5 april namib times e-edition

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Fish Exhibition at Parliament

The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Derek Klazen, has turned the National Assembly into a vibrant marketplaceandfishexhibitioncentreforParliamentarians andallmembersofthepublictopartake.

As the minister presented the budget allocation for Vote 22 (Fisheries Vote) at the National Assembly, Parliament became the stage for a unique showcase aimed at promoting the nation's fisheries sector As customary, minister Klazen, when introducing and motivating the Ministerial budget vote, extends an open invitation to all interested fishing companies to showcase and vend their fishatParliament.The exhibition was aimed atfocusingthepublic's attention on the fisheriessectorwhileproviding fish to the public atanaffordableprice.

Additionally, the MinistrysetupanExhibition booth at Parliament where flyers and brochures providing information from

aquaculture to fishing rights and quotas. The Fish Farming book, Fishery and Fish products of Namibia, aimedatraisingawareness.Publicationssuch astheFisheryandFish Products of Namibia, and Careers in the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) were also made available to deepen public knowledge aboutthesector Thisis not an isolated mar-

keting strategy, as the Ministry alongside the Fishing Industry, actively partake in Trade Fairs and Exhibition showstoshowcaseand sellfishandseafoodto membersofthepublic.

As part of this effort, a Fisheries Hall dedicated to Fish and Seafood products was set upatoneofthebiggest Trade Fairs in the Country The fishing ministry's mandate to showcaseandbringfish closer to the people is what drove the Government to establish the Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion T

Continues on page 2

Henties Bay Community Stands Up for Rights

The community of Henties Bay marched to the town's municipality yesterday (Thursday) to hand overa petition to the leadership of the town, urging them to takeimmediateactiontowardsresolvingunattendedissuesinthetownandforthe counciltoensuretransparencyintheallocationoffunds.

Themainissueisthatofpotholes.Thecommunity feels that potholes on the interlocked section of Jakkelsputz Road, have become a major safety concernforbothpedestriansandmotorists.Inthe petition, the community demands that the municipalityeitherremoveorrepairtheinterlocks properlytoavoidanyaccidentsordamages. The community further mentioned that it is crucial to addresstheconditionofotherroadsinOmdelalso. Numerous roads require immediate attention, as their current state poses risks to the safety and well-being of residents and visitors The communityisurgingthemunicipalitytoprioritise these repairs and take swift action Road

maintenance in Henties Bay only takes place during holidays, which the community feels is unacceptable as the residents of Henties Bay deservetohavesafeandwell-maintainedroadsall year round, not just during the holiday season. Another issue raised was how the council uses funds they receive from the Road Fund Administration, the petition reads: “As citizens, wedeservetransparencyintheuseandallocation of funds. We seek answers about the status and whereabouts of the funds allocated for the Road FundAdministration(RFA)anditsimpactonthe improvement of our roads. We demand answers

Continues on page 2

Over 500 000 Unregistered Customers Suspended

Namibia Gears Up for Local Content Policy Ahead of Energy Conference

Tragic Accident Claims Life of 10-Yearold

Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net
1958 NO 7060 FRIDAY 5 APRIL 2024 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 11 & 12 inside Sports News
ust (NFCPT),
Rudi Bowe Sharlien Tjambari
Vernon John Gavin Murder Case Update

while presenting us withanopportunityto answer the public's questions on marine fishing, the aqua-

culture sector, and inlandfisheries. Bringingfishcloserto the people has always been part of the DNA

Continued from page 1

of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources,andwewill continue this practice foryearstocome.

Namibia Gears Up for Local Content Policy Ahead of Energy Conference

Namibia's energy sector is poised for a significant shift as stakeholders prepare to convene at the Namibia International Energy Conference (NIEC) 2024, scheduled for April23-25inWindhoek.Withafocusonpromotinglocal content and maximising opportunities in the energy value chain,theconferenceaimstouniteNamibianstakeholders with international investors to drive inclusive growth withinthesector.

According to a report by Energy Capital & Power, the Ministry of Mines and Energy has placed local contentattheforefrontof Namibia's oil and gas agenda. Maggy Shino, Petroleum Commissioner of Namibia's Ministry of Mines and Energy, emphasised the importance of local participation, stating, "local content will be one of the central pillars of the upcoming NIEC 2024." The ministry is currently formulating a localcontentpolicyto ensure the participation and inclusion of Namibians ahead of future production. This initiative aligns withNamibia'sefforts to leverage its emerging green hydrogen industry, as showcased in the Green Hydrogen and Derivatives Strategy Report published in November 2022

Henties Bay Community

from the Strategic Executive (SE) of Finance. Accountability and clarity in this matter are of utmost importance to us.” The community furtherinstructedtheSEoftechnicalservicesat the municipality to do their work and asked the counciltostoprelyingonspecialisedtendersand rather use municipal workers. The community demands the removal of Red Force with immediate effect from the Municipal building. They say that this is necessary as their appointment is deemed illegal. The community is also demanding the reinstatement of Ms Coetzee who was suspended last year because they feel her position is crucial to the smooth runningofthemunicipality,andtheybelievethat allnecessarymeasuresshouldbetakentoensure thatsheisrestoredtoherrole.

Whileaddressingthecommunityatthehandover of the petition yesterday morning, community activist,WillemJansen,saidthecommunityhas to stand up against the councillors they have

Continued from page 1

elected,“youcangoreportyourpartycouncillors that you have elected. It is your right to do so. If you feel your councillors are not doing their job, gotoyourpartyandlayyourcomplaints,iftheydo notwanttolistengototheministryorgovernor's office from now on.” Jansen further said, “the LocalAuthorityActisagovernmentact,allofus standingheredonotknowwhatitstandsforsowe must learn it so we can know our rights. Councillors have rights until a certain point. The Minister should permit certain decisions council makes.” He advised the Henties Bay community tostandupfortheirrights,andtoholdthepeople theyhaveelectedinthosepositionsaccountable.

The Mayor of Henties Bay, Lewis Vermaak said that someone enquired about the development in Henties Bay, “we are busy with a land forum in June,andwearebusywithastructureplan,sothat everyonegetstoknowthefuturedevelopmentsin HentiesBay,wehadameetingaboutitlastweek.”

