Synapse 192

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CONTENTS Le t t e rf r om t heEdi t or s . . 3


Ne wDe s t i nat i ons . . . . . . . . . 4 Me dCamp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Hal f wayPar t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Me dBal l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Me dr e v ue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

DaphneWang CommsDi r e c t or

HumansofBondMe d. . 11 MI PS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Me dEagl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 i Spy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 BondSnooz ePat r ol . . . . . 16 Hume r us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

AmarSabe s an Publ i c at i ons

Je e tUpadhy ay I TOf ямБc e r

Fr om t heEdi t or s

Howdyf el l ow t r avel l er s ! Buckl eupandhol dont i ght becaus eyou’ r ei nt hef ort her i deofal i f et i me. Aswe depar tf r om t hes ands t onees car pment sofBond Uni ver s i t yi nt ot heAr abi cni ght sofVer s ace, wehope t hatyouf oundt hi ss emes t erasmemor abl easwedi d. St ar t i ngwi t hournew r ecr ui t s , wewoul dl i ket oex t enda war m wel comet ot henew bat choffi r s tyear sent er i ng t hi scour s e! Bewar et her emaybes omer oadbl ocksand det our sbutonet hi ngusol deryear scant el l youi st hat i twaswor t ht her i de. Somehi ghl i ght syouwi l l ex per i encei ncl udet heoneand onl ys cr ubeagl e, hal f waypar t yf ort hos eofyoui nt hi r d yearandmedcampf oryouyoungi nsandf orever yone medbal l . Thi ss ynaps ei saboutr edi s cover i ngyour s el fandr el i vi ng t hos enos t al gi cmemor i esf r om t her ecents ems t er . . Gr abyourmat es , mumsanddadsandgetcr acki n’ t hr ought hi sedi t i on. Readyf ort her i de? Daph, Amar&J eet-yourt ourgui desakacommst eam J or dan, Al ber t , Radhi ka-yours ubcom f or201 9

New Des t i nat i ons I nt r oduci ngyourMSSBUCommuni cat i onsSubcommi t eef or201 9




Bes tFi r s tYearmem? RHSVt oVer es dal eScr ub School FavSong? Cur r ent l y, i t ' sLeaveMeLonel y byHi l l t opHoods What ' syourcat chphr as e? wOAH

Bes tFi r s tYearmem? Swi mmi ngatBur l ei ghBeach af t ercl as s FavSong? Sweetdi s pos i t i onbyt he TemperTr ap What ' syourcat chphr as e? t hat ’ st i t f

Bes tFi r s tYearmem? Br oket hewas hi ngmachi ne andget t i ngmobbedby cockr oaches FavSong? Bohemi anRhaps odybyQueen What ' syourcat chphr as e? i ’ m GUNDAbi s hhhh



Byr onBay


Thet r adi t i onl i veson. . . Wecel ebr at edt hear r i valofourfir styear swi t ha 3dayweekendget awayt ot het r adi t i onalByr onBay. Fr om hi t t i ngupt heni ght l i f eatCheekMonkeyst ot he al lnew Tr i vi aNi ghtandamazi ngr ace,numer ous memor i eswer ecr eat ed. Wehopet hi sMedCampwast hest ar tofanamazi ng5 yearj our neyaheadi nmedschool . Al lr evi ews Abdal l ah

Medcampwasanamazi ngoppor t uni t yt ogett obet t erknow my cohor tandt heyear sabove.Af ew weeksi nt omedi ci neandI genui nel yf eell i keI ’ vemadel i f el ongf r i ends

Al ber t Abangerofaweekendmeet i ngever yoneespeci al l yatCheeky Monkeys.1 00% r ecommend

Vamshi Can’ tr emembermuchofCheeky’ sbutI ’ m sur ei twasgr eat

Swat hi

Medcampwasanamazi ngoppor t uni t yt omeetpeopl eandmake heapsofnew f r i ends,Over al lagr eatexper i ence

Yat hu

Medcampwasaf unexper i ence,get t i ngt oexpl or eByr onBaywi t h al loft henew f r i endsImade

mor ef r om Byr onBay Al l

Al bums




Get Litt

Halfway Party

Cuties xx

MedBall 2019

MedBall - Arabian Nights 4.8






Good Times

The annual MSSBU MedBall was held at the prestigious Palazzo Versace and with 300 tickets selling out at record time of 27 mins, this year delivered once again. With live musical and dance performances to appetising food, there were good times all around as we bid farewell to the 5th years.

Review summary Aladin

"Never felt more at home. Partheneya and Tessa put up a show for the ages, glad I could make it" Jasmine

"LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. The live belly dancer was amazing and my hips weren't lying either" Abu

"Food, Drinks and Drums. Couldn't ask for anything else to make my last medball memorable"

4.8 330+ Reviews

Photobooth Magic

Genie Love

Bond Med Family






Wednesday&Thur sday

HUMANS OF BOND MED SARA COMB - First Year “I used to eat lunches in the bathroom stalls. Not all the time, but there were many moments when I didn’t feel comfortable anywhere else. High school was some of the toughest years of my life. In my early twenties, I decided to become a health care professional. My social anxieties were the most obvious obstacle I needed to overcome. No one wants a heath professional who can’t speak with strangers. I set myself a task: I would speak with a complete stranger every day, engaging in deep, meaningful discussions to really get to know them. The goal was to do practice this every day until it became second nature, and I no longer needed to remind myself to do so. That’s when everything started changing. I met amazing people and heard incredible stories. I was offered job after job, eventually speaking at conferences to hundreds and thousands. The greatest change was in myself. I love people and who they are. I love their stories. Now I’ll get to learn their stories for the rest of my life.”

ARJUN FADIA - Second Year In 2nd Year, I have found myself more invested in the patients from our PBL cases and more interested in the outcomes of these people. Learning varies from the microscopic biochemistry to the big picture physical examinations. Some cases deal with acute problems which highlights the importance of a competent physician in the care of patients. Hence, each week I am reminded that I must strive to improve as the life or death of a patient could be determined by the W level H E of RE ARE WE? my competence."

SAAINI SIVA & ELIZABETH LIM - Third Year E: “ How we met: it was actually the day of Med camp right? We were going for a snack down at the bra and Saaini orders this sandwich - cream cheese, egg plant, pesto, olives. I took one bite and I knew we would be friends W forever. Thank you swamp sandwich “ S: “I didn’t think it was that bad”

Good notes, good practice, good defence

Legible notes are good practice and support a good defence – so does MIPS 1800 061 113 | Medical Indemnity Protection Society | ABN 64 007 067 281 | AFSL 301912

Medeagle 192

Pres at AC



get littt


Happy Hour

BondSnooz ePat r ol Ti met ohi tt hes ackaf t eral ongj our neyar oundBondUni . Her ear eacoupl e ofourf r equentt r avel l er swi ndi ngdownaf t eral ongj ouney .

Humer us ALL




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