NDB Brand Identity and Visual Standards

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Dear NDB Community,

Notre Dame Belmont’s (NDB’s) brand visual standards empower us to represent NDB with a unified, visual voice.

The ongoing success of the NDB brand depends on the consistent and frequent use of key identity elements These elements produce an inspiring and lasting impression on our current and prospective families, alumnae and friends of NDB. A consistent visual identity results in instant recognition and an enhanced image of integrity.

Strong brand visual standards empower NDB to stand out from other schools as the premier, all girls Catholic school on the Peninsula. Standing out among our competitors to families who are selecting high schools is essential to our long-term success. Our visual and written identity must reinforce the unique identity and values of NDB Following these standards protects our most valuable brand asset Notre Dame High School Belmont.

This coordinated visual style that communicates the hallmarks of an NDB education, our core values and strengths will elevate NDB's distinctive reputation long into the future


Head of School

Belmot Meredith Essalat, '98, M.Ed.



Notre Dame Belmont (NDB) is committed to developing responsible young women of active faith, strong intellect, and Christian leadership in a nurturing and compassionate community, dedicated to promoting justice and peace in the world Guided by the Hallmarks of a Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur education, the faculty and staff work to develop the unique gifts and talents of the students so they may achieve their full potential and serve the world.

Hallmarks of an NDB Education

Empower Young Women to

The Notre Dame de Namur Learning Community Hallmarks describe the essential characteristics, values, and activities of a Notre Dame learning community. The Notre Dame Hallmarks emerged in response to the question from both the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur and their co-workers: “What makes our school a Notre Dame school?” The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, in collaboration with the learning communities, began a process to explore this question The process resulted in these “living statements” that have continued to develop and evolve in current times:

Hallmark One: Proclaim God's Goodness

Hallmark Two: Dignify All

We believe that God is good, and we stand firm in our commitment to honor that goodness in ourselves, in others, and in our world. We carry on the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur history and the spirit of St. Julie Billiart. We seek to live this heritage by allowing it to influence our actions in today's world. We make decisions and policies that reflect the mission and values of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur . We honor the dignity and sacredness of each person We develop and appreciate relationships that respect individual differences, and we create environments that encourage the development of the whole person We dedicate time, space and personnel in support of the individual's spiritual/personal journey

Hallmark Three: Act for Peace and Justice

We educate on behalf of justice, peace and care for all creation as a spiritual practice of reflection-actionreflection. We infuse classroom experience with global perspectives. We foster responsible global citizenship and we commit ourselves to the practice of dialogue, nonviolence, and conflict resolution.

Hallmark Four: Commit to Service

We integrate service learning into academic and co-curricular activities We ground our service in the spiritual practice of reflection-action-reflection, and we incorporate this process into our service-learning commitments

Hallmark Five: Embrace Diversity

We welcome people of diverse cultures, ethnicity, race, socioeconomic circumstances, gender, age, sexual orientation and faith traditions. We develop educational programs that expand our knowledge and understanding of diversity. We initiate strategies and support services that respect individual learning styles.

Hallmark Six: Create Community

We remember and honor the legacy of friendship between the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur cofoundresses, Julie Billiart and Françoise Blin de Bourdon, and we foster a spirit of friendship as foundational to our learning community relationships We value and implement community-building activities We design and foster collaborative processes wherever possible We create an atmosphere of open and direct communication

Hallmark Seven: Learn for Life

We design and implement academically excellent educational experiences that educate for life. We create curricular/co-curricular interactions that facilitate student-centered learning. We actively support the intellectual, emotional, spiritual, psychological and social growth of the members of our learning community. We provide appropriate training for leadership development We foster educational activities that develop self-directed learners capable of self evaluation, critical thinking, and creative responses to life situations


NDB Coat of Arms

The NDB coat of arms is that of of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur It represents our founder, Saint Julie Billiart’s belief in the goodness of God, faith, hope, love, purity and innocence The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur foster a respect for the goodness and dignity of each person and a care for justice for all. The NDB Coat of Arms is always displayed in the round circle logotype, surrounded by the words "Notre Dame Belmont."

