Holistic Bliss 27

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Ange Takats A Creative Soul Brandon Bays Living in joyful abundance Helen Barber Get Real, Get Creative, Get Results Sandy Forster’s Hot business tip for August Jean Sheehan New column


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MAY 2011 EDITION VOLUME 24 ISSN: 1836-8840

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Trying hard to be creative is a bit like trying hard to relax….things tend to flow and come easier when you let go!

that wily creative energy is a real art form in itself and it’s a bit of a bummer when you miss it and fall back asleep and forget the stream of brilliance. But that’s just one part of the whole creative process; the rest is hard work, endless patience and trust in yourself and in life. As Ken Dowling says (p6) creativity is not just about art it can be part of everyday decisions and actions. I also believe creativity, personal growth and healing can often be intertwined. It’s no accident that many healing modalities incorporate various forms of creative expression; music, colour, voice, dance, making things with your hands.

When you are in the flow, creativity seems to be effortless….but these ‘great moments’ are not something you can always plan and sometimes they are at inopportune times….like at 2 o’clock in the morning when you were otherwise enjoying being asleep.

So this month we feature many local creative types and it was such a joy to talk with Ange Takats (p4&5) this month about her new book, overseas adventures and the ups and downs of her creative journey! She’s a great example of how to keep the faith, follow your passions and make a living from it at the same time!

Clambering out of bed to find the nearest piece of paper and pen while you ‘catch’

Exciting News!!! Check out our new QR codes that you can scan on your smart

Editor / Publisher: Vanessa Finnigan - Phone: 0422 538 335 Editorial enquiries please email: ed@holisticblissmagazine.com Advertising: Phone: (07) 5491 9197 Sunshine Coast -David Daly Brisbane - Klaudia Furness Designer: Helen Barber - 2B Creative Phone: 07 5448 3947

Ange Takats A Creative Soul Brandon Bays Living in joyful abundance Helen Barber Get Real, Get Creative, Get Results Sandy Forster’s Hot business tip for August Jean Sheehan New column


Photo of Ange Takats by Photographer Alain Bouvier Read her story on Page 4

phones and view our new videos. Have a look at the great competition on page 23 and give your marketing plan a kick start for Spring!! Holistic Bliss is printed each month on carbon neutral gloss paper, with soy based inks and uses a local FSC accredited printer.

SCAN THE QR CODE TO SEE VANESSA’S PREVIEW VIDEO Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Holistic Bliss are not necessarily those of the publishers. Advice is non specific and does not necessarily substiture medical or professional advice for health conditions. The magazine is not affiliated with any religious group or religious teaching. Holistic Bliss takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements. Holistic Bliss may alter the size, content or position of an advertisement where necessary. Articles, adverts or any other part of this magazine is not to be reproduced without the permission of the publisher of Holistic Bliss and all requests must be made in writing.

Postal Address: PO Box 1203, Maleny QLD 4552 Holistic Bliss is a monthly publication independently published on the Sunshine Coast.

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Some may say she’s Australia’s answer to Elizabeth Gilbert….she’s eaten, prayed and loved in some exotic and spiritual parts of the world and she has some amazing and quirky stories to tell. In fact, story telling is Ange’s great gift to the world. Whether it’s working as an accomplished journalist, mesmerising her audiences with her soulful, folk/jazz melodies or writing pieces of literary genius, she has honed her craft.

Ange is happy to call the Sunshine Coast home now, after years of travelling abroad and touring Australia after the release of her album ‘Aniseed Tea’ in 2009. She spent three years writing music when she returned from overseas and developed the art of story telling through four minute songs. Then she discovered she could develop a four minute song into three chapters (and more)!! So it was a natural progression for Ange to write a novel and she says the Sunshine Coast was the perfect ‘creative hub’ to conceive her new book, “The Buffalo Funeral”. As we read the book and listen to her album, we feel the full gamut of human emotion, vicariously experiencing her adventures from overseas. Ange’s candour and realness is refreshing - she confesses a broken heart resulted in her moving to Thailand at the age of 22 to recreate herself. “The beauty of moving to a new country is that you have the power to totally reinvent yourself,” she says. Once she settled in Thailand, Ange led somewhat of a dual life; she worked as a foreign correspondent- TV reporter by day and then let loose as a solo artist singing Joni Mitchell songs in a Bangkok bar at night. As she was finding herself, her


passion for singing and writing songs was simmering away in the ‘land of smiles’…. this creative freedom also gave her some respite from the world of journalism. The life of a hectic news reporter meant she covered many interesting political stories, and she also had a rare interview with Burmese leader Aung San Suu Kyi which she says was a profound experience and a real career highlight. She also got chased by a tiger through a monastery and attended a funeral of a famous movie star buffalo. Although, she says her most life changing experience overseas was performing in a folk music band in Bangkok. “I’d been singing solo for a few months when two Thai musicians asked me to join their band. They took me under their wing and taught me so much about music.” She says the leader of the band, a Buddhist named P’Noi, became a teacher to her. “He had a gift for putting things into perspective that was not patronising. He showed me a different way of viewing the world, especially given I’d been raised with somewhat of a ‘glass is half empty’ idea of life. For P’Noi, the glass was always full,” she says.

“But it wasn’t just P’Noi’s teachings that helped me find inner peace. It was living in Bangkok – a city that forces you to be present, thanks to all of its beeping and buzzing and beautiful chaos. When you’re struck in a mega traffic jam you can either stress out, or go with the flow and I learnt the art of the latter in Thailand.” When Ange returned from overseas it was quite an adjustment. She secured a corporate PR job in Sydney, which gave her the skills and confidence to eventually become a freelance communications consultant on the Sunshine Coast a year later. It was also on the Coast that she began to spread her creative wings. “There’s such a vibrant arts community and really supportive creative people around. The Coast is where I found a happy medium between earning a living and pursuing my passions.” Her journey as a creative person has been inspiring and transformational. “I’m still trying to get my head around my art. Sometimes it will take me months to write a song and other times the lyrics and chords will pop out in the space of an hour.” She also says her creativity was heightened during periods of tragedy in her life and served as a cathartic form of expression. “Relationship breakups have been good for me as I have got quite a few songs and quite a few chapters out of them,” she laughs. When Ange met her current partner and entered into a happy relationship, her first thought was, ‘Will I still be creative in the same way?’ Thankfully she has found new inspiration by looking outward and telling other people’s stories. She’s been busy writing songs for her second album which will have an old school jazz vibe. Ange says while she doesn’t ‘do’ five year plans, she sees herself staying on the Coast but she wouldn’t rule out a trip to the ‘land of smiles’ again someday. Ange Takats will appear at the Byron Bay Writers Festival, August 5-7 where she’ll be particpating in a number of panels as well as performing her original music. She’ll also be taking part in the ‘Paul Kelly and Festival Friends’ concert at the Great Northern Hotel on Saturday 6 during the festival. For more info about Ange Takats, visit: www.angetakats.com.au

Ange’s Wisdom “When I was studying journalism, people used to say ‘You’ll never get a job in the city. You’ll have to work in a regional area to get your foot in the door’ but I ended up getting a job at Channel Nine in Sydney. And then, when I wanted to work overseas, the same people said ‘You have to do your time in Australia before getting a job in the international news business’ – yet I secured a job as a foreign correspondent for the largest news company in the world at the age of 22. More recently, when I decided I wanted to publish my book, I faced similar negativity from people telling me how ‘tough’ the marketplace was and that it would be wiser to wait for a ‘proper publishing deal’. I ignored their advice and can happily report that I’ve almost broken even – not even six months after sending the book to the printer.” “In saying that, I’ve also taken risks in life that have resulted in falling flat on my face but I’m someone who would rather throw her whole heart into something and risk humiliation – than never try and live with regret. Life is way too short to live with regret!”

