2019 November Hardwood Matters

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H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S November 2019

Customer-Focused Sales Adapting to Generational Change


T H E O F F I C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E N AT I O N A L H A R D W O O D L U M B E R A S S O C I AT I O N S T R O N G R O O T S . G L O B A L R E A C H . | W W W. N H L A . C O M


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CONTENTS November 2019 • Issue 206


feature 10 Customer-Focused Sales: Adapting to Generational Change

departments 6

6 Legislative Log Telling Our Trade Story:

Fly-In 2019

8 Industry Insights New Grant will Continue to pursue

ONLINE TOP POST OF THE MONTH at facebook.com/NHLAOfficial Please join us in welcoming Class 190 of the Inspector Training School! We are so happy to have you all here! We would also like to thank all of the companies who invested in their employees by sending them to ITS: Abenaki Timber Corp., Bryant & Young Lumber, East Perry Lumber Co., Haliburton Forest & Wild Life Reserve, J & T Lumber, Jackson Brothers Lumber Co., Inc., John Boos & Co., Nicholson & Cates Limited, and Penn Forest Products Unlimited, LLC.

Hardwood Lumber for Cross-laminated Timber (CLT)

14 Rules Corner Questions from Live with the Chief

reader services


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4 18 20

President’s Message Educational Calendar Job Board

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National Hardwood Lumber Association PO Box 34518 • Memphis, TN 38184-0518 901-377-1818 • 901-382-6419 (fax) info@nhla.com • www.nhla.com

THE MISSION OF NH LA To serve NHLA Members engaged in the commerce of North American hardwood lumber by: maintaining order, structure and ethics in the changing global hardwood marketplace; providing unique member services; promoting North American hardwood lumber and advocating the interest of the hardwood community in public/private policy issues; and providing a platform for networking opportunities.



Darwin Murray McClain Forest Products President

Bucky Pescaglia Missouri-Pacific Lumber Co., Inc. Unique Services

Jeff Wirkkala Hardwood Industries, Inc. Vice President

Kevin Gillette Tioga Hardwoods, Inc. Rules

Brent Stief Huron Forest Products, Inc. Past President 2016-2018

Mike Powers Maley & Wertz, Inc. Industry Advocacy & Promotion

NHLA STAFF Lorna D. Christie CEO l.christie@nhla.com Amanda Boutwell Marketing and Communications Manager a.boutwell@nhla.com


Renee Hornsby Director of Communications/Editor r.hornsby@nhla.com

7 eLimbs

3 RossiGroup

5 King City/Northway Forwarding

IBC TallyExpress by DMSi

Melissa Ellis Smith Graphic Designer m.ellis@nhla.com


Ohio Wood Products

13 USNR 17

Wood-Mizer, LLC

IFC Pike Lumber Company, Inc.

■■■ Rachel Blossman Marketing Associate r.spiers@nhla.com Trisha Clariana Office Manager

For advertising contact: John Hester, Director of Membership and Business Development at j.hester@nhla.com or 901-399-7558 or Vicky Simms, Membership Development Manager at v.simms@nhla.com or 901-399-7557

Desirée Freeman Controller Julia Ganey Member Relations Manager Rich Hascher Inspector Training School Instructor John Hester Director of Membership and Business Development Jens Lodholm Data Administration Specialist

Jon Syre Cascade Hardwood, LLC Structure David Mayfield Mayfield Lumber Co. Membership & Networking COMMITTEE CHAIRS Stephanie VanDystadt DV Hardwoods, Inc. Membership Rob Cabral Upper Canada Forest Products, Ltd. Promotion & Advocacy Garner Robinson Robinson Lumber Company Convention Scott Cummings Cummings Lumber Company, Inc. Inspection Services Bruce Horner Abenaki Timber Corp. ITS/Continuing Education John Griffin Frank Paxton Lumber Communications & Marketing Joe Snyder Fitzpatrick & Weller, Inc. Rules

Carol McElya Inspector Training School Administrator Roman Matyushchenko Associate Dean of Education Vicky Quiñones Simms Membership Development Manager Dana Spessert Chief Inspector


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or more than 122 years, in good times and bad, the hardwood community comes together at the NHLA Convention. This year was no different. In spite of what some have called the worst market downturn in our history, 900 of the industry’s movers and shakers came together at the NHLA Annual convention in New Orleans.