Initiatives such as the soon-to-be-launched Namibia Offshore Training Centre and cooperation agreements with international partners like QatarEnergy,aresetto

PanellistsattheNIEC 2024 include key figuressuchasNillian Mulemi, CEO of the Petroleum Training and Education Fund, and Nosizwe NokweMacamo, African Energy Chamber AdvisoryBoardMember The report reveals they will discuss strategies to foster local content development and maximise the benefits of major discoveries in Namibia's offshore Orange Basin. The recent commercial discoveries by major energy companies like TotalEnergies and Galp havepositionedNamibia as a lucrative explorationmarket. These discoveries are expected to create thousands of jobs and contribute billions to Namibia's GDP, prompting regulatory bodies to advocate for mandatory investment in local content development.

play a crucial role in preparing the workforceforfirstproduction. Selma Shimutwikeni,CEOofRichAfrica Consultancy, and organisers of NIEC 2024, emphasised the significance of local content for Namibia's economic development, "local content is important for Namibia and for the in-country value creationthatwillgive ouryoungpeopleand entrepreneurs jobs, business opportunities, and muchneeded capacity building " The NIEC 2024 serves as a platform to share best practices and drive collaboration in local content development.

The Namibia International Energy Conference (NIEC) 2024 is a strategic partner of Energy Capital & Power For more inform a t i o n , v i s i t h t t p s : / / w w w NIEConference com/.

SOURCE: Energy Capital&Power


000 Unregistered Customers Suspended

Between Mobile Telecommunications Limited (MTC) and Telecom Namibia (TN) over 500 000 unregistered customers in Namibia were suspended after the SIM registration exercise cametoanendonthe31March. This was done, as prescribed by the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN)intermsofPart6oftheCommunications Act,2009themandatorySubscriberIdentification Module(SIM)registration. MTChasmanagedto register 1 613 893, with unregistered customers standingat323236.Thisrepresentsan83.3%registration rate whilst TN deactivated 191 598 unregisteredprepaidSubscriberIdentityModule(SIM) cards. MTC Chief Human Capital, Cor-porate Affairs and Marketing Officer, Tim Ekandjo highlighted,“aspertheCRAN'sdirectivetheregistration process ended on the 31 March following the extension from the initial deadline of 31 December2023.Inthatsense,itnowmeansthatthe unregistered customers will unfortunately be suspended from the network. The suspension, however, does not mean that their numbers are deactivated. Ekandjo explained that suspension simplymeansthatasuspendednumberwillnotbe abletoutiliseanyservicesfortheinterim,untilone complies to the SIM registration process and that this process will last for 90 days effective from 1 April until 1 July, or as otherwise decided for by CRAN. “The period of 1 April until 1 July is referred to as “grace period”. Should the “grace

period”lapse,andwithnoactionhavingbeentaken by a SIM owner, the number will be de-activated/deletedfromthenetwork–permanently According to Ekandjo, the 323 236 unregistered MTCcustomerscontributeapproximately3.1%of Revenue,translatingtoanaverageofNAD8.1million revenue per month. He further explained that MTChavealwaysmaintainedthatitwouldrequire 24monthstosuccessfullyfinalisethesimregistrationprocessbutdespitetheirbestefforts,theyhave encounteredchallengesinfinalisingtheregistration process for all customers, as previously communicated to CRAN – such as the geographical vastnessofourcountryamongstothersocio-economic conditions which made it impossible for some membersofpublictoregisterontime.Ekandjosaid, “MTC would have welcomed an extended time to beabletoregisterallourcustomers.Althoughitis notanidealsituation,therealityofthematteristhat MTCmustactaccordinglyandfollowthedirective to suspend numbers – as stipulated by CRAN. ShouldanynewdevelopmentarisepertainingSIM registration, we will inform our consumers accordingly,”hesaid.TNspokesperson,NomvulaKambindasaidthatTN'srecordsindicatedatotalof442 410activemobilesubscribers.“Followingthesuspension,TNwillmaintainabaseof250812registered prepaid subscribers.” Kambinda said Customers with suspended SIM cards can regain service by completing the registration process Therefore,weencourageaffecteduserstovisitany TeleshoptoregistertheirSIMcards.”

KambindaexplainedthatTNprioritisesbothregulatorycomplianceandcustomerdatasecurity “The suspention process underscores TN's unwavering commitmenttoadheringtoCRAN'smandatedSIM cardregistrationregulationsandsafeguardingconsumerprivacy.”

According to Kambinda TN has implemented a comprehensive deactivation procedure to suspend unregistered prepaid SIM cards. “This process involves transitioning these cards to a 'two-way block' status, effectively preventing them from initiatingorreceivingcalls,textsordataservices,” shesaid.

Fish Exhibition
Eileen van der Schyff
Make a turn @ Veterans Pub this weekend Come and relax Have an ICE Cold Beer VeteransPubiscelebratingtheir 2ndAnniversary David de Kante and Johan de Beer would like to take this opportunity to thank their esteemed customers for their ongoing support 2 @ the MOTHS Centre
Rudi Bowe

Vernon John Gavin Murder Case Update

·Accused Remanded in Custody Pending Further Investigations

Developments unfolded in a court hearing on Tuesday this weekinthecasebetweentheStateanddefendants,Quanito vanVuurenandMosesSem,whostandaccusedofthemurderofVernonJohnGavin.

The proceedings, presided over by Magistrate John Liwoyo Sindano, shed light on the latest updates. Prosecutor PenouuaVK Kayjiukua who led the proceedings,saidinvestigationsarestillongoing,withcrucialevidencesuch as MTC records and DNA results pending. As a result, the prosecutor requestedaremanduntil27June2024,toallowforthecompletionofthese investigations.Accused 1, Quanito vanVuuren, made a plea for bail, citing personalcircumstancessuchashispregnantgirlfriendandhisresponsibility tocareforhismother Meanwhile,accused2,MosesSem,expresseddoubts about the veracity of the DNA results, suggesting a discrepancy between informationprovidedbytheInvestigatingOfficerandtheactualstatusofthe results. In response, the court granted the prosecutor's request for a remand until27June,forAccused2.However,abailapplicationforAccused1was scheduled for 22 April, to allow for further consideration of his request. MagistrateJohnLiwoyoSindanoissuedordersplacingbothaccusedincustody QuanitovanVuuren'smatterwaspostponedto22April,forabailapplication,whileMosesSem'scasewaspostponedto27June,foradditionalinvestigation. This latest development comes in the wake of the initial court appearanceofQuanitovanVuurenandMosesSem,wheretheyfacedcharges ofmurderwithaggravatingcircumstances,rape,andtheft.Thechargesstem fromeventsthattranspiredon30December2023,attheresidenceofthelate Vernon John Gavin in Bunker Close, Fairways, Walvis Bay Victoria NdapunikwaShikesho,servingastheprosecutor,emphasisedtheseriousnessof the charges and opposed bail, leading to the accused being remanded in custodypendingfurtherinvestigation.