The primary logo consists of the seal and the logotype These components should never be redrawn, altered or distorted Primary Logo

Primary Logo Color Pallette

The primary logo color use is restricted to the primary and secondary color palette of NDB (in addition to black and white) The following examples show the ONLY authorized logo colors for the logo in print, digital, clothing and promotional applications

Clear Space Surrounding Logos

No other graphic or typographic element may encroach within the width 5 inches of the logo as defined by the dotted lines This is indicated by the dashed lines on all four sides.

Clean Background Behind Logos

The logo must always be legible Do not place the logo on a busy pattern or photograph The logo should be placed on a clean background

Ministry Logo

The historic crest with leaves logo is used for internal religious events including masses and baccalaureate.

Athletics Logos

Athletics logos consist of (1) the Tiger and (2) the Tiger with "Notre Dame."

Athletic Tiger with "Notre Dame"

The Tiger with "Notre Dame" is available for athletics use only. It can be utilized in the colors pictured below, as well as any NDB primary or secondary color. The font for this logo is currently Crillee Italic Regular, but should be transitioned to Josefin Sans Italics over time

Athletic Tiger

The Tiger is the beloved school mascot of NDB. It should primarily be used in the NDB blue and yellow for athletics. It can also be utilized in the colors pictured below, as well as any NDB primary or secondary color

Fund a Future Logo


Battle Bots Logo

There is one battle bots logo as pictured below. This logo can be utilized in the colors displayed below, as well as any NDB primary or secondary color

Aquacades Logo

A new logo will be created each year by the NDB Communications Department within our NDB brand guidelines

The following logo was developed for the Fund a Future NDB Scholarship Benefit. This logo can be utilized in any NDB font and primary or secondary color scheme. We are not limited to this logo for the Fund a Future event. A new logo/graphic can be created each year within our NDB brand guidelines.

Tigers Are

Our newest campaign for the 2023-24 admissions cycle is Tigers Are As part of NDB's mission to empower young women, the Tigers Are is campaign is composed of short statements that describe attributes and qualities of an NDB student and reflect the Hallmarks of NDB You can view our most recent display of this campaign in the 2024-25 View Book.


The font of the "SHE is" statements is Josefin Sans Regular

Accurate Campaign Display

"Tigers Are" statements must be displayed on one line, with the "Tigers" appearing larger than the following statement. Adequate space must be provided around the statement to avoid crowding.

Campaign Statements

The following statements are those of the "Tigers are" campaign. No additional statements should be developed as these provide a holistic perspective of NDB. If you feel a statement is missing, please notify the head of school and communications and marketing manager for consideration.


are spirited.

Tigers are athletic.


express themselves.

Tigers engage with their co-ed peers.

Tigers are leaders.

Tigers are faithful.

Tigers are ready for the world.

Future Campaigns

New campaigns in addition to "Tigers are" will be developed and approved by the Communications and Marketing Manager and the Head of School. Campaigns should be created, refreshed or re-imagined every two to four years as a best communications practice


The tagline can be utilized independently or in combination with the logo. When used in combination, it must appear as it appears below with the school name and tagline in Josefin Sans Regular font, and the school name must be on top of the tagline When used in combination, the NDB primary and secondary NDB color palette can be utilized



Email Signatures

Empowering young women for | 1924-2024

Notre Dame Belmont 100 years

All NDB faculty and staff members are to replicate the following email signature format and style with the logo and tagline png image placed below the text. The logo and tagline graphic must be NDB navy and yellow.

Font: Sans Serif

Type size: Normal

Your Name

Pronouns (formatted as: she/her/hers) - pronouns are optional and recommended Title


Notre Dame High School 1540 Ralston Ave, Belmont, CA 94002 ndhsborg

Your phone (formatted as: 123.456.7890 x123)


Cat Adamis


Communications and Marketing Manager

Notre Dame High School

1540 Ralston Ave, Belmont, CA 94002


650.595.1913 x225

NOTE: Include this email disclaimer at the bottom of your e-signature:

Email Disclaimer: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and contains confidential and privileged information Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited If you are not the intended recipient(s), please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the original message.

