Walvis Bay
Bird Paradise No Dumping Site
Cables Cause Internet Blackouts
NAMCOR: Update on Block 2813a (pel83)
Orange Basin
Four Arrested for Stock Theft
Walvis Bay
Bird Paradise No Dumping Site
Cables Cause Internet Blackouts
NAMCOR: Update on Block 2813a (pel83)
Orange Basin
Four Arrested for Stock Theft
Continued from page 1
OnTuesdaythisweek, the Governor of the Erongo Region, Neville André Itope called a press conference to clarify information that has been circulating r e g a r d i n g t h e construction and presence of a radioactive storage and handling facility in Swakopmund. Itope wanted to clarify on thenotionofthequestion; which was raisedbyamemberofthe parliament during the State of the Na-tion's Address on 14 March thisyearregardingthe construction of an activematerialstorage facility in Swakopmund, which the speaker/ member of the parliament said was currently underway in Swakopmund; and to clarify to the nation, residents, and investors about the two state of affairs related to this question. Itopesaid,“first we all want to encourage members of the parliament to make proper research and investigations on the ground before making statements in the parliament which might alarm and misrepresent the real situation. Our institutions are always available to give information to our leaders, to verify information or credible sources ” Itope further said, “as the Governor's Office, I must categorically state that we do not engage in any activi-
ties involving radioactivematerialswith-in local authority boundaries in the region, we of course have mines in the region but not in town boundaries.”
AccordingtoItope,asa disposable government committed to the wellbeing of the communities and the environment, the Namibian government adhere strictly to all local and international regulations concerning hazardous materials, the government's operations are transparent, and prioritise safety protocols to ensure the protection of both the Namibian people and the environment. The Mayor of Swakopmund, Dina Namubes, saidthecouncilisnotin the position to respond to the public because the matterhas not been tabled by the council andcouncilisnotaware of any application that hasbeentabled.
According to the Swakopmund Chief Executive Officer, Archie Benjamin, the proponent intent to refurbish and existing workshop into an underground bunker built according to international safety standards for the storage and handling of hazardous radioactive substance.Thesitewill reportedly be used for calibration tests for drillingequipmentused in the offshore oil explorationindustry In providing clarity on the application process and status of the application Benjamin said,
“to date, council have not received the application yet because the public scoping process need to be completed. As of now, we through my office and through the office of Stewart Planning have been receiving the public comments, opinions, and objections ” He said, once that process hasbeencompleted,the complete application will then be submitted tocouncil.Councilwill then consider this application based on threefactors-oneisthe zoning of the erf; the other is the environmentalact and then the third one is the public opinion on the matter The council will then take a decision, whetheritispositiveor negative will then be submittedbycouncilto the environmental commissioner for review The environmental commission will then have to express themselves on the matter Even if the council takes a decision, the public has the right in terms of the law, to object to the environmental commission.
Benjamin said it is unfortunate that there is a perception that, maybe due to this misinformation, this matter has been served at council already “Once it has been served, we will have a complete application and know the details and then council will take a decision based on the application.”
Namibia is one of thirteen countries in Africa affected with internet connectivity challenges as four of the nine cables that connectAfricavia the internet with the rest of the world, were severelydamaged.
Thedamagedcablesare causing widespread outages across the continent. The outage, affectingthirteennations, has particularly hit Namibia, alongside othercountries.
Disruptions saw an abrupt halt to online activities across Namibia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte
d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa, The Gambia, and Togo. While some countries experienced brief interruptions, others, including Namibia, endure ongoingoutages.Reports from SouthAfrican network providers such as Vodacom and MTN, alongside the Nigerian Communications Commission, confirmed that the damage to the under-
WalvisBayBirdLoversexpressedtheir concerns about the state of the Bird Paradise situated east of the harbour town, the area where the Walvis Bay wastewaterisdumped.
Walvis Bay Bird Paradise is a tourism enterprise specialising in bird viewing with the intention to showcase the magnificent birdlife of Namibia's central coastal region. People are dumping their waste among the reeds and areas out of the public eye. Walvis Bay bird lovers appeal to residents to usethedumpsiteforthepurposeitwascreated. Theareaislitteredaspeopledumptheirhousehold wasteandbuildingrubbleamongthereeds.
Don'tdumpanywasteinareasnotdesignatedfor that. You have no self respect and even less respectforothersandforourtown.
WalvisBayBirdLoverssayunlessactionistaken now,BirdParadisewouldloseitstourism-appeal. TheWalvis Bay Bird Lovers’ plea is to the community is to take care and respect our God given privilegesthatcanbetakenawaysoeasily
In the meantime, learners of the Environmental ClubofWalvisBayGymnasiumwiththesupport ofNaudeDreyer(OceanConservationNamibia), Namibia Ship Chandlers and Jaco Scholtz on Wednesday 20 March held a clean-up activity at BirdsParadise.
seacablesinCôted'Ivoire and Senegal triggered the chaos, with ripple effects reachingPortugal.
Among the affected cables are the Africa Coast to Europe, MainOne,Sat3andWestAfrica CableSystemasrevealed in an Asure status report by Microsoft. The company also explained that therecentcablecutsinthe Red Sea in combination with these cable issues, “has impacted all Africa
capacity”. Amediarelease byParatusGroupdated15 March states Paratus Group provides resilient network capacity solutions. The media release reads:“Tomitigatetheimpactofsuchoutages,some networkoperators,suchas ParatusGroup,haveinvested in multiple subsea cables to ensure redundancy and maintain the stability oftheirnetworks.Because it has capacity on alter-
native cable systemsspecifically Equiano and SouthAtlantic Cable System (SACS) - Paratus can provide a resilient capacity solution to its customers ” Paratus Group Chief Technical Officer, RolfMendelsohnsaid,“in today's world, reliable internet connectivity is no longer a luxury but an absolute necessity As a responsible network operator, we have invested
heavily in building a robust and resilient infrastructure, including redundantunderseacable systems. Thanks to our proactive approach, our customers remain connected and are experiencing minimal service disruptions during this challengingperiod."
