2024 Spring Fluff

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Official Newsletter of the National Jersey Wooly Rabbit Club:
Spring 2024 2023 ARBA Convention Youth Best of Breed and Best of Group Cody Landis

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NJWRC Committees

President’s Article

Secretary’s Report

Important Dates

District One Report

Record of Vote

District Two Report

District Four Report

District Five Report

District Six Report

District Seven Report

Advertising Rates

District Eight Report

District Nine Report

AMatter of Ethics

2023ARBAYouth BOB

2023ARBAYouth BOS

JW National Breed Show


Fluff Editor Report

Sweepstakes Report

Sweepstakes Standings Open

Sweepstakes Standings Youth

Youth Scholarship Application

Petition for Office

NJWRC New Member


NJWRC Renewal Member


Meet the NJWRC Board

President Cheryl Loesch momdeplume@comcast.net

Vice President Douglas Brown doug.brown1982.db@gmail.com

Secretary Alex Williams NJWRCsecretary@gmail.com

Treasurer Brenda Reilly NJRWClubtreasurer@gmail.com

District One Bethany Roberston bethanyrobertsongm@gmail.com

District Two Lori Robascotti dogznkidz@hotmail.com

District Three Izzy Bukovich izzybuk18@gmail.com

District Four Michael Wolfe 2002michaelwolfe@gmail.com

District Five Brenda Kneir mobunniesrabbitry@yahoo.com

District Six Kirsten Taylor flyinghooffarms@yahoo.com

District Seven

Connie Forward connieforward@yahoo.com

District Eight Julie Aversa jtaversa@gmail.com

District Nine Michelle Landis roughnecksm@verizon.net


NJWRC Committees


Pam Schmidt dpschmidt8@gmail.com


Brittany Moorse blmoorse@gmail.com

Standards Committee

Julie Aversa, Steven Buell, Tracey Freeman, Amber Henderson, Bethany Robertson, Cheryl Loesch - Chair

Constitution and By Laws Doug Brown - Chair

Sweepstakes Scoring

Nicole Schmitt njwrcsweeps@gmail.com


Alex Williams NJWRCsecretary@gmail.com

Youth Coordinator

Lindsay Aversa allstarwoolies@gmail.com

Historian Bethany Robertson bethanyrobertsongm@gmail.com

Find the NJWRC

Sweepstakes: njwrcsweeps@gmail.com


Website: www.jerseywooly.org

Facebook: NJWRC Members


When this issue goes to press, Nationals will have already happened. I’m excited to see that there is a good showing for this year’s Nationals, with nearly as many youth as open entries. Although Nationals is earlier than usual this year, we will retain the usual schedule for featuring BOB winners in the Fluff. This issue is Youth Convention BOB; Summer issue will be Open Nationals BOB, and the Fall issue will be Youth Nationals BOB.

Upcoming dates to be aware of are the Scholarship due date of April 1. Any youth in their senior year of high school may apply for a $1000.00 scholarship by following our application guidelines which are available in this newsletter and on our website. Scholarships are given out to youth going on to any form of secondary education, whether that be college, trade school, or another type of higher education. The scholarship form included in this issue contains all of the information about what needs to be submitted. Please send all application materials to our Secretary by April 1. The Secretary’s email is NJWRCSecretary@gmail.com.

This year’s club elections will feature even numbered District Representatives, Vice President, and Secretary positions. Candidate Nominating Petitions, biographies, and photos are due in by May 10. If there are any questions about the positions, or how to run for office, please do not hesitate to ask any of our current board members. Our Secretary, Alex Williams, will be happy to send a nominating petition to anyone who wants to run for positions on the ballot, and you can also find that on our website or in this Fluff.

March 1 is the deadline for any specialty club wanting to host 2025 Nationals. Application forms can be obtained from our Secretary. I would be happy to answer any questions any of you may have regarding hosting Nationals.

President Cheryl Loesch



Hello everyone!

I hope this article finds you well with nest boxes full of babies. I am writing this on the eve of Nationals here in Louisiana, and I am super excited to see old and new friends soon. Don’t forget to get those bids in for Nationals in 2026 by March 1st!

If you are a high school senior don’t forget to get your application in for the scholarship as well as your letters of recommendation. Please send them to me at njwrcsecretary@gmail.com so I can forward them to our Youth Committee. The due date is April 1st.

In addition, if you, or someone you know, would like to become more involved with the club, consider running for a position on the board. Those petitioning for office must be a NJWRC member for two or more years and be a member in good standing. Positions up for election this year include: Vice President, Secretary, and all even numbered Districts. You can print the Petition for Office from the form section on our website, jerserywooly.org, or you can also find it in this Fluff. Petitions are due by May 10th. Please fill the form out and return to me.

Well folks, I think that covers pretty much everything you need to know for the next couple months. However, if you have any questions or concerns please let me know. Until next time everyone, may your nest boxes be full of babies and hopefully a Golden Fleece Auction rabbit for convention.

NJWRC Secretary

March 1

Due date for 2026 NJWRC Nationals Bids

April 1 NJWRC Scholarship Application Due Date

May 10 Due date for Petitions for Office

May 15 May Fluff Article Due Date

May 30

Have in mind a possible donation for the GFA in October!

June 1 NJWRC starts preparing for Convention. Will you volunteer?

July 1 Start of the 2024-2025 Sweeps year

August Ballots go out for club elections

August 15 August Fluff Article Due Date

October 26-30 ARBA Convention



Representing: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington, Wyoming, Saskatchewan, Alberta, BC, Yukon Territory, and Japan

Hello District 1 members!

I hope all is well and that your nest boxes are full and coats are prime. As we get closer to spring, I am finding myself getting excited about future litters and planning breedings that will hopefully produce my next show string. Most of us understand the excitement of finding that baby that catches our eye. I think that excitement helps motivate all of us to continue showing and looking forward to putting animals on the table.

Our district has many amazing breeders that I look forward to seeing at each local show. The support and camaraderie I’ve experienced has made showing even more enjoyable. As the show season continues I hope that we will have more to share, but I look forward to seeing the beautiful animals that our members produce and share with each generation.

Record of Vote

October 2023- February 2024

Create a 3 year youth membership, up to age 16 (at 16, the three year would expire upon 19th birthday)

Passed with 11 votes

Motion: JulieAversa

Second: Brenda Reilly

District One Bethany Robertson

Representing: Arizona, California, Hawai’i, Nevada, Utah, and Mexico

By the time you all read this, Nationals will be a memory. I hope everyone had a wonderful time with safe travels and your goals were met. Sadly, as far as I know, there were no District 2 members who were able to attend. Personally, I hope to be able to show at Nationals in 2025.

Jersey Woolies have had some success on the tables recently. We've also had a good number of animals entered and more exhibitors than normal at a few shows. YAY!!! On 11-25-23 in Merced, CA, Carla Morrison won her first Best in Show (first of many I'm sure) with her Agouti Sr Buck, Pienta's Cheddar Bratwurst. Cheddar won BOB under judge Allen Barr and BIS under judge Misty Polasik. He is bred by Mallory Pienta. On 12-16-23 Amber Henderson's broken Sr Buck, Wonder's Johnny Lingo, won BOB under judge Tonna Thomas and went on to win 2ndBRIS under judge Lauralee Erbe. This show was held in Santa Maria, CA and was very festive with its Christmas music and decorations.

As I close this report, I'm sending you all my best wishes for a peaceful Spring with full nest boxes.

District Two Lori Robasciotti
Carla Morrison and Pienta’s Cheddar Bratwurst Amber Henderson and Wonder’s Johnny Lingo

Hey, everyone!

I hope all have recovered from the National show in Louisiana we just had. I know our weather down here was not consistent, causing many of our animals to blow coat for the show. I enjoyed getting to see and visit with everyone as usual, and I hope to see everyone at the upcoming show in Belton, TX.

In other news, our youth numbers are steadily increasing along with our open numbers, so I would like to thank everyone for helping contribute to that.

If anyone has any questions, or photos they would like to share with me, please email me at toptierfarms2012@gmail.com.


John Harris-Anderson won RIS with Autumn Marie’s 47 (Annie Lennox) at the Alamo Area Rabbit Club’s Black Friday Show, November 2425 in Seguin, TX.

7 District Four
Wolfe 2002michaelwolfe@gmail.com Representing: Arkansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas

Hello District 5:

I hope you all have had a good winter! Spring is a great time to start thinking about Convention! Fill those nest boxes!

We have a lot going on in our district. The Sunflower Jersey Wooly Club will be hosting the 2025 Nationals in Hutchinson, Kansas. They need our support to pull this off! We will be hosting speciality shows, having raffle tables, and an online auction. It’s really nice to have a Specialty Club in our district because, when they host a specialty show, that gives us more opportunities to show our beautiful Woolies! Anything you can do to help will be greatly appreciated.

