January/February 2022 Hardwood Matters

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H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S January/February 2022

Hardwood Federation! Off and Running In 2022


T H E O F F I C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E N AT I O N A L H A R D W O O D L U M B E R A S S O C I AT I O N S T R O N G R O O T S . G L O B A L R E A C H . | W W W. N H L A . C O M

CONTENTS January/February 2022 • Issue 230



feature 8

TOP POST OF THE MONTH at facebook.com/NHLAOfficial

Happy New Year from the Hardwood Federation!

Today is National Maple Syrup Day. Did you know that virtually all of the world's maple syrup is produced in Canada and the U.S.?

departments 8


In The News


Inside NHLA

This year, Canada produced 11.3 million gallons of syrup and the U.S. produced 3.42 million gallons. The top three U.S. states for syrup production are Vermont, New York, and Maine.

14 Rules Corner

The National Hardwood Lumber Association Announces Hardwood Lumber Grading Rules Changes for 2023 by Dana Spessert


reader services 4 15 16


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President’s Message Educational Calendar NHLA Job Board

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H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S T H E VO I C E O F T H E H A R DWO O D I N D U ST RY National Hardwood Lumber Association PO Box 34518 • Memphis, TN 38184-0518 901-377-1818 • 901-382-6419 (fax) info@nhla.com • www.nhla.com

THE MISSION OF NH LA To serve NHLA Members engaged in the commerce of North American hardwood lumber by: maintaining order, structure and ethics in the changing global hardwood marketplace; providing unique member services; promoting North American hardwood lumber and advocating the interest of the hardwood community in public/private policy issues; and providing a platform for networking opportunities.



Jeff Wirkkala Hardwood Industries, Inc. President

Bucky Pescaglia Missouri-Pacific Lumber Co., Inc. Unique Services

Jon Syre Cascade Hardwood, LLC Vice President

Ray White Harold White Lumber Inc. Rules

Darwin Murray McClain Forest Products Past President 2018-2020

Joe Pryor Oaks Unlimited Industry Advocacy & Promotion

NHLA STAFF Amanda Boutwell Marketing and Communications Manager Desirée Freeman Controller




Tropical Forest Products


King City Forwarding USA 7



Pike Lumber Company, Inc. 11



John Hester Director of Membership and Business Development

Burt Craig Matson Lumber Company Membership

Renee Hornsby Director of Marketing/ Communications

Rob Cabral Upper Canada Forest Products, Ltd. Promotion & Advocacy

Jens Lodholm Data Administration Specialist Carol McElya Inspector Training School Administrator

Vicky Quiñones Simms Membership Development Manager Melissa Ellis Smith Graphic Designer


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Stephanie VanDystadt DV Hardwoods, Inc. Membership & Networking

Julia Ganey Member Relations Manager

Roman Matyushchenko ITS Instructor and Associate Dean of Education

For advertising contact: John Hester, Director of Membership and Business Development at j.hester@nhla.com or 901-399-7558 or Vicky Simms, Membership Development Manager at v.simms@nhla.com or 901-399-7557

Rich Solano Pike Lumber Company, Inc. Structure

Dana Spessert Chief Inspector

Dennis Mann Baillie Lumber Co. Convention Scott Cummings Cummings Lumber Company, Inc. Inspection Services Bruce Horner Abenaki Timber Corp. ITS/Continuing Education George Swaner Swaner Hardwood Communications & Marketing Joe Snyder Fitzpatrick & Weller, Inc. Rules