This was not a conference where industry professionals gathered to discuss how they had been defeated or complain about what has happened, they were there to build new partnerships, unite on issues, and celebrate the resiliency of this great industry. There was an upbeat feel in the air. Attending this convention reinforced my belief that no matter what is thrown at us, we will overcome. The word community is often used to describe a feeling of fellowship. Above all else, this convention reminded us all about the strength of our hardwood community. I saw it in the Opening Session during which 399 attendees sent over 966 emails to our elected officials asking for relief from the economic devastation caused by the tariffs. We appreciate Dana Cole of the Hardwood Federation for helping us make that happen. As I understand, we received a call that very afternoon from the USDA stating that officials in the Department were requesting information about our industry and the impacts of tariffs. The Federation has been working with the USDA for some time, but I would like to think we helped get their attention. This is another example of how powerful we are when we work together to get a job done. The hardwood community was also present for the standing ovations during the presentation of our first ever Women in Leadership Award given to Mrs. Patricia Crites of Alleghany Lumber. Several generations of women helped build this industry, and I was humbled to present our first award acknowledging their contributions.


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There were other highlights . . . 900 attendees, and the largest exhibit hall showcase ever. The educational sessions, including the Learning Lab, were packed and set a new milestone for the value they provided to attendees. Archie Manning coached us well with his perspective on facing adversity. And how about that Gala? The opening singers reminded me of the resiliency and the freedom that comes with being an American. There are so many people to thank . . . the sponsors’ contributions who made our 122nd Convention a conference that will stand out in memory because it reminded us that we are better together than we are alone. My thanks to our exhibitors who took a chance that NHLA would provide the leads and contacts that would help their business grow, and the many attendees who understood, despite the obstacles, that coming to the NHLA Convention would provide them with a return on the investment of their time and money. To the 15 new companies who decided to become NHLA members, I say, “Welcome to the NHLA Community, where the members come together.” You will not regret your investment. This organization is evolving rapidly to continually find new ways to meet your business needs. And to the NHLA Staff as well as the NHLA Board Convention Committee, – Well Done! Looking forward to seeing you all next year in Louisville, Kentucky.

Darwin Murray, NHLA President McClain Forest Products dmurray@mcclainforestproducts.com

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FLY-IN 2019 by DANA COLE, Executive Director Hardwood Federation


he Hardwood Federation Fly-In to Washington D.C. is often billed as one of the most important advocacy events the industry holds in our nation’s capital. This year, more than any other year, that is a true characterization of a whirlwind 36 hours spent on Capitol Hill meeting with Members of Congress and their staff. The trade war with China continues without relief, and the impacts on the hardwood industry have been fast, furious and relentless.

ahead. Congresswoman Jackie Walorski (R-IN) gave a fiery keynote to wrap up our Hill Day, encouraging continued action and sharing insight gleaned from her significant efforts communicating with the Administration, up to and including the President, on our behalf.

Participation in this year’s Fly-In was driven by concerns surrounding the ongoing U.S. trade dispute with China and the resulting tariffs on both Chinese imports and U.S. exports, most importantly to us, the tariffs on U.S. hardwood exports to China. While not at the record-breaking levels of 2018, we were close with nearly 70 participants in all.

Our message on trade was simple: Trade is having a devastating impact on hardwood companies, workers and consumers and is causing long term damage to international markets. We asked that the Trump Administration provide some relief to the hardwood industry just as they have for other agricultural commodity groups. Ideally, we would like to see a quick resolution to the trade war, but in the meantime, we need some help if our industry is to survive. Return to the negotiating table as soon as possible.

The Fly-In brought hardwood industry leaders from across the country to Washington to tell their stories and relate the industry’s message directly to the Members of Congress that draft and vote on legislation impacting their bottom line. Our participants were a great mix of knowledgeable Fly-In veterans and invigorated new faces spurred on to action by the economic impacts of the trade dispute. Together we stormed the Hill in small groups and visited as many congressional offices as possible to make real what for many is just a government statistic or campaign talking point. As in years past, the Hardwood Federation PAC sponsored social events for Republicans and Democrats during the Fly-in. These events also provide us with an outstanding opportunity to reconnect with friends on the Hill and establish new relationships. We also heard from two outstanding Members of Congress who completely tuned into our issues and joined with us in our effort to provide relief to the industry while the trade dispute continues. Congresswoman Ann Kuster (D-NH) spearheaded a letter to Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, encouraging him to include hardwoods in agricultural relief efforts. She gave a terrific pep talk the night before our Hill meetings, focusing our energy for the long day


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This year’s Fly-In was really all about trade. This is not to say that other issues aren’t moving, but trade has such a bigger impact that all else pales in comparison.

