NT1602 Mar-Apr 2017 Preview

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5 LEADOFF The Bigger Secret

Dr. Josephine Gross We still put pictures on our vision boards, but we have learned not to become attached to them, because we are clear on what we truly want.


PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Release Limiting Beliefs

Dr. Joe Vitale To make better use of the Law of Attraction, state your intention, note what objections surface, and clear limiting beliefs.


NEUROSCIENCE The Neuro-Psychology of Coaching

Denis Waitley The creation of new neural pathways takes focused effort, however it’s possible at any age to rewire our brains to generate success.


LAW OF ATTRACTION The Attraction Factor

Dianne Collins Ten years after The Secret, we are ready to go beyond simple awareness of the universal laws it taught and establish the quantum reality as a way of life.


March/April 2017

MASTER NETWORKER Diamond at Age 23

Anahi Borbolla is a young network marketing leader from Mexico who travels the world inspiring people to live their dreams. She grew up with her mom and brother amidst meetings, events, and product demonstrations; as well as leadership, dreams, and a mindset that thinks “Everything is possible!” Today she delights in sharing her trials and tribulations, as well as her success secrets, with anyone intent on creating a life of greater freedom and prosperity. Her story was translated from Spanish. We kept it in the first person to render her voice and youthful enthusiasm as authentically as possible.





CEO CORNER Focus on Customers

In 2013, Travis Martin, Derek Bailey, Sean Gibson, and David Brown got together in Utah to launch a new network marketing company. Familiar with the business model and having experienced different degrees of success in it, they also saw some flaws and set out to fix what wasn’t working. Today they love what they have created and where they are going. Their message to network marketers is, “If your motivation is to be of service, and you are armed with a good product and a company with integrity, you can make great money and build a sustainable business.”



Donna Johnson and Thomas Tidlund are an iconic couple in the network marketing space. Donna has been a top earner with her U.S.-based company for 30 years. Originally from Sweden, Thomas is a successful leader in a Scandinavia-based company. A question they are often asked is, “How can you be married and build different companies?” For Donna and Thomas, the answer is simple: they hold the highest respect for each other’s businesses; they have an abundance mindset and don’t crossrecruit or cross-sell between their respective companies; and they put their relationship first..


MASTER NETWORKER The Perfect Recruit

After being business partners for several years, Angel Fletcher and Ryan Higgins recently decided to become life partners and continue their journey as a couple. When Angel met Ryan, he was a product user in her company and owned a traditional business. Seeing the time freedom and income potential of network marketing, Ryan followed Angel’s overtures to become a network marketing professional and eventually decided to give the opportunity his full focus. Today Angel and Ryan are building a customer-driven business with a global team from their home in Louisiana.



MASTER NETWORKER Partners in Trust

Both veteran network marketing professionals, John Haremza and Ted Wilson recently partnered in an opportunity they consider the final episode in their almost three-decade careers. They chose each other and their company based on genuine enjoyment of working together for a common cause. They reveal their success secrets and strategies to help the next generation of leaders. Networking Times


RISING STAR Welcome to Indonesia

The world’s 4th most populous country, Indonesia counts millions of young entrepreneurs hungry for opportunity. Indra Purba and Priscilla Kaurow are two of them, and their growing team counts many thousands more. Indra and Priscilla couldn’t be more grateful to have found network marketing when they were destitute, jobless, and without hope. Today they lead a thriving organization based on a culture of love, respect, and partnership.


RISING STAR Blowing Off the Lid

In 2005, Jennifer Maret Moran was a sales rep for a biotech startup. She enjoyed stock options, so her plan was to cash out in four years, as she really wanted to stay home with her three young kids. Today Jennifer is a top earner in a young wellness company. Having been a network marketing professional for almost 12 years, she knows what works and what’s possible. She considers building belief in yourself as the number one key to success.


RISING STAR Finding Gratitude Gems

Phebe Trotman is a network marketing professional who leads a growing team from her home in British Columbia. She has been her company’s Top International Customer Sponsor (2011), Trainer of the Year (2014), and Distributor of the Year—Runner Up (2016). Phebe attributes her success to “an incredible team of business partners” and a team culture fueled by the power of appreciation.


THE CLOSE The Unrelenting Optimist

Don Karn Thinking of The Secret and the Law of Attraction, we can wonder, “Does it really work? Is the path to happiness really that simple?” Well, probably not. Yet, it is.

