28 march namib times e-edition

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Walvis Bay Residents Petition Against Red Force

Leandrea Mouers

Walvis Bay residents staged a peaceful demonstration Wednesday morning protesting against the debt collection agency, Red Force, appointed by the WalvisBaymunicipality.Theresidents handed over two petitions to the Municipality,whichActingCEOFrans !Gontebaccepted.

Elvis Goseb, representing the residents, stated their opposition to the unlawful introduction of RedForcedebtManagement."WewantRedForce out of Walvis Bay It is impractical to introduce Red Force in these times of economic hardship."

Quoting the Namibian Constitution, specifically Article 111 (5), which states that "all by-laws or regulations made by localAuthorities pursuant to

Continues on page 2

National Coordination Mechanism on Decent Work in Fisheries Launched

TheMinisterofLabour,IndustrialRelations,andEmployment Creation, Utoni Nujoma, launched the National Coordination Mechanism (NCM) on Decent Work in the NamibianFisheriesSectorthisweek.

The NCM for the fisheries sector will be responsible for overseeing compliance with international labour standards and facilitating dialogueamongstakeholderstoenhance working conditions and operationalefficiency Thismechanism will serve as a platform for sectoral social dialogue among tripartite members, addressing the decentworkchallengesandopportunitiesinthefishingsupplychain. It constitutes the coordination mechanismcalledforinArticle7of the ILO Work in Fishing Convention,2007(No.188).Itwillprovide recommendationstotheMinistryof Labour as part of fulfilling Namibia's reporting obligations to the ILOundertheConvention.

Additionally, it will work towards enhancing the fisheries sector's operations and addressing emerging challenges effectively At the same event,aBusinessForumconvenedto advance the cause of Decent Work within the Namibian Fisheries Supply Chain. This Forum aims to enlighten stakeholders about decent work issues within the Namibian fisheries supply chain and explore strategies for fostering sustainable business practices, considering regulatorychangesandmarketdynamics. Speaking at the occasion, Ms Philile Masuku, the Director of the ILO Country Office for Zimbabwe and Namibia, added that the Namibian fisheries industry remains one of the most significant contributors to economic activity, employment, and foreignexchangeearningsinNamibia. The Fisheries Ministry's employment verification of 2021 indicated that 18,105 people were directlyemployedonfishingvessels and land-based factories, of which women make up the largest component at 64% in land-based factories.

“Despite its economic significance, the sector faces various challenges relatedtodecentwork,includingdeficitsinoccupationalsafetyandhealth, skills development, illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, dissatisfaction with working conditions,includingwages,working

Continues on page 2

Prepare to be Inspired at the Namib International Desert Jazz No Further Extension For Sim Cards

N$6 namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7059 THURSDAY 28 MARCH 2024 Page 2 Page 3 Page 11 & 12 inside Sports News
The National Coordination Mechanism (NCM) on Decent work in the Fisheries Sector Members pictured with Utoni Nujoma (Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation), Derek Klazen (Minister of Fisheries), Hafeni Ndemula (Deputy Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation) and Ms. Christine Bader (ILO Specialist - Transport and Maritime Sectors). Photo Leandrea Mouers Scenes from the peaceful demonstration against Red Force. Photos: Leandrea Mouers Leandrea Mouers

National Coordination

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hours, and overtime compensation. Other challenges affecting decent work include the widespread use of temporary contracts and relatedlackofsocialsecuritycoverageespecially on foreign-flagged vessels.” To advance decent work in the fisheries sector, the ILO in collaboration with the European Commission launchedtheSustainableSupplyChainstoBuild Forward Better project. “The project aimed at promoting decent work in the fisheries supply chain. This included the development of knowledge, tools, guidance, policy advice, technical assistance, and training to address decent work challengesandopportunities.Inpursuanceofthis objective, a deep dive research was conducted and informed the design and development of several interactive tools and capacity-building interventions,fortripartitepartnersinthesector.”

Throughthisproject,agovernancestructure,the National Tripartite Advisory Committee (NTAC), was established. “The Committee provi-ded overall technical and strategic guidancetoensurethattheactionsandactivities undertheprojectwerealignedwithnationalprioritiesandframeworksandrespondedtothechallengesidentifiedinthedeep-divestudy TheNational Tripartite Advisory Committee (NTAC) has met more than 10 times during the project implementation period. It has become an active forumfordiscussingkeyissuesinthesectorand findingsolutionsthroughsocialdialogue;hence, the members agreed to make it a permanent platform by converting it to a National Coordination Mechanism on Decent Work in the FisheriesSectorforNamibia.”

Christine Bader, from the International Labour Organisation(ILO)HeadquartersinGeneva,statedthatsinceNamibiahastakenupthechallenge ofestablishingtheNCM,asthismechanismwill perpetuatetheachievementsoftheprojectandbe asofnowtheplatformfordiscussing,andfinding solutions or compromises to effectively address old and new challenges for decent work in the fishingsector “TheNCMwillensurethatlabour, maritime,andfisheriesauthoritiesandthesocial partners continuously communicate, cooperate, andcoordinate,toensureasector-specific,multidisciplinaryone-governmentresponse.”

Labour Minister Utoni Nujoma added that DecentWorkisnotjustamoralimperative;itisalso essential for sustainable development. “When workersaretreatedfairly,paidadecentwage,and providedwithsafeworkingconditionsandenvironment, they are more productive, profitable, and contribute more effectively to economic growth. It is therefore of utmost importance to take cognisance that adequate and appropriate measures to promote good basic conditions of employment, prevent accidents and diseases at work are paramount. It is disheartening to know that these measures are often not available, especiallyinsomeorganisationswhereemployee welfare, safety, and health are ignored and not prioritised.”

