Newsletter march 2014 for pdf

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New Beginnings Moravian Church

Sunday, March 2 The Moravian Church (Unitas Fratrum) will celebrate 557 years of witness & service to our Lord on March 1st. At the end of 2011, our Unity passed the milestone of having 1 million members. Our congregations around the world will join in prayer for God’s continued blessing and leading. A special offering will be taken up on this same date. Monies raised will be used to help with the work in the interior of Suriname — training of the different groups in the congregations and regular visiting in areas where there aren’t pastors, as well as the purchase of outboard motors that will be used for transportation from village to village. Make checks payable to New Beginnings; note Unity Offering on memo line. Envelopes will be provided in the bulletin. And, we’ll be blessing the Synod Hearts made by several of our members to be distributed to the delegates at this April’s Synod. See article on p. 5.

Wednesday, March 5th 7:00 p.m. followed immediately by our

2014 Lenten Programs Rediscovering Lent

Expert teaching, engaging stories, street interviews, humorous vignettes and more to portray both the challenges and beauty of God’s design. Wednesdays, March 5th through April 9th

Through fasting and focus, Lent helps us to enter into close communion with Jesus as we ponder our sinfulness and the grace coming at Calvary. This study will help you explore the history of Lent and consider what it can mean in your own life. So whether Lent’s relatively new to you, or it’s been part of your life ’s rhythm for many years, this exploration offers you something new to think about.

(begins at the conclusion of the Ash Wednesday Service, then 7 pm all other Wednesdays)

Wednesdays, March 5th

Donation of $30 optional— to cover costs of materials

then Wednesdays thru April 9, 7-8 pm —

Please sign-up in the fellowship hall

following the worship service,

Led by pChris

Nursery available for 0-4 years of age

March 2014

For Children, K-5th

Middle/High Schoolers

Walking His Way, thru Prayer

Walking His Way! through lessons & mission

March 5 - April 9

March 5 - April 9

Building a community guided by the Holy Scriptures, preparing it to reach out in word and deed, with faith, joy & compassion, spreading the message of hope through Jesus Christ while celebrating God’s everlasting love & grace.

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New Beginnings Moravian Church

So you want to take a Bible Study? Sundays: Adults — Changes That Heal, 9:30 in the FH Children — Nursery, 0-4 years, 9:30 thru worship Toddler Time, 3-4 years, during worship G.P.S., K through 5th grade, during worship Wednesdays: During Lent, March 5th through April 9th — Adults — Art of Marriage — see front page 2nd offering to be determined Children — Nursery, 0-4 years, 7-8 pm Walking His Way, through Prayer, K through 5th Walking His Way, Middle/High Schoolers Wednesdays, starting April 23rd Adults — Bethel Bible Study, 7-8 pm Youth — Middle/High Schoolers, 7-8 pm

“Kids Helping Kids” Program at RMH of Charlotte on Saturday, March 15th 10-11:30 a.m. A tour of the house will be given, and the children will complete a service project that will benefit the Guests of the House. — If you didn’t pre-register your child(ren) with the church office, but would like to participate, please call Janet at 992-2003 or email the church to see if space is still available.

One Thousand Gifts Mondays, 11:30-12:30 through March 10th

. . . And we’re asking for your help! 1. choose the week(s) that would work for your family this summer July 14—17 June 16-19 June 17-20 June 23-26 2. choose the time that would work best 10 am—1 pm 5 pm—8 pm 4 pm—7 pm Please email your choices to Charlotte at today!

How do we find joy in the midst of debt, drama & daily duties? What does the Christlife look like when your days are long, and sometimes even dark?

Our knitting/crocheting/quilting ministry had their organizational meeting last month and determined that Ronald McDonald House would be the first beneficiary of our beautiful talents. Blankets should be completed by August. Next Meeting, April 27th following worship Questions? Speak with Janet in the office for more information about the group & this project.