It cannot be emphasized enough how impactful personal stories of what the trade war is doing to your business, your employees and your state and local economy. It is not too late to make some noise! Call, write or tweet your Member of Congress and Administration officials, and tell them what you are thinking in your own words. Our Contact Congress outreach tool makes it easy. You may access it here: https://www.votervoice.net/THF/campaigns/66462/respond. We hope everyone enjoyed their time on the Hill, learned something new, and came away with a new appreciation of how their engagement can make a difference in public policies made in Washington. I encourage everyone reading this to join us for next year’s Fly-In so we can reach more offices, be even more effective, and set even more new records! We hope you can join us! For more information on the Fly-In, issues discussed, or to find out about participating in Fly-in 2020, contact the Hardwood Federation at 202-463-2705.

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New Grant will continue to pursue Hardwood Lumber for Cross-laminated Timber (CLT) by DR. HENRY QUESADA, Associate Professor - Department of Sustainable Biomaterials Virginia Tech


he market for CLT panels in the US is expected to reach over two million m3 in the next ten years. The current manufacturing capacity in the US is less than 200,000 m3, which represents an excellent opportunity for the hardwood industry. Architects in North America and Western Europe are particularly interested in hardwood CLT panels because hardwood lumber is more aesthetically pleasing than softwood lumber. Plus, CLT panels made out of certain hardwood species could be lighter and occupy less volume than softwood CLT panels because of the superior mechanical performance of hardwood species. Unfortunately, hardwood lumber cannot be used in structural CLT panels because the North American CLT standard APA/PRG 320 does not allow it. However, a CLT mill interested in manufacturing and selling hardwood CLT panels for structural use could pursue a custom certification by a third party to make hardwood CLT panels available to the construction market. At Virginia Tech (VT), we continue to conduct research to overcome barriers preventing hardwood species from accessing this market opportunity. Our work has focused on the potential to use yellow poplar lumber as raw material for structural CLT panels. West Virginia University is also researching yellow poplar CLT panels to pursue the inclusion of yellow poplar CLT panels in the CLT standard. In 2012, Dr. Daniel Hindman, a wood mechanics professor at Virginia Tech, was awarded the first-ever hardwood CLT research grant


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to determine the potential use of yellow poplar in structural CLT panels. Results of this grant indicated that strength and stiffness of yellow poplar CLT panels were superior to similar CLT configurations made with southern yellow pine. This project had West Virginia University and the University of Tennessee as partners. In 2016, Dr. Henry Quesada and Dr. Brian Bond (also from Virginia Tech) were awarded a second grant to investigate the potential of hardwood sawmills to produce hardwood lumber for structural CLT panels. An economic model is being developed to determine the best product mix of manufacturing appearance lumber and structural lumber. Preliminary results indicate that for species such as yellow poplar, hardwood mills could produce appearance lumber from 1 common and higher grades and structural lumber from 2 common and lower grades without impacting revenue. This grant is also surveying the willingness of US hardwood sawmills to produce structural lumber from hardwood species. Two of the main adjustments that hardwood sawmills would have to address are: implementing structural grading and producing fixed widths. Architects Kay Edge and Edward Becker, along with students from the School of Architecture at Virginia Tech, designed and built a train viewing platform made of yellow poplar CLT panels in 2018. The structure is a proof-of-concept and is the first structural application of hardwood CLT panels in the US. The data generated by Hindman’s 2012 hardwood CLT project was used to obtain the construction permits. See Figure 1. The project is located in Radford, VA. In this new project, Virginia Tech will work with Smartlam in Montana to produce CLT panels made of yellow poplar. APA will test the panels. Hardwood organizations such as the Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers, the National Hardwood Lumber Association, and the Hardwood Manufacturers Association are partnering with W W W. N H L A .C O M

See Figure 1

Architects in North America and Western Europe are particularly interested in hardwood CLT panels because hardwood lumber is more aesthetically pleasing than softwood lumber. Virginia Tech to promote the project among their members and find potential donors of yellow poplar lumber for the manufacturing and testing of the CLT panels. Another barrier that this new project is trying to address is structural grading for hardwood lumber. Rules to structurally grade hardwood lumber have been developed, but hardwood sawmills do not use them, mostly because there is no market for structural hardwood lumber. This new grant will work with NELMA, a grading agency, to train interested hardwood sawmills on how to apply structural grades for hardwood lumber. Other factors that might impact the use of hardwood lumber for structural CLT panels are: • PRICES: Prices of #1 and #2 softwood lumber are usually less than $450 per thousand board feet. However, species such as yellow poplar and soft maple might have a chance to compete in terms of prices.

