Natural Awakenings Greater Boston/Rhode Island March 2024

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March 2024 | Greater Boston / Rhode Island Edition |
2 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition
3 March 2024

Call it serendipity, coincidence, the law of attraction or whichever else might resonate more for you if you believe in that stuff. Today, I call it unconscious alignment.

Admittedly, I write this letter to you each month far past our scheduled deadline. I surely stress out my faithful colleagues who are responsible for cleaning it up editorially and laying it out on the page every month. I’ve called it the “bane of my existence” since its first writing in March of 2011 when the first Greater Boston edition hit the streets. How could it ever be anything else as I’ve drilled that statement into my psyche for so long!

On January 30, I stumbled across a 20-minute recording on YouTube entitled, Neville Goddard Mental Diets. Neville Goddard’s authoritative work revolves around the concept that we create our reality through our thoughts and words, and more importantly, the feelings and emotions surrounding them.

Since hearing that talk, I was drawn deeper; seeking out other recordings from the author. I came across a narrated version of his 14page book, Feeling is the Secret, originally published in 1944. Already familiar with the book having it been assigned reading during a class I took at a local spiritual center some years ago, I became curious to listen to the 40-minute video read-through for a refresh.

During this first of many listens to this recording since then, I would embark on a quest to prove this theory of “thoughts become things” for myself more pointedly. I selected a very specific and singular aspect of my experience that I would like to see change. I tend to spread myself thin frequently and became aware that if I were to prove this to myself, I could only focus on one aspect of life during this experiment.

It was just a few short days of careful attention to my thoughts around this subject before I started to notice situations and circumstances “serendipitously” occurring through unconscious alignment—things that were undeniably aligned with my new thoughts. With these small wins becoming apparent so swiftly, I became more committed to practicing catching my negative thoughts. When the awareness of thoughts that were the opposite of what I desired showed



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up, I started gently taking control of my mind to change them. The results have left me gobsmacked.

Our feature story, “You Are What You Eat … and Think, See, Hear, Say and Feel,” by Katie Cavenagh, was not planned for this special Annual Healthy Living Directory edition. In fact, it came in just a few days ago from one of my fellow Natural Awakenings publishers in CT. This was the first time we’ve shared content between the two local editions.

It’s not lost on me that this unexpected piece of editorial, as you may suspect, connects precisely to the topic of my experiment. It reassures me that I’m on the right track and that I have far greater control of my outside circumstances than previously accepted, despite past awareness of these concepts.

I’ll continue to hold this current experiment close to the vest while strengthening the mental muscles required to solidify lasting positive results. The energy seems to dissipate and fizzle out when sharing too much too soon. That’s an addendum to this thought experiment that I’ve tacked on. I’ll be sure to follow up when it’s time to shift focus to another area of life where I’d like to see some lasting improvements.

As always, thank you for your readership and support of our advertising partners. Without them, we could not bring this resource to you each month. Please do let them know that you’ve found them here.

We hope you enjoy getting a deeper look at the local wellness practitioners and businesses that have contributed Profiles and Directory Listings for this special edition.

The sky is the limit—may we each embrace our potential and create a more joyful experience in the process.



Publisher Maisie Raftery

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Editor Randy Kambic

Administrative Asst. Carolyn Coogan

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Zina Cochran

Contributing Writers Katie Cavenaugh

Kim Childs

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Chrysanthi Kazantzis

Gary Kracoff

Wendy Lewis

Jim Nolan

April Thompson

Scan for Feeling is the Secret


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4 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition
Scan for Mental Diets
& Love, Publisher’s Letter © 2024 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.
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5 March 2024 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in Contents 6 You Are What You Eat... 9 Tips to Help Prevent Osteoporosis 10 The Resurgence of Custom Compounding 12 Rethinking Reflexology 14 Making Baby Food at Home 16 Making the Most of 2024 with Positive Energy 20 Beware of Online Fitness Gurus 22 Planting for the Planet 26 2024 Healthy Living Profiles 6 Feature Story 9 Health Tip 12 Therapy Spotlight 14 Healthy Kids 16 Inspiration 20 Fit Body 22 Conscious Eating 26 Healthy Living Profiles 32 Resource Guide Departments Online Exclusives CHECK OUT THESE ARTICLES YOU CAN ONLY FIND ONLINE! Pollinator Corridors Tips to Reestablish Lost Habitats Healthy Living as a Spiritual Discipline Visit: for special offers. A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors: Own Your Own Franchise Make a difference in your community. Become a Natural Awakenings Franchise owner. Visit: Corp.Natural How to Advertise To advertise in Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please scan the QR code, email or call 617-906-0232. Deadline for ads: 15th of the month. 6 12 20

You Are What You Eat...

and Think, See, Hear, Say and Feel

We’ve all heard of the expression, “You are what you eat,” meaning our bodies respond to what we put in them, whether positively or negatively. But have we given enough thought to our diet overall?

Part of what we consume also includes the shows we watch, the music we listen to, the books we read, the ideas of people we are with and the chemicals concoctions our bodies feed us when we experience emotions. All sorts of energies stick with us as we consume life through our experience; we have the ability to clean that out of our systems by making conscious choices. Just as we might choose to eat chickpeas instead of chicken, we can make choices about what we let into our energy field and life experience, and what we don’t.

What You’re Consuming

You consume the energy of your environment all day, every day. How are you interacting with the energy of your space at home and at work? Is it supportive

of your overall health and well-being? Are the people you surround yourself with uplifting and inspiring?

Being in the right environment is a key aspect of our growth. Yes, we often need to be like the lotus, growing from the depths of the mud upwards to reach the sunlight at the top of the pond; many of us are forced to grow in less than supportive conditions. We persevere like the lotus because we have to, alone and misunderstood, but determined to succeed.

Having a supportive environment means that you can go through any transformation without judgment or fear of what others think. You are free to fully be yourself, raw and real. It’s the times of playing small and hiding our truth that has ill effects on the body, mind and spirit.

Physical clutter can also impair our health, eating up space not only in the corners, closets and under the bed, but in our minds as we ruminate about our woes. Taking some time to physically clean somehow magically frees up space

in our minds, while doing some mental cleaning out of our old thought patterns and memories frees up our energy. This all creates the space for what you desire to come to you.

Remember the phrase, “consumed by our thoughts?” Our mental environment may also need a spring cleaning so we’re choosing healthier and more constructive thoughts. Suffice it to say that giving your mental space a once over for cobwebs will offer incredible insights as to what you’ve been holding on to that can now be released. You are a product of your environment, which is a combination of your physical, mental, emotional and social spaces.

“Eating” Clean

What have you been feeding your mind?

What ideas and opinions are you hearing from other people? What do you read, watch and listen to for fun? Does the information align with your values?

When feeding our minds, it’s worth making conscious choices because everything becomes imprinted in our energy field. Whether we know it or not, our subconscious is being programmed all the time (they call them TV programs for a reason) with values, thoughts and beliefs that aren’t ours.

With enough of this “programming,” you can be led to adopt new beliefs, which lead to new thoughts and actions, and this goes both positively and negatively. Some politicians are masters at swaying you to vote for them with the “programming” they provide in their speeches.

Another example is social media. If your feed is nothing but doom and gloom about the world, full of people complaining, arguing and with a general negative outlook on life, you are more apt to feel anxious, depressed, sad, angry, apathetic, fearful and so on in your own life.

On the other hand, should your feed be filled with positive uplifting messages, people who value and inspire you, stories of strength and courage, and maybe some kittens, it will leave you on a very different emotional cloud than the former feed. Have you ever thought about why it’s called your “feed”?

The vast majority of people aren’t “eating

6 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition
Feature Story

clean” when it comes to their mental and emotional diet. While we mostly unconsciously choose our thoughts, we can learn to be in control and not hook into them, as we’re literally feeding them life when we do.

When we get hooked on our emotions, we’re feeding them energy. This keeps them alive and reeling. Ever have a trash morning and then notice the rest of your day was spent thinking about how bad it was and all the things that went wrong? Talking about it nonstop to yourself and anyone who will stand still long enough to listen and commiserate with you? We’ve all done it, and this is a prime example of feeding your (unhelpful) emotions and thoughts.

Now, yes, you do indeed need to feel those less positive emotions fully so they can move through you; make sure you do that before feeding yourself a better feeling thought. This is how we can “eat clean” when it comes to our mental and emotional state by consciously creating the state we would rather be in.

The Conscious Diet

Knowing what you’re consuming—and not just your food—gives you the ability to discern what’s healthy for you and what isn’t. Obviously being around toxic energy that drains or disempowers you would be part of an “unhealthy” diet. We all have our vices, but we also need to get honest with ourselves about what we are willing to indulge in and what really needs to be removed.

We can consciously choose to feed ourselves positive thoughts and words; be around creative, fun, motivated, inspiring people;

7 March 2024
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and listen to podcasts or watch shows that deepen our understanding of the world and ourselves. They all give us a stronger connection to consciousness—or Spirit, God/ Goddess, The Universe, The Force—and are tied to a higher power.

A strong relationship with consciousness, yourself and your higher self gives you the ability to be more present. There are less reactive, anxious and stressed moments during the day. You find a deeper sense of peace within yourself and cultivate more acceptance and gratitude for the world and her beings.

Remember the phrase, “consumed by our thoughts”? Our mental environment may also need a spring cleaning so we’re choosing healthier and more constructive thoughts.