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Luke 10:33-35 “A Samaritan traveling the road came on him. When he saw the man’s condition, his heart went out to him. He gave him first aid, disinfecting and bandaging his wounds. Then he lifted him onto his donkey, led him to an inn, and made him comfortable. In the morning he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, ‘Take good care of him. If it costs any more, put it on my bill—I’ll pay you on my way back.’ Over the last few weeks the lectionary readings taken from Scripture have continued to examine what it looks like to be a person of “Salt and Light” in the context of Jesus’ preaching. There are many identifying marks of a Christian, some of which seem more challenging than others to achieve and maintain. However, there seems none more important than the capacity and willingness to care! And care not, in the traditional sense, meaning helping or reaching out to people who we choose to have some alliance with because of a perceived or real affinity. Rather care offered unconditionally and continually to a person, (“If it costs anymore, put it on my bill…”), but also to that person or, people with whom we have the least in common. Could it be that the Lord brings us into the presence (often) of those people or persons that we would normally ignore or, at the very least, would want to have little to do with intentionally? Do we have personal work to do? I once read or heard it said that: “Your neighbor is anyone whose needs you see and can actually do something about.” There are a lot of situations that in the pursuit of faith and practice we mess up, me being the chief offender. However, if we can just for a moment, through our actions and interactions, recapture the gift of care to those whom we would least likely choose, then we can be truly known to whom we have been called…A Christ follower. The season of Lent gives us a chance to recalibrate where we have been and chart anew a course for the future if, and only when…we care. Serving together, pChris

Mission Opportunity……………... Sunday, March 16th 5:30 p.m. Dinner service at the Saturday, April 5th

Statesville Men’s Shelter

at Mallard Head Golf Course

Volunteer Spaces are filled at this time, BUT

Cost? $45.00

lots of donations are needed.

Please sign-up in the fellowship hall, and be sure to indicate Average score and Shirt size Deadline: March 16th

Check out the “Wish List” posted in the FH

Questions? Speak with Paul Bradley

and sign across from the item(s) you’d like to donate. Please have all donations to the church the morning of March 16th

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New Beginnings Moravian Church

Around the Province . . . Lunchtime Lecture, “What’s A Synod, Anyway?” Thursday, March 13, 12:15-12:45 pm just in time for the Southern Province’s Synod in April, Archivist C. Daniel Crews will answer that burning question at the Archives Music Foundation at the Archie K. Davis Center (the “Archives building”) in Old Salem. The lecture is free and open to all, and you are invited to bring your lunch (it isn’t provided). Parking is free in the Salem College Fine Arts Center parking lot off Salem Avenue. “The Acts of Our Hands" - The Spiritual Life Retreat sponsored by the Provincial Women’s Board is designed as a relaxing, renewing time celebrating our sisterhood in Christ, while providing growth opportunities for our spiritual lives. It is a wonderful way to meet women from other churches in the Southern Province. All women are welcome and invited. May 2-4 at Laurel Ridge. For more information and registration forms contact the PWB at (336) 722-4911 or