The Bunny Bunch Club had a nice show in Manhattan, Kansas Nov. 24 & 25. Biggest turn out of Woolies they have ever had!

Show A: Judge Vic Vogts

Open - BOB & BOS Brenda Kneir

Youth - BOB Haley Tillery

- BOS Eleanor Lefebvre

Show B: Judge Janie Elliot

Open - BOB & BOS Brenda Kneir

Youth - BOB Haley Tillery

- BOS Carson & Kainen Reker

Sunflower Jersey Wooly Specialty

Judge Josh Humphries

Open - BOB Brenda Kneir

- BOS Haley Tillery

Youth - BOB Carson & Kainen Reker

- BOS Chole Phelps

Congrats to all of you that are out their showing! See you soon!


Jordan Tucker

Youth BOB & BOS

NYE in Hutchinson Kansas

Judge Blaine Maier

Illinois, Kansas, and Missouri
District Five Brenda Kneir mobunniesrabbitry@yahoo.com Representing:


We absolutely can not wait to see everyone down in Louisiana for Wooly Nationals! We have been hard at work making sure everything goes as smoothly as possible to make for an amazing Nationals show. We also want to say Thank You to our amazing judges that are driving and flying in.

Congratulations to Abi Evans on her win at the Middle Tennessee RBA Show - Open A RIS with Fuzzy Butt’s Hot Toddy (agouti senior doe).

District 6 Representative, Kirsten Taylor

Six Kirsten Taylor flyinghooffarms@yahoo.com Representing: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Puerto Rico
Abi Evans - Open RIS with Fuzzy Butt’s Hot Toddy

This will be out after Nationals so I would like to say congratulations to everyone that attended. A great big thank you to Michelle and Cody for taking four for us.

I have no news at this time, but shows in our area will be underway soon. Hopefully I will see many of our district members soon, plus all our other friends too. Don't forget to start breeding for convention. It will be here before we know it.

Hurry! Ad rates might go up, so contact the Newsletter Editor or your District Director to place your ad now!

10 District Seven Connie Forward connieforward@yahoo.com Representing: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, New
1 Issue 4 Issues Full Page: $45.00 $150.00 1/2 Page: $24.00 $85.00 1/4 Page: $12.00 $40.00 CONTENT&AD SUBMISSIONDEADLINE
Winter: November 5-12
February 5-12 Summer: May 8-15 Fall: August 8-15

District Eight

Hello Friends,

We are well into winter as I write this and a few weeks away from Nationals. I hope everyone had a safe trip to and from Nationals.

I want to remind everyone to hold back one of the rabbits you would sell this year for the Golden Fleece Auction. Take pictures of rabbits around now when they are in coat so when the solicitor for the GFA needs pictures, you have a nice photo of the rabbit in coat versus a molty mess photo. The Golden Fleece Auction is the largest fundraiser for our club. It brought in a total of $3,475 for our general fund. The two rabbits donated 100% to the youth scholarship and the donated grooming plus the proceeds from the trio raffle brought in a total of $2,767 for the funding of the youth scholarship. Please keep in mind, if you are a senior, Scholarship Applications are due by April 1st, 2024.

The silent auction at the Louisville convention banquet did very well. I am happy to report that the club made $1,275 on the silent auction. I hope to see this continue. It was a lot of fun. Thank you to all that donated items for this raffle, and I hope next year we can exceed what was brought in at the last convention. Are you up for the challenge? The theme for this year’s convention is The Greatest Show of the Century, kind of like a under the big top. So put your thinking caps on now to come up with some great ideas.

How to better the breed. We all should be breeding to better the breed, to breed as close to the standard of perfection as possible. We need to get better at culling out the genetic issues within our breed. What I have seen are mismatched nails, white nails, scattered white hairs, white spotting gene, silvering gene, wrong undercolor, wide band, and some various others. When our breed was first created, white nails were problematic. I feel that mismatched nails are still an issue within our breed. They usually show up in dilutes. It can break your heart to love the type on an animal only to have to cull it for nail color. Many people will not even keep dilutes due to this issue. If we were all to cull hard for nail color eventually, over time, nail color would no longer be an issue. Breeding to a broken should not be the answer. Breeding to a broken, the issue is still there. Another issue is the wrong undercolor. Opals are not seen too much on the show table in our breed due to the fact many have the wrong undercolor, or poor nail color. Just because judges do not catch this issue, we as breeders should be culling them out of our herds. Please, please, please do not sell them. Selling them only puts your problem onto another breeder.

If you have any ideas for changes, general questions, or just want to chat bunnies, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

I hope with the spring shows gearing up everyone has safe travels to and from shows and has an enjoyable time showing.

May your nestboxes be full!!!!

jtaversa@gmal.com Representing:
Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Manitoba, and Ontario
Grace Anderson and her RIS with B&B’s Hey Dude TKSRBA Veterans Appreciation show on 11/11/23

I want to start off by thanking all of our amazing Jersey Wooly breeders for their friendship, dedication to the breed, wonderful FRIENDLY competition, and amazing support of each other. It has been such an amazing ride over the past 13+ years and it wouldn't have been nearly as fun without all of you! I can't wait to see where we all go from here! We have an insanely talented and dedicated crew who can accomplish anything when we put our minds to it.

Over the last year, I have noticed a HUGE emphasis put on helping each other, especially the JW Youth. This warms my heart to see so many people truly trying to help their fellow breeders and help grow our breed. No one person can do this on their own and our JW Family Village is the BEST! The more we work together, the better our club will be. Keep up all of the great work, but remember to have FUN while doing it. :)

I am so excited to be heading to JW Nationals in West Monroe, LA with Cody. I hope to see a TON of you there!! The club running the show has been working like crazy to give us a fun and memorable event and I can't wait for all of the awesome memories that will be made there.

Landis roughnecksm@verizon.net Representing: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington DC, and all other foreign regions
District Nine Michelle
Christy Przybylowski won BIS, RIS and BISS with 3Bears' She's All That (Allie) at the NJSRCBA show in January. Nikolai Kalinin won Youth 1st RIS with Berlin at the NJSRCBA show in January in Pic #1. Nikolai also won Youth BIS with Marco Polo at the NJSRCBA show in January in Pic #2 Talya Bardole won Youth BOB with her Orange JR Doe in the NEJWB JW Specialty at PaSRBA.

A Matter of Ethics

A Matter of Ethics Truth and Consequences

A consequence is something that logically or naturally follows an action or condition. Consequences can be positive or negative. As breeders, let’s consider which we choose for ourselves and others.

Years ago, a few friends and I were generously invited to visit the rabbitry of a breeder who was raising rabbits in another part of the United States. We excitedly accepted the invitation and were grateful for the opportunity to learn something about raising rabbits in a climate different than our own. During our visit, we tried to absorb as much information as we could glean as the breeder led us through the examination and explanation of their unique setup. The rabbitry was neat and clean, and we admired the ingenuity of the breeder who used both modern and very old technology to create an environment in which their rabbits could live comfortably.

As we toured, my companions and I were naturally excited to look over the various breeds of rabbits housed there. One specific rabbit became a topic of conversation when it was discovered to have a simple malocclusion. Ever curious and eager to learn how other breeders handle common challenges, we asked what the breeder did in this situation and what outlets the breeder used for their culls. “Oh, I see that all the time. I just sell them as pets.”, replied the breeder.

During the discussion that followed, my friends and I talked about how we managed our own rabbitries. We described what we did to trim maloccluded teeth and the humane options we turned to if the problem could not be easily corrected. We talked about the kind of rabbits we let leave our barns and which ones we do not. We shared the outlets each of us had available for any terminal culls.

Between the four of us, we had a good discussion and the breeder thanked us for some bits of information. We talked about many other things during the rest of our visit together and thoroughly enjoyed nerding out about all things rabbit related.

A few years later, I found myself back at the same breeder's barn to pick up rabbits for transport to the ARBA Convention. In discussion, I found they were still selling rabbits with malocclusions as pets. At the same time, one of my traveling companions noticed that one of the bucks intended for transport was spinning in circles, head tilted to one side, inside its carrier. After we pointed this out to the breeder, they responded with “Oh, he just likes to do that for fun. He’s playing” and then quickly moved the rabbit into one of our transport carriers.

I think this is a good place to stop. Talk amongst yourselves about the positive or negative consequences that might come from the decisions of the people involved in this story. How do those decisions affect the individual? Do those decisions affect anyone else? What about the animals?

Are you curious how the story ends? For that, you’ll need to tune in next time for the conclusion of “Truth and Consequences”!