Starting a “conscious diet” begins with the simple action of noticing your thoughts. What goes through your mind on a regular basis? Anything play on repeat? Have you paid attention to your thoughts before? How long does it take before unhelpful thoughts creep in?

As you begin to notice your thoughts, can you also notice any feelings or emotions associated with them? You might feel a tightness in your chest when you think about a fight you had with your friend yesterday or a sinking in your stomach when you think about your soul-sucking job.

The thought/emotion connection is extremely strong, needing your attention and energy to survive. This is you feeding those emotions. Part of the conscious diet is to take their power away by

taking your attention away, which involves healing the trigger, the memory and the response. Otherwise, you remain exactly what you’ve been “eating” all this time, be it anger, guilt, shame, sadness, fear or something else.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to set yourself free from the projections, programming, conditioning, lies, expectations, ideas and opinions you’ve been fed all your life— especially the ones that offer you poison? Could you imagine creating your own elixir for when you take too big a bite from something that isn’t actually beneficial? Well, a little consciousness can go a long way here.

Take some time to reevaluate your mental diet. Create some options for yourself when you turn to your “junk food”, and see if you can at least balance out the positive and negative. Tune into your thoughts and body, recognize the supportive environments, and give yourself permission to make a different choice.

Everything is connected, so when pairing the inner work with the actions of eating a healthy diet of food, your body, mind and spirit will function at its best.

Katie Cavenagh is an energy alignment specialist who focuses on sound healing, channeling and the power of words. Find her at The Red Barn, in Durham, CT. Connect at

8 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition

Tips to Help Prevent Osteoporosis

Bone is living tissue that is constantly being broken down and replaced. Osteoporosis, which occurs when the creation of new bone can’t keep up with the loss of the old bone, causes bones to become weak and brittle, sometimes to the point that a fall or even mild stresses like bending or coughing can cause a break, often in the hip, wrist or spine.

Osteoporosis is more prevalent among women, people over 30 (past our peak of being able to regenerate bone mass) and with lowered estrogen levels, thyroid problems, smaller body frames and a family history of having the ailment. Major associated symptoms can include back pain caused by a broken or collapsed bone in the spine, loss of height over time, a stooped posture or any bone that breaks much more easily than expected.

Maintaining bone strength as we age can help reduce the risk of developing the condition including consuming proper amounts of calcium—especially the absorbable form called Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite (MCHC)—exercising and

avoiding both being underweight and excessive use of alcohol and tobacco.

Other helpful nutrients include vitamins D and K, magnesium, boron, zinc, selenium, silicon, copper, manganese and collagen. Foods that can help support bone health include nuts and seeds, gigs, dates, apricots, leafy greens, sweet potato, okra, parsnips, seafood, blackberries and raspberries. People can also consider undergoing lab testing for bone health—including the Ntelopeptide bone reabsorption marker that especially monitors vitamins D and K and magnesium—every three to six months.

Chrysanthi Kazantzis (Dr. Kaz) is a naturopathic physician, clinical nutritionist, reiki master, president of Rhode Island Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the founder and owner of Anasa Personalized Medicine, located at 245 Waterman St., Ste. 308, Providence, RI, where she is accepting new patients. For more information or to make an appointment, call 401-270-1742 or visit See ad on page 7, Profile on page 27 and Resource Guide on page 36.

9 March 2024 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in
Health Tip

The Resurgence of Custom Compounding

Custom compounding refers to the practice of preparing medication tailored to an individual’s specific needs, as prescribed by their healthcare provider. These medications are compounded in pharmacies specifically licensed by the Board of Pharmacy.

Rather than dispense mass-produced drugs, the compounding pharmacy compounds medications for the patient in the exact dosages that the doctor prescribes.

The art and science of compounding dates back centuries, to a time when pharmacists were responsible for preparing all medications from scratch. In the early days of pharmacy, medications were often compounded on-site in pharmacies. Pharmacists would mix raw ingredients to create various dosage forms tailored to individual patient needs.

When pharmaceutical mass manufacturing in the 20th century became

popular, the practice of custom compounding declined as more medication became commercially available. However, custom compounding never entirely disappeared and has experienced a resurgence in recent years.

There are many reasons that a person might require custom compounding. Some people need to avoid many substances that are included in many mass-produced medications. Ingredients such as sugar, lactose, dyes, alcohol, gluten, or preservatives can cause negative reactions in susceptible people.

In addition to eliminating these problem ingredients, custom compounding allows for dosage adjustments not commercially available. Also, they can be compounded in alternative dosage forms. Certain kinds of patients such as children or the elderly may have difficulty swallowing pills, and forms like liquids, creams or suppositories can be compounded to improve compliance and comfort in usage.

Recently, there have been medications that have been discontinued or unavailable. Compounding pharmacies can often recreate these medications so patients can continue their therapies.

A special class of compounding pharmacies offer Sterile Ophthalmic preparations including dry eye drops, antibiotic eye drops, atropine eye drops, preservative-free eye drops, allergy eye drops and much more.

Autologous Serum Eye Drops are even available at specific Sterile Compound-

10 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition

ing Pharmacies. These eye drops are made from a patient’s own blood. The blood is separated into its serum which contains many nutrients and regenerative factors that are used by the cells to keep them healthy. Under sterile conditions, the serum is diluted with sterile saline and bottles to provide sterile autologous serum eye drops. These sterile eye drops have been successfully used in the management of ocular surface disorders such as dry eye disease, persistent epithelial defects, and neurotrophic keratopathy.

The resurgence of custom compounding has helped people get the individualized custom medication that can help with hormone balancing for men and women, infant and children, eye care, migraine headache therapy, digestive issues, neuropathy and pain management.

The compounding pharmacist collaborates with the patient and doctor to

help formulate the proper medication for each person, unlike mass produced medications where one must find the closest dose commercially available.

Many compounding pharmacies collaborate with doctors and individuals to help formulate the medication to meet specific needs. Pharmacists regularly attend PCCA International seminars and educational events to keep abreast of the latest advances in compounding and pharmaceutical delivery systems, too.

Dr. Gary Kracoff is a registered pharmacist with a doctorate in naturopathic medicine at the Johnson Compounding and Wellness Center, at 577 Main St., Waltham, MA.

Contact one of their compounding pharmacists about how custom compounding can help attain the specific medication, dosage and dosage form that the patient needs. For more information, call 781-893-3870 ext. 2 or visit See ad on page 13 and Resource Guide on page 36.

11 March 2024 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in

Rethinking Reflexology

Though reflexology is an alternative therapy with ancient roots, reflexology’s relevance continues to grow in modern times. In a recent study, “Foot Reflexology: Recent Research Trends and Prospects,” published by The National Library of Medicine, literature related to the field of foot reflexology published from 1991 to 2021 was analyzed. The findings revealed that the number of scientific articles on the topic has been steadily increasing every year, suggesting that interest and respect for reflexology continues to grow, even among those with backgrounds in traditional medicine.

Scientific communities are increasingly embracing reflexology, yet many public misconceptions persist. Here are the facts about three of these myths.

Feet Are Not Ugly

When removing their socks before a session, many clients apologize for the appearance of their feet. But the reality is, feet are as diverse as their owners, and all are lovely in their own way. Some feet are large, dense, and inflexible, while others are small, soft and springy. Some may have stiff, arthritic toes, digits that have survived fractures, or toenails with old injuries. They tell the story of that client’s life, health, and unique experiences, and that in itself is beautiful.

Reflexologists Do Not Diagnose or Detect Illness

Although reflexologists may detect cues from a client’s body by

12 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition
Therapy Spotlight

reading their feet, only a medical doctor can legally diagnose health and medical conditions. It may be tempting to withhold some information from a reflexologist’s intake form to see if they can sense medical conditions, but that is potentially dangerous and not advised; all pertinent health information should be shared with medical and wellness professionals so they can best help.

Reflexologists may detect all sorts of different tissue textures. Some characteristics are fairly common, but most sets of feet are as unique as their owners. Repeat sessions with the same reflexologist helps the practitioner develop a sense of the unique landscape of each client’s particular pair of feet and what is most typical for them.

The most important thing to be felt in the feet is what the client feels. And since each foot has 7,000 nerve endings, reflexology offers plenty of wonderfully therapeutic and relaxing sensations.

Reflexology Is More Than a “Foot Rub”

Though reflexology feels great and shares benefits with many bodywork modalities—such as stress relief, relaxation and wellness support—it is a distinctive practice, and much more than a great-feeling foot rub. In reflexology, the organs, structures and systems of the body are mapped out in the feet (and sometimes the hands, ears and face), and specific pressure techniques on these areas are believed to positively impact the entire body via the nervous system. Many clients find reflexology to be uniquely relaxing and calming among the many types of bodywork they’ve tried.

In fact, the scientific articles included in this study explored how “foot reflexology has been shown to have a moderating effect on anxiety, fatigue, and cancer, and is a topic of ongoing and future research.” So, not only is reflexology something that feels wonderful, there is solid evidence that it promises many health benefits too.

Wendy Lewis is an ARCB-certified reflexologist, online course creator and owner of Prana Reflexology, in Warwick, RI. Learn more at See Resource Guide on page 37.

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13 March 2024

Making Baby Food at Home

Expanding Palates Without Artificial Additives

Like many processed convenience foods, commercial baby food soared in popularity in the post-WWII era as parents spent less time in the kitchen. As 21st-century parents return to their roots and reject industrial creations in lieu of wholesome, scratch-made fare of varied flavors and textures, they want the same for their babies and toddlers.