Empowering young women for | 1924-2024

Notre Dame Belmont 100 years

Email Disclaimer: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and contains confidential and privileged information Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited If you are not the intended recipient(s), please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the original message

Color Palette

Brand Color

Color use is as significant and important as the images, symbols and marks that define our visual identity The NDB color palette contains integrated color solutions and definitions adaptable for a range of marketing, merchandising, web and related communications. To maintain a uniform brand identity and fulfill the school’s broader communications needs, we must all take great care when selecting appropriate colors for both print and online uses. From a specification standpoint, this system also provides accurate color guidance for suppliers and vendors who produce our commercial merchandise, clothing and print materials. These colors are approved for their proven versatility and consistent quality across multiple mediums

Use of Color

Primary and secondary colors can be used freely and within combination with one another. Primary colors do not have to be included on every design Some designs may include a combination of primary and secondary colors, while others may include primary or secondary colors Body copy should always be legible and preferably either dark gray or black The colors specified here are the only colors to be used in any outwardfacing document or design in order to keep the strength of the NDB brand.

Color Specifications Color Transparency

Each color has a precise mix for print and on-screen use Please follow the specific color breakdowns for all media.

Primary Colors


PMS: 653

CMYK: 10079163

RGB: 075142

Secondary Colors


PMS: 219

CMYK: 18800

RGB: 23568152


PMS 7642


RGB: 118.44.73

The secondary color palette is further expanded with the use of transparencies By using transparency instead of solid colors, it humanizes the brand by evoking connection and conveying dimension. Creating transparencies are achieved in two ways, either with the opacity percentage or by using the multiply feature. The percentage of the opacity can vary, the goal is to keep the hue of the color present


PMS: 123


RGB: 255.196.37


PMS: Cool Gray 7


RGB: 153.153.153


PMS: Coll Gray 11


RGB: 90.90.90


PMS: 2587

CMYK: 596600

RGB: 122104174



CMYK: 045910

RGB: 24915749


PMS 320

CMYK: 1000317

RGB: 0160175

Athletics Primary Colors



RGB: 10.64.107

Tiger Bots Primary Colors


CMYK: 905750

RGB: 15107173


PMS: 123


RGB: 25519637


CMYK: 024940

RGB: 25519637


CMYK: 6740211

RGB: 96135168


CMYK: 29/10190

RGB: 183206202


Typography used consistently reinforces NDB brand's recognition and visual style. The following fonts are approved for exclusive school identity use to provide a consistent and recognizable style in all communication formats, both print and digital

Primary Typeface: Josefin Sans Regular

Josefin San Regular is our primary typeface for print and web use. This is used for all titles, headings and subheadings


Secondary Typeface: TT Commons Pro

TT Commons is our secondary typeface used for body copy, and captions All weights of this font may be used.

When TT Commons is unavailable, DM Sans may be used as an alternative. If DM Sans is not available, Ariel can be used as an alternative (only in the event that TT Commons and DM Sans in not available). Sans Serif can be used for gmail and e-signatures


Special Typeface: Playlist Script

Playlist Script is a cursive-style font to be used more sparingly and for special occasions such as event invitations, or for headings or special callout text on print and web materials. This font should only be used when displayed large enough to be legible.


Web and Social Media Guidelines

With a wide range of social media venues available today, student and staff posts and documents have the potential to reach audiences far beyond the NDB campus This translates into a greater level of responsibility and accountability for everyone concerned.

NDB's online presence is a reflection of what we offer as a college preparatory high school, and each post should be carefully crafted, free from grammatical errors and representative of the life of the school. Keep in mind that posts can be viewed by anyone, including prospective parents and students, current parents and students, alumnae and the public Special attention should be paid to making sure that posts are not limited to a specific part of the NDB community (e.g. athletics), but that they reflect the diversity of activities available to NDB students, parents/guardians and alumnae.

NDB currently has official accounts with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. All official NDB social media accounts should be updated on a regular basis with professional content

The following accounts are the official social media and web accounts of NDB.

No additional accounts should be created by students, parents, faculty, or staff without the approval of the communications and marketing manager and head of school. If students or clubs create accounts, they must be private accounts and include a statement that says "This is not an official account of NDB." Contact the communications and marketing manager for guidance and assistance.