2023 ARBA Convention

Youth Jersey Wooly

Best of Breed and Best of Group

Cody Landis

Convention was so much fun this year, getting to hang out with all of our friends in Louisville! Winning Youth BOB with AFB’s Panda Bear was such a huge honor and was only surpassed by the honor of winning Youth Group 4 in Best in Show! It was a dream of mine to try to win a Group or BIS at convention with Panda and that came true this year. Like always, Panda celebrated by chewing the strings off of my sweatshirt. LOL!

Panda (or PB as we call him) is one of those “once in a lifetime” kind of rabbits. He is awesome and yet so sweet and snuggly too. Panda currently has 60 legs with a bunch of BIS, RIS and BOBs in Open and Youth. He was also the Youth BOB at the 2022 Convention in Reno, Youth BOB at the 2023 JW Nationals in Ohio, BOSB at the 2021 Convention in Kentucky, and the Youth Best Junior at the JW Nationals in Louisiana. He is the kind of rabbit that we dreamed of for years and we still can’t believe that he is one of our homebreds.

Panda comes from a breeding that combines Allstar’s lines and our old shaded/self lines. His sire, Allstar’s Leo, is a great broken black buck that has 11 legs (2 BIS & 3 BOB – 1 of them was Youth BOB at JW Nationals in Louisiana). We can never thank Julie & Lindsay Aversa enough for letting us buy him a few years ago. He and his offspring have become the backbone of our Broken, Shaded, Self, and Tan Jersey Woolies. It is true how one amazing rabbit can make such a huge difference in your herd.

Panda’s dam is a big blue brood doe named AFB’s Charmaine, whose pedigree includes AFB’s Zeke, Fuzzyville’s Show Me Off, and Fuzzyville’s Broken Tear. She may not be much to look at, but she is solid and has produced most of our best rabbits.

Panda, his dad Leo, and his siblings have been very prolific breeders and it is hard to find a rabbit in our barn that doesn’t have their lines in their pedigrees. We have also been trying to spread his genes around to as many breeders as possible and love to hear how his kids and grandkids are doing for their new owners.

I wanted to say Congratulations to everyone that showed at convention. Congrats to Makayla Wallock on winning Youth BOSB with her beautiful Pointed Black Sr Doe “Nala”, Congrats to Maddie & Michelle DeSelm on winning Open BOB with your gorgeous Broken SR Buck “Link” and Congrats to Lori Robisciotti on winning Open BOSB with your stunning Shaded SR Doe. As always, there were soooo many nice Jersey Woolies there.


2023 ARBA Convention

Youth Jersey Wooly

Best Opposite Sex

Makayla Wallock

Pinch Me! What an honor for Wallock’s Woolies Nala to be named Best Opposite of Breed at the 100th ARBA Convention. I brought a small tribe of Jersey Woolies to the 100th ARBA Convention. It consisted of five jersey woolies, all of which were homegrown. Two were younger juniors, too. So, I was very happy with all my placings.

Nala is a very special doe. She is well balanced, has great point color, and a wonderful coat. She knows her job while on the show table and she loves doing it. She will strike a pose and show herself off. She is a little princess as we found she travels best in a carrier all by herself. And, of course, it is a Best In Show carrier that she won in her showing career. If it is a long trip, she enjoys coming out to “lap ride”, to look at the scenery and get extra snuggles during our travels.

Nala’s BOS win at the 100th ARBA convention is added to her multiple BIS winnings, a BOS win at the 99th ARBA Convention, and a BOB win at the 98th ARBA Convention, my very first ARBA Convention. The 100th ARBA Convention is only the third Convention I have attended, so returning to Louisville, and Nala bringing home another win, was truly a very special day. She also won Best Overall Wool too! She is one special little lady and my heart rabbit.

Seeing friends and being able to spend time with them also makes ARBA Convention special. Lots of smiles and laughs are always great! It makes all the long days totally worth it and then some.

I’ve been busy breeding away, especially with my AOV’s and I am already looking forward to this year’s ARBA Convention. I wish everyone the best of luck with their nestboxes. Here’s to spring and lots of babies!


Jersey Wooly

The Jersey Wooly National Breed Show was held on Saturday, February 17, in West Monroe, Louisiana. We would like to honor the National Breed winners in this edition of The Fluff. In the Summer edition of The Fluff (June edition) we will include a full report and lots of photos of the National Breed Show. We thank all of the exhibitors who attended the show in West Monroe and we congratulate all of the following winners!



BOG: Robin Olson - FBll

BOSG:Brenda Kneir - CT1


BOG: Daniel Kuyoth - TT280

BOSG:Daniel Kuyoth - TT231 BOSB, BFOVR


BOG: Christy & Katrina Przybylowski - 53B


BOSB: Cody Landis - AF387


BOG: Michelle Landis - AF643

BOSG:Michelle Landis - AF576


BOG: Daniel Kuyoth - TT282

BOSG:Ava-Lynn Ledesma - AM80


BOG: Ava-Lynn Ledesma - B21



BOG: John Harris Anderson - JBR36 BOSB

BOSG:John Harris Anderson - KEN


BOG: John Harris Anderson - AHD

BOSG:John Harris Anderson - LB6


BOG: Carson & Kainen Reker - DO BOB

BOSG:William Ashton - ER1


BOG: John Harris Anderson - AM47

BOSG:Cheyenne Woerndel - TK2


BOG: John Harris Anderson - GWEN

BOSG:Cody Landis - AF578


BOG: Evelyn Ray - BS214

BOSG:John Harris Anderson - HTB

BOSG:Christy & Katrina Przybylowski - 3B77


Hello All!

I hope you had an excellent Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The NJWRC National Show is complete. Attending a national breed show is an experience I hope all breeders can experience at least once, if not more, in their rabbit breeding careers. Meeting and interacting with breeders from across the country is an amazing opportunity. I extend my Congratulations to those JW breeders who were successful on the National show tables!

Since I have the opportunity to work with so many photos that get sent to the club, I want to share some photo dos/don’ts with you for better pics of your smiling faces and beautiful bunnies.

 You are obviously focusing on the person and the rabbit. Pay attention to what is in the background. You don’t want to distract from your subject.

 Do not take a photo with a window in the background. It creates glare and diminishes the clarity of your picture. Any light source should be behind the photographer.

 Focus on your subject. Make their face or upper body fill your shot. Don’t take pictures of the ceiling or peoples’ legs. Focus on upper bodies, faces, and the bunnies.

 If you are sending pictures to the club, make sure they are in focus, not blurry. We want to see your faces and your beautiful bunnies!

 Keep your camera lens clean. That prevents blurry photos as well.

 If you are trying to include the bunny, exhibitor, judge, and award in the photo, that can be a lot for one, clear shot. Think about taking two or three photos instead. . .the judge, exhibitor, and rabbit; the rabbit and awards. Don’t try and include too much in your shot. The more you include, the wider your shot needs to be. This makes faces and bunnies pretty small and you lose clarity and detail.

I hope this helps you take great photos of your hoppy memories!



Hello NJWRC members!!

We’re about half-way through the season already and I’m still caught up! (this might be a record!)

These points include all shows dated 6/2023 thru 1/2024 for which reports were received in good order prior to 2/13/2024.

Right now, I only have a few ‘concerning situations.’

*Central Coast RC, triple open, 12/16/23, Santa Maria, CA: reports were received for all 3 shows, however, I believe I’m actually missing the wool placement information for all 3 shows. I went ahead & entered the ‘regular’ points & they’re included here, but wool isn’t included. I’ve emailed Linda Bell several times at every email address I have for her – no response as yet. I don’t have a phone number for Linda.

*Riverside Co RBA, 2 of 3 open shows on 12/30/23 in Costa Mesa, CA: reports were received for all 3 shows, but I only got wool placement information for show B (my # W1548-O3A). I’m quite sure I’m missing the wool placement information for shows A & C (my #’s W1546-O3A & W1550-O3A). I’ve emailed Linda Bell at every email address I have for her without any response (I even emailed her Himi Club address).

If you run into Linda, tell her I’m needing to hear back from her. As with the Central Coast RC shows above, ‘regular’ sweepstakes information was processed & is included in this report.

Both Central Coast RC & Riverside RBA shows with issues are on the included shows listing as well as the regular sanctioned shows listing with big red notes in the comments section regarding this (bright green fill color). Overall the season has been (mostly) smooth sailing!

Until next time!