Dora Babić Cikoš holds a Ph.D., in nutritional science. She and her sister, Ana Weinstein, formed the U.K.-based Creative Nourish resource as a guide for parents that care about their children’s nutrition. Babić Cikoš notes that commercial baby food often consists of artificial preservatives and food colorings which are not beneficial for babies just starting to eat solid food. By making baby food from scratch, preferably with organic ingredients, she explains that parents can minimize exposure to pesticides and unnecessary substances, as well as expand their children’s palates so that they have a smaller chance of becoming picky eaters.

“Store-bought baby food often concentrates on a few foods as the main ingredients and builds different jars and/or pouches around it, causing the food to be almost always in puree form and of a similar taste,” she advises. “Children that eat homemade baby food,

14 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition
Healthy Kids

especially if it is adapted for them from the foods that the family also eats for their meal, are exposed to different foods, tastes, textures, spices and ways of serving food.”

Registered Dietitian Amy Reed, the spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), notes that the practice of infant feeding is one of many factors affecting how a child develops. In infancy, this may include when solids and textures are introduced, along with genetics and parental feeding styles.

The academy suggests homemade baby food as a way to offer more variety to little ones’ diets. Parents can choose from an assortment of fruits and vegetables in the produce section, and frozen veggies and canned fruits can be added to homemade baby food to help expose babies to a variety of flavors.

Reed says, “If a family chooses to make their own baby food, they can control the ingredients and individualize it. Baby food that is pureed is typically offered at around 6 months of age. Textures should be offered to babies before they are 9 months of age. A delay in texture introduction can be associated with feeding difficulties.”

Making Baby Food with Ease

A food processor, blender or immersion blender allows parents to quickly puree most fruits and vegetables. Softer fruits like peaches can be pureed without cooking, while vegetables such as carrots or sweet potatoes can be baked or broiled. Steaming helps retain the most nutrients. Puree the foods in a blender or food processor and slowly add water if necessary, to make them easier for the baby to eat and digest.

Making baby food allows parents to get creative and add more flavorful, nutritious foods such as pureed kale to a butternut squash recipe. Parents can also manage sugars and salt or add a dash of nutmeg, cinnamon, thyme or milder spices and seasonings for extra flavor.

“Homemade baby food does not have to be complicated, because you are not preparing

a five-course meal for your baby,” says Babić Cikoš. “Just giving them the same food you are eating and cooking for the rest of the family minus the added salt, sweetener, honey or milk, and pureeing or cutting things differently for your baby.”

She notes that price comparisons between homemade baby food and commercial baby food might show that store-bought baby food is more expensive. In addition, homemade baby food can be stored in Mason jars or reusable containers, which cuts down on disposable packaging.

For parents just starting to introduce solid food to their baby, Dora Babić Cikoš of Creative Nourish advises these purees can offer babies a sample to help decipher what they will or won’t like:

For babies and older kids, this three-ingredient healthy pancake mix takes minutes to prepare and is good for baby-led weaning: banana-chia-pancakes.

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15 March 2024

Making the Most of 2024 with Positive Psychology

It seems the changes that began with the pandemic keep coming as we move into the spring of a year filled with its own changes and challenges. No matter what is happening around us, we can work to cultivate internal states that optimize our chances for achieving greater peace, resilience, happiness and success in life. Positive psychology, the so-called “science of happiness” that was established in the late 90s by Martin Seligman, Sonja Lyubormirski, Barbara Frederickson and others, offers researchbased practices and concepts to move past surviving and actually thrive in life. Many focus on using what’s known as Appreciative Inquiry to shine a light on what is strong in us and our lives, even when other things feel lacking, uncertain, or difficult.

Look for the Good

At night, asking “What went well today, and why?” involves recalling three positive events from the day and identifying how our own choices, actions, and perhaps other conditions created those outcomes, aiming to repeat what works.

In the morning or evening, identifying three things we’re grateful for helps to flip the internal script from complaining to appreciating. Adding “Why?” and keeping the list fresh embeds the

16 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition ADHD & Anxiety Brain Evaluations & Treatment Find out for sure with a qEEG Brain Map. Then, find out what to do about it. Finally, work that matches your intelligence. • Family hours that last for hours. • Friendships that are fun and easy. • A trusted solution for ADHD. Visit or call 401.397.9948 for more info. Not reaching your full potential? Could the ADHD or Anxiety brain pattern be blocking your efforts? NEUROFEEDBACK THERAPY The Chiropractic Neurology Center of West Greenwich 16-A Nooseneck Hill Road West Greenwich, RI 02817 Start Your New Year Off Right!

attitude of gratitude, according to researcher Robert Emmons.

Begin the day by asking “What am I looking forward to today? How do I want to feel in that experience, and how can I support that outcome?” to practice what Seligman calls prospection. While we can’t guarantee things will go as desired, this exercise primes us for good by rehearsing that outcome and identifying ways to bring it about.

Focus on Solutions and Potential Good in the Bad

While it’s human nature to entertain worst-case scenarios when worried, choosing to then imagine the bestcase scenario and desired solutions to problems broadens our perspective and taps into our imagination and creativity, leading to more effective actions.

Hardships and loss are built into life and, while not everything seemingly happens for the best, the practice of benefit finding helps people make

the best of challenges by looking for the growth, gains, lessons and gifts in them. This is after we’ve let our natural emotions flow.

Appreciate Strengths and Acknowledge Imperfections

The f ree strengths assessment offered by the field of positive psychology is found at the VIA Institute on Character ( Once we know our top strengths, we can honor and implement them in our work and life for the greatest

personal fulfillment and satisfaction.

Asking each day “How can I use one of my strengths to make this day better?” directs us to our internal resources, especially when facing a problem.

Understanding that we are imperfectly human works in progress—here to learn and evolve in this lifetime—can help to cultivate self-compassion. This motivates us to improve, notes researchers like Kristin Neff. Self-criticism and shame can keep people stuck

17 March 2024 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in

Inspiration continued

Find the Fun

Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, advocates so-called Artist Dates for anyone seeking to live a more self-directed, colorful life. They can be as simple as a visit to the ocean and as grand as a night at the opera, and many things in between. The idea is to pick something that sounds delightful or intriguing, go alone to have a mostly personal experience, and soak up the fun or fascination.

Kim Childs is a certified life and career coach specializing in Positive Psychology, creativity, life transitions and empowered living. Her writing is featured in several Chicken Soup for the Soul books, the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, the Wholebeing Institute and her own blog, A Pilgrim on the Path. For more information or to arrange for a consultation, visit See Resource Guide on page 33.

Thoughts on Making 2024 Your Best Year Yet

“My tip for 2024 is to choose to be consistent with at least one project or goal. Stay focused and make time for that goal each day. Even write it in your calendar!”

Gwen Gardner, Owner

Simply Chickie

18 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition

“In the words of RUMI, ‘Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.’”

Maria Sichel, Yoga Therapist & Owner Time for You Yoga

“Understanding and loving your past experiences connects you to your higher purpose.“

Nicole Pirani, Owner NJP Tarot

“This is my mantra: Keep your eyes on the stars, feet on the ground, faith in the heart and let your actions speak the language of determination.”

Vandana Pitke, Certified Homeopath & President of RIHHA OM Homeopathy

“Prioritize nervous system regulation. Some suggested modalities to do this include spending time in nature, eating balanced meals, practicing breathwork, walking, talk therapy, acupuncture, etc. A regulated nervous system gives birth to a healthy and happy body!”

Alora Frederick, Functional Dietitian Johnson Compounding & Wellness

19 March 2024
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Beware of Online Fitness Gurus

Always Seek Out Trusted, Local Experts

Social media “influencers” are on a rampant increase due to the ease of access to the public through a wide variety of social media platforms. This can be good, bad and downright ugly at times because anyone (including bots) can say anything and claim it as fact.

Trainers are often asked by clients to look at exercises that they found on one of the many social media platforms, and while clients are very enthusiastic to show these exercises, most reputable trainers will critique them as inefficient, pointless or even dangerous. Surprisingly, clients continue to showcase these exercises using the views and follows of the video or “influencer” as justification. Not all of the information out there is unfounded in science or fact; however, anyone researching exercise or nutrition tips really needs to sift through the murk to find quality content.

20 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition Fit Body

A 2020 study by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health goes into great detail, specifically analyzing Twitter in their study: “Our analysis suggests that the discourse is dominated by non-health professionals. There is widespread use of bots that pollute the discourse and seek to create a false equivalence on the efficacy of a particular nutritional strategy or diet. Topic modeling suggests a significant focus on diet, nutrition, exercise, weight, disease, and quality of life.”

In regards to health and wellness, false or inappropriate information can have potentially serious consequences, especially if someone doesn’t know what to look for in a reputable source. Knowing how to research facts and find an appropriate professional is critical, just because someone with a six pack or glutes of steel tells or demonstrates what to eat or how to exercise, doesn’t actually mean that they themselves know what they are talking about or are possibly a hired model selling a product or service without their target audience’s best interest in mind. Commercializing exercise and nutrition for profit over health has been an increasingly growing business.

A 2023 article in The New York Times, “Most Fitness Influencers Are Doing More Harm Than Good,” sheds some light on healthy habits to find reputable fitness/nutrition coaches. Some great advice for someone who is looking for a fitness professional would be to look for experts with solid credentials and years of experience, not just followers. Those that have a medical condition and are seeking holistic means to better health, find a fitness professional that has experience with the medical condition and read the reviews speaking to their skill set and client success.

