Newham Community Learning newsletter - Spring 2 2024

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Dear colleagues

I am very pleased to tell you that the move to the next stage of NCLtook a big step forward at the end of last term, as we appointed three very qualified and experienced candidates to key roles in our School ImprovementTeam. Kate Naylor, our Director of Staff Development, is a familiar face, having worked previously in two of our schools, and having been the interim lead in this area. However, the other two appointments are new to theTrust, and will start with us full time in September, though they will each be spending some time with us in the summer term. Andy Hemmings, our new Director of Education, has been a successful Headteacher and a senior HMI, and Shaun Brown, our Director of Student Support, has previously worked in senior leadership roles in both mainstream and alternative provision, and has recently been the Programmes Director and co-founder of the Difference, working to develop inclusive practice in schools.They bring invaluable experience to ourTrust, and I am sure that they will have a very positive impact (I feel a bit likeArteta unveiling Odegaard and Rice…).

However, what is most exciting is not what any individual will do in the CentralTeam, but the way that the School Improvement group within theTrust will now have the capacity to engage with and make use of the existing strengths of our different schools. I know thatAndy and Shaun look forward to getting to know colleagues in all the schools, and will be keen to find ways to develop how current school staff can share their expertise across theTrust.

Finally, if you haven’t yet done so, please complete the NCLsurvey which closes this Friday. It is an invaluable opportunity for school leaders, governors andTrustees to hear directly from all staff, parents and students about what you like about our schools, and what you feel needs improving. It is genuinely anonymous, and what you say is taken very seriously.As one of my favourite sayings goes - seek first to understand, then to be understood.And this is one of the best ways we have to understand what staff feel about what is happening in our schools.

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NCLEqualities Working


Following the Equalities Workshop that took place at Sarah Bonnell earlier in the year, an NCL Trust Equalities Working Party is being established to ensure that we are taking concrete steps to address equalities issues affecting staff across ourTrust. This group will discuss how we can ensure equality of opportunity for all staff, and build on the ideas discussed at the workshop.

The initial meeting of this group will be for staff, and will be taking place after school on Thursday 16 May, from 3:30 - 5pm, at Sarah Bonnell School.

If you would like to attend, please email Rachel Farley - - to register your interest. It is not necessary for you to have attended the workshop in order to attend the working party meeting. Material used at the workshop and a summary of the key points discussed can be found here (please note this link is only available to NCL staff, governors and trustees, when logged in using your Trust account)

Governance Spotlight

Paul Leslie is the chair of NCLtrust board, he is also the chair of Sarah Bonnell LGB, where he is also the lead governor for safeguarding.

He has been a governor for over twenty years and played a key strategic role in establishing NCSTas a single academy trust, later developing into NCL.

Paul is the CEO of an equalities charity, which works with children, young people and adults across Newham, focusing on challenging inequality, working with partners to develop opportunities for greater equity, equality and inclusion, whilst recognising and celebrating diversity. He has one daughter who works as an area manager for a large retail organisation.

What do you feel is the most important aspect of your role?

Understanding and being engaged - knowing how all our schools across the trust ‘work’is essential to strategically support them through effective and appropriate decision making at trust board level.

What’s been most interesting for you about your role so far?

It’s been wonderful to be involved in the growth and development of our trust, meeting and working collaboratively with our fantastic team of trustees and governors, who are all volunteers; observing the strengthening of relationships between our school leaders, staff and students, I’m excited about the future opportunities we will create for young people who attend our schools.

Rights and Equalities in Newham (REIN)

Rights and Equalities in Newham (REIN) we are a local charity and an equalities organisation at our core, we work with children, young people and adults weekly across the year.

Our projects include: after school and evening youth provision, holiday activities, trips and residential experiences, music production & opportunities to perform at showcase events, detached youth work; sports programmes, art and crafts, youth voice / forum (YEL), RaisingAwareness Programme (RAP), girls and young women’s work, boys and young men’s work, mentoring, support for vulnerable young people, work experience and volunteering opportunities in youth work.

For more information, visit our website: or contact us on 020 7473 3549 – ask for the youth work team.

World Book Day across Newham Community Learning

We all celebrated World Book Day this term, and it was fantastic to see both our students and our teachers going all out to celebrate. Our halls buzzed with literary characters. Everyone’s favourite stories were brought to life - a true celebration of reading!

World Book Day was about igniting a lifelong passion for reading. Research shows that students who read for pleasure have a significant advantage.They develop stronger vocabulary, comprehension skills, and critical thinking abilities. Reading also fosters empathy and social awareness as students encounter diverse characters and perspectives.