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021 was an incredible year. It was a Jeckel and Hyde year. So many issues in all our worlds, but for many of us, it was the best hardwood market in our lifetime. The contrast between the good and bad of 2021 was extreme. If COVID, employee availability, or transportation issues severely impacted you, I’m sure you are glad to see 2021 conclude. If you overcame those obstacles and took advantage of the opportunities, you probably feel grateful and wouldn’t mind a repeat of 2021 in 2022. I’d like to set the stage for you with the opportunities present in 2022. I believe it will be a pivotal year for NHLA. The NHLA had a solid financial year in 2021. We operated in the black, and there were no bad surprises. In fact, we had a huge blessing with the receipt of some payroll protection funds. Our financial plan for 2022 was approved by your board of managers. Revenue is the key. If we hit the revenue forecast, it will be another successful financial year. There are many keys to hitting the revenue forecast. Your Board of Managers has charged the staff of NHLA to produce a sales plan to grow membership and use of services. I believe the plan will cause the results we need. 2022 will bring us a new Executive Director. The search committee hired Vetted Solutions to find a new leader to take the helm of our Association. Our goal is to hire someone by the end of the first quarter or early in the second quarter. We would like to have them in place leading us before the start of the third quarter. You will have the chance to meet our new Executive Director at our 125th annual convention in Cleveland, Ohio, September 21-23 this year. I hope to see each of you in attendance. Once our new Executive Director is in place, we will take the time to develop a new strategic plan for the NHLA. That plan will guide us through the next few years. A team of courageous lumbermen and women will be on the strategic planning committee. I can’t help but be optimistic about what the outcome of this committee will be. There is an underlying movement in the hearts and minds of our members that I believe will produce results as we have never seen before. The Real American Hardwood Coalition, RAHC, will take a giant step forward in 2022 with the development of a consumer website that will eventually result in more use of hardwoods. The site will be a place where all of us can send potential customers to educate and motivate them to choose hardwoods for their homes and projects.


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The Hardwood Federation (HF) will be in action big time in this election year. They will be talking to and supporting the Congress and the Senate members through our Federation PAC. The best thing about the Federation is that it doesn’t matter if there is a “D,” “R,” or and “I” behind their name. If they support our industry, we will support them. The RAHC and the HF require funding outside of what we do as an association. Currently, 10% of your association dues go to the HF, and 5% goes to the RAHC, but it is not enough. We must provide additional financial support to cause the success we want, which needs to happen. Cash flow is the key to all of us in business and in the associations we support. In 2022, we need to change how many of us give, the length of our commitment, and how often we give to support these causes. These two groups are working for each of us. They are doing work we can’t do ourselves. If you haven’t made a commitment to the HF and RAHC, do it. Think about a 3 to 5-year commitment, break it down, and give monthly. Doing this will give these two organizations the best chance to cause the results we need. If you are already giving, THANK YOU for your commitment to support the Hardwood Industry, our communities, and our families! I pray to my Lord to give me something in each article that will be a takeaway for each of you that will help you in your life. Here is what came to my mind. All of us make mistakes in our lives that affect those around us and, many times, the people we love the most. There are three words in the English language that are sometimes so hard to say. I think the hardest words to say are, “I am sorry.” They are powerful words if spoken from your heart. If you need to say those words to someone, do it. It will be a great day, on the first day, of the rest of your life. Best wishes for your continued health and success. May God bless you, your families, and your business in 2022!

Jeff Wirkkala NHLA President | Hardwood Industries, Inc.

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Where We’ve Been

It’s no secret, the hardwood industry has been losing market share to products that look like wood, but have none of the natural benefits or authentic attributes of Real American Hardwood™ products. In order to recapture market share and improve industry stability, hardwood organizations united to form the Real American Hardwood Coalition.

Where We Are

The goal is to develop a national consumer promotion campaign on a scale that’s never been seen before. And a lot has been accomplished in a short period of time—including the completion of an extensive consumer research initiative, establishing brand guidelines, registering trademarks, and launching social media profiles.

Where We’re Going, Together

The next steps will have the largest impact on the industry and require buy-in from all industry stakeholders. The Coalition is preparing to launch a comprehensive promotion campaign—including a consumer-oriented website, in-store promotion at top big box stores, a broad media relations campaign, social media influencer partnerships, print and web advertising, and much more.

How You Can Get Involved

Moving the campaign forward and expanding its reach will take the support of the entire industry—for the benefit of the entire industry.

