1877 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

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Re.~olved, That this Grand Lodge again forbids it~ Lodges to receive as visitors, or recognize as 1\Ia.~ons, residents of Iowa made l\Iasons outside of its own jurisdiction, until such persons shall have been dul)~ heled.

Your committee have also considered the letter of Bro. D. Murray Lyon, Grand Secretary of the Grand LOllge of Scotland, relative to the appointment of a Grand Representative ncar that body, l\,nd recommend that the Grand Master be requested to accredit such represent~tive, and to invite the appointment of a simUar officer of that Grand Lodge nea.r this body, hoping that bv the efforts of the brethern so' appointed, fraternal friendship mllY be extended, and ali chances of misunderstanding removed. \V. B. LANGRIDGE,} .YOH1\" S~?'~T, Committee.

Z. C. Ll'SJ"

The views and action of the Grand Lodge of Missouri upon It similar ease some two years ago, is too well known to need repetition now, and if ~fissol1ri did surrender her birth-right, it may have been one procured as tha,t from Esau Wil.'5, alid she yielded what did not rightfully belong to her. The business portion of these Proceedings is complete in all its details, and fairly entitles them to the title of the model Proceedings. The experience of thirty-four years of H.. W., Bro. F. S. Parvin, (;rand Secretary, shows itself in the style, arrangement and fulness, which characterize the whole work. R. W. Bro. T. S. Parvin, as Grand Representative of Missouri, niade an interesting report of h'is recent visit to the Grand Lodge of :Missouri, with a recommendation that certain funeral expenses, incurred by Aurora Lodge, ~o. 267, St. Louis, be refunded to said Lodge by the Grand Lodge of Iowa, and upon the reception of the report abm'e alluded to, an allowance of the amount was ordered. His Heport as Grand Secretary closes with notices of the fraternal dead, from which we copy his tribute of affcction to our deceased Bro. George Frank Gouley, in whose memory an appropriate page is also set apart in the Proceedings. GEORGE FRANK G01)J,EY is dead-murdered, truer word-and with thousands ,vho knew him, or knew of him, we are called to weep o'er the grave ora friend. warm-hearted fina true. We first met him in the office of Grand ~ccretarv Allthonv O'Sullivan. in St. LOllif', in the spring of ISo.'). He was then serving as Deputy~ ana upon Bro. O'Sullivan's dcath, in ISo!), succecded him as Grand Secretary of the several Grand Bodies in Missouri. As editor of the Fl'eel1w.~on, which he founded and published for eight yeaTS, and as the writer of the Reports on Foreign Correspondence for all bodies o( which he was Grand Secretary, he is widely and favorably known, not only in AmcricA but throughout the "M'1.sonie worl(l. F'J'ank, liS he was ever called by his\.friends, Wfi,~ truly frauk lInd openhearted; his" face was the reflex of his soul. radiating sunlil?'ht, and illuminating the whole circle of his presence with a most cheering cheerfulness, ' \Ve met him last, in October of the past year, and found him upon a sick bed, unable to attend the session of the Grand Lodge then in pro째-ress. We talked of our glorious meetings in St. Louis, Baltimore, and New Orleans, and he spoke hopefully of greeting his hosts of warm friends in Cleveland, in August next: but, alas! while man may propose, it is God who disposes of all human event~, and he never more will meet on earth those with whom he was want to hold familiar converse, and labor in the cause to which he devoted his lite. Alas! poor Gouley! The hearts of thousands of brothers, good and true, are touched at your sad fate, and will ever hold your memory in sweet remembrance. The Report on Foreign Correspondence is from the pen of R. \V, Bro. W. B. Langrilige. in which he sums up the Proceedings of forty Grand Lodges, ~:lissouri, for 1876, included, approving Bro. Gouley's Report as bold, decided, and same as usual. '''e should like to note his comments up;)n Proceedings of other jurisdiction" but this 'volume came to hand too late to allow us to do so. }f. \\'., ZEPHANIAH C. LUSE, Iowa City, G, l\f. R. W., THEODORE S. PARVIN, G. Sec. and Ch. For. Cor.

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