Exercise and nutrition begin and end in science, period. Human movement and appropriate diet choices have potentially life-changing benefits for those vested in choosing to follow the path of integrated wellness. Exercise and nutrition should be tailored to the individual and a reputable fitness professional will be able to do just that.

Committing to the challenges that an appropriate science based exercise program as well as a healthy nutrition program

may bring is not easy. As fitness expert Fred Devito says, “If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.” Fitness professionals have the privilege to witness change every day, and the combination of experience, knowledge and hard work pays off every time. Make sure that it’s a safe and efficient change that will last beyond 30 days.

Jim Nolan is a Master Trainer, Nutrition Coach, STM Bodywork Specialist and co-owner of Thrive Medical Fitness, Inc. Location: 1658 GAR Hwy., Ste. 1, Swansea, MA. For more information or to make an appointment, call 401-440-5785, email Contact@ or visit See ad on page 25 and Resource Guide on page 36.

21 March 2024 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in 401-232-7777 •

Planting for the Planet

Seven Herbs to Grow, Eat and Heal

Growing herbs at home has myriad benefits, enhancing health, boosting flavor and saving money while supporting local ecosystems. Home growing not only provides fresh herbs for cooking needs, but also offers access to easy and affordable natural remedies that can soothe common ailments.

“There is nothing like having your own fresh herbs in home-cooked meals. You can also dry and prep your own herbs for winter. Herbs retain more fragrance and vibrant color when you dry and process your own,” says Nadine Clopton, an herbalist who serves as regenerative education program manager for Rodale Institute.

Clopton likes to grow medicinal herbs like holy basil, as well as culinary herbs like rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano and basil, which serve as both nutrition and medicine. “They have minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, and are deeply supportive of different systems in

the body,” says Clopton, who maintains a small deck herb garden in her Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, apartment.

A home herb garden boasts multiple environmental benefits, reducing our carbon footprint by eliminating the miles most herbs travel to reach the local grocery store, and eliminating pesticide use, if grown organically. Herbs are also great for attracting pollinators like bees, birds and butterflies to support a balanced and healthy ecosystem.


“Rosemary is a multifaceted herb high in calcium,” says Linda Conroy, an herbalist, farmer and herb educator in Albion, Wisconsin. She uses it in topical lotions for pain relief, makes rosemary-infused salt for a flavor-booster and incorporates this pungent herb into her homemade feta cheese. Rosemary has been shown to enhance cognition and memory. It is also a natural mosquito repellant, making it a great addition to summer patios.

Sage is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and as a natural treatment for sore throats and coughs. “This easy-togrow perennial also helps attract pollinators,” says Conroy.

Dandelion is an excellent detoxifier that can help cleanse the liver and promote healthy digestion. “Every part of the dandelion is edible; it’s really a powerful, supportive herb. There are so many herbs like dandelion that grow wild around us, asking for our awareness and acknowledgment,” Clopton remarks.

Thyme has powerful antimicrobial properties that can help fend off bacterial infections. “It’s also anti-spasmodic and a natural expectorant, making it an excellent addition to cough remedies, which can save money compared to over-the-counter treatments,” Conroy advises.

22 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition
Conscious Eating Marilyna from Getty Images Pro / CanvaPro



1 onion, sliced thin

3 medium tomatoes, chopped

1 Tbsp ghee

¼ tsp salt

¼ tsp dried, powdered turmeric

¼ tsp black pepper

¼ tsp paprika

5-8 eggs

Cilantro as garnish Maya

Sauté onions and tomatoes in ghee until soft. Add in spices and adjust to taste. Crack 5 to 8 eggs, add them to the sauté and cover. Wait until the yolk and whites are almost set and stir. Garnish with fresh cilantro.

Copyright © 2017 Madiha M. Saeed, from her book The Holistic Rx: Your Guide to Healing Chronic Inflammation and Disease, published by Rowman & Littlefield. All rights reserved.

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Continued Conscious Eating

Lemon balm is a natural stress reducer that can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. “I love growing lemon balm and holy basil together,” says Clopton. “They act like a natural mosquito repellent, in addition to all their medicinal and culinary benefits.”

Chamomile is an essential herb for relaxation and digestion. Regular consumption of chamomile tea can help reduce anxiety and promote restful sleep. Conroy also uses this herb for topical applications like lotions, body washes, foot baths and even eyewashes to soothe sore, irritated eyes.

Garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help fight infections. The bulb is also known to reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. “Garlic, chives and other plants in the allium family are all important immune-system boosters,” says Conroy.


For first-time growers, an herb garden may sound intimidating, but with patience and care, it can flourish even in small, indoor spaces. Conroy recommends trying chives, as they are easy to sprout and thrive in a box or pot. She also suggests starting by growing just one herb at a time.

While Conroy grows her herbs from seed in her own greenhouse, it is perfectly acceptable to buy plants that already have a head start. Clopton suggests plants like lemon balm because it is easy to root from a cutting. She also recommends supplementing soil with organic compost to give plants an extra boost, and making sure growing containers have good drainage.

Adding herbs to an outdoor garden or indoor space is an easy way to shrink our carbon footprint and support pollinators for the good of the planet, all the while saving on groceries. Start small with an herb garden and enjoy the numerous health and other benefits herbs offer.

April Thompson is a Washington, D.C., freelance writer covering food, travel, sustainability and spirituality topics. Learn more at


This tea includes a class of herbs referred to in herbalism as nervines, which work to support and nourish the nervous system and relieve anxiety. While sipping this elegant infusion, visualize the herbs gently smoothing over any frayed nerves with a cleansing wave of calm.


Lemon balm

Tulsi (holy basil)

Milky oats or oatstraw (avena sativa)


Chamomile Lavender Rose petals

Combine equal parts of the organic dried herbs in a bowl. To make a cup of soothing tea, use 1 tablespoon of the herb mixture per 8 ounces of hot water. Steep covered for 10 minutes.

Recipe courtesy of Nadine Clopton. Before consuming any herbal remedies, consult with a doctor or pharmacist for possible interactions with prescription medications or preexisting health conditions.

24 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition
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25 March 2024 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in

2024 Healthy Living Profiles

Throughout the year, Natural Awakenings strives to bring you the latest information and resources available for natural health, nutrition, personal growth, green living, fitness and creative expression. We are pleased to offer this special section of local Healthy Living Profiles to support you in leading a healthy, balanced lifestyle.


Quantum Energy Wellness, LLC • Est. 2023 693 Quaker Ln., West Warwick, RI • 401-228-9100


Quantum Energy Wellness is here to provide frequency and energy healing. These energy fields play a pivotal role in the promotion of a myriad of health benefits. This precipitates the process of the mind/body complex to return to a more optimal state.

Services offered: Energy Enhancement System (EES), iMRS 2000 mat or Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy, OlyLife Tera P-90 PEMF + THz Electromagnetic Therapy, Raindrop Technique, Therapeutic-Grade Young Living essential oils, Ionic Foot Bath and more.

Areas of specialty: We support clients with the knowledge and equipment to show them the power of the body to heal itself when given the proper tools and environment.

Educational background: Certified Holistic Health Coach

Phlosophy of healing, health, natural living: We provide the space and a variety of healing modalities for each individual to find their own personal healing journey. We offer recommendations on small changes to daily living that can have a big impact on health and wellness.

See ad on page 3 and Resource Guide on page 33, 35 and 37.


Massage Therapy and Wellness of East Greenwich • Est. 2006 5784 Post Rd., East Greenwich, RI • 401-203-1069 •

A holistic collaborative offering a wide variety of wellness modalities and workshops. We are a collective of female healers with a shared passion for guiding clients towards the best ways to attain optimal health potential. Each practitioner operates as an individual entity yet collectively we work together to help clients restore wellness. We’re also dedicated to offering compassionate education in preventative health care. Services offered: Massage Therapy (therapeutic, deep tissue, aromatherapy, gua sha, hot stone, couples, prenatal, cancer/aging, sports injury), reflexology, assisted stretch, functional nutrition, reiki, body talk therapy, craniosacral therapy, cupping, skin care. Offering monthly sound baths and a variety of other workshops and events. Areas of specialty: Therapeutic massage, deep tissue, prenatal from first trimester, Aromatouch Technique, sports injury massage. essential oils and natural health care.

Educational background: National Certificate of Massage and Body Work; Reiki Level 3, Aromatouch Technique, Massage for Cancer and Aging, Prenatal Massage Certified Philosophy of healing, health, natural living: “Health can be preventative if you are open to being patient and doing the work.”

See Resource Guide on page 35.

26 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition


Naturopathic and Functional Medicine

Anasa Personalized Medicine combines the expertise of Dr. Chrysanthi Kazantzis (“Dr. Kaz”), ND, MS, Dr. Noelle Cardarelli, ND, DAc, and Dr. Brenda Bithoney, ND, in providing naturopathic and functional medicine care in a personalized approach with each patient to achieve optimal health. Patients are immediately put at ease while each doctor spends more than hour taking a thorough medical intake and physical exam to provide a customized treatment plan for individuals to take charge of their own health. This plan includes clinical nutrition, herbal medicine, supplements, homeopathy, reiki and craniosacral therapy.