TheministeraddedthattheNCMisappointedas aresultoftripartiteconstituentnominations;they will serve for a period of five years with effect fromthedateofinauguration.“Theirmainfunc-

tionsaretosupportandcoordinatethefullimplementation and enforcement of Convention No.188 through constant, effective, and robust social dialogue, acting as the coordination mechanismtobeestablishedunderArticle7ofConvention No.188. Consult and make recommendations to the Minister responsible for Labour and relevant ministries under Convention No.188andotherrelevantconventionsinthepromotionofdecentworkintheNamibianfisheries sector Keep the progress made regarding the implementation and enforcement of Convention No.188 in Namibia under continuous review, by overseeing, monitoring, and evaluating decent work in the Namibian fisheries sector Provide advicetotherelevantlineMinistries(Ministryof Labour Industrial Relations and Employment Creation (MLIREC), Ministry of Works and Transport(MWT),andMinistryofFisheriesand Marine Resources (MFMR). As well as safeguard/facilitate compliance with Convention No.188 and international labour standards and submitsuggestionsandobservationstothecompetentauthority(MLIREC).

The National Coordination Mechanism (NCM) on Decent work in the fisheries sector members are:Ms.AuneNMudjanima,MinistryofLabour Industrial relation and Employment Creation, Representing Government (Chairperson), Mr Elias Amunyela, Ministry of Labour Industrial relationandEmploymentCreation,Representing Government, Ms Ndesheetelwa Shitenga, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, RepresentingGovernment,MsOliviaShuuluka,Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Representing Government, Mr Chris Fikunawa, Ministry of Works and Transport, Representing Government, Mr Theo Shipopyeni, Ministry of WorksandTransport,RepresentingGovernment MrJobMuniaro,NamibiaunionNationalWorker (NUNW), representing the workers, Mr MahongoraKavihuha,TradeUnionCongressofNamibia (TUCNA), representing the workers, Mr Joseph Garoeb Namibia National Labour Organisation(NANLO),representingtheworkers,Mr LeonardArmas, Namibian Fishing Industries & FishermenWorkersUnion,representingtheworkers,MrPaulusHango,NamibiaSeamenandAllied Workers Union (NASAWU), representing theworkers,MrJacobPenda,NamibiaFoodand Allied Workers Union (NAFAU), representing theworkers,MrJacobTTOrange,NamibiaEmployers Federation (NEF), representing the employers, Ms Ruusa NN Shipanga, Namibia Employers Federation (NEF), representing the employers, Ms Monia Tjongarero, Namibia Employers Federation (NEF), representing the employers, Mr Edwin Kamatoto, Confederation of Namibia Fishing Association (CNFA), representing the employers, Ms Marlene Martins, representingtheemployersNCMmembers. The minister emphasised that the onus rests on thememberstoensure“thatthewell-beingofour workersisnotputtostakeforanycompromising reason, at the same time enabling sustainable enterprises.”

“I urge all stakeholders in the fisheries sector to support the initiative and to work together to promote decent work for all. Together, we can build a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient fisheriessectorthatbenefitsallplayers.”

No Further Extension For Sim Cards

With only nine days left, service providers will suspend the numbers of all unregistered subscribers once the deadline hits. This was announced by the Minister of Information and Communication Technology (MICT), Emma Theofelus.

Theministerstatedduringherministerialstatement in Parliament that no further extension would be grantedtoSIMcardusersbeyondtheapproaching deadline of 31 March. “The SIM registration processservesasamechanismtocombatmobilefraud, facilitatee-servicedelivery,andenabledigitalsurveillance and interception for criminal investigations,”sheadded.Theofelusstatedthatasat29 February, Namibia had a total of 2 387 230 active SIMcards.Outofthese,1687742SIMcardshave been successfully registered, representing a registrationrateof70.6%. Sheaddedthatmobileoperators such as Paratus Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd and UCOM Mobile Namibia (Pty) Ltd, for-

Walvis Bay Residents

Continued from page 1

powers vested in them by act of parliament should be tabled in the National Assembly," he added that the Credit Control Policy of Walvis Bay Municipality was never tabled at the National Assembly after a revised draft in January 2022. "The document was never signed off by the council and adopted.The Credit Control policy document, therefore, isanillegaldocumentenforcedupon the residents of Walvis Bay We wouldliketoknowwhetherthedebt collector Tender was published as pertheProcurementAct,orwasita handpickedfirm,tobenefittheelites of the Municipality? The Debt Collectordoesnothavethemandate to disconnect water supply of residents. Water is a basic need; waterislife!"

Goseb further explained that the residents are being coerced by the Municipality to make arrangements withRedForcedebtmanagementto payoutstandingdebts."RedForceis threatening residents to pay 75% of outstanding debt before any reconnection of water supply, makingitanunlawfulact.Thisdebt management company is currently carrying out the functions of the revenue department of the municipality of Walvis Bay The employees of this department continue to receive full salary and benefits while their job is outsourced."Healsopointedoutthat the Walvis Bay Municipality Councilfailedtoconveneameeting to discuss Red Force Debt Management with the residents as a matter of public concern "The Municipality of Walvis Bay breached client and customer confidentialitybydisclosingprivate information to a third party without thewrittenconsentofthecustomer.”

The residents implored the Walvis Bay Municipality to write off debts accumulated since Covid-19, as it was accrued as a result of a government state of emergency directive. "Cease the contract with Red Force debt management with

immediate effect, as it was implemented unlawfully and is directlyincontraventiontotheLocal Authorities Act. We demand the removalof12%addedtooutstanding accounts,asthesechargeswerenever approved by the line Minister as per section 79(1) " Furthermore, the residents demanded that the council consider a 50/50 debt recovery paymentplan."Thisiswherewepay 50%towardsoutstandingdebtandthe remaining50%onthecurrentaccount orthepurchaseofwaterinthecaseof residents with prepaid water meters. We give council till 5 April 2024, 14:00 to respond to our requests; failure to do so will automatically giveusago-aheadtoexploreournext step."

In the second petition, read by Chris Kleinsmithonbehalfoftheresidents, they demanded the municipality to acknowledgethepublicasthesource responsible for their salaries. "We demand to know why millions are paid to Red Force for tracing the residents who are in debt. Does your LocalAuthorityAct23/1992,Section 79A(1)clearlygiveguidelinesforthe procedures to be followed regarding the recovery of rates and must approach a Court of competent Jurisdiction." He added that they demand the disclosure of the documents which grant Red Force permission to disconnect water suppliesofresidentswhoareindebt.