Ange on facing the fears that threaten creativity: # Ignore the evil voices in your head! As a creative person there’s so much fear you have to fight in order to put your product ‘out there’. You’re constantly wondering if you’re good enough, if people will like what you do. You need to accept that not everyone will like your art – but that shouldn’t prevent you from going for it! # Be true to yourself. You can get endless advice, attend a million workshops, but at the end of the day your art is about you. It’s your gift to the world so make sure it’s something that honours your essence … something that comes from a place of honesty. # Have faith! People will try to put you down and say ‘Everybody is doing that’ or ‘It’s so competitive’ or ‘You’ll never achieve that’. You have to rise above the doubt and take a risk. Don’t let people tell you it can’t be done!

Imagine being able to create a reality that is aligned with who you really are? Imagine a fool-proof way of activating your point of attraction to draw to you what you deeply desire? And we’re not talking about pie in the sky, half-baked egoic desires. Rather, we’re talking about discovering what you truly desire and knowing how to manifest that in a conscious, aware and responsible way. Every experience in your life that is undesirable is actually an opportunity for you to discover what you DO desire in the contrast of what is missing. The degree to which you perceive a deficit is the degree to which you know in your being what you would like instead. If you have a lonely childhood, you put out for a life that is full of connection. If you are broke you can put out for abundance. If you are struggling you can put out for ease and harmony. The key in Conscious Creation is to use this contrast to consciously decide what you desire, rather than to keep focusing on what is missing. You create your reality through what you focus on. The thoughts you focus on generate an emotional response and this signal radiates out to the world. Your

point of attraction is activated when you feel strong emotions. Focus on what is missing and you will generate negative emotions which emit a negative signal to the world, attracting in more of anything and everything to feel bad about. A thought that is in alignment with who you really are, always makes you feel better and the better feeling is signalled out as a positive vibration to the world around you. This feel-good vibration attracts similar feel-good situations to you as the universe operates on the principle of law of attraction, that is, like attracts like. It is your responsibility, to manage how you feel. And when you feel better, you attract and create better situations around you. Have you ever had a day where you felt so good and everything just kept working out beautifully all day long? The right contacts, the right conversations, traffic moves out of the way for you, everywhere you go people are friendly and supportive, you win some money, it just seems like luck is on your side. That’s the power of feeling good, right there. And it’s what every person desires deeply…the simplicity of feeling good. Noone wants to feel lousy, yet are you willing to do the work to take charge of how you feel, or are you leaving it to chance?

You don’t have to repeat the same scenarios when you consciously start to create what you desire instead. But first you must acknowledge the stories you’re telling yourself (or seek assistance to isolate these). Next you must be willing to focus on what each of these stories is actually highlighting, that you WOULD like. Then keep focusing on the new possibilities, letting yourself connect to how these new thoughts feel and also letting go of other resistant thoughts that may arise. The stronger your focus and feeling, the quicker you will start to manifest these new possibilities in your world. Izabella Siodmak is the founder and facilitator of residential, experiential, holistic mental and emotional wellness retreats at Natural Attitudes www.naturalattitudes.com Izabella also offers accelerated Holistic Healing and Coaching for women in Brisbane and on the Sunshine Coast Hinterland www.izabellasiodmak.com or email: info@izabellasiodmak.com

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Designer Asaf Zakay’s work captures the essence of nature and allows people to see it as if for the first time.

And, as Greek philosopher Plato stated: “Geometry will draw the soul towards the truth.”

Each handcrafted piece is carefully constructed using the stained glass technique, a process Asaf studied whilst he was in Israel. For as long as he can remember Asaf has been making the sacred symbol of the merkaba, also known as the star tetrahedron, from a variety of materials including wood, metal, bamboo and shell.

As he grows so does his work, continually producing more complex and visually exciting forms of geometry, which change the world around him into an experience of higher intention, greater freedom and possibility.

Shortly after his arrival to Australia Asaf, formerly a glass fitter began selling his work at the markets in the area of Byron shire. Soon people began to recognise the shapes he was making and their link to sacred geometry. Since then Asaf ’s life changed dramatically and he was drawn to create stunning pieces of three dimensional geometry that hold the key to a broader understanding of the universe. Since his humble beginnings six years ago he has learned that the entire universe is shaped according to set, geometric proportions; from the alignment of the stars and the leaves on trees to architectural structures and the human body. Because our cells are geometrically structured too, focussing on geometric shapes has a profound effect.

Just the contemplation of these shapes and the fact they are in his everyday life on a physical level expands and brings to the world the knowledge that already exists inside him. He now creates more than 20 different shapes using a variety of beautiful bevelled glass. And he has recently extended his folio of work and designed and manufactured light sculptures. This has been a project he has been working on in his studio for two years. Asaf commented, ‘It is like coming out of the shadows, a light is like a companion, you live with it , you build a relationship. It’s much more than a source of light to me.’ Since setting up his own gallery and design studio in 2006, which boasts a client list that includes Jamie Durie, Gaia Resort owned by Olivia Newton John and artist David

Did you know that the first cervical vertebra, the atlas, is out of alignment in most people? This circumstance leads to a variety of physical and psychological ailments and illnesses. Atlasprofilax is a neuromuscular technique that liberates the Atlas with only one application Accurately, Safely and Permanently. This powerful relocation immediately activates a self-healing and harmonising process. It is holistic in nature, promoting wellness and rejuvenation on all levels, mind, body and spirit. This method is nonmedical, non-chiropratic. One Treatment Can Be Life Changing. The Atlas supports your head and governs structural alignment. A misaligned Atlas causes restriction of the brain stem, spinal cord, cranial nerves and arteries. This limits our potential for wellbeing and creates tension, restricting the free flow of energy. When the Atlas is installed correctly, the body begins an unwinding process, releasing holding patterns and enabling the body to heal and regenerate.

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Bromley, designer Asaf Zakay brings clarity, sculpture and sublime restraint to his work. Reguarly Zakay Glass Gallery hosts a number of workshops and exhibitions where artists, scientists, mathematicians and art lovers come together and marvel at the latest works created on the proportions and ratios that shape the universe. These timeless art pieces are like gemstones; their facets and symmetries compel our eyes and hearts to encounter life more deeply, bringing healing and deepening spiritual awareness. Asaf has realised his passion and his creative energy continues to flow as he intuitively produces creations that radiate visual magic of stunning timeless presence. With his art, Asaf wants to inspire people to discover their power and follow their passion in order to turn dreams into actions and actively determine the course of their life now. See Asaf’s latest creations at his Gallery, Zakay Glass Creations in Byron Bay or visit his website www.zakayglasscreations.com to find our more about his sacred geometric glass creations.