Some of the Sweeps Reports may be truncated due to space constraints in The Fluff. The full Sweeps Reports can be viewed on the NJWRC Sweeps website:


21 Sweepstakes
Schmitt njwrcsweeps@gmail.com www.njwrcsweeps.com
22 # 7,283 # Shows: 340 Rank Exh - D# - Show Count Dist ShowC Pts 1Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 7 27 8185 2Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 9 22 6228 3Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 25 6183 4Edder, Deidre - SC 9 32 5326 5DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 8 23 3735 6Landis, Michelle - PA 9 18 3457 7Moerbe, Kathy - TX 4 26 3375 8Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 8 17 3278 9Sherlock, Barbara - PA 9 17 3115 10Robasciotti, Lori - CA 2 14 2758 11Anderson, Grace - KY 8 14 2646 12Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 8 13 2504 13More, Gail - OH 8 17 2096 14Boarts, Becky - MI 8 17 2034 15Arnold, Dave - OH 8 18 2012 16Mezyk, Karen - IL 5 10 1890 17Boulier, DeAnn & Niles - MI 8 15 1717 18Evans, Abigail - GA 6 20 1694 19Knisley, Jacob - OH 8 27 1567 20Beirau, Gayle - IL 5 5 1374 Vara, Emily - WI 3 4 1374 22McConnell, Michaeline - CA 2 10 1293 23Wallace, Shannon - CO 4 7 1204 24Reilly / Ringelstetter, Brenda & Christi - WI 3 12 1166 25Pienta, Mallory - WI 3 3 1160 26Morrison, Carla - CA 2 8 1106 27Turley, Rose-Marie - NJ 9 10 1036 28Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 7 2 1019 29Jusko, Tayler - NY 7 11 1017 30Achgill, Helene - IN 8 12 890 31Grady, Rob & Paula - CO 4 11 879 32Fowler, Amanda - GA 6 14 842 33Collins, Judy - OH 8 16 755 34Smith, Angela - NS 9 3 750 35Cartwright, Rebecca - MN 3 1 745 36Henderson, Amber - CA 2 14 739 37Medo, Bill - WI 3 6 736
Open - Overall Sweeps
23 38 Hillery, Kathy - TX 4 7 734 39 McKie, Helen - NC 9 1 705 40 Neveu, Heather - WI 3 5 696 41 Deling, Kelsey & Carmen - MN 3 5 677 42 Deer, Terri & Steve - NC 9 6 670 43 Wassom, Claudia - SD 3 6 617 44 Jones, Sue - IN 8 15 587 45 Moore, Sharon - IL 5 10 556 46 Milton, Jackie - TX 4 10 553 47 Becker, Conner - MN 3 6 545 48 Austin, Chase - TX 4 2 531 49 Martin, Karla - TX 4 12 519 50 McCullough, Jan - WA 1 8 517 51 Andrus, Alicia - AK 1 9 498 52 Sheets, Angi - IN 8 5 474 53 Brak, Rhonda - KY 8 6 440 54 Sultan / Robertson, Meadow & Bethany - OR 1 8 425 55 Olson, Robin - NC 9 11 420 56 Bell, Lisa - OH 8 14 409 57 Longdo, Michelle - WI 3 11 403 58 Kneir, Brenda - MO 5 5 378 59 Younggreen, Kellyjo & Cassidy - CO 4 15 376 60 Robasciotti, Lori & Gillian - CA 2 13 368 61 Lovely, Tara - ME 7 6 330 62 Lyons, Melanie & Yvonne - NY 7 5 325 63 Douglas, Trianna - MN 3 1 315 64 Pridgen, Stacey - MD 9 10 272 65 Williams, Alexandra - PA 9 7 267 66 Summers, Andrea - WY 1 5 227 67 Wood, Laurie - OH 8 5 224 68 Hammond, Becky - AK 1 7 211 69 Roe, Deborah - MI 8 8 207 70 Waltz, Jennie - CA 2 4 206 71 LeSage, Angel - CA 2 3 200 72 Ziebell, Amber - WI 3 3 195 73 Hobbs, Jordan - IN 8 2 181 74 Born, Annette - AK 1 4 159 75 Hanchar, Nancy - MI 8 5 155
# 7,283 # Shows: 340 Rank Exh - D# - Show Count Dist ShowC Pts
Open - Overall Sweeps
24 # Shown: 7,283 # Shows: 340 Rank Exh - D# - Show Count Dist ShowC Pts D1: 1McCullough, Jan - WA 1 8 517 2Andrus, Alicia - AK 1 9 498 3Sultan / Robertson, Meadow & Bethany - OR 1 8 425 4Summers, Andrea - WY 1 5 227 5Hammond, Becky - AK 1 7 211 6Born, Annette - AK 1 4 159 7Olmstead, Rebecca - WA 1 5 86 D2: 1Robasciotti, Lori - CA 2 14 2758 2McConnell, Michaeline - CA 2 10 1293 3Morrison, Carla - CA 2 8 1106 4Henderson, Amber - CA 2 14 739 5Robasciotti, Lori & Gillian - CA 2 13 368 6Waltz, Jennie - CA 2 4 206 7LeSage, Angel - CA 2 3 200 8Robasciotti, Gillian - CA 2 9 124 9Holbrook, Angela - UT 2 1 113 10Verschure, Beth - AZ 2 4 24 D3: 1Vara, Emily - WI 3 4 1374 2Reilly / Ringelstetter, Brenda & Christi - WI 3 12 1166 3Pienta, Mallory - WI 3 3 1160 4Cartwright, Rebecca - MN 3 1 745 5Medo, Bill - WI 3 6 736 6Neveu, Heather - WI 3 5 696 7Deling, Kelsey & Carmen - MN 3 5 677 8Wassom, Claudia - SD 3 6 617 9Becker, Conner - MN 3 6 545 10Longdo, Michelle - WI 3 11 403 11Douglas, Trianna - MN 3 1 315 12Ziebell, Amber - WI 3 3 195 13Douglas / Busack, Trianna & Kelly - MN 3 3 139 14Moorse, Brittany - MN 3 7 102 15Hatt, Janice - WI 3 5 82 16Bukovich, Izzy - MN 3 4 78 17Bohach, Kenzie - IA 3 2 45 18Loesch, Cheryl - MN 3 1 36 19Blakely, Mary - WI 3 1 16
Open - District Sweeps
25 # Shown: 7,283 # Shows: 340 Rank Exh - D# - Show Count Dist ShowC Pts
D4: 1Moerbe, Kathy - TX 4 26 3375 2Wallace, Shannon - CO 4 7 1204 3Grady, Rob & Paula - CO 4 11 879 4Hillery, Kathy - TX 4 7 734 5Milton, Jackie - TX 4 10 553 6Austin, Chase - TX 4 2 531 7Martin, Karla - TX 4 12 519 8Younggreen, Kellyjo & Cassidy - CO 4 15 376 9Baldwin, Briana - TX 4 4 114 10Wolfe, Michael - OK 4 2 72 D5: 1Mezyk, Karen - IL 5 10 1890 2Beirau, Gayle - IL 5 5 1374 3Moore, Sharon - IL 5 10 556 4Kneir, Brenda - MO 5 5 378 5Oberly, Mat / Jill / Wyatt & Tyler - KS 5 4 66 6Oldham, Christina - IL 5 2 42 7Tillery, Melissa - KS 5 2 12 D6: 1Evans, Abigail - GA 6 20 1694 2Fowler, Amanda - GA 6 14 842 3Freeman, Tracey & Tyrone - LA 6 1 135 4Taylor, Kirsten - LA 6 3 24 D7: 1Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 7 27 8185 2Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 7 2 1019 3Jusko, Tayler - NY 7 11 1017 4Lovely, Tara - ME 7 6 330 5Lyons, Melanie & Yvonne - NY 7 5 325 6Roman, Casey - NY 7 2 130 7Buell, Steven - NY 7 6 90 8Forward, Connie - NY 7 4 30 9DeVito, Amanda - NH 7 1 24
Open - District Sweeps