■ Make a voluntary contribution to help fund the consumer promotion campaign.

■ Use the Real American Hardwood logo on your sales and marketing communications, facilities and vehicles, products, and website.

■ Follow @RealAmericanHardwood on Instagram and Facebook, and tag #RealAmericanHardwood in your social media posts.

Visit RealAmericanHardwood.org to learn more and get on board.


Forest Carbon Visualization Shows Enormous Climate Benefits from U.S. Forests www.ForestCarbonDataViz.org


f you haven't seen this . . . you're going to want to check-out the new data visualization tool released by the National Alliance of Forest Owners (NAFO). It shows key elements of the forest carbon cycle and visualizes complex data sets to allow users to easily compare carbon sequestration, storage, and emissions figures. ForestCarbonDataViz.org was developed by NAFO with data analysis performed by the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI). The tool visualizes publicly available data from the U.S. Forest Service’s Forest & Inventory Analysis (FIA) and RPA Assessment, and the Environmental Protection Agency’s Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks. The data visualization shows a comprehensive picture of how U.S. forests and forest products are fighting climate change. “We know that U.S. forests, and private working forests in particular, are already our most powerful tool for fighting climate change, but now we can see it,” said Dave Tenny, founding President and CEO of NAFO. “Our intent is to provide a ‘Rosetta Stone’ for forest carbon. Carbon data can be incomprehensible. This new data visualization finally makes complex forest carbon data sets accessible to everyone.” In addition to accessing the tool and information from the website, there is also a mobile friendly animated video which covers the key points from the data visualization. And for those looking for a paper option that can easily be included in briefing materials or used in meetings, there is a one-pager with key datapoints from the microsite. Check out our new sustainability resource section on nhla.com and find this video below (https://vimeo.com/654908468).



t is with great pleasure that NHLA welcomes back, Mr. Benji Richards to the position of Industry Services Sales Manager. Previously, Benji was a NHLA National Inspector from 2003 to 2017. In his new role, Benji will report to the NHLA Chief Inspector and will be responsible for direct marketing and sales of all Industry Services programs. In addition, he will perform hardwood lumber inspections and share his vast knowledge through short course and in-house training. Benji began his career in 1993 at Hardwood Sales in Conover, NC working under owner Jim Smith and General Manager Stuart Clark. During his 8 years of services to Hardwood Sales, he also learned kiln operation and held the position as maintenance supervisor. Benji is a graduate of the 116th Class of the NHLA Inspector Training School. He can be reached by email at b.richards@ nhla.com or by phone at 828-610-3406.


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NHLA Members


Hardwood Market Report Starts its Next 100 Years January 2022 marks the beginning of the 100th year for Hardwood Market Report (HMR) the company and namesake publication. “Reaching the century milestone is a rare accomplishment for a business. It is something to be acknowledged, admired, and celebrated,” said Judd Johnson, Managing Editor, HMR. The company has plans to participate in national, regional, and state industry association meetings as it has in the past, though with more representation attending events in 2022. “Customers and trade contacts are vital to what HMR does, but it also is a privilege to spend time with our industry friends at these meetings,” stated Johnson. HMR is also rolling out a special monthly publication and planning other activities to highlight the 100-year mark. “Adapting to everything life throws at you for 100 years becomes even more remarkable when looking back at those circumstances from a historical perspective. But our celebration is not really about the past. It is about the future. We want to share with our customers how HMR is positioned to begin the next 100 years and how HMR, as an information company, can help hardwood businesses and allied companies succeed.”


HOG NOSE LOG STAPLE™ High-grade, cold rolled steel with engineering so good, it’s patented. The EZLOG Hog Nose Staple™ is built for easy install, quick removal and solid holding power in between. Premium galvanized and minimum depth penetration also means it protects your logs and your profits.