Are you one of those people who are searching for more meaning and purpose in your life? If you are, you have more than likely sought answers in many varied philosophies and belief systems only to find that no single ‘way’ resonated with you and nor should it. Who you are is a unique being of pure creative energy, formed and shaped by all the experiences you have created through all of your lifetimes. Your spirit has accumulated and crafted many gifts and abilities in each incarnation to bring you to this moment of realisation. You have never been more aware of you than you are right now. This is your moment to create you. When you reflect upon your life, you will realise that you have been creating your life all along with every choice and action you have taken thus far. Some experiences may not have been consciously selected and may have been painful to find your way through. Either way, these experiences have shaped who you are, you have the power to find your way if you decide so. People who say they are not creative give away their source energy and power to create their life experiences. Creativity is not just about art, creativity is

child self. Who you are still exists inside of you patiently waiting for you to remember and one day come looking.

about everyday acts. If you doubt this, reflect on your last 24 hours and acknowledge unique moments of creativity. It could be a meal you have prepared, a conversation, a sensation experienced, a memo written, something you have designed or built or even just thought about. Everyone is creative and everyone has the seed of absolute creativity within them if only they care to remember. Creativity exists within your imagination which is also where your spirit lives. Remember back to your childhood when you were able to create freely, honestly, without fear, free to be who you chose to be in every moment. If you did not or cannot, try to imagine this state of being, for it still exists inside of you. You have not grown out of the child you, you have only grown around your

Try something creative that you have always loved to do or would have loved to have had the courage to try. Do not be concerned about your ability or outcome for these are not important. The process of having a go is! The effort alone will unlock your unique creative gifts. Attend a class, find a teacher, participate in a group if this feels safer, whatever works for you is fine, just allow the creative child within you out to play, you will be surprised and delighted to find your true self again. You can never lose you, you just forget sometimes. Who you are is very special and what you are about is very worthwhile. We all have unique and important roles to play in every lifetime. Find your self and you will find your purpose. By Ken Dowling www.universalsymbols.com.au

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Benkii restaurant is the combined project of Ben Bound and Kylie McAllester. The two chefs have teamed up to provide a joyful green eating experience. The union works well. Both are trained chefs and Kylie is studying nutrition, so you will see subtle reflections of the knowledge they possess throughout the menu which changes seasonally. “We are food nerds at heart with a passion for good quality local ingredients, keeping focused on a bio-dynamic approach to our cooking. We are learning every day; this style of sourcing and cooking is a real challenge. We are drawing a lot on the skills we were taught in the past working under some very inspirational chefs throughout Victoria and along the Great Ocean Road. Greek style cuisine seemed to have been the flavour of both of our training so we have used this style as the underlying influence in our menus. On top of this we have great suppliers, great staff and a good starting point to create meals from.”

Tofu and pumpkin sausage rolls with cumin corn relish (vegan, veg) Allergens- gluten, soy, garlic, onion Seasonal Shopping list • 500g organic tofu • 6 cobs Sweet corn (should be available late winter early spring)

• Big bunch of kale/ cavalo nero/ dark leafs • ¼ QLD blue pumpkin • Brown onion • Garlic clove • Cold pressed olive oil • Cinnamon ground • Cumin • Sea Salt and pepper • 50 ml Apple cider vinegar • 50 ml Agave • 500 g buckwheat flour • 00g spelt flour Tofu mix • Roast pumpkin w/ oil and dust w/ cinnamon • Sautee brown onion, garlic, cumin, shredded kale, tofu , salt and pepper • Combine pumpkin and sautéed mixture. Rustic mash

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Buckwheat pastry Combine ingredients. Don’t over work pastry rest for 30mins • 1 cup buckwheat flour • 1 cup spelt flour • 1/2 teaspoon salt • cold pressed olive oil • 1/4 -1/2 cup water, more if needed Corn relish (play w/ ratios to achieve a great flavour) • Sautee onion, cumin, chili • Add corn off the cob, fresh spring onion, apple cider vinegar, agave, salt and pepper • Cook out on low heat for 30mins www.benkii.com.au

Do you find it a constant battle to lose weight? Looking for a simple & healthy way to lose weight & keep it off? The key to successful & permanent weight management is to eat in a way that corrects the metabolic processes Sam lost 53 kg in 5 months with Ultralite & went from a size 18 to a size 12!

“As competition intensifies, the need for creative thinking increases. It is no longer enough to do the same thing better . . . no longer enough to be efficient and solve problems” — Edward de Bono Our farm in Central West NSW was overcleared, farmed with chemicals, burnt and continuously cropped for decades. When my parents Richard and Florence Statham sold their previous farm and moved to ‘Rosnay’ in 1995 the lifeless soil was either talcum powder or cement. My parents are not afraid of change, and they tackle it with creativity. I have had the honour of working with them to create a model for sustainable rural development using the tools of organic farming and community title. Florence, a French emigrant, shows that everyday life is a creative opportunity, and whether in the arts, writing, cooking, mothering, and developing new ideas and products for the farm, she never ceases to blend and mix the palette of possibilities. Richard is a bush carpenter, agricultural accountant and mechanic, who cut his teeth in the harsh farms of the Ord River before buying his first farm over 30 years ago. When I suggested organic farming as a way forward on the new farm, they were open minded when they looked at the other farmers who

were doing it, and saw that it worked. We renovated the land that has become the livelihood of four generations of our own family, plus several other families, by doing a whole farm plan and redesigning it into a certified organic community title development which was renamed ‘Rivers Road Organic Farms’, that would allow others to join us in the creative process. By using organic farming methods, we have increased the organic matter of the soil, returning it to the porosity and water-holding capacity it may have had before modern chemical agriculture. Using community title, akin to strata title, we have attracted people with the same goals, and there have been four strawbale houses constructed on the property with two more in the pipeline. These new neighbours, mostly professionals who have

made the jump from city life, have become new sources of creativity, and together we are achieving our individual dreams, working cooperatively but with the aim of sustainability, profitability and commercial self-reliance. We believe that the success of a creative, community based, regenerative business model is reflected in its products, and the wines, olives, figs, vegetables, grain and meat being produced on this farm speak for themselves. Rosnay’s medal winning wines and olives are available widely in northern NSW, the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast. To find out more, visit www.organicfarms.com. au and www.rosnay.com.au and feel free to contact us for help on similar projects. ad with layers of wisdom, personal stories,


Often we see events marketed to families which promote carnival rides, sugary and fatty foods and plastic take home toys as entertainment. Other than strung out parents and children, broken toys, and an empty wallet, it’s difficult to see a lasting impression of these events – particularly a positive one. As an alternative, those who attended the first festiValley in 2010 believe the Samford Valley Steiner School have got it right. In August this year festiValley will again transform the leafy, natural bushland grounds of Brisbane’s Samford Valley Steiner School into a bustling marketplace of creative activities and entertainment. “festiValley’s focus is on providing enriching experiences for the entire family – young children, teens and adults alike” enthuses festiValley Coordinator Danielle McIsaac. Activities and experiences have been selected to expand creativity and knowledge; moulding a castle from clay, tie-dyeing a t-shirt, transforming a piece of silk into a painted masterpiece, felting a flower, building a creation from wood and nails, arranging a flower garland or rolling beeswax candles - there are so many ways to nurture the creative spirit.

