1993 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

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many referral services that are available. Likewise, some of the least effective actions taken by some of the teams include: - Inability to get the teams up and running - Inability to meet on a regular basis - Difficulty meeting with some parents Additionally, we received valuable input on improvements to the program, both in terms of the training, and the continuing information needs of the teams. As a result of their efforts, the teams have referred more than 160 students to various levels of help, and are indeed making a difference. Ten training sessions were held during the summer of 1993 at Springfield, Waynesville, Macon, Savannah, Independence, Cape Girardeau, Sedalia, Greenfield, St. Charles and Jefferson City. Each training session was held at a Masonic Temple, continuing the direct tie between the Masons and the school districts. This format has a powerful impact on the trainees and the community. For instance, at St. Charles Temple on July 19-20, Palestine Lodge No. 241 coordinated the sessions. Alexander Chapter No. 242 O.E.S. prepared the flood. The session was opened by RWB J. Don Bell, DDGM, and our Junior Grand Steward RWB Wilfred G. Soutiea explained the Masons involvement in and dedication to the efforts. Our Grand Lecturer, RWB Elmer D. Copeland was also present. The Mayor of St. Charles Proclaimed July 19-20 "Missouri Masonic Foundation Days" in St. Charles. This type of publicity is invaluable to our fraternity. Martha Eddlemon and Paul Enochs deserve much credit for their dedication to our program, as do the trainers across the state who devote countless hours of their time and talent to our program. The success of our efforts lies directly in their hands. I recommend that next year we also include the "Focus on the Future" video presentation as a part of the training. Much of my efforts as President of this foundation has been spent securing a source of long term funding on which the foundation could rely. Last summer, the Long Range Planning Committee of the Grand Lodge authorized the Board to proceed with a contract with Affinity Marketing Group to offer discounted long distance telephone service to our members, with 5% of the revenue coming back to the foundation. The attractiveness of this program was two-fold. First it offered members the opportunity to save on something that they probably were already purchasing, as opposed to simply donating to charity,' somewhat of a departure from the fraternity's typical and conventional approaches to fundraising. Second, it thereby did not compete with other fundraising efforts for our worthy projects. This program presented two real challenges. First was the structuring and negotiation of the contract itself. Second was the impression that some Masons may have to the new concept. The former challenge has been satisfied. The contract is in place, the marketing program has been developed, and during the week of August 16, the promotional mailers were sent to our members. Since we are the first Masonic body to enter into such a contract with Affinity Marketing Group, and are in a position to endorse the program to other jurisdictions, we will receive 1/2% of the revenues generated by those other states as well. Brethren, the monetary potential is staggering. .

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