"Whathappenedtotheerrorthattook place in the Financial Department of the Municipality regarding the amountofN$712846whichwaspaid into the wrong account? The same department last year overpaid a Security company with an amount of N$ 1.2 million; was this matter also investigated?"

Acting CEO Frans !Gonteb accepted the petition on behalf of the Municipality “I guarantee and promise you that the Council will respond promptly to every concern you have raised. We will provide feedback in the shortest possible time.”

Family Speaks About the Passing of Dieter Gunther Witulski

Tragically the body of Mr Dieter Gunther Witulski, a beloved and respected resident and business partner of WalvisBay,whohadrecentlyturned40wasdiscoveredby his father at 11:40 on Sunday morning, 24 March. The family of Mr Dieter Gunter Witulski speaks about the circumstancesaroundWitulski'spassing.

merly known as Mobile Telephone Networks Business Solutions Namibia (MTN), recorded a 100% registration rate on their respective networks, while Mobile Telecommunications Limited (MTC) and Telecom Namibia Limited recorded 76% and 54%, respectively "SIMcardsnotregisteredby31March, will face a three-month suspension. Customers attempting to utilizethe service within this period will encounter a warning message and will not be able to proceed,"Theofeluswarned. She urged all SIM card users to utilise this grace periodtocompletetheirSIMcardregistrationpromptly

“His wife says he went to sleep in the flat behind their house on Saturday night During the course of Sunday morning,sheattempted to wake him numeroustimes. Becoming deeply concerned she phoned her father-in-law, who immediately rushed down to assist. The flat had beenlockedfromthe inside and he had to break the door window to be able to

reach the key to get inside. Upon entryhe agonisingly found the body of his son hanging from the rafters.

He immediately told hertoremainoutofthe roomsonottowitness this tragic incident

He then swiftly arranged for her to go to a safe place and phoned ST Gabriel Paramedics who in turn contacted the Police. They attended the scene, confirmed his passing and the

body was transported to the Walvis Bay Police Mortuary for storage and postmortem.”

His next of kin have made mention that Dieter had sadly been battling depression since a business incident that occurred in approximately August 2017. Police investigation continues and the family will advise onarrangementsregarding the final farewell to their beloved son, brotherandfriend.


Prepare to be Inspired at the Namib International Desert Jazz

Anew chapterin Namibia's entertainment history is about to be written, as Vocalcast Production with their partners DesmondFrankfortandClarenceFord,joinforcestounveil the first ever Namib Desert International Jazz Festival in 2025.

The biggest jazz festivalthatNamibiahas ever had was launched on 24 March at the Walvis Bay Yacht Club. The jazz fest promises to bring together a diverse array of artists spanning different genres and communitiesthatwill setanewstandardfor a jazz extravaganza on 18 and 19 March 2025 in the oldest desert in the world, theNamibDesert.

The Namib Desert International Jazz Festival is an initiative that constitutes a 3-waypartnershipbetweenindividualsand organisations in Namibia, South Africa, and Germany in a classic 3-way joint venture and seeks to positionaniconicjazz brand in the oldest desertonplanetearth.

The foundations for the festival have been laid over a long time.

AnannualJazzCruise from Cape Town HarbourtothePortof WalvisBaytoenabled nearly 3 000 people onboard annually overthepast10years.

In collaboration with MSC Cruises, this particular cruise will now dock in Walvis Bay Harbour (from 2025) and will serve as a floating hotel for 2 nights enabling people onboard to participate in the jazz festival in the desert.

The owner of Vocalcast Productions, Andre Bok said that their plan is to stimu-

late international, regional and local tourismasaprimaryobjective and position the Namib Desert as an iconic location within the African continent.

“With private sector partners already on board we now seek to familiarize all layers of government with the opportunity Our vision is the creation of an annual international event in an iconic location. In the process, we believewewilldelivera new MECCA for Jazz Loversfromalloverthe world,” Bok further explained.

Bok added that this annual event has the potential to become the largest jazz festival in the Southern Hemisphere, drawing jazz enthusiasts to Walvis Bay from all corners of theglobe.

“After 5 years of negotiations, we have achieved a significant breakthroughwithMSCCruises. The agreement for their ship to stay in Walvis Bay for 2 nights servingasahotelforall the passengers onboard the annual Love Jazz Cruise, opens up new possibilities for our community, providing a unique opportunity for engagement and growth”Boksaid.

According to Bok, “the extended stay of the cruiseshipwillnotonly benefit Walvis Bay and the Erongo region but will also empower the localcommunitytooffer their services in more impactfulways.Withan

anticipated influx of around 3 000 cruisers, this development presents an incredible chance for our communitytoshineandbenefit from increased exposure ” According to Bok, events like these can bring in revenue for local businesses, create job opportunities and boost tourism in the area. “It's great that you are excited about the potentialpositiveeffects ofourevent.”

Bok said, “we at Vocalcast Production and our partners in SouthAfrica andNamibiaarelooking forwardtochangeEvent Tourism in Namibia positively MSC Cruises, Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, the Namibia Tourism Board, Namport, Walvis Bay and Swakopmund municipalities commitment to promoting the event globally that will bring music enthusiasts and jazz lovers from around the world to the Namibian Desert, putting our regiononthemapforall the right reasons' he said.

Bok concluded, “get ready for an unforgettable experience at the Namib Desert International Jazz Festival 2025! We look forward in creating the biggest jazzfestivalintheSouthern Hemisphere together ” The organisers thankeachandeveryone who joinedthemfor the official launch of the 2025 Namib International Desert Jazz Festival.

The persons behind the Namib Desert International Jazz Festival (fltr:) Desmond Frankfort - Walvis Bay, Clarence Ford - Cape Town andAndre Bok - Windhoek
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Environam Consultants Trading (ECT) hereby gives notice to all potential Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) for the following:

PROJECT NAME: Proposed Construction of a Facility for the

Road Officials Trained in Truck

Brake and Tyre Roadworthiness

TheRoadsAuthority(RA)hostedatwo-dayBrakeandTyre Watch Training and practical session in Walvis Bay The training, facilitated by experts from Fleet Watch South Africa, aimed to educate road safety officials, law enforcement personnel, and policymakers on essential aspectsofroadvehiclesafety.