March/April 2017



The Bigger Secret

Manifesting a Rich, Full Life By Dr. Josephine Gross


f you’ve been in network marketing 10 years or longer, you certainly remember the movie The Secret. Even if you haven’t, you’re probably familiar with the phenomenon, and perhaps you even remember how it affected your business. In this issue we asked business and thought leaders, “What have we learned, 10 years later?” A little context: Networking Times publisher Bob Proctor was the master teacher in the movie. We interviewed him and Rhonda Byrne for our Mar/Apr 2007 issue. We also invited a dozen other speakers from the movie to contribute an article on how “the secret” applies to network marketing. It became one of our bestselling issues. This time around, we asked the same people: What progress have we made? What are we still grappling with? What are we no longer buying? Here are some more questions to consider: • Knowing what you know about the “new physics,” has it changed the way you see the world and live your life? • What does it mean to live in an observer-created reality, as it relates to your business and (self-) leadership? • What are some of the business applications and perhaps misunderstandings around the Law of Attraction? • As new breakthroughs in neuro-plasticity, epigenetics, and positive psychology continue to challenge our beliefs, how are you keeping up? • What’s the new “secret” that will propel entrepreneurs to even higher levels of happiness and success? Think of the power of intention, gratitude, alignment, or even surrender… To me, these are fun topics to consider, especially in spring as we plant seed for new possibilities. If you asked me what’s the biggest change I’ve seen in our global community, I would say this: Ten years ago, we talked a lot about manifesting things: a dream home, the perfect soulmate, reaching an income goal. Today, we have grown bigger. Our focus includes but goes beyond what we can acquire or accomplish. We care more about our experience—where we dwell emotionally, and the quality of our energy in each of our actions and interactions. Our dreams are stated more generally, as in, “I want to grow and help others reach their highest potential.” We all desire friendships and laughter, health and harmony, and yes, wealth and abundance. We know there is no limit to what we can be or have, and no reason to expect anything less. We also know that material details and specifics are simply “how” we get to where we want go, and not important in and of themselves. Disguised as end results, they are no more than steps in the joyous, never-ending process of becoming more. We still put pictures on our vision boards to remind ourselves of the kind of possessions and adventures that light us up. But we have learned not to become attached to them, because we are clear on what we truly want: a richer, fuller life of deeper connection, learning, and contribution. n DR. JOSEPHINE GROSS is cofounder and editor in chief of Networking Times.

March/April 2017



Diamond at

Age 23


By Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Networking Times Times

Anahi Borbolla


You Can Be Next!

nahi Borbolla is a young network marketing leader from Mexico who travels the world inspiring young people to live their dreams. Wise beyond her years, she delights in sharing her trials and tribulations, as well as her success secrets, with anyone intent on creating a life of greater freedom and prosperity. Her story below was translated from Spanish. We kept it in the first person to render her voice and youthful enthusiasm as authentically as possible.—J.G. I was born in Mexico City. My mother was both “mom and dad” to me, so I always saw her work super hard in order to provide for my brother and me. I was two years old when my mom got started in network marketing. I grew up amidst meetings, events, and many people around me all the time, as well as leadership, dreams, trainings, demonstrations, audios, and a mindset that thinks “Everything is possible!” I remember as a little girl taking note of everything my mother spoke about in her presentations. I also loved “helping” my mother in her business. She used to sell pots and pans, and I remember dancing on top of the pots to show people that the pots were resistant and stainless steel. Everything I listened to and learned there was definitely working. When I was six or seven years old, I played and pretended that I was presenting the business: I used to sit my dolls and teddy bears in chairs and I stood in front of them and gave them the business plan. I even drew the little circles. Sooner or later, I was going to end up doing network marketing… It was in my DNA. As part of growing up and becoming a teenager, there comes a rebelliousness towards everything that has to do with your mother. In my case, it was my mother’s business, and for some time, I didn’t listen to her. I saw it as a business for old ladies. It no longer captured my attention.

March/April 2017



FOCUS on Customers A conversation with

Derek Bailey


David Brown

By Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Networking Times Times

Travis Martin

Shawn Gibson


n the fall of 2013, four young and dynamic businessmen got together in Utah to launch a new network marketing company. Familiar with the business model and having experienced different degrees of success in it, they also saw some flaws in how it was practiced and set out to tweak and optimize what wasn’t working. Today they love what they have created and where they are going. Their message to network marketing professionals is, “If your motivation is to be of service, and you are armed with a good product and a company with integrity in management and ownership, you can make great money and build a sustainable business.”