EZLOGSTAPLE.COM/SAMPLE Based in Memphis, TN, HMR is an information company focused on the hardwood industry. The company has a global reach through its three publications and digital domain. Hardwood Market Report® - the company’s flagship, weekly publication - provides benchmark pricing and market commentary on North American hardwood species. HMR Executive® is a monthly digital publication that delves into issues that influence hardwood supply and demand, and it produces bi-annual market analyses covering each major sector. HMR Import Newsletter™ is the only US publication dedicated specifically to imported hardwoods, including pricing information for selective tropical species.

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OR call (502) 648-2808 to get yours and learn more about EZLOG. Made in the U.S.A. Louisville, KY

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Happy New Year from the Hardwood Federation! Off and Running In 2022 By DANA COLE, Executive Director Hardwood Federation

The Hardwood Federation has fought for you, your companies, and your employees for almost 20 years. We remain steadfast in our mission to strongly advocate on behalf of U.S. hardwood businesses and their employees to federally elected officials regardless of party. We are on the political front line for you, fighting every day so you can have a successful tomorrow.


he Hardwood Federation leverages the voices of NHLA leaders to make sure the Biden White House, Administration Officials, and Congressional Leaders clearly understand the valuable contributions the production of hardwood timber and products can make on multiple levels of the U.S. economy. 2021 was a busy year for the Federation. Although we have actively engaged on many issues impacting the hardwood industry, our messaging to the Administration and Congress on four primary issue areas has remained consistent: • Forest products are part of the climate solution, not just forests. • Maintain favorable tax treatment for hardwood industry businesses. • Support efforts to build and maintain hardwood company workforces. • Advocate for infrastructure improvements that benefit the industry – Including the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2021. I am confident many, if not all, of the 2021 priorities will carry

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over to the new year. Still, we are always alert to new challenges and opportunities, and this list could grow or shrink depending on the political winds. We will adjust and move forward as is best for the industry and the thousands of men and women it employs. Future articles will have more information about our 2022 priorities and how we will communicate them to federal policymakers. Looking forward to 2022, we expect another busy year, although the November midterm elections may slow the pace somewhat as Members calibrate how their actions will translate in the voting booth. Several key issues will consume our attention, at least during the first quarter of the year: BUILD BACK BETTER: In November, Build Back Better passed the House along party lines, with a single Democrat, Jared Golden of Maine, casting a vote against the bill along with all House Republicans. It then moved to the Senate for debate and voting. On December 19, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) derailed the package in its current form by stating that after much consideration, he could not support the bill. Mr. Manchin had consistently raised concerns about the cost of the bill and its possible impacts on surging inflation. J A N U A R Y/ F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 2 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S |


Support efforts to build and maintain hardwood company workforces.

At press time, there is no apparent path forward for BBB as written in 2021. The Hardwood Federation will closely track provisions in BBB that could reemerge this year. These include: • Research funding for the U.S. Department of Agriculture related to sustainable forestry methods, maximizing carbon sequestration on federal lands, and life cycle analysis of wood products. • Funding for initiatives through the U.S. Department of Agriculture that protect older and more mature forests in the National Forest System. • Grant programs that support private landowners entering voluntary carbon market programs.

Funding for initiatives through the U.S. Department of Agriculture that protect older and more mature forests in the National Forest System.


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As with any legislation of this size and scope, the original bill had positives and negatives. For the hardwood industry, the potential of additional dollars to research and document the carbon storage benefits of wood products was W W W. N H L A .C O M