Additionally, it addressed critical issues suchastyrestandards, production dates/tyre validity, which are currently not adequately addressed in Namibian law but are crucial for ensuring road safety Patrick O'Leary from FleetWatch South Africa explained that FleetWatch noticed a lack of knowledge among tariff officials regarding inspecting trucks on the road. "In essence, with this training, we are showing them what to look for when inspecting a truck,suchasensuring slack adjusters are correctlyset,whichin turnindicateswhether the braking is right or wrong, and identifying faults on the tyres, among other things " He emphasised the importance of having experts share their expertise with traffic officials and examiners to enable them to perform their duties more effectively

“It'sstraightforwardto spot signs of a car that's not roadworthy if you know what you are looking for " O'Leary added that some truck operators

disregard road safety and are solely focused on profit. "We don't want these renegades on our roads, either in Namibia or South Africa. It's about savinglives."

Sergeant Johannes

Elago, from the Arandis Traffic Division, pledged that with the new expertise gained, therewouldbenonew accidentsontheArandis – Usakos road, for which he is responsible. "I pledge it will befreefromaccidents. These experts imparted valuable knowledge to us; it will be easier for us to spot signs of un-roadworthiness and preventaccidents.

Personally, I received a lot of information, and I will ensure its implementation.”

Elago stated that as traffic officers, they could hear when a truck was making unusual sounds, but identifying the problemwaschallenging.

"From this workshop, we can tell if it's a problem with the fifth wheel, airbags, or brakes. We now know what to look for." He, alongwithotherparticipants, emphasised theimportanceofsuch

training taking place annually RA Transport Inspector Beverley Makas highlighted that the trainingwouldprovide her with a clearer vision on certain matters. "There is much wewereunawareofas inspectors in our daily duties. After this, we will be more advanced; we are now the experts, knowing exactly what to look for and where." She noted that the Weighbridge could handle about 200 trucks per day, particularly during periods like the December holidays

"With this training, I will not just ask the driver if they have airbags; I will check for airbags because I now know where to look.Thistraininghas beenadvantageousfor us."

Makasalsomentioned that their newfound knowledge would assist in changing driver behaviourontheroad. "Asexperts,wewillbe there to advise drivers andinformthemabout their truck's condition before hitting the road because we possess both theoretical and practical knowledge.”

Scenes from the practical sessions received at the Walvis Bay Weighbridge. Photos Leandrea Mouers
6230 and 6231, Extension 19, Walvis Bay Erongo Region PROJECT LOCATION: Erven 6230 and 6231 Rikumbi Kandanga Road, Extension 19, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project will include the following components: · Completion Fluids · Specialised Storage · Specialised Containers · Fuel Storage PROPONENT: PGX – MALTA (Pty) Ltd PUBLIC MEETING: APublic consultation meeting will be held on 12 April 2024 at the following venue and time: · 10:00 – 11:00 at Walvis Bay Municipality Side Hall, Walvis Bay REGISTRATION OF I&APs AND SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS: All I&APs are hereby invited to register and submit their comments, concerns or questions in writing to: Email: colin@environam.com Mobile: 081 458 4297 on or before 19April 2024 Please note change in dates from previous notice NOTICE FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Environam Consultants Trading (ECT) hereby gives notice to all potential Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) for the following: PROJECT NAME: The Construction of a New Sewer Pump Station and Rising Main at LagoonArea, Walvis Bay Erongo Region th th PROJECT LOCATION: Along 5 Road (and corner of 5 Road and Nangolo MbumbaAvenue), Walvis Bay PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project will include the following components: · A new Lifting Sewage Pump Station · Medium Pressure Rising Main · Short Gravity Line from a New Manhole to the inlet of the New Lifting Station PROPONENT: Municipality of Walvis Bay PUBLIC MEETING: A Public consultation meeting will be held on 4 April 2024 at the following venue and time: · 18:00 at Walvis Bay Municipality Side Hall, Walvis Bay REGISTRATION OF I&APs AND SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS: All I&APs are hereby invited to register and submit their comments, concerns or questions in writing to: Email: colin@environam.com Mobile: 081 458 4297 on or before 11April 2024 NOTICE FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT
Handling and Storage
Radioactive Material

Van Niekerk Broers Trotseer Namibië se Paaie Per E-bike

Die vier Van Niekerk Broers, bekend vir hulle avontuursgeesenvasberadenheid,het'nonvergeetlikereisaangedurf deurNamibiëseteerpaaieensoutpaaietetrotseerope-bike.

Albertus, Christo, Hennie en Johan van Niekerk, almal in Namibië gebore,hetdieuitdaging aangepak om van Swakopmund na Kaapkruis te ry, met hulle suster, Merieta Pheiffer, wat hulle met trots ondersteun het. Bertus, die oudste van die broers, deelsyervaring,“ditwas 'n voorreg om saam met my broers hierdie reis te doen. Ons het almal 'n stukkie Namibië in ons harte en wou dit op 'n unieke manier ervaar." Christo het bygevoeg, “die geleentheid om die land op 'n ander manier teverken,wasongelooflik. Dit was 'n reis van herinneringe en nuwe avonture." Diebroers,met'ngemiddelde ouderdom van 71 jaar, het bewys dat ouderdom geen belemmering is vir avontuur nie. Hulle vertel van vorige avonture,insluitendBertus se fietsrit oor twee daeasgraad9leerlingop 'n “backpedal”dikwielfiets van Windhoek na Swakopmund in 1965. Hennie, 'n voor-malige atleet, en Johan, 'n suksesvolle argitek, het ookhullebydraestotdie familiegeskiedenis van avontuurgemaak.