At Anasa Personalized Medicine, patients are introduced to the most up-to-date research and receive expert guidance and access to the newest functional lab testing and high-quality supplements and natural products. With a strong passion for helping people, the doctors are attentive, explain everything clearly and in a way that is easy to understand. Over the course of treatment, a trusting relationship develops as doctors support their patients’ health journey, always inviting questions along the way.

Services provided: Naturopathic medicine, clinical nutrition, functional lab testing, reiki treatments, craniosacral therapy, nutrigenomics, body composition analysis, infrared sauna. Areas of specialty: Digestive conditions, thyroid conditions, Lyme disease, mold toxicity, diabetes and nutrition, chronic illness, mood disorders, prenatal, pregnancy and postnatal health.

Healing/healthy living philosophy: Naturopathic medicine is an ancient type of medicine that has been used for thousands of years in China, India and Greece. Now we are using that traditional medicine with modern-day research and science. As per Hippocrates’ famous words, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

Anasa Personalized Medicine, 245 Waterman St., Ste. 308, Providence, RI. For more information, call 401-270-1742 or visit See ad on page 7 and Resource Guide on page 36.


Chiropractic • Functional Nutrition • Holistic Wellness

The staff at Malchar Wellness Center is committed to providing the highest quality of care to help you feel your best. We are dedicated to giving our patients the most current, stateof-the-art services and therapeutic therapies to reduce pain, restore motion, plus improve neurological function and musculoskeletal health.

If you’ve been suffering from stiff and painful joints, chronic pain, arthritic or degenerative joints, whiplash or head injuries or headaches, and brain fog from auto or sports injuries, Owner and Lead Physician, Victoria E. Malchar, D.C., CCSP, ABAAHP and staff, are ready to help your body and joints feel 10 years younger!

Services provided: Our office provides a variety of chiropractic and soft tissue techniques as well as Stem Wave Therapy, Advanced Musculoskeletal Release Technique, whole food nutritional supplementation and the Erchonia Laser. Benefits of Erchonia Laser Therapy, which is FDAcleared, include anti-inflammatory action, stimulated nerve function, reduced fibrous tissue formation, increased vascular activity and faster wound healing and tissue repair. In addition, we offer functional nutrition with therapeutic lifestyle medicine, Zyto analysis, laboratory and radiological evaluation to get to the cause of your health care issues.

Areas of specialty: The staff at Malchar Chiropractic & Wellness Center dedicate their time, talents and practice to helping patients achieve optimum health through a combination of Chiropractic and Holistic Healthcare Alternatives for over 40 years.

Healing/healthy living philosophy: Maintaining a balanced lifestyle can lead to greater resilience through good times and bad.

Location: 33 College Hill Rd., Bldg. 30C, Warwick, RI. For more information, call 401-826-7600, email FrontDesk@ or visit See ad on page 23 and Resource Guide on page 32.

27 March 2024 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in
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(L-R) Dr. Brenda Bithoney, ND, Dr. Chrysanthi Kazantzis (“Dr. Kaz”), ND, MS and Dr. Noelle Cardarelli, ND, DAc


Dr. Amparo M. David received her Doctorate of Dental Medicine from the Goldman School of Dental Medicine at Boston University in 1999, where she graduated with honors. She completed a mini-residency in Temporal Mandibular Disorders (TMD) at the Tufts School of Dental Medicine and has completed coursework at the Seattle Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, the Dawson Center.

Dr. David continues formally to grow her expertise in biological dentistry, dental sleep medicine, TMD and dento-facial orthopedics. She founded the TMJ and Sleep Therapy Centre of New England, also within her Bolton, Massachusetts office, through her desire to improve the quality of life for her own family and her patients. Additionally, she travels extensively to meet with colleagues to collectively share ideas and approaches to challenging cases, and she has formally presented continuing education courses to other dentists. Her unique, holistic approach attracts patients throughout the Northeast, as she sees patients who have sought out her expertise that live throughout New England and also New York.

Services provided: General dentistry, endodontics, periodontics, cosmetic dentistry, advance light force (ALF) therapy, ozone therapy, safe amalgam removal, biocompatible materials, dentofacial orthopedic orthodontics, myofunctional therapy, frenum releases, TMJ treatment and sleep disorder dentistry. We offer dental savings plans which make it easier to afford the oral health care needed without insurance

Areas of specialty: Safe amalgam removal (SMARTcertified), sleep and TMJ therapy, cosmetic dentistry, ozone therapy, implants, laser frenectomy.

Healing/healthy living philosophy: Dr. David’s philosophy is to treat a person’s overall dental health rather than focusing on only the specific symptoms that her patients present. With every new patient, Dr. David dedicates part of her day to meet with them one-on-one to share her philosophy of comprehensive, biological and whole-body dentistry while ensuring that she understands what is important to them.

Dentistry by Dr. David and the TMJ & Sleep Therapy

Centre of New England are located at 563 Main St., Bolton, MA. For more information or to make an appointment, call 978-779-2888 or visit See ads on pages 2 and back cover, and Resource Guide on pages 32, 34 and 37.

DRIP LUXURY FLOAT SPA Float Your Way to Wellness

DRIP Luxury Float Spa

focuses on holistic well-being through floatation therapy while offering complementary services to enhance the overall experience. This combination provides customers with options for relaxation, respiratory health, and mental well-being. Facility details: The spa has a total of 6 float rooms and three of these rooms are designed for double occupancy, allowing two people to float together.

Services provided: In addition to floatation therapy, we offer halotherapy and BrainTap. Halotherapy involves exposure to fine salt particles, usually in a controlled environment, aiming to promote respiratory and skin health. BrainTap refers to a technology or method designed to relax the mind, involving guided meditation, binaural beats or other techniques.

Areas of specialty: Floatation therapy, described as a “float spa”, implies the use of floatation tanks filled with a high concentration of Epsom salt and water, allowing individuals to float effortlessly, promoting relaxation and sensory deprivation.

Healing/healthy living philosophy: Our philosophy centers around creating a sanctuary for healing, promoting natural living, and facilitating a personalized journey towards optimal health and well-being.

DRIP Luxury Float Spa is located at 134 Taunton Ave., East Providence, RI. For more information or to make an appointment, call 401-827-1766 or visit See ad on page 11 and Resource Guide on page 33.

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28 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition


12 Holistic Health & Wellness Solutions All Under One Roof

Dr. Julie Burke, Owner and Clinical Director, leads the dedicated team at Newton Chiropractic & Wellness Centre in providing a comprehensive range of holistic health solutions. Nestled beside the tranquil sounds and scenic views of the Charles River, the center has been a beacon of relief for over two decades, aiding patients in transcending pain and stress while revitalizing their vitality and well-being.

Services provided: From gentle, non-force chiropractic care like Network Spinal Analysis to rejuvenating massage therapy techniques, Hydromassage, custom orthotics, detoxifying ionic foot baths, wellness programs, specialized vitamin and supplement care, and BEMER circulation therapy, we foster holistic wellness from every angle. Our sister company, The Indoor Oasis Relaxation & Wellness Spa, is just steps away.

Areas of specialty: We pride ourselves on being a 5-star-rated “everything-underone-roof” health and wellness care model. You can access multiple pain and stress relief services one after the other, seven days a week, without ever having to move your car.

Healing/healthy living philosophy: We champion a philosophy centered on empowering individuals to reclaim their health and unlock their full potential. By prioritizing proactive health strategies over reactive treatments, we aim to mitigate the risk of pain and illness, enriching not only our patients’ lives, but also those of their families and friends.

Newton Chiropractic & Wellness Centre is located at 383 Elliot St., Ste. 200, Door F, Echo Bridge Office Park, Newton, MA. For inquiries or appointments, call 617-964-3332 or visit See Resource Guide on page 32.

29 March 2024 Be sure to let our advertisers
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Rhode Island Netwalking • Est. 2011

East Greenwich, RI • 401-529-6830 •

Developed for youth and families, Story Walking improves physical, mental and spiritual well-being by activating the body, mind and spirit and bringing them into balance.

Services offered: Wendy creates personalized Story Walking programs and experiences. Her Story Walking Radio Hour podcasts, walking journal photo blogs and articles in Natural Awakenings magazine aim to educate and inspire.

Areas of specialty: Story walking helps with digital detox and nature immersion; experiential ecodetective learning; photography, nature drawing and creative journaling; green career exploration; student leadership training and more.

Educational background: Back in 2011, Wendy Nadherny Fachon was certified in Rhode Island Program Quality Assessment (RIPQA), a process developed to help guide the design and delivery of youth enrichment experiences that meet high standards of quality. She is a creative environmental educator, and her practice extends from her own daily mindful walks to out-of-school-time walking group facilitation.

Philosophy of healing, health, natural living: As Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine” said, “Nature itself is the best physician!”

See ad on page 25.


Holistic Space Planning • Est. 1994 Winchester, MA • 781-704-5607 •

Accomplished Space Planner and Interior Designer with over 30 years of commercial and residential design experience. Angela leverages her professional knowledge with evidence-based design and interior design psychology and she’s dedicated to identifying her client’s vision for their home while also understanding their budget. Deeply dedicated to creating nourishing, calming spaces that promote physical, and emotional health, she aims to achieve the best possible outcome through science and nature. Angela is both holistic and unique in her approach to interior design: focused on offering functional spaces for people to genuinely live, while meeting her clients’ evolving needs and goals.

