ADvisor November-December 2022

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NOV/DEC 2022 June
23, 1972


I hope this newsletter finds everyone in good health and great spirits heading into the holidays.

I’d like to congratulate the many Athletic Directors and their coaches on the success of their programs through the finale of fall sports. Many competitive records were set and broken, and memories were made all season long. More importantly, your athletes continued to find success in the classrooms and volunteering within your communities.

Thanks to the nearly two dozen athletic administrators who participated in the IHSADA Evaluator Approval Training at the beginning of November. Our Executive Board has received positive feedback from those who attended, and we look forward to building on this experience for more ADs this next year.

A reminder that the NIAAA National Convention will be held in Nashville this December 9th 13th. Members of the IHSADA Executive Board, the IHSAA, the IGHSAU, and IHSADA members from across the state will be attending courses, listening to speakers, and enjoying the nationwide fellowship that occurs at this event each year.

who is hesitant about their new role. While you as an administrator are likely not getting much thanks yourself, modeling gratitude is one of the most consistent and effective qualities we can engage in as leaders.

So THANK YOU for showing up each and every day, even when it’s hard.

All My Best, Erin

A Women’s Sports Foundation Report July 2019

Winter sports are now in full swing, and with the addition of girls wrestling as the newest sanctioned sport for the IGHSAU, over 2200 high school and over 700 junior high girls are now officially participating across our state. While it may add a few more nights to the supervision calendar, I think most would agree that continuing to find ways to give kids connection through sport is one of the most important things athletic administrators can do.

We are excited to hear Iowa’s own Abby Hughes deliver the National Student Scholar recipient speech at the opening session of the convention. Needless to say, there are many things we continue to celebrate as we transition to colder weather. While the nights in the gym may feel longer, I want to encourage each and every one of you to take a moment each day to stop and thank someone. Whether that is the custodian who helps at events, the student manager who helps with laundry, the ticket taker giving up a night with their family, or the new shot clock operator

The Rising Trend of U.S. Public Schools Dropping all Sport Programs Has Leveled in Recent Years: Although the percentage of schools indicating they did not offer interscholastic sports has increased substantially since the turn of the new millennium (11.3% during the 1999-2000 school year versus 22.0% during the 2009 10 school year), the current study found evidence that this trend has not continued to increase between the 2009 10 and 2015 16 school years (23.5% during 2015 16 school year) demands that come with the world of athletics today.


It is hard to believe but as we enjoy the fall season, it reminds us that the winter seasons are upon us and the Holidays will soon be here. We have had a great fall with Cross Country and Volleyball having spectacular State Events and Football now moves to the Dome. How lucky our student athletes are to be able to experience these great events!!

Please take some time for yourself and your family during the holiday season!!

I want to take this opportunity to identify some important happenings with the IHSADA.


March 25th thru the 27th State Convention. Thanks to everyone who has joined this great organization. It is not too late. You can join today by clicking on the following link at the IHSADA Website to become a Member.

2022 National Convention December 9 13 are the dates of the National Athletic Directors Conference in Nashville, TN. Iowa will have a sizeable delegation attending. This is a tremendous professional development opportunity for all attending. Keynote speakers, Breakout Session, and a fantastic exhibit hall feature some of latest ideas and trends in high school activities. The

for the IHSADA is $106.00 per night. You will notice that they allow the same rate for a couple of days before the start of the convention and a couple of days after the convention.

Student Scholarships

Approximately 5 years ago the IHSADA broadened its scope on Student Scholarships by offering one male and one female $500 scholarship for each of the five Districts.

Forms AMP Introduction

Presently, we are using a new communication program called Final Forms AMP. AMP stands for Athletic Management Program and it will be used to register our membership, to register for LTI Classes/Evaluator Approval Training, and to communicate with our members, sponsors, vendors, and presenters. We will use Final Forms AMP to register all our Retired Athletic Directors in the coming weeks.

District Meetings

The early part of October is an exciting time for me personally since I get a chance to attend the five IHSADA District Meetings. I want to thank the District Leadership Teams for setting up these great professional development opportunities. Thank you to the staff of the IGHSAU and the IHSAA for their outstanding presentations Informative and thoughtful as always!! Over 370 AD’s from all parts of the state had a chance to gather with their colleagues to exchange ideas on how we can make things better for our students!!