Bertusvertel,“ditwasregtig 'n belewenis om so saam in die koue mistige oggend in Swakopmund wegtetrek.ByWindpomp 14 is daar koffie gedrink vooronsverdergeryhettot op Hentiesbaai. Hier het ons,enonsvrouenslekker ontspan en gekuier voor dag twee se trap. Die hele trip het sonder enige voorval plaasgevind! Die afstand tussen Swakopmund en Kaapkruis is in ongeveer ses uur se rytyd voltooi! Dit wil gedoen wees, as mens in ag neem daar's 'n hele paar knie-, heup- en skouer-vervangings, kankers en hartomlydingstussendieviervan ons.”

Suster van die vier broers, Merieta, het die volgende gedeel met die Namib Times, “Albertus, Christo, Hennie, Johan en ek, die oudste, was almal saam eers in Eros Laerskool en toe in Windhoek Hoërskool. Bertus was al die jare, tot en met onafhanklikheid 'n staatsamptenaar, en het as sekretaris van Kleurlingsake by die 2de Vlak Owerhede uitgetree. Hy het daarna die sakewêreld betree en was die eienaar van Africa Glass en Namibia Extrusions Windhoek.Christosalons onthou vir Southern Estates, Buisiness Services, Hartlief en Rhino Park

Hospitaal. Hy het verhuis na Kaapstad in 1998 Hennie het baie jare in Pretoriagewerk,maarwas altyd n toegewyde atleet. Hy het ook verskeie kere die Swakopmund Triathlongewen.Hywasookn Springbok Driekamp atleet. Hy woon nou permanent in Swakopmund. Johan die argitek, het die oorspronklike Maerua Mall ontwerp en ontwikkel, en met Design Struct aangegaan en ook baie ander ontwikkelings in Windhoek en Swakopmundgedoen.Hyissedert 2014 permanent in Swakopmund en besit die BeStill Accommodation and Meditation Centre waarheenmensekomomstilte word.”Diehoogtepuntvan die reis was nie net die mooilandskappenie,maar ookdiebandwattussendie broersversterkis."Onshet mekaar ondersteun en aangemoedig,netsoosons altyd gedoen het," het Hennie gesê met 'n glimlag. Johan het bygevoeg, “dit was 'n reis van samewerking en vasberadenheid."Diebroersisnievan plan om hul avontuure daar te laat eindig nie. "Volgende jaar weer saam fietsry?"hetChristogevra. Diegesinsiennoualuitna dievolgendeuitdagingwat voorlê.

Erongo Police Investigate Disturbing Rape Cases

AccordingtoWarrantOffficerTashiyaFernando, spokesperson for the Erongo police, the first incident occurred between December 2023 and 16 March, at Omaruru. A 13-year-old girl fell victim to repeated acts of rape allegedly perpetrated by 23-year-old,Vallentinus Shivaye. The circumstances surrounding the assaults suggest coercion. Shivaye was apprehended and appeared before the Omaruru Magistrate Court

on Friday, 22 March. However, the investigation remains ongoing as authorities seek to gather additional evidence and ensure a thorough examinationofthecase.

In the second incident, during the month of February in Mondesa Swakopmund an 18-yearoldmale,standsaccusedoftherapeofa13-yearoldgirl,whoisreportedlythesuspect'sneighbour, accordingtoWarrantOfficerFernando.

The Erongo Police have provided details on two separate rape incidents in OmaruruandSwakopmund.
Eileen van der Schyff van der Schyff

Efficiency Meets Comfort with Namibia2Go in Walvis Bay

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CMACross-border Payment Changes Set forApril

Inlinewithregulatoryrequirements,thebankingsectorwillberollingoutchangestohow clientsmakeandreceivepaymentsbetweenNamibia,Eswatini,LesothoandSouthAfricaalso knownas'theCommonMonetaryArea'asof15April2024.

This means that all cross-border Electronic Fund Transfer(EFT)paymentsprocessedandreceived by clients within the Common Monetary Area (CMA) will no longer be permitted through the domestic payment methods and channels. All cross-border payments to an individual or a businessintheCMAmustinsteadbeinitiatedasa GlobalPaymentontheFNBAppandFNBOnline Banking.

According to FNB Namibia Payments Manager Albert Matongela, when making cross-border payments from FNB Namibia to other CMA countries (South Africa, Lesotho and Eswatini), clientswillneedtocaptureandprocesspayments on the Foreign Exchange (Forex) tab within the existing online banking platform or FNB App whichcanbefoundontheonlinebankingandApp menus. “Once the change has been affected, clients will receive an error message when processing a cross border EFTpayment with any transactionalvalue.Thiserrorwillinformclients thattheycannotproceedwiththepayment.Inthis regard, clients are advised to delete existing EFT cross-border recipients or beneficiary list, including EFT Folders and EFT Bulk Payment files.Clientsneedtoreloadallsavedbeneficiaries asGlobalPaymentbeneficiariesandinputallthe necessaryinformationsuchasNameoftheBank, NameofBranch,SwiftCode,PaymentReceiver's Physical address, and Reason for the payment.

Additionally,OnlineBankingEnterprise(OBE) clients will require channel limits and permissions to be set for individuals capturing and authorising global payments” Matongela explained. He further explained that Global paymentscanonlybemadefromatransactional account and not a credit card, adding that the Pay2Cell functionality as well as the scheduled payments functionality are also disabled for globalpayments.“Clientsandtheirbeneficiaries can expect longer payment turnaround times as the beneficiary will also be required to provide BalanceofPayments(BOP)informationtotheir bank before the release of the funds into their account and will be required to provide additionaldisclosuresconcerningthereasonfor the payment and the payment beneficiary to enable the fulfilment of Balance of Payments (BOP) regulatory reporting requirements” he said. Matongela reiterated that the payment changes are necessary because of the need to complywithregulatoryrequirementswhilealso tobeinginlinewithmodernisationexpectations at national and regional levels “Despite relatively longer turnaround times, payments will be made and received in a way that meet regulatoryexpectation.Additionally,clientsand beneficiarieswillbeabletoself-service,viatheir preferred channel, to release incoming payments”Matongelaconcluded.