March/April March/April 2017 2017

23 23


Lead with


Donna Johnson & Thomas Tidlund


ByDr. Dr. Josephine Josephine Gross By Gross

Networking Networking Times Times


onna Johnson and Thomas Tidlund are an iconic couple in the network marketing space. Donna has been a top earner with her U.S.based company for 30 years. Originally from Sweden, Thomas is a successful leader in a Scandinavia-based company. A question they are often asked is, “How can you be married and build different companies?” For Donna and Thomas, the answer is simple. They hold the highest respect for each other’s businesses. They have an abundance mindset and don’t cross-recruit or cross-sell between their respective companies. They put their relationship first and always support each other. “To really thrive in a relationship,” says Thomas, “you need to have a foundation of love, integrity, mutual respect, and trust. Both Donna and I lead with love unconditionally, and speak the truth in good and difficult times. This can be uncomfortable and even scary, but for us it’s the essence of growth. “One of the biggest advantages with partnerships like ours is that when you live, teach, and preach your principles, you always have an accountability partner. We both appreciate this, because we firmly believe in striving to do things right—ethically and in practice—100 percent of the time.”—J.G.

March/April 2017

Donna, we’ve interviewed and featured you many times as an iconic leader in the profession. Give us a quick recap of your story prior to meeting Thomas.

DONNA: I was a swimming coach and had no college degree. I went to a home party and just got hooked. I decided this was a great way to make money while making a difference. I did well in my first company. I found my current company 30 years ago and have worked it full time enjoying network marketing as my profession.

Thomas, how did you get started?

THOMAS: I’m a high school dropout and started working at an early age, building small businesses. I worked as a teacher with children in need of special help, and played semiprofessional soccer in Sweden. A friend and colleague introduced me to network marketing in late 1998. I got hooked on the possibilities of time freedom and increasing my income. Back then the Internet was just starting to become popularized. Information was not easy to come by, and I had to read American books and tools without knowing much English. The English dictionary became my best ally. Yes, this was before Google translate. I started with a U.S. company and in 2005 moved on to my current company, which is based in Sweden, never soliciting anyone from my previous business. Donna and I first met briefly in U.S. at a generic event back in 2009. Then in 2011 we connected in Dubai, where our company had invited Donna to speak and train at our leadership event. We instantly felt a huge respect and admiration for each other. We found out that our leadership styles are based on the same universal principles. Most importantly, we fell in love… We knew then we’d spend the rest of our lives together, confident that love knows no distance.



Perfect RECRUIT The

Ryan D. Higgins 40


Angel Fletcher

By Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Times


ngel Fletcher and Ryan D. Higgins are network marketing leaders who, after being business partners for several years, recently decided to take their relationship to the next level. Today they look forward to impacting even more lives as a couple and in a totally new way. Angel got started in network marketing sharing a weight loss product. In 2012 she met Ryan who was a product user at the time and completely absorbed by his traditional business of providing swag to their company. Seeing the time freedom and income potential of network marketing, Ryan followed Angel’s overtures to become a network marketing professional and eventually decided to give the opportunity his full focus. Ryan dedicated himself to personal and professional development, and together with Angel, transitioned to their current company in 2014. Today Angel and Ryan have a customerdriven business with a sampling program that has allowed them to build a global team from their home in Louisiana. In love with the profession, Angel and Ryan particularly enjoy growing together, helping people, having time for their families, and contributing to their favorite charities.—J.G.

March/April 2017

Angel, since we featured your story in our Mar/Apr 2015 issue, let’s give Ryan a chance to catch up.

RYAN: I was born and raised right outside of New Orleans, went to school there through high school. I graduated college from Southeastern, which is only 45 minutes from there, so I really never left home. I think I’ll never leave Slidell. We owned a t-shirt company with my parents and my brother, doing screen printing and embroidery. My dad always told me, “Things don’t come easy. You have to work for what you want,” and I became a workaholic. I would work 20 hours a day if I had to. There were times when jobs would come in and I would work to my limit, which I knew was 72 hours straight. After that, I would crash. I did whatever I had to do to pay the bills. When Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, the struggles begun. My home at the time had 7 feet of water. We lost everything. The shop flooded as well, so we had to re-grow. We took every job we could. I was never home. I missed meals with my family. I had three kids, missed ballgames and dance recitals, because I was working nonstop. I was introduced to my former company by a neighbor who wanted to help me lose weight. I said, “Why don’t we just join so we can get the product at the best price?” I heard about the opportunity and dillydallied with it. I knew very little about network marketing. More neighbors signed up, and in short order, the whole subdivision had joined. None of us knew what we were doing. I knew how to make t-shirts, how to embroider polos and jackets, and make banners and hats, so I turned into the swag guy for my former company. I became well known to all the associates, but I was still stuck at working 24/7. I would work during the day for my t-shirt company, and at night I would process all the swag orders that had come in through my network marketing company. Then I