26 D8: 1 Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 8 25 6183 2 DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 8 23 3735 3 Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 8 17 3278 4 Anderson, Grace - KY 8 14 2646 5 Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 8 13 2504 6 More, Gail - OH 8 17 2096 7 Boarts, Becky - MI 8 17 2034 8 Arnold, Dave - OH 8 18 2012 9 Boulier, DeAnn & Niles - MI 8 15 1717 10 Knisley, Jacob - OH 8 27 1567 11 Achgill, Helene - IN 8 12 890 12 Collins, Judy - OH 8 16 755 13 Jones, Sue - IN 8 15 587 14 Sheets, Angi - IN 8 5 474 15 Brak, Rhonda - KY 8 6 440 16 Bell, Lisa - OH 8 14 409 17 Wood, Laurie - OH 8 5 224 18 Roe, Deborah - MI 8 8 207 19 Hobbs, Jordan - IN 8 2 181 20 Hanchar, Nancy - MI 8 5 155 21 Neveu, Rachelle - MI 8 2 146 22 Hammond, Sara - MI 8 6 124 23 Sterner, Teresa - OH 8 7 119 24 Anderson, Larry - KY 8 3 72 D9: 1 Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 9 22 6228 2 Edder, Deidre - SC 9 32 5326 3 Landis, Michelle - PA 9 18 3457 4 Sherlock, Barbara - PA 9 17 3115 5 Turley, Rose-Marie - NJ 9 10 1036 6 Smith, Angela - NS 9 3 750 7 McKie, Helen - NC 9 1 705 8 Deer, Terri & Steve - NC 9 6 670 9 Olson, Robin - NC 9 11 420 10 Pridgen, Stacey - MD 9 10 272 11 Williams, Alexandra - PA 9 7 267 12 Rector, Angela - NC 9 6 88 13 Perkins, Rebekah - PA 9 4 40 Open - District Sweeps # Shown: 7,283 # Shows: 340 Rank Exh - D# - Show Count Dist ShowC Pts
27 # Shown: 7,283 # Shows: 340 Rank Exh - Show Count ShowC Bonus Pts 1DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 23 1154 2 Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 22 560 3Moerbe, Kathy - TX 26 556 4Edder, Deidre - SC 32 546 5 Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 27 524 6Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 25 440 7Robasciotti, Lori - CA 14 381 8Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 17 354 9Arnold, Dave - OH 18 346 10Landis, Michelle - PA 18 291 11Mezyk, Karen - IL 10 264 12More, Gail - OH 17 239 13Anderson, Grace - KY 14 229 14Jusko, Tayler - NY 11 181 15Evans, Abigail - GA 20 175 16McConnell, Michaeline - CA 10 162 17Henderson, Amber - CA 14 147 18Deer, Terri & Steve - NC 6 141 19 Reilly / Ringelstetter, Brenda & Christi - WI 12 139 20Morrison, Carla - CA 8 134 21Wallace, Shannon - CO 7 120 22Becker, Conner - MN 6 117 23Olson, Robin - NC 11 112 24Achgill, Helene - IN 12 105 25Grady, Rob & Paula - CO 11 97 26Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 13 93 27Beirau, Gayle - IL 5 92 28Wassom, Claudia - SD 6 89 29Knisley, Jacob - OH 27 79 Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 2 79 31 Sultan / Robertson, Meadow & Bethany - OR 8 78 32Andrus, Alicia - AK 9 70 Deling, Kelsey & CarmenMN 5 70 34Pienta, Mallory - WI 3 68 Open -Award of Excellence 35 Baldwin, Briana - TX 4 67 36 McCullough, Jan - WA 8 62 37 Fowler, Amanda - GA 14 61 38 Vara, Emily - WI 4 54 39 Born, Annette - AK 4 49 40 Sherlock, Barbara - PA 17 47 41 Turley, Rose-Marie - NJ 10 45 42Brak, Rhonda - KY 6 41 LeSage, Angel - CA 3 41 44 Kneir, Brenda - MO 5 39 45 Lovely, Tara - ME 6 37 46 Summers, Andrea - WY 5 33 47 Bell, Lisa - OH 14 31 Hillery, Kathy - TX 7 31 Medo, Bill - WI 6 31 50 Milton, Jackie - TX 10 29 51 Hammond, Sara - MI 6 27 Pridgen, Stacey - MD 10 27 53 Hobbs, Jordan - IN 2 25 Sheets, Angi - IN 5 25 55 Jones, Sue - IN 15 24 Lyons, Melanie & Yvonne - NY 5 24 57 Hammond, Becky - AK 7 21 58 Roe, Deborah - MI 8 20 Waltz, Jennie - CA 4 20 60 Robasciotti, Lori & Gillian - CA 13 18 61 Moore, Sharon - IL 10 17 Sterner, Teresa - OH 7 17 63 Younggreen, Kellyjo & Cassidy - CO 15 16 64 Roman, Casey - NY 2 15 Ziebell, Amber - WI 3 15 66 Bohach, Kenzie - IA 2 9 Williams, Alexandra - PA 7 9 68 Boarts, Becky - MI 17 6 Taylor, Kirsten - LA 3 6 70 Martin, Karla - TX 12 4
# Shown: 7,283 # Shows: 340 Rank Ear # Variety/Class Exh / Show Count Herdsman Pts ROTY Pts 1 B9 Bkn B DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 22 889 2 TT327 AOV B Edder, Deidre - SC 34 357 3 WP Bkn B Arnold, Dave - OH 10 309 4 CI Shad D Robasciotti, Lori - CA 6 248 5 M646 Bkn D More, Gail - OH 5 209 6 53B Bkn D Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 11 201 7 L17 Shad D DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 4 156 8 WPTK Shad B Moerbe, Kathy - TX 7 152 9 W244 Bkn D Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 8 136 3B100 Self D Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 8 136 11 HD Bkn B Anderson, Grace - KY 14 128 12 CR Bkn D Moerbe, Kathy - TX 15 125 13 PDC222 Self D Jusko, Tayler - NY 6 114 14 SR Self D Aversa, Lindsey & Julie - MI 6 112 15 MR Tan D Aversa, Lindsey & Julie - MI 6 102 16 JL Bkn B Henderson, Amber - CA 11 100 17 AL4 Ag D Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 4 98 18 BC1 Ag B Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 4 96 19 CHACHA Ag D Edder, Deidre - SC 8 88 20 W228 Ag D Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 4 79 RD Self D Reilly / Ringelstetter, Brenda & Christi - WI 4 79 22 AF503 Self B Landis, Michelle - PA 4 77 23 TD Bkn B Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 5 74 24 MISS Bkn D Aversa, Lindsey & Julie - MI 4 71 25 D1 Tan D Olson, Robin - NC 5 70 26 AF600 Bkn B Landis, Michelle - PA 3 68 RO Self B Pienta, Mallory - WI 4 68 28 8M5 Bkn B McConnell, Michaeline - CA 7 66 29 AC1 Self B Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 2 65 30 SB Bkn D Deer, Terri & Steve - NC 5 64 TX1 Bkn B Moerbe, Kathy - TX 6 64 32 3B61 Self D Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 3 61 HTX Ag B Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 3 61 34 L15 Shad B DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 2 59 35 BUD Tan B Morrison, Carla - CA 6 57 36 I Bkn D Wassom, Claudia - SD 6 55 37 BWKPD AOV D Achgill, Helene - IN 1 54 JH10 Bkn D Moerbe, Kathy - TX 2 54
Open - Rabbit of the Year