• ADHESION: Chemical companies have been able to produce glues that work very well with softwood species such as spruce, Douglas fir, and southern yellow pine. The same adhesives have been used with yellow poplar with mixed results. This could be an indication that a specific formulation for gluing yellow poplar needs to be developed.

If you have any questions about the hardwood CLT projects at • VOLUME: A medium-size CLT mill will produce around 50,000 Virginia Tech, please contact Dr. Henry Quesada at quesada@vt.edu m3 or 21.2 million board feet per year. An average hardwood sawmill produces less than 20 million board feet per year. Several hardwood sawmills would work together to supply lumber to such a CLT mill.

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CUSTOMER-FOCUSED SALES: Adapting to Generational Change by BOB GRAHAM, CEO of Serious Soft Skills, LLC

Selling to customers continues to become more complicated, as technology and the influx of younger buyers force companies to implement new customer-focused strategies. Just as physical mail gave way to faxing, social media is now encroaching on email’s turf. Times are changing. Millennials (the 84 million people between ages 23 and 41) far exceed the 74 million Baby Boomers, and the latest generation, “Generation Z,” just graduated its first college class.


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his changing generational landscape influences how people of all ages access information. People in their 60s and older often rely heavily on face-to-face and telephone communications, while people in their 40s and 50s are more apt to use email comfortably. Those younger than 40, where technology has been a crucial part of their lives, tend to favor texting and social media.


However, rather than assuming how each generation prefers to receive information, a better approach is to ask the person how and when he/she wants to receive information. In order to do that, you need to form a relationship. The hardwood lumber industry is made up of people of all ages. Just as other industries are finding more and more millennials on the payroll, so are sawmills, insurance agencies, exporters, wholesalers, and flooring manufacturers. Learning how to reach this audience is key. Companies that want to succeed in today’s sales climate need to place their message everywhere because customers desire to find their own solutions to today’s problems. People are no longer responding to sales calls where someone presents their brochures and website, telling the customer what they want. That’s not to say you shouldn’t have brochures and websites, you most certainly should. Customers want to find answers to their problems, and your company should be represented everywhere they may look. The best sales approach today is to avoid pitching your product or service, and instead focus on developing a relationship with the prospective customer. Companies that find the right words to convey they understand their customers will generate the most sales. Even face-to-face meetings and telephone calls are changing, as customers want to feel that salespeople understand them, their problems, and have solutions to make life easier. Buyers must know, like, and trust the companies from whom they buy goods and services.







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Companies need to be on as many platforms as feasible – from social media to YouTube, from webinars and podcasts to e-books, to videos and guest blogs, direct mail and conferences. You need to be wherever and whenever buyers are looking to solve a problem. When they are finally ready to buy, let them discover you: a company that has a solution to their problem. Customers no longer want to be sold. The traditional sales approach won’t work well, especially with younger buyers; millennials have more college graduates than any prior generations. They know how to research, and they are skeptical of companies that don’t support their need to investigate; hence, the need for information to be wherever they choose to look for it.

Pinterest is often overlooked in the hardwood industry, with many businesses writing it off as nonsense. However, Pinterest is a tremendous marketing tool for Associate Members of NHLA. One way to develop trust is to use language that matches what customers are saying and thinking. This approach ensures greater relevance in their search for solutions. From websites to social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram (which each appeal to a specific audience), companies must present compelling information using the language its audience is using Successful marketing sales require moving from your company’s issues to your customer’s concerns. When these two areas align, you have a common interest. This common interest can fuel additional discussion, but ultimately, successful companies need to effectively insert their message, using their customer’s words, into the customer’s issues. When this process works, buyers sell themselves, powered by emotions. Buyers want to relate to the brands they buy from, so marketing messages and sales messages have to embed their buyer’s language and ideas into every message they deliver. The typical buying cycle now involves five steps: 1. A need or desire 2. Finding options 3. Exploring those options 4. Engaging with one or more brands 5. Forgetting or buying This cycle repeats again and again.