A conversation with

John Haremza & Ted Wilson 50

By Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Times


oth veteran network marketing professionals, John Haremza and Ted Wilson recently partnered in an opportunity they consider the final episode in their almost three-decade careers. They chose each other and their company based on genuine enjoyment of working together for a common cause. They reveal their success secrets and strategies to help as many people as possible and contribute to the next generation of developing leaders. John is the author of Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing. As John says, “I meet so many incredibly hardworking and talented network marketers who are not seeing the results they expected. It seems they are doing everything right, but the question is, ‘Are they doing it right or almost right?’ It’s the little adjustments that make a huge difference in the results. This book is my opportunity to give back to our profession for how it changed my life.”—J.G.


Welcome to

Indonesia! INDRA Purba



L ove, R espect, and P artnership 58

By Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Times


ver wondered where on the planet people are most eager to join network marketing? Go to Google Trends and type *MLM* in the search box, and you will see the top country is Indonesia (followed by Malaysia, Reunion, Singapore, and Nigeria). One reason might be that Indonesia is the 4th most populous nation in the world (after China, India, and the U.S.), combined with the fact that the median age in Indonesia is 28.6 years. With about half of the population under the age of 30, the Indonesian archipelago counts millions of young entrepreneurs hungry for opportunity. Indra Purba and Priscilla Kaurow are two of them, and their growing team counts many thousands more. Indra and Priscilla couldn’t be more grateful to have found network marketing when they were destitute, jobless, without hope, and sometimes even without food for their three young children. Indra and Priscilla’s English is limited, but their story below speaks volumes about their courage, dedication, love of people, and desire to help their country thrive.—J.G.

INDRA: I was born in Kabanjahe in 1981, a small coastal town in North Sumatra. I grew up in a lower middle class family and went to school there until I finished Junior High. After that I transferred to De Britto College in the city of Yogyakarta, but unfortunately I dropped out of that school. I had to continue my Senior High elsewhere in Yogyakarta, where I spent four years. After this experience I found myself not very eager to continue on to college, but persistent pushing from my parents led me to take an UMPTN test, which entitles you to attend a state college. To my surprise, I was accepted in Medan State University or the University of North Sumatra. I stayed in college for three years, but seeing no career outlets and having no intention to continue my studies, I dropped out once again. It was my dream to become a successful property and restaurant business owner. In 2003 I made the brave decision to try my luck and move to Jakarta, where there seemed to be much more opportunity. I started working as a travel agent, then moved to online business/trading and cell phones. At one point I worked for a radio company in the city of Medan as their music director and event organizer. I met my wife Priscilla in Jakarta. We started a

March/April 2017

family together and have lived there to this day. PRISCILLA: The same age as Indra, I was born and raised in Jakarta. My higher education was at the Inter-Study Secretarial School, where I studied all aspects of secretarial work. I basically learned how to help my future employer, assisting in running a company or an organization. The courses included drafting letters and meeting minutes, office administration, handling phone calls, filing systems, computers, and so on. We also acquired understanding and insight in management, IT, and business ethics. Just as I was supposed to finish up on my thesis, my grandmother passed away. I was very sad, because ever since I was a baby, I had lived with my grandmother. I lost my focus and direction, but I did not let go of my dreams and my motivation to work as a secretary in a foreign company, even without a degree. Thank God I eventually found a job working for a foreign timesharing company in Indonesia, even though the position was Consultant Marketing, which is completely different from what I had studied. INDRA: In 2007, the Indonesian economy tanked and we found ourselves both jobless and broke. Our



Blow Off the Lid Jennifer Maret Moran

Living 64



By Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Times


top earner in a young wellness company, Jennifer Moran has a heart for changing lives. Having been a network marketing professional for almost 12 years, she knows what works and what’s possible. She considers building belief in yourself as the number one key to success. Passionate about personal development, she dedicates her life to helping others achieve their dreams.—J.G.