Services offered: Interior Design, Space Planning, Construction Plans, Floor Plans, Finish and Furnishing Selection, Real Estate Staging, Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling, Renovations and Consultations

Areas of specialty: Residential and commercial remodeling, renovations and new construction

Educational background: Interior Design Degree

Philosophy of healing, health, natural living: Designing spaces that reduce stress and foster a healthy lifestyle by creating environments that are restorative.

See Resource Guide on page 35.

The Foundation for Bioethics in Technology • Est. 2022

P.O. Box 2254, East Greenwich, RI • 401-884-3162 •

Rachael L. McIntosh, the Founder and Director of The Foundation for Bioethics in Technology, acknowledges the bio-digital revolution now occurring and the captivating yet daunting intersection of technology with organic life. With the rise of Synthetic Biology and the unprecedented capacity to rapidly engineer entirely new organisms, the foundation’s mission is to preserve the natural world while ensuring that ethics, transparency and consent are present.

Services offered: Monthly Meetings: group presentations on how to safely navigate emerging technology. Movie Time: meetup events at local coffee shops featuring relevant films. Consulting: collaboration with individuals and their elected officials on technology. Specialist Referrals: medical and legal for those affected by harmful technology.

Areas of specialty: Legislation: assisting individuals in creating laws for safe technology deployment. Education: launching high school programs and referring to specialists. Community Support: building a supportive community for those affected.

Philosophy of healing, health, natural living: Holistic Approach: recognizing disease as a biological insult, we emphasize holistic approaches to avoid injury and address resulting disabilities, shedding light on new types of biological insults in today’s rapidly evolving landscape.

30 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition


Ultimate Relaxation

Reduce Stress. Relieve Pain. Breathe Easier.

The Indoor Oasis is dedicated to helping you escape and heal from the stress and anxiety of daily life. Dr. Julie Burke, owner and clinical director, leads the devoted team at The Indoor Oasis Relaxation Spa, providing a comprehensive range of relaxation and spa solutions.

Our space faces a picturesque waterfall on the Charles River. Come on in, enjoy the tranquil sounds and scenic views while you sip on herbal tea. We offer 3,000 square feet of relaxation and wellness services under one roof. You can literally park your car, stay all day and enjoy all of our services!

Benefits: Experience a multitude of benefits including managing and relieving pain, reducing muscle tension, increasing joint mobility and flexibility, alleviating anxiety and depression, enhancing relaxation, fostering improved sleep, improving circulation, finding relief from respiratory conditions and boosting immune function.

Services Provided:

■ Float Therapy: Immerse yourself in the serenity of our spacious and luxurious, saltwater floatation rooms (not float pods) where you can effortlessly float in a zero-gravity environment. Experience the perfect water temperature as you feel the weight of the world melt away, promoting profound tranquility, stress and anxiety relief, pain management, muscle relaxation, improved sleep quality, enhanced mood, increased mental clarity, and can help provide relief from symptoms of PTSD.

■ Infrared Sauna: Enjoy weight loss, relaxation, pain relief, improved circulation, detoxification, and skin purification in our infrared sauna, free from the intense heat of traditional saunas.

■ Halotherapy (Salt Therapy): Embrace natural healing with our drug-free therapy promoting better breathing, enhanced sleep, healthier skin, relief from respiratory conditions, and overall wellness.

■ 4D Massage Pods: Customize your full-body massage experience to loosen muscles, enhance blood circulation, and accelerate muscle recovery in our state-of-the-art 4D massage pods.

■ Massage Therapy: Indulge in rejuvenating massage techniques in one of our four dedicated rooms, tailored to enhance your well-being.

Newton Chiropractic & Wellness Centre:

Adjacent to us, discover our sister company, Newton Chiropractic and Wellness Centre, offering Gentle Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy and six other wellness services. For over two decades, our center has been a beacon of relief, aiding patients in transcending pain and stress while revitalizing their vitality and well-being.

Our Commitment:

Expect nothing short of exceptional care, provided by outstanding practitioners, comprehensive integrated services and exceptional client service.

The Indoor Oasis is conveniently located at 383 Elliot St., Ste. 200, Door F, Echo Bridge Office Park, Newton, MA. Open seven days a week with extended weekday hours. For inquiries or appointments, please call 617964-3332 or visit See Resource Guide on pages 34, 35 and 36.

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31 March 2024
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Dr. Julie Burke Float Therapy Infrared Sauna Halotherapy (Salt Therapy) 4D Massage Pods Massage Therapy

Community Resource Guide

Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email to request our media kit.

Akashic Consulting



Curious to learn how your other lifetimes are impacting your life? Ready to clear trauma, negative belief patterns, relationship dynamics, vows and soul contracts? Through consulting your Akashic Records, I facilitate the clearing of energies blocking your True Self, and coach you through conscious meaning-making to create the life you want.

Alexander Technique



Ready for sustainable relief from your chronic muscle or joint pain? Do you want to experience effortless good posture and ease of movement?

Then explore the BIA Process based on the Alexander Technique.

Biological Dentistry


Amparo M. David, DMD

563 Main St, Bolton, MA 01740


We look beyond our patients’ teeth in order to improve both their smiles and their quality of life. Our practice offers full preventive services: biological, holistic, functional dentistry, ozone therapy, reconstructive dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, periodontics, endodontics, dental sleep medicine, implant dentistry, in addition to TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorders) therapy. See ad, page 2 and Profile on page 28.


Dr Yasmin Chebbi, DMD, FAGD, D-ABDSM

32 South St, Ste 100 Waltham, MA 02453


Minimally invasive and holistic dental services and integrative dental care focused on prevention and root causes of issues. Dental services include amalgam removals, ozone, TMJ treatment, cavitations, ceramic implants, biological orthodontics and more. See ad, page 17.

Brain Training



Most of us don’t realize how much we can benefit from training our brains. Like our bodies, our brains benefit from healthy exertion and positive attention. Many of us suffer from symptoms of brain dysregulation that vary from lethargy to mania, ADD to OCD, depression to anxiety. Training the brain can strengthen its response to these symptoms and provide a clarity, ease and peacefulness that is hard to describe until you experience it. Call today for a free discovery conversation.



Natalya Yakirevich, DC 2333 Diamond Hill Rd, Cumberland, RI 02864 401-334-0535

Computerized chiropractic care for acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions. Wellness care, massage therapy, nutritional consultations, supplementation, custommade inserts for a variety of shoes.


33 College Hill Rd, Bldg 30C Warwick, RI 02886


MCWC offers a variety of services, which include chiropractic care, nutrition, homeopathy, total body modification, activator methodology, auto, sports and work injuries, applied kinesiology, contact reflex analysis and Graston technique. Dr. Malchar and Dr. Boudreau, as well as supporting staff, are here to support you along your wellness journey. See ad, page 23 and Profile on page 27.


Catherine McArdle, DC

Robert Sedlor, DC

2013 Plainfield Pk, Johnston, RI 02919 401-383-3400

Family chiropractic practice offering holistic care to patients of all ages. Based on the initial evaluation, patients will be given a treatment plan which addresses ergonomics, exercise, stretching and nutrition in addition to their spinal alignment. See ad, page 11.


Julie Burke, DC


We are a total wellness center open 7 days a week. We specialize in Gentle Non-Force Chiropractic (NSA), an assortment of massage modalities, HydroMassage, “Super Comfortable” custom orthotics, physical therapy, detoxifying ionic foot baths, and BEMER (designed to improve circulation supporting the body’s natural self-regulating processes.) See Profile on page 29.

32 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition



Benjamin B. Blackett


Benjamin Blackett is a multicertified, International Life Mastery Consultant and motivational speaker. He helps people pull their dreams into their lives. His clients experience better health, deeper and more meaningful relationships, more satisfying careers, and expanded time and money freedom. You are invited to get to know him through his livestream “Morning Mindset Book Studies” on his Facebook page, A Creative Healing Place, Mon-Fri, 9:05-9:25am. See ad, page 12.


Kim Childs

1025 Mass Ave, Arlington, MA 02476 617-640-3813

Need help clarifying and realizing your desires? Asking “What’s next?” or “How do I get started?” Kim is a certified life and career coach specializing in Positive Psychology, creativity and midlife transitions, to help clients create more personally fulfilling, meaningful and empowered lives. Initial consultations are free.

Colon Hydrotherapy


Liz Marcano-Pucillo

150 Wood Rd, Ste 403, Braintree, MA 02184 781-228-6915

Receive professional colon hydrotherapy by a national board-certified therapist using the Angel of Water system. The most comfortable and private system in the industry. See ad, page 23.

Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.
~Robert H. Schuller


Elizabeth Regal

106 Rt. 66 E, Columbia, CT 06237 860-634-7523

Colonics promote hydration and loosening of waste matter, assisting elimination by natural peristalsis of the colon. Sessions are offered at Roots Natural Medical Center, in Columbia, CT on an FDAapproved closed system device. I-ACT certified hydrotherapist.

Compounding & Wellness Pharmacy


401 Great Plain Ave, Needham, MA 02492 781-449-0550

Familyowned and -operated since 1960, we have evolved from a traditional pharmacy to a worldwide compounding and nutritional resource. Our unique one-on-one patient consultations produce a full understanding of your health needs. You, your physician and one of our compounding pharmacists work as partners to ensure that you will receive the best care possible.


Acton Pharmacy

563 Massachusetts Ave, Acton, MA 01721 978-263-3901

Keyes Drug 2090 Commonwealth Ave Newton, MA 02466 617-244-2794

Theatre Pharmacy

1784 Massachusetts Ave Lexington, MA 781.862.4480

West Concord Pharmacy

1212 Main St, Concord, MA 01742 978-369-3100

For more than a quarter of a century, Dinno Health has been a trusted provider of pharmacy services and is committed to providing the highest quality of individualized care for each customer.