NAMCOR Announces Suspension Of Executive: Information Communication And Technology

TheNationalPetroleumCorporationofNamibia:NAMCORherebyannounces the immediate suspension of its Executive: Information Technology Mr BonifatiusKonjore.

The decision to suspend Mr Konjore is part of an ongoing internal investigation into possible misconduct. It must be notedthatthisdevelopmentdoesnotsuggest guilt or wrongdoing, but rather a standard procedure to ensure a fair and impartialprocess.Thisdecisionhasbeen made in light of an ongoing internal investigation. It is important to emphasise that Mr Konjore's suspension is notindicativeofanypresumptionofguilt orimpropriety;rather,itisastandardprotocol aimed at ensuring a fair and un-

biasedinquiry TheExecutive:Finance& AdministrationMrLouisduToitwillact inKonjore'sstead.

Consideringthatthisisaninternalmatter, NAMCOR refrains from disclosing any specifics or offering comments on ongoing investigations, in line with our internal policy scheme governing employee relations. We assure our stakeholders that appropriate steps are being taken to address this matter swiftly and transparently in the best interests of all partiesconcerned.

Email all your news to newsdesk@namibtimes.net or call Eileen van der Schyff at 081 725 8068

Eileen van der Schyff
3. The Bid is open to all eligible Namibian entities or persons (“Bidders”) who wish to respond. Bidders may only associate with each other in the form of a joint venture or under a sub-contractual agreement to complement their respective areas of supply to enhance their capacity to carry out the supply of goods and provision of required services and so long as any association is formed or subcontract is entered into in accordance with the bidding document associated with this IFB. 4. Interested e igible bidders are requested to visit the Namport website at https://www.namport.com.na/Procurement/ for details of the bidding requirements. Bidders must register as suppliers, express interest in a specific bid, make a payment of the bid levy (nonrefundable) N$300.00 and submit the proof of payment in order to be granted access to the bidding documents. The Namport Banking Details are available on the Procurement Portal on the website. 5. A Non-compulsory Pre-Bid/Site Visit meeting is scheduled for 15 April 2024 at 10h00 am. Bidders should take note that the meeting venue is at Namport, Head Office, Executive Boardroom, thereafter bidders will be directed to the site. 6. Bids must be delivered to the following address before or on the deadline for submission: The Tender Box, Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) Reception, No. 17 Rikumbi Kandanga Road. Electronic submission of bidding documents will not be accepted. All enquiries related to these bids must be directed in writing by email to the following contact details: Tender and ContractsAdministrator OwiikeAmunkete Tel.: +264 64 208 2217 E-Mail: or o.amunkete@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na or 1. Bids are invited through Open National Bidding (ONB) bidding procedures for the Provision of Waste Management Services for the Port of Walvis Bay 2. The bid is open to all Eligible Namibian Bidders and a margin of preference will apply as detailed in the bidding document. Procurement Manager Melani de Klerk Tel: +264 208 2319 Email: m.deklerk@namport.com.na
Rudi Bowe at 081 725 8066 or mail to: journalist5@namibtimes.net Sharlien Tjambari at 081 325 9372 or mail to: sharlien@namibtimes.net

Violent Attack Rocks Walvis Bay's Tutaleni

In the early morning hours of Sunday, 31 March, a 28-year-old victim was violentlyattackedleavinghimfightingforhislife.

Warrant Officer Tashiya Fernando, spokesperson for the Erongo police, provided details surrounding the harrowing incident marked as Tutaleni CR 118/03/2024 AttemptedMurder Accordingtothepolicereport,the attackoccurredattheintersectionofPlutoand KalbeljouStreetinTutaleni,WalvisBay

Circumstances surrounding the incident suggest that the victim was ambushed by an unknown assailant wielding a sharp object, believedtobeeitheraknifeorabrokenbottle.

“The victim sustained grievous injuries, includingopenwoundsonhisrightshoulderand right upper ribs, resulting in protruding lungs and an open stomach with protruding inte-

stines,” said Warrant Officer Fernando. Despite theseverityofhiscondition,thevictimwasswiftlyattendedtobypoliceatthesceneandrushedto the hospital for urgent medical care. His current condition is described as stable but critical. The identity of the suspect remains unknown, and no arrests have been made at this stage.The Erongo police have launched an investigation into the incident, urging anyone with information that couldleadtotheapprehensionoftheperpetratorto comeforward.

Individuals with information are encouraged to contact Lead Detective, Dennis Skrywer at 081 443 3377, Deputy Commissioner, Erastus Iikuyu at0812464757,orthenearestpolicestation.

Blaze Engulfs Homes in Narraville


According to Warrant Officer Tashiya Fernando,spokespersonfortheErongopolice,the blaze erupted suddenly around 11:00 in the morning,engulfingtwoshacksandcausingextensive damage to all properties within. The causeofthefireisunknown.Thefireallegedly ignitedfromanunknownsourcebeforerapidly spreading.Bothshacks,ownedbyasingleindividual,borethebruntoftheinferno,leavingone familydisplaced.Thenatureofthepropertylost in the blaze encompasses household items, importantdocuments,andpersonalbelongings, thetotalvalueofwhichisyettobedetermined. TheWalvis Bay Municipality Fire Brigade extinguished the fire. No injuries were reported andtherewerenofatalities.

Suicide by Poisoning

The Erongo police confirmed that the death of Natalia Matias,a41-year-oldwomanfromMondesa,Swakopmund, hasbeenclassifiedasasuicidebypoisoning.

Warrant Officer Tashiya Fernando, spokesperson for the Erongo police, provided details of the incident, which occurred on Tuesday this week in Mondesa. According to reports, Natalia Ma-

tias allegedly consumed cockroach pesticide, resulting in her death. Despite efforts torushhertoSwakopmund State Hospital, she was declared dead upon arrival by medicalpersonnel. Natalia's body has been transferred to Swakopmund State Hospital mortuary, where an autopsy will be conducted to determinetheexactcauseof death.Nextofkinhave been notified, and police investigations into the incident are ongoing.

Suicide Incident in Kuisebmond

A tragic suicide incident claimed the life of 33-year-old SakeusJohannesonBreemondStreet,KuisebmondonSunday,31March.

According to Warrant Officer, Tashiya Fernando, spokesperson for the Erongo police, Jonannes' body was discovered by a relative hanging from the roofofhisroom,witha rope around his neck. No suicide note was left behind by the deceased. The body of Johannes was transported to the state hospital for certification before being transferred to the Walvis Bay police Mortuary The next of kin havebeeninformed.

