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wide range of Bentoll's various activities we have thougllt ituI1Ilecessary to quote tlleIll. In closil1g the section of tIle chapter dealing with lawyers who\vere FreeI11asons dllring t11e Territorial periocl, \ve note t11atnot all tl'lose who practiced law are [llenti()ne(I, l)tlt Sllfficient names are given to show tllat meIllbers t11e fraternity were amply represented in this pro-

fession. EDITORS

"THE pen is mightier than the sword.)' In the Mississippi \Talley the pen wielded by nlany nlembers of our fraternity, .

and wllile tlleir

not appear ()Xl tile surface, tIle results accoIllplislled have the same as that in other professions ; '\ve o,"re a great debt toollr piOI'leer newspapers, they have recorded tIle aOll,itions, the trials, the failures, and successes of tIle .people. First of Missouri was Charless, who issued on July 1 first number of the now famolls " zette." F·or three years it "Louisiana Gazette" UIld. in 1812 Gazette and !'llblic Aclvertiser.)) was anadventtlrous Iris}ln1an to Louis from Louisville, Kentllcky ;Jle was tlSU. 1""Il";••.,..j!""ll'l"'I"''t4i1lii ....

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