NDB Website

School Account: @NDBTigers

Linkedin Facebook Twitter Instagram ndhsborg

School Account: @NDBTigers

Athletics: @NDBAthletics

Student Newspaper : @thendbcatalyst

Tik Tok @ndb.asb

Athletics: @NDBAthletics

Cheer & Pom: @ndb spirit

Student Newspaper: @thendbcatalyst

Associated Student Body: @NDB.ASB


https://wwwfacebookcom/ndbtigers YouTube

Notre Dame Belmont

https://wwwlinkedincom/school/ndbtigers/ Notre Dame Belmont


Student Newspaper

https://wwwyoutubecom/channel/UCRW6H Rg7nSEy3nWZXWwRgFw

Writing for Social Media

Our writing for social media should generally follow the style points outlined in the Voice and Tone and Grammar sections below. Here are some additional pointers:

Write short, but smart. Some social media platforms have a character limit; others don’t But for the most part, we keep our social media copy short Aim for 1-2 sentences

Simplify your ideas or reduce the amount of information you’re sharing but not by altering the spelling or punctuation of the words themselves. It’s fine to use the shorter version of some words, such as “info” for “information.” But do not use numbers and letters in place of words, such as “4” instead of “for” or “u” instead of “you”


Do your best to adhere to NDB style guidelines when you’re using our social media channels to correspond with users. Use correct grammar and punctuation and avoid excessive exclamation points or Imojis. When appropriate, you can tag the professional subject of your post on Twitter or Facebook (do not tag students or personal accounts) Never ask for retweets, likes, or favorites

When writing a post, think about how we want our viewers (mainly current and prospective families) to FEEL:

Connected Inspired


Connected to our community

The warmth of NDB

The spirit of NDB

Goal of NDB Main School Social Media Accounts

To share the latest happenings and upcoming events at NDB

To provide a holistic view into NDB, including academics and classroom activities, athletics, clubs and leadership groups, faith, events, community service, sisterhood and school spirit.

Content Produced by Students

If a student(s) drafts social media content, it must be approved by the communications and marketing manager or by an approved leadership member designated by the communications and marketing manager before posting

Photo Credits

When faculty, staff, parents/guardians or students provide the school with any photos, they are granting permission to NDB to utilize the photos on social media and in marketing materials. We do not grant individual photo credits unless we are required to do so by a third party photography contract Whether we are a faculty/staff member, parent/guardian, or student, our goal is to promote NDB, not individual photographers of NDB.

Photography Style

Photography is a key resource to visually capture and communicate the spirit and community of NDB Images should always reflect the NDB hallmarks and values of spiritual goodness, dignity, peace, commitment to service, diversity, community, and the energy of lifelong learners *Images should be kept up to date on all NDB materials and platforms. It is OK to showcase recent graduates who graduates within the last two years.

Candid Style

Photos should always depict a candid, crisp, natural, active style and feel, showing students and faculty in action and capturing the bonds of NDB sisters. Candid images capture the excitement and energy of the moment Avoid posed, inappropriate, or cliché images

Image Quality

Images should be high resolution and they should capture the spirit of the NDB community. Optimize the photo's composition.

Prioritize and showcase photos of students and faculty, rather than images of objects or spaces. Images should be in focus and not blurry DO NOT post or showcase fuzzy or grainy images

Strive to limit superfluous details and/or actions, making sure that people and objects such as trees, wires and buildings behind the subjects are not a distraction.

Stock photography of people cannot not be used. All photos of people should be provided by NDB.

Key NDB Images Events

Athletics Action

Spiritual Moments

Community Service
Sisterhood Moments
Classroom & Academics
School Spirit Leadership

When faculty, staff, parents/guardians or students provide the school with any photos, they are granting permission to NDB to utilize the photos on social media and in marketing materials We do not grant individual photo credits unless we are required to do so by a third party photography contract. Whether we are a faculty/staff member, parent/guardian, or student, our goal is to promote NDB, not individual photographers of NDB.

Unacceptable Images

DO NOT use a single color on photos

DO NOT distort photos to create interest.

DO NOT overprint or reverse text that is illegible.

Example Text

DO NOT use or share blurry, dark or low-quality images

DO NOT crop photos inapropriately.

Example Text

DO NOT use filters

Writing Style Essentials

Writing Goals


We’re the educators Providing information is who we are and what we do well


It’s up to us to inspire. We need to give families and students a reason to share and explore what they’ve been taught.


We illuminate the path for others and give guidance along the way Our language needs to help and not overly self-promote.


Enthusiastic? Yes. Our words crackle with vitality and electricity. Reading our words makes you want to jump up and join us. We are in the moment and always on. We are doers that make things happen. We are cheering you on and pushing you farther. Come on. We can do this!