Tragic Accident Claims Life of 10-Year-Old

A 10-year-old boy lost his life in a devastating motor vehicle accident on Tuesday this week, on the B2 Road just outsideofKaribibtowardsOkahandja.

According to Warrant Officer Tashiya Fernando, spokesperson fortheErongopolice,theaccident occurred at approximately 3:00 resultedinSantosKalambela(10) losing his life in the crash, which was deemed culpable homicide. According to eyewitness reports, the driver of the Toyota Hilux twin-cab lost control of the vehicle, causing it to overturn. Both the driver and a passenger were ejected from the vehicle during the collision Santos Kalambela, the only passenger in the vehicle, sustained fatal head injuriesandwaspronounceddead

at the scene. The driver, whose identity has not been disclosed, sufferedseriousinjuries,andwas rushed to Usakos State Hospital before being transferred to Katutura State Hospital for further medical attention. While his condition was described as serious, he is currently in stable condition. The deceased's body was transported to Karibib Health Centre for certification before being transferred to Usakos State Hospital mortuary forstorage.Nextofkinhavebeen informed. Police investigations areongoing.

Eileen van der Schyff Eileen van der Schyff Eileen van der Schyff Eileen van der Schyff
Swakopmund namibtimesnamib Findusatthecorner ofWasserfalstreet& OtaviStreetorcontact us@064-461866 Forallyourmarketing contactLOLLA@ 0814440617 andfornewsrelatedarticles contactSHARLIEN@ 0813259372
Eileen van der Schyff

Erongo RED Declares Dividends

Erongo Regional Electricity Distributor (Erongo RED) last week announcedthepaymentofN$10.2million in dividends to its shareholding municipalities,towncouncilsaswellas Erongo Regional Council and NamPower

This decision is in line with the provision outlined in the Shareholders Agreement, paragraph 3.2.2, which mandates the declarationofdividendsequaltoatleast60%of thedistributableprofitsofthecompany The decisiontopaydividendsmarksasignificant milestone for Erongo RED, especially consideringthechallengesthecompanyhave faced during and after COVID-19. During the period under review, Erongo RED have provided subsidies to our pensioners and vulnerable members of our communities to the tune of N$24 million and in addition, nearlyspentN$500000onvariouscorporate social responsibility activities within the region.Furthermore,thecompanycontinues to provide support to aspiring young ones from communities through graduate programsandjobattachmentopportunities.

AccordingtotheChiefExecutiveatErongo RED, Immanuel !Hanabeb the company's revenue increased by 8% from N$1.402 billion in 2022 to N$1.508 billion in 2023. The cost of sales increased by 9% from N$1.127billionin2022toN$1.227billionin 2023. The increase in gross profit is mainly due to the reduction in operating expenses from N$229 million in 2022 to N$217 millionin2023. Thus,thecompanymadea netprofitofN$46millionin2023,compared toalossofN$19millionin2022. Thelossin theprioryearwasattributabletoanincrease in tax due to a once-off correction in the treatmentofbulkupgradeprepaymentsmade to NamPower “The company made a net profitofN$46millionin2023,comparedtoa lossofN$19millionin2022.Thelossinthe prioryearwasattributedtoanincreaseintax duetoaone-offcorrectioninthetreatmentof bulk upgrade prepayments made to NamPower," !Hanabeb stated “As a company, we are proud of our active role in supporting our communities,” he added. Board chairperson Michael Skini indicated that the dividends were declared after a thorough review of the company's financial resultsandposition.Skinisaid,“thedecision aligns with the provisions outlined in the shareholders'agreement,whichmandatesthe declarationofdividendsequaltoatleast60% of the distributable profits of the company. Since the shareholders of Erongo RED are municipalities, we are confident that these funds will be used for municipal infrastructure development which will benefittheresidents,”headded.

ActingChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheWalvis Bay Municipality and Chairperson of the Annual General Meeting, John Esterhuizen said, “as shareholders, we welcome this achievement and are proud of what the companyhasachievedduringthe2022/2023 financial year As municipalities and town councils who are shareholders of this company, our core business is to provide civicservicestoourcommunities.Wearenot driven by profits, rather our focus is to provide services to our residents. These servicesincludemaintenanceofparks,roads, and other services. Therefore, the dividends received are used to supplement the municipal'seffortstoenhancetheseservices forthebettermentofoursociety


Copper cable theft is a crime that affects everyone. Here’s why:




Walvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes; Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Walvis Bay Municipality and Chairperson of the Annual General Meeting, John Esterhuizen; Chief Executive at Erongo RED, Immanuel !Hanabeb Board; Chairperson, Michael Skini and Walvis Bay Chairperson of Management Committee, Cllr Richard Hoarb.
Call 96000 (toll-free) or 081 144 2373 or visit your nearest police station to report suspicious activity
Erongo RED offers members of the public incentives for tip-offs that lead to the apprehension of culprits.Tip-offs are treated confidentially and can be made anonymously
of power supply to homes, businesses and critical infrastructure, such as hospitals and schools. Exposed wires, potentially causing RISK OF INJURY & DEATH injury or death due to electrocution.
for the
of power supply to traffic lights and streetlights, potentially creating unsafe conditions
Higher maintenance and replacement costs due to damaged electrical infrastructure, which impacts annual tariffs

Future Leaders Empowered with Bursaries and Scholarships

A total of 26 deserving students have been awarded academic bursaries to pursue fields vital to the marine diamondrecoveryindustry, including Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nautical Science, STCW Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch, and Advanced Diploma in Marine Engineering. Theserecipientsembarkedontheireducational journeys at esteemed institutions of higher learning in both Namibia and South Africa. Apart from academic bursaries, Debmarine Namibia also supports vocational students in completing their trades

through bursaries after successful completion of job attachments at thecompany Debmarine Namibia's bursaryschemeaimsto attract exceptional talents to the company

Each bursary encompassesfull-timeuniversity studies, covering registration and tuition fees, travel, meal and accommodation costs, study materials and relevant additional expenses.

In addition to marine recovery-related bursaries, Debmarine Namibia extends its support through The Diamond for Science Award - Science Scholar and Diamond

Award for Science –Science and Maths

Teacher scholarships

These awards offer full scholarshipstooutstanding science scholars and teachers in Namibia, providing them with opportunities to pursue tertiary education in the science field at their institution ofchoiceinNamibiaor SouthAfrica.

