe them much! Without them, there are no shows.

18 District Nine Michelle Landis roughnecksm@verizon.net Representing: Delaware,
Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington DC,
Levi McGowan having a wonderful discussion about Jersey Woolies with Judge Bill Bramble during the Open Jersey Wooly Specialty in Gaithersburg, MD.

Record of Vote

Record of Vote

February 16 – May 15, 2024

Ballot initiative discussing alternative representation models for the board. Motion passed with 11 yes votes, one absent vote.

Vote by acclamation (all approved) to award Nationals 2026 to the Ohio Jersey Wooly Rabbit Club. Nationals will be held in Canton, Ohio in conjunction with the Hall of Fame rabbit show on April 11, 2026.

Ballot initiative to plan for district representation model implementation, should that be approved by the membership.

Motion passed with 10 yes votes. Two votes were absent.

Appoint interim Treasurer to the board as we search for a new Treasurer. Motion passed with 9 yes votes, 1 no vote, and one absent vote.

Additional ballot for the record: in March of 2023, a ballot was taken to induct Cheryl Loesch into the Hall of Fame. The ballot passed unanimously. The award presentation was at Convention Banquet in October 2023.

What is a vote by acclamation?

A vote by acclamation is a more informal method of voting, where all parties agree on the outcome, and a formal ballot is not required.

What does it mean when there is an “absent” vote, and how is it different from abstaining from a vote?

A board member can vote yes or no on a ballot or can abstain from voting. A board member usually declares they are abstaining from a vote if there is a real or perceived conflict of interest for that board member on the item in question. This is different from an “absent” vote, in which a board member does not declare that they are abstaining but does not vote. Ballots are given with a oneweek timeline for response. Reasons for not voting usually have to do with a board member forgetting to vote or having a busy schedule at that time.


2024 Jersey Wooly Nationals Best of Breed

She’s All That - 53B
Christy and Katrina


I want to start off by saying Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, to Michelle and Cody Landis for taking my rabbits to Nationals. They not only transported my Jersey Woolies, but also took care of them, groomed them, and treated them like their own. I am so grateful for their friendship. I also want to thank Daniel Kuyoth for all the pictures. Congratulations on your BOSB. I was so disappointed we couldn’t get a picture together. It is such an honor to win Nationals two years in a row with the same rabbit and to win wool as well. I had been working on improving my wool, so it's nice to see all the hard work paying off. I am so lucky to have such an amazing animal and to have the judges recognize her as such. I also want to thank the judges for picking 3 Bears Barney as the Best Opposite of Group Tan.

Thank you everyone for all the Congrats wishes. I so wish I could have been there to see Allie win again. She’s All That is such a special rabbit. I have loved her since she was 4 weeks old and she did that perfect pose and gave me that look that said I am All That. That was when she acquired her name, She’s All That, or Allie for short. She earned her name, and has been my baby ever since. She has an attitude, which makes her even more fun. She likes to eat sweatshirts, like her Sire, 3 Bear’s Gopher, and her Grandfather, Panda Bear. Since winning Nationals last year, she has gone on and won many BIS, RIS and Best of Breeds. When I bred 3 Bear’s Ashley, the dam to Allie, to Gopher (a blue self), I was hoping to get her wool along with his head and ears. My wool and ears were two things I was working on in my rabbitry. I was fortunate enough to get all the best traits of both rabbits. I love Allie’s short body, dense wool, and short thick ears. She really is ALL THAT.

For those of you just starting out in Jersey Woolies, remember to have patience in your rabbitry. I have been doing Jersey Woolies with my two daughters, Katrina and Ariana, for 16 years to get to this point. No one is going to sell you a BIS rabbit. You need to work hard and be patient. And don’t forget to ask your peers for help. I would not be where I am today without the help of my fellow Jersey Wooly breeders. Also listen to your gut when breeding. It’s great to listen to your peers, but breed what you like. Everyone likes something different, and every judge has his likes and dislikes. Breed what you like; it is your rabbitry.

Again, thank you to all my Jersey Wooly peeps for being awesome.


National Show

Best of Breed - She’s

All That -with judges

Stacey Easton Martin

National Show

Best of Breed - She’sAll

That with transporter

Michelle Landis and Best

Opposite Sex of BreedTT321 - with breeder

Daniel Kuyoth

2024 Jersey Wooly Nationals Best Opposite Sex of Breed

TT321 - Blast Off - Daniel Kuyoth

Hi everyone :) Kinda weird writing this but, here I go... TT321, or "BLAST OFF" as I sometimes like to call him, is a young Pointed White senior buck. 321 is sired by TT273, who is also the sire to my 2023 BOSG AOV buck from last years National, TT317. His dam is a doe I have always loved, TT242, who is sired by TT69, who was BOG AOV at the 2018 ARBA Convention in Massachusetts.

I've been working with these rabbits for many years but haven't shown much outside of some local shows recently. The last time I was able to attend JW Nationals, prior to the 2023 National, was back in 2016, in Pennsylvania, and my last convention was in 2018, in Massachusetts. That being said, I'm really glad I made it to the 2023 National in Ohio last year as it was really encouraging. I was extremely fortunate to go BOG/BOSG AOV and BOG Shaded. That showing I had at the 2023 Nationals really encouraged me and motivated me to make the long haul from Rhode Island to Louisiana for this year's National.

The LOOONG drive was worth it... I was extremely fortunate to receive the same group wins in Louisiana as I did in Ohio, as well as BOSB with my BOSG AOV Sr buck, TT321, "BLAST OFF." JW Nationals was 321's second show and he really surprised me when the judges announced him as BOSB ...Eeek!!! I didn't have any expectations for 321 seeing as he hadn't been out much, so I wasn't sure how the judges would receive him. Going into the National I thought one of my other senior bucks had a better chance, however 321 made it to AOV BOSG and then really worked hard during the BOB judging. I think 321's statuesque posing at the time of judging and his quality of coat are what really helped him stand out during final selections for BOB. I'm still very humbled and honored that the judges found 321 worthy of such an award.

A huge congratulations to all the exhibitors, but especially to my Northeast friends, Michelle Landis, with her group wins, and to Christy Przybylowski for her BEST OF BREED with Allie ...she is dynamite!!!

All in all, I'm glad I went and I'm extremely grateful to the Louisiana Jersey Wooly Breeders Club for hosting an excellent Jersey Wooly National show. Tracey, Brandon, Kirsten and their team were AWESOME and put on a great National for all of us. By the way, you Louisiana wooly peeps are so much fun! Thank you!

I hope everyone is breeding and preparing for our wooly family reunion in Louisville, KY this fall. It's going to be so much fun!

With gratitude, Daniel Kuyoth


Three NJWRC lifetime members right here!

2024 National Jersey Wooly Show

Agouti Sr Buck

1 John Harris Anderson

3 Cody Landis

4 Carlie Wood

5 John Harris Anderson

2 John Harris Anderson
6 William Ashton 7 Colson Enfield 3
Jr Buck 1 Jordan Tucker 2 Cheyenne Woerndel 3 John Harris Anderson 4 Cheyenne Woerndel
Buck 1 John Harris Anderson 2 Cody
Landis 3 Keely Floyd
Broken Sr
LA 9
WB ER1 BOSG CUTE J19 JM AF635 6 Jordan Tucker JAK 7 Autumn Marie Williams NVC1 8 John Harris Anderson 2RD 9 Daphne Rider MOO 10 Carson/Kainen Reker TBE
Jr Buck 0 shown Jr Doe 0 shown
Buck 1 Carson/Kainen Reker 2 Carson/Kainen Reker 3 Carlie Wood 4 Autumn Marie Williams 5 Cheyenne Woerndel 6 Baelynn Nash
7 Keely Floyd
Keely Floyd
Megan Carey

Jr Doe

1 Cheyenne Woerndel

2 Jordan Tucker

3 Megan Carey


Sr Buck

1 Cheyenne Woerndel

2 Carlie Wood

3 William Ashton

4 John Harris Anderson

5 Jordan Tucker

6 Evelyn Ray

7 William Ashton

Jr Buck 0 shown

Jr Doe DQ


Sr Buck

1 Cody Landis

2 Daphne Rider

Jr Doe

1 John Harris Anderson Tan

Sr Buck

1 John Harris Anderson

2 John Haarris Anderson

3 Carson/Kainen Reker

4 John Harris Anderson

5 Evelyn Ray

6 Evelyn Ray

7 Corbin Ray

Jr Buck 1 Jordan Tucker

BB00 BS214 BOG CSB BB342 M3 CN 6
1 Cheyenne Woerndel BL46 2 Cheyenne Woerndel BL35 3 Jordan Tucker JEN 4 Cheyenne Woerndel BL62
Carlie Wood
Colson Enfield

Best of Breed - Carson & Kainen Reker - DO

Best Opposite of Breed - John Harris Anderson - JBR36

Best Display - John Harris Anderson

White 1 William Ashton 2 Carlie Wood 3 Carlie Wood ER1 OVERALL 6 Carlie Wood JM 7 Cody Landis AF635 8 Carlie
9 Carson/Kainen
10 Carson/Kainen
Reker TBE
Reker CSB