We write with confidence and focus. We’ll ask the big questions and deliver clear answers. Working with students gives us our sense of urgency. We know our families have important things to do so we focus on action. It gives them a sense we are all moving forward. We work to be trusted, to find solutions and get things done


We might sound a touch formal at times. We’re not looking to sound stuffy; rather it’s a consequence of being precise about our meaning. We need to be reassuring and make sure our families have everything they need. Sometimes people need to hear a reassuring, helpful voice.

Voice & Tone

What’s the difference between voice and tone?

You have the same voice all the time, you are you tone however can change from person to person and topic to topic For instance, if you are out with close friends your tone might be different from meeting with a student’s parent.

The NDB voice doesn’t change much day to day, but our tone changes all the time. You wouldn’t want to use the same tone of voice with a student who is upset as you would with a student who is laughing. All of our communications should use an appropriate tone that matches the weight of what is being said

Use lots of verbs

Our school and the students are always doing things. So, get plenty of action, plenty of doing into the writing.

Pay close attention to rhythm

The rhythm of our writing should drive the writing along. Our day has an energy and pace that only students can bring.

Don’t hedge

Speak with confidence We will go to Mars Not we aim to go to Mars We will fix this Not we are hoping to have this fixed We are We will We do We can We know

Be concrete

We are educators, let’s mention specifics. Give them key facts and the telling details, but don’t drown them in detail.

Avoid being funny

In general, we don’t write with humor. You might allow yourself an occasional wry play on words in a headline especially if it’s on the right day but not much more.

Work your structure hard

At a glance, our writing looks like there are no wasted words Short paragraphs that start with their main point Sub-headings that help you to skim-read

Give it one more edit

All writing needs editing and for us, it’s absolutely essential. Can anything be cut? Is there a way to simplify the structure of this sentence so it’s shorter by a couple of words?

Watch out for:


Keep exclamation marks to a minimum or cut them out completely The energy should come from the pace and words, not the screamers.


The down-side of writing confidently and rationally is you can start to believe in your own importance Make sure to check yourself and keep the importance on the reader

Talking malarkey.

We are a school that prides itself on exclusivity. Jargon can be its enemy as it purposely separates. There’s a fine line between talking about important things (‘How we’ll make good education a reality’) and overreaching about ‘strategic educational implementation’

Writing About People

Student Body & Community:

Don’t capitalize “student body” or “community” unless it’s grammatically necessary.

Alumnae and an Alumna

Singular: Alumna

Plural: alumnae

NDB graduates are never "alumni" An NDB graduate is not an alumnus

Parents & Guardians

When referring to parents, always say "parents and guardians," never just "parents."


Don’t reference a person’s age unless it’s relevant to what you’re writing If it is relevant, include the person’s specific age, offset by commas.

• The CEO, 16, just got her driver’s license. Don’t refer to people using age-related descriptors like “young,” “old,” or “elderly.”


Avoid disability-related idioms like “lame” or “falling on deaf ears” Don’t refer to a person’s disability unless it’s relevant to what you’re writing. If you need to mention it, ask whether your subject prefers person-first language (“they have a disability”) or identity-first language (“they are disabled”). When writing about a person with disabilities, don’t use the words “suffer,” “victim,” or “handicapped.” “Handicapped parking” is okay.


Use “deaf” as an adjective to describe a person with significant hearing loss You can also use “partially deaf” or “hard of hearing.”


Use the adjective “blind” to describe a person who is unable to see Use “low vision” to describe a person with limited vision

Gender and sexuality

One thing that makes NDB unique and special is that we are an all-girls institution, and with that comes many benefits for girls. We both capitalize on the benefits of an all-girls education while remaining inclusive of all identities In supportive text, we limit gendered terms in favor of neutral alternatives, like “server” instead of “waitress” and “businessperson” instead of “businessman”

When writing about people, use their communicated pronouns. When in doubt, just ask or use their name. Use the following words as modifiers, but never as nouns:

•Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (never “transgendered”), trans, queer, LGBT Don’t use these words in reference to LGBT people or communities:

• Homosexual, lifestyle, preference

AP Style Guide

NDB utilizes AP Style to keep grammar and formatting consistent and professional across digital and printed materials. AP Style must be used for any external audience, including communications with current families.

What is AP Style?

