Prognosis 2019

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Welcome First Years Welcome Med Cohort of 2019 and a huge congratulations on being accepted! As you embark on your 5 year journey at medical school, you will create some of your most enjoyable and memorable experiences of your life and it will all begin in your 1st year. Your first year of medicine may seem daunting. For many of you this will be your first university experience, for others your first time moving away from home and leaving family and friends behind. However, be not afraid as there are so many people here at Bond with you every step of the way. Whether it be us at MedSoc, the HSM Faculty or your peers, you will feel very comfortable and welcomed every step of the way. Med school is no doubt challenging and you'll be studying a lot but it's important that you keep a balanced lifestyle. A great way to maintain this is by involving yourself in uni clubs, going to social events and exploring the Gold coast with your mates. We hope that this guide will help you orient yourself in the coming months and allow you to have a smooth and enjoyable transition into this next period of your life. We look forward to seeing you all in May!

Prognosis has been put together by the MSSBU Communications Team composed of:

Daphne Wang Jeet Upadhyay Amar Sabesan

Communications Director IT Officer Publications Officer 2

Contents Welcome from the Editors ............................................. 2 Meet your MedSoc ....................................................... 4 - 6 MIPS ........................................................................................... 7 President & Vice-Presidents' Forewords ........... 8 - 9 Medical Societies at Bond ..................................... 10 - 15 Medicine 101 ................................................................ 16 - 19 The mCard ............................................................................ 20 Moving to Bond .................................................................. 21 Resources 101

.......................................... 22

First year in one sentence ............................................. 23 AMSA ....................................................................................... 24 Community, Health and Well-being ........................ 25 Places to go in the Gold Coast ........................... 26 - 27 Social Events .............................................................. 28 - 32 Final Preparations ............................................................. 33









Good notes, good practice, good defence

Legible notes are good practice and support a good defence – so does MIPS 1800 061 113 | Medical Indemnity Protection Society | ABN 64 007 067 281 | AFSL 301912
















Mee t th e Tea m Pr es id en t: Sau mya Ch ana na C linica l VP: Ana gh a Anan d Pr e-C linic al VP : Aar on Niha l Ac ad e mic Director : Sahil Goe l Sec re tory : Megh na Kha tri Tr ea su re r: M rina l U nu th Pu blic at ions Dir ec tor : Da niel Lowe E ngage ment Dir ector: B h av ik Ba rot Spo nso rs hip Dir ector: E il ee n Trou ng



Week 2: Trivia Night Week 4: Careers Night Week 7 Jazz/poker Night

A big warm welcome to all the new first years! We are a student run society with a focus on internal medicine, here to cater to all your educational and med BOND-ing needs! Make sure to take a look at our upcoming calendar so you can get involved in all the social and clinical events Physsoc has to offer!

Make sure to like our FB page and follow our insta @bondphyssoc to stay updated!



About Us We at BUSHFIRE play an integral role in delivering rural health experiences and promoting health careers in non-metropolitan areas, both to students at Bond University and out in local, rural and remote communities. Our ultimate aim is for our fellow students to experience and contribute to healthcare services provided in these areas. Integral to us fulfilling this, is creating greater exposure to rural health experiences by increasing the number of student delegates we take with us to the bush. This year, we are excited to bring back popular events from 2018 such as clinical skills nights, Bond Emergency Challenge, Indigenous Sip ‘N’ Paint night, NAIDOC week, rural retreats and rural high school visits. In addition, we will also be focussing on continuing our Solomon Island’s initiative, opening opportunities for students to engage in local and national conferences, and promoting Rural Generalist Pathway to our clinical year students. We would also like to gain a more holistic view on rural health and are looking to engage our allied health cohorts, with a goal to have an allied health officer representative under the BUSHFIRE committee by the end of the year. We look forward to an exciting 2019!!

Meet The Team

President: Nikki Patel Vice President: Samantha Litzow Secretary: Tara Dempster Indigenous Officer: Thejaani Aran Secretary: Tara Dempster Treasurer: Meghna Khatri Clinical Skills Co-ordinator: Amber Rucinski Social Media Director: Angel Low

Solomon Island Coordinator: Sam Anderson Rural High School Visits: Wisalya Wijesinghe Trip Coordinator: Dom Roworth Sponsorship Director: Malithi Thoradeniya


Bond University Critical Care Interest Group Bond University Critical Care Interest Group aims to inspire and develop the skills of students in the areas of Anaesthetics, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, above and beyond the medical school curriculum. Through hosting skills evenings, networking opportunities and interactive simulations like the annual Bond Emergency Challenge, students gain exposure and education for success in these exciting fields. In 2019, we welcome our new publication for pre-clinical and clinical students, including critical care doctor profiles, anecdotes and career advice

Meet the Team President - Rosie Dwyer Clinical Director - Cobi Adams Clinical VP - Cassie Joyce Pre-clinical VP - Yoon Events Co-ordinator - Gabi Events Co-ordinator - Tessa Treasurer - Emal Secretary - Michael Sponsorship Director - Masrur Publications Director - Eileen Social Media and Communications: - Amber 14



The Birthing Kit Foundation Australia is an organisation dedicated to improving the conditions for women all over the world by providing clean birthing kits and training in how to use them. Students assemble these kits and they are sent to these women in need in third world countries.