2024 National Jersey Wooly Show


Sr Buck

1 Brenda Kneir CT1 BOSG

2 April/Kaitlyn Sefcik VHE

3 Ava-Lynn Ledesma QB1

4 Brenda Kneir TW

5 Helen Mckie NH

6 Kirsten Taylor FHTURKEY

7 Robin Olson FB55

8 Michelle Landis AF545

Jr Buck

1 Deidre Edder HAVENOT

2 Abigail Evans FB56

3 Deidre Edder PROM


Sr Buck

1 Daniel Kuyoth TT321 BOSG

2 Daniel Kuyoth TT317

3 Daniel Kuyoth TT273

4 Deidre Edder 8M7

5 Ava-Lynn Ledesma TT202

6 Ava-Lynn Ledesma TRO

Sr Doe

1 Robin Olson FB11 BOG

2 Ava-Lynn Ledesma PR5

3 Michelle Landis AF525

4 April/Kaitlyn Sefcik WK1

5 April/Kaitlyn Sefcik M1

6 Patrick Pearson CASH

7 Deidre Edder CASSAND

8 Deidre Edder HD 9April/Kaitlyn Sefcik L13

10 S Buell/C Forward W266

Jr Doe 0 shown

Jr Buck

1 Deidre Edder BUSTER

2 Deidre Edder OJ

Sr Doe

1 Daniel Kuyoth TT280 BOG

2 Daniel Kuyoth TT323

3 Daniel Kuyoth TT320

4 Daniel Kuyoth TT295

5 Daniel Kuyoth TT307

6 Deidre Edder CARA

7 Daniel Kuyoth TT310

8 Michael Wolfe TDAP

Jr Doe

1 Deidre Edder GOSSIP



Sr Buck

1 Cody Landis AF387 BOSG

2 Brenda Kneir GB2

3 Michelle Landis AF600

4 Brenda Kneir TB

5 Tracey/Tyrone Freeman BSM

6 Ava-Lynn Ledesma KP

7 Kathy Moerbe JH12

8 Brenda Kneir DJ

9 Michelle Landis AF569

Jr Buck

1 Jackie Milton

Sr Doe

1 Christy/Katrina Przybyowski 53B BOG

2 Brenda Kneir EX

3 Kathy Moerbe STAR

4 Jackie Milton SAS

5 S Buell/C Forward WD

6 Briana Baldwin ATM

7 Helen Mckie 2N

8 Brenda Kneir FP

9 Alexandra Williams O FHNN2

2 Deidre Edder ATL PH2 PROMISE


Sr Buck

1 Michelle Landis AF643 BOG

2 April/Kaitlyn Sefcik KB

3 Christy/Katrina Przybylowski 313B

4 Alexandra Williams JT

5 Ave-Lynn Ledesma 1AY

6 Ave-Lynn Ledesma SC33

7 Jackie Milton EF8

8 Alexandra Williams Q4

9 Briana Baldwin

Jr Buck

1 Jackie Milton


Sr Buck

1 Daniel Kuyoth TT282 BOG

2 Daniel Kuyoth TT325

3 Ava-Lynn Ledesma WPMS

4 April/Kaitlyn Sefcik BB563

Jr Buck

Sr Doe

1 Michelle Landis AF576 BOSG

2 Christy/Katrina Przybylowski 3B61

3 Kathy Moerbe ABS2

4 Robin Olson JH

5 Abigail Evans JH7

6 Tracey/Tyrone Freeman F421

7 April/Kaitlyn Sefcik K4

1 Michael Wolfe 2C

8 Kathy Moerbe BC2 DMH WK2

Sr Doe

1 Ava-Lynn Ledesma AM80 BOSG

2 Patrick Pearson MR2

3 S Buell/C Forward EF7

4 Daniel Kuyoth TT293

Jr Doe

1 Christy/Katrina Przybylowski HOPE



Sr Buck

1 Christy/Katrina Przybylowski 3B77 BOSG

2 Brenda Kneir CI

3 Deidre Edder CH

4 Deidre Edder PERS

Sr Doe

1 Ava-Lynn Ledesma B21 BOG

2 S Buell/C Forward W294

3 Michelle Landis AF620

Jr Buck 1 DQ

Breed Fur


1 Daniel Kuyoth TT321 OVERALL

2 Daniel Kuyoth TT323

3 Daniel Kuyoth TT280

4 Daniel Kuyoth TT317

5 Daniel Kuyoth TT320

6 Ava-Lynn Ledesma AM48

7 Daniel Kuyoth TT307

8 Christy/Katrina Przybylowski 3B61

9 Daniel Kuyoth TT310

10 Daniel Kuyoth TT295

4 April/Kaitlyn Sefcik I4

5 Tracey/Tyrone Freeman F403

6 Deidre Edder EAGLE

7 Patrick Pearson OT1

Jr Doe

1 Deidre Edder TRIV


1 Christy/Katrina Przybylowski 53B

2 Daniel Kuyoth TT325

3 Daniel Kuyoth TT282

4 Michelle Landis AF600

5 Ava-Lynn Ledesma AM80

6 S Buell/C Forward WD

7 Ava-Lynn Ledesma QB1

8 Ava-Lynn Ledesma B21

9 Christy/Katrina Przybylowski 313B

10 S Buell/C Forward EF7

Best of Breed - Christy/katrina Przybylowski - 53B

Best Opposite of Breed - Daniel Kuyoth - TT321

Best Display - Daniel Kuyoth

124 Shown by 21 Exhibitors


2024 NJWRC Board Elections

2024 Board Elections

Each year we have elections for some of the board positions. This year, we will be voting for evennumbered District Directors, Secretary, and Vice President. Ballots will be sent out in August and should be returned, postmarked by September 1st . Candidates will take up their positions following the General Membership Meeting at Convention in October.

Below are short bios for those candidates who met the requirements to run for election. Thank you to those who submitted nomination petitions for board positions.

District 2

No candidate submitted a petition. Any D2 member in good standing for at least one year may contact the president to express their willingness to be appointed. The board will vote to appoint a candidate.

District 4

There are three candidates running for District Director in D4 this year: Baily Ledesma, Shannon Wallace, and Michael Wolfe, incumbent.

Shannon Wallace

It would be an honor to earn your vote for the District 4 Director. Rabbits entered my life in 2011 when my daughter came home from her first 4H meeting saying, “I want to show rabbits.” Well, that was that! I have been a passionate Jersey Wooly enthusiast since 2018, dedicated to cultivating community and facilitating education within the breed.

As a current ARBA Colorado State Representative, I prioritize inclusivity and knowledge exchange. Serving on the ARBA Photography Committee allows me to share my creativity with others within the organization. My mission? To make every member feel valued, spread Jersey Wooly expertise, foster collaboration for breed advancement and encourage new exhibitors to join our vibrant community.

Thank you for your support!

See you at the shows, Shannon Wallace

Michael Wolfe, Incumbent D4 Director

Hi, my name is Michael Wolfe for those who do not know me. I have been the current District 4 Director for the last 2 years, and the time for me to run again is upon us. My main goals as District 4 Director are to continue growing our exhibition numbers for our area along with making sure our youth is well taken care of.

I am located in Ada, OK and live on about 10 acres. My rabbitry consists of about 180 holes with about 60% of those being Jersey Woolies. I have raised and shown Jersey Woolies for 13 years now as both a youth and open exhibitor. My favorite group of Jersey Woolies is the Agoutis, however I currently have all the groups in my barn. As always, if you have any questions please reach out to me and I will do my best to help you out.


Baily Ledesma

Hey y’all! My name is Bailey Ledesma and I am interested in representing District 4 to the fullest in the role as District 4 Director. I am a born and raised Arizonan, currently living in Northern Houston Texas. Rabbits have always been a part of my life. I was a youth breeder of Netherland Dwarfs involved in 4H, SARBA (Southern Arizona Rabbit Breeders Association), and ARBA. I grew up with the amazing mentorship from (the late and great) Joy Bramhall. I came back to the hobby a few years ago when my daughter decided she wanted to raise and show Jersey Woolies, and I wanted to show and raise Belgian Hares.

Professionally, my background is in early childhood education and all things medical. I have worked in the public school setting in the Nurses Office for the past 10 years, and have a Bachelor’s degree in Education. I am currently obtaining my first of two Masters degrees. I love to teach in the medical setting, educating others about invisible disabilities and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (which myself and others close to me suffer from).

In addition to my professional life, my husband and I are both United States Navy Veterans, which is where we met. We have one pre-teen daughter that most know as Ava She raises both rabbits and cavies and has found her love for all things fiber and wool, expanding from our original breed of Jersey Woolies into Angoras and cavies from hairless to long hairs!

Since my return to the rabbit world, I have enjoyed working to expand the youth programs and the education aspect of the hobby. This excitement and passion has led me to be on the Board of Directors for The Lone Star Cavy Club, as well as the Board of Directors for The Southern Stars Angora Club. I have also donated prizes and hosted specialty socials for our local Jersey Wooly Lovers of Texas Club. My intention in this hobby, and as a Director, is to build membership and grow the number of exhibitors in both open and youth. But, overall, I envision a community that is fun, supportive, and welcoming to all! Alongside so many great board members and breeders I see a blindingly bright future for Jersey Woolies! I believe that we, as hobbyists, need to invest in our youth and in one another. We should all consistently strive to represent and better the breed, so we are able to preserve the future of the hobby and pass it on for generations to come. I believe that we can do this by modeling good sportsmanship, morals, proper show etiquette, ethics, and working with one another.

Our district has a large number of young people that can represent it well, and we need to ensure that they are represented yearly at Convention and Nationals with programs so they can compete and be successful at all levels. My goal is to use this platform to continue the trend of those before me that paved the way and set the example. I believe I can help local clubs build interest in their Jersey Wooly Clubs and participation at the National level, with a strong focus and emphasis on the youth and their representation at Conventions and National shows. I would like to expand the education side of the hobby by creating an interactive and fun safe space for all with online workshops and educational pieces to spread knowledge and give our youth the confidence they need to grow their programs and interest in the hobby. I feel as though we have the tools and resources with so many amazing breeders in our district, from beginner to expert, to make this possible and we can always learn from one another.

Meet the Candidates continued. . .

Bailey Ledesma - District 4 - continued. . .

Like so many of you, our love for woolies started not only with the cute fluffy faces we all know and adore, but with the incredible breeders that got us started. Breeders like you truly showed us the community aspect of this hobby. The amount of compassion to take care of the youth and new breeders by setting them up for success is unlike any other breed and is truly remarkable. They showed us how, as a breed club, they all work together to ensure success among one another preserving the community and family aspect of the hobby and making it a joyful experience for all. These breeders have since become lifelong friends and mentors that have forever impacted this journey, while sharing their knowledge and love for all thing’s fluff. If chosen as your District 4 Director, I will continue to work with the board to promote our breed while giving our members a voice, and representing them to the best of my ability. I cannot wait to explore the fun and fluff and make a difference; adventure is out there!