The Internet, as reported by Cloudflare Radar is very dependant on submarine cables These cables are estimated to carry over 90% of intercontinental data traffic. Cloudflarereports, “only a small percentage of general use is done via satellitenetworks. There are 529 active submarine cables and 1 444 landings that are currently active or under construction, running to an estimated 1.3 million kmaroundtheglobe.”
(FLTR) Nedbank Namibia Executive for Corporate and Investment Banking, Tjivingurura Mbuende; Managing Partner of Sequoia Tax and Legal Advisory, Elizabeth Manasse; Executive Director of the Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture, Sanet Steenkamp; Nedbank Namibia Managing Director, Martha Murorua; Deputy Executive Director of the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises, Oscar Capelao; Bank of Namibia Technical Expert, Dr Bernie Zaaruka; PwC Namibia Country Senior Partner, Chantell Husselmann; and Managing Director of High Economic Intelligence, Salomo Hei.
On Friday, 15 March, Nedbank Namibia hosted an economic breakfast meeting for the businesscommunityofSwakopmundandWalvisBaytoanalysethe2024/25financialyear budgetrecentlypresentedbyIpumbuShiimiFinanceMinister.
Inhisreport,HonShiimiestimatedthatNamibia'sGDP grew by 5.6% in 2023, with expectations for a slight slowdownto4.0%in2024and3.9%in2025.Whilethe Namibian economy demonstrates steady growth, it is evident that not everyone has benefited equally The bulk of this growth stems from industries requiring substantial financial investment, such as mining and agriculture.Thereremainsapressingneedtoencourage the emergence of new industries capable of providing robustjobopportunities.
During the meeting, Nedbank Namibia's Managing Director Martha Murorua mentioned that one industry ripe for growth in Namibia is tourism, particularly in regions like Erongo, which is abundant with natural beauty and untapped potential.According to Murorua, other key economic drivers that have formed the bedrock of the Namibian economy are fishing and
mining.Muroruaapplaudedcoastalcommunitiesforthe foundationtheykeeplayingfortheNamibianHouse.In her statement, Murorua stated that, Globally, despite numerous challenges stemming from the pandemic, the economyhasshownresilience.
According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), global growth is forecast to remain relatively stable in 2023and2024,withaslightuptickanticipatedin2025. Muroruafurthersaid,“wecannotbeoblivioustoseveral persisting matters impacting our economic growth, including high-interest rates, limited financial support resultingfromelevateddebtlevels,climatechange,and geopolitical tensions between countries, particularly in regions like Ukraine and the Red Sea area. Despite the challenges faced both locally and internationally, the government's commitment to promoting prosperity for allNamibiansisevidentinitsspendingpriorities.”
National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia; NAMCOR with 10%carriedinterest,inconjunction with itspartners Galp Energia (80%, operator) and Custos (10%), has successfully drilled the Mopane-2X exploration well to its designateddepthinPEL83.
Drilling encountered a significant columnwithlightoilinreservoirsof highquality TheAVO-3exploration target, the AVO-1 appraisal target, and a deeper target were fully cored and logged. The AVO-1 appraisal target found the same pressure regime as in the Mopane-1X discovery well located around 8 km to theeast,confirmingitslateralextension.
The rig will now return to the Mopane-1Xwelllocationtoconduct a DST (drill stem test). Galp will continuetoanalysetheacquireddata
duringthecomingweekstoassessthe commercialityofthediscoveriesand willupdateitspartnersaswellasthe public in due course. Upbeat at the unfolding developments, NAMCOR's Interim Managing Director Ebson Uanguta, reaffirmed the company's commitment to realising Namibia'supstreampotential.
“NAMCORremainscommittedtoits missionofexploringandresponsibly developing Namibia's petroleum resources, and this discovery is a testament to the organisation's dedicationandexpertise.”
I,AlfredHerzberg,hereby apologisefortheincorrect information(date,time andvenue)oftheadvertisement placedinthenamibtimes on15.03.2024, inconnectionwithdiscussion ofthe TopicoftheRadioactiveSource Material
Storageand HandlingFacilityinSwakopmund
The Erongo Police have apprehended the culprits responsibleforstealingaBrahmanbull.WarrantOfficerTashiya Fernando, spokesperson for the Erongo Police, provided detailsontheincident.
Between Friday, 15 March and Monday, 18 March an unknown number of suspects unlawfully stole a Brahman bull valued at N$26 000 from the grazing area at Rooibank. The suspects slaughteredthebullandremoveditsmeat, leaving behind only the intestines. Awholecarcasscutintopieceswas found.
Following investigations, the policearrested four suspects aged 19, 19,20,and23.Theyaresettoappear before the Walvis Bay Magistrate Courttoday Theinvestigationintothe incidentisongoing,andthepoliceare determined to bring all responsible individualstojustice.WarrantOfficer Tashiya Fernando issued a plea to the community, urging them not to withdrawstocktheftcases.
"Doing so not only wastes police resources but also motivates culprits tocommitthesamecrime,"saidWarrant Officer Fernando. Farmers are advisedtomarktheirstockwithinsix monthsofbirthforidentificationpurposes, which aids in preventing theft andfacilitatingrecovery.Membersof the community are encouraged to report any incidents of stock theft. DetectiveChiefInspectorJeffreyUrib and Deputy Commissioner Erastus Iikuyu are leading the investigation efforts and can be reached for any informationrelatedtostocktheftcases.
- Detective Chief Inspector Jeffrey Urib:0814392687
- Deputy Commissioner Erastus Iikuyu:0812464757
In a series of operations targeting drug-related offenses, the Erongo police have made significant arrests andseizuresinvariouslocations.