Namib Times Website: www.namibtimes.net

NarravillePrimarySchooliscelebratingits60thbirthday this year. Since its establishment in 1964, the school has grownfromstrengthtostrength.

Inacelebrationceremonyattendedbythe Mayor of Walvis Bay,Trevino Forbes, he commended the school'spreviousand currentleadershipfor theroleitplaysinthe community

The former principal ofNPS,aswellasthe longest-serving prin-

cipal of the school, provided an overview oftheschool'sjourney With this 60th anniversary, the school is encouraging former learners,formerteachers, former principals, current learners, interested companies, entities, and people to donate N$60 for the


Along with this milestone birthday, the school is also welcoming new beginnings in the form of a new principal, Mrs Y E. Theron, starting on May 1, 2024, and will be the second female principaloftheschool.

Situated in Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, is TutaleniPrimarySchool. Outofthiscommunity, and more specifically, this school, therearemanyrisingstars.

One of whom is grade 7 learner, Elise Mbeeli.At the recent awards ceremony of the school, she managedtoscoopsixbest-in-subjectawards,was placed as the top learner in the grade, and also received the Principal's Award and Dux Learner Award.

Mbeeli managed to get 91% in English, 88% in Afrikaans, 93% in Mathematics, 96% in Social Studies,96%inNaturalScience,and96%inHome Economics, which she shared with Gertrud Kudumo.

The top three in the grade were Elise Mbeeli, followed by Jona Josef, and in third place was OlavyHaipinge.

Leandrea Mouers
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Leandrea Mouers

School Director Sleeps on Roof in Epic Challenge

·Mr and Miss LWB Crowned

LaerskoolWalvisbaaineverceasestodeliverawesomesurprises, and this time was no different when the learners challenged school director, Charl Theron to sleep on the school'sroof.

Thisoccurredrightbefore the beauty kings andqueenswerecrowned in the school's annual Mr and Miss LWB event, where Riego Julie and LéJeandré Lewanschek were crowned as Mr andMissLWB,respectively Their first prince and princess were Henco

Rupping and Chelsey Forbes,whilethesecond princeandprincesswere KevinRedelinghuysand GraciaShaulwa.

ChelseyForbeswasalso crowned Miss Congeniality, and Kayden RauwerdaasMrCongeniality Another great surprisewasthefactthat the learners graced the runway in not-yourordinaryballgownsand tuxedo's for evening wear, but rather outfits made from recyclable material. For their opening act the learners were dressed in white tshirts and jeans, followedbysportswear Right before the pageant, Theron set up his mattressontopoftheschool hall's front entrance

roof.“Surprisingly,itwas a good experience. The weather played along nicely,” he said. He explained that he initiated the School Director's Challenge to raise funds for the school's capital projects “The learners challengedme–sincewe are a primary school, we wanted to make sure that the learners have fun as well, to show them you don't necessarily have to beyoungtohavefun.”He explained that the goal wastoraiseN$60000for the school, as the school turned 60.“We surpassed that goal and raised N$120 000, so I had no other choice but to complete these challenges; sleeping on the roof and, with the final challenge being pushed by the learners on a pedal car in my Superman Onesie. Purely for fun, but also for the development of the school.”

Theron added that when he had difficulty working

on his laptop while on the roof, he saw this as anopportunitytopray.“I had the opportunity to pray for everyone. It's something very close to my heart, that God will bless our school, our learners, our teachers, ourcommunities.Itruly felt His presence and was just in awe of how God speaks to us.” The schools are currently on mid-termbreakandwill return on 2 April so we can't wait to see what's next up Laerskool Walvisbaai'ssleeve.

Sandhu Transport Namibia has a vacancy for the following:


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Miss World Namibia

Leone van Jaarsveld, was the main judge of the evening. Here she is with the respective Mr and Miss LWB Winners Mr Charl Theron right before he took on the challenge to sleep on the roof. Riego Julie and Lé-Jeandré Lewanschek were crowned as Mr and Miss LWB. Mr Charl Theron in his SuperMan Onesie during the final challenge. Photos contributed Leandrea Mouers




EnviroPlan Consulting cc hereby gives notice to all potential Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs), that an application for Environmental Clearance certificate will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental ManagementAct (No. 7 of 2007) as follows;

Proponent: Blue RidgeAquacultureAfrica (Pty) Ltd (Blue Ridge)

EnvironmentalAssessment Practitioner: EnviroPlan Consulting CC

Brief Project Description: Blue Ridge proposes to construct and operate an aquaculture facility (farm) near Henties Bay Town in the Erongo Region. The Project will entail the farming of Broodstock by means of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) which is a technological approach to aquaculture where the entire process is brought indoors into a highly controlled environment. The RAS approach has 4 main components, namely the Grow-out tank, Solids removal, Oxygenation / Dissolved gas control, and Wastewater recovery

Project Location: The project is located about 5km north of Henties Bay Town, although it falls within the undeveloped extended boundaries of the Henties Bay Municipality Townlands, near the turn off of C34 road (Swakopmund-Henties Bay-Uis). Public & stakeholder participation process: Interested and affected parties are hereby notified that stakeholders and public participation (consultative) meetings will be held as per details below: · Thu, 04.04.2024: 09h30 at Erongo Regional Council Boardroom (TBC), Swakopmund · Thu, 04.04.2024: 14h00 at Ministry of Education Hall (TBC), Henties Bay The participation and commenting period is effective until Tuesday, 30April 2024. To register or request for documents submit your details in writing to the Environmental Consultant or alternatively fill the online form, link and contact details given below HTTPS://TINYURL.COM/33HKRRDH

EnviroPlan Consulting: Ms. F Shagama Phone: +264 81 749 9223, Email: INFO@ENVIROPLANCONSULT.COM


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Roman Catholic Parishes


New Era Dawns for Cricket Namibia

This stadium symbolises the commitment to fostering the growth of cricket in the nation and beyond and will not only serve as a venue for thrilling matches but also as a hub for nurturing talent, promoting sportsmanship, and fostering camaraderie among nations Benchmarking world class stadiums in SouthAfrica and India, CricketNamibiahavedevelopedaprojectwhich willfuseinternationallyacclaimedinfrastructure with Namibian culture. Apart from the cricket pitchwitheightbattingpitchesandpavilionwith lodges, the complex will house a highperformance centre, restaurant, sports shop and neighbouring practice pitch with batting pitches andnets.