District 6

Abigail Evans

Hey y’all! I’m Abigail Evans but I go by Abi. I am so excited to be running for my first term as your District 6 Director. I started showing rabbits back in 2015, after going to a local ARBA show with my papaw. I completely fell in love with this hobby. I started with Mini Lops and then took a break for almost 4 years while getting my career started as a veterinary technician. I came back into the hobby in 2022 and decided I wanted to give Woolies a try. It was the best decision I’ve made! Jersey Woolies are definitely my heart breed and the wooly people make that much better.

I am currently a member of the Georgia State Rabbit Breeders Association, Northwest Georgia Rabbit and Cavy Club, and West Georgia Rabbit Club. For the second year, I am the Team Coordinator for the Georgia State Top Notchers junior youth team. I have helped get an amazing youth program going in Georgia after not having one for 30 years. This past January I helped coordinate the first ever Georgia State Top Notchers Winter Frenzy Show, which was ran by the Georgia State Youth Team members.

I am excited for the opportunity to be your District 6 Director and to continue my love for helping and mentoring the youth within NJWRC. If I am chosen as your District 6 Director, I promise to work alongside the other board members to continue to promote our amazing breed especially within our youth. I want to promote a feeling of being like a family. I am always a call, text, or email away with any questions or concerns you all may have and would be truly honored to be your District 6 Director.

the Candidates continued. . .


Hello! I have been raising and showing Jersey Woolies for about 15 years and have been a member ARBA since 2010, and a member of the NJWRC since 2011. side in District 8 in Ohio and I am a member of the Ohio Jersey Wooly club and currently the President of the club. I am also a 4H advisor and my husband and I have run our own 4H club for close to 20 years. I am also a member of the Portage County Rabbit Breeders Club here in Ohio, and help with the open shows at the fair.

My years of experience in my workplace as an administrative specialist have given me the organizational and technical skills needed for the office of Secretary. 4H advisor, I have gained both knowledge and experience working with kids and families in our club, and I understand how clubs are run.

Raising and showing Jersey Woolies over the years has given me the opportunity to learn about the breed and to make lifelong friendships with others who are also passionate about these wonderful rabbits. Please consider me for the position of Secretary of the NJWRC. \


Hello everyone! I’m Alexandra Williams and I have had the privilege of serving as the National Jersey Wooly Club Secretary for the past two years. I am now asking for your support in my petition for the position of Vice President.

My previous experience includes being Show Secretary for an all-breed rabbit club, Show Secretary for a local horse show, and countless hours volunteering for 4-H. I was responsible for arranging the banquet for our club in 2021 in Kentucky and in 2023. I have been on the Scholarship Committee, and organized both the Sweepstakes awards and Convention awards in 2022 and 2023.

My love for the breed all started fourteen years ago when I purchased my sister her first trio of Woolies. It quickly grew from attending a few local shows to attending one every weekend, to not only showing but breeding our own - and as you all know too well - the rest is history. Along the way I have met many friends, some of which I consider almost family.

It would be an honor to serve as your Vice President, not a job that I would take lightly. I believe that we as a club can accomplish great things and that, most importantly, our youth are our greatest attribute. I thank you for taking the time to read this. I’ll leave you with a quote from Henry Ford, “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

Meet the Candidates
continued. . .

District 8

Laurie Wood

For those who do not know me, I am Laurie Wood. I have been involved with rabbits, 4-H, a member of the National Jersey Wooly Club, and ARBA for 13 years. Along with my Woolies, I enjoy spending time with my guinea pig, Rueben, our Newfoundland dog, Jaeger, and a bunch of crazy poultry! I love music, crafting art, and reading in my spare time as well.

I was first introduced to Woolies by my sister who showed her Pointed White Woolies in the 90's and I learned from her how wonderful the breed can be. My daughters both started with Jersey Woolies and Carlie shows hers still today. I am working on Torts, Blues, Shaded, and AOV Varieties while Carlie works on her Agouti and AOVs.

I work as an Administrative Assistant and Management in the Rental Department of Siracki Realty Ltd. With this position, I work to ensure fair housing for prospective and current tenants. With this job, I have had to work in stressful situations and work to resolve tenant/landlord issues. I believe with the skills I have gained in my job that I would do well in overseeing District 8 and handling anything that comes my way.

By being a 4-H advisor for 12 years and earning the Clover Key Award while an assistant advisor of a rabbit club, I have gotten youth excited about Woolies and getting involved in the ARBA youth Competitions. Along with my daughter, we developed a breed ID competition at the Geauga County Fair. I organized and directed the competition from its development two years ago. In doing so, I must contact and coordinate with many different breeders of many different breeds. I also have volunteered at the past twoARBA conventions youth events, as well as the Ohio Mini-Convention. I also helped in the organization and planning with the 2023 Jersey Wooly Nationals in Ohio. I have often helped at shows by volunteering to write for the Youth and donating a rabbit or items on raffle table. I do take the time to talk to many Woolie breeders about their rabbits and help to compare them by body type and wool quality. I also work with many breeders in discussing any health issues and giving input on treatment. I believe knowledge makes you a better and more confident breeder. I have seen this breed develop into what it is today. I have the desire to breed quality animals with quality wool. While I don't often show myself; I have had several wins and rabbits that hold their own with the top rabbits. I have shown animals most of my life. I take the time to study the structure that makes a healthy, quality animal.

I do enjoy promoting the breed. I work to be fair and honest in everything I do. I believe I can be a voice, when needed, for our District 8 breeders.

36 Meet the
Candidates continued. . .

Whoa! Jersey Wooly nation has been very busy since the prior Fluff hit the presses!

You had a great National show in West Monroe LA. The winning open and youth woolies looked beautiful! Congratulations to the Top Dogs in West Monroe!

Now, you have a number of candidates who are running for Officer/Director positions that are coming open in the club. From what I have read, you have some great candidates who are very willing to volunteer their time to serve the club and the membership. Be sure to cast your vote when the time comes.

In addition, the club just awarded two $1000 NJWRC Scholarships! Congratulations to Carlie Wood and Sarah Anderson! Well done, ladies. All the best as your pursue your dreams!

Spring has been busy in my husband’s rabbitry - lots of full nest boxes and lots of rabbit shows. I just saw my husband’s summer rabbit show calendar - WHOA! Looks like I will be doing a lot of tending to the B Team while he is off showing. He doesn’t show Woolies (shhhh!); he has Mini Lops. There has never been another breed in his barn, always Mini Lops. He loves to work with the youth. He has been a 4H rabbit superintendent in a couple different counties in Illinois. He enjoys helping kids learn about rabbits and will look high and low for a breed that a youth wants in their barn. It’s fun to watch him with the kiddos; he’s definitely in his element!

ARBA convention will be here before we know it! It seems like we were just in Louisville! Juniors for convention should already be leaving nest boxes. As you consider this year’s convention, think about how you can serve the NJWRC while you are there. There are so many roles that need volunteers at convention. If you want to help but you’re not sure how or what to do, contact your District Representative and ask! They are there to help!

Have a great summer, and keep those bunnies cool!

37 Barbie’

Hello NJWRC members!



So, I can state – without a doubt – so far, 2024 has not been my year. Did you know there’s worse places than your throat for a Strep A infection?! I DO! I lost just over 2 weeks in early April – literally –lost – nearly nothing got done at all. Not the best time of year for that, neither with sanctions & reports –but my Real Job (y’know, the one from where the insurance coverage comes!).

But nose to the grindstone! These points are for shows dated 6/2023 thru 4/2024 for which reports were received in good order prior to 5/14/2024 – which isn’t too shabby! A total of 361 shows have been added since the last Fluff. Fluffy Butt RC shows held 4/19/2024 & 4/20/2024 were received, but I ran into a last second exhibitor name issue and didn’t want to incorrectly report those shows. That issue was resolved early this morning and those shows will be included with the next update (will be website only, early June is the target). As I write this, there are several very, very late reports – if you showed at any of these, maybe add some pressure to the show secretaries! Email me directly at njwrcsweeps@gmail.com if you’d like secretary contact info:

*Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, double open, 3/9/2024, Houston, TX – reports were due 4/8/2024 – several emails have already been sent

*Kentucky State RBA #C, 3/16/2024, Shelbyville, KY – report was due 4/15/2024 – I re ceived shows A & B on 4/8/2024, and an unsanctioned youth report that same day. I’ve emailed the secretary several times for show C.

A couple of perpetual reminders:

*Shows absolutely cannot be sanctioned after the fact! Take that moment before packing up and heading out to be 100% sanctions have issued!

*All exhibitors on the entry must be members in good standing of the NJWRC to receive any points.

*If you have a name change, please be sure to contact Alex Williams (NJWRC Secretary) and me to let us know!

And, as always, if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, please contact me directly at njwrcsweeps@gmail.com.

Until next time!


38 Sweepstakes Nicole Schmitt
of the Sweeps Reports may be truncated due to space constraints in The Fluff. The full Sweeps Reports can be viewed on the NJWRC Sweeps website: www.njwrcsweeps.com.