WE TAKE OUR ROLE AS YOUR REPRESENTATIVES AND ADVOCATES ON CAPITOL HILL SERIOUSLY. WE ARE READY FOR ACTION AND LOOKING FORWARD TO THE CHALLENGES TO COME! a positive. However, there were concerns that many of the forestry provisions are focused on the growing and maintenance of trees with little reference or attention to the value of harvesting or the benefits of the forest products markets to forest health or carbon sequestration goals. To fund this multi-trillion-dollar proposal, the authors identified several tax increases that would have impacted hardwood businesses. The bill’s so-called “book-tax,” for example, posed a significant challenge for many small, medium, and family-owned businesses by imposing a tax based on “financial statement income.” This accounting gimmick would undermine the long-standing accounting flexibility that the hardwood industry relies on, including accelerated depreciation of equipment and net operating losses. We also had concerns with other revenue raisers in the package and have communicated opposition to them with Members of Congress. Our focus was and will remain on provisions raising tax rates on small and medium-sized businesses that are organized as S-Corporations or other pass-through structures. 2022 Outlook: Although the original bill has stalled, select forestry and tax provisions could coalesce in a new package or other legislation in 2022. The Federation will closely track developments and engage with our champions on Capitol Hill to advance our interests. Ocean Shipping: On December 8, the House passed the “Ocean Shipping Reform W W W. N H L A .C O M

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Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2021

Act of 2021” (HR 4996) by a vote of 364-60. This important bill would update the federal “Shipping Act” and institute remedies for unfair shipping practices that exacerbate global supply chain disruptions caused by the pandemic. Specifically, the bill would empower the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) to prevent ocean carriers from declining export cargo if the containers can be loaded safely and within a reasonable time frame. 2022 Outlook: We anticipate that the Senate will introduce a companion version of H.R. 4996 in 2022. The House bill attracted nearly 100 Democratic and Republican co-sponsors split evenly along party lines, virtually reflecting the party composition of the people’s House. The Federation team will work closely with Senators to ensure that they know the importance of addressing ocean shipping to the industry and strongly encourage them to pass legislation as quickly as possible. Farm Bill: Although the current farm bill, the “Agriculture Policy Act of 2018,” does not expire until 2023, when a new Congress and possibly new leadership may convene, members of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees will kick off stakeholder meetings in 2022. The Hardwood Federation has already talked to the committee chairs in each chamber, underscoring the need to quantify


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the critical role of forest products in capturing and storing carbon within the context of federal climate policies. H.F. will continue to make that pitch going into 2022, underscoring, for example, the role that USDA’s Forest Products Laboratory can play to conduct research that will ground industry policy priorities in science. 2022 Outlook: In 2022, Congress will begin to reach out to stakeholders to receive input on 2023 Farm Bill priorities. H.F. will continue to fight for meaningful forest management provisions, recognition of the carbon storage capacity of wood products, and full funding of the MAP and FMD within the context of the upcoming legislation. As the legislative days begin to go by this year, the prospects for significant legislation moving through Congress will diminish as we approach the mid-term elections. That said, lawmakers will try to coalesce around consensus issues, such as transportation bottlenecks and broad outlines for the 2023 farm bill and spending bill for FY2023. The Hardwood Federation team will be engaged with dozens of industry champions on the Hill this year. We take our role as your representatives and advocates on Capitol Hill seriously. We are ready for action and looking forward to the challenges to come!

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CONVENTION OF 2022 Don’t miss a beat!

September 21-23


NHLA Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase Huntington Convention Center | Cleveland, Ohio www.nhla.com/convention2022


The National Hardwood Lumber Association Announces Hardwood Lumber Grading Rules Changes for 2023 By DANA SPESSERT, Chief Inspector