The show piece is not only set aside for international competitions, but club cricket shouldalreadybeplayedtherefromthiscoming September The Minister of Sport, Youth and National Service Agnes Tjongarero, said at the groundbreaking ceremony, the stadium will be a priceless national asset. Tjongarero extend her heartfelt gratitude to all the stakeholders who have contributed to making this dream a reality “As we embark on this journey, I am filled with immense pride and excitement for what lies ahead. The international stadium of cricket will not only serve as a venue for thrilling matches, but also as a hub for nurturing talent, promoting sportsmanshipandfosteringcamaraderieamong nations,”shesaid.“Itisatestamentofourpassion for cricket and determination to excel on the worldstage.Toourcricketers,letthisstadiumbe

a source of inspiration and motivation as you train tirelessly, hone your skill and strive for greatness.TheworldwillbewatchingandIhave no doubt that you will make us proud. Looking ahead to the 2027World Cup, to be hosted right hereinNamibia,Icalluponourplayerstoriseto theoccasion.Thisstadiumwillnotonlyrepresent bricksandmortar;itisatestamentofourpassion forcricketandourdeterminationtoexcelonthe worldstage. Toourcricketers,letthisstadiumbe a source of inspiration and motivation as you train tirelessly, hone your skills, and strive for greatness.Theworldwillbewatching,andIhave no doubt that you will make us proud,” and added, “Let us celebrate this momentous occasionandlookforwardtoafuturefilledwith memorable cricketing moments, sportsmanship, andunity.”

Cricket Namibia president, Rudie van Vuuren saidthatthisstadiumwillbecomemorethanjust a structure of steel and concrete, it will be the beating heart of our cricket community “It will beaplacewheredreamsareborn,whereplayers will showcase their talent and where memories are etched into the fabric of our collective identity.” Letusbreakbarriers,barriersthatlimit our aspirations, that divide us and that stand betweenusandourgoals.Letthisstadiumstand as a testament to the boundless possibilities that lie ahead for us when we come together for a shared vision and a common purpose,” Van Vuuren said. “Let us build a legacy together, a legacyofpassion,perseveranceandtheenduring spirit of sportsmanship that will define us as a communityforyearstocome. Itwillbeaplace where friendships are forged and rivalries are bornandwherethespiritofcompetitionignitesa passion of excellence for all who enter these gates,”hesaid.


In Loving Memory


Dieter Witulski

18 March 1984 – 24 March, 2024

Capricorn Eagles Secure Professional Contracts

This groundbreaking move not only signifiesasignificantstepforwardfor women's cricket in the country but also marks the first-time female cricketers in Namibia have been offeredprofessionalcontracts,underscoring Cricket Namibia's commitmenttothegrowthoffemalecricket. The contract signing establishes Cricket Namibia the only sporting code in Namibia with full-time contracts for both men and women nationalplayers.

The contracts were negotiated and signed in February 2024 and were announced at the groundbreaking ceremony of the Namibia Cricket Groundrecently

The momentous occasion also highlighted the hard work and dedication the ten talented athletes have putintothegame.Itfurtherservesasa testament to Cricket Namibia's commitmenttopromotingandsupporting women's cricket at both national and internationallevels.

The Capricorn Eagles, currently ranked 17th in the world inWomen's T20I Team Rankings, have consistentlybeenthrivingandshowcased determination on the global stage. Withthesupportoftheseprofessional contracts, they are poised to reach new heights and make Namibia proud.

Johan Muller, CEO of Cricket Namibia, expressed his delight at this significant development. “For the first time, we have been able to

professionalise the women's game. Thisisasignificantmomentforsports inthecountry.”

“It's the first-time ladies have been signed on contracts where cricket is theiroccupation.Tenladiesnowhave the opportunity to support their householdsbypursuingtheirpassion. We want to thank Capricorn Group andeveryoneinvolved,”headded.

Marlize Horn, Group Executive of Brand&CorporateAffairsforCapricorn Group, echoed Muller's sentiments.“Thisisaveryexcitingdayfor womeninNamibiaandtheCapricorn Eagles. “We know the Capricorn Eagles will make Namibia proud,” shesaid.

Horn also emphasised Capricorn Group'sprideintheirassociationwith CricketNamibiaandthanktheboard and management of Cricket Namibia for this unbelievable and amazing gesture.

“Mypersonalopinionisthatcricketis the most professionally run sport in Namibia,soweareveryproudofour association with Cricket Namibia. From our side, girls, congratulations onreceivingyourcontracts.Weknow youwillnowworkevenmoreharder andmakeusproud,”shenoted.

The contracted players are Kayleen Green, Sune Wittmann, Arrasta Diergaardt, Edelle van Zyl, Bianca Manuel, Irene van Zyl, Wilka Mwatile, Mekelaye Mwatile, Naomi BenjaminandSaimaTuhadeleni.

Many people have a moment of weakness in their lives

Regrettably Dieter, your moment was fatal

Those whom we love, will never leave us

They will remain in our hearts and thoughts forever!

Mom, Dad, Monica & Family, Tatjana & Family Family and friends throughout the world

Hulleroep,endieHerehoor, enhyredhulleuitalhulbehoudhede.

DieHereisnabydiewatgebrokeisvanhart, enHyverlosdiewatverslaeisvangees.



Godjouenjougesinseënmetkragenvrede. -Walfish

Cricket Namibia has reached a historic milestone by signing ten professional contracts with the Namibian National Women's Cricket teamthe'CapricornEagles'. Anew era dawned forCricket Namibia with the groundbreaking for the first-of-its-kind InternationalCricketStadiuminWindhoek, Namibia. Rudi Bowe
The service will be carried out in the privacy of Family

namib times Sport

Zachary Martin and Anique Schoeman Start Title Defence with a Win

Zachary Martin and Loic Bathfield in the S2 and CR2 class respectively won the Swakop Rally, presentedbytheWalvisBayMotorClubundertheauspicesoftheNamibiaMotorsportFederation lastSaturdayinandaroundthecoastaltownofSwakopmund.