Teddy Bear Hospital

Making a Difference is Bond University’s Global Health Group. Our mission is to provide opportunities for all Bond students to participate in activities which support global and local health causes. We aim to empower and inspire individuals in taking action by equipping them with the knowledge, experience and skills to provide sustainable change to health inequities. MAD is completely not-for-profit, and independently run by students. Our various projects and events allow individuals to be catalyst for positive change and allow us to recognise our roles as global citizens and be aware of prevalent global and local issues. In the past year, Making a Difference has received multiple awards at Executive Drinks hosted by the Bond University Student Association, including Best Club for two semesters and Best Event for Teddy Bear Hospital, a testament to the popularity of events and projects organised by MAD and impact they had on members of the student community at Bond.

Teddy Bear Hospital is a preventative health program for primary school children to reduce childhood anxiety about medical environments, procedures and professionals using teddy bears. Students visit a primary school and engage with children on topics such as hand-hygiene and nutrition.

Year 1 Kahoot Revision Night

Below is a list of upcoming events and projects for this upcoming semester which you are able to get involved in!

Events Birthing Better Health Year 1 Kahoot Revision Night AMSA Global Health Conference Registration Night

Projects Teddy Bear Hospital Refugee Tutoring Program BeachCare Event

The week 6 quiz is often daunting for first years as it is their first formal assessment in medical school. Students answer questions based on key concepts that are likely to be tested and answers are discussed in small groups led by high-achieving students in older cohorts.




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Made it into med school and feelin' a little old compared to the 17 year olds straight out of high school? No need to fret because you have come to the right place! Bond Uni Med is a place for everyone especially YOU! With your diverse background and knowledge you will THRIVE in your new degree. Hear from a couple of postgraduate entrants and their experiences so far...

KYNAN NAHRUNG I've completed a Bachelors of Science, Commerce and Law with Honours. Despite this, I wanted to pursue a career which didn’t involve sitting in an office, writing letters or dealing with numbers. I wanted to be out and about, dealing with issues around science.

AMBER RUCINSKI I finished a Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences and worked in a laboratory in Cancer Research before Bond. I have always been interested in the application of medical research into bettering clinical practice, hence a career as a Clinical Scientist would be ideal!

Make sure you take time out from study - go to the beach, join a It's exciting to get to meet a whole sports team, get involved as much new group, knowing we will be as you can, in committees and together as a family for the next 5 different networking and clinical years. skills nights. Meet new people!!

NIKHIL DWIVEDI Before Bond, I completed a law degree in the UK. I was always really interested in medical policy and I wanted to pursue a career where I could make a difference. Medicine is such a broad profession and the fact that there are so many different opportunities within it really excites me. Enjoy yourselves! The content is delivered at quite a steady pace, so really use your free time to get to know people and make new 18 friends.


DUX OF 2018 REPORT A BIT ABOUT YOURSELF: Hi everyone! Congratulations on getting in and a warm welcome! My name is Isabella and I’m from NZ. Before joining Bond, I did two years of Uni (Biomedical & Natural Sciences) back in Auckland so I had a broad science background coming into Medicine. If you’ve never studied Biology before, don’t stress! The lecturers are awesome and they go slowly through the core concepts so that everyone’s on the same page by about half way through first semester. THE TRANSITION: While uni is a step up from high school, it’s completely doable and remember you won’t be the only one making the transition – help each other and call on peers who’ve previously studied at uni and us 2nd years for advice. The main differences I’ve found are how you’re exposed to content, the amount of content and in Medicine especially, having different learning activities compete for your time (eg. History-Taking, Procedural Skills, Placements). This means being accountable for your own learning which can be difficult at first, but once you find a system that works for you, you’ll enjoy the freedom that comes with it! BALANCING LIFE: Despite what you might think, there is plenty of down time in Medicine! The key is to make time for things you enjoy, getting together with friends and immerse yourself in all that Bond has to offer. If you’re from interstate or overseas, definitely take advantage of shorter weeks to book flights home and catch up with friends and family there. For myself, I’d set goals to have my notes done before the weekend, that way if I decided to go do something at the last minute or if I was flying back home for the weekend, I wouldn’t feel behind; I’d also highly recommend the medical societies events to immerse yourself in medicine such as the clinical skills nights and speeches from doctors from various training backgrounds. REVISION - LONG TERM RECALL Personally, I found attending all the sessions throughout the week (eg. workshops and labs) super helpful for reinforcing content delivered in lectures. Workshops have a lot of test style questions which is a great opportunity to apply your learning and if you take the time to revisit these throughout the semester, you’ll find the main points come back pretty quickly. Make the most out of labs on as well, being hands-on in these sessions will make the anatomy, histology and physiology you learn far more memorable. In the long term, getting together regularly with friends for group study can be highly beneficial. Teaching and quizzing one another, working together to understand difficult concepts and coming up with an unforgettable pneumonic or story to remember key facts is a great way to actively revise content. FINAL PIECE OF ADVICE: You’re about to embark on an adventure as you start med school! First year will be one of the best years you’ve had yet. Approach it with a positive mindset, eagerness to learn and enjoy every moment as you begin your journey to becoming a doctor. Don’t forget to thank your lecturers for their tireless efforts, make some amazing friends and help one another get across the finish line each semester. Just remember, you’ve worked hard to get here and you’ll find your feet in no time. Enjoy your holidays and I look forward to meeting you all in May! 19