IHSADA Membership

Membership has gone well. Final Forms AMP has been extremely helpful with accuracy and efficiency of the process. We presently have 385 members of which 97 are retired members. This is well ahead of last year's pace regarding membership. We have also registered 265 as members of the NIAAA, which is an increase of 35 members from last year. Currently, there are 252 members registered to attend our

IHSADA will sponsor 3 scholarships to members to attend and the IGHSAU will offer 4 scholarships for female athletic administrators to attend. Safe travels to all attending!!


State Convention Date Change

A major change will be moving to a Saturday, Sunday, & Monday format. We will open our convention on Saturday, March 25th and end on Monday, March 27th. Our Executive Board felt that we may keep more of our membership at the Convention rather than having to return home for spring events with this change. As always, we will survey our membership and discuss the pros and cons of the date change!!

Make Room Reservation for the State Convention at the Hyatt

Several members have been asking about rooms for the IHSADA State Convention. Here is a link to make IHSADA State Convention Room Reservations from March 25th 27th. The room rate

To see what is possible, we must refer to Abby Hughes of Glenwood High School. After her nomination by Athletic Director, Jeff Bissen, Abby was the District, State, Section IV and National Student Scholarship winner last year. Abby received over $5,000 of scholarships. Wow, what an honor for an outstanding student athlete!! As a culmination of her achievement, Abby will present her award winning essay to the National Athletic Directors Conference in Nashville on December 11th.

This is a great opportunity for you to make a difference in the life of a worthy individual. I encourage you to find that worthy student and have them submit an application. Even submitting an application is a worthy life lesson for students to understand the need to put themselves out there and make their accomplishments known to the education world. You can find the Student Scholarship Application Form on the IHSADA Website

National Athletic Directors Conference
December 9 13, 2022
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center Nashville, Tennessee

Retired Athletic Director Inclusion 2023 will mark the 55th year of the Iowa Athletic Directors Association. The 50th anniversary has passed but the energy to include the Retired Membership continues. I encourage all Retired Members to register yearly with the IHSADA. Yearly registration allows us to keep our records up to date. Examples of changes are cell phone numbers, address changes, and your years of service. You can register for membership using the IHSADA Website.

This will be the 7th year of identifying the AD Emeritus Honorees. This award recognizes ADs who have served a combination of Years of Service and Years of IHSADA Membership equaling 65 years. Presently, we have recognized 24 Retired ADs with the AD Emeritus Award. Our Retired ADs will be invited to take part in our State Convention free of charge. On Sunday, March 25th there will be a Retired AD Brunch followed by a trip to the vendor hall followed by attending our opening General Session. Please join us and stay in touch with your fellow ADs.

Our Retired AD Committee is open to all ideas on how to make our convention more inclusive. More details will be available in our February Newsletter. We are trying to identify as many past/retired athletic directors as possible. You can help us identify past athletic directors and their contact information by contacting Gary Schroeder at or to myself at I am encouraging Retired ADs to reach out to an AD in your school district and thank them and let them know that you are thinking of them. It means a lot!

Final Thoughts!! Thank you to the IHSADA Leadership Team: the Executive Board, our District Directors, and our Conference Representatives. Thank you for your extra time and leadership!!

Thank you to all our athletic administrators for what you do for your students, school, and community!! You truly make a difference in the life of many!!

Hawkeye 10 / little hawkeye / Mississippivalley / Mississippi-Mississippi / Missouri river / north central / north iowa cedar league central / northeast / raccoon river / southeast / upper iowa / Wamac west / wamac east / West central / Western val-

Designated as the NIAAA/IHSADA Convention Fundraiser

Harley Schieffer Fred Hildebrandt 23/42 2023 30/35 Active AD/IHSADA Member From the IHSADA Executive Board Athletic Director EMERITUS CURRENT

Title IX is the most commonly used name for the federal civil rights law in the United States that was enacted as part (Title IX) of the Education Amendments of 1972. It prohibits sex based discrimination in any school or any other education program that receives funding from the federal government This is Public Law No. 92‑318, 86 Stat. 235 (June 23, 1972), codified at 20 U.S.C. §§ 1681 1688.

Title IX was established in 1972 to provide everyone with equal access to any program or activity that receives Federal financial assistance. This means that federally funded institutions, such as public schools, are legally required to provide girls and boys with equitable sports opportunities.

Before Title IX, one in 27 girls played sports. Today that number is two in five. While we still have far to go before every girl has equal access to sports, especially girls of color, it is clear that we are making headway. The summer of the 2016 Rio Olympics, the world watched as woman after woman broke barriers, shattered records and won titles across a multitude of sports. It was clear American women dominated the Olympic scene.