Speaking at the handover ceremony, Elke Hanstein, Debmarine Namibia's Human Resource Development and Organisational DevelopmentManager, highlighted the company's annual investmentofapproximately N$127 million in learning and development, emphasisingitsdedication to developing skilledworkersforboth the company and Namibiaasawhole.

Willy Mertens, Chief Executive Officer of Debmarine Namibia, stated the significance of investing in education to cultivate a highly skilled workforcecapableofdriving innovation and excellence in marine diamondrecovery

The recipients of these prestigious awards are currently enrolled at renowned institutions such as the University of Namibia, Namibia University of Science andTechnology,Northwest University, Cape PeninsulaUniversityof Technology, South African Maritime Training Academy and

Durban University of Technology

Among the current Debmarine Namibia bursars are Elizabeth Amunyela, Hannes Itope,EsterAbraham, A m b e r A l a n i a Coetzee, Jackobina Shikalepo, HopeElizabeth Nelongo, Melania Kalimbo, Senanses Au Khui Hansen, Saima Kertu Ndengu, Tseline Kalimbo, Russell Dirkie Uiseb, Junias Imalwa, Rodney Amufufu, Petrus Joseph, Elizabeth Imbamba, Rebeca Angula, Paulus Namweya, Silas Kalumbu, Nafimane Erastus, Frieda Fillemon, Helena Shikongo, CharltonCoetzee.

In recognition of academic excellence, AinleyAmunyela,pursuing aBachelorofMedicine and Surgery at the University of Namibia, has beenhonouredwiththe Diamond for Science Award - Science Scholar and Toini Velishavo andLuciaHilarius,both studyingforaBachelor of Education at the University of Namibia, have been awarded the Diamond Award for Science - Science and Maths Teacher scholarship.

Debmarine Namibia is commitment to fostering education and empowering Namibia's future leaders underscores its dedication to drivingsocio-economic development and makinglifebrilliantforall.

DebmarineNamibiarecentlyannouncedtherecipientsofits bursaries, a testament to the company's commitment to nurturing talent and driving excellence in Namibia's skill andeducationallandscape. Bursars with Debmarine Namibia Executive Team

C l a s s i f i e d s


*Construction *Painting

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*All electrical work

*Building and renovating all types of buildings

*Sealing of any kind of roofs

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Anywhere along the coast

TraditionalDr Herbalist

DrLovemoreBen Banda(Theoldman)

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JohannesNakuafila Street
















ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingback lostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck, verytoughand challengingcourtcases, bindingyourloveandto beyouronly Andtogeta man/womanyouwantof yourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epilepsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife andyouwillneverregret. Call/smsBomba Bazuka:0816027102

Thegoodnewsfrom DoctorProfessorKanga isheretohelppeoplewith anykindofproblem,do nothesitatetocalldoctor Kangaandseewhatis happeninginyourlife situation



ONEBedroomflat@ BlockofFlats.

Nr2-Sunnyone bedroom,BIC.Bathroom, kitchenwithlotsof cupboards,stove,and spacioussittingroom.

Alarm.Single garage.Prepaidelect.


TORENT: Bachelor flat, Walvis Bay

experience, veryhardworkingwith selfrespect.


JOBWANTED: A25yearoldladyis lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBay,Narraville, MeersigorFairways.Iam readytostartanytime,I have2yearsexperience.



Iama36yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work,Iamhardworking andcanironandclean verywell.For2-3daysa weekor5daysif possible.Ihave3years experience.



Iamaladylookingfor domesticworkIhave3 yearsexperience.Iam23 yearsold,trustworthyand veryhardworking.



Iama29yearoldlady lookingfordomesticor nannyworkinWalvis Bay,town,Meersig.Iam readytostartassoonas possible.




Iama23yearoldlady lookingforjobin Swakopmundonly,Iprefer housekeeping,washingand ironing,restuarantwork, nannyetc.Pleasecontact me:0812020355/ 0816880027


A36yearoldladyis lookingfordomesticwork for3daysaweekor2 days.Icaniron,washand cleanverywell.Icanalso takecareofbabiesor elderly,Iworkedatoldage homepreviously.Basedin WalvisBayandreadyto startimmediately



Iama30yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork, Iamveryhardworkingand havesoberhabits.Iwould liketoworkina guesthouseorinahouse hereinSwakopmund.Any dayexceptWednesdays,I amreadytostart immediately



Beverlyisopsoekna huiswerkofbabasoppas werkinSwakopmund,ek kanmooiwerkenookbaie betroubaar,ekkanenige tydbegin.









Cell:0817447457Archie AlltypesofRenovations Roofsealingwitha5year

*specialiseinmenand womanproblems


Donothesitateto contactasyouwillnot bedisappointed 0816627702 NAMIBIA





He can help you through: Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’Power

- Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 0812017887








*enemies&jealousyand manymore..


Iama37yearoldwoman lookingfordomestic work,housekeeping, ironing,cleaning. MondaystoFridaysor3 daysaweek.Langstrand, LagoonorMeersig.Iam readytostartassoonas possible.



Iama19yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBay.Iamready tostartanytime.



Iama27yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work.Meersig&Lagoon. Iamreadytostart anytime.



Iamahardworkingman lookingforwork,Walvis orSwakopmund.Ihave4 yearsexperienceinmetal work.Tradecertificatein weldingandmetal fabricationlevel2.

Firefightingcertificate level1.

Contact:0812162420 0812233876

Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk, kindersoppas,strykwerk enhetondervindingvan bejaardesofkinderswat spesialeaandagnodighet optepas.Ekhetbasiese verpleegsorg,bejaardesorgenbasiesenoodhulpsertifikaat,ekrookof drinkooknie.

KontakEren:081655 0751


Ekis‘n38jarigedame opsoeknahuiswerkof kantoorskoonmaakwerk virDindaeendonderdaein Swakopmundof Langstrand.Ekis betroubaarenhardwerkend enekkanonmiddellik begin.



Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk, skoonmaakwerk, strykwerkinSwakopmund. Ekisvriendeliken betroubaarenhet10jaar ondervinding.



VezeeniaKakondjaisa30 yearoldladylookingfor workasacleaneranddo laundry,Icanworkatany place,schools,companies, hotelsorhouse.Icanwork underpressure,Iama hardworkingandhonest person.