Open - Rabbit of the Year

29 39 AF539 Bkn B Deling, Kelsey & Carmen - MN 4 52 BFWT Tan B Mezyk, Karen - IL 2 52 41 AF620 Tan D Landis, Michelle - PA 2 51 42 L7 Ag B DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 2 50 43 CS Tan D Edder, Deidre - SC 5 49 PAPI Ag B Evans, Abigail - GA 6 49 45 383B Tan B Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 3 48 46 KJB Tan B Mezyk, Karen - IL 3 46 47 JAKE Self B Aversa, Lindsey & Julie - MI 4 45 FT48 Ag B Grady, Rob & Paula - CO 4 45 TT321 AOV B Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 3 45 CHB Ag B Morrison, Carla - CA 4 45 51 NIGELE Bkn D Anderson, Grace - KY 4 43 AF486 Shad D Mezyk, Karen - IL 1 43 53 BWKP AOV D Achgill, Helene - IN 4 42 54 MB Tan D Brak, Rhonda - KY 4 41 SKITTLES Shad D Jusko, Tayler - NY 2 41 CS1 Self D Mezyk, Karen - IL 2 41 593B Tan D Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 2 41 58 FUEGO Bkn B Robasciotti, Lori - CA 3 40 LBRTY Shad D Robasciotti, Lori - CA 3 40 60 WAR Self B Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 3 39 61 ZT Bkn D Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 2 38 B Self B Wallace, Shannon - CO 4 38 63 WPJM Shad D Arnold, Dave - OH 1 37 O22 Shad B Becker, Conner - MN 2 37 65 AF621 Bkn B Landis, Michelle - PA 2 36 AF622 Bkn B Landis, Michelle - PA 2 36 67 116B Self B Knisley, Jacob - OH 4 35 68 P6 Tan D Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 1 34 TT280 AOV D Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 2 34 AF487 Tan D Reilly / Ringelstetter, Brenda & Christi - WI 2 34 14 Tan D Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 1 34 72 JH18 Self B Deer, Terri & Steve - NC 2 33 8M11 Bkn D McConnell, Michaeline - CA 3 33 TUZ Tan D Moerbe, Kathy - TX 1 33 FT28 AOV B Summers, Andrea - WY 5 33 76 AST Bkn D Anderson, Grace - KY 4 32 # Shown: 7,283 # Shows: 340 Rank Ear # Variety/Class Exh / Show Count Herdsman Pts ROTY Pts
30 # Shown: 7,283 # Shows: 340 Rank Exh Hrdsmn Pts 1 Edder, Deidre - SC 26 Moerbe, Kathy - TX 26 3 Aversa, Lindsey & Julie - MI 25 Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 25 5 Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 22 6 Anderson, Grace - KY 16 Robasciotti, Lori - CA 16 8 Landis, Michelle - PA 14 McConnell, Michaeline - CA 14 Sefcik, April & Kaitlyn - OH 14 Sultan / Robertson, Meadow & Bethany - OR 14 Wallace, Shannon - CO 14 13 DeSelm, Madelyn - MI 13 14 Henderson, Amber - CA 12 Mezyk, Karen - IL 12 16 Deer, Terri & Steve - NC 11 Evans, Abigail - GA 11 18 Morrison, Carla - CA 10 19 Reilly / Ringelstetter, Brenda & Christi - WI 9 Wassom, Claudia - SD 9 21 Becker, Conner - MN 8 Olson, Robin - NC 8 23 Born, Annette - AK 7 Fowler, Amanda - GA 7 Grady, Rob & Paula - CO 7 Jusko, Tayler - NY 7 Knisley, Jacob - OH 7 28 Achgill, Helene - IN 6 Arnold, Dave - OH 6 Ayers, Laura & Kevin - OH 6 Deling, Kelsey & Carmen - MN 6 Kneir, Brenda - MO 6 McCullough, Jan - WA 6 More, Gail - OH 6 35 Kuyoth, Daniel - RI 5 Summers, Andrea - WY 5 37 Brak, Rhonda - KY 4 Pienta, Mallory - WI 4 Vara, Emily - WI 4 Open - Herdsman 40 Andrus, Alicia - AK 3 Beirau, Gayle - IL 3 Robasciotti, Lori & Gillian - CA 3 Roe, Deborah - MI 3 Turley, Rose-Marie - NJ 3 Waltz, Jennie - CA 3 46 Bell, Lisa - OH 2 Hammond, Becky - AK 2 Hammond, Sara - MI 2 Hillery, Kathy - TX 2 Hobbs, Jordan - IN 2 Jones, Sue - IN 2 LeSage, Angel - CA 2 Medo, Bill - WI 2 Pridgen, Stacey - MD 2 Sheets, Angi - IN 2 Sherlock, Barbara - PA 2 Sterner, Teresa - OH 2 58 Baldwin, Briana - TX 1 Boarts, Becky - MI 1 Lovely, Tara - ME 1 Lyons, Melanie & Yvonne - NY 1 Milton, Jackie - TX 1 Moore, Sharon - IL 1 Roman, Casey - NY 1 Williams, Alexandra - PA 1 Ziebell, Amber - WI 1

Open - White Wool

31 # Shown (W): 135 # Shows (W): 74 Rank Exh / Show Count ShowC White Pts 1 Robasciotti, Lori - CA 9 426 2 Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 1 289 3 Landis, Michelle - PA 1 204 4 Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 9 184 5 Pienta, Mallory - WI 1 170 6 Olmstead, Rebecca - WA 4 79 7 Longdo, Michelle - WI 8 76 8 Younggreen, Kellyjo & Cassidy - CO 2 40 9 Boulier, DeAnn & Niles - MI 1 34 10 Andrus, Alicia - AK 3 24 Born, Annette - AK 1 24 Hammond, Becky - AK 1 24 13 Oldham, Christina - IL 2 20 14 Kneir, Brenda - MO 1 6
# Shown (C): 390 # Shows (C): 109 Rank Exh / Show Count ShowC Colored Pts 1 Buell / Forward, Steven & Connie - NY 3 874 2 Robasciotti, Lori - CA 8 666 3 Turley, Rose-Marie - NJ 9 584 4 Landis, Michelle - PA 1 506 5 Andrus, Alicia - AK 6 478 6 Henderson, Amber - CA 8 417 7 Przybylowski, Christy & Katrina - PA 8 212 8 McKie, Helen - NC 1 184 9 Medo, Bill - WI 3 150 10 Boulier, DeAnn & Niles - MI 1 138 11 Longdo, Michelle - WI 11 133 12 Kneir, Brenda - MO 3 98 13 Baldwin, Briana - TX 5 96 14 Aversa, Lindsay & Julie - MI 1 69 15 McCullough, Jan - WA 1 60 16 Born, Annette - AK 1 32 17 Hatt, Janice - WI 2 30 18 Hanchar, Nancy - MI 2 12 Open - Colored Wool

Youth - Overall Sweeps

# Shown: 3,384 # Shows: 207 Rank Exh - D# - Show Count Dis ShowC Sweeps Pts 1 Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 20 6102 2 Boling, Carlie - TX 4 26 4722 3 Ashton, William - OH 8 31 3040 4 Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 4 20 2442 5 Landis, Cody - PA 9 19 2419 6 Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 9 10 2390 7 Wood, Carlie - OH 8 13 2010 8 Floyd, Keely - TX 4 16 1756 9 Tucker, Jordan - MO 5 14 1749 10 Bloomer, Amelia - OH 8 19 1711 11 Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 1 23 1664 12 Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 5 12 1607 13 Wallock, Makayla - WI 3 15 1424 14 Estrella, Kylie - NY 7 15 1377 15 Ray, Corbin - TX 4 13 1167 16 Jacobson, Hannah - WI 3 14 1129 17 Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 8 12 1098 18 Reker, Carson & Kainen - MO 5 6 961 19 Enfield, Colson - MO 5 12 943 20 Walkup, Rachael - PA 9 9 821 21 Ryan, Levi - OH 8 9 790 22 Jean, Keira - TX 4 10 721 23 Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 1 7 562 24 Callicoat, Elaina - OH 8 13 547 25 Oberly, Wyatt & Tyler - KS 5 6 535 26 Carey, Megan - OH 8 14 504 27 Brown, Lauren - IN 8 3 470 28 Tillery, Haley - KS 5 9 458 29 Nash, Baelynn - TX 4 19 381 30 Fox, Pason - MI 8 7 347 31 Manger, Ashlynn - CT 7 4 316 32 Ryan, Luke - OH 8 5 311 33 Che, Izel - TN 6 7 268 34 Early, Darwin - OH 8 9 251 35 Allen, Grace - TX 4 9 240 36 Summers, Leif - WY 1 5 232 37 Lesniak-Harper, Addalyn & Lydia - OH 8 8 230 38 Hammond, Lottie - IN 8 5 224 39Withrich, Addison - MO 5 3 215 40Ray, Evelyn - TX 4 2 180 41Jankowski, Katie - PA 9 4 158 42Floyd, Kali - TX 4 8 148 43Smith, Meghan - PA 9 7 144 44Courtright, Briley - OR 1 5 128 45Benjamin, Brenna - NY 7 3 125 46Rider, Daphne - KS 5 8 116 47Perkins, Karen - PA 9 6 108 48Saunders, Gabbie - OH 8 2 102 49DeVito, Angelina - NH 7 4 101 50Skelton, Jessica - TX 4 4 96 51Pieffle, Molly - WI 3 2 79 52Floyd, Karley - TX 4 8 69 53Taliaferro, Jemma - WY 1 1 50 54Burger-Mzik, Paige - OH 8 5 41 55Taliaferro, Justin - WY 1 1 40 56Swihart, Athena - WY 1 1 35 57Lesniak-Harper, Addalyn - OH 8 1 32 58McGowan, Levi - WV 9 1 15 59Hostuttler, Aiden - WV 9 2 12 Lesniak-Harper, Lydia - OH 8 1 12 Verschure, Kenzie - AZ 2 4 12 62Ketterman, Bristal - WV 9 1 8 McCloskey, Frances - PA 9 1 8