Open - Overall Sweeps

Show Dates 7/2023
4/2024 Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown: 12,423 # Shows: 555 Rank Exh - D# - Show Count Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts 1 Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 9 38 11822 2 Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 7 53 10686 3 Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 48 10664 4 Arnold, Dave - OH 8 52 9621 5 Edder, Deidre - SC 9 57 9438 6 Sherlock, Barbara - PA 9 40 7980 7 Landis, Michelle - PA 9 29 5970 8 Mezyk, Karen - IL 5 28 5890 9 DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 8 38 5652 10 Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 8 32 5617 11 Moerbe, Kathy - TX 4 38 5201 12 Knisley, Jacob - OH 8 63 4573 13 Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 8 27 4274 14 Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 7 12 4228 15 Anderson, Grace - KY 8 25 4134 16 Robasciotti, Lori - CA 2 20 3444 17 More, Gail - OH 8 29 3355 18 Fowler, Amanda - GA 6 33 2738 19 Evans, Abigail - GA 6 44 2558 20 Boarts, Becky - MI 8 23 2471 21 Boulier, DeAnn & Niles - MI 8 22 2112 22 McConnell, Michaeline - CA 2 17 2039 23 Vara, Emily - WI 3 9 2028 24 Beirau, Gayle - IL 5 8 1772 25 Kneir, Brenda - MO 5 16 1737 26 Olson, Robin - NC 9 33 1541 27 Morrison, Carla - CA 2 15 1532 28 Wallace, Shannon - CO 4 9 1330 29 Deling, Kelsey & Carmen - MN 3 9 1277 30 Henderson, Amber - CA 2 21 1243 31 Jusko, Tayler - NY 7 14 1203 32 Reilly / Ringelstetter, Brenda & Christi - WI 3 12 1166 33 Pienta, Mallory - WI 3 3 1160 34 Collins, Judy - OH 8 28 1144 35 Achgill, Helene - IN 8 19 1142 36 Holbrook, Angela - UT 2 14 1126 37 Milton, Jackie - TX 4 17 1117

Open - Overall Sweeps

Show Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024

Reports received PRIOR to:
# Shown: 12,423 # Shows: 555 Rank Exh - D# - Show Count Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts 38 Wassom, Claudia - SD 3 10 1075 39 McCullough, Jan - WA 1 16 1059 40 Grady, Rob & Paula - CO 4 14 1049 41 Turley, Rose-Marie - NJ 9 10 1036 42 Olson, Cassie - WI 3 8 1031 43 Deer, Terri & Steve - NC 9 9 920 44 Medo, Bill - WI 3 9 915 45 McKie, Helen - NC 9 3 905 46 Moore, Sharon - IL 5 16 877 47 Sultan / Robertson, Meadow & BethanyOR 1 12 837 48 Becker, Conner - MN 3 11 788 49 Martin, Karla - TX 4 15 751 50 Smith, Angela - NS 9 3 750 51 Cartwright, Rebecca - MN 3 1 745 52 Hillery, Kathy - TX 4 7 734 53 Neveu, Heather - WI 3 5 696 54 Williams, Alexandra - PA 9 13 590 55 Jones, Sue - IN 8 15 587 56 Andrus, Alicia - AK 1 13 562 57 Longdo, Michelle - WI 3 15 559 58 Austin, Chase - TX 4 2 531 59 Bell, Lisa - OH 8 20 528 60 Sheets, Angi - IN 8 5 474 61 Douglas, Trianna - MN 3 3 473 62 Robasciotti, Lori & Gillian - CA 2 19 459 63 Brak, Rhonda - KY 8 6 440 64 Hobbs, Jordan - IN 8 7 412 65 Hammond, Becky - AK 1 11 399 66 Freeman, Tracey & Tyrone - LA 6 3 388 67 Younggreen, Kellyjo & Cassidy - CO 4 15 376 68 Lyons, Melanie & Yvonne - NY 7 10 372 69 Petersen, Margaret - WA 1 10 363 70 Roe, Deborah - MI 8 10 358 Ziebell, Amber - WI 3 7 358 72 Pridgen, Stacey - MD 9 15 354 73 Lovely, Tara - ME 7 6 330 74 Sterner, Teresa - OH 8 20 316


Open - District Sweeps

Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown: 12,423 # Shows: 555 Rank Exh - D# - Show Count Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts D1: 1 McCullough, Jan - WA 1 16 1059 2 Sultan / Robertson, Meadow & Bethany - OR 1 12 837 3 Andrus, Alicia - AK 1 13 562 4 Hammond, Becky - AK 1 11 399 5 Petersen, Margaret - WA 1 10 363 6 Summers, Andrea - WY 1 5 227 7 Olmstead, Rebecca - WA 1 11 208 8 Born, Annette - AK 1 6 159 9 Petersen, Nicole - WA 1 10 89 D2: 1 Robasciotti, Lori - CA 2 20 3444 2 McConnell, Michaeline - CA 2 17 2039 3 Morrison, Carla - CA 2 15 1532 4 Henderson, Amber - CA 2 21 1243 5 Holbrook, Angela - UT 2 14 1126 6 Robasciotti, Lori & Gillian - CA 2 19 459 7 Waltz, Jennie - CA 2 4 206 8 LeSage, Angel 200 9 Doling, Maddy 198 10 Robasciotti, Gillian 165 11 Holbrook / Doling, Angela & Maddy 72 12 Verschure, Beth 24
7/2023 thru 4/2024
sportsmanship means treating others with

Open - District Sweeps

Show Dates 7/2023
4/2024 Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown: 12,423 # Shows: 555 Rank Exh - D# - Show Count Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts D3: 1 Vara, Emily - WI 3 9 2028 2 Deling, Kelsey & Carmen - MN 3 9 1277 3 Reilly / Ringelstetter, Brenda & Christi - WI 3 12 1166 4 Pienta, Mallory - WI 3 3 1160 5 Wassom, Claudia - SD 3 10 1075 6 Olson, Cassie - WI 3 8 1031 7 Medo, Bill - WI 3 9 915 8 Becker, Conner - MN 3 11 788 9 Cartwright, Rebecca - MN 3 1 745 10 Neveu, Heather - WI 3 5 696 11 Longdo, Michelle - WI 3 15 559 12 Douglas, Trianna - MN 3 3 473 13 Ziebell, Amber - WI 3 7 358 14 Moorse, Brittany - MN 3 11 220 15 Douglas / Busack, Trianna & Kelly - MN 3 3 139 16 Hatt, Janice - WI 3 8 111 17 Bukovich, Izzy - MN 3 4 78 18 Langreck, Jennifer - IA 3 2 64 19 Bohach, Kenzie - IA 3 4 51 20 Loesch, Cheryl - MN 3 1 36 21 Busack, Kelly - MN 3 2 24 22 Blakely, Mary - WI 3 1 16 D4: 1 Moerbe, Kathy - TX 4 38 5201 2 Wallace, Shannon - CO 4 9 1330 3 Milton, Jackie - TX 4 17 1117 4 Grady, Rob & Paula - CO 4 14 1049 5 Martin, Karla - TX 4 15 751 6 Hillery, Kathy - TX 4 7 734 7 Austin, Chase - TX 4 2 531 8 Younggreen, Kellyjo & Cassidy - CO 4 15 376 9 Wolfe, Michael - OK 4 6 215 10 Baldwin, Briana - TX 4 9 207

Open - District Sweeps

Reports received PRIOR to:
# Shown: 12,423 # Shows: 555 Rank Exh - D# - Show Count Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts D5: 1 Mezyk, Karen - IL 5 28 5890 2 Beirau, Gayle - IL 5 8 1772 3 Kneir, Brenda - MO 5 16 1737 4 Moore, Sharon - IL 5 16 877 5 Oldham, Christina - IL 5 6 148 6 Oberly, Mat / Jill / Wyatt & Tyler - KS 5 4 66 7 Tillery, Melissa - KS 5 2 12 D6: 1 Fowler, Amanda - GA 6 33 2738 2 Evans, Abigail - GA 6 44 2558 3 Freeman, Tracey & Tyrone - LA 6 3 388 4 Taylor, Kirsten - LA 6 4 76 D7: 1 Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 7 53 10686 2 Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 7 12 4228 3 Jusko, Tayler - NY 7 14 1203 4 Lyons, Melanie & Yvonne - NY 7 10 372 5 Lovely, Tara - ME 7 6 330 6 Buell, Steven - NY 7 16 150 7 Roman, Casey - NY 7 2 130 8 DeVito, Amanda - NH 7 4 90 Forward, Connie - NY 7 14 90 D8: 1 Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 48 10664 2 Arnold, Dave - OH 8 52 9621 3 DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 8 38 5652 4 Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 8 32 5617 5 Knisley, Jacob - OH 8 63 4573 6 Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 8 27 4274 7 Anderson, Grace - KY 8 25 4134 8 More, Gail - OH 8 29 3355 9 Boarts, Becky - MI 8 23 2471 10 Boulier, DeAnn & Niles - MI 8 22 2112
Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024

Open - District Sweeps

Show Dates 7/2023
Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown: 12,423 # Shows: 555 Rank Exh - D# - Show Count Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts D8 (continued): 11 Collins, Judy - OH 8 28 1144 12 Achgill, Helene - IN 8 19 1142 13 Jones, Sue - IN 8 15 587 14 Bell, Lisa - OH 8 20 528 15 Sheets, Angi - IN 8 5 474 16 Brak, Rhonda - KY 8 6 440 17 Hobbs, Jordan - IN 8 7 412 18 Roe, Deborah - MI 8 10 358 19 Sterner, Teresa - OH 8 20 316 20 Hanchar, Nancy - MI 8 9 301 21 Wood, Laurie - OH 8 7 254 22 Neveu, Rachelle - MI 8 2 146 23 Hammond, Sara - MI 8 6 124 24 Roach, Valerie - OH 8 2 88 25 Anderson, Larry - KY 8 3 72 D9: 1 Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 9 38 11822 2 Edder, Deidre - SC 9 57 9438 3 Sherlock, Barbara - PA 9 40 7980 4 Landis, Michelle - PA 9 29 5970 5 Olson, Robin - NC 9 33 1541 6 Turley, Rose-Marie - NJ 9 10 1036 7 Deer, Terri & Steve - NC 9 9 920 8 McKie, Helen - NC 9 3 905 9 Smith, Angela - NS 9 3 750 10 Williams, Alexandra - PA 9 13 590 11 Pridgen, Stacey - MD 9 15 354 12 Rector, Angela - NC 9 6 88 13 Perkins, Rebekah - PA 9 4 40 14 Stella, Julie - NC 9 2 12
thru 4/2024