&Office. Mobile:+264814093522
GARDEN SPECIALIST SERVICES Landscaping&plant doctor Originalpalm&tree trimming Plantinggrassandflowers Painting:house,palm treesandthatchroofs Cuttingbigtrees Trainingcompaniesof originalpalmtree trimming,paintingand cutting.
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email info@credsure.com.na
Call now at
278 2687
Sorry–NOpets. N$4800.00p/mplus deposit.Immediately available.c/oTheo-Ben Guriraband16th Street. Call:0812504694.
Rent4700permonth Deposit4700 1bedroom Bathroom Kitchen/lounge Singlegarage Water/electricityincluded Availableimmediately Max2adults1child 17throadnearIndongo Toyotaintown Contact:0814541947 TORENT ACADEMIA LADIES STUDENT ACCOMMODATION SHARING: Fully furnished,walking distancefromUNAM, DSTV, Wi-Fi,waterand electricityincluded N$2900.00p/m. Call:0811288924 HousetorentinWalvis Bay Threebedroom LocatedinKuisebmond behindNaraPrimary School. OpenPlanlivingspace+ kitchen. BuildinCupboards Nogarage Water included Electricity (Prepaid) Rentalprice:N$6500.00 Deposit:N$4000 (payablein2months) Availableimmediately Call:0813467781/081 3806070 ToRent: Kabeljou/WB Onebachelorflat,open plankitchenandsitting room(BIC) N$3400.00p/m ( Water and electricity included) free wi fi, preferablyoneperson. Contact:081286 7210/0812059653 WALVISBAY 0811243904 2ndStreet,East officespace availabletorent Contact: 0811243904 CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeorablution alterations.Cowboys. 064418150or 0811464770 TORENT Vacancies XYZInvestmentsCC hasthefollowing vacanciesavailable: WalvisBay *x2ShippingAgents *x3CustomClearing Agents *x2Mechanics *x5Drivers Forwardcv’sto xyzinvestment001@ gmail.com Contact064207007 SWAKOPMUND Looking for a female Sales Person to join our team at a central shop in Swakopmund. Requirements: - Natural Friendliness -Lovetoworkwith people -Goodteamplayer -5YearsExperience insales -ExcellentEnglish skills -OtherEuropean languageswillbean advantage -Flexibleworking hours Email CV and photo to: cvswakop@gmail.com BOATS Cartridges ForSale Refillingofnewtoner andinkcartridgesfor allyourprinters. Saveupto40% Contact:0816361858 JOBS WANTED JOBS WANTED JOBS WANTED JOBWANTED:Iama 33yearoldladylooking fordomesticwork,housekeeping:ironing,cleaning.MondaystoFridays. Langstrand,Lagoon, FairwaysorMeersig.Can startanytime.
WANTED: Iamlookingfordomestic workaroundWalvisBay Iamreadytostart anytime.
6341138 JOB
JOBWANTED: A20yearoldlady
domesticwork inWalvisBayor Swakopmund.Iamready tostartanygiventime.I have3years

Gemeindepastor Nähere Information unter: www.stadtmission.net


T Erasmus herewith intends to apply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for the “Resident Occupation Special Consent”, - “home baked goods”specializingincakesandbiscuits”onthe premisesofErf2076,SwakopmundExtension1 (10 Makriel Street) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme.

Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager:Engineering&PlanningServices.

Any person having any objection against such application should lodge such objection/s in writingandwithin14daysofthelastpublicationto the applicant and the Swakopmund Municipality, duringnormalbusinesshours.

Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis: 26April2024.

Contact Person: Mrs T Erasmus, Cell: 081 593 8595

E-mail:taylawaldron@gmail.com or

Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403



(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)

Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the MagistrateoftheDistrictof Erongo.

1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Megan Landsberg P.O.Box1530 WalvisBay

2. Name of business or proposedbusinesstowhich

5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate Court districtWalvisBay

6. Date on which application will be lodged: 3 April2024

7 Date of meeting of Committee at which applicationwillbeheard:8 May 2024. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach Secretary, not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee atwhichapplicationwillbe heard.

In the

objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.

of the

are requested to


their claimsagainstthe

to the E s t a t e a t t h e undermentioned address within a period of 30 (Thirty)daysasfromdate of publication of this advertisement.



Altstadthof No.15LibertinaAmathila Street POBox2148 Swakopmund (Ref:PFH/ml/amMAT19747)


We specialise in steel and pipework fabrication, corrosion protection and general machining for offshore oil and gas, diamond mining, mineral processing, renewable energy, general engineering, and marine industry

- QC Inspector - QC Coordinator - Storeman

Project Engineer - QACoordinator - Workshop Foreman - Mechanical Supervisor

- PWHT Technician / Pressure Testing Technician

The closing date for applications is 12April 2024.

Please specify the position you are applying for in the subject line. For further details on job requirements and competencies visit and access the advert www.3cmetal.com under “Careers'' or email your application to Only recruitments-nam@3cmetal.com shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further screening and assessment.


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sold, by private transaction, light industrial erf 6409 Walvis Bay to A Va n D e r Wa l t Transport Namibia (Pty)Ltd.



Area 11,568.77m²


N$5,784,385 00 plus 15%VAT

Full particulars pertaining to the sale willlieforinspectionby interested persons until *Tuesday, 23 April 2024 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond.

For more information

Mrs S Satchipia can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during officehours.

Writtenobjections,duly motivated, to the intended transaction mustbereceivedbythe undersignedbeforeorat 12:00 *Friday, 26 April2024.

PVanNiekerk ActingGeneral Manager: Community& Economic Development MunicipalOffices CivicCentre Nang

About our client

About our client

Our client specialises in the supply of various lubricants, oils, and hydraulics for a myriad number of applications in the industrial, mining, marine, agriculture, automotive, manufacturing, energy, and construction industries. With more than 25 years of bunkering experience in the market, they supply heavy fuels and diesel in port and offshore Namibia. Their advantage lies in their unique combo-solution-driven product and service offering. Theirbusinessisahigh-pressuredanddynamicenvironment;therefore,theyarelookingfor aself-drivenindividualwhocanworkunderpressureandwhoisabletobringtheirexpertise totheirteam.

Our client specialises in the supply of various lubricants, oils, and hydraulics for a number of applications in the industrial, mining, marine, agriculture, automotive, manufacturing, energy, and construction industries. With more than 25 years of bunkering experience in the market, they supply heavy fuels and diesel in port and offshore Namibia. Their advantage lies in their unique combo-solution-driven product and service Theirbusinessisahigh-pressuredanddynamicenvironment; theyarelookingfor aself-drivenindividualwhocanworkunderpressureandwhoisabletobringtheir to team.