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Among the more overlooked areas to find prospective customers are: • LinkedIn (business to business) • LinkedIn Groups (highly focused B-to-B) • Facebook (consumers, some B-to-B, but with a very social focus) • Facebook Groups (highly targeted social groups) • Pinterest (consumers, mostly women) • Instagram (consumers, younger) Pinterest is often overlooked in the hardwood industry, with many businesses writing it off as nonsense. However, Pinterest is a tremendous marketing tool for Associate Members of NHLA. When people are looking for inspiration on remodeling their home or building a new home, they turn to Pinterest to find ideas for cabinets, furniture, flooring, and molding. Each of these sectors of the hardwood industry can greatly benefit from pictures highlighting their products, with links to their website. Instagram works in a similar way. Social media groups are highly targeted to a specific audience. If you can’t find a social media group that fits your needs, you can create one yourself and invite industry influencers. Others will follow. If you do create your own, make sure you make frequent posts encouraging members to share advice, solutions, and other ideas. Engagement is the key. A majority of websites in the hardwood lumber industry look like websites did in the 2000s – similar to a brochure on the Internet. Today, websites should be created in a problem/solution style, with active images showing the target buyers, not just machinery or warehouses. It’s important that people visiting your site see

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themselves using your products. Because the majority of Internet searches occur on smartphones and tablets, websites that are more than three years old are most likely not presenting information in an appealing format. Successful salespeople must ask more questions about a potential customer’s situation, hoping not just to uncover the real issues, but also to allow them to think more about the problem and their need for a solution. In a perfect world, a salesperson asking thoughtful questions about the situation would create a buyer begging for details about the solution and its pricing.

tionships with their buyers. Those relationships can withstand the pressure of a competitor offering a lower price. Bob Graham is the CEO of Breakthrough Solutions, a Baltimore-based company that coaches, trains and speaks on interpersonal skills, including sales strategies and dealing with millennials, presented this information at the National Hardwood Lumber Association Convention in October. He can be reached at bgraham@breakthroughsolutions.co and at http://breakthroughsolutions.co.

Companies should endeavor to understand the core need they are addressing for their clients. For instance, a sawmill isn’t just selling lumber. It is providing customers with a safe, environmentally friendly

Customers no longer want to be sold. The traditional sales approach won’t work well, especially with younger buyers. solution for their homes – from furnishings to cabinets to flooring. Digging even deeper into the real emotion driving the sale, the company is providing safety and quality. The fear at the base of this product is fear of being unsafe or cheap. Knowing the core fear behind a product can inform the marketing and sales messaging, not to mention the questions a salesperson might ask a prospective customer. Among the most important keys to reaching the broadest number of potential customers is to remember: all marketing and sales has to be about them, not the company. Companies should feel as if potential customers are always looking at them. And most importantly, they need to remember that sales today, probably more than ever, requires more time and effort because buyers have so many options and opportunities. The payoff for this hard work comes when companies can build strong, long-term rela-

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Questions from Live with the Chief What's Your Question


by DANA SPESSERT, NHLA Chief Inspector


his month I would like to review a few questions that were asked during a Facebook "Live with the Chief" event.

Question: How big of a sound knot is allowed in a sound cutting? Great question and a point that is quite often misunderstood, especially when grading 2B Common.

Answer: The answer is in the definition of a Sound Cutting, found on page 10, paragraph 31 of the 2019 NHLA Rules Book.

“A cutting free from rot, pith, shake and wane. Texture is not considered. It will admit sound knots, bird pecks, stain, streaks or their equivalent, season checks not materially impairing the strength of a cutting, pin, shot and spot worm holes. Other holes 1/4” or larger are admitted but shall be limited as follows: one 1/4” in average diameter in each cutting of less than 12 units; two 1/4” or one 1/2” to each 12 units and on one side only of a cutting.”

As the definition of a Sound Knot is written; there is no limit to the size, however, there is a limit on a hole as defined in the last sentence. When the Sound Knot has an unsound center larger than 1/4” in a Cutting less than 12 Units or larger than 1/2” in a Cutting that contains more than 12 Units, then the Sound Knot becomes an unsound knot, due to the size of the unsound portion. Also, as the definition states, this can only be on one side of the Cutting, so a hole larger than a worm hole would be considered unsound.


Question: When inspecting FAS lumber and you have two knots that are not in the first lineal foot and are both under 1/3 the SM, but when added together are over 1/3 the SM, is it still an FAS board?

Answer: This question can be answered in the limitations area for FAS in the NHLA Rules Book, page 15, paragraph 60:

“The average diameter of any knot, or hole, shall not exceed in inches one-third the surface measure of the piece in feet, except when it lies entirely within the first lineal foot of a board and is covered by Paragraph 59.”