In an article by the Los Angeles Times, former Women’s Sports Foundation CEO Donna Lopia attests to the change Title IX has generated in the United States by saying, “We give more opportunities to women in this country, and it’s not even close. Another article, appropriately titled ‘Amazing things happen when you give female athletes the same funding as men,’ WSF’s first President, Donna de Varona, praises the effects of Title IX on women’s sports. “Since 1972, thanks to increased funding and institutional opportunities, there has been a 545% increase in the percentage of women playing college sports and a 990% increase in the percentage of women playing high school sport.”

Title IX is a terrific model for the rest of the world to follow as Lopiano notes: “We have the largest base of athletic development. Our women are going to dominate, not only because of their legal rights but because women in other parts of the world are discriminated against.” A very unfortunate, but true fact.

It is evident that the impact of Title IX is long term and far reaching. Now that the door is “ open,” more women and girls are taking advantage of the opportunity to play sports and carrying the lessons far beyond the field of play. For the Women’s Sports Foundation this is essential to our mission of creating leaders. Sports help girls find success on the field, in the classroom and in boardrooms across the country.

We are born with our eyes closed and mouths open, and we spend our whole lives trying to reverse that mistake of nature. Dale E. Turner

...and I Quote

I’ve heard that if fog prevents a small boat sailor from seeing the buoy marking his course, he turns his boat rapidly in small circles, knowing that the waves he makes will rock the buoy in the vicinity. Then he stops, listens and repeats the procedure until he hears the buoy clang. By making waves, he finds where his course lies. Often the price of finding these guides is a willingness to take a few risks, to “make a few waves.” A boat that stays in the harbor never encounters danger but also never gets anywhere. Richard Armstrong

This article published on September 2nd, 2016


1. Finding Qualified Coaches

The top concern among AD's is finding qualified coaches to lead student-athletes.

Despite the fact that many schools successfully find coaches outside of their schools, most athletic directors would prefer to hire teachers to lead their programs. But, funding issues (we'll get to funding) led to a decline in coaching stipends, and teachers started to decide it was no longer worth putting in the extra hours.

“Coaching stipends need to have a system that gives an increase to coaches for staying on the job for a longer period of time,” said one athletic director. “Parent expectations are way too high and put undue pressure on the coaches.”

2. Budget & Fundraising

High school athletics programs continue to seek new methods

for handling funding challenges despite some budgets beginning to rebound Roughly one in five schools reports an increase in their athletic budgets. While school budgets have yet to return to their pre recession levels, there are signs of improvements. Because of the current budget situation, coaches, athletes and AD's are thinking outside the box to bring funding into the program.

3. Additional Responsibilities

With budgeting concerns around athletic programs, the reality is AD's are being asked to assume additional responsibilities while continuing to direct the program.

While some athletic leaders have long combined athletic and assistant principal responsibilities, other duties may now include: Directing all activities including band, plays and anything that falls under the umbrella of extracurricular activities.

Scheduling all building use, which includes athletic facilities and the entire school complex.

Undertaking jobs far removed from athletics, such as the director of transportation or the director of testing. If there’s a need in the district, it could be added.

4. Outside Influences

AAU Basketball, travel hockey, travel baseball, speed coach, shooting coach and sports performance coach. Activities outside of the high school program. These are all outside factors that coaches and athletic directors have to be aware of when working with athletes when it’s their turn.

S & C Coach of Guyer High School (Denton, TX), Kyle Keese understands the importance of this balancing act. “One of the biggest challenges I face is making sure I am careful with programming. Kids are doing so many activities outside of our doors these days. You have to be cognizant of what all they are involved in. The biggest opportunity is that you get to build a relationship with kids, and they know you are looking out for them and doing what’s best for them.”

5. Parents

While most parents appreciate the opportunity that their child has within an athletic program, AD's may face a few who cause major headaches. This phenomenon has been around for as long as anyone can remember, and some might say it’s worse now than ever.