WarrantOfficerTashiyaFernando,spokesperson of the Erongo police, provided details on three separateincidentsthatoccurredrecently Inthefirstincident,ontheafternoonofFriday,15 March, police conducted an intelligence-led operation at a house in Dassie Street, Kuisebmund,WalvisBay Theyconfiscatedasignificant quantityofcannabis(skunk),reportedtobesold atthepremises.53Gramsofcannabistothevalue of N$2 650 were confiscated. Victor Simon, a 30-year-oldmale,wasapprehendedandappeared beforetheWalvisBayMagistrateCourtonMonday,18March.
The second incident occurred on the afternoon of thenextday,Saturday,16MarchinLangenhoven Street,Narraville.Policeconductedabodysearch onasuspectanduncovered24bankiesofcannabis (40grams)valuedatN$2000. Thesuspect,a17year-oldmalewasarrested,charged,andreleased underparentalcare.HeappearedbeforetheWalvis BayMagistratesCourtonthesameMonday
InthethirdandlastIncident,alsoonSaturday,16 March, police executed another intelligence-led operationatahouseinMilkwoodStreet,Arandis. They seized 28 bankies of loose cannabis (106 grams) and 5 full and 1 half Mandrax tablets valuedatN$5960,PoliceapprehendedRigoberto EngelhardtMbaendavi,a24-year-oldmale,anda 17-year-old male (released under parental care). All suspects appeared before the Swakopmund MagistrateCourtonMonday,18March.
During the Nedbank Economic Breakfast meetingheldrecentlyinSwakopmund,the Managing Director of High Economic Intelligence, Salomo Hei said that although the biggest chunk of the budget is allocated to the education and health sectors, the situation of the ground does not reflecttherealityontheground.
Heisaid,“currently,wearenotproducingtheoutcomes for a thriving economy because on the one side, we have got a huge budget for education but on the other side, the outcomes are not what we want. There is a hugechallengeintermsofextraclassroomsandahuge challenge in terms of the quality of education that comes through.” Hei said, his observation is that the funds are not spent in the right areas, thus hampering the quality of education, “when I say right areas, I am referringtotheEarlyChildhoodDevelopment(ECD),
Pre-Primary because this is really where you want to strengthenthecapacityoflearningataveryearlystage. For different reasons, that will also be an issue of execution because we have an expansionary capital budget in terms of investment in infrastructure in the ministries but if your execution rate is low, it means thatitwillbeverydifficulttocreateopportunities,very difficulttocreatethenecessaryeducationbecausethen there is no construction of new classrooms due to the lowexecutionrate.Concerninghealth,Heisaidaccess to clinics and hospitals is very slow to the extent that the numbers do not reflect the reality on the ground. HeifurthersaidhethinksthattheMinistryofFinance shouldintroducea'NameandShame'ontheministries thatarenotexecutingtheirmandatesbecausetheyget funds, but they are not flowing to where they are committed to and that is underperformance and subsequently, it is sabotaging the great initiatives the governmentlookforward.
The Executive Director of the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, Sanet Steenkamp said, “we are in a countrywherealmostone-thirdofthepopulationisin school, and more than 32 000 teachers are in our schools. Where does the budget go? N$18.4 is the biggest but N$14.4 goes towards salaries. 5% goes towards policy, administration, and support services. So,wemustunderstandthedynamicsthatwesitwithin education. Steenkampsaidthebiggestproblemisthat people see education as an expense, “we should be starting to see education as an investment, starting at home. The second problem is, with this budget, because of the dynamics, we don't invest at the right level.You must understand that only 29% of children thatareinECDcentresandonly55%ofGrade1shave gone through Pre-Primary So, the limited investment inECD,inPre-Primary,thataremissedopportunities for children and have poorer learning outcomes, we mustspendmoneywhereitshouldbespent.”
GeneralCargoVessel,ROYALII(IMO:9355109),sailingunder theflagofPanamadockedatthePortofWalvisBayonMonday,18 Marchtoload12500MTNickelin2TBags.Thevesselwilldeparton Monday,25March.Herlengthoverall(LOA)is132.53metresand herwidthis21metres.
Bulk Carrier, OCCITAN PAUILLAC (IMO: 9483451), sailing undertheflagofMaltawilldockattheWalvisBayPortonMonday, 25 March to load 20 000 MT Copper Concentrates. Her length overall (LOA) is 169.99 metres and her width is 27 metres. The vesselwilldepartonSaturday,30March.
General Cargo, UNISKY(IMO: 9356414), sailingunder theflag ofAntiguaBarbudawilldockatthePortofWalvisBayon27March toload6000MTBaggedSalt.Thevesselwilldeparton30March. Her length overall (LOA) is 132.2 metres and her width is 15.87 meters.
Namibia's Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has launched a report titled 'WeAre the Ones that Suffered the Most', depicting the accounts of 13 workers who losttheirjobsduetotheFishrotscandal. In the report, through interviews with Namibian fishing industry workers, the workers share their strugglesinfindingemploymentandprovidingfor theirfamilies.IPPRlaunchedthereportinpartnership with the British High Commission. Several former Namibian government officials are set to standtrialovertheFishrotscandal,accusedofreceiving payments from representatives of Icelandic fishing company Samherji in exchange for fishingquotas.
FormerNamsovdeckhandThomasHaimbalasaid thathislifeis“sobad”nowduetoalackofmoney “Iwanttobuy[things],butthere'snomoney Iwant to get married, but there's no money,” he added. “I'mconcernedaboutthefuture,abouttomorrow ifitwillbeworseorifitwillbebetter.”ForGolden
Institute for Public Policy Research
Kashuwa, the period when he was working as a fishermanforArcticNamFishingonthecompany's Heinaste trawler, he supported or assisted his “entire family I was the breadwinner in the family,” he says. “Most of my elder brothers are not working; they are just peasant farmers at home. During that time when I was earning enough, I normally used to provide for them.” Beyond his immediate family, he also helped where he could among extended family, he says. Since I lost my job, for some of us, it created some difficult problemswithinourfamilies.”