very four years, the National Hardwood Lumber Association accepts proposals for changing the NHLA Hardwood Lumber Grading Rules. Step one of the process; the NHLA Rules Committee meets to discuss all proposals and decides which proposals to put forward to the membership. Step two; the membership can ask questions and discuss the proposals at the Rules Open Forum held at the NHLA Annual Convention. The final step of the process is the Active membership vote. This year the Active members voted on 7 possible changes to the Measurement & Inspection of Hardwood & Cypress with the deadline for voting being December 1, 2021. “A rules change shall be adopted by the Association upon such change receiving a favorable vote on a two-thirds majority of the votes properly cast by the Active Members of the Association.” THE VOTES FOR THE RULES CHANGE PROPOSALS HAVE BEEN TALLIED AND THE FINAL COUNT REVEALED THE FOLLOWING RESULTS: Standard Inspection by Species & Standard Grades Proposal #1: c. Page 24, Basswood: Remove “Note: Dormant twig buds to be considered as burls.” – Did NOT Pass Proposal #2: e. Page 66, Select Car Stock: Change split limitation from - “SPLITS: Shall not exceed 6” in length in any one end or the aggregate equivalent in one or both ends of the piece.” To – “SPLITS: Shall not exceed 12” in length in either end of the piece of Standard or specified length.” – Passed Proposal #3: f. Page 67, Common Dimension: Change Split limitation from – “SPLITS: Shall not exceed 12” in length in any one end or the aggregate equivalent in one or both ends of the piece.” To – “Splits shall not exceed in the aggregate in inches in length twice the surface measure of the piece of Standard or specified length, except when one foot or shorter” – Passed

Cypress Rules Proposal #5: a. Page 48, paragraph 90, Selects & Btr. – •Add “Pith is limited to aggregate in inches, boxed or showing, to the nominal width of the piece.” •Change from “A. Pieces 4” and 5” wide must be clear allowing slight wane on one edge. (Par. 80)” To – “A. Pieces 4” and 5” wide must be clear allowing slight wane on one edge (Par. 84), except those pieces 12’ in length and over allow 1 medium knot (Par. 39).” •Under section B: Change from “• 6” wide – 1 medium knot • 7” – 9” wide – 2 medium knots” To “Pieces 6” to 9” wide will admit 1 medium knot (Par. 39) in pieces 10’ and shorter, pieces 12’ and longer will admit 2 medium knots (Par. 39).” – Did NOT Pass Proposal #6: b. Page 43, paragraph 15, Warp & Cup – Add “Sidebend shall not exceed to the extent that the piece will not produce the standard finished width in its full length, in all grades.” – Did NOT Pass Proposal #7: c. Page 50, paragraphs 98 & 99, No. 1 & No. 2 Peck – Combine paragraph 98 & 99 to create “Peck” as follows – “Each piece must contain peck, with a minimum area of 10% of the Surface Measure, well distributed on one side. Each piece must be suitable for ordinary handling and construction without breakage.” - Passed These Rules Changes do not become effective until January 1, 2023. NHLA will be producing a new NHLA Rules Book that will be available and distributed in December 2022. If you have any questions, please contact Chief Inspector, Dana Spessert at d.spessert@nhla.com.

Proposal #4: h. Page 14, FAS, paragraph 53., Change minimum width to 5” – Did NOT Pass


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21-April 1


Inspector Training School Online Training Program MODULE 1

Intro to Hardwood Lumber Grading

Two weeks of hands-on training.

Venue: NHLA Headquarters Location: Memphis, TN


At the time of publication, these educational courses are being offered. However, due to the unknowns of the COVID-19 pandemic please visit nhla.com for the latest information or call NHLA headquarters at 901-377-1818 to confirm that these courses are taking place.



Module 2: Online study Module 3: Three weeks handson training and final testing at NHLA headquarters. Instructor: Roman Matyushchenko, ITS Instructor

Intro class to gain a basic understanding of the NHLA hardwood lumber grading rules and how the rules affect the value of lumber. Venue: NHLA Headquarters Location: Memphis, TN Instructor: Roman Matyushchenko, ITS Instructor





22-Sept. 2


26-Nov. 18

Intro to Hardwood Lumber Grading

Inspector Training School Online Training Program MODULE 1

Intro to Hardwood Lumber Grading

Inspector Training School 199th Class

Intro class to gain a basic understanding of the NHLA hardwood lumber grading rules and how the rules affect the value of lumber. Venue: Yoder Lumber Co., Inc. Location: Millersburg, OH Instructor: Mark Depp, National Inspector

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Two weeks of hands-on training.