...From the ARCHIVES Secretaries Round Table & reception established @ state convention 1997
Jay Hyber

District Directors and Executive Board Meeting

November 15, 2022 @ IGHSAU Office

I. Call to order 9:31 In attendance: Schultz, Gordon, Scheiffer, King, Schroeder, Weis, Buttjer, Huff, Ludwig, Clark, Eichhorn, Egbert, Melchert, Hulshof, Riley, Kirtley, Bissen, Frey, Smith, Johnson
II. Membership A. 395 more than in past
252 registered for state convention
$61380 real funds
All In 17 conferences
Harley notified conference reps
Final Forms
Harley is going to schedule a time with Julie to show us capabilities possibly prior to Thanksgiving
Members can be grouped
Retired members a little slower with registration
63 lifetime
$45 annual
Contact information III. Financial A. First Interstate $50,729.99
Schwab Account $92,442.03
Total $143,172.02
2500 from Golf to Brinkmeyer IV. Google Folder
Encourage dropping resources in
Share admin asst sheet so Gary can get awards
Contact information all correct
B. Tier
VI. Business A.
Ad space in program know anyone that wants to sponsor let Mike know
VII. Asst Historian A. Mark has resigned as an AD and education and taken a new position
Work part time at school

C. Position available after the convention

D. Any interest contact Huff

VIII. Clothing items

A. Brian Petersen works with Deckers

B. Sent in Oct.; reopen on Feb 1

C. Be in before convention

IX. Historian

A. Award winners selected today

B. Categories sent out

X. Student scholarship

A. Deadline Jan. 13

B. Changes to form

C. 7 entries all female

D. Encourage students to apply

E. Naming of scholarship responsibility of district to name the award after someone

F. Donation of $7000

XI. Communications with IHSAA

A. What we could do together

B. Meet with IHSAA and IGHSAU to discuss issues, awards, unified voice

C. Harley sent info to IHSAA Proposal: Joint Proposal

D. Do we want to pursue it?

E. Harley will follow up with Todd and Jean

XII. Welfare

A. No medical issues or passings lately

B. Gary sends cards out to families of those that passed

C. District directors/Exec brd families send a plant

XIII. 7 Emerita; 2 Emeritus: years of service sometimes hard to figure

XIV. Newsletter

A. Should be out Friday

B. Trying to cut down pages

C. Anything to add, get it to Gary

XV. Committee Breakout

A. Financial

1. How to save on money for meals at the convention make meal attendance part of convention registration

XVI. Issues Assembly

Help pay for classes, CAA test, evaluator training, etc

501C3: can’t show too much profit, show you are a benevolent giver

Increase dues Current 80 NIAAA, 80 IHSADA, 100 convention we need to show membership where this money is going possibly raise to $275

New ADs where they are at?

Give money back to membership
Raise membership dues?
Possibility of offering financial support for new coaches and officials need basis reach out to coaches associations
Need to consider mission statement to develop ADs B. Round Table
More involvement with the New AD Workshop
This can be part of joint meeting proposal
Include AD workshop
Beyond the Bench possibility through Bound for new AD C. Awards
Volunteer awards
Encourage ADs to nominate
No one carries over to next year no pool to pull from
Put it out on social media
Change google form instead of letter of recommendation, add a box on google form to explain why they are deserving
AD Asst
Hall of Fame
A. This will be 3rd year
Took place of Cracker Barrel C. Good discussions what direction do we want to go D. Time to come together as districts again?
Who is returning? Resigning? Retiring?
Time to nominate awards for next year?
Fill secretary position for next year
AD scholarship
Student scholarships
Discuss contest changes you need for following year