While World Book Day may be over for another year, the trust remains committed to fostering a love of reading throughout the year. Our schools continue to prioritise well-stocked libraries and exciting book clubs, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to discover the magic that lies within the pages of a book.

NCLPoetry by Heart event

Talented NCLstudents have been participating in the national Poetry by Heart competition.This inspiring programme challenges students to choose a poem, memorise it, and then perform it for an audience.

The culmination of their hard work came at the NCL Poetry by Heart Final, where students presented their chosen poems to a captivated audience.The event was a resounding success, showcasing the incredible talent and dedication of NCLstudents across theTrust.

Abig congratulations to all the students who participated!Their performances demonstrated a clear understanding and appreciation for the poems they recited.

We'd also like to extend a huge thank you to all the staff who helped make this an unforgettable event. Special thanks go to the brilliant judges: Executive Leader for Primary Emma Nicholls, Dersingham Head Teacher Lando Du Plooy, and our wonderful Lister alumna Majida Begum.

The former Poet Laureate SirAndrew Motion, who set up Poetry By Heart with co-founder Dr Julie Blake in 2013, says, “In ten years, Poetry By Heart has grown from strength to strength: since 2013 thousands of students have not only learned great poems for life but they have also shared them with friends and families in the inspiring and moving performances that are at the heart of every competition. I am constantly surprised and delighted by the quality of the students’achievements.”

Girls of the World event

Eastlea was thrilled to deliver another fantastic "Girls of the World" event this term.The event brought together girls from five different local primary schools, creating a vibrant space for learning and empowerment.The girls embarked on a journey exploring the history and achievements of women from all corners of the globe. Interactive workshops and presentations shed light on the remarkable contributions of women in science, the arts, literature, and social justice movements. "Girls of the World" is a reminder that girls can achieve anything they set their minds to.

NewVIc and Cambridge University visits

Broadening horizons and igniting aspirations –that's whatYear 10's recent visit to NewVIc Sixth Form College and Cambridge University was all about!These exciting trips provided our students with a glimpse into their future academic journeys, empowering ourYear 10s to dream big and set their sights on achieving their academic goals.

Highlights from our Spring Concert

There were many musical highlights, including the ever-growing Eastlea Rising Stars, the fantastic E-Vocal Collective, the now-legendary Hot Wires, the Guitar Ensemble, the String Ensemble, and much more!There was even an immersive music experience at the end where the audience were invited to join in the menacing rhythm of Mars from Holst'sThe Planet Suite, while musicians played their part all around the theatre amongst the audience. Ms Brown and Mr Haynes were so proud of every student who took part.

Students Explore Career Pathways

To mark National Careers Week, ourYear 9 students embarked on an unforgettable expedition to the Royal Courts of Justice! Stepping into the magnificent, historic building (opened in 1882!) with its impressive architecture, the students were transported to the heart of the UK legal system. Witnessing real court proceedings firsthand provided a unique glimpse into how justice unfolds. The highlight?Athrilling mock trial! Taking on the roles of barristers, judges, and more, ourYear 9s tackled a real-world cyberbullying case. Examining evidence, crafting arguments, and delivering persuasive statements, they navigated the complexities of the legal process with remarkable determination.This experience not only offered them a valuable insight into the legal world, but also ignited a passion for fairness and the potential within each of them to make a positive impact.Through their dedication and enthusiasm, they truly embodied Lister's spirit of aiming for excellence!

Debating Competition

The Lister Senior Debate Society had a fantastic showing at the South Hampstead High School Spring Debating Competition on March 11th!This unique tournament saw students debate thought-provoking motions based on beloved fictional worlds like Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes. Lister fielded two strong teams that debated against experienced students from top schools across the country.They impressively won two rounds, and another two more rounds are still being decided on.

This is a testament to the hard work and talent of our debaters, Clement Coulton, Santiago Sozomenou, Ruby McCallum, Malakai Sandy, Om Shukla, andTanya Ambia.The competition was a fantastic opportunity to showcase Lister's growing debate programme, and we look forward to seeing what these talented students achieve next!

Victorian Day inYear 1

InYear 1, children have been exploring the historical question, ‘How did Victorians Change Plaistow’.

To truly immerse children, Portway ignited the project with a hook session - Victorian Day. Parents were welcomed in for a special lunch that was prepared by the children. Sandwiches were eaten with butter that was made by the children themselves! Children have learnt about how transport and shopping changed throughout the Victorian era.

