1988 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

Page 172




M.W. GRAND MASTER SACKETT: Brethren, it has regularly moved and seconded that the Grand Orator's Report be received and spread upon the minutes of these proceedings. All in favor give the ancient voting sign of a Mason. April 29, 1987 M.W. GRAND MASTER SACKETT: Hands down, those opposed. M.W. GRAND MASTER SACKETT: Down hands, so ordered." The Grand Lodge of New Jersey instituted the University and I have been informed that it has been a tremendous success, thus far.

The Grand Lodge of Wisconsin recognizes the benefits of Leadership Training: LEADERSHIP TRAINING "One of the goals of our Grand Master George A. Wallinger is to have every lodge in Wisconsin complete the Leadership 'fraining Course, and prepare, print and distribute to all members a complete program of activities for 1987. Such a varied program of activities will hopefully increase participation by lodge members,and attract potential new rpembers. The Leadership Training Course, originally developed by the Joint Education Committee, and taught by fifteen to twenty specially trained "instructors" was made part of the District program this year, with responsibility resting with the District Deputy and Area Administrators. They were taught the course at staff meetings in July, August or September, and were to teach the course to their area lodges in October or November. Each lodge was to prepare and print a program of activities in November or December, distributing the program to their lodge members around Installation of Officers. Both the Leadership Training Manual and Leadership Training Workbook were revised and updated, with copies made available for all District Deputies, Area Administrators, and each lodge. Follow up presentations were made at many District meetings, with a special four page handout given to each lodge. Grand Master George A. Wallinger gave special emphasis to the program throughout the year in his "Grand Master's Message" in the Masonic Journal. His direction, instruction and motivation helped many see the importance of the entire program. The goal of having 100% of lodges participate is perhaps unrealistic, but that did not keep the District Deputies and Area Administrators from giving their best efforts. While we are still collecting data on the Grand Lodge Office, it appears that 70-80% of lodges completed the Leadership Training Course, and prepared a program of activities for their lodge. RECOMMENDATIONS My recommendations include keeping the Leadership Training Course in the hands of the District Deputy and Area Administrators, with the trained "instructors" assisting. The recommended time table would have

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