Atthelaunch,theaffectedworkersemphasisedthat they want an apology from Samherji, formal acknowledgment of the damage done by Samherji, and proper compensation for the losses they have suf-fered. Many of these workers are currently receiving a N$4 000 per month stipend under a scheme arranged in 2020 between the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources and fishing companiesthatareawardedquotas,fromwhichto pay the unem-ployed former fishermen the monthlystipend.IPPRhasalsocalledforSamherji toissueaformalacknowledgmentandapologyfor its role in Fish-rot, directly addressing affected individuals, com-munities, and Namibian society atlarge.“WecallonSamherjitomakefullredress to directly affec-ted and impacted individuals and communities for the disruption and devastation inflictedontheirlivesasaresultofFishrot.Voicing theexperiencesofcorruptionvictimsisafirstand crucialstepto-wardsappropriateredress.”
Furthermore,IPPRrecommendsthecreationofan independent Namibian foundation made up of membersoftheNamibiangovernment,civilsociety, relevant fishing trade bodies, and fishermen themselves.“Thisbodyshouldbeindependentand be empowered with proper tools to provide transparentandlastingassistancetothevictimsofcorruption. IPPR intends to build on this report by commissioningextensiveworktoestablishthefull human rights impact of Fishrot and a study which willdetailtheeconomicharmwreakedbyFishrot.” ThefullreportcanbeaccessedatIPPR'swebsite.
TheWalvisBayMunicipalityhasrescindeditsdecisiontopartnerwiththeErongo BusinessandTradeExpo.Thisdecisionwasmadebasedontherecommendations presentedintheCouncil'slatestmeetingagenda.
Previously, the council had adopted a decision in both 2022 and 2023 to partner with the expo and waivethefeesrelatedtotheusageofthefacilities. "Therecommendationtorescinditsdecisionisin light of the fact that the expo is a commercial enterprisethathasbeeninexistenceforatleast17 years. Additionally, the Municipality of Walvis Bay,underCouncilresolutionitem11.16dated25 July2023,approvedtheannualhostingofitsown event, the Maritime Festival, for which funds are
set aside." The Erongo Business and Trade Expo hadbeenhostedattheCivicCentrepremisesfor15 years, annually leasing theTown Hall and parking areasfortheevent."On24July2022,theyrequested the Council to partner with them for the 2022 event,andon6September2022,theCounciladopted a decision to agree to this partnership for the eventheldfrom26to29October2022."
TheCouncilalsoapprovedpartneringwiththemfor future hosting of the event in Walvis Bay, with
specific provisions made in the operating budget for such partnership.Thefacilitieswereagainsubsidised by the Council for the 2023 event,whichtookplacefrom21to31 October 2023 (10 days). The monetaryvalueamountedtoN$50818.82 for the 2023 event. "No partnering agreement for the future hosting of theeventwasconcludedbetweenthe Municipality and Erongo Business and Trade Expo, and no budgetary provision was made in the cur-rent budgetforthispurpose.Instead,on25 July 2023, the Council ap-proved to host its own event, the Maritime Festival, which was held from 4 to 5 August 2023, and for which the Council approved a budgetary provisionofN$200000.”
Furthermore, the council also approved that this event should be hosted annually, and the 2024 event is scheduled from 24 to 29 June 2024.
"The Erongo Business and Trade Expo has now applied for the use of thefacilitiesfrom16October2024to 3November2024(19days),andcon-
siderationshouldbegivenastowhether the Council would again waive the facility fees or whether the fees shouldbepaid."
In regards to this, a meeting between staff from the Office of the Mayor, Corporate Services, and Community Developmentwasheldon9February 2024. The general sentiment expressedbytheErongoBusinessandTrade Expo was that, as a business earning income from hosting the event and beinginexistencefor17years,nofurther support should be granted to them. It was recommended that our resources should rather be channeled toourownevent,theannualMaritime Festival. Thus, the recommendation was made to rescind its decision. It was also recommended that the Erongo Business and Trade Expo be informed of the decision that the Council will not make any contribution towards the hosting of the event,andthatthenormalrentalrates for the facility or facilities to be used shallapply
ThefourGrade1classesofLaerskoolWalvisbaai,alongwith their teachers, paid a visit to the Namib Times' offices in WalvisBay.
This was part of an excursionduringwhich they also visited Nampost, enjoyed ice cream, and toured the NamibTimespremises. Journalist Leandrea Mouers conducted a tour of the offices and showed the learners various newspapers from the country, includingthefirstedition of the Namib Times printed on 5 December 1958.
After the short presentation, each learner signed their name on a mock front page of the Namib Times. Below are photos from their visit.
Green Roads Engineering Namibia herewith intends to apply to the SwakopmundMunicipalCouncilforthe“ResidentOccupationSpecial Consent” “administrative office” , to operatean on the premises of Erf 5783,SwakopmundExtension18(Unit8DesertSands,NossobStreet)as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering andPlanningServices.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectionsagainstsuchapplicationshouldlodge suchobjection/sinwritingandwithin14daysofthelastpublicationtothe Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normal business hours.
Contact person: Mr D van Schalkwyk, Cell: 081 140 5899 Email: danie@osino.africa
Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning)
CONSENT: ONERFNO: AlphabetPre-School&Kindergarten Erf2729
TOWNSHIP/AREA: STREET NAME & NO: Kuisebmond Volstruis Street,2729/66.
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an:Alphabet Pre-School & Kindergarten
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan5April2024.
