NT 1506 Nov/Dec 2016 Preview

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Touching Hearts Changing Lives

The FFG Love Movement

ONGGY Hianata

Are you an HSP Entrepreneur?

Empower the Next Generation to Dream September/October 2016





The Golden Circle

Dr. Josephine Gross Network marketing gives people a way to live their purpose. When we tie our business to our purpose, we become unstoppable—in an attractive way.


WORDS OF WISDOM On Purpose-Driven Business Memorable quotes by Napoleon Hill, Sir Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, and others.


OUR TIMES – PART 1 “How does your business allow you to live your purpose?” • Alexis Romano, Who Will Be Next? • Gene Maxon Adigu, The Most Awesome Gift • Bridget Cavanaugh, Patience, Pain, Practice • Judy O’Higgins, Soul/Sole Purpose • Janine Finney, What Makes You Come Alive?


November/December 2016

NT INTERVIEW Power of One Based in Indonesia, Onggy Hianata is an international network marketing leader whose organization spans five continents. Onggy grew up in dire poverty and started his network marketing business from scratch in 1992. After many ups and downs, he finally created a successful “support system” for his team called Freedom Faithnet Global (FFG). Onggy and his leaders are famous for organizing transformational boot camps that help participants improve in all aspects of their lives. Onggy’s dream is to leave a global legacy of human development and trans-generational wealth.






HEART OF BUSINESS Are You an EntrePrincess? Based in Munich, Germany, Elena Herdieckerhoff is a successful serial entrepreneur with clients all over the world. Elena is also an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) who has learned to turn her sensitivity into her greatest business asset. Elena’s passion is to show HSP entrepreneurs how to leverage their natural strengths while gently healing their limiting beliefs and mindset blocks. Through her coaching and online courses, she helps solopreneurs and top achievers create a lifestyle that supports their personality.


MASTER NETWORKER Believe, Belong, Become Sue Brenchley is a seven-­figure earner in a Utah-based wellness company who leads a network marketing organization of over 200,000 people in 26 countries. Sue got started in the business 25 years ago and became a student of the profession. She recently helped develop a state­-of-­the-art mobile app that will allow her international team to grow even faster. At the 2016 ANMP convention Sue became involved with the Responsibility Foundation where she now applies her passion to always become better and contribute more.​


MASTER NETWORKER Get Over Yourself Originally from Montana, Romi Neustadt was already an accomplished professional and successful business owner when one of her clients introduced her to network marketing. Looking for time freedom, Romi recognized an opportunity of a lifetime and jumped in with both feet. Her training as a lawyer and skills as a PR consultant transferred nicely into her new career. Her team and income grew so quickly she surpassed her previous income within six months and retired her husband John from his clinical practice in less than three years.


RISING STAR Dreams Are Within Reach Based in New York state and Western Colorado, Chris Kinney is a young Baby Boomer and home-based entrepreneur who recently relaunched his network marketing business after taking a break for several years. Unfamiliar with using social media as a business-building strategy, he quickly learned the ropes through “reverse mentoring” with his Millennial upline leaders and made Diamond faster than he ever imagined was possible.



64 OUR TIMES – PART 2 “How does your business allow you to live your purpose?” • Vijay Eswaran, The Magic of Purpose • Rachiele David, Live to Inspire Others • Greg Greenough, Planting Trees • Swarna Krishnan, Empowering Africans to Dream • Dr. Doug Firebaugh, Purpose Drives Us


THE CLOSE Our Purpose Is to Serve Garrett & Sylvia McGrath When you find a purpose bigger than yourself, it releases a generative energy that gives you focus, creativity, stamina, and courage to be unstoppable and achieve mastery.

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The Golden Circle

It Pays to Know and Share Our Purpose By Dr. Josephine Gross


ur previous issue on Millennials taught us an important lesson: one of Gen Y’s top values is to make a global impact and live a life of purpose. Sure, we all share this yearning, but for Gen Y it becomes a priority in choosing a career path. Would you agree that network marketing offers a powerful platform to “live your purpose,” however you define it? Since we founded Networking Times in 2001, we have interviewed over 3,000 leaders and top earners from around the world, and here is what we’ve found: Whether you want to reach your highest human potential, become a successful entrepreneur, contribute to the lives of others, or all of the above, building a network marketing business makes it all possible, providing you with the empowerment community, tools, training, and mentors to take you there. Why is it important to tie your business to your purpose? As Simon Sinek teaches, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you why do it.” Knowing this principle changes the way we communicate. Simon calls it “the Golden Circle” of Why > How > What. Every businessperson and organization knows what they do (outside how circle). Some know how they do it—your system or unique value proposiwhat tion (middle circle}. But few people or organizations know why they do what they do (inside circle). Your why is what you believe in. Why does your organization exist? Why do you get out of bed in the morning? And why should anyone care? When we “start with why,” we think, act, and communicate differently—and touch people in a different way. Most businesses tell you what they do, then go into how and why, moving from the outside in. Think of the presenter who bombards you with product features and benefits. Inspired leaders and organizations, on the contrary, all start with why, meaning they think, act, and communicate from the inside out. This is how they build trust and create loyalty. Why do people get involved in network marketing? First, they want to make money. But what makes them stay in long enough so they can succeed? What makes them pour their heart and soul into it, so they can overcome the inevitable challenges they encounter? And what attracts others to follow in their footsteps? The answer is, network marketing gives people a way to live their purpose. Their business becomes a vehicle to grow themselves and contribute their gifts. They see it as a pathway to become a better person and create a better world. Let the Millennials reminds us: when we tie our business to our purpose, we become unstoppable—in an attractive way. n DR. JOSEPHINE GROSS is cofounder and editor in chief of Networking Times.

