Dining Guide Winter Spring 2024

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Nourishing the Future: My Journey as a Sodexo Nutrition Intern Caitlin Treacy, Nutrition Intern As a nutrition intern, I have had the opportunity to deepen my understanding of the science of food and have learned valuable collaboration, communication, and education skills. I have also become more versed in media and how to market the oncampus dining experience through a nutritional lens. I have created a plethora of nutrition focused social media posts, dining guides, and recipes with the goal of helping the students at Moravian University enhance their knowledge of nutrition. One of the highlights of my internship was and continues to be working with the Campus Dietitian, Susan Hurd. Working side by side with a highly skilled professional has allowed me to experience the practical application of nutrition. One of the most important skills of being a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist that I have learned from Sue is how to cater to each student. As a future RDN, it’s essential to hone in on the specific needs, restrictions, and preferences of individuals. Part of that is also recognizing the environment that the student is in.


For example, being in a dorm room poses several challenges regarding cooking. In order to help students overcome this obstacle, I created a digital piece highlighting some of the healthy and shelf stable dorm staples. Another important aspect of my internship is being able to effectively communicate with the students. Recognizing the increase in technology, some of my tasks involve developing educational videos on nutrition topics in order to promote healthy literacy to students.

Check out Caitlin’s videos on Instagram @moraviandining Looking at the future, I am planning on continuing my internship with Moravian University, while finishing my undergraduate degree and masters at Penn State University. From there I am hoping to land a Dietetic Internship with a reputable institution to complete my rotations. After earning my RDN credentials, I am planning on working in a clinical or sports performance setting, followed by eventually opening up my own practice.

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