NAMEANDADDRESS OFAPPLICANT: Rakkel Shaulwa, P O Box 5738,WalvisBay rakkelshaulwa@gmail.com
KuisebmondSecondarySchoolinWalvisBaystillrequiresfundingtocompleteits state-of-the-art school hall. The hall, intended to serve both the school and the surrounding community, will have a capacity for 1 000 people. Presently, the schoolconductsitsassembliesinanopenareaexposedtowind,sun,andrain.
Upon completion, the school hall will host various events including school assemblies, award ceremonies, cultural activities, concerts, NAMCOLclasses,andnationalexaminations. Additionally, the community will benefit from thehall,whichcanbeutilisedforseminars,public meetings,performances,events,weddings,emergencies, and workshops. Moreover, the hall will accommodatesportsactivitiessuchasbasketball, volleyball, netball, tennis, hockey, and indoor soccer,andwillbeavailableforuseduringelections,census,orpublicmeetings.
Construction of the hall began several years ago followingthegroundbreakingin2012butstalled due to funding constraints. To date, the brickwork, structural reinforcement, plastering, and primer painting for internal and external walls have been completed. However, essential tasks suchasearthworks,concretework,formworkand reinforcement,structuralsteelwork,tiling,plumbinganddrainage,waterproofing,roofcoverings and ceilings, floor coverings, and ironmongery installationremainoutstanding.
MrJonathanMashawu,theschoolprincipal,estimatesthatapproximatelyN$3956867isneeded tocompletetheschoolhall.Thisamountincludes various expenses such as earthworks, concrete, andwaterproofing(N$455440),structuralsteelworkandroofing(N$1488185),ceilings(N$681 615), plumbing and ironmongery (N$200 524),
floorcoveringandtiling(N$697254),andelectrical, signage, and other specialist installations (N$433849).Mashawuaimstofinishtheproject withinthreeyears,withplumbinganddrainageset forcompletionthismonth,roofing,steelwork,and ceiling inAugust 2024, and ironmongery, tiling, glazing, painting, and finishing touches by June 2025.
Erongo governor Neville Andre, an alumnus of KSS and the patron of the school, expressed his desiretoseetheprojectcompletedbeforehisterm ends in March 2025. He emphasised the significanceofinvestingineducationandinfrastructure forthewell-beingofchildrenandthecommunity at large, urging stakeholders and potential sponsorstorecognisethebroaderimpactoftheircontributions. “This is an important initiative. It's about the importance of a child in our society, providingthepropereducationandinfrastructure forourchildren.It'snotjustaboutinvestinginthis building, but it's an investment in the bigger picture; not only investing in the school, but in the communityatlarge.N$3.9millionisnotalotfor the business sector in Walvis Bay, we can do more.”
Kuisebmond Secondary School accommodates1 335 learners, including eight classes for grade 8, sevenforgrade9,tenforgrade10,sevenforgrade 11,andthreeforgrade12.
In a refreshing display of corporate generosity and commitment to fostering talent, Milk_Shake Namibia has announced its sponsorship of N$3 000 to Mila Swiegers, a promising young model, to assist with expenses for an upcoming international convention hostedbyProjectAim.
Mila Recognising this challenge, Milk_ShakeNamibia, a leading pioneer in the hair and beauty industry, has stepped up to provide support andrecognitiontoher talent.
Sandhu Transport Namibia has a vacancy for the following:
• BS/MA degree in Finance, Accounting or Economics
•Strong understanding of Time Value of Money concepts and analysis.
• Proven experience in a Senior Finance or Investment role for not less then 2 years.
• Strong aptitude for complex financial models.
• Knowledge of BI (Business Intelligence) vs least Business Analysis.
• Extensive understanding of financial trends both within the company and general market patterns.
• A solid understanding of financial statistics and accounting principles
• Flexibility and adaptability to changing priorities, work environments, and time zones.
• Strong interpersonal, communication and presentation skills.
Eileen van der Schyff
Email all applications to: rhalljohn831@gmail. com
Due Date: 05 April 2024
Job category : Accounting, controlling, finance Industries: Logistics
Employment type : Permanent contract
Region: Walvis BayErongo
Experience level: 2 to 5 years
Educational level : Bachelor Spoken language : English › fluent
Mila, a learner at WBPS, recently competed in the Global Student Model of The Year competition hosted by Figures Models InternationalinJohannesburg. During this competition, Mila was formally invited by Figures Models International to participate in the Project Aim Convention, which will take place on an MSC cruise from 26
March to 30 March. Milawillparticipatein various competitions in front of 30 international agents and castingdirectorswhile cruising on the MSC vessel.
This convention creates a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for aspiringmodels. While exciting, the financial burden of such endeavors often proves daunting for up-and-comerssuchas
Speakingonbehalfof Milk_ShakeNamibia, Founder Junine Fernandez expressed their enthusiasm for empowering aspiring talents like Mila. "As a leading pioneer in the hair and beauty industry, very little to no support is often rendered to up-andcoming Namibian youngsters in the beauty industry We want to change the narrative and help them achieve their goals and dreams," Juninestated. This sponsorship highlights Milk Shake Namibia's commitment to nurturing talent within theindustry.
ByinvestinginMila's journey, they are not just supporting a young talent but are contributing to the growth and development of the modeling community as a whole.
With Milk Shake Namibia's backing, Mila sets forth on her modeling trip with renewed confidence and determination, poisedtomakewaves in the industry and inspire aspiring talentsacrossNamibia.
Notice is given that an applicationintermsofthe Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of theDistrictof Erongo.
1 Name and postal address of applicant: Kristofina M. Nuukala
P.O.Box 2025 Swakopmund.
2. Name of business or proposed business to whichapplicationrelates: Cool-Bar
3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: Meduletu Onawa street, Mondesa, Swakopmund.