In 2005, Jennifer was working as a specialty sales rep for a biotech startup. Making a six-figure income, she was driving a company-paid Lexus and enjoyed stock options. Jennifer’s plan was to cash out in four years, as she really wanted to stay home with her three young children. One day, another rep called Jennifer and asked if she was interested in a business opportunity. Jennifer promptly replied, “I’d be happy to buy some product or throw a party for you, but I don’t do business opportunities.” Two weeks later, Jennifer changed her mind and joined her first network marketing company. “Two things convinced me,” she says. “My sponsor suggested I do it as a fundraiser for my church; and she pointed out the low-cost, low-risk investment.” One year later, Jennifer was able to walk away from her pharmaceutical career and stay home with her kids. Eight years later, she had become a top earner in her network marketing company and was driving a “free” Mercedes-Benz. In 2013, on an award trip, one of her upline mentors, Logan Stout, announced he was going to start his own network marketing company. Despite knowing Logan’s success record, Jennifer was initially not interested. “I didn’t want to start over,” she says. “Also, this was going to be a health and wellness company, and I had been hit up too many times by people wanting to sell me their pills and potions that didn’t have any science behind them and often contained questionable ingredients.” A few months later, she turned on the TV and saw Logan being interviewed on Fox Business

March/April 2017

News in a segment titled, “Can You Be a Multimillionaire by Age 25?” Logan was talking about his book “Stout Advice,” his success in direct sales, and owning the Dallas Patriots for the past 18 years. Jennifer said to herself, “This is like knowing Mark Zuckerberg personally as he’s about to start Facebook.” She immediately picked up the phone and called Logan.

with Logan Stout

Walking the Talk

When Jennifer transitioned to her current company, she already had the skillsets and mindset of a top earner, so her business and team grew quickly. “My company is a startup, so finding that perfect, duplicatable system has been the result of trial and error,” she says. “However, after nearly 12 years in this profession, I’ve come to realize that, at the heart of duplication, is belief—belief in the company, the products, the leadership and, most importantly, belief in yourself.” Jennifer provides leadership to her team members by managing their expectations and “walking her talk.” “When I joined my health and wellness company, I was neither healthy nor well,” she says. “My oldest daughter challenged me to train with her for




Gratitude Gems

Phebe Trotman

Stay in ACTION and Keep DIGGING


hebe Trotman is a network marketing professional who leads a growing international team from her home in British Columbia, Canada. She is the recipient of numerous company awards, including Top International Customer Sponsor (2011), Trainer of the Year (2014), and Distributor of the Year—Runner Up (2016). Phebe attributes her success to “an incredible team of business partners” and a team culture fueled by the power of recognition and appreciation.—J.G.


Networking Times

Phebe found network marketing when she was playing semi-professional soccer and working full time as a content developer for a computer company. “One day I requested time off to go on a road trip with my soccer team and my boss’s reply was hesitant,” Phebe recalls. “I remained calm, but inside an alarm went off. I realized I needed to do something different.” Looking for more control over her time and income, Phebe started a soccer coaching company with a teammate. “Our business generated a great side income,” she says, “and I love working with kids. When I shared my new business with a friend, he recommended I read Rich Dad Poor Dad.” After reading the book, Phebe started actively looking for ways to create passive income. She found a mentor and began investing in real estate. Several “character-building” experiences later, she decided it wasn’t something she wanted to pursue. Phebe was familiar with the concept of network marketing, as her mom had built a business when Phebe and her brother were little. Phebe had also been approached and supported many friends in their network marketing businesses. When a friend shared her current company with her and Phebe experienced the product, she knew she had found something she could align with. As she was looking for a change, the timing was perfect. Phebe started using the product and quickly shared it with a few people. “I had a lot of other projects on my plate,” she says. “It wasn’t until I lost my job—the computer company I worked for went bankrupt—that I fully understood the importance of having a plan

March/April 2017

B. I continued to coach soccer while putting more focus on building my network marketing business.” Phebe’s sponsor lived across the country and wasn’t actively building, so she started looking for other ways to learn. She began listening to company calls, joined other leaders’ calls, read network marketing books, and drove to Seattle every other week to attend events. A few years after Phebe started building her business, her dad joined her. “We had an amazing time working together,” she says. “Sadly, in 2010 he was diagnosed with cancer and in 2012, he passed away. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to work through in my life.” Phebe’s parents had always been her biggest cheerleaders. She feels forever grateful for network marketing, as it gave her the freedom to spend time with her dad in his final days. Phebe had heeded the quote, “Take care of your business when times are good, so that when times are tough, your business will take care of you!” Over time, she learned that “network marketing is about time freedom to be with the people we love; financial freedom to be able to help those we care about; and self-development, giving us the strength to persevere through life’s most challenging times.”

With Vanessa Hunter, Kody Bateman, and Steve Schulz

Mar/Apr 2017 Limited Editions

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