At our four independent pharmacies, we offer prescriptions, compounded medications, medical supplies, homeopathic remedies, vitamins and vaccines. See ad, page 17.


577 Main St, Waltham, MA 02452

781-893-3870 • Fax: 781-899-1172

JCW is the only sterile and non-sterile PCABaccredited pharmacy in Massachusetts. In addition to our compounding service, we offer a full range of nutritional supplements, natural products, homeopathic remedies and home health care equipment. See ad, page 13.

Craniosacral Therapy


5784 Post Rd, East Greenwich, RI 02818


Katie Zmed is a Licensed Massage Therapist specializing in Craniosacral Therapy. CST is hands-on bodywork with a light touch that promotes deep relaxation and setting of the nervous system. Her office is part of the collaborative at Massage Therapy & Wellness of East Greenwich.

Energy Healing


693 Quaker Ln, West Warwick, RI 02893


The EESystem generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve circulation and immune function, reduce inflammation, relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods and more. See ad, page 3 and Profile on page 26.

Floatation Therapy


134 Taunton Ave East Providence, RI 02914


Offering the best form of relaxation in New England. Drip luxury float spa is the place to go when you need to have a timeout from your everyday stresses. Relax in complete silence while floating in 11 inches of water with 1,000 lbs of Epsom salt. See ad, page 11 and Profile on page 28.

33 March 2024 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in


383 Elliot St, Ste 200, Door F Newton, MA 02464


Immerse yourself in the serenity of our spacious and luxurious, saltwater floatation rooms (not float pods). Effortlessly float weightless, melting away stress and anxiety. Experience profound calm, relief from pain, enhanced sleep, mood, and clarity. Try it; feel transformed, rejuvenated and more! See Profile on page 31.

Frenectomy (Tongue/ Lip Tie Release)


Amparo M. David, DMD

563 Main St, Bolton, MA 01740 978-779-2888

Dr. David uses the latest technology available to diagnose and treat infants as well as children and adults. She has extensive training in the fields of functional release, airway dentistry and myofunctional therapy. See ad, page 2 and Profile on page 28.

Functional Dietitian


Johnson Compounding & Wellness

781-893-3870 x 149

Integrative and Functional Registered Dietitian who strives to motivate individuals on their health journey. Alora loves to help people feel their best and has a special interest in GI health and mental health (depression & anxiety). See ad, page 13.

Functional Medicine


Suzanne Tershak Tither, FNP-BC, Mac, LAc 406-642-7566,

We are a virtual tele-health practice and resource hub ensuring the health and happiness of every woman and child. Body, mind and spirit via functional and integrative medicine. We collect accurate data with advanced testing and create clear action plans for full health empowerment. Hormone balancing, gut optimization, nutraceuticals, food as medicine, lifestyle and more. See ad, page 8.

Gut Health


Jessica Liggero, HHP, SIBO Practitioner 617-459-8114

A virtual Holistic Health Coaching Service that focuses on improving gut health, SIBO and detoxification by making changes to your daily habits and by integrating the best herbal supplements for your individual needs. See ad, page 19.



383 Elliot St, Ste 200, Door F Newton, MA 02464, 617-964-3737

Embrace natural healing with our drug-free therapy promoting better breathing, enhanced sleep, healthier skin, relief from respiratory conditions, and overall wellness. All you have to do is sit back and breathe in the salt-infused mist in a relaxing, safe tranquil environment. See Profile on page 31.

Health Food Store


510 East Main Rd, Middletown, RI 02842 401-847-7480

Since 1984, we have been providing the finest quality Natural & Organic Whole Foods including many gluten-free products, natural body care, athletic supplements & protein powders, incense, smudging supplies and candles made with essential oils. Natural pet care food & supplements. Open Mon-Sat, 10am-5pm. Visit website for more information.



Om Homeopathy, It’s My Health Cumberland, RI 401-573-3757

With 16+ yrs experience in classical homeopathy, Vandana Pitke has helped many clients restore and achieve health. A certified classical homeopath, she looks at the clients from a holistic perspective focusing on mind, body and spirit. She also incorporates many other holistic modalities in her practice, which makes healing faster, better and from within when combined with homeopathy.



Michelle Douglas

351B Centre St, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130


With 17 years as a massage therapist, we specialize in using hypnosis to treat chronic pain. We also offer facials, waxing and proudly present our unique offering: The Hypno Spa Experience: The future of skincare. See ad, page 12.

Infrared Sauna


383 Elliot St, Ste 200, Door F Newton, MA 02464


Sweating is a great way to burn calories and rid your body of unwanted toxins. We offer solutions. With infrared sauna technology, experience; weight loss, relaxation, relieve unwanted pain, increase circulation, detoxify and purify skin, and more, all at a cooler temperature. See Profile on page 31.

Integrative Veterinary Medical Care


Margo Roman, DVM

72 W Main St, Hopkinton, MA 01748 508-435-4077

A full-service integrative veterinary clinic offering caring and healthful options and modalities like acupuncture, functional nutrition, homeopathy, chiropractic, herbs, ozone therapy, surgery and dentistry. See ad page 19.

All the buried seeds crack open in the dark the instant they surrender to a process they can’t see.
~Mark Nepo
34 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition

Integrative Wellness Resources


32 South St, Ste 100 Waltham, MA 02453


Health at The Flossery: Integrative health services with our experienced clinicians focuses on root causes of illness, prevention, and cures, not just management of disease. Personalized healthcare in a calm and soothing environment to thrive in optimal health. See ad, page 17.


Marie Bouvier-Newman

1099 Mendon Rd, Cumberland, RI 02864


We provide much more than products, services and education. We provide the tools you need to optimize your health in a comfortable environment. We care. See ad, page 23.

Interior Design


Angela Cirignano

Winchester, MA


Angela is dedicated to identifying her client’s vision for their home while also understanding their budget. She is deeply dedicated to creating nourishing, calming spaces that promote physical and emotional health, aiming to achieve the best possible outcome through science and nature. Angela is both holistic and unique in her approach to interior design. See Profile on page 30.

Intuitive Arts


Nicole Pirani,

Nicole uses the tarot cards to help clients intuit their own life paths, clarify life situations, make difficult decisions or simply let go of fears. Think of the reading as a mini-brainstorming session with a trusted mentor/ friend. Sessions are positive and heartfelt with a touch of humor.

Ionic Foot Bath


Carleen Christopher 401-228-9100

This ionic detox is a therapy that uses negative ions to cleanse the body. The ions attach themselves to the toxins and then are flushed out through the feet's reflex points. See ad, page 3 and Profile on page 26.


Julie Burke, DC 617-964-3332

The footbath restores the body’s balance and energy levels by detoxifying the body and eliminating unwanted metabolic waste, environmental pollutants and other harmful toxins. The meridians act as channels for the transport and elimination of various unwanted molecules through the pores in your feet. See Profile on page 29.

Light Therapy


By appointment only, 401-282-0230

The healing powers of light & sound are well documented. It is now possible to travel through amazing lightscapes and absorb beautiful sound energies to facilitate beneficial states of trance, healing and even psychedelic experiences. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience something truly out of this world (or your body!) Call today for a free discovery session to determine if this technology is for you. Live more joyfully. Call today.

Massage Therapy


383 Elliot St, Ste 200, Door F Newton, MA 02464 617-964-3737

Surrender to the bliss of massage therapy, where skilled hands dissolve tension, promoting relaxation and revitalization. Experience relief from stress and pain, improved circulation, muscle flexibility, and enhanced well-being. Let each session transport you to a state of pure rejuvenation and relaxation. See Profile on page 31.

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Michelle Douglas

351B Centre St, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 617-398-7101

Experience a nurturing environment where you can relax, recharge and refocus. Michelle has 17 years experience as a massage therapist. Karuna Integrated Wellness & Spa specializes in using hypnosis to treat chronic pain. Other offerings include facials, waxing and our unique offering: The Hypno Spa Experience: The future of skincare. See ad, page 12.


Jaclyn Ayotte, LMT 5784 Post Rd, East Greenwich, RI 02818 401-203-1069

A holistic collaborative offering a wide variety of wellness modalities and workshops. Services include massage therapy (therapeutic, deep tissue, aromatherapy, gua sha, hot stone, couples, prenatal, cancer/aging, sports injury), reflexology, assisted stretch, functional nutrition, reiki, body talk therapy, craniosacral therapy, cupping, skin care. Monthly sound baths and a variety of other workshops and events. See Profile on page 26.


Julie Burke, DC


There’s no denying the power of bodywork. Regardless of the adjectives we assign to it (pampering, rejuvenating, therapeutic) or the reasons we seek it out (a luxurious treat, stress relief, pain management) massage therapy can be a powerful ally in your health care regimen. See Profile on page 29.

There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature—the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.
~Rachel Carson
35 March 2024

Natural Health


Kristi Langslet, OTR/L PO Box 10451, Cranston, RI 02910 401-575-3830

At Sommerfly, we specialize in premier weighted and compression products with unique sensory features, aiding addiction recovery and promoting overall well-being and calm for individuals experiencing anxiety. Our innovative solutions enhance physical and mental wellness. See ad, page 7.