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Read closely; the rule states, “the average diameter of any knot or hole,” which indicates that any single knot or hole cannot exceed the 1/3 Surface Measure limitation. There could be many knots or holes present on the board, providing that the board makes the grade of FAS first.

REMEMBER TO ALWAYS . . . grade the board first and then apply any limitations afterward. I would like to invite you to join me for 30 minutes every month on Facebook Live with the Chief. This is your chance to ask questions live and get immediate answers to these types of hardwood lumber grading questions.


RULES CORNER GOES LIVE Every month we invite you to join us as NHLA Chief Inspector, Dana Spessert, answers your lumber-grading questions LIVE on Facebook. Please follow us on Facebook at NHLA_Official to receive notifications of our live broadcasts. The next “Live with the Chief” will be held on November 14, 2019 at 1pm Central. Everyone is welcome to send in questions in advance by emailing r.spiers@nhla.com.

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“In August, Harold White Lumber was proud to participate in one of the greatest programs NHLA has ever offered! The NHLA Sawmill Yield Analysis Study. The in-depth comprehensive study uncovered substantial areas for our sawmill to improve overall yield and reduce manufacturing costs. Our entire log and sawmill team was completely on board. I have the highest praise for the NHLA team of Dana Spessert, Mark Bear and Tony Parks. Their wealth of knowledge and problem solving was amazing. In today’s perilous markets; this is a program that every mill cannot afford to not participate in! In less than 2 weeks production, I will more than make up the cost of the study and affect my bottom line annually over $500,000! WTG NHLA!”

Ray White, Harold White Lumber

Announcing NHLA's Quality Control Services, our newest Members Only Benefit Because You Can't Manage What You Don't Measure! The complexity of today's global markets requires new tools to reduce costs and increase profitability for sawmill owners. To meet that demand NHLA is proud to announce the launch of the Sawmill Yield Analysis Study and Quality Control Checks.

After completing the Sawmill Yield Analysis study, Quality Control Checks can be performed on a monthly or quarterly basis to ensure the profits continue to move in the right direction. Check-ups include customized education designed exclusively for your mill employees.

The Sawmill Yield Analysis Program reviews the sawmill process from log selection to the end product and measures every step in-between. The purpose of the study is to enhance operations, reduce costs and help you squeeze more profit from every log.

Interested in learning more about how these member-only benefits can help your company prosper? Contact Chief Inspector Dana Spessert today at d.spessert@nhla.com or 901-399-7551.

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Dana Spessert, NHLA Chief Inspector, at 901-399-7551 or d.spessert@nhla.com

National Inspector Spotlight



NHLA helps hardwood companies achieve profitability and solve their top business challenges with data-driven, expert advice and hands-on training with our dedicated team of National Inspectors. How Can We Help You Reach Your Goals? Let's Talk!

Meet NHLA National Inspector Mark Depp Territory: USA - Mid-Atlantic Specialty: Dispute Resolution, Log Scaling/Grading, Lumber Inspection, Quality Control, Sawmill Management/Operation, Training, and Yield Analysis Mark is a family-run sawmill legacy. He began his lumber career as a teenager, working in the woods with his father and grandfather, eventually building their own sawmill, Depp Lumber. Mark graduated from the NHLA Inspector Training School in 2000 (133rd class), and was hired by NHLA in 2019. During his 18-years at Depp Lumber, Mark purchased standing timber, managed the sawmill, and graded lumber. Mark has also worked as a log buyer and freelance lumber inspector for years. He specializes in sawmill Mark can be reached at 814-246-4941 operations and management. or by email at m.depp@nhla.com.

To find the National Inspector in your area, visit NHLA.com.


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Retail Price




“The quality of how Wood-Mizer constructs their mills and their engineering help you maintain production as well as your quality of cutting. The WM4500 is a lot heavier built which makes it easier handling bigger and longer logs.”

—Marty Garbers L. Garbers & Sons Sawmill, OHIO, USA Watch their video at woodmizer.com!

The ALL NEW WM4500 Industrial Sawmill is fully-loaded with stronger angled bed rails, reinforced dual-rod side supports, enhanced material drag back, and is equipped with 2" blades, balanced steel band wheels, 3" diameter blade guide rollers, 50% stronger head structure, pressurized blade lube system, powered taper rollers, and more. Don’t just live the wood life, CONQUER IT with Wood-Mizer’s next generation flagship industrial sawmill.