4. Nature and details of application: Application for Transfer of license from PP Nuukala to KristofinaNuukala.
5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Swakopmund MagistrateCourt.
6. Date on which application will be lodged: 28 March2024.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach Secretary,notlessthan21 daysbeforethedateofthe meetingoftheCommittee at which application will beheard.
Our client specialises in the supply of various lubricants, oils, and hydraulics for a myriad number of applications in the industrial, mining, marine, agriculture, automotive, manufacturing, energy, and construction industries. With more than 25 years of bunkering experience in the market, they supply heavy fuels and diesel in port and offshore Namibia. Their advantage lies in their unique combo-solution-driven product and service offering. Theirbusinessisahigh-pressuredanddynamicenvironment;therefore,theyarelookingfor aself-drivenindividualwhocanworkunderpressureandwhoisabletobringtheirexpertise totheirteam.
* Location: Walvis Bay
* Closing Date: 31 March 2024, 7:00PM
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TheNamibiaVolleyballFederation(NVF)willcelebrateoffourdecadesofvolleyballastheygear up to host the 40th Volleyball DOC Tournament on 30 and 31 March at the MTC Dome in Swakopmund.
VolleyballDOCTournament,namedinhonourof DrJuergenMunz,affectionatelyknownasDoc,a distinguisheddentistandtrailblazerinNamibian volleyball during the 1970s and 1980s, and this year's DOC Tournament marks a pivotal milestone in Namibian Volleyball history The NVF expresses gratitude to BankWindhoek, the principal sponsor for the past nine years, and varioussponsorssuchasSWAC&Foods,Venus Enterprises, Solar Age, Mr John Savva, OTB sports, Calvary Technologies, the Namibian MarshallRanger,LightSystemNamibia,andthe MTC Dome, among others, for their enduring supportovertheyears.Originatingin1983under the erstwhile South West Africa Volleyball Association (SWAVA), the DOC Tournament remains an open competition, welcoming any teamtoregister Notably,onlyDTSandRevivals Volleyball clubs have sustained active participation since the 1980s, showcasing their enduringcommitmenttothesport. NVFPresidentHillaryDuxImbuwasaidthatthis
tournament underscores the federation's unwavering dedication to advancing volleyball excellence in Namibia. “The 40th anniversary editionpromisestobealandmarkevent,featuring teams of both genders from across Namibia in a series of matches culminating in an epic final to determine the champions.” Imbuwa said, “we are thrilled to celebrate this significant milestone in the history of Namibian volleyball. The DOC tournament has been instrumental in shaping the volleyball landscape in Namibia, and we look forwardtocontinuingitslegacyformanyyearsto come.” Headdedthatthepasteditionswelcomed internationalteams,logisticalconcernshaveledto theexclusionofforeignteamsthisyear “However, the NVF remains optimistic about resuming international participation in the next edition, pending favorable conditions.” Imbuwa extended an invitation to all volleyball enthusiasts and supporters to join in commemorating the momentousoccasion.
TheNamibianInlineHockeyFederationhasbeeninvitedtoparticipate inthisyear'sSpartaKidsInternationalInlineHockeyTournamentfrom 27–31MarchinIgualada,Spain.
TheNamibianInlineHockeyteamswillbecompetingintheu8,u10,u12& u14divisions.
Theteamselectionsweremadeviatrialsinwhichallplayerswerewelcometo participate,butonlythestrongestwereselected.
The four teams will be led by Head Coach Nadia Schmidt and Namibian National player Christiaan Coetzee. The Namibian presence at Sparta Cup Kidsboasts100people–43ofwhichareplayers,therestofwhicharefamily members and supporters going along to cheer on and motivate our young ambassadors.
This incredible endeavor has been managed and organised by two Team Managers – Wiebke la Barre and Stephanie Giersch. This is a wonderful opportunityforourplayerstogaininternationalexperience,stretchingtheir capacitiesandchallengingtheircomfortzones.
Toparticipateinthisyear'sSpartaKidsInternationalTournamentisanother investment into the future of Namibian Inline Hockey as their gained confidence and experience will be played back into our local tournaments, elevatingthestandardofplayforallteams.
Team Namibia u8 team consist of; Daniel Asmus (NIIHA Player Representative), Stephanie Giersch (Team Manager), Nadia Schmidt (Head Coach),WiebkeLaBarré(TeamManager),HeikoLucks(NIIHAPresident)
Middlerow:OshoAndre,MaximilianVonLieres,LanaVanderWalt,Emilia Lotfi, Suri Van Dyk Front row: Alina Giersch (Captain), Julen Viviers, RenickeMorkel(AssistantCaptain)Absent:SebastianMapelli
Namibia Team Namibia u10 team consist of; DanielAsmus (NIIHAPlayer Representative), Stephanie Giersch (Team Manager), Nadia Schmidt (Head Coach),WiebkeLaBarré(TeamManager),HeikoLucks(NIIHAPresident)
Middle row: Henda Matyayi, Neil Salt (Captain), Aaron Schulte, Joshua Williamson(AssistantCaptain),JoleonNambahuFrontrow:JamesGregory, MiaLaBarré,EmmettPajewski,AlecTirtirau,AydenLotfi,AronScholtz
Namibia Team Namibia u12 team consist of; DanielAsmus (NIIHAPlayer Representative), Stephanie Giersch (Team Manager), Nadia Schmidt (Head Coach),WiebkeLaBarré(TeamManager),HeikoLucks(NIIHAPresident)
Middle row: Kristen van Wyk, Rocco De Azevedo, Gabriel Fitzpatrick, Maritz Laubscher, Kiro ReiƯ, Rehuel Borstlap, Luca Giersch, Taneka
Shilongo Front row: Emke Coetzee (Captain), Christian Böhm, Euan Roberts,RichardGregory(AssistantCaptain)
Namibia Team Namibia u14 team consist of; Stephanie Giersch (Team Manager), Daniel Asmus (NIIHA Player Representative), Mara Scholz, NicolaiBates,SaschaGuttzeit,LuccaDeAzevedo,BrencoMorkel,Vincent Scholz,MatthewCoetzee,HeikoLucks(NIIHAPresident),MatthewSteyn, NadiaSchmidt(HeadCoach),WiebkeLaBarré(TeamManager)
ThepastweekendwasquiteabusyoneatRossmundwiththeNamibRoosCarRentals MarchPar3Challenge,contestedovertheBackNineonFriday,15March.