There are also skills to master with a variety of workshops. These include learning fire-twirling, African drumming, didgeridoo, yoga, biodynamic gardening and soccer skills with Brisbane Roar FC. Other activities include face-painting, puppet shows, riding on the ecofriendly, bike-powered merry-go-round, getting a henna tattoo, riding a camel, climbing the rock wall or bouncing on the bungy trampoline. Healthy and nutritious food choices were also an important feature when planning the event. The cafe sells a selection of home-baked, organic and gluten-free foods, with vegetarian and vegan options also available. Refreshment stalls offer fair trade and organic tea and coffee and organic juices. “As well as our own cafe, external caterers have been chosen for their healthy ingredients – scrumptious wood-fired pizzas, vegetarian curries and a Greek BBQ,” adds Danielle. Local artisans and craftspeople will also be selling their unique creations at the art and craft market. This is the perfect opportunity to be inspired and find something lovingly created to take home or to give to another.


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The day concludes with a free twilight concert featuring an array of talented artists performing scenes from a mythical tale with music, drama and surprises. This is the perfect end to what will be a special and uplifting day. Come along to nourish your soul at this enriching festival – where entertainment and creativity meet! festiValley is held on Saturday 27 August, from noon to 7pm, in the grounds of Samford Valley Steiner School, Narrawa Drive, Wights Mountain. Tel: 3430 9600. www.samfordsteiner.qld.edu.au.

Be Your Potential! Select from a range of massage and body therapies ... What’s your current experience? * Chronic Pain * Arthritis * Emotional Disorders * Learning Disorders * Endocrine Disorders * Chronic Fatigue * Depression * Anxiety * Headaches * Phobias * Allergies * Viruses * Stress * Infections * Back Pain * Weight imbalance? All beauty and body treatments now available! * Extensive well being products & creative programs Call (07) 5482 8881 now to book an appointment Book your FREE 10min Q & A ‘meet and greet’ with any of our practitioners. Helping make your wish for a better life become your reality!

Sandy Forster’s

Spice up Your Life with Cumin

Business with Soul tip: A powerful strategy in the growth of any business is to look at the figures (and yes, I can hear your collective groan). As business owners it’s easy to get emotionally attached to a product or service we offer without really knowing if it’s making us MONEY – which of course should be one of the main goals of our business. We continue to offer products or services because we’ve always offered them; our clients or customers expect it; we like offering them…. the list goes on. It’s time to grab a pen and paper and list the products or services you offer and look at how much you charge per unit; how many units you sell per month; total income per unit a month. This allows you to see what’s making you the most money and what is potentially ‘dead wood’ that you could let go of. It’s a start to your business financial freedom.

Cumin is believed to have originated in the Middle East thousands of years ago. It is the second most popular spice used in the world, after black pepper. Cumin seeds have a distinctive aroma and can be found in many cuisines throughout the world including North African, Middle Eastern, Sri Lankan and Indian, to name a few. Cumin can be used whole or ground and can be found in spice blends like Garam Masala, curry powders, baharat, ras el hanout and my favourite spice blend, Panch Phora. In Morocco, cumin is kept at the dining table, much like we use salt and pepper today. Cumin seeds will keep up to three years if kept in an airtight container, out of the light and away from moisture. Ground cumin will last 12-18 months kept in the same way. Cumin complements lamb, chicken and seafood dishes. It is also great with carrots and pumpkin. YUM! By Vicki Taylor


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Get real, get creative... and get results

By Helen Barber - 2B Creative After being in the creative game for 20 years, there were times where I would have rather poked my eye with a sharp stick than sit down and do the bookkeeping for my business and I know that there are many others who feel the same way. And it’s not just us creative types that have a fear around this, all sorts of business people have ‘accounting aversion syndrome’ are you one of them? I would suggest that it may be wrapped up in people being afraid of money and what it means to them and also, that they need to stay focused on what they do best and let someone else, ‘do’ the books. Well that’s all good in theory, however, I for one can tell you from experience that this can really work against you. Business is like a human body. There are many elements that work together to keep it functioning. The head is where the ideas come from, the hands do the production, the feet do all the running around, the heart is for your passion and

relating to your customers and the blood is the cash flow. Without money (the blood) the rest of the body cannot function. I found out the hard way that I was being bled to death by someone I trusted to ‘do’ the money side of my business. You see I was so busy creating marketing campaigns, dealing with customers and managing staff that I didn’t have time (or the inclination, let’s be honest) to check. I had to lose a business, house, my confidence and credibility in order to learn a huge life lesson – be responsible for every part of your own business, don’t trust others with it, make it your job to know what your real position is and make your decisions based on where you are right now. Be real. Many people blame the other person and take the view - “how could you do this to me?” and let me tell you, there was a lot of that in the early days when I was trying to comprehend the betrayal and unfairness of the situation, but now, do I take responsibility for my fall, absolutely! Why? Because I dropped the ball, I didn’t keep a handle on my business situation and handed over the responsibility.

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It’s only when you go through something like this that you find you are not alone and unfortunately, the story is more common than you may think. I am certainly not suggesting that you need to get a degree in accounting or that you can’t delegate the actual bookkeeping process (heaven forbid!), but I do believe that you need to make it your business to know enough to keep your finger on the pulse. Make it your business to understand how to read a Profit and Loss Sheet and Balance Sheet. Get into the habit of entering your receipts, invoices and payments regularly and once a month (or at least every quarter) check your pulse. Remember, you can’t manage what you can’t measure. The good news is that creative people, in particular, are already streets ahead when it comes to looking at things from another perspective. All you artists, musos, writers, designers (and all you amazing creative business people from every profession) have the ability to find a way to make the money part of your business more fun. Yes, I said FUN, people! You just need the tools to help you; and in my workshops I give