Commonly-accepted journalistic standards for usage, spelling, grammar and punctuation. The gold standard style guide for most U.S. newspapers, magazines, TV broadcast news, public relations firms universities and private schools

Why AP Style?

Accurate Clear

Neutral (non-offensive)

NDB Exceptions to AP Style

We only have three exceptions to AP style at NDB:

School Name

When writing the school's name, you must write out "Notre Dame High School Belmont" in paragraph text to specify that NDB is a high school

You can write "Notre Dame Belmont" or "NDB" in paragraph text after you spell out the full name

Spell out "Notre Dame Belmont (NDB) on a document before using "NDB" to make it clear what NDB stands for (unless the full name of the school is well known by your audience, such as current families)

NDB displays phone numbers with periods instead of dashes (Ex: 6500000000 NOT 650-000-0000) For the purpose of infographics, the word "percent" does not need to be spelled out on NDB marketing and communications materials

NDB italicizes the names of books, plays and musicals.


Capitalize and spell out formal titles such as chairman, president, principal etc when they precede a name, but use lowercase if the title follows a name or stands by itself Head of School Meredith Essalat

Meredith Essalat, the head of Notre Dame Belmont, watched the choir performance. The principal of Notre Dame Belmont was spotted on the sidelines at the football game.

DO NOT capitalize student board or board of trustees or other widely used internal elements of an organization unless used as part of the formal title (see organizations and institutions in AP Style Guide)

DO NOT capitalize am and pm Always use figures with them Do not use spaces in the abbreviations 9:35 am, 11 am to 1 pm, noon, midnight

DO NOT capitalize names of classes, or academic degrees when spelled out: bachelor of arts degree master’s degree

junior freshman class

DO NOT capitalize the seasons winter spring summer fall

Capitalizations Unique to NDB

Always capitalize Tiger or Tigers

Always capitalize Mass

Tri-School is always hyphenated; both the T and the S are capitalized Tri-School Productions is an entity and it is not possessive It is correct to say Tri-School Productions students rehearsed in the auditorium (not TriSchool Productions’ students rehearsed in the auditorium).

DO NOT capitalize prepositions, conjunctions, or articles in titles of books, etc, except when they begin the title Bands are capitalized, but not contained in quotes

The Man Who Came to Dinner

For Whom the Bell Tolls

The Beatles


Use a period if the caption is a full sentence. Do not if it is just identifying a person or group. Mayor Stan Jacobs approves plans for the new building.

The Tri-School Chorus


Use commas to separate elements in a series, but do not put a comma before the conjunction in a simple series

The girl bought a poster of Paul, John, Ringo and George.

Exception to the rule: use a comma before the concluding conjunction in a series if an integral element of the series requires a conjunction, or if there is a complex series of phrases.

The main points to consider are whether the athletes are skillful enough to compete, whether they have the stamina to endure training, and whether they have the proper mental attitude


Always use numerals without st, nd, rd or th in dates.

When writing about events, use months and dates.

April 30 and June 5

When referring to a month, day and year, set off year with commas August 20, 1964, was her birthday

This Monday, October 1, 2022, is my birthday

When providing a date range, display as April 30 to June 5 (write out the word "to")


1970s (not 1970’s)

‘70s (not 70’s)


The freshman class (not freshmen) led the school in raffle sales.

There are 200 freshmen this year.

The junior class is hosting the event


Mass is always capitalized.

Most Important, more important

It is never “most importantly” or “more importantly.” The correct phrases are “most important” and “more important.” They are often, if not always, shortened versions of what’s most important or more important than that.


Use figures for all numbers above nine; spell out all numbers under 10. Note, however, the exceptions below:

Use figures for ages, sums of money, time of day, percentages, house numerals, years, days of month, degrees of temperature, proportions, votes, scores, speeds, time of races, dimensions and serial numbers.

Spell out numbers, no matter how large, when they begin sentences; rephrase the sentence if long numbers are awkward Exception: When starting a sentence with a year, do not write it out: 1999 was a very good year.

Use figures for ordinal numbers above ninth; spell out ordinals under 10th.



21st century

Use 21 million instead of 21,000,000 Also: $39 million, $225 billion Don’t carry beyond two decimals

Avoid unnecessary ciphers. Use $1, not $1.00; 1 p.m., not 1:00 p.m.

DO NOT use Roman numerals except when they are part of a title or a name.