The Club held their annual Captain vs Vice Captain Competition on Saturday 16 March. Thefieldcouldhavebeenbiggerbutallthose thatputupthefighthadawonderfuldayout onthegolfcourse.
The laurels went for the first time to the CaptainsTeamofWarriors–wellplayedtoall –thisincludedthetwobestindividualplayers on the day Individual Winner: 1 : Rina st Knight 43 points (wow firing on all cylinders); 2 : Mondi Sevelus 41 points; 3 : nd rd Mario Polster 37 points; 4 : Fred Bossé 36 th points c/o Hans Noabeb. There were two clubs coming from Tienie van Rensburg No.16andDesFrankfortonNo.7.
The Coastal Sages out on their Monthly Walk generouslysponsoredbyAtlanticVillasplayed on Sunday 17 March. We had 2-clubs from Tony Boesch and Bertie Saunderson, whilst one of our new Sages, Marc Gregan took the Nearest to the Pin on Number 12, Number 7 wasuncontested.
Overall, Winners who walked away with a BreakfastVoucherforTwoandanextraspecial bottle of wine – 1 : John Horne 36 points c/o st over George Murasiki (unfortunately you are still going to lose out on a few of these); 3 : rd TonyBoesch34pointsc/oBertieSaunderson; 5 : LucilleAbrahams33points. th
Thirty-fiveplayersturnedoutfortheeventoftheweekend,whichwasobviouslytheMULTISAVE MEDALatWalvisBayGolfClub,whichwasconvincinglywonbyJohnSardinhawhoshotagross roundof80[froma20handicap]nett60,andamammoth48points.
The Wednesday golf was won by Shane Westerdale, Thursday seniors won by Harald Engling, Friday Lions Day and Night fund raiser won by Coastal Engineering, Saturday MULTISAVE MEDAL won by John Sardinha, KINGPRICEINTERNATIONALPAIRSwonby Rocco Viljoen and Wouter van Wijk, MULTISAVEMEDALMANIAwonby3GUYS ANDATROTTER.Wowwhataweek.
Not too far behind and winning the second nett prize - shooting a very good 66 nett was Emilio Maboh who went on a run on the first nine by scoring18pointson5holesincludingabirdiechip inonnumber8.
The best gross was won by KevinWentzel on 71. The third nett prize was won by Johnny Borges winning a count out on 69. The stableford prizes wenttoRoccoViljoenandDevilleDreyerbothon 38pointsbutRoccowonthecountout.Mostgolf waswonbyChristoMillerandhegallantlyshared thepotwithhisfellowfourball.
Two clubs registered by Kenin Wentzel, Deville Dreyer, Rocco Viljoen, wouter van Wijk and MichaeldeBarros.
Thanks to MULTISAVE for sponsoring the MEDALandMEDALMANIA.
A great turnout of 12 teams entered the KING PRICE INTERNATIONAL PAIRS which was won by Rocco and Wouter on 46 points with Thomas Wolff and Bertus Venter second on 45 points.ThedailyprizeswereafewcasesofCastle, quite appropriate with KING PRICE being the sponsor
ThenextroundoftheKINGPRICEPAIRSwillbe playedon20 April.th
LastweekSENIORSwaswonbyHaraldEngling on43points,secondwasEbenBerghon39points
with Ken Roberts 3 on 37. Eben also won the rd ArtisanBakeryclosesttothepinprize.
The second leg of the MULTISAVE MEDAL MANIA also drew a great interest and the 3 GUYSandaTROTTERwonthe5pointsupfor grabswithYOUNGGUNSsecondwith4points.
MONKEYS and SLUGGERS shared 3 and 4 rd th place with OLD BOYS grabbing the last point.
Thetableisbelow Thenextroundwillbeplayed on20 April.th
This weekend in the popular BEST DRIVE individual stableford, thanks Pieter, and we are lookingforabigfield.
TheownerandmanagerofKateqEngineering, Anthony van Wyk, a former football player of Blue Waters FC said thattoinvestingrassroots sports initiatives, particularly those aimed at talent development and inclusivity, plays a pivotal role in empowering communities and promoting physical well-being amongyouth.
Reflecting on his journey from humble beginnings to founding Kateq Engineering, a company that serves notable clients such as Rossing Uranium, Van Wyk emphasised his commitmenttogivingbackto the community, especially to an institution that played a
significantroleinhis footballcareer
Talking about his affection for Blue WatersFC,VanWyk cited his connection as a former player and his desire to contribute to the club'simprovement.
the chairperson of Blue Waters Sports Club Temba Nghitaunapo, expressed his profound gratitude for the contribution and highlighted the significance of the gesture.
“The donation underscores the power of individuals and businessestomakea positive difference in their communities, inspiring others to follow suit and contribute to the advancement of sports and youth d-
evelopment initiatives.”
Nghitaunapo explained that the coastalbased sports club serves as a talent development hub, nurturing aspiring athletesandinstilling a passion for the gamewithinthelocal community “The donation thus raises communityspiritand promotes a healthy lifestyle through sports.VanWyk'sact e x e m p l i f i e s corporate social responsibility,setting a commendable standardforothers.”
Talking about his affection for Blue Waters FC,VanWyk cited his connection as a former player and his desire to contribute to the club'simprovement.