Open -Award of Excellence

Show Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024 Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown: 12,423 # Shows: 555 Rank Exh - D# - Show Count Dist ShowC Bonus Pts 1 Arnold, Dave - OH 8 52 1533 2 DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 8 38 1494 3 Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 9 38 1140 4 Edder, Deidre - SC 9 57 882 5 Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 48 784 6 Moerbe, Kathy - TX 4 38 746 7 Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 7 53 681 8 Mezyk, Karen - IL 5 28 604 9 Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 7 12 563 10 Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 8 32 482 11 Anderson, Grace - KY 8 25 468 12 Robasciotti, Lori - CA 2 20 438 13 Sherlock, Barbara - PA 9 40 407 14 Landis, Michelle - PA 9 29 394 15 Fowler, Amanda - GA 6 33 271 16 Morrison, Carla - CA 2 15 268 17 More, Gail - OH 8 29 239 18 Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 8 27 229 19 McConnell, Michaeline - CA 2 17 203 20 Sultan / Robertson, Meadow & Bethany - OR 1 12 202 21 Henderson, Amber - CA 2 21 198 22 Knisley, Jacob - OH 8 63 197 23 Olson, Robin - NC 9 33 193 24 Evans, Abigail - GA 6 44 186 25 Jusko, Tayler - NY 7 14 181 26 Deer, Terri & Steve - NC 9 9 175 27 Deling, Kelsey & Carmen - MN 3 9 172 28 Wallace, Shannon - CO 4 9 170 29 Achgill, Helene - IN 8 19 145 30 Becker, Conner - MN 3 11 143 31 Wassom, Claudia - SD 3 10 140 32 Reilly / Ringelstetter, Brenda & Christi - WI 3 12 139 33 Beirau, Gayle - IL 5 8 122 34 Olson, Cassie - WI 3 8 115 35 Holbrook, Angela - UT 2 14 109 36 Petersen, Margaret - WA 1 10 107

Open -Award of Excellence

Show Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024

Reports received PRIOR to:
# Shown: 12,423 # Shows: 555 Rank Exh - D# - Show Count Dist ShowC Bonus Pts
37Vara, Emily - WI 3 9 106 38Grady, Rob & Paula - CO 4 14 97 39Boarts, Becky - MI 8 23 86 Kneir, Brenda - MO 5 16 86 41McCullough, Jan - WA 1 16 83 42Andrus, Alicia - AK 1 13 82 43Boulier, DeAnn & Niles - MI 8 22 75 44Baldwin, Briana - TX 4 9 70 45Pienta, Mallory - WI 3 3 68 46Hobbs, Jordan - IN 8 7 64 47Born, Annette - AK 1 6 49 Hammond, Becky - AK 1 11 49 49Douglas, Trianna - MN 3 3 46 50Turley, Rose-Marie - NJ 9 10 45 51Martin, Karla - TX 4 15 44 52Brak, Rhonda - KY 8 6 41 LeSage, Angel - CA 2 3 41 Lyons, Melanie & Yvonne - NY 7 10 41 55Lovely, Tara - ME 7 6 37 56Summers, Andrea - WY 1 5 33 57Bell, Lisa - OH 8 20 31 Hillery, Kathy - TX 4 7 31 Medo, Bill - WI 3 9 31 60Milton, Jackie - TX 4 17 29 61Hammond, Sara - MI 8 6 27 Pridgen, Stacey - MD 9 15 27 63Sheets, Angi - IN 8 5 25 64Jones, Sue - IN 8 15 24 65Robasciotti, Lori & Gillian - CA 2 19 23 66Roe, Deborah - MI 8 10 20 Waltz, Jennie - CA 2 4 20 68Moore, Sharon - IL 5 16 17 Sterner, Teresa - OH 8 20 17 70Younggreen, Kellyjo & Cassidy - CO 4 15 16 71Roman, Casey - NY 7 2 15 Ziebell, Amber - WI 3 7 15 73Petersen, Nicole - WA 1 10 13 74Langreck, Jennifer - IA 3 2 12

Open - Rabbit of the Year

Show Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024 Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown: 12,423 # Shows: 555 Rank Ear # Variety/ Class Exh / Show Count Sho wC Herdsman Pts ROTY Pts 1 WP Bkn B Arnold, Dave - OH 33 58 1423 2 B9 Bkn B DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 17 32 1146 3 53B Bkn D Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 16 31 720 4 TT327 AOV B Edder, Deidre - SC 22 35 367 5 CI Shad D Robasciotti, Lori - CA 6 7 263 6 SA Self D Aversa, Lindsey & Julie - MI 7 9 223 7 HD Bkn B Anderson, Grace - KY 12 22 212 8 CS1 Self D Mezyk, Karen - IL 13 6 210 9 M646 Bkn D More, Gail - OH 3 5 209 10 W244 Bkn D Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 11 18 201 11 L17 Shad D DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 2 4 156 12 RA Self B Aversa, Lindsey & Julie - MI 4 6 154 13 WPTK Shad B Moerbe, Kathy - TX 4 7 152 14 BB556 Self D Sherlock, Barbara - PA 3 4 147 15 AF503 Self B Landis, Michelle - PA 5 7 138 16 3B100 Self D Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 4 8 136 17 GEM Ag D Fowler, Amanda - GA 6 10 127 18 CR Bkn D Moerbe, Kathy - TX 8 15 125 19 TT321 AOV B Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 4 5 122 20 JL Bkn B Henderson, Amber - CA 7 13 118 21 PDC222 Self D Jusko, Tayler - NY 3 6 114 22 SR Self D Aversa, Lindsey & Julie - MI 4 6 112 23 116B Self B Knisley, Jacob - OH 8 6 107 24 TT320 AOV B Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 2 4 105 25 MR Tan D Aversa, Lindsey & Julie - MI 5 6 102 26 NIGELE Bkn D Anderson, Grace - KY 7 8 100 27 AL4 Ag D Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 3 4 98 SB Bkn D Deer, Terri & Steve - NC 4 7 98 VEGAS Self B Morrison, Carla - CA 3 6 98 30 BC1 Ag B Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 2 4 96 31 ABS2 Self D Moerbe, Kathy - TX 4 8 95 32 TT317 AOV B Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 4 5 93 33 HM Bkn D Sultan / Robertson, Meadow & Bethany - OR 5 10 92 TT282 Shad B Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 3 4 92 35 JH12 Bkn B Moerbe, Kathy - TX 9 6 91 W228 Ag D Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 3 4 91

Open - Rabbit of the Year

Show Dates 7/2023
Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown: 12,423 # Shows: 555 Rank Ear # Variety/ Class Exh / Show Count Sho wC Herdsman Pts ROTY Pts 37 BUD Tan B Morrison, Carla - CA 4 8 89 L15 Shad B DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 3 4 89 39 CHACHA Ag D Edder, Deidre - SC 6 8 88 40 BWKP AOV D Achgill, Helene - IN 6 6 82 L7 Ag B DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 2 3 82 42 BB514 Bkn D Sherlock, Barbara - PA 3 3 81 TT280 AOV D Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 2 4 81 44 141S Self D Boarts, Becky - MI 2 3 80 JNX Bkn B Petersen, Margaret - WA 7 12 80 46 RD Self D Reilly / Ringelstetter, Brenda & Christi - WI 4 4 79 47 AF486 Shad D Mezyk, Karen - IL 5 3 78 48 M1 Ag D Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 3 3 77 49 F Bkn D Boulier, DeAnn & Niles MI 3 3 75 50 TD Bkn B Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 5 5 74 51 3B61 Self D Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 4 4 73 WAR Self B Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 4 5 73 53 MISS Bkn D Aversa, Lindsey & Julie - MI 3 4 71 54 BB582 Shad D Sherlock, Barbara - PA 2 3 70 D1 Tan D Olson, Robin - NC 3 5 70 56 AF600 Bkn B Landis, Michelle - PA 2 3 68 RO Self B Pienta, Mallory - WI 2 4 68 58 OFF Ag D Edder, Deidre - SC 4 5 67 59 8M5 Bkn B McConnell, Michaeline - CA 4 7 66 BFWT Tan B Mezyk, Karen - IL 5 2 66 61 433B Tan B Deling, Kelsey & Carmen - MN 3 5 65 AC1 Self B Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 1 2 65 AF576 Self D Landis, Michelle - PA 2 3 65 V246 Tan D Vara, Emily - WI 3 6 65 65 TX1 Bkn B Moerbe, Kathy - TX 3 6 64 66 AST Bkn D Anderson, Grace - KY 4 6 62 RTO1 Self D Sultan / Robertson, Meadow & Bethany - OR 2 4 62 68 HTX Ag B Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 2 3 61 W283 Bkn B Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 9 7 61 70 DARLA Bkn D Fowler, Amanda - GA 2 4 60 HAVENOT Ag B Edder, Deidre - SC 5 7 60 72 383B Tan B Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 3 4 57 B Self B Wallace, Shannon - CO 4 6 57
thru 4/2024
Show Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024 Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown: 12,423 # Shows: 555 Rank Exh / Show Count Herdsman 1Edder, Deidre - SC 53 2Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 36 Moerbe, Kathy - TX 36 4Roe, Deborah - MI 33 5Aversa, Lindsey & Julie - MI 32 6Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 27 7Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 25 8Anderson, Grace - KY 24 9Robasciotti, Lori - CA 22 Wallace, Shannon - CO 22 11Mezyk, Karen - IL 19 Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 19 13Fowler, Amanda - GA 18 Sultan / Robertson, Meadow & Bethany - 18 15DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 17 Landis, Michelle - PA 17 McConnell, Michaeline - CA 17 18Holbrook, Angela - UT 16 Olson, Robin - NC 16 20Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 15 Morrison, Carla - CA 15 22Deling, Kelsey & Carmen - MN 14 Sherlock, Barbara - PA 14 Wassom, Claudia - SD 14 25Henderson, Amber - CA 13 26Becker, Conner - MN 12 Evans, Abigail - GA 12 28Deer, Terri & Steve - NC 11 29Kneir, Brenda - MO 10 Knisley, Jacob - OH 10 31Arnold, Dave - OH 9 Petersen, Margaret - WA 9 Reilly / Ringelstetter, Brenda & ChristiWI 9 Vara, Emily - WI 9 35McCullough, Jan - WA 8 36Achgill, Helene - IN 7 Born, Annette - AK 7 Grady, Rob & Paula - CO 7 Jusko, Tayler - NY 7 40Hammond, Becky - AK 6 More, Gail - OH 6 42Hobbs, Jordan - IN 5 Olson, Cassie - WI 5 Summers, Andrea - WY 5 45Beirau, Gayle - IL 4 Boarts, Becky - MI 4 Brak, Rhonda - KY 4 Lyons, Melanie & Yvonne - NY 4 Pienta, Mallory - WI 4 Robasciotti, Lori & Gillian - CA 4 51Andrus, Alicia - AK 3 Boulier, DeAnn & Niles MI 3 Douglas, Trianna - MN 3 Turley, Rose-Marie - NJ 3 Waltz, Jennie - CA 3 56Bell, Lisa - OH 2 Hammond, Sara - MI 2 Hillery, Kathy - TX 2 Jones, Sue - IN 2 LeSage, Angel - CA 2 Martin, Karla - TX 2 Medo, Bill - WI 2 Petersen, Nicole - WA 2 Pridgen, Stacey - MD 2 Sheets, Angi - IN 2 Sterner, Teresa - OH 2 67Baldwin, Briana - TX 1 Lovely, Tara - ME 1 Milton, Jackie - TX 1 Moore, Sharon - IL 1 Roman, Casey - NY 1 Williams, Alexandra - PA 1 Ziebell, Amber - WI 1
Open - Herdsman