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you the tools. Think about the ways you learn and seek out someone that can teach you in your way. If you are visual (like me) then you need to be shown how to do things rather than read from a book. If you are auditory, then find someone who can explain in clear concise language. I was fortunate enough to see a group of creative business people have the most incredible ‘AHA’ moment when they were shown a formula for working out their hourly rate at a recent course I was cofacilitating. Most were undercharging, most were challenged by the reality of what it costs to actually run their businesses and most were afraid to ask for what they really needed to make, even though they knew they were worth it. Does that sound like you? Then we took them through a ‘cash flow’ game that really gave them an understanding of what their real financial position is after a transaction with a customer. It was a priceless experience to view and there was a lot of laughter and joy in the room. See, I told you it could be fun! I have found from experience that finance

and marketing are the two things that creative business people most commonly want help with and I know there are loads of people out there who want to help you, including me – all you have to do is ask around. Ask your colleagues, get referrals, go and see some of them and see if they are a good fit for you. Remember to ask lots of questions, it’s ok that you don’t know this stuff, give yourself permission to be open to learning. People are more gifted in different areas and it’s just fine. I know a lot of accountants that aren’t crash hot at marketing or colour choice - lucky for them that us creative types can help them with that! See it works both ways. It is really about finding the right connection (both within your network and within your own brain) for you to have your own ‘AHA’ moment about your money. I now know what I need to take the pulse of my business when needed and make an informed diagnosis. It’s just taken me a while to ‘get it’. I am sincerely hoping it doesn’t take you as long. Working with the right person for you is imperative for your piece of mind and

success of your business. If you are serious about thinking outside the square and ready to take your business to the next level, then I am serious about helping you get there! Helen Barber is available for one on one business coaching sessions and she also runs marketing workshops in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast on a regular basis – the next one “Less Spin, More Win Win” is in October on the Sunshine Coast – dates and venue to be confirmed. For more information please call Helen Barber on 0431 122 197 or visit www.2bcreative.com.au To see Helen’s video message scan the QR Code here.


Laura Di Mambro and Jessica Owen are two spirited ladies with an amazing mission on the Sunshine coast. They both knew their lives were destined to change this year and both have been guided to meet and start up a self development community support network called Higher Visions. Laura moved to Australia over three years ago from the UK and has worked as an interior designer for many years. After the death of her mother earlier this year, her world changed dramatically and she experienced an awakening, becoming aware of her special healing gifts. Jessica is a chiropractor and runs a business on the Sunshine Coast called ‘Coastlife Chiropractic’ in Peregian Beach, she has also been aware of her healing gifts for some time. “Linda Graham (who founded the Higher Visions organisation in the UK in 1990) suggested she come over to Australia to run workshops with my help, so when I returned from the UK from the death of my mum, I asked Jessica if she wanted to get involvedto which she agreed straight away. We had both thought about a group for other like minded people to come to meet, discover and develop themselves. We just didn’t release that the universe had planned for us to do Higher Visions Australia together.

Within two weeks of putting posters up, we had our first lunch gathering with over 15 people. It has grown immensely and we are gaining so much interest,” says Laura. Their objective is to support those in the community who are experiencing problems in life’s course and be a meeting point for like-minded souls who are interested in exploring and developing their spiritual side. They especially focus on those who are either seeking to raise their vibrations or are already experiencing the awakening. This can be a daunting time for those who are already on the path, as they can feel extremely disoriented by everyday occurrences. For those seeking or experiencing a higher spiritual experience Higher Visions can give support and guidance about how to advance with a grounded calm approach “My life has changed in the past three months, I feel more content and happier than ever which is bazaar as I’ve just lost my beautiful mum. We are learning and developing so much from people we are meeting. I now understand that what I thought was normal is perhaps a gift. I’m so excited about what’s in store for Jess and I as well as Higher Visions. I believe this is the right path and our life purpose,” says Laura.

“It has been wonderful to get to know Laura and see Higher Visions come to fruition so quickly, I really feel like it is divinely guided and it’s been a real privilege to of meet so many incredible people already. I personally feel this is part of this of why I am here and the peace and contentment is like coming home. I get to be a part of bringing people together and sharing the oneness of life, it’s beautiful,” says Jessica. Higher Visions hold regular casual lunch gatherings and monthly evening meetings where they have various guest speakers from around the coast. There will be evenings of meditation, protection, cleansing, angelic realms, Reiki, crystals, healings and much more. There will also be workshops/courses and they will work with individuals & businesses from around the coast and offer a variety of services to children and adults. www.highervisions.com.au

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By Medical Intuitive, Jean Sheehan - Principal at Millenium Education Today we are surrounded by children who are more aware and emotional. They know and explain things that are not of a childlike quality. For some their behaviour is irrational and reactive. These children are known as the MILLENNIUM CHILDREN®. Their gifts and talents include being original, inspired, artistic, innovative and psychic. These children utilize more of the super sub conscious brain. Misunderstood by outdated thinking, the MILLENNIUM CHILDREN ® can be labelled with behaviour/learning problems, misdiagnosed and given unnecessary labels. By understanding the four personalities of the MILLENNIUM CHILDREN ® we are able to empower them.

Sometimes these children can be labelled with Attention Deficit Disorder. 2. CRYSTAL – These children are balanced in all areas of their life including right and left brain, allowing them to be successful in intelligence and intellect. Able to integrate the physical and metaphysical world, and liking structure and systems, the CRYSTAL child works well with being told what to do and creating it, utilising both sides of the brain. Attracted to the ‘pretty’ things in life, these children like balance, serene and order. Their biggest lesson is to be open to non judgment of life’s unattractive things.

1. AQUA – Welcome to the child who uses the full intensity of the right brain, likes to ‘push boundaries’ and learns kinesthetically. This personality utilises full creation and has the best imagination. Knowing no boundaries, the AQUA child is able to see and try all possibilities in everything. Comprehension is discovered and understood through experience. When in their heart, they are at peace, when in the head- life is turmoil.

3. STAR – If there was a child that was an introvert, fearful of people, computer savvy and so comfortable with the modern IT world, it would be the STAR child. These amazing children are quiet achievers and utilise their left brain. Systems and structure empower these children to appease the left brain. Attracted to carbohydrates and sugary foods these children watch the world from a glass bubble almost examining it as though they were alien. Enjoying their own company and isolating themselves, STAR children prefer the company of themselves and anything that stimulates the mind such as technology.

These are the future humanitarians.

4. RAINBOW – Imagine a child that has

never disconnected from absolute love and remains psychic. Envisage a child that can not relate to the physical world. These children morph into any personality as they watch the environment and learn through discovery. Sensitive to food, cleaning products and more, these children benefit from natural resources such as whole foods and alternative methods of health such as naturopathy, essences and crystals. RAINBOW children are the new teachers of love and connection. For in depth seminars and consults about the Millennium Children ® visit : www.AbsoluteEmpowerment.com info@AbsoluteEmpowerment.com Ph: 07 5641 4009


By Ryan O’Neal

Spring! The birds are chirping, the garden grows that little bit faster and the morning chill is drawn from the air. But, ‘OH NO!’ It’s almost bikini and board short weather. I know what you’re thinking…… “I need an exercise to do list, to tone up the body, and I need it fast”, “I hope my gym membership is still active”, “I wonder if Jenni next door wants to walk this spring?” Yes! It’s time to get cracking. After 10 years of being a trainer in the health and fitness industry, I believe I’ve seen it all. The rapid detox diets, the shake away your fat diets, just to name a few. But, in my opinion this is how you do it. Yes! It takes a bit of a plan. Yes! It takes a little time and effort. This is how you crack that whip and kick that body into shape. The approach to a health and fitness goal should be realistic, well defined, but with the ability to be massaged around for flexibility. Flexibility means a plan B for those times the kids don’t wish to barter or you run out of time for the gym visit. I believe everyone’s ultimate goal when undertaking a training regime is to be functionally fit and achieve the “I look good result”. This means training regularly, eating replenishing foods and

using a variety of training approaches. I believe variety is the key to spice up your training enthusiasm this spring. Progressions in training are progressions of the same exercise, from a basic movement, to the more advanced. Mix it up this spring and as your commitment grows, so does your fitness level and skill level; you will soon be able to complete harder, more complex exercises. I also believe for numerous reasons many people shy away from the benefits of weight training. Responses like, “weight training makes me feel bulky” are often heard. Weight training is a metabolic accelerator and if you want to get your body in shape and feeling strong, this is a must. NO EXCUSES! You can even use your own body weight to do push-ups, squats or lunges, just to name a few. This will have you looking great even in the comfort of your own home. Follow up your weight training with a short bout of high intensity interval training (HIIT). This is done at intervals of 1 minute hard followed by 1 minute of recovery for a duration of 16-30 minutes. We aren’t finished yet. I also believe