November/December 2016



Power of


Onggy Hianata Touching Hearts, Changing Lives


By Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Networking Times Times


ased in Indonesia, Onggy Hianata is an international network marketing leader whose organization spans five continents. Onggy grew up in dire poverty and started his network marketing business from scratch in 1992. After many ups and downs, he finally created a successful “support system” for his team called Freedom Faithnet Global (FFG). Onggy and his leaders are famous for organizing transformational boot camps that help participants improve in all aspects of their lives. Onggy’s dream is to leave a global legacy of human development and trans-generational wealth.—J.G.

Childhood home in Takaran

Tell us a little about your upbringing. I was born in 1962 under my Chinese name, Ong Hian Tjoen. My father, Ong Tjoey Moey, was from Fujian, China. My mother, Oey Giok Tjoen, was from Sandakan, Malaysia. I spent my childhood in a small city, Tarakan, East Borneo, a province of Indonesia. We were a poor family. My parents had nine kids. I’m number eight. My father was a lowly staff worker in a small company. His income was not enough for a big family. My parents taught us to work hard. At age eight I started helping my parents, doing anything we could to earn money. I spent my childhood years supporting the family. For example, I would go to the jungle to find wood. At that time we didn’t have electricity, so we needed wood to cook our rice and meals. My mother was always trying to supplement my father’s income by raising chickens and ducks, and she also did some farming.

November/December 2016

Onggy (left) with siblings

What are some things you learned growing up? My parents taught us to wake up early in the morning and get ready to work. My father was extremely disciplined about this. Working hard has never been a problem for me. Even though we were poor, my father never did anything to cheat someone or take people’s money. He was a man of great integrity and taught us the same. Before he passed away, he called his kids one by one. When we were all sitting by his bedside, he delivered his last messages to us: promise to do everything with integrity. In the Chinese business community where he grew up, trust and integrity were the most important assets. My father was an excellent role model and I learned a lot of wisdom from him, much of which I can apply in my network marketing business. For example, he loved and treated his nine kids



Are You an

EntreP rincess ? A Conversation with

ELENA Herdieckerhoff 32

By Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Times

“Make your Sensitivity your Best Business Asset!”


ased in Munich, Germany, Elena Herdieckerhoff is a successful serial entrepreneur with clients all over the world. Elena is also an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) who has made it her mission to empower other HSP entrepreneurs to turn their sensitivity into their greatest business asset. “You can be both highly sensitive and highly successful!” says Elena. Her passion is to show sensitive entrepreneurs how to leverage their natural strengths while gently healing their limiting beliefs and mindset blocks. She works with solopreneurs and top achievers, including network marketing leaders, to lovingly unearth the true origin of their blocks and help them create a lifestyle that supports their personality. As a business coach, she guides her clients through a process of mindset and marketing realignment work to reconnect them to their true purpose, abundance, and serenity. Curious to see if you are an HSP? Watch Elena’s TEDx talk titled “The Gentle Power of Highly Sensitive People” on YouTube or on her web site www.EntrePrincess.com. After being referred to Elena’s work by longtime Networking Times subscriber and fellow HSP Lynn Selwa, we recently hopped on Skype for a delightful conversation about “how to make sensitivity your best business asset.”—J.G.

November/December 2016

How did you get started in the work you do today? I’ve always had a fascination with helping people. My career started in my mind when I was about seven years old. My dad loves to tell this story: we were on a walk, and I told him that my mission was to help people. He said, “That’s a very big mission.” I said, “I think it’s my obligation to change the world,” and he replied, “Then you need to become an entrepreneur, because that’s what entrepreneurs get to do.” My mind was made up at an early age that I wasn’t going to fit into a corporate career. I modeled myself after my father, who has always been an entrepreneur, and I decided this was going to be my path as well. I started my entrepreneurial ventures in my mid-20s, after dabbling a little bit in human resources. I realized that being my own boss was my true passion, and from there I developed my dream business, a skincare company. I had developed a cream for a skin condition, eczema, and this meant a lot to me personally, as it is an illness I myself suffered from. It became a real passion project for me and I managed to set my company up in Switzerland. I went through all the stages of building a business from scratch, and that was a big milestone in my life. Not only did I learn how to build a world-class brand, I also managed to reach large numbers of people around the world with my balm.