Youth - District Sweeps

# Shown: 3,384 # Shows: 207 Rank Exh - D# - Show Count Dis t ShowC Sweeps Pts D1: 1Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 1 23 1664 2Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 1 7 562 3Summers, Leif - WY 1 5 232 4Courtright, Briley - OR 1 5 128 5Taliaferro, Jemma - WY 1 1 50 6Taliaferro, Justin - WY 1 1 40 7Swihart, Athena - WY 1 1 35 D2: 1Verschure, Kenzie - AZ 2 4 12 D3: 1Wallock, Makayla - WI 3 15 1424 2Jacobson, Hannah - WI 3 14 1129 3Pieffle, Molly - WI 3 2 79 D4: 1Anderson, John Harris - 4 20 6102 2Boling, Carlie - TX 4 26 4722 3Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 4 20 2442 4Floyd, Keely - TX 4 16 1756 5Ray, Corbin - TX 4 13 1167 6Jean, Keira - TX 4 10 721 7Nash, Baelynn - TX 4 19 381 8Allen, Grace - TX 4 9 240 9Ray, Evelyn - TX 4 2 180 10Floyd, Kali - TX 4 8 148 11Skelton, Jessica - TX 4 4 96 12Floyd, Karley - TX 4 8 69 D5: 1Tucker, Jordan - MO 5 14 1749 2Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 5 12 1607 3Reker, Carson & Kainen - 5 6 961 4Enfield, Colson - MO 5 12 943 5Oberly, Wyatt & Tyler - KS 5 6 535 6Tillery, Haley - KS 5 9 458 7Withrich, Addison - MO 5 3 215 8Rider, Daphne - KS 5 8 116 D6: 1Che, Izel - TN 6 7 268 D7: 1Estrella, Kylie - NY 7 15 1377 2Manger, Ashlynn - CT 7 4 316 3Benjamin, Brenna - NY 7 3 125 4DeVito, Angelina - NH 7 4 101 D8: 1Ashton, William - OH 8 31 3040 2Wood, Carlie - OH 8 13 2010 3Bloomer, Amelia - OH 8 19 1711 4Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 8 12 1098 5Ryan, Levi - OH 8 9 790 6Callicoat, Elaina - OH 8 13 547 7Carey, Megan - OH 8 14 504 8Brown, Lauren - IN 8 3 470 9Fox, Pason - MI 8 7 347 10Ryan, Luke - OH 8 5 311 11Early, Darwin - OH 8 9 251 12 Lesniak-Harper, Addalyn & Lydia - OH 8 8 230 13Hammond, Lottie - IN 8 5 224 14Saunders, Gabbie - OH 8 2 102 15Burger-Mzik, Paige - OH 8 5 41 16 Lesniak-Harper, AddalynOH 8 1 32 17 Lesniak-Harper, LydiaOH 8 1 12 D9: 1Landis, Cody - PA 9 19 2419 2Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 9 10 2390 3Walkup, Rachael - PA 9 9 821 4Jankowski, Katie - PA 9 4 158 5Smith, Meghan - PA 9 7 144 6Perkins, Karen - PA 9 6 108 7McGowan, Levi - WV 9 1 15 8Hostuttler, Aiden - WV 9 2 12 9Ketterman, Bristal - WV 9 1 8 McCloskey, Frances - PA 9 1 8
# Shown: 3,384 # Shows: 207 Rank Exh - Show Count ShowC Bonus Pts 1 Anderson, John Harris - 20 761 2 Boling, Carlie - TX 26 587 3 Landis, Cody - PA 19 401 4 Ashton, William - OH 31 333 5 Wallock, Makayla - WI 15 323 6 Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 12 281 7 Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 20 260 8 Bloomer, Amelia - OH 19 259 9 Floyd, Keely - TX 16 183 10 Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 10 160 11 Tillery, Haley - KS 9 138 12 Tucker, Jordan - MO 14 135 13 Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 23 125 14 Estrella, Kylie - NY 15 120 15 Jacobson, Hannah - WI 14 113 16 Ryan, Levi - OH 9 110 17 Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 12 100 18 Wood, Carlie - OH 13 90 19 Jean, Keira - TX 10 82 20 Callicoat, Elaina - OH 13 76 21 Reker, Carson & Kainen - 6 72 22 Ray, Corbin - TX 13 62 23 Enfield, Colson - MO 12 58 Walkup, Rachael - PA 9 58 25 Ray, Evelyn - TX 2 53 26 Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 7 42 27 Che, Izel - TN 7 34 28 Carey, Megan - OH 14 27 DeVito, Angelina - NH 4 27 30 Withrich, Addison - MO 3 24 31 Summers, Leif - WY 5 23 32 Oberly, Wyatt & TylerKS 6 22 33 Courtright, Briley - OR 5 18 Ryan, Luke - OH 5 18 35Brown, Lauren - IN 3 13 36Fox, Pason - MI 7 10 Hammond, Lottie - IN 5 10 38Lesniak-Harper, Addalyn & Lydia - OH 8 7 39Nash, Baelynn - TX 19 6 40Burger-Mzik, Paige - OH 5 5 41Benjamin, Brenna - NY 3 4 42Pieffle, Molly - WI 2 3 43Ketterman, Bristal - WV 1 2 Smith, Meghan - PA 7 2
Youth -Award of Excellence

Youth - Rabbit of the Year

# Shown: 3,384 # Shows: 207 Rank Ear # Variety/Class Exh / Show Count Herdsman Pts ROTY Pts 1 AF387 Bkn B Landis, Cody - PA 8 306 2 NAL AOV D Wallock, Makayla - WI 7 204 3AL3 Ag D Ashton, William - OH 11 155 4 JFC2 Ag B Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 12 145 5 AM47 Self D Anderson, John Harris - TX 8 140 6 2RD Bkn D Anderson, John Harris - TX 7 137 7 T4 Self D Tillery, Haley - KS 8 128 8 HAG Ag B Anderson, John Harris - TX 5 108 9 BB262 Shad D Boling, Carlie - TX 4 107 10 BB218 Ag B Boling, Carlie - TX 8 106 11 BMY Shad B Boling, Carlie - TX 3 100 12 GWEN Shad D Anderson, John Harris - TX 5 96 JBR13 Self B Anderson, John Harris - TX 5 96 14 BB229 Shad D Boling, Carlie - TX 5 92 15 HTB Tan B Anderson, John Harris - TX 4 87 16 B30 Bkn B Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 2 85 PR5 Ag D Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 6 85 18 TT202 AOV B Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 6 79 19 DALE Bkn B Wood, Carlie - OH 4 74 20 J19 Bkn D Tucker, Jordan - MO 7 73 21 3ROV Bkn B Bloomer, Amelia - OH 8 71 22 AM50 Self D Jean, Keira - TX 4 69 23AL4 Ag D Ashton, William - OH 4 68 BB77 Ag D Boling, Carlie - TX 3 68 25 3RBX Bkn D Bloomer, Amelia - OH 6 65 B Tan D Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 5 65 27 BLU Bkn D Callicoat, Elaina - OH 6 59 28 AF540 Shad B Landis, Cody - PA 6 55 29 JUMPR AOV B Floyd, Keely - TX 5 53 BS101 Tan B Ray, Evelyn - TX 2 53 31 M535 Self B Bloomer, Amelia - OH 4 49 BB88 Tan D Boling, Carlie - TX 2 49 SX2 Bkn D Ray, Corbin - TX 2 49 34 B21 Tan D Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 4 44 35 BB339 Shad D Boling, Carlie - TX 4 42 36 CLG Tan D Anderson, John Harris - TX 2 40 BL Bn B Wallock, Makayla - WI 0 40 38 KEN Ag B Anderson, John Harris - TX 2 39 39 M588 Self B Ryan, Levi - OH 2 38

Youth - Rabbit of the Year

36 40W255 Ag B Ashton, William - OH 1 35 OP32 AOV B Wallock, Makayla - WI 0 35 42OR Self B Ashton, William - OH 4 32 3RLM Shad D Bloomer, Amelia - OH 2 32 AF584 Ag D Jacobson, Hannah - WI 2 32 BS13 Self B Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 2 32 LHFOX AOV D Walkup, Rachael - PA 5 32 47BS12 Self B Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 2 31 CSB Tan D Reker, Carson & Kainen - MO 2 31 49NSPC Ag B Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 0 30 CMH Self D Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 2 30 C2 Bkn D Ryan, Levi - OH 2 30 52AF619 Self D Landis, Cody - PA 1 29 JFC1 Bkn B Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 2 29 54KC Ag B Ashton, William - OH 3 28 RIZZO AOV D Floyd, Keely - TX 1 28 W267 Bkn B Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 3 28 57MYS Bkn D Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 2 27 583RPS Bkn D Bloomer, Amelia - OH 4 26 59HETINK Self D Estrella, Kylie - NY 4 25 TS3 Ag B Reker, Carson & Kainen - MO 1 25 61JPT2 Self D Enfield, Colson - MO 3 24 K4MOON Self D Floyd, Keely - TX 1 24 K4ROSE Bkn B Floyd, Keely - TX 3 24 BB5 Ag D Ryan, Levi - OH 4 24 SWISS Shad D Withrich, Addison - MO 1 24 66BB38 Tan B Boling, Carlie - TX 1 23 HEBB Self D Estrella, Kylie - NY 2 23 TBAB1 Bkn D Summers, Leif - WY 3 23 69CW13 Bkn B Jacobson, Hannah - WI 0 22 70HEDOLLY Tan D Estrella, Kylie - NY 0 21 AF590 Ag B Jacobson, Hannah - WI 1 21 LHL AOV B Walkup, Rachael - PA 1 21 73LEF04 Self D Enfield, Colson - MO 2 20 HECOMFORT Tan B Estrella, Kylie - NY 3 20 ACE Bkn D Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 2 20 JAK Bkn D Tucker, Jordan - MO 2 20
# Shown: 3,384 # Shows: 207 Rank Ear # Variety/Class Exh / Show Count Herdsman Pts ROTY Pts
37 3,384 207 Rank Exh / Show Count Herdsman Pts 1 Anderson, John Harris - TX 34 2 Boling, Carlie - TX 27 3 Bloomer, Amelia - OH 22 4 Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 19 5 Ashton, William - OH 18 6 Floyd, Keely - TX 15 Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 15 8 Estrella, Kylie - NY 13 9 Landis, Cody - PA 11 Tucker, Jordan - MO 11 11 Che, Izel - TN 9 Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 9 Ryan, Levi - OH 9 14 Callicoat, Elaina - OH 7 Walkup, Rachael - PA 7 16 Enfield, Colson - MO 6 Jacobson, Hannah - WI 6 Jean, Keira - TX 6 Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 6 Tillery, Haley - KS 6 21 Wallock, Makayla - WI 5 Wood, Carlie - OH 5 23 DeVito, Angelina - NH 4 Oberly, Wyatt & Tyler - KS 4 25 Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 3 Carey, Megan - OH 3 Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 3 Ray, Corbin - TX 3 Reker, Carson & Kainen - MO 3 Summers, Leif - WY 3 31 Brown, Lauren - IN 2 Burger-Mzik, Paige - OH 2 Hammond, Lottie - IN 2 Ray, Evelyn - TX 2 35 Fox, Pason - MI 1 Lesniak-Harper, Addalyn & Lydia - OH 1 Ryan, Luke - OH 1 Withrich, Addison - MO 1
Youth - Herdsman