Open - White Wool

Show Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024

Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24

The only one who can tell you ’t win’ is you, and you don t have to listen!
253 # Shows
118 Rank Exh / Show Count ShowC White 1 Robasciotti,
CA 20 968 2
RI 1 689 3
MI 5 497 4
PA 16 290
1 204
Pienta, Mallory
WI 1 170 7 Olmstead, Rebecca - WA 7 139 8 Longdo, Michelle - WI 8 76 9 Holbrook, Angela - UT 4 60 10 Younggreen, Kellyjo & Cassidy - CO 2 40 11 Boulier, DeAnn & Niles - MI 1 34 12 Arnold, Dave - OH 3 26 13 Andrus, Alicia - AK 3 24 Born, Annette - AK 1 24 Hammond, Becky - AK 1 24 16 Oldham, Christina - IL 2 20 17 Kneir, Brenda - MO 1 6
Shown (W):
Lori -
Kuyoth, Daniel -
Aversa, Lindsay & Julie -
Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina -
Michelle - PA

Open - Colored Wool

Show Dates 7/2023
4/2024 Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown (C): 693 # Shows (C): 170 Rank Exh / Show Count ShowC Colored Pts 1Robasciotti, Lori - CA 19 1691 2Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 7 1558 3Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 15 902 4Landis, Michelle - PA 2 674 5Turley, Rose-Marie - NJ 9 584 6Henderson, Amber - CA 13 576 7Andrus, Alicia - AK 6 478 8Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 1 408 9Medo, Bill - WI 6 316 10McKie, Helen - NC 2 224 11Longdo, Michelle - WI 15 223 12Kneir, Brenda - MO 4 163 13Douglas, Trianna - MN 2 144 14Boulier, DeAnn & Niles - MI 1 138 15Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 5 127 16Baldwin, Briana - TX 6 111 17Doling, Maddy - UT 2 108 18Holbrook, Angela - UT 2 60 McCullough, Jan - WA 1 60 20Arnold, Dave - OH 3 37 21Born, Annette - AK 1 32 22Hatt, Janice - WI 2 30 23Deling, Kelsey & Carmen - MN 4 24 24Hanchar, Nancy - MI 2 12

Youth - Overall Sweeps

Show Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024 Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown: 5,493 # Shows: 353 Rank Exh / D# / Show Count Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts 1 Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 29 9324 2 Boling, Carlie - TX 4 33 5961 3 Ashton, William - OH 8 48 4909 4 Wood, Carlie - OH 8 31 4249 5 Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 4 31 3886 6 Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 1 37 3800 7 Tucker, Jordan - MO 5 25 3574 8 Landis, Cody - PA 9 34 3417 9 Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 9 13 2861 10 Reker, Carson & Kainen - MO 5 17 2820 11 Wallock, Makayla - WI 3 33 2788 12 Bloomer, Amelia - OH 8 39 2759 13 Floyd, Keely - TX 4 31 2744 14 Estrella, Kylie - NY 7 28 2048 15 Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 5 16 2032 16 Ray, Corbin - TX 4 20 1841 17 Enfield, Colson - MO 5 24 1696 18 Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 8 21 1585 19 Ryan, Levi - OH 8 16 1457 20 Walkup, Rachael - PA 9 19 1264 21 Jacobson, Hannah - WI 3 14 1129 22 Lesniak-Harper, Addalyn & Lydia - OH 8 18 1010 23 Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 1 14 982 24 Jean, Keira - TX 4 14 979 25 Williams, Autumn - TX 4 9 904 26 Brown, Lauren - IN 8 9 814 27 Ray, Evelyn - TX 4 9 778 28 Jankowski, Katie - PA 9 15 750 29 Callicoat, Elaina - OH 8 22 687 30 Che, Izel - TN 6 15 668 31 Tillery, Haley - KS 5 13 639 32 Nash, Baelynn - TX 4 24 630 33 Carey, Megan - OH 8 17 614 34 Summey, Larson - NC 9 6 539 35 Oberly, Wyatt & Tyler - KS 5 6 535 36 Ryan, Luke - OH 8 12 523

Youth - Overall Sweeps

Show Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024

Reports received PRIOR
# Shown: 5,493 # Shows: 353 Rank Exh / D# / Show Count Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts 37 Early, Darwin - OH 8 22 451 38 Allen, Grace - TX 4 16 433 39 Fox, Pason - MI 8 9 386 40 Manger, Ashlynn - CT 7 4 316 41 Courtright, Briley - OR 1 8 312 42 Smith, Meghan - PA 9 10 304 43 Dotts, Cora - OH 8 5 277 44 Rider, Daphne - KS 5 15 261 45 Summers, Leif - WY 1 5 232 46 Hammond, Lottie - IN 8 5 224 47 Skelton, Jessica - TX 4 11 219 48 Withrich, Addison - MO 5 3 215 49 Perkins, Karen - PA 9 12 205 50 DeVito, Angelina - NH 7 8 176 51 Burrell, Stella - OH 8 9 150 52 Floyd, Kali - TX 4 8 148 53 McGowan, Levi - WV 9 4 145 54 Taliaferro, Justin - WY 1 6 144 55 Benjamin, Brenna - NY 7 3 125 56 Saunders, Gabbie - OH 8 2 102 57 Adair, Keisha - IN 8 4 92 58 Carter, Laina - MI 8 4 85 59 Swihart, Athena - WY 1 5 83 60 Pieffle, Molly - WI 3 2 79 61 Dotts, Isla - OH 8 5 70 62 Floyd, Karley - TX 4 8 69 63 Kerivan, Mira - CO 4 4 64 64 Taliaferro, Jemma - WY 1 1 50 65 Anderson, Sarah - KY 8 5 44 66 Burger-Mzik, Paige - OH 8 5 41 67 Kerivan, Trevor - CO 4 4 40 68 Allen, Joy - TX 4 6 36 69 Lesniak-Harper, Addalyn - OH 8 1 32 70 Hostuttler, Aiden - WV 9 2 12 Lesniak-Harper, Lydia - OH 8 1 12 Verschure, Kenzie - AZ 2 4 12 73 Ketterman, Bristal - WV 9 1 8 McCloskey, Frances - PA 9 1 8
to: 5/14/24

Youth - District Sweeps

# Shown: 5,493 # Shows: 353 Rank Exh / D# / Show Count Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts D1: 1 Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 1 37 3800 2 Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 1 14 982 3 Courtright, Briley - OR 1 8 312 4 Summers, Leif - WY 1 5 232 5 Taliaferro, Justin - WY 1 6 144 6 Swihart, Athena - WY 1 5 83 7 Taliaferro, Jemma - WY 1 1 50 D2: 1 Verschure, Kenzie - AZ 2 4 12 D3: 1 Wallock, Makayla - WI 3 33 2788 2 Jacobson, Hannah - WI 3 14 1129 3 Pieffle, Molly - WI 3 2 79 D4: 1 Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 29 9324 2 Boling, Carlie - TX 4 33 5961 3 Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 4 31 3886 4 Floyd, Keely - TX 4 31 2744 5 Ray, Corbin - TX 4 20 1841 6 Jean, Keira - TX 4 14 979 7 Williams, Autumn - TX 4 9 904 8 Ray, Evelyn - TX 4 9 778 9 Nash, Baelynn - TX 4 24 630 10 Allen, Grace - TX 4 16 433 11 Skelton, Jessica - TX 4 11 219 12 Floyd, Kali - TX 4 8 148 13 Floyd, Karley - TX 4 8 69 14 Kerivan, Mira - CO 4 4 64 15 Kerivan, Trevor - CO 4 4 40 16 Allen, Joy - TX 4 6 36
Show Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024
received PRIOR to: 5/14/24