Zachary Martin and navigator Anique Schoeman dominated the S2classandendedthirdoverallon the day, as they start their title defence in the National Rally Championship in their J&P Hydraulics2x4-VWPolo. Martin

neededonlyonehourtheeminutes onesecondtocompletethe101km to win the S2 Class. They are followed by Gert Coetzee and Elmarie Barnard (2x4-VW Golf) in 1:10:07 with Peer Röhm and Pieter Steyn (Gunite Polish 2x4Ford Escort MK2) third in 1:10:09.

Gerhard Visser and Geraldine Swart was victorious in the S1 class with their Toyota Tass in a time of 1:39:41whilst Dewet and LaraduPlessisintheirS1-Toyota Corolla were able to complete the rallyundertheSuperRallyrulesin 1:29:59. Loic Bathfield and navigator JohanSteyn,intheir Century Racing CR6 V8, completingthe101kmin54 minutes 09 seconds to claim victory in the CR2 class with Jandré Dippenaar and Gielie Visser with1hour1minute and 12 seconds in the PZN Panelbeaters4x4-ToyotaHilusV8 second and Werner Bartsch and Christel Fourie third in 1:10:50 in theirFordCourier Ekko Eisenberg and Rassie Rietz was victoriuas in the CR1 class andthirdoverallintheCRclasses, withtheirPupkewitzMotorsport

2x4-JAC V8 in a time of 1:07:35 with Ewald Bisschoff and Hein Bisschoffinatimeof1:10:45and Madeleiene Koegelenberg and Tivian von Weidts in their Ford Courier in a time of 1:23:51, second and third respectively in the CR1class.

PieterGreeffandJPRobinson(S1Toyota Corolla), George and Jannie Coetzee (S1-Ford Focus), Widow Bartsch and Raymond Fourie (S2-VW Polo), Willie Schoeman and Chané Havenga (CR1-2x4-ToyotaHiluxGD6)and PaulAckermanandWernerKauert (CR2-2x4-Sandmaster) did not finishtherally

The Swakop rally was supported bySteckel'sToyota,GunitePools, Hardap Freight Services, J&P Hydraulics, Safe-wear Namibia, Sealconsulting Engineers and Sky-WayFuels.Thesecondround of the Namibian national rally cham-pionship will be held in Tsumeb on the 4th of May this year

Coastal Team in Top olleyball ourney V T

ThreeCoastalVolleyballClubs will compete in the eagerly awaited Bank Windhoek-NVF Doc Tournament hosted by the Namibian Volleyball Federation(NVF)onSaturday30and Sunday 31 March at the Dome inSwakopmund

The men's and women's teams from theNamibianNavy,BlueWatersand CoastalWarriorsVolleyballClubsare geared to be part of a significant milestone, to celebrates with the rest of the country four decades of exhilarating volleyball action and camaraderieattheDocTournament. With the steadfast support of its partner,BankWindhoek,NVFis

proud to continue this tradition of excellence and sportsmanship. Bank Windhoek has been the primary sponsor of the NVFDocTournamentfor the past nine years, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to the development of volleyballinNamibia.

Nineteen male and 16 female teams from various corners of the country have registered for this year's edition, promising an electrifying showcase oftalentandskillonthecourt.Asone

of the most anticipated events on the Namibian volleyball calendar, the Doc Tournament brings together the bestteamsandplayerstocompetefor gloryandhonour

Last year's champions, Namibia CorrectionalServiceVolleyballClub from Ondangwa and Shining Stars Volleyball Club from Rundu, set the bar high with their exceptional performances.Asdefendingchampions, theywillfacefiercecompetitionfrom determined challengers eager to claimthecovetedtitle.



the Bank Windhoek-NVF Doc Tournament holds a special place in the hearts of volleyball enthusiasts across Namibia. “It symbolises the resilience, determination, and unity that defines our volleyball community Imbuwa said, “As we commemorate th the 40 anniversary of this esteemed event,welookforwardtocelebrating the rich legacy of the Doc Tournamentwhileembracingtheexcitement ofthecompetitionahead.

“We extend our gratitude to Bank Windhoek for their unwavering support and to all the teams, players, officials, fans and the media who make this Tournament a resounding successyearafteryear"headded.

To celebrate Namibian volleyball's passion, dedication, and excellence, the NVF invites all volleyball enthusiasts and sports fans to join the Tournament for a thrilling weekend ofvolleyballactioninSwakopmund.

Bank Windhoek NVF Doc TournamentMen'sdraw:

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net
Elmarie Barnard/Gert Anique Schoeman/Zachary Martin and Peer Röhm/Pieter Steyn
GroupA 1.NCS 2.BlueWaters 3.NUSTUntouchables 4.CoW 5.RFATitans GroupB 1.NDFHurricanes 2.KNVC 3.NamibianNavy 4.KCF 5.CalvaryEagles GroupC 1.NamPower 2.CoastalWarriors 3.UNAMHH 4.Kudos 5.OtjozondjupaNamPol GroupD 1.NDFRaptors 2.NUSTEliminators 3.UNAMKings 4.Afrocat Bank Windhoek NVF Doc TournamentWomen'sdraw; GroupA 1.NDFPhoenix 2.CoastalWarriors 3.Revivals 4.CityofWindhoek GroupB 1.KNVC 2.NamibianNavy 3.UNAMQueens 4.SixStars GroupC 1.BlueWaters 2.NUST 3.RevivalsA 4.OtjozondjupaNamPol GroupD 1.DTS 2.Kudos 3.Beaufort 4.RFATitans
Coastal Warriors Men's Volleyball Team Coastal Warriors Women's Volleyball Team Rudi Bowe Zachary Martin and navigator Anique Schoeman in action in their J&P Hydraulics 2x4-VW Polo.

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