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mobility work is essential and more so if you’re making a comeback from your winter hibernation. What’s mobility work? This is the new hip way of saying flexibility or stretching. It’s a more detailed way of stretching, performing specific stretching poses (like yoga) combined with training aids, such as foam rollers, that get the body limbered up ready for exercise, whilst also aiding recovery. But, all of the above is pointless if you don’t look at adequate nutrition to replenish and support the body. In short, take advantage of the salad and BBQ weather and you can’t go wrong. Apply the changes gradually and realistically and I wish you the greatest success. Throughout August Ryan O’Neal did his own personal ‘30 days 30 changes challenge’. He has done this to set an example and help his current personal training client base. The next “30 Days 30 Changes” program starts 14th September in Caloundra. For more information call Ryan O’Neal on 0421 990 905 or visit www.ufitaustralia.com.au

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Townsville leading the way with arts and eco collaboration Townsville, a thriving regional centre with over 181,000 residents, is the gateway to the wet tropics with the Great Barrier Reef at its doorstep. This unique position calls for the community to adopt eco sustainable practices. Karen Keynes, owner of local eco business GreenUrLife, is helping the community do this. The creator of Townsville’s first eco business directory, Karen also established an eco market to link the community with eco businesses.

has a long history of arts culture but the markets add a whole new element, bringing the creative and eco industries together with a community development focus and contributing to the rejuvenation of the City’s CBD. “The markets create a community vibe and cultivate a creative energy,” Madonna says. The markets are held monthly at the Courthouse Theatre, a heritage listed property built in the 1870’s as Townsville’s original Magistrate’s Court.

When Karen visited one of regional Australia’s oldest professional theatres, Townsville’s own Full Throttle Theatre Company, she was captured by their unique venue. The company was planning to host an artist’s market when Karen and two other groups also approached them about using the venue for markets. “It made sense to work together and bring Townsville its first Artist/Fruit & Veggie Co-op/Eco market in May this year,” says Madonna Davies, General Manager of Full Throttle Theatre Company.

It’s rich history, unique architecture and beautiful surroundings are perfect for the markets. The front verandah becomes a stage for local musos and performing arts displays. Visitors can enjoy the cruisey atmosphere, grab a bite to eat and meander through the market stalls in the gardens while a food co-op provides affordable fresh fruit and veggies. With stallholder fees just $20, local artists and eco businesses have embraced the markets. For those in the creative industries, it’s a hands-on opportunity to develop business skills.

The markets are a collaborative partnership with Full Throttle Theatre Company as the driving force through its network known as the ‘PANTS’ (Performing Artists Network Townsville and Stuff). Townsville

Feedback has been very positive and the project working group is looking to expand the range of activities to incorporate children’s workshops, art classes, theatre sports, tai chi, and yoga among other things.

The idea is to build community capacity using a holistic approach to education and skill development. Madonna emphasised the important role local government plays by supporting the markets and approving use of the space. The benefits are reciprocal, with the markets helping Townsville become a thriving, healthy community through the promotion of physical, mental and environmental health and wellbeing. Valuable information is also being collected which is relevant to the CBD redevelopment and Council’s community development strategies. For more information about the markets, please contact Madonna Davies at Full Throttle Theatre Company on 4721 5433.

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Grounding the Human Body By Dr Sandeep Gupta

It is common knowledge that almost all houses are electrically “grounded” to the earth. Why? It is a safety mechanism by which any accumulated current can safely be discharged and therefore the risk of electrocution and other problems associated with electrical current accumulation be avoided.

‘melatonin’ by the pineal gland • Decreased immune system function It seemed clear to Ober that humans did not evolve insulated from the earth. In fact native cultures probably had a much closer contact with the Earth in all senses of the word. This included having direct physical contact of our skin with the earth for the majority of the day.

Could it be possible that ‘grounding’ our human body could also have a significant effect on our health?

Ober decided to test his theory that grounding the human body would relieve a lot of health problems. He created a study using dissipative carbon fiber mattress pads which could be placed under fitted sheets, which were connected via a ground wire to a ground rod driven into the earth near their bedroom window. The grounded mattress pads were designed to replicate the ground plane of the earth in the bed.

Around 1993, a cable television business man from Montana by the name of Clinton Ober, dared to ask the question. He was soon after to come across information about a paper being compiled by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and US Department of Energy (DOE) on the hazardous effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF) on health.

Despite being a non-controlled study of only 60 participants, his results were significant and decisive: • 85% went to sleep quicker • 93% reported sleeping better throughout the night • 100% reported waking, being and feeling more rested • 82% experienced a significant

Some of the findings in their key studies were that ungrounded exposure to EMF causes: • Changes in the rhythym of release of important hormones in the body (the ‘circadian rhythym’) • Accelerated tumor growth • Impaired release of the sleep hormone




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reduction in muscle stiffness • 74% experienced the elimination of/or a reduction of chronic back and joint pain • 78% reported improved general health In addition, several subjects in the study also reported experiencing significant relief from asthmatic and respiratory conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, PMS, sleep apnea and hypertension. This study was soon followed up by Dr Russell Whitten of Ojai, CA, who performed a similar grounding of 35 of his own patients and found similar results. Overall the results indicated that the human body, with loss of ground contact, is now operating in a bio-electrically stressed state. Many people report a more restful sleep after waking on the ground barefoot before sleeping. Now we have technology that can ground us while sleeping, and when awake and functioning in the world. It is technology that can be an antidote to the harmful effects of other technology. For more details visit www.agroundedlife.com

by Brandon Bays When we consider fulfillment and abundance in our life, all too often we are inextricably drawn, seduced even, by that which glitters: monetary wealth, possessions, status, success. Without these things we perceive ourselves to be unsuccessful, failures, under-achieving, even a burden on society. Or we strive to reach the high standards, the goals set by others – our parents, teachers, peers, bosses, co-workers, loved ones – feeling unworthy and at fault when we don’t quite live up to the mark. Media pressure further compounds our inadequacies with news of economic difficulties, global disasters and acts of terrorism making us feel like an insignificant cog in a huge machine. The current global economic downturn and stock market fluctuations have had many of us spinning in a vortex of uncertainty, paralysed in fear, making catastrophic pictures, feeling out of control, shutting down our potential, putting a lid over our emotions, unwilling to take risks and as a consequence living safe, limited and unfulfilled lives. Recently at a Journey Abundance Retreat a businessman shared how in these economically difficult times, he felt fully able to advise other companies to take chances on growing their business but was paralysed by fear at the thought of implementing these ideas into his own organisation as he felt the risk of failure was too large for him, he was