The medical student discount card not only for events at bond but also participating venues in the Gold Coast For more information message "The M Card" Facebook page 20


Moving away from home is a challenging experience but more importantly it is a rewarding learning curve. From having to ensure your clothes are washed regularly to waking up on time to keeping up with the Kardashians and all this while keeping ontop of your studies can get stressful. So below we've listed tips that will help your transition into Bond.

Understanding yourself This is critical. Find out what works best for you, not only studying wise but as a person. Your sleeping patterns, coping mechanisms. strengths and weaknesses etc... Entering a new environment can be hard but if you can maintain things that have worked previously for you and can adapt, you'll feel at home while at Bond in no time.

Connecting back Families, friends and pets !! Never forgot all those who've supported you throughout and have played a part in why you're at Bond. So take few moments out of your day and reconnect with those back home. This will surprisingly recharge you and keep you going when times do get tough. We also recommend travelling back home when there are no lectures planned on a Friday - there are many in 1st year.

Exploring This is really important to feel more comfortable while at Bond. Exploring the campus and it's local community through different modes of transport will give a sense of security and safety when you need something. Take some weekends out with mates to explore GoldCoast, especially it's night life. Exploring doesn't stop at places, enable yourself to open up and mingle with the diverse people you will find - strong friendships are key.

Moving countries 1) Setup the essentials - bank account, mobile number, Medicare card 2) Payment methods - Bond only offers BSB number (used for bank transfers within Aus), so ensure you've got a payment method setup (via credit card, global money transfer) and keep an eye out for currency rates. 3) Booking tickets - international airfares can get expensive so book in advance - key tip: Jetstar Friday Frenzy.







welcome tothe life of Tommy Ralph extra asf people Remember hardwork


talent when talent doesn't hard work





As a non bio school leaves it was a wild ride lots of fun but definetlychallenging Went outevery weekend still got VC enjoy 1st year Quality of friends No of friends sleep early on Sundays 8am PBL onMonday

Work smarter not harder

Stay away from


Please don't throw up in

the car designated driver

High Yield to Take it one weekat a time you will be fine Med camp

Where friends

circles are made


the Meet to Jeet my

Gary Hamlin is my new best friend we're good guys Misunderstood


Never forget why you started That reason must be much Veryspecial close to you so if you have sacrificed so in love life to do what you are doing now you should





COMMUNITY, HEALTH AND WELLBEING Feeling the stress of study, exams, and just generally life?? We've all been there - but most importantly is how you manage it. Staying mentally healthy is especially important as a medical student as we are more prone to burnouts than any other uni student. Be sure to take a break every now and then to just wind down and work on yourself.

UPCOMING EVENTS 192 Blue Week From jumping castles to fruit in tutes and more to come! Get keen for a week where we focus on keeping you physically and mentally healthy! Women in Medicine Hear from acclaimed female physicians and surgeons talk about their past experience and how they got to where they are today.


Exploring the Gold Coast 1





Top Places to Eat 1





BOnd university



On every semester. Best way to get to know your fellow med peers

Let you hair down for a full week of events


Mid-Sem bash

Dress to impress for a fun night out with all of Bond

Best way to take a break after your mid-sem quiz 28





24 - 26 May



Want more from your university days than just study’s? Why not pick up a new sport in this new chapter of your life at Bond. Whether its friendly social events or intense competitive sports, here at Bond there are a wide variety of activities for everyone! Not only will sports help you get active, but it is also a fantastic way to meet new people and develop long lasting friendships that go beyond the fields. As you enter Bond, MedSoc will be hosting several sporting activities throughout the calendar year for you to be apart of. This semester there will be an inter-cohort Dodgeball game on orientation week as well as the yearly inter-med Basketball tournament later in the semester. Stay tuned for opportunities to represent Bond against other Medical faculty’s too. So come and join us for an amazing time and help your cohort develop bragging rights! Bring your best and remember to have fun!


#Final Preps ( )

Get as much compliance done as possible

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Accomodation and dining has been sorted

( )

Joined "Bond MD 2019" FB group

( )

"Liked" MSSBU on FB - to stay informed

( )

Read orientation info pack

( )

Visited "" and signed up

( )

Packed appropriate clothes - e.g. for MedCamp, MedBall and Clinical Attire

( )

Mindset for an amazing experience at Bond.


Your Notes

34 MSSBU @bondmedsoc

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