Creditors Clerk

Creditors Clerk

* Location: Walvis Bay

* Location: Walvis Bay

* Closing Date: 12April 2024, 7:00PM

* Closing Date: 12April 2024, 7:00PM

To apply and view more details visit. https://jobportunities.net/jobs_search.aspx or scan the QR Code.

To apply and view more details visit. https://jobportunities.net/jobs_search.aspx or scan the QR

For assistance on the portal, please contact the Tara Nawa team at +264 (0)64 402403.

For assistance on the portal, please the Nawa team at +264 (0)64 402403.

PrivateBag5017 Fax:(064)209714 WalvisBay
LIQUORACT,1998 NOTICEOF APPLICATIONTOA COMMITTEEIN TERMSOFTHE LIQUORACT,1998 (Regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below, will be made to the RegionalLiquorLicencing Committee, Region Erongo. 1.Nameandpostaladdress o f a p p l i c a n t : G . Bezuidenhoudt, P O Box 1446,WalvisBay 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: GuesthouseSunnyside. 3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: Nangolo Mbumba Drive 2 4 0 , S u n n y s i d e Guesthouse,WalvisBay 4. Nature and details of application: Special LiquorLicence 5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, WalvisBay 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 15 April2024. 7 Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 12June2024.
olo M
Estate of the late Silke Irene Snyman who died on 26 December 2023 and was residing at Lions Old Age Home, Swakopmund,Republicof Namibia.
Creditors and
above Estate
pay their debts
Langer Heinrich
scent Ext 12 Industrial Area,WalvisBay
application relates: BrothersMarineServicescc 3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 4482
4. Nature and details of application: Application for
Liquor Licenseinordertosupply liquortovesselsonorder.

Manica Group Namibia Provides Bursary Funds to Sunshine Centre Teachers

As part of the recent 34th Namibian Independence celebrations, Manica Group Namibia decided to providebursaryfundstothevalueofN$100000forthreeteachersattheSunshineCentreinWalvisBay tofurthertheireducationinaMontessorilearningenvironment.

OnsbetreurdieheengaanvanMev WilleminaLamborn

Onsinnigesimpatieaanhaarfamilieenvriende. Inwonders,PersoneelenBestuurvanLionsSorgeenheid, LionsOuetehuisenRetirementVillage, LedevanSwakopmundLionsKlub.


- Main engines: DEUTZ 358

- Auxiliary engines: GUASCOR, DEUTZ

- Leroy Sommer alternator with AVR Cards

- Fixed propeller blades (NAVALIPS)

- Cathelco system for propeller shaft

- High hydraulic pressure systems

- Winch: CARRAL MCM-5

- Refrigeration systems: flooding system

- Freezing compressors: screw compressors (Bitzer, Mycom), Grasso's compressors

- Water generator: FONTEMAR

- Reverse osmosis

- Speed drivers experience: DANFOSS VLT and MENTOR

- Direct current and alternating current

- Naval electricity and naval electronic

- Strapping machine: REJSOPACK

- Elaboration of maintenance plans on board: correction and prevention

Many of the teachers at Sunshine also attendedtheSunshinecentrethemselvesas children living with disabilities The SunshineCentrestartedin1996caringfor nine children. Today this centre provides direct special educational and training services to 110 children and youth with different disabilities and provides employment and support services to 20 protected workers with disabilities. The rest of the Sunshine family, 20 general workers, bring the Sunshine family to a totalof150people.Atthehandoverofthe bursaryfunds,thedirectoroftheSunshine Centre, Luzelle Lestrade expressed her gratitude saying that for a non-profit organisationeverycentcounts."Wereally appreciatethisdonation.Itwillmakeabig impact in the lives of our children. We valueManica'scontributionandassistance throughouttheseyears.Itisheartwarming thatacompanyturning100yearshasbeen makinganimpactinupliftingcommunities for so long." This donation forms part Manica's Corporate Social Responsibility strategy to support initiatives that encourage sustainability and job creation. Manica has supported the centre with various self-sustaining initiatives in the past,includingavegetablegarden,catering kitchen, supplies for their woodwork and sewingfacilities.

Another requirement

- Languages: English

Closing date: 19 April 2024

All interested persons should submit their relevant CV with all documentation per email below

For enquiries contact:


10 NAMIBTIMES 5APRIL2024 LIQUORACT,1998 NOTICEOF APPLICATIONTOA COMMITTEEIN TERMSOFTHE LIQUORACT,1998 (Regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below, will be made to the RegionalLiquorLicencing Committee, Region Erongo. 1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Lisias Ndaitavela Haufiku, P O Box4279,WalvisBay 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: FishermansBarNo.1. 3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: 23 Swael Street, Kuisebmond, WalvisBay 4. Nature and details of application: Shebeen LiquorLicence 5.ClerkoftheCourtwith whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, WalvisBay 6.Dateonwhichapplication will be lodged: 8 April2024. 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 8May 2024. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relationtotheapplication must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretarynotlessthan21 daysbeforethedateofthe meetingoftheCommittee at which the application willbeheard. VACANCIES & NOTICES DEATH NOTICE Namibia Drydock and Ship Repair (Pty) Ltd cordially invites Suitable Companies in submitting an expressionofinteresttorenderprovisionalWeldingandfabricationservicestoNAMDOCK. TermsofReferences: The terms of reference for the above EOI can be obtained through request via email (procteam@namdock.com) TenderDocumentswillbeforwardedpere-mailforshortlistedsuppliersProcteam@namdock.com SubjectofemailrequestmustincludetheReferenceno:EOINMD/2024/050 ClosingDate : 26 April2024at12:00forrespondingtotheRequest. Enquiries : HaroldBock064-2186089orEsterAlweendo064-2186049 REQUESTS FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) ARE INVITED FOR: (Reference no: EOI NMD/2024/050) NOTICE FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Environam Consultants Trading (ECT) hereby gives notice to all potential Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2007) and the Environmental ImpactAssessment Regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) for the following: PROJECT NAME: Proposed Construction of a Facility for the Handling and Storage of Radioactive Material on Erven 6230 and 6231, Extension 19, Walvis Bay Erongo Region PROJECT LOCATION: Erven 6230 and 6231 Rikumbi Kandanga Road, Extension 19, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project will include the following components: · Completion Fluids · Specialised Storage · Specialised Containers · Fuel Storage PROPONENT: PGX – MALTA (Pty) Ltd PUBLIC MEETING: A Public consultation meeting will be held on 12 April 2024 at the following venue and time: · 10:00 – 11:00 at Walvis Bay Municipality Side Hall, Walvis Bay REGISTRATION OF I&APs AND SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS: All I&APs are hereby invited to register and submit their comments, concerns or questions in writing to: Email: colin@environam.com Mobile: 081 458 4297 on or before 19Apri2 2024 Please note change in dates from previous notice Educational Qualifications - Certificate of Chief engineer class 5 - Certificate of Advanced Firefighting - Certificate of Survival craft and Rescue boat - Certificate of Familiarization and Basic safety - Certificate of Specialization of Medical Care on Board Experience - 20 years proven experience as chief engineer in freezing vessels - Proven experience as
in freezing vessels
chief engineer
- Repairs in main engines, auxiliary engines, refrigeration system on board and in the fishing ground
Zanobia Johannes, Tel: 0642731500,