literally frozen in inaction. His experience was a reflection of the fear consciousness our world is currently experiencing. Are you aware of the existence of your own lids and boundaries to fulfillment and abundance? You may be consciously aware of some of your own limiting behaviours but all too often our real abundance issues are buried beneath the surface. All of us have ‘silent saboteurs’ that strike for no apparent reason, keeping us from achieving our goals, our potential. Like blowing that last golf putt which would win us the game, never quite managing to lose those last few pounds to fit into your favourite jeans or never quite plucking up the courage to ask for a pay rise – even though you deserve it! Often we struggle against life, efforting to achieve even the simplest of goals. Have you noticed when you are relaxed and open to change so much can and does happen, and that when you are tense and holding on nothing much happens, change seems impossible, like a struggle, an uphill battle? The Journey Abundance process gets to the root cause of these silent saboteurs, clearing the limiting blocks and disempowering beliefs, lifting the lid off your abundance potential in a very real, down-to-earth practical and clear way that will reawaken you to the boundless potential you have inside.

True abundance is living fully expressed as infinite possibility, living from an authentic place of truth, in freedom, as an expression of fulfilment on all levels, not just material but in relationships, work, skills and talent, in sports, your health, your creativity with all of you being used to serve life. When you take your lampshade off a wordless guidance will flow you into motion and use you beyond your wildest dreams. Then you are capable of anything and life is longing to use you. Welcome home it’s time to come home to your own greatness! Brandon is presenting a 2-day Journey Intensive Seminar 13 & 14 August in Brisbane – here you have the opportunity to personally experience the powerful and life-transforming process work that Brandon pioneered through her own healing. For more information call 02 6629 1881.

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Would you love to receive a message through one of your photographs? Please email a recent photo to ed@holisticblissmagazine before the 15th of August, 2011 to appear in the September edition This month’s reading: Thank you so much for opening yourself up to what your photograph tells you. I’m not sure if you listen to a lot of music, but it seems that you receive messages from songs. The first song that came through was “you’ve got to live your life saying ‘LET GO’. ” The message being it’s time to free yourself of emotional memories that caused you pain or heartache. These memories are making you second guess moving forward. They want to really emphasise you are a different person now, you have grown through those heartaches and tears and your soul has learnt lessons. Listen to your heart, when it’s calling for you (Yes, second song!), only your mind tells you ‘you can’t’. You deserve a really good laugh with friends. I see you laughing; head back, the energy is high. Next they show me visions of you with books laid out in front of you studying. BIG thick reference books. They keep telling me law or licensing but the course isn’t just law, it is a sector of something more creative.They say you can do it and it will help others. I asked for any specific questions that you may have been asking and I received the

number 32 and ‘wondering what are you going to do’? They say you are doing it, you are being you. Embrace who you are. Have faith in your higher connection. In regards to your health, if you drink more water, that will help with your headaches. And look for a spritzer to spray on your face to refresh yourself when you feel exhausted by worry. Your worries are with your family. Under all the fear there is love. Keep looking at the love and feeling it in every situation. Where you feel the love you will feel the peace…at any time of the day. I also get the feeling of being hungry. Remember to eat when you are busy. Oh, and when you are stressed you want to eat more. I see a hand full of almonds and walnuts to fuel your body. It’s a chemical reaction in your body, you won’t get fat. Ok, back to love. You are always surrounded by love and you do not have to be embraced to be loved. Acknowledge all the types of love and your ‘self love’ will grow. The more you have, the more you can give with no strings attached (puppet image). This comes through supported by the Dryad or tree spirit because you give so much of yourself, your

love and energy away and you forget to refuel yourself. Sing and dance in the shower and imagine the water washing away all the thoughts and beliefs others put on you. Purple fluorite, amethyst and smoky quartz supported your reading. Amethyst will help the cravings and if you put a small piece in your water throughout the morning it will bring calm. Also great to dab on your temples when you have a headache. Purple fluorite helps relieve stress and brings peace and Smokey Quartz protects you and allows you to go forwards. Find time for you this weekend…. Paint your toenails in the sun and relax your heart. Keep Creating Magic, Nat xo Readings that we publish can include name and photograph or remain anonymous if you wish.

Reader’s response:

“It was very insightful and gave me a lift”

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Welcome to your stars for August, which kicks off with a Mercury retrograde phase. Blu-tak this forecast to your fridge in case of emergency.

the last decade or attack your boss with a waste-paper basket because they stuff up. Give people a break - they are also living through Mercury retrograde!

Lyvea’s Mercury Retrograde Emergency Drill for August 3 to 27: (1) Communicate extra carefully with everyone, everywhere, all the time. (2) Do not assume you are being ignored. Re-send your email. Check you rang the correct number. (3) If possible, do not sign legal contracts until September. (4) If you really have to sign a contract, read the fine print slowly and then find someone who actually understands it to explain it to you. (5) Review recent decisions. You may have overlooked something (6) Organise your work station to prevent mislaying things (like your sanity) at the critical moment. Back up computer files. (7) Any weird noises emanating from your car? Get it checked immediately. (8) Don’t be surprised if someone from the past reappears. Pay attention to the spiritual gift of this meeting. (9) Travel plans can go awry. Pack water, protein bars and the collected works of Eckhart Tolle. (10) Do not dump the nicest person you’ve met in

August 14: Full moon in Aquarius. Emotions peak. Everyone is egocentric yet vulnerable. Rather than crunching the numbers right now, trust your intuition. Keep love simple. More retrograde nonsense: Chiron, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are also retrograde this month. You can achieve tangible outcomes if you are already on a roll (this is the month of Leo, after all), but on the whole the stars favour things like releasing pent-up emotions, and letting go of any delusions you may have about a certain person being the ‘answer’ to your happiness. You are the answer, remember. It’s the perfect time for that wonderful form of therapy known as “Chilling Out on the Couch with an Amethyst Crystal Balanced on Your Forehead”. August 29: New moon in Virgo and Grand Earth Trine: That’s more like it! One of the most powerful days in 2011 for clarifying

exactly what you want to manifest next. Earth signs are practical, too, so it’s time to get off the couch temporarily and plant a tree, paint your dreams, create a vision board, invent a career, or dance beneath the moon with all the celestial gods and goddesses. They love a good party. Even more retrograde nonsense: Jupiter retrograde from August 30 to December 26: Delays to your plans are likely to work in your favour. Release thoughts like: “The world is against me and I’m never going to get what I want”. Better to take up a lifeaffirming hobby like acquiring fifty new Facebook friends who share your vision of a new world economy based on sharing and caring. Keep your spirits up, is what I’m saying, while the universe conspires slowly but surely to clear the path from your mind to your heart. For an in-depth reading with Lyvea Rose, email lyvea@lyvearoseastrology.com or ring 0431 156 400. I also offer coaching for writers. See my website for details.