What a wonderful way to manifest your desire to help and to heal people. Yes, seeing the business succeed was very rewarding, but after the thrill of birthing my creation and seeing it grow and flourish, I felt my job as founder was done and I decided to sell my business. I am deeply creative and that is my happy place, so after making this decision, I thought, “What do I really want to do now? What is my next mission?”



Believe Belong Become Sue Brenchley Meeting People’s Needs


By Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Networking Times Times


ue Brenchley has a passion for offering people solutions and changing lives. A seven­ figure earner in a Utah-based wellness company, she leads a network marketing organization of over 200,000 people in 26 countries. Sue got started in the business 25 years ago and became a student of the profession. In love with the unique products and leveraged income opportunity network marketing offers, she dedicates her life to sharing it with as many people as possible. She recently helped develop a state­-of­-the-­art mobile app that will allow her international team to grow even faster. At the 2016 ANMP convention Sue became involved with the Responsibility Foundation where she now applies her passion to always become better and contribute more.​—J.G.

How did you get started in life? Growing up in a small town in northern Utah, I was the most unlikely person to ever succeed in network marketing. I was shy and socially challenged. My family struggled financially. As a child, I slept on a hide-a-bed in an unfinished basement because there were only two bedrooms in our house. My mother’s mental illness caused me to grown up fast and take on responsibilities that were difficult as a teen. Looking back I recognize it was those challenging circumstances that drove me to ultimately succeed. I excelled in school. I earned several scholarships and focused my life on education. I had that spark that is in each one of us—call it purpose, passion, or that drive to be and have more. I wanted a life that would allow me to do something bigger and make a difference. I fell in love, got married, and had children. I didn’t plan on working, because I wanted to be a hands-on mom. I always wanted to have a homebased business, so we started a carpet cleaning business. I learned the hard way that owning a traditional business is expensive, takes enormous amounts of time, and that cash flow can be slow coming. Even though we needed more income, what brought network marketing to my attention

November/December 2016

was not the money, but a product that changed my life.

You were having health challenges? Yes, my health had been gradually declining, and all the medical intervention I did wasn’t getting me better. I remember thinking one day, “I’m going to die if I don’t find a solution.” Shortly after that, I was having a conversation with a friend who had moved to another city about an hour and a half away. She started talking about a solution she had found to her health challenges. I said, “Why haven’t you told me about this? You know I’m having those same issues?” She said, “There’s a meeting taking place this week if you want to know more.” This was in the middle of the winter. I drove an hour and a half in a snowstorm to attend this meeting, and it changed my life. I was ready for a solution, and the magical thing about that meeting was that in two hours I understood more about health than I’d learned from doctors in 20 years. I walked out with great hope. I told her, “I want to sign up.” She said, “I haven’t even signed up; I’m just a customer.” I said, “You better sign up, so you can sign me up, because I know people who need this product.”




Romi Neustadt A No-BS Approach to Success


By Dr. Josephine Gross


ased in San Diego, Romi Neustadt is a top leader and seven-figure earner in an established skincare company that’s expanding internationally. Originally from Montana, Romi Neustadt was already an accomplished professional and successful business owner when one of her clients introduced her to network marketing. Looking for time freedom, Romi recognized an opportunity of a lifetime, and with the support of her husband Dr. John Neustadt, she jumped in with both feet. Romi’s training as a lawyer and skills as a PR consultant transferred nicely into her new career. Her team and income grew so quickly she was able to surpass her previous income within six months and retire John from his clinical practice in less than three years. Today Romi and John enjoy a life of freedom and adventure with their children Nate and Bebe, while pouring into their team and paying their success forward to their favorite charities. Romi is the author of the newly released Amazon bestseller Get Over Your Damn Self: The No-BS Blueprint to Building a LifeChanging Business.—J.G.

Tell us a little about your background. I was born and raised in Butte, Montana. Both my mom and dad’s parents escaped from Russia around the turn of the century and ended up in Butte. They were entrepreneurs: my maternal grandfather had a general store, and my paternal grandfather had a furniture store, which my father took over and ran until he died. So it’s in my blood. Growing up in Butte made me resilient. The economy was largely dependent upon the price of copper. I saw the town flourish and stumble based on that, and my dad had many years of tough times, because as a brick-and-mortar business, it was entirely reliant on the local economy. But he kept going, and put four kids through college. The big emphasis growing up for all of us kids was to choose a secure profession. I couldn’t stand the sight of blood, so instead of going to med school, I went to law school. I became a business litigator, and I hated it. It turned out—and I didn’t know this in my early 20s—I wasn’t meant

November/December 2016

to fight. It was awful to spend months and months on a case before seeing any tangible results. Turns out, I was meant to build things—build people up and build big businesses.