Youth - District Sweeps

Show Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024

Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown: 5,493 # Shows: 353 Rank Exh / D# / Show Count Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts
D5: 1Tucker, Jordan - MO 5 25 3574 2Reker, Carson & Kainen - MO 5 17 2820 3Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 5 16 2032 4Enfield, Colson - MO 5 24 1696 5Tillery, Haley - KS 5 13 639 6Oberly, Wyatt & Tyler - KS 5 6 535 7Rider, Daphne - KS 5 15 261 8Withrich, Addison - MO 5 3 215 D6: 1Che, Izel - TN 6 15 668 D7: 1Estrella, Kylie - NY 7 28 2048 2Manger, Ashlynn - CT 7 4 316 3DeVito, Angelina - NH 7 8 176 4Benjamin, Brenna - NY 7 3 125 D8: 1Ashton, William - OH 8 48 4909 2Wood, Carlie - OH 8 31 4249 3Bloomer, Amelia - OH 8 39 2759 4Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 8 21 1585 5Ryan, Levi - OH 8 16 1457 6Lesniak-Harper, Addalyn & Lydia - OH 8 18 1010 7Brown, Lauren - IN 8 9 814 8Callicoat, Elaina - OH 8 22 687 9Carey, Megan - OH 8 17 614 10Ryan, Luke - OH 8 12 523 11Early, Darwin - OH 8 22 451 12Fox, Pason - MI 8 9 386 13Dotts, Cora - OH 8 5 277 14Hammond, Lottie - IN 8 5 224 15Burrell, Stella - OH 8 9 150 16Saunders, Gabbie - OH 8 2 102

Youth - District Sweeps

Sportsmanship is when someone walks away from the showtable and you really can’t tell whether he showed well or not, because he carries himself with pride either way.
D8 Continued: 17 Adair, Keisha - IN 8 4 92 18 Carter, Laina - MI 8 4 85 19 Dotts, Isla - OH 8 5 70 20 Anderson, Sarah - KY 8 5 44 21 Burger-Mzik, Paige - OH 8 5 41 22 Lesniak-Harper, Addalyn - OH 8 1 32 23 Lesniak-Harper, Lydia - OH 8 1 12 D9: 1 Landis, Cody - PA 9 34 3417 2 Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 9 13 2861 3 Walkup, Rachael - PA 9 19 1264 4 Jankowski, Katie - PA 9 15 750 5 Summey, Larson - NC 9 6 539 6 Smith, Meghan - PA 9 10 304 7 Perkins, Karen - PA 9 12 205 8 McGowan, Levi - WV 9 4 145 9 Hostuttler, Aiden - WV 9 2 12 10 Ketterman, Bristal - WV 9 1 8 McCloskey, Frances - PA 9 1 8 Show Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024 Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown: 5,493 # Shows: 353 Rank Exh / D# / Show Count Dist ShowC Sweeps Pts

Youth -Award of Excellence

Show Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024 Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown: 5,493 # Shows: 353 Rank Exh / D# / Show Count Dist ShowC Bonus Pts 1 Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 29 1154 2 Boling, Carlie - TX 4 33 864 3 Ashton, William - OH 8 48 557 4 Wallock, Makayla - WI 3 33 555 5 Landis, Cody - PA 9 34 452 6 Tucker, Jordan - MO 5 25 371 7 Bloomer, Amelia - OH 8 39 366 8 Reker, Carson & Kainen - MO 5 17 356 9 Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 5 16 348 10 Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 4 31 303 11 Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 1 37 267 12 Estrella, Kylie - NY 7 28 247 13 Ryan, Levi - OH 8 16 233 14 Ray, Corbin - TX 4 20 222 15 Floyd, Keely - TX 4 31 212 16 Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 9 13 190 17 Lesniak-Harper, Addalyn & Lydia - OH 8 18 171 18 Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 8 21 167 19 Wood, Carlie - OH 8 31 160 20 Tillery, Haley - KS 5 13 138 21 Jacobson, Hannah - WI 3 14 113 22 Callicoat, Elaina - OH 8 22 104 23 Jean, Keira - TX 4 14 82 24 Enfield, Colson - MO 5 24 76 25 Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 1 14 71 26 Walkup, Rachael - PA 9 19 58 27 Brown, Lauren - IN 8 9 54 Che, Izel - TN 6 15 54 29 Ray, Evelyn - TX 4 9 53 30 Courtright, Briley - OR 1 8 47 31 DeVito, Angelina - NH 7 8 39 32 Ryan, Luke - OH 8 12 33 33 Dotts, Isla - OH 8 5 28 Rider, Daphne - KS 5 15 28 35 Carey, Megan - OH 8 17 27 36 Fox, Pason - MI 8 9 25 37 Withrich, Addison - MO 5 3 24

Youth -Award of Excellence

Every top exhibitor was once a new breeder who refused to give up!
Show Dates 7/2023
Reports received PRIOR to:
# Shown: 5,493 # Shows: 353 Rank Exh / D# / Show Count Dist ShowC Bonus Pts 38Summers, Leif - WY 1 5 23 39Oberly, Wyatt & Tyler - KS 5 6 22 Summey, Larson - NC 9 6 22 41Perkins, Karen - PA 9 12 15 42Burrell, Stella - OH 8 9 14 43Carter, Laina - MI 8 4 13 44Hammond, Lottie - IN 8 5 10 45Adair, Keisha - IN 8 4 8 Jankowski, Katie - PA 9 15 8 Kerivan, Trevor - CO 4 4 8 48Nash, Baelynn - TX 4 24 6 49Burger-Mzik, Paige - OH 8 5 5 50Benjamin, Brenna - NY 7 3 4 51Early, Darwin - OH 8 22 3 Pieffle, Molly - WI 3 2 3 53Ketterman, Bristal - WV 9 1 2 Smith, Meghan - PA 9 10 2
thru 4/2024

Youth - Rabbit of the Year

Show Dates 7/2023
4/2024 Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown: 5,493 # Shows: 353 Rank Ear # Variety/ Class Exh / Show Count Sho wC Herdsman Pts ROTY Pts 1 AF387 Bkn B Landis, Cody - PA 6 10 357 2 NAL AOV D Wallock, Makayla - WI 19 7 281 3 BB339 Shad D Boling, Carlie - TX 6 12 237 4 DO Bkn B Reker, Carson & Kainen - MO 9 6 214 5 JFC2 Ag B Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 9 14 179 6 BB229 Shad D Boling, Carlie - TX 8 7 174 7 2RD Bkn D Anderson, John Harris - TX 5 8 173 VIN Bkn B Ray, Corbin - TX 4 6 173 9 KEN Ag B Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 5 167 10 AL3 Ag D Ashton, William - OH 6 11 155 11 J19 Bkn D Tucker, Jordan - MO 7 9 153 12 AM47 Self D Anderson, John Harris - TX 5 8 140 13 JBR13 Self B Anderson, John Harris - TX 5 6 138 14 T4 Self D Tillery, Haley - KS 5 8 128 15 B30 Bkn B Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 6 4 126 16 HAG Ag B Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 5 108 3ROV Bkn B Bloomer, Amelia - OH 10 12 108 18 BB262 Shad D Boling, Carlie - TX 2 4 107 19BB218 Ag B Boling, Carlie - TX 6 8 106 20 ER1 Bkn D Ashton, William - OH 1 2 105 21 JAK Bkn D Tucker, Jordan - MO 5 9 102 22 BMY Shad B Boling, Carlie - TX 2 3 100 BS13 Self B Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 9 7 100 24 GWEN Shad D Anderson, John Harris - TX 3 5 96 25 HTB Tan B Anderson, John Harris - TX 2 4 87 BLU Bkn D Callicoat, Elaina - OH 9 8 87 27 AF428 Bkn B Estrella, Kylie - NY 10 6 86 28 PR5 Ag D Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 4 6 85 29M588 Self B Ryan, Levi - OH 3 5 80 30 TT202 AOV B Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 3 6 79 31 DALE Bkn B Wood, Carlie - OH 4 4 78 32 CUTE Bkn D Anderson, John Harris - TX 1 2 77 33 BS12 Self B Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 8 5 74 34 AM50 Self D Jean, Keira - TX 3 4 69

Youth - Rabbit of the Year

60 Show Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024 Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown: 5,493 # Shows: 353 Rank Ear # Variety/ Class Exh / Show Count Sho wC Herdsman Pts ROTY Pts
35 AL4 Ag D Ashton, William - OH 3 4 68 BB77 Ag D Boling, Carlie - TX 2 3 68 37 AC4 Self B Ryan, Levi - OH 2 4 66 38 3RBX Bkn D Bloomer, Amelia - OH 3 6 65 B Tan D Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 3 5 65 40 M535 Self B Bloomer, Amelia - OH 4 5 64 41 JUMPR AOV B Floyd, Keely - TX 5 5 61 42 DCB Self D Reker, Carson & Kainen - MO 5 6 60 43 JBR36 Ag D Anderson, John Harris - TX 1 1 59 MC2 Self D Lesniak-Harper, Addalyn & LydiaOH 2 4 59 45 HEDOLLY Tan D Estrella, Kylie - NY 8 5 58 46 AF540 Shad B Landis, Cody - PA 4 6 55 47 BS101 Tan B Ray, Evelyn - TX 1 2 53 48 W21 Tan B Wallock, Makayla - WI 7 2 52 W23 Ag D Wallock, Makayla - WI 6 2 52 50 BB88 Tan D Boling, Carlie - TX 1 2 49 SX2 Bkn D Ray, Corbin - TX 1 2 49 52 2DS Bkn D Lesniak-Harper, Addalyn & LydiaOH 2 2 48 BL Bn B Wallock, Makayla - WI 4 0 48 54 3RPS Bkn D Bloomer, Amelia - OH 3 6 47 3RWK Shad D Bloomer, Amelia - OH 3 5 47 56 W267 Bkn B Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 3 4 45 C2 Bkn D Ryan, Levi - OH 2 3 45 JER Ag B Tucker, Jordan - MO 2 3 45 59 B21 Tan D Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 3 4 44 60 AM67 Self B Ashton, William - OH 2 4 42 61 CLG Tan D Anderson, John Harris - TX 1 2 40 62 AE Ag D Ashton, William - OH 1 2 39 63 R1 Bkn D Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 4 5 38 CSB Tan D Reker, Carson & Kainen - MO 2 2 38 CB Bkn D Wood, Carlie - OH 1 2 38 66 W255 Ag B Ashton, William - OH 4 1 35 OP32 AOV B Wallock, Makayla - WI 4 0 35