Holistic Bliss Magazine Competition!!! Get Smart with your Smart Phone! WIN a $500 Marketing Package... Entry is as simple as 1, 2, 3! Let Vanessa Finnigan - Holistic Bliss Magazine and Natalie Delforce Kookaburra Photography help you create videos that capture the real you and your passion in business so you can share this with the world!

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1. Find 3 QR Codes throughout the magazine. They look like this

2. Use the Barcode Scanner App on your smart phone to watch the videos and get the answers to these 3 questions. « What areas are Holistic Bliss distributed? « Which creative lady is in the video on page 15? « Who creates your QR Code?

3. SMS your name, number and answers to 0420 314 425. Entries close on the 31st August. Drawn 1 September 2011. Prize includes video production, a published QR Code in the October Edition and Social Media Marketing.


The Happy Migrant- Kama J Frankling. You don’t have to be a traveller or a migrant to enjoy and benefit from reading the Happy Migrant. If there has ever been a time in your life where you found it difficult to let go of someone or something, adapt to new surroundings, or settle into new relationships or new jobs, then this is the book for you! Author Kama Frankling shares some amazing tips on how to fit in, feel settled and be happy during great periods of change. Enjoy the read and share it around! By Natalie McIvor - www.enlightenedgoddesses.com Available from www.thehappymigrant.com

The Inner Goddess Makeover by Tanishka There are seven chapters introducing you to the seven psychological aspects that are universal to all women. Tanishka has aligned each of the seven chakras with seven goddess archetypes that resonated with her own psyche. Lilith: the inner wild woman, Aphrodite: the inner beautiful muse Athena: the inner golden heroine, Demeter: the inner earth empress Artemis: the inner medicine woman, Hecate: the inner wise woman And Ishtar: the inner high priestess. Each goddess’ chapter follows a format of discovery, the myths, morals, strengths,traits, lessons and astrological profile of the empathetic reader. This is an unusual and interesting book with a different take on women’s issues. Available on-line now at www.virgomoonpages.com.au

Glad No Matter What by SARK SARK’s inimitable style shines through in presenting this book about transforming loss and change into gift and opportunity. Her own personal tragedies have provided inspiration and insights that she draws upon to demonstrate her positive transformation from adversity. Each unique chapter seeks to prop up the reader’s understanding of the transformation process from recognising adversity through to using it to advantage in every-day encounters. There is a chapter that presents real-life scenarios of real, identifiable people who have drawn a world of positives from life’s cruel blows. Available on-line now at www.virgomoonpages.com.au

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Clean and Green By Michelle Allen

Have you ever cleaned your bathroom or oven and almost passed out from all the fumes? The toxic chemical cocktail used in many cleaning products is not only very damaging to our health but also the environment. This is one of the passions of Ecocleanse. To help educate and provide consumers with an easy choice with a researched line of products for every aspect of their lives. Consumers may find it overwhelming or time-consuming to research all of the ingredients in the cleaning products under their kitchen sink. In general however, product warning labels can be a useful first line of defence. Cleaning products are required by law to include label warnings if harmful ingredients are included. From safest to most dangerous, the warning signals are: 1 Caution – 30 to 500ml may be harmful or fatal to a 80kg male 2. Warning – 5 to 30ml may be harmful or fatal to a 80kg male 3. Danger - One taste to 5ml is fatal to a 80kg male

How can consumers make healthier choices for their homes and families? It is truly amazing that all these harmful ingredients are present in products that are supposed to improve our quality of life. Under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act, household cleaners are the only household products for which manufacturers are NOT required to list all ingredients. Certain ingredients (such as fragrances) are considered trade secrets and government regulations are designed to protect proprietary information. Without full disclosure, consumers can unknowingly submit themselves and their families to unhealthy exposures to these chemicals. The safest course of action a consumer can take is to inform themselves. Here are some suggestions: 1. Read product labels. Don’t use products with a signal word stronger than ‘Caution’. 2. Research the chemicals listed on product labels through the Household Products Database www.householdproducts. nlm.nih.gov and the Cosmetics Database www.cosmeticsdatabase.com 3. Avoid products with fragrances. A clean home should smell like nothing at all. 4. Use homemade cleaning solutions made

from good, old-fashioned common ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, washing soda, lemon juice and borax. 5. Interview cleaning services and hire ones that use toxic free products or microfibre cloths. Many national cleaning services and local cleaning companies are now making the switch to green products, but ask exactly what they are using. 6. Make sure the cleaning supplies that are used by your cleaning service or by you are recognised as being free of toxins. The chemical overload we face daily does not begin or end with cleaning products but it is a good (and cheap) place to start implementing change. You might just find that you will not only feel better physically but the environment and your bank account will thank you. For more info Phone: 0409 854 559

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EVENTS & BUSINESS Enlightened Goddesses Business Network goddesses@lunch 17th August, Guest Speaker Corinna White, Mooloolaba includes drink on arrival, lunch and networking 11:45am2:30pm. Cost $40 nonmembers RSVP ONLINE 14th August. Goddesses@brunch 25th August Guest Speaker Debbie Bozicevic Mewes Live psychic demonstation.includes champagne brunch and networking RSVP ONLINE 20th August. Cost $40 non members registration and event info visit: www.enlightenedgoddesses.com HEALTH & WELLBEING Healthy Living - Healthy Planet A FREE seminar on the health and environmental benefits of leading a compassionate, vegan lifestyle.Guest speakers David Rafter: eco-evangelist and Earth Hour Nominee. Amanda Rootsey: international model and cancer survivor.August 15th, 10-11am Cooror Library. Bookings Essential, contact david@veganera.com M: +61 432 763 947 Are you mammogram challenged? Does radiation exposure and painful compression concern you? Infrared Thermal Imaging is a completely safe and non-invasive way to detect very early changes in body physiology over time. SUNSTATE THERMAL IMAGING conduct Clinics in NAMBOUR, BRISBANE, HERVEY BAY, ROCKHAMPTON, EMERALD. Phone 0741251500 Web: www.stimaging.com.au

Are you a unique, motivated therapist looking to build your business/ clientele? HEALTH CONCEPTS has a therapy room available to rent part/ full time. Suit Remedial therapist/ massage ,holistic beauty therapy, other modalities. Friendly, relaxing, professional environment. Established 10 yrs in Caboolture CBD, close to public transport. Contact Julie 54990388 email health-concepts@hotmail.com SPIRITUAL AND CREATIVE Crystal Healings Available on the Sunshine Coast. Access Your Own Inner Knowing for healing, guidance and Growth. For more information about our Crystal Chakra Balance workshop. Contact Mark Crossland Ph: 0423859888 or email: spiritpath@bigpond.com Living Inspired - Embrace change, expand, bring passion and creativity in your life! Chose your Summer workshop: Reiki (all levels), Living Inspired (story telling, painting, meditation), or Follow your Dreams. An opportunity to share Christine Maudy’s experience as a successful visual artist, a Reiki practitioner and a teacher. Places limited, book early! For registration and info www.livinginspired.com.au

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