You’re all about growth, not destruction. Yes! The three years I lasted in law I was miserable. I think I was pretty good at it, but it ate me up. I transitioned to public relations, on the hunch that my skills and journalism degree would transfer well. I talked my way into a PR job in New York City, and that started a successful 12-year career. I did all kinds of PR in New York and then later in Seattle: corporate, international, nonprofit, cause-related, celebrity, litigation support, you name it. Seattle is where I met John and fell in love. We got married and had our son in Bozeman,



© Kayla O’Keeffe Photography

DREAMS Are Within

REACH Christopher R. Kinney Having Fun Relaunching After 50


ased in New York state and Western Colorado, Chris Kinney is a young Baby Boomer and home-based entrepreneur who recently relaunched his network marketing business after taking a break for several years. Unfamiliar with using social media as a business-building strategy, he quickly learned the ropes through “reverse mentoring” with his Millennial upline leaders and made Diamond faster than he ever imagined was possible.—J.G.


Networking Times

Share a little of your background, Chris My story is not a “rags to riches” as we often see in network marketing. I was born in Rochester, NY in a middle-class family. In 1971 my father got a big promotion after selling life insurance—a new concept at the time—to the entire Pittsburgh Pirates baseball team. As a results, we moved to Barrington, IL in a very upscale suburb of Chicago. My dad worked literally from sun up, catching the train to Chicago, and came home after sunset. Our family was beyond “provided for,” but the only time we spent together was dinner, sporting events (mainly hockey) and some very nice vacations. I grew up fishing with my dog, playing ice hockey (we lived on a little lake), and riding and racing dirt bikes since age 11.

Sounds like every kid’s dream! I was almost like an only child with lots of freedom, because my brother and sister were five and seven years older than I. It was the tail end of the Hippie days. The spirit of the time affected our family not in the most positive way, and as a result of my anti-authoritarian education, I developed kind of a “chip on my shoulder.” I was so rebellious that my parents, at their wits’ ends, sent me to boarding school in Maine for a year. Seeing the values and lifestyle required to succeed in Corporate America based on how my parents and many friends’ parents lived, I adopted an attitude of, “If that’s what it takes to make big money, you can have it.” I didn’t really want to go to college in New Hampshire, but went anyway because I didn’t have another plan, other than possibly trying to make a living racing motorcycles. I played a little hockey and dropped out after the first year. The deal with my dad was, “Go to school and we will pay for it—or don’t go and you’re on your own.” I chose the latter and he was true to his word. My

November/December 2016

dad was a tough guy. He had put himself through college at Bucknell University working in a steel mill in Pittsburgh and playing football.

What did you do after dropping out of college? First I spent seven months walking from Chicago to NYC down to Washington DC on “The Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament.” When people asked me why I was doing this march, I referred to Albert Einstein’s quote, “The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything except our thinking.” I ended up in Crested Butte, CO in 1986 and became a ski bum. I was lucky to find a room for $150, which was all I had in my name. I got a job as a prep cook at the Rafters working from 3 PM till midnight four days a week. The job came with a ski pass and food. It felt good to provide for myself for the first time in my life. We had a record-breaking snow season, so I skied almost every day. It was as an amazing year. I didn’t go to school, but I learned a ton. I noticed men and women who were doing the same job for over 10 years. I didn’t want that to happen to me. To my father’s surprise and delight, I went back to college in Gunnison, CO and graduated four years later with a Fine Arts and Communication degree. In 1989 I was back to fending for myself. I did different jobs, fell in love. We moved to Santa Clara, CA and in 1992 I became a father. My wife was finishing up her last year of Chiropractic College and I was caring for our first child as her mom went to school. Looking for something to do from home, I took a telemarketing job for an environmental/political group opposed to CA Proposition 187, the infamous anti-immigrant ballot measure. After the elections, I became an outside account executive for a professional soccer team, the San Francisco Bay Black Hawks.



Get Over


The No-BS Interview



The Golden Circle

Tips for HSP Entrepreneurs

Empowering AFRICANS to Dream

September/October 2016



Believe Belong Become Sue Brenchley The Golden Circle

Tips for HSP Entrepreneurs

Empowering AFRICANS to Dream


Dreams Are Within

REACH Christopher R. Kinney The Golden Circle

Tips for HSP Entrepreneurs

Empowering AFRICANS to Dream September/October 2016


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