Youth - Rabbit of the Year

Show Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024


to: 5/14/24

received PRIOR
# Shown: 5,493 # Shows: 353 Rank Ear # Variety/ Class Exh / Show Count Sho wC Herdsman Pts ROTY Pts 68 W24 AOV B Wallock, Makayla - WI 4 2 34 69 SP Self D Anderson, John Harris - TX 2 4 32 OR Self B Ashton, William - OH 3 4 32 3RLM Shad D Bloomer, Amelia - OH 1 2 32 AF584 Ag D Jacobson, Hannah - WI 5 2 32 LHFOX AOV D Walkup, Rachael - PA 3 5 32 74 NSPC Ag B Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 1 0 30 DMH Self D Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 1 2 30 AC1 Ag B Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 3 1 30 CMH Self D Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 1 2 30 MC1 Ag B Lesniak-Harper, Addalyn & LydiaOH 3 3 30 79 AF619 Self D Landis, Cody - PA 5 1 29 JFC1 Bkn B Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 1 2 29 81 KC Ag B Ashton, William - OH 2 3 28 AL Ag B Dotts, Isla - OH 1 2 28 RIZZO AOV D Floyd, Keely - TX 1 1 28 AF636 Shad B Rider, Daphne - KS 4 8 28 GT Self B Wallock, Makayla - WI 4 0 28 86 CTCC Bkn D Brown, Lauren - IN 5 0 27 MYS Bkn D Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 1 2 27 W300 Ag D Lesniak-Harper, Addalyn & LydiaOH 1 2 27 89 HETINK Self D Estrella, Kylie - NY 2 4 25 TS3 Ag B Reker, Carson & Kainen - MO 1 1 25 91 JPT2 Self D Enfield, Colson - MO 2 3 24 K4MOON Self D Floyd, Keely - TX 1 1 24 K4ROSE Bkn B Floyd, Keely - TX 2 3 24 BB5 Ag D Ryan, Levi - OH 2 4 24 SWISS Shad D Withrich, Addison - MO 1 1 24 96 BB38 Tan B Boling, Carlie - TX 1 1 23 HEBB Self D Estrella, Kylie - NY 7 2 23 TBAB1 Bkn D Summers, Leif - WY 2 3 23 99 CW13 Bkn B Jacobson, Hannah - WI 3 0 22 1CRP AOV B Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 1 2 22 PH2 Bkn D Summey, Larson - NC 1 2 22

Youth - Herdsman

Show Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024 Reports received PRIOR to: # Shown: 5,493 # Shows: 353 Rank Exh / Show Count Herdsman Pts 1 Anderson, John Harris - TX 46 2 Ashton, William - OH 29 3 Boling, Carlie - TX 28 4 Bloomer, Amelia - OH 27 5 Estrella, Kylie - NY 23 6 Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 22 7 Tucker, Jordan - MO 19 8 Floyd, Keely - TX 18 9 Ryan, Levi - OH 17 10 Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 16 11 Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 15 12 Che, Izel - TN 14 Reker, Carson & Kainen - MO 14 14 Lesniak-Harper, Addalyn & LydiaOH 12 15 Landis, Cody - PA 11 Wallock, Makayla - WI 11 Wood, Carlie - OH 11 18 Enfield, Colson - MO 8 Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 8 20 Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 7 Callicoat, Elaina - OH 7 Ray, Corbin - TX 7 Walkup, Rachael - PA 7 24 DeVito, Angelina - NH 6 Jacobson, Hannah - WI 6 Jean, Keira - TX 6 Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 6 Tillery, Haley - KS 6 29 Rider, Daphne - KS 5 30 Oberly, Wyatt & Tyler - KS 4 31 Carey, Megan - OH 3 Carter, Laina - MI 3 Fox, Pason - MI 3 Summers, Leif - WY 3 35 Brown, Lauren - IN 2 Burger-Mzik, Paige - OH 2 Dotts, Isla - OH 2 Hammond, Lottie - IN 2 Perkins, Karen - PA 2 Ray, Evelyn - TX 2 Ryan, Luke - OH 2 Summey, Larson - NC 2 43 Burrell, Stella - OH 1 Jankowski, Katie - PA 1 Withrich, Addison - MO 1

Youth - White Wool

Show Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024 Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown (W): 114 # Shows (W): 65 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh ShowC White Pts 1 Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 36 848 2 Wood, Carlie - OH 16 274 3 Wallock, Makayla - WI 4 239 4 Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 16 202 5 Anderson, John Harris - TX 12 198 6 Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 13 152 7 Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 6 72 8 Enfield, Colson - MO 2 48 Tucker, Jordan - MO 5 48 10 Boling, Carlie - TX 2 40 Brown, Lauren - IN 1 40 12 Ashton, Williams - OH 1 36 13 Summey, Larson - NC 1 20 14 Callicoat, Elaina - OH 3 18 Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 3 18 16 Fox, Pason - MI 2 12 17 Tillery, Haley - KS 1 6

Youth - Colored Wool

Dates 7/2023 thru 4/2024 Reports received PRIOR to: 5/14/24 # Shown (C): 292 # Shows (C): 90 Rank Exhibitor Name - State - District - # of Shows/Exh ShowC Colored Pts 1 Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 14 1554 2 Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 36 1271 3 Reker, Carson & Kainen - MO 7 832 4 Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 6 601 5 Tucker, Jordan - MO 14 560 6 Anderson, John Harris - TX 15 533 7 Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 15 508 8 Landis, Cody - PA 2 371 9 Wood, Carlie - OH 10 267 10 Ashton, Williams - OH 1 156 11 Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 15 139 12 Rider, Daphne - KS 1 91 13 Boling, Carlie - TX 3 62 14 Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 2 60 15 Smith, Meghan - PA 2 41 16 Bloomer, Amelia - OH 2 40 17 Callicoat, Elaina - OH 4 24 Verschure, Kenzie - AZ 4 24 19 Fox, Pason - MI 2 12 Hostuttler, Aiden - WV 2 12 21 Estrella, Kylie - NY 1 6 Tillery, Haley - KS 1 6

9-12-81 - 4-27-24

I met Jamie through our wonderful hobby of showing Jersey Woolies. She had a Siamese Sable kit with blue eyes. That is how our friendship started.

Her daughter Pason was willing to do whatever it took to make her herd better. We went through her herd and unfortunately most were culls. She culled everything but her Pointed White. I felt so bad I did not have time at convention to go shopping for rabbits for them. I did tell them to buy some tickets for the trio, and low and behold they won the trio. They had a great start back. They picked up a REW buck and they bred all the does. I received weekly updates and photos of Pason evaluating these babies.

Anytime I posted a need, whether it be we were having pot luck to wanting photos for the National Club, Jamie was the first one to respond. She always had a smile on her face and was kind to everyone. You will truly be missed, and your kind heart and beautiful smile is what I will carry with me. Times like these are what put things in perspective. I hope we can all be there for Pason. We need to support one another and make this hobby fun!!!!

Remembered by Julie Aversa

Jamie Fox

National Jersey Wooly Club NEW MemberApplication

Name ARBA#

For Family membership

List names of all family members that wish to join and who currently live at the same address:

Name ARBA#(if available) Youth DOB required (month & year)

Name ARBA#(if available) Youth DOB required (month & year)

Name ARBA#(if available) Youth DOB

(month & year)

Name ARBA#(if available) Youth DOB required (month & year)


Phone #


Membership includes an email version of the newsletter and access to the NJWRC Members Facebook page.

Send check or money order payable to NJWRC along with the application to: NJWRCSecretary Alex Williams 932 Bentleyville Road, Charleroi PA 15022 NJWRCsecretary@gmail.com Or: PayPal: NJWRClubtreasurer@gmail.com. If paying by PayPal, make sure to include the 3% PayPal surcharge fee, YOUR NAME, and a list of ALL MEMBERS included on this application in the PayPal Notes section.

Number &Street City State Zip County
Adult New Membership* 1 year $15.45 or 3 years $36.00 $___________ Youth New Membership* 1 year $12.35 $___________ 3 year $27.00
years or younger)
Life Membership $128.75
payment $___________
Total PayPal Fee $___________ Total Due $___________
Family Membership 1
$25.75 or 3 years $61.80
2 adults and any children under the age of 19 legally residing at the same address
Any member in good standing who has held continuous membership for a minimum of 3 years and has reached the age of 45 years.

National Jersey Wooly Rabbit Club Membership RENEWALApplication

For family membership

List additional names of all family members who currently live at the same address:

Name ARBA# (if available) Youth DOB required (M,D,Y)

Name ARBA# (if available) Youth DOB required (M,D,Y)

Name ARBA# (if available) Youth DOB required (M,D,Y)

Send check or money order, payable to NJWRC, along with the application to: NJWRC Secretary, Alex Williams 932 Bentleyville RD Charleroi PA 15022

NJWRCsecretary@gmail.com OR Paypal: NJWRClubtreasurer@gmail.com. If paying by PayPal, make sure to include the following in the PayPal Notes section: 3% surcharge fee, YOUR NAME, and a list of ALL MEMBERS included on this application.

Number and Street City State Zip E-Mail___________________________________________Phone________________________________ 1 Year 3 Year Adult Renewal $12.35 $25.75 $___________________ Youth Renewal $9.25 $24.80 (16 and under) $___________________ Family Renewal $25.25 $61.75 $___________________
Life Membership
time payment) $___________________
Total PayPal Fee $___________________ Total Due $___________________
Name ARBA# (if available) Youth DOB required (M,D,Y) Address_______________________________________________________________________________
(2 adults and any children under the age of 19 legally residing at the same address)
$128.75 (one
(any member in good standing who has held continuous membership for a minimum of 3 years and has reached the age of 45 years)

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