8. Discuss plans for fall meeting speaker?

9. LTC discussion

10. Needs to be recorded by district secretary and sent to Schultz

E. JH AD still need to meet

F. Give and Take

G. Submit questions prior to discuss

H. Make changes on program to reflect this

I. Weis and Schultz come up with agenda for this time and bring to January meeting

XVII. District Meetings

A. Exec comm discussed

B. Each district reviewed how things went

C. Jean and Tom are contacts for organizations

D. Vendor space

E. Time of meetings 9:00 for all


A. Classes are on the program

B. Deam looking for more people to step up to teach

C. Egbert and Deam set up meeting for mental health LTC class

D. Iowa offers a lot more than others in the area for LTC

E. Some have CAA exam offered more than once a year

F. Couple Nebraska ADs want to come to our convention

G. Morningside credit

XIX. Mentoring

A. Lipovac covers

B. Communicate with new ADs in your district

C. Lipovac sent email this morning

XX. Website Schultz read Boock’s notes from Monday night

XXI. National Convention

A. Attendees

B. Send email out to district to see who is going

C. Harley recorded attendees

D. Communicate with each other while there

E. Scholarship winners

1. IGHSAU sending 4 females

2. IHSADA sending 3 if replacement is made for Norem

F. Turn receipts in to Bissen

G. State Party Dec. 11, 7 10

H. Record attendance

I. Iowa gift for National convention: 150 200

XXII.State convention

A. Program updated

B. presiders/recorders

C. Contact 2nd VP candidates to see where we stand

D. 255 already registered

E. Harley will send link to hotel for state convention

F. Wishes for convention favors

G. Make A Wish: $55K made nationally; money is sent to local chapters if they are available

H. Badges Schultz

I. Projectors Linde will look for these versus renting from hotel

J. Winker confirmed U of I students are good to go

K. Meals part of registration

L. Discussions continue with Hyatt

M. District Directors for President’s Dinner

N. Make sure hospitality areas covered

O. Make sure ballrooms are cleared out by certain times

P. Network and have social time together

Q. District Directors meeting at 11 of Friday need to know duties for convention

XXIII. Junior High updates in January

XXIV. Meeting adjourned at 12:19; Motion to adjourn Ludwig, second by Huff, motion carried



Balancing the athletic director job with family

Ourpositionasathleticdirectorisextremelytime intensive,demandingandunforgiving.It’snotuncommonto havecontestsscheduledeverydayoftheweek,someduringtheeveningineitherthestadiumorgym,andeven someonSaturdays.


Ifluckyenoughtohaveanassistantorgamemanager,wemightconsidersqueezinginalittlerelief.Butmostof uswon’thavethatkindofluckandwillbeforcedtoattendtheevent.Onthoserareoccasionssuchasattendinga nationalorstateconference,wehavetopreparedetailed,step by stepinstructionsforoneortwodaysofcoverageinourabsence.

Manyofusunintentionallyshort changeourfamilies.Withallofourschoolandathleticdepartmentobligations, wereallyhavelittletimeforanythingelse.

Itmighttakeweeksofjugglingourscheduleandmakingallowancesjusttocelebrateabirthdayforafamily member.Qualitytime?What’sthat?

Sinceestablishingabalancebetweenyourfamilyandpositionisadifficultanddelicateproblem,you’renotgoingtofindathleticdirectorsofferinganyspecialinsights.Butarethereanygoodsolutionsouttherefortherest ofuscaughtinthistrap?

Advice from ADs

BillBrunoofBrickTownship,N.J.;Jon VanillaofBurgettsown,Pa.;Patrick McHughofNorthShore,Ill.;DavidLutes ofKent,Wash.,andMikeEllsonof Nashville,Tenn.,arereadytosharetheir experiences.

Ifyouhavechildrenofyourown,itmay benexttoimpossibletoattendtheir gamesormusicalperformances.Game managementandvariousmeeting responsibilitiesmaycreatehugehurdlesinyourattempttobesupportiveofyouroffspring.

BillBruno,forexample,reliesonassistants,gamemanagersandfriendstobeofhelpsohecanpartakeofhis son’sactivities.

SinceJonVanilla’sandMikeEllson’schildrenattendedtheschoolwheretheirfathersweretheathleticdirector, theywereofteninattendanceatthegameswiththeirdads.Asamatteroffact,Jonusedhischildren’sinterestto makethemunofficialassistants.SinceJondidn’thaveanadultassistant,itwasagreatwaytokeephischildren involvedandtosharetimetogether.


AnotherbenefitthatJonandMikestressedabouthavingtheirchildrenrighttherewhenevertheywereneeded: Theybothgottoknowtheirchildren’sfriendsandaregenerallyprivytowhatisgoingonineachoftheirlives.

Evenifyourchildrenattendotherschools,youcantakethemtoyourcontests,letthemgetinvolvedandspend timewithyou.Ifyouareattendingtogamemanagementresponsibilities,it’simportanttoestablishpredeterminedmeetingpointsandamethodtogetintouchincaseofanemergency.

Fornon athleticactivities,PatrickMcHughtriestodevelop“sharedactivities”withhischildren.Forexample,he andhisoldestsonplaythesamemusicalinstrumentandtakelessonstogetherinordertoimproveandtospend timetogether.


Balancing the athletic director job with family


Apossiblesolutionistofindanactivitythatyourwifeorkidscanalsoenjoyandtakepartin,enablingthemto accomplishtwogoals qualityfamilytimeandaworkout.