World War I

World War II

King Henry VIII

Rocco Colabella III

Fractions standing alone are spelled out.

One-fourth of the students

Insert commas with four or more figures, except in dates.


1,576 skateboards

1990 2015


Spell out the word “percent.”

About 50 percent of the school parents turned in their forms.

Sixty percent was from California Punctuation

The purpose of punctuation is to clarify meaning

Put the period inside brackets or parentheses when a complete sentence is enclosed in the brackets or parentheses.

When the parenthetical expression forms only a part of the sentence, put the period outside the bracket or parenthesis

(The day was too cold for football)

The day was too cold for football (or skiing)

Always put the period and comma inside quotation marks. Put other punctuation marks inside when they are part of the quoted material.

“I saw the play,” he said. He said, “I saw the play”

“Did you see the play?” he asked

DO NOT use a comma between a person’s name and graduating class numeral

Tim Pilgrim ’89

Italicize the names of books, plays and musicals Grease, Into the Woods, Jane Eyre

NOTE: This is an exception to the usual AP Style rule.

Use apostrophes to form the plural of single letters but not figures or multiple letters Four A’s early 1920s

Today’s temperature is in the low 60s

Use the hyphen for clarity in compound modifiers. 6-foot shark

family-owned business purple-faced tycoon

DO NOT use the hyphen with adverbs ending in –ly newly elected badly damaged recently named

Use the ampersand ONLY when it is part of an official name Johnson & Co


U.S. News & World Report

Spell out degrees when referring to temperature. 49 degrees

Use figures and spell out inches, feet, yards, etc

He is 5 feet 6 inches tall

The basketball team signed a 7-footer the 6-foot-5 forward

DO NOT use close-quote marks at the end of the first paragraph if a full paragraph of quoted material is followed by a paragraph that continues the quotation. Use open quote marks at the start of the second paragraph

He said, “I am shocked and horrified by this incident

“As we move on from this,” he continued, “members of our community will have to find a way to generate revenue for the library.”

When a partial quote is used, DO NOT put quotation marks around words that the speaker could not have used.

Suppose the individual said, “I am horrified by your slovenly manners” Wrong: She said she “was horrified by their slovenly manners” Right: She said she was horrified by their “slovenly manners”

Suspensive hyphenation

He received a 10- to 20-year prison sentence. The 5- and 6-year-olds attend morning classes.

accommodate (two C’s, two M’s) adviser (AP likes an E in it) afterward not afterwards amid not amidst among not amongst argument (no E after the U) beginning bizarre (one Z, double R) calendar canceled, cancellation commitment conscious dependent (ent) embarrass

Said versus says

harass (only one R) judgment (no E after G) knowledge liaison license livable occasion (double C, one S) perseverance (sev in the middle) privilege (no D) separate (par in the middle) surprise (UR, S not Z) sheriff universities weird (EI not IE)

The preferred word is “said” not “says” in news and feature articles.


Apostrophe: Use only in constructions where warranted

Tigers goalkeeper Jane Doe doesn’t get an apostrophe as a descriptive, but Jane Doe, the Tigers’ goalkeeper gets an apostrophe as a possessive. Tigers baseball, not Tiger baseball


Write the time of day like this: 2:30 a.m. or 7:45 p.m.

Use figures except for noon and midnight.

Do not include :00 to times 7 pm (not 7:00 pm)

When providing a time range

Say "7 to 8:30 p.m." (write out "to" and do not use a dash)

Only include the a.m. or p.m. in the ending time, unless it changes to a.m. or p.m.

Correct: 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Incorrect: 7 pm to 8:30 pm

Correct: 7 am to 8:30 pm


Capitalize formal titles before a name and do not separate title from name by a comma

Titles after a name or standing alone are almost never capitalized (exceptions for nobility)

Place long titles after the name Jane Doe, vice provost for undergraduate education

Tri-School and Tri-School Productions

Tri-School is always hyphenated; both the T and the S are capitalized

Tri-School Productions is an entity and it is not possessive It is correct to say Tri-School Productions students rehearsed in the auditorium (not Tri-School Productions’ students rehearsed in the auditorium).

Contact Information

For questions regarding the NDB Brand Identity and Visual Standards, please contact:

Meredith Essalat Head of School messalat@ndhsborg


Cat Adamis

Communications and Marketing Manager cadamis@ndhsb.org

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