Price in US Dollars. Price and specifications subject to change without notice.

What would our industry look like without STUDENTS? 12-WEEK INSPECTOR TRAINING SCHOOL PROGRAM January 7-March 27 Memphis, TN “Many people think they know the Rules, but they don’t actually know what the book says. Learning the Rules at the NHLA Inspector Training School has helped our sawmill identify mistakes that were costing us $130,000 to $180,000 a year depending on species.” — Grant Dorris, ITS Class 188, Volner Sawmill, Inc.



JAN. 7


Call us at 901-399-7563 or visit nhla.com for a complete list of upcoming classes. W W W. N H L A .C O M

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Inspector Training School Online Training Program MODULE 1

Intro to Hardwood Lumber Grading + Walnut Grading

Two weeks of hands-on training.

Venue: NHLA Headquarters Memphis, TN Instructor: Rich Hascher, NHLA ITS Instructor Module 2: Online study Module 3: Three weeks handson training and final testing at NHLA headquarters.


Traditional 12-week hands-on training to achieve the certificate of completion in Hardwood Lumber Inspection. Venue: NHLA Headquarters Memphis, TN Instructor: Rich Hascher, NHLA ITS Instructor


Intro class to gain a basic understanding of the NHLA hardwood lumber grading rules and how the rules affect the value of lumber. Venue: O'Shea Lumber Co. Glen Rock, PA Instructor: Tom Byers NHLA National Inspector


7-March 27 Inspector Training School 191st Class


6-8 Intro to Hardwood Lumber Grading

Intro class to gain a basic understanding of the NHLA hardwood lumber grading rules and how the rules affect the value of lumber. Venue: NHLA Headquarters Memphis, TN Instructor: Rich Hascher, NHLA ITS Instructor

N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S

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UNTRAINED EMPLOYEES ARE COSTING YOU MONEY! Employee turnover, low employee morale, and hiring new employees are costly! 40% of employees who receive little or no training quit in the first year Entry-level positions face the highest level of turnover (65-80% annually) Improve Efficiency, Reduce Costs, and Increase Retention & Morale


20-May 1 Inspector Training School Online Training Program MODULE 1 Two weeks of hands-on training.

Venue: NHLA Headquarters Memphis, TN Instructor: Rich Hascher, NHLA ITS Instructor Module 2: Online study Module 3: Three weeks handson training and final testing at NHLA headquarters.


10-21 Inspector Training School Online Training Program MODULE 1 Two weeks of hands-on training.

Venue: NHLA Headquarters Memphis, TN Instructor: Rich Hascher, NHLA ITS Instructor Module 2: Online study Module 3: Three weeks handson training and final testing at NHLA headquarters.

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1-Nov. 20 Inspector Training School 193rd Class

Traditional 12-week hands-on training to achieve the certificate of completion in Hardwood Lumber Inspection. Venue: NHLA Headquarters Memphis, TN Instructor: Rich Hascher, NHLA ITS Instructor

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Key Areas of Responsiblilites include: • Oversee the hardwood sawmill operations. • Manage the saw filers and lumber inspectors. • Ensure quality control of the hardwood lumber. • Implement and manage safety policies • Manage the activities of the sawmill operations to meet the financial goals of the company. • Interact with the log procurement group. • Identify, recommend and implement changes to improve productivity & costs. The applicant may reside in either the Upper Peninsula of Michigan or in Northern Wisconsin. Qualifications and Required Skills: • 5+ years of management experience in the hardwood lumber industry. • 4-year degree in forestry or a related field is a plus, but not required. • Knowledge of NHLA lumber grading rules. • Strong business acumen. • Must demonstrate self-confidence & motivation, and possess excellent verbal and written communication skills. • Proficient in MS Office.

Salary & Benefits: • Full time • First Shift • Competitive Benefits • Salary based on Experience How to Apply: Please apply by sending resume via email to Javan Mallery at javan@wolverinehardwoods.com Wolverine Hardwoods, Inc. 2810 113th Ave. | Allegan, MI 49010 Phone: 269-686-7004 | www.wolverinehardwoods.com Facebook: Wolverine Hardwoods, Inc.


Northland Corporation is searching for an experienced Full-Time Lumber Inspector/Grader. Candidates who possess the ability to accurately apply the NHLA grading rules and have a minimum of one (3) years of experience grading green and kiln-dried hardwoods (including Walnut).