namib times Sport

NVF Celebrates Four Decades in Style

TheMTCDomeIndoorSportsComplexinSwakopmundonceagainbuzzedwithexcitementas 487players35teamsshowcasedtop-tiervolleyballactioninmen'sandwomen'scategoriesatthe 40theditionoftheBankWindhoekNamibianVolleyball(NVF)DOCTournamentoverthepast weekend.

Defending champion, the Namibia Correctional Service (NCS) from Ondangwa, once again proved to be a force to be reckoned with by successfullydefendingtheirtitlebybeatingNDF Raptors by three sets to one in the men's final whilst a youthful UNAM Queens put up a thrillingshowastheydefeatKudosbythreesets to one in the women's final to be crowned Doc Tournament champions The Namibian Volleyball Federation (NVF), with Bank Windhoek as a primary sponsor, hosted the 40th anniversaryoftheDocTournamentatTheDome inSwakopmund.Theeventcelebratedvolleyball excellence and community spirit, bringing together players, coaches, and fans nationwide. TheBankWindhoekDoctournamentchampions walked away with N$ 20 000 each whilst the runner-upreceivedN$15000each.UNAMHard HittersfromKatimabeatKhomasNampolinthe bronze medal play-off to walk away with N$ 10 000withthelosersreceivedN$5000andCoastal WarriorsgotN$2000forendinginthefifthplace of the men's category Last year's champions, RevivalsVolleyballClubhadtobesatisfiedwith the bronze medal and N$ 10 000 after beating KhomasNampolVolleyballClubinthewomen's third plays play-off whilst NDF Phoenix Volleyball Club got N$2 000 for ending fifth. Newcomers Blue Waters Volleyball Club ended tenthandsixinthemen'sandwomen'scategories respectivelywhilsttheNamibianNavymen'sand

women's teams ended fifteens and sixteenth respectively with the Coastal Warriors women's teamendedtwelfth.TheyoungestwereNdinelago Amakali (13) and Matheus Nahenda (15) in the women's and men's categories. Lameesh Harris of the Univesity of Namibia (UNAM) Queens and VainoNamukombaoftheNamibianDefenceForce (NDF) Raptors were recognised as the most valuableplayersofthetournamentinthewomen's andmen'scategories.









Most Senior Player - Joseph Amakali - Khomas









Best Blocker - Naemi Hamunyela - Khomas




Blue Girls Ready For Action

Swakopmund based, Blue Girls Netball Club, is ready for action in the forthcoming Erongo NetballLeague.

The newly founded Netball Club, proudly introduces a new chapter to Swakopmund's sportingscene.Theinceptionofnetballunderthe banner of Blue Girls Netball Club marks a significant step towards fostering inclusivity withinourcommunitythroughtheloveofsport. ThevicechairpersonofBlueGirlsNetballClub, Eddy Angula said that their aim is to mitigate socialillsfacingourcommunitybymakingladies sports active and off the streets. “To all those embarking on this journey, whether seasoned playersornewcomers,weextendourbestwishes for the trials ahead.” Angula announced the appointmentofMelvinArnoldastheheadcoach, entrusted with steering the Blue Girls Netball Club towards both individual and collective success.Underhisguidance,weareconfidentthat our players will flourish and achieve remarkable feats on and off the court.”According toAngula, the exco of the club allocated N$6 000 towards training equipment and gear “This was done to ensure our team is fully equipped to partake in upcoming tournaments and the forthcoming Erongo Netball League. “Your participation not onlyenrichestheBlueGirlsNetballTeambutalso contributes to the fabric of our community This platformservesasacanvastopaintyourstories, andmostimportantly,thestoryoftheBlueGirls NetballTeam,”saidAngula.Heurgestheplayers to make the club's supporters proud and become

ambassadors not just for our club, but for the wider community as well. “Looking ahead, we envision a future where the support for netball andsoccerintertwines,mobilisingoursupporters torallybehindbothsportcodes,”Angulaadded.

At the handover is Laina Junias, the General Secretary of Blue Girls Netball Club, with Eddy Angula, the Vice Chairperson, and Melvin Arnold, the Head Coach of the club.

Local Cyclists Conquer Cape Epic

Local cyclists Anna-Mart Kruger and Klaus Frielingsdorf successfully completedtheCapeEpic.TheAbsaCapeEpicisaneight-dayphysically gruellingandmentallydemandingmountainbikemulti-stageracesetin SouthAfrica'sWesternCaperegion,featuring16500metersofclimbing packedinto617kilometresofracing.

Kruger stated, "this has been the most difficult and challenging event I have ever experienced. I cried during the final 5km. It was overwhelming indeed. So happy So grateful. Despite the hours on thebikeinpreparation,ittookalot of pedal strokes, sweat and mental perseverance day by day for 8 full days. A life changing experience indeed." Frielingsdorf added that whenever he participated in the Absa Cape Epic event, "I feel gratefultoallthelandowners,who agreetoavailtheirpropertiestoall thededicatedtrackbuilders,toscar their properties over many months with some of the most beautiful trailstotravelon."

He also appreciated the enormous efforts of the organisers to host, yearafteryearthisiconiceventand to successfully balance profits against providing a great experience to competitors and participants. "For myself the 2024 Cape Epic was a satisfying experience " Sharing some statisticsofhowgruellingtheAbsa CapeEpictrulyis,Krugersaidthat

for this year 710 teams finished the prologue, six teams Did Not Finish (DNF). "From a total of 716 team entries that started Stage 1 488 teams finished Stage 7, which means 228 teams did not finish. That is a 31.8% dropout.I'veburnt11881caloriesover theeightdays."

Local cyclists

Frielingsdorf and Anna-Mart Kruger after they successfully completed the 2024 Cape Epic

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net
Photo contributed Klaus Rudi Bowe

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