Youth - White Wool

Youth - Colored Wool

38 # Shown (W): 61 # Shows (W): 35 Rank Exh / Show Count ShowC White Pts 1Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 22 562 2Anderson, John Harris - TX 11 178 3Wallock, Makayla - WI 2 140 4Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 7 116 5Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 12 114 6Wood, Carlie - OH 6 95 7Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 6 72 8Brown, Lauren - IN 1 40 9Callicoat, Elaina - OH 3 18 Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 3 18 Tucker, Jordan - MO 3 18 12Tillery, Haley - KS 1 6
# Shown (C): 179 # Shows (C): 51 Rank Exh / Show Count ShowC Colored Pts 1 Olmstead, Carolynn - WA 7 987 2 Lautzenhiser, Mara - WA 22 775 3 Lefebvre, Eleanor - MO 6 601 4 Anderson, John Harris - TX 14 489 5 Landis, Cody - PA 1 319 6 Reker, Carson & Kainen - MO 4 318 7 Tucker, Jordan - MO 7 279 8 Ledesma, Ava-Lynn - TX 10 144 9 Wood, Carlie - OH 6 118 10 Byers, Max & Jocelyn - IN 9 103 11 Kalinin, Nikolai - MD 2 60 12 Smith, Meghan - PA 2 41 13 Callicoat, Elaina - OH 4 24 Verschure, Kenzie - AZ 4 24 15 Hostuttler, Aiden - WV 2 12 16 Estrella, Kylie - NY 1 6 Tillery, Haley - KS 1 6

National Jersey Wooly Rabbit Club Memorial Scholarship Youth Scholarship Application

Up to two Scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $1,000. Applications are due by April 1st. Please answer all the questions completely. Applications need to be typed in a separate document with questions answered in a narrative format. Send application by email to NJWRC Secretary Alex Williams at njwrcsecretary@gmail.com. You will receive confirmation that the application was received.

Scholarship Recipients:

• Must be a member of the NJWRC for a minimum of the last two (2) years.

• Must be completing high school in the same year as applying for the scholarship.

• Must be planning on attending a college, trade school, or other type of post-secondary education in the same year, and plan to use the funds for school expenses.

• May only be awarded the NJWRC memorial scholarship one time.

• Submit a completed application to the committee no later than April 1st of the year that the scholarship is to be awarded.

• Include two (2) letters of reference. The letters can be from a school official (teachers), 4H or FFA advisors, etc. Please include in the letter how this person knows you. These letters can be submitted separately to Alex Williams at njwrcsecretary@gmail.com. In the email subject line, type scholarship application.

Please answer all of the following questions:

• Name

• Address

• Home phone

• Cell phone

• E-Mail address

Academic information:

• High school attended

• Graduation date

• Grade point average

• What are your top two (2) subjects (favorite) in school?

• What college / trade school do you plan on attending?

• Have you selected a major or course of study?

• What are your educational goals? Please write a paragraph or more on your goals and how you decided on this choice.

Other information to include:

• In what ways has raising rabbits made a difference in your life, or helped you with your educational goals?

• How long have you been raising rabbits?

• What successes have you had in raising and showing rabbits?

• Are you in 4H or FFA?

• Do you raise any other animals? If Yes what species?

• Do you have any other hobbies, participate in sports, or belong to any other clubs?

• Tell us anything else about yourself that you think we might be interested in.

Revised November 2018


Nominating Petition National Jersey Wooly Rabbit Club

Must be postmarked on or before May 10th Elected Offices (all terms are 2 years):

Elected in even numbered years:

Vice President, Secretary, Representatives from even-numbered districts

District 2: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah, Mexico

District 4: Arkansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

District 6: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Puerto Rico

District 8: Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Manitoba, Ontario

I _______________________________________________________, do hereby place my name in nomination for the office of ________________________________________________________. (if Director, list the region number.)

I file this petition in accordance with the NJWRC Constitution and Bylaws. I am 18 years or older, and have been a current member of the NJWRC and the ARBA for at least one (1) year before petition. I have included three signatures of members of the NJWRC in good standing

Signed Petitions must be sent via email or postal mail by May 10th, to the Election Committee Chairperson, in care of the NJWRC Secretary.


Alexandra Williams

932 Bentleyville Road

Charleroi PA,15022

Please include a color photo (head and shoulders) of yourself as well as a short biography explaining why you are running for office, listing any applicable experience, and detailing what you have to offer. This biography will be printed in The Fluff and posted on the club website.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NJWRC
Signature ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NJWRC
Signature ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NJWRC

National Jersey Wooly Club NEW MemberApplication

For Family membership

List names of all family members that wish to join and who currently live at the same address:



includes an email version of the newsletter and access to the NJWRC

Name ARBA#(if available) Youth DOB required (month & year) Name ARBA#(if available) Youth DOB required (month & year) Name ARBA#(if available) Youth DOB required (month & year) Name ARBA#(if available) Youth DOB required (month & year) Address Number &Street City State Zip County
Phone #
Adult New Membership* 1 year $15.45 or 3 years $36.00 $___________ Youth New Membership* 1 year $12.35 $___________ 3 year $27.00 (16 years or younger) Family Membership 1 year $25.75 or 3 years $61.80 $___________ 2 adults and any children under the age of 19 legally residing at the same address Life Membership $128.75 one-time payment $___________ Any member in good standing who has held continuous membership for a minimum of 3 years and has reached the age of 45 years. Total PayPal Fee $___________ Total Due $___________
Members Facebook page.
to: NJWRCSecretary
PayPal: NJWRClubtreasurer@gmail.com. If paying by PayPal, make sure to include the 3% PayPal surcharge fee, YOUR NAME, and a list of ALL MEMBERS included on this application in the PayPal Notes section.
check or money order payable to
along with the application
932 Bentleyville Road, Charleroi PA 15022

For family membership

National Jersey Wooly Rabbit Club Membership RENEWALApplication

List additional names of all family members who currently live at the same

Send check or money order, payable to NJWRC, along with the application to:

NJWRC Secretary, Alex Williams

932 Bentleyville RD Charleroi PA 15022


OR Paypal:

NJWRClubtreasurer@gmail.com. If paying by PayPal, make sure to include the following in the PayPal Notes section: 3% surcharge fee, YOUR NAME, and a list of ALL MEMBERS included on this application.

Name ARBA# (if available) Youth DOB required (M,D,Y) Name ARBA# (if available) Youth DOB required (M,D,Y) Name ARBA# (if available) Youth DOB required (M,D,Y) Name ARBA# (if available) Youth DOB required (M,D,Y) Address_______________________________________________________________________________ Number and Street City State Zip E-Mail___________________________________________Phone________________________________ 1 Year 3 Year Adult Renewal $12.35 $25.75 $___________________ Youth Renewal $9.25 $24.80 (16 and under) $___________________ Family Renewal $25.25 $61.75 $___________________ (2 adults and any children under the age of 19 legally residing at the same address) Life Membership $128.75 (one time payment) $___________________ (any member in good standing who has held continuous membership
a minimum of 3 years and has reached the age of 45 years) Total PayPal Fee $___________________ Total Due $___________________

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