Salary & Benefits: Besse Forest Products Group offers excellent benefits and compensation package. Benefits include medical and prescription insurance, FSA, HSA, dental insurance, life insurance, disability coverage, 401(k) Plan, vacation package, and paid holidays.

Job Responsibilities: • Grade and mark all lumber sorted according to NHLA rules & guidelines. • Communicate effectively with your team and other departments. • Follow all safety standards and policies while performing tasks safely and responsibly. • Managing a team of employees to accomplish Company Production goals & standards.

How to Apply: Please apply by sending resume via email to Kathryn Meyette at hrdirector@bessegroup.com

Qualifications and Required Skills: • NHLA Certification • 3+ Years Experience

Besse Forest Products Group 933 N 8th Street | Gladstone, MI 49837 Phone: 906-428-3113 | www.bessegroup.com

Salary & Benefits: Medical Insurance (includes vision & hearing), Dental Insurance, 401(k) with employer match, Life Insurance, STD & LTD Insurance, Paid Vacation & Holidays.


Wolverine Hardwoods is seeking an experienced Hardwood Lumber Inspector. The qualified candidate must be NHLA trained or have equivalent training and knowledge. Candidate must be proficient in inspecting lumber at production rate while grading with accuracy. The ideal candidate must be physically capable to perform all duties of the job including daily physical inspection of all equipment as well as keeping workspace and surroundings clean and neat. Qualifications and Required Skills: • Experience grading green and kiln-dried domestic lumber • Possess the ability to accurately apply NHLA rules • Capable of visually inspecting lumber • Experience implementing safety as a high priority


N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S

How to Apply: Please apply by sending resume via email to Marlene Hughes at hr@northlandcorp.com Northland Corporation 2600 Hwy 146 East | LaGrange, Kentucky 40031 Phone: 502-222-2545 | www.northlandcorp.com

* To view current job postings or to post a job, visit www.nhla.com/industry-services/job-board.

W W W. N H L A .C O M

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Thank You To Our 2019 Sponsors NHLA Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase

Premier Sponsor WALNUT LEVEL SPONSOR Northwest Hardwoods ALDER LEVEL SPONSOR Cascade Hardwood LLC CHERRY LEVEL SPONSORS Ally Global Logistics LLC Baillie Lumber Co. Cole Hardwood, Inc. Continental Underwriters Inc. Harold White Lumber Inc. Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company Robinson Lumber Smith Sawmill Service U-C Coatings, LLC USNR WHITE OAK LEVEL SPONSOR Tropical Forest Products BIRCH LEVEL SPONSOR Lumber Resources, Inc. MAPLE LEVEL SPONSORS Abenaki Timber Corp. BPM Lumber LLC Breeze Dried Inc.

DMSi Software DV Hardwoods Inc. eLIMBS, LLC King City/Northway Forwarding Ltd. Matson Lumber Co. Nyle Systems SII Dry Kilns Tioga Hardwoods, Inc. TMX Shipping Co. UCS Forest Group Wood-Mizer, LLC RED OAK LEVEL SPONSORS ACES Division of Kuehne & Nagel, Inc. Alan McIlvain Co. Allegheny Wood Products International, Inc . Atlanta Hardwood Corp. Banks Hardwoods, Inc. Buchanan Hardwoods, Inc. Carl Rosenberry & Sons Lumber, Inc. Clark Lumber Company, Inc. Cummings Lumber Co., Inc. Dragon Woodland Sawmill Corporation Eagle Machinery & Supply, Inc. East Ohio Hardwood Lumber Co. Ecolab, Inc. Epicor Software Corp. Forestry Systems, Inc. Frank Miller Lumber Co., Inc.

Fromm Packaging Systems Hardwood Industries, Inc. Hardwoods Specialty Products Industrial Appraisal Company ISK Biocides, Inc. JoeScan Legacy Wood Products Legna Software LLC McClain Forest Products Missouri-Pacific Lumber Co., Inc. Missouri Walnut, LLC Moss Lumber Industries, Inc Paw-Taw-John Services, Inc. Primewood Lumber, Inc. Quality Hardwoods, Inc. Quality Hardwoods Ltd. Ron Jones Hardwood Sales, Inc. Salem Equipment, Inc. SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors Simon Lussier Ltee Swaner Hardwood Co., Inc. Taylor Machine Works, Inc. TRN USA Forest LLC Tropical Hardwood Brokers, INC West Virginia Hardwood Alliance Zone Wheeland Lumber Co., Inc. WoodEye


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