During March we celebrate National Sleep Awareness Week Definition of sleep: Natural suspension of consciousness People vary in their need for sleep. Most adults usually need somewhere between seven to nine hours per night. Teens usually need nine hours of sleep or more per night. This allows our body and minds to rejuvenate for the next day. If sleep is cut short, the body does not have time to complete all the phases needed for muscle repair, memory consolidation and release of hormones regulating growth and appetite. Then we wake less prepared to concentrate, make decisions or engage in fully in school or work activities. When you can't sleep . . . Does it take you more than 30 minutes to fall asleep at night? Do you wake frequently during the night? Do you have a hard time going back to sleep? Do you feel groggy or drowsy during the day? If the answer is YES to those questions, you may have a "sleep debt" that is affecting you in ways you don't even realize. A Sleep Poll in America found that a majority of American Adults experience sleep problems. Even occasional sleeping problems can make daily life more stressful or cause you to be less productive. Overall sleep loss has been found to impair the ability to perform task involving memory, learning and logical reasoning. Insufficient sleep can also be extremely dangerous in driving causing serious or even fatal accidents. These drowsy driving crashes cause more than 1,500 deaths and tens of thousands of injuries and lasting disabilities. Virtually everyone suffers at least an occasional night of poor sleep. However, certain individuals may be more vulnerable. These include students, shift workers, travelers and persons suffering from acute stress, depression or chronic pain. Your doctor can help you take steps early to control or prevent poor sleep. The one-third of our lives that we spend sleeping, far from being 'unproductive' play a direct role in how full, energetic and successful the other two-thirds of our lives can be. In many cases , your doctor will be able to recommend what can help promote sleep.. Here are a few tips many people have found to be useful: 1) Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol in late afternoon and evening. 2) Exercise regularly, do it at least 3 hours before bedtime. 3) Don't nap during the day. 4) Consider your sleep environment — make it pleasant, comfortable, dark and quiet. 5) Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine that allows you to unwind. If you can't go to sleep in 30 minutes, don't stay in bed tossing and turning. Get up, listen to soothing music or read until you feel sleepy. Do not use this to solve daily problems. If these problems last more than a week, a doctor's help may be needed. The bottom line is this — Adequate Sleep Is AS Essential To Health And Peak Performance as exercise and good nutrition. REMEMBER YOU DESERVE IT!

—submitted by Edna Duren


At their Retreat/Board meeting, your Leadership Board discussed: • • • • • • • •

upcoming Baptisms & new members Synod Hearts & Unity Offering, March 2nd Moore, OK benefit proposal Mission Sunday proposal Lenten Programs starting March 5th Board Leadership roles & responsibilities Mission Opportunities for adults — EWS Mission Opp for children — Ronald McDonald H.

Knitting Together for Synod 2014 “O yes, having found in the Lord our delight, he is our chief object by day and by night; this knits us together; no longer we roam; we all have one Father, and heav’n is our home.” Each delegate that attends Synod 2014 in April will receive a knitted, heartshaped bowl, filled with chocolate. Thank you to Brenda Moore, Ginger Bowman & Paddy Wigney for giving of their time and talents to participate in this provincial-wide activity. ~~~ The tag reads: Made with Love by New Beginnings Moravian Church.

March 1st 2nd 11th 13th 14th 18th 24th 25th 30th

Randy Newsome Alexis Thore Vivian Weatherman Lauren Goodrum Larry Sprinkle Taylar Frye Paulette Gardner Sharon Tucker Brenda Moore Emily Thrower Colin Snider

Treasurer’s Report — January 2014 Income: Regular Offering Women’s Fellowship Youth Music Memorials Joyful Noise Misc. Total Income:

$10,937.05 108.00 72.50 150.00 826.00 70.18 349.02 $12,512.75

Expenses: Administrative Bank Building Christian Ed Misc. Mortgage Nursery Office supplies Postage Telephone Provincial tithe Utilities Women’s Fellowship Total Expenses:

$8861.43 80.99 5.05 76.04 386.46 1336.00 180.00 56.36 46.00 182.29 2900.08 556.03 616.42 15,283.15

Budgeted Income YTD


Actual YTD


Budgeted Expense YTD


Actual YTD


SundayMarch 9th Please check out our Facebook page and “Like” it to be part of our Lenten Series which begins this Wednesday, March 5th.

Upcoming Events — March 5th—April 9th — Lenten Programs for ages K & up Nursery provided for 0-4 years of age March 9th at 2 a.m. — Set clocks ahead! Women’s Fellowship Meeting, 9:30 at The Solomon House March 10th—Leadership Board Meeting, 6:30 pm March 15th—Ronald McDonald House Tour & Service Project March 16th—Men’s Shelter Dinner Service; Donations due in a.m. Last day to register for the Men’s Golf Outing April 5th—Men’s Annual Golf Outing April 13th—Palm Sunday, 10:30 service & 5 pm Love Feast April 14th through April18th — Holy Week Readings at 7 nightly April 20th — Easter Sunday, Sunrise Service (time tbd) & 10:30 a.m.

New Beginnings Moravian Church PO Box 2278 201 Seagle St. Huntersville, NC 28070-2278

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