1974 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

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The ceremony of installation would have been just a little different, because through the past eight or nine years there were four: three past Grand Masters and I joined with them in our annual reunion. Plans were made years ago that Russell Murray would install me, the man who appointed me; that Morris Ewing would take part because many years ago he appointed Frank Briggs; that Frank Briggs was to take part because he appointed Russell Murray. Then I was his appointment. This foursome was abruptly interrupted last year; Brother Briggs has illness at home. At the last minute I called on close friends and associates, like Bill Chapman and Tom Davis, and I suppose that I could have called on any number of brethren who would have done the same thing. There is a lot of warmth and feeling and depth in this entire Fraternity. Bro. George Morrison said it so well earlier today when he spoke of "time changing so many things and we know not when this may occur." And so it did occur in this past year. I am doubly appreciative, Bill and Tom, for your stepping in; M.W. Bro. Morris Ewing, for your participating, and the brethren who would have help~d in the ceremony. Now I am well on the way and I thank you all. PRESENTATION BY ANCHOR LODGE NO. 443

R.W. Bro. Frederick M. Woodruff spoke of this day as the culmination of the Masonic career of Herman A. Orlick and, also, of the preparations made by Anchor Lodge during the years he was in the Grand Lodge line to recognize and honor him at his Installation as Grand Master. On behalf of Anchor Lodge, Brother Woodruff presented Grand Master Orlick a token of the esteem of the lodge members and a check from the brothers of Anchor Lodge. He requested that the delegation of members of Anchor Lodge stand and recognize the Grand Master, their own brother. Grand Master Orlick responded with appropriate words of appreciation and personal thanks. He asked the members of Anchor Lodge to come to the East after the close of Grand Lodge in order that he might greet each one. PRESENTATION TO M.W. BRO WALTER L. WALKER

The Grand Secretary presented Past Grand Master Walter L. '!\Talker a leather-bound book, containing: his Grand Master's Address, his report as President of the Masonic Home Board of Directors, the four issues of The Freemason magazine published during the 1973-74 term, and the program of the 153rd Annual Communication as the expression of sincere appreciation by the Grand Lodge of Missouri for the service done well. M.W. Brother Walker thanked the Grand Lodge for the good experience of his Masonic life. CLOSING

The 153rd Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri was closed until the next

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