Theunder19rugbyteamfromProEdAcademyandtheunder15andunder13teamsfromWalvis BayPrivateHighSchoolaretheErongoBoardsTrophychampionsintheirdifferentagegroups.
Seven under 19, four under 15 and five under 13 rugbyteamsfrom10rugbyplayingschoolsinthe Erongo region participated in the annual rugby tournamentheldon15and16Marchattherugby fieldofWalvisBayPrivateHighSchool.
The tournament was also part of the selection of the under 16 and 18 Erongo training squads.This training squads will have a training camp on 9 April with 15 April set for the selection of the Erongounder16and19teams.
The Erongo under 16 and under 19 teams will representtheregionatthenationaltournamentthat will also cater for the national trails for the respective age groups, later in the year in Windhoek.Thenationalteamsthatwillbeselected will represent Namibia at the deferent school's rugbytournamentsinSouthAfrica.
Theunder16trainingsquadthatwereselected are:fromWalvisBayPrivateHighSchoolBlaauw Jaden, Els Malan, Loveira Carlos, Kittler Lian, Duvenhage Rhys, VAN Vuuren Rowan, Boonzaaier Ruhan, Pretorius Jayden, Hailombe Leonardo, Carstens Shaun, Marais Milan, DuvenhageJanco,MJDeVilliers,JohanVanWyk, Armas Ndafomuti, Romeo Hartnick, Bruwer AJ, the players from Pro Ed Academy are Mias Niewoudt, Angelo Novella, Risto Batista, JJ. Fourie, Adrian Mathys, Miles Narib, Zander Schreuder, G.J Verster, Alvandro Dierghard, S. Pamplin with Asher Carelse, Jayden van Wyk, Jade Langenhoven, Losper Warne-Lee, Botha Joshwin,StramisAlonzo,OlivierRezariofromDe Duine and from Walvis Bay Gymnasium are Van Vuuren Sebastian, Jankowitz Arno, Stevens
Mikhaele, Beukes Caleb, Calaca JC, Kauluma Kyle, Engelbrecht Mauricio, Raymundo Bowe. Madjiedt Lu-Raygon for Karibib Private School, Masua Omunye for Duinesig, Muhimba Damien and Efraim Francious from Swakopmund SeconderSchool.
Theunder18trainingsquadthatwereselected are: From Walvis Bay Private High School; Adriaan Boonzaaier, Christopher Coetzee, Herman Lombard, Jacques Beukes, Hanlo Schoeman,StefanLotriet,TheunisAlberts,Robert Harmse, Tiaan vd Westhuizen, Dylan Erasmus, Keagan Kuhn, Keandru Bouwer, Pieter Els, from De Duins are De Klerk Carlos, Cookson Valentino, Matsuib Sheridan, Solomoms Sydicko, Nyambe Dave, Engelbrecht D'anvoro and from Duinesig are Simbo Roberto, Cloete Jevandre, Simeon Tangeni, Haipinge Paulus, Diedericks Petrus, Cloete Matt-ashwin, Isaac Brandeley,TjihenunaGiovanni,AndreasTeofilus, GawanabBradley, Gawanab Pablo, from Pro Ed Academy are Wohler AJ, Saunders Tayton, EsterhuizenCobus,HollowayMarc,Labuschagne JC,StraussAndre,PienaarJivaldo,BehneKevin, Human Waldo, Venter Sampie, from SwakopmundSeconderSchoolareBockAnthony, Basson Robino, Mushimba Johannes, Shalilenga Waldi,TjikotokeVijanda,McNabPaul,Maletzky Darian,KasimbuRichard,withCJHoffmanfrom Desert ViewPrivate School, Valintino Niigambo Home School, and from Walvis Bay Gymnasium are Egumbo Ethan, Solomon Joswin, Isaacs IvannewhilstKatjiruruPromise,MasuleBelvinah and Van Wyk Aleandro are from Karibib Private School.
Six of Namibia's best archers won medals at the 74th South Africa National and 2nd Southern Regions Championships held from 15 to 17 March2024atMarksPark,Johannesburg,SouthAfrica.
ThesixNamibianarchers,ledbyFrankReddingascoachwereLutzWahlers, QuinnReddig,LouanGroenewald,JacquelineCoetzee,HofmeyrvanBlerk andJannieMeuwesenintheirrespectiveclasses,representedNamibiaatthe championships that were sanctioned by South African National Archery Association (SANAA), World Archery Africa (WAA) and World Archery (WA).
QuinnReddigoftheSwakopmundArcheryClubreignedsupremeinrecurve women,securingagoldmedal.HofmeyrvanBlerkperformedoutstandingly, securing two silver medals and one bronze in compound men, compound men'steamandcompoundmixedteam,respectively
JacquelineCoetzeewonbronzemedalintheCompoundWomanwhilstLutz Wahlers won bronze medal in the Barebow Recurve Men and Jannie MeuwesensecuredBronzeintheCompoundMen.
Meeuwesen teamed up with Jacqueline Coetzee to compete in the internationalmixedcompoundteam,wheretheyfinishedsecondtotakethe silvermedal.
Atotalof145archersregisteredfortheeventonFriday15March,followedby officialpractiserounds.Asingle720rankingroundwereshoton16March, whichwasfollowedbyeliminationstodeterminewhowouldqualifyforthe medalmatchesFriday15March.
TheNamibianArchersthatcompetedatthe74thSouthAfricaNational and 2nd Southern Regions Championships are fltr: Frank Reddig (coach), Lutz Wahlers (Barebow Men), Quinn Reddig (Recurve Woman), Louan Groenewald (Compound Men Team), Jacqueline Coetzee(CompoundWoman&CompoundMixedteam),Hofmeyrvan Blerk(CompoundMen'steam),JannieMeuwesen(CompoundMen& CompoundMen'steam&CompoundMixedteam)