Venue: NHLA Headquarters Location: Memphis, TN Module 2: Online study Module 3: Three weeks hands-on training and final testing at NHLA headquarters. Instructor: Roman Matyushchenko, ITS Instructor

Intro class to gain a basic understanding of the NHLA hardwood lumber grading rules and how the rules affect the value of lumber. Venue: NHLA Headquarters Location: Memphis, TN Instructor: Roman Matyushchenko, ITS Instructor

Traditional 8-week hands-on training to achieve the certificate of completion in Hardwood Lumber Inspection. Venue: NHLA Headquarters Location: Memphis, TN Instructor: Roman Matyushchenko, ITS Instructor

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NHLA JOB BOARD Here you will find our current job listings. To see more details or to post a job, visit www.nhla.com/industry-services/job-board.

ACCOUNT MANAGER | FERCHE MILLWORK, INC. Ferche Millwork, Inc. in Rice, MN, a national leader in hardwood mouldings and wood door components manufacturing, is seeking an Account Manager to serve a set of existing customers as their primary contact. Duties include customer service, estimating, order entry, project management, some sales, troubleshooting, etc. Job is on-site at our Rice, MN manufacturing facility. Skills & Experience Required • A great communicator with good Excel skills will do well in this position. • A go-getter who will dive into understanding the manufacturing side of the business and add value by having a wide product knowledge and understanding of the processes will have a great opportunity to grow and elevate within the company. • Experience with customer service, estimating or manufacturing is a leg up, but not essential. Salary & Benefits Competitive pay and great benefits (including family insurances) are included in this full time position. How to Apply Send your resume to: janets@ferche.com Ferche Millwork Inc 400 Division Street N | Rice, MN 56367 320-393-5700 KILN MANAGER | MISSOURI WALNUT Missouri Walnut is seeking a Kiln Manager to operate the daily functions of product flow in and out of the steamers and kilns while also managing the day to day kiln schedules. Skills & Experience Required Previous kiln experience preferred (specifically hardwood drying). Salary & Benefits Missouri Walnut strives to offer a great benefit package for all of its team members that includes a few the following: • • • • •

Great health, dental, vision, and life insurance options. 401K with company match. Monthly Profit Sharing. Growth and advancement opportunities. Paid Time Off

How to Apply Send your resume to: gmckinnis@missouriwalnutgroup.com Missouri Walnut 11417 Oak Rd | Neosho, MO 64850 417-658-5477


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HEAD SAW-FILER | WAGNER LUMBER Wagner Lumber is seeking a Head Saw-Filer. Responsibilities include: • Directing a team of 3-4 direct reports • Sharpen, repair, and maintain band saws • Maintain saw shop equipment and facilities • Keep abreast of the most recent developments in the field and act to continually improve their managerial and saw filing skills • Adherence to all plant safety and environmental guidelines, policies, and procedures. • Strive to carry out his/her responsibilities in a professional manner with the highest level of integrity. Skills & Experience Required • A minimum of 5 years experience in a wide band saw shop • A demonstrated ability to lead a team Salary & Benefits Full Time Hourly Position • Hourly wage will be commensurate with experience • Full Plan of Benefits including a 401k with a generous match How to Apply Send your resume to: lbonebrake@missouriwalnutgroup.com Wagner Lumber 4060 Gaskill Road | Owego, NY 13827 607-687-5362 | www.wagnerlumber.com SAW-FILER | NELSON HARDWOOD LUMBER CO., INC. Nelson Hardwood Lumber Co., Inc., in Prairie du Chien, WI is looking to hire a saw filer. Responsibilities include sharpening, leveling, and benching 38' x 11" bandsaw. All equipment provided.| Skills & Experience Required Experience preferred. Salary & Benefits Salary based on experience. Benefits include health insurance, life insurance, vacation, paid holidays, 401(k) retirement plan How to Apply Send your resume to: nelsonhw@mhtc.net Nelson Hardwood Lumber Co., Inc. 305 East Frederick Street | Prairie du Chien, WI 53821 608-326-8456 | www.nelsonhardwoods.com

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