Explaining the job

AlloftheAD’sexpressedtheirappreciationofsupportiveandunderstandingspousesandhowvitalthiswasin theirsurvival.Butwhatifyourwifeorhusbanddoesnothaveanappreciationofathleticsandiscluelessasto whatyourpositioninvolves?Whatdoyoudo?

Asobviousasitmayseem,youhavetositdownandexplainyourpositionandwhatitentailstoyourspouse. Bringthemalongtosomeconteststoactuallyseewhatisinvolvedandshowthemthatnotjustanyonecanbe thrownintoyourpositionduringagame.

Asyouknow,yourpositioninvolvesplanning,details,decisions,andpossiblydealingwithemergencies,allof whichtakestraining,yearsofexperienceandperhapsalittleluck.

Everyonequicklyandclearlyexpressedthattheylovedwhattheydidandunderstoodthelimitationsandpitfalls oftheposition.BillBrunopointedoutthatitalsohelpedtohavehiswifeasacoachand,therefore,totallycomprehensiveabouthisinvolvementandresponsibilities.

Ofcourse,youalsohavetodoyourparttocreatequalitytimewithyourfamilybythinkingaheadandfinding someonetocoverforyouonspecialfamilyoccasions atimewithoutcellphonesandotherdistractions.This timemustbetotallydevotedtoyourfamily.

Ineveranswerthephoneathome.Mywifeandchildrendevelopedafail safesystemmanyyearsagoinorderto preservemytimeathome.EvenifIamsittingrightthere,thestandardresponseis, “Wearesorry,heisn’thome.” Inaddition,theyneveroffertohavemereturnthecall.

Protecting Sundays

WedisconnectedfromourInternetserverseveralyearsagooutofnecessity.Coaches,parentsandevenfellow athleticdirectorsbeganexpectingmetoanswertheiremailmessagesonSundays.Theybecameanenormous intrusionintomylimitedfamilytime.

Everyonecanexpectafairlypromptreplyfrommeduringtheweek,andthat’sreasonable.ButIwillguardmy timeathome,andthatmeansnotreplyingtooff houremails.

InDavidLutes’words,“Sundayisaspecialday”forhisfamilyandtheytrytoalwaysmaketheeveningmealthe centerplaceoftheweekforthem.Notthattheydon’ttrytohavemealstogetherthroughouttheweek,buton Sundaytherearenointerruptions,gamestoattendorotherresponsibilities.

Thisisstrictlyfamilytime.WhileitmightmeangoingtoschoolanhourearlieronMonday,Daviddoesnoteven bringpaperworkhometocauseadistractiontothisfamilyontheironedaytogether.

Aftertalkingwiththisgroupofathleticdirectors,itbecameveryclearthatestablishingabalancebetweentheir positionandfamilyisaconstantbattle.

Ittakeseffort,creativity,andacommitmenttoavoidshort changingyourfamily.Butit’sabattlethatyoucan’t lose.Youhavetofindawaytospendsomequalitytimewithyourfamily.

Sports Law Issues Impacting Athletics

Transgender Policies for Athletics Programs

So many times we get caught up in what is going around us that we fail to think about other people and how much we depend on each other or even what we’re missing in our own lives sometimes, we forget how grateful we should be for who, how, what, and especially, where we are in our present life.

Let's make the most of out of it. Imagine there is bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. It allows no overdraft. Every evening it deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent of course!

Each of us has such a bank. Its name is TIME. Every morning it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes it off as lost, whatever you have failed to invest to good purpose. The loss is yours. There is no drawing against the “tomorrow.” You must live in the present on today’s deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and access. The clock is running. Make the most of today!


To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.

To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby..

To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of ONE DAY, ask a daily wage laborer with kids to feed.

To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are wanting to meet.

To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train.

To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who wrongfully ended his best relationship.

To realize the value of ONE MILLI SECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.

Treasure every moment that you have! Treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend the time. Remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present!!

What district(s) has the most MS/ JH AD’s of the Year with 10?
May 20, 2015
and legally sufficient policies regarding
transgender ath
sports activities is
the latest civil rights challenges facing edu cational institutions. In April 2014, the OCR issued an updated pol
icy guidance clari fying that the civil rights guarantees in Title IX extend to all students, regardless of their sexual orienta tion or gender identi ty. The inclusion of transgender students in the new guidance reflects evolving legal standards nationwide , both
of fair
letes in school
one of
[Answer: Page 3]

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