Year 5 visit to Manor Farm Care Home

To complement the RSHE topic of ‘My Community’,Year 5 children visited Manor Farm Care Home. Children collaborated with residents by completing word searches, crafting Mother’s Day cards, colouring and most important - engaging in rich conversations about the residents colourful lives.

Okaija shared, “Going to the care home touched a part of my heart that has not been touched before.”

The benefits of the experience for both Portway students and Manor Farm Care Home residents were clear for all. Children’s shared Portway values demonstrate their commitment to understanding the building blocks of what makes a great community (inside and outside of school). Cynthia (a Manor Farm resident) shared, “You made me so happy today. I used to be a nanny, and this is a wonderful treat.”

Sports ForAll

This term has been a resounding success for Rokeby School athletics!Across all year groups, their winning streak extends across multiple sports, with victories in football, table tennis, futsal, and even basketball. From the enthusiasm of the youngest players to the honed skills of the senior teams, Rokeby's dedication on the field and court has certainly paid off. Congratulations to all the Rokeby athletes and coaches on these impressive achievements!Their hard work and sportsmanship are a true testament to the school spirit.

Month Long Big Read

Our Big Read month concluded with powerful reflections on the inspiring story of ‘Refugee Boy’by Benjamin Zephaniah. Throughout the spring term, our school community embarked on a journey of empathy and understanding, exploring the challenges and triumphs of a young refugee's experience. Students gained a newfound appreciation for the diverse experiences of others and the importance of building a welcoming community.

Jack PetcheyAward

We are thrilled to announce that our very own Damien Scott has been awarded the prestigious Jack PetcheyAward! Damien is an incredibly kind, caring, and empathetic young man. He shows exceptional resilience in the face of challenges and has worked incredibly hard this term and this academic year. We are incredibly proud of Damien Scott and his outstanding achievement! We look forward to seeing this award inspire more of our students to accomplish what they can.



International Women’s Day

The Sarah Bonnell School for Girls transformed into a vibrant hub of inspiration on International Women's Day (8th March)!A day filled with empowering speeches that ignited passions, captivating performances that showcased female talent, and diverse student stalls bursting with creativity. Delicious food fueled the festivities, making it an unforgettable celebration of women's achievements and a powerful testament to the strength of the Sarah Bonnell sisterhood.

Sport Gives Back: Greenhouse SportsAward

Ahuge congratulations to the Sarah Bonnell School tennis programme and CoachTom Sippy for their well-deserved "Greenhouses Sports Team for Life" award! When the tennis programme launched in the midst of the pandemic, many students might not have considered tennis to be accessible or even their preferred sport. However, Sarah Bonnell School’s and Coach Sippy's dedication has been nothing short of inspiring. Under Coach Sippy's guidance, the programme has blossomed over the past three years.Today, tennis thrives across every year group at Sarah Bonnell, a true testament to Coach Sippy's dedication and the programme's transformative impact.



Women of the World Festival

Our two Head Girls,Ameerah and Kimberley, along with Mehreen fromY5, had the pleasure of visiting Buckingham Palace to mark the end of the ‘Women of the World Festival’hosted by Queen Camilla. One of the highlights of the visit was meeting MaggieAderin-Pocock - one of Selwyn’s House team leaders.

AnimateArts visit

ThroughANew Direction's touring programme, we broughtAnimateArts to Selwyn School, where they worked withYear 3 children in our Community Hub.Their PaperAllotment project was delivered through a multi-sensory, interactive performance in which children from Year 3 made vegetables out of paper to fill their allotment installation. In the afternoon, the team fromAnimateArts came to our classrooms, and the children made translucent artworks based on flowers, which were installed on our classroom windows.

Career’s Day

Children were asked to come to school dressed as someone doing the job that they would like to have when they grow up. It was great to see such a wide range of careers that our children are interested in, from vets to CEOs.As part of the week to raise our children’s aspirations, we invited parents in to talk about their professions; we welcomed trainee vets to teach the children how to care for animals; and Mr.Kay, our site manager, visited them with all of his tools to talk about his job.

AAAZone -AmbitionAspireAchieveYouth Clubs

TheAAAZone isn't just about sports!

They offer clubs for all interests:

- Creative Crew:Arts & Crafts, Music, Make-Up

- ActiveAdventures: Cycling, Cricket

- Inclusive Fun: SEND-specific clubs

Check out their website here to find activities and clubs that work for your family:

Important notice: Booking is required before attending @theaaazone @AmbitionAspireAchieve/ @ambtionaspireachieve

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