Naturopathic Medicine


Chrysanthi Kazantzis, ND, MS 245 Waterman St, Ste 308 Providence, RI 02906 401-484-1882;

Owner and founder of Anasa Personalized Medicine, Licensed Naturopathic Physician, Clinical Nutritionist and Reiki Master. Specializing in digestive disorders, thyroid disorders, diabetes, Lyme disease and chronic pain. Addressing these conditions by treating the underlying cause through herbal medicine, supplements, homeopathy, clinical nutrition and lifestyle counseling. Book an appointment to start your journey to optimal health. See ad, page 7 and Profile on page 27.


Dr. Abby Egginton Arlington, Lexington & online appts 914-919-9300

Dr. Abby partners with her patients to find personalized health solutions for lasting wellness. She specializes in women’s and LGBTQ health, oncology, mental health and pediatrics. Call or text to schedule an appointment.


Johnson Compounding and Wellness 781-893-3870

Dr. Gary Kracoff provides guidance and in-depth consultative services to find the “why” to what is happening physically and mentally, working with individuals to restore balance in the body. Specializes in customizing medications to meet individualized needs of patients, and he suggests nutritional supplements, natural products and homeopathic remedies to aid in faster healing and recovery. See ad, page 13.

Neurosensory Wellness / Havening


Havening Techniques

151 State Rd, Westport, MA 02790 603-831-4312

Havening Techniques harness our neuro-biological systems. Focusing on emotional wellness. Feather guides clients to clear unwanted emotional burdens, relieving suffering, lifting pain, fear, regret and worry. Havening is useful for: past traumatic memories; present distress, grief and anxiety; future resilience and desires. Experience true mental health.

Organic Children’s Clothing



Simply Chickie creates organic, Made in the USA, whimsical children’s clothing. Sizes newborn to 6T toddler. Based in Newport, RI.

Organic Hair Care


38 Transit St, Providence, RI 02903 401-274-1981

A small boutique salon promoting a holistic approach to beauty, herbalism, art and music. Offering a full range of hair services using organic, plant-based products, full apothecary of loose herbs, blends and organic self-care items and accessories. Herbalist on staff. Gallery walls featuring local artisans; all mediums welcome. Live music in semi-acoustic for Music Nights. We believe that all these mediums are symbiotic in promoting joy and wellness in the individual and the community.



Julie Burke, DC


NCWC creates unique “super comfortable,” custom built Stabilizing Orthotics for ages 10 and up. They are uniquely built with 3 arch supports that balance your body and provide proper postural alignment. Each orthotic is specifically created from a state of the art, 3D electronic scan of your feet. See Profile on page 29.

Past Life Regression



Carolyn Paré


Group sessions offer guidance to another life to gain a brief review of that time. Individual sessions offer detailed investigations into other lives and deep healing of trauma/ wounds from those times.

Personal Training


1658 GAR Hwy, Ste 1, Swansea, MA 02777


A private medical fitness studio that offers a holistic approach to health and fitness for each unique individual. We offer classes, private instruction, stretch and bodywork for recovery, virtual training for remote clients, and nutritional coaching. We specialize in customized training for those with medical conditions and disabilities to break physical barriers. See ad, page 25.

Calendar of Events


Please visit our website for calendar listings and special events.

Be sure to confirm events with the event host prior to the scheduled date of the event.

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36 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition

Physical Therapy


Dr. Lynn Gray-Meltzer, PT, DPT, OCS, WCS, CLT 94 Pleasant St, Ste 102 Arlington, MA 02476


Specializing in expert pelvic floor physical therapy, functional movement assessment, and oncology rehabilitation for total body women’s health. Dr. Gray-Meltzer is a board-certified clinical specialist in Orthopedics and Women’s/Pelvic Health and is a Certified Lymphedema Therapist. Free consult available. See ad, page 14.




It is my strong belief that quality mental health services are a basic human right, that should be easily accessible and affordable to everyone. I provide Informed Strength-Based/SolutionFocused Therapy for individuals, couples, families, adolescents and seniors. My specialties are in the areas of trauma, stress, PTSD, ADHD, autism, addiction/recovery, LGBTQ+, seniors concerns, grief/loss, Dementia/Alzheimer’s and support for their family members and care takers.

Raindrop Therapy


Carleen Christopher


Raindrop Technique is a sequence of anointing with oils that brings structural and electrical alignment to the body in a relaxing and invigorating manner through the power of essential oils. The oils can improve overall bodily function. See ad, page 3 and Profile on page 26.



Wendy Lewis, ARCB Certified Reflexologist 3649 Post Rd, Warwick, RI 02886

401-HAND-139 (401-426-3139)

Treat your feet, hands and your whole soul with reflexology. 60- and 90-minute sessions help reduce stress, promote rest, improve athletic performance, and relieve foot pain and “computer hands.” Online courses and gift cards also available.

Reiki/Energy Healing


34 Lincoln St

Newton Highlands, MA 02461 617-633-3654

Are you stressed from the pressure of your job, home life, kids or an illness? Do you want to feel calm and relaxed? Experience reiki. Certified Reiki Master/Teacher with over 20 years’ experience in energy medicine providing pure Usui Reiki healing/relaxation sessions.


Massage Therapy & Wellness of East Greenwich

5784 Post Rd East Greenwich, RI 02818


Are you feeling stressed, depleted and need a little TLC? I use gentle energy healing techniques to help release stuck energy in order to bring vitality, peace and balance back to your life.



383 Elliot St, Ste 200, Door F Newton, MA 02464 617-964-3737

An optimist is the human personification of spring.
~Susan J. Bissonette

The Indoor Oasis is your escape from the stress and anxiety of daily life, giving you better focus, faster recovery and reduced pain. Offering cutting-edge services to help you achieve the ultimate relaxation, stress management, optimal breathing and improved health. Float Therapy, Infrared Sauna, Halotherapy, and 4D Massage Pods help you get the results you need. See Profile on page 31.

Sleep Therapy


563 Main St, Bolton, MA 01740


Our facility addresses the root problem of most people’s sleep issues. Symptoms like facial pain, jaw pain, headaches, ringing in the ears, clenching, grinding and sleep disturbance must be examined thoroughly in order to treat a patient with individualized care. This usually involves the fabrication of a custom oral appliance. See ad on back cover

Spiritual Centers


Barbara M. Fuyat


We are a warm, welcoming community studying the Science of Mind, a philosophy and a way of life that embraces all spiritual paths, sexual orientations, ethnic backgrounds and ages. We believe we are all connected. It is in this oneness that we come together in nature, celebration, services, classes, workshops to understand our own spiritual magnificence and choose to live in love, peace and equality. Our vision is a world that embraces and empowers each and everyone. Everyone includes you. See ad, page 25.



Julie Burke, DC 617-964-3332

High-quality nutrition is essential to maintaining a healthy body, yet busy lifestyles can make that difficult to achieve. Our team is dedicated to changing lives through whole foodbased nutritional supplements that fill dietary gaps and support the body’s interrelated systems. See Profile on page 29.

37 March 2024 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in

Wellness Centers


7 Brighton St, Belmont, MA 02478 617-221-5070

The Ivy Drip Bar offers IV nutrient infusions and aesthetic treatments. Infusions include “Meyer’s Cocktail,” immunity, inner beauty, hangover, recover and performance. IV therapy helps with dehydration, athletic recovery, immune booster, hangovers and malabsorption ailments. See ad, page 24.


Julie Burke, DC 617-964-3332

NCWC is known for our 5-Star Rated, “everything under One roof” health and wellness care. You can receive multiple pain and stress relief services, one immediately after the other, without ever having to move your car, 7 days a week!

Our 12 Wellness Servies:

• Gentle Chiropractic Care –“Non-Force” (Network Spinal Analysis/NSA)

• Therapeutic Massage Therapy

• BEMER Circulation Therapy

• HydroMassage

• Detoxifying Ionic Foot Baths

• Super Comfortable” Custom Orthotics

• Wellness Programs

• Float Therapy

• Infrared Sauna

• Halotherapy

• 4D Massage Chairs

• Supplement & Vitamin Care and More! See Profile on page 29.

Wellness Resources


Acton Pharmacy

Keyes Drug

West Concord Pharmacy 508-259-7851

Certified lifestyle educator and the director of health and wellness at Acton Pharmacy, Keyes Drug and West Concord Pharmacy. Beth Gardner works one-on-one with patients to help create ways to improve diet and overall health as a means for disease and illness prevention. See ad, page 17.

Women’s Health



Dr. Lynn Gray-Meltzer, PT, DPT, OCS, WCS, CLT 94 Pleasant St, Ste 102, Arlington, MA 02476 617-528-0180

Stop suffering in silence. There’s help and hope for urinary incontinence and urgency, constipation, abdominal and pelvic pain, intercourse problems, diastasis recti and many other women’s health concerns with expert pelvic floor physical therapy. Contact me today for a free consult. See ad, page 14.

Yoga & Tai Chi


Maria Sichel, RYT, CSYT 2155 Diamond Hill Rd, Cumberland, RI 02864 401-305-5319

Private Svaroopa® yoga therapy sessions are tailored to meet your needs. Specially trained in treating pain, including back pain and neck and shoulder issues. Yoga therapy is more powerful than weekly yoga classes and moves you more quickly toward health and well-being. Experience pain relief, greater mobility, improved sleep, easier breathing, deep relaxation, increased flexibility and a deep sense of peace.

38 Greater Boston/Rhode Island Edition
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40 March 2024 Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in
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